The Huron Expositor, 1878-11-08, Page 31878. CANADA. $1,000,060. President ; Thole. - Ogilvie, • Bnritin, ;rarai, ler i G. 13 sr en opened up in ng business win diecounted, and ate. haft Mao been , where deposite ar upwards, and at all offieee of and the Federal m—TheAfliauco Ltirattal Bank of & Co., 63, Wan al Bank. 'llaYn, 10 to I. CKIL Mana.ee r IF MINE" 7 from 'FORTH, [lancing to the excel that be is ‘ItItural ical ini- Ingtrn. • the Singer, having oarrieci dal and Roney- ny of the above F. by apeiyiag to F;etter for theca [mare always on, t street. BY Seaforth. - LAI 1 WORKS. R 0 W S. portunity of ants of Brussels Ltitl beg to state rarnents in their tcY are in a bet, the public with •• Card/ itt the yered. if our basilicas ,given can rely ort ro- rat-c1ase article Tho Brussels ✓ BURROWS. LIVERY I Ind Trade Or the trth„ from Mr. that he intends id stand, and has d vehicles to the ides. and Good cc Kept. 1 Carriages, and -s ready for use. With COM,. iy ot the hotoie JERS AND 5n of all, those' .1 determined to Hemlock, is not following rates: :tusand ; 14 foot rtrders over 4,000 tea if you. don't will be charged emus customers late a continu. HOMPSON. ills, Medi:Mop. LIVERY, begs to inforn1 t and the travel - sed the Livery t, Carnochan er to retain thet tablishment ha 8 driving and re- pswill bo kept 11, night or day, PIC -NIC AND 'iv Dealt with. vft at the Corn - t receive prompt 4trect1 opposite N, Proprietor, ' (:)!TIOE d into partner- ufeeturo • trst,class ma- •oming through good article. epairing, home- r. Ramon hay- icnoe in dress - at a specialty. gricaltural Ern - :h Street, Sea - f:60 f h HERSEX- of Candidates. s' Second -Class Town of Goder-,: 16th December, viously given by pa application .turned to him, the 10th of No - lard to the Sec- ; of t.ueccsa in i rellExaminers. I 1 00 l'.N TRANCE CLINTON. tr admission to be held tn. V.) u Tuesday, the i1 tee( mber, corn - , notify James ter t:d the High vember, of their r examination. ,WA It, F Public Schools. fiesi .l'..N T RA N CE — l'EA.FORTH. 1 ,tion to the Sea - ID. V.) in the etsday, the 17th, er, commencing I , rotify the under- vember, of their Or examination. 4iWAR, .h4501 Inspector - 669 NOVEMBER 8, f878 011100"" Citlaba • T tome eathar use Be was fort Y year dey aurin !tialter came into the store with some &coat. cloth, whir he wished to have cut into Jity fat er told him he would lcut it rs. said the Quaker, "tee may cut it. Bet as thee tailors sometimes cabbage loth, as thee calls it I shall stay and. watch thee while thee cuts it." "Ali r said my fath really, fri nd, your watching keep mei cani cabbaging, if I do so." " Thee is weleome to all steal wit o out me catching th the Qua er, cOnfident of shrewdness. The ma ting boarci was clos a eirindo , between which board. we e some eight inches My father in laying off the c good. vest pattern, which he chalked in various 4iapes, and after he had cut all the piece, he called the Quaker's at- tention tp sonstethingin the rOone, and, with hie hears pushed the “ cabbage " from the board between it and dow, when it dropped quiet floor.. He rolled up the job in all tlab scraps, and. handed ttaker. "1.suppose you're satisfied that you haiv-13 all your cloth?" •asked ray father.' Yes, I'm satisfied. Thee's welcome to all thee's stolen." When the Quaker had gone, father took t4 “ cabbage " from tinder the table, and. cut a vest from it for him- self. Not long after he was standing in the door with the vest on, when he saw the Quaker -on the other side of tie street. Ile called to him and invited. him into the store. did your coat fit?" asked my • g" -.from a Qnaker. leer an, amusing story _my to tell. cutting, some thirty-five or ago, in Philadelphia. One the dull season an elderly, r, "but ouldn't hose to ee can e," said is own against and the f space. at left te but I str ngly suspe the ancie could wri "Do y said, " t -your owi mean to name -0 shouldn' book." Coo:11411i do other man wh0 showed s registers? So I 1 marks, and the si I observed to the had saidk the sole mind and keep to which the bridegio ing, quite gravely, you've put your fo incident remains they had one by one vestry, I observed standing at the do of way, with his le and one hand hal ward me. Instant I advanced and sh whereupon they one, and shook ha the Year Round. How One Co the win - y to the putting t to the "How father. "Very ter." well. a good cut - Thee is t mariner te if he ch xi really at you • name ?" Sir," he ay for wh 0. a piec like to 11 14 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. ted that my friend With the one eye, se. ean to tell me," I aoie never written nswered, "1 don't t I have wrote my o'• paper—but I entur in that 'ere iee than excase a ch respect for my t them, affix their in being completed ride that now she nrwords she must hat she had said, m capped by say - not jocosely, "Yes, t in it." One last o be told: When filed out of the he ancient manner r, in a lingering sort • s rather wide apart, Stretched out to- ly divining his wish, ok hands with him, fl ret ed, one by d with me."—All p e Succeeded. From the rush present ventilatin "Marriage Weak n " in the Toronto worthy the perusal o all interested in Mail, we select one lrer, which is well this important question: Sia, ---Allow me to find space in your paper for my experieaces on the above subject. "An ounce of experience is worth a pound of theory." "Speak well of the bridgii that Parries you safely f eorrespondents at their ideas on the over. • These are old. an,d just adages. I manied early, and af that time was as poor as poverty, but I possessed a use- ful pair of hands and clear; head. My wife was 20 years ola, and a lady born —being the daughter of a fox-hunting gentleman of good landed estate in Eng- land. I was born ld educated a gen- tleman, my father eing a civil en- . gineer. We were all English; we land - "Thank you. Now how do you like, ed. in Canada withont ten dollars, and ray vest " asked my father, throwprospect of any, wncluded to marry, g 1 e Co here did. after being here some' months, as we open his coat and showing he "cab- neither of us had any money nor any baged " Dement. as naatters certainly could not well be lower, pecuniarily speaking, than they it to me, were at that time with both of us, Each went to work in their own depart- ment; and "with a :will." I unfortun- " You 'said I was welcome to all I had ately was neither tradesman, nor pro- ,• fessional, nor cler ', nor had we for many years $800 a ear to keep house on. Our first year's outlay for food (we bought but little clothes) was $240. I have the figures lefore me. We lived in two rooms, upstairs in King Street east; we had scareely any furniture, but a friend sold us on credit $50 worth: we found A somewhat difficult to pay for this, and _" took thought" what we "It a a nice vest. thee get the cloth ? It's like "It was yours; you gave you rem1nnber." "No, I don't rerneraber." cabbaged.' " Yes.". "Well, I cabbaged 'this." Thee did !" "1 certainly did." - The Quaker scratched his head for a momentmid then reached out his . hand, which my father took. "Thee is a good cutter," he said, and. added 9 he turned to go, "and thee is farm? Why, to i!learry a wife. Be knows perfectly well he has no chance of success without en° ; and how often do we find farms tc be let or aold, be - had the mitifortune He cannot marry as a consemsence he arm. An,a iable, good woman'evilling and realy cheer- fully to bear her share of the burden of a poor man's homj is indeed a crown jewel. Yours, &c., LOVER OF HOME. cause the owner ha to lose his wife. again directly, and sells or lets his too smart for me, but thee is welcome could do as an extra to meet this pay - to the vest."—A non, ment. I chanced o meet a gentleman • seeking for some orie to take charge of A Troublesome Marriage. I (and save, if ipossible,) an infant five This !anecdote is extracted almost months old, just dying appareatly. The verbatini from the note -book of a clergy- sum we received yearly, for that charge man who officiated on the occasion, and was $120. We seared the child, eau - is as follows : I meted her, and she grew to be a beauti- •This morning -I married. ia mariner ,ful woman. We gave her our own named, • in. B— to Sarah C , al. 1 name, and she is now the wife of an y I think T shall never forget it. Ti 0 : eminent lawyer— so much for meeting weddim, party consisted of four pee- our first &faculty. If we had not done sons, there being present, besides the as we did, we should have done some - bride aid bridegroona, an elder mariner thing else to Meet ;the emergency. In .1. - and his -wife. A little confusion was a few months my wife had two infants occasioned. at first, owing to the ancient to care for, one being her owne! The mariner, in answer to my question, re- first expensive article of dress we ever presenting himself to be ,the bride- bought was a plaid shawl, and we pre - groom, but this was soon put right, and serve it to this day as a memento. We the real parties stood up before me. All have suffered ill -health, loss of money, • went on as usual up to the time when and many difficu ties have been over-• , the woman had to say, "1, Sarah, take come. We are now, and for years have' thee, William ;1 when, upon my telling been, quite 'independent, and, _ have her to tlidse his hand and repeat after always been a , happy aa the day me, shel exclaimed, to nay great amaze- is long so far as all personals are Q011- • ment, n I ca,732 t." cerned. Greenlan Courtship. • When the Dani secured the confi lenders, marriage ceremony. Form h rcrissionaries had ence of the Green - as made a religious rly the man married the woman, as the Romans did the Sab- e. One of the mis- in his journal, de - present courtship as ne to the mission- ary, Said, "1 shOuld like to have a wife." " Whom ?" asks the missionary. The man names the w "Hast thou spo • Sometimes the " Yes : she is n knowest womanki • More frequently, " Why not ?" "11 is difficul Thou must epeeists) her." The miSsionaryjsummons the girl, and. after a little conversation, says: "1 think it tim to ihave thee mar- ried." "1 won't marri." "What a pity I had a suitor thee." " Whom ?" - The missionary has sought his ai " He is good have him." "But," replie is a good provide poon with skill; Though liste,ni • evident pleasure, "1 won't ma "Well, I won' soon. find a wife low." The missiona though he under • ended the matte At last with "Just as thoug ary." No," replies the clergyman, "as thou wilt; n Then, with:- a "yes," and the ine women, by for sionaries, writing scribes the style o follows: : The suitor, co man. en to her ?" an will answer: - I t unwilling, but thou a.77 the answer is "No." girls are prudish. " Yes, you can," observed the bride- Bad health caused me to study the groom.• first principles ef medicines, so as to "No, I can't say it," repeated she. avoid the expenso of a doctor on trifling Coale," said I, preserving my gray- occasions. For many months, almost ity by an effort which surprised myself, years, I had. to carry my wife up and "cannot you say the words after me ?"„ down stairs, and at last she grew bet- " Ob., no ! I couldn't." • ter. But before and after that period, "Y0-11 Call say it after him," I have many times seen her washing strated Willia,m againthe household liaen with the baby (and "Oh no !" there was almost always one in the And now the female attendant mar- house) playing w th the soap suds, seat- iner struck in in a sweet Irish brogue: ed in it's high chair by her side. So Arrish I can't ye say it afther the straitened were our circumstances that jantleman, dear?" with a stress on the I always attended to the children at iantlemau which no italics can convey. night, and my wie during the day. I in asay department worked at everything I had. to do, always with the head and often with the bands. We neither of us hired to get done what we could do ourselves. We nevele spent two-thirds matter how small it resisted the inchna- ess for absolute Daces - in our case is that of lsothat of thousands ell -doing men. Me - laborers, if they have ent, often raise large families, and save money. I could naine hundreds who have done But, perha,ps, were all brough that respect the vantage of my " nothing," but -tofeel daunted, dertaking was, or how many difficulties arose. • I maintain th. should feel as of work would ulary. We alw No u she wo ently t rernon- e nt all—either she couldn't or ldn't. The bridegreorn a,ppar- ought it was 'real' inca,pa,city, and. tle t he had divined the true !roe,- • son of bet refusal; for be now suggested • as a prObable explanation. "You see, Sir, she can't neither read nor write; that's what it is." • There seemed at • this pont some danger of the conversa- tion becoming general, so that I was oblige q to request silence, alla that • might be allowed to conduot the cere- mony sti my own way; for the elder r thought it time to put iu mann oar, w1iih he did by winking one eye -- the otIler was out—and ob° eervine with a jerk of his thumb toward the bride, Say iV However, say it she could not, aa.(1,- as she was tremblinee all over, s bega i to think that all might; not be right ; so I made her sit down,and quest lied her and the whole party -as to evil merit length titer there existed esny inspedi- to' the Marriage. Having at satisfied myself that thereldid. not, ae, d that it was a pare case of nerves suess I inquired for salts- or a sm,elli Was a doubt friend bride' pressi cure; more. o littl g bottle, but nothing of the kind • hand—only a large nosegay of til freshness, whichttlie female officiously thrust under the veil, apparently under the im- n that any smell would work a Finding her by this time rather omnosed, I thought I would try • calm reasoning, anti asked her whether sb.e really meant to take \Na- b= fbr her husband, and on her agree- ing ti at she did, I further suggested that he might as well say so, and . more° -er, that nobody but herself could say itf and that if she Slidn,'t she never wotiid have him at all. Yielding at last t theSe arguments, she expressed • her lowliness to have another try, wher upon she stood up and. managed (1 to stu nble through the necessary form of wo ds, and the ceremony was com- plete . But my difficulties were not quite over. ` When we got into the ves- try, the bridegroom signed. his name in the register without making any diffi- Gully, but all the rest of th,e party stout- ly maintained that they could not write. I hadinot much doubt that this was z true \ ithiespect to the two females, ' of our income, n was. We alwa.er tion to spend me saris. I maint thousands, and of succesgful chanics, and eve steady ernployn f, Such man in the city s well and far better. Ibut few • cases, they up to work, and in had much • the ad - elf. I was literally never could be made o matter 'hat the un - 14 t if all young people e did, that the slavery ot exist in their vocab- yL3 felt that the ouly true slavery exa ted in the abject fear of being seen and in the id Grundy say? Both of these utterly at varia mug necessary i duties, a I of what will Mrs. • falacies we banished. as ce with any happiness or Chance of success. Let young pe of consequence strong drink ea and luxuries,' month, and I matt's family in quite as much higber class ma is, of course, if and earns the mot all such will soon own a veaS only two IriSh laborer, $800 cash for t a third if he price, and to m bee raised a 1 nine children. first thing a y when, with s ple marry without fear ; ;hellish tobacco and d all expensive dress save something every elieve that a laboring Canada, as a rule, eat , ood plain food as a far 's family requires, that he has constant work, highest wages, and al - ren (if perfectly sober) house of their own. It onths since that an old ho works for us, paid o houses, and could buy ould get it at the same - certain knowledge he rge family, nemberinn Moreover, what is thZ ung farmer's son does all .capital, he.. rents a for names the man who or nothing. I won't the missionary, "he ; he throws his har- • nd he loves thee." g to his praise With the girl answers: . fwon't have him." force thee. 1 shall or such a clever fel- ke remains silent, as toed her "no" to have • • sigh, she whispers: wilt have, mission - t persuade thee." deep groan, comes a tter is settled. .1 Words, of Wisdom. • It is better to rise from your 'knees, Very Low Price Which h and shut your hens out of your neigh- bor's yard, than to indulge in long • prayers. The ,perfectly perfectly useless Try to see yourself through the eyes of those around • The ideal sain is Cut from sapp The Lord can in the religion ft to church, than can. True prospen rather than the The vigorous I wrapped in few ONTAflTO 3 DRY GOODS, HOUSE, 3, CamPheirs Blo k. SMITH & WE SHOW A LARGE ST STAPLE AND FAN ,T23 :Et 'Y • 1 3 T. OK OF S Bought in the Best Markets, and worthy of inspecionby 1 INTENDINg PURCH SERS. _A_1•11-2. WILLIAM HILL & 0•1 SEAFORTH, Having bought a Large and Most Complete Steck of I;RY GOODS and GROCER- IES, are offering the same at prices that astonish everybody. Our Stock of NEW DRESS GOODS,' in all the leariling colors, are deservedly ap- preciated by the public • Black Cashmeres, Sergee Empress Cloths, Crape Cloths, Paramattas. Meriuoes, Russel Cords, and Alpacas, cheaper than ever. Our Immense Sales of Blankets and Flannels, Towels. Towelings. Sheetiags, Brown Linens, Tablings, Table Cths, White and Factory Cottons, frc., prove that we buy in the cheapest market and sell at a small profit. Our CLOTHING Trade has more than deubleit, the last two years. A magnifieent Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, and Breadcl ths to select from—Fit and terle Guaranteed—at prices to suit the tithes. Overeoatings a Specialty. •I The MILLINERY Department will found filly assorted with Hats and Bon- nets that will please the eye, fit theshearl, and not hard on the pocket. F A Large.Assortment of SHAWLS and MANLES. Our TEAS, SUGARS and GENERAL GROCERIES are_good and. cheap as u ua 7 VVILLIAM HILL &IC°. .SEAFORT111. FIVE HUNDRED HORSS WANTED THE SEAFORTH AGRICULTIIJ%- RAL WARER00iVIS TO DRAW AWAY AND GO TO PLOWING WITH Pa") • IDT-AOW I have only 800 of these Piows left, and parties wishing to get one should come at once. B care.'" Oil and don't get the wrong plow , as spurious and worthless imitatious are being. manufact None genuine without the Company's Trade Mark: Oliver Chilled Plow. Massie s No. 1.8 histle Cutters, and all kinds of General Purpose Plows. MY ROOMS ARE FULL OF SEWING MACHINES, Come and get one before winter comes, and make your new clothes before you freeze. All kinds of Straw Cutters, Root Cutters, and every Implement required for farming. All kinds of Plo Cast- inge and pointe always on hand. The following are the names of a few of the farmers in thie neighborhood who have pu chased and are now using the OLIVER CHILLED PLOW: In TUCKERMITH—John Crich, George Chesney, Peter Cooper, William Carnochan, Jacob -McGee, Wm McMurray, William Ireland, James Stoneman, Ebenezer Walker, Kenzie Grant], John Campbell, Johh Hannah, Robert tarieveg, James 'Plokard,Williani Grieves. 7i• In HULLETT—Josiah Irwin, Ralph Stephenson, Alex Jamieson, 'William Way, John Bntton. In_ McKILLOP—Robert McMillan, Hugh McMillan, Thomas Govenlock, James Grieves, Andrew Giivenlock, Robert Govenlock, Hugh Grieves, Sr., James Kerr, Peter, O'Sullivan, James Tnrnbull, John Adam, Hugh, Grieves, Jr., Thomas Ilillen, Samuel Smith, Robert Grieves, Henry Hart, aud John Eggert. In HIBBERT—Sohn Ilickie, Thomas Brenna, and Robert Devereux, In LOGAN—Themag Benunais, STANL I—Sohn Tomlinson. In -USBORNE—Samee Meyer. I respectfully request Farmers to enquire of. ither of the, above as to what the Merit of the new aro. I ° la C. WILLSON, Main Street, Seafort ' PoiRamiRis FURNITURE WAREROOMI, SEAFORTH. THE CHEAPEST FURNITURE IN THE COUNTY. T AM NOW Receiving Large Stock of NEW -a- FURNITURE from the best Factories in Can- ada, and I am enabled. te sell cheaper than any • one in the County, as I pay eash down and get a Large Discount. We are enabled to offer 0 ods at the ve made ontented man is also a el ou. of the young moralist ✓ timber. more easily have faith at wears an old coat the man in the coat builds up the soul ocket-book. eal keeps warm though ords. Faith that as s no questions kills the soul and. stifles the intellect: Happy is the Man who has neighbors willing to foreive his mistakes. . Appear to i'keletter than you are, and iyaim to be what ou appear. He who thinks poorly of himself cannot win the 'respect of his fellows. ' Many who e4ect to go to heaven, will find. little c mfort there unless they are able to get up a lively trade in harps, and go]d and nickel plated. crowns. . • —Jennet—" Hoch, Betty, an' here comes your granny jest cannily fou !" Betty—" Oh, a3r, she always takes a muckle on a 'aturday nicht, just to last her over th Sawbath, for she's far too releagious a Obody to drink- sperrit o' the Lord's clay.' Bucklen' Arnica Salve. ' The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, 'Ulcers, Sal Rhetun, Tetter, Chapped Hands, -Chilblains, ICorns. and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give per- fect satisfaction in ( very case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per ox. For sale by Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth. • 566-8m A -Wonderful Discovery. For the speedy cure of consumption and all dis- eases that lead to it, such as stubborn coughs, neglected colds, bronchitis, hay fever, asthma pain in the side and chest, dry, hacking cough, tickling In the throat, hoarseness, sore throat and all i discovery or lingerin diseases of the throat and lungs, Dr. King's N w has no equal and has established for tself a world wide reputation. Many leading physi ians recommend and use it in their practice. Tie' formula from which it is pre- pared is highly reeonmended by all medical jour- nals. The clergy a4id the press have compliment- ed it in the most glowing terms. po to your druggist and get a tria1 bottle free of cast or a reg- ular sizefor 51. For sale hy Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth. 556-8re-5 • rIAMERON, no T & CAMERON, Barristers, k-1 Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich; Ont. M. C. Cameron, Q. p., Philip Holt, M. G. Cara- _ eron• 506 ILLIAM SMA L, Conveyancer and Cornrnis- TV in B. 11., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and Appraiser. Accounte and; notes collected on reasonable terins. 360 p L. D03.LE,I4rrister, Attorney, Solicitor izi -"• Chancery, &e., Goderich cnn Seaforth. Of- fice, over Jordan's Drug Store, Goderich, and Kidd'e Store, Seaforth. 1354 ALCOMSON & WATSON, Barristers, Attor- neys, Solidi ors in Chancery, &c., Clinton, Ont. 01-lice—Firs door enet of the now Royal Canadian Bank bOlding. Motley to loau on him property. 404 G. A. 'WATSON s.MALCOMSON. cCAUGSE- Y HOLMESTED , Barristers, At. torneys at L 'w, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency*, Note ies Public and Conveyance! r Solicitorslor the P.C.Bank, Seaforth, Awn ci for the Canada ifoA&urance Core pony, N.B.—$30,000 tp lend at- 8 per cent. F. -tarns. Houses and Lots fOr sole. 53 THE ON TA I0 So Popular with the Public, • do a firictly Cash Busin Thus giving our Cuatomers • of our disci:mute, a (2.ARROW & MEYER, Barristers, and At- torneys - at - J..ew, Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Private fundto loan at a low rate of inter- est, and rn termg to suit borrowers. Offices— Goderich and Wingham. Mee in Langdale'e oppositejScott's Bank. J. T. GARROW. H. W. C. MEYER. H- W. C. Aleyerl, Solicitor Consolidated Bank of Canada, Wingliam. BENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney at Law, Solicitor s in Chancery and Insolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete. Officee—Sea. forthandBzUsSellt. $23,000 of Private Funds to Invest at once, at ight pereent. Interest, payable yearly. •63 JAS. H. BENSON, H. W. C. MEYElt. The above firm, has thi3 day been dissolved by mutual consent. ,A11 accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. • JAMES H. BENSON. Nov. 27, 1876. - H. W. C. *FIER. OUSE because we SS, the Benefit cl NOT REQUIRING 'HEM to pay bad debts and other osses arising from the credit sys!em. We also Show a Large BOOTS AND ariety of HOES ! L . To which we re pectfu ly direct your litention We Mark Goods in Pi in Figures. • Have No Second. Price Regard it as being n Show Goce trouble to Remember No. g, Camp ell's Block. SMITH C701TTIR..A.D G-IRXDOR.,- LAIDLAW & FAWRLY SEAFORT SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, CURRANTS, RAISINS, RICE, PURE SPICES, PICKLES, SAUCES, MARMALADE, POTTED MEATS, CANNED GOODS. SUGARS, TEAS COFFEES, CURRANTS, • RICE,I , PURE SPICES, PICKLES, SATJOES, _ MARMALADE, POTTED MEA • CANNED GOO And everything in the Grocery depariiiient. We uarantee the best in the market. S, S, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, CURRANTS, RAISINS, RICE. PURE SPICES;1 PICKLES, SAUCES, ! MARMALADE, POTTED MEATS, CANNED GOODS, 1 CROCKERY DEPA TMENT. CAN SELL: Six Splendid Chairs for $1 80. Six Chairs, Fancy Turned Legs for $2. Six Chairs, Extra' Good, for $2 _50. Six Chairs, the -Very Best, for $3 25. Boston Rockers, each, for $1 15. Nurse Rockers, each, 90 cents. Board and Spindle Bedsteads, 414,6 feet long, $2 50. Beautiful 7 -Drawer Bureaus, projection fronts, $18—.Other kinds very low. Six Cane Chairs for $5. In Hair Cloth Chairs, Sofas„ Loun- ges and Rockers, I Cannot be undersold. Baby Carriages and Spinning Wheels very lows GIVE ME A CALL, If you want to furnish your house for a little money. WAREROOMS directly opposite M. R. Coun- ter's Mammoth jewelry 'Establishment, Main Street, Seafortin Cash for Ilides, Skins, Wool and Wool Pick- ings. • JOHN S. PORTER. P. Se—Shall soon be in a. position to furnish Funerals cheaper than any one in the place. • China Tea Sete, very large assortment in Fr rich and E glish Ware. White Granite Ilea 'Sets, four Patterns. White Granite Toilet Sets, Gold Band Toil t Sets, Fancy Toilet Sets, &c. GLASSWARE DEP The largest stock in Town, imported direct ,from the ma beat. Hotelkeepers and parties commencing hougekeeping making their purchases. RTMENT. nfacturers, and at prices that cannot be do well to give us a eall before All Goods Warranted as Represente I - or _Money Refunded, • CARDNO'S BLOCK, )_ SEAPORTS. LAI LAW & FAIRLEY. REMOVAL. •REIJIOVA REMOVAL. W1VI, W Fr SON Begs to intimate that he has Removed his Office to D. McGregor's New Brick Building on East Plidie of ffilitin Street, Sentorth, and Fourth Door South of William Campbell's Clothing Emporium, where he will, ns hitherto, carry on the General Insurance, Money Loan Agency, a1nd Sewing Machine Business. 1 In thanking the public for the confidence they have repo ed La him for the past fifteen years he k, has carried on these branches in Seaforth, he a" ishes to in orm them he will still endeavor to give them the same satisfaction which they have 4n variably ex reseed with his traneaclions. He still keeps on hand the best Sewing Machines tba are manufactured in the world, as well as Needles, Oil, and Machine Attachments. He sells th Osborne A lachine, which is the simplest, the most capable of making any kind of work in the moat perfect manner, and the easiest and qnickest breaded up machine of any machine made ini the Dorninioii. He gels the Genuine Howe Machine 1 —a Machine that has never failed to give satisfaction to e ery customer for the last ten years. He ' sells the Wheeler & Wilson Machines, the nuleit rapid and east noisy Machine in the world. . Farmers' Wivee, Mechanics' Wives, Merchants' Wives aid Manufacturers, do not fail to exsinine . and try our Sewing Machines—Family and *anufacturing when you want one. Also Agent fer , the celebrated Franz and Pope Knitting Machine, capable p1 doing all kinds of work. Instructions given to customers gratis on any of the above machines. owing Machines to Rent. Abu? all kinds of Sewing Machines repaired, TERMS LIBERAL. 1 a I - WM. N. WAT VN, General Agent, Sca,forth. I FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. BROADFOOT & BOX, SEAFORTH, Have on hand at their Wareroons, near the Market, as liandsonie a Stock of Furniture of every Des- cription, as can be found in any similar Xstablishment in Huron, all of which, they are prepared to sell cheap. It is all manufactured under their own super- vision, and they can guarantee it as to quality. FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER WHEN DESIRED. HARRY MITCHELL'S BOOK, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS STORE. EPOT REMOVED THE SEAFORTH NEWS TO No. 3, STARK'S BLOCK,, NEXT D OR TO P. MEGAREY'S, 11/471THERE the Proprietor, Harry, will he pielaged to wait Y to see new patrons, as he is now in a position to rn erg room to walk aroand and view hie large rind varied st that he will not be conquered by misfostunee nor hard tim I ' Please Step in and View my New , And, if you buy, you will not regret it, but go home rejoi bought Wall Paper. Window Bawls, &c., in t e past will ir u!:t say, ' No, no, kind sir, I know the way; yo can't lead m you can't give me away. - HARRY MITCHELL, WEST. p9n his numerous customers, and glad ke a grand display, and to afford ccurtom- k. He is determined to show the people . 1 18. renwes and New GOOdel, ing, and when those from whom you have vite you in, you'll stop and *mile and eetray ; I'll buy from Harry 1Mitchell; o. Ihree, Stark's Block, MAIN STREET, SEAPORTS, POST OFFICE STO El. WALTON T ONCE MORE respectfully beg 7, cave to return thanks o my numerous customers forltheir kind F patronage during the last 12 years that I have been 4othg business amongst them and kindly solicit a continuance of their favors for the future. I ba'e just received a Large and lgreil Selected Stock of DRY GOODS of all deecriptions. Also always on hand a full se rtment of GROCERIES—TEAS a Specialty—which, for qua tar and price, are the best in theCounty. A Large Stock of and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Drugs, Patent elilcines, Bacon and Hams, in !fact every - 12 BOOTS and SHOES—Mah vin's make. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps thing required in a general store. Ask for what you want if you don't see it. Cash or farm produce taken in exchange. I would also intimate t4 all parties indebted to nie for last and previous years, to come and eettle by cash or note befor4 the end of tis month, or the accounts will be put into other hands for collection. No further not will be give . MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. —I am also valuator for the Dominion Saving and Inns nut Society, -one of the best loin societies in the Dominion. The above Society loans money on goo. farm security for a term of kern three to twenty years, on the moat favorable conditiens. LIFE 1 SURANCE.—If yon want your life 'neared give me a call, as I am agent for the Sun *ritual Life As., 'ince Comrany, one of tbe best Life In- surance Companies in the Dominion, and conducted on e most econoini.;.1 principles. Don't for- get to give me a call. I am always attentiVe to busines Post Office and Telegraph Offie.4 in son- nection. Clover, Tinaceley, Turnip and other seeds on . . d. R. PATTISON, ALTON. • r.. UNDERTAKING., Having procured a handsome Hearse, they are now prepared to attend to undertaking in ;snits branchee, on the most reaeonable terms. In conneetion with their nnlertaking business they use the , ANTI-SEPTIO FLUID, Which preserves the body and destroYs ell offen- sive odors and prevents contagion arising from dead bodies. Orders4espectfully BROA_DFOOT & BOX. THE SEAFORTH INSURANCE AND LAND AGENCY. ALONZO STRONG TS AGENT lo Several First -Class Stock,,Fire A. and Life Insurance Companies, and is preps - ed to take risks on THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Also Agent for several of the bent Loan Sods - ties. Also Agent for the sale and puechase of Farm and Village Property. A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS IM- PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. $$0,000 to Conn set S Per 'Cent? interest. Agent for the White Star Line of Steamers. OFFICE—Over M, Morrison's Store, Main -St Seaforth. THE SEAFORTH PORK FACTORY. H.,R013B TS PREPARED to pay the Highest Price for any quantity of Hogs alive or dressed. All kinds of Cnred Meats eon:tautly on hand. Fine Lard, Sugar Cured Hares, Spiced Rolla, Beef Hain, Side Meat, Pork, Sausage, Bologna and Choice Meat of all kinds. As I have been In the bunny's for the last two years, and having one of the best -cutters and carvere of meat in Can- ada, I think I will be able to give as good 'satis- faction as in the past. 11. 11,013B. N. B.—Pork Cuttings always on hand. 588 EGG EMPORIUM.. The subscriber hereby thanks his numerone customers(merchasts and others) for their liberal patronege duringthe past seven years, and hopes, by strictintegrity andclose attention to business to merit their confidence and trade in thefuture. Having greatly enlarged his-premisesadurini the winter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh eggs, deliverea at the EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seaforth. Wanted by the subscriber 2.5 fens of good.dry clean WHEAT STRAW. HAIR. ,PRESSING. • MISS STARK AvisHEs' to Inform the Ladies of fiesfortb and TV Vicinity that she is prepared to make np SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS; Ste., In the fastest Fashion from Combbags. Prices Moderate, and all orders punctuallyst- tended to. A call solicited. Residence—Men Street, Seaforth. DRAYAGE. THE nnderSigned having entered into co -parte 1. nership, are prepared: to meet the wante of the Merchants of Seaforth and others who may require their services as terriers to and from the Railway freight sheds and elsewhere on most reasonable terms, Orders may be left at Joseph Brownell's Grocery store, and will receive prompt and careful. attention. NORMAN BROWNELL, JOSEPH ABELL. Seaforth, Aug. 80, 1878. -560 R. N. 13RETTI sEarounr, Wholesele and Retail DeCer in =ATMS and SHOE IMIDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best Stoek kept. Teruo moderate. A Trial Solicited. All unlen by =A or otherwise promptly filled. It. N. R2IITT