HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-12-27, Page 4� a t C . . i . . I . 11 . , - , 1. . - . � I � I . I . . � � - . : � - I I 4 . . Z . . . i � - . 1. . � � , I .- � - I - ­ . I . � . - I � -- -- -- , : —,.-,---- .--.---.- . - . NEW, �ADVFRRTISEIMNTS. , - - - - r I . I . [ that side. There is' getting to, be far and its � most important * . I en�( I . - , . - � I . � I - I - � too much of this sort of thing in all thrown- aside by these men' of the Insolvenc,� Notice -Robert Gib -bons . . ' � i city constitueuci 'es-Thexhasses are form- there is - 3ome method I Of callin� duck, . Not a Hambug-Hally & Anderson., 0 ; . account. sale in St , MAuliix). ? - . I Servant Girl Wanted -M. R. Counter. n ,1 ed into rings,and'these ings are skilfully - . I � ' e a)ove - Tb - . is qne 14cture. -.ss Th yra were Eunil ma rri d t I Estray Cattle-B.6niarain Smillie. . , , manipulated for f he benefit of the'lead- . . .. ' - now a,ncther drid quite i -a diffE rf of Cbr s I Insolrency Notice --Robert Gibbons. Teacher Wanted -James Spence. I . era. These I Ilead:e'rs" grow fat by tradi . ng ' . to,prdsent.- Everybo4y knows w L, Winter Goods -William, Hill & Co. . I on t4e -simpli-city, ignorance aind preju- ' . I I politics..of . the Londo Herald � - - . . - I . Auction gs,le-:-James H.. Benson. . I dices of those who follow them. Under is, therefore, scaxeely necessax r I � . I - . . I � ----.... I " ' I . these circumstances it is almost impos-, , that it I d the Time8 - are on 1 h .. � � 0 i I a 011 q;_, I sible to get aa honest expr�ssion of Sen.. W 1. 1. ). 110$1tJor r � * ! timant. It is a pity it should, be so, Bide of the fence. -A,,; to the ti �� - -. ..,., -t' ,. I . � � (77 � 1 . hol ding -he election ,If .9, the [lei, d . .1 , � W.ITH SUPPLEMENT. . but So long as the masses will allow ! 0 1 I � � il-It is now generally unders;o - . I I —­­ ­—­ ­---­ — - � themselves to be duped and deceived by *1 - A-fr. MON ,,at intends bfinging . oi. - , . 1`� i I .-. - � AFOP T �87W, SE -TH, DECEMBER 27, I kna-ves- who!'care ()nly to adva,nee their, , Cal elect ons while tb e Domir'o , .1 � I I � . I I . I I own persoiW interests, and .so long as . liament is in session. " The � b �—­-------�---------­ ­ . ­­­ -- - ,.�; . .- . . . Ow. Sn.p_plement. - I I . 1 thes.e knavel are coArted-and rewarded this is, o him in t:ie , course, the past, to delay Same as i fl the n e �411� - � 7 � I , � I �. . -ers. reek present our read We this v, . I I . 1. . � I by 06 Powers that be, we do not hope . the Local I Legislature . until ,ti 3 T� . I with a supplement containing afull re- ! for much i - provement. , It is to be, ofCommooswagin6ession. more are coming. - He . . . - 1�5 . . port of the speech recently delivered by I hoped, howe' I . .. I , that the Toolish people tby.t if the public attention w8 � � "'i � � 1 . .� ' 1 who are no the Prdwier of Ontario at Woodstock. I I eing mad4l tools * f -will 0 � � 0 ed between . the doings the doing.,; 1J at Ottawa, at Tor( -n the sup(ri ­ .. . � - : . . -get th It I soon The speeph being too lengthy for our . .o the de r eyes ` d t - operle portancE of .the House of ( o i � I re,galar is iue, -we adopt this means of ception that; is b�ing, Played upon them. woul - d letive him. at c paratii e q - � � � 11 - readers. . placing it it] possession of our If the Presslof I * these Gities could only I .to cl at' 0 as the creal e pleased don of an unil * The 851 Lr ecessary I I - N-Ve would ask for this speech a careful i be i dUced . o place pa,triotism. before . I the employment of -useless olkc i . I . � I .1 . r, ai�d impartial perusal.- It is tempera,te ! P&,T,T, -aiud waxn . I these peipple of th.� hu- - , . the gone ral extravagance - whiel L i I- I f . and rea-pe ctfu I in tone, and, we think, 1 -milifting position they oc'cupy., it might rfroduced * into every departmen; I .- � . - � . I . colivincins, in argument. 1 aid them to t3 . 1 - free themselves from the'i ' ermneDt 0 of his ol)portuunities. � -Proves tImt he made I And M f. I . - �. . dairtas of the - Governme, at fairl and.:, tbraldom in 11 which they now are, and -a * L k ' nows-that no sessior -N t of the CO I F I -0 . --y plainly before- the people, and -shows I I ,great servic I v i . I . would be done both them' ' since. 1 3 has been o such im 'one. . � . ­ . � � in a manner wHich cannot be mistiu- - . and the cioulitry in which they live, and . as the lid of i,pproaching the Govern TI nent W'll -1 I I : derstood the disposition which has been in which th(.,.y . . I too frequently abuse the PO -y tbe'attertio I u �of the -co untry, � - . i - . ; made of the people's - money. Let our . , franchise wVich has been entrusted to . , I Mowat.proposes to',"t ' e advah -. � � . readers compare the statements it con- th em�. I I I I tha ,t I fac and use it to sneak in ; , - h ilihed in Senator -Wr', R - - - -�v­ il�aCibe ie otberlefse of Salary and- offib I � . I . I . . , .bTePherson's pamphlet, and then judge � . 1:) HGa- made a con; . i T remarks we e Ot weeRs ago anent Mr. - policy is b is pals . bbait of the u the front y1rd thief wh . � to at r � � i . between them impartially. If they .Tilley's loan I I should have so sadlyvexe - , d atteiltiol: of the watch dog, ly , -# - will do this, we do not fear. their con- the righteous soul of a writer in fill e Cfavv1s id * " at a- back Window f I J 11. " clasian. Let, also, thobe who decide Goderich Stir. . I , We .still more deeply booty. fo' . rearmE 3 tit to be forewarned d, and we tru s st the pwgq� . � I . that M r, Mo'wat has the best Of the ax- - regret that dhose remax6 should have I Out distiMetion of,politics, will e 'i e � gument, lay the suippleraeat by for fa- I ' so enraged him; ' as to*ca,use him to for- emphatid protest against it . and : - � . . I ture use. It will -be 9, convenient text- � 0 get. that he is, 1 ' or ought to be, a this protest is not successful, tl-.le � V - -1 I - book or reference far them, with 'which - * man,tnd . . I to, gentle- . � make him use larliallage 0, . will mark >oil. the ballot their opinion paper," ; of sue, I . �­ - � - I - � I � , to occasionally refresh their memories - � I J - � that .oli't lo . - . . � 'well in prin b, and that we . Our re ders wih see . from t1i . r t .I � 11 . i . aad -will be a material aid in - *.Vlllg ­ i 9� . . Would not I I ike to repeat. )3ut a,1- . quotations I that it is -very diffic �-, � I � . . �, t them arguments with -which to meet - I though we regret' all this,, we ran . st, � ease so p1b . nae *eople -wlio P don't W �, .1 , I ;. I f, and saccessfully refute the sophistries .- even alt the risk , . of incurrhig once more te bepleased.* . The Tbres , correap I "I - �- -1 , - % � ts. They may 1rely -upon of their oppoim� - the Idisi . of our irat6 critic,, in- . abuses U . - e Government, becam 6 I ­ - . F- - .- i ­ . i - , : ; it that every statement which Mr. � Mowa,t makes is backed up by -the pub- � . form him that eithe r through ianora,nce r3 " ' lieves it,Intends . . delaying tbeJ cc � 11 1- 11 t 4� ., i lie record�. � . if any have doubts upon or design he is endeavoring to deceive 0 Aeu ' tions ii-ndl . after the cloAe . -of ib . . �-�­, I I I .. I ;. .- . this point, they can easily 'convince - - his readers he Says,: . � " In order to trly to mL,k-e a for the session cf the Domi ion P&rlia 11. � r � . I I 1. . �.i I theinselves of the correctness of our point pwrty, rcgardluss of t1iointerests of the country the Ex- ' the ..qkald, - agaln, abuses then: . I , I Ir- . i I I I . - . statement ky reference to the public. . 110SITOR says - "Mr Cartwright di�ipo"Ld of. 6,ir necuri, Wes in tile t * ondon market at 91 while the equal feiocity'becaus3 . - I it thirk al I � � - : _: documents of the P ra,vince, if they have . most Mr. Tillely, although aided b� Mr; Gait , are gb4ng to do what the - other c( . . 1­1�. I . 1. - iv ­ i.: - 9 the m. convenient, and if they have, not' , could got for thum was 85., Now what are iUa f1LCtS 2 Atr. Cartwright fixed the price of his 1 "" them for not doing. - 3ach- is P J� . - - I ... � z . . r- 4 - . coav enieDt access to these, -we are sure -8,6,000,000, at the highest figure lie thought could consi'ston . -,y as some vi ­ 3W A. - . � -: , , I be obtained, 911, and lie soltl them, 31r. Tilley � � ,�,,, � I - - : -, 1� . .41 � *!, : � . . that either of. the m embers for Huron i , - fixed thp. price of his loan, $15,000,000, at a minim- um of QB I. Iraltwis guaranteed by the British . Tulz London, . - -- ------.---. . Englamd, �- correk p I . I � -� t � I, X � ` � would 1�e only -too glad to explain any I '' 00ye-ninient. Wbat was the r6sult 2 More than of the Toronto Globc telegra,phs t � � .: , �;: i 1, t:, " . � : Ir . , point upon , ich there mav be diffi� . wb . . half the 10an,'W11s: taken at X96.1%6 on- the X100, and the emainder was sold for X96.10.0,11 � T I ' paper unddr date of D I -1cember 2 � ,4, t.-. , , ­�'Z.r � culty or doubt, if a,pplied to. I . It is Said that a truth half told. is the : � . - follows: �'Answers to eiiquirk 3 f : -� 1. -; 1, i, - �i .�; I . . - ---."-- -- --- � , � - meamept kind . - of falsehood We . will I 11 city to -day prove that . I arly ne �h KV L �� , . �; " The I-Zecent El,e6tions and C . ity . t . . not fol i`owthe example of our critic and - " Mr. Tilley's loaa still remains !tr. I � f 14­1--� - i I Constituencies. . �Ml . be so �ude as to say that he is guilty of - I I by the ublic. A g I , re a,t bull 91 - � V i �It �' 14-1 I - ;: Two elections to vacancies in 1he 1 . I I . . falsehood; but we do say, and we shall 11 been made- . . . The -fir ancial st �t 0 � , ZA �.�,- � - the Local Legislature took place on I prove that he only tells 1,,a,lf tEe truth. . 11 in yesterday's Times �. is therefo�e Li� a i I-' i 1� Saturday la O.ne of these was in East -St. . I - Wh ile he is forced to admit that half of - .1' The Tivies said,:-, Much cl �fi � V. itt. - Toronto, and! �1 ' the other in the 'County, . � .r. T'll M eys 0 ' b rids bore the Imperial 11 has beeii experienced - latelyin p i .I.- W I ,I of Monck. he former was before re- gLaraj tee, belforgetsto say thal those . " the new Canadian loan . . upon t�ie I . 14 -9 I Z pro sented by � Hon. M. C, Cameron, and I . . r. sold b I All C . artwright were ungu&ran- TI "het. It . is indeed not � yet 4ei i . : 1. - I 1i I , the latter 11. . Dr.� Haney. Both co I 11- - .. . teed. -11'e further forgetE to say that "placed. Middlemen have i J 1, - - � I �, � , i ;� I , i - � stituencies retain 11 towo.rds the their former positions C,Irovernradnt. X Morris 1 1 Mr. Tilley sandwiched. big. u nguaran- " Canada 11 had the advantag, ife ofan � , � � , � ['�.. , I r. teed bi6iids wAh those ivhich bore thEi penal g tarantee.11 t. � . I � �� - . . �k has been eleG6d � for East Toronto by a I guarantee ; I and tba,t be -made it a condi,- ' . . I � -­.­­-­­, . : � — I . , 1 , I �.f-, , T- �e F 1-1 � - majority of 46., and M . i , r. Richard Har- bion � ' - of ' his loan' that the purchaser ' . News - of the W k. e . . f r- I .. �,c ��Ib ,-4p -1 1� . ,oi - e in fox Monck by a majority of 100., should, I take al equal portion .of each., I - JUST S. NTkXc,u.--A New- Yoi k , I i. . r�', � -11 - The latter is.,a Supporter of the Mowat i . - ; . He als forgets to say that . bonds bear-' . yer has bE -State Prism 611 se �Wnced for swindlingr to -two y " a cilej Lt � � . I 7 -1 i i Government, and tile fornaer will, prob- iI1g tb Imperial ' gu aramtee are the 'A NOVE L G ilt.MENT.- -A feathe, I , . ; F i : . i k�" 1, � ably, take Mr. C&me-ron's'place as lead- high es. securities offered -on the Lon- ". m ade of '38,880 feathers of the , � , Z it I ! . � 3 -I - I . er of the Opposition. . , I � I )n a,�d bond� beari ' don m. -.rket, Dg the in- I prairie ch cken, and wild . duck, I ­ i �' � . . , i - I - " i . We uotice'tbut before the election . � - . � res7t tar Q, ich those s old. by -Afr. Tilley sale in St , MAuliix). Louis at 6500. *TheDukeo I . . f e � � I . r � iT 1 1 i , - � '�Jl both the Globe &lid ff fail assured their � bear are val tied by some at 108' i 6 we -hil . N and Prine -.ss Th yra were Eunil ma rri d t I -1- � �; I J . I - f! � -- � ;,..",-., readers t1lat the result in. East Toronto . . . ." . based our Oa,lGula,tipn- at 105, the very . I gr ea b pom . p al the Cb apel of Cbr s � - 1� -1� , I I , al % � I wouldbe4 -Qorrect indeN- of wh a. t th e estin lowest I -* e . - 6 that has been- given ; berg Castle Saturday evening. , L, Lf- �' T, � - t, ­� , � -. General electionii throughoat thp Prov- I tD, I * . while the h4hest that has ever been' . AVED . A . - f�rqm the I -The two li 11ornmeila,ilia e childrel L . have iv � ". o' E-_ ,.,-11 i . . ince uill be. -Gr&uting for the moment � � realize . for Cainadiam UDguaxa,,nteed' I N6w York, and been,ca ari: red for I y . E — i , F - � . ! �,,- 6 t1lat this is tlio case, the Gover m I i lim,ent. - paper I as 91. These axe a few of the tiv�es. T1 eir widowed � . mother *a . I 4 - T 1 � -and their stIpportors have n6 ,reason. for I I I things which our critic has left out . reg6ued. . . f - Tq ­ i -�l i .1 I disappointudent at the result. Four , , . . * of " his calculation. N . ow if he will just DIDGEAS - meinber O.. .-Thi Ho . I , Parli*ent . Elli8t,y in Eugl a I t -�,t - . f -11 - years A,go Mr. Calneron. beat Ron. Adam* � . .. -- , take tbo trouble to-do a very simple Car`pbridgeshir' iddea�. C) , . . The di c I � I a 1� � � " I I Crooks, Provincial Treasurer, by a ma- I .little atim, in aritlimetic, I and do it hou- mairied e of th Rc � thsGhild f - r- ,- I � - - i - �',­ � ­ --- tg.­ Jority of 270.: 13: - � oth candid[Ltes were estly, he Will find the compa,r' 'Son we i TIOVIODg ' ARRivA,i nee. OF GE,n,,%r . . SoQLu ix .. I- - t - I - poptilax in, th� Constituency, a,ud in ev- I - I - i made between the transaction of Mr. 11 . Two of'forty leaders -of � rE the S � locia �,­ � : � - !: . � . . , ery ro.%pect, p1erquila.11-y, evenly malched. - . � Cartwright a,ud that of Mr. Tilley quite I ocracy ., rei �entiv banished - - frdin 3 i I- � . ­ T� At the reaen6 Dominion, elections the correct. Witil regard to the balance of ' have arri d- in New ,')6ork- A � ft--- I ,I.- -: � - I-. Consorvalivc c'-uldi(late. was elected for . . his long axticle,in which b a -accuses us of more are coming. -, I . I - . r � I , 1. . . . the same constituency by a m,ajority of . ' drawing our inspiration from the Globe, BRET HkRTE'S gob only $50 P�orqq.-Bret for h9s Luck of Do � � .:4 - - ... I � i . - �­ .. - I -ar( ever t),00- On S'a,t la last. ex-Lieuten- I . � y ' awl predicts the s Peedy down-ft0l. of � Camp, and other st i ones publis i !, - - .�. � � � - ; . ant-Gover -nor Morris, an expoiienced TnF, I - E (POSIT011, we have not much to the 0 verlan d Monthly,, vhile for G � : 11 , . .- I - i ; . politician and N' prospective leader of I say� R that sort of argument suits'the Conroy thi Scribners p - id him $; I', � � , -�L . ff - il� . 41 . I I I 'his party, secured hisj9eat art nst Mr. ,ai ' . . I readers of the Star; we are riot disposed POLITic that the Gzar APPOINTMENU.-It intends is rE P T I . �: . .. 0 John .Leys, a,u uutridd. man, and one , - to quarrel i . with them about their t,%Ste. Dal -e of Edinburgh I 'as to propo �( Prince (f I ; . , J- � . who, had never previously takeu an ac- I . WO ku�lv' it wou% satisfy tho' readers of garia. 'The I - propo,sa,l is inteude'(' - -� , , I . . , � -�%� J tive part ill politics. by a ba,re majority - . . TirE EXPOSITOR, and consequently we I Special sign: . of frie dsb[p n of Rus i . I - I .- - ; .. i � I . -... I of. 45. Takim, the Toronto ofrraiis, 0 ,, shall ii)t retaliate in kind. . � wards England- I THF"' E u . ir, * RAmwxy.- I -The la -S i . : � . m . . � � . �, � a therefore, oil their own, Nmis, -we donot . . . � . — � ---- -- I . � the third i ,ail , ou the E � . �ie railroi d ; ! � I I . . think Reformers Liave much cause to I Look on This Picture and then 6 L3 complet - on Friday, making I L Z : ; t � , . .. . � , - I � , � 1. r . fear the rt%ult of the approaching elec- I ! . on That.: ' I I a gatt 're -fro, 0 . - i Buffal O to ew York. � � 1-1 � �� T2 - 1� ! tioxls� We do not believe, bowever,that i A feW weeks ago . we urged that the " 1-1 . jular trainn . . � will'be'put . i on the - Iii I . � - , - I I- - � �. � . . - t It' I � I . the result-iti East Toronto, no inatter I : I Ontario electi6ns should not be held -tin- til tal 'the I be 1111113a I gi In LA 1. � WLES, of the ye'&r. - CITIZF-,--,-S. -- . . . . ! Later 1 ie � ­ ­ I �,' how-favorablo it Iuky be to us, can be 1 Id close of the next sessio of ' � bho tbat w � the burning . . of t I wo m . .- I . ` i �, . - ta,keu as any gruido whatever to the re- I thaDominionParliamelit. Comme.uung I . 4 b ' :' Custer Co, � - Nebraska, was- ' - the fi . . � , ; . � 4 - - : - . i i stilt. throughout the Province, or that it I - r, . . - . on this a corre-TODdOilt Of the Exeler . � work of . I - - C rallied to kee aster men, horr�esteads b'o are 6 ` � .1 . - .. I I . . . � i �. - � �. . . will 410-Y03 tho S1441),test influence upon I TbWs afLys:' . . 1. " I notice intbe Seaforth I I I Co . arty. ,p Tlletwo-Niqtirns - out o had si . . � h � - I the Geucra,l clections. We believe the ; EXPOSITOR an article i ta,keu hort-esteads. ! � T% � 1 4 . 1 elaiT11 !IQ 1411f�. f.,�­ A 1, 1. 4-1- i relative to, the.time when the . I ;, - TrN-.A,s MunbEn � Ens .- The r 4 V V . . Partics,j liocal .4iouse will be dissolved. As the � trade'liasbeen caxiied u with t . I I , Jilliply as an chwtiou cry to arga t1lo I writer is no doubt in the confidence of : li 4k� 1 the Gol-ernuient' � aad by Texas despert ,dos durii Lf ' 1. friclid, of each ,�;ide to rnor'e determined ! his views, as there ex- i past few -months. Tber . e are - i �c 1. action. The eople of the . pressedi, Nvill b,� ada with San An'toido jail, six murderer ; I �, - 11 I PrOviucc Ivi'll ' their intentious, &ad if carried oil � , ­ � I . - b will victed in the. first aegrEe.. It is t . think aud act for th.cuiselves. They � be a disgraceful v; la,tion of tbe laws, , h6ped the strict letter . i . I ; t, to i . �lk 11 and an assumption of I ..� aie Sufficielit1v intelligent to give all � PO-iff-'er oir the part q be carrfed out in each cELse. * , � � i -I - 0 ' -.4 . ,- honest and unbiassea 2 ; (if Mr. Mowat for which he ha - ,�, expression Oi- - ' i .1 � l I s no pre � NOT� INTITED.-S Council of th � I V � Opinion elitirely indepeudeut of what i cedent, except in those days when, we ' Enryland C`ongr6gatiopal Church s �, , - . 171 - -1 . r: 1 had no r0sponsible Government. Four J� at Brookly ii, N. J.�, on - Th ursda ,, I . �f. East Torouto or any other - iudividLtal . years is tile, utmost e-Ktei 'which a Par- � the Purp0se of diss'.�Jvirg relatioi s , , . � it . , -pollstittionev lilay or may not do. Jye � liameat (Local) ca,u last. Now this : tween Rev. J. Lo&wood, of thal . , � . . . I I . (10 liot e�nlsider that the- result in- East 1 Parliament was elected the writs re- i and his ell arch, is noteworthy fro: a � �t, . , .�, 1 7 turnable on the 2nd F ebruary, 1875 * fact that it is the first g AhBring d ; ;�, Toronto possesses tho slightost party.'� and the first session call I I 11 I . � �- � 5- ­ . sigmilicance. A more unreliable � � ed by procla-.' kind to which Beeche;, and Plyi a If con- m&tiOu to fficet on that. cl&�e­ flow, ''Church have not been invited. I, � I I S then, can they postpone the el6ctious . Drs.&S"TER AT S&k.-I)n Wedi e T Stituency it would., perhaps, be difficult : � - i 11 T to get in tho 1�roviiice outside ' Until J111Y ? One thing is certain. All : ni-ht, 18t - insb­., during . a gale, . ., tbe Acts passed'&4d all actions performed i Brtltish steimer,Rinaldo collided � .1 - I � . I 4 � other larga cities. Three-fourths of the � by the Government Will '. the steamer Byzantine. The' 1 3 . : , be illegral and ail ara6aut- of i olectors are guided purely by prejudice i )� -idt6r that date ' _ confusion i tine was on her way from Maxsei I � . ; and loss -,#i ined by the Pro- i Constanuti ple, and was proceed . mud by demagogues who profess to be I . .11 be sust the I vince, df which ' ran in L � �. eaders of so-called workingmen's . � . . we will -be unable to � the Daxdai.e.Ues when she J . conceiv . Why should tbi6 be allowed ? ' British Ste EL-iner Rinaldo, anchor � � aud ether similar orgailizatiop,s. Thase, Are'.the party,6xigencies of Mr. Mowat - Latakia, bound for Hal I. The I , - � I 4 .- 1, '4 leaders " always keep their weather- to Ove'118 the Constitution of thi qouu_ , � I is i tine belong �d ,to a lles. Thi � :� eye (),pen for casual advantages, and try ?-a PDXV who have proved them- i a1do return d to Bo3phorous ,O I I I � . I .1 . 'Whichever side. the largest grist is like selvdS most corrupt? extravagant- and ) pairs, A later ispatch from Col . LE . .... ly . ; - I tt) come from, ,they lead� their dupes to I I inc&pabXe. Is th British hT " I . � Act to be e orth Am- I tinople says the - British steamer I t ,- r . � erican treated with. contempt, I do, which was in collision wit] I - . . � . ! . I - - . - I . � I . � I � . ; - -.' .1 i I . N��� -. . I . I . ­­­­­­­ - ­ -.-,-,. - ­­ - . -.11 -­ - — -- �. - -,--- -� -- ­­--­-­­ ­­­­ ., - �-�---- 11 �- - ­ —�­ ­­ I I . " - . . . . � - . � . I � . I -- � � � .. . � I . - ... � - . . � I i . � I - . I � I � . . I . I . I . - --v I i I I . I - � . I � � � : � I . V . . � . . I - -- � . . . � I . .1 � � I . I -� .- . I .. .� --� - . . - : , . - � i I , � . . I I 1. � - i . � - . � . ! I I I . . I � I � � . . . . � I I I � I ... " . i . I , � � I � � . . . . � I I I - I I . � ; . . . I . I i . � . I � I � � - I . . . . I! I . - I - I - . � � .� i - .1 . . . I 4 � I.- . - � . � � � . � � . - . � . . . . � � . �, I I � - . . . I - � I . . , �. � - I . - - i I � .- . I I I ---- . , -- ­­- � �--­;--­v - ----. - --- - - - - � - . ------� . � : . . . - . � - . . T : I . . , I . I . : � . I -- . � , . . . . I , I � I . I . � I - I � . - — I I .. . I . . - i . � I . 1. ,� - I � . . 1; - A - . i . . . I . �.l � . : I . I ! I T . i � � 11 , 11 i . � . . : : I . - . . � . . - ?�. - . - : I . I - EXPOSITOR, � .. ! D iCEMB E.R - -27, - 1,87t3- - THE.HURON . - t I — . . I - . . . . I 1. , � ' tinents Etearner Byzantine, has arrived, and in Canada, excited my admiration. his neck. He w � as at once picked. -up � feel mord -secure had, -the present hit, , �h Surely ieporti ninety persons frorathe Byzaa- Sacramento has been an unfortunate and medical assistance procured, but to I between Mr. Grant and the Company . iliern to tine saved. . ' city. The mining debri8 has raised the no avail. The vertebrae of the neck , not occurred. � A . � I . . $iJPFOSED LPST.-Thei brigG. R. Bur- beclof theAmerican and Sacramento having been dislocated, death resulted � -Thefollowingisthe result,of the � re have ess,, which left Boston for Gloucester, rivers SO much, that in the rainy sea- I instantaneously. I , revision of the voters, list for the town nt' one t nglaud, is given up as lost. It . is sup- son the : channels of the ri:vqS Will not k -It is rum ea that the Stratford of Goderich - Conservatives pat; ,Oil.,, 17; osed that the crew has gone clown with containtbeir waters. Twice has' the police are to b, -� authorized to seize iall Reformers put on, 10; Conservatives hat the he vessel. . . � city been' overflowed. Now, 'however, goods exposea on the sidewalk - by I Struckoff, 14; Reformers struck off., 10. AmaniaANE; ni BRAZIL.,Late arrivals they have,built a substantial -levee, and I merchants, ci xry them to the f'dwn loinitteA, by Cl�-Jh from � are. It ' � I ,�- I assessment to Bay at'New York from Brazil state that all by a city law have forced each property ball, and whei . the pile has accumu- I roll, 7. . I . . the American laborers who went there holder toraiRe his lots ten feet. TIE�ej la.ted to su 'ent size, distribute the I -Mr. Thomas Wilson has erected a . . - e Same I o work on the Chamora Railway either whole part within the embankra'ent, is I , goods to the deserving poor. This is 1� lar -e and- beautif ill grist mill- in p 0 " - Ora_ me for i an away or starved to death, amd their now, therefore, 10 feet higher than when I an admirable system of charity. By '-wich, which will soon be in operation, d says : laces have been. supplied by'natives.'. first ovdrf.lowed. This will explain the I all means gentlemen expose your goods It will be a great accoin minodati,on to . , od that AvICABLY SETTLED. -The quarrel be- reason why gardens are not so commion I and the poor ill bless vou.. the people of that sectibu, who I the z . I ' 1.11 -he i ween the rival doctors Jul the medical as in other portions of California'. The total ,-6st Ot li'litina the town past were obliged to ,, the lo- - 0 t� g�et their gristing i chools of the Michigan State, Univer-' ter remaining in Sacramento a incolubf , I of -Stratford during the past year, as done at Gorrie. .. t2 0 n Par- ?I . k ity has been amicably #Lrranged. Drs. I and s )ending a very pleasant tim'� wit 4h I provided by tie � Council, was 079.47. . -In 'View of the incre ject -of . �r I . I O' demands � I U i There were 35 gas lamps, which cost on jon the capacities of the I fil. uenced ' ankiin and McLeau, who had a re- some Canadian friendsJ went to lal-rbor 3 -,Is eting of CelA personal difficulty; have publicly . SA'Z VOSE, I 0au. ,,,average $1C.25 per ]am p, and 32 coal 11 at Goaerich, Messrs. Ogilvies& 11 ' . I - lin UtIch- i haken hands, pronounced S&n o za, to attend the lamps, costing on ail average $3.46 1 son decided to put in a new chest of House . I M I . , - A NoBLF. MAx.-Policeman Wells, of State Normal School. San . Jose is. a per lamp. The town Conucil have Con- ' bolts, four reels and six conveyors, an& . , judged lqew York, died suddenly on Tuesday, city of 2.5,000 inhiLbitants,-situate(I six structed nearl six miles of new side- have given the contract to the Goderich direct- 17th inst. He was formerlv a Metho- I miles from tlie southern arm. of San I walk during the past year. 11 miles of . F oundL -y Compaily� - . to and c i St minister, � Francisco Bay. It is the county tow �y and half a mile of grading; 7 . illiams Of E a'st i but resigned. from the .,n ! ditebin , " c . or -11n- 0 . . r� I . pulpit and Sought a position on the po- Of Santa Clara County, the level part of ! culverts and. 25' crossinlo's Wai�&130811, succeeded on Moladay in 111MODS . I . . - i I be force, so that he might. p ersoually which is called Santa Clara, Valley, and I I disposing of a monster lynx, slid to be ' liberty . , -The half yearly examination. of � . .. . -d tb y grab, plead with the depraved chtsses. He js the acknowledged garden of Cahfor-.! School Section No. 7, Logan, was held Ith e la-r�gaest ever seen aroun .- at part; - I I . - I inister, 1 �,&ves fiftv thousand dollars. 'Ida- Land here is very productive.. DO- i on the 16th in; 3t. A. th�ro-ugh Wlaml. 'The anirnaJ was a terror to the inhabi- A' 3wean the city and th bay � I � is, h , 4s, and GRE T IbOLLTERY STRIKE IMPEXPiNU.- .1. e - tl'Oils�Lnds nation took place in the different tauts -of Wawanosh and Morri a,vif.ng . I " � The proposed reductionof 12J per ceub. "Of acres i are Zlevoted entirel� to straw- branches by Miss I Cowan, the, teacher, killed a large number of sheep. 'he in- - ill the wages of the colliers in South �4erries. The laud - seems especiallY z interspersed w'Lth music and dialogues, -Th6 Presbyterians of Blyth intend of 'gov- Yorkshire and,J\Torth Derbyshire, af- Oapted to them, it being warm.* and ! . Observinn th . e most and the visitors expressed themselves h t> e , anniversary ,of their fects� 100,000 men. A monster meet- . )aioist. The ground, which is very level, , highly Satibfied with the result. There_ -,chuTc OP*ail1g :on or about the AG-th Mowat , iDg will be held durin� the holidays, 'is thrown up into ridges, similar to the 1 is much regret felt in the' section that ,of January, by having, a grand tea� mmous . .11) . . . '----" . when a scheme for striking en iname at manner 'of cultivating beets in Carad - ' as she has 'meeting wheii,severalreverend pentle- an E6. I Miss Cowan :s leaving. �,31 � 'r' oe the commencement of the year will be , �Vater frcm artesian wells is rL1111 &10119 ; proved herself a very efficient teacher. m en from a distance are expecteci to - trade discussed. , . - . . the furrows at stated .intervals. The i . � absorb I I - . -Mr. Willi. Lain- one of- the early �4eliver addresses, - . EMPLOYERS .AND EMPL07t,ES.-EM- Profits are said to- be.'enornious. The 1 � ;:)I 1 -Mr. 1-1. Cunningham, who resides � 2d Mr. ploye,rs in the manufactured iron trade labOrds mostly done by the Chinese - pioneers of Fallarton, is 'about to re- : in the vicillitv of Molem,vorth, rilet with - tage of 11 ­ . . I I move with hils family to Maryland. ' ] e North of 1' ,ugland, claim before but boy.9 and girls from the cities are I . . a serious a-cefilent a few days ago. He qr 11 is ery much respected in to an- 1 a -d- - 1 . Lai was helping a -neighbor t ' � the arbitrators a five per cent redne- employed in picking. L ad in the e . 9 I 0 "I pigs, and . - . His -t,. on, in consequence Of depression of tire county is very pt'roductive, and just I the township where he has so long re- 1whilst in the pursuit of a refra2tory , ,, 1paves . sided. Hellar, been superintendent of - two. of in . porHer le -e an . . . . . r .is act the business. The,men claim that the price outside of the city limits is valued at "the Presbyterian - Sabbath school at of labor is - already low( -,r than for 20 fr0m. $250 to �300 an acre. A few I .. . ri il1OffWOrkfor&weekor* ile e o I � miles Motherwell for many years, .and at years. The newspapees continue to fr6*i San Jose it can be bought, uni two�. I ' . .- their annual social last week. wab -pre- . o r the publish account . 1111 -Oue (lay last week, while Mr. W. ' a of distress throughbut proved, for 5200 an acre. The price is sented with a beautif ul piece of 8'ilver ­ ui� , � . -high for grain land, though for fruit i0hiri son of -Mr. Thos. Ching to 'be the country- . . . to'4 7.1.1) ?:,) , with- DPARTURE, OF RussiAn. Ciluisims.. . an . d. vegetable land, the figure is not plate, A large family bible, a complete , hired man, were fel-h I na said a DF .,. i ; trees on the iter an I Volume of Bro wu & Fawcett's commen- I . t� that if he departure on Saturday of the c&)�W"roecl excessive. To E astern peo- t&ry, and seNeral tokens of various ifarm, in Hay, one of a herd of cows got sl eamers, built .at United States ship- � 4 . too near the fallina timber and was �. . ple this would, witbout being explained, 4' kinds. I people t:) I � - y Lrds for Russia opens up discussion seem. tiuintelli,gible,, The most of Call- ' ,struck on tbebead,"and, '80 severely in- - lactics u )on international law.. iUpon this sub- fot�nia, say at least seven-tentbs of it, I -A gentlerawn interested iu boatin-g, 1jure'd that it was 1. I � ­ . matters has given the rowin-a men of deemed advisable to . joct the statutes of the .United States is fit only for grazing, by reason of th� , kill the aninial. . . - r) St. Marys tbei, Christmas pre"s'ent in the above are so strict that the abip-builder wlio lack of water. Probably 90 per ceipt. -*-Mr. J. D. Ronald' a ' . . . ' nipeted for na fain ly at- . , shape of a bad cre to be co i ult 4.0 constructed the Steamers, s * s, it -is illi- of the balauce is 1i) inve'd -in Brussels last week� .over b ELY fit for arain. This .. next year. It s, of blue silk with the . . possible for ship builders to erect ves- le&vres only a very small poition "of the I itwerity of his workmen,with their wz ; I . . . ant to � ' . � words. " Junio V - Ch 'on . Sculler " ives S.Is for foreian. I . ampi , governnients' even in a!�e for vegetable land, and this must I printed on it Al gold letters. At the , ,kncl families, have also arrived. An ondent times -9f peacoe, let alone -in war - cessaxily alway's be rated high. Fruit top is a broa&-f iilver plate for the -win- !addition to the population of nearly 100 . . I 1re these boats were construe; 'berer es, bowever, have thrived well on , -u � the result of Ro- l I Aed o i V !so ls will be ua1,XS . ner s name. The edges of the badgeare :1 d elec- American brokers as a blind. he &-y si(T�hills, once thought fit otily finisheawith gold fringe. It was Yuan- coming to Brussels. Mr. Ronald ex - I . I . � e first I Tim, ERIE, ONNAL.-The fall returns for grazing, and it is a noted fact that t, ects his foundry to be in full blast by I ufactured by '31dssrs. Peck & Snyder, i� fc�r the operations of the season in the bur best fruit now comes from these . _ 11the beginning of the New Year. ' , ment ; I New York, and is a splendid piece of 1, 0 1�rie Canal show that'more grain has same foot hills. Another reason� why I workmanship. Men eligible to row for -0116 dAY'Of last week Mr. James with b'en transported through � the canal land rates so, high near San Jose is, I - 1kowbray lost a fingei in a rather singu- - I � it miist be under the age of tw s during the past vear than in any that many wealthy people from other -! . enty-one Oar,ibanner. He. " they . 1 years. . , . . wa'.5 assisting in set- emns Preceding one. The aggregate, 58,735,- parts of California, and also from ,the I I Z5 I thig down the engine in Me' ssrs, Car- -A- few dayE ago a. womain arrived in Jrick Bros. mill, in Stephen, aud. When )1itical 604 bushels, is more tham double the Eastern States, have made their homes tistowel. in ver., ( desbitu te circumstances carr ing of 1876. The number of boats here on account of the climate, which . n pl I y . and appealed to the Mayor for assist- . aced on its clearing from Buffa,lo f s more than one- is more equable than that of'Sacra- r ed, lie put hi�s finfirer -through a hole to - , . � ance. . She clw. med to bav'e been mar- 0 third more than of 1877, aind the re- *Tnento, owing to the - influence of the . isclertairk. if it was to piliacel-anathe en- - ondent -ceipts for tolls were cotrrespondin bay. The streets are well hued with ried at MountForest about a year ago,' 1� ., e being slid forward, cut the f m-ge . gly but aboiit four months since her hu"s- r) I , r ) -that larger. , -Something like 18,000,000 Australian ga-m. and pepper trees. The band had left I er, 'without leaving her "Will as with a shears. bv§hels of'gra.in have go I ne east from gardens are elegant and costly,'and ex-: i� -one, b dm.v last week a person brought 5th,'as any means of I upport. On account Of - ;0 ' Buffalo by rail ; 4 very marked in- celled only in California by those of the her conditio# . to Clinton a duck that liad 9,11 the ap- . in the evease. bonanza .kings at Menlo Park. The i, was proposed. to Send pearan,e of being Rine aud,fab,and sold alf of -On the east -bound train on Grand business part of the city is bright and her to the ly ng -in-hospital, -Toronto., it to a store keeper, -w.ho was deceived. 0 but whenit W s; ascertained. that the , I - taken Trunk Railroad, nea,r . Ridgeway, alfiractive, and to me there seemed a. corporation wo, ild have to pay all ex.- �Y its looks, who re -sold -11; to a ctls� . oil Thursday night of �ast week, a pas- gentlemonly indepwidence about the - tomer, when he dis -tbau e has - I penses incurre� , her case was consider- 6overea - it was - senger named Walterl Storms was at- busines� menj very different from the vagrant *act staffed with sheep`a-liver. If this was - 4 ement tacked by .& fellow -passenger I while high prpssure of San - F rancisco. The ed -as coming ander the one for a joke it was a mean . , she was accordingly Sent to- Stratford e, and - true. stinding on the platform of Ahe Normal SC�661 is admirably conducted I � t for gain the reward -was Oil . I for a period of 3ixty days-. nearly as culty rear car, who cub bis throat, robbed -by Prof .: Allen, assisted by 14 teachers. � I small as the seller's soul. - i lacill' him of H00, and then hurled -him from ,.A noticeable feat -Lire here -was the re- 1 : --Mr. Thomas Greenway returrue g j e ­ � . :� . . a - , inar- b . moving car. Storms Struck in a spect sho-wii to the teachers in -training ! - Huron N otes. JIrOul M=iboba last week. The Mani- - sno*-bauk, andlerawled to .& farmer,s by the Read Master and all his assist- t toba fever is main -most virulently iiu . all housb, where Sur ical aid was summon- ants, a �aarked contrast to the Toront � Mr. - W. Buckingham, late of E-xe- the southern'p 3 9 . ' 9 0 ter; has opened a blac ksmith shop at art of the County, and a . now. ed. His assailant is a ga.,mbl6r named Normall School,'irr which the object ' Winchelsea. great many old residents talk of pulling, . , Ira- Crabbs, and it is suspected that Storms seeems to be to humiliate and snub the up stakes and emigrating to the Prairie I - . �Dr. McDonald and L. J. Brace ar - is his pal? and-tbat the Atack. was the. pupil -teachers -in every conceivable e -Province next, Spring Mr. GreenwiLy . ,candidates for I he Reevesbip of Wing- �- �P* - . -k'qua,rrel ov6r their spoils. . , ham. They are both good men. Mr. IS y anxious enqm Ters who result of manuer. The order and discipline "' 1 besieged b . Storms can bardly-recover. , . superior, and the work done is practi� I B Willson will be Mayor. - � l4ave a notion of following �bfib iniunc- . I DEA.TII op -B4TARD TA YLOn. - The Cal, and not the unraveling of a mass of J! '-' �Ti. James` I eech is n ow the pro- fiou of -Horace Greeley. - . � - law- death of thi * Gordian knots. From San Jose I I ' -A. m-eetin of the -W-,est ,Huron . is well knowti'American aP7 - prietor of the Goirie Enterprise and Mr. 9 xs in author and traveller to'ok place at plied for and � secured a position a ! . �eachersl Association Will be held in . I I teacher in Nevada, County . .s � A. H. -Drumm. i i s the editor. - 4xeter on Fri . Berlih, on the '19th inst: Altho . , the Priam.- , ugh , . I . -Mr. John 'AcIntosh has been re- . da�f and Saturday, ,TJaa, � It � cloak, suffering fat .some time Noni a disease pal mining'a6untyin the State-. In my : . 14thaud2fth. Dr� McLellan will be � � engageato teach for the incoming year � quadl, whic next I will try to give yo idea of ;in t) " present and will take up reading, arith- , , S- for tre h his medical -men erroneously mining in California.'- U an .. the Cranbroc k school at a salary of metic a -ad algebra, an ated for dro S , his death was sudden 0 - d. also deliver a . 0 y . ­ $450. . . . ­ . .. I � I and unexpeof-ed. 'The deceased was - i� � JAMES Vr.RcoE.. ..i -The wife ol Mr. Donaghy, for -in lPcture­-�on Friday evening. A good . � . - erly -- I .1 . ­ , . % ' lerich -Star, died at ilto proaramme will be provided, and every r1and born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, .1 . , of the Goc Ham �fforl#.-will be made to make the meeting - ' Iiist week. Mm. Donaghy 30 - , with Ja ivary 11, 1825, and was consequently 1 . was just R tians- fifi y -three years of age at the time of I . -Terth Items. - I years � of age. � . � - interesting andinstructive. hi, � death.' A�b Seventeen years of age he Dr. F. 41S.- geager, of. Sombra, haja i -The terin Sabbath 'School '� -At a late christening in' the neigh. Saved bel ran to .Iea,rn the - removed to' Millbar1k, where a medical , borhood. 'of Al:oleqw " ) print'na business, 'I � I Couvention,forthe County of Huron, orth 'Mr. Geo t3 practitioner ,was badly wanted. I ed. at an I at the same time became a con- . will be held in Blyth on the 4th of B, roWn bad a Son named 7 in hou or �i , I i -Since the return of good roads and I � I rela- tri. )u tor of verses to the periodical press. 1 �'. I - - '' S Qighil1g, green hardwood can be bough I I February. * bhe late Premier of the Dominion. I , s not Hi 3 first purse, -work was " Views A- - t , _Mr. Thos. I Trivitt, Clerk of the While perhaps there is notiuch in ,9, . in'Listowel at $1.!�5 per cord,'aiia $1.50 ,' now 'Moved 4 1 fo(t, 6r, Europe seen with Knapsack, , , F ifth Division 0'6urt, has ilarrie, 'we would like to k -now of a more to S2for dry wood I . I � . orke, anistaff," Published afterhis retorn ' ' o Exeter, wh're he will -be pernian- �horoucybly Reform one. th,.an that of ' . -Mr. 1). Gordon, of Goderiell, ha's � "it � le ' d for fre rn a pedestrian tour in that country I tuated. � . Purchased five acres in the neighbor- , ently Si A xander Mackenzie Brown,. We only - eased in 1846. Subsequently he became par- .. I -The Oke boys, of St. Marys, who it a the young namesake inay follow b hood of Listowel, on which hepurposes , hop � ­ amily proprietor and associate I editor of the sta'Aing a - is supposed committed the robbery in 1;ihe example set- by the great Reformer.. .d nursery and greenhouse. . ! I - � ! I NEw York Pribune, &-nd sliortly after ' -The St. Marys Temperance 1 Mr. Walker S Stbre at Centralia, have 1 -The Shepiard Jub ilee S i - TS.- this be began - th' - Club is I arr,sled at Parry So I Mus- advertised- to- - g* - - ea,iterta ingers were ;--- - in _. 11 I Ive inments in, e series of foreigi-i doi 9 a good . work. They employ able I been .und Dern- tours which led to his being celebrated � - -oderich on Saturduy and Monday 0 I -Oka. I . . erlin, asatraveller. Asa -poet and descrip- lecturersand have crowded meetings. I -The new ':Episccpal Church in ell � i u gs. The attendance was so lozen tiv e write , Such efforts cuunot fail to be followed ' � ! , r Mr. Taylor stooh- in a high 1 Blyth will belformally opened on Sun. by good results. . 9 ! 11 on Saturday evening that there : Place, While his oratorical albility led to i day the 29th ' St. It is one of the I 8 no entertainment and the tickets . Mr. Chas. O'Donnell, a ieacher- P � , f Elarte his becoming famous -on the'lecture - - neatest and. M)st Comfortable church N fresh from the Green Isle, has been eu� ; - re returned. On Sunday the Co,m:,- aring platform. Last summer he received the � edifices in the coun�y. any led the i "I I gaged in Section No. 6,North Easthope,1' I ,-' - ging in the Methodist ed in a ointment of - Araericaa Minister to i -The new Fablic School building in 8hurch andf t' '.' '' ata, salary of $400. He is said to pos- . I I heY,gave such good Eiaitis- abriel GE rmauy. The funeral procession was sess the requisites of a go9d. teacher. �i Wingliam is nowAmished and ,ready for f Iction that on Monday the . ball was 000. fol.owed by two six -horse carriages be- . I occupancy. Se ool will open in it at- -�iot large enouggh to accommodate the . . � orted loiging totbe Emperor and 'Empres . s, ___ -Mr, L a"Urence Nau, of' Southeast- � ter the holidays, , It is said to be a very sip 'ence. , . ..� . I . � � .the thi � carriage of the Crown Prince, and a days ago caught . a large handsome build [ng. : � ' i . k 0 � I - J . 11 .. -The Rev'. - - Y. Hartley inoderstea �� B al- nu mber of private carriages, and many V. The animal liad been I -Donald Me1janchlin, -Esq., collec- 9.11 by - d 31 0 , I -- a C -as a mourners. ense crowd IiDed both - He . tor of taixes for ,he township of Grey,' 1� resbytery, at Tb ames Road and K A d 1 at geese irer-tlo of the Huron - f Mr. N an's f, a, to- Sides of the stre 4 animal of the species, and I took in a worth On MoudaY 31,- t')u on th� 6th inst., which .resulted in . ets through which the , - . t Moles i . Pr Cession passed. � . his skin fetched $1.50. . i k2 *the largest sum ever collected ' fivor of the lilev. Cohin Fletcher, . I I 'i ' . ng of I . -1 -1 ,w � , , r- ' i in. �-Iolesworth f:)r taxes in one day- '61 ti . T= ---,---- --- I � i -, Mr. Metzler, assistant High School , � , - - �FO: 1,�r Of the Rev. D.H. Fletcher., of was, ! t7pacher in Listowel, has been presented i -A curlina' atch was I . Notes on California.- - t1j, Played "I 1amlltOl1­-;AVe Congratulate -the rev- �- Lrrow . . IAY.,his pupils -.witb, a beautiful article in Wingham, a feir days ago, between six er' nd gentleman on -receiving a. - call to -- . t) Ile ' ' . Reg- My lirst impression of California was the shapC- of air inkstand and tirne� I Grit and an e.jual number of Tory sucji�ali impor astoral charge, af- 1 el on piece com . I tant P, . the I v y favorable. I bad left Manitoba- binel, also a gold pen, show- I curlers, resultiD �, in a victory in fav I - or tOr a large number of candidates have the 25th of November,T and the ther- ing that Mr. Netzler ' and his ,pupils : of the former b3 17 to 6-. Blood will b" . eon heard, thecliurch having -been va- - � 'tell, - . , I - ... Ports mometer at that time indicated 270 are on tile best of terms.. i Clint for some nine months. Xr. . I . en in I -below zero at NVinnipeg. On t1le. wa;y , -The Rev. Mr. Christopherson 1 -Mr. 'Thom s Taylor Will om)ose 1�;letcher has also received a call from a . I � -- . . . . idish up the Red River to Morehead, 320 ' preached a 'very impressive sermon in :,Mr. James -Potter for the Reeveship of a�'congregatiou in Meaford. � eter- miles by. stage, the mercury ran down I the Canada, Methodist Chureh,Mitchell, ).East Wawanosh,, and Mr. Geo. Forsyth . that to 30 0 . Nor W � -At the examination of the School in ag this a still clear cold. I on Sunday, 15th ins'., on the dep,th of i intends to contest the township of Mor- '' tion 4, Hay. mply The wind blew with terrific fore en- 1 the Princess Al u . I - . Soc the examination of the e, ice. The - Pulpit was 11 ris with Mr. has. Proctor, for the : . pils was conducted by the teachers , I tirel-v obliterEting'the trac4i, so that our I draped in deep moitrning . . � I g and the choir I Reeveship. 0 the neighboring. schools, among � � 0 urder driver -was forceff to take the telegraph � sang� a funeral authem. I -The iqetliodist Church on the loth hom ivas Mr. H011dersoll, the teache high , poles as guide posts, and at times found -Cheese making has been carried on. line of Ashfield was xe-opened on last fo�f ­ -r � . r the comiliff year, in place of mlr. the 1 it -difficult to do even that. Imagine 11 to a large exteilt'in Elina durinc, the.. Sunday. On :� nday evening a -very ?-1) . . rn summer, with profit, to the farmers. - suce another section. Both teachers and Isv in I my feeling of relief, then, when, af T T110s. Ruston, who is about leavingfor c- ( i . M ter I s I I essful tea-ineeting was held at , c011- i 1113 trans -continental journev, I arrived ' There are,nine factories in the town- , which a numbeu of excellent addre'sses o be ' at . . I " ' - oilier visitors expressed themselves as a I , ship; the largest of which is that of ; and. choice musical selections were 14.1-ily pleased with the r6fl,cienev di,8- - -will I . - S.WRAMENTO, I i Elma joint stock cheese company, who ,! given. . -1 p ayed. by the pupils P - th( capital of California.. Here the air ' have received for their cheese this sea- I -Mr. Alex.' cKenzie, of Lochal branche�in ' in the various , ; � sh, which they were examined. New I wa3-asbalmyasintbeplea autestpartof son the laxge sum of $15,021.29. in the townshi of Ashfield, had his The examination rbflects great cr i s _ . � held I Caiadi-au spring. The temperature in � i I ellit � -At the close of the Public Exam.- I new house, whi(h was just 7 about 'Ora- `4011 Mr. Huston, who has evidently for I wii iter at S acrame to ranges from .31 ' � inardon of,the Mitchell High School, - worked hard for the welfare of the I . 12 I pleted, destroyed by fire, together with . be- to � 70 0, the lowest being Ou1V 1 0 below ' � the tools of'Mr. UcLeod, the carpenter, ' . b � . the pupils presented Yx. Sinclair, as- i and who leaves it with the well- azing point. The days were wairm � sistant teacher, who is about retiring i y The ^ eitv-%� fre 0 on Tuesda night, loth inat. 15"loo , I i from his position, with a handsome � cause of the fire is unknown, as it was the 'and agreeable, but the nighis foggy anc - % J 11 bei, of all with'whom. he has come 1 let during- his stay in this see-- ' I 1i 0 e - i A discovered til the building was ti�bn. I �. the coll. It took some time for in to aP i souvenir, consisting of three elegantly 1: cout I outh ,prE ciate the benefits of "cold Z� 'k I ' . I Works. Mr. : . hc- terms of a -nights I bo u-nd volumes of standarc i almost to the -- i� Sinclair is an earnest and faithful beach.: I -Mr. J. R. G� -ant, of Brussels, whose circular rec' 31r. Mol and double blankets, a Point in climate out "Oo- 1 -Irl cOmpliarice with t � 7 ently issued by Wat - I , was destroyed by fire a short W the members of the legal profession sday that old Californians boast of as it con.: i et, and Will be missed in his depart- , PrOPertY � ,the , duces to sleep. The nights in all parts , ment. 1 time ago, has en Jeted a suit -in Chan, throughout the Province, a meetingwas with 1 of Califorhia are cool, if iio� cold, the 1 -Joseph Carey, until a few months eeryt',against the Reliance M, utual Fire recently held in Goderich, in Mr. Gar- * � ian- I eul ire yeax. aa a resident of Logan, but later of i Insurance Com any, Of Toronto, that !cow's office, when, after discussing fully . es to The points of interest to me in Sac- '0 institution having refused to pay his sub ects referred to by 31r. Xbwat, , Mitchell, was killed on the market j 9 up , rax 3 ento, were its well Cultivated vine- .1 square, London, on Wednesday, last I ' . . claim in full. We don't prebend to t1i: ). the 1 yai ds in the suburbs, the enormous size , week. It seems that he was engaged in know the circumstances: of the case, but tliat the Judges be empowerld to trans - I off of the vegetables exhibited in *the naar- ; unloading a number o' 1 we do -know that; litigation on the , an- ketE;, and the beautiful I f hogs from the Part for cases in the Division Court from Z _gardens and 'wagon of Mr. Brooks, of Metcalfe, at I of insurance comparies is not a healthy one Division to another; -that is to say, ' I . Insurauc . 5 that that if an action is broughbi Rin- Fair Ground; the orange trees loaded the weigh scales. when by some means , indication e cornpamef r re- wit fruit (ieft on long &fte . nthe wrong I they are the horses made'a sudden plunge and make a prVxtice of settling claims by division the Judge may have power I � tau- ripe as an ornament) ; the acacias in, law,geniAll�r My themselves open to t' - - threw him off the front portion of the . . � � iansfer the case to the Di i "' , - - - 44 ( " ( I I I I I I I I ' t' h(. I t1i I . I a,_ suspicion. 0 . . proper i lEmt iiial- bloom, the fig trees, and �% variety of wagon underneath the wfieels, and Parties in that section in- 0: art, without the plaintiff ordefen( tho palin, with many other� trees not seen ad direc I ured e Co�npa;2y would h4viDg to pay the fees the Becond time. I l0wing the lo to pass bly , over s in th Reliance � . , . . : . . � � . - - I I . . . . I . . I . I . I . I . . - . 1� � I I I - I , -. I � - . �. . - -- - � ­ - i � I � � 1. � Ad . - I --- I . — - - . ; �, ; . . - . . . I . -I ! � . i I I . i . 1 .7 . .� I , I . ! . I I . I � I � � I . i . I . I � . I i I 11, i . . . L . I I - � " :� ; I . � I , . I ; . i . � . I i . I i I I � . ! i - i j I i . � �- ! 1 1 � i . - I I . � � ; : ,� - i I � I t r � : . � ; , . . I � 4 I - ,-. ­ . ; �-- 1-- . - . - I �- "! � � . � I - � ; ­ � - . . � I � - . - - � I . . .. I 11 � I .- I . � 11. . 2-4 ; I . � . I I I - i , . - . . . � - 11 . � P � i � ; I -i i - � . - �: I I � A t :; I �� V i . . aent. i � 1. 1. .. �. I � . . I i . '� ; , , � I I ' - i . . i � 7 I .-1. I I - : - - - �. I ­ I I I I .1 . . . v � . . - 11 � - . . � - I - �, z � . i - . : . I r I � E , I - . � . . . I i . - � � � . - - * � . � ­�.,N&A - :) . _-01 - e- 1 llu- I R., -Tn f *-zS,M-1.-- t � -1 ­ . � I — , -. ­-t- I I - i , . - - I - - I � 7 Oliver 3�01'0,at Pr,einder.. I Onti I . -U � I I ' ; I -. - I .* I eefing-Of h -m' cOnstitulow-, - . I ­ . I - I - in -tho Town Halb W -W I "Ora - I -on Thimsday ��� 1-2th De�. , ) . it *e -f�ct thit 1 I I � . - I only two aay� I I L � .1 . i � #aa*,))�n - *,e meeti!19 . I 191'"Tll . . � . tbIrol I I isoquentlY03dallyPersons . I 00 I ; h - rfte:4 # W18X-e UnInfO '�� - *. - Aiding i 'h� ' .� - ..'.1,1,96 ,goeadance,of f . � . I I . I I - t,66 � _7 tia ,electors I of woods k � 1 � I I . I - � - b � I Ox -for -a geneta'flyy the hall -� I , . i ndien I "Among t,40 a , ce ,we - �� I ; ..I i i ' i �i. .... numberl of laales. The � . I - � i ;1� a . � -jthroughou� "Were mark"ea -� , � .. . t order and goo(i feeliu& . I . �' - - with bim : &A. .gentleman "7,ying ­ ; . .--.. I I I 4- hearers� vh-o V qmpathy of 198 4 o, their feelings by fr,equ� -A,nd, I ..... - Nw. 11 - . bursts Of #PPI"80� .1 � - i . �� 3%yor 0- iv f � ooastock) pt,*! 1, i - , , cl� ad&tion to , Mr. xova4 �0. M � � " I -.-. . ­ ,e, 'M P! for N&fh OX, OR, i y I I � ; - I . � I 11as, Esq., President'i .0 . . I i . I � . � '0018tion- Rev. '%V- 'V .jliwm Am 1, - � �, ' . i . � . �� Saen.aud Rev. W. R. PaTker ow � . ; A - k . � -1 . , � - � � I - -- he platfOrM 05�U IDU t - - . � 1 - - ii - tr, . - - - irman) vi m oanraug , ,, ; 1: � - TbL,o Cha I 7 �� �. qwk-dr of - ihe eventrig, TOM i *ough -some people lAd lit.flefAith "" i : ­ .Poli I he was S111 . � VW -hes of . - . '�t im 'w� I ,- r ­Nut woul,� . agre6 v -n- h in h,d: - I - . . _ - .- -th.t � they -were fortu-uste in hi � I I - I *-their represents -Ove a thoroughly. , I . � , - - . M, IF - h - N i 401. pt ,ana wrigil"t I � (C- ept!,rs) - ; , ; , .. � � , iv , � , 48 , la 11"NiVA , n , ikey 118A heara t , P �) : � W, � , - 9 thathe would Awiver as to fh4l . . i . . — ��' - -1 ; �� I'll I and hisebileagues ha&Aoxroy! "I'll, .,�] vmia� he was sat , isfied., agree witp, � oat Mr. Mlowat w9s +,he right map i . i i i I - 0 1 1 -, aght place. (L w� Cheer&) i I . I r j 1 . J - MR. MOW&F, 81"tEcTf. � I . I I - i . I . Z I . � . . - v -r. � X` On eGming. forwardo H- in. X � . . , . who was receivea with ioud eheers�. , , - J.kitig the andlence, for th-0 � � . -�' 11' . . I C � ' . -atoonsideration VF I, ung and gre - - I I . ' . . - - � � . nivariably received. from hi* el . ; I - - 1� � ! : :I I ... faents said : - . . . � �.It is recognizea u� a fitting " ,A � I .1 . .9111 p x 'd5i - - presentative of the peolAe ih,014- � ifilme to time, ap. pear before his' ti I � . � . - - I iuents to give to them an aecount-! of' I � he had been doing us thdr represout - . it is fitting a.1so thtti he thouf# -N - � - � Z Afflotfgst them ou other ,occasionsi 11 odeavored to Aisdiarge this A�� , I . I I t ,exceedingly -'that I have ;�otl T� e. - � � t�l I , � U - - are f requently.1 � - In eto visk yon im . -. ! � ; 1� . I- % . -0 DOMNION AND 10CAL POLITAM' I . I .. . � . t� I During th-61sst goneril ele-011 * i , � , , .. , ' � . I hulthe pleasure �d -aAdi*sainirm 1) I . ��, - . meetings in North 0�fbrdo thOO . . . . � I % ��� . r I . iendeabut one inieetir* els ero.. i . ;;; � t inatters under,discussiou AM not �r6l 11 i ­ I ­ �� . r Provincial affairs; bmt was ; 1. I qUitew in My Unje 4 dUty L . ith . I . when3, I mquest of .my cawtiti4nts, I appoar. these ineetings. Opposition neiv-sp . ima -4srators are Pretending thai . , , I &nl :_r 7 w-ron in doingso. Thoy Ba'y '11n. I I � - . . "that , e too of te# -to xorth J01" . I i. : luid my visits -duAng Iltbe Dominion tions 9TI43 urged among the strenge,s I . - Jons why the confide4ce _f1f ,he P L � 1. � e0i I . ; ' ' . I Ontario �should be Withdrawn fr,oh ! . . , views i ti .. b happened that IMY , � Z I ..... . .talle4l National Nlicy. coincidea ., I i I - : .. - 'ne*s of -my coustituento. I �ya I i)� . � - I wid eheers,) Tho question. ' - I � . - . .; the pe4le, -;�hichever sido, wa"A�- I'd . . .. vegarA +10 * Was in- tile liew 4 ail I -10 Z : 4yestion on which the future, � . country greidly, depand's, The pr' --081' I I I � f Canada would, -b %�-niversal a4m, ,a i 7 � be affectecl one. way -or aw -other *10 I I � � - conel . inionthepep�I,P. shouM firam-, I INTiEfftESTED A,S A CITI 11 9114 - . - I i � . i it ww In such a case I 'hold that L � fitting forme as A � duz-On -of ontm 7 : . � ) �i� Zne i�:terested .m'-- its wall-bein . a 11 I � � . � I . Oihf before'my. conistiturn I i the pUr. . ' i - I pose of expre.ssimg ml.y *ie, - . � i great pub.hic q�uesdbnt. 1H -r he� I I I . . � Is quite true � t1hat the I "I'le - � Loe'..al. 374erl: . � 'Ought to be independent Of th� I)OP G`6-vernment - but thor ugh the -I W-01 0 - - I . ments may be wholly. u . . . . . . 0 .... � ael .111, - . . . 1- ­ ; nil there is no reason -why the � ! � - either j3hould not take a 1i I � intel Z - im . portaut coneerns with whWh thp-� Zot have officially to I do� ( . I - �r - 3 � , Ith. I I � becovilmV representative of. r . � . ple in ti ; - rovincial msem-1 Ayt� 1 -4 1 . I;i taking the poBifion of Premier1of I ! �- I Government, I Aid not .. ��� � -, 1 thi � . �� ; 1-4t,h+ ,�, I .11 J7 . . . . . . . I ght . '� ;,a I I - 3nid C0n8titUti10nU1.righ.t --w � - ­ I I -�, � ;; r , individual possessm to " R W A , � V I . ­ - . Aunity ofiered In- all ..... .... :::: I r's i 1. +.&� tereSt. - The p-,-Z,-e-op"11an ja , � -, I � 11 . 1 4 - . r - , . " 4ared that in this -country th4re�: -at . . - - no connection I i etween A re4au& I i Does this debar an - officer - 11 t4e i from taking publie Pairt in I � 9-9 . . � � 4 1- - , a - I , *��--UA-Aa � his Church? Does my. pos . 21 State forbid my Utte'ndiing Chui�h' ings� t . � 0 ffiwass thire qmstions = w � . . may feel an iptereot I There ' , no i . , � frnrm-n 1 �7 . - 11 ,w y I shouldabstain from- � I - 'he I , 1:1 Well, . rs relating to, t1be ' , ! . , � e Dowl-n-lion. Bbt no OdY fniAki t Incoggruit; . abo;ut'th is really, any-, 'i . t 'ter, -and the Ojection is only �Bet 1, I I it f4ael 64 f I cause those who make � Up solid reason whythe peoile of -k i should withhold from -my =6011eAgu Tayself in the f nture that �onfideaiee � I they have exte-niled to us in th� P . - . - our.. C'0-N,,;1U,XUT1,0,-N,A,1, *-A�SIVV I I . � . It i5 -now ni-ore thwi 4- even Yt= Ut , fi,ulial 13yu4 �Z -;Iti ourpreBent comtit . I �, �abhahud. That event was one! 4' � w . - I . 111'Portance' to ou?r countin =4 n - I triumph to those whase persevenng � broAiihit it al)(,)tit. Other gre-at , .. � i had been fought wia other great v W been won in the. interests of � t � Ple 1Df CAnada before -that th'.110. -4 i � .. I taining Of Tea.poudble gove=%L,�,) fteulaxization of th i ,rilergy t�--Jrj �88tablishment of *mmukipal [ utti (In spite 'of the chuge inscle 11 � that they would be mere " A cl � . . . imblics ") were the results, ,of and long struggles', anil all viere IV I -Of great vpdlue ; but not lelm. d4ffit I - Im ell t than t-hese;-wua thi I - -50 �a!l­ - - ­ —2.a,401 , eiat+ , - iI .� - - I I I - � -� . � I : i , - I , - 11 t I I � I � � -- I . -1 - I I - ��. . . - � - ., . -111.1 - . � t—