HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-25, Page 8-
'la on it:xpoitoro.:
. .
& TOVNG bar the largest and best assorted Stock
of Crockery al.,1 Glassware in the C.ounty, compris-
ing Tea k as in" French and Enisli China, Iron,
Stone ani Por...elain Toilet Sets in the latest and
mast fa,s1 ionable design, and of the best material.
Also a hi I strek of everyihing to be found in a.
' futt-eltrS Crockery and Glassware • storeihind at
prices which ,ce di-fy any one to undersell uk. Givo.
us a call yam 0 purchasingelsewhere,. as we will
savo you money by buying from us. A complete
China Tea Set of 44 pieces for $8 58, and other
goods hi like proportion, 1Yrrsox & YOUNG, Sea.:
forth.. r. ;8
WTI. I :O.N '&YOVNG have received a
choice l• t of very rine Fruits or superior qtality,
which ti try n.w 0 selling very cheap. Mao a fine lot
or New .'.easeii's Teas, which for price and quality
they gu rautce equal to any in the market. Special
induce • eats will he given to parties buying in
.]arge q .iinti.ies: Our stock of Sugars, Syrups,
Tobacco -,. and General Groceries. is complete and
well assorted in all lines, andas we have one 01
the lug( it az,d best bought stocks in Ontario, we
-will not allom • any house in the Trade to undersell
• us. Cl. it e.t.tl examineour stock. ' Wasou &
YOUNG, 4 508 •
NOT ,cE.--W)1,i ALLEN intends remov-
ing abo , t the first or November to the new Shop
bang fitted up for hini in the TelegraphBlock, and
in the eantiace is offering big bargains in,. Teas
. Sugars, Cerrents, Raisins, Bice,. Pickles, Sauces
Spices, !aisiucc3 Goo0s,. &e,. Also Cream Crocks
. Butter crooks, Butter Bowls, Prints, Ladles
Flower Pot.s..,.. Crockery, &c. _WILLIA3I ALLEN
N% uitney's Block. . 587
° AGE 'TS WANTED, in every Town an
Towega ' in the comities of -Huron, Bruce, Perth
Oxford, Vaterloo, and Middlesex, to sell and ad
just to drulows Mum's Patent Sash .Regulator
Can be • • HE a to any window, and is preferable t
weights at half the cost. Good' references inns
stomps ,ny all ap.plicatious. JAB. A. CLINE & Co.
Seafortl .- 5
Orr , TIE..k.DERS Will notice in th
. Brucefu hi aLvertisement of W. Farm & Co. 1
pounds of Currants for 81. We give 18 pounds o
line fa it for *1 at both establishments. .
Pa: ;NT IttGlIT FOR. SALE.—Count
Right ( 1 the Harris. Patent Stove Pipe Damp
'Rad S laic EXtinguisher; Apply to WILLIA3
1 , .
COA. i, ErTOVE FOTt.. , SAD.E.--LA spiendi,
Soyerei ,a Gera Stove for sale; used but last win
ter; a 1 amain. WILLIAM ALLEN* 567, •
Poo4s Signal Servide Barometer 0,
Storm .lass and Thmanometer Combined at HICI
PON IS: 3 tgAinia.L's. 567 • , .., ...._
Ma.I. J. E. Tuomes, Dress and Man
tie Mali '.r, E ast Side of Victoria Squ.are, Seafort :
and commodious edifice.—The Com.-
mittee of Management of the Mechan-
ics' Institute have purchased a Couple
of handsome new b illiard tables. They are
having the -Institute rooms re -arranged
for their reception.—Farmers hereabout
are now busily engaged pulling and
housing their root crops. NuMb fingers
is consequently a complaint very com-
mon in the country.--eMessrs. G. E.
Cresswell, of T ckersmith, With Dr.
Gouinlock-and Mr. S. Johnson left Sea -
forth on Monday last for Grand Bend,
where they intend spending , a week
duck shooting. .
meeting of the members of the Huron
Live Stock Association will be held. at
MeLaren's hotel, Clinton, on Friday,
November 151th, for the purpose of tak-
ing the initial steps_ to prepare for an
extensive stock sale, to be held next
spring. We billet the members of the
association and ell others interested will
bear ,this meeting in mind and that there
will be a large attendance; It is of the
utmost importance to stock -breeders,
both buyers and sellers, thalt this annual
sale be kept up, and by united and- vig-
orous action on, the part of those inter-
ested we eau have an annual gathering
in Huron which will - attain, ere long,
such a reputation -as wifl. attract both
buyers and sellers not only, from all
parts of Canada but from all parts of
the neighboring Republic as ell.
Mn. SPROAT'S d'ALE.—I wish to take
this the first opportunity of thanking
my friends frord Grey, McKillop, the
South of Tuekersmith, Stanley, and
Goderiela Townshi s, for the very hand-
some manner in -which they patronized
ray sale onWedn 3S ay. Although the d.ay
was a very clisagreable one, and times
dull yet I have aq reason to be other-
wise than pleased,
nay first sale cf
The 13 thorough -
M Cartwright's Meetings.
Hon, B. J. Cartwright will .addres
the e.1.4...tt.rs of Centre Huron as follows:
At scioothouse No. 2, MeiCillop, (Bo
at Ca
Scheol House, on the same day, at
o'clock; at Broadfo:ot's school hous
Tuek ,rsraith, on %,Tuesday next, at
• ; .at Knaburn, (Ilullett) o
the a-nie evening, at 7 o'clock; t
• Londpoao„ on Wednesday next, at
oiclocila at Sprung'sschool hous
,tt, on Thursday evening Octob
31, a - !7 o'clock.
Ite.I.oiti Meerixe.--:A meeting of t e
• Refo- me7s of See:forth :will be held t
Car , cla,el's Hotel, this (Friday) eve l-
ing. 'W would urge the attendance 1.
as go L number as possible of tho e
• fa.vori.ble to the election. of Mr. Car -
wrig t.
Ax .17iesaue Sauvrces. The A
niver • ar3 Missionary Sermons
preach° by Rev. G. W. Andrews;
A., i th Methodist Episcopal Chur
in th e, T wn.„ on Sabbath next, at 11
N. aid 1?. P. M. Collections and su
scrip S..*as usual, at &nob:meetings.
his (Friday) evening, at 7 o lock;c
Chio's Hall,!Sealorth, on Saturda ,
Cr 26, at 2 0!clock P.M.; at Lang s
house, Tuekersmith, on Monde
at 2 o'clocktP. M., and at the Re
a rm.—In our report of the Tuc
Agricultural. Society's exhi '
error • appeared, -whereby r.
Henderson was credited wi h
ersm ith
tion, an
Jo1n B.
recei 111'1 first prizes for a two -year -o
geldiag tid' a two-year-old filly.
Hee er, on only received first prize f
the iUy
T1 ie
diet' 'ct
on the Greenfield farm, late Fultoi
near K2-1 uton., The land selected is,
beli ve, admirably adapted for the ra r -
pose and as the prize list will be libe
we f anticipate that competition
be v ry keen. Fuller particulars
' by referring to advertisement
viucial Plowing match for a is
will be held on Thunday n t
be seen
`r LAC fiF.ItS' INSTITUTE.—The net me
If he Seaforth Teachers' Instit
be held on the first Saturday
m ber at 1 :301p. in in the school hou
" Mr.
by t
tley.will take up the 'paper
tn etic given to third-class can.
t the last examination;
s. the second-class philosophy, a
Sellere, the second-class gramm
attendance is very much desi
officer i of the Institute.
at the result of this
borough -bred cattle.
reds sold, "6 sucking
calves, and 7 cow , realized' something
like an average of $60 per head, figures
though small, yet not to be despised in
hard times. With thanks to all, and
especially, to -Maid veteran knight of the
hammer, Mr. P. Brine I am dm.,
; •
Stephen. ; ;
DOINGS IN Coe/emir—At the last meet-
ing of Stephen Council, it was moved
by Mr. Schuarr seconded byhir. Eilber,
that $50 be granted, towards assisting
Crediton people in, sinking la ditch in
Crediton and covering Banks Moved
by . W. Schnstrr, seconded by W.
Baker, that 451 50 be -granted to
dill a ditch on Co*. 5 --Carried. Moved
A. Forsyth, Mo
forth. Second
lat Wm. Bird,
Seaforth; 2nd
Davidson plow,
sell,Morris, Hu
4th Wm. Bolt;
plow, Wroxeter
Morris, Wilson
class -6 entries
Munroe plow,
Kercher, Ho
Wroxeter-; 3rd
Davidson plow
Taskar, Morris,
5th G. Hood,
-Brussels; 6th
son plow, Brus
sweep stakes
, Munroe plow, Sea-
m Men -6 entries—
orris, Munroe plow,
s. Doughty, Howick,
exeter ; 3rd R. Rus-
hrey plow, Stratford;
urnberry, Davidson
th W. B. Wilkerson,
ow, Brussels. Boys
st Geo. Martin, Grey,
aforth ; 2nd. A. Mc -
Davidson plow,
Patterson, Grey,
roxeter ; 4th Robt.
ilson plow, Brussels;
oiris, Wilson plow,
Miller, Morris, Wil -
Geo. Martin, Grey,
best ploughing, age
Council of Hu
boro on Octob
members prese
meeting read.
by J.-Lasha,m,
that the follow
J. Mills, grave
J. Nelles, town
$9 49; j; Tho
$2 50 ; J. 'Sp
Westardt, gra
ham's bridge,
$3 20; J. Jank
gravel, $2 20;
'extra services,
hill on Base Lin
C. Watts, culv r
at Londesboro, $
by J. Britton,
that J. Mason e
eled on Conces
21, as said hi
Carried. Moved
ed by J. Lash
Charles MCDO
Side Road 25 4n
seconded by J.
and Reeve be u
tion in Court
and his two s
ald and Rich, r
of $84 50 as dill,
township in ciown
McLelland faili
the River Mai,1
6 and .7, opp s
township of J4u
tract in the
Clark be auth
to' defend thel
Moved by J.113
Howson, that h
the purpose o
from Conessi.
by W. Schnarr, seconded by Mr. Yearly, vine's mill be iko
that Mr. Baker see about getting a cul- by-law was thien
vert made near W . Baker's and Walk- then adjournellt
er's. Moved by )1V. Baker seconded by borough on t
N cm. —A meeting of the
t was held at Londes-
18th,1878. All the
Minutes of former
confirmed. Moved.
conded by J. Mason,
accordats be paid,viza
nd dainages, $13 80;
h p seal and stationery,
on, Wawanosh, gravel,
, lumber, $6 28; S.
and. fencing 'at Bing-
; j. LaWson, gravel,
on, gravel, $8 85; J.
e1,$6 50; W. Aikens,
. Mains, pathmaster,
; G. Sprung, cutting
, 14th concession, $18;
and plank for culvert
50—Carried. Moved
conded by J. Howson,
hill graded and gray -
n Road 6 and 7, Lot
s unsafe for travel—
by J. Howson, second -
m, that the clerk notify
• d to build bridge on
26, Concession G, at
oved by J. Lashana;
ason, that the Clerk
horized to enter an ae-
mat John McLelland
✓ ties, Charles McDon-
Weston, for the sum
ages sustained by the
equence of the said J.
g to build a bridge over
nd on Concession Road.
te Lot 2, in the said
lett, according to con-
e r 1876, and that the
rl ed. to employ a lawyer
it in Court—Carried.
itton, seconded by J.
by-law now read for
s opping up road leading
n Road 8 and 9 to Mel-
passed—Carried. The
passed. The Council
meet again at Londes-
Oth of December.
ing the lines until the h
standing erect on their hi
Finding that be could not ot
his leg he took his knife an
the lines-, thAs freeing the te
had to out away the lines fr
before be could get free. H
hitched and roae the team
it was found that his leg was
the ankle joint some -what i
not dislocated. Medical aid
in and the injured limb set,
are entertained of his early
C. Eilber, that Se be granted to aid. in
ditching near J Sta.nlale'e, provided
Hay Council grant an eqtail amount.
Next Meeting of Council to be first Mon-
day in November. . The Reeve and W.
Baker,together with Mr. Hunter to meet
near McCoy's to see about opening a
drain on the BOundary line.;
Mete r -.Stone Brothers„. of Toro- to,
hav ;,. :hiring the past week, delive ed
ovea Q0 wortlaof fruit. and ornam n-
tal rees and shrubbery.Seaforth nd
vici y. Their stock was in rema
od order, and up to the sena 1 es
upe t vhich they took their, ord rs.
They eceived testimonials from so e
of cn leading .citizens, who • were ell
pleeael with the stock delivered.
S HIGH SCHOOL,—Ii this is-.
StIC Of the 1:11,13nN E.xresrroa, and prob.
'ebb i iasoine of the -Other County pa-
per - here appears an advertisement
wit -egard to Bigh School entrance-
eXti, nmations. in consequence of a
nii aid letter, the Seaforth High School
was 0
lied a
11P1 Y
nitted. That error will be recti -
ext week, and those wishing to
for entrance examination at Sea -
will govern govern theinselves accord-
FoniisTnv.-4 new court ef the Inde-
pendent Order fi Foresters was organ-
ized in this to on 'Friday evening last.
Dr. Oronhyateiha, of London, R. W.
H. C. R. for 0 tario, assisted. by F. A.
Meyer, D. D. IILIO. R. for !Huron and.
several other thernbers of Court Flower
of the Forest, 13a,forth, instituted the
Court. It stai a with over .fifty charter
naembers, cora rising the most promin-
ent citizens of the place, and it now
takes the for most rank among the
Courts of this Order. Great credit is
due to F. A. Meyer, of Seaforth, in•
planting this eciety in Mitchell. • It
was decided to name it Court Cyprus
No. 20. The following officers were
elected : Brot era J. Lainglais, C. R.;
W. J. Moffatt, V. C.; Jas. McPhail, R.
S.; R. W.. Ke kr, F: S.; . A. Hodge,
Treas.; Wm. I, abb, S: W.; Jas. Davis,
J.: W.; Jas. D. v; S. B.; S. McKenzie,
J. B.; R. W. Switzer, Cheplain ; Dr.
Hodge, Physic ain.
0( Al, Bamaa.--ePro essar Jones led
the eiuging in the Presbyterian Quirch
las , unday,—The recent wet weather
is iv inning to have a most irjurious
effect upon the- toads.—Mr. James
Hatt Collector' of Taaes; has opened.
his a intatacampaign. He is not a wel-
cern, visitor.—The political meeting in
io's Hall on Tuesday evening last
addressed by -Messrs. J. ws.
Haw -
ii r is Ind W. Patterson, M. P., of -Brant -
for 1. The anthem° Was large aud very
orw. pity. The gallery was well filled
it lady politieiaus. This, in Sea -
for h is anew departure, .but a corn -
able one.—The nomination for
, Ce t e Huron will be held at the Town
Hal to -morrow, Sheriff Gibbous pre -
u Hot. Mr. 7 Cartwright and
othr will deliver addresses in Card -
no I all in the afternoon, commencing
.ie ,
at "clock.---, The brick work on the
Ili School building is nearly corn_
ple e , It is going to be a handsome
on Wednesda
north hall of
Morris, to M
township of
ford, for $4,10
of Morris, ha
Grey, 120 acr
ter of range 1
trict of Algo
Bruce Mines.
ing on the sa
CousciL Mn
ing of the Mo
by D.' Vana
Mooney, that
Culloch to al
dumb child s
(aided. by H.
ecl in said oft
It will be ha
thatthis euplio
the Town Liie
rnerly known
the old and him
get hold of .tih
dose was ad 'in
to its deceaeet
it with the high
Then remeinb
Blake is plea a
miles from Li.k
ed by a fine
try. The i h
of Scotch an
well defiped
history need n
business pia
hotel*ell s
of the public w
by its genial an
to make life pl aeant, The mercantile
business is. rqpr seuted by Messrs. Smil-
lie & Clark, anc Mr. John Weir. Mr.
--Erwin cow* s the blacksmith shop
an -d carriagefa tory. Mr. Smith -01VDS
d does a good business.
wo shoemakers' shops,a
number of others who
o native industry. The
C urch is about a quarter
dly necessary to state
ious village, situated on
etween Hay and Stan-
st of Kippen, was for -
Berne. Many still line
tian festival at Hernia%
evening of last Week, was
cessful affair. Notwithst
threatening aspect of the
church was fill:date its utin
and a very pleasant evening
The church looks very rem
by the addition of 15 feet
end, and the well ordered
of the interior gives a great
rses were
der legs.
mice free
m; but he
m his leg
then un-
ome, when
broken and
jured, but
was called
and hopes
ible Chris -
n Monday
very suce
nding the
eather, the
st capacity,
was spent.
o the rear
y increased.
capacity. From the rema ks of the
the front window stands a large jeweler'
safe, made by J. J. Taylor, of Toronto,
which has only been in us& about three
months, and is a safe with a combina-
tion lock. This safe was unlocked ap-
parently without any trouble, as there
was not the slightest mark of any abuse
to the lock. This being done in order
tri get at the good. jewellery and
Money. They had to unlock or open
in some manner a small lock m an iron
door, forcing the lock (which presentsla
good half inch of a face through the iron
door) the screws` being drawn complete-
ly out of the iron door. This being done
they secured $700 in money together
with every watch and all good. Jewel-
lery that was in the safe, which
amounted to $1100, making in all
$1,800 of a haul. Mr. R. Little
coming home about 1 o'clock and ,enter -
big the front door, was the first to dis-
cover that anythilig was wrong and im-
mediately awoke! his brother whO vvas
sleeping in the rear of the shop, he hav-
ing been there from 9 in the evening.
They searched around, and not detect-
ing that anything was missing, as the
thieves had taken good. care to shut the
safe after them. , The Messrs. Little
and others who had been calledein, See-
ing the door shut, did. not dis-
cover the loss 'until morning, when
the wooden draw that had held the
watches was seen under the counter.
The conclusion. arrived at was that the
burglars had just effected an entrance
and had been frightened off. A mer-
chant who passed the shop soon after 11
o'clock saw a 'person come out of the
Shop door and lean up against the win-
dow,i but knowing that parties staid
there all night, took the person for ($ne
of the Little Brothers. In the rear of
the shop also stood a smaller safe' of
the same make, used by Little Broth-
ers, who are agents for the American
Express Company, and. had the *thieves
made a raid upon that safe they would
have secured the sum of 42,500, -which
lay there ready for shipment' in the
morning, but the other safe containing
jewellery, we suppose, was . the most
tempting. The burglars had used
matches for their lights, there being, a
great quantity of burnt stubs faimdi in
front of the safe. Every exertion has
been made to discover the thieves, but
there being no description to be gi eu
everything has failed. The loss co
very heavy on Mr. Fletcher, and is bne
which his many friends will regret. ,
speakers, we gleaned that me feared
the cost of the enlargement but we un- -
derstand that that part of he debt has
been entirely ;liquidated. contribu-
tions and the 'festival pro eeds. The
refreshments, of which. a abundant
supply was prepared, consist d of grapes,
peaches, pears and apples were par-
taken of by over 160 people. Owing to
the non -arrival of the fruit y the early.
°train, a sale was held to dis ose of the
fruit which came in too lat for service.
Exeter was well represe ted, besides
the Bible Christian choir any visiting
p(ea)airs being present. he first part
of the proceedings pastrt e chair was
ably filled by Rev. Mr. Wo d, who call-
ed upon the choir, their reponse- being
the anthem, "Put on thy strength, oh
arm of the Lord." After rayer by the
pastor, Rev. S. j. Allin, an a short ad-
dress by the chairman, exp essive of his
pleasure in meeting so lax e an audi-
ence, and his gratification t the im-
provement of the church, t e choir gave
the anthem, " God. is m salvation,"
after Which Rev. Mr. addressed
the meeting. He said he did not pur-
pose making a speech. but wished for a
few moments to thank th people for
their assistance so cordialy rendered.
The undertaking of the enlargement
was not a great one, but reat enough
for so few people' to do. ime works
changes; and although • ow enlarged
we may have room to spar , we hope to
have this increased capaci y pa to use.
Some, hesitated to undert ke the en-
- largement, but for his ow part he had
always had faith in the su cess of the
scheme. He remarked t some men
held that the "narrow ay " meant
looking out for one's own alvatiou and
disregardnig others; and rgued. that if
-this were true, those who ad. life corn-
panions—vvhich he has not—were
wrong in having sharers r, their joys
and. Borrows. He conclud d a very neat
address by thanks to the patrons for
their aid, and explanations of the cause
of absence of some of the expected en-
tertainers. The choir here rendered
the anthem, " Considerthe Lilies of the
ar name, and cannot • field." Rev. Mr. Rice then delivered an
secret why the fatal
stered which hastened
d so quickly supplanted
sounding title of Blake.
r for the future that
tly situated about three
Huron, and surround -
cultural and fruit Conn*
bitants are principally
German extraotion, two
industrious races,whose
comment. - The first
e may notice is a neat choir here rendered "W
to the accommodation der unto the Lord." Rev
ere no pains are spared here delivered a lengthy
obliginghost Mr. Cook, address regarding the i
churclnedifices, from the
lishment of places of wor
the tabernacle, the tem
Christian churches, and. t
the Bible Christiasa
church progress, up to th
His speech was not unmi
ine witticisms, and elicit
planse. . Mr. Allin here s
ter the formal close of t
fruit remaining would be
tion. The choir rendere
" Oh, how beautiful th
Zion," and after votes of
choir and speakers, the b
pronounced.. The prom)
larceny, Grand Jury reported "no bill."
Queer!. vs. John H. Cormack Charge
of larceny. Grand Jury reported "no
McQueen. vs. The Phoenix In
gompany—An action on polic
i surance. VArdict entered -by h
s ip for defendants, leave rese
of fire
s Lord-
ed" to
OCTOBER 25, 1878.
A. G. .fdCDOUCiALL & -CO.
laintill to move. Mr. M. C. Cameron,
. C., for plaintiff. Mr. J. Bethune, Q.
., fordefendants.
enema vs. Farran —Action for
o to house in removal. Verdict
0, over and above what as been
to Court. Full costs asked for
and reserved. Mr. J. T. Garrow for
lainti:ff ; Mr. M. P. Cameron, Q. 0., for
eQfeunedaimits. Jas. G. Moore—True bill for
forgery. Two charges.
Queen- vs. Archibald Menzie—True
i bill for aggravated assault.
1 Queen vs. John Hedger, jr. — The
Grand Jury brought in. "no bill" on
tihe indictment for rape,apd a "true bill"
for indecent assault. When the prisoner
was brought into Court His Lo dship at
°nee discharged him, there eing no
vide ce whatever to support the charge
1 either case. It will be a sa •sfitation.
oth o the boy and his parent that he
as thus been honorably acqui ted,.
Queen vs. John A. Macdonald—No
ill o charge of attempting to obtain:
one by false pretences.
Queen vs. J. G. Moore --Mr. tock for
rowd. Prisoner not represented. In-
ictnaent for forgery. Prisonerpleaded
ilty on two indictments and was sen-
ence to two years in the Provincial
eni ntiary.
McEwen vs: Campbell—Action for
breach of contract to deliver timber.
Verdict by consent for plaintiff for $100,
with certificate for full costs. 111-r. Rock
and Mr. C. Seeger for plaintiff, Mr. J.
T. GCrrow for defendant.
Ca er vs.Armitaae—Acton n coven-
ant and account. l?Verdiet forplaintiff
for $350 by consent. Mr. J. TiGarrow,
for plaintiff. ,Mr. F. Holaiste a for de-
-I- Ca sady vs. Beacom --Action for de-
tenu . Judgment reserved. Air. B. L.
iDoy1 for plaintiff. Mr. J. T G -arrow
for d fendant.
' Queen vs. David John Foster—The
Gi:a !wd. Jury came into Court with "no
bill " in this case, the indietm nt being
for a aggravated assault.
1 Queen vs. Thomas Foster — The
Grand Jury brought in a truebill for
aggravated assault. Prisoner pleaded
not kuilty. The jury brought in not
guilty on the first count and guilty on
the second count. Sentence to pay a
fine f $1.00 and costs.
for rape.
e Provin-
f, r
iiaid "
Dors GS IN COUNCIL.—At the last
meeting of Grey Council it was moved
by S. Slemmon, seconded. by W. Oliver,
that the Reeve and Treasurer be au-
thorized to borrow the sum of $700 for
township use, for three months, from
Exchange B ank.—Carried. ' Petition
from James Denman, et al, for repairs
to side road between concessions 10 and
• 12. Mr. Oliver was authorized to at-
tend. to the same. Petition from J. B.
Marraach, et al, re Hill, between lots 25
and. 26, concession 3. The Reeve and.
Mr. Keifer were authorized to have the
necessary work performed.' A number
of accounts were paid, after which the
Council adjourned.
address, "Dwell on the true Christan."-
In the mid.st of his remarks he dropped
a humorous hint as to the probable
necessity of a parsonage in the Hensel].
district, if the people wished. to be even.
with circumstances and retain Mr. Al -
lin, whose stability in a state of bache-
lordora he gravely suspected, eliciting a
hearty laugh' from his hearers. His
'epeech, which was full of sound philoso-
phy and logical principles, was, at its
conclusion, heartily applauded. The
'eft shall Iran -
Mr. Edwards
ud instructive.
provement in
arliest eitab-
hip, including
le, the early,
e history of
present time.
ed with genu -
d hearty ap'-
ated that al-
e services the
sold, by a.uc-
the anthem,
garments, oh
thanks to the
nedictiola was
ds of the festi-
the grist mill a
There are alio
weaver's an a
of a mile east
orris. no other reli
Wm. McCarter sidere may
, last, sold his farm,
iLot 21, COncession 8,
james EVans, of the
landford, Clunty of Ox -
',mama -Mr. Alex King,
r ' .
;sold to jolin Lamont,
1, being south-west quar-
township Of Sepoy, &e-
a, about 5' miles from
Mr. Lamont intends go-
o this fall. I
TING .—At t e last meet-
as.eouncil, t was moved r
stine, seconded hy. H. SoCIAL.-413
sions waSll'Oft
7 be grante to Mr. Mc--
sary at SexaMi
lin clothins, a deaf and
t to Belleville institute Friday even ng
°veil by J. R. Miller, sec- was elected to
°Orley, that $10 be grant- , tprogramme of
talons, dcd.)
e Morris Plowing Society .with music
pved by J. R. Miller, sec -
1 1
people. Th
a mile west,a.
'find a co te
in Mr. 4.n
wanting to
commercial e
will, no doubt,
in keeping a
aid the plpl
progress th
in every act
There being
this place. ere
s place of worship, out-
go of the unity of the
hool house is about half
d the youth of the place
t and faithful instructor
rew. The • only thing
ake Blake a flourishing
tre is a railroad, which
e sent through soon, to
of the neighborhood
e with the principle of
e now find stereotyped
of this progressive age.
• ,
val, combined. with pre a ions contribu-
tions and the Sabbat collections,
amounted to a sum au iicient to clear
the debt incurred by th, enlargement
and repairs on the ch ch.. We trust
the Hensel]. congregatio may prosper
under Mr. Allin's care i their enlarged
a large quantity of provi- hope to hear of the plo
over after the anniver- neighborhood of Brussel
th, a social was held on account of themselves a
. After tea Mr. S. Daw Plowing Match, which
the chair. A lengthy Clinton on Thursday, th
speeches, readings, reci- • ber.
who it will be reniemb
rope walk in Brussels '1
who soon after his arri
names of the Reeve au
Brussels on Harrison'
amount of 4850, was t
sizes last week, and ple
sentenced to four years'
Kingston penitentiary.
BUR GLARY.-- The jew
Mann. — We
en from the
giving a good
the Provincial
akes place at
31st of Octo-
as rendered, interspersed
y the Misses Bonthron, of
" carded by D.1, enalstine, that H. Mooney Rodgervi11e. A very pleasant evening
be instructed o get the Sunshineebridge was spent.). nd a good collection added
repaired, the ame being ,in a dangerous to the fun14. •
condition -0 .—Mr. Charles Redmond
alstine, seco farm on the 5th Concession
the- following . James Sparks, of MeKil-
Bailey 84 Rea 1 um of 43,025 cash. This
L. Aldrich, p is 50 acres, and is one of
cedar for cu its size in the County. Mr.
putting in cu gct a good bargain. Mr.
$3 50—Carri as erected a comfortable
seoonded by
be -granted
and kin the
ping aud logg
length and fo
seconded. by
gran ted the
iu destitute
Moved by J.
Vanalstine, t
journ to mee
Peowix 111
rried. Moved by D. Van-
ded by W. Wilson, that
accounts be paid, viz.:
ing for nlank, $2 08 M. lop, for the
... •
$3o ; G. Brigham, farm contai
Vert, $2 ; Oliver Abbey, - the best for
vert, $5 ; T. Hill, gravel, Sparks ha-
. Moved by W. Wilson, Redmond.
. Vanalstine, that $37 50 residence itt Eippen where he intends
"vill retire from active pur-
has sold his
of Hay to
sideline between lots o i living, and
th coucessibn, for chop- suits. We
g said. road. 200 rods in to enjoy th
r rods wide iu centre of leisure. •
• Moved by H. bloomy, SEXSMITIII
. Vanalstine, that $10 be smith Anni
Tisses Exford, as ;they are nig last Wa,
. .
pircumstauces —Carried. realized.
.Miller, seconded. by D. Hartley :occupied the platform and. 1de-
at3 this Council do now ad- livered exc Rent addresses. Mr. Hus-
again on Nevember 22nd ton read. th report showing the stand -
opo' he may be long spared
comforts of his well-earned
ersary on Wednesday even -
a great success, $30 being
evds.Wessrs. Mitchell and
iug of the sphool which was quite satis-
krere—The Morris branch factory.- Eev. Mr. Livingston occupied
Agricultural -4ociety held their annual 1 the chair.
plowing; mat h on the farm af Mr. John without a
Jackson, on he Stir concession, Morris,
on Tuesday last. The weather wds.
everything t tt a plou.gliman or spec-
tator could Visha and the attendance
of both was-% ry aood.. The ploughina,
tipon the wh
and did. cr6.'
pert in the c
tuous dinner
did ample ju
the prize list
tries—lst T.
plow_, Seale
Howick, Mc
It would' be unfair to close
oid. in reference to the tea. a large amount of nio
It is suffici nt to say that it was gotten molested.
up in true e-xsnaith style, and did the ANOTHER ACCOUNT.
ladies great credit,a.s was exemplified by last between the Ito -
ample flustice given it. The Exeter o'clock the bookstore o
Canada Methoclistchoir under the lead- of this place, *as ent
le, was very good indeed, ership of Ir. John P. Ross, with M. The entrance was obt
it to all who had taken Ross and is3 Eacrett at the organ did augur holes round the
ntest. At the close the geed serVice. door. By this means
ere provided with a sump- LIMB F ACTUBED. — On Saturday, ly opened, and being
by Mr. Jackson, 'which all while reap ng clover, Master David Mc- got over the -show cas
years, had the misfortune on the side of the sho
t leg broken above the an- Thomas Fletcher as a
if3 foot entangled in the who since the last fire
rying to get them unfast-
the horses, thus tighten -
r. J. G. Moore,
red, started. a
st spring and
al, forged' the
Bank to the
ied at the ab -
ding guilty,was
servitude in the
COUNCIL MEETING.—The next meeting
of the McKillop Council will be held on
the firet Friday of November histead of
on the first Saturday as previously an-
nounced. This change is made on ac-
count of Saturday being`polling day.
Hills Green.
Farm Bononr.—Mr. James Hagan, of
Hill's Green, has purchased from Mr.
Hugh Smith the south hall of lot 13,
township of Hay, containing 50 acres,
The price paid was $2,200.
Fall Assizes.
Assizes opened. Tuesday of
last week before His Lordship, Justice
Hagerty. Besides members of the lo-
cal bar, we observed. present Mr. J.
Bethune, Q. 0., -of Toronto, Mr. ,War-
ren Rock, Q. C., of London, -who' con-
ducted the cases for the Crown, and.
Mr. Thomas Hulett, of Hamilton. The
following Grand 'Jury was empanneled:
F. W. Irwin, foreman, John Alexander,
Win. Clegg, H. Davis, G. Grant, Sextus
Kent, David Lindsay, George Macdon-
ald, Jas. Perkins, John Runciman, H.
Spearin, Alonza Strong, Wm. Clark, H.
ChesneyrRobt. Dennison, Henry Heath,
Hugh Love, John MeNaughton, John
T. Naftel, Charles Proctor, Samuel
Seegmiller, Robt. Walker. His Lord-
ship addressing the Grand Jury explain- ;
ed the nature of the oases before them,
and complimented thern on the light-
n.ess of their duties. With regard to
the demand which had been made in
certain quarters for the abolition of the
Grand Jury system, His Lordship said sh
he thought it would. be a thing much to ha
be deplored were such a time-honored to
Qeeen vs. John Logan
lea ed guilty to indictment
ent need to seven years in t
cial Penitentiary.
Queen v. Sharpin.—The Grand jury
found a "true bill" again st John
'Sharpin for the murder of Robt. Mc-
Killigan, on. the 8th day of Oetober
:staij, at Gorrie, in the township of
Howick. McKilligan, who was a cab-
inet maker, had. gone to Sharpin's
tail shop, and both McKilligan and
Sha in. being in liquor, got into dis-
put which ended in a fight. Sharpin
seiz'ng his pressing board struck .Mc -
of d
Direct Importers /Ind Dealers bk
Dry Good S Only.
G.' MCDOUdALL & co.
Have a Complete Assortment of all the
Latest Novelties in Cloths for a First -
Class Tailoring Trade.,
Your attention is invited to our alt
Importations, -consisting in part as' fol.
French Worsted Coatings,
English Worsted Coatinso,
Black Cassileineres,
Scotch Suitings,-
English Suiting?,
Canadian Suitings,
Rayes Suitings.
This is the Latest Novelty in th
Market, and is very handsome vrhe
made up.
The leading style for this Suiting
the Four -Button Sack.
The 1Vew Ifouble-Breastecl Sack
for thiS Fall
gan on the head, knocking him
less. McWilligan only lived some Will be much more in favor this a
urs after being struck. The doc- than in former years, owing 6 the f t
who made the post mortem gain) that there is
and decisive evidence as to cause
ath. Prisoner's counsel called no
esses. He addressed the jury, ad-
mitting the cause of death, but urging
tha the fatal blow was by naisadven- A Tendency Among the Yowl
tur 1, as no ii -will had. ever existed be-
twe 'n prisoner and the deceased.—The
3 , after a long and careful investi-
gati n of the case 'brought in a verdict
of manslaughter. The Chief Justice And also some of the more RAMC
senlencea prisoner to four years in the to fall iu with the idea of not we '
any overcoat.
Penitentiary in Kingston.
Grand jurors now assembled beg
present to your Lordship—
hat we have visited. and carefully
MS ected the gaol, which, although in
eve respect clean and in good. 'order,
is yet quite idadequate for the accom-
modation of the prisoners now under
confinement. There are only nine cells,
each cell intended. for one prisoner, but
the number of prisoners is at present
eig teen, and as some of them must,
for safe keeping, be removed every
night to the upper room, there is much
additional labor and risk thrown. on the
gaoler, who encounters a similar risk in
the morning when the prisoners are
tak n down. We were also pained to
obs rve among the prisoners a female
idi t. about 18 years of age, whose
pre ence certainly cannot promote the
sys emetic regularity requisite in a gaol,
w re neither can there .be any pro -
vis on for her own proper care and
tre tment. We think immediate steps
uld be taken for her removal. We
e to call your Lordship's attention
he very objectionable practice pur-
a . by some of our magistrates, of
'ding prisoners charged with petty
-aces great distances to our county
I. We think that means ought' to
provided for the confinement of Mich
oners for short periods in the lo-
ty where the offences has been. com-
ted. .
e desire to 'offer to your Lordship
or cordial congratulations at your
in presiding at the AsAizes for this
unty. We have hitherto marked
wi h high satisfaction the care, ability
an impartiality with which you have
di charged your judicial functions, and
-w earnestly pray that you may long be
paserved in health and strength for
th laborious duties which Providence
h s called upon you to fulfil.
F. W. IRWIN, Foreman.
institution to be abolished, not only on
account of the safeguard which it had
proved itself to be to the rights and
liberties of the subject, but because of
the great assistance it had always been
in. expediting business and the large
portion of the labor of which it relieved
the judge,besides which were *abolish-
ed, the Crown prosecutor would be
placed in a very invidious position with -
respect to persons charged with offences aa
and it was in. no sense desirable that
the Crown prosecutor should be , placed
in the position of a private pro,secutor
llery store of T. in any possible way.
Fletcher was entered y burglars last The following eases were then dis
Friday night between 1
Entrance was obtained
through the cloor, thu
11.13°S of the lock.
and 1 o'clock. posed. of in order a
by boring holes Consolidated Bank vs. Kelmer—Ac
removing the tion on promissory notes. M C.Cameron
There was sq.. Q. C.,for plaintiff. Defendant unrepre
posed to be over 100 watches and a quan- sented. Verdict for plaintiff for $13,
tity of valuable jeweller - stolen,also $700 133.63. Immediate execution iwas ap
in money. No clue as et to the depre- plied for and granted in three days.
dators.- The express • Moe and Settle's Doty et al. TS. Willian3son et al.—Ac
bookstore are in the sa ne buil.ding. Mr. tion on common. counts. Verdict fot
Fletcher had his mon
in a Taylor safe with
combination lock. Th
cd the safe in the usua
a familiarity with the
forced the off the
The safe in the expres
tee to. The following is Coll, aged.
• First class, mei-4 en- to get his
Forsyth, Morris, Munroe kle. He g
h ;-.2nd Wm. McKercher, lines, and
thur plow, Paisley; 3rd ened, back
y and jewellery
ouble (100rS abd
burglars open -
way, indicating ,
ombin alien , and
iron. till, inside.
office contained
ey, but was
On Friday night
s of 11 and 1
Little Brothers,
red by burglars.
inedaby boring 11
lock in the front
he door was easi-
nee inside they
on the counter,
occupied by Mr.
jewellery shop—
has occupied the
shop jointly with Litt e Brothers. Im-
mediately behind the counter, and. near
This suit is made from a varlet 0
different styles of t Goods —
Stripes, Small Checks and Plain 1 1
In Overcoats there is a 310
Change in the Style of Go0d8
His Lordship, in reply, thanked the
G and. jury for the kina expressions
; t ey had used with regard to himself,
remarking that throughont his career
o . the bench extending over a period of
enty-five years, he had aliyvays re-
nd cor-
ich have been summoned. to erve nt
e Assizes. With respect to their re -
arks and recommendations respectiez
t e gaol, he thought they should be for -
w -vied to the Government and to Mr.
L ngnauir, Inspector of Prisons and
Aylures, more especially with regard
t. the aged and. insane persons who -are
f m time to.time confined. in the gaol.
S gnal.
plaintiff for 4300. Mr. J. T. Garrovydt
for plaintiff. Mr. J. Masson for defends -
ant. • c ived the greatest kindness
Driver vs. Mitchell—This wag an az- wdial assistance from the Gran
tion for slander. The parties live in -t
Howick. Verdict for plaintiff by co
sent for 410. Mr. M. C. Cameron,
C., for plaintiff; Mr. Warren Roc
Q. C., and Mr. C. Seeger, jr., for d
Crerar vs. Great Western Railw
Company-- An action for damage
horses by reason of a defective gate b
tween plaintiff's field and the prope
of the Company. Plaintiff lives in t e
township of Grey. Verdict for plaint
for $201. Mr. J. P. Woods, of Stratfor
fdoerpnladiatis.ff; Mr J. Bethune, Q. C., f r
Queen TS. John Login—The Gra • a
Jury brought in a "true bill" against
prisoner for rape.
Queen vs. Wm. Reynolds—Charge df
Diagonals and Faticy Stripes ar the
favorites for the nobby trade.
The principal neW feature in' the
garments is the higl[i
They will be very desira.ble fo
cold winters.
Hats ancl Caps.
We have oti han all the latest
ties in American Hats.
Also the celebrated Christy
stiff and soft Free Trade and
tion Hats.
—Mr. Robert Tindall, of Grey, has
r turned from his tour of Manitoba.
. Tindall speaks very highly of the
eat agricultural productiveness of the
c untry, especially the Valley of the
5 skatchewan, the only drawback being
ant of railway facilities!. Mr. Tindall
taken up land, andl purposes re -
'lag next spring.
Also :all the leading styles of th dY
We now Show the Latest ir
in Gents' Furnishings.
A very large assortment of
Scotch ITnderclothing just to band:
finnan, men's, medium, and outsidd slam
White Shirts a Seciity
Vs/1101M TcT"
Oma. 7, linilett; Corm
80 cleared, weR underdrah
oerimsrenitizsytio.n;Por bnra
or ori.the premises to W.
P;I0* ;
v 'the 'east half of Lot :\
Tutkersraith, County or. Ph
acres, al miles from the T
'convenient to school. •
best quality. For further
EJAgmMolthFillICel.!.1A1D, opposi
ileSP FAJ1I P034 82
Corponai on or the N'lliag
ing 9 aem3, .50 acres clear
frame barn; also log hens
good,. for the small 5Ufl
farm for sale in the Count,
W. G. EAT, Listowel„.1.3nt.
v Lot 9.9, Con, 8, Ilibbert,
85 of whirh )1Tre eleared
there' is s. log dwelling heirs
win stables, plenty Mt:oi-
ls witlrirr 7•1 miles of :8eal
titulars apply on the pre
liART, or by letter tO Scat
1.1 0118E AND LOT TOR
414- iTiOnC dwelline house -
'land.. The property IS situ
dente of S. G* McCaughey,
wady located. The house i
fortable. A good. well
-corner lot, an4 has in- it
trees. This property will
to the proprietor, JOHN
114t11s; 100 acres, 83 a
Tots hest of cultivation; is
ed.. There are two leanie
barn, -an malt- new, z-na, t
anis. Theabeve farm is
gravel road and two-imil-
Brneeele. For terms appi.
Brussels P. or to AL.
17JABll Fon ssL,.;.--1
-I- Concession 0, Gtey,con
clay loam land; about 43
gooii cultivation.: young
veneered with brick, 424x136
out -buildings; about ID in
6 miles from Brussels and
School zOnverdent. For
post office, .
13- being Lot 8, Conceseit
Kiliop, containing 50 acres
, house, log barn, good we
class fences ; the 3ft,,a.
and llicre are acres sow
13 miles from Beethwee
horn Nes:forth-rind 8 iroin
easy, Apply ro the prop'
-or 10 Be•echwooll P. 0. r3
•'a- 'being sou -till -4114 tot
sion, coacinjug 100 acres,
good. cultivation, the reap'
wood. ; on the place there is
and frame stables, log hot, is
,g004. bearing orchavl ; dm
venicnt ; within 41.10 and
grayel road, .5 wiles ifrimt
from Seafortb.
pretnises, or to Walton P.-0
'ly situated faun, Lot -1,
1Jounty of Huron, cents'
whicr are -ered; there at
houses, barn; horse stable,
and. drivin.ghouse ; also ort
-water. The farm is sane
Town of Seaforth, on the
-particulars apply to Mte
STED, Sealorth, or to SIM
tor, ou the prenairAi. '
able tam, being Lot
stone house, two storey,' Si
tivation, *Apply on the pr
)1ICHAEL, or to MR. JA)
a good state of cultivadOn,
ed, the balance is goe4
stone house, frame barn an
and good 'healing orchard
ntilce from Seaforth and
Kippen. School close -b,,
ences. For further partic
MOORE, on the premise
lay,Pontainirtg oneed inmate
absaaionLao t g2020, at/so:01012.0o:
fewaces balance 17 acrea
one of clearing seeded
acres of wheat put in #ds
acres of a thriving orclint*
ti 'variety of fruit trees Still
it8well tNalater:34411,..an
barn 813 by 60 reit with
neath the barn'and a
farm is situated. -within ;
talip;14-117 tioSng-*e. lkolfeLBEarilletriej
or tO W Connor, Bayfield
- -
t-'-'aintuagito151-ac,ortesi stita 11:4e4td:
nearly free from stumps!,
timbered. with beech, mep
and tr; dist-class, not liter
are $51aeres in fall whea
down and is a.good catch ;
quat.ity, being a rich cliir
little roiling, but not hi
never railing spring creek
lialtacres of a young ore
bPt hicu )ae Ellb ;:rt n is :111141:dv8i neaasn:aar eem ir le
house and stable is 4-01#
liou&e is a large two-stoiy'
cellars 'under the whole b
tween studding with
of the TilOMA.
stphi ot Eat: oei lacOes oi loci 8, 4:cvsme
and -6 frern Londesboroug
a ; a goOd. part alt .
remain on mortgage Pitt!
road from the plsee tO
111110 rgtahr:d41;;IGr tr 3a sni: 1, di rieCTgt: uhfurIti ei:Rt7111:711-
cont-ains 100 acre'
s all a
12 acres bush aud ,
board and wire fences, di.
Inlvaitatarieeciofbtyheft larnmda;Ua-c"F
The farm buildings
ew'esirr111 a1
° bans 75
house with hell.tower nn
farm servant, both the ja
hell etr'
side lioardcil and well p
room, •dining room, librar
ceilings, oak ',goofs, hes:
ground door; 7 gr%ed
upstairs. The insiue
Ala1 Out tni ex eset: fiderima ot !lob at hrrodhs Aft 41N1
trees of all kinds. For fu.
toy. ot,11.0 uowmEneryEonu.the