HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-12-13, Page 71878. JERTAKINC. k BOX, 'HI Waren)Og,. riandaome t every Des- und imany• t in Huron, prepared to ;heir own super- b as to quality. TO ORDER ED. Hearse, they ate rtaking in all its e terra& ttaking business- -FLUID" 3 stroys aJj °Me- lon alit' dug from DOT & BOX. EOE AND 0 0 E WORKS, are fain, mann. somest and most' re Sleighs this County, made of the, orkmanghip, le and durable. THEM.. .imes. Seaforth. *tided to. Lbition and Sale inspices of the • Soeiety, will a, in, the FORTH, 17, 1878, rie Competed for t -M S2. 8d V. 3,2:132,. 8d V. $2, 3d $1. h the Secretary u the day of the lent. AM, Secretary. hi, numerous tj for their liberal years, and hopes, tion to business de in the future. premises, during pay the 4 PRIlliE h eggs, delivered CYRIUM, Street, 8ealorth- _tons of good dry WILSON. Si ORE. Glycerine Jelly ps, 61:e. rdin and Guitar durable ever in< Powder, unsur- netts. ow dors, pleasant Mg Powder, or he market. nt in, the Drug, Oder Brace, or I, Seaforth. S. TIOBEIITS. NT*, DEALER OF RTAKINC. binie Seat Chairs, .aus, Cu,pboards, nd Robes [and. k, in Delmore— " S A LE. wr M. PINE ZDER, 1 Feet, at the !loKILLOP4 EAFORTH, t obtained. AS DOWNEY, [Li B S eustomeas th IL TUBS, ese Tubs are so trade that it is their recommen- ,Les a small Hard- Mtter in. promptly attend r - OTT seatorth. DnEmBER 13 18 r 8, sufwolm` , Administering an Oath to all those pangs dyspeptics are hei the edtmtr to, l diseafie. Better permit people la against Ah Chee and Ah Quong, rooms to go untidy than invite the adiated for robbing a °hula woman of family to uncooked meals. Cobwebs in and other valuables, was begun the best parlor are better than cobwebs The parties to the suit being .;;A-weiry in the brain, pains in the -stomach, and iongolians &day. it was concluded to the agony and haunting blue devils of the witnesses by the most bind. sli D, indigestion, which come of ill-prepared _ cilium form. As the ceremony and unwholesome food. There is really swear :LBW of sacrifice both. of fire and no housework so hard and exhausting, and none so injurious to persons of weak bleedidewalk in front of the court , it was found necessary to adjourn lungs as sweeping and. dusting. If the wee, A chicken. arid the necessary to -the S kitchen be light, sweet, tidy and eheer- ful, as it ought to be; if the cooking i 'cnored, and:the latter stuck in the ground ee utensils are bright and clean, the task sna lighted. While they were burning, of compounding from the raw materials the prosecating witness (the woman those eolid and. delicate articles of food wile had been lobbed) held. an auimat- that grace the table and restore the ea consultation With the Rev. Mr. tired body, is not only a healthful task, xeefn, court interpreter, after which but one entirely worthy of the most tato wax tapers were lighted, and, after cultivated weman. ' brought in contact with the neck . otthe chicken, were stuck in the ground. Running a Strong Corner Now began the serious bu.siness. A Wheat. formidable piece of yellow paper, cover - and will prevent evim the be Y court the trial of the that dreadfu It is generally understood that James ea with Chinese characters, was brought R. Keene, of New York, now in Chi- and handed to Mr. Nevin, who de - cage, has purchased about four million - ea to receive it, saying in English iii that if he or any other white man read it the ceremony would lose much of its force, as the witnesses would claim that they had. not understood him. The document was then tendered to several chiramen, all of whom refused to read bushels of December vvheat, and that he intends .to store it until the price reaches a point where he is satisfied to realize. The price paid was from 80 to 85 cents per bushel. Mr. Keene con- sidered wheat cheap at that figure, and English that he ought because he believed in his judg- notreadthe paper for a hundrd. emerit. He intends, so it is said, to re- iNvttlai°o°11.11111saeand saying ingood dollars. Finally a Chinaanan was found brave lieve himself from any imputations of. ' beg a in gambler in, the staff of life by taking up the wheat and paying for it. enough to undertake the office. He tea& the dread formula first to the In other words, he will pay for the four woman , who repeated it as he read. million bushels out and out, and store At i its conclusion a large bundle of paper, roviously prepared, was lighted, over. it n eioators until he finds a suitable woman stepped market to unload upon. The opera - ton will require 13omothing over 43,- tinaes nd then took possession of which the a couple of 000,000 of ready cash, if carried out as athe Mr. Keene originally determined. chicken and the sacrificial knife, a Yet He Kept His Word. eleaver-shaped inplement, which had lain by the side of the fire during the reading of tile oath. The male witnes- ses were then arranged. in front of the fire, the oath was again read, each eating jt it after the reader, who, after °had finished reading it, threw it on the fire. The Chinamen theu one by one, stepped oVer the fire, the head of the chicken was chopped off by the woman, and the sacrifice was accom- plished. We made an effort to get a trans- lation of the oath, but were unsuc- ceasful.—Los Angelos (Gal.) Herald, Oc- tober 30. Daring Feat of an Apache In - than. An instance of what an Apache In- dian will do in the way of cool daring, when the prize is worth the risk, once occurred. on a ranche in Arizona. The own of the rariche was an American. A To ard against the Apaches he had. Witte, block -house, and. adjoining it a eenr4-yard and corral, surrounded by an adob6 wall eight feet high and. two feet thick. In the corral a herd was night- - ly sainted. He had a contract to feed and guard. 400 head of beef cattle be- longing to the United States fort, some 30 miles away. More than one attempt had been made by the Apaches to cap- ture the herd while feeding two or three miles from the block -house. But the vigilant herdsman had- driven the cattle at a gallop into the corral before the Indians could " stampede " them. One night there' came a fearful storm. A solitary Apache, unarmed, and with nothing but a blanket to protect him from Lie cold rain, climbed over the corral wall; crouching in the corner, he waited far day. Early in the morning, the storm having passed. away, eight herdsmen, mounal and armed, waited at the corral gate for the herd. to be turned out, The gate was opened. The stock poured out. Suddenly up spring the Apache. Vaulting on the nearest horse, he clutched his mane with one hand, while with the other he waved his red. blanket and yelled like a demon. They had been engaged about fifteen minutes, and she nestled her head a little closer under the shadow of his monuraental shirt collar, and whisper- ed: "And now what are you going to call me, Algernon ?" " Bir ie !" he whispered, rapturously while h s voice trembled with tender emotio , "always and ever, nothing but Birdie!" And she fairly . cooed with delight. He kept his word, although, with the growing precision Of middle age, he has become 'specific and does not deal in sweeping generalities any more, and so it was that day before yesterday a neighbor going in the back way to bor- row the ax, a cup of sugar and the cis- tern pole, heard him call her an old "sage hen." IS YOUR LIFE WORTH 10 CENTS?—Sick- nes& prevails everywhere,and everybody complaiins of some disease during.their life. When sick,the object is to get well; now to say plainly that no person in this world that is suffering with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and its effects, such as Indigestion, Costiveness,Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, Palpitation of the Heart, Depressed. Spirits, Billi- ousness, &c., can take GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER without getting relief and cure. If you doubt this go to your Druggist and get la Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. 'Regular size 75 cents, two doses will relieve you. • DON'T KNow Hrra.—We have heard of a raan who owned a horse which had. been folt a long time afflicted with a chronic cough, and was offlaerwise in a poor condition; he at length resolved to sell him, and. did so fora very trifling sum. Some five or six weeks after; wards he met the .person to whom •he had sold him driving a beautiful horse, full of life, and concluded he had either exchanged him for this or purchased In an instant every hoof made a rush, another; but, judge his surprise ' 011 and the stampede began. The horse, frightened, darted into the midst of the flying cattle, as in a frenzy they went through the gateway. The Apache clasped his arna around. the horse's neck, and, throwing his body on one side of the maddened. animal, disap- peared from view. A thousand men ranged in column could not stop that rush of the crazed_ herd down • that val- ley. The herdsmen fired a volley, which wounded and. killed some of the cattle. Two bands of Apaches, darting out from opposite sides of the valley, close up from behind the Inkrd. Four hun- dred head of cattle were thus captured and run off by the daring and cunning of the Apachese—Beaver (Utah) Square - Dealer. What an. Ad-ertisenaent Can Accomplish. In Paris, last summer, I saw a friend of mine who had just come over, usiitg a pen of peculiar construction, designed with special reference to those untidy persons who, like myself, ink their fingers when they write. Now, my friend. is a man whose hands are as white as lilies, witla finger-uails like rosebuds in tint ; noticeable hands, even remarkable, considering that he is an , elderly man, awl one who occasionally helps with the lighter work on his farm in Nebraska. Catch him inking his fingers! " -Why, where did you get the nice p011?" -I asked himea, vista of blissful exemption from an uninked middle finger openi n g (!)ni my joyous, expectant mind. " In Omaha, he answered. "It's the nicest thiug ; I used to ink my fingers before I got it !" He did! He inked his and ucefield. fingers That was enough for me. learning that the horse was the same that he had previously owned and con- sidered of so little value. On enquiry as to what had effected so great a change, he was told that " Darley's Con.dition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy" had done it. This prepara- tion has effected some remarkable cures. Remeraber the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each pea - age. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont. proprietors for Canada,. Sold by all medicirie dealers. . r • EPPS'S COCOA.—Grateful and comfort- ing.—"By a thorough knowledge of the natural! laws which govern the opera- tions oA digestion and nutrition, and by a Gareth' application of the fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may.save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is lex the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grad- ually built Up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds pf subtle maladies are floating around' us ,ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and a properly noiiished frame."—Civil Ser- vice aw.-ette. Sold only in packets label- led—" 0-araes Epps & Co., Homoeopath- ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, d an170, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 Vrent Western Idailway. Trains leave Brtissels stationonorth and south, as under: . GOING NORTH. Mixed.. ....10:25 A. M. Anoom.. .... 9:08 P. M. Mail 2:58 P. M. GOING SOUTH. Mail 6:15 A. M. Accom 12.15 A.M. Mixed 7:15 P. U. - Grand Trunk Railway. I got the name of the merchant from whom he bought tbe pen, the price of • Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton Stations it, and euclosing the money I sent from faollows : ....0ING WEST— SEAFORTII. Pans to Omaha for that pen. Express 2.25 P. M. By the last steamer it clime to Inc. Express 8:58 P. M. There luul been a lath) delay. The n.iss9E: AOOF oAi.t TM} i etatiouer at Omaha Was out of them, , oo MlIeedET ,T.s111-111.*: • Mixed Train7:52 A. MI but he sent up to Sioux City to the mail Express Train1:15 P. M. that advertises them for -another lot. Alixed Train Mixed Train. 10:35 A.M. And now here is where the 1 a -ugh comes in. The pens aro an English invention, and. tons of -theiu can be bought in London, if desired. At the stationer's next door I could have got what 1h sent after to Sioux. City. But how could. I know that I dealt with the roan that advertised.—London Letter to Cincinnati. Enquirer. The Kitchen. If any department of housekeeping must be neglected, let it be anything else rather than, the kitchen. Car, study and labor there will pay in the increased comfort and health of the family, more than in any other depart- ment of woman's domain. Well -cook - digestible food will rave one from CLINTON. 2:45 P. M. 9:20 P. M. 10:00 A. M. Cenoron. 7:27 A. M. 12:50?. M. 4:25 P. M. - 1000 A.M. CENT ' RAL GROC LAI DLAW & fAIR WILL SHOW AT 'VW " CEN GROCERY" THir WEEK A Mei STOCK_OF NEW FRUIT, THE -Hurko.N. RY. EY AL COMPRISING: Six Cases Palms Currants, e free fr m Sand. Pour case Messina Currants ed reaoy for use. Five barrels Common Curra Twenty Pounds fo one tiol Fifty bo8 new Val ncia R selected off staik. Ten boxes London Lajers,blac ket and blue basket i for tab Ten boxes Sultana ROisins, e9 free frcm seeds. Figs in Mats, fou,r pound, an and a Pali pound boxes Lemon, Orange and Citron P Extra Ground Sugar for ict Almonds, Filberts anfl Wain TEAS AND UG COFFEES, SE'r 'ES, & Always in 'Stock, and best, value in the FLOUR, FEED AND warrant market. PROYI We invite Inspectio of o Stock o CROCKERY AND LASS which, Wb are Sellin Off at to Mit th times. LAID AW & FAIR CARDIN O'S BLOCK, SEAFO tirely ash,- ts, at ar. sing, bas- us e. tirely 1 one ts. RS, d the ONS. large ARE, rices EY, ,TH. TH STOVE OLD EST BLISHE ND TIN EMPO IUM, SEAFO RTII. M S. WHITNE WISHES once more to reliind Mende and customers that ehe is ter prepared han ever to pply all th in her line. She has one of the most assortments S 0 "V Both Coala. of the litteet town in the lowest. Her d Wood, Cookin esigns that c county, and at assortment of S , Hall an n be loan rices as 1 1\TWI!ii.1R, Was never better or more' varied. COAL OIL, Both Whole le and Retailat a very vance on ma ufacturers prices. Repel Eave-Trough ng promptly attended to tire satisfacb on guaranteed. RUCEF ELD. For the be ter accoraodation of her c Mrs. Whitr. y has opened a branch Brucefield, w ere will be found a comp of everythin in her line. She would d ticular abten ton to and invite inspecti Stoves, whie intending purchasers s before pure asing elsewhere. Ramona you come to Seaforth or Brandi eld d without ins acting my stook. It wil well spent. th MRS. HITNEY, Seaforth and ow bet- ir wants cimplete • Parlor, In any W as the ight ad- ing and and en- Istomers store in te stock met par - n to her ould see er when 't leave be time KID 'S HARDWARE. RECEIVED DIRECT ROM MANUFACT RERS AMERIC N CUT NAILS, SPAD 1S, SHOVELS, FOR S, HO 'S AND RAKES, ( LASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c NCING1 1WIREF UILDIN G HARDWARE AND Of EAVE Put up on t Special Pro Every Description Cheap. -LOUGHS AND co ING PIE e Shortest No ice and AV to bait and Custom rs. nducement pt Paying -J DUCT- arranted. RN IDD. THE CO CAPITA CITY BAN and SEA DOMIN as London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH— Mail. Mixed. Express. P.M. A. M. P.M. London, depart.... 2 15 5 55 6 15 Exeter 3 85 ° 8 05 7 25 Hensall Kippen B rucetield Clinton 852 884 714 358 8.44 758 40S 900 808 425 945 825 P.M. Blyth 4 52 10 82 8 52 Wingham, arrive5 25 11 30 9 25 GOING sonan— Mixed. Mail. Express. A. M. A.M. P.M. Wingham, depart10 55 7 00 6 15 1.2 16 785 655 118 801 724 140 818 74S 1 5-7 828 78 205 834 804 250 849 803 Blyth Clinton Brucefield. Kippen. Hensall Exeter Drafts Bank in the Bills .1 at all Chief 'INTER NSOLIDPi.TED F CANADA— !. 54.00 - OF MONTREAL, Incorpor OYA.L CANADIAN BAN Incorporated 1864. ORTH BRAN 101413LOGK, MA StAFORTH. n New York United States. - Exchange on ities of the United T PAID ON M. P. ANK 0.000. ted 1838; H. N -ST. Payab at any Lond payable Kingd DE °SITS. HA ES, ANAGEB 411 SEAF B.TH PLANING 11 SASH, DOOR AND BLIND F, THE subsc iberbegs leave to thank hi custome s for the liberal patronage him shace e mmeneing lankness in S trusts that e may be favored with a of the same Parties in ending to build wonld do him a call, s he will continue to keep arge stock all kinds' of RY PINE LUMBE SASHES, DOOR'BLINDS, MOUL SH NGLES, LATH, E He feels is nfident of givingsatisfact who inay fa our him with theirpatrona but first -el sworkmetz are employed. 1;W-Part1 alarattention paid to Cris 201 JOHN H. BROAD LL, CTORY SICH OF THE XPOSITOR. CIRCULAR SAW. WM. ROBERTSON & 00., SEAFORTH. ,CALL AT WILLIAM ROBERTSON & CO.'S AND SEE THE IMPROVED DIAMOND CROSS -CUT SAW, MADE FROM THE BEST DOUBLE REFIN- ED CAST STEEL, AND GUAR AN - TEED ro, CUT THIRTY CORDS OF HARDWOOD WITHOUT REFIT- TING. ALSO LANCE TOOTH, ONLY EIGHTY CENTS PER FOOT. WILLIAM ROBERTSON & CO. HARDWARE MERCHANTS, SEAFORTH. numerous xtendedto forth, and ntinuano ell to give n hand NGS, C. •n to those e, as none m Planing 00T. BRUSSELS HARDWARE JAMES DREWE Having completed the ENLARGE- MENT of iis premises and in- creased his stock of HARDNV RE, PAINTS, OILS ND GLASS, And al o added a complete ASSORTMENT OF TINWARE, HAS NOW ONE OF THE LargOt - Stocks of 1R3D-VT.A-11, IN TH1F COUNTY, AND INVITES ALL WHO ARE WANTING THE ABOVE GOODS TO COME AND EXAMINE THE GOODS AND GOODS FOR THE lliTILLION CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM. THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO SHOW HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC THE CHOICEST SELECTION OF WORSTED COATINGS, RANTINGS, OVER COATINGS The eye delights to gaze upon, and Fresh froni the Markets for Vula Fall's Tra ie. ALL SUITS WILL BE WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT TO YOUR SATISFACTION, RARE BARGAINS IN CERTAIN LINES. CALL AND SEE. WM. CAMPBELL, Seaforth. STORE No. 1, 1 CAMPBELL'S BLOCK. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER WHEN IT iTS MADE -UP INTO G-- 0 0 HARNESS SUCH, AS YOU FIND AT r)-. WARD'S BENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney Conveyancers, Notaries Public etc. Offices—Sea. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Banisters, Solieitora in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameron, 4.0., Plailip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron.- 506 WILLTAAT SMALL, Conveyancer and Commie- ' sioner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected -on reasonable terms. 866 p L. DOLE, Banister, Attorney, Sohcitor in -Ler. Chancery, &o., Goderieh and Seaforth. Of- fice, over Jordan's Drug Store, Goderieh, and Kidd's Store Seaforth. 354 ALCOAISON & 'WATSON, Barristers, neys, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Clinton Ont. Office—First door east of the new Royal Canadian Bank building. Money to loan on farm property. . S. MALCOMSON. 404 G. A. WA.T SON Ik/roCATIf GREY & HOLMF,STED,13tunetei At. tomeys at Law, Solicitors in Chaneely and Insolvency, Notaries Public and Conveyancers Solicitorefor the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agen tef or thc n'anada ife Assurance Company, 8.—t30,000 to lend at 8 percent. Farms Hen !.1U F and Lots for sale. 58 G0" & MEYER, Barristers, and At- torneys - at - Law, Solieitors in Chancery, &e. Private funds to loan at a low rate of inter- est, and en terms to suit borrowers. fail-Ices— Goderich and Wingham. Office in Langdale's building, opposite Scott's Bank. J. T. GARROW. 11. W. 0. HEYER. Th W. O. Meyer, Solicitor Consolidated Bank of Canada, Wingham. at Law, Solicitors in Chancety and Ineolvency, SEAFORTH, Where you will find all Kinds of Harness Made up in the Latest Styles. pEMEMBER, if you want a Fancy nr Substantial Harness J. WARD can give you better satis- faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than tiny other maker in the County. A. Trial is all that is wanted to secure regular custom. J. TVARD, Seaforth, forth and Brussels, $23,000 of Private Fund R to Lyneaa.arleyt.at once, at Eight percent. In tere st. payable 58 aas,. an 'DENSON. A- W. 0. arEnnia. The above firm has thia day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the Bina to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all in -abil- ities. JAMES H. BENSON. Nov. 27, 1876. M. C. MEYER. _ _ MIEDICAA, ONTARIO PRIMERS' EMPORIUM. j G. SCOTT, M. D. &c.,Physician,Nargeon and • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderich Street, first door east of Presbyterian Church. 8-19 GWATKIN & SON HAVE TO THEIR NEW PREMISES, 06i. Bay and Wellington Streets. GOLDEN LION. JUST CALL:AND EXAMINE THE IOC AND 120 DRESS GOODS NOW BEING SHOWN —AT THE— ;a-or_Jr)=\T" COMPARE PRICES. The following goods are offered at , SPECIALLY REDUCED prices : AMERICAN NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, JAMES' WHITE LEAD LINSEED OIL, BERLIN WOOLS, MA CHINE OILS, &c. BERLIN WOOLS' BERLIN WOOLS, C C -w-",--1-5?-; A com• mon tobacco WHEN, for the same price ean get THE MYRTLE NAVY? sEE T. & GILT LETTERS 57242 ON EACH PLUG. LLI Cn R. JAMIESON. N EW LINES N EW LINES N EW LINES —IN— AT THE SIGN OF TEE 3:3 in 00I," BRUSSELS. FURNITURE. FURNITURE M. ROBERTSON, CABINETMAKER AND UNDERTAKER HAS AGAIN OPENED A Retail Furniture Store MOTTOES.' MOTTOES, MOTTOES, MOTTOES, ; MOTTOES, MOTTOES, I AND CARD BOARD, • AND CARD BOARD, AND CARD BOARD, Two Doors North of his Old Stand, apposite Waddell & Co.'s Dry Goods Store, where he is Prepared TO SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. UNDERTAKING Attended to as Usual. A. Large Stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, &c., always on hand. 581 M. ROBERTSON. DRAYAGE. THE undersigned having entered into co -part- nership, are prepared • to meet the wants of h 1r1 ha t 1 Seaforth and others who may t e ere n s o require their services as carriers to and from the Railway freight sheds and elsewhere on most _ reasonable terma. Orden may be left at Joseph Brownell'e Grocery store, and will receive prompt and careful attention. n S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor NORSIA.N BB,QWNELL. • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt - JOSEPH ABWAL. ly attended to. Seaforth, Aug. SO, 1878. 560 479 D. B. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. —AT— C. W. PAPST'S, O. W. PAPST'S, C. W. PAPST'S, CAP.DNO'S BLOCK. CARDNO'S BLOCK. . CARDNO'S BLOCK. MRS. C.M. DUNLOP'S Fall Term in Music will_ open on Sept. 16th. Pupils should give in their -names previous to the opening of the ekes. Those not hav- ing Itstruments can be accommodated with use of Piano or Orgarrat very mod- erate rates. Seaforth, Sept. 7, 1878. 5G1 THE HENSALL PORK FACTORY. G. & J. PETTY Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED ALL KINDS OF CURED MEATS Constantly on Hand. EINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK CUTTINGS, &c. G. &. J. PETTY. 523 • L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Phyeician ,Snr. • geon, etc., Coroner for the County of Huron Office and Residence, on Jarvis street north, - directly opposite Seaferth Pablic School. ykr A. ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakefield, Ont, • Physician, Surgeoo and Aceoucheur. Graduate of the Univer.sity of Trinity College, Toronto. Member of the Royal Coliege of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Kinburn. Ont. 485 wM. HANOVER, M.. D., 0. M., Graduate of Y McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Acconeheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office—Roorns in Meyer's Block lately occupied by Dr. Phelan, and formerly by thelate Dr. King. Will attend at Carronbrook or Tuesdays and Fridays. 496 AleNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gaadtt -Ler • afe of Ontario Veterinary College, SeafortIn Ont. Offite and Residence in rear of Killoran Ryan's. Calls promptla -attended to, night or clay. A stock of veterinary medicines en hand Chargers reationable. Horses examinedasto sound - nese and certificates given if required. 407 TAMES W. ELDER, V. S•, Graduate of the " Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day ov night. A large stock of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses examined as to soundness and. certificates given Horses bought and sold on commission. 424 14 DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., 'L-1-• Surgeon Dentist, Graduats of the Royal Collegeof Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in Mrs. Whitney's new brick block, Main Street, Seaforth. C3 /iiTTSCELLANEOTJS. = A T. MeCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Brussels. Office rrl zw. • in Leckieie new brick building. 504-52 '0 , CS CP PC 0 (i) 0 0 1-3 J., .C.12 ›.• 0 f rf.; fr7▪ 2• ' • 1 , ZSag HILL 'Zunn%1t GILL NI eg. tri QaIDa'laS STOCK OF AMERICAN LOCKS AND C ENEfAL BUILDERS' NOSN HOP cn 0 ' IEI-'.A IZ:1YR 'H2IVAkCIZTVII DR. WILLIA 1 GRAY'S SPECIFIC EDICINE. The Great English Ileum y is especially =fa' Se 1 Weakness mine for asr ..„. , ; recom ended a as an tency and ald'G. Lliseases ' Spe torrhea,` Impo- l that follow as a se- . \- • 8 quen of Self abase, - • --- e a 1 Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back,stunDimnptie of Vision, Prema e : totingOuBldfraonAgmitey ng as ss of Menworyr ,c0An t,anhepdinatau 01 lyylaotthurere ng. :18,18aRePertehlmattuleared5 rea7,Tahlle -Oaf pewhiciffeho ams aedinneine eare first caused by deis !: tudy and many years of ex- ; perience in t;eat" tabnedroevsuerlt indof :1lifgeen TheSpecgPeciaific liddiseliguedicine isPsollinli bPhly set fDrerttebggistY intsilal $1 per package, or 6 packages for $5, or will be money, by address Windsor, Ont. 8 Bleasdell, I. 8. druggist iftereban nt by mai/ on reeeipt of ths WILLIAM GRAY * 00, Id in Sealorth by Hickson & berts R. Ltunsden and all ANE, Auctioneer and Appraieer for the County of Huron, also Comraission Mer- chant, McDougall'a Block, Wingham. 545-4 m ONEY TO LEND—On terms more advan- 13-gotageous than ever before offered. A. T. Mc. COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. 504-52 T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the Ei • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders loft at the Ex- POS1TOR Office will be promptly attended to. WHO WANTS MONEY ?—A few thousand * dollars, private funds, for immediate invest- ment at per cent. Interest. Apply to JAMES H. BENSON, Belieitor, Seaforth. 538 AD. AfcLEOD, Liceneed Auctioneer for the County, of Huron. All orders left at Jannes McBride's will receive prompt attention. If by lettea addreas Seaforth P. 0. 558 SEAFORTH PUMP FACTORY.—The under- signed, while returning thanka for the pat- ronage already received, would remind his many custonaers and friends that he still continues to make pumps and cisterns of the best material and by the best workmen. None but quartered timber used for pumps. A few fano gates still ou hand. All overdue accounts not settled forth- with will be charged 10 per ceqt. interest from the let of January, 1878. NOBLE CLUFF, Seaforth. 568 -iniE GDR AN FEMALE REMEDY.—Job Moses -I- Periodical Pine—This invaluable medicine le unfailing in the cure of all those p:inful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obtructions, and a speedy curemay be relied on. To re ai rie dladies, it is peculiinly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe- riod with regularita . These tante should not be taken by Females daring the faret three months of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring on Mis- carriage, but *at any other time they are safe. In all eases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatiguc on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a. cure when all other means have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Jeb Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. 81 00 and 12i cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, S. Roberts, and R. Lumsden. 197 ELECTRICITY! TIIONAS' EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIO 011.—Worra TEN TIMES ITS WEIGHT IN Gaze—Pain cannot stand where it Is -used. It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures common sore throat. One bottle has mired bron- chitis. Fifty cents' worth has cured an old stand- ing cough. It, positively mires catarrh, asthma., and croup. Fifty cents' worth has cured crick in the back, and the same geantity lame back of 8 years' standing. The following are extracts from a few of the many letters that have been received from different parts of Canada, which, we think, should sufficiently satisfy the meet skeptical; 3. Collard, of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send rne43 dozen Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, have sold all I had from yon, and want more now; its CUTCS are truly won- derful." Wm. McGuire, of Franklin, writes,"I hav-e sold all the agent left, it acts like a charm— it was slow at first, but takes Bplendid now." II. Cole, of Iona, writes. Please forward 6 dozen Thornton Eclectric Oil, I am nearly out, nothing equals it. It is highly recommended by those who have used it." 3. Bedford, Tharnesville, writes, "Send me at once a further supply of Meade Oil, I have only one bottle left. I never saw any- thing sell so well and give aueli general satiefac- tion." J. Thompson, Woodward, writes, ”Send me some more Eclectric Oil, I have Bold entirely out.. Nothing takee like it." Miller & Reed, Ui. verton, P. Q., write," The Eclectrie Oil ia getting a great reputation here, ani is (Inlay called for. Send us a 1 urther supply without delay."Lemoyne, Gibb & Co., Buckingham, P.(., writes,"Send us one gross of Eclectrie oil. We find it to take well." Sold by all- medicine dealers. Price 25 Ceuta. S. N. THOMAS, Pneees, N Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. Noun.—Eclectrice— Selected and. Electrized. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts and Lunasden 521 _ DRESSMAKING.. MISSSCOTT PEGS leave te announce to the Ladies of Sea- -" forth and eurrounding country that she has commenced dreeemaking in all the LATEST STYLES AN VARIATIONS, And hopes by Neatness, Good Work and Panda- ality to nterit the patronage of &IL Rooms over Lumsden & Wilson's Drag Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Biz apprentices Wanted. 559