HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-11-29, Page 518!8. of the Metho- rs. Ajiderson ber , urged ided t indict `rifles of the laid against sirn$y eorn aof "i in.prt'<- allyartier- ne which had matte beim unworthy a, he Methodist e it was shown tirely , out of 'ism nd- her the e elusive ay At derson tted that the fits Were put k shown that be request of 'o shelve that. premi es with g that they sed for par - for any fill_ ever which of the pro- clue. After of witnesses, 'xa aided by rendered of encle,tio t to The first prudent con- las were she. me B Baum, nufa sitars, or d or vinous re of which is. " Conduct d &id Dis- t E iscopal u, � b jug the 1 - t e pen �- - s been found v the pastor to give judg- lesion created filar feeling of with the ac - late of the Caton, instead Lias purchased 'noon of last, s. Cooper,; sr., rtane to fall u:st above the fosld his farm ncehsior, of or�Yigging- he sum has removed` ,d concession i to fir. Cal- WM. John- which he has ears. of Goder-ich mare a few 'isitii#g at a ne, and a few Flow " at the he i ud, was .e n,- hen one IIS f .ying up nabs bowels, sulte`l in its at the farm- Id, boundary on. Saturday afl4wed to £ICDonald at but finally smezt, The .tally of Mr.. °ning, When rendered two Ont for their r. McDonald off, leaving ►ssible, feu Irourxd, greeable sur- Ifayden and Lay lkst. Mr. tatiOn meas-- railvt ay was ly demeanor him. many part with Las taken an with' church and !her de- r many. Mr. k, where he at once, as .of his early above men- u by ;a depu- :t Lodge, No. Lo, were cor- a Alis. Hay- ehalf of the shhein S4ith a accompanied: address. Mr. GiII�; manner. Jtablo occur- bite Streets in X.erltal bovine tired Resolved ucetion with premises, in for the pur- d in peram- teleu: locality €' entangled in La heir frantic she. 'inadver- i of a,'a certain , by having it, FTs. Finding rved, she be- 'te xr<t t;t,t;hfares,. LV l 1. servan t being tiny - U. portion of A. i reCo erect; t of with the her ineans of min.' ' in the s. Zurich. has za.:He ex- leas gid. with the Country. to 'b kalif ice, and not civilization 'a't -off fine Itis ` in the Lilo property formerly of -Igo of living e line occurs h, now that power, will of the man- :purchased in settlers see- amid take up .er the stars is an ener- ve no doubt 3nture. Nov, MBEs.: 29, 1878_ THE HURON iEXFIOSITOR.. B rn in a Balloon. It is no ing uncommon to hear of children being born on shipboa$d, and jeetanees have been known of infants coming into the world within the walls of a theatre, in a church, in a' railway ter, or cab or even an Omnibus; but a child was recently, actually and literal- ly bora " up in a balloon." A. young ralarrled woman made an ascent in the captive balloon, at the Paris exhibition, .and while in the air was taken ill. With the assistance of a doctor, who' hap- pened to be a passenger in the balloon, the lady whose husband is the son of a leading Manchester manufacturer, was safely ',delivered of a' fine boy before the.air ship touched the ground. The happy father presented the doctor with $00 francs f, The child is a bird of pas- sage, belonging to no country in par- alk. ar- a d claiming every country in general. is parents will require to keep his . ngs clipped, otherwise they will,find him missing some fine morning and all tho, constables and search war- rants in the kingdom will fail' to find him. Their charge is no ordinary one. We Should; not desire to be that child's godfather. A Faithful Dog's Intelligence. A. party bf hunters recently went out in search of game and left a dog of Luther Gltrk's.tied at the camp. • Dur- ing their absence the animal broke loose, with the chain attached to his neck. The chain caught,in some rocks in a caurou, several miles from the camp, and held the dog a prisoner. Whenthe party was about to return to the camp one of the deer hounds ran up, and catching Mr. Clark's clothing in his teeth,; tried to pull him in a :dif- ferent direction from the deer trail. Finally it .was supposed that the. dogs had brought down a deer, and the party followed the sagacious animal to find the dog that had been left behind made a prisoner.' All were proud of having so intelligent an animal in their com- pany. Had it not been for this fortu- nate circumstance the dog would have been starved to death.—lltreka (Nev.) Leader. Strange Time for a Wedding Ceremony. An English clergyman, the Rev. S. H. Reynolds, of East Ham, Essex, has ordered that in future weddings are to be celebrated in the middle of divine service. Not long ago he personally ' conducted the first (immediately after the second lesson), and subsequently filling in the register, etc., in the ves- try, returned to the church and re- sumed the''. service after a total sus- pension of twenty-two minutes. The innovation caused some excitement, .and the parishioners tried to persuade the vicar not to persevere with it, as being " exceedingly inconvenient, al- together unnecessary and most injurious -to the church, but without avail. Fall of Rock. A mass of rock, several thousand tons .in weight, fell the other day at the Up- per falls - 9f the Genesee, Rochester, thereby destroying their beauty. The size of the fallen.portion was something like twenty by a hundred feet, and as it lies in the bed! of the stream it rises be- tween thirty and forty feet above the surface. Formerly the water fell di- rectly from the brink of the falls to- the water below in one unobstructed leap, but now it strikes on the mass that went over land flows down the rocks somewhat dike the American fall at Ni- agara. Ajother large quantity of rock is expected to fall before long and may •carry over ithe buildings on the east side at the edge of the precipice. It has often agitated our curiosity -to find out why a woman will spend six. weeks working a lot of scallops on the bottom of ,her skirt, that nobody in the world but herself will ever get a glimpse of, and then run about the neighbor- hood in ars old dirty wrapper, without .any belt, and every other button burst- -ed. off. —The following particulars repecting the marriage of the Venerable Dean Boomer are from the New York :World of the 20th inst.: The Rev. Dr. Boomer, Dean of the Diocese of Huron, Canada, of which the city of London is the see, was married at Grace Church yester- day forenoon to Mrs. A. Roche, an English lady, who arrived last week upon the Spain from Liverpool. Dean Boomer case to this city last Friday, as was announced in. the World, ac-, -cempanied by his friend Dean Grassett: The wedding ceremony was performed by Dean Grassett, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Potter, rector of Grace Church. It was a very private affair, the only per- sons present being Mr. A. Cleghorn, Of London, Canada ; Mrs. F. G. Johnso , of Montreal a relative of.tho bride, ana a few friends of the parties residing in. this city. j The wedding took Place in this city instead of the home , of the Dean in Lendon, Canada, because, with great gallantry, he met his bride im- mediately:upon the trousseau escaping the Custom House. The Diocese of Huron, of which Dr. Boomer is Dean, is somewhat noted as being the field presided over by Bishop Helluiulth, who is of Jewish descent, but became con- verted to' the Protestant Episcopal faith. His father, who was possessed ' of great wealth, disinherited 1iis son when he r 'flouncedthe Jewish religion. Upon the oath of the father his wealth descendod�to another son, who restored to his brother, the Bishop, that which would ha<e been his had he remained faithful tq'the religion of his ancestors. The Deans and their bridal chapter re- turn to Canada to -day. Auction Sales. Saturd VNov. 30, at the Commercial Hotel, Se Orth, Valuable Real I Estate. Alexande Robertson, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, au tioneer. Tuesday, Dec. 31, at Kaisers Hotel, Brucefiel, a Valuable Farm; John Lunt, pr prietor ; J. P. Brine, auc- tioneer. . Saturday, Nov. 30, at the Commercial Hotel, Sel forth, Valuable Farm Prop - :arty, rop-arty, situated in the Township' of Mc- Xillop, '. c Marriages. FEBGUSON—McCONNEL.—On Nov. 27, at the residen c of the bride, in the village of Bras - eels, by Rev. George Brown, assisted by Rev. Samuel ,Jones, Rev. Dalin Ferguson, to Mary McConnel, widow of the late Alex. McConnel, merchant. CAMERON BAIRD—At the residence of file bride's father, in Stanley, on Nov. 27, by Rev. T,G. Thomson, Mr. John Cameron, to Mary, daughter of Thomas Baird, Esq., all of Stan- ler*, , Births: MITCHELL. --In Blyth, on Nov. 20, the wife of Mr. R. W. Mitchell, of a son. DIGNAN.—In Exeter. on Nov. 17, the wife of Mr. James Dignan, of a son.'. McCALLUM —In Exeter, on Nov. 18, the wife of Mr. McCallum, tanner, of a son. De hs. REGOR.—At Winnij second son of Mr. J. years. C MPBELL.—In Berlin Campbell, aged 60 yea C MPBELL.—In McKillop, on Nov. 16, Agnes, wife of Mr. James Campbell, jr., aged 33 years and 5 months. CLEAN.—In. Tuckersrnith, on Nov. 25th, Isa- bella, wife of John McLean, Esq., aged 70 years. - Pi NTLAND.—At the Nile, on Nov. 8, Mary Jane Pentland, aged 80 years, relict of the late g, on Nov. 28, Franky, M. McGregor, aged 4 on Not . 25, Mr. Robert �s. Samuel Pentland. AAON.—In Blanshard, on Nov. 15, Wm. Mahon. aged 77 years. 1 S LL.—In Stephen,' on Nov. 7, Eddy, son of Mr. Eli Snell, aged 2 ye and 7 mopths. F EMING.—In Felee Is and, on Oen. 30, the 'wife of Mr. Wm. Flemin , formerly of Wingham, and daughter of Mr. Jghn Townsend, of We- wanosh. • c S Local otices. To RENT or sell, jvery cheap, an ex - tient upright piano. A ply to Smith & West, aforth., 571 COAL STOVE FOR -SALE.—A splendid $ vereign Coal Stove for e ; used but last win- ce : a bargain. Wrr.LtAE; ALLEN. 667 PATENT RIGHT FOR SALE.—County Right -of the Harris Pa nt Stove Pipe Damper a. d Spark Extingaishe . Apply to WILLIAM LEN. 567 i AGENTS WANTED, n every Town and Ti wnshipp in the comities of Huron, Bruce, Perth, O Ord, Waterloo, and 'ddleaex, to sell and ad- ju •t to windows Munn's Patent Sash Re for gala , ca a be applied to any window, and is preferable to w ights at half the cost! Good references must ac •ompany all applicatio a. JAS. A. CLINE & Co., forth- 562 ICE —W�t NOT AL EN intends remo - V in about the first of No ember to• the new shop Ing fitted up for him in the Telegraph Block, and in the meantime is offering big bargains in Teas, S gars, Currants, Raisins, Rice, Pickles, Sauces, S , ices, Canned Goods, &c. Also Cream Crocks, B tter Crocks, Butter Bowls, Prints, Ladles, F ower Pots, Crockery, &e, WILLIAM ALLEN, Mrs. Whitney's Block. 567 fi ( THE Canada Landed CreditCompany offers to borrowers the following advantages : 1.' Loan payaulo at any time within 23 years, at the option of the borrower, without any fine or e .tra payment whatever. 2 Low rate of interest —8 per cent. pfr annum—not in advance. 3. The total loan and iq,.erest pavablo by a rate of 10 pea cont. per annum. Agent for Seaforth, Wm. Mee., Main Street. 569 WILSON & YOUNG -have received a • choice lot of very fine Fruits of superior quality, which they aro selling very cheap. Also a fine lot of New Season'eTeas, which for price and quality t1iey guarantee equal to any in the market. Special inducements will be given .to parties baying in 1rErge quantities. Our stock of Sugars, Syrups, bassos, and General Groceries is complete and well assorted in all lines,- and as we have one of the largest and best bought, stocks in Ontario, we will not allow any house in the Trade to undersell us. Call and examine our stock WILSON & Y ui7G. 568 CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. —WILSON & YOUNG' have the largest and best assorted Stock o Crockery and Glassware- in the County, compris- i g Tea Sets in French and English China, Iron, Stone and Porcelain Toilet Sets in the latest and most fashionable design, and of the best material. A so a full stock of everything to be found in a •st-class Crockery and Glassware store, and at p ices which we defy any one to undersell as. Give n a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we will save you money by buying from us. A complete China Tea Set of 44 pieces • for $3 50, and other g • ods in like proportion, j WILSON & YOUNG, Sea. fgrth. 568 DOBBINS' ELECTRI SOA.'.—Having ob- tahned the Agency of thi celebrated, sooup in Sea - fu th and Huron -Comity I append the opinion of s' me of our best people s to its merit's : " I have n ed Dobbins' Electric S ap, made by JI, L: Crain e Co., Philadelphia, Pa. and find it fiery good. T e clothes are beautifn ly white and the washing i done in ranch less t c—Mrs. M. P. Hayes." ' Iused Dobbins' Elect c Soap, according to di - ✓ tions, and 'found the c lothes whiter than when washed in the old way, a din half the usual time Mrs. M. Y. McLean." " I have tested Dobbins' E eetric Soap, and am s'ghly satisfied with the r . snit. I believe it cape, le of doing all the wrap - p r claims for it, and e ost confidently recom- end it as economizing ooth time and labor, and a doing its work we l—Mrs. T. Goldsmith." 4.eying given Dobbins' Electric Soap a fair trial, I hink it is all the mann acturers represent it to b —Mrs. R. T. Coleman. ' I desire all my friends ad customers to give t i s Soap one trial, so they may know just how gelid the best soap in :the United States is TH+MAS KIDD, Seaforth, 0 it., Agent for Huron C unty. 571-52 - F 11 Wheat Sl ring Wheat, Fife, per ushvi.... 0 75 to S ring Wheat,Red Chaff perbush.. 0 70 to O is per bushel 0 25 to P as per bushel .... 0 50 to B rley per bushel 0 40 to B tter, No. 1, Loose 0 11 to E gs 0 121 to 51 ur, per 100 lbs.... ........ 2 25 to H y 8 00 to - 0 05 to F len Hides, per 100 lb THE M s RKETS. SEA ' ORTH, Nov. 28, 1878. - 0.85 to 0 66 H • es, per lb. G ribby Hides per 100 1 S ep'skina 0 50 to ol , 0 21 to Sa t (retail) per barrel. Sa t (wholosale)per bar Po atoes, per bushel.. . .. 0 40 to 'Os mealy brl 2 50 to W ' ol, per lb 0 23 to Tallow, per lb..... r.... .... ? 0 064to Beet, in quarters, per 10 lbs..... 4 50 to Drfrssed- Hogs - 3 50 to 0 78 0 75 0 27 0 52 600• 0 14 0 121 2 25 9 00• 0 05 4 00 8 00 1 25 0 22 0 75 0 65 0 45 2 75 0 28i 0 06 5 25 4 00 • LINTON, Nov. 28, 1878. Fa l Wheat, per bushel. ..... ' 0 75 ® 0 85 Sp lug Wheat, perbusho 0 70 @ 0 80 Os a, perbushol.. 0 25 ® 0 27 Ba .ley, per bushel .. 0 60 C@ 0 66 Pe, a, per bushel 0 54i(7+. 0 56 CI vor Seed, per bushel3 50 Lc?s 4 00 Ti a othy Seed, per push 1 1 60 @ 2 25 Bator U12ee 015 Pok 450@l 475. Po atoes 0 45 La U 50 Eg, a 0 12 0 0 13_. H y,por ton. 7 00 @ 8 00 a c it 0: fr P li h w h n 0 tl -P S LoNDoN°,-Nov. -28. White fall wheat r hundred IN, $1.40 to $1.43 for poor, for good ; red fall $1.48 ; spring, red . Fife of good quail - as red fall: Barley nd at $1 to $1.50. 1, from 80c to 850. Dressed' hogs sell ght at $3.50 to $4 ; emand at packing e weights. d $1.45 to $1.50 eat, 61.45 to aft, $1.10 to $1.2 will sell as high very good dem is not so plentif as, 85c to 9Oc. m $3 to $3.50 ; 1 e hogs in good uses at $3 for li Live Stoc MONTREAL, Nov. :re at;an advance t butchers bough pes that the sup xt Thursday. rth sold a pair about 31c per lb. at $28 each., or r lb. T. Cotton, the at an avera agg, of Brockvill e ch. There are arket, and they w o is selling the tram $3.25 to 3.50 TORONTO, Nov. class, $3 75 to $4 p cond-class, $3 t to $2.50. Shee. r head, or 4c pe imals fit for shi. st-class, $3.50 to $3.25 ; third -c U a t Lambs.—First- cla o d -class, $3 to $ t $2.25. Hogs.— p 'ed at $3.25 to $ eight, and $4 to Markets. 8.—The sales made on last week's prices, very sparingly, in ly would be better homas Dunlop, of f cattle for $97.50, ; he also sold 3 cat- -little less than 3c of Ottawa, sold )19 e of $19 each. " J. sold '12 cattle at $25 • ry few hogs on the -e held by one dealer +8 in small lots at er 100 lbs. 8.— Cattle — First - 100 lbs,live weight ; + $3.50 ; third-class, —Prices average $6 lb, live weight, for merit ; for local use, $4; second-class, $3 lass, $2 to $2.50. s, $3.50 to $4 see- �5 ; third-class, $2 he market is sup - .50 per 100 lbs, live 5 for dressed. 7' e THE MEDICAL 4 • HALL, SEAFORTH. HICKSON & BLE SDELL DEALERS IN DRUGS, - CHEMICALS, DRUGGISTS, SUNDRIE PER UM ES, LADIES SHOULDER B;ACES, GENTS SHOUL?EIC, BRACES CHEST PROTECTORS, LUNG PROTECTORS, TRUSSES, TOILET ARTICLES, THERMOMETERS, BAROMETERS, SPECTACLES, RAZORS AND STRAPS, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, SOAPS, PURSES, - - TOYS, SCHOOL BAGS, JEWELRY, - PTATED WARE, TABLE KNIVESAN D FORKS, POCKET KNIVES, SPOONS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, PIPES, CIGARS, &c. &c. &c. DYJ ST U FFS, OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. PATENT MEDICINES, In these we aim to keep all the LATEST- PREPA' ATIONS, And we have now on o r shelves : DR. KING'S NEW DIS FOR CONSUMPTION. GREEN'S AUG -US OVERY FLOWER. BOC REES GERMAN S RUP. • DR. ROLL'S MEDI INES. DR. LAWS' IEDICINES. CAMPBELL'S PREPAR TION. KENNEDY'S PR PARATION. AYER'S PRE' ARATIQN.- • I DICK'S HORSE MEDIC NE. PHOSFOZONE. - FELLO 'S SYRUP. PAIN KILLER. - - ELECTRIC OIL. RAD WAY'S REA I Y RELIEF. HAMBURG TEA AND , BOPS. EMPRESS RELIEF. - ALLEN'S HAIR RENEWER. CARBOLINE. ALLAN'S LUNG , ALSAM. PIERCE'S MEDICINES. ALLAN'S ANTI -FAT. VEGETINE.,. PE RUVI ' N SYRUP. AYER'S SARSAPARIL A. BRISTOL'S SARSA 'ARILLA. COD LIVE ' OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES. TROMMER'S EXTR CT MALT. SOLID AND L QUID EX- TRACT OF BEEF. BEEF WINB AND RON. PILLS IN ANY UANTITY. WORM LOZENGES AL COUGH LOZENGE OTHER PRE IN NUM HICKSON & I LE MAIN STREET, SE KINDS. AND ARATION S RABLE. DELL'S, FORTH, 5 TANDY': BROTHERS' OON'G�'FRT.. This Grand -Concert will, as announced last week, be given in CARDNO'S HALL, ON TUESDAY, DEO. 3. The following Programme will be sure to. call a full house. PROGRAMME: PART I. Piero Overture—Mrs. McMalkin and Miss Camp bell. Duet—" Oh, Haste Crimson Morning.'—Lucian , DeLamormoor—Tandy Brothers. Song—Mrs. Keltie. - Aria and Cabaletta—" Intel ice."— Verde—Wm. Tandy. Song—" Starry Waves." — G. J. Lockwood— Miss Preston. , Song—" Let m4 Like a Soldier Fall"—Wallace— Trio—"Te Trio—" Te Sol Te Quest Anima."—Attila-Mrs. Keltie and Tandy Brothers. PART II. Instrumental Duet—Mrs, McMulkin and Miss Campbell. Duet—" Albion on thy Fertile Plain."—Bra- ham—Tandy Brothers. - Song --Mrs. Keltie. Song—" The Slave Ship.'.— Russell —William Tandy. Instrumental Solo—.Miss Preston. Trio—" I Navigante"—Randegger—ilIrs. Keltie and Tandy Brothers. Duet—" Singing Lesson."—Parry—Mrs. Keltie and Wm. Tandy.I- PIANIS r—Mrs. McMulkin. GOD SAVE -THE QUEEN. REMNANTS. REMNANTS. REMNANTS. A RARE CHANCE TO - GET CHEAP AND FIRST - CLASS GOODS. EVERY REMNANT OF 00008 WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. CALL EARLY AND SECURE THE CHOICE AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, CARDNO'S BLOCK. SEAFORTH GOLDEN , LION. J ST CALL, AND EXAMINE THE 100 AND 120 DRESS GOODS 1 NOW BEING SHOWN —AT THE— GOLDEN LIO/T_ R. JAMIESON. CHRISTMAS SHOW. THE annual Show for the Exhibition and Sale of FAT STOCK, under the auspices of the Tnckeremith Branch Agricultural Society, will be held Oa the Society's Grounds, in the TOWN OF SEAFORTH, ON TUESDAY, DEC. 17, 1878, When the -following prizes will be competed for Best Fatted Ox or Steer, lst $3, 2d $ 8d $1. Beet Fatted Cow or Heifer, 1st $3, 2d, $2, 3d $1. Best Pair Fatted Sheep. 1st $3, 2d $2, 3d $1.. Best Fatted Hogs, lit $2, 2d $1. Pair Fatted Turkeys, 1st $1, 2d 50c. Pair Fatted Geese, 1st $1, Sd 50c. All entries mast be made with the Secretary not later than 11 o'clock A. M. on the day of the show. ROBERT CHARTERS, President. - 1 573 G. McADAM, Seerata-ry . DUNCAN & DUNCAN, OUR STAPLE THIS DEPARTMENT CLAIMS SP SEAFORTH. O -GODS_ ECIAL ATTENTION. We have 'made Preparations for a Larg CAN BE SEEN BY OUR EXCEEDIN FLANNETOMELS.—TO MEET THE WANTS RS, WE HAVE A STOCK EMB PRODUCED IN THIS MARKET. SCAR AND TWILL, CANADIAN GREY FLA CY FLANNELS, ENGLISHFLAN-NE E AND SELF COLRS, PLAID ,AND WI Turn -over, which LY LARGE STOCK. F OUR NUMEROUS CUS- ACING ALL THE GOODS ET FLANNELS IN PLAIN NNELS, CANADIAN FAN- S N - SIN WHITE,SCARLET, CEY SHIRTINGS. " - TWEEDS.—TWO HUNDRED PIECES CA ADMAN TWEEDS, RANG- ING FROM 50 CENTS I UP, SCOTCH WEEDS AND ENGLISH TWEEDS, ENGLISH AND FRENCHCOATINGS, WATERPROOF ULSTERIN'GS, VICTORIA TWILLS AND MELTON OVERCOAT- INGS. e j BLANKETS. --IN ENGLISH AND CANADIAN FROM $2 TO $8, ALSO HORSE BLANKETS, SHANTY BLANKETS, AN / FANCY BLANKETS. SHIRTS AND DRAWERS.—FIFTY DOZEN IN DOUBLE AND SINGLE BREAST, CANADIAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, WHITE, AMBER, GREY AND FLESH, SCOTCH LAMB'S WOOL SHIRTS. CANADIAN WOOLEN YARNS.—FULL RANGE OF COLORS IN CANADIAN WOOLEN YARNS. - CANTONFLANNEL.—NEVER LANNEL.—NEVER B' ABLE 'r0 SHOW SU H VALUE, GOODS VERY LARGE Y. GOOD AN CENTS PER YARD, HEAVY CAN YARD, EXTRA' HEA Y CANTON A ALSO BLEACHED CA TON. FORE HAVE WE BEEN AVING BOUGHT THESE USEFUL CANTON AT 10 ON AT 12i CENTS PER 15 CENTS; PER YARD; CL"OTH I NG.—OVERCOAT, FROM $5 P, IN BEAVER, MELTON AND NAP, - ULSTERS IN NAPS A D CHECKS, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS. CANADIAN AND `AMERICAN COTTONS. — CORN- WALL AND HOCHELAGA FACTORY COTTONS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE IN 36 -INCH AMERICAN 0 CANADIAN FACTORY COTTONS—SEE THEN. COTTON ARNS IN WHITE AND COLORED, COLORED ND WHITE C ' RPET WARPS. it DENIMS AND D U O S. --BROWN AND T BLUE DENIMS, IN EVERY PRICE. ENGLISH, CAN: DIAD AND AMERICAN DUCKS, BROWNS AN DRABS, PLA N CHECKED AND STRIP- ED IN CANADIAN AND AMERICA COTTON TICKS, LINEN FORFARS, TOWELS AND TOWEL INGS, HOLLANDS, TAB- ` ZINGS, WINCEYS.—PLAIN AND iCHECKED KN =VERY GOOD VALUE. DRESS .GOODS -.—WE !ARE 8IfOWIN STOCKS EVER IMPORTED INTO T BLACK AND COLORED CASHMER MORA CORDS, MERINOES, COSTUM CLOTHS. SEE OUR 20 CENT DRESS CKERBOCKER Y V INCEYS ONE OF THE -LARGEST IS TOWN, COMPRISING S, PERSIAN AND MAR - CLOTHS AND EMPRESS GOODS—ALL COLORS. MILLINERY.-0UR S'_ -IOW ROOM IS i OW FILLED WITH AL THE LATEST STYLES° IN LADIES'. ISSES', AND CHILDREN' - HATS AND BONNETS, ALSO FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS VELVETS AND SILKS. MANTLES.—ATL STYLES, AT PRICE RANGING FROM $1 50 TO ,. FURS. -LADIES' MINK AND SEAL SE �5, -.MUFFS, RUFFLES, &c. LADIES CAPS FROM $1 50 UP. HILDREN S FURS. ALSO BUFFALO ROBES VERY 'CHEAP. A Full Stock of Boots and Shoes and Gen- eral Groceri s. ZT1\TO.A.IT az DU TOA MAIN . STREET, SE ORTH. FOR %. ,F, OR TO LET. Tee ARE CHANCE.--rhotoventph Rooms to Let on first floor in 'Scott.'s ck Block, Seaforth, position central. Also, three or four Rooms on the flat above, suitable for * dwelling. Posses- sion 1st January, 1879. Apply to F. HOLME- STED, barrister, on the premises, or to ROBT. . SCOTT, MsKiliop. -578-tf. PERSONAL. ('AUTION.---I hereby notify all parties to give no credit to anyone in my name, except by my order or that of my mite. DENNIS REAR - DON, Seaforth. 571x4 pt)AnDEtis.—A number of Boarders can be accommodated with board, either ladies or gentlemen. Apply to J. M. CALDWELL, Only man and wife), 0oderich Street, Seaforth. 570 SPECIFIC ARTICLES. a/' ENSALL. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Felt and Straw Hats Cleaned and Turned, in the Latest Style, by MRS. PEA BEN. 572x4 ('SDAR POSTS FOR SALE.—For Ssle,on Lot 26, Concession 6, Morris, one mile from Bras- sels, any quantity of cedar posts,ither out or by the'acre. Apply to ALEX. ROBERTSON, opposite Leyden'a_Hotel, McKillop, 567 AUCTION SALES; AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARMg — North halves of Lots 1.1 and 16, Concession 12, MeKillop, 100 acres, 70 acres cleared; frame house, log barn, stable and young orchard, well and pump ; the property of Robert Brotherston. Also at the same time and place, the \Villain Farm, 50 acres—a splendid property, good barn, abed and orchard. Will be offered for sale at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Saturday, November 30th, et 2 o'clock P. M. MoCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, Solicitors for Vendors. 671-2 PARTNERSHIP TN E RSH. IP NOTICES, D ISSOLUTIvN OF PAJTNLBSHIP.—That Partnership heretofore existing between A. E. Murray and Richard T. Smith, as boot and shoe makers, under the style -of Murray & Smith, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Richard T. Smith still continue e i to carry on the boot and shoe business two doors north of the Post Office. Ail debts of the late firm will be paid by Richard T. Smith, to whom all outstand- ing accounts must be paid. A. E. MURRAY. Witness—Se :raes Weir. R. T. SMITH. 57'84 STOCK FOR SALE. (JOLTS• FOR SALE.—For Sale, tuo splendid Dolts, rising three }ears old, sired by the Im- portedhof see, Honest Sand and Honest Sandyest Both bay color and perfectly sound. Applyy tto WM. FOWLER, Huron Road. T 57x4 THOROUGHBRED COTSWOLDS FOIL :SALE. —The Subscriber offers for- sale Ram Lambs, Ewe Lambs, and aged Ewes, of the Cotswold breed, et prices to suit the times. J. CI MINO-, Lot 23. Concession 13, Hallett, Londeebarongh Post ilffice.• 568 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. PROPERTY FOR SALE.—Por Sale, cheap that conveniently located residence, on the corner of John and High Streets, ece,upied by W. S. Robertson. Enquire on the premises, or to A. STRONG, Land Agent. :673-8 `ARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, West half of Lot 9, Con. 9, Hallett, containing 50 acres, 40 acres are well cleared, without stamps, and in a good state of cultivation, being well nnderdrain- ed ; on the premises there is a new frame house, 22x82, frame barn and two frame stables, .leo a good bearing orchard and never -failing well with pump. Considerable fall plowing done; also fall wheat sown. Apply to DAVID HILL, on the premises, o• to Constance P. O. 578-tf. WANTED. TTOUSE WANTED—By the first of January - -La 8 or 10 rooms, moderate rent. Must be less than a mile from Seaforth post office. Send partic- ulars to 0. CLARKSON, Brockville, Out. 572 TEACHERS; WANTED. — One Male and one Female, each third-class, for School Section No. 1, Morris; Applications, stating salary ree- quired, received by the undersigned, Blyth post office, till the 20th November. Testimonials re- quired. WILLIAM BROWN. 570 TEACHER WANTED.—Wanted, for 'School Section No. 2, Tarnberry, a male teacher holding a third clxas certificate. Duties to com- mence on January next. Apply personally to the secretary. LAWRENCE - LOVELL, See - rotary School Board, Wroxeter P. 0. 572*4 ESTRAY STOCK. j'STRAY SHEEP.—Came into the premises of the undersigned Lot 21, Concession 4, L. R. S. Tackersmith, on or about October 12th, a shuttling ram. The owner can have the same upon movingH. property and paying charges.570-4 ESTRAY COW.—Came into the premises of the 'undersigned. Lot 6, Concession 5, Mc!£iilop, about the first of October, a red Cow, 7 or ,8 years old. The owner is regcested to, prove property, pay charges and taxe her away. P. McGRATH, = y 571-4 ESTRAY SHEEP.—Came into the premises df the undersigned, Lot 22, Concession 4, Mc- Hillop. about Oct.•1, a Sbearling two and Weth- er, The owner is requested to prove prop- erty, pay charges and take them away. WIL- LIAM HENDERSON. 571x4 ESTRAY MARE.—Came into tee premises of the undersigned, Lot 21, Lake Road, Wast, Stanley, nn October 20, a black aged Mare. The owner is requested to prove property, pay ex- penses and take her away. WILLIAM TODD, Drysdales P. 0. 571x4 AQ•+TRAYED.—Strayed from the premises of the subscriber, Lot 26. Cen. 7, Usborne, 5 spring calves,. white heifer, 1 red heifer, 1 grey steer, and 2 red steers. Any person that will give such tinformation as "ennead to the recovery of the same, will be suitably rewarded. RICifARD MARQUIS., 571x4 '8 FRAY STEBRS.—Came into the premises ofof the undersigned, Lot 10, Concession A, Turn - berry, some time in September, two red year-old Steers. The owner is requested to prove prop- erty, pay charges and take them away. THOMAS POPE. Morrlsbank post office. 570 EST1iAY CATTLE.—Game into the "premises of the undersigned Lot 10, Huron Road, MeKillop, on or about the first of October, one two year old steer. one two year old heifer, and one small yearling heifer. The owner is request- ed to Prove property pay charges and take them away. STEPHEN DOWNIE. 572,4 ESTRAY STEER,—Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 15, Concession 11, Hibbert, a three-year old steer, red celor with white hairs mixed, a white spot on forehead and white belly, also wide spread horns Such in- formation as ,will lead to the recovery of Ins above animal will be suitably rewarded. Wei. TOWERS, Farquhar P. 0. 57244 ESTRAY . CATTLE.—'Strayed from the prem- lees of the undersigned, Lot 10, Concession 1, L. R. S., three Yearling Cattle -1 steer all red, one steer spotted white and red, one small heifer yellow and white. Any person giving such information as "ennead to the recov- ery of all or any of the above animals will be suitably rewarded. BENJAMIN SMILEY, Kip= pen post office. 57048 ESTR aY HEttLR —Strayed from the pm. wises of the undersigned, Lot 4, Con. 7, Stanley. in May last, a heifer:coming three. She is of white color, with a spot of red on the neck. The letters F G are ,marked on one of the horns. Any person giving such information as will lead to thexecovery of this animal, will be suitably rewarded. FRANCIS COLEMAN, 3-x4 Hill's Green P. 0. C TEAY CATTLE — $10 REWARD.—Strayed �•3 from subscriber's premises, Bayfield Line, near Clinton, in May last, 5 Steers and 2 Hellen, all two years old. One of the steers is a brindle, and also one of the heifers ; two -of the steers are red, and one of the heifers; one steer spot- ted red and white, and one greyish. Any one giving such information as will 1Kyad to their re- covery, -will receive the above reward, JOHN 0. ELLIOTT, Clinton P. 0. -57354 ESTRAY CAT1LE.—Strayed from Lot Tb, Con. 11, Hibbert, in May last, Pix Young Cattle - 5 yearling steers ani. 1 yearling heifer. Three of the steers are of red color, one of which bee white legs ; one is dark, nearly blue; the other is light red and spotted white; the heifer is a light roan. Each has a mark on the left ear in the shape of a half moon. Any person giving such information as will lead to the recovery Of the above anfrnatq, or either of them, will be suitably rewarded. JOHN NICHOLS, Chisel - hunt post office. te.4-4s NOTICE.—The Council of the corporation of the County of Huron Brill meet in the I ,orncil room in the Town of Godeileh en Puss- Iday the 3rd of December next. PETER ADAM-. SON, County Clerk. 572-2