HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-11-08, Page 5six-shooter of Ilamiltore assistant for I. at a salary e, of Mitchell, 'alarY` of .100 Iigli School I with in the .ers present ett ratfOrd on. Fri ee, euu and 26th -ere delivered Inspector oss, M. lee 4 and several the Stratford the signature master, Strat- t he resigned will, and in she had fon. ofhis friends are about of a new Lpacity for ac - the building th basement not to cost - fencing and •eon & Co., idard thresh. second year itford, mann- [taken in over lowing for a ,t hat don't r• eecently, true ,:.-u•-eut charges bory,tee Phoenix, } by Mr. 0'. at Stratford. charge -I -she cyr(1----that of , York street, ed, the jury lenee of the eliable unless persons not is still to • charges. .1-1asle his way towel, a few demanded atisiled with he gave his aity as if he Lrst-class ha- " was being ,f the house ;.•ange arrival, al him to see nagns of $5, iative. The the cash sys- ', " promisedi' in funds." look for a id raise the terns. tn August last Conway near on Tuesday fudge Monk. o on January .tered a suit t the Ottawa LC lessees of : Railway, for ossiug by the .er near Wid- iled by being at_Thedford k Railway on iody was at- -rand Trunk day. Daniel et011 bad his Rowan was at Toronto, L that he had see Benjamin :male which and when he statiOn and med. Edi.vard snn Toronto made the em, who on to get him to give up to kim qido becalm° the money ra-k hair, eyes portly and was run by a train. on ' near Beams - :0 had been a, St. path - which ,ious evening He must 'Irma' track, earned Chas. march, Was lain on Sat - ane through iad been at- ed.meetings there during Impressed ,Lnia, that he a fortnight. sars to be a children. c table young :$.11ed on Ed, tveller from and while . and shot (xclaiming, 11 ruin you.. t educed her !rriage. Ed. , to eurvive. child two -sea of Mrs. L'e in her 0 years in • ; rtheritance, the model r prosperous r calture and. o made- the ant, and of e I anievol- e,tinaster .f registered a vigilant in the hope •abore were ay last_ au- ra) was ab - •e report - as for some ed A. Scott, VirEbilBER 8) 1878. 4110.1"' ' of a JeSpectable residen . He ed the oy with the crime, and he ally_nian conf ssed, implicating also a anaed J. Smith. Whilst informa ion was being made out seinst then., both boys concluded to alaeh freshi fields and pastures new," sad, sticcee ed in getting away. In - r Fre oh was immediately in- formed of th affair and has one to lenfrew. M. es the Acquaintance ,ADog Of a Bee. .a. grocer on. Carr street placed oa the sr ewalk in front , of his store -a suga hogshead, which he had test empta d. The ad- ering' sweets attacted ra rads of flies andel f w hon- ey -bees, whi Ii seemed to think they had found, a, bonanza. A vagabond looking dog -Was lying down. in the shade d the sugar }hogshead, and was pestered much by the flies, whielifoundtlie dog's ease a good place to roost aft r they had, filled themselves with sugar. After the dog had wearied himself out by his ineffectual snaps at the flies, he buried his nose between his paws and. took the annoyance pleilosophically. At length a bee came humming around. him, and. being bigger game, the dog concluded to go for it, and watching his oppertunity snapped at ;t- and caught it in hi S month. Then he made a sudden spring to his feet as if lietliad just thought of some- thing that h. had. to do in a hurry;asad the hair all ovei- him raised on end its if he had been electrified. Then he pranced around for 'i moment shaking his head frantically s if he were worrying a rat. A little bla ,Ir object dropped from his mouth whieh he looked at inquiringly for a brief instant, and then started off in haste to see a man aroundthe corner, howling clishaally as he went. The man was not the6, and the dog came back and once more naade an inspection of the little black object . that lay on the sidewalk and. poked it tibaidly with his paw. He perhaps wanted to be able to recognize one of those little things if he should eve; encounter one of them again. After satisfying his curiosity he - went and lab, down again with a sort of grin -and -boar -it -you -old -fool look, giv- ing vent to his feelings occasionally, by & subdued, canine sigh. -St. Louis Re- publican.. nale=e. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Auction Sales. Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the residence of / the proprie or, Brucefield, FOAM Stock and Impler)ents. , Peter McGregor, pro- prietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Saturday -1 Nov. 16, at the Queen's Hotel, Seaferth, valuable town property. J. H. Benson, Vendor's Solicitor. Thursday Nov. 14, on Lot 16, Con. 1, Hay, Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture. Andrew Dodds, Pro!prietor ; A. Bishop, Auc- tioneer. ! Friday, Nov. 15, on Lot 11, Lake Road East,1 Hay, Real kstate, Farm Stock and. I plements. Levi Wisraer, Proprietor; Bossenberry sz, Orthe, Auc- tioneers. Wednesd, y, Nov. 13, on Lot 24, Lake Road, West, Stanley, Farm Farm Stock, Ttnpliements and Household Fur- niture. Jules Disjardines, Proprietor; Bossenberry & Ortho, Auctioneers. Friday, Npv. 22, on. Lot 28, Con. 9, MeKillop, Farm Stock and. Imple- ments. John Brown, proprietor; John 1i Bullard, auctioneer. , Monday and Tuesday, NoV. 18 and.19, at WirithroP, Lumber, Farm Stock and ImplementS. Andrew Govenlocke pro- prietor; John Bullard, auctioneer. Monday, Nov. 11, on Lot 7, Con. 3, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, "Valuable Farm Stock. Wm. Horton, -proprietor ; A. Bishop, auctioneer. 1 Saturday, Nov. 16, on Lot 17, Con. time. The foreign markets, also, are very unsettled, and Jew as prices are on the local market, dealers are not making anything °IA of what they handle, and buying grain at the isresent time is a pretty scaly business. The spring wheat this year is very inferior in quality, as well as scarce in quantity. What the prospects for the future are it is difficult to -say. It is the opinion, howe -er, of those who. should be well info ed, that prices for all kinds of prod ce, except it may be barley, will rule ow this season, and that nothing will e Made by holding it over. We thin , therefore, that -it would be wis- dom for farmers, as \tell as in the in- terests of the count , to market the produce ; now held, and turn it into money as soon as pos ible. We qUote : Fall Wheat 0 78 to 0 80 Spring Wheat, Fife, per bushel0 72 te 0 75 Sprink Wheat,Red Chaff,per bash0 65 to 0 7e Oats er bushel 0 25 to 0 27 Peas or lantana . . 0 50 to 0 50 Barley per bushel 0 40 to 6 00 Butter, No. 1, Loose,.. 0 11 to 0 14 EeftEl 0 12/to 0 121 Flour per 100 lbs 2 25 to 2 25 Hay , 8 00 to 9 00 Hides per lb. o 05 to 0 05 Grub y Hides per 100 lbs... .. , 4 00 Palle Hides, per 100 lbs. .. , 13 00 Sheep skins 0 50 to 1 25 Wool 0 21'to 0 22 Salt( eteil)per barrel 0.75 Salt (wholesale)per barrel. •••• .. , 0 65 Potatoes, per bushel . 0 40 to 0 45 Oatmeal Ve brl 2 50 to 2 75 Wool, per lb. , 0 23 to 0 28/ Tallow, per lb 0 061to 0 06 Beef,inquarters, per 100 lbs4 50 to 5 25 Dreseied Hogs 4 00 to 4 50 OLINeoN, Nov. 7, 1878. Fall Wheat, per bushel............ 0 80 a 0 85 Spring Whoat, perbruchel 0 70 a 0 80 Oats, per bushel 0 25 a 0 e8 Barley, per bushel 0 60 a 0 80 Peas, per bushel 0 54 a 0 56 °levee Seed, per bushel 8 0 a 4 00 Timoilhy Seed, per pushel 1 60 a 2 25 0i2 a 015 4 50 g 475- Potatoes .. 0 45 a 0-50 Eggs 012 a 012 Hay, er ton 7 00 a 8 00 T Reigns, Nov. 7. Fall wheat, per bus el, 78c to 88c; s rin wheat, 73c to 85c; barley, 60c to 90c; oats, 30c to 32c • peas, 60c to 62c; butter per lb, Ile to 1 ic ; eggs, per dozen, 14c to 15c; dres ed hogs per 100 Ms, $4 to $5. nrooa, England, Nov. 6. -Flour, 19s t -22s ; spring wheat, 7s 6d to 98 Gd; ed winter, 88 10d, to 9s; white, 9s 8 to 9s lid; club, 9s 10d to lOs 2d; corn 23s 9d to 24s Od; oats, 2s 6d ; peas 32s 6d to 00s Gd.; barley, 3s H; pork 44s • lard, 33s f. d; bacon, 31s Od to 32s Od; beef, 67s Gd; 37s Od ; cheese, 47s Od. LOND0N, Nov. 7.-alted. fall wheat has been in good demand, and the price has advanced. from $1.30 to $1.40 per cent., which price is gen3rally paid now; choice loads will sell for $1.42. White fall in fair supply and demand at $1.40 to $1.50 for choice Delhi. Red chaff spring sells freely at $1.10 $1.30. Fife (choice) would sell as high s red fall. Barley in good supply at $ .10 to $1.50. Oats not so plentiful, prices higher, sell at 85c to 38c. Corn anted at 80c to 85c. Dressed hogs good suppily, light hogs from 100 to 150 lbs. each in demand at 3ic to 4c. • Live Stock Markets. Bemis), Nov. 6.--Hogs-Yorkers, $2.7 to $2.90; heavy, coremon to good, $2.75 to $2.90; few extra seleeted at $3 t $3.10. Butter Pork 1 ONTREAL; Nov. 5: -The supply of catt e being rather small, while the de- mo, d is brisk, has caused an advance in pro s ef fully 10 per I cent. during the pas week. The excessive arrivals of 15, Hay, Farm, Farm -Stock and Ina live hogs has depress d. prices from 25c pleraents. Thomas Browning, pro - to 4 c per 100 Its below the prices paid prietor, ; Bossenberry & °Alia' auc last Monday. The price of beef cattle is tioneers. from 210'0 4c per n. The followine • Wednesday, Nov. 27, at McKenny's Hotel, Brussels, Valuable Farm. E. C. K. Davie, proprietor; C. R.' Cooper, auctioneer. - Thursday, Nov. 21, on Lot 13s Con. 12, Hay, Farm Stock and, Implements. Samuel Gable, proprietor: Bossenberry a-Orthe, au!ctioneers. , Friday, Nov. 15, on Lot South Boundary, Town Line, between Hay and. Stanley, Valuable Live ! Stock. Wm. Parsons, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioned. !- Tuesday, Nov. 12, on Lot .?,7, Con. 2 Hibbert Farm Stock and Imple- ments. Jo n Cronin, propriet6r : Thos. King, auctieneet. - IIINSIIIMMINMI1111.1"... • Births. llowie'lr, on Oct. 19, the wife of Mr. ' Robt. Murry, of a son. ANSLEY.-In Winghana, on Oct. 27, the wife of . Mr. John Ansley, of a eon. SHUN SRO.- Tuckertanith, Oct. 13, the wife of Mr. John Shepherd, of a daughter. OLAREE.-In Howick, on Oct. 31, the wife of Mr. W. Clarice, of a daughter. RENNEDY.- n. Howlek, on Oct. 31, the wife of Mr. jerem all Kennedy, of a daughter. BLACK. --In 'ineliam, on Oct. 25, the wife of Mr. H. A. Bine c, of a daughter. ATRBNS.--In owick, on Oct. 31, the wife of Mr. Thomas Aiikens, of a son. STAFFOIW.-In Howick, on Oct. 10, the wife of Mr. Edmalid Stafford, of a, deughte sales • were made to -day: J. Stagg, a Brockville, sold 8 cattle at a fraction ove $30 each; 4 do. at $27 each, and 9 at 25 each; he also sold a few choice hog at 4 -IC per It. W. McLanagha,n, of Perth, sold 15 cattle from $20 to $24 each, and. 20 very large hogs at 4c per Dardis, of Morrisburg, sold a carload of cattle at from $22 to $31 each. R. Hopper sold. 8 cat le at $36 each; 6.do. at $35 each, and. do. at $36.25 each, or from 22-c to 3,i -c or /b. J. Price sold rpretty good steer to M. Outhet at $45 each, or nearly per lb. . L. Hiliker sold 129 hogs] eighing 25,120 Its at 4c per It; D Co ghlin sold 137 hogs at $3 70 per 1 s, and T. 0. Dobson, of St. Mary', sold. 117 hogs, of various degrees of f tne s, at $3.55 per b. Reeves & Frank - 100 lan wei 30 t 50 $40 hea gra RONTO, Nov. 7. bought some lit i200 its., for 4, live weight cad's averaging 1 head; Lemon , averaging 1, es, at ; Tho igot 200 head, avera from 3c to 4c; Joh head, averaging 1,00 Seaforth, on Nov. 5, the wife of Mr. at 3ic to 4c; • Alex. Canino, of twins -son and dauguter. Featherston. got 40 pounds to 1,350 pou - Marriages. and Jas. Britton bou SCOTT -GRIEVE. --At the residence o the bride's animals, Durham gr father, McKillop,onNo' . 6, by Rev. .13arr,Mr. 00 lbfr( easeph Scott, of Roxboro, McKillopt0 1,6 s, „ to Cather- ine third donehter of Thomas Grieve, Leg. live weight. It sho BLACK-THOMPSON.-An the residence of the bride'e =then on Nov. 1, by Rev. Wm. Gra- ham, Mr. Robert Black, to Miss Barbara Jane, daughter ok the late William Thompson, Esq., all of Seafierth. - BILLINGSLYt-ANDERSON.-At the eesidence of the bride' slather, Winghaiu, on Oct. 23, Mr. Francie A Billingsly, to Agues E, daughter of Mr. W'.V Anderson. sellers of cattle that elle() of at least 2c p the , value of sti good grades , are ary cattle are not w Sheep have maintai last week, although CORNISH -le TitGESS.-At the residence of the ilea have been large. brat, on Wm. Cern of Morris. ARAISTRONt et. 21, by Rev. Win . Ilayharst. ler. -_ , .t0 tri ; for second:el eh, of Brantford, to Airs. Burgess, •: ithie , $2.50 to $3. --AfeL kUCHLIN.-let dlifton Cot- wei( hirio 140 to 180 tage„Egin Melville, on Nov. 6, by Rev, -William • Graham, 0. Robert Armsteenta to miss mar.3, to 4 per. lb., live WO broi glit 53.75 for ' Jane Mel, uchlia„ both of Thellett. sec ad class, and 52 DeathS. . Cal -es-The same - UrraFe----In Turnberry, on Oct. 27, jene, rife of wet:ad be paid. still: .2,3: daye. Mr. Robe Little, ,agad 73 years 7 months and elftS • $6 to 58 for s BOWDEN.-In Egniondville, on.NOv. 5 Viola Ada- for ihird. Hogs- you4est daughter of Mr. John Bowden, at to ,135 ;: and. 133 aged 'i yeere 3 months and 16 days. CA.LDWELL.-t-In Hibbert, on Nov. 5, Barbara, daughter 6f Mr, George Caldwell, aged 8 years and 7 months. Tornberry, on Nov. le Mr. Don- ald McTavish, aged 68 years. THE MARKETS.i SEAFORTH, Nov. 7, 1878. , Owing partly, no doubt, to , the bad. ' roads, and 'partly to the prevelent low Prices, theTer is very little produce of -any description coming into the mar- ket. So much so is this the Case that the mills are unable to get enough grain to keep them running more than -half 5po j head, average rich they paid mes Welsh got 1Ot Its., at about & Dunn got 200 00 lbs, purham son & Flannigan •g 1,150 lbs, at ryant dot 150 MS to 1,400 Its, Moon, AikinS & , averaging 1,000 ds, at 3Thc to 4c; lit several choice de ,averaging 1,400 m lc to Sc per lb, id e observed by ill re is a differ - r ',live weight, in ck ; -and while vo th 5c, °rain - rt more than. 3c. ed their value of he numbers offer - F r first-class, $6 ss, $4 to $5 ; for eep for export; bs, are worth 31c gh . Lambs have fir -t-class, $3 for to 2.50 for• third. ric s as -last week $1 to $14 for first - co d, and $3 to $4 re sed ;are selling o $3.50 'ye weight. la Local o aces. RECEIVED this wee , _one barrel of Dried Peach .s. OR Crockery, via, Geo cries and Provision, M 'hest place in Town. 56 COAL STOVE FOR S Sovereigu Coal Stove for ijale ter ;-1 a bergs -in: Wu, Ai PATENT RIGHT OR Right of the Harris Pa ent and Spark Extinguish ALLEN. 567 OYSTERS in Bulk at received daily. You can dep fres 41 Oysters from this ate 1 at ottom prices. 569 M. MORRISON'S, Try them; 569 sware, General Moan -ism -es is the Mns. J.E. THOMAS, bress -and Man- tle Maker, East Side of Victkia, Square, Seaforth. A RARE CHINCE.-i1R. ADAM GRAY having decided to dispose of his valuable resi- dence, the same will be offeeed for sale by Public Auction, on Satarday'Nov. 9, at 2 o'clock P. M. The property is pleasantly setuated, with all mod- ern conveniences attached. O'er fuller particulars see posters or apply to the peoprietor. 569 AGENTS WANTED, in every Town and. Township in the counties of Huron, Bruce, Perth, Oxford, Waterloo, and Middlesex, to sell and ad- just to windows Munn's Patent Sash Regulator, cart be applied to any window, and is preferable to weights at half thi3 cost. Good references must accompany all applications. ' JAs. A. CLINE & Co., Seaforth- 562 THE Canada Landed Credit Company offers to borrowers the a:0o wing advantages: 1. Loan payable at any timp within 23 years, at the option of the borrower, without any fine or extra payment whatever. Low rate of interest - -8 per cent. per anntimeLnot in advance. 3. The total loan and interesapayablo by a rate of 10 pee cent, per annum. Agentlor Seaforth, Wel. Ent; Main Street, 569 . !' • NOTeeE.--War. ALLAN' intend.s remov- ing about the first of NoveMber to the new shop bemg,Titted up for him in the, Telegrapb.Block, and In the meantime is offering pig bargains in Tees, Stignea, Currants, Raisins, Riee, Pickles, Sauces, ce Spis, Canned Goods, &c. Also Cream Crocks, Butter Crocks, Butter B' wls Prints, Ladles, Plower Pots, Crockery, &b. 'WILLIAM ALLEN, Mrs. Whitney's Block. 567 E. -A, splendid used but last win - EN. 567 SALE .-County Stove Pipe Damper pply to . WILLIAM M. MORRISON'S, .don getting good through the season WILSON & YOUNG have received a choice lot of very fine Frui s of superior quality, which they are selling very 4heap. Also a0 fine lot of New Season's Teas, which for price and quality they guarantee equal to =yin the market. Special traducements will be glvetq to parties buying in large quantities. Our stock of Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, and General Gro*eries is complete and well assorted in all lines, a d as we have one of the largest and best bought stocks in Ontario, we will not allow any house in he Trade to undersell us. Call and examine our stock WILSON YOUNG. 568 CROCKERY AND GL. SSWARE. -WILSON & -YOUNG have the largest a d best assorted Stock of Crockery and Glassware iii the County, compris- ing Tea Sets in French and English China, Iron, Stone and Porcelain Toilet Sets in the latest and most fashionable design, and of the best material. Also a full stock of everything ,to be found in a first-class Crockery and Glassware store, and at prices which we defy any one to undersell us. Give 11.5 a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we will save you money by buying ,from us. A. complete China Tea Set of 44 pieces for $3 50, and other goods in like proportion, WeLsoN & YouNG, Sea. berth. • 568 M (DV THOMAS KIDD'S LIQUOR §TORE. T BEG leave to notify nier numerous friends and customers that I have removed my Liquor Stofe from the old stand 46 my NEW PREMISES,. In rear of my Dry Goods toe, and fronting on Having 'fitted up the New Shop wtth all the necessary appliances, and imported a largo stock of Liquors. I am now in a positiou to wait on all my customers with betteie advantage than here- tofore. THE STOCK EMBRACES EVERY- THING IN Foreign and Domestte Wines, The Choice et Brenda, in wood and bottle. Old Rye, Malt, and Superior Whiskeys. Hennessy, Martell, Jule S Robins, Pinet, Cas- tilian, and Sazarae Brandies, Holland Gin, Old Jamaica Rum, &c. Mellott Street. 1 Guiness'e Celebrated Pinter in bottle, Carling's Famous Ale in wood an bottle, Pure Scotch Malt and Genuine Old Iri h Whiskey in betties and flasks. Hotel Keepers and , Fanners buying in quanti- ties liberally dealt with. Medicinal and Sa'eramental Wines Kept constantly on handJ All orders by mail or otherwise pu nctu y attended to, and all Liquors • • A call respectfully so li4Eed. THOMAS kIDD, Seaforth. NEW MILLINERY Aiii$ DRESS -MAKING ' flARDNO'S Iti,09., -ROOMS, SEAFORTIL NEWEST STYLES in Hats and Bonnets, FlOwers, ments, &e. The Newest Mantle Making. A reelect Also Plain and Fancy Sewing the 777s. MARY 570 Je ,Ladiee and Children's Feathers, Orna- inishions in Dress and Fit Guaranteed. done. Enquire at MITCHELL. 'MULHOLLAND. IIENSALI MILLS. 1 FREE T ADE. FARMERS and others b, orally dealt with. Co get our prices for whole o and Feed delivered at W ton or care ,Gristing atte usual. Chopping done ev 570 McGRE ying Corn will .be lib - 'e and see the Corn and chopped corn. Flour olesale prices by the ' ded to punctually as re, day. 'OR & URQUHART. 0EDAR POSTS FOR SALE. 26, Concession 6, Monis, sels, any quantity of ceder by the acre. Apply to opposite Leyden's Hotel, -For Sale, on Lot one mile from Brus- posts, either cut or 'ALEX. ROBERTSON, MeKiilope- 567 desirous of giving up sell my nice residence Five hundred dol- 10years. Party pur- of furniture and . 570-3 .. RARE CHANCE. -Being .7house-keeping, I will Seaforth, on very easy textres. lars cash, and balance in, /fur- chasing can have seleetion nishings. A. ARMITAG pAiLs AND POSTS -" scriber wishes to se41 Black Aeh Rails, and Ceder to suit purchasers. Parties require to order them be as possible, so that they night ed in getting them durin are on Lot 1, Con. A, Ternberry, of Wroxeter on the Seaferth DOUGLASS. 1 OR SALE. -The sub- a lot of Cedar and Posts in quantities wishing them would orehand, and as early not be disappoint sleighing. The posts 3 miles south Gravel Road. R. 564-8 idUCTION SALE OF STOCK. -The under- by Public Auction, on two and a half miles Line between Stan- P. -Al, on FRIDAY, the following valuable cows, 22 of which are 6 heifers coming 3, be spring calves; 2 colte, am. TERMS -Twelve t en on furnishing ap- PARSONS, Pro- ctioneer. - 570-1 A RARE CHANCE - -/--L. VALUABLE LIVE signed will off em for sale Lot 3, South Boundary, west of Kippen, on the Tdwn ley and Hay, at 1 o'clo/e. NOVEMBER 15th, 1878, Stock, viz.: 25 good milch supposed to be in calf ; calf; 1 ball, coming 8; s coming 4; 14 ewes and 1 months credit will be gi proved joint notes. WILLIAM prietor; j. P. BRINE, A_ GRAND CREDIT SAEE.-Andrew will offer for sale by iproperty, Winthrop, on MONDAY, TUESDAY, the 19th of following valuable property, million feet of lumber, sawn into sizes suitable for ditchin,g ; baswood ;1, 1, 14, maple, 1, 11, 1/, and 2 inches 4 x 4, scantling; cherry, tling;i butternut, boards oak, 1, 11, 11 and 2 inche (rock and soft,) 1, 11, 1/ and 4 x 4 scantling; black ehes ; white ash, 1,11, 14 thug; birch, 1, 11, lf scantling ; pine, 1, st, 1/ patent moveable fence. 30 head of cattle, principally -sheep; 3 Rpm good workeag power, new ; I ten horse 'stump machine; .3 large scale; 1 seed drill; 1 reaper; harrows, and other articles mention. Sale to commbnce each day. Sums of $10 that amount 12 months' furnishing approved jeint 10 per cent; lot cash Will purchases. ANDrIEW prietor ; JOHN BULLARD, Govenloct public auction, on his the 18th, and November, 1878. The viz: About, one I composed of Hemloct building, fencing and 11 and 2 inches thick : thick, also 3 x 2 boards, plank and scan- sc plank and mantling ; , also scantling; elem, and 2 inches also 3 x 2, ash, 1, 11, 14 and 2 in and 2 inches, also scan. td 2 inches, also 3 x 2 nd 2 inches; 1,000 rod ptock and Implements cows and heifers; 3( horses; 1 six horse- -power: 2 gang plows; I box stoves; 1 bean 1 mower; plows too numerous to at 12 o'clock noon and under cash; ova credit will be given 61 notes. A. discount o be allowed on all oredi GONENLOCK, Pro Auctioneer. 570 THE MEDICAL HALL SEAFORTH. HICKSON & BLEASDELLI Proprietors and _Ma ufacturers of WINTER FLUID, An exceedingly ITsefu and Agreeable Preparation for Chappe, Hands, Rough- ness of the Skin, &c. FOR ORDINARY ROUCHNESS OF THE KIN I It will be found suffibient to apply it occasionally after washing. The worst cases of CHAPPED HANDS Will be perfectly cured by the use of this preparation at bed -time, and before going out in the cold. G-entle_nen who suffer after shaving froin the IRRITATING EFFECTS Of Soap, will find immediate relief by the use of the Winter Finials THE COMPOUND OlIG/1 SYRUP Can't be beat for Children .or Adults, safe and efficient. WORM POWDERS. Sure cure. No child s ould have worms while you can procure these Powders for 25 cents per box. TONIC AND ALTERATIVE BITTERS Renovates and gives a healthy the Stomach and liver; and p blood. Being composed. exclit actioia rifies the ively of ROOTS AND II RBS, It is a safe and valuable M dicine in every household. FAMILY APERIENT PILLS. Need ONLY A TRIAS to P ove their Efficacy. WHOOPING -COUGH R MEDY This is an excellent preparatio and we can recommend it. Try it. IMPROVED CONDITION PO DERS, J4-1. For Horses -and Cattlek We 'ye you a good, pure, fresh article of , GUARANTEED QUA ITY And Known Merit. 9nly 25 cents per pound, or 5 pounds f(4 $1. FURNITURE, ORE M, For converting old furniture into new, gives a quick polish, 20 cents er bottle. 'Besides Preparations and edicines Of our own manufa4ure, w have all the Leading and Popular' PATENT MEDICINES, As well as a complete -line of Drugs, Druggists' Sundries, TOILET AHTICL S, Perfumes, Combs and Brush a, Soaps, &c. Alfa? Special attention id to the filling of PHYSICIANS' PRES RIPTIO AND F MILY ECEIPTS. Don't forget, also, that w have, as usual, a splendid assortment of Jewelry,Watcl es an Clocks Cutlery, Plated Waire, Spe tacles and Fancy Goods. Watches, Clocks, J tacles Cleaned lost Skil.fu2 W welry ond Spec- nd Re aired by rkmen. So call, one and all, at HICKSON & TILEASDELL'Sy MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, 1878-9 WI 1\1"ir EJ 1878-F9 THOMAS KIDD'S EMPORIUM MAIN STREET, SEA The!Newest, Largest and Mo Dry Goods, Readymade Millinery and 4Iantles, in the Province. t Copp Cowl Grocer DRESS GOODS. ORTH. rete Stock of General , Boots and Shoes, es, to be Found DR SS GOODS OUR DRESS GOODS Department embraces • various fabrics, which have been so extensivel cial attention is directed toisur Black and Melanges, Cypress Cloths; in all the New Brown, Prune, Myrtle, and Navy Blue. FLANNELS. -The most extensive assortment White and Grey Flannels, Twilled land Plain. Checked Flannels My stock is unrivalled, sho Excellent Value -at prices that cannot possibl verything fashionable in, the imported this season. Sie- Colored. Cashmeres, Twilled Shades, Bronze Green, Seal I have ever shown in Red, I am selling very cheap. i In ing upwards of 100 Pieces - be disputed. BLANKETS. -A very large stock of I those Cele rated Cornwall Blankets just to hand. A splendid Heavy Double Blanket, only $3. Call at once and secure one ere the cold weather set in. Also Two Cases of Horse Blanftets from $2 to $3 per pair. A Great Bargain. MILLINERY AND MANTLES.I-The Mill nery Room is well supplied with all the new and beautiful little Ornanien s, which contribute so much to adorn the head dresses of our ladies no -a-days. The assortment of Flowers, Feathers and other Novelties, such as Scarfs, Ties, Mufflers';&c., is unsurpassed, andAn Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats and Bonnets our Skiow is admitted to be far ahead of anything in this Town. Special atten- ti n is directed to our Superb Stock of Ladies' Mantles. Also our Black a d Colored Velvets and Velieteees, which fot Quality and Price cannot be b aten. FURS. -Our Stock of Fur Goods is now being ope ed out, and will be fonnd, al usual, excellent value. Call and see them. No trouble to show goods. READYMADE CLOTHING. -This Depart ent is now fully assorted, and the supply of Men's and Boys Cloth-mu''is immense -Prices -remarkably low. The Largest Stock of Overcoats into n. • The "New Protection" Overcoat is certainly a very serviceable garmei4t. and will be found to , suit the purpose admirably. Children's and Boys' Overcoats in great variety.. BOOT? AND SHOES. -The Stack is Comp an Children's Boots. Men's and Boys' Lou Boxed Boots in every style. Large Consign shoes, plain and fancy, just arrived. GROCERIES. -Farmers, now is the time to p Tea. Call on me and I will give you the best lewest prices, in quantities at 55 cents per po cation. Satisfaction guaranteed or, money Grocery line kept constantly on hand., The gars, the Finest Tobaccos and Cigars to be fo New Cash Store. THOMAS ete. Everything in Women'A Boots very cheap. Ladies' ent of Rubbers, Felt Over- rchase your winter suPpky of value in that article, at the nd. Samples given on appli- efunded. Everything in the est Teas, the Cheapest' Sa- nd. in the Dominion, at the KIDD, SEaforta 11`11 EJ PIIMO- MESSRS. LUMSDEN SEAPORT'', ONT. WI .4.5 0 t RIO, THE PROPRIETORS OF THIS OL EST:0 ISHED BUSINESS TAKE THIS OPP4TUNITY OF tHANKING THEIR NUIVIERO For the very liberal patronage bestowed n them du muth pleasure in stating that they are in a position dneements than ever before, having ADDED LARGELY TO OUR STOCK IN AL S CUSTOMERS ing the past years, and have ow to offer even greater in - LINES OF NEW GOODS Bought Directly from the Manufacturers by our Mr. LUMSDEN, when in and which we are determined to sell at prices not yet touched 13 -z -TIE OER: OUR BUSINESS, AS MOST PEOPLE IN THIS INCLUDES THE GENE DRUG, BOOK, AND FANCY And in spite of the HARD TIMES, CROWDED with GOODS. IMPORTANT NOTICES. 11.1111.0, BOARDERS. -From 8 to 10 Boarders can be accommodated with board, either ladies or gentlemen. Apply to j. CALD weeLL, (only man and wife), Godeidch Street, Seaforth. 570 MONEY TO LFIND.-I have any amount of Ad -a- Money -to Lend on good improved farms only, at 8 per cent. Charges very smell. Sum no object if eecurity ample. I -don't lend for any Company. JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. 570 STOCK FOR SALE. THOROUGHBRED COTSWOLDS FOR SALE. -I- -The Subscriber offal's for sale Ram Lambs, Ewe Lambs, and aged Ewes, of the Cotswold breed, at prices to snit the times. 3. CUMING, Lot 23. Concession 13e Londesboreugh Post Office. 568 apsais FOR SALE. -The undersign -ed has on -I-9d Lot 29, Con. 5, McKillop, a number of first- class Leicester Shearling, and ram lambs, which he is desirous of disposing of at reasonable t,s.te To those who wieh to improve their stock,. they could not do better than give me a call. 'W. A. ANDERSON. 561 RAM LAMBS FOR SALE. -For Sale, a Imre- 'IA' bar of well-bred Leicester Rani Lambs; they were bred from a thoroughbred prize ram and well bred ewes. Also a splendid thoroughbred two-year-old rem; this sheep took the first prize at the County show last year; purchaeers can have their choice. Apply on. Lot 12, Conces- sion 2, London Road Survey, Tuckersmith. MICHAEL HFFFERNAN. 667 WANTED. SERVANT GIRL -Wanted immediately. Ap- h-' ply to H. DERBISHeitE, Dentist, or at the Expositor Office. 570e2 OUSEREEPER WANTED. - Wanted Im- mediately, a housekeeper. The highest wages to a competent person. Apply to JAMES HATT, Seaforth. 567 MONEY WANTED. -The Trustees of the -13-1- Methodist Church, Seaforth,deeire to borrow the sum of $1,000 -private lands. Interest at 8 per cent. Ample tecurity. Apply to A. ARMIT- AGE, Secretary. 570-3 TEACHER WANTED. -Wanted, a Male Teach- er holding a thirdelass cettificate, for School Section No. 2, Grey-. 'Duties to commence Jan- uary 1, 1879. Applications received up to No- vember 19. Apply to JOHN HARRIS, Walton , post office. 570-2 TEAOHERS WANTED. One Male and One -L Female, each third-class, for School Section No. 1, Morris. Applications, stating salary re- quired, received by the undersigned, Blyth post office, till the 20th November. Testimonials re- quired. WILLIAM BROWN. 570 APP lde ENTICE 'WANTED.- Wanted, at T. is' Carriage and Horse Shoeing Establish- ment, pot:481mA boy, about 18 years of age, to lean the blecksmithing business. One that has nerved a term of 12 months preferred. Must have 'good reference. Apply personally to T. MELLIS, Kippen post office. 570 STOCK FOR SERVICE. rro PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will -2- keep during the present season. on Lot 8, Concession 12, McKillop, a Suffolk Boar. Terme $1, to be paid at the time of service, with the privilege of retain:ling ifnecessary. RICHARD McKIE. e 570-4 TO PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will -1- keep during the present season, at his pram - ince, Lot 11, Concession 8, L. R. S., Tucker - smith, one mile south of Egmondville, a There - Bred Berkshire Boar. This animal was eked by a pig imported from the Old Country, and for which the sum of $750 was paid. His dam was also imported, He is one of the best at present in tho County of Auron, having taken first prizes at the County and all the other shows. Terms el, to be paid at the time of service. j. IL CARTER, Proprietor.570 _ 1DEDIGREE OF BERKSHIRE BOAR, FIRST - -'' DUKE OF NISSOTIRI, the property of John. 1 Stafford, Ei-q., Lot 21, Concession 14, McRillep. ' First Duke of Nissonri was farrowed October 15, 1875. Bred by John Snell, Edmonton, Out. Got by Imported Lord LiverpeoI, dam Imported Sovereign by own brother to Sarah° 2nd; grand. dam No. 2'by St. Main; great grand dam Lady St. Dennis; great great grand dam by Gloster Premium. Lord Liverpool, the sire of FirsiDuke of Nissouri, has made a, good record at leading shows. He won the following prizes tinier a year old in England in 1874, viz. First at Aath and West of England; find at -,the Royal Coun- ties --and Gloucestershre • First at the Provincial Fair, Toronto, in 1874, first prize at the Western Fair, London, in 1876; and triple prize as the best Imported Boar on the groand under a year; also at the head ot the prize herd, and the same record at Western Fair, London, in 1675. First; Duke of Nissouri took first prize at Stratford in 18771 first in Seaforth la 1877, first at Bruseels in 1877, 2nd. at St. Marys in 1877; 1st at Seaforth in! 1878; and let at Brussels in 1878. First Duke Of Nissouri's dam, Imported Sovereign, is the beau -ideal of a perfect Berkshire, and thethest sow 'we ever saw, Terms, One dollar per sow, payable at the tune of - ser- vice, with the privilege of retaining if necessary. JOHN STAFFORD, Proprieto. 568-4 e e ESTRAY STOCK. 'p -STRAY STEER. -Came into the premises of -lee the undersigned, Lot 24, Concession 5, Me- Rillop, on or about the 10th Of August, a red and white year old Steer. The,' owner is request- ed to prove property, pay- charges and take it away. GEOBGE ILelIKIRli. 1 468x4 V STRAY SHEEP. -Came into the premises of etal the undersigned, Lot 25, Cenceesion 1, Tuck- ersmith, on or about September 17, a dry Ewe. The owner can have the same on proving proper- ty and paying charges. JAMT15S PATTERSON, Brucefield Post Office. ' 567x4. 1 STRAY SIIEEP.-Came into the premises of Jet the undersigned Lot 21, Ooncession 4, L. 11.. S., Tuckeiamith, on or about October 12th, eheariing,rata. The owner can have the same upon proving property and paring charges. T. LEECH. 570-4 STRAY STEERS. -Came pito the premises of the undereigned., Lot 10, Ce incession A, Turn - berry, some time n September, two red year-old Steers. The owner is xequested to proveprop- erty, pay charges and take them away, THOMAS POPE, Morrisbank post office. • e70 SEurope, TRAYED.-Strayed from the premises of the - undersigned, Lot 25, Con. 4, township of Hay, about the first of June, a red. heifer one year old with one broken horn, a white spot on ill be suitably rewarded. MRS. forehead and some white spots on 5h6e7r4hip- • The finder w B_E_RRIL_ILeus_tell, P. 0. E STRAY SHEEP. -Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 8, Concession 2, lett, about the sstb of Selyiember, ten Ewes, will be imitably rewarded. ARCHIBALD WAL- KER, top being cut off the right ea_r5. one giving information leading to their recovery Constance post office. ESTRAY ILEIFER.-Straye from the premises ortbe undersigned, Lot 24, Concession 6, Hay, on or about the middle of July, a white 8 -year- old Heifer- It is supposed that there iis a slit in the left ear. Any infermation that -will lead to the recovery of the above ar inial will be f3u1tably rewarded. JOHN MeALLISTER, 506firxer, Out. - STRAYED OR STOLEN,--8trayed or Stolen from the premises of the 3ubscriber, Lot 13, Con. 5, Grey, on or about Oct. 1, a team of horses one a dark bay, and the other a floret with whit; face and white hind feet, aged. Any person giv- ing such information as will lead to their re- covery, will be suitably reWarded. HOMER tLEA.VENS, Bruseels P. 0. 557x1 VICINITY ARE AWARE 1,.AL GOODS TRADE, the Sh lves in each Department are OUR STOCK OF DRUG D- DYE STUFFS to QUALITY, and Are always Selected with -in the Market. regard i 1 OUR BOOlt,ND STATIONE Including School Books, Bibles, Praye Blank Books, Song Books, Novelsp N ote Pencils, AND HOSTS OF OTHER Among our Fancy Goods wentigh, Value in Albums, Work B xes, But would be pleased to. have the public cal we have in this -Department, suitable for cannot enumerate here. CALL EARLY, and i HOLI ALL .13c, consists always of the VSTRAY CATTLE. -Strayed from the prom- - ises of the undersigned, Let 10, Concession 1, L. R. S., Four Yearling Cattle -1 steer all red, 1 steer sputted white and red, 1 heifer dark red, eli . 1 small heifer yellow and *bite. Any 'lemon Y DEPARTMENT giving- cit information ae will lead to the twee-- „ ery of all or any of the aboaa animals will be suitably rewarded. BENJAMIN SMILEY, Rip - pen post office. 570 Books, Hymn Books, r, STRAY C'iTTLE -Strayel from Let 28, Coo. Paper, Envelopes, Pens, 11, Ilibbert, in May host, Sit Young Oettle- 5 yearling steers and 1 yearling heifer, Three of • the steers are Of red color, one of which has white legs, one is dark, neeely blue, the other ° is light red and )Totted white; the heifer is a -light roan. Each has a mark on the left ear in the shape of a half- moon. Any person -giving each information as will lead to the recovery of the above animals, or either of them, will be m-en,tion the Extra mutably rewarded. JOHN NIOHOLS, Chieel- hurst post office. 569•.4x ioel Cases, dc., THINGS. pect the numberless articles AY PRESENTS, which we FTEN. IT_JSCDI\T WHIT/EY'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. I te REWARD. -Strayed pr Stolen, from the premises of Mr. Young, SeAferth, on the night of the llth of Osteber, Three two-year-old Steers,'large size, one a brindlle with some white spots and one horx, shorter than the other, one red, with white star on forehead; one light red with long coarse horne, a little low in the back; each has a split on the lower part of tbe left ear. Any person giving firneh inforniation as wIll lead to their recovery, at John Carroll's, Seaforth, Martin's Hotel, Brussels, dean keDougal,, COO. 8, Grey, or John K. Baker, Oenfrys.t post office, will receive the above reward. 070-8 e is -„