HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-18, Page 838 THE HURON XPOSITOR. gittovn txploitor. DISTRICT MATTERS. Ion's Signal Service Barometer Or Sterm Glass and Thermometer Combined at Rica, so -4 & BL1,1.1SDELL'S. 567 ' 'AYE Time', Labor and Money byu sing new Stove Polish—no brush needed—at D. D. OSENFamilyGrocery. 567 OIL STOVE on SALE.—A splendid. S .ereign Coal Stove for sale • used but last win- ter; a bargain: Wrtr.,Ltm .A.I.Lss. 567 RnosivEn Daily at D. D. ROSE'S, fresh 1" an Middies, only 121 cents per pound, and An Pork Sausage selling at 10cper pound. 567 ATENT RIGHT FOB. SALB.—County Right of the Harris Patent Stove Pipe Damper anSpark Extinguisher. Apply to WILLIAm tk AL EN. 567 OTICE.—WM. ALLEN intends rerctov- in about the first of November to the new shop beIg fitted up for him in the TelegraphRlock, and in the meantime is offering big bargains in Teas, Su ars Currants, Raisins, Rice, Pickles, Sauces, 8pes, Canned Goods, &c. Also Cream Crocks, Butter Crocks, Butter Bowls'Prints, Ladles, Flower Pots, CroCkery, &c. WILLIAM ALLMN, •• litis. Whitney's Block. 567 . i 1 Mr. CartVisright's- Meetings. 11 I on, R. J. Cartwright will address the eleetors of Centre Huron at the fel- ' !lowing places: At Waltoh,on Saturday, October 19th, at 2 o'clock p. me at No. I School House, Melt -Mop, onWednes- day, October 23rd., at 7 o'clock la m.; at Davis's- Hall, Leadbury, on Thursday, Oetober 24th, at 7 o'clock p. en.; at Bell's School House, Tucker- sMith, on Monday, October 28th, at 2 o'clock p. m.; at the Red Soloed House, TUckersmith, on the same day, at 7 o'clock p. .m.; at Broadfoot's School Rause, Tuckersmith, on Tuesday, Oc- tober 29th, at 2 o'clock p. me at Kin - burn, Hallett, on the same day, at 7 o'clock p. me at Londesborough, on Wednesday, October 30th,at 7 o'clockp. in.; at Sprung's School House,Baee Line, Hallett, on Th-arsday, :October 31, at 7 o'clock p.m. Other meetings will be held in thesis townships which have not yet. been arranged for, but of which due not tice tt-ill be given. The nomination will take place at Seaforth. on Saturday, October 26the . At the close of the nom- ination a public naeeting. will be held when addresses wilt be delivered by Hen, Mr, Cartwright and others. It is desirable that all these meetings should be as largely attended aS.possible. _ . FORESTRY.—Mr. F. A. Meyer, of this place, has been re -appointed D. D. H. C._,M. for the county of - Huron for. the Independent Order of Foresters. We think a better appointneent could hot basve been made. Mr. Meyer has forested two Courts of this Order within th last few weeks at Clinton and Mi3tckelt, and expeets to have some m re in operation in a short time. ETHODIST EPISCOPAL Cnunen.—The 'seemed quarterly meeting for this con -- ler nce year, in comiection'with the M thochst Episcopal church,' , ill be 1e]it on .Sabbath next, 20th inst. Fel- lo ship meeting and love feast to corn - an nee at 10 A. M., preaching at 11 A. , after which will be administered the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Rev. E. Lounsberry, presiding elder of London district, will officiate, and will alto preach at 7 P. M. The quarterly board, will meet. on Saturday, 196h inst, at 7 P. M. ' _ s Re-UsioN.—The re -:anion, given in the Methodist Church on Wednesday evening last under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Association, was a very• ' pleasant and successful affair. There was a very fair attendance, Readings were given by Miss E. Johneon and Miss It ears, Easo • by .Mr. S. G. McCaughey and Mr. Pashley: The musical part of the entertainment, Iboth vocaleand 'in- strumental, was well sust nod by Mrs. i M „Malkin, Mrs. Storer, M sses Camp - bo I, Dont, Beattie and Messrs. Dent, l3rewnell and Thomas. An excellent and interesting address was! delivered by E 'vs Mr. Graham. 'RESENTATIO'N.—The teachers of the Pr sbyterian Sabbath School in this to+n, a, to the number of about twenty- ftv , assembled at the house -of Mr. Rob- ert3 Lumsden, last Tuesday evening, and p ' seated that gentlencian with an ele- ga.4t easy chair and foot stool These articles were presented by the teachers. as a slight acknowledgment of Mr. lamas - den's valuable services for' niany years in the Sabbath School ; he having been the founder, -promoter, and constant friend of the Seaforth Presbyterian Sab- ba h. School. The presentation was a cofri.pieto surprise to Mr. Lumsden, who re eived the teachers with great cordial - and thanked them with much feol- inJ for the unexpected presentation. ' ne Mew:fawns' Ist STU UTE.—A meet- inof the members of . the Mechanics' Inititute was held. 011 Monday evening laA for the purpose of considering the 'pr4position of the Directors to establish a recreation room in counection with the Institute. There was a very fair at- • tetidance of members. All seemed to agtee with that part of the proposition to have draughts and chess, but some opposition Was offered to introduaing billiards into the proposed recreation rotn. This opposition, however, was no so much against the tables as against incurring the necessary expense at the present time to secure 'the tables. Af- tei considerable discussion, a, resolution approving of the scheme of the Direct- ficient teacher. In doing this theyhave simply expressed the sentiments of those parents who -have had children under her charge since her connectio4l with the school. S most painstaki potent teaeher should she des she will find h avail themselv e has • proved. herself a g and thoroughly corn - and we are sure that e another engagement • lack of schools ready -to s of her services. 1 PERSONAL.—e regret to learn that Rev. Dean Mrphy, of Irishtown, has been seriously ndisposed, suffering from a severe cold ecently contractedeand that he has be n unable, to be around. for sorne tithe past. At one time it threatened to become rather serious, but we unders and that the danger is now over: W trust to see him around again soon. LOCAL BRIEFS.—Mr. Robert Lums- den returned. from his trip to the old country on Saturday last; looking hale and hearty. He was accompanied by a nieoe, who intends spending a few months with riends in Canada.—Mr. :D. D. Wilso4 has purchased about twelve hundre4l barrels of apples in this vicinity this faill for shipment to the old country. ruhe price paid was $1 • per barrel, p cked.—The Hon. Mr. Cartwright nt de his first appearance in Seaforth on Saturday last:- He ar- rived by the morning train, and pro- ceeded by private conveyance to . Brus- sels, from which place he returned' in the afternoon. On his return he was met at the Coreraercial Hotel by a large nuinber of friends both from ' town and country. At the request of several present, he delivered a short but neat _ address. Many of his friends who had seen bim for the firat time were much pleased with hie affable and unassum- ing manner as3 well as with his neat and appropria3te address.—The new stares of Bles rs. Kidd, Mitchell and Cull, on Main street, are now nearly completed. T ey are all handsome, and comfortable business places.—Pro- fessor Jones, of Toronto, one of the best vocalists in Canada is an applicant for the Percentorship Of the Presbyterian Church in this town.—Professor Salter, of Clinton, who lett season had several Very successful musical classes in this neighborhood, wishes us to state that he is prepared to receive applieations from a limited number of pupils in this town who may desire instruction either in 'vocal or instrumental music. He will visit Seaforth two days each week. Parties desiring hie services can leave ,their address at this office.—Mr. John S. Roberts, ofhis town, left yesterday • for Ann Arb r, Michigan, where he • purposes parsi ing his medical studies in the -college in. that place. The good wishes of his many friends here go with him. $ayfield. RTIRGLARY.- On the night of the 10th inst„ the store of Mr. Marks was enter- ed by three thieves. Mr. Marks had noticed some suspicious looking char- actersaround during the day, and was on the watch. ISOmetime through the. night they made an entrance, when Mr. Marks and some others rushed upon them. Afteremptying their revolvers two of therobbers made their escape, but the third one was captured. In the fray Mr. Marks and. Mr. Rutledge had a narrow escape, a ball grazing the cheek of Mr. Marks. The name of the man•caught is Dan Sheppard, formerly of Goderich township, but has recently been living in the States. Two others were apprehended, but nothing could be proven against them. Mr. Marks lost some $80 a short time ago, it is supposed that it was the same parties who took it. Sheppard was taken before the magistrate, and cOmmitted to stand his trial. He is a desperate and disre- putable character. He had in his pos- session a horse and. buggy, a quantity of clothing in trunks, and a box of spoons, all of which_ are supposed. to be stolen property. Considering the free use which the scoundrel made of his revol- ver, it is almost miraculous that some person was not killed. ; Winthrop. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING.—Th barns and out -buildings of Alex. Mur hie were struclay lightning about 3 o'clock on Tuesday morning, and totally consumed together with a quantity of hay and grain. Loss about $700. No insur- ance.. ENikunTkINMuNT.The members of the Independent Order of' Good Ternplars of this pled° intend giving a grand dra. rnati4 and, musieal entertainment in their hall on the evening of W dnesday, 23rd/ inst., It will be a rare treat as they'have spared no pains or elxpense in the preparation of their pieces, and ob- taining suitable scenery. COURT OF REVISION.—The Court for the revision of the voters' list to be used in the coming election for the Provincial Parliament was held in the teisaperance hall on Monday last. Out ofsSonae 73 names that were. entered as being wrong- fully omitted, only about 20 were en- tered as qualified to 'Vote. The appeal was entered byl Mr. Wm. Lee at the in- stigation of Die Holmes, who is to be the candidate in the Conservative inter- est. • yt would be well for those appeal- ing against the voters' list to have good grounds for ansappeal and not put the township to the expense of summoning and trying 73 eases when only 20 out of that nunabea were at all entitled to vote. orik was carried alinbst unanimously. • p. . , We presume the Directors wtanley ill now pro- • Aunicutsreses, Blegrase:.—A, meeting coed at once to have the rooms ashq) ted. of the of to and directers of the Stan - to the new arrangements,— that bile ... d that i ley Branch Agricultural Society, will lit4d tables will be purcha,sed, be held at Mort:ma's Hotel, Bayfield, on t4 recreation room if] • connection with I Saturday, 26th7inst., at tile 'hour of 2 th , Institute will . soon bo open and in i fu1t iperation. o'clock P. M., when the Treasurer will sa---- • I'm: Ptenac Seirooe.--We are glad to : desired. , Ie.. ra that the of warning we gave ' Eieretiexr.-T-Not long ago three la t weck has had the desired effect of ,families, all connected, left this town- iu lacing the Public School Board to , ship for the "Ear West." It is only a abaudou the intention, of dispensing few weeks since the last left here. On with the services of one of _the ' male I going out to where the others were, M. • teachers. ' The Board have, however, I formed au attachment for the we think, prematurely decided dispens- 1 wife of his relative. The attachment iug with the teacher of the lowest de- i seemed to be I mutual, so the two pertinent. We think it would have been , vamosed,• followed by the infuriated better had this action been delayed un- ; husband, who rode until his horse tit the High School is in operation ,wheu ; dropped dead, then gave up the ' pur- they would be iu a better position to ' suit, pay prize monee&c. A. full attendance judge whether or not the school could COON HUNTING. —A few _youths the be' efficiently conducted tvith one teach- other night went out a coon hunting. er less. The trustees have thus re -en- They had not been long out when they • gaged all the present teachers with the' started, not a °eon, but a horned wild_ execption of Miss Bell, the teacher of cat, nearly- as big as a dog. This was the lowest department, and the one something they did not bargain for, but mast recently enaagod. In declining to being pluelry they determined to show re_angsgo Miss Bell, the Board. passed ! fight, and soon had him treed on the a resolution setting forth their reasons, I fence, and here the fight commenced in , and highly coruplementing her as an ef- ! earnest. After a furious battle of some / hours, in which his catship was likely to come off vi torious, one of the boys stole a march lon the enemy, and with a stick put an e d to the bloody fray. On closer inspect on they found that they had killed, no • a wild oat, but simply a neighbor's ma tese kitten! • " Mn. BDITO —Sir : What Mr. Mc-- FarlEtne stylei a curiosity in f our last issue, is quiti common towards the Lake Shore. A tree in Mr. D. Wilson's oreharddisplq.ys a similar freak of na- ture, and Mr Capling, of Blake, with some others, oast of a like visitation. I would not dubt if these are tangible proofs of Pro ectio.n, for we are begin- ning to feel i in prospect making a feeble effort o advance. :I believe if Protection ha one redeeming feature, that one will • e felt in our fruit market. So. why shout; the very trees not re-, joice ? • • OBSERVER. roxet er. HORSE DIE .—One day last week a valuable hor e, the property of Mr. • Hugh Moodi , of Turnberry, took sick and died veiy suddenly. The horse was valued ali$125. •SMASHINGWEDDING.—On Wednesday last, during t e•usual drive of a fashion- able wedding one young man, evident- ly inebriated jvith a desire of making the program e more -interesting, ran his vehicle in o another one in the same - procession, sr4ashing his buggy and. up- setting both htrnse1f a,n.d his fair partner into the altar • SCIECOL REP RT.—The following te the menthly repo of school in Sectioif No, 5, MeNillop, for September: Senior fourth division -1st K. Givlin,2d E. Giv- lin, 3d M. Fer son. • Junior fourth di- vision 1st T. Malone, 2d L: Evans, 3d M. O'Hara. Third division, 1st M. Givlin, 2d J Delaney, 3a K. Burk. Senior seconddivision—lstE.Cantillon. 2d T. J. Givlis*, 3d J. Reid. Junior sec- ond division —31st 13. O'Rourke ,2nd K Flynn, 3d. W. H. Evans. .f FOOT CDT. 31.r. James Coates, late of Hibbert, but lvho slow resides on the farm near Le dbury, which he purchas- ed from Mr. naillie, met with a severe andpainful a cident on. Monday last. He was chopgreg in the woods about half a mile fr m his house, when the axe glanced, s riking him on the foot, inflicting a f arful gash. _ He started for home and: by the time be reached. the house he was nearly exhausted. from the loss of bleed., One of the -main ar- teries having been severed. Medical aid was speed1y summoned, the flow of blood stoppedland the wound, properly attended to. t will be some time be- fore Mr. Coats will be able to attend to his regular du ies. Bluevale. , BUILDING. he building committee in connectioil with the Presbyterian congregation cf this village have let the contract of Ist'ilding a new brick manse )!. to Mr. H. C. Pugh, for $1,200. Mr. Pugh has alsetakeu a contract of buDd- ing a shed, fof the accommodation of members of s id. church. , PERSONAL. Mr. Thomas Farrow, M. P.,happened t meet with an accident -on Saturday of last week. While working at his newhouse 41 e scaffold onwhich hewas standing gave 'way, and he fell about ten feet, dislocati ug his arm at the shoul- der. With gr at effort his arm was re- placed, and h feels quite well again. —Mr. S. :1 utchinson has sold his •farm near this village to a Mr. Gartnett,of Fullarton. e purposes leaving here shortly, and removing to 'Montreal, where he will spend the remainder of his days with is children. —Messrs. C, nie & Fell's new planing machine, bou ht from Mr. A. M. Gib-. son's Manuf cturing , Company, of Mitchell, is gi ing good satisfaction both to themselves i nd customers. STRUCK BY IGHTNING.—The barn of James Henni gs, deputy -reeve of Turn - berry, was st • ck by lightning on Tues - 'day morning est, about the hour of 2 • o'clock, durin one of the most severe thunder stor s that has passed over this village fo s some time. One of the neighbors notibed the fire first and roused Mr. Hennings f om his bed. Before they got out, ih fire had made consid- erable progre s, and they had barely ' time to get th 1 orses out of the stable. All this year' grain and hay were burn- ed, as well as Mr. Phair's threshing ma- • chine which ijad been set the previous evening. _ T e horse -power, however, Was saved. his will. be quite a back - set to Mr. Ph ir, as it was a new ma- chine. Mr. 1ennings also sustained a large loss not ithstanding an insurance of $2,000. e -understand he purposes making a sale right away and. selling off his stock. COURT OF. final Revisio will be held are 73 appeal. • Bl.s.naets. spring, 70c t • oats, 25c to hay, $7 to $8 , RAIN • STOR storm, acco thunder,passe morning. It, season, - Tem CONTE are making a coming cont both are con will be electe Brussels. EVISION.—A Court for the of Brussels Voters' List on the 26t1i inst. There in alf. all wheat, 78c to 80o; 75c; peas, 50c to 56o; 27e; barley, . 47c to 65c; potatoes, -25c to 300. A very heavy rain palsied by lightning and over Brussels on Tuesday was the heaviest of the r.—Beth political parties coed deal of stir for the st in Centre Huron, and 'dent that their candidate 0500, but the hose are to the hose house, and in c the 1000 feet being wa upon two reels, the 500 be picked up by men and ged to the place where t Judging from this decisi oil,which we think prudent, the cost of a $150, when ten minutes would pay for half a do hope the Cnuncil will matter, and purchase delay. BIBLE SOCIi:TY MEETING .—A meeting in the interes of the Upper Canada -Bi- ble Society. Iwill- be held in Melvin _church, on M uday evening, next, when Rev. Mr. Matthews, agent of the So- ciety, will ad.dress the meeting.. • ACTION FO 3::)AllIGES.— Mr. Crerar who had two of his working horses kill- ed on the lway track last spring, claimed dai seees from the Railway Company of '900, which they declined to pay, The matter earns)up at the Assizes at Go drich,.on Wednesda,y last, . when Mr. Cr ar got judgment for the full amount cl imed, together with costs, from the Ra ay Company. Smoot, Bb D MEETING.—A meeting of the school card will be held. this, Fri- day—evening when the naatter of re-en- gaging teach rs will come before the Board. Mrs. Coulter, of the 2nd divi- sion, who ha been unable to attend to her duties'in lhat division on account of ill -health, ha had her place supplied by Miss. Cam' bell, of the 4th depart-. ment. We h,ope soon to bee Mrs. Coul- ter back to h r position. Couxem Mi ETING.—At a meeting of the Council oi Monday last, it was del cided not to purchase another hose reel for the extra 400 feet of hose which had been purchased at an expense of over • be leftlying in O of more than ted, -which are et extra are to arried, or drag- ey are required. n of the Conn - anything but reel being but delay at a fu:e en reels. We reconsider this reel Without kiutiet BARN BURNED .—Dur ng the severe storm on Tuesday morn, • g, the barn of Mr. James Cottle, of th 5th concession of Hullett, was struck b lightning, and the barn, sheds and oth r outbuildings, - with their contents, ere completely destroyed. The loss t• Mr. Cottle will be very heavy. The p opertY was par- , tially covered by insura ice in the M - Itillop Mutual Insuranc: Company. a Ribber PLOWING MATCH.—Th Mg match, under the Hibbert Plowing 'Ass° held on the farm of concession 11, near Cr day, 1st November. T ing match is always lax plowmen and spectato this year promises to be attraction than it pred annual plow,- uspices of the will be J'ames Millar, niarty, on e Hibbert ploW- ely attended by s, and the one of even greater building could not have been Saved. The work was undoubtedly that f ,an incendiary, a man having been seen running from the fire as soon as i was lighted. —Mr. John Salkeld, Sr., one f the oldest residents of the County of uron, died at his residence, Bayfield roa ,near Goderich, on the 8th inst. He as 90 years of .age.. • —Mr. William McEwan, sr., of Grey, and family left for the Bruce Miles on Friday morning las. Mr. MciEwan. was one of the oldest settlers, having located on lot 9, concession 2, Grey, up- wards of twenty-three years ago.; He carries witlehim the best wishes of the • oommunity. —Information has been receive4 that Mr. 'W. Lang, who removed frorci Wa- wanosh to Nebraska about twelve years ago, and subsequently to Kansas, was a short time ago murdered by In - diens, his house robbed, children out- raged, and his family driven from home. , —A trotting match has been arranged between Mr. George Whiteley, of Sea - forth, and Mr.A. Lines, of ,Stanley, to trot their stud. horses. " Renforth " and "Sorrel Cloud," in harness, for 100 a side in heats of one mile, best ut of five. The match will come off o the Clinton Driving Park, on the 29th of this month. • —On the Exeter show ground, last on week, a boar belonging to Mr. Richard flee o'e the splendid quilts on exhibition. There wer, che 0118 was caii des exb WS Me bo st in ing the an th im cle he Gr lar hi ar th ed. th fe wo sa some very fine Epeemens of cro- minimised Berlin wool work; also t fine specimen o hair flo ers. There a very fine sho of imp merits and iages, Mr. John' Bruns en, of Lon - borough, being one of t e principal 'bitors. On the whole, the show creclita,ble to all concerned. One night last week the store of srs. H. Wallace .f,z Co., at Londes- , had a narrow escape from de- ction by fire. The store was closed he evening as usual, everything be - quite safe. As it happeped, one of firm was out to; Clinton'that night, returning at al late hour, entered store tor the purpose of leaving an ortant message with one of, the ks, who was sleeping upfstairs,when as surprised to find itbill of smoke'. , 'ping his way along to find out iP re it came from he opened the cel -- door, when a sheet of flame met : . Hastily clOsing it again he Fused the clerk, and pioceeding to I rear entrance.A the cellar, discover - bat a fire was burning brightly at bead of the celllar stairs. This was • kly extincruishe4. Had they been a inomentstlater lin the discovery it • d have ' been impossible to have 'ed the place. How it originated *a.. t cessors. • Davis bit Mr. William Lewis, o Ste , Presbytery of Huron. The Presbytery held ing on Tuesday last at was resolved to separat tion of Fordwich from t the latter to be self -s application from Gorn tion was granted, and Gorrie -were united to fo charge. Moderations granted to the congre forth, Egmondville, Th A call was taken up fro Eadies in favor of Rev. Glenallan, .but as it signed by a majority of aid congregations, the It aside. A. letter was r D. McRae, of Grand the resignation of his ch of continued ill health; tion havingbeen cite delegate, and -the Presb accept of the resignatio was appointed, consis Thomson, Cameron. a draft a suitable`minute Rae's resignation. It organize Fordyce into tion, Mr. Leitch be to attend to this earliest convenience. report on finance and st forth the average contri gregations, &c. Itwas the report and circul among the people. D appointed to visit c arrears, with the view arrears removed. A co pointed to arrange for byterial Sabbath School be held at •Blyth inthe ruary. A conference o ligion was held durii sederunt. Next ineetin Clinton`on the 14th of regular meet- Winghana. It the congrega- at of Wroxeter, staining. The for organize- Fordwich and m one pastoral in calls were ations of Sea'- mes Road, (to. Bluevale and. Mr. Bryant, of had not • been he members of Presbytery set ad from Rev!. end, tend.ering urge en account The congrega- , appeared by tery agreed to . A committee ing of Messrs. d McRae, to nent Mr: Mc - as agreed to a mission sta- ng appointed atter at hie r. Leask read a tistics, setting utions of coif greed to print to copies of i putations we's!) ngregations iSt of having said :mittee was ats, olding a Pres`r Convention, t onth of Febs the state of re- g the evening to be held _in emery, 1879. 071 Expositor.' who have ar- ke part in the store* 'of Mr. A. H. Rue, of is 'a Division e very lowest bevery identi- ice-Chancellor • 'the witness being unflt t of justice. He he Napanee pa- d t rse of that en - •°1f ° this is e kind of intends bring - o aid him, I know it. I am 's man, is be. epayers'of this the successful he late election. knowing both well, some ace e people Of that Mr. bid gentleman, re generally ro- om the above uch can not be n justice to the unsuspecting electors of Centre Huron, I hope you will insert t A _REFORMER. Look Out fo To the 'Editor of the Hu SIR ,—Among • others rived in this riding to t election contest in the i Platt, is person nam Napanee. This person Court practitioner Of t class, and is, I believe, cal individual whom Proudfoot ordered. to q box in a recent trial- as give evidence in a court Is also, as I learn from pers, the self same pers sell pools on the race co terprising little town an example of characters Mr. Platt ing into the county think the people shoul further informed that t ing introduced to the ra riding as Mr. Hooper, candidate in Lennox at I have only tosay, tha parties, and having, as quainta,nce with t Lennox; I will s Hooper is a respect the electors of Lennox spectable people, but facts it will be seen as be said of A. H. Roe. phen. It appears that Mr. Lewi to look at the animal, and. put hi on it, when it suddenly turned a him on the leg, taking the piece out and leaving a very ugly and wound. —The Morris Branch Plowing liatoh will be held on the farm of Mr{ John Jackson, south half of lot -10, cionces- sion 8, Morris, on Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, There will be three classes—' t o for men, and one for boys under sev nteen. years of nee. The first class ill be conaposed.of men who have take first or second prizes previous. I the • second class plowmen must be itt the ground. at eight a.m., and start a nine. The rules and regulatiens will b read out in the field. _The fall wheat'shown by M . Geo. ta • Moffatt Of lots 7 and 8, concess'on 13, att fo went hand d bit clean ainful SO ha ria an se - rjr• A few evenings ago as M 'W.J.White, of the proprietors of th Exeter Re - or, who had been working -until 12 ock, was returning home, and within few • yards of his own house, e one sprang frem between Bucking - 's blacksmith shop and Down's car- e shop, after Mr. White had passed, - dealt him what was i tended for a ere blow on the back o the head.. oever the party was he f 11 somewhat, rt in his calculation, f& the blow' only the effect of slightly stunning White, who, when he had somewhat • vered, turned to face his unseen as - ant, but he only had the satisfaction hearing_ the retreating footsteps the assassin as he sped ough the alley and over heaps tumber. Had Mr. White'shead lack - he protection of a bard felt hat the cts, of the blow. wouldl have been e serious. No reason for the das- ly act CAu be assigned. Should the irtpt be repeated.,Mr. Whi, te will be lid prepared. to receive his assailant re warmly. Si 11 sh ha rec sal of of th of ed eff OCTORiR 18, 1878. .. . that he sustained no injury trete the fall, Mr. McPhail jocularly turned the mishap off, by de laring Mr. Green, ie.. stead of the article, -, sold. The inei, Jasper. dent caused much amusement to th many,who witnessed it. —It is expected. that Mr. Pridharre who had his barns burned. la Fullerton a few weeks age, will nettet the insurance, owing to the fact 'Quit, the fire was caused by sparks from steam engine, that risk not being la: eluded in the policy. It is time Ia.. 1 losses coef ctoh imspkain indo s. made PrGvisioll for --The Grand Centra.i llotel,,Listowel, was opened by its new pr-oprietert Messrs. Hodgins & McIntosh, late 4 Whigham, on Wednesday evening of last week, a: grand banquet being givek to a number of =invited guests, seiene them being the Wingbam Council, ia-a body, who came down by a specialtrain. The akair was very enjoyable. —The addresa presented to Loa Dufferin, inri 74; On behalf of the cee. . poration 01 , tebell, s. to be engrossed, and. beautifully illuminated, so as to correspond with ones of a siroilar kbaa nresented to His Excellency by other municipalities. il‘fr. Owen, of &rat, -ford, has undertaken the work, and in his hands there is no doubt it will lie successfully acconsplished. —Some villains residing in the vi.. ciuity of Tapping stole some geese from a farmer, with the intention of holding, a raffle aVBrunner. Having no con- venient way of carrying their " birds," they stole a milk can in which to trill them on the wa.y to the raffle ground. The names of tlie guilty parties have been ascertained., and it is to be ho pe they will. be brought to sum:rimy pas. tice.:. • Turnberry, at the Turnberry Fall how, on the 19th and 20th ult., and hich was debarred from taking a prize y the judges declaring that it was old heat, has since taken the first prize ajt both theWroxeter and EastWawanosh hows, —the same bag of wheat being S11 Wn:in each instance. Both Mr. Mofft.t and his son are prepared, if necessary, to make affidavit that the wheat sh4n wn of it tie • near Mr. McArthur's residence, his atti ntitm was directed to a child on a !feline, -where it. had been phased by EL rdan which was pasturing on the hig While he was taking the child fr fence the animal saw a woman • road a short distance off, ,and itt ately started. off in the direction in she Was, follotved by Mr. S., who recta - ed the spot just as the ram wasiabout to make an -attack on the lady. Strik- ing him on the fore legs with hi whip stock Mr. Sutton knocked him down, and finally succeeded in cone. ering him. —The annual exhibition of the3 How - ick Branch Agricultural Societjr was held at Fordwich, on Tuesday df last week. The weather was fine a d the show was well attended. ,As a town- ship show it was altogether succ seful. The outside show was not very large, but what was shown was of a goo qual- ity. Mr. Samuel Johnston, of t e 6th con., made a clean sweep with hi Dur- ham and Grade cattle, taking eig t first and four second prizes. The ins de de- partment wasf very fine, the majolrity of most e fine at the! otten was a sample from a quantity gr his orchard, and that net a grai was old wheat. • —On Tuesday of last week, Sutton, of Exeter, was coming fro lake, and when on the lake-roa Huron. N tes. Mr. John Bullard, o McKillop, had the forefinger of his lef hand amputat- • ed last Saturday. —Several teams, wi gone from Clinton to NI ork on' the Lon- , • don waterworks excava ions. —Aka. J. Fishburn, of Exeter, has beenawarded the firs prize for bread for three years in succe ion, at the Ex- eter show. —Mr. Thos. dreenw y is at present on a tour to Manitoba and the north- west, from which he will return about six weeks. ' —Mr. John Jones, f Usborne, has ripe strawberries on 1 is vines for the second time this seaso . Two crops of strawberries in one ye r don't often Od- our. The change of g certainly be the cause. —On Mondaylast, ed Hicks, vsho resided on the llth con- cessien of Goderich tows ship, died very suddenly from some u.known cause. He was at work as usu 11 as late as Sett urday evening. • —Mr.D. Curry, lately eacher in school section No.1, Usborne, as won renewed honors at McGill Celle ,Montreal. At the September exami • ation he stood first in the department.: of science and logic, winning the Mc III onald scholar. ship, the value of which is two hundrel and fifty dollars. —A dastardly attem t was made a few evenings ago to bun the 81d. school- house at Wingham. A Mr, W. Sloai,. was passing that way, e saw fare is- suing from a heap of chips and rubbish on the ground at one corner of the building. He immedia ely ran over, and after getting his ands severely burned succeeded in sta mg the flames which had got up some six feet on the side of the building. ad it been un- noticed a few minutes longer the fire would have caught th roof and the h drivers, have vernment must ounae man nam - way. m the n the edi- hich the articles shown being of a splendid. quality,and showed by t work in the ladies' department t ladies of Hoick have not yet fo how to handle the needle and. pen — Messrs. W. Young, of Colborne, W. J. Hayden, of Ashfteld, and Isaac Salkeld, of Goderich Township, the judges appointed by the West iding Agricultural Society completed t eir la- bors on Friday last and awarded rizes as follows :— Turnips, 1st R. utch, East Wawanosht 2d. J. 0. St wart, Colborne; 3d, J. Salkeld, Go 1 erich township. Maugolds, 1st J. An eves, Goderich township; 2d J:Salkel ,God- erich township, 3d. J. Dickson, T cker- smith. Carrots—lst J. Boyd, Col orne; 2d J. Andrews, Goclerich towns p; 3d Salkeld,' Godericb. township. Po- tatoes had all been dug, and hen e the judges could not make any award. They report ,the roots entered as all firs -class especially mangolds and carrots. , —On Tuesday, as Mr. D. Pu s, of 1 Goderich township, was driving home with a young span of horses hitc ed in a lumber wagon, the whillletre bolt came out and the horses at once arted off at a furioue pace. Mr. Purvi • had taken up two travellers who were going to Clinton, one named j; C. Plun itt,an Americau cabinet maker from oston, and the other Mr. Renaud, a F eneli- inan, both in quest of employmen . As soon as the horses started off al three jumped out. Mr. Purvis escape out injury, but the others were si. Plunkitt had a leg broken near t lcle joint, besides some bruises. aud received a cut on the forehe with- jured. e an- Ren - d ex- tending over the eye -brows and i to the tsiketiipmte llboan.e, but nothing serious s an- -The annual show 'of the Ea. tl\ta- wanosh Agricultural Society wi lidia at Belgra.ve, on Tuesday of last weils. The show was held on the new iounds of the Society, and was in every r spent a very successful affair. The dis horses was very good as well as of attie, while sheep were more than or narily , represented, a.nd of excellent q Pigs were few, but 0110 pen in par icular was good. Wheat was remarkbl goad and other grains were of excellen sarn- ple, Roots and vegetables were i great variety, while fruit was in abun anee. Itt dairyproduce there were, some xcel- lent samples of roll butter, bu era number of entries of keg butter 011 were taken into consideration b judges. It is the old story—our • makers have to be more caref nothing upon the market requires to be of as great purity. Two splendid) sans. - pies of factory cheese, from Beav • Fac- tory, and a couple of samples of erne - made cheese, a box of honey, sonde excellent bread. In the ladies' part- ment the mast noticeable featur was two • the utter , as in las Sh to Sb st he lin sh he had done, attempted to escape 'but wa soon arrested. An inquest was he th c 00 at ic be rel ti 837811Sti tiO th fin jil sh A most melancholy affair occurred he village of Gorrie, on Tuesday of week. On that day a cabinet er named McKilligan lwent into J. Sharpin's tailor shop and an. altercation 1111 k place between McKilligan and Sharpin. During the quer el the latter ck McKilligan on the, side of the d with a lap board. Tble blow frac- ed the skull and caused' death in a rt time. Sharpin, on eeing • what d -on - tbe body of the d ' jury determined that h sed by 'the blow. The mitted for trial 'whic4 ill come off he Assizes now being held in Goder- 1.- Both parties are -suppbsed to have n the worse of liquor when the .quar- took .place. Sharpin is a young of, about 23 years of age. ,His vie- • is also a young marriediman. Great pathy is felt for the den and sad bereaveme more increases her sor is the fact that on th ceased. and s death was risoner was 11 1 oil 11 idow in hr t, and what owful condi- evening of death of her husband s e was con - d. and in the room adjoining the one •hich her late husband lay a corpse, gave birth to a daughter Perth Items new bridge has jus pl tea over the Maitland River 4th concession of Wallace. , Attheannual missiona he Id in the Bible Christian church, last week, the ban 180 was realized. The Stratford Model School was ly insVected by Mr. J. J. Tilley, Li- eber of Model Schools, and found in ex ; ellent working order. The North Perth Te hers' Con - tion is to be held at Stratford, in Central School, on Friday and Sat- • ay, October 25th and 26 h. ' The farm of the late . Andrew hem, Seuth Easthope,1 100 acres, sold by!auction last w ek for $7,- , his widow being the purchaser. Mr. James Campbell, f Wallace, d recently at the ad.vauc (lege of 85 rs. Mr. Canapbell had been for a ber of years al reside t of North sthope. - Mr. Kidd, of Mitchell, as a peach from •a stone droppe four years • this month, Which t s year has *no half a bushel of fi e peaches. T is is n precocieus growt . • Rev. Charles Walker, pastor of the tist Church, Stratford, while on a to Chicago, fell and fractured one its legs, breaking both the bones. will probably be confined to_ the se for some weeks. The annual plowing Match of the a Plowmen's Aseociation will be don. the farm of Mr. Henry Wilson, 14, concession 7, 'Elma, about a •rter of a mile west of Elma Centre, Tuesday, October 22. ; Mr. Allan Webb, who from infancy • ed near St. Marys, died recently at comparatively early ape of'42 years. . Webb 'was very muclibrespected in locality, and his death is deeply re- tied. - Rev. W. A. Wilson, M. A., ba S ac- ted the call to the Second: Presby- ian Churchin St. Marys, and will be ucted shortly. The congregation in - it to build anew brick church, and • meeting recently$2,990, more than the amount needed, was subscribed, a short time. Mr. Wendler Schuler, proprietor of been coin - ver, on the ry meeting Churcl. itt dsome stm of la sp ve th ur 11 10 di ye nu E. tr ag bo : • 11 Bs tri of 11 ho El he lo qu On. TO th BI - hi ,gr ce te in tei at ha in the Tavistock pottery, has gone to parts unknown. He made a compromise with his creditors some time last fall at 50c on the„ and payments coming due -with nothing to meet them, he theught the best -way of paying them w is to take lea bail. The hi,ghestposition in ithe lately co chided senior matriculation exami- ne ions at Toronto was awarded to Mr. N. Quance, a pupil of the St. Marys Hi h. School, who was placed first , in cl ssics and general proficiency respee- tiv ly, thus winning two scholarships, WO th, in the aggregate, $160. One day last week, in Mitchell, M D. McPhail was selling goods in . Thona's store. Overhead were a co ple of men making repairs. Just as th auctione*swas knocking down an de, and crying, ” Going ! going !" do through the ceiling came one of th men above, Mr. Noel Green, who dr pped at Mr. McPhail's feet. Seeing A. C. McDOUCALL & CO. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. Direct Importers and Dealers in. Dry doods Only. A. G. MCDFIUGALL & 00. Have a Complete Assortment of allthe ; Latest Novelties in Cloths for a First- ' Class Tailoring Trade. Your attention is invited. to our Fsll Importations, consisting in part as fol- lows . • French, Worsted Coatings, • English' Worsted Coatings, Black assimeres, Scotch, .`tkitings, Suitings,. Canadian Suitings, Rayes Suitings. This is the Latest Novelty in the Market, and is very handsome wine made up. The leading style for this Suiting is. the Four-Button'Sack. The' Hew D4wbie-Breasted Sack • for: tins Fall Will be much more in favor this BMW thanin nfeorrmer years, owing to the feet. that theis A Tendency jAmong' the Young And also some Of the mere advanced, to fall in with ttie idea •of not wearing. any overcoat. This •suit is made from a variety of' different styles , .of Goods — Diagonel Stripes, Small Checks and Plain Goods. In Overcoats there is a Marked Mange in the Style of Goods. Diagonals and Fancy Stripes are the - favorites for the nobby trade. • _ The principal new fe,atuie in the aver garments is the high roll. They will be very desirable for cold winters. • Hats and Caps. our We have on band all the latest novel- ties in American Hats. Also the celebrated Christy Hats in stiff and soft Free Trade and Protec- tion Hats. Also all the leading styles of the tia,y. We now Show the _Latest _Novelties' • in Gents' Parnishings. A very large •assortmtnt of Gettig' .Scotch Underclothing just to baud, small, men's, medium, and outsidesizea -White Shirts a Specialty. . A. G. MeDOUGALL 14 COI - ELE v&INTITI WHOLE NTJ REAL ESTATE: _ ._ .....„.....,_ :°1-tvill8eArj, a•Elitt—i INe Nte•e-estBloifilrhel ✓ easonable,„ Terms very 1ii ABMITAGE, Sedortli. iiii-i).oiiitrY volt sAi.bj, A- venient and desirable res o f Iligh and Market Street', Dz. Vereoe. Apply to DR. _ ......._ . „.., . . VARA FOR SALIL.—For § J: Of 100 acres, cornposed 1, 12th concession of the TO T:x,c rniziesitto* xi 4PP. O PI. to 'C'l B -ii—iiiii.-,LFer— Ssle. 'C. i Min, nearly new and in i vitaunatbe! sitIoldtilleilar. isTiline4 ECORD_, CO8SENS it CO., VOR SALX,T—The eubseribi •A: eon lot in the township or Huron, 20 acres aie cleared Al timbered with beech and in; will bc sold cheap. Apply t Solicitor, Bel:aortic, Ont. •• ...._..._ _ _ ._, FARfitalcotiSeelion.—F:LiSt talnin_g 65 acres, 50"I' which - good state of cultivation. '11 the village 'of Baybeld, and w JOHN GO '',E:NLOCK. on favorable terms. Apply, VOR SALB ClIBA.P..--As 1 -4-: the Country, a House -onlarpurhey. Frame 4•.ve a large garden filled with Iii criptions -' good well and eel It. WINNEt on the premise Land Agent. Sea -forth. 14•A.1231 YOU 8ALB.—Ilei "A: 81, in the 503.- Coneess: 100 _litres, goo4. Boit, well barn 56x66, good stable end cleared, good houRe and 'or pump. Apply to I AMit1 place, or to viLestfiela P. p.,H i 011017OD FARM FOR ‘--/ Coif. 7, Hallett, County, -80 clear -ed, well under,drain of , ehltivaliort ; buildings 1 terms easy. . For furthe)1 I1easrs..11cCAUG1IEY &II: or on the premises to Avg.. stance P. O. VALtilitill FARM Fii *1 uc Tyietisherni3itlt, Cllottilunit.1- IV ti tiereis, 81 Miles from the° CsoAx;e: ise nvtic tiou.::: o.olp. ? 8 best quality. For furt Br4tonavillo '. 0. • iZAR).1 FOR SA11'I'1,--1"a -1-: 'nulled, containingq0 dwellhag bouse with BtOt-6, cale:::111:16hairrede1761,w11::1: r. frame barn and stable. 1?: of linten Rua about 2 roil ply at i.rEB ExPosroat; _..... N7--- .A.- x.,-AJAntE, - FARM FJ j I' Lot 29, Con. 8, Ilibb • 85 Of 'which are tleared there is a log dwelling ho and stables, plenty of wot . itsieT,;iiathmina7piplyiniltmestobte 8,13axi 11ART, or by letter to 8ea'l vOl-k Fon sarst,';--is ' 1 -1:: it, Con. 18, township 1 acies, 42 of NOliCh WO tie There is on the premises 1 barn and stable, and a g ant •Tile above properV geO0 gravel road and qtn ..otzt.::::,nzthiospsetsf,enw11:334trusroonir.7.,s, IItAiSB AND- LOT F() AXI) dwelling,.hou. II,and. The property is :141 deuce of 8. G. McCaught* antly located. The hens, Icoortruaelirle.i.ot,Aangaolioadellswinit trees, This property wr.. to the proprietor, , 'Jon., , ,z), VAR.& FOR SALE.---. Morris; 100 acres, vety best If cultivation ; , ed, There are two Tea barn, all nearly new, ards. Theabeve farin great' road and tV0-0. Brasses. For lerroS " Brussels P. 0,, or to 0001.18es. $ 7 1)- 1:-1;s-Slit2n°atelta/arm Si168, ..:1-X.,0, County of Huron, eon -which are cleated ; ther bermes; burn, horse stab and driving house ; also water. The.farin is liit Town of Sealorth, on particulars -apply to srgia, Seaforth, or to. tor, on the premises. '61311;31nu-d7Piain''6°8171111:1::::1111surmitfret:otlielcu'ilb4pet—Iling8:19:fie;P'i satoi:ILtelohnuo.Ans:e,L,plwie7:ntontroill,T, creek runs 'through the fennes, ,aud. the land hi 7.1IC,Ii. AEL, or to MR. kith. LOt 11:, Co'. .8, 4 tatning 100 acres, 20 0 ::::or()°4ael:otlistese,4°:ratmilletib" :.„.tict)b:peoabalabenare.:nais.c.: e'lleerssfft.-°;loSrSelecert°1°431tbatehr° MOORE, on -the 1 AMIABLE FAit , _ vest half of Lot, tabling 50 acres, ica l itioformirtslas!tuTateued uwinta 11. fr• 1•14gx ne8r: nigtIcill ehatIrten-rnith40,;81111:: fenced. It is admit rieman, a dairy -Mot .liaith",Beit...r.uflarnirshiy;o. 03/:_ rito:aseilitets 11-2*40, 00)). 12, fair buildings, and slt7tvenmst:raccalfafofT.°:terib,,th!,202„7 III barn,: splen'did t Tuckersmith, 100 . 60' A. STRONG, Seal lop, 50, acres, on StI,TiBR06.,gNz2(12,5vS:cuilrth. an er ea r61 5hall l_ a c:er fee sf7inet:11'4_faiditn . : •.a:tenicaoewndibiresrale: i .duria:1 v ii nt : isat basa peg:: oie, nen: 1: . ipiabity, being a rich .little rolling, but ' hbeathall:b11;se'rtriesisl)bflin8aiixdin3:1,:, ' ' plums peaches au 11 house ana stable t ' rviteennatedstillddill0 milgevsli • :hollexusa aestriusollamalaerx:theendt: roadirom the VA( , , isphoinileesrteoll:sechsTioo: pin) of the place, remain on mortgag