HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-18, Page 3Lt5 1878. ). - amediately564 by areete: r intilleatteDzi LITIS 'It Uzeh a - tie 585 Ited. a Mal -Ir.-- te, . a eeel re. r erase certificate, of Novernb78 • JItnie4-.tow11 prart sea:ea aere will he receive ▪ be oPerted or, the digeele a tsttn109- For epeee addreaa HEN ay see.2 • 4 Rua_ tuad Loan ' 110w On tbe te leaSe or take a11, Good, refer- aPPlY ouee. 504 drtde fOr Scheel • Female Teacher, ;rdt4, Or, a Male rt ideate. Datiee r,T tottery meat_ eee, ereventely tetight kGE ftUDIeze, a melon • b Flier Wanted ter 1. Thera -terry, r totinq of Jamea,,a_ 7111 he received froet reele 1R$ eertitle S1'14 iZI1 a1sisk4 cora tr'ererettiry, WAIN - 584 4 e for Sehool re:Y.-meth. ' Mete ,eertelleate, or one Le. tett heat h enceeptic ia hie 1 vet .trIrte,!.-t eo- i'l.'r^r Kay of NIES POT fElt, rn naa 566x4 r--- itlent the beet for sale by ober al, 187, ircial Hotel-, see_ ter gale, Lot HY. ainine 1Se acrea, litrred.wc,11 reeeae, n•( calrivatien, ; vir h herdwood; zand on the farm ; ,ait nee comer ; ; abendeuce of :leen:lid hearing :t hall of a gravel 131TtSstieist Sind .11t to churches, .,rra will be said aa trfltre particulars upple to the pro - I .1,1 AM BE 411, Atietioueer; 568 101;017(1411111:1;5-15, ele ME -sa. by Mr- George en, on his '011 t; ..1, the following ea 1 Irrood mere of the Detain - ie tett by gene of :flbl,gut by Pride • tt by Plide of 4:them bul, Met- e 1 pi ie.: et the end in 1878 ; 11 . by Magnet . 1 itekarm's let prize 4 malt to Nlagnet ; 1 t1iunitt4libred I single buggy, 1 horse ort; • raili. new: Nat woodeu her- .e.it.tie other , erti- lotk noon. emiler cash, over 611 be given on . A discount of stsit on all credit . Proprieter ; J. '60:3«a . FARM ST CK e A. BISHOP haat 4N1 :Nir.;N, Jr., e ererniaes, on :Hoe ins. valuable at a i r. 70 tierce Of toweetep ; miles front tee Yettieut to ; eerie.; creek 4110b. :10111i1114 11 's ae.tt .1., the S COCK werkittg uorace, calf. I two-year • 1 TWIT RIld 11 Derkehire sow, n on ep: inge, tretwe,1 et tq a ea e:ora ense, hare. .. 1 silica autos of good. • and OOP !straw r —For I te: of sale. For S*4711ti Ot E1 Rad month,' eredit leint masa eeer ; LANle:i IN Atie... OF DAY - r :mule i41 11 in par - in the County dated the 24th ill offer for tole !1'nrrie, Aneti:m- ;liege el le7e, landa in lo, lenge E.,to lee Ixerea„ 3 mile ferat 11 ty- oat DayfieLl tn eerier's, property. eler eq.:ay:ea mt, ef relit iant* of the lot is 7.-119 Ineple end hum ,welt ed. L rime; pq tp:avg. are dt-ei:lery let 41'1 OW gonna !Mere InaHotel. e lee down i'IOt‘e pereltee of truenueerane 0 en and the hei- r; ruteteat. when •'4, c,:nyeyance he other cote ;e: stanging Chencary. For - anatieneer. er 0:11•2-01 tst 10 sr the VendOxte Vendore' vrt nOttive. • Oi' A FIRST- -- AND,INIPLE- , mei by No. 14 and ‘iESGVY, tiCr. • rai,ert-r. viz.: years 01 In' ill calf ; :=0 1 to Ise ia efilf; • lt, 1,, viqing Peered Nheep L., ; reaping ; 1 nen cola- hugg,y ; 1 4.1, tags; t tlotibiterees L it,euntify by the ton in ▪ •Y:s. clutine, artielee too • Farm, north' naltip or Me- , t Tea cleared ; dwellietg !elm" w ell and rral or eherd, all eter of ealtiva- _Lt. and some leril on corner ...clock P. M., I:elements—All 1:;_tt anoint 13 furnishing ap- i-af 10 per cent- re:tilt amounts. ra day of sale. proprietor on ROB- ; C. Lim- f;G5-3 THE HURON XPOSITOR.. • 3 Gaieties. of -the -world -place.' Ofi learning &little of her history and that she was a solitary light burniag 1t -a dark place, I asked : ber how she kept up the light of God in the entire absence of communion of saints. 'She drew from her bosom a —Folks who can't understand why robins are sent to eat up 1111 the cher- rieashould remember that in all proba- bility the robbins can't understanahy human beings are sent to do the of th Ditch N Same eNew Testament,. copy- whieh she had r ceived from Mr. Helm `--Perhaps the wildest- liar that this ommtry has ever prodticed is the when in his sch ol some years before. setter who said type- " I remember one 'This,' said she, the fountain n -hence night in particular when I set 3,000 ems ; ° I drink r this is the oil that makes my an, hour out of a, ban by moonlight, and lamp burn.' I looked. on the precious had to take every letter to the window relic printed by the British aud Foreign o see what A was." 1 Bible Society, and the reader may °on - t —We met t farmer a few days ago, ceive my joy while we mingled our pray- ers and sympathies together at the who was so hard pushed that he was OD. throne of the Heavenly Father."—.New his way to pawn his hoe. We told him we were sorry to see his case so hopeless. York Ilritnesa. " Hopeless I" he exclairaed " far from t1 You know the old motto, 'hoe-pawni Where He Failed hope ever." The man who thought he knew every-. —Alittle bey from New York went thing was at the fair the other day, into the country visiting. He had a I dreadfully thirsty and trying to get a bowl of bread- and milk, He tasted. it drink out of a pump which had an iron and then hesitated a moment, when his spout eurved downwards. There was mother asked him if he didn't like it, no cup handy, and he benthimself hill to which he replied, smacking his liphe resembled a letter. S, spoiled the "Yes, ma, [was wishing our milkman blacking on his boots,•splatered water would, keep a cow." all over his face and bosom, didn't get —A little boy ran away from home, a sraell in his mouth, and then this and Ne-hile enjoying himself i11 forbidden man, who was college bred and knew fields, a thunder -Storm came up, and it I everything, learned something more began to hail. His guilty conscience needed no accuser. Running home, he burst into the presence of his astonish. - ed mother, exclaiming breathlessly Ma, ma, God's frowing stones at me!" —An M. D., who lately opened an office was favored. be a visit from his an inte from a tramp, who twieted the spout 1 bottom aide up,. gave the pump -handle La good jerk, and drank just the same and just as easy as if he, too, had been ; college bred. Book learning don't be gin to come up with a practical, busi- 1 ness turn of mind. young wife. Wishing to start r - Good Omen. ' estina. subject for emiversation, he said, 1 - A few days ago a widower who °cot- e aief dear,how many people do you sup- 1 pies a• croft at Drumsinitta, near .Inver - pose pass by my office in the course Of ness, thought proper to take V) himself an hour?" I should: judge they all pass_ 1 a second wife, his heart and hand beina ed. by,' nonebantly exclaimed the a offered to a young girl residing in thbe wife. . :' district, and the marriage came off the "I say fellows,," remarked one of our comps, the other day, "let's see who eftn tell the biggest lie." • -. All right.," said ivloafing fellow who had just step- ped in.,'" i'm the biggest 'fool in Lon, don.," "Come now,"exclaimed out 'boy Bill contenaptuouely, "we agreed to tell nothing bat lies, and here you begin by telling the truth." . —Dr. Johnson was once asked, "Doc- tor, dont you think a man inveived in. trouble from which he cannot see how he can extricate himself would be jus- tifie& in making way with himself by taking his own lifer 'No," said th - doctor), .." let: him go to so -me -country where: he: he is not known,not to the devil where he is known.": - . • . —A men was seea coining o-ut of newspaper office -with one eye gouge out, and, his nose spread out, over hi face like: a piece of raw beef, and one o intereiewed him he replied : " I didn't his ears elaawed off. To an officer who other day in the house of the bride's father. A short time before the mar- riage knot was tied, it was observed that a hive of bees belonging to the bride had swarmed, and the congregat. ed guests immediately walked outside, and began to follow the erratic move- ! ments of the bees &Cross a strip of nattir- i land, which separated the bridegroom's I house from that of his intended wife. At last they had the satisfaction of see- ing theawarro. descend, an entering i hive in the bridegroom's garden, which was declared to bean: omen of good to the married couple. First Remarks of a Great Man. and. aprons, co serve the custom ble matron sits a the business and. Paris women see the occupation o One of the but member especia scribe it. It Vea ket (La Haile). Archdeacon Paley had been invited. to attend a great gathering of the clergy which concluded with a dinner at 6 ho- tel-. All were on the tiptoe of expecta- tion to hear what the great Paley would say during the dinner, knowing that nothingbut words of wisdorn would Aeolis and 'obliging, rs, while a responsi- the desk, supervising keeping the books. In to have monopolized book-keeping. er stores of Paris I re - y, and will briefly, de - near thi3 grand mar - The large window on the right of the entrance always con- tained a large lo' sely arranged. bouquet 1, of fresh flower , apparently gathered from some rur 1 garden. There was nothing else in the window . except a _ glass -covered st nd containing Bondon (thee* and the double creme suisse. Inside, there W8 a long horse-shoe counter or table where eggs and cheese were sold,. and n either side marble tables, each con aining about four huge masses of butter shaped like an inver- ted butter firkin Over each mass was hu -ng a delicate flyer wire about two feet.long, both nds terminatin g in a piece of c.ork. With this wire the sales -woman wo id cut, almost always exactly, any a ount ordered, from a demi-quart (hal a quarter) to a pound.. It being a costl product, and, always purchased daily small quantities are the rule. To se arate the quantity or- dered, lay it o a square of delicate he little scales, weigh ners of the paper to - it on the cool lettuces s the work of a very th these expert sales - es you would be sure nke an article that "pearea in the paper drop f -om his mouth. His first remark last week, an'I went inter see the mar. took t iem not a little aback, for # sa- that writ it. He was thar, stranger." vored. altogether not • of -spiritual but e--Thelandlord of a.hotel at Bright substantial things.; It was this: - entered, in an angry mood, the sleep - . "These puddings are not good tin apartment of a, boarder, -and said, "Now . less - the seeds are taken out of the sir, I want y-ou-to pay your bill, and Yu raisins." . • i must. I've asked' for it often, enough . But this second remark was like -a . bombshell dropped on the dinner table: ray ho:ase till you pay it !" " Good!' ' "Waiter, shut the. 'window behind and I tell you now„ that you. dont. leav said his lodger; "just. put, that in. writ ing,make a, regular agreeMent of it andPi stay with you aaleng live !" --"Risks." Shrewd Clerk (with e -ye to the pe—ta Take an wee - tion betsveen a friend and his farm ser - dent assurance. ticket sir ?" Passe -ng (nervo•usly)—"Who,' for?" „ Clerk—"Well sir,: nothing has gone wrong 'twixt this and London for . :the least four- teen months., and, by the haver - ages, the next 'smash on the • hup line is hoverdue exactly six weeks and three days!" Old gent forks out with white paper A, pinch th gether, and in your has few sewn women. to have in to marketi in them, they'are naturally you after everythin reach home in state. — Marie Magazine for Oc me, and. open one lower down behind.. the curates." • I Appreciating a Sermon I cannot resist repeating a converse - vent, whieh illustrates the remark al- ready made,thatan Irishman is rarely at a loss for a reply or an excuse: " That was a good sermon was it not, that we had last Sunday ?" said the gentlena . " True for you, yer honor, an illigant one ! It done a power. of good intire- alacrity. ' ly." • —A. St. Joseph lawyer recently had a " I'in glad of that. Can you tell me client who entrusted him to collect a what particularly struck you ? What bill of i'?'14 which was satisfactorily done, was it about ?" and the money handed over to the right- "Oh, well," scratching his head, "1 ful claimant. Then the limb of the law don't rightly—not just exactly know. presented to his client a 'bill of $44, for I—a--L A' where's the use in telling e services rendered in the collection of t $14, and made him pay Nobody, eve his ---nent, will doubt that the 5 Joseph lawyer is a practical man, an altogether' successful in his busine methods. —A few nights ago a Highlandma called at al railway ticket office in a important' seaport town not a htindr miles frena Dundee, when the last traa was abed starting; and. _asked for ticket to a place three miles beyo where the tradit Was going. When e was told by the clerk that the train d d not go there, he remarked : "If she we e to give the engine rciaister a, saxpenee o • herseP wud she ta,k me hame t e coal box Of her eneine ? It wudna t k lies? Sure, I don't remember one siiagle 'dividual word of it, good or bad. Sorra bit of me knows what it Was S about at. all." " And yet you say it did. you a pOwer of good ?" "So it did, sir, I'll stick that." "1 don't see how." " Well, now, yer honor, look here. 0, There's my shirt that the wife's after washing; and clean and wtite it is, by reason of all the water and the soap and the starch that's gone through it. But not a drop of em all—water, or soap, or starch,—has stayed in d'ye see. And that's just the same with me and that sermon. Its run through me, yer hon- or, and it's dried. out of me; but all the her far oot o' her way." same, just like my Sunday shirt, • I'm —In Washington the son of a prom- the better and. the cleaner after it." inent statesman sent this letter to a- There was more philosophy than he young lady :—"Dear Miss,I want you to was aware of in the quaint reasonina of come around. to our house if you can't the man. An impression for good ° or get anybody to come around to your house and fetch you aroundto our house I will go around to your house end fetch you around to our house." Tie young lady is said to have been sayi to have said that she was saying t she was said to have said, that she s as While awaiting for our breakfast one about to balm said that she was abo t morning in cremerie in Paris much coredug around to our house. Oh, 1.1 x, frequented by foreigners, my friend Ma - come to our house, anyway. dame B said, "1 can point you out every American breakfast here." The Talisman.. d. on co pia° et, ettu our FOR SALE OR T LET. gURICH GRISTING kND FL " FOR SAI4—On easy terms to exchange for farm property. Flouring promptly attended to th Ale° a quantity of Dry Hemlock cbeap for cash or short credit. Proprietor, Zurich P. 0.,Ont _ URING MILL of payment, or Gristin,g and same as usual. amber for sale I. FENWICK, 516 SPECIFIC ARTI LES. •R AILS AND POSTS FOR S -ILV scriber wishes to sell a lo Bbuik Ah Rails, and Cedar Fos to suit purchasers- Parties wis require to order theta beforeha as possible. so that they might n. ed in getting them during eleielt are on Lot 1, Con. A, Turnberi of Wroxeter on the; Seaforth 0 DOUGLASS. LE.—The sub - of Cedar and s in quantities mg them would a and as early t be disappoiut cc. The poste , 8 miles south avel Bond. R. 564-8 STOCK FOR S _ „ la an LAMBS FUR SALE.—T -RA' has on his premises, Lot 2 , Road, Trickersmith, Five Leioest and One Shsarliug Ram, tvhi cheap. G. M. CFLESNEY. LE. e undersigned Cou. 1, Huron ✓ Ram Lambs will be sold 56614 AMS FOR SALE.—The and 'IA' Lot 29, Con. 5, MeKillopaa class Leicester Shearling, and ra he is desirous of diaposing of at I' To those who wish to improve could not do better than give ANDERSON. signed has on umber of first - lambs, which aeonable rate , heir stock, they e a call. W. A. 664 IS PREFERABLE TO WEIGHTS AND PU • THE COST FOR S ESTRAY STO SIGN OF THE MUNN CIRCULAR SAW. S SASH R LATOR —IS THE_ CHEAPEST, BEST AND MOST DUR ABLE 7 WINDOW BALANCE 1NT Vq- I 1\T T_T S _ CAN BE APPLIED TO ANY WINDOV11. K. QTRAY COW.—Came into the 1.--/ undersigned, Lot 10, Con. 5, the 25th of September, a red white spots and short turned ho is requested to prove property, take her away. WM. HORA.N. QTRAYED OR STOLEN—Fr "-/ on or &limit the let of July, • asket, for no one goes ii -8,8 hhkoert home, white 'mot in and under the belly'whit Pars- wanitahofurte..stib; uyaiand. . part Of back. ela reward of $5 w ocrisp any informadon that will lead t you'd purchase butter THOM AS WRIGHT, Jamestow else, that -A might' -p STRAY SHEEP—Strayed fr -11-.4 of the ur dersired, Lot 81, the freshest -possible during August last, two Ewes an Howland, in liarper's were marked with bright red o ober they were last seen li miles we road. Any one giving informa ' e Houses. whereabouts will cm suitably re LOWS', Rodgerville P. 0. remises of the , eKillop, about 1 ow, with some I ns. The owner ay charges and I 566x4 CO The English house scheme, matory agency principles, has it is rapidly ext fluence. The theory matter rests is open to them. which they in good tea and c no intoxicatin and athe sa, selves to be as completely the little the objec nary public ho choose such es age, and choo moved froni ti coholic liquors them now fall In order tha to,ined, the co neat and attr ,furnish chem. halls and roori ale attendanc ways wholes° evil. is often left upon the mind, and bears fruit, when. what has caused the inflnence has passed. away from our memories.—Chambers' Journal. at , Butter Stores in Paris. Hooked around at the people seated The noble missionary, Moffatt, tells a : at the -different tables, and wondered • if beautiful story. He says :.-- -4.. In one of she were speakitig seriously.. In these my early journeys I came, with my coin- : days when fashion reduces costume and. pee:ions, to a heathen village on the ' coiffure to such uniformity, and ts hen. banks of the Oxange Riven - • We hed the blood of , every -civilized race is r tie itecl •to a great extent with that of travelled far and -were: hunery, thirsty, and fatigued ; but the people of the vil- every other, distinguishing nationality bare rather roughly directed us to halt at sight -appeared to me impossible. I at a distance. We asked for water, 1 ut he -asked my friend her secret. they would not supply it. I offered three or four buttons left on my jac for a drink of milk, but was refits We had the prospect of another hunc, night, at a diaance from water, thot gli. They all put salt on their butter. Within sight of the river. When t vi- "our acuteness applies only to light grew on,,a woman. approached fr in breakfast, then," I said. "At dinner theheight beyond which the village lay. it would not serve you, I suppose." I She bore ou her head a bundle of w a said this iia a kind of savage way, lee_ and had. a vessel of milk in t er ba d.. lila the common, weakness that makes The latter, without openiugher lips, he alr• Pn0Ple abrod. adefend their coun- headed. bails, lay downthe wood andre- ' trYinnn. turned to the village. ' A second.' tune "No," she said; "we never put but - She approached. With a cooking Vessel on ter on the dinner table "—a fact I had her head. and a leg of mutton in one hth end at e moment forgotten. -i and water in the other. She sat driwn - It is true that the only salted butter without sa,yind a word, prepared the fire you ever find in Paris is the Americaa and. put en the meat. We asked her butter (benne americain), but there again and again who she was. She re- this is used only for cooking, and is niained silent until we affectionately eii- neVer sold in butter stores, but ir treated her to give a reason for such un- groceries. It is our common- tub bu - ter. The French butter, the linest pos- sible product of its kind, is sold in the butter stores scattered all• over the city, which furnish' nothing but dairy pro- ducts and eggs. These stores are gen- erally raodels of order and neatness. Young girls or women in snowy caps et " Oh, it is no secret," she replied, d, smiling. "1 don't pretend to tell ex- . cept when they are takina breakfast. , coffee house or cocoa indertaken as a refor- founded upon business mcceeded so well that nding its work and in- , pen which the whole hat if workingmen have rtood eating houses itt y get • wholesome' food, ffee and chocolate, but liquor, wine or beer, time may foal them - m Jamestown, dark red Heifer face white in spa on hind 11 be given fer her recovery. 565x4 m the premises on. 2, Usborne, one Lamb, all the shoulder; t on the Kippen ion as to their arded by JOHN 565-4 IMPORTANT NO ICES. 6,, 0. U. W., Se;. -forth Lodg 3-• meeting next Monday ev P. M. A. full attendance of me edD. . J. A. CLINE, M. W. eorder. No. 3, regular Ding at 8 o'clock bers is request - D. ROSE, Re 564 "i\TOTICE DEBTORS.—Al ing settled up their account failing to do so at once will b parties not hav- with me for 1877 charged 10 per ent. interest from January .; at, 1878, without ail, 1 .tiOMAS -COVENTRY, S aforth. rptiz DivrsioN COURT.— -I- Second Division Court w from halfpapt one to tour 0,01 free from restraint, as in my Block, over the store o ✓ own masters and as L. MEYER, Cleik of DivisionCo s of charity an in oral- penouNDED.- Notice is h reby given that there hes been impounded n the pound, on ises, they will generally Lot 8, Con. 3, L. 11. S., Timken nith, the fellow- hree ram lambs ;, sod efAccording ndkeePer. 566x4 izo ttairs- at thd he office of the 11 be open daily ek P. M. Office Johnston Bros. irt, Seaforth. 552 ablishments for patron- ing : One one-year old ram and ngemp• dthem, will be re- H not claimed they ei1.111be disp e - k l to law. WM. STONEMAN, Pm before which many of - GEE. BRANCH PR1ZES—P Sprng and Fall Shows, h Id in Brusels in -1873, will receive their prizes y calling at Mr, full success may be at- Logie's store, Grahem's Bloc., Brussels, after fee-houses are made as the 15th inst ; DeNIEL STEW ART, Secretary - dive as possible ,_. they Treasurer, Grey Branch Agricul uralSociety; 556 ul rooms—both dining ExBouTen'S NOTICE To Thecreditors of Simon S for social assembling ; t ivillae0ef , s Dee efeoaretelid , inwhtehediojeenht is good and the food, al- X is and polatable,is served day of AUgnst, A. D. 1878, ar • 1 in well -kept pottery. The prices are .enoareb et ter, post paid, to Ji very loW, but are is taken:that nothing ei the iosevn of Seaforth afore. shall be sold lishment can ness principle man who din may feel that a man ghoul made wholly maintained b Public House ten per ceutu who are in th stock in. one p CREDITORS.— owell, late of the of Huron, Gali- n. about the 14th required on or r, A. D. 1878, to rues JI. Benson, aid, Solicitor for or less' than the estab- tho Executors of the said Sim n Powell, deaeas ed, their christian names a id surnames, ad- fford—upon sound busi- -to sell it, so that every tdirieecicrses1 and dtesteliptions, the ull particulars of i •711°:ntLirTTed S at one of these inns nature' of tli:e1 statement of any, he p ay S for his dinner as bpi te-ormtehdei aateeeleyt ea f teifr tthhee said e tcieix fh tdhaeyysoefi dNso'Le ;eh- . The houses are thus • parties eaneteistleslatlittboe dhi:vtrii utreedearamongl the elf -supporting, and those the British °Workman the claims of which notice shal °hay! been°,reeyeivo- ed, and the said executors shall not be liable for onapa,n ypay a dividend of to their stockholders, athneyasesrestoonvoofdiBtributed. or an part thereof, to whose claim not ce shall DOD have main workmen holding beenPreceived by teem or their said Solicitor at the time of distribution. This notioe is givenin und sterling shares. These pub c •honses, in a word, differ tunrts.a a jnaoifiCatpE. Nlgrid sr Laletervfiesrelx,Setattntes, Dated at Seeforth this 32th d ty o f September, urs. li, from ordinary i 'cheap inns only in selling 1.10 liquors and in. their better manage- A. /D. 1878. _ _ 505 ment as to service, cleanliness and at- --- Some of them hay, sep- . tractiveness. arate rooms f accompany t has been feu tnre. They early in the plied with. h late, and w freely at earl drinks nam dram. They are MISCELLAN OUS. LEYS AT LESS TEfAN HALF LE BY Wm. ROBERTSON & Co.,• 114.RDWARE -MERCHANTS, SIGN OF THE 4IROULAR SAW, SEAFORT13. ✓ women and men who a' J. McCOLL, Solicitor, &e. eir women folk, and this '3- • in Leckie's new brick bu d to be an excellent fea- G, LANE, Auctioneer an open their doorS very -5- • County of Huron, also chant, McDougall's Block, Win orning, with bars sup - t tea, coffee and choco- M. °NEI( TO LEND—On•t rkmen patronize them ILL tageons than ever before COLL, Solicitor, Bruesels. hours, drinking the hot • iustead of a morning Brussels. Office Ming. 504-52 uch frequented of even- tj• i'. BRINE, Licenced uctioneer for the % na planes, places of resort 1 /appraiser for the 'ommission Mer - ham. - 515-4 rine more aevan- ffered. A. J. Mc - 501 -52 • Conney of Huron. Sal .8 attended in all arts of the County. All or ers loft at the Ex tr- osoe Office will be promp ly attended to. - . ings as loan . i _ _. 1 A. MeLEOU, Liam cad uctioneer for the _. for conversatien or for reading. They li • County of Huron. All or tars left at James are, of course' freely' open to all comers, MeBride's will receive prompt attention. If by as ordinary ii ns are, seeking to, attract letter address Seaforth P. 0. 553 men to them and trusting to the mere WHO WANTS MONEY ? absence of ohol for their Moral in- / / dollars, private funds, fo ment at 8 per cent. interest. finence. Me go to them because they H.BENSON, Solicitor, Seafo are pleasant laces, and goina thither A few thouttand immediate invest - Apply to JAMES th. 533 keep sober, hen but for sue% places JOHN LECKIE, General L chant. Money loaned on real country, at 8 per cent. simpl moderate. Mortgages bought they would g Agent, Grain, Produce an inc drink ru In their o with missio things of the that no wor the thought tbese inns h subject of re table consid ' Results th is fax are so favorable in timber uaed for pumps. A few arm g with will be charged 10 per aeut. interest from to ordinary inns, and go- er beer to their hurt. eanization all connection n and Real Estate Commiseion bier - estate in town or interest. Charges and sold. Matured 1-10PFMA:1\T 13 OTIIHTZS, CARDNO'S BLOCK, EAFORTH. NEW AND FASHIO ABLE GOODS, mortgages paid off. Terms to suit. borrowers. ary societies and ether Farms and village property for sale. Office -- kind is avoided, in order Leckie'e new brick block, Brnasels, Ont. 615 - an may be ' repelled by cZBAFORTH PUMP FACTORY.—The under - that in entering one of *---' signed, while returning Metric,' for the pat - becomes in any way a rouage already received, wool I retnind his many ormatory , zeal or chari- ' customers and f Heeds that he still continues to ration. nteke pumps and cisterns of the best material ' autlsby the best workmen. Nano bat qnartered looked -for kindness to strangers. en the teen rolled down her sable cheeks and she replied: " I love Him whose you are, and surely it is rey' duty to give you a map of cold water in His name. My heart is full, therefore I can't speak the joy I feel at seeing you m this ut- on haud. All overdue accoan s not settled forth - England a,s ao encourage the hope that a, like unde akina will succeed here. the 1st of January, 1278. NOBLE CLITFP, The subject scerEainly worthy of con- Seaforth. 563 sideration. • BIsLi Pa been counti ble. There There is a p trial, and. di children ; t of God's prc and hegives them. LIVER IS imperial ore tem, as iC • '0 THE PTIBLIC.—Read what- the people say in regard to- the Great' Shoehonees Remedy and Pills. 'Levi Jones, Idarkha. m. , says: "I had Block. East Side Main Street, . IISES.—A Scotchman. has a the promises in the Bi - Stock of Dress Goods now Complete at Hoffman Brothers'—Inspec- tion Invited. • Full Lines of Windeys and Cottons -at Hoffman Brothers --Call and See the Prices. • • The Best Stock of :Millinery ever sho •n in Seaforth at Hoffman Brothers'—See the Styles. Jackets for Ladies', Misses' nd Childr n, at any price, at 14alfman Brothers'—Better Val e than Ev Shawls in New Styles at Ili ffman Bro hers —Inspect their • Stock before you Purchase Isewhere. Hoffman Brothers are A gen s fo E. utterick & Co.'s Celebrated Reliable Patterns. • HOFFMAN BROTH R C EAP CASH STORE CARDNO'S BLOCK, MAiN STREET, SEAEORTH. EiCHANCE BANK OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - - $1,000,000. DIRECTORS—M. H. Gann, President; Thos. Oarrerhill,Vice-Ptesident ; A. W. Ogilvie, M.P.P,,, E. K. Green, Thonem Tiffin, A.iex. Bantin, jame Crathern; C. R. Murray, Cashier i Geo. Burns, Inspector. A Drench of this Bank has been opened up In Brussels, where a Generel Baniting„butriaiese wili be traneatted. Notes of hsnd checotinted, and Loans effected at fair businees rates, A Savings Bank department has also been opened in connection with this, where deposits will be rer.eived from one dollar upwards, and interest allowed thereon. Drafts issuedpayable at par at all ahem of this bank, the bank of Montreal and the Federal Bank of Canada. FOREIGN AGENTs.—Loudou—The Alliance Bank, limited. New York—National Bank of Commerce, Helmer's, kieGowan & Co;, 63, Wall Street. Chicago—Union National Bank. Business hours 1.0 to 3. Saturdays, 1.0 to 1. 563 e JOHN LECKIE, Maeager R. COUNTER, SELLING OFF s LLING OFF Fall Arrival of Ohl Country and Counter's, in Colored an Rings, Chains, Lockets, Rings—stampeat " M. 11 celebrated English and Langine Wa Swiss Watches, Clocks, &a. I woul to my large and varied st ck cif Silv handsome goods ever bi ought int Goods, being bought dire t t sold at the Lowest Possi le Piiice co manship and Quality, w' ich i all Complete Stock of Spec acles on ha and get your sight testid free of Goods selling at net cos'. R,EPAI Bight em C.,1 S." Personal attention given to all Repa give ver Cash and Jewelry, and warren the place: Sign of Tree directly opposite J. S. P ed t 4 Si rter' inerican Goods, at M. R. old Sets, Brooches, Ear Eighteen -carat Wedding A Large Stock of those ches, also American and call particular attention r Plated Ware, the Most Seaforth. The 'abovel e inandattur6rs, will be sistent with Good Work- ases is- Guaranteed. A d, to fit all ages. Call harge. A lot of Fancy SPECIALTY— ring of Watches, Clocks, satisfaction. Remember - are in the Window, and Furniture Store, Seaforth. 1-1§VO HIM c:INf 'HSVO 1101dV3H0 1:1313M3(' '8 1:I3)IVWHO1VM THAT HUSBAND Of MINE" Buys all Ids maiihiriery from L. MURPHY, SEtAFORTH 1 IXTHO has pleasure in announcing to the Y farming community of Huron that he is still selling the very best Sewing Machines, Agricultural Im- plements, and ifusical Instru- ments. Mr. Murphyleefavorite machine is the Singer, which is the bestin the 'market, having carried off first honoxs at the Centennial and Sydney Exhibitions. Farmers wishing to prirchase any of the above would co/Mutt their own inteeests by applying to Mr. Murphy first, as he can do better for them then any other in the trade. Sewing Mathirte and other repairs always on hand at his wareroome, Godericb street. 518 L. MURPHY, -Seaforth. 6'1'11 -JD .-A-14-A-1D 1 - BRUSSELS LIME WORKS1 GOOD NEWS- F AND ALL PARTIES WHO BOOTS AND SHOES FO THE BAREFOOTED ISH TO puy LARGE QUANTITIES t A 1ALL AMOUNT OF MONEY. TO KEEP. abreast of the times in the 2- more particularly, if possible, to indu following reduction in prices to cash buy Gents' Long Leg Boots -- Shoe Packs sand Short Ladies', Boys' and Girl I have just opened an Immense Stock o think intending purchasers ought to see Boys' ice ted k, which undoubtedly of -which will be sold at a reduction corre on time Will OU charged the old prices. eeeral, Retitle - e people to b re in Custom ll nil nds, oats, all ' BOts, a • Factory Ma before pure nrpas anyth pondi g with I arn the fir pricee, I trust the public will show their pprecitition niined to make it to their advantage to do:so. THOS. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Stark's 1. i', a very severe attack of bronclutie. I was so bad that I could hardly get0my In eath. I sought for are thirty-one thousand! • a quiek remedy, and seeing the " Shoehonees .omise for every want, and Remedy " so bighly recommended I procured it liculty. God has no poor , bottle;and am happy to say that by the time it ey 8.re tut rich. A.ny one was taken I was entirely well., and have remained ' !* tux. in ti 'veiling." Rev. F. B. Stratton, Dem - mises is a. rich inheritance, so, although I Weil much exposed through the medies particularly beneficia: for liver complaint, WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANOU N CE TH ' eve found your re - us thirty-one thousand of orestville, writes: "j: h • IMPORTANT MoINT OF TOWN & BURROWS,. THE Subscribers take this opportunity of re- -L turning thanks to the inhabitants of Braude and vicinity forpast patronage, and beg to state that, having made several improvements in their Jain and the mode of burning, they are in a bet- ter position than ever to supply the public with First -Clams 1Linse at 1121e. Cash nt the Kiln, or 1.4e. Delivered. ion in Prices of all 'kinds of Goode—but iy for caeh—I have determined to make the ado Work: 25 cents per pair. bads, 124 cents per pair. 1 kinds, 124 cents per pair. e Work in all the differrnt lines, which 1 asing elsewhere, eepecially my Men's and ng in the trade in Factory Made Work. All the above to cloth buyers. Parties buying t in my line in Sealorth to pull down tbe y an extensive patronage, as I am deter- , COVENTRY, Seaforth. T THE LADIES. & WILLIS AT THEY HAVE JUST RE This being the fourth selason of our builineEte dealings in Brussels, and axing given unqualifi- ed satisfaction solar, the ublic can rely on te- calving good treatment ad a first-class article from us. Remember the spot : The Brussels TAIDes Works. 542 T WN & BURROWS. THE COMIViEfCIAL LIVERY SEAPORTH. ARTHUR ORBESs .11 AVING purchased the Stock and -Trade of the -LI- Commercial Livery,1 Seaforth, from Mr. George Whiteley; begs to state that be intends carrying on the business tbe old stand, and has added several valuable boises and vehicles to the formerly large etock. NO*3 but - First -Class CorufortuNe Vehiclesawl good - Reliable Horses; Will be Kept. Covered and Open Bugees And -Carliagee,And Double and 'Single Wagonle always ready for use. Special Arrangeinenti Made With Coin- mercial Men. , Orders left at the stables or any of the hotels promptly attended to. PHILADELPHIA, A a eetions, and would Kis-"e.—The Liver is the adviac all • • I dyspepsia and bronchial ff • CEIVED FROM "Whene traavterghr slnaiiar1A ytineceteeyde o giveth m one of my feet got sore and broke out I co I- -1(, . • (, Implete Assort2nent of In nts" and Children' s Boots and n of the whole human svs_ John Finlayson, ontrols the life health and happiness cl M8.11.- When it is disturbed - better and afterwards niittich worm. n y par Shoes and Slip )ers in Colors and Black. not cure it, and had to return home. It became • f the erady and a box of ills, th G ld Meda and before they were half gone I commenced to in its proper ction, all kinds of ailments : chased ft bot le o are the nett ral result. • The digestion I prove and before they were finished my foot of food, the movements of the heart and a.1 . 1k7,,mopnths gar, ce:eibmu elhe have ey chnardedn. iJutrtais ernaotwta blood, the pion of the brain and ner- t d ithlthe workings of the Liver 522. a box. of the Remedy in pint bottlet , $1. Pills,' 23 cerniet: ; vo-us systen4 are all ifnmediately con - It has bee Green's Au( curing all p pepsia or Li numerous an unhealt Stomach. S Positively Western Co prove that i " 1 that • HE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job Moses , success u- y p st Flower is unequalled in Periodical Pills—This ieveluattlernedicme is I These Goods are the Finest sad Bost i Amer ca, S. D. Sollers & Co. obtaining e o and Diploma Over all competitors at the enten ial. ADIFS' SHOES, in Tie and Button, very cheap. We have also ou hand a nice assortme t of We are the only firm west of Toronto who k ep these Goods. They require to be seen to be • appreciated. inofesme ale tiatnri -er complaint, and all the d rsons afflicted with Dys- ndannagielrouginh dangerous n s ecstripe wo f which ththe tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- 1 vmptoms that result from moves all obtructions, and a speedy curemay be red on To ma. riad laciies, t is pecul ly suited. y condition of the Liver and icvnn, in a short time, brin m pie bottles to try, 10 cents. riod with regularite . Thee old in all towns on the taken by Females daring t tinent. Three doses will of Pregrancy, as they are s carriage, but at any other ti is just what you want. all cases of Nervons an pains in the back and limbs a wee on s g h teri and on the monthly pe - pills should not be e fiist three months re to bring on Mis- e they are safe. Inn Spial Affections, The average duratioo of life thxonghout the globe is thirty- hree years. And in order to attain this age, many are pont eelled to practise the laws of health. with the utmost care, particularly fe- males, who are, subject' tri so many complahas to which males inc no al d for which VIC- TORIA BCCHU AND UN A URSI iS the only great remedy, and if used in time would prevent dia- betes, Bright's Disease, and'etr.Ilderangements of the urinary organ Ohl people especially will derive great benefit f ni the nse of this medicine. Free- man's -Worm owders are a certain specific against worms, if give in time. 5543-52 • ertion, palpitation of the whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other means hove failed; and, 'though it powerful remedy, do not contain iro , calomel, antimony, of anything hurtful to th constitntion. Full directioiae in the pamphlet a ound each package, which should be carefully p eserved. Job Moses, New York, Sots Proprietor. Si 00 and 124 cents for postage enclosed to No larop & Lyman, To; ronto, Ont., general agent for the Dominion, will insure a bottle conta ng over 50 pith] by return mail. Sold in Sea orth by Hickson & Bleasdell. ;. S. Roberts, an B. Lumeden. 117 9 1VIcIN E & WILLIS, SEAFORTII. 1\T -VCT P THE APPROACHING END 0 TH OUR GOD SHALL COME.... THE CREED OF CHRISTEN OM, MOODY'S TALKS, (Cheap Edi ion). FRIENDSHIP, a Novel, by Oui la. INDEX MAP OF 0NTARI0,J loth, DEMOREST'S PORTFOLIO FA DEMOREST'S WHAT TO W A,R THE HANLAN GALOP, by. G1 Sent Post•Psid to n y C. W PAPST, CA madA.frioi\Ts. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. QEILED TENDERS tridoreed "likorpethilar- L" bor Worke," addreased to the undersigned, will be received at this (Alice until Monday, the 21st day of October, e.t noon, for -the tribwerk to be constructed in the Harbor of Morpeth. Plans and specification% cern be seen at this office, at the Custom House, Morpeth - and the Custom House, Termite, on and alter Monday, jo the 7th of October. Tee ere must be in stria accordance with the p "acid forms, otherwise they will not be taken in account. The actual signatures of two resporleible Persons,residents ef the Dominion, willing to become sureties for the duo InIfllment of the conticret, are also re- quired. This department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, - F BRAUN, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Septeroher 26,1878. 16E4 NOrIfIC TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND OTH RS. A 13 THEY occupy the attention ot all, these -LA- hard Mines, the sub criber is determined to meet them by offering gocd inch Hemlock, 'not usually sold for inch," St the folloerIng rates: 12 foot Hemlock. at 7 00 per thousand, 14 foot Fencing, at $7 50,1oreash. All orders over 4,000 5 per cent. discount. 0111 and see if you don't get what i -t represented. Book Accounts over S 1i4ionths will be charged 8 Pehre"slint Tscriber thaliiks ijis numerous customers for their liberal support,. nd solicits a cantina - *race of their favors. AGE, by Ef. Grattan Guinness... ,$3 00 . 100 y W. R. Greg 1 50 • • . - 15 1 25 neat 50 HIONS. .15 'D HOW TO MAKE IT 15 • • 40 dress, on Receipt of Ptice, by DNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. UN THOMPSON. 488 Ste& Saw Mills, McRillop. THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAF RTH. WILLIAM roNATIG ITON begs ‘to lidorm TI the business men of eaforth and the travel- ing public that the has purchased the Livery Business and Stock of Messra. Carnochan 4 Abell, and w311 do all nt his power to retain the reputation which We favorite establishment has secured. He will keep orily good driving and re- liable horses, and his carriages will be kept clean and in good order. Calls, night or day, will be promptly attended to. name AND WEDDING PARTIES Liberally Dealt with. Terms Reasonable. All ordcri left at the Com- mercial Hotel or at the ofticc will receive prompt attention. Office and Stables on Market Street, opposite T.Xidd's Store. j 544 WM. McNA'PGHTON; Proprietor, ' Ofl BUTTER TUBS. wd Lo00xtididtion-tTerue :hi mail or S now prepared to supply all cnatome‘a with any number of his SUPERIOR BUTTER At SW per hundred, Cab. These Tubs are so well and favorably known to the trade that it is nnnecesnary to say aneahing in their recommen- TUBS, TROTT also MaIlufactxtreg a -small /lard- & TROTT, SEAFORTh , JS for wishing butter in. - otherwise promptly attend- ed49t°.5:;e4 , S. TROTT, Seaforth. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. ------- f1231Eshipli,liadreerliogliweaprhaepaiiirendg toe'llintearneura seinrurpeatiOnWerl: Wagons Buggies, dec. By rising first-class Ina- terial and having all the well coming thremgh our own hands, we can gnaruntee a good -article. Particular attention giIren to repairing, horse - shoeing and general jobbing. Mr. Barton hsv- ing had over thirteen years experience in dress- ing 'mill pinks, We Win 'make that it specialty. Agent* for Watson's celebrated ,Agricultural Ina. ..--- plements. ; REID & BARTON, Willisnison's old stando Goderieh Street, Sea - 560 1°113LSEA, R. N. siFIETT, FORTH Wholesale and BotsilD ler in LILT/MB s.nd SHOZ FINDINGS 1 Every DeseriPtion- None but the Very Beat Stoek kept. Menus moderate. A Trial Soli ited. All orders by loan "00%therill. se PrcalvtlY Bed- 78. N. BRETT.