HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-11, Page 8F
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n1�pooito v.
AG-ENTS 'WANTED, ill every Town and,
Township in the counties a Huron, Draft, Perth,
Oxford, Waterloo, turd tiliddleseia to sell and ad-
just to windows Munn's Patent Sash Regulator,
can be applied to any window, and. is preferable to
'weights at -half the cost. Good referenees must
seeornpany all applications. Jas. A. abiE & Co.,
13eafortba 562
RECEIVED this week at M. MORF.I-
son's ; a large Stook of fresh, no* Seasoned Teas,
in Young Hysens, Congo; and japans; these teas
were bought in the best market and at bottom
prices; parties wiehing a good cup of tea very
cheap can eall at M. MORRISON'S and. get 3 pounds
good tea for $1.:, 566-2
ALLEN'S GROCERT.—EXtra- Value in
Teas, Sugars, and General Groceries,Whole Spices,
Tickling Viniegms, Butter Bowls, Prints and
Ladles,Butter Crocks, Milk Crocks, Brooms,
Brushes, l'aihe Wash Boards, Wash Tubs, &c.
Shop No.3, bias. Whitney's Biotic. 'Wm. ALLENt.
forth, exhibit twel Chilled Iron Mould -Board Plows,
manufactured by South Berel-lronWorks, Indiana,
one of abich is finished like a parlor ornament,
and are apoken of by farmers veryfavorably.—LoN-
DON FREE. PrtEss. 566 ,
just opened out a large consignment of the very
latest styles of Glassware, Beantiful sets for 50e
awe upwards. Also &great variety of lamps, globes,
• shades and chimneys at a geeat reduction for
Cash. 563
'Flour, Graham Flour, Rye Flour, Corn.Meal, Pot
Barley, Split Peas, Western Corn, and everything
in the feed line at bottom prices, at R. LoGAN &
Co's, ign. of the Mammoth Turnip, Seaforth. 566
Bets at Wresoa & YouNG1S, $2-25 ; Handsome gold
band tea sets for 64 50: 4 pieces toilet sets, 61 20;
Stone butter crock:3,1111U jars and. everything in
the above line at bottom prices. 568
THE SEED STORE.—For Sale at R.
Mogan & Co's, Thorley's Improved Horse and Cat-
tle Food—the best food in the market. Sole Agents
/or Seaforth, R. LOGAN & Co., Sign of the Mam-
moth Turnip, Seaforth. 566
. THE CHEAPBST place in town to buy
your Groceries is:at M. Moarnsost's ; 12 pounds good
briglit sugar for 61; 20 pounds gooft currants for
; and everything else in the grocery line at re-
duced rates. 566-2
M. Mortersoe has now en hand a full
etoek of Crockery, iGlasswore -and Lamps—Goods
which will be solcf at a smail advance on cost;
Good Glass Sets (4 pieces) for 50 cents. 566-2
are now showing a large Stock, of fall boots and
shoes at prices that cannot fail to satisfy the elosest
buyer. Wu. FULL & Co., Brucefield. 563
THE SEED STORE.—Call and. see OUT
Catalogue of Ifya.cinths and Aux Dutch Flower
Itoots--a line -variety—at 11. LOGAN & Co's. 566
THE best value in Teas, Coffees, _Su-
gars, Syrups, Spices, Tobaccos, Raisins, Currants,
&c , itt Seaforth, at D. D. Bost's, 563.
VERY- 'fine Family Flour, ground from
lure Fife and white wlaeat. Pastry Flour at D. D.
November, 7th at 2 p. m., at Fordwich,
speakers.--;Bevols. Messrs. Barr, joises,
and Wm. Warner, elder; Noveraber
7th, at 7:30 p. m., rtit Wroxeter, speak-
ers----Bevds. Messrs. Barr, Jones and
Wm. Warner, elder; November 7th, at
7 p. roa., at Ethel, Revds. Messrs. Fer-
guson, McNaughton and Jas. Smiley,
elder, The occupants of the several
pulpits will kindly announce beforehand
the meetings which pertain to their re-
epective congregations. Collections
will be taken up at the close of all the
meetings and the proceeds left in the
hands of the local treasurers to be ap-
plied to the mission schemes of the
se's.. 563.
MRS. J. E. Tiromes, Dress and Man-
tle Maker, East Side of Victoria Square, Seaforth.
WANTED.— Any quantity of Dressed
Fowl at D. D. Rose's. 563
meeting of Phoenix 0orapany No. 1,
Sea/forth Fire Rrigad.e, -will be held ;on
Monday evening next. , A full atten-
dance is desired.
.TelltiOn. of. Centre lluion Conservatives
is to be held at Seaforth to-dair (Friday),
for the purpose of seledieg a candidate
to oppose Mr, Cartwright.
WELL PONE.—Arr. W. N. Cresswell
has this Year taken 24 first and 4 sec-
s:ma prizes for his paintings. The prizes
awarded at the several ehows are as fol-
lows • Toronto-, 6 first and 1 second;
Hamilton, 6 first ; 1.1014011, 8 first and
for these anauSements gratified at less
1 seemed.: Guelph, 5 first and asecond.
cost than at r gular billiard and amuse -
Ment saloons-, and be at the same time
removed fromieraptation and evil as-
The project is one 'which,
feel proud of his .recor4. we think, should receitre the earnest ene
• CORRECTIONS. -1 -We are informed: thatouragement and support of every good
citizen. A meeting of the members of
at the Seaford' show, Mr. James Kerr
the Institute Will be 'held. on lYfonday
was awarded a prize for -Roxboro' Rus -
evening next, to ratify the action of the
set tipples, instead of R. Scott. . The
Directors. We hope there will be as.
- name of Alex, Robertson was also, in
large attendance.. of members, not only'
some instances, wron y welled„appeae-
ieg "Robinson.", 'should have been
"Robertson " in every instance. Mr.
IL Robertson was credited with first
prize for quilt sewede On ground -work,
instead Of Mr.. 5... Landesborough.
COUNCIL AIEETING.-eL-At a Meeting of
Counci1ihe14 on Tuesday evening last, a •
resolution Wias passed. authorizing the
Street Committee to erect a sidewalk
on Goderich street at Carmichael's Ho-
tel, alio at Mr. Case's house on Cole -
men street and from Whitelaw's foun-
dry to the High School. A petition
•waareceived from Michael Dorsey and
others asking the Council to erect a
sidewelk on the east side of Jarvis
street, south of t11 e railway traok, also
to have certain stables, piggeries and
other nuisances, on same street re-
moved. The Policemau was instructed
to have the nuisances renewed if with-
in his power to dd. so. An application
had been made te the Council by Mes-
srs. Beldin & to. to have a view of the
towel published in the county atlas, the
cost of which veonld be $150. A com-
mittee was appointed to consider the
proposition. The committee reported,
recommending that no action be taken
in the matter; as it was believed to be
'rather a matter , for private enterprise
than a municipal undertaking. The
report of the committee was adopted.
After passing a number of accounts the
Council adjourn d.
promised then that in the event of the
High Sclmol be ng established, the effi-
ciency or standing of the public school
•should be in n way interfered with,
and. it is not very encouraging- now to
see an attempt with this end. in view
being made eve before the walls of the
High School ijuildiug are completed.
We hope that hen the matter, again
comes before tie Board, a majority of
the members ill set their faces firmly
'eu the side of he people; and that we
will not agairrhear of so mischievous a
t anley.
Mr. Wm. McFarlane,
ession, Stanley, has on
his farm, an a ple tree which is now
in :blossom for the second time this
art of the tree is now
' t, and the other part
AT Teas.—One day last
n Dunn delivered to
Meesrs. Smilhe & Clarke, of Blake, 8/.
bushels of pears, besides keeping about
21 bushels at
of good qualit
tree. Fruit p
year, especia
a convenient
of the 2nd con
recent meeting of the Directors of the
Seaforth Mechanics' Institute, it was
unanimously agreedto establish in con-
nection with the Institute a recreation
room. For this purpose the whole of
the flat now occupied will be ;leased
from Mr. Kidd, which, with the pro-
posed alterations, will make a most
complete, comfortable and convenient
suit of rooms. • In the recreation room
it is intended to have two billiard ta-
blee, andchess, draughts and other
genies. For the use of thig recreation
room it is proposed. to charge members
$1 extra, thus making the membership
fee $2 per annum to those who wish the
full privileges which the Institute will
afford, but for those who do net wish
to patronize the recreation -room, but
eimply desire the use of the library and
reading room ,the membership fee will be
the same as at present. A small hour-
ly fee will be charged members using
the billiard tables. It is hoped by this
teems not only to pay for the inereased
expenditure entailed, but to raise suf-
ficient to make the Institute self-sus-
taining, and _largely increase its effi-
ciency and usefulness. Aside, however,
from the financial view, the scheme in
a moral sense is an excellent one.
Billiards, chess and draughts are be-
coming fashionable and attractive
sources of recreation and amuseraent,
especially for young men: li institu-
tions, such as Mechanics' Institutes, do
not afford each amusements, young
men will seek Other and very objection-
able resorts for them. Here, however,
our young men can have their desire
Considering that the best artists of the
DOIDini032 were represented at these
shOWS, Mr. Cresswell may very justly
season. One
loaded with fi
with blossoms
week Mr. J
ome. These pears were
and all pulled from one
ys better than grain this
y When we can find such
arket for it.
evening of the
the friends o
and vicinity,
Hall, it was r
connection wi
of Good Tem
teresting ad
gentlemen pr
cers of the ne
stalled by
Deputy, assist
C. T. of-Seafo
Se*, W. V.
R. S.; Brot
Brother Be
Johnston, W.
M. Sister Si
Nough, W.
Temple Dept*
vited to joie t
SrECLkL TeuellaalViNG SERvicEs.—
Next Sunday will be observed by all the
congregations of the Church of England,
in the Diocese of Huron, as a day of
special thanksgiving for the 'blessings of
a plenteous hervgt, and of freedom
from plague and peetilence. In this
town the services will be held at usual
hours in St. Thomas' Church. The col-
lections at the Thanksgiving services
will be given to tharaission of Algoma.
NIGHT SCHOOL.—lar. Mooney will open
an evening school ai his own house, on
• Monday evening, the lith inst., for the
accommodation ofi grown rip boys and
others, who cannoticonveniently attend
a day school. Teins, $1 a month, in
advance. Should any ethers desire to
study " Phonetic Writing," or " Ea y
Lessons on Reasoning," they cen fo
a separate class. Time, from 7 to
o'clock in th 0 evening, for five days
• the week.
Re-tremes.—On Wednesday evening
next the Ladies' Aid Society of the
• Canada Methodist church intend hav-
ing anether musical and literary re-
union, the slime as tliat held 'a few
weeks ago. The rooms in the base-
• ment of the lieirch will be illimainated
and tastefully deCorated for -the occa-
sion. The success of the last similar
entertainment is a guarantee that that
on Wednesday ovenieg will be largely
to endorse what has been done, but to
encourage the Directors in their good
'THE PUBLI Senoon.—We regret- to
learn that at p, recent meeting of the
School Board; an effort was made to
dispense with one of the male teachers
in the public school. The reasons
urged in behalf of such a step are: that
as there will next year be &High School
in operation ill the town, a considerable
number of the pupils in the highest de-
partment of the public school will be re-
moved to the High School, and, conse-
quently, so large a staff of teachers will
not be required ira the public school.
This may, or may not, be the case.
Experiencealone can determine this
point. But, even should this prediction
prove correct; the pruning knife should
be used at ,the other end of the
staff. It is impossible to do away
with one of the male teachers in
the public school, without impairing the
effieicncy and usefulness of that insti-
tution. The High School is well enough
in its place; but we are very sure that
the people of this town will never sub-
mit to so foolish an action as to permit
the public school to be robbed forthe
benefit of the higher institution. Three-
fourths, yes„ four-fifths; of the children
of the town will never have an oppor-
tunity of attending the High School.
Before they are sufficiently advanced to
permit of their attending that institu-
tion, their services will be required in
other pursuits, either in support of
themselves or in aid of their parents.
This being. the 'ease, it is absolutely
necessary that the public school should
be kept ia the very highest state of
RANCE L0DGE.,-0I1 the
30th -alt., at a meeting of
temperance in Hensefl
eld in Mr. S. Re ie's
solved to fem. a 1 go in
h the Independen prier
ars. Excellent and in-
esses were delivered by
ent. The following of6.-
lodge were duly in-
rother Badge, Temple
d. by Brother Cluff, W.
th Lodge: Brother W. J.
, O. T.; Sister Nettie
4 -Brother H. Harris, W.
ter Frazer, •W. F.
erly, W. T.; Brother
C.; Brother Fleming, W.
rton, W. I. G.: Brother
▪ G.; Brother Frazer,
y. All are cordially in -
e new lodge.
40 -
terian churc
been in cour
past seaso-n,
sureties and sign the same before the,
15th Oct. next—Carried. Moved by Mr.
ENING.—The new Presby-
, near Belmore, which has
,e of erection during the
ill be formally opened on
Sunday next. Dr. Gardiner Robb, of
Toronto, is
officiate on- t
titled "The
*Knox," on t
of separating
the Fordwic
terian churches has, at last, assumed a
distinct fonn A vote of this congrega-
tion was ta
tain the fee
matter, and
Ramie, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that
the Clerk notify H. Folland and T. J.
Wilson to remove their fences from the
public road—Carried. Moved by Mr.
Rennie, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that
the resignation of Mr. Steinbach as
health officer a the township be not ac-
cepted by this Council—Carried. Moved.
by Mr. Rarmie, seconded by Mr. Wilson,
that the Reeve be authorized.' to have
the water removed from ditch in front
of Mrs. Wohlnick's lot and also to re-
pair the culvert across the DOMilli011
drain in the village of Zurich—Carried.
Accounts were passed. as fellows, and
orders passed for the payments of the
same: George Wing, damages to buggy
on a broken cu1vert,41 50; J. W. Beck-
• er, repairing culvert on Browns= Line,
43'; J. Melhck, repairing culvert, _50c ;
J. B. Geiger, repairing culvert, $2;
White & Carrick, advertising voters' list
court, $11 J. Thom, repairing scraper in
1875, 13 50. Moved by Mr. Rennie, -
seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the Reeve'
and. Councilletr Snider be authorized to
examine the -water course on side road
• opposite lot 10, llth concession, and. if
they think the drain nods deepening to
notify parties concerned accordingly—
Carried. Council adjourned to meet
again on Saturday, November 30th, at
10 a. m.
dvertised to be present to
at day. The reverend
11 also deliver a lecture en -
Life and Times of John
e Monday evening follow-
PARATICIV.-1.The question
the existing unionbetween
and Wroxeter 'Presby -
en last Sabbath to ascer-
g a the members in this
lthoueh it did not indicate
that unanimity which ought to exist in
a matter of uch vital importance, yet
ed that nothing will arise
he good feeling which has
1. the proceedings through -
rust that the good sense of
-will cause them to fall in
ether for . the furtherance
terests of the church.
it is to be h
to interrupt
out, and we
the minority
and work to
of the best i
ter many nsuccessful attempts, ex-
tending oven a period of two years, the
village of Wpigham has been incorpor-
ated as a town, and will hereafter rank
among tltej many other enterprising
towns of
were receiv
the inhabit
anada. The glad tidings
on Monday, and. at once
nts set to work to get up a
grand demo strati= in honor of this
event, whieh marks so important a
step in the Progress of the place. An
immense totchlight procession paraded
the principal streets in the evening, af-
ter which 14. enormous bonfire Was lit
and was keit going till late in the even-
ing. Congratulatory speeches were de-
livered by erabere of the Council and
other prom nent citizens, which were
listened t
cheered by.
MARKETS.—Fall whea
spring, 82c to 85c; bar
570 to 60c.
down near the Orange
Thomas street, during t
the Maitland, near Mo
is completed. It will b
convenience to the peopl
Lem, BRIEES'.—The
the Phoenix Block and
shops, is being pushed
rapidly.—A fight occurr
'night in front of the C
Mr. Bennett has comple
for gravelling Turnber
excitement prevailed i
Montreal and Dominic)
fices last Thursday, the
len-Courtney boat raee.
branch of the Independ
fellows, in this.place, is
ing. Five brothers Wer
ed for the purpose of
in Herriston. Brussel
their friends from liar
ter supper after they go
their work. The geni
Tecumseh House was
he done it in his usual
and frequently lustily
ver 3,000 people. In eon-
nection h this matter too much
praise cann the given Mr, B. Willson,
Reeve, and ,Dr: McDonald, Councillot,
for their *alms and untiring efforts
against de4rmined opposition to secure
the incorpoiration of the town. That
the citizen ii fully appreciate and will
reward thee gentlemen for their faith-
fulervice&there is no doubt.--
patronized. 1 -_ efficiency possible, so as to afford the
MISSIGNAII/ MEETINGS.—The fellow_ children of !the many, who have only a
ing is the programme of missionary limited time to devote to educational
raeettugs to be held under the authority pursuits, the best opportunities for ira-
of the Presbytery of Huron in its North proving feeir time. Td do away with
eastern. District: November 4611, at 2 one of the best and most efficient teach -
p. ne, Ifarpurhey, weekers — Revds. ers in the school, is not the way to 10
Meir. Brown and Mograve, and Thos. tam its standing and efficiency. It
Strachan, elder, November 4th, et 7:30 would be a thousand times better that
p. ne,Seafortlespeakers--Revds.Messrs. the High School should never be open -
Brown, Ferguson and. ' Thos. Strachan, I ea, than that it should be the cause of
elder, November 6th, at 2 p. m., at -impairing in the slightest degree the
Duff's Church, areseellare speakers ....._ usefulness of the public school. It may
Reeds. Messrs. Brown, D. B. McRae,.. suit some, -who are influenced only by
and. D. D. Wilson, elder; November] selfish interests, to disregard the effi-
55h, at 7 p. m., at 'Winthrop, speakers ciency of the public, school now that the
-_,...pareas. Messrs. Brown, D. B. McRae, High School is an accomplished fact,
and D. D.Wilsomelder ; November 6t1i, but we warn the trustees that there ao
M 2 p. in, at Walton, Revs. Messrsoulv very few such in town, and th.t
Jones. D. B. -McRae, and Wm. Warner, the great mass of the ratepayers N
elder, November 6th, at 7:30 p. na., at watch with a jealous eye the interes
Irenox Church, Brussels, speakers — of the public school, and will be sw
Itevds. Messrs. Musgrave, McNaughtou, in punishing any who may even attempt
and, Jas. Kerr, elder; November Gth, at to interfere with its efficiency end use -
7:30 p. m., at Melville Church, Brussels, fulness. We venture the assertion that
speakers—Revds. Messrs. Barr, D. 13, ltd. such a proposition been even moot -
McRae, and A. Gibson, elder; Novem- ed when the by-law to raise funds for
bet' 7th, at 11 it. me at Cranbrook, the establishment of , the High School
speakers — Revds. Messrs. Ferguson, was before the public, it would have
11101datightort, and Jas. Smiley, elder. beeu defeated by twb to one. 15 was
; Usb orne
A BIG IpAD.—A -few days ago Mr.
James Weetcott, of -Osborne, drew from
his place te the market in Exeter, 180
bushels of barley at one load. This
load was dawn by a span of three year
old colts. It was purchased by 'Messrs.
Bissett Br+thers.
DOINGS IN C013NCIL.-0oun0il met on
the 55h inat. pursuant to adjeurnment ;f
bers present. Minutes of
eeting were read and con-
oved by J. Halls, seconded
r, that the account of White
printing, amounting to $75,
arried. Moved by D. Mil-
, 82c to 850;
ey, 70d ; peas,
e VMS blown
Hall on St.
e receut wind
relating to Sunday School manage
and extension. A mass meeting
held on Tuesday evening, which
addressed by Rural Dean Davis,
W. F. Campbell and J. Robinson,
John Gillespie, Esq. A children's
meeting was held on Wednesday a
noon; addresses by Revs. James
micha,e1, M. A., and Chas: Matt
M. A. The following were among
'eubjects discussed: "Sabbath S
Hymnology," by John Gillespie,
Best Modes of Teaching," by
Dean Davis; "The Duties of Su
tendents," by Rev. C. R. Matt
How should Teachers Prepare
Lesson," by Rev. W. F. Campbell.
singing at all the services by • the
dren of St. Paul's Sabbath School
very appropriate and spirited.
W. F. Campbell and. R. Hicks veer
pointed a committee to draft a r
embodying -the results of the Co
tion, which was presented and adopted.
at the closing session on Wednesday
evening. In addition to the clergymen
above mentioned, the following were
also present and took part in the dis-
cussions : Rev. Archdeacon Elwood,
Goderich ; Revs. Henderson, Blyth;
and Forbes, Bayfield.
Huron at the Western Fair,
Om PAINTINGS—(eriginals)—any sub-
ject—lst prize W. N. Cresswell, Sea,
forth, $15. Animals from life, 1st W.
N. Cresswell, $10. Landscape or raa-
rine painting, lst W. N. Cresswell, $10.
WATER Corsons—(originals)—any,8ub-
ot bridge over
ey's flax mill,
found. a great
of the neigh-
• rick work on
onald's work
forward very
d 'last Friday
ntral House.—
ed his contract
front of the
Telegraph of -
ay of thlfHan-
nt Order oda-
rapidly increas-
here and join-
tarting a camp
camp treated
istort to an eys-
through with
host of the,
he caterer, and
food style.
• :rill`
I ew ;
• yen -
ent meeting of
by-law fixing
• he present year
is 5i raills on
d township pur-
f this meeting
the only other
• the passing of
nsider it neces-
THE RATE.—At a re
the McKillop Council,
the rate of taxation for
was passed. The 'rate
the dollar for county a
poses. The minutes
were received, but ' as
business transacted wa
accounts, we aid not c
eery to publish them.
TEA. Meeeme.—A t
be- held (D. Y.) in
Church, one mile eas
October 14th. A,ddres
livered by Revs. Jame
grave, Hayhurst, • a
Doors open at- 5 o'clo
from 5 to 7. .A.dmi
children 15 cents, Oh
Ward, of Brussels, at
correct standing of the
Section No. 2 for the
September: First Div
—1st Clarissa Hays,
3d Eliza Re nicksoia.
lst Peter McMillan,
3d Agnes McMillan. T
len Dickson, 2d Thos.
Borret. Second Divi
14 Eliza Hays, 2d M
Lizzie Grieve. Senior
Mary E. Sperling, 2d
3d Allan Sperling. J
—1st Maggie Hays, 2
3d Rachel Jamieson.
—1st Win,. Grieve, 2d
John Aitchison. Firs
all the m
by D. mi4
& Sons, fo
be raid.=
lar, seconded by T. M, Kay, that the-
accoun-t of Wm. Follaud, ,for nineteen
weeks boatd. of Wm. Rook, amounting
to $38, be , aid.—Carried. Moved by 3.
Shier, secended by T. M. Kay, that W.
Smillie receive $7 for relief.—Caxried.
J. Shier, seconded by D.
t Joseph Hewitt receive $5
Carried. Moved by T. M.
ded by D. Millar, that the
y Thomas Casey, sr., to re -
a IS
Moved- b.
Millar, th
for relief.
Kay, seco
Clerk notl
move his ence off the side -line between
lot E. of tile 751 concession, and lots 11
and 12 S. W, B., on or before the 255h
of October inst,—Carried. On motion,
Council adjourned till the first Saturday
itt November, et 11 o'clock a. na.
Boreea' EXPLOSION. -- On Saturday
morning, about 7 o'clock, the boiler of
Ralph Bilewn's sawmill,near Dashwood,
exploded., The building and machinery
were blown to atoms. A. man -who was
filing the saw at the time escaped un-
hurt. The rest of the hands were at
breakfast There being no water in
the boiler was the cause of the explo-
Com; err. MEETING.—The Hay town-
ship Couteil Met pursuant to adjourn-
ment in the town hall, on Saturday,
Oct. 5th. Members all present. The
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of former
meeting read and approved. Moved ley
Mr. Kalbfleisch, seconded by Mr. Ben-
nie, that the Clerk prepare bonds for
the colledor and notify him to procure
Robt. Robertson, 2d
8d Mary McClure an.
broken. Mr. FairbiArn's horse was go-
ing at a very rapid gait. Fortunately
anot er conveyance from ,Heasall was a
ject—let W. N. Cresswell, SeePrth,
$12. Animals from life, lst W. N.
Cresswell, Seaforth, $8. Landscape or
marine view, let W. N. Cresswell, $8.
Pen and ink sketch, lst W. N. Cress-
well, $5. Pencil drawing, lst W. N.
Cresswell, $5.
Iron beara plow, wooden handles, and.
Jas. Willson, Brussels, • $1. Pair Of
iron harrows, lst T. Tipling, Ceinton,
$6, 2nd R. Thompson, Goderioh, $1.
Sole leather, slaughter, two sides, 2ndi
3. Brennan & Co., Wingham, Set1
horse shoes, 1st T. Tipling Clinton, 43
2nd R. Thompson, Goderide $2.
Houses.—Roadster stallion, in her/.
ness, four years arid' up, lst Alex. Innes,
Clinton, $30. Yearling colt, 2nd Alex.
Innes, $5, 3rd L. Hunter, Exeter,
Stallion of any age, Alex. Innes, dipl
ma. Stallion, agricultural,' four yea
and up, 3rd S. Hunter, $10. Thre
year old stallion, lst Jas. Willson„Ex
ter, $20. Brood. mare, with foal b
side, lst Jas. McDonagh, Carlow, 41
Foal, 3rd 3. McDonagh, $2. Hea
draught stallion, four years and up, 3
P. McGregor, Brucefield, $10. Thr e
year old stallion, lst D. Fisher, C4 -
borne, $20. Two year old stallion, 1135
P. McTavish, Brucefield, $15.
SHEEP.—Cotswold, shearliug rams,id
H. Snell ez Son, Clinton, $12. Leics -
ter, rams, two years and over, 2nd H.
Snell & Son, .Clinton, 412. 1-
CATTLE.—Bull, three years old and
up, 2nd H. Snell dc Son, Clinton.
EXTRA.S.—Highly coinreended, Coe -
man & Gouinlock,' Seaforth, salt.
Heavy draft brood. mare, Hugh Love,
Sr., Stanley, 515. Colt, 2nd Thigh
Love, Sr., Stanley, $5.
a' meeting -will
the Methodist
of Winthrop,
$ will be de -
Graham, Mus-
a McNaughton.
k. Teae served
sion 25 cents;
ir taken by J.
following is the
pupils in School
onth ending 30th
sion—Fifth form
2a Adam Hays,
Feurth- form—
d Betsey Dodds,
ird form—let El -
Grieve, 3d Daisy
'on—Third form
ggie Walker, 3d
second form—lst
Shur Sperling,
nior second form
John L. Brown,
Senior first form
Alfred Brown, 3d
junior form--lst
ilson Aitchison,
Nellie Habkirk.
[From the N
Pennebaker met wit
dent. While drivin
fright, kicking .furio
over the eye, and on
inflicting several u
smashing her wagon
not yet able to be ou
the Commercial
Pratt, on Wednesda
a very badticciden
about ih She loft, he
striking on the uptu
buggy shafts, whi
abdomen, tearing hii
ner. It is thought he may recover.
for some time past a
srs. M. McTaggart
died last week near
What appeared to
About three weeks
from a trip in his us
peered a little low -s
he consulted a do
him that he had ty
less than a week fro
ease showed itself h
Of t
'w Era.]
y last week Mrs.
a painful acci-
her horse took
sly, striking her
oth legs•and arm,
ly bruises, and
• o pieces. She is
of bed.
—The hostler at
otel, naaned D.
evening met with
. While walking
ell through a hole,
ed points of a
h penetrated his
in a fearful man--
some person or pers
Grand Trunk Stati
extent of $5—all th
in the till. On th
very likely by the fe.
larious entrance w
Erwin & Scandre
• store, the•till force
worth of small c
from. They also
to break open the s
Contempt of Court don't pa
—The assizes for this
open in Goderich on T
inst , before Chief justi
Th criminal docket is r
GOOD SALE.—The auction sale of
Ady's stock took place on his farm, on
Tuesday last. The stock was all of
good quality, and the following prices
were realized, cows from $50 to $80
each, 2 year old steers, btween $70 t:snd
$80 the pair, and lambs na ewes aver-
aged $8 each.
Mr. Robt. Scott,
traveller for Mes-
Co., of this place,-
Port Albert, from
be typhoid fever.
since 'he return-ed
al health, but ap-
irited. Soon after
tor, who informed
hoid fever, and in
the time the dis-
was dead.
t Monday night
ms burglarized the
n at Clinton to the
t happened. to be
same night, and
me parties, a burg-
s made into Messrs.
's flour and feed
open, and about $4
ange taken there -
ado a silly attempt
distance behind, and
was enabled to pro°
without much delay.
ne day last week, M
f Clinton, killed a de
n farm, adjoining the
ed something over one hundred
s. It is very seldom that these
o town.
rising vil-
enced to
a branch
Mr. Fair-
ed home-
. C. Gras -
r on the
town. It
Is are found so close t
he citizens of the ante
f Crediton have cern
the construction of
ay from some point o
uron and Bruce to their village.
eral bonus by the village and sur -
ng country is spoken ef.
one of the
diens post
isses Fish-
ffice, is of
the centre
some time
inghaan is soon to ha,v
handsome and comm
buildings in the thre
s been erected by the
ho have charge of the
e brick, and situated in
e business part of the t
Winglaam merchant,
had an ostrich plume etolen from
tote, and soon after ha4 a lady ar-
d therefor; but when t10 irial came
e disregarded the sum ons to ap-
• against her: • He was iherefore ar-
a and fined $50, and iniprisoned.
ou• nty Will
esday, 15th
e Hagerty.
ther light,
though some of the °bargee are of a
serious nature, there being elle case of
forgery, two of rape, one qf false pre-
tences and two of larceny.
—Dr. Cowan, of Exeter, has a large
patch of strawberry vines which are
bearing fruit for the second time this
sea on After bearing frit itt the
spring the vines were cut
to the ground. in order to
They carne out in leaf, bud
now bearing beautiful ripe
• =One day last week, as
of rxeter North, was
Huron street, and. when near Mr.
Piclkard's saw mill, the colt which he
wag driving became frightened at some
Conamonds.—In the prize list of the
Hibbert show, published bat week, Mr.
James Miller was credited with
first prize for two year old genleral ur-
pose filly, instead of Mr. Duncan
Huron Notes.
The Provincial plowing match Will
be held. this year on the Full
near Clinton.
. —Messrs. Archibald Taylor
Elder have leased the flouring
Mr. P. Kelly, in Blyth, and
—The members of Loya
Lodge No. 794, Winghana, int
nig a grand celebration and s
Nov. 5th.
—Mr. J. H. Wade, of Bran
leased No. 2, McKenzie's 'Bloc
ham., and intends opening a
store therein. -
—Typhoid fever is prey
Blyth and. -vidinity just now.
son of Mr. James Moore, of
prostrate with it.
—A few evenings ago a hor
ing to Mr. John Shipley, of t
Road, strayed on to the Gra
Railway, and was killed by
--Mr. Thomas Johnston,'w
in the Exeter school it few
took the Governor Genera
medal at the recent exaani
the first-class certificates.
Church of E gland. SundaY
School C n-vention.
A very largely a tended Convention
of the Clergy and Sabbath School Dele-
gates from the c ngregations of the
Church of Englan in the county of
Huron was held in St. Paul's Church,
Clinton, on Tues. ay and Wednesday
of this week. 3.1.Gillespie, Esq.,
Superintendent of St. James' Sabbath
School, Toronto, a.i,d the Rev. Mr. Car-
michael were also is -resent. The chair
was occupied. by R oral Dean Davis, of
Wingham. The ` = y eesaions were
taken up with in eresting, discussions
—Mr. Robert Robertson, o
osh, met with a severe accid
days ago, through having a
slip upon his foot, resulting i
of one of his toes and badl
—Messrs. Hodgins & McIn
prietors of the Royal Hotel,
having leased the Grand Cen
towel, intend running the t
in connection with each othe
—A few days ago a young
Sweet, of Exeter, was playi
yard of a relative, when a r
appreciating his presence, fie
pecking him very severely in
—Mr. IL McQuarrie, of
an -apple tree on one branch
are blossoms, on another
formed, on another apples
larger, and upon another bra
fully matured.
•3 —Mr. H. Cole Brown, of
teased frora Arr. Bissett the
bert Hotel in the north end,
lie enters on the lst of Nove
Brown is a genial good fellos
not fairto make a good host
—At the last meeting •
Co-ancil a resolution was p
anteeing Mr. John Fox exe
taxes for five years on his re
sonal property, as an ind
him to, establish his pail fa,et
—On Saturday evening, a
bairn, of Hensall, was dri
Exeter, on his way home,
front wheels of his buggy
collision with the heavy
teamster's wagon. The
every spoke in the buggy
own neatly
thin them.
ed, and are
Mr. Pinch,
ving along
toe was tripping its merriest, sotue /nig.
barricade& it with boxes and barrels.
—Mr. 3. E. Murphey has purchasea.
the "Grove Saw Mill," in Logan, an
has tommenced fitting it up for winter
—Mr. E. A. Miller, of Milbank, hal
been engaged to fillithe position of fourth
master in Stratford High Belied, at a
salary of 1500 per 8111111M.
---The assessment of the town of Ste
Marys has just been completed. There
has been an increase of nearly $100,0ea
made over the last assessment.
—A little childbelonging to Mr Wady
of Stratford, a few days ago, fell into a,
bucket of boiling -water and was so se_
verely scalded that it ,died in it few.
hours. °
—The Gospel Temperance Club or
St. Marys purposes holding a series et
weekly meetings during the coming
winter. The first of these meetings wss
held last Week.
—A very fine boar pig, belonging te
Mr. Chas. Tuf6n , died on the fair grotmd.
at Staffa, from the effects of the drive
there. The pig was very fat, and be.
came quite exhausted before reaching
the fair ground, and died shortly after
arriving, apparently sliffocated by Re
own fat.
• —We have heard of various kinds -of
" socials " beingheld for the purpose
bringing out the dilatory dimes in the
interest of some religious or secular
cause, but the latest is a "honey social"
given by the Methodist Episcopal
Church, Listowel, one evening this
hes which were hanging on a line,
upset the buggy, injuring it to such
extent that the services of the wagon
are ker had to be brought into requisi-
tion. MT. Pinch fortunately escaped
One day last week, as Mr. George
Agar, of concession 2, Morris, was
threshing on his own farra, , his eldest
son David. had a narrow -escape from
w at might have prove fatal. The
boy was standing near the tumbling
shift, when he happened o step a little
backward, thus bringing hirnsolf against
the revolving coupling. in an instant
hi i pints were caught and jerked al -
m st completely off. TIie machine was
stopped in time to save the boy from se-
ve e injury.-
--The following is the standing of the
p pils of School Section No. 1, Grey,
fo the month of September: Fourth
cl ss—Edwin Martin, i 1st ; Maggie
L vingstone, 2nd; David! Martin, 3rd.
T tird class—Robert Angus, lst; Jane
D'okson, 2nd; Ellen Mc auchlin, 3rd.
S cond class—Joseph Martin, lst; Al-
b rt Warner., 2nd.; Be jambe Dark,
3 d. Senior first , class—Katie Hol-
li • ger; lst; James Martin, 2nd; Harry
Dickson, 3rd.. Junior first class—Bella
3' shnston, lst; GeOrge Makins, 2nd;
son Johnston, 3rd.
--At a recent meeting of the County
odge of Good Templars held. in Clin-
t ii, the propriety of sub rdinate lodges
retaining as members individuals who
gn petitions to obtain license for .a
on farm
. .
nd Peter
mill of
run it
nd av-
ppe on
, r.•
- Wing-
lent i in
A yeung1
lyth is
e belong-
s Huron
d Trunk
the late
o taught
ears :ago,
's silver
ation; for
• Wayean-
nt al few
the loss
osh, pro-
ral in Lis -
0 houses
on of Mr. fa in the
ester, not,
at him,
the face.
lyth, has
of which
pples just
eh apples
xeter, has
Mace Al-
• nto which.
, and can -
f Brussels
ssed guar-
ption. from
1 and per -
cement to
ry in that
MT. Fair -
g out of
one of the
came into
heel of
esult was
wheel was
Direct Importers and Dealers in
Dry Goods Only.
Have a Complete Assortment of all the.
Latest Novelties in Cloths for a First
Class Tailoring Trade.
Your attention is invited. to our Fall
Importations, consisting in part as fol-
lows -.
vern and profess to see no harm m
e transaction, was bro ght up for dis-
ssion. Members of ertain lodges
st spring signed a petit on to open a
vem at Rodgerville They were
ken to book by the fficers of the
d.ge, and not meeting vith what they
onsidered justice, the referred the
uestion to the Count Lodge. be
ounty Lodge unaiuimotsiy agreed with
he subordinate lodge in deciding that
igning such petitions is a violation of
he pledge, and an act u worthy of an
dvocate of temperance
—On Monday afterno
oung lady, tall, ligh
nd more than usually
ved by the evening
•on and put up ate the
xeter. She had witb
hich she laid on a sofa
or a walk. The people
el opened the parcel, W
o contain a fine, healt
aby. A constable of t
11 a hands(!ane
attractive, ar-
rain from Lon -
Central Hotel,
her a parcel,
and started out
about the ho-
me it was found
Ly, well-dressed
e village, hear-
-- •
g of the facts, started out in pursuit
of the girl, and. found. her at the station
in Centralia, waiting the arrival of the
train to take her back to London. She
utterly refused to tell her name, but
said she was the daugh er of a wealthy
merchant of London,, aud offered $100
to anyone who would adopt the- child.
Rather than allow herself to be recog-
nized, she declared she would drown
both herself and the child. There was
a great deal of speculation as to who she
was, and no doubt there are people who
could. solve the questiot of her identity
did they but choose.
—A short time sine a well known
resident of Hullett, whale on his way to
Manitoba, was waiting for a train in
Chicago, when he was accosted. by a
rustic looking individetal, who repre-
sented that he was also from Canada
on his way to the North-west. To-
gether they sauntered round to while
away the time, and. eventually brought
up in a restaurant where betting was
in progress. One of the players, who
had it large amount of money, appeared
so intoxicatecl that he did. not know
what he was chine, and as he appeared -
to be losing fast, farmer 'No. 2, suggest-
ed to the Hullett farmer, that, as the
fellow was certain of losing his money,
they might as well have some of it.
The method of winning appeared so
simple that. the Hullett man was just
on the point of plankinghis pile, when he
realizediwhat he was doing,and snatch-
ing up !what money he had. placed
down, he attempted to rim out, but the
others preventedhim, and. would have
used. Rape in depriving hiin of his
money, had he not shown a determined
resistance, and when he got into the
open air he made a bee line for the de-
pot, where he started. on his journey un-
accompanied by his new-found. friend,
and congratulating himself on his nav
row escape. .
French Worsted Coatings,
,English, Worsted Coatings,
Black Cassimeres,
Scotch, Suitings,
Can,adian Suitings,
1?aye8 Suitings.
This is the Latest Novelty in the -
Market, and is very handsome When
made up.
The leading style for this Suiting is,
the Four -Button Sack.
The New Double -Breasted Sack
far this Fall
Will be much more in- favor this season
than in former years, owing to the foot
that there
A Tendency Among the Young
And also some of the more advanced,.
to fall in with the idea of not wearing
any overcoat.
This suit is made from a variety of '
different styles of Goods — Diagonel
Stripes, Small Checks and Plain Goods.
In Overcoats there is a Marked
Change in the Style of Goods.
Diagonals and Fancy Stripes bre the
favorites for the nobby trade.
—Rev. P. Lennon, formerly of Strat-
ford, has been appointed assistant to
Father O'Reilly, of Dundas.
—While a " hdp " in the town hall,
Mitchell, was progressing in the most
approved. style; and the light 'fantastic
The principal new feature in the over
garments is the high roll.
They will be very desirable for Ulu -
cold winters.
Hats and Caps.
We have on hand all the latest novel-
ties in American Hats.
Also the celebrated Christy Hats in
stiff and. soft Free Trade and Protec-
tion Hats.
Also all the leading styles of the day.
We now Show the Latest flovelties
in Gents' Furnishin,gs.
A very large assortment of Gerifsi
Scotch Underclothing just to hand, In
small, men's, medium, and outside sizes.
White Shirts a Specialty.
it littieWest
reasonable. Terms TC
ARMITAGE, Sealortlol
A- aenient and desirab
) I, g" e:r 131AsprAp:1
3 :
1 t
1st eoneessioli of lie
of excellent land, all ele
elmeer. Apply to Mil
H_ urA.onpvoadi,c3i1LICTillxo...._p.
in:12moft 1:0craarsr.poc
th oncessiou of
Terms easy. Aply
situated in the floorisi
be sold cheep.
A': field Concession,
tainieg 85 neree, 50 of ox
good state af cultivatioe
the village of Bayfield,
On .tevorahle terms.
the Country, a 1-14e
of Harputhey. Franae;
a large garden
ieriptions -1good well tie
R.'NYINNE, on the pm
Land Agent, Seeforth.i
li`Alt)1 FOR SALE. -i
100 tikle'reins,tgloicod5thsoi(11,11:
baro 56x36, good .tabi
:cleared, good house al
;p111:11:01). -or tolit4SestI111114
1.LttI 1?
80 aleared, wt4under(
of eultiration ;
terms easy. For fu
Messrs. MeCIUG HEY
;or on the premises to "
stance P. 0.
try ALotieA.le'lLstbal;-‘1
:T Al I, Eie rusSumePitittOille-i".10 lanta
acres, 31 mike from 1
eonvenient to • 'wheel
best quality: -For fe
cleared and free front
dwelling house with
frame barn end stabh
of Clinton and about
Lot 23, Con.
S5 of ebiela rire eleals
• there is it Iog
aud stables, plety 01
is within 71 miles ol
ticulare apply on tie
HART, or by letter ti
7, Con. 16, town
aeres, 42 of which. an
Them is on the prer
barn ama steble, and
aril. The above prof
goodgravel read and
session this fall, Fe
C. R. COOPER, Brus
the prenneet, Walte• r
and half of Lot g
twining 225 acres of,
nearly free from aiu!
• timbered with beech
and is lirst-class,
are 65 acres in fall
, down and is a good e
quality, being it rich
-little rolling, but. al
neyer failing spring
half flares of a.youtu
plums, peat -hen an
boar; the bnildinge• :
the barn is. 5t0, ui
house and stable i..
house is a large tae
cellars ender the w•
lawn. studding
SUVAtea 10 miles
'and 6 from Londea
rola from tbe pl
there int ecbool ho
; it gooa pea
remain on Mortgag
of the place. T
• Post Office. _
the underelgm
ersnaithaon or- ab,
. The owner eau ha
ty .and payingt
, Brueefield Post 0
• 1-3 undersigned.
Thee about the 41
year old witham-
forehead toad
, Tbe finder wil
BERRY, Hensan
vsnia cow,.
31nee, s.sreel
from Dublin on
giving informatit
will be suitably r
1 her after the diet
kJ from. the
Con. 5, Grey, o
one a dark hey, a
• face and white h
ing *nth inform
eocery, wfli b
wages to a cern,
HATT, SO11441
e third class
first January.
the under aigne
hag or attaa
given by inc
as I lerf.z...•. mu
26, neeoa
eels, any. manta
by tbe •rt., •
opposite • 'a
-A- 7, McKillop
are cleared, we.
and free from
bags, plenty of
being 7 relive 1
a term of years
school. Apply
ber of well
were bred fro
well bred ewe
Prize at the Co
CFI have their
Rion 2, Lo