HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-11-29, Page 131878. groomed.- We, her aoanon,g in this prot'v, frViii _ t, — t CaptlarAA n•V dEva n a7 t by its Fc; -re rom the a srap tiured, aud its housed, in 9. ee it. sels, in corns :71 bodies adong exterision a 1 Braes, Rail_ he Postmaster 'cl dailY mail if Blyth, has ey street, op- stel, conepn_a_ fr. Wm. Ali. Way in-" essession and the preirtises. man charge - desetted an was tried at -if last week, msfantial evi- rown, in the was not all L a, conviction, a :Via 1,- , takina t , au ai „soft elm on 1' Esclo Reeve LI second lot ' and ia two prone to the 1 eight feat in ver six feet at a gentIernan Lehfield, ca,nae buggy to at- ' During the es, however, a TieighbOrly .ria, wheel of arefullv that been *fouled. kut to the ex- . Parsons, of . Exeter, his at a evagen 'cling 611 the stancesouth rhted aninsaI al npset the .retainecl his reventecl the The buggy - living about he possessor aonths past, re aince to a I doing well, elks after her tedness that • of maturer xae`rierice. }virile person lish Church 1 the vestry t there for a whiskey and dies, thread trued by the is following object was me to have : employe in nne & Son, ma accident saw on Sat- ewering the an only he naotion, and - ing it, when wkraan was e of the ta- was carried ilard itt the grazing the : inch and a tan Church no, was de - y last. The itt the hall 5 o'clock in Lrly hour at d from the kindled in i Thursday, ,iit thet the lacendiary. seen they that it was . In addi- h property •net in the he building Ottaaaa Ag - burning of e the Pres - vire Itoade numerous s to rebuil1 la the gym - their Pres. esday even- ing of last els effected re store of I carried of and, as the everal arti- ouc" to the .lon as Mr_ Ito laid in - before. the (s found to jriday. On ivho resides orrie, found which con- :ait as Mr. aibery, he his discov- ly what to t of ten in e., re - a them to the plac.e , as if noth- kept watch to relieve urday, he e inforrna- rates, who ?nt out to search for )ught back - :I that has the new as a night - Railway ,•elvte yearsee . "taait13r en- is devices " head of - operator i from the There are ale Grand DECEMBER 6, 1878. trunk Railway in Stratford, who re- member 'lira as a hulking boy,with any sonottut of aaabition and. an inordinate 4Iesire for sleep, but with very little promise of developing into the wonder- ful personage he has become of late year& ' • - • THE HUR.O.N EX140SITOR. 5 limpArmi rerth Items. —The bachelors of Stratford are ar-_ eel:wing for a couple of assemblies to celebrate the close of '78. —Dr. McGrath has taken his depar- ture from Mitchell ; lack of patronage as the reason, assigned. —Dr. Hill, of St. Marys, has been of - red. $1200 for his stallion, American 'Cousin, rising four years eld.: -e-Mr. R. L. Alexander, Reeve of El - ma, has sold out his business at Newrya but will still reside in the place. —Mr. Cushnie, of Avonton school, has been engaged as assistant teacher in Motint Forest High School, at a sal- ary of a600 per annum. —Professor Kay, late of Ayr, has taken up his residence in Listowel, and is about to open classes in vocal and in- strumental Music. —Mr. Thos. Ballantyne, M. P. P., Stratford., has sent a quantity of butter and. cheese -to the International Dairy Fair, held. in New York this week. • --Mr. John Hamilton residing about a mile west of Nfilverton, raised. this season 45 Isusliels of first-class sugar beets,from erne drill about thirty rods in length. —Mr. John Shapton, of Downie, hav- ing sold hi farm of 80 acres to Mr. Thomas h.ompson intends removing to Michig n, where he has Purchased a 100 -acre f m for $2,500. —Last week the employees in the Stratford, repair shops of the Grand Trunk Railway were pat on short time —fiveilys a week. The whistle new blows for commencing at 7:15 A. ,M., and for quitting, at 4:30 P. M. —It is proposed to play a match at draughts between six or eight players from the toWeiship of Elam and an equal number from 'Listowel. The match is to take place about the rrdd.- dle of December. —Mr. -William Lamb, of Listowel, met with a rather severe accident last week. As he was engaged. with his work in Hess' saw Mill, a piece of board. ftew from the saw, striking him in the face, and making a. severe cut over the Marria es. LYNCH--GOUINLOCK-0 the 4th Dec , at St. Themes' Church, Seafo h, by the Rev. Win. F. Campbell, Rector, Dr J. S. Lynch, of Win- nipeg, Manitoba, t%ellatilda, daughter of the late George Gonintock, Fee., of Harpurhey, and stepdaughter of lie. T. T. Coleman, of Seaforth. URE—McDONALD—On the 8rd Dec., at the residence of the Hon. D McDonald, Toronto, by the Rev. Professor G Robert TJre, D. D., of widow of the late Sheriff de -tighter of James Fras Scotland. McLENNAN—EARLS--At 19th Nov., by the R John. McLennan, of G youngest daughter of Howiek. GRIEVE—MIN—Al the . Dec. 3rd, by Rev. P. Grieve to Miss Mary 7a Killop. REWITT—CLARK.—Al t ie residence of the rd Nov. by the Rev. to Lizzie, deugh- aniage builder, all of gg, D. D., the Rev. Goderieh, to Mary, McDonald, and third , Esq., of Inverness, Molesworth on the . Mr. Johnstone, Mr. ey, to Miss Rebecca, John Earls, Esq., of nee, MeKillop, on usgrave, Mr. Robert e Rine, , both of Mc - bride's father, on the A. McLean, Wm. A. He ter. ef Mr. James Clark, Blytb. Deat O'LOANE--At Stratford, o T. O'Loa,ne, late post BRYANS--In Morrie, on Bryttne, aged 82 years. BRADWELL—In Brussel Bradwell, eldest son of his, 6th year. TAYLOR—In West Wawa cession, at the reside Mrs. A. Taylor, aged TACKABERRY—In Ashfi Nov., Mrs. Eliza Tac joseph TackabertY, age 8. Nov. 80,Mr.Lawrence ster, aged 48 years. Nov. 30, Mr. Robert , on Nov. 28, Ross Mr. Thomas Breelwell, oeh, on the 6th con- es:, of Mr. C. Durnin, years. ld, on Tuesday, 19th berry, mother of Mr. 89 years. Local N BRAN, $8 a,nd Shor the Big Mills, Seaforth. A MRS. J. E. THOMAS tices. s $10 per ton at W. omayre & Co. Dress and Man- tle Maker, East Side of Vititoria Square, Seaforth TO RENT Or sell, V cellent upright piano. Ap Seaforth. 571 COAL STOVE FOR sovereign Coal Stove for s Serf a bargain. WILLIAM PATENT RIGHT F Right of the Harris Pa and Spark Extinguisher. ALLEN. 567 WILSON & YOUN choice lot of very fine Fni which they are selling ver of New Season's Teas, whi they guarantee equal to an inducements will be give large quentities. Our s Tobaccos, and General Gr ry cheap, an ex- ly to Smith & West, ALE.—A. splendid e • used but last -win- ALLEN; 567 . R SALE.—County t Stove Pipe Damper Apply to WILLIAM have received a ts of superior quality, cheap. Also a fine lot h for price and gnality in the market. Special. to parties buying in ek of Sugars, Syru s, eries is complete and well assorted meal lines'nd as ae have one of the largest and best boug14 stbeks in Ontario, we will not allow any house i ' the Trade to undersell ns. Call and examine 4ur Stock WILSON & Youeto. 568 CROCKERY AND G ASSWARE. —WILSON right eye. He will be all right again in 1 & YOUNG have the largest tncl best assorted Stock of Crockery and Glassware in the County, compris- e, few days. funhoile Clitina, Iron, —Mr. Worswick, of Guelpla, is en- ignireeaanSdePoinreell: deavoring to form a Joint Stock Cona- most fashionable design, nd off3 The beestamteastenall. pany itt Listowel :for the menufacture Also a full stock of ever) thing to be found in a of steardengines. He has met with first-claeswhich Crockery and Glassware store, and at a priees we defy any ne to undersell us Cive good encouragement from the business us a call before pnrchasin .elsewhere as vt'e raen of the place, and has asked. for a save you money by buyin , from us. A complete week or two to consider the matter be- fore giving a definite decision. —One day lately a battle occurred between a ram belonging to Mr. Chas. Gorraley, of the 7th concession, Hib- bert, and another belonging to Mr. John McIver, which was in an adjoining field, the result being that Mr. McIver's ram—a beautiful pure bred Leicester, for which $40 was paid. a few weeks ago —was killed. —The corner lot on Main street, wt of the market, WM sold a few days ago to Messrs. Switzer, mer- chants, at ta good figure. The first twenty-two feet at $100 per foot, and the next eight at $90 per foot. The contract for a brick store is at once to be let by the enterprising purchasers of the lot. —The 'Managers of Knox Church, Listowel, have made arrangements for a series of lectures to be delivered dur- ing the winter, for which they have been enabled to secure the best literary talent in Ontario. The first of these lectures was delivered on Thursday evening by the Rev. P. McLeod, of Stratford, on "Our humorous Teach- ers." —A peculiar type of horse disease has broken out in North Easthope, making its first appearance in the stables of Mr. A. W. Miller, an extensive stock raiser in that section, but by excellent treat- ment the disease was overcome. In order to do this, some costly medicines had to be procured, and when Mr. Miller at length conquered the disease, he found that the Gost was almost equal to the worth of the animals. —Another of the early settlers of North Easthope, has departed this life, in the person of Mr. George Ratz. The demise of Mr. George Ratz, took place on Frid.a,y evening, 151h Nov. at his residence, Ratzburg, in the 59th year of his age. His death wits occasioned directly by a severe attacic of inflamma- tion of the bowels; and. although he had the best of medical attendance, he succumbed to the "fell destroyer" after an illness of sevea days. The deceased gentleman was a native of Hesse Darm- stadt. He emigrated to this country, some 36' years ago, of which period about 12 years were spent in the county of Waterloo, and the remainder in North Easthope. Mr. Ratz was posses- sed of more than ordinary intelligenoe ; he was a keen politician, a life-long Liberal, and took a lively interest in all matters of public importance. His remains wereanterred on the Monday following his death, in the pretty bury- ing -ground on the hillside itt connection' with the Evangelical Lutheran church at Philipsburg, Wilmot. AlletiOn Sales. Friday, Dec. 20, onLot 2, Con. 10, H. R. S., Tuckersraith, Farm Stock and Iraplemeats. _Alexander Yule, pro- prietor; Bossenberry & Orthe, auc- tioneers.' Friday, Jan. 3, on the premises, Stan- ley, 2? miles north of Berne, Farm, Farm Stock and Implements. C. W. Crowder,, proprietor ; Bossenberry Orthe, auctioneers. Saturday, Dec. 14, on Lot 19, Lake Road West, Stanley, Farm Stock and Implements. Richard Bushie, proprietor; Bossenberry & Orthe, auc- tioneers. Tuesaay, Deo. 31, at Kaisers Hotel, Brucefield, a Valuable Farm. John Laut, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auc- tioneer. China, Tea Set of 44 piec goods in like proportion, forth. os DOBBINS' ELECTRI 8 for $3 50, and other WILsoe & Yoinse, Sea. SOAP.—Having ob- tained the Agency of this celebrated soap in Sea - forth and Huron County, I append the opinion of to its merits: "1 have ap, made by J, L. Cragin and find it very good. y white and the washing e—Mrs. M. P. Hayes." e Soap, according to di- lothes whiter than when d in half the usual time "1 have tested Dobbins' ighly satisfied with the le of doing all the wrap - est confidently recom- oth time and labor, and 1—Mrs. T. Goldsmith." Electric Soap a fair trial, lecturers represent it to some of onr best people used Dobbins' Electric S & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., The clothes are beautif is done in much less t "lased Dobbins' Elect rections, and found the washed in the old way, a —Mrs. M. Y. McLean." Electric Soap, and am result. I believe it cape per claims for it, and mend it as economizing as doing its work we " Having given Dobbins' I think it is all the man be—Mrs. R. T. Coleman. ' I desire all my friends and customers to give t s Soap one trial, so they may know just how go ,d the best soap in the United States is THOMAS KIDD, Seaforth, Ont., Agent for Huron Ceunty. 571-52 111 THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Dec. 5, 1878. Fell Wheat 085 to 086 Spring Wheat, Fife, perinshel...0 75 to 078 Spring Wheat,Red Chaff,per bush. 0 70 to 0 75 Oats per bushel .1 0 25 to 0 27 Peas per bushel 1 0 50 to 0 52 Barley per bushel 0 40 to 0 60 Butter, No. 1,Loose.... i. 0 11 to 0 14 Elgs Births. YOUNG—In Seaforth, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. A. Young of a daughter. SOOLE—In Seaforth, on the 28th Nov., the wife of Mr. Charles Soole of a daughter. MeLEAN—In Tuckersmith, on Nov. 20, the wife of Mr. James C. McLean of a son. MURRAY—In Grey, on Nov. 26, the wife of Mr. jetties Murrey of a son. McQUTTSLAN—In 'West Wawanosii, on Saturday, Nov. 23, the wife of Mr. Edward McQuillan, of& son. COMBS—In Brussels, on Nov. 22, the wife of Mr. Geo. Combs of a son. SIMPSCIN—In Brussels, on Nov. 24, the wife of Mr. Wallace Simpson of a daughter- CHANTER—In Brussels, on 'Wednesday, Dee. 4, the wile of Mr. Sohn Chanter of a daughter. . to 11 to 0 12 Flour, par 100 lbs.. -....1. .. ....... 2 25 to 225 Hay 8 00 to 900 Hide, per lb ' 0 05 to 0 06 Grnbby Hides per 100 lhs... ... .. 4 00 Fallen Hideo, .per 100 1 s . , 3 00 Sheep skins 0 50 to 1 25 Salt (rotail)per barrel, 0 75 Salt (wholesale)per bar el0 65 Potatoes, per bushel 0 40 to 0 45 Oatmeal fbrl 450 to 5 00 Tallow, per lb 0 05 to 0 06 Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs4 50 to 5 25 Dressed Hogs 3 50 to 4 00 1878.CHRIS THOS. KIDD; WHOLE ONE DOOR WES MARKE Fall Wheat, per bushed Spring Wheat, perbush Oats, per bushel Barley, per bushel Peas, per bushel Clover Seed, Per bushel Timothy Seed, per pus Butter Pork Potatoes Eggs Hay,por ton, OLnerou, Dec. 5, 1878. 0 80 g 085 1 0'i0 (a 080 0 25 (.0 07 C 50 @ 066 054 a 056 8 50 @• 4 00 el 1 60 (0) 225 0 12 (ce 0 15 3 60 g 400 0 45 as 0 60 012 sg 018 7 00 g • 8 00 The Largest Stock of Lig every facility for do?, prepared to give all fect satisfaction. I the celebrated Brewer on hand the Choicest ALE. AND PO MAS FESTIVITIES. 1878 NEW LIQUOR STORE. ALE AND RETAIL, , i OF THE DRY GOODS STORE, STREET, SEAFORTH. ors to be found West of Toronto. Having a large business in my Yew Premises, I am lbo favor me with their valued commands per- ve just completed arrangen?,ents wi,th, most of in Canada, an,d will hereafter keep constantly Brands of TER ALE AND t'ORTER In Wood and Bottle, embraci g the following well -known -Brands : Carling & Co., London, quarter barrels and saif barrels ; Labatt & Ca., London, quarter barrels and half barrels; Bass & Co., English Ale, in bottles, $2 75 per 'dozen ; Guiness's Famous Irish Porter, in bottl g, $3 per dozen; and other brands too numerous to mention. W NES WINES. I hold in Stock eome of the ion. Extra Old Port, in woo Pale Amber Sherry, several Claret, the finest imported Wines, &c. WHISKEY Oldest and Purest Wines to be found in the Domin- , $5 per Gallon ; Extra Old Port, in bottle, $1 each; rieties, from $1 25 per gallon to .$5 " Floriac " Delicious Raspberry Syrups; Invigorating Ginger 4 The Production of Walker' Distillers' Liquor in Canada Superior Whiskey; Pure G Belfast (Irish) Whiskey; To Whiskey, redolent of the Mo TORONTO, Dec. o.—Fall wheat per bushel, 90c to 91c spring wheat, 800 to 7c; barley, $1 02 78c and 580; peas, 5c to 62c; oats, 30c to 320; butter per , 10c to 15c. LONDON, Dec. 5.—Red fall per 100 tbs, 1$1 46 to a1 4 $1 45 to $1 50; re fife, al 30 to $1 $1 40 ; peas, 85c ; white fall wheat, chaffs a1 to al 30; 0; barley, $1 10 to to 900; oats, 80c to 85c; dressed hogs a3 to 53 75; butter per pound, 8c to 1.}?,c ; eggs, 18c to 20c a dozen. • Live Sto BRAN WHISKEY— —WHISKEY. Celebrated Distillery always in Stock. No other Ives such universal satisfaction. Old Malt, Rye and uine Scotch Malt, in svood and bottles; Real Old rrive, a Consignment of the now famous LORNE r,and Heather. • t TES —BRANDIES. The Most Extensive Assor ment ever imported into Seaforth, comprising in part the followipg brands: Hennessy, Markel, Seeerac, Pinet Castellon, Jales Robins, &c. DeKyper's renowned G n, in Bottles; Jamaica Rum, &c. MONTREAL, D.ec. were in pretty go c per lb for the b k Markets. Housekeepers in want of P shortest possible notice, 3.—Common cattle a demand at about tter kinds, and 2ac o 2ac per lb for the others. Thomas pB onner, of Tomato, sold one steer Weighing 1,110 Its at 4c per lb, .plus $1, And two heifers ssieighing 2,150 lbs at c per lb. J. K. Wilder, sold. four steers at 4,46 each and two steers for J. Hopper sold. si_ 423 each. L. N sold a car load of $20 each. P. D sold a car load of $25 each. Most market were sol and sell at 4c per TORONTO, Nov.5 53.75 to a4 per second. class, $3 t ,to $2.50. Shee per head, or $4c local use, first cla class,k3 to $3.25; 'Lambs.—Prices ;$3.50 to $4; seco , and third class, Calves --The dem dance of poultry out of the market first-clase bring class, 05 to $6 ; phirdeclass, $3 to a4. Hogs—The mar et is supplied at $3 25 to $3 50 per 100 s. live weight, and $4 to a5 for dressed. or nearly 310 per lb, tk95 or 40 per lb. R. teen small cattle Ed Sparks, of Ottawa, cattle at a little over rdis, of Moreisburg, cattle at from $15 to f the cattle on the . Hogs are scarce lb. —Cattle.—First claes 100 lbs, live weight; $3.50; third class, $2 .—Prices average $6 er lb live weight; for s, $3.50 to $4; second third class $2 to $2.50. rm at, for first class, d cla.ss, $3 to g3.25 2 to $2.25, per 100 lbs. and is light, the abun- d pork crowding veal • Prices are weak; $8 to 610; second - , • Hotelkeepers and Farmers All Orders by Mail punctu free of charge, .A, Call Res .../..1.111111111 are Liquors for 'culinary purposes supplied on the !buying in large quantities—special terms. idly attended to, and all Liquors .delivered. in Town ctfully Solicited. THOMAS KIDD, SEdforth. BUFFALO ROBES. BUFFALO BUFFALO, ROBES.: co 11 11 0 0 co WM. HtL& 00., SEAFORTH, PUR- CHASED CLASS AT T IN TOR. EVER I THE T ROBE F NINE BALES OF FIRST- INED AND UNLINED ROBES Isessfi LATE AUCTION SALE NTO, AT THE LOWEST PRICES NOWN IN CANADA. THIS IS ME TO PURCHASE A GOOD . R LITTLE MONEY. °S380EI 01Vadne °S3901:1 pivadne ID TT N 0 A. ID IT N 0 A_ N SPECIAL THIS MONTH. 73 WE,HAVE JUST OPENED OUT THE CONTENTS OF 14 CASES AND BALES. UWE GOODS ABE ALL NEW, BEING THIS SEASONS IMPORTATIONS AND ARE -LARGE LINES WHICH WE HAVE 'CLEARED OUT FROM THE WHOLESALE TRADE AT A REDUCTION OF FROM 25 TO 50 PER CENT BELOW REGULAR PRICES, AND WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. 40 PIECES SEAL DRESS GOODS AT 20 CENT'S, WORTH 371 CENTS; 25 PIECES CORDS, IN BRONZE AND SEAL, AT I8c. TO 25c.—CHEAP ; 800 YARDS COLORED SILK, 1N DRAB, SEAL BROWN AND BRONZE; FULL LINE IN DRESS TRIMM- INGS. ALL THE NEW COLORS IN WOOL AND SILK FRINGE, TRIMMING, tic. CLOUDS AND SQUARE!;, ALL NEW, FROM 12c. UP—ALL COLORS. WOOL CUFFS, INFANTS' BOOTEES, - W3OL BODDICES, WOOL GAITERS AND BREAKFAST SHAWLS. * O1d.d.dns 0 P'SMI\TTS. R. COUNTER CLOTHING. —READYMADE— CLOTHING. OUR STOCK IN THIS DEPARTMENT IS FUL , AND WE ARE PRE- PARED TO SHOW EXTRA GOOD VALUE I MEN'S GREY AND BROWN NAP ULSTER OVERCOAT& ALL SIZES IN BLUE AND BROWN BEAVER. MELTON OVER OATS, NAP OVER- COATS. MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDER COATS, PANTS AND VESTS—FULL STOCK AND ERY CHEAP. NEARLY ALL OUR, CLOTHING W Ti MANUFAC- TURE ON THE PREMISES, AN 1 WE CAN GIVE CUSTOMERS CLOTHIN WELL MADE, WHICH IS, IMPOSS LE LN . ORDINARY CLOTHWG:— ALL. • HAS DETERMINED TO SELL OFF HIS LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF WATCHES, C OCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE, FANCY GOODS, &c, AT A GREAT RE 11 The Good NOW IS YOUR T1 AN New and Nobby Fancy Watches at 20 Per Solid Gold and Silver Pia Plate Personal Attention give branches. ' Cash or Trade will be gi Remember the Sign," site Mr. J. S. Porter's Ch IP UCTION TO CASH BUYERS. Must be Sold—Profits not considered. E TO BUY CHRISTMAS, NEW YEARS WEDDING PRESENTS. oods at Net Cost. Jent. Discount. ilver Goods from 10 to 15 per cent. off. ed Ware, 20 per cent. ()ff. k Jewelry; 25 per cent. off. Dlocks from 10 to 20 per cent. off. Spectacles and other Small Wares, 25 per THE ORDERED TAILORING. OUR TRADE IN THIS DEPARTMENT TS B.EATLY ON THE IN- CREASE OVER FORMER SEASONS, WHIC :1 IS A PROOF OF THE GREAT POPULARITY OF OTJR ORDER1D CLOTHING. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF 'SCOTCH WEEDS, ENGLISH TWEEDS AND CANADIAN TWEEDS AND WORSTED COATINGS, BEAVERS, MELTONS AP NAPS—ALL THIS SEASON'S GOODS. ALL 01JR. CLOTHING MADE IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE AND GOOD • FIT GUARANTEED—GIVE US A TRIAL. FURS. FUR'S WM. HILL 8:00., BRUCEFIELD, HAVE RECENTLY PURCHASED THE FOLLOWING LINES WOOL FANCY GOODS. CLOTH MANTLES. BUFFALO ROBES. These Goods have been bought at the recent sales. A Real Good Clonal for 50c. A Good Beaver Mantle for $2, A Good Buffalo Robe for $5. Remember the Place, and -call and See the Goods. WILLIAM HILL & BRUCEFIELD. HURON LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATION ANNUAL SALE. THE Second Annual Sale, under the anspites of the ItUT011 Live Stock Association, for the disposal of THORO-BRED & IMPROVED STOCK, Such as STALLIONS, BREEDING MARES, BULLS, COWS, SHEEP and SWINE, will be held itt the TOWN OF EXETER, COUNTY Or HURON, ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1879, Commencing at 12 o'clook, ' If sufficient stock is offered the sale will be continued the second day., All entries for the sale mud be mede with the Secretary, not later than January let, 1879. Only sneh entries as are then made will appear in the sale catalogue. ENTRANCE FEES. --For each. Stallion, $2; for each Mare, Bull or Cow, $1; for eaoh Sheep or Pig, 25 tient& The entrance lee in all eases to accompany the entry. TERMS OF SALE.—Nine months' credit will be gieen on furnishing. security satiefactory to the owner of the aniniel sold. A discount at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum will be allowed for eash All parties entering animals for sale must eon eider themselves bound by.these terms. One per cent. will begharged by the isesoeiation on all animals sold. M. Y. MoLEAN, Seaforth, Secretary. W. HODGSON, Exeter, President. FURS. LADIES' MINK' SETS, GENUINE, $8 TO $45 P1 R SET. LADIES' MINK CAPS, $4 50 TO $14. LADIES' PERSIAN LANE MUFFS AND CAPS. GOOD FUR MUFFS AT $2. L DIES' FUR CAPS AND CHILDREN'S FURS. MEN'S FUR CAPS IN BEA.VER, OTTER, MINK, 'EAL AND LAMB — STYLISH AND CHEAP. MANTLES. MANTLES. MANTLES. OUR STOCK: OF MANTLES IS VERY LAR, AND ALL THIS SEA- SON'S STYLES, FROM $1 50 UP. MANTI.E CLOTH. BEAVERS IN BLACK, BLUE, BROWN, AND SC RLET AND NAP: ALSO MANTLES 'MADE AND airr TO ORDER. MILLINERY. MILLINERY MILLINERY. LADIES' AND MISSES' TRIMMED HATS A NEWEST STYLES. SHAPES AND COLO ING. HATS TRIMMED FROM $1 25 D BONNETS. ALL THE IS USED IN TRIMM- AND UPWARDS. BLANKETS. BLANKETS BLANKETS. WHITE BED BLANKETS, FROM $2 TO 9j PER PAIR. CANADIAN GREY SHANTY BLANKETS. HORSE B ANKETS IN BROWN AND GREY, FROM $1 75 PER PAIR. ALSO AMERICAN CHECKED HORSE BLANKETS—GOOD VALUE, cent. off. BUFFALO 'ROBE. to Repairing Watches, Clocks, and. Jewelry, in all the en for Old Gold and Silver. ree of Silver Ware in the Window," and directly oppo- ap•Cash Furniture Store. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH. WILLIAM CLOSING C A Splend;id. Lot of LAD ES' MANTLES AT $2. WILLIAM' HILL & Co., SEAFORTH ILL & ca, SEAFORTH. AS WE PROPOSE OUR MILLINERY ROOM SHORT- Y, we shall offer the whole Steck at INGF 131R,I08. B FFALO ROBES. THIS SEASON WE ARE OFFERING A LAR(4E AND FIRST-CLASS LOT OF ROBES PURCHASED (AS WE DID LAST YEAR) DIRECT FROM THE NORTH-WEST FUR COMPANY'S AGENT IN MONTREAL. CUSTOMERS WOUI.D DO WELL TO SEE THESE ROBES BEFORE PURC HARPER'S WEEKLY— 1879. ILLUSTRATED, NOTICES OP THE PRESS e's The WEEKLY remains inane, at the head bf illustrated papers by its line literary quality, the beauty of its type and woodcuts.---Sprhagfield Republican. Its pictorial attractions are superb, and em- brace every variety of subject and of artistie treatment.—Zion's Herald, Boston. The WEEKLY" is a potent /Stoney for the ate - semination, of correct polititial principles, and a powerful opponent of shams, friends, and false pretenses.—Evening Express, Rochester. ASING ELSEWHERE Tbe Volumes of the WEBIELY begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subset -ibex wishes to commence with. the number next after the receipt of his order. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF BThTS AND SHOES. DUNCAIN & DUNCAN, SEAFCIRTH. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year, .. . . . $4 00 Harper's Weekly, one year. 4 00 Harper's Bazar, one yeax........ .... . . 4 00 The Three Publications, ono year. 10 00 Any two, one year.. ........ ....-7 00 Six Subeeriptions, one year 20 00 Terins for large clubs furnished on application. Postage free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Annual Volumes of HARPER'S-WEE/MY, ill meat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense (provided the freight doesnot exceed one dollar per volnme, for $7 each. A complete eat, comprising 22 Volumes,, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $5 25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. - Cloth eases for each volume., suitable for bind- ing, will be sent by mailepost-paid, on receipt of $1 each. Remittances ehould be made by FOlit Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, 578-1 New York COMING AGAIN. On another tour throughont the Dominion the Popular SHEPPARD JUBILEE SINGERS/ At Cardno'e Music Hall, Seatorth, on THURSDAY, Evening, DEC. 12, '78 They are meeting with great success on this their second visit to the Dominion. Having ad- ded many attractions. such as new and popular plantation songs, to their long programme same their visit bore a year ago. Don't fail to hear them. ADMISSION, 25e. RESERVED SEATS, 13513 - CHILDREN 15 CENTS. 574 _ ESTRAY STOCK. 'STRAY CATTLE, --Came into the premises -I-4 of the undersigned Lot 14, Cons 10, Me- Killop, on November 13, a red and white steer, with white back, three years old. The owner min have the same by prOvivg preperty and pay- ing charges. ANTHONY BOYD, Winthrop, Post Office. 574*4 STELS CALVES.—Came into the preraises -1-1 of the undersigned, Lot 15, Con. 2, Efay.s.bOut the first of November, three spring eale-1 light grey heifer, 1 red heifer and. 1 red steer. The owner le requested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. WILLIAM DOU- GALL. 574x4 — — V STRAY CATTLE.—Came into the premieee -1-.4 of the undersigned, Lot 10, Con. 1, L..11. S., Tiackeremitle about the last of November, two yearling cattle -1 red heifer and 1 brown steer, with some white. The owner is reqeested to prove property, par charges and take them away. BENJAMIN SMILEY, Kippen. 5744 — -V STRAY CATTLE.—Came into the premises -kJ of the midereigned Lot 18, Concession 10, McKillop, about the last of NOvember, 4 yearling heifers, and one yearling steer, oleo oue two year old steer. One of the heifers is black and. white and the 2 year old steer is red and white. The owner is requested to prove property pay charges and take them away. WM. HOLMES, Winthrop. 674*4 V STRAY STEER.—Strayed ftenn the promisee -1:4 of the undersigned Lot 15, Concession 14, McKillop, about the first of June, a red two-year old steer. A loge white star en forehead and a white spot on the nose, en4 tip of tail white, with a stag head. Any person giving such in- formation at will lead to the recovery of the eletive animal will be suitably rewarded. 'JAMES CAMPBELL, Jr.., Walton P. 0. 574 STOCK FOR SERVICE. TO PIG BREEDERS .—Tho tmdexsigned wiui keep during the present season, on Lot 1 Con 9, Mullett, a thoroughbred Suffolk Boar Terme, $1. for the season, to be paid at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. WM. COWAN, Proprietor. 674x4 - _ „ s - WANTED. MALE TEACHER WANTED.—Watitad for Union School Section No. 9, Stanley and IHay, a thirt clew beanie assistant teacher, for ME months. Datiee to commence Amway 5, 1879. Good Sc11001. Appple do THOS, PERCle ROBERT ALLAN and D. STICELET. Truirteeee Blake P.O. -574