HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-11-29, Page 11- - - -- ___ --j -11 ----- - � - , " - , �� " - � � � � " , -- , . �
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. -DEcEm)3E R 6, 1878. � - t . � - 7 � I "L .-
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� M . � . I THE' HURON EXPOSITOR.' I . �
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A did f L -
nea for the Faxmers' Union. 11that' b you or I me last spring? 44 � L ! L � L : .
- We shall marry yet and be happy," I I . . � .
we stand, divided we fall, . ev did anything better in that line . I THE AfEDICAL HALL., ` It � I :Z�]C:Mns_2
.,Vviud . - . 9 said she. I � ; I gATHE -PHAR"MACY. - . :P01 -
I I Us very,oise, maxim applying to all + :nrlife. Didn't kn ' I - . L . I � I
- r( G,w then how This ordinarily amiab � ' . . . [ - L _ - . .
I VUtAwr the oall�ng, profession or trade, ,1tw*-d turn out. .Gettin�, married is changed very sudde . le young lady , � i I � . I �
,09 only b.T Union great progress is made. nly into,thLe most I . . � I
I . udo- risky, anyhow. Bd1t yt)u won't terrific termag*ant'that the w(�rld had ; . : 5 I I . FURNITURE WAREROONS,
I . . I ' L �
t, union of vdnd, . . L , , ' ; ; . L I - - -
ip] �e. She I ! SEAF0RTH.
nd a happier pair this side o' Canaan, seen since the day of X � SEAFORTH. . : - '
c' '
8��6hota,,hoo�niesglftt it am soon left behind; � ant I '
. hat's sure. And so � I �hougbt- ItwaB laid down rules for'his guidaice that MESSRS. LUMSDEN 4 WI LS 0 N, . .
&M Wons spring up throughout every land, I . - . I
oppreigion or make a bold stand. ?bont;time I brought alonk the rest of no man living could have subn'itted to. � � I I
I .
L I � ihe felle. Where'll you have these things, She made it warm for her husband in . 1; ; � .
. .
I .right are ded, 'tis -union alone, . I : - I i I L THE COUNTY.
. Can claim just ds from employer or thione parson ?" every possible way. ,She den�'ed hi ,� . . , . SEAFORTH, QNTARTO .
sa . Ei and barbers and.000pers agree, The minister went to the door, and his club; she refused him the 0 ' I .1 AN NOW Receiving a Large Stock of NF,W
. lawyera and doctors I club for their fee. �bzrO�W&13 the " cart " literally., loaded of smoking in the house; she Icurtain- ; . � I YMNITURE from the best Factories inCau-
W,ith fruif and vegetables of every. de. lectured hiin to a degree t Iiat was L I : I i . ads, and I six enabled to sell cheaper than any
Bjrampmera and agents close compacts are made, ' . one in the County, vs I pay cash do,W M_ and 'get La
And merebants, unite in a vast Board of Trade ; scrip4on. Such a store was iiever b6- frightful. Every good cook th' t came THE PILOPRIETORS OF THIS OLD ESTABLISSOED BUSINESS TAKE
L i L Large-Diswunt .
. S6 of callings, whatever their name, � ore brought into that house. into the house was dis THIS OPPORTUNITY.OF I � !
all _ missed, a �d every - . . ; . � .
Are banded togother their ends to obtain. I I O�i, don't trouble yourself ' lbou I t 'bad oine was retained as long qs-'possi- I I I I I - . ,
: I - . L . ! I I .1 CAN SF,LL: .
I ;
ftt the poor,!�Wding farmer, like Adam of old . banking for this,�' said the In an. I I ble. She dragged him to church when . � . � I . . I - I
1 7 - . ; j
. I
11 " Nothing but wlair lxad,Q,' you know. I he desired to remain , at 110 e. and !
� Six SplandidChairs for $1 80.
. ,lh . . I CUSTOMERS - Six �:hairs, Fancy Turned Lego for $2.
.When turned oat of Eden, stays out in the co ;
Until begets periBhed and drenched to the skin THANKING THEIR NUMEROUS k
F I ut if you must thank somebody, thank compelled him to stay at hon e when . L . ,
Anci tortured by sharpers , at length he comes Mi. a A . L I I . 4 Six Chaits, Rxtra Good, for $2 69.
� . - ary Ann. This garden sass is from he desired to go to church. Sh? haunt- DRUGSJI I � - . i i - I Six Chaixe, the Very Beat, 4or $815.
Thm speed theei fair union, with banner unfurled, ier. -She kinder thougit1would relish, edhis office, she dogged himlon'the CHEMICALS, I . I I Boston Rockers . , each, for $1 15.
1 i . �
That MIND andinot money may govern the world; ;hishotweather. MaAer�,hotanddry, streets, anddisarranged his Clothing,
la . DRUGGISTS, . For the very liberal patronage bestowed'on thom� during 1e past years, and have Nurse Rockers, each, 90 cents. .
With virtue emb zoned upon thy bright shield, ,.)astor, this season. Been "specting the which, being a precise man, gad led him. SUNDRIES, much pleasure in stating that they ar6 in a position now to offer even greater in- Board and Spindle Bedsteads, 4x4, 6 feet long,
Truth, honor I and justice, the. weapons you - $250.
wi,14. [ OP13 wouldn't 'mount to nothin', but Slib clacked him when in the I iouse by - PERFUMES, ducements thaii ever before, having Beautiful 7 -Drawer ]Bureaux, projection fronts,
, - -
� 1 � I - � ,
ihey,iB gettin�_ Lon fust -z ate - - The Lord the hour, and, in short, she did every- I . � F, . $1& Other Undo very low.
. � - � I 1: I -
X,orknow you a party, comple3don or face, i,enerally brings - things round 'bout thing that a -woman could do W make I � . . � Six Cane Chairs for $5. ! I
Religion or country, descendant or race; :) :) � - - - , __
,* - . .
Nor may von enq�aire what land gave him birth, cight, I notice. Don't go inuch on the a man miserable. Amd, to sunt it up, . - NEWCOODS In -Hair cloa Chaits, Sofas, _Loan- '.
, i
suffice It to know that he tills Mother Earth. . ,hurches, and plaguey littl on some of she threatened at times to poiB, n him, LADIES SHOULDER BRACES,- LARGELY TO OUR .STOCK IN ALL INES.
� v:
That virtue and honor alone are hig guide. ;he members, but you �on't catch me which left in his mind a conjelture as GENTS SHOULDER BRACES ; - . : . ge-9 and Rockers, 1 Cannot he
, � I -
Then such a brave fellow,must not stand aside. loing,back on the Lo�d, ' Was tellin' to whether his I amentable, uncle had not CHEST PROTECTORS, � � . � undersold. .
- - I I �
L .
� . - 3Lary only last week we must go .over gone out of the world via some � newly- - -LUNG PROTECTORS, Bought Directly from the Manufacturers by ow- Mr. LU SDEN when i,i Europe, !
, I
The Wedding Fee. ind7hear you preach some pleasant Sun discovered life -destroyer. .. I TRUSSES, and which we are determined to sell at prices not yet tou 1,hed � - Baby Carflages and Spinning Wheels very low. '
How very dark aind,stormy it was on lay. S'pose you give Ism the ra'al Bi- Finally, life became unendu � Able to, . I ; � : . - .
-! - I . I - I � L
J. t�at Maxdh evening. The, doors and ole religion, don't ye-? That's what all him, and he proposed an abs(Iti � - : I I . GIVE ME, A CALL
� -
� , te di -I I- . I
i. wmdowskept up a perpitual rattle; my thay do, anyhow." : L vorce.- She was willing. The 1�erms ? i I :B --T- =1�1m; C4 -1:Z...&.1, -.T -sxts_ . If you want to furnish year house for a little
X �. i
� i I
- violent gusts � of wind and dashes of Theministerand hls wife bad but One-half the entire estate; mE de over TOILET ARTICLES, . moneT. .
ttt � I . . -
-, �
' ittle opportunity to utter a word, their to her'clear and clean, onelalf the THERMOMETERS - i . ! .
. rain -now and then beat against the . f . . WAREROOMS directly opposite M. R.Coun-
� ; i . ter's- Mammoth J'eweh-y Establishment, Main
house, as if bound to -seek shelter there- end was so talkative; but they would real-estate, one-half the money, one- BAROMETERS, : c .4 I
. in. I I . - nsist upon expressing tfieir'-"armest half of everything. No, come to think, SPECTACLES, . '1> . . . . . Straet, Seafortb.
_' -his ; - Cash for Bides, Skins, Wool and Wool Pick-
r . Little Ptobby was sound asleep in ilianks to him and Sary Ann for the she should demand the whold of the RAZORS AND STROPS -OUR BUSINESS, AS MOST PEOPLE IN THIS Vy INITY ARt AWARE, i,g.. -
I crib, and the minister and his wife -were iruly generous donation. � � . I 2 INCLUDES THE GENERAL! ;
- I I house she lived in, with the farniture, - - I I I JOHN S. PORTER.
I I . �
spending the' evening together in the After the rich Btore"hakl been deposit- and an equal paxtition of all We other I �
, I . - � - P. S.--Sh&U soon be in a position ,1 furnixh�
. � .0
cozy sitting-roorn. . - d in the house, the man took the min- property. I � I Funerals cheaper timn any one in the -place. -
. The hour for retiring had come6, and --'ister by the hand, leavii g in it a billp Need we say the wret'ched n an was MATHEMATICAL 1NSTRUMENTs, DRUG, BOOK,. AND FAN C�y GOODS TRADE, I �
I . I
I . . 64
- while Mr. Watson was making the fire aying : glad to 1jur-chase peace upo i those SOAPS . i I
. d . w. was " That's my part of. the fee; thank terms? Of course he. was. ' 'he pa- � . P�rRSES, I I . � . - .
bustling a -bout, i g -up and adjust- Sary Ai�n for the sass And then pers were drawn up that very day. I .y
� pickin . . .. - A TOYS, : Buys all his Machinor, from
I - . And in spite of the -HARD TIMES, the Shelves in each Department are I
ing the numberless concerns which no- jumping Into his wagon �e drOV6 away. divorce was obtained quietly � �11 Indi- SCHOOL BAGS, CROWDED with GOODS. -I L. MURPHY, SEAFORTH,
I body but a careful housewife can ever The minister unfolded the bill,and aua, and the day the decree wi 4s made .
I - I .
see or think of, there came a most vio- 13 ts worth was twe y dollars I Mrs E uphemia, and John Henry wer � united. . L . - I i WHO has pleasure- in announcing to the
. . ., I
lent ring of the bell. . I atson clapped her h %nds, and fairly The' termagent died forever, nd the ' i V. . farming community of Raton that he Is,
,, Morey !" exchkimed Mrs. Watson, E houtec . I - I slIllsel'Mag the very best
I for joy. The ri eeded c OUR STOCK OF ,'DRUGS � AND: DYE STUFFS .,
, Iress and .good Euphemia of former ffltys was JEWELRY, I I
� I . .
,, someboay must be dying or dead. pants were bought, aad J0 this day there resurrected. And John Henly, as he' PTATED WXRE- � I
What a dreadful night for you to go out. i 3 no story which them in' ter and his moved his people into the L .9 � � . � L Sewing HaChine8, Agricultural lm-
. !77 . spacious and TABLE KNIVES AND FORKS, . � -
in . - : .. � 'Wife love so well to tell at of "Tho well-equipped house, was fain � admit POCKET KNIVES, I I nsists always of plements, and Musical Instru-
- I is always Selected with regard to QUALTY, and co the �
. Mr. Watson opened the door, and Wedding Fee." that Euphemia was not only &od, but SgOONS, L. mnts.
- I Choicest in the Market.' . � .
peered into the darkness. Not a human wise, and that he had been a brute to I - I . I Mr. Murphy's ft'vorite machine is thibSinger,
being could he see or heax. A few seo- . Miss E-apheraid's Policy. � wbich is the best in .the market, having carried
. ever doubt her. And everytlAi ig went '- I L ! �
. . . I ! . off first honors at the Centennial and Sydney
. .
onds passed, when a loud, gruff voice Miss Euphemia -Milliken, of, Forty- on smoothly and nicely, or r&t her has Exhibitions. - �
. �
� waa heard asking: first street, was, four years ago, a'tench- gone on in that way for the tw:) weeks WATCHES, . � �OURI �OOK AND STATIONERY PEPARTMENT Farmers wishing to purchase any of the a-bov*
I it can YOU Bplice us to -night ?" of music in Forty -firs A reet. She was that the have been wedded, -.LN". Y. CLOCKS, I ; � I would consult their own interests by applying tQ
y I . ! i . Mr. Murphy first, an he can do better for than,
For an instant the minister was con- a, most excellent young la y, but was' Mail. . � I PIPES, - - � I ! tbiLn any other in.the.trade. i -
, fused, not bein.g accustomed to the use E orely put to it -to support, by her un - � _. . CIGARS, Includbs School Books, Bibles, Prayer Books, H-ymu Books. se in 'machine and other repairs always on
- wl
I - of that nautical teriia in relation to the aided ej�ertions, an invalid mother and L L Special lnvitatiofU &c. &c. &c. Blank Books, Song Books, Novels, Note Paper, Envelopes, Pens, hana iLt lis warerooms, lGoderiab itzeet.
I .
. duties of his profession. A second hre, I Call at oor drug store and get a tria] � bottle of' N Pencils . . , �� , .
I � l,uy=dg(,r,,i I 0 a also 0 Dr. King's New Discovery, free of charge � - .
L e�, ( ; if you are . . � 518 , L. MURPHY, Seaforth.
clear to him . c ... But she �n,ag d it by suffering with a cough, cold, asthma, �)ronchitis, . � I I., I
the possibility that splicing might be closely, and ,en- ing herself hay fever, consumption,, loss of 'voice, 1 lickliDg in - __ I �
km the throat, or an, affection of the throat or lungs. I � �
within the li its of his particular pro- T eryvgt:hv1ny but the barest ulyecessities of L .. i L �
V This is the great remedy that is causing so much , I � "
' , . i ____ . I I
vince; and so, raising his voice Oove pt ! . excitementby its many wonderful cares, curing :1D_7___T!B Sr_rTJ__F__FS I I I INSURANCE AND LAND AGENCY.. I :
. the storm, he r - eplied : iss Euphemia was beleved,by two men. thousands,of hopeless cases. Over one million 2 L I I I �
,, If you mean to ask, me, Bir, to mar- ' * r. John He nry'Potterson, a - bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery hav( i been used Am ' oitr T� ancy Goods we might ntion the Extra
within the last year, and have given pex feet satis- Ong 1* . ALONZO STRONG
ry you, I shaH be most happy to per- �on,!e0gamsZof about bez o � 7 .
form the ceremony. Is the lady -with �he other,Xr. Thomas wn age , alud faction in every instance. We can unhesitatingly I . � 'Falu6 in Albums, Work Boxes, Jewel '-',ases, &c., - IS AGENT to - Several - First-Olass Stock, rire
- V.1 McNice, an el-' 4y that t ' his is really the only sure cure for throat , OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. I I and Life Insurance Companies, and isprepex.
I you 4�ri and lung affections, and can eheerfulT reoom- - �
44 , oj Ly gentleman of seventy-four. Mr. nd it to all. Call and get a trial hot tle free of . . I � .1 - . ea to take risks on :
tf '
Ha! bat that's a good one I Saxy te so,, was a bank Aerk, burdened ' �, But would be pleased to have the public call- and inspec 'the -numberless articles .
. I charge, or a regular size for $1. Illiekson, & . . V
Ann, you mean? Don't suppose -I'd with the care of his aged parents and a -Bleasdon, Seaforth. . . 856-8m-3 . I L we have in this Department, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, which we THE MOST FAVORABLE TER -NIS.
come to get the knot tied without her, paralytic sister, and his small salary � .r. cannot enumerate here. CALL EARLY, CALL OFTEN. �
- do ye ? No, sir; she's right here in the just Bufficed to keep the p6t boiling in Bucklen's A-rnica S&Iye. I V Also Agent for several of the best Loan Boole.
cart. 71 ; - . his humble home. The best salve in the world for CuIL, Bruises, . I . - I . . ties. .
Toss b1v the similar- Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Also Agent for the sale and purchase of Farm
-Mr. Watso� need not have btepped ity of the situ ation w is' wh at made Hands, Chilblains, Corns. and all kin� a of Skin DICINES, ; 3 1 J T -T M S T_ ) 3 E INT * CSC 7W1 T -A S 0 W . emd Village Property.
back to inform his wif Of of the great Miss Euphemia love him so; but true Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to, give per- .
L I -to ! . feet satisfaction in every case or mone3 refunded. . : �! I L MBER OF L -CLASS IM. -
event which 7as - tak6 place, for she it is that she was devotedly attached to . L'. I I WHITNEY'� BLOCK, SEAFORTH A NU FIRST �
_ Price 2-5 cents per box. For sale by ' cison & 1. L; -
. I . - � I � S FOR SALE.
. I
had heard all I the conversation, aad Was him, and after the usu form the two BleaBdell, Seaf6rth. 566-8m , _____ - . PROVED. FARM
u3ing her utmost endeav6rs to expel the had plighted their trotl. � L I In these we aim to keep all the � . I J � $30,000 to ]Loan at S Fler (3cut.
laugh from her countenance before the I . I I . Interest.
I But when one morn ng 1 the, anciei�t - MONEY. ! - S:S .4 -.-:Pc) T>- rTI-1 -
happy pair ap�eared. '�) I - i
McNice, who was a ric old bachelor a ---- ny I mount,of . . . .1
.It must be bonfessed that the sight to I MONEY TO LEND. -I have a � I I Agent for the White Star Line of Steamers. -
very rich one, proposed , marry her, Moneyto Lend ongood improvedfarms only,- - . ' I
of ths coytple -�'vas not conducive to grav- at 8 per cent. Charged very small. ' Sum no LATEST PREPARATIONS, . -
she pondered. After pondering . she . � I MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMP3tnJR1UM, OFFICE-OverM. Morrison's Store,ldstn-St
ity. They had passed, a good while be- :
, went for poor John Henry. � � . object if securityample. I don't lend for any L . Seafor&h. -
fore, the bloor� of youth, and bad ioa . Company. JOHN S. PORTER, Se&fcrth. 570 . I : -
ade . I � -
- . -
I .
no special effo�t ceal the fact. 11 John Henry,'Mr..MbNice has offer- I ,�.,� — . i L . I I / I THLE COMMERCIAL LIVORY
. I ; . i . �
Both had evidently come directlyfrom. ed to marry me; what -�hall I do V FOR SALE OR TO L T. And we have now on our shelves : i . �
their work, which, indeed, the gentle- 44 Marry him', I supp se,,11 John Hen- RARE CHAN CE. -Photograph Rodris to Let I � � ! r �
man proceaded to intimate. ry r�ephed, bitterly. .- 11 Ile is rich and on first ftoor in Scott's Brick Block, , Seaf orth. � - �
4 . position central. Also, three or Jour Booms on . I I �
11 1, Fact is, parson, Itis rather a bad I am poor. I don't hn INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THE FOLLOWING TES_ ARTHuR FoRBESS
. L ' � of any girl the flat above, suitable for a dwellinE. POSS . . �
1 nigg,ht outside; and so I says to Sary, that wo-d1d hesitate. ur sending for ea- DR. -KINGYS NEW DISCOVERY
i - . sion 1st January, 1879. Apply to F. 11OLME. . TIMONY OF ONE OF THE WORLD'S OREATEST HAVING purchased the Stock and Trade of the
I Wh&Vs the use; let's not fix up a bit, me before ade6pting him is more than STED, barrister, on the promises, or o ROBT. FOR CONSUMPTION.' I b L Commercial Livery, Sesforth, from Mr.
..9 but go iest as we are. The knot'll hold I had any reaso,a to expinct." . SCOTT, MaKillop. 573-tf. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER. I 11 � Georg6 Whiteley, begs to state that he Intands �
� . . . - I I carrying on the bneiness In the old stand, and has
jest as ;YeU as if we had on our best bib LE John Henry," was e maiden's re- __ L added sevetalvaluablehormemandvehiclesto the I
r e, parson, we PERSONAL. r -r 11 El Im M M3 1:;Zf S 0 I\T !:p 31 _& 1L*_T 0, formerly large stock. None but I
11 I and tuak-er.' And besid . ply. ' 61 I think I shall. - I For us to mar- L I
L want to take the old folks, by surprise, is impossible, as w both axe too CAUTION. -I hereby notify all part �es to give I ! F-ir8t-OMMComfortable Yehicle8and'Good .
f . no credit to anyone in myname,excepthy BOCHEES GERMAN SYRUP. -
i and they'a be sure to 'spec -t something For Which We are the Wholesale Agents f�r Ontario: I Reliable Homm TFill be Kept.
I heavily burdened. We, mn, as we are, my order or that of my wife. DENNIS BEAR- i
,, if we'd gone to -work and put on all the DR. ROLL'S MEDICINES. � - 4 Covered and Open Buggies and Carrisgeptand
� bairely keep those dependent upon us. DON, Seaforth. 571x4 � ;
I .
. � riWn's." . DR. LAWS' MEDICINES. ; Double and Single'Wagons always readyforuse.
I By marrying Mr. McNice I can put OAliDEIRS.-A number of Bosrde�3 can be I BOSTON. Mas ,., July 21st, 1878. .
. I 0 . . my B I : I Special �ArrangemW.8 Made W-dh com.
.. . Mrs. Watson was glad f6r this little eople and yours in a condition of com- accommodated with board, eithei ladies or . �
I o gentlemen. Apply to J. -M. CALDWI LL, (only THE EMERSON PIANO CO.&PANY. L iurcial Men.
% ,pportunity to smile, and promptly im- 'Ort, and then, John deE r, he is . seven- d wife), Goderich Street, Seaforth. 670 . . . L . I Orders left at the stables or any of the hotels .
L praved it. What would she not have ;y -four. How long can a man of seven. "' " GENTLEMEN -4 have examined with great interest and-plessure your Upright Pianos. The -
?i I - . pxomptly attended to.
� CAMPBELL'ScPREPARALTION. city of touch and finel singing qaality of tone are
I given for the privilege of a good, hearty �y-fou� live? And after he depaxts, - one I have is superb in every respect. t1sati __
i� laugh. . . . - SPECIFIC ARTICLES. KENNEDY'S PREPARATION. prominent in them, whil8t in po,Wer they are like a Grand. I am not �he least surprised at the un.
T -eaving his money b'h-nd hinl� what __ __ ___ ___- paralleled success with which your Pianos meet, and must heartily a d emphatioally endorse pub- THE SEAFORTH
. � % y en ? Think of it. c ve is.Bweet, but IIENSALL.-Ladieo'. Gents' an&' �13hildren's - ' L I
, The brief ceremon concluded, Mr. t , AYER'S PREPARATION. I lie opinion In respect to them. Faithfully yours, F. BOSCOVITZ.
-1 Felt and Straw Hate Cleaned and Turnea, in L
� . I I
. L
I and Mrs. Watson extended their con- I never put a f steak on the I . .
, the Latest Style, by MRS. PEAREN., 572x4 PORK PACKING HOUSE
� I
� gratulations. I giridiron, or paid rent. We can live 0T?J(3__&TTS_ �
; . CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. -For Sale,on Lot . .
S -L ti Th&r," broke in the newly -married ,vithout love, but not without beef. Let. 26, Concesolon 6, Morris, one mile I rom Brus undersigned will sell at their Pork Pack-
I I inan, 11 is the ticket; guess yoti'll find it I Clough & Warren'it Celebrated fustruinent8 always n hand. Also the popu-- TIM
i s be wise." , sels, any quantity of cedar posts, eift or cut or ing House, at Law Prices,
� I �
�L 0 * K. Now, Sary, let's be goin'. Fla ' po by the- acre. Apply to ALEX. ROBF,RTSON, I - lar Canadian Bell Organ.
.. 9aey John Henry ex stula ted, but to no op FELLOW'S SYRUP. - Other Pianos and Organs supplied on the shortest no�ice. . PORK CUTTINGS, HEADS, FEET,
. .).r�osite Leyden's Hotel, Mel0lop. 567
1 tough ride before us. Good -by, parson.
;_ ?urpose. The wise young lady had I I .
� I
I, Good -b Instruments sold on time or the instalment system. I SAUSAGES, &c.
_V ma'am. Much obliged for the !
I � I nade up her mind, at d" she married IMPORTANT NOTICES. . I
I .. � job. Hupe to do as much for you, some HeNice. . . . - .- — � I i
I .. . . . Dressed Hogs, delivered
q� time." I . S OTT BROTHER�, Seaforth, Ont. .,Going prices paid for
�1. ami a many N�TICE TO DEBTORS. -All partit a not hav- . . I our Paelting House.
I The Potterson f dy eceive PAIN KILLER. I
�j The 11 cart " rattled away, and Mrs. Afts from the new Mrs. McNice, but ing settled up their acoonuts with me for 1877 - . .11 . -
� .
� -
4 Watson, into -whose hands her husband 5 � Mrs. f ailing to do 80 at once will be chaq ad 10 per ELECTRIC OIL. I ARMITAGE, BEATTIE & Co.,
they were invariably seat back. cent. interest from January let, 1873,witbout RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. � 571 SEAEFORTH.
A had delivered the certificate, m ade haste fail. IXBOMAS COVENTRY, Senforth, .. � —_
5� c -Nice offered John Henry! ,assistance . .11, REMOVAL. REMOVAL. 1 L REMOVAL - '
� - by the out- � 0- E DIVISION COURT. -The offi,e of the - I - i 11 FORTH PORK FACTORY.
-. to open it, thinking that, after all, it obetter his -condition, but lie indig THE SEAN
. waaWt beat to judge people TH '
I aantly spurned it and s lked. Second Division Court will beopen daily
. . . from half- past one to tour o'clockP.hf. Office ' I -WM,' MST-- -VjV-.A,.rr MITI -
Bide, and that the strange nian might ,, John IELenry," she remorked, one . John0ou Bros. HAMBURG TEA AND DROPS. I .
. ha,ve done something handsome by way my Block, over the store of H. -ROBB
I I lay, 11 you are a fool, and you will ac- 'n f Division Court, Sefi lorth. 562 E-INIPRESS RELIEF. N to Intimate thnt he has Removed his Odlee to'D. McGregorl's New
I � of a fee. There it was � A bill! YeB, � L. MEYER, Clark o I -
- —_ --- 'I;rjck Buildl on Essit Side of "Ean 14treet, Seal rt , and Fourab Door IS PREPARED to pay the Righest rrice for
I I I and upon it the magnificent figures of 1. - , I I AL TEWER. "0111h of Wli"Iflum Campbeft's cleahing Em L perl M wh ere h, any quantity of Hogs� &live or dressed. -AU
owledge it some day.': LEN'S HAIR REN
I - . The second anniver.s 0 er wed-. , REAL ESTATE FOR SXILE. . hitberto, carry on 9he I I kinds of Cured Mostx oonst suily on band. Fine
- I
I one dollar ! . ling found her I a widc w. She made — —, � - 11. Lard, Sugar Cared Elams, Spiced Rolls, Beef
� . I
I � i " Well, I declare," sbouted x&rs. Wat- - nt wife, . PROPERTY FOR SALE. -For Sale, that con- urance, Money Loan Agency, and " 21g Haeltine .BU.sinC88. Ham, Side Kest, Pork, Sausage, Zologhs,*nd
I � son, 11 isn It this too mean for anything? ffie aged Air. MeNice an excelle venient and deBira:ble residence on �he corner I . General Ins Choice Meat of all kinds. As I balre been in the
: ut within twenty-four h6urs of the of High and Market Streets, lately oc,upied by INE. . . . business for the Ust two years, and having one
-4 Shame on that man; he 'don't deserve leath of her husband EhO interviewed Dr. Vercoe- Apply to DR. VERCOE. - � 488 � CARBOL . In thanking the public for the confidince thei have reposed in Idn - for Abe past fifteen years he
11 ' _. .1_______1_____-__ L has carried on these branches in Sestorth, he of the best cutters and carvers of meat in Can-
- to be married." - pROPERrY FOR SALE. -For §sle, cheap ALLAN'S LUNG BALSAM. , wishes to Inform then. he will still endeavor to 9"O ads, I think I will be able to give to good satia-
Tolin Henry and congra ulated him. PIERCE'S MEDICINES. y have invi 'ably expressed wil h his tranawlions. He still faction so in the Eat.
, � "Now, my dea.r," said the minister, thatconveniently located residinfe, on the . them the same satisfaction which the owl
I With the sid manufactured in e world,as well so Needles, '
.. 11 Now, I can marry ],on. John and High Streets, occu]lied by W. keeps'on hand tbe'best Sewing Machines that P H. ROBB. .
11 o hard, for I . . corner of .
I " Y�u should not be to � -nc or to A. . . He sells the Osborne A: Machine. In the simplest, the most ;
i �
I ,ortune of my late husba, I we can Eve S.Robertoon. Enqnireontbepremise�l � 011, and Machine Attachments. i I d. - %8'
� had at -least a dollar's � 673-3-- f work in the most perfeat manner, the easiest and quickest N. B. -Pork Cuttings always on h&u
I &M sure Vou, capable of making any kind 0 , L .
�' s we ought to live, and be happy. STRONG. Land Agent* . � - on. He se the Genuine Rows Machine
]�.� ' ... . �_ made in. the Dominion. .
:...� worth of enjoyment out of the occa- , - ' threaded up msoMne Of Any WschiuO
i �urely, John Henry, it was worth ZURICH GRISTlNG ANDYLOURE4,G MILL ALLAN'S ANTI -FAT. -L Machine that ban never failed to give satisfaction 0 every one er for the last ton esn. Us NLEW.GRAIN WAREHOUSE
i I � Z
I . '
1. sion.11 . ,-vhile to- wait two yea CS L for all this FOR SALE -on easy terms of pa ment, or . sells the Wheeler & Wilson Machines, the most rapid and least noisy no in theyor d. � .
: .. to exchange for farm property. Grli iting and VEGETINE. yp I
tup. Farmers'Wives, Meebanics'Wives, Merchants'Wives and Man , do not f,til to examine
� L "Yes, sir, and I noticed somebody money. ' Flouting promptly attended to the same as usu iLl.. PE RUVIAN S' and try our sewing Machineo--Family and Manufactuxing-when yo want one. Also Agent for KIPPEN STATION.
. L who seemed trying to keep from laugh- John Henry quite .. eed with her, Also a quantity of Dry Hemlock Lumbe - for sale . kinds of work. Instructions .
, t� �
. . , L the celebrated FraDz andPope Knitting Machilic, capable of doing all
w ter." � nd very happy they we: --e till they dis- cheap for cash or short credit. WM.FINWICK, � I given to customers gratis On AnY of the above machines. sewing Madbines to Rent. Alsoallkindx- r[ME subseriber ba-ving completed arreagemento
Next dav little Robby's shoes were overed tha . t the old gentleman had Proprietor, Zurich P. O.,Ont __ 546 � I i of Sewing Machines repaired. TERMS LIBERAL. . -9- ,Wlt.h a first-class grain Am, Uas rented the - '
� -Lot 2 1. Conces . ;�
,� bought wAh the wedding fee, the Mill- before his marriage made over CHEAP FARM FOR SALE. - Warehouses at this Place, and will pay the high -
L ,
i ears sion A, Township of Howiok, adj ining the AYER'S SA'RSAPARILLA. WM. N. WATSON, Ge eral Agent, Scafor.th. eat market price in cmh for all good naerchant-
.. i ister's pants -were brushed and cleaned 'every dollax he had lo a nephew. the corporation of the Village of Wroxetei, contain- BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA. � I I able farm produce delivered here. While thank-'
f for the hundredth time, and the good consideration b'eing � life amnuity,which ing 92 acres, 50 acres cleared ; frame I Ouse and COD LIVER OIL WITH __ I Ing his many friends in Sfaaley Sad Hay for
� I laay, by dintof extraordinary manage- they had lived quite'up to. frame barn ; also log house and orch d ; land theirliberal support in the past, he hA*es to
. I of 8 ; r"b merlt a continuance of the same, and also a fair
. it pood, for the sM&1l sam 2,600 espes
I -1 inent, made tiie old dress answer an ex- tI John Henry," said she; "We CALD I I S. STARK, 8'EAFORTHD -
i , . farm for sale in the county of Raton. Apply to . I I L share of patronage from the adjoiningsection of
li to have the fortune I ,w, o. HAY, Liotowel. 013t- W I � -
I cellent purpoEie. marry-, I a,m going . I __ � . I Tuckeromith.
. . - - - ' ' . � � DAVID MOTANN'&N L
I . The sprina passed ELwV, and the sum- 1 i6m 61ititled to." - I -PARM FOR S- AT .-7-For Sale, Lot 1 1, Con- 7, HYPOPHOSPHITES. 1, OTION "72 1 � .
I raer in all it's' om and abun- The nephew bad been EL constant vis- I 1: Hallett, containing looacres, 80 of 'Which are MALT. GROCERY STORE, BOOT AND SHOE HOP AU I
i bea-utiful blo TROMMER'S EXTRACT
4 le, and she cleared and free from stumps. There i� &frame
L :4 dant fruitfulness ,came on. The wed- itor a� tlie house of his U.110 SOLTD AND LIQUID EX- ROOMS9 LAND AGENT, CONVEY.4,NCERs &0. NEW TAILLINER
1A ' very well, knew that it was her attrac- dwelling house with stone cellar underm Oath, also . . I . . . X
.1 ding, on the stormy night had almost frame barn and at�ble. Plenty of good Water and . AND
passed from the minds of the min- tioup that brough ere. e a small orclArd. Is within six-and-a_]ialf miles - . L A Large Stock of Boots and Shoes and Grocerieg 'Tust Arriving. 111ill
: , I ister- and Lis -wife; albeit, now and then looked well in wee d the nephew of ciinton au�d aboat 9 miles from Seah Irth. Ap . be sold,on very small pro tes his DRESS -MAKING ROOMS,
- - -id 'veto her. He- ply at THE ce, 0 or . .fits—all MW stock. TIW 'Ub8criber invi CARDNO'S BLOCK, 9EAYORTH.
� i she lau-h, was v6ry kind ai Batten
-1 would brmk out -with a rD — TRACT OF BEEF. He has engaged M -r JoAn
LL I (I her all in his power, as he felt VARM FOR S&LE.—For Sale, Wes � half of - old friends and new ones to give him a call. - -
.� &1idask her husband if be didi:i't think onsole Con. 9, Ruilett, containing 5C icres, 40 BEEF WINE AND IRON. -ake and repair work to o,rder. — -
� 11 it was iiea.rly time to splice another it was his duty to do, particularly as he I ' Lot 9, rITY , Scott to attend to the .shoe 81top, who will m EWEST STYLES In Ladies andChildren!s
. I- acres are well cleared, without stumps, and in a I PILLS IN ANY. QUAN' .. ' ' N .
, i couple. had the money, a large paxt of which good state of cultivation, being well ur derdrain- Old A ccount8 -mu-8t be paid at once, as the 8ubscribe7 n'ftd8 Money. Farm Hats amd Bonneu, Flowerg, Feathers, Orns-
I L ments, &e. The Newest Fashions in Dreas and
- I . i teal do ae ,best I
- she was entitled to. I71ie, charming, ;d ; on the'premises there is a new fral ie house, � Mantle Making.
1 One day, as the happy little family n and Town Property for sale.. Give TM a Call . A, Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
-1 me stables,also a . I - -
. I Vere eiding their dinner -ndjustasthe widoN7 received his cond lence with due 22x-32, frame barn and two fra - Also Plain and Fancy Sewing done. Enquift at
J , a, ing orchard and neTer-failing,well with can for you. Remember the Place, Starks Bloc . . -
. I L - �oq,d bear
I i Nxents were feeling uncommonly protid ropriety, and played he - part so well Su.p. Considerable fail plowing done , also fall WORM LOZENGES ALLKINDS. . I I I the 777s. MARY Mue'RE11L.
� � p '
'"' Of some sinart thing little Robby had hat in a little while t) Le young man v,rheat sown. Apply to DAVID MLIJI on the , COUGH LOZENGES AND I . SAMUEL STAR y SEAFORTH. z7o .T. MULHOLLAND. -
, ,
1. -1 )eca-me-as much infa,tu),ted with her. promises, or to Coustauce P. O. 51,34f - , . - .
- i �aid, there came -just such &uother riu- . - ----- - - -- ffop Fd.R - -A,LE.- For,Sale, OTHER PREPARATIONS . __ - .
L * - —6-
- _-� Ing of the bell as that heard on the is the uncle had been. :)ne short year -pARM IN 'MokiffOP FdR - . I . � . I � � . - I
:� t 07 . I INNUMERABLE. . _7 SALL11ILLS.
i ifter the death of her fix t I sh -J-: i part of Lots 8 and 9, Ca . 13, Me ]EI E N
11 husbanc e the Nortl ' . I
I Stormy night." . Killop, containing 112 acres; there are about 80 �
I . I
- as led to the, altar by the nephew, rdrained, and:in a hig R. N. BRETT9 MARRIAGE.LICENOES, -_
1. i "'Well, there,'2 mid -Mrs. Watson, . cleared, well fenced, unde h I . .
� At one would think for all the world Much to the despair ol John IE[enr.v. state* of cultivation, the balafice is well timbered -_ ,. .1 i I . . FREE TRADE.
rhe uncle was, an R,M,d miu � n, and he with hardwood; good dwelling, now btnk frame SEAF04TH,. I Oft CEIR TRIFIV&XIMS, I
. I that that splice -wan had come again." rneath, i Od other I Aet.) tuned at the -VA a" others b"g,Corn min be Mb -
i Before the minister could reach the 'elt that he could safely Teculate upon ontbuildh�gs; alsoagoodyoung L orchard i ind plenty 7S, � 'Wholesale and PAsil Des,ler In LEATEMB mid . ('Vudertho 18W I A: enRydesumab. Comean4motlieCornand
Is 10 miles from Brussels, 5 I rom. Wal- HICKSON& RLEASDELL 7 Descri�ption. - . � � , - � . I I __ " I .
:1 � dOor it was opened, and, astonishih g to ais early decease, but the young hus- ot water. . SHOz MDINGS of Eve . - gel 001� VdPAO 10 VIL018'011�-Chdjjqirepni�' T*=
-y , was, ton, and 12 from Seaforth, with good gn;vel roads I � EXPOW011, 01710t� 8FAFORT11. - Wholeffitl*P010". by the
J61 ' Hem , and Food. doliyereii at
. -
I relate, there stood the identical hero of )andwas as YOUD9 as In , No" but the Very Beat Stock kept. Terms - I I . . aristing . a ded -to paustually "
to each place; convenient to church and schools ; � I . to%E a's ft'r.
I the wedding occasion . Lnd to all appearances had as long a ,Old as *-whole or in two parts. I Apply to . moderate. A TAM BoUcited- All ordexs by nudl, i
. will be r I Under sutbority of the Lientensat-Goimor I usasL Chopping done STOTY day -
h " 'Arternoo' -sea, and ma:am, Aase of life. But Euph,,mia bid him walton P. o. or to the proprietor on i he -prem I Onttrio. 570 NoGREGOIL & UBQUHAUT-
, LL n, par 'NeL I �17 - I MAIN STREET, SEAFORT11, or ouwrwim prmptly MID& IL N. B a 3 r r
I I 8in't forgot me, have ye? mber -,. iave hope, and not be a fool. , . � ea. WMLIAM DYNES. � F44 . f . on �1 i
... ! .
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