HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-01-03, Page 8•THE. HURON EXPOSITOR. uonexpooito DISTRICT NUTTERS. THAT PLUM PUDDING,. - WILLIAM ALLEN is Showing the very best value in. London Layer Raisins, M. R. Layers, Seedless. Raisins, New Currants Caniiied Peels, Icing Sugars, Fla- voring Extraols, Pickles, Sauces, Sardines, Lob- sters, C.anned ]?ib, &c. New Shop in the Tele- graph Building. Wm. ALLEN. 576 PAY UP. -DR. VEMOE, Seaforth, hav- ing a large number of accounts dne would feel greatly obliged to those indebted to ltim if they would call and settle their accounts at as early a date as possible. 576 BEAUTIFUL TEA SETS in Blue, White, White Stone Gilt, General Crockery, Glass, Sets, &a. Latest Patterns and Cheapest in Town at the New Shop in the Telegraph Building. weaeasee Amax. 576 A FINE assortment of Albums, Photo- graph, Autograph, floral and mental Photographs, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Dressing Cases, &c., at LGMBDEN & Wilson's. 576 GREAT CLEARING SALE •HOW going on at Sxmr & WBST'S. SeCtue Bargains in General Dry Goods, Furs, Rats and :Caps, and Boots and Shoes -15 days only. 578 THE .PCBLIC SOHOOL.-The Seaforth Public School will re -open after the Christmas holidayon Tuesday next, the 7th inst. • Peeeemeo.--eThe Rev. J. Abram, of Watford, will preach in the Canada Presbyterian Church on .Sabbath next, morning and evening, • CCRLING.-A. curling :match between the married and single players of the Seaforth Club was played on Monday last, resulting in. favor of the latter by a score of 17 to 12. The " Skips " were Jas. Hatt for the married men and A. Halley for the single. Aeneuee MEETING .-The annual meet- .ing of the members of the Tuckersmith Branch, Agricultural Society for the election of officers and directors will be held. on Thursday, Jan. 9th, at 1 o'clock P. M., at the Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth. A full attendance is particular- ly desired. • THE VICTORIA. SKATING RINK. -Mr. Joseph Marshall, who so successfully ministered to the wants of the Skating fraternity during the past two years, has agaiu opened a Rink on Main street, south of the Manion House, where he will be happy. to see all who, delight to participate in this' healthful exercise. NOT Game TO STAND. -Mr. William Malleutyne wishes us to state that al- though he was -nominated as a Couu- cillor for the North Ward, he is not a candidate for that position, and desires all who would have voted for him to give their votes to some of the other candidates. Mr. William Oarapbell ma,kes ib similar announcement oyer own signature, in another column. ! • Tne LITERARY SOCIETY. -The next regular meeting of the Seaforth Liter- ary Society will be held in the Tem- perance Hall, on Tuesday evening next, at half -past 7 o'clock: The subject - "Resolved, that Female Suffrage would be beneficial in Canada," will be dis- cussed by the following sides: Affirm- ative -Messrs. S. Hicks, Dr. Coleinan, Dr. Vercoe and R. Lumsden ; negative -Messrs. . John McMillan, William Campbell, M. Y. McLean and John Hannah. • • MASONIC. -, The following officers were installed in Britannia Lodge, Sea - forth, on the evening of_St. John's Day, the 27th ult., viz.: Brothers Charles Wilson, W. M.- F. Sellaxs, S. W.; H. Caraerpn, J. NV.; D. D. Rose, Secre- tary ; A. Strong, Treasurer; R. N - Brett, Chaplain; Robert Wilson, S. D.; H. Derbyshire, J. D.; Thos. Hill; I. 43-.; James Ritchie, Tyler; W. 0. Reid and A. Halley, tewards. The officers were installed. by Worshipful Brother James II. Benson, P. D. D. G. M. Af- ter the conclusion of the . installation ceremonies the Brethren repaired to Sharp's .Hotel, where a 'bountiful • repast, worthy of the high re- putation of that excellent hostel- ry, awaited them. A few hours were spent in toast, song, sentiment, and social converse, and all enjoyed themselves as a company of brethren of the roystic tie only can. STILL IT STOBMS.-New Year's day was one of the most delightful, in re- spect of weather that could be desired, and people were beginning to hope that we had Seen the last of the stormy, blustery, blowy, drifty weather with which we have been favored for the past two weeks. There is nothing surer in this world, however, than disappoint- ment. A tremendous storm of wind and. snow eet in on Wednesday night, and is still raging with unabated fury a the time of writing., The public highways aud the railroads are again impassable, and travel and business is once more at a standstill. .There were no mails from the East yesterday, and we don't knew when there will be any. This will aocount for the non -appear - Race of our usual market reports and other items of late news in this issue. Also, if THE EXPOSITOR is late in reach- ing its country readers this week, they must blame the clerk of the weather' and not us. They have all been mailed in time, but we can't make the storm cease raging, nor cause the steam, en- gine and stage coach to plow throu 411 the snow drifts when they don't want to. • TIM NOMENITIONS.r-The municipal nomivations in Seaforth passed. off very quietly this year. The nomina- tions for Mayor and Reeve took place - in the Town Hall at 10 &clock. There were not over two dozeu ratepayers present. Mr. John Beattie Was nomi- nated for Mayor, and there being no other nominations made, he was de- clared elected. Mr. D. D. Wilson and Mr. Thomas Kidd were nominated for Reeve, but Mr. Kidd declined being a candidate, and -there being no other nominations made, Mr. Wilson was also elected by acclamation. The nomina- tions for Councilors caused very little more interest. In the East Ward, Messrs. David. McNaught, John Ward. and John Campbell were elected by ac- clamation. In the South ward there are four candidates, viz.: A. Strong, A. Stewart, J. I. Carter and Wiliam EMI. In the North Ward. there are eight oandideted,vize James Beattie,N. Cluff, G. Williamson,Wm. Ca,mpbell, Wm. M. Gray, George Dent, William Ballan- tine and S. Johnson. We do not know whether it is a good or bad sign to see so little interest taken in our municipal elections. We suppose the hard times are accountable in some measure for the indifference, as most people have abouts,s much as they can do to man; age their own affairs, without paying special attention to municipal mattars. . , • ACCIDENTS. -Mr; John H. Broadfoot laad a narrow escape from a very se- vere accident a few days ago. He was passing along in the second _flat of his factory„ewhen he fell through a trap door, striking heavily on the floor be- low. Beyond a severe shaking and a few bruises, he was not .seriously in- jured. , -Mr. Robert Carmichael, proprietor of Carmichael's Hotel, was descending a stairway,early in the mornine,when he missed his footing and fell' half -way down -the stairs. One of his ribs was fractured and he was otherwise alightly injured: He is around again,' although still suffering from his in- juries. PERSONAL. -Mr. George Watson, son of Mr. W. N. Watson, of this town, has been appointed to the position of ediitor ,and manager (*the Howick Enterpr. e, Gorrie. Mr. Watson is a graduate of THE EXPOSITOR, office, and we cjau heartily recommend him as a g od printer and an intelligent, clever yo ng man. We wish him the greatest pj s - Bible pecuniary success in connection with his new venture. We may also state for the information of the Conser- vative ,readers of the Enterprise, that although we tried hard to make hini good politician as well as a good print- er, we signally failed, and that although brought up in a good school he has gone sadly back on the teachings of his youth, and is, despite our efforts to save him, a Conservative of the purest water. However, we don't think anything the worse of his many good qualities on that acoount, and' if he keeps on as he has begun, he will yet make his mark in the journalistic field. THE HIGH. SCHOOL. -The following is a list of the pupils who have passed the examination for entrance to the High School in Seeforth : F. Anderson, F.S.Beattie,Neil Bethune, Geo.W.Dent, Alfred E. Dent, Lafayette D. Dunlop, Arch. M. Dewar, Geo. A. Dewar, Geo. Edwards, Robert Evans, Frank -Ewing, James Fisher, William Hunt, Duncan Johnson, James Johnston, R. L. Mar - sales, Chas: McKay, Wm. McKay, Jo- seph McNaught, John H. McFaul, Lu- cas Rosa,. Thos. Simpson, C. A. Sper- ling, John Watson, Edward Woods, Maggie Beattie, Annie Bolton., Mary J. Crawford,- Martha, Davidson,•Etta Dun- can, Ella Edwards, Maggie Ferguson, Agnes Gemmill, Kate Givlen, Sarah Johnston, 'Aggie Kidd, Liz,zie Moore, Lizzie Moylan,, Annie Paterson, Helen Pringle, Bertha Rodgers, Maggie Stew- art, Tena Thompson, Annie Watson, Maggie Wilson, Martha Burgess. The following were recommended to the High Scheel Inspectors with the view to their being passed: Annie Collie, Janet Gemmill, :Annie Pringle, Harper • H. Crawford. SUNDAY !SCHOOL TREAT. -The chil- dren belonging to the Church of Eng- land Sunday School in connection with St. Thomas' Church were provided with a first-class entertainment in the Town Hall, on Monday evening last, in the shape of a mammoth Christmas Tree and a visit from Santa Claus. The Lree, whichavas a remarkably fine one -the gift of Dr. Gouinlock-was handsomely decorated and laden with all sorts of suitable gifts for distribution among little childten. Santa Claus made a great *stir when he arrived upon the scene, blowing: his shell trumpet and suddenly descending, with his droll costume and jingling bells, and snow-white beard. Our hundred and forty-three children received presents, and all appeared to be perfectly satis- fied with the distribution. The hall was crowded With spectators, a number being compelled to stand throughout 'the whole proceedings. The children sang several appropriate hymns during the evening. Short addresses were made by J. H. -Benson, Esq., F. Holm- sted, Esq., and others. The Rector closed the entertainment with the Benediction. • DECLINED TO STAND. -Mr. Editor, - Sir: One of the first precepts instilled into my youthful mind by an indulgent but ever anxious parent, was "to avoid bad company," knowing, as he no, doubt did, that evil communications _corrupt good manners. The circum- stance that has on the present occasion brought these early instructions fojrcibly to my Mind is the fact, that sone ill - judging, though no doubt well m ening friend, has, without my knowledge, nominated me as a Councillor fer the incoming. year. And as I have no de- sire to spend the rest of My earthly pilgrimage in the asylum for lunatics, nor yet to take my last adieu of this mundane sphere from the trap-door of the gallows, and, reflecting by what easy gradations either of these unde- sirable goals are reached, I feel very anxious to avoid taking this first step downward, and would respectfully re- quest the electors of the North Ward to exercise their franchises .next Monday in behalf of others, who are more de- sirous of. travelling in the direction above named, as I calf assure them that, in addition to my disinclination above gently alluded to, I haven't a moment of time to devote to the duties of the office. Respectfully yours, GEO. DENT. • ENTERTAINMENTS. - The entertain-. merit, given :by the Dramatic Club in Cardeno's Hall, on New Year's night, waknotneaely so largely attended as the merits Of the play would justify. The majority of the audience was from the country. The company appeared_ to good advautage, and those who failed to attend missed a treat. The cause of the Mall attendance may be altriblited, we presume, to the fact that many families had social reunions of their own on that evening, and the attrac- tions of the family circle are, or ought to be, especially on such occasions, first , in the affections of all. Taking this view, those of our citizens who failed to attend are, in a measure, excusable. • The people of Seaforth have, however, just cause for pride in their talented. Dramatic Club, and when the several members of the Club devote their time and their talents to getting up amuse- ments of this character, they have a right to expect the hearty countenance and encouragement of our citizens. More particularly are they entitled to this, in consideration of the fact that hitherto the Club have been, if any- thing, overly generous, as they have contributed almost the entire proceeds of their several entertaimnents for charitable purposes,while the individual members have hadto provide for neces- sary expenses out of their own private re- sotirces. We are sure Ihe next entertain- ment they favor us with, willeneet with the encouragement it merits. -The first skating carnival of this season will be held in the Dominion - Rink on Monday evening next. None but skaters in eostume will be allowed 011 the ice until nine o'clock, after _which hour the ice will be open for all skaters. ;We are glad to learn that the rink has been liberally patronized this season seder, and as it is one of the largest and best in the -Province, out- side of the cities, the proprietor is de- serving of all the encouragement that can :be given him. We look for a bril- liant display of costumes on Monday nigh-to:1;nd trust there will be a large attendance of skaters and spectators. -Miss Helen Blye, supported by an excellent company,will appearin Card - no's Hallean Friday and Saturday even- ings. Miss Blye is said to be one of the most gifted of American actresses, and jadging from the encomiums of the To- ronto and Montreal Press, this repute: tion is well merited. This evening she appears in the well known play, "The Ladyof Lyons," and to -morrow night, "Camille." Brussels. THE CAPITA/A OF EBTHER.-Professor Holmes is in town a trai 'ng a class to render the Cantata Esther, which he will give towards the . end of Jan- uary. THE FIREMEN'S BALL. -The Fire- men's ball on New Year's eve was . largely attended and_ in every respect was quite a success. The proceeds are to go towards the purchase of uniform for the Company. • - . FIRE COMPANYMEETING.-The half yearly meeting of the Reliance Fire Company, for the election of officers for the coming half year, will he held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday next, at 7 o'clock. It is hoped the members will turn out in good. num- bers. . MISSIONARY MEETING. -The annual missionary meeting of the Diocese of Huron, will be held in St. Johns' , Church, Brussels, on Wednesday even- ing next, when Revs. Matthew, of Clinton, and Currie, -of Dungannon, will address the meeting on Home and Foreign Missions. THE NOMINATION. -The nomination on Monday last was a &ery tame affair. J. Leckie was re-elected Reeve by ac- clamation. A number were- nominated for Councillors, but the following only will go to the polls: F. C. Rogers, P. Moore, 'Jr. R. Smith, P. Thomson, W. H. McCracken, T. Town and James Drewe.hree of the above are mem- bers'13, of th -iold Council. 4. • Grey. COUNCIL MEETING. -Council met at Tuck's Hotel, Cranbrook, on the 20th ult. Members all present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Communication read from Fox & McDonald, asking that a reward be offered for the conviction of an incendiary. Moved by S. Slemmon, seconded by John Hislop. that this Council grant a reward of $100 for the ap- prehension and conviction of the person or persons who fired Fox & McDonald's faCtory, provided that the proprietors also pay $150 in like manner. -Carried. Application of Alex. Stewart to be added to -School ,Section No. 11. -No action taken. Hugh Porter was refunded $2.48, taxes overpaid. Dog tax refunded Mrs. Walker, Wm. Hab- kirk„James Bird, R. Coats, John Crerar, Philip Seal, A. McKay and Andrew Bremner. W. C. Stevenson was paid. $3 for statute labor charged and since certified to have been done. Robert McDonald $2 refunded for statute la- bor returned as undone. By-law read and passed regarding nomination and election. Nomination at Tuck's Hall, Cranbrook, on the 30th December. Re- turning officers and places of holding election: Division No. 1, Alex. Ross, School Section No. 4; Division No. 2, A. Hunter, Dames' Hall, Cranbrook; Division No. 3, A. Turnbull, S hool House School Section No. 2; Div'sion No. 4, James McNair,- School Bouse School Section No. 10: Division No. 5, Wm. Spence, School House School Sec- tion No. 11. A number of acc unto were ordered to be paid, when the council adjourned. MeR-i 1 1 op YAM! BOUGHT -.--Mr. Peter Mc wen has purchased. _ from his neighbor Mr. McCollumethe east half of lot 23, con- cession 13, McKillop, 50 acres, for .$2,000. Mr. McEwen has now 200 acres in one block. EDUCATIONAL. -The following is a recti report of the standing of the p of school action No. 4, McNillop, fo month of December, the marks 'based on proficiency and good cond Fifth Form-lst George McIntos John Kerr and John Henderson. Fo 00r- pils the eing ct , 2d rth Form-lst John McIntosh, 2d James Kerr and John McLeod, 3d Janet Kerr and Mary Govenlock. Third Form Senior-lst Annie Campbell, 2d Rachel Adam, 3d Wm. McLeod. Third Form Jenior-lst Matilda Gibson, 2d Harriet Campbell, 3d Wm. Hogg. Second Form -1stJoseph Hogg, 2d Robt. Campbell, 3d. Wm. Thompson. First Form Senior -lst Grace McFaul, 2d Elizabeth Neil - ails, 3d Agnes Gordon. First Form Janior-lst Annie. Cluff, 2d Letitia Campbell. COUNCIL DOINGS. -At the last and final Meeting of McKillop Council for the year, held at O'Brien's Hotel, Dub- lin, members all present. The follow- ing accounts were ordered to be paid, viz.: $18.46 to Benewis & Deagle for lumber; $14.72 to Wm. Papst, for ,sta- tionary and tape lines; $86.67ic to Mc- Lean Brothers for printing, 1878 and part 1877; 900 to Wrn. Grassie for a stone hammer; $5.45 to G. Koehler for gravel and hammer; $1.68 to Ernest ,Brodhagen for gravel, and $57 to A. Govenlock for lumber. It was moved .and carried, that the Councillors and ,Clerk be paid for services the same as last year. Moved by Wm. Grieve, sec- onded by Wm. Evans, that the first meeting of Council after the election be held at Herman's Hotel, on the third Monday in. January, 1879. TEA MEETING. -A very successful tea meeting was held in the new church on the 12th concession of McKillope, on Friday evening last. This church, by the way, nominally belongs to the Epis- copal Methodists, but as its erection was the result of the benevolence of the people in the neighborhood without re- ference to denominations, it is open for olergy_men of any denomination who de- sire to use it. Notwithstanding , the. stormy weather and the drifted roads there, was a good attendance. The good things were in abundance, and did credit to the skill and generosity of the fair donors. It is needless to say they were duly appreciated by the audience. Excellent addresses were delivered by Revd. Messrs. MoNaugh ton, of Walton, and Francis, of Brussels. A choir un- der tbe leadership of Mr. McAuley, gave several beautifnl musical 'selections. Miss Crich presided at the organ with much acceptance. The proceeds amounted to over $20, whieh will be ap- plied towards liquidating the debt On the church. A large quantity of eat- ables being left, a social was held on the following Monday evening, which was well attended, and at which a very pleasant evening was spent. Morris. EDUCATIONAL. -The following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils in School Section No. 9, Morris, for the month of December. The standing nil based on proficiency and good condnet : Senior Fourth Class - 1st Mary Shortreed, 2d James Stewart. Junior Foorth 0lass.-1st Maria Kelly, 2d Christina Shortreed; 3d David Garvie. Senior Third Class.-lst Mag- gie Clennan, 2d Eliza Jane Searl, 3d Robert Jarcies Moore. Junior Third Class.-lst Minnie McCall, 2d George D. Shortreed, 3d John Robert McCall, Bella Moore, and Geo. Ed. McCall. Second Class.-lst Sandy McCall, 2d James Kelly, 3d Wm. Chas. Tait. Se- nior First Class, Part IL-lst Shortreed, 0 James Moore, 3d Mary McCallum. Junior First Class, Part It.'-lst Thomas McCall, 2d John Smith, 3d Bessie Kelly and Martha J. Kelly. Jueior First Class -1st Han- nah Skelton, 2d Margaret White, 3d Alexander Graxvie. I Bayfield. i \ PRESENTATION. -At the close of the exercises oe Friday, 20th inst., in the common school of this place, the re- tiring Principal was presented with a handsome photograph album and double cell4 silver mounted inkstand, and in conn ction therewith -the follow- ing address: "To W. B. Hobbs, Prin- cipal of Byfield School -Respected Sir: We th4 pupils under your imme- diate supervision in said school have learned with deep regret that your rela- tionI to as a principal over this school is about to cease, and believing that through yaps instrumentality our ed- ucational interests have been materially advanced, we beg your acceptance of these presents as tokens of our grati- tude for the care and solicitude you have ' alwaya shown in our behalf, as scholars under ' your charge. And should we ever meet again in the varied pursuits of life, we hope we may renew with pleasure the recollec- tions of the year now drawing to a close. Signed on behalf of ;said pu- pils, 0. R W00», F. B. Hare,. Varna. HOTEL IMPROVEMENTS. -Mr. Josliu, hotel keeper, of thie place, has made great improvements on his premises. Be has greatly enlarged his stables and erected a large open shed, so that far- mers can drive their teams in from the storms. 1 DEEP SNOW. -All the lines running , north and south are completely blocked with snow. ,We had a big time on Thursday trying to break a road through the snow banks on the par line running south of this place. All the men, boys and horses were out shovelling and tramping. They managed to get it so that teams cen go through -with light loads. I PROPERTY CHANGE. -We are informed - that Mr. Tilde. Lee, of Seaforth, has bought the Saw mill near this place fornlerly owned by Mr. James John- son. Mr. Lee has had the mill leased for the pa,sb year, and no doubt sees money in it, or he would not have pur- chased it. - We trust he will continue to give the same satisfaction as he has done since he game amongst us. Usb orne. EXA3IINATI0N. - The Christmas ex- amination of the school in Section No. 1, taborne, conducted by Mr. Suther- land and Miss Willis, teachers of the school, assisted by a host of other teachers, numbering about twenty, was held on Monday, Dec. 23. Al- though the day proved stormy, a nu- merous conceurse of visitors assembled at an early b.Pur, which manifests the interest still taken in school matters in No. 1 Sectioni The occasion was ren- dered still more attractive by the usual dinner, folloviled by a desert of apples. A thorough examination in all the sub- jects usuallyy1 taught in our Public Schools was -witnessed by those present. Two prizes lwere awarded by Mr. Sutherland fbr spelling, viz: Longfel- low's poems, to the fifth class, won by Henry Straog, and Eliza Cook's to the fourth class, won by Aquila Manning. The , examination in this was conducted in writing, both prize winners getting . perfeet marks. A chairman wa then appointed, and af- ter remarks f4,om about a dozen teach- ers and other, a mast successful exam- ination was brought to a close. -Com. i e Niolesworth. PUBLIC SCHOOL EXAMINA.TION AND ENTERTAINMENT. -The Public School Ex- amination of the pupils of Union School Section No. 3, Wallace and Grey, was held on Friday, the 20th of December. There was a large at- tendance of both parents and -visitors, and the pupila conducted themselves in a manner which was highly creditable, both to the selves and their teach- er, Miss , tewart. The various classes were e. amined by their teacher, assisted by Messrs. Spence, Doig, Hop- kinson, Shearer, mid the Rev. Mr. Johnstone, and. the manner in which the pupils anewered -the numerous queStions which were put to them by the different teachers present, proved. couclueively that the pupils had been skilfully and throughly trained under the able guidance of Miss Stew- art. After the classes had. all recited, Mr. Henry Cochrane was appointed. Chairman. He enumerated the quali- ties of a good teacher, and thought Miss Stewart, possessed these, after -which addresses were delivered by the teachers and several of the visitcrs pre- sent, all of whom expressed themselves well satisfied with the examination, tut pupils and. teacher alike seemed. sorrow- ful because the time had come when they `;'S-itst part. Miss Stewart has tbeen engaged. to teach the third de- partment of the Listowel Public -School, and carries with her the best wishes of all who know her, both old and young. The grand finale closed by a very successful entertainment in the school house, which was attended by a very large and respectful. audience. The programme, which was very lengthy, consisted of speeches, recita- tions'dialogues and singing. There were two celebrated comic singers pre- sent, viz.: Mr.- Walkerton Scott and Mr. Patrick Dempsey, both of Medea - worth, who showed. to the great de- light of the audience, that they, thoroughly understood their business. The entertainment was brought to a close about 12 o'clock, when all separa- ted, feeling well satisfied With the evening's ,anausemement. Stanley. MUNICIPAL ELECTION.- r. Editor - Sir: Being nominated as a candidate for the office of Deputy R eve, and not being present, I take thisl opportunity of letting the electors knovr that I will be a candidate for said offi e at the elec- tion now pending, and dol respectfully solicit their votes. As to the Poor House question, for the coming year at. least, I am opposed. to it. , In all things .my motto shall ever be "The greatest possible good to the greatest possible number." -W&. CAMPBELL. Mn. EDITOE.-Sir: Will you allowme a small space in the columns of your paper to put myself right before the electors a the township of Stanley, with respect to the erection of a County Poor House. I cast my vote in favor of the committee appointed M.January to make the necessary enquiries towards the cost of construction and location, and I also voted in June for not having anything done towards the aerection un- til the Council would meet in January, so that I might be able take the voice of the ratepayers, and have1the matter discussed at the noininati3 ie. This . I have done, and I find the ratepayers very much opposed to the scheme at the present time. So far ea I am per- sonally ooncerned, I am in ,favor of it, but as the representative of the people I am bound to carry out 4eir wishes. I waive my own- opinioe, therefore, and if I am elected in the present contest,ele go to Goderich to oppose the construc- tion of a House of Refhge. Thanking the electors of the township of Stanley for the trust reposed in Me in the past, and yourself for your liberal views on such matters, I remain, yours, &c., W.117 GRAHAM. Ho -wick. SCHOOL EXAMINATION.-ilie public ex- amination of school sectipn No. 16, Howick, took place on th 18th ult. The different classes acqu teed them- selves in such a manner as co call forth the admiration of the large attendance of visitors present. Th teachers, Messrs. Coulter, Shearer, S ence, Miss McGee and Miss' Stewart and others too numerous. to mention expressed their entire satisfaction wit1 the great - progress which the school h el. made un- der the tuition of Mr. Doig. SCHOOL EXAMINATION. -TI e school in - in Section No.:1, Howick, wq.s examined , on the 23rd. inst, Although the weath- er was exceedingly disagr eable and stormy the section was well represented both by ratepayers and teaehers,there being four of the latter present.' The pupils displayed considerable abil- ity and tact i71 the various exercises in which they were examined,Which show- ed they had undergone athoeough train- • ing under their able teacher, Mr. Chis- holm. The accuracy and precision with which the fourth +as solved arithmetical problems • was really astonishing, in fact: the sante • May be said of the various classeslin all the subjects. Mr. Chishohn, I believe, pur- poses taking a University cdturse in con- sequence of which he is giving up his position as teacher. His loss will be felt by all who appreciate thorough teaching, and understand the various drawbacks which, for a -time, generally attend a change of teachers. Although Howick does not surpass her neighbors in agricultural products, commerce and art, yet in an educational point of view she is second to none. shp fully un- derstands the benefits that arise from a judicious and thorough education of our youth. Hee 1 could reach from pole to pele, And grasp Creation in my span, I must be measured by my soul, h The mind's the standard of the man." 0112 WRO wes TAERE. Brucefield. ANNUAL MEETING AND D/. -Th Annual meeting of the Huron Farmers' and Mechanics' Association rlbe held at Brucefield, on Friday, J unary 10, at Kaiser's Hotel, commencing at 1 o'clock. In the evening, commencing at 8 o'clock, the annual dinner will be held. Several speakers arei expected., and a good time may be anticipated. We hope to see a large crowd present. Nominations in Thiron. The following is the res lt of the nominations for municipal officers in each municipality in the Coulnty of Hu- ron: Seaforth.-Johu Beattie, ayor ; D. D. Wilson, Reeve, 'both by ac lamation. OPuncillors - East Ward. D. Me - Naught, John Ward and John Camp- bell. South Ward. -J. I. C rter, Wm. Hill, A. Strong and A. Stewart. North --Ward.-James Beattie, Noble Cluff, Wm. M. Gray, Wm. Ballantyne, Geo. Dent. Graham Williamson, S. Johnson and William Campbell. Tuckersmith.-Reeve.-David Walk- er and James Dallas. Deputy Reeve. - John Hannah and Alex. flMonteitk. Councillors.- Robert Elgie Samuel La,ndsborough, Wm. S. Mun all, John McLean, Jr., Joseph Nigh. Goderich Town. -Mayor, ,L.Doyle ; Reeve, James T. Garrow ; First Deputy Reeve, F. W. Johnston, all elected. by acclamation. Second Deputi Reeve. - E. Martin eta John C. Detldr. Coun- cillors -St. David's Ward. -T. N. Dailey, John Mitchell, W. M/. W. R. Roberton, Geo. Graham, Ed- ward. Graham. St. Patrick's Ward, by acclamation -William Mitchell, John Acheson and Samuel Sloan. St. George's Ward. -D. C. MCKay, M. Hutchison; W. M. Savage, F. Jordan, M. Nicholson, W. G. Smith. St. An- drew's Ward. -R. H. Cozzena, E. Bing- ham, Wm. Seymour, Jame e Gordon, Alex. Watson. Wroxeter. -Reeve, A. L. Gibson, by acclamation. Councillors. --re- W. H. Brawn, R. Clark: R. Forsyth, W. Her- ron, J. Knutson, John Martin Jas. Orr, a Hullett.-All the old Councillors re- elected by acclamation, viz.: Reeve, John MeMillan ; Deputy Reeve, John Mason. Councillors, John Britton, J. Lashant and J. Howson. McKillop. -Reeve, Thos. E. Hays. Councillors -Ward No. 1, Wm. EVS/3,S; No. 3, Alex. Kerr, No. 4, Wm. Grieve, nM elected by acclamation. Ward No. 2, Jamee Innen and Thos. Holland. Jas. Paulin, T. B. Sanders, John San- derson a. B. Vogt. Blyt14-Reeve, William Clegg, elect- ed by acclamation. Councillors. -Jas. Fetch, Hugh McQuarrie, Charles Floody, Wm. H. Watson, John Cook, Alfred Lawrence, James Logan. East Wawattosh.-Reeve, James Pot- ter; Deputy -Reeve, Robt. Currie, both elected by acclamation. Councillors. -- Finlay Anderson, Robt. Reilly, James Clow. Thomas Brown, Geo. Howatt and and John °Putts, Sr. West Wawanosh.-Reeve, C. Girvin ; Deputy -Reeve, E Gaunt, both by alp- clannition. Councillors. -John Wash- ington, Tames Johnston, Chas. Durni Ed.wd. S. McLean, Alex. D. Ca.mero Wra. Kinaha.n. Aslifieldee-Reeve.- Robert Webster, elected by acclamation. Deputy -Reeve, -James Grant, Robert Hamilton, A.C. Hawkins. Coimcillors.-l'atriek Andrew Dreary, Thos. E. Finlay, Jo- seph Griffin. , tsboree.-Reeve-L. Hunter, David Millar, A. Duncan. Councillors -South West Ward -James Halls, elected by acclamation., North West Ward -T. Nairn and H. Homey. North ,East Ward -T. McKay and D. McInnis. South East Ward -J. Shier and J. Del, bridge. Grey. --Thos. Strachan, Reeve, re- elected. by acclamation; S. Slemmon, Deputy Reeve, re-elected by acclama- tion. Councillors -J. Hislop, W. Oliver, Wm. Milne, J. Keifer, J. Livingstone, Malcolm Lamont, John McNeil, John iller. Councillors -W. Wilson aCndG rerar.frkby. .. Morris -Reeve --G. Forsyth and O. K Proctor - IDeputy Reeve -F. Clegg and J. R. M H. Mooney, D. Vanaistine, H. Gornaan. Exeter.! -Reeve -L. Hardy and Geo. Samwelle Councillors -J. Pickard, W. Fenwick, J. Preston, 3. Saunders, R. Bissett, 3. R. Howard, W. Bawden, E. Drew and W. Hoskin. e_Hay.-Reeve-G. Buchanan, M.- D, ele-Cted by acclamation; Deputy Reeve, S. Rannie-and J. C. Kalbfleisch. Conn- cillors-p. McColl, H. Heyrock„ »avid. Spencer, Wm. Snider, C. F. Morrity, G. Merrier, Wm. Wilson (London Road) Frederick Hess, Wm. Wilson, (Lake Road.) Brussel.-Reeve-John Leckie, re- ekcted bY acclamation. Councillors -- j. R. Smith, P. Thomson, T. Town, P. Moore, wr H. McCracken, T. C, Rogers, 3. Drewee Stephen. -Reeve, T. Yearly and S. Hogarth; i Deputy Reeve, C. Eilber, by acclamation. Councillors -W. Fulton, J. Ryan, J. Reith, J. Mitchell, W. Lewis, V. Raz, W. Baker. Howicki-Reeve, John Kane -- 1st Deputy Reeve, B. S, Cook; 2a Deputy Reeve, D.1Weir. Councillors -E. Fair and Joh* W. Jacques, All the old Council re-elected by acclamation. Stanley -Reeve,, T. Simpson and W. Graham; Deputy Reeve, G. Castles and W. Campbell. Councillors -J. Mc- Intyre, Wi Stephenson, P. Douglas and 3. Aikenhead. Bayfield.- Reeve, W. W. Connor and. John Esson. Councillors -Rutledge, Stanbury, McDonald, Cleve, Barker and Howard. Turnberry.-Reeve-S. Black, elect- ed by acclamation; Deputy Reeve, Hennings and Fortin. Councillors - Anderson, I Tut tle, Hogg, Griffin, Miller and Berlan. Clinton. -Mayor, R. M. Racey and W. C. Seale; Reeve, X. Chidley, elect - 'ed by acclamation ; Deputy Reeve, D. Menzies, elected by acclamation. Coun- cillors -St. Andrew's Ward -X. Jack- son, J. Twitchell, E. Corbett, 3. Fair, and 3. Sheppard. St. James' Ward, T. McKenzie, A. Taylor, A. Matheson, T. Turnbull, G. Glasgow, D. Erwin, W. H. Perrm and N. athexon. St. John's Ward -H. More, J. Leslie, E. Mount - castle and. T. Jackson. St. George's Ward -W.1 0. Searle, J. C. Stevenson, Dr. Worthington, H. Caption, D. A. Forrester end T. Beacom. . COUNTY OF,FIERTIL Dublin. -Mayor, Thomas B. Rine. Aldermenyjoseph Kitid and A. M. Ross. Hibbert:- Robt. Gardiner, Reeve; John Burns, Deputy Reeve; Francis Oliver, Peter Campbell and. John Jef- ferson, Councillors, all elected by ac- clamation.; Mitchell, -Mayor, W. R. Davis and J. W. Cull. Reeve -James Sills no opposition. Deputy Reeve -H. McIn- tyre, jr., and T. McDonald. Aldermen -North Ward -A. Goebel, A, Dent, A. Burritt, J. H. Flagg, N. Vroman, E. Archer. A. R. Walker and James Dow. West Ward -A. M. Gibson, j. Skinner, A. Mulheron and H. Metcalfet South Ward -D. McPhail, J. Dougherty, D.S. Campbell, A.. Rill, W. Thomson and T. Begg. 1 -The examination of -the pupils of the Model School's of Clinton and God- erich, tookiplace on Saturday„ 21st ult., and. on Monday the papers were exam- ined at Clinton, when the following named pi4pils received certificates : Caroline J. Cunningham, Adeline Har- ries, Mary Hislop, Minnie Hamilton, Hannah. Kinsman, Mary O'Neil, Isabel- la S. Patterson, Euphemia E. Richard- son, Catherine M. Richardson, Isabella, M. Ralph, Rhoda Rowe, Maggie 3. Tay- lor; Jessie E. Brown, Mary M. Corbett, Mary M. Drost, Eliza P. Dickson, Annie C. Hislop, Alice E. Higgins, Martha, 3. Miskinamings, Joan Ross, Elizabeth Shaw, Geo. Buchanan, Wm. E. Evans, 3. Gibson, D. Johnston, A. Jackson, T. Leishinan, P. Mine)hy, D. I. Rose, G. W. Scott, X. Shannon, G. Sage, Fred. Whittingham, Wm. Walker, Jas. Den- man. M. J. Cruneian, W. X. Dever, James A. Ferguson, G. W. Harrison, Adam Hive, William McKay, Thomas Melady, JohnWeatherheed, 3.E. John- ston. -At the Christmas Show for fat stock, held under the auspices of the West Riding Agricultural Society, the following prizes were awarded: Fat ox or steer, lst, 2d and. 3d prizes S. An- drews, Goderich. The lst and 2d prize animals were fed by ,Mr. James Dick- son, of Tuckersenith, and the third prize animal was fed by Mr. E. Watson, of Hallett. - Fat cow or heifer -let and 2a. prizes Robt. McLean, Goderich, 3d John Crozier, Hullett. The first 'prize ani- mal was fed by Messrs. Bamford and Shipley, of Clinton, and the second by J. Higginbotham, of Wawanosh. at ewe or wether-lat and 2nd R, McLean, fed by D. Campbell, of Tuckerstaith ; 3d S. Andrews, fed by ,Mr.. Snell 4 Hullett. Fat hog dressed-lst Gower, Hallett, 2d and 311 E 111cL fed by A, Fisher, Colborne. Fat go lst John Govier, 2a Thos. Fear, ittd..- lett ; 3rd Thos. Fear. Fat duck, it Thos. Fear, 2d and 3d Isaac Salleeld, Goderich township, Fat -chicken, 1st Mrs. R. McLean, 2a Thos. Fear, 34 R. McLean. Fat turkey, let Jas. Tevirs- ley, of Clinton, fed by Mrs. Crossmen ; 2d. Those Fear, 3d S. ,Andrews, fed by - 0. Dale, Triekersmith4 GLOVES. -The largest and best assort- ment of warm gloves in cloth, kid, and dog skin-gring top and fur triraming, at lower prices than. ever beforS known. White, shirts and linen collars a special- ty at the Oak Hall clothing establish-- reel:it, Seaforth. j. A. CLDIE & Co. r lame adjusted a large number of your Ilninnts Sash Regulators. I consider them superior to weights or any other arrangement for balancing sash that I have ever seem C. J. CUMIENG, Builder. Agents wantea to adjust them to window, now in use. - Orders from contractors solicite.d. J. A. OLD:&CO., Seaforth. " 0 U .G 13 -L -S... CAN- BUY SPLENDID NEW DRESS SILKS, IN SEAL BROWN, NAVY BLUE, DARK GREEN, , AND DRAB, AT 85 CENTS PER, YARD; REDUCED PRICES, A. C. MCDOUGALL & CTS, "OUR CAN BUY HEAVY BEAVER CLOTH MANTLES, At from $2,50 to $7.50 at A. C. McDONALL CO'S .".0 -UR. :GIRLS!' Can. buy Fur Sets as low as........ e.70e Can buy Fur Sets as Ire -7 as • . 4,5 Can buy Fur Sets as low as.. - 1 15 , Can buy Fur Sets as low as.... 2 70 Can buy Fur Sets as low as...-. 4 60 Can buy Mink Sets as low as.... 12 $0 Can buy Mink Sets as low as.... 16 -eo - Can. buy Mink Sets as low as.... 20 00 Can buy mink Sets aas.... 22 40 CHEAPEST LOT YET, AT A. a MCDOUGALL & 00'6. * OUR GIRLS CA.N .BUY HITT R C.Pi At 40; 60c, and 80; 31. WORTH DOUBLE' THE MONEY, A.0.MCDOUGALL & CO'S. HUBiON BAY BUFF= ROBES, Our MR. MoDOUGALL purchased at the Great Auction Sale of the Hud- son Bay Company, at Montreal, this fall, a Lot of Prime BUFFALO ROBES, Which we will sell at the following low prices to clear; No. I Prime Whole EAkes. ......$10 50 NO. No. 1 C SI Imperfect. 850 2 44 .11 7 50 No, 3 14 . 6 00 No. 1 Prime Split Extra Geod.— 600 No. 1 41 C 5 50 400 No. 2 No. 1 Calf imperfect.. . - . . .300 No, 2 " 200 A. G. MCDOUCALL & 01, Direct Importers and Dealers itt Dry Goods Only. 4