HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-11-29, Page 7NITUREIN Stok of Factories in Can- ilteaper than, any t down and get ak... s for $2. 50. $3 25, I. 44,6 feet longa irojection fronts,. 8ofas,,Loun- ' Cannot be a heels very low.. ALL mse for a little ite M. R. Coura- ilishment, Main and Wool Pick - PORTER. itiou to furnish a the place. IERTAKINC. BOX, Warerooms, Vandsome a every Des - and in any in Huron, :prepared to aeir own elver-. • as to qoadity. 4) ORDER I). lietree, they are taking in all fra treas. taking business FLU ID, ttroya all °flea - 8.4 icing from. [OT & BOX. I AGENCY. ONG ass Stock, Fire and is prepar- E TERMS. t Loan Socie- :cheat) of Farm PLASS M- R, SALE. ll'er Cent. tZ Steamers. Store, Main -St FACTORY.. hest Prloo for dressed. All n hand. Fine •d Rolls, Beef Bologna. and re been in the lid having one meat in Can - good. aatis- . 1,-LOBB. and. 508 his numerous or their liberal - are, and hopes, on to business in thefuture. amiaea, during ay the _ PRICE sags, dbIlverea MUM, reei,Seaforth. is of good dry VILSON. ING. i Seaforth and make up AIDS, &c., punctually at- Idence—Main into eo-part- the wants of a Ts who may and from the 9ere on most It at Joseph estese prompt ROWNELL. 'ELL. 560 Ty ATIIER and --cription. -set. lamas seers by mail Et3ST t. NovEiltii3ER 29, 187 8. • . — t ..TIE HUROIST EXPOSITOR. •rngerSoll on. Drummers. Spe' ailing about the means by which see past presperity was brought about, 44-Boh" Ingersoll says in one of his last tofarther: "Every roan that could. get $500 worth of gods on credit became a mei- tbant, They wanted to be dentists, jawyers, cloctors—something that there was rw work in. When they could not that they would 'start an insurance associatioral Then they sent their Agents all over the country to get your •property insured, to get your life insur- ed, and every moment you would. have a picture of a coffin thrust in your face -to see if you wouldn't insure. And those agents would come and sit down by you and talk to you about your last struggle with that -monster—death. They got a dertain glare of the premi- um, and they insured anybody. They insured consumption in its hemorrhage, .and the money flowed into the society. As soon as the fellows began to dielthe company closed its doors. Then they had fire insurance companies, !The agents of these also had. a share of the premiums, and. I tell you that for six, eight or teia.,! years they would have in- sured an ice -berg in perdition. Then the merchant filled all the cars and all the hotels and bars with runners and drummers. Every man that you met had three carpet sacks filled with .samples. And in the meantime we had the bankrupt law, so that every man who couldn't pay his debt a might take -the benefit of this law. Then it all went to the clerks, etc., of the courts. I never heard of anybody getting more than 3 per cent, on any claim in my life." • — Why They were called Lorne. Lorne is the favorite adjective em- ployed by traders just now to qualify anything particularly new .and nice. There are "Lorne" neckties, "Lorne collars " Lorne " hats, • and "Lorne caps, not to speak of Tartan.. stuffs. We also hear of a manufacturer who is absent to present to the public a "Lorne" - biscuit. .The confectioners, too, are up - to the times, as the following incident will show: A reporter, While coming out of a confectionery establishment tlie other day, obeerved a plate Of sweet- meats ticketed " Lorne Caramels," and entered. into conversation with .the young woman behind _ the counter with the object of finding out what rich or peculiar ingredient was in the taffy to Warrant the use of the qualifying word. He remarked, " By the way, why do you call these (pointing at the object of his curiosity) `i Lorne Carmels ?' " " Oh," was the reply, " because they are very nice." " But they are no nicer or a weet- er than other caramels ?" " They are not sweet," was the reply ; "these car- amels are tar l 'uns." Our reporter, by a desperate effort, smiled, and the in-. terview concluded. . . , • A Household Fruit Dryer. A Miehigan,man has invented a fruit evaporator, which is a simple addition to the household stove. It is said. to do its work rapidly and skilfully, and to be readily handled. The dryer is a long tin pan, which may be from three to six, eight or ten feet long, as may suit the convenience of the room in which is the kitehen!stove; in width it is made o. that it covers -one end. of the surface top of an ordinarycook stove, as it rests on and operatesby the heat. of the stove. The Machine_ may be kept at . work all the time the cooking or baking is going on, as it oectipies but two holes. This long tin pan, as it may be named, has a tight compartment or chamber, which is partly filled, with water, .and on, the top surface of this eompartrnent Is placed the fruit or vegetables prepar- ed for drying. The hot Water and. steam in the lower compartnient dries the fruit,, without danger of burning or crisping, A pock or a . half bushel of fruit may be dried in from , one to two hours; The fruit when dried, and pack- ed is then in perfect condition to put away beyond the reach of anything that • will injure it,--!- Western Agriculturist. H . • Winter Clothing for Children. Every ono Must remark that a favor- ite article of -winter clothing for chil- dren is. a comforter swathed around the neck. This iF,;• a great error ; • the feet _ and wrists are the proper members, to keep warm; the face and throat will harden into a healthy indifference to cold; but that muffler, exchanged for an extra pair of thick socks and knit- ted gloves, would preserve a boy or girl • really warm and. well: - Bronchitis_ and sore throat have declined 50 per centum since the absurd use of high collars and. twice round neckerchiefs went out. of fashion ; and if the poor would take bet- ter care of thdir children's feet half the infantileonertality would disappear. It only costs a trifle to put a piece of thick -felt or cork inte the bottom of a boot Or shoe, but the difference is often consid- erable betweet that and a doctor's. bill, -I with perhaps t ie undertaker's besides. --!-- Green illaitatain Prcelnan. • - ,. , Death of a Romantic . Yorlth. Charles. B. Sinai' a vonuff lawyer Of i, ., -r; Baltimore, arrived. in Ashbury Park, N. L, on Tuesday, and died.a, few days afterwards of !bleeding - of the lungs. hat previous te his death he sent ,1/434,- 000. each to Vitstit• and. Hampton C�1 - leges, and $37,000 to the pour of nalti- h1Ore. He • b+Itleallied ,c,;20,000 to a' Young lady of Eenith Amboy, whom tie expected to inirry, on condition that she should reniaiu single for two years. Ir. Smith retUrtied to America on the 18th of Oct. Ile had . been absent for eight months tt escape the consequences of a dud in. w'tlieli he killed Walter. Farquhar, of Vi reinia. Ily direction of deceaSed, his betty will be forwarded to Dr. LeMoyne f‘tr (-ruination. A Swindler Caught. A man use(1et, Morrison, who -said he came from London, bargained with Mr. R. Mccubbita of Chatham township, at a year ago, • foe the purchase of abo the latter's farm at the price of $1,000. Witb a small cash payment he went on the farni and. reaped a good harvest this Year, purchased on credit a reaper and Ower and a gang plow. One Saturday DIght or Sunday lately lie silently de - Parted, taking pith him the proceeds of • this ear's fanning, and the machinery had purchitse'd but not paid for. 1_1 Constable Best1,1, of Chatham, was in- etracted to tack the runaway and, alter a. two dais' tramp- by highways and, byways, ROud the fellow on the toad near, and. 'Making for London. He had left much his machinery in the care of parties by the way, with in- Artictions to keep it till called for. Con -. stable Best told the runaway his busi- ness, and he immediately handed over the amount of all the accounts present- ed to him, and gave orders for the de- livering of the machinery stored by the way. This done, he was permitted to proceed. IS YOUR LIFE WORTH 10 CENTS?—Sick- ness prevails everywh ere,and everybody complains of some disease during their life. When sick,the ciiject is to get well; now to say plainly that no person in this world that is sufferine• with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and its effects, such as Indigestion, Costiven ss,Sick Headache, Soar Stomach, Heart Burn, Palpitation of the Heart, Depres. ed Spirits, Billi- ousness, &c., can tak GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER without getti • g relief and cure. If you doubt this go, to your Druggist and get a Sample Bot le for 10 cents and::: try it. Regular size 5 cents, two doses1 will relieve you. Thousands of p ople are now care- ly allowing the ough the prelimin ry symptoms of suniption, under the fatal delusion t they are troubled with nothing but slight cold." .Ho4r necessary is it, n,th4 a cold shoull be cared•for from incipiency, and ev ry exertion used. et rid of it. " ryan's Pulmonic ers " will stop the hacking cough in •w minutes, and by their influence on bronchial and pulmonary organs all s of dangerous results will soon be dis- ted—but they musi be taken in time. by all druggists aud country deal - price 25 cents pe box. OnSE MEDICINES. It is gratifying to kn w that there -is at least one which has stood the test nd proved itself wo th the confidence eposed in it ; we kno» of no- other a tide which has pro ed so generally a cessful, or given sue universal satisfac ion ; we are con- fide t that there is rah -e of it used than all thers combined, a d that it will tely supersede all others there can be o doubt. It is" arley's Condition Po ders pind Arabian Heave Remedy," weadvise all who req in anything of the ind to give it a tri 1—we know they will be satisfied with the result. Ren ember the name, nd see that the sign ture of Hurd & C . is on each pack- age. Northrop & Lym n, Toronto, Ont. proprietors for Gonad i. Sold by all me icine dealers. ' les th CO th a" th its to w a f the fee, sip' Sol era selves, to drift E PS's COCOA.—G-rat ing. "By a thorough not al laws which g tion of digestion and. a ca 'eful application o ties if well selected oc has rovicled our breabla a d licately flavored may savt us many hea It is by the judicious us of di -t that a constituti uall3 built up until str sist very tendency to dred of subtle mala axon d • us ready to t er is a weak point. mn a fatal shaft by w ll fortified with' pu pr p trly nourished fra vi e- razette. Sold only le" " James Epps & Co., Homceopath- ic C emists, 48, Thre: dneedle Street, and 70, Piccadilly, Lo don." 482-52 and comfort- . 4 4 wledge of the ve a the opera- nt -Won, and by t e fine proper )a, Mr. Epps t tables with e erage, which octor's bills. o such articles n may be grad - ng enough to re - di ease. Hun- ies are floating tuck wherever We may escape ee ing ourselves e blood., and a e."-4'ivil Ser - in packets label - ma pr( rae pa tin LE gie, tor Incan Ion • VICTORIA Hs -Porno. rapidly restoring the at ing gonna and •refres tone, vigor and'suer . • or Consumption, Wea Ti rout Diseases, it is t ed, known. For sale by al n's Vorm Powders arc big Ay the s who have used them. PrrTEs acts like engthaud appetite, ing sleep, and Ma - k the whole sys- Lungs and • Chest, e best . and surest dealers. Free - esteemed by all - 566-52 • )eep rivers move with silo bricks -are noisy. Like the th man with good health— non with ill health, always hai in until he is repulsive ei H arsonoss, colds, coughs as Luna, bronchitis, and kil-1r be snred with Hagyard's Pee sal& by all dealers; 25c per Wt rin Powders produce the m t majesty ; shallow atjestie river moves ik1 tho brook, the -kit g, puffing, blow - en td his friends. qi, insy, influenza, 'complaints may tor 1 Balsam. For b ttle. Freeman's st salutary effects. •••••11•01111111 T as fir th N RE CENTRE RIDI LECTION AC Chapter 9, Secti B following is a details monies paid out by me, gent of SAMUEL PLAT election for the Centre Ri Dominion House of Co Seventeenth Day of Septem required to be given in pursut aforesaid: To paid Toronto MAIL for sheets To cash paid Win aign sheets To cash paid Montreal GAzET algasheets 'Po cash paid Montreal Telegr To sash paid Express charge To hire of Halls for meeting To postage, stationery and bla k books.% To deposit Nomination Pap rs T H. W. Ball's account, tr: veiling ex - tenses, attached hereto To Goderich STAG account, p inMng, let - ached hereto ! • OF _HURON. F 1875. n 123. r in in or DC tatemout of all y my authority, a Candidate in of Huron, for ns, held on the A. D. 1878, as of Section 128, C mpaign treschloner , fir Cam - E Cam- _ p Co.... ..... • Total $9 Co 3 00 8 00 12 50 8 50 8 00 5 50 50 00 52 75 33 50 $185 75 ated at Goderich, this 16t. day of November, A. D. 1878. WM. CAMP Agen Witness—FRED. W. JOHNS ELL, far Samna] Platt. ON. 572.1 HARPER'S BA ILLUSTR R-1879. T D, NOTICES OF TH PRES.:; ; To dress according to Hint' 11 o aim and ambition of the w Boston Transcript. As a faithful chronicle of fa a aper of domestic and social without a rival -.-Brootlyu Eni This paper has acquired a e fireside enjoyment it afford established authority with ork Evening Post. • • The Volum( a of the BAZAR 1 umber for Jaimary of eae t me is mentioned, it will be m tbsetiber wiahes to commene • next after the receipt of his or, H AR PER'S PERE_ picAts. s Bazaa will be eu of America. hion, and a +meter, it at.dis le b idb popularity for ,and hes become the laclies.—New e iu with the first- year. When no dsrstood that the -ith the number e• . arper's Magazine, one year I arper's Weekly, one year. I arper's Bazar, one year. he Three Publieatiene, one ye ny two, one year ... ix Subaoriptions, one year.. Terms for large clubs ferule Postage free to all subscribe totes or Canada. The Annual Volumes of HA eat cloth binding, will be set f expense (provided the freigh cue dollar per volume, for $7 et, oompriaing Eleven Volum f cash at the rate of $5 25 p t expense of purchaser. Cloth cases for each volum 0, in, will be sent by mail, post - 1 each. Remittances should bema oney Order or Draft, to avoid Newspapers are not to copy Without the express order of Address HARPER & 78-1 r, $1 00 4 00 -1 00 10 00 7 00 20 00 sd on application. in the United REfl'S BAZAR, in Lt by express, free does not exceed ch. A.complete , sent on receipt rt volume, freight s itable for bind - id, on receipt of by Post Office hence of loss. is advertisement a -per & Brothers. BROTHERS, New York .; • WHYm p • A common tobacco WREN for the same price Yon can get THE MYRTLE NAVY ? StE T. & B. GILT LETTRS 572-12 ON EACH PLU N EW LINE N EW LINE N EW LINE —IN— BERLIN WOOLS, BERLIN WOOL BERLIN 100LS, OTTOES, MOTTO MOTTOES, MOTTO MOTTOES, MOTTO 1 • AND CARD, BQARD, AND CARD BOAR AND CARD —AT— C. W. PAPST' C. W. PAPST' C. W. PAPST' S, ,S, BOARD, t• CARDNO'S BLOCK. CARDNO'S BLOCK CARDNO'S BLOCK. BRUSSELS HARD ARE JAMES DRE F 'Having completed the EN A,R E- MPNT premises an. in- , - creased his stock of HARDWARE, PA NTS, OILS AND GLAbS, And also added a complee 1 ASSORTMENT OF TIN ARE, HAS N OW ONE OF T E Largest Stocks of :F. -LARD -WA IN THE COUNTY, AND I ALL WHO ARE WANT THE ABOVE GOODS T • VITES COME AND EXA INE . THE GOODS AND COMPARE PRI SI The following goods are o SPECIALLY REDUCED prices U. AMERICAN NAIL WINDOW GLASS, JAMES' WHITE L AD LINSEED OIL, MACHINE OIL &c. 4 9 ES. red at AT THE SIGN OF TH " 17) A_ IOC BRUSSELS. FURNITURE., FURNIT M. ROBERTSO CABINETMAKER AND UNDERTA •1 HAS AGAIN OPENED A RE. 9 ER!. opposite ' re he is etail Furniture Std Two Doors North of his Old Stand, Waddell & Co.'s Dry Goods Store, wh prepared TO SELL AS CHEAP AS A THE TRADE. UNDERTAKI Attended to as Usual. G IN ALarge Stock of COFFINS, CASKET CAPS, SHROUDS, &c., always on han 581 M. ROBER SON. MARRIAGE LICEN ES OR CERTIFICAT (Under the new Act,) issued itt' e SIGN OF THE H ci 1-3 Lt ot 1 H H p 02 0 t-4 0 H o o H *tLOO[ ziaa simao LllOIa ,c5 • ti 0 0 to H t:d 02 H 0 ciC, ft° ):1 Pe 0 002 0 1.1 tt •02 ci H to) P;•• Lt 1-3 o tri ci s -t 4;- 0 CD O ' 0 w 02 CI H 02 :4 0 0 t) CIRCULAR SAW. WM. ROBERTSON & CO., SEAFORTH. P> lar "V 70., ID MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM THOMAS KIDD'S SCOTT BROTHERS INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THE FOLLOWING TES- . TIMONY OF ONE OF THE WORLD'S 'GREATEST PIANISTS WITH REGARt TO T II • MVIASON For Which We are tbe Wholesale Agen BOSTON. M ThE _EMERSOk PIANO COIIIPANY. GENTLEMEN—I have examined with great interest one I have is superb in every respect. El -tonicity of touch prominent in them, whilst in power they are like a Grand. paralleled success with which your Pianot; inset, and mast lie opinion in respect to them. Faithfully yours, araVANCEZIVII THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CAPITA L CANADA. ▪ - S4.000.000, CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1888; and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Incorporated 1864. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOGK, MAIN -ST. SEAFORTH. DEnft44 on New York Bank in the United States. Bills ot Exchange on at all Chief Cities of the United INTEREST PA ID ON M. P. 411 Payable at any London payable Kingdom. DEPOSITS. HAYES, MANAGEB LU U C•2 Cel maNuvN am, NI 'sag A FULL STOCK OF THE BEST BRANDS 11A1511110AV CD 0 CD0 rxi eo-N- CD 0 ‚-C— oCD CD 02 0 co 0 CD `H.180..dV3S a for Ontario ss., July 21st, 1878. and piniaeure your Upright Pianos. The and .flne singing quali y of tone are I am not the least surprised at the nu - .heart -i1 and emphatically endorse pub - F. BOSCOVITZ. Clough & Warren's Celebrated Instruments alway on hand. Canadian Bell Organ. Other Pianos and Organs supplied on the shortest notice. Instruments sold on time or the instalment system. SCOTT BROTHEL Also the popu- LIQUOR STORE. T BEG- leave to notify my numerous friends -I- and customers that fhave removed my Liquor Store from the old stand to my NEW PREMISES, In reat. of my Dry Goods Store, and fronting on Market Street. Having fitted up the Nrw Shop with all the neer ss any appliances, and imports(' a large stock of Liquors, am now in to wait on all nay customers with better advantage than here- tofore. Thi E STOCK EM BRACES EVERY- THING IN Foreign and Domestic Wines, The Choicef t Brands in wood and bottle. Old Rye, Malt, and Snparior Whiske3s. Hennessy, Martel], Jules Robins, Pipet, CBS- tillon, and Sazarae Brandies, Holland Gin, Old Jamaina Rum, &c. G ui SR's re ebrated Tarter in bottle, Carling's Famous Ale in wood mai bottle, Pure Scotch Malt and Genuine Old Irish Whiakey in battles . and flasks. Hotel Keepers and Farmers Inning in quanti- ties liberally dealt with. S, Seaforth, Ont. Medicinal and Sacramental Wines D. D. ROSE, FAMI•LY GROCER, AF CD Pi .'1" has Pleasure in announcing to his Friends and Gus- . tomer# that every Department is fully stocked with First—Cla,s Goods. Ifimdreds of FitMilies testify to the value given at Roses q-roem'y in the past, and he looks forward to the future with every confidence. No Prices quoted. Come and see, and be convinced • of the advantages offered. . No trouble to show Goods and give samples. Flour, Corn, Oatm at, Buckwheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Hominy, c6c.1 a ways kept in. Stock.' D. D. ROSE, Seaforth. • ' WIFFIES once more to remind her many friends and customers that she is now bet- ') ter prepared than ever to supply all their wants iii her line. She has One of the most complete assortments of Kept constantly on hand. All orders by mail or otherwise punctually arterded to, and all Liquors delivered in town free of charge A call reepectfully solicited. THOMAS KIDD, Seaforth. THE OLD ESTABLISHED STOVE AND TIN EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH. MRS. Wti iTNEY7 01=:'1\TJD T III S VcrK —AT— JOHN ROGERS', SEAFORTH. THREE CASES FINE FELT HATS THREE CASES FINE FELT HATS THREE CASES FINE F LT HATS THREE CASES FINE FELT HATS THREE CASES FINE PELT HATS THREEI CASES FINE FELT THREE CASES FINE F THREE CASES FINE FELT HATS to take, sefe and effeenal. AT LT HATS • STOV-FIS . Both Coal and. Wood, Cooking; Hall and Parlor, of the latest designs that can be found in any town in the county, and at prices as low as the lowest. Her assortment of . Was never better or more varied. COAL OIL, • Both Wholesale and Retell at a very slight ad- vance on manufacturers pi -ices. Repairing and. Eave-Troughing promptly attended to and en- tire satisfaction guaranteed. BRUCEFIELD. For the better aecomolation of her customers Mrs. Whitney has opened a branch store in Bracefleld, where will be found a complete stock of everything in her line. atm would direct par- ticular attention to and invite inspection to her Stoves, which intendin,4 purchasers should see before purchasing elsewhere. Remember when you come to Seaforth or Bratefield don't leave without inspecting my stock. It will be time well spent. MRS. WHITNEY, Seaforth and Brucefleld. ROBERTS' DRUG STO'RE.- --- Try.a Pot of Roberts' Carbolated Glycerine Jelly for Chapped Hands, Sore Lips. &e. Try a Set of Roberts' Steel Violin and Guitar Strings, the finest and most durable ever in- troduced, Try Roberts' Hare and Cattle Powder, unsur- passed for quality and cheapness.. Try a box of Roberts' Worm Powders, pleasant Try a package of Roberts' Baking Powder, or CZ - - ' Cook's Delight, the best in the market. - C:I Try Roberta for an3thing you want in the Drug, JOHN ROGERS, SEAFORTH. Patent Medicine, Trawl, Shoulder Naze, or Tobacco line. C:1 MI .•••••• •6•110•=1•14•YOM•rl3•117•••1•MYNN1.W.V. g.•.--.' Opposite Cardno's Hall, Sealoath. 2C . 571 S. S. ROBERTS. --- -- - -10 3* GOODS FOR THE MILLION CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO SHOW H 11-41 PUBLIC THE CHOICES' SELECT WORSTED COATINGS, PANTING, The eye delighs to gaze upon, and Fresh from the At -kets MPORIU. S FRIENDS AND THE ON OF VER COATINGS, or- Chia Falt'a Tra ALL SUITS WILL BE WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT TO YOUR SATISFACTION. 0> - RARE BARGAINS IN CERTAIN LINES. CALL AND SEE. STORE No. 1, I CAMPBELL'S BLOCK. j. WM. CAM 'BELL, Seaforth. 1)1\T`1' Fall and Winter Dry Goods are all opened up, and be as s all intending purchas- ers to give him a call. A 'VIEW FEAT RE-- I will hence- forth do business on the.CASH system. The tightness of the times requires it. By selling for cash, I will be able to sell yery much cheaper, as the Cash customer will not have to pay the bad debts pf others. I was never better prepared to serve customers than now, having bought larger than ever, and in the cheapest markets. I am making a specialty of L. DIES" MANTLES, this season ; have had my stock made to order; Anti can sh vi as many MANTLES, SHAWLS and UNDERSKIRTS, all of thh 'newest designs, as any half dozen Houses in the Coanty. My Stock is full of everything in the Dry Goods line, both 'tent is now in full blast, ts and Bonnets. A very to DENT'S, and you for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. My- Millinery Dar Stock all new and choice. All the NeWest Patterns in nice lot of Chenille Nets just arrived. Bring your CAS will never buy at a credit House again. GE )RGE DENT. ONTARIO PRINTERS' EMPORIUM. GWA anvis&cravil n S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFO TH. and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt - Under authority of the Lientenantgl Ontario. vennor ly attended to. 479 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. KIN & SON HAVE OV 111133 TO THEIR. NEW PREMISES, Cor. Bay aitid Wellington Streets. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE WHEN IT iIS MADE UI' INTO GOOD HARNESS LEATHER Taut AS YOU FIND AT J. WARD'S, SEAFORTH, Where you will find all Kinds of Harness Ifade ui in the Latest Styles. 'REMEMBER, it you want a Fancy or Substantial Harness I. WAR can give you better satis- J-v faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maker in the County. A Trial is all Mut is wanted to secure regular custom. J. WARD, Reaforth. S E, WA_ _-t BLUEVALE„ ONT., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. • A good supply of Woad and Cone lileat Chairs, Bedsteds, Tables Stands, Bureaus, Cupboards, and Sofas very cheap. Coffins. Trimmings, and Robes Always on Hand. LIFO fl supply of Furniture kept in Belmore— Mr. Henry Lloyd. salesmen. 571 D. STEWART, Mamie. LU MUIR FOR SA LE. HEMLOCK, First Qnaiity, $6 per M. PINE from ;ri, BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Lengths, from JO to 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN MoKILLOP. The Subscriber has also a • LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY, BUTTER TUS. S. TROTT, SI'..AFORTh, Ts now prepared to supiele eustomels with any number of his SUPERIOR BUTTER, TUB, At $90 per hundred, Cash. Thee Tubs are so well and favorably known to the trade that it is unnecessary to say an3,--1°Aing in their recommen- dation. MR. TROTT also reardanatirea a small Hard- wood Tub, suitable for waong butter In. Orders by mail or other -.:-e promptly attend- ed to. 495 .• s. TROTT, Seafrth. DRESSMAKING. MISS SCOTT PEGS leave to announce ta the Ladies oi Sea- -'-' forth and ettrroondira -•etantry that she has commenced dressmaking :a. e:1 the LATEST STYLES ,A_ND VARIATINS, And hopes by Neatness, & a ,Vork and Fulda- '. silty to merit the patronae. all. Rooms over Lumsden 9.14005 Drug Store, Main Street, Seaforth_ Six apprentices wanted. - THE HENSALL PORK FACTORY. G. & J. PETTY Are prepared to pay [-Jae HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED ALL KINDS OF CURED MEATS Constantly en Hans. FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK CUTTINGS, &e. 523 G. ik J. PETTY.