The Huron Expositor, 1878-12-27, Page 31878. FZS. • two ondeav- :tt Arnaakea ktuP; ora-org, • also its vore2i me with a'oTy to these ' sted tit it.the i Ririe Wttelsa‘ nimea eau:6d), v name Iowa. hr raiSreprer; oett Wile* Wilt not t. it 14 weiLkin sstit attention , a Mr. 13:coa :taros ail! ,na .:10hat Dry. ;y ttotarie. W end clook -hut anS not: • Davitisan Wintoy,titubs. 4 thitaxtio, U1 happy "3 ale.) dittos- Agrioulture, • 5. 16,76` f the .3.rittkakta, 11 YO41 that we exoes•iteleskma :rid. Lr your tito a a; :at c routry as .'ll•ore la great bu.: the tad, aud. mare .ose or Rice s foe Goose b equally • exoertence L o elite •,•• Grady y hers animal r: toeVL 131uW varieties e 1v, riatities refer - !11$ pri;:t! atatioo. tale- •-aLei:, out re- salilittoral L. STOOK. tilit*nt,:te!T by hv Public ort Thins Ork A. M. tae lenge- ft jucx ; .3; 9 heiter ;.1 ewe ; ; 1 p tir bob- ; 1 tan - tont, bars ioe; itquart- !r of line saw q,iaririty of Ti rtl!qa.a, !set of the weat • eautaining -ation toad go al a et houae, and Young orchard (.rirt 141 *With- etlavertiont to ,Iti4 of ;:;I:j. Dna -riunth cre•lit ad joint notett. 1'owel. for coash 2, will be eitah. :Let the day or 111, Prom later. 516 ALE TowN ! St I tutted by the .o-fion, at Kil- 1)Y, DA:C1.11- ,, that vabiab:e Lc iedon R -ad, oetinld. Tnere teen aid in it ere to ;trine - way, unit with - it and Clinton, here is a gaol 1.1141 t}t..1:r oat- enl plenty et ;e1t, mil 33 say allowed to army of Huron. , lase in >Ivey on tth turtith, awl ,enit purehaser, La-eitt. ti per Proprietor. [1-Attikaik, :REAL. rsideor ; *Coos. !Rural% J ntoe .r; Guo. Burns ,3Ptailla rap in • bus:au:al w ill Et MIMI te atui tea it La also been here depostta nowarda, and 41 all otneeis of and the Federal --The Allianee tonal Blank. ot tt Bank. inve„le to II. IC Kin, Mautger 0 of the Elea -fora( be held, par -m- en Lily of De- Towa flail, Lain.; A Reeve, serve in Ana ShOnla pa opaned itt _ • Sob-Divittiell I: utthron. Sob Dalisioir 'Ilea in -ler Ales r 4s:er. licturnin-r .1.11 House No. tat. Otteor ; o .0 N. la. -1 • -r zloint- Leon el 'nig at Li tnruzu )al i-.76 . 7. F. J.ERS -AND!. ra of all, these a de:snouted to fieof (wt., " not f, glowing rateit: Lsand ; 14 toot . lei !" Liver 4,000 you d as 1.1 be chargad rotia costumers _arta a. euntinn- -11 OM PSON. Ilia, 'Ale WHO*. -in for the above ,nt day of Feb. ry ordered ' 1 "A,Afire their -heat WBFI grown t from. 211 16-0 . All orders by , Winthrop P.0. DE.CEWIBER '27, 17S. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. - Dick, a Street Boy. Dick was a tall, thin, starved:looking boy, with, a little jacket, the sleeves of which crept half way up his arms, and a hat that was nothing but a brim ;. and when she first saw him: he was eating s, crust from. a gutter. She was only a, poor old woman, who kept a, little shop for candy and trimmings, and poor enougb. herself; but as she said, he looked a little like what her Tom might have been if he had grown up aud been neglected, and she couldn't stand it. She called. to him: "Come here, sonny," said she; and the boy eame. Before she could speak, n't do it. Pll take my oath on, anything I didn't ,do it." "Didn't do what ?)' said the old wo- plaDi "Break your window," said the boy. "Why I broke that myself with my shattor last night," said tie old wo- man.I ana not strong enough to lift 11 'm about here when you shut up, come and do it for you," said the boy. "What was it that you want- ' ed me for ?" "I wanted to know -What you ate that dry crust out of the gutter for," said she. " Efungry," Said he; "I've •tried to geta job all daY. I'm going to sleep -in, an area over there after it gets too dark for the policeman to see, and you 'can't have a good night's sleep without some shawl, and taken her by the was hurrying her off. "The wretch !" Mrs. Jones said. "I'm glad he is cau4t. You'll get your inokey back." And led Mrs. Briggs along -poor Mrs. Briggs, whe cried !all the way,and cared nothing for the money 1 And soon they were -at the police station, and then, and not before, the policeman said to the two women: FIe's pretty bad," he -said. " They'll take him to the hospital in an hour. I suppose you're prepared for that. He's nearly beaten to death, you know." "Did you beat him,you cruel wreteli?" said Mrs. Briggs. "1 wouldn't had that done for twice the •money." "1 beat him !" saidthe man. "Well, women have the stupidist heads. Why if I hadn't got up when I did, he'd have been dead. He held the bag of money tight, and the thief was pummeling him with a loaded stick ; and the pluck he had for a little shaver -I tell yon, I never saw, the like. You shan't take granny's money from her!' says he, and fought like a little tiger. If it's your money, old lady, he's given. his life for it, for all I know." Then old Mrs. Briggs clapped her hands and cried : " Oh, Dick! Dick.! I knew you were good. I must have been crazy to doubt you!" And then she wrung her hands aaad cried, " Oh, Dick! for just a paltry. bit of money !" supper. And so she knelt beside the pale face " give you some that's cleaner," upon the pillow, and kissed it, and -0 • called it tender names. said. the old woman. "That will be begging," said he. And Dick, never guessing her suspi- "No," said she; you can sweep the cions of him, whispered: arm and shop and the pa,vern.ent, and put up. the " I was afraid he'd get off with it if hai:Ahings, shutters for it." killed me, granny, and you in such'ulate t " Very well," said he " Thankee hopes last night." - and ea then. If I sweep first I'll feel bet- He did not know what she meant by and av ter." begging him to forgive her. It would out. She brought him a broom, and he did 1:! -ave killed him if he ?ad, for he . was avoide near death. his work well. Afterward.s he ate his very ating ca I knew it The fac is, I never could b infernal thing mysel.t But ed to enjoy it, so I didia you." He la back on the pillow moments, ea if thinking d then, siting bolt upright, h his fist d wn upon the quilt an ed sava ely ".If e er Mormonism wor East as this, I'll have Clie care of y shirts ?"-" cago Tr bune. . Anot comes It was last we -leading hand, e the god riage. While t emony groom envelop Borrow "would many t fly' goo been se or' Beide in the the pan paper t That Fee. - er story of a mean b om Wilkesbarrel Pen n one of the stornay e k that • a smooth-vo serious -looking wo tered the parsonage minister to anite the othing loath, he • e storm raged vvitho as concluded, and laced in the Pastor' in settlement for hi ng umbrella, return in half an h anks he bade the tru night; since when n n of the genial man, s-rooking bride. Th idet of his househo age. and found a, strip o loiy four inches in s • 4 Ever ant con have g little r ,- , pleasa supper with a relish. • That night he -But Dick did not die-. , He- got well slept, not in .the area, but under thead. at last, and: came baek to the little When Bible,. n shop; and though Granny Briggs had . woman's -counter. ..I., . of who He told- her his Story. - His name' her savings„ she never went to the a good was.Diek; he was 12 years old, and his home ; 'for long before she died Dick interco father, whom he' had never seen sae was a prosperous merehant in the city, .tite an ben. was in prison for killing hes and his home was hers, and, she was . apiaits. mother. ., • very happy in it. -The Chatterbox. The- next morning the old woman en- - • A shor Vehesil, t e 1 gaged a clerk for her steal" establish- Anecdotes of Horace - Greeley. ineut.. The terms were • simple-" his • The eccentric old gentleman and nasa living and abed -under the counter. self rarely came in contact to any gr -eat Ronald:1 were shocked. A • street boy -a boy be near enough to notice his peculiati- g c a gm a:a:1,04 When theneighbors h,earcl of it they extent, because whenever I chance to whom no one knew ! Did Mrs. 13-riggs ties, he was -usually so utterly-atigrossed Mothers really wish, to be murdered in her bed? iu whate-ver he chanced to be .doing their n ha,d, sa much time now that she -was ingS. But I can remember oue incident But Mrs, 'Briggs felt quite side. She that he was oblivious to all surround- gthiihe.eliv,t ping to take in sewing.- Dick attend- which, although rather. embarrassing at of healt ed to the shop altogether. -He kept it. the time, has furnished -food for many. ahieh in males, iv in fine order and increased the busi- a. hearty laugh since then. I .was just ness. Pennies came in as they never Ong through the door which'. led into came in before, since he had painted the big back ram of the Tribune office I sions iu red mud blue iiik to. the effect one day', when slap bang ! I collided ? , th°at the real old sugar candy was to b -e with sornebedy. And that wasn't th,e got there, and that -this was thesplace worst - of . it. The souiebody alluded to for ants. . hadi stepped upon my foot, and almost - • And in the evening after the shop gronnd into sausage meat a part of that was shut up„ the old lady began to take -inethber; which Contained upon its sur- Isina into her confidence. The clreaeria face a particularly violent and aggres- of her life was to buy herself into t,0a sive corn. It was an sagoniting mo - home for the aged. It wonIcl cost Isei.; I anent, and -in the pain, which -fairly £100. • She was saving for it. - She ha • doubled me up for an instant, -I -----yes, saved three years, and ° had £15 of it. 11 swore roundly, in good set terms, as But it cost so nauch to live, with tea so W. Shakespeare would observe. .- When dear and loaves so small ; and she had. I straightened. up you may imagine my been. sick, and there was the doctor, hornet. to see thatthe persbia I had been I and Mrs. Jones' Martha Jane to be paid anathematizing was none - other than far minding the shop.: After this Dick Mr. Greeley, Leonid' have sunk -through the floor with inortification, and I stood there waiting in a sort of dazed- for the volley of profanity which I felt sure would come. But it didn't: The old gentlem,an settled himself back., adjust- ed his- spectacles Upon his nose,. and, with a broad grin upon his face; address- ed me thus : . "That's right, bub. If it -hurts You, awe r, yea; swear; I would, 115 . T - tinu 1 1 took the nfreatest interest in the sav- ings, and. the winter months increased tliem as though he had brought abless- e One night ia spring they took the bag from under her 'sinew, and counted what it held. It was E30. " And I'll begin. to make kites to -morrow, Mrs. Briggs," said the boy, "and yon'll see the custom they will briug. If a little sh.aver sees the kites, he'll spend all he has on them, and then coax his mother en he paused a moment, and con - for more." Inman nature is human. .nature, "You're a °lever boy yourself," said bub; and if it does you any good, just the old woman:, and'patted his hand. • d -n inc again ! There's nothing like it. It was a. plumper hand than it had Balm of Gilead is nowhere." been when it had picked the .crust from - And he patted. me _kindly on the the gutter, and he \vista clean, whole shoulder and passed on. garment's:, -though they were very But 'cm° of the best stories I ever t coarse. . " How wrong the neighbors were!" she said ; " that boy is the comfort of my life." , So she went to bed with her treasure under her pillow, and slept. Fanan itt the night she woke. The room was quite dark -there was not a ray of light—but she hears a step on the floor. " Who is there ?'' she cried. heard of him was told. the other day by Santuel Sinclair, who, during the latter par of Mr. G-reeley's life, was the busi- nesd manager of the Tribune. One wius ter Mrs. Greeley went to the West In- dies for her health, and the following spring she sent for her husband to come after her and bring her home to New York. Now, if there was one thing the old man hated, it was the sea. The very- smell of salt water made him sick. But nevertheless he obeyed. hs -wife's There was no answer,: but she felt call, as he was accustomed teasbey her that some o•ne was lea -eine over her every -whim. In due time they got bed. Then a hand clasped °her throat and held her down, and dragged out the bag of money, and she was released. Half suffocated, she for a moment found laerseif Motionless and- bewilder - beak to Gotham, and that morningeMt. Sinclair received word that Greeley -was not well, 'owing -to his voyage, and had decided. to stay at home for the day. ed, conscious only of a draught of air To the eve•ning Sinclair was going_ to from au open door, and of so.me strange Washington on business, and so, valise noises. inland, he called at Greeley's house She herrted into theShop. an hour or two before the train was to "Dick! Dick!" she' "Dick start., He found. the old man bed, " and actually very having Suffered. Dick ! Hein ! Wake up !- I'M robbed I Rut there was n� answer ; the door into the.street was Wide open ; and by the mooulight that poured through it . she saw, as she peered under the coun- ters that -Dick's .bed was empty. The boy was gone.. Gone!„ gone! that was worse to poor Granny Brigs than. even the loss of the money ; fOr she had trusted him, .and he had deceived her.- She had loved hien an he had abused her love. The naiohboiel Were right; she wag' a: fool -to trust a strange street boy, and had been setved rightly when he had , ous a "1'm as naked as the robbed her. -• • dayrI was born.. My trunks haven't ar- -1\len-the dawn broke the wise neigh- . rived. yet, and I haven't got . a night - hors came into poor Granny's shop to • gown." find her crying and. rocking to anal fro; • " But why not wear this ?" pointing 0 and they told her they had told her so, to the garment he.liad. taken off - before and she only -shook her head. The getting into bed. "01, I expect to be out to -morrow, 1 1 -want that to wear then. How the 'blazes would. it look after I'd slept iu it.'" • a • all he had come to be the only thing 'Siren., in due time his higgaee arrived she loved, and. Dick had robbed her ! - It Was ten o'clock. Granny sat moanine by the empty hearth, Good- natured' Mrs. Jones • from iipstaire. was " seeing to things," and trying to cheer her up,. when, suddenly, there .came a rap at the door,and a policeman looked in, "Mrs. Briggs," he said. " Here she is," said Mrs. Jones. "Some one wants to see- you at head- quarters," said. thopolicenaan. " Thsre's a boy there and some money." Dick!" eided Mrs. Briggs. "Oh, I can't bear to look at him !" But Mrs. Jones had already tied on her bonnet, and wrapped her in her terribly frOrn sea -sickness all the way out and all the way back. He was alone, the other members of the family being either ill or away -from home,, and so Sinclair deternained to pass the night. with .14m, giving up for that time his trip to: the capital. Pres'ently Greeley :waisted his back rubbed; and the bal- promptu nurse was sonaewhat surprised, that his patient hadu't a stitch of cloth-. ing loll his pers.on, barring the sheets and quilts. " Siuclair," said • he, in that querul- wouldn't. •tton the on !sieem- [t disturb or a few. ply, and brought exclaim- s as far to, take 1" in, Chi- 'degroom sylva,nia. enings of ed man, an by the •d asked n in mar-. °replied. t the cer- he laland hand an services. hieh he ur," with ting fam- thin-g has umbrella, minister, d, opened of white e. irth at Meal --Tin body should plan to 1 ave pleas- ersation at the table,j at as they d food. A ttle sto -telliug, p, ading, it m sabe of' humorous needotes, et o ten stim- e joyous ele ents of the mind se at to met vigoro sly. Try id going to' the tab all tired et all trou14esome opics be . Think nd say omething t. Cultivate mirth, nd laugh nything witty is sai . If pos- ver eat slim Invit a friend you are fo cl, and ry to have ime. Friendship an friendly rse at the table whet the appe- • promote the flaw of animal ' . time ago a young lad was laying about naden in ,Toron o, when, b some care - e got his foot scvereiy inj ired-indeed, as almosttorn off. All th wealth of a could not haye •aved that oot from am - in itself , but tl e timely pplication • of t Y011OW Oil 'removed the •sin as if • by 4its further use effected a omplete cure. hook]. use Fre an's Worm Powders for dren.". . _• 556-52 rage duration of life th oughout the iirty-three years And in rder to attain any are compel ed to prop ise the laws with the utmoat care, p ticularly le - o are subject. to so many •omplaints to es are not subjt et, aud f� which Vic- TOILit EUCHU AND Uva URSI is only great • remedy, and if used in time would preyent dia- betes, Br ght's Disease, and all derail ,ements of the urinary organs. Old people especia y will derive great be iefit from the U80 of this mc tlielne. Free- man's Worm Powders are it certain iecific against worms, if given in time. 556-52 shop took care of itself that day. Life had, lost its interest for her. Her oc- cupation was gone," but not with her -savings. INIonev was but Money after and Sinclair made a bolt for the article he wanted. After some rummaging he found it, and helped the -old man put it on. It was speedily fastened at the neckand. the nurse took up one' of the wrists and tried to button it.- There. however, he stuck fast. Te cuffs wouldn't meet by fully two inc es. He tugged and twisted to his ut ost, but it was no go. Still, as the pat ent said I nothine he supposed it ought o be sfas- tened, and redoubled his eijforts • for that purpose. For ishaut twenty inin- utes he labored without success. Then he said: "This is a failure. It won't fasten." "No," replied. Greeley, with exasper- THE CANADI N BANK OF COM ERCE. HEAD OFF1C',E, ORONTO. Paid op Capital, Kest, - - - - ,004,000. , 00,000. DIRECTORS. HON.' VILLIAM MCMASTER, President. HON. DAM Man, Vice -Pre ident. Noah B rnhart, Esq. -James Michi , Esq. William lliott. Esq. T. Sutherlan Stayner, Eaq. George' aylor, Esq.% John J. Ara n, Esq. A. It. McMaster, Esq. W. N. A 'DERSON, General Mena en JOHN ROBERTS N Inspector. 1 NEW 0 11..-J. G. Harper, and J H. Goadby, Agents. • CHICA G. Orchakl, Agent. BRANCHES. Barrie, Bellevill „ Brantfor Chatha , Collingw od, Dundas, DunvWe Goderich Guelph, Hamilton, London, Liman, 'Montreal, Orangeville, Ottawa, Parts, Peterboro, St. Catharines, Sarnia. Comm •rola! Credits issubd for us the ERB and West Indies, C in South Ai erioa. Sterling and American Bache sold. Collect one made on the moat fa Iptere t allowed on deposits. HANKERS. New Y irk -The American Rah Bank. Londo , England -The Bank of • AFORTH BRA 11 AYES, - - Simeoe, Stratford, Strathroy, Seaforth, Thorold, Toronto, Walkerton, Windsor, Woodatock, in Europe, , Japan, and bought and rabl e terms. ge National cotland. CH. A.NAGER. PAIR Why g wh for any He 0 Whic T2a A NIZE HOME IND abroad for your. you, can get as yoll,r 9)7,one? in II other Tow; Ga2 NEY FAIR 11 now on hand 1=t 1NT ETERY D Splendid SCRIP he will ell at Suit th Tim N.DER IN AIL 1TS BRAOHEIS LY ATTENDED I Also a First-Clas4 Whieh =11' Contr taken o nished i will furnish for FUNE sonablc tcrms. LTILL I1' eta for Buildbts of ere most reasonab e terms. desired. Bemei.ber the Hensel] Furnitin taking 2stablishruent. 576 S. FAI GR AT AUaTIO 110118E q, CUTTERS, BI-GGIE, IGHS PLOWS, HARNE MACHINE, HORSE r articles, at th _ STR I ES urniture od Value sail as i.27, da. AIRN took of ION, . rices to NG. PROMPT- S). Hecirse, ALS on rea- s_ description Material fur - and Under - BAIRN. SALE •s IN oth do MERCIAL SEAFO TH, on -- SATURDAY, DE EMB Connmei cing at 1 &aloe, P. M. tend an get bargains. 676-1 1' WAGONS, 8, THRESII- OWER, and °TEE, 28, 1878, e sine you at, . BRINEir. Auctioneer. • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. pROPERTY FOR SALE. ---For Sale-, that con- venient and desirable redenee on the earner 13f High and Market a treets, lately occupied by Dr. Verooe. Apply to DR. VERCOE. 489 SALE. -For Sale a first class Planing 1 Mill, neerly new and in good rn.nrung order, ntutated in the flourishing Town of Seaforth, Will be sold cheap, Terms easy. Enquire of SECORD, COSSENS & CO., C-ioderich, Ont. VIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, 4*--* 7orth part of Lot 16, Con. 13, Hullett, 50 icres, 40 cleared, good house and outbuildings, young bearing orchard and good well. Apply to she proprietor on the premises, or to Londesboro ' P. 0. NICHOLAS 574 VARM FOR SAT:Ph-For Sale, Lot No. 5, Bay- -A: field Concession, Goderich Township, con- iaining 85 acres, 50 rd . -which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The farm is adjoining Ale village of Bayfield, and will.be sold cheap and 3n favorable terms. Apply to the proprietor, JOHN GOVENLOCK. 524 (113.EAP. FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 29, Conces sion A, Township of Howiek, adjoining the Corporation of the Village of Wroxeter, contain- ing 92 acres, 50 acres. cleared; frame house and frame barn; also log house and orchard; land good, for the small sum of $2,600; cheapest farm -for sale in the County Of Huron. Apply to W. G. HAY, Listowel. Ont. 568 VARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Went half of Lot 9, Con. 9, Hullett, containing 50 acres, 40 acres are well cleared, without stumps, and in e good state of etiltivation, being well anderdrain- ed • on the premises there is a new 1 rame house, 22;62, frame barn and two frame stables, also a good bearing orchard and never -failing well with pump. Considerable fall plowing done; also fall wheat sown. Apply to DAVID HILL, on the pretniaes, or to Constanee P. 0. 573-111. ESTRAY STOCK. V STRAY. --Came into the premises of the sub- , -1-:' scriber on Lot 3, Con. 7, Hallett, about the 22nd -of November, a year old steer, all white. The owner may have him by paying expenses and proving property. JOHN A. SNELL. 5761'4 V STR-A- Y HEIFEE.-Came into the premises of -IL: the undersigned, Lot 28, Con, 2, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, a red and white yearling Heifer. I he owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take her away. : WM. ROBB. 576-4 V STRAY LAMB. -Came into the -premises of -A-1 the undersigned, Lot 10, Con. 13, McKillop, about the 16115 of September, a small ewe lamb. IThe owner can have the same by proving prop- erty and paying charges. WILLIAM CAM- ERON. . 576-4 WSTRAY STEER. -Came into the premises of j-' the undersigned, Lot 35; Con. 3, McKillop, about the first of November, a year old red and white steer. The owner can have the same on proving property and paying charges. JAMES DAVIDSON. 576x4 'STRAY STEERS. -Came into the premises -Ali of the undersigned, Lot 26, Con. 11, McKillop, about the middle of November, two 2 -year old Steers. The owner is requested to prove prop- erty, pay charges and take the animals away. HENRY HART. 575x4 VSTRAY HEIFERS. -Came hat° the premises -11-4 of the undersigned. Lot 26,1Concession 1, Rib- bon, about the lst of October, two 3 earling Heii ers, both red and white. The owner can have the same on proving property and paying charges. THOMAS CARLIN.• 575x4 STRAY. CATTLE. -Came into the prom ises of -1-" the undersigned, Lot 14, Ba3 field Road, South, Stanley, about the 1st of Deaember, two Year- ling Cattle - a Steer and ; a heifer -both red. The owner can have the same ou proving prop- erty and paying charges. JAMES OAIIP BELL, Stanley. -675x4 _ -fi" STRAY CA.TTLE.-Canie into the premises -u4 of the undersigned, Lot 28, Con, 2, Hay, abont the 7th of December, two Yearling Cattle -Steer and Heifer. (Inc is red and white and the other is grey. The owner can have the same on prov- ing property and paying charges. - GILBERT DICK, Rippen. 5754 VSTRAY CALVES. -Came into the premises -f-' of the undersigned, Lot 15, Con. 2, Hay, about the first of November, three spring calves -1 light grey heifer, 1 red heifer and 1 red bull calf. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take Thera sway. WILLIAM DOLT - GALL. 57444 ESTRAY CA fTLE.--,Came into the premises of the undersigned Lot 14, Con, 10, Mc- llillop, on 'November 18, a- red and white steer, with white back, three years old. The owner can have the same by provi ug property and pay- ing charges. ANTHONY ! BOYD, Winthrop, Post Office. 574*4 - ESTIIAY CATTI11 ;.-Came into the premises of the undersigned Lot 13, Coneeesion 10, ; McKillop, about thelast of November, 4 yearling heifers, and one yearling steer, also one two year riild/ steer. One of the heifers is black and whire and the 2 year old steer is red and white. The owner is requested to prove property pay charge ti and take thein away. W31.. HOLMES, 'Winthrop.• 574'04 ESTRAY• STEER. -Strayed fruni the premises of the badersigned Let 15, Concession 14, MeKillop, about the first of Juno, a red two-year old steer. A largo white star on forehead and a white spot on the nose, and tip of tail white, with a stag head. Any person giving such in- formation au will lead to the recovery of the above animal svill be suitably rewarded. JAMES CAMPBELL,Jr., Walton P. 0. • 574 , . STOCK FOR SERVICE. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. - My Pig, -A." Young Dennis,"will be at Weir's Hotel, Sea - forth, for service during the season. Terms, $1 per sow. RICHARD BARTEL 575 4 rile PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned -will -I- keep during the present season, on Lot 22, Con. 4, kieKillop, a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. Terms, $1, to be paid at the time of ser- vice, with the privilege of returning if necessary. WM. HENDERSON, Proprietor. •575-4 TO PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep during (Inc present season, on Lot 1, Con. 9, Bullett, a thoroughbred Suffolk Boar Terms, $1 for the season. to be paid at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. WM. COWAN, Proprietor. 674x4 NOTICE TO PID BREEDERS. The under- -A-1 signed will keep during the present season, on Lot 27, -Con. 5, L. 11. S., Tnekersmith, a Thoroughbred Suffolk Boar. Terms, $1, payable at the time of sea -vice, with the privilege of re- turning if necessary. WILLIAM ROUAT, Pro- prietor. 576x4 TP10BRIIEDERS.-The undersigned will -A- keep during the preseut season, on Lot 18, Con. 2,'L. R. S., Tuckeramith, about a rnile and a half from Kippen, two Thoroughbred Boars, one a Berksbire and the other a Suffolk, both from Imported Stock. Terms, $1, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN WORKMAN. . 576x4 TO PIG BRE HIDERS. -The undersigned will keep for the improvement of stock daring the present season; on Lot 2, Con. 10, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, a Thorough Bred Suffolk Boar. This pig took the first prize at Seaforth, and is one of the best in the county. TERMS. -One dollar, to be paid at the time of aervica, with the privilege of returning if necessary. ADEXA.N- DER YULE, 5'72 TO PIG DREEDERS.-The undersigned will keep during the p'reserit season, at his prem- ises, Lot 11, Concession 3, L. R. S., Tucker. smith, one mile south of Egmondville, aThoro'- Brod • . '11'animal was 'sired b a pi4 imported from the Old Country, and for which the sem of $750 was paid. His dam was also imported. Ile is one of the best at present in the County of Huron, _having teken first prizes at the County and all the other show. Terms, $1, to be paid at the time of service. J. H. CARTEL Proprietor. 570 AUCTION §ALES. FARM FOR SALE. -Lot No. 17, in f he 7th Concestion of Iluilett, will be offered for sale by Public auction at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Saturday January 11, 1879, at 2 o'clock P.M., by .Mr. joserh P. Brine, Auction- eer. The firm, containa "100 acres of land, 80 of which are cleared and ander cultivation,'the • . balance is hardwood bush. There are a 'log ; house, log stable, and a spring oreek on the lot. ; Immediate possession, Title perfect. A large • porti on of the riurchase money will be alloaved to remain on mortgage on the lot. Further par- ticulars, teens and el nditiona of sale may be ob- tained upon application to the Auctioneer, or to McCAUGHEY & HOLMESTEAD, Solicitors, Seaforth. 576-4 • HOLIDAY I PRESENTS I . HOLIDAY PRESENTS. I HOLIDAY 1 PRESENTS THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF poops SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEA1RS PRESENTS IS TO, BE HAD AT C. W. PAPST'S 600K STORE, IN CARDNO'S .BLOCK. PARTiES INTENDING TO BUY WOULD DO WELL TO • 7 CALL, EXAMINE, AND COMPARE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. PRICES BEFORE A VERY FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS CARDS, BIRTHDAY CARDS, SATCHELS, AND BOOK MARKERS. 0. W. PA PST, CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTII. D. D. ROSE, FAMI,LY CJR0QER, 1_7:1A-PCDIR,T Ilas Pleasurn announcing to his Fri nds and Cus- tomers that every Department is full stocked with First -Claes Goods. Hundreds of F milies testify to the value given at Rose's Grocery in the past, and 76e looks forward to the future with, ev ry confidence. IVO Prices quoted. Come and see, al • be convinced of the advantages offered. To trouble to show Goods and give samples. Flour, Corn, °atm. at, Buckwheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Hominy, &c., lways kept in. A Stock. D. D. ' ROSE, ASeaforth. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SPI IT MERCHANTS. • JAMES McGUFFIE & CO. SEAFORTH BEG: TO INFOB,M THE PUBLIC OF SEA.FORT AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY THAT THEY HAVE LEANED THOSE EXTENSIVE PREMISES IN S ARK'S BLOCK, Main Street Seaforth, where they intend carryin on the business of • WINE AND SPIRIT MER HANTS. They have Received a LARGE and FIRST-CLA S Stock of LIQU,ORS, - which have all been. Bought at the LOW.ES.1 iiisH PRICES, So that they will be able to supply their customers witl the •Genuine Article at a Moderate Rate. The Store will be under the Management of Mr. 11. b. MALCOLMSON, lately, -with Messrs. Killoran & Ryan, and we trust to have a visit from our friends be- fore the C;hristmas Holidays. Hotel Keepers who may favor uS with their custom will meet with Special Inducements. JAMES McGUFFIE Co., Seaforth'. HARRY MITCHELL'S B9OK STORE MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. A Merry, Happy Christmus; I'll wish you all today; My harvest is now coming, Theo I've no time to say ' A Merry, Merry Christmas, I wish you all, I'm -sure ; A Happy, Happy New Year, To the rich arid the poor. T.L' Ft PLY0 I-11-3.IS Just come, look in my window, And see fresh fish just caught, -Your children often told. you What nice goods Harry's got. My sh p is full from doorway, • Up o the highest shelf, Come n and buy a band sleigh, Andi see how 'tis yourself. Toys and Fancy Goods—a Grand Thsplay. Nov lam, Sewing Machines, Organs, Berlin Wools, &c., at Harry _3/lite/toll's, Stark's Block. THE GODERICH F UNDRY_ Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel and Saw Mandrel. $225 Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel ana Pulleys Complete 225 Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel, Pulleys and Gove ors 275 Second hand 12 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel, Pulleys and Gove ors 200 I Second hand 16 horse Portable Boiler, with Sinoke Stack.... .... ... ' . ... . . ... . . . ... .... : 22500°_ A Hoisting or Boat Engine, with Hoisting Gear • Second hand 16 Horse Portable Boiler, with, Smoke Stack. . t ! • 150 Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack. . 225 Second hand 30 horse Portable Tubular Heiler, with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Bars, Steana Gunge, Guage and Safety Valves, all in Good Order. • I' ' . 450 Secondhand Shingle and Heading Machine Heading Jointer • r Heading Planer Heading Tarner. .; 70 Stave Machine, with Knife BUSINESS CHANCES. T_TALF IITEREST IN A SAW MILL FOR SALE.-Tne subscriber wishes to dispose of a half shareof the steam saw rnill of Bailey & Reading, Blaevale. The Mill is situated conve- nient to thereilway station of the Great West- ern Railway, and is admirably fitted for it lumber and shingle business. This is an excellent op- portunity for a person wishing to invest. For fuller particulars apply to JOHN MESSER, Bluevale P. O. • 569 • ..... • 90 40 50 .. 80 New Engines and Boilers on hand, also Blade to Order Very cheap, Mill Machinery for Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills. Middling Firifiers of Improved Kinds. I Implements. -Stoves of VILTiOUB Kinds.-Bepaiii on lioileria Mi1, &c., promptly Attended to. CODERICH FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. "NT=IR,_ I A. G. AULT HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Which will be sold at Great Bargains. Be solicits it callfrom all, feeling confident that both prices and quality of Goods will snit all who may favor him -with their patronage. Try his Green Tea, at, 60 cents per pound • try his Black Tea at 50 cente per pound • try hie Japan Tea st 50 cents per pound -you will fizi'd them the best in town for the money, also . 4 pounds of Green Tea for :$1. 20 poun s of Rice for $1. . 5 gallons best Coal Oil for $L 20 poun s of Pot Barley for $1. 20 pound.s of Currants for $1. 20 bars f good Soap for $1. 13 poll's of good Sugar for $1. • 16 pounds of Raisins for $1. Bilking Molasses, Golden Syrup, Best White Sugar, Drip Syruth p, 'Vinegar% Codfish, Cheeie; Pork, Best Family Flour, Cornmeal, Oatmeal, Cranked Wheat, Brown Your, Pastry Flour, Potatoes, Ap- ples, Pork Sausage, and good Butter and Eggs always on hand. R. member the place: A. G. AULT'S GROC RY, SEAFORTH. Poporimive FURNITURE WAREROOMS, SEAFORTH. THE catAPEST FURNITURE IN • . THE COUNTY. jAM NOW Receiving a Larne Stook of NEW FURNITURE from the best Factories inCan- ada, and I am enabled to sell cheaper than any one in the County, as I pay cash down and get a Large Discount. I CAN SELL: Six Splendid Chairs for $1 80. ‘; Six Chairs, Fancy Turned Legs for $2. Six Chairs, Extra Good, for $2 50. Six Chubs, the Very Best, for $3 25. Boston Rockers, each, for $1 15. Inurne Rockers, each, 90 cents. Board and Spindle Bedsteads, 4x4, 6 feet long, $2 50. Beata/fill 7 -Drawer Bureaus, projection fronts, • $16-n0ther kinds very low. Six Cane Chairs for $5. In Hair Cloth Chairs, Sofas, Loan- ges ,and Rockers, I Cannot be uncArsold. Baby Carriages and Spinning Wheels very low. GIVE- ME A CALL If you 'want to furnish your house for 1; little money. WAREROOMS directly opposite AL R. Conn- ter's Mammoth Jewelry Establishment, Main Street, Seaforth. eash for Rides, Skins, Wool mud Wool Pick- ings. JOHN 8. PORTER. P. S. --Shall soon be in a position to furnish Funerals cheaper than any one in the place. "THAT HUSBAND OF MINE " Buys all his Machinery from L. MURPHY, SEAFORTH, WHO has- pleasure in announcing tu the • farming conanuunty of Huron that be is still selling the very best , Sewing Machines, Agricultural- Im- plements, and :Musical Instru- ments. Mr, Murphy's favorite machine is the Singer, Which is the best in the market, having carried offtibrsitlinos.nors at the Centennial and Sydne Eehtioy • Farmers wishing to purchase any of the above wonld consalitheir own interests by apniying to Mr. Murphy first, as he can do better for them than any other in the trade. Sewing Machine and other repairs always on band at hie warerooms, Godmich street. 518 L. MURPHY, Seaforth. THE COMMERCIAL. LIVERY SEAFORTH. ARTHUR FORBES, • TTAVING purchased the Stock and Trade of the 'Li" Commercial Livery, Seaforth, from Mr. ;George Whiteley, begs to state that he intends crirrying on the business in the old stand, And has added several valuable hor,sea and vehicles to the formerly large stook. None but First -Class Comfortable Vehicles and Good Reliable Horses Will be Kept. 'Coveted and Open Buggies and Carriage, and Double and Single Wagons always ready for use. Special Arrangements Made With Com- mercial Men. Orders left at the stables or any of the hotels promptly -attended to. THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAFORTH. WILLIAM Alels.7ATTGETON begs to inform the business men of Seatorth and the tranel- ing public' that he has purchased the Livery Business and Stock of Messrs. Cannochan & Abell, and will do all in his power to retain tbe reputation which this favorite establishment has !secured. He will keep only good driving and re- liable horses, and his carriages will be kept clean and in good order. Calls, night or day, !will be promptly attended to. PIO.NIC AND WEDDING PARTIES Liberally Dealt with. 'Terms Reasonable. All orders left at the Com- mercial Hotel or at the °fate will receiv-e prompt attention. Office and Stables on Market Street, opposite T. Store. 544 WM AIONATIG-HTON, Proprietor, PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned baling entered into partner- -a- ship, Vre MAT prepared to manufacture Plows, Wagons, Buggies, &c. By tieing first-class ma- terial and having all the work corning through our own hands, we can guarantee it good article. Particular attention given to repairing, horse - shoeing and _general jobbing. Mr. Barton hav- ing had over thirteen years exprrienee in dress- ing rnill picks, -we will make that it speelalty. Agents for Watson's Celebrated Agricultural Im- plements. REID & BARTON, Williamson'a old stand, Goderieh -Street, Sea - forth. 560 THE SEAFORTH PORK FACTORY. 11. JOBB Ta PREPARED, to pay the Iilighest Pilo° for any quantity of Hogs alive or -dressed. All kinds ed Cured Meats con:tautly on hand, Fine Lard, Sugar Cured Hams, Spiced Rolls, Beef Ham, Side Meat, Pork, Sausage Bologna. and •Choicelleat -of all kinds. As Ibnarobean in the business for the last two years, and having one of the best tatters and vermin -of meat -in Can- ada, I think I will be able to give as good satis- faction as in the past, • 11, ROB13. N.B.-Pork Cuttings always on hand. 568 NEW GRAIN WAREHOUSE KIPPEN STATION. THE lubscriter having completed arrangements with it first-class grain firm, hats -rented the Warehouses at this place, and will pay the 'high- est market price in cash for all good merchant- able farm 'produce delivered. here. While thank- ing his many friends in Stanlay and Hay for their liberal support in the past, he hopes to merit A continuance of the stone, and also it fair share of patronage from the 1,00ining section`lif Tuckersmith. 572 DAVID AfeLENT:TAN. DRESSMAKING. MISS SCOTT IllstEGS leave to announce to the Ladies of Sea- -' forth and surrounding conntry that she has commenced dressmaking in &lithe LATEST STYLES AND VARIATIONS, And hopes by Neatness, -Good Work and Punctu- ality to merit the patronageof all. Booms over Lamsden & Wilson's Drug Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Six apprentices wanted. 559 R. N. BRETT,, SEAEORTII, Wholesale and Retail Dea:er in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Beat Stock kept. Terms moderate. A, TrialSolleited. All orderu by -mall or otherwise premptly tiled. Ng*••R. N. BRETT MILLINERY. REMOVAL TN thanking the Ladies of Beat/nth and Bur- -A- rounding country for past favors, I would beg to remind them that I have removed to lisursta where I will be pleseed to wait upon old se we 1 as new customers who may chance this way. 875 MISS M. MITCHELT,, 11 , 1 • -4 • •