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The Huron Expositor, 1878-10-25, Page 7
,.l_ - - . . i i R I 1 1 - _ - _ _ _ . 1- _-m.�_ __ _.. . -.. - I_ _� k 1 I I I • 25 1878. 9 '� Wftftft"Cir lig 25, 1�1 5: I"III T1 TION SAL prafess;or obertson Smith. York and Brooklyn at least 1,500 young T�� of Professor Robertson white women who h ve' done the same GOLD . E L I O N - the csa Smith has a come before the Aber- thing, and the number is constantly in- r'RrSUzsc� 1 Ri E b deeli Free res ytery of Scotland, and creasing. Nearly all of the half-breeds A LI,, threatens t occ upy as much of public born in New York hive negro fathers r _`�- gWntfon °s i did last winter and and white mothers. „ ; been instructed by Xr, rifig. It will be remembered that no —The second son o the Crown Prince by Public Auction, og flay, OCT 'BER 26th mounds forsa libel ewers found against of Germany is about o start on a vov- Sharp, between oil and: rof�or S : it either by the Presby-' age around the worn on board a Ger- lats are situated ir. $ �y or Synld, b t that the General As- man corvette. Print Henry holds the to , Mage, and are a ably die gree with their decision in rank of lieutenant in the navy, but his i orted ona-fj-Yth of ar< father has specially commanded that : , � •_ -�A sated oil the London ,• t to o e c ergs of the floe_ ani- _-'_' : _ � - t�, and is ons of #lies - r that liar e and sent it back to he shall be treated like an ordinary - " - ``=- ` �` __ - i�hiag trade Centres Cadet: Hla OIll ill be $old without i Abe Presb . ry for a new trial. As y p 'vilege is that of r,eent. of the mended t e charge reads as follows : having lie own apartments, which have ' F tea per cent- the, z L, As also the ublishing and promul- been newly but simplyfurnished. This week we invi t attention to our Janina 1 , and then seating of w itin s concerning the books —Phoenix, the c nterfeiter whose Stock of Table Linen. •trchastsr. M 79 per • P ant. p by their ill-consid- trial occupied several days in Stratford, o#San Scripture, M Mont, Proprietor- Bred and u gu rded .setting forth of was on Tuesday com Toronto •tted to T . P T. - _ � 566•a speculation of critical kind, tend to jail on a second charge of counterfeit- I 4 In Unbleached, 1 rt Bleached. and ' -`- . ;,waken doubt, specially in the Gage of ing. His trial will c me off at the York Bleached, prices fro4 cents to $1.25. (IF CAIM'D . ;. ;students, of the divine truth, inspire- Assizes next week. he charge against 11 'NiONTREAL. .tion and au ho ty of any of the books him of altering Dominion notes was not ,of Scripture, an on the doctrine of pressed, but an infor ation was laid by 1 Table Na kins fr " 25 - . $1,000 ,angels and rop iecy, as the said truth,; Superintendent O'Neil, and will prob- p 20 to • ' inspiration and uthority and doctrintts ably be gone into by the Crown Attor- Per dozen. Tault, President, Thoa. -of the an el an -prophecy are Sgt„ forth ney at Toronto. - A' W Cgilve}M-I'.i., in the Scripture, themselves and in the —The Stratford t wn officials are n, Ates_ Bnnttn, Jana 6 ,Confession f Faith." paid the following gal ries: Mayor $200, • Lace Curtains, Cu1Rt in Nets and Gen. -• Cashiers. Geo, Burris, At a meeting of the Presbytory on Clerk $650, -Treasurer $350, Assessor oral House Furnishigg Goods. tae been opened up, in #lie 13th of September this charge was $350, Collector $300 Solicitors $250, Ilanking businessPolice Magistrate hams discounted:, and .taken up, a d four particulars consider- gi $1 100; Chief Con- , mess rates, -ed. These leal respectively with the stable $700, First A siseant .Constable _ We are 'showin o d Value in Black rtment has also beets . g this, where de ,professor s ��iew, on the institution of $400, Second Assistant Countable •$300 Luatrea, and a verylc cap line in Black deposits the Aaroni priesthood, the authorshi Hall Keeper $375 L Lighter $400 C$ dollar upwardsDeuteronomy, p p Cemetery p g Silks at $1 per yard.' ard l! of Deutero om , the' subject of in- y Superinte dent $325, First It Par at all ager€ of .spiration, nd his alleged disparage- Engineer $175, Fire rigade $500, Au- anttreal and the Federal ment of c rta n books of Scripture. ditors $50, or a total f $6,425. ( K They were ad the subject of extend- —One day recently Mr. John Beattie, I Special Value in Bla k Velveteens. Lt�ndQII-TZte glllsAee - rk-National Bang of 'ed and heated discussion, and were sue- of Downie, on the uron Road, was I � f O van & Co.+.6s, wail ,cessively de lard irrelevant, the vote badly injured by $i horses running t I atiou d Fang, awe when he wa returning from Calt.and examine our 50 cent Colored { :�atarda5's, io to 1. on the first being 23 to 17 ; on the Y , X14 LF-6ki , Bianager ;second, 26 t eJ ; on the third, 23 to 14, Stratford. Mr. Beattie was thrown Cashmeres, in all the'new Shades. •and On the fo h 23 to -12—a result violently out of his w ggon, falling be- I ,i which, so far as it goes, vindicates the neath the wheels, one of which passed ' i E0' F I TOE d professor. is emarks preliminary to over his head. He a picked up in an Expected next week, Crimson Cash- chinery frol)la the discussion were delivered with. unconscious state, 9,uc for some time it merettee, for Childrea' Pinter Dresses. vigor, and sem to have been well re- was feared that ]tis in'uries were fatal. SEAFORTH stewed. It is rumored, however, that It is hoped now that a may recover. . ' the case will so0 1 be brought to a pacific —For 30 years Mr. Saunders, author announcing to the of a series of school readers and living To hand, a tspleni Stock 'of Black of Huron that he ie .conclusion by the appointment of Pro- Cashmere Shawls fr to 11. fessor Smit to the chair of mathe- in _ ew York, suffers from what phy- ' $ snatres in th University Of Aberdeen, sic. ns pronounced d3 spepsia. Intense •1 fricldt ural m- the prosecut on being allowed to strop. hunger, which only continuous eating I ilzcscalnsiru_ won d, appease; griping of the stomach Breakfast Shawls, Shoulder Squares, An h man Wretch. sop in ul as to prost ate him at times &c•, &c• on t e Iloor, were the chief symptoms. mchine is the Sin er George VV ts0t , of Delta. Mich., is in ge ef�t to a clairvoy , nt, who claimed _-sten�arke, having Darned gaol for nearly lling his infant son by exp rtn'ess in discover ng ailments,swal- Also received, a La`r a Stock of Men's cntennial and -Sydney offing it.Be a d his wife had quay- low d a drugshe gave" him, and now y zoned, owing to his temper, and he g Overcoats, all prices.', Mase an of the aboveexh bits in a bottle a six inch lizzard, terests by t1polying to, .thought to p y er off by killing the Which was the cause f his suffering all i eta bottcr for theta 1.:child the of 77 day because it cried. ale b L.rr?pair always on He became nee ed, and regardless of Overcoatings and 't' orated. Coatings, tlerich street. - the protest o tl mother administered SEEGa>iLLER, CARTE cC Co., of Sea- 1 Tweeds, &c. a severe whi ping to the innoc nt babe. forth, exhibit two Chilled Ir n Mould -Board Plows, + ' t1Ut2I>II% Seaforth. This, of cou se, ailing to quiet its cries; manufactured by South Ben Iron Works; Indiana, I - - - - ---- one of trhich is finished 1 ke a parlor ornament,. he became f rio s, and, dashing his and ase spoken of by farmer very favorably.—LON- Suits and Overcoat made in first- --a= 3 1_' wife aside, s xipF t d off the clothes and DON FREE. PRESS. 566 C1a8g Style. Good fit guaranteed. hedan biting and �nawiii the baby in a .t g y AE WORKS.- fearful mail er, inflicting seven wounds LEGAL' — in the breast and back. The mother, A1�ERON, HOLT CAMERON, Barristers, I. Call and x , I; IL O W S , driven pearl fr rile by the cries of her CAMERON, in c`hancer , &c., Gedeirich, out, t Examine ods. No trouble child and the inhuman and beastly M. C. Cameron., Q. C., PhilipHolt, M. G. Cam.- to show them. - 7-ts o eron. 506 I Opportunity of re. spectacle, e lde vored to rescue the uhabitants of Brussels, WILLIAM SMALL, Con eyanber and Commis- T babe whereupon Watson took the in- sionor in B. R. t:tee, and kreg. to state- Wrox ter. Auctioneer and R. JA lIESO� . ,rnprovements in their fant by the feet and swinging it around ' raiser. Accounts and notes collected on its;, they are in a bet. threatened that i she didn't keep still reasonable terms. 866 .puny the public,with he `pound dash it brains Out. _Finally, �• L. DOYLE, Barrister, tcorney, Solicitor in FU R N I TU R. �`alc. (;nKt, at ri�c ' his passion s nbsi ing, he told hist wife Chancery, &c„ Goderi h and Seaforth. Of- a r1Drtivere(l. if she would tak her young One and flee, over Jordan's Drug tore, Goderich, and S Kidd' Store, Seaforth. - 864 r clear out he wo ? ld let her have it. FV N ITU RE. aeon of our business. l�ii A COMSON & VATSN; Barristers Attor- 11'.,41 Taking the child she fled to the house lvl ' truing given unqualsf - neys, Solicitors in C aucery, &e., Clinton, nhlic can rely on row da brother f theprisoner, and a doe- out. Office -First door ea t of isle new Royal d a $rat -Blass: articler ' tw was called, who pronounced the Cana inn Bank building, oney to loan on farm - '. ' spot : The I#russels ,child in a v ry erious condition,, the Prope ty. MN & BURROWS• whole points of Watson's teeth- being s_ Az.cousox. 4u a.,+. WATSON M. RO.B T S O N, visible at ea li cf the seven wounds. Ma AUGHEY & HOLME 3TED, Barrister s, At• F D to L L 'VERY The brute w s nearly lynched b the t rnoys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and [nsoi�ency, �7otaries Publ a and Convoyanaere women of theplace. p � Solicitors for the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. A entsfor 1' T H :� - the Canada74feAssuranceC m.pany, � CABINET: AKER V ieties. I N.B.-$80,000 to lend at 8 per cent. Farms I liousesand Lots for ahle. 1 58 �OBBES,, - John B. 1-outh has returilecI to BARROW-&-MEYER, B:trristere, and At --.AND U N D� TAKER, tock attd Tracie of the t anion and eg n a series of le toruoys - et - LaR, Sol ctore in Chancery, ' Seaforth, cram Mr. , , f &c. Private fends to loan a a low rate of inter11 - ln lily Spur oiitabernacle. ,tate that ho intends- est, and nn terms to suit orrowers. Offices- a -rho old stand, and has - ' -Bill Lawley, the hero of eight.mur- Goderich and �Wingham.. ffiee in Langdale's HAS AGAIN b ENED A es and_ vehicles to the tiers was han Jed n Texas the other day. building, opposite Scott's B uk. out J- T. GARRO\V. H. W. d- MEYER. $e warned t �Le spectators to forego re - X ehicle�.and Good'' venae as it w s ssion that him H= W. C. Meyer, solic.ito C,onsolidatod Bank I a P b t of Canada, Winghatn. �etCG2l Fu�w 67'2 Store Fill be xelit.1. to the scaffolc sand Carrtag°e, and -Elstow C ur 11 �vllero John I3un- BENSON ai MEYER, Barristers and Attorney - 5 always ready foruse. ' nt L w, Solicitors in Cha eery and Insolvency, . r. Yom' attended in 11iS youth, and whose Conveyncers Notaries Public, etc. Ofilcoa-Bet• ,lltttle It ith Cpm- ' ' Two Doors North of hi� Old Stand, apposite filen bells he used o int;, has fallen into so torah and Brussels. $23,000 of Private Funds to Waddell & Co.'s Dry GoRde Store, where he is much deco that a movement is on foot I inbcst a.t once, at Eight pert nt. Interest, payable or any of the hotels: ;M1 Y yearn_ 1 63 prepared . to restore it. 'JAS H. bm;SON. H. W. a. MEYER. —A dreamy writer says it Nvould be Th above .firm has this d y '�bren dissolved by TO SELT, AS CI3E AS ANY IN ��y carious to fo :ow pound of silk from mute 1 consent: All aecou to due the firm to 1 p + , be pa d to kir. Benson who dill pay all liabil- t THE TRS DE. . its spinning a Oil it becomes fti lady's sties. AI1IEllS Ah D' dress. No dtbt , but most men pro- JA IES H. BENSON. s. fer to follow i of or it becomes a dress. Nov. 27, 1876.; H. W. C. MEitER. -Gold in p yin g quantities has been U N D E R', K I N G serifs+n of all, these discovered in Southern Chili and loca- t n1ED1(• I,. s . iber is determined to + inch Rlemiock, "not iionshave be n it ade by English cap- - J =G. SCOTT, M.D. &c.,P ysician,Surgeonand Attended to s,,s b1 seal. { 9 If I - . 1 - I i x_-.._ .- I n ._ _-._, _ _ I_ . . .> - - { 'k. .; y L - - p � ,I I . . IE HURON Eft OS11' ' I� , W - 6 P� Zv� E iD�� T W mi m� 1 WALL PAPER BORDERS o o- , LAN = AT-••— I 1t�D �°0 �, J,H` N R O G E R E F wI;NDOW BUNDS. — I -07 ' �� S A ORTI�R G O - - -p. n I. - , a � i I show in tte above lines this year a .FINE$ STOCK and BETTER 'VALUE than t- y THREE CASES FINE FELT HAT d ever before offered in 0.- � 00' ; o U r' : •THREE CASES FINE' FELT' HATS I O td �' It CTlTNrX0TIT � W � v ti; i I THREE CASTES FINEFELT HATS 1i Me. H ►� Z I {lily Patterns are ALL NEW, and having bought t4 � W � THREE CASES F, INE FELT HAT$. I direct from the manufacturers, I can sell at y � a � f! 1 prices, that cannot be beat. "1 W Z � of i . j Q. -'-"� - H d � - s� � . z t4 z O tt TH EE CASES FINE FELE' -IAT Also Proof Carpet Litzing at Z y 90 _ � I I Low Prices. y � r ,.,., THREE CASES FINE FELT�HATS re W I r ; Go y 4 0 P t THREE CASES INE FEL t' HATS] ; ALWAYS IN STOCK FULL LIl\l - h CD � SCHOOL BOOKS, Ilii ISCELL AN- d i THREE CASES FFIIVE FELT - HATS EOVIS BOOKS, OFFICE STA-, � Z Q i I TIONERY, &c. t4 b Z C Z i i — ._._ d r � ► i ; CLINTON BOOK STORE, t"Ia CD y r ��OH,N ROCsERS� SE�.FORTTf i 1-: Eel )ress rand Tele ra )A 0 'ce. W � r 0 - l 9 0 � I 11 : M � C4 M y JAMES A. Y UIL?L. `tt4f O 4 h O x MR- ID�NT ;S x � 1 THE OLD ESTABLIS13E'D • � � H � FALL AND WINTER DRY G ODS ARE ALS STOVE AND TIH EMPORIllM C e OPE' _ C C to d 1 ED UP, AN' D HE ASK ALL INTEND - sEAFOftTx. t4 t4 H = TING PURCHASERS TO GIV HIM A CALL. I W H t4 0 M y - J11 I MRS. WHITNEY, X W d x M � A NEW F E T U E I, WI°HES once more to remind her many I friends and customers that she is :note bet 0 . � Pd ( 1 ter prepared than ever to supply all their wants O Z O CD I will henceforth do business on the CiA :'1 sys em. The tiahtness of the in her line. She has one of the most complete . assortments of b P , times requires it. By selling for cash, I wilt bl able sell very much cheaper, As - - M O 4 M the Cash customer will not have to pay thea bad debt' of others, t I was never • � T O v � � t4 M 0) W better prepared to serve customers than now, h wing I ought larger than ever, anti I Is •. tri in the cheapest markets. I am makin a s eci It of ";LADIES' MANTLES, this Both Coal and wood, Cooking, Bali and Parlor:, � � 0 I'Y g P Y g W x y m season.; have bad my stock made to order,. and can ' how as many MAXTLE, of the latest designs that can be found in any � Z SHAWLS and UNDERSKIRTS, all of the newest designs, as any half doze lowetII the r county, sortm nt of prices low as the d Houses in the County. My Stock.is full of eTerything'in the Dry Goods line, bot _ t-1 - for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. T.TN• "%_EiR.E � O � - _ �d ,> : , rj T j , ,,,,, never bettor or snore varied, t4 d " O � MY MILLI N ERY• �DEPARTM ENT COAL 4 Hd Pq z C Ott., M H C X I IS Na W CN FULL %AST, STOCK ALL NEW ND CHOICE. ALL THP Both Wholesale and Retail at a very slight ad - Q Z O ,D NEWEST PATTERNS IN HAT AN BONNETS. I vance on manufacturers prices. Repairing anti M H � --i Eave•Troughing promptly attended to and en- � ra n � W tire satisfaction guaranteed. t4 H h T A VERY NICE LOT OF CHENILLE NETs JUST ARRIVE; gR EF LD � r � UG E . X z , For the better accomodatson other customers ,� O d t{ Bring your CASH to DENT'S, and 3�0u will neer buy at a credit House sire• Whitney has opened a branch story in l7 H t: again, p -i Brueefield, where will be found a complete stook h M N H i G O1LG E DENT: of everything in her line. She world direct par P> t" , titular attention to and invite inspection to her Us d � I Stoves, which .intending purchasers should Hee n H h F� before purchasing elsewhere. Remember when H is you Dome to Seaforth or Braoe$eld don't leave M Pd z 02 � GOODS F O R T H I L LION without inspecting my steek. It will be time t well spent. -Ayr- MRs, WHITNEY, Seaforth and Brucefseld. BRUSSELS HARDW - RE , CAMPBELL S CLOTHING EMPORIUM. THE CHEAP FAMILY GROCERY, SzrOR.E_ - THE UNDERSIGNED IS -PREPARED TO SHOW IS FRIENDS AND THE L. MABEE PUBLIC THE CHOICEST' S +'LEC IOi1T OF Begs to inform his friends and the public that I he has on hand one of the NICEST and FRESH- - JAMES DREW WOkSTED COATINGS, PANTINGS, ,OVER COATINGS, E ST Stocks of Groceries in town, and as he sells The eye delights to gaze upon, and Fresh irony the marke s for this Fall's Trade. 1 for Cash, he Having completed the ENLARGE- I SELLS CHEAP, MENT of his premises and i - ALL ''A'ITITS WILL BE WARRANTED IST EVERY RESPEC' ' diving his purchasers the benefit of what --others creased his stock of i' TO YOUR SATI$FACTIO , i who do not do Eo lose in bad debts and pay in in- tereat to wholesale men. RARE BARGAINS IN CESRTAIN LINES. HARDWARE PAINTS, FLOUR AND FEED HARDWARE, , CALL ANI? SEE. i Always on hand. (foods .delivered in town free STOVE No. 1 of charge. Remember the stand, opposite the OILS AND ELAS , CAMPBELL'S BLOCK. I WM. CA?V PBELL, Seaforth. Commercial Hotel, in the - FRAM'E BLOCK. And also added a complete - S, STARK ,- S E A P O R T H .ABE -- I I . � GROCERY STORE BOOT ANSHOE. [� SHOP, AUCTION ROOMS, LAND AGENT, �ONV`E ANCER, &C. r --"—. ` A Lar,'ge Stock of Boots and Shoes ancd' Groceri s Just•Arrivigzg. THU be sold on very small profits—all new stock. The Subscriber invites hi oldfriends and new ones to give him a call. II f g e has engaged Mfr. Jolz� Scott to attend to the shoe shop; who will make acid repair work to ordemN Old Accounts must be paid at once, as the subscriber needs money. Fetrn' and bwn Property for sale. Give vise a Call a�zd I will do tAe best can for. you. Renzemher the Place, .Stark's Block. • SAMUEL STARK, SEAFORTH41 ' EGG EMPORIU,Af. The Subscriber hereby thanks his numercas euctomers(merchaats andothera) for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and hopes, by strict integrity andelose attention to business to merit their. confidence and trade in thefuture. H4ving greatly enlarged his_premises, durinf the winter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh egge, delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, . Main Street, -Seaforth, Wanted by the subscriber 25 tons of good dry clean WHEAT STEl - L. a W L 1SON. the following rates: isllsts. The nol exists in placers, and • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Writ). Meg and rest• I � i , 7 •r thousand • 14 foot 7 dense south side of Goderich Street first door SEAFORTH PLANING G MILL All orders over 4 OOtl' is Baia to be ery extensive. There is east o Presbyterian Church. ' 34r � s # y A Large stock of COFFIIB, CASKETS, CAPS, COME AND EXAMINE E nd see if you don't abundant wa,t r for washing Out the de THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY �7- L. VERCOE, M. D., C bL, Physician, SHROUDS,- �o•, wt ys on hand. po31tS. H• eon etc. Coronerfor he Count of Huron .. 1 _ �'HE subscriberbegs leave to thank his sumerotts tths tvsll be eharg.4d -Heavy robberies of money and 6 ' , y - - - '-- vY direr and Rite eneo, h awls stool. north, THE.. GOODS AND WHEN IT ITS MADE �� � �-.' r� � SUCH AS Y013 FIND' cu„tomersiortheliberalpatronage extendedto numerous customers frEllglit frUin t e Texas and Pacific and directly opposite -Seaforth Public School. 681 M. R BE'RTSON. - _ = • � L- him since commencing business its Sealor•th, `n# Solicits a cortin- Houston ancd Texas 'Central'Railway§ --__ -_ _� -_ .---_- _- ____--- .-�,` r, _ ; trusts that he may be favored with acontinual W• A. ADAMS,ht. D., lateo#-Ltikefield, Ont., 't ' of thossme, 'hitve been des ctel and man hi h buai- ' T f�� N TIIOMPSOI`I. + Y g Physician, Snrgeo £encl Acconchem• KIDD S FIA YY ARE. �1 ©© ((�� ``�_ U1' INTO I, i �4' y_ AT Partiesintendngtobnildworititio well to give w Mills, maxilio�p. Ress men and Otl ers, including Officers,. Graduate of the Universrt ti"t Trinity College, COMPARE P R I C �, . _-- conducto S au <d a ants, Citizens from St. Toronto. Memberof the Royal College of Phy- F _ _ I him a cull, as he will continue to keep on hand a I sicsnns and Surgeons, Ont. Kinburn.Ont. 486 I = _ _ _ f argeatock of 01 kinds of I . I uis to Galy sto are implicated. Ar- _ - �+, ' I Tests are ea e 'sec . M. HANOVER, M. D., 1,1., Graduate of I O O _ h _ J. WARD'S, �►J DIiY�3 A !3r i[ EU' ,P}BR P W McGill University, Phy icion: surgeon and R ECE V E D The following* goods are offered at == �: r - -= 1300RS, BLINDS, 11i0LLDTN{x:SD 'I'- -Ail arses .till well at Pestle, Hun- Accoucheur, Seaforth. Ont. Office -Rooms in g - - 1 SPECIALLY REDUCED prices: ;HARNESS - _'° - j SEAFORTH, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. i} Bary, which sulipl cs hot water, has now Meyer's Block lately occupie by Dr. Phelan, and ` P He feels confident of gtvingsatisfactlontothose ban to s ravel- reached a de, h o over, 1000 arcs and formerly by the Into Dr. Iii g. Will attend at DIRECT FRONT MAN FACTURERS I T• , fnrth and: the travel- 1 + yards, t �%LP,re�y0u will find all �i292C18 of 1C.rneSS 132ra1e up in ills Latest Styli woo mayfavourhim wsththeixpatrr,nrtge, as nom* Carronbrook on Tuesdays an Fridays. 4tJG wbeaL com lend .will be the deepest of I but hrst-clat swork�men areemployc3, trchased the Livery p ! p BIcNAUGHT, Veterina y ,Surgeon, Gradu � I �° i3'Particnlarstt.ntion pari t.•Custom Planing esirs,. Carnochan & itskilid. A Ctlrl as feature of the well A IERICAN NAILS EMEMBER if von want a Laney or Substantial harness J. WARD can give you better sates +Diver to retain the D • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, AMERICAN CUTNAILS,. R, 1- is the i1Se o at toma,tic machinery in. faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maker in the County. A Trial is all that 201 JOHN II. Bd',f} 4DFOOT, teF establishment has Ont. 011lce and Residence i rear of KUloran & SPADES, SHOV L�, FORKS, is wanted to secure regular custom. ;;ood driving and re- bo�nge the woler ower being supplied Ryan's. Calls promp�15 attended, to, night or HOES AND li A ES, � g _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ __ . -. _••_ ri, -eq Evill bis ket,t �1p the well it elf. day. A stock of veterinary edicines -nn hand WINDOW GLASS J W A.RD, Seaforth.. THE I�EHSAtI PORK FACTORY. i`tills, night or day, Charges reasonable. Horses a amined as to sound- GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &e r 11 I -Many me tha�iics have been sorely g 1 * to. 1 iC•1IC AND y Y boas and certificates given if egatired. 409 I, i triedwhen to ri +, lead round a damp G. PETTY ber.t11- Iseult 'with. 1' JAMESW, EIaDER V. ., dradnate of the —� r t.,rs lett at tete Com- or Wet joint, t fir d it explode, blow oft �j ty g JAMES WHITE L AD _- QFiTA�1O :PRINT ESS' EP�I'POR!'lIM , wan receive prompt Ontario Veterinary Coll e, After dovotin - tom t er scatter lies off tlio lead. Tho tvhUle _--- Axe prepared to pay the HIGHEST PIIIC., for two years to practice with rofessor Smith, of F E N G I N O WIRE . h€€inble 1ntL e . t0 ed b )Llttillfr a Toronto, has settled in Se forth. Offee at his 1 ' <. i any quantity of :i;ct ytrect, opposite y pp Y 1 a resideuoe'cast of W. M. Church. CallepromptlyI HOGS AL1�1%E QRR ED piece of rmiu he size of the end a man's i LINSEED OIL - _ ESS attended�to by day or nigh . A large stock of AND BUILDING °'IARDWARE ' '` _ - ' lll`t1N, I't,r, trictor thumb Into t e It delle tinCl &110�CIn�Y lt. I GWATKI N &SON 1 ' C Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses ■■ t NOTICE. -.– to melt befor po ruff;. examined as to soundness an certificates given 4 ( , ,pp � �, �:_ � yf Frig ' - 1 ALL BINDS OF CUl,ED MEATS i�OTICE. -4 Berlin °err �spo ident says :--Not- Horses bought and sold on commission. 42 I MACHIN: OILS &c. 1 A I_: • ILAVE Constantly on Hand. Of Every Descr�ptson Cheap. , - _trithstaiiculia policonicii and military H DERBYSHIRE. L. D. s•, j "; FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, I'ORK t ' `vJ into partner- t'atrols scour' lie `treets Of St. Peters- . SurgeonDentist, Graduate r – CUTTINGS cv e. . ntatttttacture Plows, hilr of the Rloyal College of Dental � �� O D -ing first-clasa ma- g'+revoluti itary placards continue to1�9 Sur eons o Ontario. Office i AT THE SIGN Or THE - I I : 623 G & � J PETTY t*r)� ctattttti; tltrongh bepostett in 1ir4t ciG3 I'ttmphlets of hours from s A. Al.ito 5 P. M. Rooms in EAVE TROUGHS ID CONDUCT- ` G. J. __-' _Aee a go(',,, article. M i11Ceicdialy Cit raster ar© SeGletl ' Cdis- Hire, Whitney' new brick lock, Main Street, t t TO TJ3FAR NEW PItEAtI�3E a :, rL l+airin r parse- Iii G I E , ' BITTER TUBS. y Ir. R3arson hav- - heated, anti t reatenin,c letters fid- Seaforth._— __ � f I �,� » 1 _ _ . PADLOCK Cor. Bay and �'i'eliinf ton Streets. i S. TIIOTT, SEAT' %Jrfb, ,etrsence to dress- sled to 1\li ' ist _rs and leadiu mem- HAIR D R S S I I11 G. P 3 P I `�' Put n on the Shortest of ce and ZVartanted. "”: g now prepaxc,ci to supply al. cuHto n .sr with t tat a t pecialty. sera of ills a vori meat. e.i Elgrtcultural fur- . 1 - . i ------------I---_-;----------" ��,. _.s. i f —When tli Earl of Beaconsfield ar- � I f BRUSSELS. I 7 � + � , t � any number of his *,AItT0-N rivediliBerli li was presented with MISS S ARK i _ i THE CONSOLIDATED BANK ; DF. �'4ILLI.�M GRAY'S SPECIFIC) _ � , �a abeautifalliuuc tl'�t of flowers sent to Special Irtd'ucenm7lts to ICast and ` {MEDICINE. � SL-PEIt.;iOR BUTTER I'a:.•B=, ,Ivrich Street, sea, , 1 WISHES to inform.tho L dins of Seaforth and ? 560 hiui by the G o�v Princess of Germany. i P c T,t€b» urs so WVicinity that she, is prep red to make up Prompt- Payin� ustonzer�. O F C A S A D A , At sso per hundred lash Ti±ev JJ S. C. M. IUi`iLOP'S Fall Term in s I I well and favorably known to the trade tbat it is the central was- a -strawberry dant , � _ The Great Ecglish - f SR ITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, tie., t i jV _ _ _ unaCcesonry to sayi anS bang it t reir rorvmwen- One" lar e strawberry.- This, A ]PITA f, dation. -. g' Y Its the Latest Fashion f om Combings. i Mucic will o e on Sept.th. Pn ins t•000•ffOO• Rettiedy is especially P recommended as an iz froill Queen � ictOria's Oldest Prices Moderate, and all rders punctually at- tl HN KIDD. .I I' MR. TP.OTT also mannfact trr_x a small Ilard- `:le rt t1 into ca -part- da a (` a to. A call sonicate Residence -Main _ ' i, I CITY BAfii� OF hi0NTRE AL, Incorporated 1833; nnfpiling care for 1 1 wood Tab, suitable for washing latter ib. n liter an t eu in connection tend d -t - should give in Itheir names previous to ! xtni VVea)ness ; rices the wants of - ° Street, Seaforth. I 1 and ROYAL_ CANADIAN BANK, • i � Ordehiby mail or otherwise 1.romptly _ttend- of the - Spe atorrbea, Impo- rnd utben who utay Earl`s ret litoc ducal aspiration$ WEL the opening of the class. Those not v- Incorporated 18f31. ed to. t LUMBER EOR 'SALE. p g j I ten y, and all diseases 495 S. TRfiTT, $eafortht bgre . iyo ifs, the follow as ase- - r; to and from the b1o9t ala r cr , tlsewhero on most y OUTTE R: UTTER. _ _ _ wy be left at Joseph C41 Mar B nto 1, Of TJlton, Durham I HEMLOCK First Qualit�,, G per 111. PINE ing Instruments can be aceommoda. ed one ee of self abuse,PM , willreceivopromgt olautY, R•lltl zld, is supposed to b� the ' • ! SEAFORTI� BRANCH. SefgreT ry, na3 1 , DFESSMA I G. t v from ng as Loss of demo neacl oldest WcZa"l ill ho �vorki. She, was E D TVA R D (�, A S l� , with use of Piano or Organ at very m d- I - U vernalZBssit de, Pain in the Back, Dim N Blit% F CELL. ern au I !' IS AGAIN BUYING BILLS CUT '1L0 ORDER, I DOMINION BLOGK, MAIN -ST. , of �ision, Prem 'tare of Age, and man; other 'RI ARIELI,. Febr ar l: th, 1731, anC1 IS, Of j, ezate rates. Seaforth, Sept. 7, 1878. Gl Y p MISS SOT:- 6&fl 11rse in her 148 11 year. She is in po- tf t t a diseasesthatRea to Insanity or Coitsnm tto ' ions em- SW et Even Colo ed Butter, in All Lengths, from lo! to 60, Feet, at the SE AFORTH. and a Prema Grave, all of which as a rule are t • i first canned by d viating from the Path of us tu BEGS leave to announce to the Ladies of Sm- Uf all er acultes;peife0t m' Firlrint3 or Rolls. t an over indnl ee The 8peciffc Medicine i B forth and surrounding country that trite baa +hearing nd Psi ht. She cooks MARRIAGE LICENSES, f nE T 'I`, (tY' gashes b � g PONY MILL, I✓' McgILLOP. � . I ITraft,+ on. lYcw York Payable Ft an ihee�resnitot a ' eatnd, and many pears of ez commenceddresamsing ittall the and it ns, threads her I Own 550 GODERICH STREE , SEAFORTIL I I Bank in the'IInited States. I pe mee in tr these Specialdiseaees, Pam ;i' t%dle and sews without spectacles. . The Subscribe a also O 8 C E R T I F i C A T B , phi tfreebg L The'Bpecifia Medicine is so LATEST STYLES � VARIAj10fS, n LEA T EIS and 'Y`he n tinted R, Bills of EzcieuRe on London payable t ; e, or 6 ' _ l 'Under the new Aet,l issued at th y Drnggsats $ per package, Fee at ail Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. ry Dearrption, New Yo ,,. -k Sun having p �: A. b LUMBER YARDN SEAFORTH mss, or will b sent b, mail on receipt of t And hopes byNeaneas, Good Work said Pntsctrs Ike alinoilnce e t Of the marriage of a , fes' WILLIAM GRAY A COi alit, to merit the patrons of 'Ill, tack tits. Term. INTEPEST PAID ON DEPOSITS. ey,by ad g All orders by mail f° white o an of Ithaca to t� ne- T s: ee�BELL, Provincial Land surveyor EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFOR N. w re, u „ D • and Civil Engineer. Or ere by mail prompt• Where+all kinds of Lnmbe4r c n be' obtained. ` daoz, Out. iSold in Seaforth by Hiekr►tm Scotus over Lnmsdea '[Wilson's Drug -Store I Uue Of hen writes to the anto a Uridet authority of the Lientenant•ao art or =�i P FIAT ES• Blcaedell; J. 13,j Roberts R. Lumsden and lkiain Street, Seaforth. R. N. BB�z%' ly attended to. OMAS DOWNEY, OLtcrio. 4ll D1e>saess drMgRi�i mereha, tits. Six spprentiefe wanted. s: Yshift there are in the °cities of New 47.9 D. s. CA BELL, Mitol]ell. 479 — . .. P . ; s I I r !' . I ,. w .- . .I I I - , � i - y: .1-1 -- a It , ASSORTMENT OF TI NW RE, HAS EOW ONE OF THE Largest Stocks of T-iARD WAR J IN THE COUNTY, AND INN ITES ALL WHO Al1E WANTING TIDE ABOVE GOODS TO -- I I . � GROCERY STORE BOOT ANSHOE. [� SHOP, AUCTION ROOMS, LAND AGENT, �ONV`E ANCER, &C. r --"—. ` A Lar,'ge Stock of Boots and Shoes ancd' Groceri s Just•Arrivigzg. THU be sold on very small profits—all new stock. The Subscriber invites hi oldfriends and new ones to give him a call. II f g e has engaged Mfr. Jolz� Scott to attend to the shoe shop; who will make acid repair work to ordemN Old Accounts must be paid at once, as the subscriber needs money. Fetrn' and bwn Property for sale. Give vise a Call a�zd I will do tAe best can for. you. Renzemher the Place, .Stark's Block. • SAMUEL STARK, SEAFORTH41 ' EGG EMPORIU,Af. The Subscriber hereby thanks his numercas euctomers(merchaats andothera) for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and hopes, by strict integrity andelose attention to business to merit their. confidence and trade in thefuture. H4ving greatly enlarged his_premises, durinf the winter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh egge, delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, . Main Street, -Seaforth, Wanted by the subscriber 25 tons of good dry clean WHEAT STEl - L. a W L 1SON. the following rates: isllsts. The nol exists in placers, and • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Writ). Meg and rest• I � i , 7 •r thousand • 14 foot 7 dense south side of Goderich Street first door SEAFORTH PLANING G MILL All orders over 4 OOtl' is Baia to be ery extensive. There is east o Presbyterian Church. ' 34r � s # y A Large stock of COFFIIB, CASKETS, CAPS, COME AND EXAMINE E nd see if you don't abundant wa,t r for washing Out the de THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY �7- L. VERCOE, M. D., C bL, Physician, SHROUDS,- �o•, wt ys on hand. po31tS. H• eon etc. Coronerfor he Count of Huron .. 1 _ �'HE subscriberbegs leave to thank his sumerotts tths tvsll be eharg.4d -Heavy robberies of money and 6 ' , y - - - '-- vY direr and Rite eneo, h awls stool. north, THE.. GOODS AND WHEN IT ITS MADE �� � �-.' r� � SUCH AS Y013 FIND' cu„tomersiortheliberalpatronage extendedto numerous customers frEllglit frUin t e Texas and Pacific and directly opposite -Seaforth Public School. 681 M. R BE'RTSON. - _ = • � L- him since commencing business its Sealor•th, `n# Solicits a cortin- Houston ancd Texas 'Central'Railway§ --__ -_ _� -_ .---_- _- ____--- .-�,` r, _ ; trusts that he may be favored with acontinual W• A. ADAMS,ht. D., lateo#-Ltikefield, Ont., 't ' of thossme, 'hitve been des ctel and man hi h buai- ' T f�� N TIIOMPSOI`I. + Y g Physician, Snrgeo £encl Acconchem• KIDD S FIA YY ARE. �1 ©© ((�� ``�_ U1' INTO I, i �4' y_ AT Partiesintendngtobnildworititio well to give w Mills, maxilio�p. Ress men and Otl ers, including Officers,. Graduate of the Universrt ti"t Trinity College, COMPARE P R I C �, . _-- conducto S au <d a ants, Citizens from St. Toronto. Memberof the Royal College of Phy- F _ _ I him a cull, as he will continue to keep on hand a I sicsnns and Surgeons, Ont. Kinburn.Ont. 486 I = _ _ _ f argeatock of 01 kinds of I . I uis to Galy sto are implicated. Ar- _ - �+, ' I Tests are ea e 'sec . M. HANOVER, M. D., 1,1., Graduate of I O O _ h _ J. WARD'S, �►J DIiY�3 A !3r i[ EU' ,P}BR P W McGill University, Phy icion: surgeon and R ECE V E D The following* goods are offered at == �: r - -= 1300RS, BLINDS, 11i0LLDTN{x:SD 'I'- -Ail arses .till well at Pestle, Hun- Accoucheur, Seaforth. Ont. Office -Rooms in g - - 1 SPECIALLY REDUCED prices: ;HARNESS - _'° - j SEAFORTH, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. i} Bary, which sulipl cs hot water, has now Meyer's Block lately occupie by Dr. Phelan, and ` P He feels confident of gtvingsatisfactlontothose ban to s ravel- reached a de, h o over, 1000 arcs and formerly by the Into Dr. Iii g. Will attend at DIRECT FRONT MAN FACTURERS I T• , fnrth and: the travel- 1 + yards, t �%LP,re�y0u will find all �i292C18 of 1C.rneSS 132ra1e up in ills Latest Styli woo mayfavourhim wsththeixpatrr,nrtge, as nom* Carronbrook on Tuesdays an Fridays. 4tJG wbeaL com lend .will be the deepest of I but hrst-clat swork�men areemployc3, trchased the Livery p ! p BIcNAUGHT, Veterina y ,Surgeon, Gradu � I �° i3'Particnlarstt.ntion pari t.•Custom Planing esirs,. Carnochan & itskilid. A Ctlrl as feature of the well A IERICAN NAILS EMEMBER if von want a Laney or Substantial harness J. WARD can give you better sates +Diver to retain the D • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, AMERICAN CUTNAILS,. R, 1- is the i1Se o at toma,tic machinery in. faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maker in the County. A Trial is all that 201 JOHN II. Bd',f} 4DFOOT, teF establishment has Ont. 011lce and Residence i rear of KUloran & SPADES, SHOV L�, FORKS, is wanted to secure regular custom. ;;ood driving and re- bo�nge the woler ower being supplied Ryan's. Calls promp�15 attended, to, night or HOES AND li A ES, � g _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ __ . -. _••_ ri, -eq Evill bis ket,t �1p the well it elf. day. A stock of veterinary edicines -nn hand WINDOW GLASS J W A.RD, Seaforth.. THE I�EHSAtI PORK FACTORY. i`tills, night or day, Charges reasonable. Horses a amined as to sound- GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &e r 11 I -Many me tha�iics have been sorely g 1 * to. 1 iC•1IC AND y Y boas and certificates given if egatired. 409 I, i triedwhen to ri +, lead round a damp G. PETTY ber.t11- Iseult 'with. 1' JAMESW, EIaDER V. ., dradnate of the —� r t.,rs lett at tete Com- or Wet joint, t fir d it explode, blow oft �j ty g JAMES WHITE L AD _- QFiTA�1O :PRINT ESS' EP�I'POR!'lIM , wan receive prompt Ontario Veterinary Coll e, After dovotin - tom t er scatter lies off tlio lead. Tho tvhUle _--- Axe prepared to pay the HIGHEST PIIIC., for two years to practice with rofessor Smith, of F E N G I N O WIRE . h€€inble 1ntL e . t0 ed b )Llttillfr a Toronto, has settled in Se forth. Offee at his 1 ' <. i any quantity of :i;ct ytrect, opposite y pp Y 1 a resideuoe'cast of W. M. Church. CallepromptlyI HOGS AL1�1%E QRR ED piece of rmiu he size of the end a man's i LINSEED OIL - _ ESS attended�to by day or nigh . A large stock of AND BUILDING °'IARDWARE ' '` _ - ' lll`t1N, I't,r, trictor thumb Into t e It delle tinCl &110�CIn�Y lt. I GWATKI N &SON 1 ' C Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses ■■ t NOTICE. -.– to melt befor po ruff;. examined as to soundness an certificates given 4 ( , ,pp � �, �:_ � yf Frig ' - 1 ALL BINDS OF CUl,ED MEATS i�OTICE. -4 Berlin °err �spo ident says :--Not- Horses bought and sold on commission. 42 I MACHIN: OILS &c. 1 A I_: • ILAVE Constantly on Hand. Of Every Descr�ptson Cheap. , - _trithstaiiculia policonicii and military H DERBYSHIRE. L. D. s•, j "; FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, I'ORK t ' `vJ into partner- t'atrols scour' lie `treets Of St. Peters- . SurgeonDentist, Graduate r – CUTTINGS cv e. . ntatttttacture Plows, hilr of the Rloyal College of Dental � �� O D -ing first-clasa ma- g'+revoluti itary placards continue to1�9 Sur eons o Ontario. Office i AT THE SIGN Or THE - I I : 623 G & � J PETTY t*r)� ctattttti; tltrongh bepostett in 1ir4t ciG3 I'ttmphlets of hours from s A. Al.ito 5 P. M. Rooms in EAVE TROUGHS ID CONDUCT- ` G. J. __-' _Aee a go(',,, article. M i11Ceicdialy Cit raster ar© SeGletl ' Cdis- Hire, Whitney' new brick lock, Main Street, t t TO TJ3FAR NEW PItEAtI�3E a :, rL l+airin r parse- Iii G I E , ' BITTER TUBS. y Ir. R3arson hav- - heated, anti t reatenin,c letters fid- Seaforth._— __ � f I �,� » 1 _ _ . PADLOCK Cor. Bay and �'i'eliinf ton Streets. i S. TIIOTT, SEAT' %Jrfb, ,etrsence to dress- sled to 1\li ' ist _rs and leadiu mem- HAIR D R S S I I11 G. P 3 P I `�' Put n on the Shortest of ce and ZVartanted. "”: g now prepaxc,ci to supply al. cuHto n .sr with t tat a t pecialty. sera of ills a vori meat. e.i Elgrtcultural fur- . 1 - . i ------------I---_-;----------" ��,. _.s. i f —When tli Earl of Beaconsfield ar- � I f BRUSSELS. I 7 � + � , t � any number of his *,AItT0-N rivediliBerli li was presented with MISS S ARK i _ i THE CONSOLIDATED BANK ; DF. �'4ILLI.�M GRAY'S SPECIFIC) _ � , �a abeautifalliuuc tl'�t of flowers sent to Special Irtd'ucenm7lts to ICast and ` {MEDICINE. � SL-PEIt.;iOR BUTTER I'a:.•B=, ,Ivrich Street, sea, , 1 WISHES to inform.tho L dins of Seaforth and ? 560 hiui by the G o�v Princess of Germany. i P c T,t€b» urs so WVicinity that she, is prep red to make up Prompt- Payin� ustonzer�. O F C A S A D A , At sso per hundred lash Ti±ev JJ S. C. M. IUi`iLOP'S Fall Term in s I I well and favorably known to the trade tbat it is the central was- a -strawberry dant , � _ The Great Ecglish - f SR ITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, tie., t i jV _ _ _ unaCcesonry to sayi anS bang it t reir rorvmwen- One" lar e strawberry.- This, A ]PITA f, dation. -. g' Y Its the Latest Fashion f om Combings. i Mucic will o e on Sept.th. Pn ins t•000•ffOO• Rettiedy is especially P recommended as an iz froill Queen � ictOria's Oldest Prices Moderate, and all rders punctually at- tl HN KIDD. .I I' MR. TP.OTT also mannfact trr_x a small Ilard- `:le rt t1 into ca -part- da a (` a to. A call sonicate Residence -Main _ ' i, I CITY BAfii� OF hi0NTRE AL, Incorporated 1833; nnfpiling care for 1 1 wood Tab, suitable for washing latter ib. n liter an t eu in connection tend d -t - should give in Itheir names previous to ! xtni VVea)ness ; rices the wants of - ° Street, Seaforth. I 1 and ROYAL_ CANADIAN BANK, • i � Ordehiby mail or otherwise 1.romptly _ttend- of the - Spe atorrbea, Impo- rnd utben who utay Earl`s ret litoc ducal aspiration$ WEL the opening of the class. Those not v- Incorporated 18f31. ed to. t LUMBER EOR 'SALE. p g j I ten y, and all diseases 495 S. TRfiTT, $eafortht bgre . iyo ifs, the follow as ase- - r; to and from the b1o9t ala r cr , tlsewhero on most y OUTTE R: UTTER. _ _ _ wy be left at Joseph C41 Mar B nto 1, Of TJlton, Durham I HEMLOCK First Qualit�,, G per 111. PINE ing Instruments can be aceommoda. ed one ee of self abuse,PM , willreceivopromgt olautY, R•lltl zld, is supposed to b� the ' • ! SEAFORTI� BRANCH. SefgreT ry, na3 1 , DFESSMA I G. t v from ng as Loss of demo neacl oldest WcZa"l ill ho �vorki. She, was E D TVA R D (�, A S l� , with use of Piano or Organ at very m d- I - U vernalZBssit de, Pain in the Back, Dim N Blit% F CELL. ern au I !' IS AGAIN BUYING BILLS CUT '1L0 ORDER, I DOMINION BLOGK, MAIN -ST. , of �ision, Prem 'tare of Age, and man; other 'RI ARIELI,. Febr ar l: th, 1731, anC1 IS, Of j, ezate rates. Seaforth, Sept. 7, 1878. Gl Y p MISS SOT:- 6&fl 11rse in her 148 11 year. She is in po- tf t t a diseasesthatRea to Insanity or Coitsnm tto ' ions em- SW et Even Colo ed Butter, in All Lengths, from lo! to 60, Feet, at the SE AFORTH. and a Prema Grave, all of which as a rule are t • i first canned by d viating from the Path of us tu BEGS leave to announce to the Ladies of Sm- Uf all er acultes;peife0t m' Firlrint3 or Rolls. t an over indnl ee The 8peciffc Medicine i B forth and surrounding country that trite baa +hearing nd Psi ht. She cooks MARRIAGE LICENSES, f nE T 'I`, (tY' gashes b � g PONY MILL, I✓' McgILLOP. � . I ITraft,+ on. lYcw York Payable Ft an ihee�resnitot a ' eatnd, and many pears of ez commenceddresamsing ittall the and it ns, threads her I Own 550 GODERICH STREE , SEAFORTIL I I Bank in the'IInited States. I pe mee in tr these Specialdiseaees, Pam ;i' t%dle and sews without spectacles. . The Subscribe a also O 8 C E R T I F i C A T B , phi tfreebg L The'Bpecifia Medicine is so LATEST STYLES � VARIAj10fS, n LEA T EIS and 'Y`he n tinted R, Bills of EzcieuRe on London payable t ; e, or 6 ' _ l 'Under the new Aet,l issued at th y Drnggsats $ per package, Fee at ail Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. ry Dearrption, New Yo ,,. -k Sun having p �: A. b LUMBER YARDN SEAFORTH mss, or will b sent b, mail on receipt of t And hopes byNeaneas, Good Work said Pntsctrs Ike alinoilnce e t Of the marriage of a , fes' WILLIAM GRAY A COi alit, to merit the patrons of 'Ill, tack tits. Term. INTEPEST PAID ON DEPOSITS. ey,by ad g All orders by mail f° white o an of Ithaca to t� ne- T s: ee�BELL, Provincial Land surveyor EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFOR N. w re, u „ D • and Civil Engineer. Or ere by mail prompt• Where+all kinds of Lnmbe4r c n be' obtained. ` daoz, Out. iSold in Seaforth by Hiekr►tm Scotus over Lnmsdea '[Wilson's Drug -Store I Uue Of hen writes to the anto a Uridet authority of the Lientenant•ao art or =�i P FIAT ES• Blcaedell; J. 13,j Roberts R. Lumsden and lkiain Street, Seaforth. R. N. BB�z%' ly attended to. OMAS DOWNEY, OLtcrio. 4ll D1e>saess drMgRi�i mereha, tits. Six spprentiefe wanted. s: Yshift there are in the °cities of New 47.9 D. s. CA BELL, Mitol]ell. 479 — . .. P . ; s I I r !' . I ,. w .- . .I I I - , � i - y: .1-1 -- a It