HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-11-29, Page 1518 IERTAKINC. )3 il)X 14, Warereafts, landsonle every pee- ned in any in Huron, prepared to mar own super-. as toD. cretality. ‘G 0 liDElt •-NG. fearse, they are - eking in au left Lerma. Aking basenees FLUID atoys all often- fiana viricited. )11 & B x. 00 WORKS, 7 tst111 mann- est and most Sleigh s County. zde of the cinanehz'ip, ad durable. rHEM. .sectfora. to. ow. : U and gale Leos of the 'oeiety, wlll 'the (RTH, 1878; mpeted for Rd $1. : $2.„ ad $1... t, ad $1. Seeretaity day of the leeretazar. . numermie lacir liberal , arul hope*, •,0 bu eines* t hefuturo durinr. e 4 Ri-e- I. etellvere UM, .8.eafort kf good dr ::.T.JSON RE. riuo Tellyt Guitari Ile ever in or, urtsur , pleasant wder, oz et. ha Drug, .Draee, or rth. • DECE4BER 6,1878. HuR -taberies of Bye -Gone Days. peas of Former Big Bank Burglaries in this Ccuntry: - in 1870 a man dressed in the uniform a police officer went into the Ken- sington Bank of Philadelphia, and said. to the cashier : "1 am Lieut. 11e's a plan on foot to rob your bank to -night. I want you to leave your watclamau here and I will have my men to assist—Do not say a -word, and by to-merrow the game will be bagged." The cashier extended. his .hand and thankedthe officer and left .211 in his charge. The night came and the lieutenant with his men were ad- raitted to the bank. There was a par- ley and three of the officers and one watchman Of the bank were detailed to -take a walk to shadow some of the men outside. The watchman was sent back after a certain time had elapsed, and when he returned he found his partner handcuffed and tied, the vaults open, and $500,000 he negotiable paper and money gone.. When the cashier came around he found out, that there had been a, robbery, and then he sud- denly remembered. that he didn't know the lieutenant—didn't even know his name. The trick was very clever, and the Tiensington Bank never recovered a dollar. In 1872 three rnen went to the owner .of the Third National Bank in Balti- more, and hired a room adjoining the bank. gentlemen," inquired one of the bank officers, "what are you going to do With it?" "We are speculators now," they said, andif we succeed in our business we think of opening a bank." The papers were ramie out,°the rent paid, and busi- ness commenced. In two weeks they did open a bank—the Third National Bank, next door—by burrowing under the vault. They left the c-ountry with $300,000 not a dollar of which came back. The vault of th o Ocean Bank of New York was opened by one man—Max- imilian Shinburn—and robbed of $700,- 000. He frequented the bank Until his acute ears learned by the peculiar cliCk. of the combination precise4 how to work it. And he naide it,after listening for months, the very first time. He fled. to Belgium, where he purchased a title, and is now living there as one of the nobility. About eight years afro several men hired a roona under thc°Boylston Bank of Boston,, opened business as the trio did in Balinaore, and dug up into the vault at their leisure. The amount with which they dug out was $850,000. The men who did this work were Adam Worth, Ike Marsh, alias "Big Ike," Charlie Bullard, alias " Piano " and Bob Cochran. They got away to Eur- ope with $6Q0,000 of negotiable papers. Worth is living the life of a Prince over the water still. Marsh came back, cracked another bank, was " pinched " by the Pinkerton agency and is now serving out seventeen years in Phila- delphia. Bullard. went to Paris with his portion of the " swag " and opened. a grand bauffet at No. 2 Rue Scribe, said. to have been siraply magnificent. He remained in the city during the siege, and might have been there yet had not a Chicago detective who hap- pened over there "got on to him." The ;Paris police were notified of his chaxacter, and in a short time they de- tected him -in a piece of crooked work for which he fled the place. He came back to America, was arrested, and abont ten days days ago he escaped from. the Charlestown, Mass., prison-. Cochran alone tried to be straight. He went to Canada, bought a farm, and. in about six months the turn being called upon him by the " Hidden Hand," he passed. in his checks. The Benelleial Savings Fund, of Phila- delphia, was robbed of $1,600,000 a few years ago, by "holding up" the cashier,. who gave • the combination. Every dollar of the amount was recovered by negotiation, and. the- cracksmen retired on a competency. The Northumberland vaults gave up their treasures on account of a visit which masked men, made to the cash- ier's residencie, where he kindly handed. ever the combination, and: went to the bank with them, because he couldn't help himself. The First 'National Bank of Wilrning. ton, Delaware, was entered, and the at- tempt to rob it was precisely the same as that worked on the Manhattan a short time ago. The cracksmen went into the janitor's room and gagged him and his family. An old nigger woman crawled under the bed,but forgot to pull her heels after her. One of the men dragged her out. A door chanced to be left open, and through it she spedlike &greased arrow. She was chased almost to the police station, and. her flight saved the. institution. It was reserved for the cashier of the Chambersburg, Pa.., band to be wooed and won by two Chicago men, Louis Claremont, the 'expert°, and • Abner Wicks, his brother-in-law. Claremont had the vaults opened for him, took the treasure, assisted by Wicks, got away, was ca,ptured anc1, as is well known, was taken back under the Pinkerton. plan and convicted. All of the money was recovered. It will be remembered that Claremont's wife made au effort to rescue him from the Central Station, and. would have succeeded had not a certain individual "hired" the " kid" to give her &way.. It sometimes happens, as a detective stated to a Times man, that many of the bonds and papers- taken by these experts are ' " raised " and passed, or sad to wild cat " speculators. This scheme, however, is not so common new as it has been. There is nothing in the line of the crook which requires so ranch nide work as this. And. so few have been able to do it successfully that it has beeu almost abandoned. Thereis an ad man who is now serv- ing out his time in the Easton Peni- tentiary at Philadelphia, named. Jack Canter, who was the most remarkable man itt this respect that ever lived. But he failed at last. Ho was detected in raising bonds which he had sold to a "wild cat "' insurance company. Ho was sent to Sing Sing, and. he was there found ti be such a valuable accountant that he - was inad.o a book-keep- er. When a commitment was made he learned the circumstance, and if there was any" dust" (money) back of the party, he would say to the pinch- ed" individual, "You give me so much and I'll shorten up on your time." It was done in a number of instances, and when the prison inspectors "got OU' to him they discovered that he had *hanged the commitment so nicely that .detection was only discovered when he gave it away himself He was the same man Who discovered all of the frauds in the prison ring and gave them away. He *rote a poem -w lie in Sing Sing, in which he causes Ole of the stones of his cell to solilioquiz.e its history.—Chi- cago Times. Of Course He'll Come. We are requested by a pale sad - spirited father to insert the following: "Johnny P , All is forgiven. Come home. Fat er is recovering from the explosion ajn. has bought a .new pipe. The minister has forgiven you for placing thali bucket of water over the door. Yourl sister Annie longs to see you, and says rou may keep the gold pen if you will restore her teeth. The dog is still llvin , but its hair is all getting along nice- vinced you meant It pepper on the had. better come home; the country an't spare any of its energetic and proijnising boys. The Little singed off; the cat is ly, and the cook is co no harm. when you p stove." Johnny, yo raveller.• Walter Wilcox, thd five-year-old who started alone on a jimirney from New Orleans to Oakland, pal., had, at last accounts, safely reached Sacramento. He was provided at the outset with a through ticket, and a letter explaining that his parents having died of yellow fever, he was on his Way to his grand- mother in Oakland. The little travel- ler was commended. ta the care of con- ductors and Free Masons along the route, and has received kind attention. In Chicago he was petted by women, and his comfort has been fully attended to. i 1 az:1—k e expresses An orthodox Y him- self as follows, concerning eternity: Eternity, why don' - you know the meaning of that word? Nei. I either, hardly. It is forever and ever, and five or six everlastings Wien of that. You may place a row of figures from here to sunset, and cipher them up, and it would not begin to t4. how many ages long eternity is. Why, my friends, af- ter millions and. trillions of years have passed away in the morning of eternity, it would be a hundred thousand years to breakfast time. DID "YOU ever think that what is term- edEa common cold, wten systematically neglected, often lead to that most fatal and distressing disease, consumption; but when attended to at once is general- ly easy of cure. If you are teoubled with a cold or cough, "Bryan's Pul- monic Wafers" will be found most efficacious in removing it. They give immediate relief, and generally 'ef- fect a cure when used in time. Sold by all druggists and country deal- ers; price 25 cents per box. a THE PEOPLE WANTi PROOF.—There is no medicine prescribed_ by physicians or sold by Druggists, that carries such evi- dence of its success a•nd superior virtue as BOSCHEE'S GERMAN! STRTJP for severe Coughs, Colds settled on the breast, Consumption or:any disease of the Throat and Lungs. A proof Of the fact is that any person afflicted an get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try its superior effect before buying he regular size at 75 cents. It has late y been introduced in this country from Germany, and its wonderful cures are ,astonishing every one that uses it. ThXee doses will re- lieve any case. Try I it. Sold by all Druggists. I EPPS'S COCOA.—Gra eful and comfort- ing.—" By a thorougb knowledge of the natural laws which overn the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful applipationt'ef the fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored i beverage, which raay save us many heavy doctor's bills,. It is by the judicioususe of such articles of diet that a conletitution may be grad- ually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating around. 119 ready to attack wherever there is a weak pointl We may escape many a fatal shaft by kelping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and a properly nourished f4a,m_e."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets label- led—" James Epps ctiCo., Homceopath- ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, Llondon." 482-52 Great Western Railway. Trains leave Brussels Staltion, north and south, as under: , GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH. Mixed.. ....10:25 A. M. ail 6:15 1..M. Aecom.. .... 9:08 P. M. Accom 12.15 A.M. Mail 2:58 P. M. atixed 7:35 P. M. Grand Tru4 Railway. Trains leave Seaforth an follows : GOING WEST— SEAF0RIrH. Express 2:25 P M. Express 8:58 P. M. Mixed Train9:00 A. M. GOING EAST— SEAFO TH. Mixed Train752 A M. Express Train1:15 P M. Mixed Train... 5:00 P M. Mixed Train.— 10:35 4M. Clinton London, Huro GqiNG NORTH— Mai P. , London, depart.... 2 15 t Exeter 3 45 , Hensall 8 f 2 Kippen 3 58 Brimfield 4 08 Clinton 4 25 • Blyth 4 2 Wingham, arrive... 5 5 11 30 GOING SOUTH— Mit. d. Mail. A.?.A.M. Wingham, depart... 10 5 '7 00 P. Blyth - 12 5 7 35 Clinton 1 0 S 01 Brucefield 1 0 8 18 Kippon. I o7 8 28 Mansell 2 C5 8-34 Exeter 2 50 8.49 Stations as CLINTON. 2:45 P. M. 9:20 P. M. 19:00 A. M. CLINTON. 7:27 A.M. 19:502. M. 4:25 P. M. 10:00 A.M. and Bruce. Mixed. A. M. 5 55 8 05 8 34 8 44 900 9 45 • P.M. 1J82 Express, P.M. 6 15 7 25 7 14 7 58 8 08 8 25 8 52 9 25 Express. P. M. 6 15 6 55 7 24 7 43 7 58 8 04 8 03 THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL - - - S4.006.000. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, InCorporated 1883; and ROYAL CANIAN BANK, Incorporated 1864. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOGK,MAIN-ST. SEAFORTH. Drafts on New YOrk Payable at any Bank in the United States. Bills of Exchangel on London payable at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSIT& M. P. HAVES, MANAGNE .411 gAPOSATOR. riA.MEliON, HOLT & CA.MEROD, , Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &c:. Code -rich, Ont. M. Cf. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506 WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commie - 'T shiner in B. B., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and Appraiser. discounts and notes colleeted on reasonable terms. 386i BL. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in • Chancery, de., Goderich and Eeaforth. Of- fice, over Jordan's Drug Store, Goderioh, and ,Kiddli Store, Seaforth. 354 VIALCOMSON it WATSON, Bar niters, Attor- neys, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Clinton, - Ont. Office—First door, east of tis new Royal Canadian Bank building. Money to loan on farm property. S. NALCOMSON. 404 0 A. WATSON kfcCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, barrietere,At• torneys at La*, Solicitors in Jhancery and Insolvency, Notaries Public and Jonveyancers Solicitors for the R. C.Bank, Seafort. Agentefor the Canada 7 de Assurance Company N.B.-113.80,000 to lend lip 8 per cont. Farms Houses and Lots for sei 53 aARROW tic MEYER, Barristers, and At- torneys - at - Law, rSolieitors n Chancery, do. Private funds to foan at a low tate of inter - - est, and nn terms to suit borrowe:s. Offices— Goderich and Wingham, Office in Langdale'e building, opposite Scott's Bank. 3. T. GARROW. H. W MEYER. H t W. C. Meyer, Solicitor Congo idated Bank of Canada, Wingham. TZENSON ot MEYER, Barristers 1--• at Law, Solicitors in Chancery a Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. forth and Brussels. $23,000 of Pri invest abonce, at Eight percent. Int yearly. JAS. H. BENSON. H. W The above firm has thie day boon mutual consent. All aeconnts du be paid to Mr. Benson who will Hies. • JAMES H Nov. 27, 1876. nd Attorney dInsolvency, O cce—Sea. te Funds to rest,payable 53 0. MEYER. dissolved by the firm to y all liabil- BENSON. EYER- MEDICAL: T G. SCOTT, N.D. &oa, Physician " • Acconcheur, Seaforth,Gnt. 0 deuce south side of Goderioh Stre east of Presbyterian Church. Surgeon and ce and resi- t, first door' 349 TT L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., P geon, etc., Coroner for the Co Office and Residence, on Jarvis directly opposite Seaforth Public Et ysician, Sur- ty of Huron treet north, ool. ViT A. ADAMS, M. D., late of L T v • Physician, Surgeon and Graduate of the Univereity of Tr Toronto. Member of the Royal C siciarna and Surgeons, Ont. Kinbu efield, Ont., Accouchetn. ity College, ege of Phy- .Ont. 486 WM. HANOVER, M. D., C. M., McGill University, Physician, Accoucheur, Seaforth. Ont. Offic Meyer's Block lately occupied by Dr formerly by the late Dr. King. W Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Frid Graduate of urgeon and —Rooms in • Phelan, and 11 attend at H. 496 DcNAUGHT, Veterinary Sur. -ie.' • Mate of Ontario Veterinary Coll Ont. Office and Residence in rear Ryan's. Calls promptly attended day. A. stook of veterinary medial Chargee reasonable. Horses examine nem and certificates given if reqnire eon, Gradu ge, Seaforth, f Killoran & la, night or es on hand a s to sound- . 407 _TAMES W. ELDER, V. 8,, Gra " Ontario Veterinary College. A two years to practice with Profees Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. residence east of W. M. Church. 0 attended to by day or night. A. 1 Veterinary Medicines oonstantlyam examined as to soundness and certi Horses bought and sold on comm' nate of the ter devoting r Smith, of Office at his promptly rge stock of and. Horses elites given sion. 424 hours from 8 Mrs, Whitney's Seaforth. . Surgeon Dent of the 'Royal Calle Surgeone of Ont A.M. to 5 1'. M new Wick block, T DERBYSHIR . L. D. S., et, Graduate e of Dental leo: Office Rooms in ain Street, - MISCELLANEOIL A • J. McCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Bru eels. Office -Lk • in Leckie's new brick building 604-52 FG. LANE, Auctioneer and App iser for the . County of Huron, also jCom lesion Mer- chant, McDougall's Block, Wingham 545-4 MONEY TO LEND—On terms ore advan- tageous than ever before offere . A. J. Mc- COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. 504-52 T P. BRINE, Licenced Anctio " • County of Huron. ales e.tt parta! of the County. All orders 1 •POSITOE Office will be promptly att eer for the nded in all t at the Ex- uded to. WHO WANTS MONEY ?—A 1 4v thoueand T dollars, private funds, for imm tiate invest- ment at 8 per cent. interest. Appl to JAMES H. BENSON, Solicitor, Seaforth. 533 DA. McLEOD, Lieensed Anctio ser for the • County of Huron. All orders le t at James McBrid•a's will receive prompt atte ion. If by letter address Seaforth P. 0. 658 TOHN LECKIE, General Loan an " Agent, Grain, Produce and Com chant. Money loaned on real estate country, at 8 percent. simple inter moderate. Mortgages bought and mortgages paid off. Terms to sn Farris and village property for sa Leckie's new brick block, Brussels, ' Real Estate eission Mer - tin town or et. Charges Id. Matured borrowers. e. Office— nt. 615 QEAFORTH 'PUMP FACTORY. kJ signed, while returning tharika ronage already received, would remi customers and friends that he still make pumps and cisterns of the b and by the best workmen. None b , timber used for pimps. A few far on hand. All overdue accounts not with will be charged ,10 per cent. i the let of jatmary,1 1978. NOB Seaforth. The tinder - or the pat - d his many ntinnee to st material t quartered gates still ttled forth- terest from E CLUFF, TO THE PUBLIC.—Read what th in regard to the Great Shosho and Pills. Levi Jones' "Markham, $ a very severe attaek ofbronchitis. that I could hardly get my breath. a gala remedy, and seeing the ' Remedy" so highly recommended, bottle, and am ifeppy to say that by was taken I was entirely well, and h so, although I was much exposed winter in travelling." Rev. F. B. St orestville, writes: " I have fon medies particularly beneficial for liv dyspepsia and bronchial affections advise all similarly affected. to give t John Finlayson, Athol, says: Wh one of my feet got sore and broke not cure it, and had to return home better and afterwards much worse. chased a bot•le of the Remedy and and before they 'were half gone I co improve, and before they were finis was completely cured. It is no since, but have had no further at of the Remedy in pint bottles, $1. a box. . people say ees Remedy s: "1 had was .eo bad I sought for Shoshonees procured a the time it ve remained hrough the atton, Dem - d your re - r complaint, and would em a trial." n travelling t. I could It became finally pur- box of Pills, menced to ed my foot 17 months ack." Price 25 cents 522. THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Moses -1- Periodical Pills—This invalnab medicine ill unfailing in tho cure of all those p:inful and dangerous diseases to which the fe» ale constitu- tion is subject. moderates all e cess and re- moves all obtructions, and. a speed cure may be relied on. Tema.riad ladies, it is peca lie] lv suited. It will, in a short tune, bring on the monthly pe- riod with regularit: . These pills s ould not be taken by Females during the filet t ee months of Pregrancy, as they are sure to b ing on Mis- carriage, but at any other time they re safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spin Affections, paias in the back and limbs, fatiguc n slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, h stories, and whites, these pills will effeet a cure en all other means have failed; and, althong a powerfal remedy, do not contain iron, calom 1, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constit '&ion. Full directions in the pamphlet around e th package,, which should be earefully preserved. Job Mesas, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 .d124 cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for th Donainion, will insure a bottle containing ov, 50 pille by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by i Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts, and R. Lu den. 197 SEAFORTH PLANING ILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND kACTORY THE subeeriberbegs leave to thank cnstomers for the liberal patronag him since commencing business in , trusts that he may be favored with of the same. Parties intending to build worild do him a call, as he will continue to ke arge stook of all kinds ef snnmerone ex bendedto eaforth, and continuant, • well to give on hand a DRY PINE LITMB iR, SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOLT 1 INGS, SHINGLES, LATH, TO. Ho f eels confident of givingsatisfa tion to those who mayfavonr him with theirpatro e, as EOM but first-classworkmen are employed lPartionlarattention paid to Cu tom Planing 201 ;JOHN H. BROAI,FOOT, -FitmriANTs. OEmNiorrs. REMNANTS. A RARE CHANCE TO GET CHEAP AND FIRST- CLASS GOODS. EVERY REMNANT OF CONS WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. AND SECURE THE CHOICE AT HOFFkAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, CARDNO'S BLOCK. SEAFORTH._ GOLDEN LION. JuST CALLAND D. D.• ROSE, FAIALY Ilas Pleasure in an,nouncing to his I tomers that every Department is -fal First—Class- Goods. Hundreds of to the value given at Rose's Grocery he looks forward to the future with e Aro Prices quoted— Come and see, a of .the advantages offered. Aro troubl and give samples. Flour, Corn, Oat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Hominy, &c., Stock. D. D. ROSE, Seaforth. ROGER, nd Cla- y stocked with amilies testify the past, and Try confidence. be convince' d to show Goods eat, Buck -wheat lways kept in OP BJ 1\1-= :II I-1 is, - JOHN ROGERS% S AFORTH. THREE CASES FINE FELT HAT THREE CASES FINE FELT IHATS - THREECASES FINE FELT HATS THREE CASES FINE FELT HATS THREE CASES FINE FELT HAT THREE CASES FINE FELT HATS THREE CASES FINE FELY'HATS - THREE CASES FINE FELT HATS JOHN ROGERS, gEFORTH. I - GOODS FOR THE 1VJILLION CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM. THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO SHOW • IS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC THE caoicEsr SELEC ION OF WORSTED COATINGS, PANTINGS, OVER COATINGS, The eye, delights to gaze upon, and Fresh from the Mailie s for this F kll's Tra4e. ALL SUIT'S WILL BE WARRANTED I EVERY RESPECT TO YOUR SATISFACTI S N. RARE BARGAINS IN CERT IN LINES. CALI, AND SEE. WM. CAA PBELL, Seaforth. STORE No. 1, t CAMPBELL'S BLOCK. f 131\T"T'S Fall and Winter Dry Goods are all opened up, and he ers to give him a call. A NEVV FEA forth do businees le the req.uires it. By selling_ for cash, ?will be able Th bletos the Cash customer wilt not have to pay the bad debt better prepared to serve customers than now, having b EXAMINE THE 100 AND 120 in the cheapest markets. I am making a specialty of season • have had. my stock made to order, and can SHAWLS and -UNDERSKIRTS, all of the newest Houses in the County. My Stock is full of everything for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. My Millinery Dep Stock all new and choice. All the Newest Patterns in DRESS GOODS nice lot of Chenille Nets just arrived. Bring your C will never buy at a credit House again. sks all intending purchas- URE — I will hence - tightness of the times 11 very much cheaper, as of others, I was never light larger than ever, and ,A.DIES' MANTLES, this how as many MANTLES, esigns, as any half dozeu in the -Dry Goods line'both rtment is now in full blast, ats and Bonnets. A very SH to DENT'S, and you ORGE DENT. IS HARDWAil NOW BEING SHOWN FURNITURE. —AT THE— GrOLIDEl\T R. JAMIESON. "SAT I -I "Y. .3 M 0 A common tobacco WREN for the same price You can get THE MYRTLE NAVY? SEE T. & B. IN GILT LETTERS 572-12 ON EACH PLUG. MRS. C.M. DUNLOP'S Fall Term in Music willTopen on Sept:16th. Pupils should give in their names previous to the opening of the class: Those not hav- ing Instruments can b accommodated with use of Piano or Organla,' 't very:mod- erate rates. Seaforth, Sept..7, 1878. 561 I THE HENSALL PORK FACTORY. G. & J. PETTY Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED ALL KINDS OF CURED MEATS Constantly on Hand. FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK OUTTINGS, &c. 523 G. & J. PETTY. DRAYAGE. rj sl undersigned having entered into co -part- -A- nership, are prepared to meet the wants of the Merchants of Seaforth and others who may reernire their services as carriers to and from the Railway freight sheds and elsewhere on most reasonable terms. Orders may he left at Joseph Brownell's Grocery store, and will receive prompt and careful attention. NORMAN BROWNELL. JOSEPH ABELL. Seaforth, A.ug. 80, 1878, 860 FURNITURE. M. ROBERTSON, CABINETMAKER AND UNDERTAKER, HAS AGAIN OPENED A Retail Furniture Store Two Doors North of his Old Stand, opposite Waddell & Co.'s Dry Goode Store, where he is prepared TO SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. UNDERTAKING Attended to as Usual. A Large Stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, &c., alwaye on hand. 631 M. 'ROBERTSON. THE OLD ESTABLISHED STOVE AND TIN EMPORIUM, SEAFO MRS. WHITNEY, WIPHES once more to remind her many friends and ctuttomers that she is now bet- ter prepared than ever to supply all their wants in her line. She has one of the most complete assortments of Sr11077-S, Both Coal and Wood, Cooking, Hall and Parlor, of the latest designs that can be found in any town in the county, and at prices as low, as the lowest. Her assortment of Was neer better or more vitried. COAL 011-, Both Wholesale and Retail at a very slight ad- vance on manufacturers prices. Repairing and Eave-Troughing promptly attended to and en- tire satisfaction. guaranteed. BRUCEFIELD. For the better accomodation of her castom,ers Mrs. Whitney has opened a branch store in Brumfield, where will be found a complete stock of everything in her line. She would direct par- ticular attention to and invite inspection to her Stoves, which intending purchasers' should see before purchasing elsewhere. Remember when you come to Seaforth or Bracefield don't leave without inspecting my stock. It will be time well spent. MRS. 'WHITNEY, Seaforth and Brimfield. BRUSS JAI ES DREWE Hearing CQ pleted. the ENLARGE- MENT of his premises and in- creased his stock of HARD OILS And ASSORT HAS Larges IN THE C ALL W THE ARE, PAINTS, AND GLASS, Iso added a complete ENT OF TIWARE, OW ONE OF THE Stocks. of 1=1 DWA E UNTY, AND INVITES 0 ARE WANTING BOVE GOODS TO COME AND EXAMINE THE GOODS AND COMP RE PRICES. The following goods are offered SPECIALL REDUCED prices; AMERI 1 AN NAILS, WIND JAM LIN MA CC W GLASS, SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR' SAW. WITIJOUT REFITTING, WILLIAM ROBERTSON & COM - TA: MIA GUARANTEED TO our THIRTY CORDS OF HARDWOOD 0 t-- ;•• VIM* ROBERTSON. & CO., SEAFORTH. `aVA€IVH DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great EngIieh Remedy is especially recommended as an unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness Spermatorrhea, Lupo. tency, and all diseases that follow as a se- quence of Self abuse, B ore akingas Loos of Memory, er Univerval Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of "Vision, Premature Old Age' and many other diseases that leads to Insanityor Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are first causedhy deviating from the Path of nature and over indulgence- The Specillo Medicine Is the result of a life study and many years of ex , perience in treating these speeial diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per paeltage, or 6 package e for $5, or willb e sent by min on receipt of th s money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY & 00., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth-by Mason & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts R. Lameden and all draggiet merchants. .LOAD OF AMERICAN NAILS ARRIVED LAST WEEK: at g -; •• 0 S' WHITE LEAD 17-3 EED 'HINE OILS, &c. AT TE SIGN OF THE - • 'et PI .A.13 14 0 0 E ," B tUSSELS. ' SONIESIN.11113 3snoi+ NVOIU U V ON HAND A LARGE AND 9 ` .'aa,oaia1 Vv + o NDOIS EP ICA N LOOKS AND GEN ,,Rk L BUILDERS' 0 afaVAkCIIIVII 'U' IVAAW1VH ..auxmCil1VII ri S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor A -f • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt. I IT att.ended to. 47 1. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell.