HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-18, Page 21 -;
"No,le warn't filthy a mite ; he 'Gas
.dressed up for lection, I tell ye, ef he
was lookin' ; but I snapped him -apjest
as a piekerel does a shiner. Sez 1, Pm
your feller.' sez he,15you might
go 'long anr hire out to somebody_ 't of-
fered ye more ; let's hev it in writin'.
I briieve contraelts! 'Ilev it your
own way,' sez I. 'Fetch on your con -
track.!. So he whipped a little book
out or his poeket, an' sez he, keep my
rareements writ out in -here. _I'm a
rtirinr out a lot o' men for this here
coalinr joW dono's I „mentioned,
parson, he told me, fust ge off, %was a
coalin' job. 'So now,' sez he, 'write
your n me doWn here."jeerustlern
sez L 'I don't keep pen and ink in my
breeehe pocket, do you?, He larfed a
little, a d then he sez, 'Well, prick
your fie e er ; there's a crow's feather ;
ma a pert for ye.' Sore enough
he did, nd I jest scratched a placet- on
my arm till I fetched a leetle mite o'
blood, d writ my name down in the
• book wi h that crow -quill as sure as
you're a livin' critter."
" Singular," muttered the parson.
"Sing:lax! I guess it was., Fest I
knew heti wa'n% there. ra dropped my
whipstock while I was writin', and
when I'd: writ, sez 1, 'Where do ye ?'
'Well, quite a ways off, down by the
Kingdom,' sez he ; 'but I'll come and
fetch ye, a Friday come two weeks, to-
day bein! Saturday.' So then I bent
down, to git my whip stock, and; as
sure's you're bora, when I straightened
up, that black feller warn't there ; but
there was the all-firedest stink.! Thun-
der! ef iyou'd had a bonfire o' roll
ore sure of vietory over Satan than.
Cal and jim Beebe went home to-
ther through the rain, which had
nieted down to a cold drizzle. Soine
eighbors had tak n Pollythi into their
" Parson's wher praYer,ain't he7"
ggested Jim.
" Well, he ain't othin' else."
" But who d'you suppose the! feller is
sech trouble th y've got tth hey a
eetrin' about him 217
" Cal gave him n expressive puncle
WI his elbow. " Lawful sakes! it's
e, Tim."
" !" Jim xelaimed. standind
s ill, and facing ro na at Calvary with
ide eyes and ope mouth. . '
" 'Tis, I tell ye: Now shet up that.
oath o' your'ia, . d come along, and
- Ill tell ye the hull
gni t.17
So he poured his tale into Jim's
illing ear, wheth r with any additions
o emendations hi tory has not record-
ed ; if there were t e reader's imagina.:
tion must supply Olean. It is only sure
t at Jim weut lio e With an expres-
• on of mixed aniu ement and astonish-
ent on his face tl at.did not do credit
t the solemnity ef the story: -
At last the eventful Friday arrived.
P rson Robbins, after mueli pondering,
had marshalled and ordered his forces
and planned his battle array. Calvary
was ushered into the, gallery of :the
meeting house, and placed in the front
seat. He had on -his Sunday suit ; his
'r was laid. as flat as tho
rls could be by the aid
ndle assiduously appli
ndsome face was
p and water ; h.
e rebellious
f . a tallow
d, and his
shining with yellow
so boots had a por-
t t` • k t d hi bl
brimstone, twouldn.'t ha' ben no wuss. e MOS Cleft 0 eln, an S
That struck me all -of a heap. ey s were empty o ru. expression as he
- know'd what that meant quicker'n s there, his_great red hands cla,sping
punk. Sartin as you live, ra gin a
contraek to the Enemy, and he'll be ar
ter me immediate. Now what b4 I a
goin' to do, parson ?"
. Parson Robbins paced. up and down
his small study, his eye kindled and his
head erect, like one who snuffs the bat-
tle afar off, muttering, to himself, half
alond : " He goeth ab,put like a roaring
lion,: seeking whom he rimy devour ;
but ,resist him -yea, resist the devil
and he shall flee fram thee. This kind
goet : not out save by prayer and fast-
ing. Calvary Culver "-turning to the
vieti . , who sat watching hira with a
peculiar look of intelligence and Graft in
his half -shut eye-" Calvary Culver,
this is an awful warning to you. Re.
pent and flee trom all your evil doings.
You have lived a kind. of a shiftless life,
net profitable to God. or maa, nor ac-
cording to your chief end, nd now Sa-
tan hath desired to have thee. But
the Adversary shall be put to :flight. I
will appoint a day of fasting and
prayer in the church. It shall be the
day of your master's arrival to feteh
you, but by the help of the 'Lord we
will slay a thousand -yea, We' will put
ten thonsaud to flight." : -
" Well, no -w, parson, I didn't- expect
to give ye no se& trouble," said Cal,
looking a little uneasy. " I thought I'd
oughter tell ye, so'st ef I was took away
sudden, you might kinder sns.pect
whereabents I was ; and I didn't know
but what you could give me suthin
sorne kind of a word, ye kaow, like
them long ones in the fust part o' the
Bible, to scare him off, ef he really was
the Old Boy."
" I will have the day of prayer ap-
pointed very shortly," went ou the par-
son, giving very little heed to- Cal's re-
monstrances or suggestiona. To -mor-
row is already. occupied with another
subject; - am advised to airay for
" Well, 'Ms everlastin' drY, that's a
fact ; dono's that winter wheat ever
will come up, anyhow," assented. Cal-
" Besides, I think it better to appoint
the day the Evil One hath. himself set,
for think he will scarcely Venture
into the house of the Lord to seize his
And the parson smiled a grim smile,
as who should say, "I have outgeneral-
ed. the'enemy."
So Calvary left him and went his
way, finished his day's work, and told
Pollythi the whole story at the tea -
At first that strang-minded weman
was disinclined to accept the tale, but
education. and superstition ware too
lama. for her ; she ended by believing
it all, and prepared for church in the
moruing with a SOBSO of personal ian
portance, for heretofore she had not
considered lier huaband of enough. cou-
sequence for even the devil to cothe af-
ter him.
a It was a splendid- October day ; the
abundant forests burned in the soft- red
sinishiue like crusted gems aad. dead
gold; the air waS sweet EiRd with
odors of dying foliage and fading:
'floivers. A' rich silence brooded over
the hills of Basiiett„ broken only by the
first soundiug of the bell for service,
which aroused here and there, iu an-
swer to its summons, clouds of dust
from the ash-clry roads, stirred by the
heavy wagons and deliberate horses of
the more distant farmers,
The day WaO SO quiet, so servillie, the
blue heaven and the gorgeoua misty
hills so lovely their calm repOse, that
1.14ssett might have passed for a bit of
p adise. .But to the' taatonislinient of
everybody Parscm Robbins it trotted
ao -oss the greeu to church carrying a
gr at green umbrella.
hy, parson, risked Squire Battle;
w \vas " standing, around " on the
meeting -house steps, '-‘ ain-t ye kind' o'
prematoor ? here ain't the first sigu
o' rain."
" I shall feta her I'" shall' fetch
her !" sharply answered the parson', •as
if his neighbor had been doubting
Thomas ; and. ta be Sure, before the
secoud. seryiee was well beguo, the -
mists gathered depth and then black-
ness„ light winds sighed through 'the
forest and, died out in ominous quiet,
thunder growled afar off,- drew nearer -
__and nearer, and then the heavens open-
ed suddeul.,-, dashing their :stores of
-rain upon t1u3spaixaty earth, and drown-
ing the parson's triumphant burSt of
it maae ou the old church roof The
people were impressed, as - well they
might be, and when- the paison weat
on to, appoint a day of faatite and
prayer, the next Friday week, afor
brother iu distress Etna (-1111.1.01', e. feeling
of awe and. interest 'stole through' the
cengregation, and after service . was
over many a question was asked. and:
, -
answer suggested, but the parson spoke
to nobody ; he went home in silence s -
he had never felt. nearer to 'God - or
praise aud thanksg ving in the clatter
till redder! bandanna handkerchief,
and he himself supported by the proud
conscioulness!that he was the object of
thia Ilustlg' and attention. At the
he d of the stairs leading into the gal-
lety Sinai -eon Tucker, the blacksmith,
ding a mighty stick, stood on guard,
t the OAd Boy shoiald take on him -
to conie in person and nab Cal Cul -
before rneetiug was over ; and at
foot of the,stairs another muscular
ther, witV and
h ways with his
t double %veto].
.‘be, escorting' Cal
e :true conak
her stick, looked
rosbasyes, as if he
and • ward. Jim.
to the door. as be -
de, suggested the
to him that the parson had picked
ery account,' and.
d to raisress au in-
ut once in Ha§ church.- chuckling
wa r at an end. Th, parson read lona
sel etious from la Bible ; all thr'e
mi story Psalms,- t begin with, and
thea every verse 'he. eeiald .find under
the heads relabine to' Satan in the Con-
,cordance ; then cer ain. awful. hytnns,
milkor in key and in.or in :thought,
were wailed. aud gr amed out by the
, .-cougrogatiola ; Clem t parson•:' prayed;
an Deacon Flint flraxed, till the very
.gart s of heaven see ed te he . stormed.
Th a there was suer reading, fellowed-
hy short discourSe of twelve. heads
onl , which tit& iaason gave a -full
ace :u.nt of " the saini.g man s experi-
enc. , and a historic nd biographic ac-
cou t cif the devil, go ng back. to Eden.
ing the first pai of 'the discourse.
Cal sat on thorns. . e was not overly
mo or shy, but to be . the •centre of
all those eyes wag.' abashing even to
; „and, 'moreoVelr, he was • much
bOr d with the whole matter -the sdat
was hark thelday Was warm, as late
Oet ber dava some:yaws are ; he was
hupgry and thirsty too., for though he
had tied up a loaf of rye bread.and sev-
eral slices of cheese. hi a handkerchief
tha mornin.g„. aad. filled a -flat 'bottle
witl cider, he did not fetch them to
After the sermo praying began
twain. Every brothe • present " desired
_ and the sun
re these :zealous
FleSh arid 'blood .
r.er, aud last
el up the Meet:leg
Josiah on this
vary found it ha,
orious chuckle.
to jine "' in the exer
'wasIready to aet bet
menabers game out..
could not bearit
Parson Robbins wont
weights cannot lonveniently be pro-
, As some plants re delicate and flexi-
ble, and others co paratively thick and
hard, the former c ass will require less
weight to be place- over them and the
latter considerably; more. To preserve
the color of flowelis when drying, the
greatest care is 'required in changing
the papers every e cond day, which pa-
pers first ought td well dried at the
fire. With regar ' to keeping the shape
of the flowers, the tmost care and at-
tention are neces ry, when. arranging
them on the paperi and. which can be
done by having'an+ther piece of paper
and gently laying Sin part of the flower.
The part of the flOwer so covered with
the paper ought to have a small. book
placed upon it. en begin and lay
out the other leave of the flower, and
also press it, and s ou, until each part
has had the gentl pressure necessary
; to keep it into posi ion. Let them re -
1 main so for.a, short time,,and then put
some heavy weight on them. Look at
them the next day nd change t e damp
paper. Ferns hay been kept kr years
quite fresh in color iby this simple mode
of drying.
. 1 I
In three or four days the plants thus
treated should be taken ontatogether
with the paper in. ,hich they have been
deposited, and laiclin freah- p4er, with
three or four sheets
between every two
plants, and the bottod and wei hts laid
npon them. as be ore. This procesa
must be continued' ptil the p ants are
perfectly dried. E oh specime is then
to be•placed on at beet of dr
along with a memo
of the plant, the
whiala it was gathe
the soil from which
any other-particula
trate its character
Sinning the process
factorily carried-ou ,
of the collector is t
the specimens.
andum of 'the name
ilace and time at
ed, the character of
it was takeni-and
s tending to illus -
and history. Pre-
f drying to be satis-
the uext business
e arrangement 'of
For this purpose rocurej a quantity
of writing or print ng palter, of stout
quality and large si e, five br six sheets
of which ought to b attached into col-
ored covers. Let a sufficieat quantity
of large post writing aper, Cut into half
sheets of folio siz , ba readiness.
Each plant is then o be placed on one
of these half sheets nd fadtened to it
by means of slips of paper gummed
across it in varions aces. I ' On the top
of the page the pa ticulars aontained
in :the memorandum already referred to
should be:written. 'he platts thus se-
cured to the half sh ets .mnst then be
placed in the order •equired -(either by
the natural qr artifi ial system) within
the:leaves contained in the colored cov-
ers, the size of -each bundle of speci-
mens rendering it onvenient at any
time for purposes of •eference. - Twelve
of suoh parcels, so contained in the
same number of colo ed eovers, can then -
be tied up in covets stout paste board
and laid up in a cabi let or. box suited.
to the plirpose.
:Another method of drying plants be-
fore laying them as de and arranging
them in a systematic manner, may here
be, mentioned as w thy of attention.
Get a shallow pan- • tray,- about the
size of the blotting paper used for dty-
lants in the usual •
ts of blotting pa- •
y or pau infaearly
ing plants.. Lay th-e
way, between the she
per, and when. the tr
full cover it over wit I -a. layer of. dry
sand, half art inch.thi.k or so, and place
it` on the fender befo e the fire, and. in
three hours the plant will be perfectly
dried.-Americam, ivator.
Miss Osborne s Patches.
iaoi Lucy A:. Osbo. ne, of -New Mil-
Couneeticut, w ose scalp, right
nd part of the ight cheek were
off in Septern 1%1874,, by ma-
ry which. her hair caught, and
las since been: a a New Yorkshos-
is now .at home. A new sealfi has
upon her'.head by the grafting'
ts of skin. The :
d. from the arms '
eons. -The total
in this operation:
he surgeons coa-
on 1,1'02 pieces„
e appearance of
.ar to that of a ;
rSe, there eau be
'rem. The -eyes
y drawn appear-.
the cheek and
tossed, the form-
ar. In the first
bits • of skin the
Te employed, but -
and,' at the sug-
!surgeon, much
substituted., and ;
'Miss Osborne is '
they on of minnte
pieces were Con tri b t
of the hospital- sur
number .of pieces use
was 12,000. Oue of
with a pointed-b,ut br ef exhortation to trilauted from his per
Qat and a benediction; Thep the two autf` another 865. T
atalWart an:en, clubs: and all, eadorted. th`e-scalp now is
CadVary to his own house; kat 'some healed Wound. Of co
outlying fiend should snap.- hilt up, no growth of. hair. th
svhils Pollythi linserei a little, to talk still present. a sligh
it al n Flint's wife. ar. cc. The 'wounds- O
bles brought hiM e r have been neatly.
, and declared at- er leaving scarcelya
d ,much solemn- of the grafting process
thanked them size of nickel pieces w
over with Deaco
T1 e spiritual const
said to the red hous
terw trd that he seem
ized. y the way, au
kind y for their good iffices. He shut
the oor upon them vith a composed
Cain enanea-but f that day to
.this 'alvary Culver. as never again
seen in BaSsett.
• not •w gond. success,
gestiou of an Englis
SID alter pieces were
with excellent results.
now 22 years old:
ny were the c ores as to . his
fate, though most peo. leabolieved with
Pars m Robbins that, le c evil was as
good as his word, atitl had, taken him
off, body and sonl,- aa well as :his new
oVer lls, which were a.- issing.
niom ned. him decor us: y , . ut, in
caup .e of years married again, in spite
Jii • Beebe's remonstrances and_ his
jidea that Cal might turn up yet.
But be never did ; and tcr-this day Ilas-
set people tell the shuddering tale of
-Cid Culver and the devil.. -
Ciallpcting said Preserving
Specimens of Plants. '
!, The articles. requisite for the purpose
..zaa smoet soft
, paper of, a size, six boatda of about
. au inch in thickness, and, four iron or
lead Weights (two. of t win about thirty
potinds 'and tthe toed others about
half that weag,ht), a d botauical
box of tin, and of Inch* dimensions
as shall be most couverient for the lel-
The plants to be preserved. ought if
possible, 'be gathered ilia dry weather ;
but, if the weather be' wet, they ought
to be laid out for some time on a- table •
till partially dried, andi when the roots
arqaken up &lona with stems they
ought to be washdand then exposed to
the air for the same pUrpose.
•: -Capt. Boynton as written to a
Ftench ,paper ii, roost musing acceunt
rof -IlissWim across • tut Straits of Gib-
iraltar. . He says that he. feat was fat
imoreslifficult than sw across the
t -Straits of Dover, for t currents car-
ried hit -rase far that traversed fifty
miles in dding the jot rney. He adds ;'
". I saw •several sharks*. but none of them
made a meal of me, a d -I owe them my
best acknowl edgm en as, I suffered
much -from the sun an the salt water
which carne'into nay !yes; and I was
almest blind When 1 laded. As I was
• not expeoted Tangi Ts, I blew. my
- horn as I approached he town. Some.
oorish euards came down; to: know
what the noise -was about, Old seeing
enaerge from. the fee ta.theY ran back
to arouse the town, d elating that the •
devil had just come as ore. j Deft them
tiles:lime day by stea er."
yo preserve plants, lay over one of
the boards two or three sheets of the
paper.- On the uppermost sheet spread
out the specimen to be preserved, un- '
foldine its pa:rts so as to give it as na-
. ;
tural a
. , asina
out the leaSes 'and flowers with particu-
lar care. Over the specimen thus dis-
:posed of place several sheets of paper ;
on the uppermost sheet then spread out
another specimen, and so on. Proceed
till all the plants you intend to preserve
are laid downs, and, having put oyer
the whole some more she--ets of' paper,
place a board over them with the
weights upon it, which maybe a num-
ber of cle bri ;1 " n or ea o ve use iern.
Facts that e Know..
If you aro suffering with
asthma, bronchitis, cousu
tickling in the throat, or any
or lunge, we know that Dr. I
will glee you inunediate relief
dreds of eases it has coinpl
where all otlier medicines '
remedy eau show one half
cures. Now to give you (AU
King's New Discovery will
bronchitis, hay fever, consu
ecilds, hoarseness, or any thro
you will call at Hickson a.ucl 1-
Heaforth, we will give ,you
east, or a regular size bottle
Bucklen's Ar ,
The best mho in the wo
Sores; Ulcers, Salt Rhetu
Hands, Clulblams, Corris. at
Eruptions. This salve is gut
feet satisfaction in every case
Price 25 cents per box. Pm
Bleasdell, Seaforth.
severe cough, cold,
ition, loss of voice,
affection of the throat
ing's Neiv Discovery
We know of hun-
Oely cured, and that
lad failed. No other
as many permanent
factory proof that Dr.
ure you of asthma,
ption, severe coughs,
it or lung disease, if
leasdell's chug store,
trial bottle free of
r 556-8m-2
ca Salve.
Id for Cuts, Bruises,
Tetter, Chapped
d kinds of Skin
=teed -to giye per -
or money refunded.
sale by. Hickson &
THE TICTORLA. Hyropit0 rnITES Ile t8 like
magic mph y restoring the s rength and appetite,
promaing pound and refreshing bleep, and im- -
parting tone, vigor and enert to the whole sys-
tem. For Consumption, We Lungs end Chest,
man's Worm Powders are hi hly esteemed by all
and Throat Diseases, it is t e best and surest
remedy known. For sale b all dealers. Free -
mothers wh ha d tl 566-52
'palm FOR SALE. -Lot No. 84 Con. 11, Mc-
Killop, 55 acres cleared, balance hardwood ;
frame barn, log house ; clay loam soil ; terms
liberal. For particulene apply to IOELN S.
PORTER, Seaforth. 505x4
VOB SALE. -The subscriber bate for sale a 50
•2-- acre lot in the tovinship of ticIfillop, County of
Huron, 20 acres are cleared and the balance well
timbered with beech and maple. The property
will, be sold 'cheap. Apply to JAS. H. BENSON,
Solicitor, Seaferth, Ont. 517
154 and 1.55, Jarvis' Survey, Market Street,
Seaforth. These aro choice lots aud will be sold
• cheap. For terms, Ste., apply to the undereigned
or to JAMES H. BENSON, Solicitor, Seaforth.
ELIZABETH RAMSA.Y, Seaforth. 566x4
a's Fen S. -eine -The propel ty ot Wm. Radd.-
There ere two dwelling hous, s, one of which is
large and commodious, -with geed etoue cellar
and plenty of water ; also a fine orchard. of yeti-
rious kinds of fruit trees ; pleasaotly situated ;
will be sold cheap, as the owner is leedie.g this
eection. If not eeld in one mouth will be reeted
to a good tenant. Apply tit A. S'ILON5G6,8x64ea-
fort h
pROPERTY FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot No. 14
Con. 16, Grey, 100 acres, 16 acres cleared -an
excellent lot. Weet half of -north lialf of Lot Ne.
29, Con. 6, Morris, adjoiniag the Vi lege of Brus-
sels, 50 acres, 83 acres cleared, cheese factory and
maehinery complete thereon. Folio houses and
bets, and a large number of vacant lots in Bruesels,
all the property of the undersigned. Also a nura-
• berof improved farms, the property of other par-
ties. JOHN LECKIE. Brussels. ! 51E
..VINE FARM F,OR SALE -Sout half of Lot
20, Con. 18, McKillop, co.ntaining 50 acres, 45
acres cleared and clear of -stunipe ; g mil log house,
new frame barn 39x56, new shed 2ax.50, splendid'
young orchard Of about 182 trees coptunencing to
bear,. good pump and well) well fenced, young
maples planted all along front of lot ; 8 miles from
Seaforth ; is now ocoupied by the Messrs. "%Ma-
lin. Price and terms made known by applying to
the owner, S.,G. McCA.UGHEY, Seaforth .565-2
FARM FOR SALE.I'or Sale, Lot 15, Con. 14,
_ McKillop, containing 50 acres, 45 of which -are
cleared and well improved; *there see fair builds
ings and good fences ; there is a geed. young or-
chard and plenty of water ; the growing crops will
be sold with the farm ; it is 2 miles from Walton,
12 from Seaforth and 8 front Brussels, with geed
graveleoad leading to each place. Also aquantity
of excellent building timber and saw loge for sale.
A-pply to Walton 1'. 0. or to the proprietor on the
premises. JAMES -CAMPBELL.
VARM FOR SALE.--Fann for Sae in511.Voxiii,
being south helfof Lot 25, on tle8th conces-
sion, conteining 100 acres, 75 demo 1 and under
good cultivation, the remainderunder good hard,.
wood ; on the place there is a Rewire, ne bank barn
and frame.stables, log house, good well and pump,
good bearing orchard ; churches and schools con-
venient ; within a mile and a quarter of the Grey
geavel road, 5 miles from Brussels and 14 miles
from Seiforth. Apply to WM. GAINIE, on the
prernises, or to Walton P. o. 566
FOR 'SA -IE. -For leeLot 22, Con. 3,
Hay, County of Huron, about of e mile from
the flourbibing village of Bensell, ou the Lon-
don.. Huron end Bruce llailway, col mrieing 1(10
t el es, 80 cleared. Soil day loath, in a good state
oi eultivatiou ; goodemildiage sold f incee, aud a
good orchard ; throe never -failing wells e _the
oeu8 es regerds 'neighborhood, schools,
e ttiTg 1
, roe( s, nocreets, &a. car not be sur -
peeped. For tchne and particul'ers tpply to- the
ploprictor on the premises, er address JAMES
WEIB, Ilensell P.. 0. 563x4
FAO M. it Olt SALE Olt To RENT. -For Sale or
to Rent Lot No. 12, Cou. 9, lownthip of
Morris, containing 100 acres, 50 acres cleared
and in e good state of cultivation, remainder
! weletinabered. That: is ou the lot v. gooct bear-
ing orcherd of two. twee also good re 1110 W-
hig This farm is sheeted about 21 claim then
Myth, a flourishing :en lege on the Le !Won Huron
& Bruce Railway, and iic in every reepect a yeti,
desirekle property. . For further pa, 'Licata:1i ail •
ply to Hugh Baia, Goderich, or J.
Grain Merchant tilyth: • 561
TOARK FOR SALE -For Sale-,- Lot 29,7Con.
• Staulev, containing 100 fierce • 85 acme elear-
cd, well underdreined! well futiceic, and ie. a
good. state of eultivatihn ; bal ince is well
timbered with httrdwood ; thee? ere on the
premises two houses, one log and One f mine,
frame been and stables ; a young 'b iaring orcie
; a eever tailing spring runs ()trough the
farm ; aim good wefi ; situated wi :bin 3 miles
of Clietoti and 5 of Brumfield ; cahoot house
within oneopuirter mile. Apply to ALEXANDER
cettIPBELli, ou the pi anises, or to Clinton
P. O. 5-19
_ _ e :
FARM Ft.511 SALE. -For Sale, a wry superior
farm in the township of Hullett, being Lot 8,
Con. 9, contanung .150 acres; 120 a ires eleared,
, 110 &eras free from stumps, and 14 atres of fall
wheat sown.. There aro good frame o
end two good dwelliog houses, ehere lee also two
good pump wells on the place and 2 pod bearing
orchards:- The toxin is sitaded 9 miles from Sea -
forth end the same distance from CLoton. The
lend is of the best quality and well -fenced. For
further particulars apply -to the propyiefor on the
premises or to Constance P.O. WI DUNLOP. 562*4
liaiRai IN McKILLOP FUR SALE. -For hale,
I" the North part of Lots 8 nod fa eon. 13, Mc-
-, Killop, containing 112 acres ; there a :e about 80
cleered, well fenced, underdeahfed, al a in a high
state of cultivation, the balance is will timbered
with hardwood ; good dwelling, new bank frame
num 50x56, with Ambling -underneath, and othet
Iletbuildings ; also a good voung orchare and plenty
or water. Is 10 miles fro"m. Brussels,- t; from Wal-
ton, and 12 from Seaforth, with good gravel mule:
to emit place ; convenient to church a id schools ;
will be sold as a whole or. in two parts • itaiply to
. Walton P: 0. or to the proprietot on the prem-
ises. WILLIAM DYNES. 547
' *
PLENDID 'FARM FOR SALE. -N irth balf of
ad Lot 24, Con.' 8, Morris, containin ; 100 acres,
more or 'este 70 acres cleared and free from
stumps, the balanceis good hardwood ; land well
fenced with cedar end black ash. A de lendid new
frame barn 40x56, also a good log barn mad stable,
and ii, good log dwelling house and we]. Arm in
rear m neverfelling spring. .-There is the on the
premises a good orchard, of apple, pecia and Olum
treee. Also eight acres of fall w teat, drill
sowed. Situated 'ono mile and. e hal from the
grayel road, and 4 mites from the e of Brus-
Sele. Price very low. Per further per annexe ap-
ply to PIERCE CLENNEN, on the premises,
LOUIS alcDONALD,Wolton. or to Mc lAUGHEY
& HOLMESTED, Seaforth. 550
! FARM FOR SALE.-Tbe subscriber offers for
sale Lot 22, Con. 12 of the townsh .p of Stan-
7 ley' containing one hundred Herm, 83 pens clear
ed and in a good state of . cultivation and. good
; fences, balance 17 acres good. bardiv eod bush;
one half of clearing ateded. down, there Will be 13
, acres of wheat aut in this fall, there is about 3
acres of a thriving orchard on the promises and
a vac iety of fruit trees all now bearing. _The farm;
is - well watered, a never felling' creek runs
1 through the farm, also two good well.% 'ergo bank
barn S6 by 60 feet with good stabling -under-
neath the balm, and a log dwelling house. The
farm is situated within two and a loaef miles of
" the village of iinvtieldo- For further particulars
! apply to S. McLafAN, proprietor on th premises
or to W. Connor, Baytiela P. 0. 672
TOARIVIS- POR SALE.-Eor Sale, twc epleadid
Farms -on the London Road, near elrucefield.
The one farnt is -Lot 20, Con. 1, L. II, ., Tucker-
; .sruith, containing 100 acres, 45 of which are
cliadail, well fenced coad unclerdrainedi and in a
high state of cultivation ; 15 ethos chapped, and
the balance well tambered with hardwc od ; there
is a good frame hoarse, barn. and other outbbild-
ings ; also plenty of water. The secon 1 farm is
• lot- No. 9, -Londoo Road, Stanley, utains 97
acres, 80 of which are cleared; this is c ne of the
finest farms in the county of Huronemul for :coil
neither farm can be surpassed; there is a good
barn and etable and splendid orchard ; plenty of
water and good fences. Both farms Ifrre within
two and a hall miles of Brucefield station and
miles front Sealorth or Clinton.- Ap; ly to the
procrietor on the Stanley farm, or to irucetield
r. 0. JOHN BOSS. - -562-4x
FARM FOR SALE. -One, of the most desirable
farms in the ecannty of Huron fo: tale, be-
ing Lot 32, Con. 1, ticiiillop, on the Goclerich
Road, 14 miles from the floarishingiTown of Sea -
forth, Grand Truuk Railway station. The farm
contains 100 acres, all under caltivation except
12 acres. bush and old Dinsture. Well drained,
board and wire fences, divided into Sevin -fields ;
watered by a small creelc running through the
middle of the land ; a good well near t ae house.
The farm buildings are extensive and mostly
new. Two barns 75 x C6 each, stebler, naachine
houses, and all neceseary outhouses ; tew coach
bouse with bell -tower and bell ; new cc ttage for
farm servant, both the latter buildings are sided
and painted. The Dwelling house is large. 65 x
86, one and a half stories' high, frame bricked,
side boarded and well painted ; parlour, sitting
room, dining room, library and hall, laige; high
ceiliegs, oak floors, besides two bedrooms on
ground floor ; 7 good sized bedrooms land hall
upstairs. The inside is of superior finith, wood-
work oak, grained, and walls paperet. Large
wibter and summer kitchens and an excellent
bricked cellar attached to the house. T ae front,
104 feet from the road; is well laid on :, a good
lawn studded with handsome trees and shrubs.
An excellent orchard with about 150 choice fruit
trees of all kinds. For further particulars apply
to the owner on the premises or to Seaforth
P. O. L. MEYER. 563
In That Old Grocery
OCTOBER .1878.
st Office Building.
And in no case to allow deception as t the Quality
Bilying Teas and General Groceries in Quanti ies, I would s
and Prices before pure aeiug elaewhe
Flour, Mill Feed, Corn and Oat meal' Gran
' and Potatoes always kept in to k, and
E _
Farm Produce Taken}
in Exchange..
A ppnENTICES WANTED. -Six apprentice,.
2-3- to Dressmaking 'wanted inamsdiately atas
aihis WANTED.-Wantedae learnedly:tele, a
1-A Good General Servant-. Apply at the alibi
of England Parsonage,BeafOrth. 565
TEACHER WANTED. -Wanted. Male Toe -h-
a er, holdibg a second or thinacatsa certifieetes
for Schnol Seetion No. In, Morrie. Appliettiont
will be received till the middle of November
Apply to THOMAS SMITH, Jamestown Pod
TENDERS WANTED.-Tendere will lie7e;eliv.
......_ c-a-rouueda, ubpy ttilal notictduebrseirgog; ftoorblgoagiener-Jada:d;
on Lot 12, 2nd concesidon of Stanley, laorspeee
AlogoeknotiTt for a first-class baker to lease or tale
charge of a good stand in Hensall. Good refer.
P2N Fs Oa nUe,vN,,FirDeal ilB;vraeliti c,tezfiLiebi cis Inn irPila.nOecs.cs,,
fie:alone and other information., del.ategi ligNutngfth/t
A GOOD CHANCE.-Messre. Maiola Alta,
. . _ , , .. ...... _
,, -t- It -
C I' -A. i
N GERS h, .0111111g a second class certificate, or, a Vale
leacher holding *thied clees certificate. 'hales
p02,:fjeSiO4 given Oet, 15th.
and JOHHNIt0A.AvRT,EIRFertsru_sTteeeas:hBeerndlovna.tte566 '
speehrusuoin. n jeAeduaTlisiletkveLomhNtt: an oEto-pnrecivziottilluyt
enees required ; terms reasonable, apply at dente"
to commence on -0:4e-eine' of Jennary next. Ne
1 .1EASeeclitiEoRn N'SoV..11, THEuDIrettW, nliFtPeani.' alle°rTeaeSclireel,
, Call and Contpare (.111•1121Y
A.pplications with tbetimeniale will be toccata,
ril-a•MtCoioBn Schotl Se'etio. n No:1, Tnruberry for
as I can't be beat.
d: 'teachers belding 2nit or 3rd eless cettificatas,
1879, duties to corumface hogiOniag of dencetrt,
by the undersigned until Oet. 24, front male
,F/Oatla -and from female. teethere haling 2 mi °teem% ee4s-
eter P 0,
tifirates. ROB r. DOUGLAS, Seetetary, Weoe..
f thel Article sold or in Weighte.
lated Wheat, Graham
sold at Bottom Prices
TEACHER WANTED.-Wauttio, fok Scho 1
OSE., Family Grocer.
hsoart:gexapeitlhenredociluareaectritigficatef energgic in his
quired. Apply personally -or by letter to any of
butic ees will bo prefevred. G ad 1 reeitenecot
the undereigned Truttees. JAMES POTOBla
Teacher, with a sebond-class certificate, or me
Section No. 10, Eest Wawanoeh, a oteie
thet ha5:611:4
1=2, 'I"' I -I
11\18TR KiENt EMporvy
'1111 -1\./11?./S'0
For Which We are the- Whol
sale .A
GENTLEMEN -I have examined with gre t. in `erest au
one I have is superb in every respect. Elastic -De of ench
prominent in phem, whilat in power they are like a Gr ind. I
paralleled success with -which your Piwnos meet and ost he
lie opinion ice respect to them. Faithfully yours,
020a C31 -
Clough & Warren's Celebrated laatrum ts al
1 r Canadian Bell Organ.
, Other Pianos and. Organs sufgalied ou th short
Instruments. sold on time or the itialment sys
PI_A_ 1\T
ents for Ontario •
ass., July ,.21st, 1
ex SPLENDID CHANCE -one of the best
o a farms in the Comity Hnion for sale by
Public Auctitin on Thursday, October 81, ISM,
- at 1 o'clock R. an, at Commercial Hotel, See- -
forth. Tbe undereigned Offers for Bale. LokI9,
TES- Concession.14. containiug 180 acme,
of which about 14o acrea ate -cleared, -well fel:wed,
- niaderdrained, and in a gpod state of ealtivation;
the balance is well timberoi with hardwood;
There is not inch of waste land on the lima;
A small spring creek inns across one corner;
0 good frame buildings alt around; abundance et
good water and pumps, and a splendid bearing
orchard ; it is within a, mile and a half of a gravel
; road, midway between Seaforth, Bruesels and
Blyth statione; elso convenient to eburches,
schools, post office. &a. The farm will be sold Jo
78. a Avholl or in two -parts ; for further particulars
a.ddtess Wahou post office, or apply to the pro-
, prietar on the premises; WILLIAM BELL',
Propietor ; JOHN BULLA.a.D, Auetioueer; 566
_ _ .. _ _
pleaeure your Uprieht Pienoe. The STOCK AND FARM IMP LE SIENTS.e--aft.
d flue singing quill y of tone are 1 P. Brine li»s been instrueted by Me. George
m not the least sarprised at the uu- Sproakto aell by Public Auction, on his porn -
Italy and emphatically endor e pub- Lies, 3rd concession, 11. 11. S., Tuekeramith, on
F. BOSCO ITZ. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, the following
valuable thormghbred stock. viz.: 1 brood mare
iu feel, 5 years old, got by Kiug of the Dambh
ion; 1 driving hone, 7 yeeti old., get by King of
the Dominion ; eat, 2 years old, gut by Pride
of England ; 1 colt, 2 yeare old, got by Pride of
England ; the thoroughbeed Durham bull, Mie-
s on hand. Also .1•1e net, 2 years old, which took 2nd --prize at the
st notice.
South Riding Show m 2877 and in 1878 ; 6
thoroughbred bull einem, got by magnet. 1
thoroughbred bull calf, got by Dickson's let prize
i bull; 8 thoroughbred cows, in calf to Magnet;
4 grade cows, in calf to Magnet ; 1 thoroughbred
two year old beifer, in calf ; 1 single buggy, -
RS Seaforth Ont
. 5 nearly new; 1 cutter, nearly new ; 1 horse tart;
* 1 set single harness ; 1 Wining mill new : 2
non plowir, 1 wooden plow ; 2 set wooden hat -
rows ; 1 ea iron harrows, and vile:ions other arta
tap., OMR-Y.
SUGARS, sua:Ar,s,
everything in the Grocery departme t.. We Gil
1 .
China Tea Sets, very large assortment in Frenc and Englis
four Patterns. l'ahite Granite Toilet Sets, Gold awl Toilet S
1 cies. Sale te commence at 13 o'clock noels.
TERMS -All MIMS of $3 and under cash. over
that amount 12 months' credit will be given on
furnishing approved joint notes. A. discouOkof
8 per cent, will be allowed for cash credit
s P. BRINE, Auctioneeri
amounts, 'GEORGE SPROAT, Propriet8o6r5!sTe
_ .
been instructed by MT. WILLIAM DI'INEN,
' to mil by Public Auction, on tc e premises, on
; FRIDAY; OCTOBER 25th; the following veluable
'property, viz.: Tait' FARM-conta ins 70 acrect of
good land, being part of Lot 28, Con. 7, Township
of Usborne, County of .lierron ; 6 miles frem
i Exeter and 6 from Hensel]; coevenient to
' school, °burettes end post cane ; a epring creek
rune across the farm ; the farm ie joining a
good gravel road ; there ere 60 neves cleaead, the
remaireler Wing good haedwood bueb. STOCK
AND IOIPLEMENTSe-1 epan of working horses,
. 4 milch cows suppos,ed to be in calf, 1 two-year
old steer,. 5 year -Hive, 2 calves, 1 ram and 11
ewes, 6 Berkshire queers pigs, 1 Berkshire sow,
Humber wagon. 1 light wagon on springs, 3
rantee the best in the market. plowe, 1 mew set of Diamond harrows, 1 set Of
wood harrows, 1 long sleigh, 2 set of whiffletrees,
1 fatming mill, 1 set of double harness, 1 wheel
barrow. 1 corner cupboard, 21 aeros of good
Mwl,aEre.Nwtbiet re G (mite Tea the Farm • Made known on tbe !day of sale For
Swede turnips, 2 stacks of hay and one /strew
stack, and sundry other ortichie. TERMS -For
Sets, ' '
Stock and Implemeots sums *DI $4 and
under. caeh; over thet amount 12 months' credit
will be given on furnishing approved joint notes.
WILLIAM DINNIN, Sr.. Pr oprieter ; BTSR-
, OP, Auctioneer. 566.3
s, Fancy -Toilet Sets, &c.
The largest stock in Town, imported direct fro the nianufac -titers, and at prices that can at be
beat Hotelkeepers and parties cOnimenning hous keeping will do welt to give us a call efore
making t heir purchases,
, All Goods Warranted as Rep esented o
. .EAFORTH.- f
Money Refunded.
- 1,
- me , t ee son is cbiefly a, clay loam well ad-
I , aped either .for gardening or ferneing pneposee.
a :-EIT.T. j--1- i :Et ij Fe T4 0 W 2. nd. The property keowo as -the tdistillery lot
FIELD. -Pursuant to au order made in. a par-
tition suit of Heacke vs. Hauelie in the County
Court of the County of Huron, dated the nth
day of aepternber A. la 11378, I will offer for sale
by Public Auction, by Johri C. Currie, Auction -
V eer, at Morgans! Mite], in the village of Exylield,
-d• * on Saturday.the 26th day of October, A. D. 1S78,
at 12 o'clock, noon, the fellowing lauds tamp-
_ erate parcels, viz.: lst. Lot No. 10, range E, in
- the towushid of Stanley, containing 1O4- acres.
This lot is situttted about one mile from Bay-
field on tbe gravel 'wee leading from Boydeid to
Seafortli, opposite Mr. W. W. Connor's property -
About 8 acres is cleared at d under cultivation,
on -which them is a hyge erchard of choice fruit
trees in good conditiou, the billion° of the lot is
timbered with hind wood, chiefly maple aod
• -
I have only 800 cif these P,ows left, and parties wishing to get one should come at once. Be cam-
fel -aud don't get the wrong plow.. as spurione and worthless iinitetions arc beitg manufactured- •
None Oemone without the Company's Trade aTark: Oliver Chilled. Plow. Massie's No. 13 Thi s tle
Cutteis, and all kinds of Cteneral Purpme Plowa.
F. •
Come an0 get one before winter °mum, and make youte new cloth a before you freeze. All kinds of
Straw! Cutters, Root Cutters, arid...revery Implement imp:tired for irming. All kin.ds of Plow Cast-
ingts mod points alwayron hand.
; e
The foilowing are ti:te namee of a few of the farmers this- n
and are now using the, OLIVER CHILLED PLOW :
In TUCKERSMITTI-aohn Crich, George CheF ilea, Peter C
Meal ec, Men 'may, William Ireland, James • Stoneman, Elm
Campbell, John Hannah, Robert Grieves, James Piekatd, William
HULLETT-Josiah Irwiu, Ralph Stephenson, Alex Sumies
In McKILLOP-Rcibert McMillan, Hugh McMillan, Thomas G
Goveulock, Robert Govenlock, Hugh Grieves, Sr., dames Kerr, P
john Adam, Hugh Grieves. Jr., Thoram Hillen, Samuel Smith,
John Eggert.
In HIBBERT-john Hackie, Thoms.s Brennan, aud Robert De
In LOGAN-Thonnie Bemmaia, In STANLEY -John Tomlins
I roepectfully request Farmers to enquire of either If the abo
Plow are.
0. C. WILLSON Main
ighbnrhood who have purehised
°per, William Carnochan, jecole
zit Walker, Kenzie Grant, John
o, William Way, Sohn Brit ton.
venlock, James 'Grieves, Andrew
ter, O'Sullivan, James T arnbull,
obert Grieves, Henry Hart, and
n. In USBORNE-James Meyer.
as to what the Merits of the
Street, Seaforth.
I ONCE NORE respectfully beg leave to return thanks to nun
patronage during the last 12 years that I have heen doing bu
solicitla continuance of their favors for the future. I have just r
Stack ni DRY GOTOEADSS of all descriptions. Also always
a Specialty -which, for cebality and
AG I RI, aOr g Ce sEt ultc kt Eo iS - -
B 0 0 T S and S H 0 ES-MePherson's m
merous customers for their kind
iness amongst them, and kindly
eived a Large and Well Selected
on hand a full assortment of
rice, are the best in the County.
ke. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps
and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paiots and Oils, Dings, Patent Medicines 'Bacon and Hams, in fact every-
thing required in a general store. Lek for what you want if you d n't see it. Cash or farrn produce
taken in exchange. I would sdso intimate to all parties ' debted t me for last and previous years,
to comp and eettle by cash or note before the end of t 's mont , or the accounts will be put into
other hands for collection. No further notice will be give . MON Y TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS.
-I am also valuator for the Dominion Saving aod Investnient Soc ety, one of the beat loan societies
in the Dominion. The above Society loans money on gond farm s entity for a term of from three to
twenty years, on the tryst favorable conditions. LIFE laISTniaN E. -If you want yonr life insured
give me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life Assam, knee C mpany, one of the best Life In-
surance Companies in the Dotninion, and conducted on the most
°mammal principles. Don't for-
get to give me a call. I am always attentive to businessi Post Wilco and Telegraph Office in con-
nection. Clover, Timothy, Turnip and other seeds on hand.
in the village of 33ayfield, situated on the south
batik of the river, opposite to Morgane' Hotel,
extendine horn the brow of the hill down close
to the river, toutainieg -thirty-eight perches of
land. Title good and free from encumbrences
'1 elms of Sale. -Ten Per cent, down and the bets
once within one month, without intereet, when
the purchaser will be entitled to a conveyance
and, to helot into possession. The other con -
lobs of stile are shill -tar to the stariditig
>nen! sale of the Court of Chancery. For
an liar perticulare apply to the auctioneer, or
o eeeers. Cameron, Holt & Cameron or to E.
Solieitors, Goderieh or the 'Veniiore'
seeeitors. Signed, Garrow & Meyer, Vendors'
aoncitors. W. 11, Squie.r, Real Repreeentative.
MENTS. -Mr. 0.11arnilton has received Minnie -
tions from Mr. Robert Brotherston to sell by
Publie Auction, on north half a/ Lots No.14 and
15, Con. la, MeKillop, on WEDNESDAY, OCT.
23rd, 1878. the following valuable property, viz.:
1 span of good evorldng hOreieli, nearly 9 years
old ; 8 good. milch cows, supposed" to be ha calf ;
1 heifer, rising 8 years Did, eupposed to be inroalf;
I steer iisiog 8 yeais old ; 8 heifers, rising 2
years old ; 3 spring calyes ; well-bred sheep ;
1 thorobghbred Cotswold earn ; 5 hogs ; 1
lumber wagon ; 3 pair- of boh-eleighs 1 reaping
machine; 1 pair of iron harrows ; firon culti-
vator ; 1 sulky horse rake ; 1 _double buggy ; I
fanning min; I set of double harness, long tugs;
1 plow ; 1 grind st011e ; 1 6et dloubletrees
and tieckyokia ; 1 sugar kettle ; also a quantity
ef about 8 tons of hay, -will be sold by the ton -1:5,
lamp • together with spades, shovels, chaittis,
forks,'hoes, and a 'variety of other articles o
numerous to mention. Also the Fenn, no th
half of Lots 14 and 15, Con. 12, township of Me-
Killop, containing 100 tierce, 70 acres cleered ;
there is ou the place a good frame dwelling
house, a good log barn and stables. good wellaud
pump convenient to house a good orchard, all
well fenced. and in a first-dass state of cultiva-
tion ; there are 10 acres of fall -wheat arid some
fall plowing ; church and grange hall OR corner
of Lot. 'Sale to commence at 1 o'clock Mo
sharp. TERMS -Stook ,.afia. Impleinents-All
sums 01 $5 and under cash, over that amount 13
months' ceedit will be given on furnishing AP-
provadooint notes. A discount of 10 per cent.
willbe 'allowed foreash.' on all credit amounts.
The Farm -Terms made Ignnwn on day of- gale.
For full particuLers apply to the proprietor on
the premises or to C. Hamilton, Blyth. BOB-
ROTHERSTON, Proprietor ; C. HAM-
ILTON, Auctioneer. 5554
-Volks who can't
tbinrobwhisn:tareers,enbt_i to eLt1
c 0 74 nh 11- ;tirye rbhbeaui pus gs setvhaeerr .seroandl
Benitgthetr inwpitarto iseauidia:r
an hour eat a 81 hag A
'ma to take evary
to see what A Islas."
sw h -o v\wV.a. yae smtasooetphaawllar mpussii
we were Bony to see hi
‘‘ Hopeless !" he emeatti
it! Ybu know the °Jai
ji°-PeAell'etril'e' boy froni
into the county visj
bowl of bread and
and then hesitated a n
mother asked him if :
to which he replied,: s)
"Yes, ma, I was wishi
would keep a cow."' _
-A little boy rm. av
and while enjoying lihr
fields, a thunder -Amid
began to hail. .
needed no accuser.
Al Ma, ma, God's -fr
offi-ce441'svaMs iaDve"rewah-boe
young wife. Wishing:.
* esting subject fox coir9
. IlseYrdaTtily'azawylt'affillYeill;
sal hour? I should j
-ed by," nonchant41
" isay. feRows„”
tomps; the other day
can tell the biggest
said, a -loafing fellow 1
ped the bigl
don." "3 Come nowal
Bill contemptuously,
nothing but hes, nna
tor, don't you think a
trouble iron]. valial
he -can extricate
tified making
taking his own
doctot, " let him. go
where he he 1,s not
-devil where he is kno
face-Aliknieluallpwieaces osefe3I1
newspaper --office wit
ancl_his nose sin
his tirs chawed off.
last week, anq
that writ it He "w
-The landlord. ef
entered, in an angry
apartnaent of a board
sir, I want you -to pal
must. I've asked. fo
.ioul I tell. you now4
my house till you
said his lodger ; ".1
ing,make regulara
stay with you as lo
eye to the percent&
dent feSSOIretilt)3 tick
sir, nothing has
this and London„
teen months, file
agies, the next $
-A St deseph 1
client who entrus
bill of $14 which,:
and the money hem:
ful claimant. The:
preSented to his el
services rendered
$14, felea. MAIO Mat-
his. cheat, will -
Joseph bwyer iS
alinteOthgeotahs6! Succesk
miles from Dunde
was about starti
ticket to a place
where the train wt
was told by the el
not go there, he re
to give the -engine
hers& vud t
coal hex. of her e
fIaor wooast
inent states
Foe Felgotlyra
house and fetch y
*in.. go uround
fetch you around
yoking ,lady is said
to -have said - hat
she was said `o
_ aolaieanin;t trahrz .sa
eome to our
1he nobl miss
beautiful story.
my early iourriey.
paniorts, io a 11
banks of the Ora
travelled far and.
and fatigued ; bu
lage rather rou,
at a distanee.
they would not s
three or four but
for a, drink of
We had the pros
'night, at a distan
within Bight t
light gFew on, a w
the height beyon
She bore on her I
Baia haa a vessel
The Utter-) with'?
handed to us, la
turned to the v
she approached
her head. and.a le
ana. water in th
- without saying
. said, put 011 the
again and again
mained silent un
treated her to
looked -for kin
the testa roll
and. she replie
you ate, and
you a cup of eo
My heart is Ali,
the joy I feel at