HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-01-17, Page 4JANUARY 17, 1879 TANCERY SALE table Farm Property in the Township of Ifullett. S.NT to the -decree laud fine' order for aadein a certain ertnse of MeTaggare a, and bearing date respeetieet, a , of Mereli, A.. D. 1.37a, awl the Seeend, .cereiber, A. D. 1878, there will be sol apereeetiOn Of Honey MiaiDeriaott, 'ter of the atil Court it Goderich, stester,tt Reareneury'e Hotel, in tee Amami, at the hour uf rw&iye &cloak Saturday, the Twentv.Fifth tley 1879, one parcel, the following premiees, being tin aut si molar %Levi or treat of taint aud pcomisas situ end being, in the toweship of aullett, miry of Herne, being wenpoeed of Lee ,7ourteen, in the Seventa theneeesiou of, township of litallett, ueuteiaiug 100 lead, more or less. rais peeper y ,41,e4t aiX au t 'oae half mites from of Clieton and niee miles from the b'eaferth, to both of which, marketa. it ia eceesible by gond roads; 80 aerea of the s.reelaared at .1 free from stamps- ; the rineipally a el ky loam, sad there is :e of good water. On the lot are erected ;welling houee with & stoue oetbr, aut. & i ti and Rtze.bta 7tJx.4,1. The title to the Aisputuble. ti.—The purchaser mist pay down at ef sale, to the Toaster or his Solicitors, Mt. of his perch %se money, and nexer. laboace luta Court within one month. batt rest, and ripen payment et such; ba1. teI1 be emitted to hie deed and passes - .e teed. The other couditious , .L. ' Standing coneirions of the Court of p .rtieulara ceta be had from Mesers. Meyer, Bir or, Golerieh, xi.tleom- tson, Barristers, Clinton, the re' Anfl the said Mester. lee 3.st day a Deeernbeia A, D. 18;8 . MACDERNIOTT, Master at Goderich. 10N .ez MeFADDEN, Veneers Solieitors. RANGE BARK Of CANADA. 11A]) OFFICK, MOSTR.EAL„ AL, - - $1,000,000. roas—sa Et. Genii:, Per:XI:Tat; tce ; A. NT "en, fhomas Atee.Buntin, C. B. Murray, Caahier; Gee. Berne of thie 13aak has been opened up ia whuren Goueral Beakieee busicteee will ieted. Notes of hen.1 discounte& arid ectecl at fair business ratee. age Bank department he also baea cOnuectioa with this, where deposit' "ceived from one Millar upwards, an 1 dewed tnereen esned payable at pr at all officee of rbe bank of Montreal and the Federal enada. AGE'S" TS.—Loud o a—T he Allianee dted. New York—Natiouel Bank of MeGowan & Co., 6 I, Wall licago—Dnion National Beek. s hours io to 3 Saturdays, 10 to 1. JOIIN LECKIE, Mane/ger ZOTEGTION. 4- the Protection guaranteed to a if ho esee only good material ani does work, it has enabled as to sell ail our (IES AND CARRIAGES, ve now on hand &geed supply of those ,c1C-vrE IRS, and a number of those whieh, evelybody -says cent be ee will sell very eheap—on ecieh terina t our custotn.ers. I have also engetgel s of a competent and attentive Blaek- term of years, and am, preps,red to 11 1inda of' Job Work, from a a anchor. rely Low ami all Work War- ranted. be happy to receipt an plet accouuts next J011.)1 WIreLIAMS, Kinburn. GOMMERCIAL, LIVERY SEAFORT11. • Z.THUR FORBES, purchased the Stock a.nd Trade of the nercial Livery, Seaforth, from Mr. biteley, begs tostate that he intends i the business- in the old. stand, and has eal valueble horsee and a7ehieles to the rge stock. Nene but Contfi)rtable Vehicles and Good iable Horses Will be Kept. Opeei Buggiem and Carriages., and [Single Wagons always ready foruse. IrrantenteittN. Hade With, Com- mercial Hen.. It at the stables or any of the hoteh tended to. COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAFORTH. M ale-NAUGHTON begs to inform einess mea of SJafortb. and the travel - that he has purchaeed the Livery .nd Stock of Messrs. Carnochan will do all in his power to retain the *filth this eavorite establishment has le will keep only good driving and re - 'es, a cl hie carriages will be kept Lo good order. Calls, night or day, omptly attended to. PIC -NIC AND PAUTIES Liberally Dealt with. [enable. All orderleft at the Com - ,I or at the office will receive prompt Stables OH Market Street, opposite FINAL MeNA.UGECTON, Proprietor, NERSH'IP NOTICE. teigtied having entered into partner - now prepared to manufacture Plows, ggies, &c. By using first-class ma - sing all the work coming through da, we can guareatee a good article. ttention given to repairing, horse- genral jobbing. Mr. B-aron hay thirteen yeeire exp, rienee in dress - a, we will make thee a specialty. -atson's Celebrated Agricultural lin- REID & BARTON, oia stand, Goderieh Street, Sea - 560 FORTH Pa -RK -FACTORY. 1. ROBB .ED to pay the nigheet Price for City of Hoge, alive or dressed. 1 Meats eouet anhly on haul. Fine Cured Eams, Spiced Bells, Beef :beat, Pork, Sausage, Bologna, and all kind& As I have been in the rh 1.st two years, and having one eliere and earvers of meat in Can- -will be able to give as good satire - the past. H. ROBB. - Cuttings aiwa,ys ou hend, 568 SSMAKING. AiSS SCOTT to announce- to the Lalies of Sea - surrounding country that she has eesinaking in all the TYLES AN VARIATIONS, eatnese, Good Work and Pcuactu- the patronage of all. •Lumsden& Wileon'a Drug Store, eaferth. ces waited. 559 DRESSING. 'SS STARK Inform the Ladiea of Seaforth and at she is prepared to make up , CURLS, BRAIDS, sto-• eat Faehion. from Combings, e, and all cardera punctuellyat- call solicited. Beeidence/—Main JANUARY 17, 1879_ THE HURON EXPOSVIOR. 3 • His Diary for 1879. He might have been drinking a lit- tle—just a few drops of weak lemonade or something of the kind—but yet he looked like a very respectable young man as he leaned over the counter and enquired for a diary for 1879. "We have all styles and prices," re- plied the dealer as he displayed the lot,and in a short time a sale was effect- ed. The buyer asked for a pencil, and standing at the counter he opened his diary and wrote; "January 1— Begin to save $10 a week. "January 2—Love your enemies and be soft with everybody. "January 3—Give liberally to char- ity. January 4—Pity everybody's sor- rows. January 5—Set everybody a good exanaple. "Janua-ry 6—Don't smoke, chew, drink, play cards, swear, stay out nights, lie, steal, borrow money, speak cross words, get in anybody's way, or talk politics. "January 7—Buy a pair of wings and fly to the better land. Thanks for the pencil," be saidj as he folded. the book. "Now that affair is off my -mind for a year to come I feel thirsty. Won't you go and take something ?"--Detroit Free Press. For Ladies Only. "1)o you love me kins asked, as her tempting to write ter. "Do you "Yes, I do," said was the emphasis heart. Woman's dress may be superior to man's, but we don't want no gar- naents around us that you have to stand up in to get your hand in the pocket,— and then not find. what you are looking for. Mrs. Mackay, wile of the Bonanza king, has over $250,000 worth of jewelry, and when she gets the tooth- aehe he suffers just as 'much as the woman whose bracelets and diamonds came from the ninety -cent store. He had broken his promise to marry the girl, and her father wanted a money consideration to help heal a wounded heart. The young man -said he would consider reasonable- proposition. Well, then," said the irate father, who was seeking justice for his daughter, "young man, how does a dollar and a half_strike you?" What," the young man asked the • young woman who was waiting for him to ask for his hat, " what do I put you in mind of?" "A French clock," she said, softly. And pretty soon he arese and went on his way. The next up:ail- ing he called upon an eminent horolo- gist, and asked. him what was the dis- tinguishing trait of a French clock. The horologist said: "Why, it newer goes." And the young man was sorely cast down, and he grieved, and told no man of his hurt. still ?" Mrs. Har - husband was at - an important let. love me still ?" Harkins; and it that broke her marbles. It is useless to head off. this phase; if it is shut off in one direc- tion, it breaks out more violently in some other. It goes through a period .of six or seven years and costs much in anxiety, 'broken window panes and mortified pride. He is afflicted byrats, pigeons and other boyish complaints, which are harmless, but annoying. He brings in six dirty steel traps to amuse his sick sister, who grows worse under it, and itt his solicitude he straps his leg fast to six feet of stilts and stoops to enter the door of her room, to the horror and dismay of his mother. He brings little notes home from school, which he tries to explain in a favorable light, butlails to convince his parents that it was only because Bill Wilson dropped his slate on Abe Heunegan's toes and made me laugh." He carves his awkward initials on old Mrs. Wil- liams' cellar door and she threatens his arrest; He goes to see " Humpty Durnpty," and comes home and throws real brickbats at his aunt, and Bridget is met with a battering blow from his head when she is bringing in the coal. He makes life a burden and. home a snare and a delusion. He tears the comforts in more ways than one and slits the pillow -cases to match them. Irish and : Yankee Stories. • head, and I m free to, confess, although the f shiona now in vogue were ridiculous in some respects, yet the "sweet sim licity " assumed by the young lady app ared intensely absurd, and the gentle « an who had preached so enthusiastic ly about dress reform looked extreme y embarrassed as the idea of introdura ng so much " sinxpliq- ity"into a fas I ionably dressed assem- bly of ladies, a • d was only too happy when his misc evious friend declared she hadn't th: slightest intention of showing herself u that guise, but merely did it to demo _ strate to him that the good old. times were only better than the present thr ugh the charitable light shed on them b retrospection. • .A.,Roma ee in Real Life. • Plain Talk to a Girl. Your every -day toilet is a part of your character. A girl who looks like "fury " Or sloven in the morning is not to be trusted, however finely she may look in the evening. No matter how humble your room may be, there are eight things it should. contain: a mirror, soap, water, towel, comb, hair, nail and. tooth brushes. They are just as essential as your breakfast, before which you 'should make good and free use of them. Parents who fail to provide their children with Such appliances, not only make a.great mistake, but commit a sin of omission. • Look tidy -in the morning; and after the dinner work is over, improve your toilet. Make it a rule of your daily life to 'dress np ". in the afternoons- Your, • dress may be nothing better than a calico, but with a ribbon or flower or some bit of ornament, you can have an air of self-respect which invariably comes with being well dressed.—Ameri- can Eared Rome. A friend of the Drawer during the past summer visited the Lakes of Kil- larney, and passed. a little hut or cabin occupied by a descendant of the far- famed Kate Kearney, that daugerous beauty of long ago, As he !approached it, the guide began his legends about the locality: "Do you see that mountain," said he, " behind the cabin there -?—I mane Kate Kearney's descindant's cabin. Well, it's no less than 2,500 feet high, and it is well known that whin. Kate • Kearney from the top of it Unloosed her hair, it touehed the base there for- int ye." "Is it possible ?" said our friend. "Iudade, thin, it is sir; but shure I see that you're from America, 8,nd as for stories it's not worth while to be tenni' thina to one of your people. Didn't I come wid some gintlemert from , the States to this place a short s time ago, and the divil such stories I ever heard in my life as they gave me. wondher if they could be thrue ? And wondhering I have been. ever since I heard thim, what wondherful places and things ye must have there! I woiadher if the stories were thrue ?" again said the guide, as if carried to the depths of doubt and reflec- tion. "What are the sto-ries?" said. our An observan that the fIrst-fl house at the c Lopdon, prese anee. The sh are covered th through the ch blinds, also thi and moulderin shutters and b ly the same more than fo time no Inima. room. And th years ago—mo sart was engag was fixed, th rived, the bre& spacious and h groom was rea when it was di was missing. writing was f bridegroom, b she 114 elope best man, a ga dragoons. T not say much. room in whic was laid out, put up the blinds. locked key. He gav spectator -will notice r windows of a large rner of Norfolk street, ts a peculiar appear- tters are up, and they ckly with dust, whilst 'nks can be seen the kly covered with dust, away with age. These 'lids have been in exact- osition, untouched, for ty years. During that foot has entered that reason is this: Forty e than forty—Lord. Dy - d to be married, tbe day wedding morning ar- ast was laid out in that ndsome room, the bride - y to proceed to church, covered that the bride A note in her hand- Und addressed • to the iefly informing him that that morning with his and gallant captain of jilted bridegroom 'did but he went alone to the the wedding breakfast nd, with his own hands shutters and drew the the door and took the orders that the door should be nai ed up and barred with padlock bars, nd that no one should enter the roo again. When the house was let it was stipulated that the room in question s ould remain untouched, and the sum t 2200 per annum was paid to the te aut to compensate him for the depri ation of the use of the room. The r om has never been en- tered since t e day he closed it, and there are the wedding meats moulder- ing silently away, and the ornaments crumbling i to dust in the funeral gloom. Mr. Mc ighe at the Fair. He took hi darling to the fair. They didn't char:e much to get in. He hadn't a bar 1 of money with him, and when she sto ped in front of a big al- bum he got s pale . as a whitewash brush. It w s only a dollar a chance, and he unweund a one from the big wad. of pap r and, handed it to the pretty girl ho asked him to take a chance. He smiled with his face, but vowed inwaidly to take a dollar's worth out of that irl's brother's hide,when he next met hii They wal ed around the room, and then she sto ped in front of a prize pin- cushion.. A old. woman with all her teeth out in isted upon his taking a ehance for • is "affianced." Out came that wadcoinI and another dollar a went towar paying the debt of the church. - The next the ice-crea dently bee appetite for and when been taken off that wad, the paper be - through. NOTA :Quick Courtship in the Manse. A very decent -looking, respectable man, about 35 years of age, who carried on a sinall business- in a neighboring town, a widower, and. a Wesleyan, knocked at my door. He, was then a perfect stranger. The man -servant opened it. "1 want," said the stranger, "to speak- with one of Mr. -----'s fe- male servants." "Which ?" "Oh, it does not signify which." The announce- ment was made in the kitchen. "I'm sure I won't go," says one. "Nor I," says another. "Then I will," said the nurse, and straight she went to the door. " Do you wish to speak With me, sir ?" "Yes I do," said the stranger; " I am a widower, and I hear a very good char- acter of Mr. 's servants. I want a wife, and. you will do very well." " Please to walk in, sir," said the nurse. The man was really in earnest. In due time he married the woman, and I veriity believe that neither of them had any 'reason to repent the choice thns singularly made. She fell into his ways —had a good voice, and joined him in many a hymn, thus manifesting their happiness and. their thanks, while he.. was busy about his work, and she rocked the cradle,. I represent them as I saw them, and I doubt not their -whole life was conformable to the scene. —A Clergyman's Diary. The Danger of Repeating Jokes. Some people -are bright enough to en- joy a joke, but have not retentive memories so as to be able to repeat it to others. Failures of this kind are sometimes very ludicrous. We give a couple of specimens. A cellege.profes- sor, on parting with a student who had called. on him, noticed that he had a new coat, and remarked that it was too short. The student, with an air of re- signation replied, "It will be long euough before I get another." The Pro- fessor enjoyed the joke heartily, and, going to a meeting of the college faculty just afterwarde, he entered the room in great glee and said: "Young 'Sharp made a capital joke just now. He call- ed on me a little while ago, and as he was leaving I noticed his new coat, and told him it was too short, and he said:, "It will be a long time before' I get an- other." ' No one laughed, and the pro- fessor, sobering down, remarked, It doesn't seem so funny as when he said it."—.A. red-haired lady, who was am- bitious of literary distinction, found. but a poor sale for her book. A gentle- man, in speaking of her disappointment,. said: "Her hair is red if her book is not." An 'auditor, in attempting to re- late the jokb elsewhere, said, " She has redhair, if iher book hasn't." friend. " Shure," said the guide, "1 couldn't be tellin' all the stories in a short ride like this; but one 6f thein has struck my heart and soul, and. I'll niyer forget it—niver, Myer ! I wondher if it can be true?" " Well," lotus hear it," said our friend, " and we will decide." "Well," said the guide, " afther I told them some of my tales, shure they began to give me back the wondhers, and one of thim—a very dacent-lookin' ' man he was, and not given, I should think., to courtin' the devil by lyirf— began to tell of the splendid hotels yez have in America, and—I'll nivel!' forget it—told me that there was one in New York called the Fifth Avenue Hotel, and that it was three miles and a hall long; not oily that, sir, but that the waithers rode round on ponies sar- vin' the guests! I wondher if that was thrue ?"—Harpe,r's Magazine. Those Horrid Bo3rs. ." Mercy, whata noise 1 Look at that chair, with a string tied. on the arms and made fast to the writing desk 'and flower stand, all to be driven tandem by that young ima in kilt skirt and fancy bat and shoes! Who upset that work -basket? and, good gracious, what work has been done with my wool and thread! There's the last •Graphic torn to scraps and stuffed into cuspidor° with my new screw -driver that I lost a. week ago. What is he doing with the cat? and, dear me, if he hasn't thrown • grandma's spectacles into the grate !" Where's Harry? Run to the kitchen and see. All the eggs are broken in the basket of folded clothes, and the milk for pudding has been fed to the cat and. dog. Bridget Lannigan is 'in a towering rage, and says, "Phat's the use of shlavin'.to kape-clane wid such a young divil forninst ye'?" Miss Frigidity Fussbunch calls,and is horrified at being requested. to be- a horse artil let Harry "ride `straddle to Boston." She is questioned; also', _on many delicate points. He gets very close to her and. ask e what that white stuff on her face is,. and what Makes her wear such a funny little hat. A few years of this juvenile terror and then appears another stage of the boy. He gets a fever only appeased by e HUMBUG BUT REALITY. TO GET THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY GO TO THE OAK HALL CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. • TO MAKE IT INTERESTING FOR THE HOLIDA.YS WE ARE • OF1FERING tep was made in front of pew. Penelope had evi- sa4ing up her ice-cream that partichlar occasion, uother green overshirt had 1 • ga.n to look The mo was the ca other over - this thing have to go rest of the for chiia d ed cows ap The wad w axiom's era thing.a thought! d arling." der the •p over, he cr dow and home an a use, but sh for him. The Pa A gentl possessed met with one day, a when pick message t at once. ly and put left uncov. The parr° having be ed, and w to see ab cut and s from whi 8.11y, scatt and on th sehtly the stant perc on, Enr exclaime the cockl her some ing in her punishme hour or t head dro and scal days afte A Wart-ill:IL g to Masculine Critics The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati 'Gazette says: A bright young lady here, an acknowledged favorite for more than one season, was lectured. one day bya- gentleman friend upon the then prevailing absurdities of dress. "Wo- men ane such unnatural beings," he argued,' "with their false hair, crimps, bustles and what-nots. I should so enjoy a girl independent enough to cul- tivate sweet simplicity of dress, wear her hair au ltatarel, and leave off over- skirts. tournures, and furbelows." "But what if they haven't any hair to we ar an natarel?" naively inquired my bright - little friend, with a miseheVious twinkle in her eye ," I would rather see lame at all than a 'wig of huge masses of some- body else's bhair," replied the critic gravely. " tell you what I'll do. If you'll dance the next German With me I will go dressed as you think so charming, in all the bewitchery of sweet simplicity, minus frizzles or false hair, but then you must know I haven't much substance -on the top daily head, where the substance ought to grow," mere rily sang thle young lady. The gen- tleman gladly assented to the proposi- tion, stipplating that the dress should be something white, and of course, prettily made. It was the day of Gre- cianabendism and overskirt and poufs, and hair dressed in coils and curls and crimps. . The evening. appointed the young lady made her apPearisnce in a white Muslin, guiltless of frills or over- skirts, or puffiness of any description. Her hair was patted smoothly on either side, and drawn • simply back into a 'mall, knot at the back of her •ei • e • —TREMENDOUS' BARGAINS— In Every Department. ATI 0 Et ri" MUSIC,AL INST UMENT EMPORIUM. SCOTT BROT ERS INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THE FOLLOWING TES- TIMONY OF ONE OF THE, WORLD'S GREATEST PIANISTS wrra REGARD TO T 11 EJ M\IIEJ RS01\T CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS; U N DOR•CLOTH I NG, For Which We are the Wholesale Agents for Ontario • • BOSTON. Mass., July 21st, 1878, THE EMERSON PIAIVO OalliPANY. GENTLEMEN—I have examined with great interest and pleasure your Upright Pianos. The one I have is superb in every respect. Elasticity of touch and fine singing quali.y of tone are prominent in them, whilst in power they are like a Grand.- I any not the least surprised at the un- paralleled swims with which your Phillips meet, and most heartily and emphatipally endorse pub- lic opinion in respect to them. Faithfully yours, F. BOSCOVITZ. RCI-.A_1\TS- Clpugh & Warren's Celebrateld Instruments always on hand. Also the popu- lar Canadian Bell Organ. Other Pianos aed Organs supplied on the -shortest notice. Instruments sold on time or he instalment system. SCOTT BROTHERS, .Seaforth, Ont. HOSIERY, WHITESHIRTS, COLORED SHIRTS, 'SILK SQUARES, SILK TIES, BOW TIES, to "Riches have Wings" so of the next stop, and an, oat had to come off. If ontinned much longer, he'd ithout his dinner for the eek. and yet her longing gs and thimbles and worst - eared to be on the increase. s now as bald as a centen- ium, and he must do some- •ful. What? happy " ExcuSe me for one second, hen he went and hid un- lpit. When the fair was wled, out of , the back win - went home.' She carried mful of stuff that was of no '11 never make an armful C LOT H GLOVES, KID OLOVES, LINED & UNLINED. EXPERIENCE. _TELLS • rot and the Cockles, man who owned a parrot f much power of thought ome cockles at a fishmonger's d, being fond of these things ed, he sent them in, with a, his cook to be put forward I he cooked them according- ' them into a jar, which she red. till the fish should. cool. 's cage was :,standing near, n brought down to be clean - en the cook left the kitchen ut other worka Polly came on found her way to the jar, h she helped herself liber - ring remnants on the floor bottom of her cage. Pre- cook returned, and in an in- ived what had been going ged at Polly's audacity, she • " What ! You've been at s, have you ?" and flung over oiling water she 'was carry - hand. It inflicted a terrible t -on poor Polly, for in an o most of the feathers of her ped off, and in this stripped ed condition she sat many wretched and disconsolate. Her ordinary gaiety and talk ceased, and. she s plainings -when the aan to a visitor c who, on head pel Polly spr as she sw been at t sight of a store her itt recove t murmuring only low corn - of her unhappiness. At last, worst was over, and down be - pear on the naked head, a me into the drawing -room, emoving his bat, showed a ectly bald. In an instant ng into her ring, exclaiming ng to and fro, "So you've e cockles, have you ?" The fellow sufferer seemed to re- sph its, and she Was not long ing her usual cheerfulness. THE VI TORIA HYPOPFIOSPHITES acts like magic, rapi y restoring the strength and appetite, promoting eiund and refreshing sleep, and im- parting ton , vigor and energy to the whole sys- tem. For onsumption, Weak Lungs and Chest, and Throat Diseases, it is the best and surest remedy kno ea. For sale by all dealers. Free- man's Wo Powders are highly esteemed by all mothers wh have used them. 566-52 MRS. tle Maker • E. Triotiss, Dress and. Man- ast Side of Victoria Square, Seaforth. GOODS ATI LOW PRICES TELLS! FAIR TRADING TELLS 1 And the People from the East, West, North and Sinith tell that the OAK HALL is THE POPULAR D. D. ROSE, FAMILY GROCER, SITJA_POIR,T1-1 Has Pleasure in announcing to his Friends anck.au,s- tomers that every Department is fully stocked with , First–Class Goods. Hundreds of Families testify to the value given at Rose's Grocery in the past, and he looks forward to the future with, every confidence. Yo Prices quoted. Come and see, and be convinced of the advantages offered. No trouble to show Goods and give samples. Flour, Corn, Oatmeat, Buckwheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Hominy, &c., always kept in Stock. D. D. ROSE, Seaford& CENTRAL GROCERY. LAI DiLAW & FAI R LEY WILL SHOW AT THE 4 4CENTRAL GROCERY" THIS WEEK, A LARGE STOCK OF NEW FRUIT, PLACE To Get the Most Select Stock of 7.7CT00LN-S COMPRISING: Six Cases Patna Currants, entirely free from Sand. Four cases Messina CltrrantS, wash- ed ready for We. Five barrels Common Currants, at Twenty Pounds for one dollar. fifty boxe8 new Valencia Raisins, selected ol stalk. Ten boxes London Layers, black bas- ket and blue basket, for table use. Ten boxes Sultana Raisins, entire,ly free from seeds. Figs in Mats, four pound, and one and a half pound boxes Lemon, Orange and Citron, Peels. Extra Ground Sugar for icing. Almonds, Filberts and Walnuts. REMOVAL. , REMOVAL. REMOVAL. Wivi., INT - "NAT .A- '11 S CI INT Sege to Intinutte that he ha l% Removed his Oftler to D. illieVeregor's New Reich Building on East Side of Main Street, Sentorth, and,Fourth Door South of William Campbell's Clothing Empoviutn, where he trill, as ! , i Loan Agency, and Sew. ing Machine Business. 1 fdence they have reposed in him for the past fifteen years he mt.& he wishes to inform them be will still endeavor to give . And the Most STYLISH GARMENTS at the hitherto, carry on the General Insurance, Money In thanking tbe public for the con has carried on theFe branches in Sea them the same gatisfaetion which UT have in reliably expressed :with hie transecnons. He still keeps' on hand the best Sewing N ae ines t hat are manufactured in the world, as well se Needles, Oil, and Machine Attachments. Be selis the Osborne A Machine, wbich is the simplest, the most capable of making any kind of work in the most perfect manner, and the easiest and qnlckeat threaded up machine of any machine made in theDominion. He Hells the Genuine Bowe Machine --a Machine that has never failed to give satisfaction to every customer for the last ten years. He sells the Wheeler & Wilson Machines, the most rapid and least noisy Machine in the world. Farmers' Wives, Mechanics' Wives Merchants' Wives and Manufacturers, do not fail to examine and. try our Sewing Machines—Fam)ly and Manufacturing—when you want one. Also Agent for the celebrated F11111Z and Pope Knitting Machine, capable of doing 411 kind's of work, Instructions given to customers gratis on any of the above machines. Sewing Machines to Rent. Also all kinds of Sewing Machines repaired. TERMS LIBERAL. WM. N. WATSON, General Agent, Scaforth. TEAS AND SUGARS, GOODS FOR THE MILLION —AT— COFFEES, SPICES, &c., Always in Stock, and warranted the best value in the market. CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM. THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO SHOW HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC THE CHOICEST SELECTION OF WORSTED COATIN9S1 PANTINGS) OVER COATINGS, The eye delights to gaze upon,— and Fresh from the Markets for this Fall's Trade. I ALL SUITS WILL BE WAB.RAINTED IN EVERY RESPECT TO YOUR SATISFACTION. RARE BARGAINS IN _CERTAIN LINES. . !CALL AND SEE. WM. CAMPBELL, Seaforth. STORE No. 1, CAMPBELL'S BLOCK. FLOUR, FEED AND PROVISIONS. We Invite Inspection, of our large Stock of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, Which we are Selling Off at prices to suit the times. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEaFORTEL TI—T.A:1•T EiTIRS._ A. G. AULT HAS FUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS FURNITURE AND UNDERTAXINC; Which will be sold at Great Bargains. He solicits a call from all, feeling confident that both prices and quality of Goods will suit all who, may favor him with their patronage. Try his Green Tea, at 50 cents per pound; try his Black Tea at 50 cents per pound; try his Japan Tea at 50 cents per pound—you will find them the beet in town for the money, also 4 pounds of Green Tea for $L 5 gallons best Coal 01 for $f. 20 pounds of Currants for $1. 16 pounds of Raisins f r $1. 20 pounds of Rice for $1. 20 pounds of Pot Barley for $1. 20 bars of good Soap for $1. 13 pounds of good Sugar for $1. Baking Molasses, Golden Syrup, lBest White Sugar Drip Syrup, Vinegar, Codfish, Cheese, Pork, Best Family Flour, Cornmeal, Oatn eal, Cracked Wheat, Brown Flour, Pastry Flour, Potatoes, Ap. pies, Pork Sausage, and good Buttir and Eggs always on hand. Remember the place: A. G. AULT'S GROCERY, SEAFORTH. THE GODERICH FOUNDRY_ BROADFOOT & BOX, SEAFORTH Have on hand at their WareroomS near the Market, as Handsome a Stock of Furniture of every Dee- cription as can be found in tray similar Establishment in 11-urcra, all of which they are prepared to sell cheap. It is all manufactured under their OWL saper- vision, and they can guarantee it as to quality. FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER WHEN DESIRED. Second hand 20 Horse Engine, BLJ5nce Wheel and Saw Mandrel $225 Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel ana Pulleys Complete. 225 Second hand 16. Horse Engine, Falanca Wheel, Pulleys and Governors......... ...... 275 Second hand 12 Horse Engine, B1a1azce Wheel, Pulleys and Governors A Hoisting or Boat Engine -with Hoisting Gear Second hand 16 Horse Portable B Der, with Smoke Stack Second hand 16 horse Portable B iler, with Smoke Stack Second hand 20 horse Portable B • 'ler, with Smoke Stack. Second hand 80 horse Portable T • ular Boiler, with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Bars, Steam Guage, Guage and Salty 'Valves, all in Good Order Secondhand Shingle and Heading Machine Heading Jointer • VERY LOWEST PRICES.- Heading Planer - Stave Machine, with Knife Heading Tamer NOTE.—Te will give FIVE Per Cent., off all Cash Purclutses over One Dollar. 1 New Engines and Boilers o for Flouring, Grist and 1"Agricultural Implements Attended to. CODERI 200 250 160 200 226 UNDERTAKING. Hiving procured a handsome Tlearee, they are now prepared to attend to undertaking in its branches, on the most reasonable terms. In connection with their uniertaking busineaS- thel use the ANTI -SEPTIC FLUID, Which preserve's the body and destroys all offen- sive odors and prevents contagion arising Irons dead bodies. 450 911 40 50 70 80 - hand, also Made to Order veil/ cheap. Mill Machinery aw Mills. Middling Purifiers of Improved Binds. Stoves of 'Various Kinds.—Repairs on Boilers, Mills, &c., promptly A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS IM- PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. 11 FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. $30,000 to Loan at ti Per Cent. Orders Respectfully So' licited. BROA.DFOOT & BOX. OLT) -NATII\T'TETR., 15 COMIlsTO FAST, AND PILLMAN & 00., OF THE SEAFORTH CARRIACE WORKS, Aro Prepared. for IL THEY have now on hand and are still manse -A- lecturing some of the handsomest and moat stylish and comfortable Cutters and Pleas.ure 'Sleighs Ever offered to the People of this -County. Their Vehicles are all made of the best material, best workmanship, and superior finish. They are in fact both handsome and. durable. CALL AND SEE THEM. Prices to Snit the Times.. PILLMAN & Co., Seaforth. N. B.—Repairing Promptly Attended to. THE SEAFORTH • INSURANCE AND LAND ACENCY, ALONZO STRONG JS AGENT fo Several First -Class Stock, Fire and Life Insurance Companiesoind is previa. ed tetake risks on THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Also Agent for several of the best Loan Solite. ties. Also Agent for the sale and purchase of Farm , and Village Property. GREAT REDU WE BEG TO ANNOUN CINIT HALLY & ANDERSON ALL KiNDS Oak Hall Clotking Establishment, SEAFORTFI, - ONTARIO. TION IN BOOTS AND SHOES. E TO THE PEOPLE1 OF SEAFORTH AND VI - THAT WE HAVE REDUCED F CUSTOM SHOEMAKING To Lowest Remuneratiye,Prices. WE USE NOTHING BUT THE BEST MATERIAL • Therefore we can Ousrante REPAIRING Remember the Place: Opposite a Good Satisfaction to those who wish to favor ns with seat DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. the Foundry. GRIEVE & FRIEL, SEAFORTH. Interest. Agent for the White Star Line a Steamers. OFFICE—Over M. Morrieonis Store,Main-St Seaforth. THE SEAFORTH PORK PACKING II ousE THE Undersigned sell st their Pork Pack- ing House, at Low Dices, PORK CUTTINGS; TTEADS, FEET, SA -USAGES, Going prises valor Dress• ed Slogs, delivere4 stinir Pseidag noose. ARMITA6E, BEATTIE & 11B/703 671 •