HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-11-08, Page 7t8,I$8. IDW.cRE. VED ` FACTURER a AILS, LS, FORKS EKES, [NTS, OILS, &c.. WIRE s ARD4'TARR -tion Cheap iND CO, PE Iy UGT.. Atlee and Ilerarraneed., to Cade ands, O''ustoxn.ers. 0}1NEBD EMPORIUM; TH. IT IEv remind her many that she is now bet. apply all their wants: ' the most complete H1H, ng, hall and Parlors :an be found in any prices as low as the Fre varied. DIL,, at a very slight ad- ces. Repairing and attended. to and en- IELD1 .on of her +ustoreera a braneh store in :ad a tom lets stock ho wouldireot par- inapec4on to her crchasera should see •e. Remember when rucefzeld don't leave lek. It- will be time trod), and Bruooleld. LY GROCERY. 3EE mast the public that WEST an FRESH - ;own. and as he sells HEAP g tnefit of what others debta and pay in in - D FED eliverod in town free stand, op1oshte the LOOK.. L.MABEE KING MILL, LIND FACTORY :o thank his numerous patronage extendedto Ress•in S forth, an* et with a c ntinuane would do 4ell to give , re to keep on handa li it � T� I; l 1: i MOUL TINS,. l 2 - l IT, E C. Igsatisfact onto those rbirpatrons e, as non• replayed. aid toCustemPlaning Ill[O` DFOOT. E' R;Aa. diLE AT A FIRST - MAY RE AT E T S'• ima Prival e Reeipes- iptly Prepared.. trle a Si ecialty. Cigars, ipes, clad keztts per dozen.." eitosito Ccirdno'e Mu - 568 01K FACTORY E`T`TY [If1IIF.ST DEICE for .ity of • IR DRESSED L Jz: 1.1EATS r r Hand. SAG ES, PORK J. PETTY.. TD S )IRTI, - all eu.atomO-with ITER TUBS, !. These pubs are ao to the teade that it fe 1, -kg in their recammen- Factures asmall Hard Ming butter in. rase promptly attend-' F. TIWTT, Seaforth Agi N G■ ,1 OTT to the Ladies of Sea - g country that she has' a all the ID VARIATIOIS,. sod Work and Pa/letu- p of all. Wilson's Drug Store, 559 �VEMBER 8, 1878. •; leimumaseammema THE HURON gx.P SfTOR,. Items of Interest. . A poker player in Omaha.. dee area fee$he hoped to be struck dead if he balled about the cards ; and he was ,lok dead an instant after the , words vete out of his mouth: a -It is estimated at the United States past Office Dthe number that post offices in the 1st January p the United States will be 40,000. There hae been a rapid. increase .within three George Benny, arrested for bigamy in Massachusetts, has been returned to that State. He has four wives. He trav- elled in Mass chusetts as a lecturer on temperance nd made pretentious to evangelical w rk. —A frank but ambitious : Kentuckian thus advettis1s in the local paper of his toil : Being in a close place, and de- siring to pay my debts, and believing that the office of Assessor would assist me in doing so, I have concluded to be- eome a candidate." .Father cCullum, of Brooklyn, N. y., has been wed. by John Quirk fr the recovery of . 00. The plaintiff alleges leis mother pI ced the sum in the hands of the defendant before her death!, and as her heir he claims the money, which be says, the defendant refuses to give him. —Mrs. Morrissey says of her late hus- band: "Peole may think that great husband of Mine was rough ; and so he was, maybe, .o his enemies, but at tome —I wish they could. have seen him there. Why, he never lost his temper. in the house a child could twist him round his fin en" —The Unid States Minister at Paris reports that l e has transmitted contri- butions to fever sufferers amounting to 60,000 francs. The Minister has public- ly thanked the contributors. Among the sums contributed were 10,000 ants by Mackay, the Bonanza King, and 5,000 by President and Madame ac - Mahon. —Forty thousand Lombard peasants have been attacked. by Pellegra, a mal- ady which, beginning with the skin, im- pairs the digestion and nervous system, and becomes fatal it is produced by the habitual consumption of flour made from damaged maize, and by over- work, uncleanliness and unhealthy dwellings. -t-A Philadelphia c'ttle dealer, who has been ship.ing a large number o live cattle to Eu epe, has investigate the causes of the arge proportion of d the which occur i every cargo, andclaims that the cat' le die because they are watered with alt water which has been purified by et yam, and which is given to the cattle . efore it has had timl e to coal suffi den -- The ne•roes who contribute so largely to the insurrection in anta Cruz wer e igrants from Barb does whose till o service had expired and who could no obtain- their m:one, out of the saving. bank, which was i sol - • vent,who war refused passports. be ,use they would no re-engage with the p ant - era for anoth r year unless they paid. $1 a head, he regular fee bein 33 cents. , —Says the 'linton .New Era: r. A. Campbell, of he Huron Road,near Sea - forth, inforrn us that he was rev • ntly offered the su of w7,000 cash fo his farm of 100 a res. Mr. C. Dale, o the Heron Road, was also, we understand offered $13;00 cash for 200 acro but he wanted 4,000. ' Both properties are well situa ed. and have goodrick houses thereo 'give some idea of ho value of land in� this County. —Last years in Massachusetts, 1 couples were joined in the bonds of • lock. Of thee there were 9,915 1 elors who chose maidens to be wives, and 608 who chose wit while 1,390 widowers married ma and 818 married widows. From it appears that 788 more wid than widow • were married and that 1,39 ; maidens married ewers, when my 608 bachelors me widows. _ . —Sunday night conversation ; clra-. mlatis persona , a theological student and two juniors ; subject, the existence of angels. Firs junior—" The Bib e en- da s thebe "eiin angels Is you now set x , r5 g the prayer f one of the apostles, 'Angels aura misters of grace defend. us." Theo ogical • strident—" That is not in the Bi le." Second junior -l—" Of course it isi' it's in the Book of Com- mon Prayer, nd that is no authority." Universal as ant. —At a he. y spot where a uuruiber of negrees reside, an old negro was card calling out io his wife : " Ma da, is you got dem chickens shut up n de smoke -house like I told yer ?" ' No ; an' I like t s now what's de matt r wid you, dat yoii'.3 so mighty tickler 'bout dem chickens all- at once ?" she re lied. '' Nebber you mind, I know wha 's the matter, and Bat's cuff till them hick,- ens ick=.ens is housed. 1,Vhen I hears dat deni niggers ober Tar in do next yard wine to hab a part , to -morrow night, 1 vants 'ta be shore d t my chickens doesn't tend. it ; you hear le ?" The chickens were at once lecke I lip, —In the to 'n of Medford, Mass., fa- mous for its vintage of the still, there is anindividua11, who sometimes publicly exhibits its ,ffects, and also, in close proximity tc each other, three town clocks, of sonorous and emphatic sound when heardIpon the midnight air. Not long ago the individual was strenuously meandering :iomeward., when the voice of tine scuds ed in his tympanum and Went on wit regular strokes until the three clocks ad followed each other in succession. Bracing himself up de- fiantly, he ejaculated : " Thirty-six o'clock ! Keep on. I've been out later than that. —A. witness was testifying that on the morning after the inn der he met the defendant at breakfast, and the lat- ter " called the -waiter and said" " Hold on'." exclaimed the attorney for the defence " I object to what helsaicl." Then follow a a legal argument of, about au hour and ahalf ou the objection, Which was o ~er-ruled and the court _de - •tided that We -witness might state what Was said. " Well, go on and state what was said to aho waiter," remarked the district attoiinoy, flushed with his legal , the t- etwit- 'loss, .•-ed vi 21L story- Well," remarked. 'less, " he aid. ' Bring are: •a rare beefsteak all d a couple of soft boiled eggs , ,, - I --Mr. Wil Main Christian and his love- ly Young wif , of Hanover County, Vir- gena, were s ated together in their par- lor. The aa \vas damp and ch• y, and the husband suggested that a71�1're be made. The o had been no fire In the -parlor-heart i since last spring, but in a -few minutes the back logs wer€ pied. 11113and a -c eerful blaze went p the IB . Be i. These figures wi ,737 wed- ach- their OWs; dens this ewers gain, wid-; rried ohimney, and in a few minutes later a terrific explosion took place. Mrs. Chris- tian was instantly enveloped. in flames and fatally burned, but itis thought he may recover. Neighbors hearing the noise arrived in time to extinguish the flames. Mr. Christian now remembers that last summer he; laid a bundle of powder in the fire -place and forgot to take it out. - —Mr. Gladstone, in acknowledging a copy of a work on Clergyman's Sore Throat," writes : " When I have had very lengthy statements to make I have used what is called egg.flip—a glass of sherry beaten up with an egg. I think; it excellent, but I •have. much more faith in the egg than in the alcohol. I never think of employing it unless on the rare occasions whend have expected to go much beyond an hour." EPPS'S COCOA.—Grateful and comfort-. ing. By•a thorough "knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition, and by a.care =application of the fine proper-. ties ofj well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage,- which may save:us. many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicious us e of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grad- ually built up until strong enough to re- sist eve y tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies k are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pi re blood, and a properly nourishedframe."--Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold, only in packets label- led.—" James Epps de Co., Homoeopath- ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 7 Great Western Railway. Trains leave Brussels' [dation,north and south, ae under: GOING: NORTH. Mixed......10:25 A. M. Aocom...... 9:08 P. M. Mail 2:58 P. M. GOING SOUTH. Mail - 6:15 A.. M. Ascom 12.15 A.M. Mired 7:95 P. M. • rand Trunk Railway. Train leave Seaforth and Olin on Stations as follows GOING EBT— SEAFORTH. Express 2:25 P. 11. 'Expr ss 8:58 P. 11. Mixed Train9:00 A. 4I. GOING KART-- SEAFORTZ. Mixed Train7:52 A. M Expres Train1:15 P. 11: Mixe4 Train5:00 P. M. Mixe Train10:35 A.M. • London, Huron GOING• NORTH— •Mail. P. M. London, depart.... 2 15 Exeter 3 3o- Hensall 8 52 Kipp n 3 58 Brno field 4 08 Clint n 4 25 CLINToN. 2:45 P. M. 9:20 1'. M. 10:00 A. M. CLINTON. 7:27 A.M. 12:50 P. M. 4:25 P. M. 10:00 A.M. an Bruce. ixed. Express. . M. P. M. 555 635 805 . 725 8 84 7 14, 844 - 758 9 00 8 08 r9 45 8 25 . M. 0 1 Blyth....... 4 52 32 Win ham, arrive... 5 25 80 GOING SOUTH— maw-. Alai]. A.M. A.M. Win ham, depart... 10 55 7 00 P. M. Blyth 12 15 7 85 801 8 18 8 28 8 34 8 49 Clint/5n 1 10 Brue field...... , 1 40 Kippen.. 1 57 IHeneall 2 05 Exeter 2 50 8 52 9 25 Express. P. M. 6 15 6 55 '7 24 7 43 7 58 8 04 8 03 MARRIAGE LICENSES 0lf- CERTIF1C'ATE S, (Under the new Act, issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authority of the Lieuttliant-Governor ')r:tcric mRS.'d. M. DUNLOP'S all Term in Music will open on Sept. lith. Papils should give in their names ° previous to the opening of the class. '.0 ose not hav- dne Instruments can bo ac ommodated with use of Piano or Organ cit very mod- erate rates. Seaforth, Sept. 7, 1878. 661 THE CONSOLID OF CAN l�APl TAL - CITY ANK OF MONTRE and ROYAL CAN Incorporate orate T� D BANK A A. - $4.000.000. LI c or 1833; corporated IA BANK, , 1864. ANCH. K; MAIN -ST. ,H'li• k ; Payable at any . • s of Exchange on London payable hief Cities of the Un ted Kingdom. ;REST PAID 1)1V DEPOSITS. M. P. HAYES, SAFORTH DO INION BLO SEAFOR IIrgfts on New: Yo Bank in the United States. Bi1 at all INT. 411 MANAGER FURNITURE. FU M, ROBE CABINET AIiiD UNDE HAS AGAIN 0 Retail .I tcfi'ni ITURE. SON, AKER TAKER, ENEDA ure Store Two Doors North of this •ld Stand, opposite Waddell & Co.'s Dry Goods Store, where he is prepared ' TO SELL AS CBE ' P AS ANY IN THE TR a_DE.. UNDERTAKING •Attended to as Usual. A Lae e Stock of COFFIN • , CASKETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, mate., al vaya on hand. 531 M. O B E RTSO N. THE GREAT FElYALE , EMEDY.—Job Moses Periodical Pill This •nvctlnablemedicine is 1 and those "pin 11 s cure of P fail in tho n } unfailing .g dangerous diseases to which tl}o female constitu- tion is subject. It modera .es ell excess and re- moves all obtructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To malriedladie.,itit3 pecaliarlysnited. It will, in a short trine, bra g on the monthly pe- riod with regularity. The, e pills shouldnot be taken by Females daring herst three months of Programer, as they are ureto bring on Mis- carriage, but at any other t me they are safe. In all uses 'of Nervous a • d pinal Affections, pains 5.n, the back and limb., fa igne on slight ex- ertio, palpitation of the he rt, hysterics, and white , these pills will elle t a c re when all other mean have failed; and, al ougb a powerful remedy, do not contain it n, c lomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to t o c nstitution. Full directions in the paniphlet round each package, which, should be carefully ,res ed. Jeb Moses, New York, Sole Proprleto . $ 00 and 12} cents for postage enclosed to N • rt p & Lyman, To- ronto, aronto, Ont., general agents f r the Dominion, will insure a bottle cont' ini g over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Se for by Hickson & Bieas{iell, J. S. Roberts, a• d R Lumsden. 197 SIGN OF 'HE CIRCULAR SA MUNN'S SASH. REGULATOR! CNEAPESi,BES —IS THE— AND MOST DURABLE WINDOW BAL INTOW =z\T vsE- CAN BEAPPLIED TO ANY WINDOW IS PREFERABLE Tb WEIGHTS AND PULLEYS AT LESS THAN THE COST. FOR SALE BY - - WM. ROBERTSON & Co., HARDWARE • MERCHAN SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, SEAFO SELLING OFF SELLING OFF Fall Arri a1 of Old Country and American Goods, at M. R. Counter's, i Colored and Bright Gold Sets, Brooches, Ear Rings, Chai s, Lockets, Gem Rings, Eighteenarat Wedding Rings—stain' ped " M. R. C., S." A Large Stock of those celebrated English and Longine Watches, also American and Swiss Wattles, Clocks, &c. I would call particular attention to my large and varied stock of Silver Plated Ware, the most handsome foods ever brought into Seaforth. The !above Goods, being bought direct from the manufacturers, veil be sold at the Lowest Possible Price consistent with Good Work- manship and Quality, which in all cases is Guaranteed, A Complete Stock of Spectacles on hand, to fit all ages. Call and get yo r sight tested free of charge. A lot of Fancy Goods selling at net cost. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY— Personal attention given to all Repairing of Watches, Clocks, and Jewels , and warranted to give satisfaction. Remember the place : isign of Tree of Silver Ware in the Window, and directly opitosite J. S. Porter's Cash Furniture Store, Seaforth. 'HSVO 110J dV3HD 'HSVO 80J dV3HO` t 2 NCE ALF S, TIT. II3NVWHOIVM •. m i1 r GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS AND SHO S. WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE 01? SEAFORTH AN VI- CIUNITY THAT WE HAVE REDUCED ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM SHOEMAKING To Lowest Remuntarative;Prices. WE USE NOTHING BUT THE BEST MATERIAL Therefore we can Ga,rantee Good Satisfaction to those who wish to favor us; with a cal REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Remember the Place : 0pPosite the Foundry. GRIEVE & FRIEL, SEAFOFTH. GOOD N WS FOR THE BAREFOOTE AND ALL PARTI S )WHO WISH TO BUY LARGE QUANTITI S OF T MONEY. BOOTS AND SLOES FOR A SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY. TO KEEP abreast of th times in the General Reduction in Prices of all kinds of Goo s—but more particularly, if es/Able, to induce people to buy for cash—I have determined to ke the following reduction in prices to cash buyers in Custom Made Work : Gents' Long Leg Boots. all k1'nds, 25 cc n ts per r pair . Shoe Pasks3anl Short Boots, all kinds 12cents per pair. Ladies', Boys' and Girls' Boots, alt knds, 124 cents per pair. I hake just opened an Immense Stock of Factory Made Work in all the different lines, hich 1 think intending purchasers ought to see before purchasing elsewhere, espeoially my Me 's and Bo e' Riveted Work whih undoubtedly surpass anything in the trade in rectory Made Wo k. All buying wn the deter- ofwhich will be sold ataednetio corresponding with the above to cash buyers. Parties on time will be charged the old prices. As I am the first in my line in Seaforth. to pull d prices, I tract the public will show their appreciation by an extensive patronage, as I an mined to make it to their advantage to do so. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Stark's 1_ Block. Last Side Main bjtreet, THOS. COVENTRY, Seaf IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES. CINTYRE & WILLIS � N WOULD .RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE JUS CEIVED FROM S. D. SOLLERS & CO., OF PHILADELPHIA; A RE- 00mplete Assortment of Infants' ctnd_C4ildh'en's Boot' and Shoes and Slippers, in Colors and Black- These lack - Tbeso Goods are the Finest and Best in America, S. D. Sellers & Co. obtaining the Gold Medal and Diploma over all coe4petitors at the Centennial. We have also on hand, s nice assortment of LADIES' SHOES, in Tie and_BattOn, very cheap. We are the only firm west of Toronto who keep these Goods. They require to be seer to be appreciated. McINTYRE & WILLIS, SEAFORTH. S. GROCERY STARE, BOOENTAND CONVSHOE EYASHOP, ®�,AUCTION ROOMS, LAND AGENT,' A Large Stock of Boots and Shoes and Groceries Just Arriving. Rill be sold on very small profits—all new stock. The Subscriber invites his old friends and ntev ones to give him a call. He has engaged 111x. John .Scott to attend to the shoe shop, who will make and repair work to order. Old Accounts must be paid at once, as the subscriber needs money. Farm and Town Property for sale. Give me a Call and I will do the !best I can for you. Retennber the Place, Stark's Block. SAMUEL STARK, SEAFO TH. TARN, SEAFORTH. WALL PAPER, BORDERS AND WINDOW BLINDS. I AM NOW PREPARED TO SHOW - ' WALL P PER FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY PATTERNSA From 5 cents to $1 per roll. ALSO ONE J.UNDRED ELEGANT PATTERNS IN BORDER NEW LOT OF WINDOW BLII\ DS In all Colors (Latest American Patterns) at 10 cents each. AT C. W. ;PAPST'S CARDWO'S BLOCK, 'SEAPORT A Has Pleasure in announcing o his F ends and Cus- tourers that every Depcartnite is full stocked with, .First—Chess Goods. Hundreds, of Fr lilies testify to the value given at &se's Grocery i• - the past, and he looks forward • to the future 2i,itli, ev,ry confidence. No Prices quoted. Coerce anti see, and be convinced of the advantages Tiered. NO trouble tt show Goods and give samples. Flour, Corn, Oatm al, Buckwheat Flour Cracked Wheat, Hominy,S-c. all wa7 s kept in Stock. D. D. ROSE, Seafor h. cIP�NED-Tg3=S —AT— JOHN ROGERS, S AFO RTH THREE CASES FINE FELT HATS THREE CASES FINE ELT HATS - THREE CASES FINE FELT HATS THREE CASES FINE FELT HATS THREE CASES FINE FELT, HATS_ THREE',CASES FINE FELT ATZ 'i THREE CASES FINE ELT HATS THREE CASES F NE FELT HATS JOHN ROGERS, SEFORTH,. iN1111•11•111•71•111.1111001.0" NOVEMBER. NO VE B_ R. ArO V EMBER. GOLDEN LION GOLDEN LION In view of the very severe winter p4edicte , we have laid is a very Complete Stock of Heavy Wools Goods, suit- able for the coldetst weather, comprising Cloud , Squares, Breakfast Shawls, Shoulder Shawls, Wool Jackets Wool Cuffs,. Hoods, &c. Alse''received this week, a New t of Ladies' Jackets and Jacket Cloths. A fine lot of Sh wls. Several Lines in Dress Goods. New Shades in Cashm res, with Trirings to match. Plain and Checked, Wince s, Grey and Scarlet Flannels, New designs in Tickibgs, Ta le Linens, &e. Ex- pected next week, a new thing .in Print3 for- Quilts-- Call and see them. Also to hand a plendid Stock of Overcoats and Overcoatings. Extra valiten Bleached Cottons. See our yard wide 10 cent- Line. Aso our Stock of Hosiery. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. f R. JAI IESON, Seaforth. MI- D T' I Fall and Winter Dry Goods are all opened up, a. d be : sks all intending purchas- ers to give him a call. A 101 E W E A URE — I will hence- forth do business on the CASH systei. The tightness of -the time requires it. By selling for cash, I will be al e to ell very much cheaper, as the Cash customer will not have to pay the ba debt� of others. I was never better prepared to serve customers than now; h ving b ught larger than ever, and - in the cheapest markets. I am making a speci.lty of ADIES' MANTLES, this season ; have had my stock made to order, a "1 can how as many MANTLES;, V /� SHAWLS and UNDERSKIRTS, all of then •west esgns, as any .half dozen Houses .inthe County. My Stock is full of eve ything in the Dry Goods line, bof b for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. My Millan ry Department is now in full blast, Stock all newand choice. All the Newest Patterns in Hats and Bonnets: A very nice lot of Chenille Nets just arrived. Bring! ypur CASH to DENT'S, and you will never buy at a credit House again. GORGE. DENT. GOODS FOR TH —AT_ �VIILLION CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM. THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO SHOW HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC THE CHOICEST. ELEC' ION OF WORSTED COATINGS, PANTIIiGS, VER COATINGS, The eye delights to gaze upon, and Fresh frojn tide 51arke s.for this Fall's Trade. • ALL SUITS WILL BE WARRR4vT-�—D I EVERY RESPECT TO YOUR SATISFACTION. RARE BARGAINS INf C�ERT4IN LINES. CALL AND bEE. WM. CAMPBELL, Seaforth. STOVE No. 1, CAM' P73ELL'S BLOCK. j ONTARIO PRIN1ERS' EMPORIUM. ill GWATKIN & SON HA.)E OVER TO 'IIEIR NEW PREMLSE.S, =or. Baty and Wellington Streets. THERE IS NOTHING WHE IT jIS MADE UP INTO G-oOD HARNESS LIKE LEATHER ,SUCH AS YOU FIND AT J. WARD'S, SEA FORTH, Where you will find all kinds of Harness Macre up in the Latest Styles. tos c.� 'l0OlaVd N30100 LOAD OF AMERICAN NAILS ARRIVED LAST WEEK. UEMEMBER, if you want a Fancy or Substantial Harness T. YARD can give you better Bath?, -00 faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maker in the County. A Trial is all that is wanted to secure regular custom. - J. WARD, Seaforth. JOHNSON BROTHERS, HARDWARE MERCHANTS, SEAFORTH. 0 tt L-4 02 Q rn 0 tei 02 0 O tj 0 02 0 1--i ti 02 1-4 lows an„)I-1I.s OF AMERICAN LOCKS AND GENERAL BUILDERS' 1 z co Q z w 0 T� 1 co `HJ 0dV3S z z ,a iv a uvH BRUSSELS HARDWARE JAMES DREWE Having completed. the ENLARGE- MENT of his premises and in- creased his stock of HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, And also added a complete ASSORTMENT OF TINWARE, HAS Iti OW ONE OF 'THE Largest Stocks of I A-:Ew AR IN - THE COUNTY; AND INVITES ALL WHO ARE WANTING THE ABOVE GOODS TO COME AND EXAMINE THE GOODS AND COMPARE PRICES. The following goods are offered. at SPECIALLY REDUCED prices : AMERICAN NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, JAMES' WHITE LEAD LINSEED OIL, MACHINE OILS. &c. AT THE SIGN OF THE P -.A..1) I. c :Q BRUSSELS. DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy le especially recommended as an unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness Spernaatorrhea, Impo- tency, and all diseases that follow as ase gnence of Self abase, are 1 ` ngas Loss of Memory, Air stria& Universal Lassitude, Pain In the Back, Dimness of vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating from the Path of nature and over indulgence- The Speeiifio Medicine's the result of elite study and many years of ex- perience in treating these epeeisl.diseasea. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine in sold by all Druggists at $1 per drachage, or 6 packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY & CO-, Windsor, Ont. Fold in Seaford/ by Hickson Blcasdell, 3. S. Roberts B. Lumsden and all druggist merchants. - CAP,_ D8. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Sureyet • and Civil Engineer. (Were by mail/prompt /prompt- ly attended tn., 4'79 D. 8. CAMPBELL, Mitchell.