HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-11, Page 718i& OOK'S MILLS, 4ROP�. I,s of Lumber always ota. n into sizes suitable for ;citing purposes, Bass -- cherry, Pine. &e.,, sawn o different purposes for need. hoa•t Notice: OYABLE FENCE, r 1y requires a Trial to y. It is made of rock s, and soft elm spam - 11 joining. The Fence f: et high. This Fence inainder of the month. PER ROD, Price, viz.: 70 cents be charged.. 7( t't)'Zitq IIf ll: ng attended to prompt.. arti le warranted from ,rx can be relied upon.. t of Wheat is - eta re of Flour. arhet. t' Late:at Improvements irk is superintended by GED �SILLER. it -will !always, give sat - STORE. eek of Dry Goods, Gro- -L(.314, c, a, Readyrnade Cloth - hand, and offered at TEN L.OGK Vitt hrcrp Stearn;Mills. ARERBDMS,. p RTK.- FURNITURE IN a Large Stock of NEW ire best Factories in Can- sell cheaper than any y malt downaind.get a SELL it fel 80. .red Lelia for $2. - et', for $2 50. eat,. for' $3 25. for 1 1:. ,+f cc Tits. dsteads, 4x4, 6 feet long,. creams, projection fronts, ry low. ffr i7.s, Sofas..Loun- trig, I Cannot be Fining 'F heelb very low. A CALL our house for a little iy opposite M. R. Coua- E. Establishment, Tain .!,'Wool and Wool Pick- !IN S. PORTER n a position to furnish lily one in the place. • } UNDERTAKING.. T SLL BOX, ORTH', their IV eererooms, as Handsome €c t f F't re of i?very .Des-' be foulul in any R litrtcut zit Huron, (ik`y an' prepared to meltr tht it own seper= arautee it .).s to quality. ;.t111� TO ORDER. (PESCRED. TAKING. @r-td•enne Ilearee, they ase -co undertaking in all its (WPM rl,10 term e e.ir uaitertakingbusiness T1.0 FLUID, ly and deetroya all often- ; cunt:t..,ion arising from fa/ ty Solicited. ,E. 1.\l111fl)T & BON.. 1,41•'( I FT11 LAND AGENCY. STRONG t -Class Stock, Fire rail :nits, and is prepar t liZAB-LE TERMS. t•f t:xe fret Loan Saeie an:i purcha e of Farm PI11ST-CLASS I IL lilS FOR SALE. la at S. Per tent. Star Line of Steamers. Icrrriscee Store, Main, -St OCTOBER 11, 187 8. t THE HU1NO: EXPOSITOR. Varieties. Mfr. C. G. Field's, late of the Tor- onto Globe, has been ',appointed teacher in the Windsor schools. There were 30 other applicants. _-lir, Wm. A. Thomson, late M. P. for Welland, died at his residence, Glencairn, near Queenston, on Tuesday morning of last week. --The daily edition of the Strath- roy Ade has been suspended, experi- ence having shown that the town is not large enough to support such an en- terprise. I Rev. Dr. Stewart, formerly of St. .Andrew's Church, Ottawa, died, recent- ly in Scotland, and left considerable sums of Money to college and church funds in Canada. ,- —One farmer in San4lwich West has recently lost 40 hogs in consequence of -an unknown disease which is playing havoc in that neighborhood. Others have also been heavy loeers. ---S. L. Bedson, warden of the Mani= toba Penitentiary, is cl:angerouslyill from typhoid fever, said.ito be owing to the defective drainage and sanitary ar- rangementS of that institution. —A man was recently literally cook- ed in a steam bath in San Francisco, into which he went without the knowl- edge of the attendants He turned the steam on ignorantly, and was first suf- focated and then boiled: —The firm of Hess Brothers, Listo- wel, was awarded second prize for a sot of bedroom furniture, at the Provincial Exhibition, Andrew Zuald, of Listo- wel, also received first prize in ct jved wood. —The assessment of Toronto shows an increase of a million and a half dol- lars over the past year. ',-And yet Tor- onto has been loudest in asserting that ruin had overtaken gall its industries for want of protection. —Mr. George Brown, local manager of the Ontario Bank at 'Winnipeg, met with a serious accident on Saturday last. While shooting, a cartridge, on being placed in the gun, exploded, tearing the flesh from his right thumb, .and severely burning his other }hand •and wrist. I —Among the kitchen utensils Which were seen in the New York Woman's Hotel was a huge potato -masher, by means of which a barrel of potatoes can be mashed as fine as powder in - ten: minutes. .There aro also old-fashioned ovens in which ca:n be baked at one time 200 loaves of bread. - -The two London beauties, Mrs. .Cornwallis West and Mrs. Langtry, are -said- to have fallen into disgrace, the forme ""by slipping some- ice down the back'of the Prince of Wales, and the latter by saying to him, when he plead- ed Her Majesty's command as -a reason for not going to Ascot races; " Oh, bother the Qneeu." —The Western Fair, held at London last week, showed a great falling off - in the two grand essentials to complete success, viz., the number of entries and visitors. The people of the Forest City attribute the falling off to two facts— first, the holding of the Provincial Ex- hibition the previous week,ancl secondly, that:the Central Show, at Hamilton,was being held concurrently with the West- ern Fair. • 1, —John Banks, a yardman in the em- ploy of the Grand Trunk Railway, at Stratford, was killed OD. Monday. He was about turning the switch when his foot caught in a " frog." An engine backing. up towards him threw him down and ran over him. His head was smashed to a jelly, aucl several of his ribs were broken. He leaves a Wife and one child. He was much respect- ed by his fellow -employees for his gen- eral qualities. —The late Duke de Saldanha, the Portuguese Ambassador to England, left a will, in which, among many prac- tical provisions shines a touching bit of sentiment: " All his effects in Eng- land, and the one-third of his property, which he;is entitled to distiose of in Portugal, he leaves to his wife and dear partner -to the angel whom God in his mercy sent to frim to be the support and consolation of his old age." —A collision occurred on the Grand Trunk at Camlachie on Saturday night between a special freight and the east- ern bound freight from Sarnia. The shock Was so great that one of the loco- motives leaped clear over the other, and both fell down tho embankment. The drivers and firemen escaped by jumping off. Seventeen cars were smashed up. Chas. Brown, relieving; agent of the Company at Carnlachie, lias been ar- rested, charged with carelessness. —A good natured Vermont doctor having repeatedly missed wood from his pile, resolved to watch for the thief one night. After a while a neighbor appeared, and after carefully culling ont an armful of dry wood, started. off. . The doctor at once took an armful of green wood, and started after the thief ; and when the -latter threw down his dry wood before his door, the doctor stepped up and threw down his green wood, saying, " There', neighbor, you must burn green wood a part of the time, as well as I." The doctor's wood pile rotas never more molested. —The annual ball to the settlers of. Trading Lake, Muskoka, by the Dwight- Nimair Sporting Club, came off Mon- day evening, September 30th. The tents and awning e of the Club, com- prising om-prising some 1,200 feetof canvass, were beautifully decked out with branches of the autumn foliage, which the lurid' light bf the pitch pine camp -fires light- ed up with wonderful effect. Good music was furnished by the " Guides," and nearly all the settlers around the head of Trading Lake ivor'o present, and thoroughly appreciated the kindness of 'their visitors in providing such a' pleas- ant entel,taiunrcnt. —Theee rules are suggested by a sportsman: First—Never load a gun in a house, as, if you leave it for a minute Me ignorant ser` -ant maid may han- dle it to the detriment of herself, or any ane who falls in her way. Second- 1Y --Never let the hammer down upon copper Caps, for a sudden movement will make the weapon go off. Thirdly --Never walk with a gun cocked, and - never give it to any ono t� hold, or dur- ing Inucheou rest it against a tree with barrels cocked. Last,' not least—Never earrY the gun in a direction that if it went off,it would cause an accident to a piped r quadruped. —On ��� eduesday evening of last week Whiie,tthe heavy thunder storm was at 11 height in London, Mr. Samuel Ma- ews, coinrnercial traveller, while driving over Westminster Bridge, was struck by lightniwin •h g, as also was the horse whe was driving He lay in- sensible i the road for about twenty tbinutes t some gentleman found him - and took him into a house, where he re- mained unconscious for three hours, at the end of which time he was as lively as ever. The only damage done, be- sides smashing the buggy to pieces, was the spoiling of a fine black coat, which Mr. Mathews hard on at the time. Mr. Mathews ought to be thankful for his narrow escape. —At a recent ball in Paris, given by Mons. Cernusclli, a great banker, the most splendid. toilet • was that of Mrs. (Bonanza) Mackey. Her dress was of caroubier faille, covered in front with jet embroider, worked with h the beads called mnllicolore, which are designed to imitate precious stones. Her train was of pink 'satin, almost concealed by old point d' Augleterre ; her ornaments, sapphires and diamonds of the utmost splendour ; the sapphire in the centre of her necklet was literally as large as a pigeon's egg. Her head-dress consisted of red roses and magnificent diamonds, and almostatthe top of her left arm -she wore a bracelet, in the centre of which was a single diamond the size of the largest hazlenut. CARELESSNESS;. —Many persons neg- lect their horse ' health and condition until too late, hen at a trifling expense tnd no troubl the horse might have been saved. if attended to in time. To ll who may have occasion to use an ar- ticle of the kind we would confidently recommend " I arley's Condition Pow- ders and Arabian Heave Remedy ;" it is he best preparation in Is who use it can testify. name, and see that the rd & Co. is on each pack- age. NorthropP& Lyman, Tor:onto,Ont.,. proprietors for . Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers. AN UNDENIABLE TROTH.—You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserale, un• satisfactory life� in this beautiful world', it is entirely .yo'ur own fault and there is only one excuse for you,—your un- reasonable prejudices and skepticism, which has killed thousands. Personal knowledge and!comrnon sense reasoning will soon show;you.that Green's' August Flower will s on . cure - you of Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, habitual cost- iveness, dizziness of the head, nervous prostrations, low spirits &c. Its sale now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a druggist but will tell you of its wonderful cures. You can buy a sample bottle for ten cents. Three doses will relieve you. fi without doubt t use, as thousan Remember the signature of H Deep rivers movwith silent majesty; shallow brooks are noisy: Like the majestic river moves the man with goad health—like the brook, the man with ill health„ alwayshawlaing, puffing, blow- ing, until he is rlepulsive even to his friends. Hoarseness, colds, coughs, quinsy, influenza, asthma, bronchitis, an kindred complaints may be clued with :llegyaters Pectoral Balsam. For sale by all dealers; 25c per bottle. Freeman's Worm Powders piaodnce the most salutary effeets. .AU zT I SEAFORTH, is now receiving a large stock of all kinds of goods, which have been bought l very cheap, and will give good bargains I to all who may favor him with a call. He fells confident that there is no other house West; of Toronto, that can sell better or cheaper groceries. A. G. Ault, now extends' a cordial invitation to all GANG; PLOWS. GANG PLOWS. GANG PLOWS. MRS. C Music w should gi the openi ing Inst i with use oy erste rate M. DUNLOP'S Fall Term in open on Sept. 16th. Pupils e in their names previous to g of the class. Those not hav- ments can be .aeeommodated Piano or Organ at very mod- Seaforth, Sept. 7, 1878. 561 BRUSSELS HARDWARE TORE_ JA ES DREWE Having c.mpleted the ENLARGE- MENT of his premises and in- cr sed his stock of p HARD ARE, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, And also added a complete ASSORT' ENT OF TINWARE, HAS -NOW ONE OF THE Large $t Stocks of HARD WAR rE IN THE . JOUNTY, AND INVITES ALL WHO ARE WANTING THE ABOVE GOODS TO OMEN AND EXAMINE HE GOODS AND COMARE PRICES. The fo lowing goods are offered at SPECIAL Y REDUCED prices : ARE CAN NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, JAMES' WHITE, LEAD LINSEED OIL, MACHINE OILS, &c. AT THE SIGN OF TEE I, D LOOK RTJSSELS. to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. All' kinds and prices of fresh teas, sugars, rice, cod- fish, pork, flour, bran, shorts, oat meal, corn, meal, pot barley, currants, raisins, syrups, best brands of soaps, pure coal oil, also the celebrated English Excel- sior horse and cattle food Call early and buy often - A. G.,AULT, SEAFORTH. ADSDIR, SS_ To the Free jtizd Independent Elec- tors of tli County of Micron. GENTLEMEN—As the question of Free Trade and Protection is just now the all absorbing topic of discussion, it may not be out of Place for ns to say a fen words to you as to what we oan do either with or without Protection. We can furnish you as good a Single Buggy, Family Phaeton, Democrat or Double Carriage as any other shop in Canada, and for as lean a price, for cash or on short time. Our establishment needs no Protection: The quality of our work and the facilities we enjoy for doing that work good and cheap is the best Protection we can hal e, and which .has enabled us to build up a good business in a few years: We have, now in onl show room a number of very handsome vehicles of all kinds, made from the best ma- terial and by the1 beat workman, and which we will warrant as f represented. All are cordially invited to call and inspect them. We have also a number of second-hand vehicles which we will sell cheap. Repaiing Promptly attended to. Hoping you. will eeo your way clear to give us a call of inspection before spending your money elsewhere', We are, Yours Truly, - PILLMAN & CO., CARRIAGE BUILDERS, SEAFORTH, O1 'T. DRESSMAKING. MISS SCOTT BEGS leave to aroonnce to the Ladies of Sea - forth and surrounding country that she has commenced dressmaking in all the LATEST STYLES AND VARIATIONS, And hopes by NElatness, Good Work and Punctu- ality to merit the patronage of all. Rooms over Lumsden & Wilson's Drug Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 559 Six apprentices wanted. TEE WATER —AND— PORT PERRY, Which are niw acknowledged to bo the BEST Manufactured in Amerlca. WROUGHT IRON AXLES. WROl4GHT IRON AXLES. WROUGHT IRON AXLES. Wrought Iron Spokes in Wheel. Wrought Iron Spokes in Wheel. Wrought Iron Spokes to Wheel. , The Port Ferry is the only Gang .Plow made with Wrought .Iron Axles and Wrought Iron Spokes in th,Wheels. THISTLE 'CUTTERS. THISTLE CUTTERS. THISTLE CUTTERS. ,'Iaesio's Celebrated No. 13 and OLIVER'S1 PATENT CHILLED PLOWS. Also all kinds of General Purpose Plows.'' CASTINGS AND REPAW S OF ALL RINDS AT O. C. WILLSON'S AGRICULTURAL TURAL INPLEMENT EM- PORIUM, SEAFORTH. Call and See Them, and if you don't like then don't buy. 0. C. WI LLSO PROPRIETOR. THE HE1SALL PORK FACTORY. • G. ; & J. PETTY- ATI ETTY-Arg prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED ALL KINDS OF CURED MEATS; Constantly on Hand. FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK CUTTINGS, &c. . 52s- • G.' & J. PETTY. GREAT -REDUCTION iN BOOTS AND SHOES. WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE OF SEAFORTH AND VI- CIN TY THAT WE HAVE REDUCED ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM SHOEMAKING To Lowest Remunerative. Prices. WE USE NOT IPTG BUT THE BEST MATERIA] Therefore we can Gnaraa tee Good Satisfaction to those who wish to favor us with a call REPAIRI G DONE ON THE' SHORTEST NOTICE. Remember the Place : Oppos to ,the Foundry. GRIEVE & FRIEL, SEAFO THJ. REMOVAL. REMOVAL. REMOV W N_ WATSON" Begs to intimate that he has Removed his OIIie to D. McGregor' New Brick Building on gist Side of Main !Street, Setorth, and Fourth Door South of William Campbell's Clothing Emporiinm, where he will, ni hitherto, carry on t e General Insurance, 11 In thanking the public for has carried on these branche them the same satisfaction w keeps on hand the best Sewi Oil, and Machine Attachmen capable of making any kind o threaded np machine of any —a Machine that has never sells the Wheeler & Wilson Farmers' Wives, Mechanic and try our Sewing Machine the celebrated Franz and Po given to customers gratis on of Sewing Machines repaired oney Loan Agency, and Seining Machine Bus' nes. . the confidence they have reposed in him for the past fifteen y • ars be in Seaforth, he wishes to inform them he willstillendeavor to gide ieh they have invariably expressed with( his transactions. : e still g Machines that are manufactured in the world, as well as ' eedle 4, s. He sells the Osborne A Machine,;' which is the simplest, t , e mot work in the most perfect manner, and the easiest and • uickest achine made in the Dominion. He sells the Genuine Howe . aching ailed to give satisfaction to every customer for the Iast ten ye rs. He achines, the most rapid and least noisy Machine in the world. ' Wives, Merchants' Wives and: Manufacturers, do not fail to :asinine —Family and Mannfactnring—when you want one. Also A' ent fqr e Knitting Machine, capable of doinga1l.kinde of -work. Inst nation's any of the above machines. Sewing Machines to Rent.. Also 1I kinds TERMS LIBERAL. WM. N. WATSON, General Agent, Scaf rth. GOODS FOR THE MI LLIO —AT— CAMPBELL'S. CLOTHING EMPORIUM THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED- TO SHOW HIS FRIENDS AN THE PUBLIC THE CHOICEST -SELECTION OF WORSTED COATINGS, PANTINGS, OVER COATI GS, The eye delights to gaze upon, and Fresh from the Markets for this Fall's Trade. ALL SUITS WILL BE WARRANTED IN EVERY RE ECT TO YOUR SATISFACTION. RARE BARGAINS IN CERTAIN LINES. CALL AND SEE. WM. CAMPBELL, Sea STORE No. 1, 1 c CAMPBELL'S BLOCK. j i3010Yd N30100 LOAD OF AMERICAN NAILS ARRIVED LAST WEED.. r oral. H THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHE WHEN IT RS MADE UP INTO O-OOTD HARNESS Where you will find SUCH AS YOU IND. AT J. WAR SEAFORTH, all Kinds of Harness Made up in the Latest REMEMBER, if you wan a Fancy or Substantial Harness J. WARD can give you beat faction as to QUALIT and PRICE than any other maker in the County. A Trial is is wanted to secure regular nstom. J. WARD, Seafc S Styles. r satis- all that rth. 1 ONTARIO PRINIERS' EMP RIUM GWATKIN & SON RAVE EJEM0\T TO THEIR NEW PREMISE Cor. Bay and Wellington St D eets. FURNITURE FURNITURE. M. ROBE TSON, CABIIET AKER AND UNDE' TAKER, HAS AGAIN 0' ENED A Retail Furnz ure Store Two Doors North -of his Old Stand, epposite Waddell & Co.'s Dry Goo prepared TOTELL ATHIS -`C [3E . TR UNDERT Attended to a s Store, where he is , P AS ANY IN ADE. AKING s Usual. A Large Stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, - SHROUDS, &c., always on hand. eel M. ROBERTSON. SEED ORN. SEED CORN. JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF BEST SEED CORN, PRICE LOW, And the Corn guaranteed of it has been sown and c calling at Brownell's Greet to grow. A :quantity n be seen growing by y. - FULL STO KS OF ALL KINDS OF SEEDS 'AT LOWEST PRICES. TEAS A SPECIA TY AS USUAL. rl • ROWNELL. C4'�.L 14 r " SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARING S WILL COMMENCE AT D 'Sax vw HMI. NI 1Saa aHZ ►1 O 0 0 ere r. td 02 O- w- d d E --E 7 H uvo daHZONV 'SDrIIHSIR TfL[ aSI1OH. AMERICAN WATERLIME, FRESH AND GOOD. NEW BRUNSWICK CALCINED PLASTER, O 0 0 imp tel 1( z tej O 0 02 h td tj 02 1 z 0) 0 z S H L O EI 0 WALL : PAPER, BORDERS, AND W INDOW BLINDS. I show in the above lines this year a FINER STOCK. and BETTER VALUE than ever before offered in CLITTO- tj My Patterns are ALL NEW, and having bought direct from the manufacturers, I can sell at prices that cannot be beat_ tij Also _Moth Proof Carpet .Lining at Low Prices. • ALWAYS IN STOCK FULL LINES e SCHOOL BOOKS, MISCELLAN- EOL S ' BOOKS, OFFICE STA- TIONERY, &e. pp> CLINTON BOOK STORESTORE, Express and Telegrapc OIice. JAMES A. YU LL. THE OLD ESTABLISHED STOVE AND TtN EIIIPORIIi1K SEAFORTH. MRS.- WHITNEY, WfI. HES once more to remind her many friends and customers that she is now bet- ter prepared than ever to supply, all their wants in her line. She bas one of the most complete assortments of .STOKS, Fe, f"i Both Coal and Wood, Cooking, Hall anis Parlor, of the Iatest designs that can be found in any ,�.{ town in the counts, and at priees as low as the <'�+ lowest. Her assortment of d TILT WARE >. Wag never better or more varied. • COAL OIL, tii • Both Wholesale and Retail at a very slight ad- vance on manufacturers prices. Repairing and Eave•Troughing promptly attended to and en- tire satisfaction guaranteed. IDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVE!) - IRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS MERICAN CUT NAIL$, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINT, OILS, &c• FENCING WIRE ND BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Description Cheap. AVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE P t up on the Shortest Notice and 'Warranted. ASTpecial Inducements` to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers. JOI1,N KIDD. HE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA!. APITAI. - • 4.000.000. C TY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 18.33; LE • and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Incorporated -1861: - JOHN ROGERS' ON SATURDAY, JUL 27, And as the determination is to clear the Stork, a CONFIDING PU May remain assured that —C OOS3 Will be offered at LIC BARGAIN PRICES. Dress Goods, Shawls, Straw Goods, Skirts, Parasols, Tweed, •, Flats, Caps, and Clothing. Ali will be included in t GENERAL SLAUG Astounding Disco? Will be given in Every Departmen TERMS, - CAS JOHN e TER, n. is OGERS. SEAFORTH B AIT C H. OMINION BLOGK,'MAIN-ST. SEAFORTH BraEts on Nevi• York Payable at any Bank in the United States. Bills at Exchange on London payable a all Chief Cities of the United :Kingdom. I VTERE;S7 PAID ON DEPOSITS. 1 M. P. HAYES, 4 1 MANAGnB ¶ACRAMENTAL WINE PURE GRAP1 WINE —FOR— SACRAMENTAL AND MEDI- CINAL PURPOSES —AT— LUMSDEN & WILSON'S, SEAFORT3. UMBER FOR SALE. EMLOCK, First Quality, $ii per M. PINE from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Lengths, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the ONY MILL, IN McKILLOP. The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD InEAFORTH, 4vhere;all kinds of Lumber car) be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY, MARRIAGE LIoENSE-S OR CERTIFICATES, Under the new Act,) caned at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authority of the Lie tenant -Governor OLtgrio. BRUCEFIEL.D. For the better accomodation of her customers Mrs. Whitney has opened a branch store in Brucefeid, where will be found a complete stock of everything in her line. She would direot par- ticularattention to and invite inspection to her Stoves, which intending purchasers should sae before purchasing elsewhere. Remember when yen come to Seaforth or Brucefield don't leave without inspecting my 'stock. Tt will be time well spent. MRS. WHITNEY, Seaforth and Brucefield. THE CHEAP FAMILY GROCERY. L. MABEE Begs to inform his friends and the public that ho has on hand one of the NICEST and FRESH- EST Stock of Groceries in town, and as he sells for Cash, he SELLS CHEA-P, Giving his purchasers the benefit of what others who do not do so lose in bad debts and pay in in- terest to wholesale men. FLOUR AND FEED Always on hand. Goods delivered in town free of charge. Remember the stand, opposite the Commercial Hotel, in the FRAME CLOCK. L. MABEE. EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber hereby thank nib nurnerour custoniers(merchants and others) for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and hopes, by strict integrity andclose attention to liusinese to merit their confidence and trade in the future. Having greatly enlarged his premises, donne the winter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered at the - EGG EMPORIUM, - Main Street, Seaforth. Wanted by the subscriber 25 tons of good dry clean WHEAT STRAW. . 11 WILSON-. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY TUE subseriberbegs leave to thank hisnurneront customers for theliberalpatronage extendedts him since eommencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continnane of the same. Parties intending to build wonld do well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a argestock of all kinds el DRY PINE LUMBER, Pt 1311 EM, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC, Hefeels eonfident of givingsatisfaetiontothois who miry favour him with theirpatronage, as frons but first-claeeworkmen are employed. Particnlara.tten tion paid tofustorn Planing 201 - - JOHN H. BROADFOOT. HAIR DRESSIN MISS-' STARK %ISIIES to inform the Ladies of Seaforth anti Vieinity that she is prepared to make up SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAII.)S, &e., Io the Latest Fashion from Combings. Prices Moderate, and all orders penctnaily at- tended to. A call solicited. Residence --Mein Street, Seaforth. BUTTER, BUTTER. E I.) W A R 1) C A ' 11 •IS AGAIN BUYING Sweet Dven Col fired Butter, in Firkins or Bolls. 550 GODERICH STREET, SEAFOETJI. DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Abe Great English "Remedy is especially recommended as an unfailing cure for Serninni Weakness Spertorrbc-a, Impo- tenc,v, and all dieeases that follow as a se- gnence of Self abase, Betcee Taicngas Doss of , Memory, After 'Ting. ,Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Beek, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and. many other diseases that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a. rule are first caused by deviating from the Patlt of nature and over indulgence' The Specific Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of ex- pergsfence in treating these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine to sold- by all Druggists at $1 per, package, or 6 packages for $5, or willbe sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold In Seaforth by Hickson k Bietadell, J. S. Roberts R. Lumsden and ell druggist merchants. 1