HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-18, Page 78, 187g. E3SL ndepen(lent .glec- :nty of Huron; a question ot Free. Traile now the all absorbing fey net be oat of piece to you. as to What We. ritliont Protection. We a Single Buggy, Paraily actable Carriage aa 41 for as lean a pricei ne. Or establishment see quality of GM' work ey tor doing that wore nest Protection we can libled us to build tip B. team. We have ROW IA 1,1lier Of very handsome (le from the best raa— orkrean, and which we . tell. All are cordially there. We have also vehicle!. which we will • Promptly attended te, 1! way clear to give us. a r, spending- your money Truly, BUILDERS, PaFORTH, Olerla VAREROGNIS RTH. FURNITURE IN WNTY. !. Large Stock of NEW ke best Factories in Can - sell cheaper than any cash down and gat a rill 80. ytid Legq for '62. 1, for Sr./. 50. for 325. i41 15. I cents. steads, 4x4, � feet long„ . ,scatts, projection fronts, :y low. :iis, 601f t 8 01171- -ES", 1 Ca?1,91.01 be tting Wheels very low. A CALL. ur house for a little opposite M. B. Corm- : Establishment, Main 4, Wool and Wool Pick -- IN S. PORTER. . a position ta furniith ly ono in the place. UNDERTAM... T & BOX, :›FrrH, telt Wareroarns,. as _Handsome a erery Des - :he found im any leinent in Huron, are prepared to lunder their own super-- 4utee it as to quality. kDE 'r0 ORDER rA tdsonte Hearse, th.ey are 4 undertaking in all its ksonable terms. unlertaking business 30 P-LulD,.. y and destroys all offen- contagion arising from )1,70,0T & BOX — Ovum r LAND AGENCY.. STRONG t First-class Stock, Fire :input , and is proper- 11.-111LE ERMS. f th b,•st Loan Socie- mut purchase of Fax= • FIRST...CLASS UM - S FOR SALE. rfl S Per (Vent. reet. tar Line of Steamers. ,trison'a Store, Main -St AGE, tutered into eo-part. to meet the wants of anI others who may a-ricra to and from the nil elsewhere on most way be /eft at Joseph viill receive prompt .RMAN BROWN'ELL. iEflI ABELL. 560 rinciaI Land Sarveyor Orders.by mail prompts AlPHELL,Mitchelle OMBER 8, 1878. Itenas ef Interest. ars\ttersi are rapidly growing from , Isa 'to wairse in : conneetfon with the -municipal' affairs in Quebec city. One alderman Stated the other night that he thought the Council ought to pass a resolution laeknowledging their inability fe conduct the, affairs of the city; said wog the citizens to place their duties a the hands of others. No state of ai- des could possibly be worse than that which now exists. --T9 prevent the shrinkage of flannel, &French Manufacturer has found high- pressure steam of great value. He folds tho flannel loosely, -and then places it in a aa containing a _perforated bottom. through' .Which super -heated steam is admitted ; the latter ienters the fabric -with a certain force, which fixes the Ours of the wool in such a manner that fulling, as Nvell as washing, causes no .shrinkaae.i. : - —A. Stpringfield, Mass., Wellafert swal- lowed a needle eight years ago, and it has been driftiug about in her body ever since, and recently appeared in one of her limbs iust beneath the akin; but she refused to have MI operation per- formed for its removal, and fthas now disappeore I again. Once before the needle sho -ed itself, but it was then in the ear, whence it could. not be safely taken. —The C -own Princess of Germany, who is ars the Prineesi Royal of Eng- land; is aa, d to be a model, of thrift. She blow out superfluous candles, thereby a precating waste; gets Iler .children's essea turned. aad dyed, a,n example i high quarters which will be a relief t many a mother Who has done the ame thing in hard. times ; and she 1 dm up delicacies where ser- vants can ot reach thea and give them away to " ollowers." --Twena -five years ago Wm. Ross, SO says th x Manchester Guardian, left his wife, t whom he had. been married but four e oriths, at Bolton, and came to Americ He went to Savannah, be- anie a, ma hale maker, opened a rice mill, was chief steamboat inspector, and died last month, leaving an estate valued at $100,000, which she is coming over to America to obtain. For 10 years she and helasistee had made a poor -liv- Mg by taking lodgers. i • —A Leeds eentleman, in a letter to ' the Times,_ statles that the bronze green silk gloves now so fashionable among ladies are pOiSOTIOUS, owiug to the pres- ence of arsenic m the dye. His sister, he says, after wearing a pair for a, day or two, was- attacked with a peculiar blistering arid swelling of both bands, which incrOtised to such_ an extent that for three weeks she was compelled to carry her bands in a sling, suffering &onto pain, and. being, of course, unable *either to. feed or dress herself. For weeks after her hands were still swollen to bible their natural size. - —Rev. "Prof. Repine, late classical master at the Huron College, London, died inthe city en Sabbath last. He i wan araduate of the Dublin University, wheret'he 0 rtained his degree, but had lived. in thi country for a long Mine, and was nitimotely known and much regretted. throughout the diocese of London. lie was a man of rare sch.ol- istie attainments, but quiet and unob- trusive in his manner. He was a broth.- er of the gentleman who gained such celebrity in the United States a few years ago by hie writings under the nom -de plume o' " Miles O'Reilley." —A. few davs ago a drover hailing from the vicinity of Drurabo, purchased &carload 0- lambs in the neighborhood of Deist° k. Parties delivered their lambs on the day stated and. expected tabs paid accerding to agree•ment, but ui quite a lumber of cases the drover's story of the bargain was 25 cents less per head than the. seller's. Among others gulled was Mr. Schaefer, Reeve of South Ilasthope, who, we learn, got a warrant and sent a constable after the drover, but failed to get him as he had got across the lines before proceed- ings were taken. It would be well .for farmers to; know something about the men they deal with as well as the,price, and not letithemselves be swindled and fooled by every tramping humbug in the countr- just now. —A Listowel correspondent says :-- A- respectably dressed Highland lady, calling herself Miss McLeod, has been canvassing the town this -week soliciting aid to assist her in carrying a lawsuitto the Privy .Council in Eugland. She hails frem Nova Scotia, where she claims that her father owned a farm which wasitaken from him fraudulently by a neighbor, who is now a member of the House of Commons at Ottawa, and that being ejected from the farm, he was compelled to take up his residence in a barn, whelp he succumbed to the sever- ity of the weather. She brought suit and lost it. and now seeks funds to eu- a.ble her to carry it to the Pi ivy Council in. Englaud. She says her Scottish spunk would never allow her to let her rights be tOkerii from her in that way. —The P oche (Nev.) Record has this to sav ef " Rel. '' Kenner, a man recent - 1Y killed rear Cherry Creek: a Al- though Red Reimer was a Wild. and. reckless 's ort,' and had lived in the inenatains for a number of years, ho never fella t -his old mother back.in the States, am after selling his mining pro - [Tay dowi at Silver Reef for some WOO or„ -00,000, he took a trip home, purchased his mother a nice and com- fetabIe h( ruestead, and. gave her uear- 1Y Z40,900 0 keep leer faun want in hoz- *, age, hen returned. to his -wild mounLin Tided for f home with a light heart laming t. rat his mother was well pro- ws earth:r the halauce of her days ou Ne matter liow many Red's 'ins max le, his kindness to hie mother 74-Inepoebolpitieet:H:te them all in the 03'es of th --The death of Dr. Carruthers, at In.- Yerness, recently, causes a blank in lit- erary circles in the north of Scotland, 1 where he as regarded as the pioneer Gt eVerythillb a that tallaea to aelva.n.ce eaetasDe the ,..t of the Highlands. The °doe WM born iii Durntries in 1798, .and after being for some time engaged in terary pursuits, he Cattle to- Inver- 4,.'ss ia lals to sub -edit the Inverness warier, then in its infancy. A. few Y'ara afttawOrde 111r. Carruthers he - tame sole . editor and. proprietor, and since th.en his name has been well con - !eared xvitili the literature of Scotland.. '41.871 thh hailer of LL.D. was confer - on Tr. Carruthers, and. shortly thereafter Le was eutertaiued to dinner Y hie townsmen, arid a bust of him was agacerl hi he Towu Hall, executed by Wher the degree of LL.D. was ;se::: lnaw, the lamented Mr. Min- ium in 1871, Professor aePhers n mentioned that he was not only known as the editor of the Inver- ness Courier, but as the editor of the best rendered edition of Pope'e poems, and in various other walks of literature the deceased Doctor was well known. —A_ lady in StratfOrd was somewhat surprised the other morning by hearing the crashing of glass in her dining roorn. • Thinking some one had thrown a stone at the window she proceeded to look up the extent of • the damage. The floor was covered with splinters of glass and in the corner the lady saw a full-grown partridge, which with the proverbial blindness of its kind, had failed to see the window. It was none the worse for the shock, and was kept a prisoner for several days when it was allowed to go free. —As a Kansas City lawyer was going to his office the other day, he noticed a red suspender lyinabon the top of some freshly caved earth. He stooped 'to _pick the suspender up, but it stretched. and refused to come. Digging 4lown with his hand., he soon found the dead body of a boy. Much alarmed, he be- gan. to dig with a spade, and. to his horror unearthed the bodies of two more, who had been buried alive by the caving in of ana embankment on which they had been. playing the night before. —Mr. Christian K. Ross, father of the lost Charlie, has been appointed Master Warden of the Port of Phila- delphia at a yearly salary of $2,500. "1 have spent all the money -I had and all the moneY I could get hold of in my search,” said Mr. Ross, when • asked how much his efforts to find his lost son had (gist him. Mr. Ross says that including the 820,000 given by the Citizen's Committee, nearly $80,000 has been expended in efforts to restore the lost child to his parents, amid he does not propose to give up the search so long as lile can get the means' to pursue it. —& c rrespondent of an English jour- nal, Who. has been out in the woods - early in the morning, taking notes of the habits of the birds, thinks the old say- ing, "rising with the lark," means more, at this Season of the year, than many suppose. As early as 3,a. in. he heard the larks singing high up in the sky. It was then twilight, and not 'an- other bird was stirring; but a quarter of an hour later the rooks began to caw, and. fiye minutes after the plover was heard. The blackbird followed, then the thrush, and soon after 3.30 all the birds were in full song, and eontinued. until 4.30, when they were all silent, evidently either feeding or building their nests. The writer adds that he finds birds so tame in the early morn- ing that they will allow any person to approach quite close; but after five a. m. they bercorne wild again, while they rarely sing- if the temperature is below than 45degrees. • Canada Thistles. 1?. D. Curtis, in the New York Tri- bune, says when he found thistley •lots were avoided for corn, because there was too much hoeing to be done to keep them down, and the boy had. found out that- the more you cultivate Canada thistles the more rots you make, and the more roots, however small, the more sprouts and thistles. Thistles in oats and barley are a nuisanee, as spring crops were put into the thistley field as seldom as possible.. Well, what was done? The thistley - fields were made ae rich as possible and thickly seeded down with clover and timothy. At the first mewing there would be big, lusty thistle stalks, large enough for. walking caues, but always afterwards the rem- nants would be -seatteriug and sickly, and in two or three years none would. be left. Manure and meadows is the remedy for Canada thistles; the more manure and the more mindow the. bet- ter. If you can make a:Canada thistle grow big Etna hollow, and cut it in •hot weather, its own juice Will cause 'fer- mentation and rot. This will; kill it. Grass will choke them out, ancl cultiva- tion will increase them. This is the lona and short of thistles. ; Auction Sales. Wednesday, October 23, on the farm ot George Sproat, Thorough -bred. Stock and Farm Implements, ,IGeorge Sproat, Proprietor ; J. P. Brine, Auctioneer. Wednesday, Oct. 23, on North half Lots Nos. 14 ea:Al 15, McKillOp, --Farm, Farm Stock and Implements. -Robert • Brotherston, proprietor ; - 0. Hamilton, auctioneer. Monday, Oct. 28, on lot 17,: con. .a, Babylon Line, ' Stanley, Farm Stock and. Implements. Wm. Graluan, pro- prietor; Wm. Harrison, auctioneer. 0.0 Tuesday, Oct. 22, on lot 1.2con. 8, Usborne, Foam Stock and Imple- meuts. David Annan, proprietor; A Bishop, auctioneer. Thursday, Oct. 24, ou Lot 22, Con.i 9, Morris, Form Stock and Implements. James Kelly, proprietor; C. Re Cooper Lula. 3-aines Stretton, auctioneers. Saturday, Oct. 26, iu the village of Hensall, Desirable Village. Lots. Wm. Moir, proprietor; A. Bishop, auctioneer. Friday, Oct. 25, on Lot 28, Con. 7, Usborne, Farm, Farm Stock and Im- plements. Wm.' Dinning, proprieter ; A. Bishop, aucti!oneer. Thursday, Oct: 31, at the Commer- cial Hotel, Seaforth, aFirst-cloes Farm. Wm. Bell, proprietoi. ; John' Bullard, auctioneer. Local Ndotices.. Warm).— Any qu ntity of DresSed. lami at D. D. Bose's. 563 , Mits. 3. E. Thomas, Dress and. Man - 1 tle Maker, Baet *Side -of Viet ria Square, Seaforth. VERY fine Fathily our, grou id from pare Fife ,and white wheat. Pastry Flo r at D. D. RosCs. o63. THE best value in Teas, Coffees, Su - i gaa-s, Syrups, Spices, Tobac os _Raisinsi gamuts, &c., &c. , in Seaforth, at II. :Rose's, 1,563. THE . SERIn STORE. Call' andesee our Catalogue of Hyacinths mil other Dittch Flower , Roots—a fine variety—at lit LOGAN & `CO's. 566' Wer. HILL & CO., RECEEIEW.—We are now showintr a• large stock of fall ;beefs and shoai at prices that cannot tail to satisfy -the closest buyer. WI. HAL & Co., Brucefield. -5p THE CHEAPEST place in town 0 buy your Groceries is'et M. MORRISON'S; 12 pounds good bright sugar ?or :el; 20 pounds good. cm ants for $1; and everything else in the grocery line at re- duced rates. 566-2 THE SEED STORE.—Fein Saki at R. • Logan .&. Co's, Thorley's Improved Horse and Cat- tle Food—the best food in the merket: Sole Agents for Seaforth, -R. Loom.; & T., Sign of the Aram- -moth Turnip, Seaforth. 56 ' Tim VERY BEST STONE:—China Tea Sets at wreses & YOENG'S,' S.2 25 ;.Handsome gold. band tea sets for $4 50: -4 piehes toilet sets,,S1 20; stone butter crocks, fruit . jai's and everything in the above line at bottom prices. 563 AGEN,TS WAN TED, in every TOWD and. Township in the counties of Huron, Bruce, Perth, Oxford, Waterloo, and Middlesex, to sell and ad- just to -windows Munn's Patent Sash Regulator, can be applied to any window, and is preferable to weights at half the cos accompany all applicatio Seaforth- 562 THE MAMMOTH T Flour, Graham Flour, Barley, Split Peas, Wes in the feed line at botto Co's, Sign of the /damn . NEW STYLES.—W just opened out a large latest styles of Glasswar THE HUR6N EXT -'0511014. Good references must 8. JAS. A. CLImE & Co., RNIP—Fine Family ye Flour, Corn Meal, Pot Corn, and everything prices,et R. Low& th Turnip, Seaforth. 566 LSON & YOUNG have cousignment of the very , Beautiful sets for 50e and upwards. Also a gr4tt variety of lamps, globes, shades and chimney; at a great reduction for cash. 563 SEEGMILLER, C.ui forth, exhibit two Chille manufactured by South one of which is finish and are apoken of by far nos FREE PRESS. 566 ALLEN'S GROCER Teas, Sugars, and Genera 'ER & Co., of Sea - Iron Mould -Board Plow., end Iron Works) Indiana, like a parlor oniament, ers very favorably.,--Lon- .—Extra Value in Groceries, Whole Spices, Pickling Vinegars, But er Bowls, Prints and Ladlea, 'Butter Creeks, , Milk Crocks, Brooms, Brushes, Palle, Wash°de Wash Tubs, &c. T1 Shop No. -3, Mrs. Whitne 'i; k. Vm 1 ALL. RECEIVED this leek. at M. Mom - 801118 ; a large stock of fr %le new Seasoned Teas, loung Hysons, Congo were bought in the best prices ; parties wishing eheap can call at M. Mo good tea for e51. 566-2 , and Japans; these teas Market and at bottom a good cup of tea very uniosas and get 3 pounds EPPS'S COCOA.—G .a,teful and comfort- . ing.—" By a thorou h knowledge of the natural laws whic govern the opera- tions of digestion a d nutrition, and by a careful applicatio i of the fine proper- ties of well select cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our b eakfast tables with a delicately flavor4d beverage, which may save us -many ieavy doctor's bills. It is by the judiciou use of such articles of diet that a consti ution may be grad- ually built up until trong enough to re- sist every teudencyl to disease. Hun - ladies are floating o attack wherever t. We may escape. y keeping ourselves &reds of subtle m around us ready there is a weak p many a fatal she, well fortified with pure blood, and. a properly- nourished 1 frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold o led—" ja,mes Epps ie Chemists, 48, and 170, Piccadilly, Deep rivers move -with brooks aro. noisy. Like the man with good hea ly in packets label - Co. Homoeopath- eadneedle Street, London." 482-52 silent nuteeety ; shallow he majestic river moves th—like the brook the man dith ill health, alwa s hawking, pulling, blow- ing, until he is repulsi e even to his friends. hs, - quinsy, influenza, 'mired complaints may Pectoral Balsam. For per bottle. Freeman's le most ealutary effects. Hoarseness, colds, co asthma, bronchitis, and be cured with Hagyard' gale by all dealers; 25 Worm Powders produce tylireat West , En Railway. Trains leave Brussels tation, north and south, as under: GOING NORTH. GOIl1G SOUTH. Afixed .10:25 A. M. Mail 6:15 A. M. Accom.. .... 9:08 P: i. Accom 12.15 A.. M. Mail 2:58 P M Mixed 7:35 P. M. Grand Trulak Railway. Trains leave Seaforth nd Clinton Stations as follows : GOING WEST— SEAF RTII. CLINTON. Expeess 2:25 P. M. 2:45 P. M. Express 8:58 P. M. 9:20 P. M. Mixed Train0:0O -A. 11. 10:00 A. M. GOING EAST— • SEA. CRTH. CLINTON. Mixed Train.7:521A. M. 7:27 A.M. Expiesa Train1:15P. M. 12:50 P. M. Mixed Train5:00 P. M. 4:25 P. M. , Mixed Train10:8 A.M. le:00 A.M. London, Flur n and Bruce. GOING Nonni— - ail. Mixed. Express. P M. A. M. P.M. London, depart.... 15 5 55 6 6 Exeter 85 8 05 7 25 Hensel] 52 8-84 7 14 Kippen 58 8 44 7 58 Brucelled 08 9 00, 808 Clinton 25 9 45 8 25 , P.M. Blyth 52 , 10 32 8 53 Wingham, avrivc.. G 25 11 30 9 2e GOING SOUTH— •• M xed. - Mail. Express. AM. A. II. P.M. Wingham, depart... 155 7 00 6 15 Blyth. Clinton Brucefield Kippen RensalI ' Exeter 1.5 785. 6 55 ld 801 724 140 818 748 1 57 8-28 758 2 05 834 804 50 849 803 REAL ESTAT FOR SALE. 1:1- OUSE AND LOT r R. SALE.—For Sale, a a -k- frame dwelling hou -e and one-fifth acre of land. The property is s hotted opposite the resi- dence of S. G. MeCaughe3,-Esq„ and is very pleas- ' ently located.- The hous is convenient tuid eome' ! f f °Amble, A good. well nd cellar. The lot is a ! corner lot and has in it , few choice bearing fruit trees. T1 is property will be sold cheap.' Apply to the proprietor., JOHA ATKINSON.. _ ___...6.61_ ' 1 'ARM FOR SALE.—Sttli half Lot 29, Con. 3, Morris; 100 acres, 8. aures cleared and, in the nty best of cultivation j • 3i. well fenced end. water - .d. There are two feanie houses aud a frame aril, all nearly new, s,n.d;two good bearing orch- rds. The above farm isonly hell it inile off a graxel road and two-ini 1 -a -hall miles north of Brussels. For terms !only to 0. R. COOPER, Brassels P. • 0,, or to AJ1X. ING.RA115,5o6nx1t5he Premises. , VARM .FOR SALE.—Tlitit well-known andline- I: ly siteated hum, Lot1, Oen. 1, Hallett, in the - County of Ifuron, containing 100 acres, 90 of which aro cleared; there are two frame dwelling houses, barn, horse stable, cow stable, sheep -house and driving house ; also orchard and. abuedance of water. The farm is eitueted two miles from the Town of Seaforth, on the Htnem Road. For full particulars apply to MOCA_UGHEY & HOLME- STED, Seaforth, or to SI1MON YOUNG, proprie- tor, on the premises. 553-4x 1.7ARM FOR SALE.—]?op Sale, that most desir- -1- able fanu, being Lot 1, Con. 6, in the town- ship of Hullett, sitnitted 1 miles from Kinburn. and 6 miles from Seafortt... There are excellent building.; on the pramisiee Mcluding a first-class stone house, two storey, $'0 4.iy 40 feet. A.spring creek runs through the fain; good orchard, good fences, and tho landin ar excellent state of cul- tivation. Apply on the pkemises to. JAMES Me - MICHAEL, or to MB. JiiiI.LES H. BENSON, Sea - forth. 562 ..— ATALUABLE FARM -FOR SALE.-aFor Sale, v Lob 11, Con. 8, H. R. S., Tuekersmith, con- taining 100 acres, 00 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, being well underdrain- ed, the balance is good hardwood. bush. Good stone house, frame barn and steblee; well watered, and good. bearing orchant Ie situated about 5 miles from Seaforth and rucefield, and 13/ from Kippen. School close by, and all other conveni- ences. For further pait culars apply to DAVID MOORE, on the prone' es, or to Egmondyille 54.3 P. a. ... , yAtuABLE FARM F It SALE.—For Side the west half of Lot 27,1 Con. .13, McKillop, con- taining 50 acres, known x4 the Deigle estate. This &rim is situated within o e mile and a quarter of Seadorth. The land -is f the choicest quality. ft There is a handsome resi mice and good outbuild- ings. The farm is well pi nted with fruit and or- namental trees, is in e eellent order, and .well fenced. It is admirably . lilted for a retired- gen- tleman, a dairy -man, or' arket gardener. Terms , easy. This property mus be sold. at once. Apply to A. STRONG, Seaforth . . _ ... . 539 VABAIS FOR SALE.— ,ot 21, Con. 12, Afeltil- -1; lop, -50, acres, ooN..rt ern Gravel Road, 8 miles f ram Seeforth; frame Willi/1gs' and orchard. West half Lot 99; Con. 9 McKillop, 50 s.eres, 40 -cleared, frame buildings good orchard; 5 miles from Seaforth, on gravel oad. South -half of Lot 20, Con. 12, McKillop, 5t acres, 25 cleared, frame barn, splendid timber. Lot 1, Con. 8, H. R. S., Tuckersinith, 100 acres,2 acres cleared, orchard, fair buildings, and slim creek running through the farm; 3 miles froin Seaforth. Apply to A. STRONG, Seaforth. 1 • , 543 VARM IN HULLETT FOE SALE.—For Sale -1: Lot 6 Con. 14, Hull. tt, containing 158 acres, 100 of which -are eleare , underdramed, and in first class order; the b41ance is timbered with hardwood and cedar; the soil is of the best quality; there isa fine stone bone with nal necessary con- veniences, also good fr me barns, stables and sheds; there is a large b aring orehard and plenty of water; convenient tb schools, churches and. post office; there is a gbod gravel road leading from it to all the neighb ring markets; it is -with- in 12 miles from Sealer , 8 from Brussels and 4 from Blyth. Also a fnrxi of 100 acres, Lot 4, Con. 5 Morris. Apply to the proprietor on the prem- ises or to'Harlock P. 0. JOHN WATT. 562 EC.A 11. (liikIERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, N-/ Solicitors in Chancery, etc., Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506 WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commis- sioner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected on reasonable terms. 366 B. L. DOYLE, rioter, Attorney, Solicitor in lAelkurrl %JUG.. Mail elle oezuortn. en. ace, over Jordan's Drag Store, GI . erich, end Kidd's Store, Seaforth.; , 354 MALCOMSON & WATSON, Barrie ere, Atter. neys, Solicitor.; in Chancery, &., Clinton, Ont. Office—First door eiist of the «ew Roysl Canadian Bank building. Money to lo n on farm property. S. MALCOMSON. 404 G. A WATS016 AfeCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED,Ba 4-7-a• tornoyi at Law, Solicitors in Ch Insolvency, Notaries Public and Ci iolicitors for the 11.0-, Bank, Seaforth. ;he Canada :`,.ife Assurance Company , N.B.---410,000 to lend at 8 per ee Rouses and Lots for sale., G.."liiiib-ir-C-jiIYER,--Iarrister:, torneys - at - Law, Solicitors in &c. Private funds to loan at a low ra est, and nn terms to suit borrowers Goderieh and Wingham. Office in building, opposite Scott's Bank. d . T. GARROW. H. W. C. W W. G. Meyer, Solicitor Coneolid Df Canada, Wingham. risters,At. ncery and i voyancere Agontsfor , t. Farms 53 and At- Chancery, 'e of inter- Offices— angdale's IdEYER. ted Bank JOIZENSON & MEYER, Banisters an Attorney 4-' at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and nsolvency, 3onveyancer6, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sea' !orth and Brussel s . $23,000 of Privet - -Fund a to , nves t at once, at Eight percent. Inter s t, payable rearly. 63 J A8. 11. BENSON. Ft. W. 0. METER. The above firm has this day been . ssolved by mutual consent. All accounts due , he firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pa all liabil- ities. , Nov. 27 1876 JAMES II. : ENSON . , . H. W. C. . oYER. " It ILEDICA.1.. . . 1 G. SCOTT, M. D. &c., Physician, S. rgeon and " • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Olt , o and resi- dence south side of Goderieh Street, first door ea st of Presbyterian Church. 342 fl L. VERCOE, M. D., q. M., Phy ician,Sur. • geon,-ete., Coronerfor the dounly of Huron Office and Residence, on 'Jarvis st eet north, directly opposite Seaforth Public Soh ol. • Axr A. ADAMS, M. D., late of Lek .fteld, Ont., v V • Physician, Surgeon and much ene . Graduate of the University of Trini y College, Toronto. Memberof the Royal Coll ge of Phy- sicians and Stugeons, Ont. Kinbeen Ont. 485 WM. HANOVER, M.D., C. M., eraduati of Y v McGill University, Physician S rgeon and Aeconchenr, Seaforth. Ont. Ofdco Rooms in Meyer's Block lately ocenpied by Dr. 'Man, and formerly by the latp Dr, King. Will attend at Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Friday 496 . DMcNAUGHT, Veterinary Surge n, Grade • ate of Ontario Veterinary Colleg , Seaforth, Ont. Office and Residence in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. Calls promptle attended t I , night or day. A stock of veterinary medicine an hand Chargee reasonable. Horses examined Bt.) sound- ness and certiffiettes given if required. 407 JAMES W. ELDER, V. 8., Graduate " Ontario Veterinary College. After two' years to practice with Professor Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office residence oast of W. M. Church. Calle attended to by day or night. A large Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. examined -as to soundness.and corbifiettes Horses bought and sold on commission. of the devoting Smith, of at his promptly stock of Horses given 424 iitielft2, i_i- DERBYSHIRE. -a• -a- • Surgeon Dentist, 11114iiiiA of the 'Royal College L. D. F.I., Graduate of Dental o. Office Rooms in Street, Surgeons of On tar hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Mrs. Whitney's new brick block, Main Seaforth. __._. . 1 GREAT AUCTION SALE Yr s by Mr. action, on 26th, 50 and in a are all of an London, one of the centres in re - purehase of the and the , per cent. 566-3 7.t.IT-al.e.A.G1- I.Jo IN THE FLOURISHING VILLAGE OF HENSALL. m R. A. BISHOP has been instruceod -15-2- WM. 310IR to sell by Public A the premises, on SA.TURDAY, OCT 33ER 1878, at 1 o'clock P. M., sharp, between 75 Village Lots. These lots are situated convenient portion of the Village, and good eligible lots and contain oneeifth acre each. Hensan is situated on the Huron, and Bruce Railway, and is mot proniieing and flonriehing trade the Province. The lots will be sold sithout sere. TERMS—Teri per cent. of the nifty on the -day . of sale; ten per et. bal nee on the first of January, 18'9, balance on time to suit purchasers at interest. WILLIAM 11.101R, Proprietor. A. BISHOP, Auctioneer. THE CONSOLIDATED OF CANADA!. SANK rated 1833; -ST.. at any payable _ MANAGER _., WINE _ MEDI- .1.... Ng ..1 ca. VITAL . - $14.4100,:000. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorpc and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Incorporated 1864. SEAFORTH BRANCH. . . DOMINION BLOGK, MAIN SEAFORTH. Drafts on New York Payalde Bank in the United States. Dille of Exchange on Londm tt all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID ON .DEPOS1TS. M. P. HAYES, 111 SACRAMENTAL PURE GRAPE WINE • —FOR-- SACRAMENTAL AND " CINAL PURPOSES —AT— • LUMSDEN . & WILSON'S, • SAAFORTH. i " AIRS. 0. M. DUNLOP'S Fall Term Music will open on Sept. 16k. should give i -their names previous ii the opening of, the class. Those not . ing Instruments can be accommodated i with use of Piano or Organ at vere erate rates. Seaforth, Sept. 7, 187 , in Pupils to hay - mod- . 561 LUMBER FOR ALE. . PINE 'R, at the ILLOP. ORTH, ed. , TIFAILOCK, First Quality, $1.1 per ( from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORD All Lengths, from 10 to 50 Feet PONY MILL, IN Mc : The Subscriber has also LUMBER YARD IN SEA' Wheretall kinds of Lumber eau be ob . 479 • THOMAS DOWNEY, 4 7 BRUSSELS HARDWARE 1 STORE. JAMES DREWE Having completed the ENLARGX- MENT of his premises and in- creased his stock of HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, And also added a complete ASSORTMENT OF TI NIViTARE, HAS NOW ONE OF THE 'Largest Stocks of r . IN THE 'COUNTY, AND INVITES ALL WHO ARE WANTING THE ABOVE GOODS TO COME AND EXAMINE THE GOODS AND COMPARE PRICES. The following goods are offered at SPECIALLY REDUCED. prices : AnERICAN NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, JAMES' WHITE LEAD LINSEED OIL, MACHINE OILS, Szc AT THE SIGN OF THE "PA_IDT_,CDOK, FURNITURE. FURNITURE. M. ROBERTSON, CABINETMAKER AND -UNDERTAKER HAS AGAIN OPENED A Retail Furniture Store Two Doors North of his Ohl Stand, ebosite Waddell & Co.'s Dry Goods Store, where he is prepared TO SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. UNDERTAKING Attended to as Usual. 1 A Large Stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, &c., :away/ on hand. 531 KIDD'S HARDWARE. M. ROBERTSON. RECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS IAMERICAN CUT NAILS, 'SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, eie• FENCING WIRE IlD BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Description. Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE 1 Pat up on the Shorttst Notice and Warranted. Special Inducements to Cash, and: Prompt Paying Customers. JOHN KIDD. THE HENSALL PORK FACTOV. , G. & J. PETTY Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED ALL KINDS OF CURED. MEATS Constantly on Hand. FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK OUTTINGS, Ste. 526 G. Ilk J. PETTY. tal 0 0 4;- F.4 W 1-3 ; 0 H 02 ' L 0 13:1 1-3 THE= BEST.' IN THE MARKET eei 0 0 1-3 ee, V, t:5 r3 tes 0=- 1-3 92 0 /-3 L74 0 I 0 1 WATERLI IE, FRESH AND 000D. NEW BRUNSWICK CALCINLD PLASTER, 1 4.1 aids' Y.)uw'I V NOSNHOr SEI2HLO S `I-I_LEIOdV3S CP WALL PAPER, BORDERS, WIND -OW BLINDS. PRP c3! pcf I show in the above lines this year it FINER 1 STOCK and BETTER VALUE than over before offered in F-1-{ 4;. AND DRESSMAKING. iSS SCOTT My Patterns are ALL NEW, and having bought direct from the manufacturers, I can sell at prices that cannot be beat. Also Xoth Proof Carpet Lining a Low Prices. p). ALWAYS IN STOCK FULL LINES SCHOOL BOOKS, MISCELL AN- EOUS BOOKS, OFFICE STA- TIONERY, &e. CLINTON BOOK STORE, tri Express and Telegraph, 0-6ce. JAMES A. YUILL. t -7-1i. • STOVE AND TIN EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH. MRS. WHITNEY, WI:4MS once more to remind her many T1 friends and customers that she is now bet- ter prepared than ever to supply ell their wan• ts in her line. She has one of the most complete assortments of THE OLD ESTABLISHED . ST10"VS, Z. Both Coal and Wood, Cooking, Hall and Parlor, of the latest designs that can be found in any 7:3 town ia the county, and at prices as low as the tilowest. Her assortment of TI1TWAEtE ' > Was never better or MOT8 varied. COAL OIL, Both Wholesale and Retail at a very slight ad- vance on manufacturer.. prleos. Repah•ing an& Eave-Troughing promptly attended to and en- tire satisfaction guaranteed. BRUCEFIELD. For the better s:ccomodation of her customers Mrs. Whitney has opened a branch store in Brucefleld, where will be found it complete stock of everything in her line. She would direct par- ). ticular attention. t\o and invite inspection to her I> Stoves, whieh intending purchasers shonld see eri before purchasing elsewhere. Remember when yoa come to Seaforth or Bracefield don't leave E) without inspecting my stock. It will be time ' well spent. MRS. WHITNEY, Seaforth and Brucelleld. BEGE1 leave to a/loot/nee to the Ladiee of, Sea - forth an surrounding country that slip has commenced dessmaking in all the LATEST TYLES AND VARIATIONS, And hopes by silty to merit Rooms eve Main Street, . Six apprent eatness, Good Work and Punctu the patronage of all. Lumsden & Wilson's Dnig tore, eaforth. ces wanted. 59 e'ae tea 1. 0 ZI ,1T�I- A aav sz V43 axis no . SV H0I1S THE CHEAP FAMILY GROCERY. L. MABEE Begs to inform his friends and the public that be has on hand one of the NICEST and FRESH. EST Stocks of Groceries in town, and as he sells for Cash, he SELLS CHEAP, Giving his purchasers the benefit of what others who do not do eo lose in bad debte and pay in In. terest to wholesale men. FLOUR AND FEED - ...I Always on hand. Goods delivered in town free -I of charge. Remember the stand, opposite the Commercial Hotel, in the M , FRAME BLOCK. L. MABEE EGG EMPORIUM. cn— • The subscriber hereby thanks hie nun Nen* 2 en stomers(merebau ts and ahem) for their 4.3,1 patronage during the past seven years, and hopes by strict integrity andclose attention to bueinesa, to merit their confidence and trade in thefuture. • 1 Having greatly enlarged his premises, dmine the winter,lie is now prepared to pay the . • HIGHEST CASH PRICE to 1 For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM Main_Street,Sesforth. Wanted by the subscriber 25 1ons of good dry X clean WHEAT STLAW. rn L. D. WILSON. MAR IAGE LICENSES Olt (EKTIEICATES -(Tild the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSI OR OFFICE, SEAFORTO. Under an th o ty t the Lieu tenant -G °veneer Jett lie. ‘9113 NUM o1%VINO M. Mon 'sox has now on hand. a full stock of C kery, Glassware and. Lamps-4ods which will sold at a irmall advance on icost; Good Glass ts 14 piee(A) for 50 cents. 5664 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY etallE subseriberbegs leave to thank his numerous "1- CUB toners fot tho liberal patronage extendedie him sinte commencing IRIBiRCSS 111 Seafortia, and trustethet he may be favored with a continuer,* of the same. Parties intending to build yenta do well to .give hina a 00.11,8B he will continue to keep on hand 'a arge stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, fi AM E DOORS, BLINDS, .MOULDING'S, SHINGLES, LATH, A'TC. ' He feelsconfident of givingsatisfSetionto those woo may -favour hire with theirpittroriage, as none 'but first-claPeworamen areemployed. Partici:ilia at ten Lion paid t oCuetore Pluniing 203 JOHN H. BRO.ADFOOT. HAIR DRESSING. MISS _STARK ISHES to inform the Ladies of Seaforth and Vicinity that She is prepared to make tap SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, &e., In the Latest Fashion from Combings. Prices Moderate, and all orders punetuallyet- tended to. A call eolleited. Reeidenee—Main Street, Seaforth. BUTTER. BUTTER. :EDWARD CASH II AGAIN BUYING , Sweet Even Colored Butter, in Firkins or Rolls_ 550 GODERICH STREET, sEAmaarti. DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy in espee-ially recommended as An unfailing cure for Seminal 'weakness te8Permney,$-at:drrile."i ir°- 11,diselPses that follow ae a se- queioce of Self abnise, , Gre "CAB Loss of Memory, lifter akin& I 'Universal Lassitude, Prirs in the )3ack, Ditenees 1 . . diseases o 1 Vision, tAP tr 0 1 n aleads t.' 11 rtoe OxiLdaAgnite; or rneolrallnamrty0 pitihoern ; and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are '.. first caused by deviating from the Path of nature 1 and. over intl./last/ea' The Speciffe Medicine is i the result of a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating these special disease& Pam- ' phlet free by mail. The Specific Iteclieine is sold byfora1s15,Doraggiiter will beats! 1-t PI); Pterwinksgoen, roecer6iptiptcoltiagthe: money; by addressing WILLLtit GRAY & GO., IWindsor. Ont. Sold in Seatorth by Hickson 4 Blessdell, T. S. Roberta B. Lumsden and all 1 isuggiat merchants. •••., •