HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-11, Page 31878, ER amm'eavaimeemami ARTIOL_ES: _ S POR SALE. --The gab - sell a lot of Cedar arid "a!ecla.r Posts iu quantitiee arties wishing them Would beforehartd and aa early sy might not be disappoint sling sleighing. The poste Tar/ahem', 3 miles south aforth Gravel Roa.d. R. 564-8. ja OR TO LET. 3 A.ND PLO IlltING 'MILL easy tenni( of aeareent, or t property- Gristiug and bladed to the same as Aimee. - Hemlock Lumber fo'r sale WH. FE NWICIC, la„Ont. 546 -The undersigned wishes :0 a good teriant, being nea ; contaiutug lOn &trete_ cultivated. Good frame A, a young orehard, plenty miles from the Towa as DUNCAN MeGREGOR, Seaforth P. 0. eae 1.t. FOUND. - between SeafoTr.rth aria Atexander Gordo-1u, !;ept. 9th, L Iady's Gold vijj be suitably rewirded unclersigatal- ARTHUR 562 .Stolen frofli the premises ed, Lot 13ti, Con. a. Pdorris, Laracss. Th e baggy was with red Stripe3; sqa tre Igide. Some of the spokes wheels were sprung a little DO tight- Te harness was Any person giving such [IA to the recovery of till suitably rowarded. ROB P, 562 — — — NT NOTICES.— — rth Lodge No. 11, regular "oralay evening at 8 o'clock ace of meto.bers is request- -, W. D. D. ROSE, &- aft '01tS.--Al1 parties not tiav kr accounts with me for 1877 l-k:*e will be charged 10 per January 1st, 1878, without NTRY, Seaforth. ' OURT.--The office of the Court will be open daily L , tour o'p clock . M. Ofilee e store or ?Tob, ston Brol. .ivision Court , Sieiforth. 502 - -----7------+--- -MILL.-The undereigeed that they a -re now prepared ii,t the shortest notice, ae 1 turniug out 1,700 gallons I & J. PEPPER, Hensel!, 5834.4, _'. innal meditate of. the Sea - dub will be held. In Sharp's etober Sth, at 7:30 P. M. nal outer importent busi- aefore the meeting. A full rested in the raering game ere and othera -wishing to anneal fee, $1, to Mr. Wm. It. COUNTER, Seeretary- , 565-4, rICE TO CREDITORS. - 1 Simon Powell, late ot the -Au County ef Huron, Gan- , died on or about thel4th aro required on or r November, A. D. 1878, to aid, to [fames H. Benson, rth aforesaid, Solicitor for sale Simon Powell, deueae CU.'S" Said Bureau:les, ad - ions, tbe full particulars of ut of their accounts and. the es, if 3,ny, held by them,'artd : said sixth day of Novena- e e E.late of the said Simon [ be distributed among the Lan, having regard only to ,utice shell have bcen:receiv- ,tors shall not be liable for Lted, or any part thereof, to claim notice shall not have a or their said Solicitor at ini. This 11.0tiO0 if3 giver:tin 7, Sec. 34, Revised Statutes, ON, Solicitor for Executors. [4 3-Jth day of September, 565 ---- - ---- __ AY STOCIk. el from Triebto-wn, one by aid one dark os.y c d.t two )a. giving such information covery will be -rewarded. by MUU• }TY, Seaforth. 561 roaEN—Feera eareeetreen, tat of Judy, a dark- rel Heifer rte spot iu face white iet, belly, white spon hin ard of $5 will be given fer t will lead ti her recovery. Jarnestowa. 565x4 .-Strayed from the exam - reigned, Lot, 23, Con. 4, L. brin Ile Heifer, canting 2 cut out of left ear above eut (nit of the right ear. sh ial)rnaation an will lea4 • above entitled will be atilt- . noes. 563-4 - reyed from the premises rq•d, Lot 31, Con 2, Us born e, wo Ewes mad one Lamb, all ight red on the shoulder; 14 miles west on tho Kippon rig information as to tbeir suitably rewarded by JOHN l'• 0. 505-4 ‘..-Strayed,from the prem.- dersigned Lot No, 10, Con - vi May 19.?t, six young cat - and throe two year olds. *ltug and one two yeer old - were &item's. Tho yearling u A v•-hite fano; 1 yearling top or One horn broken off; e 1 red and white. The two fi red with white flanks and .; tele of the two year Old 4 •t: With a cr rflied horn. Malt irely red withmt pretnine tt .giving such information as ?very of the above aniarals -warded. CORNELIUS DE - P. 0. 561 LLAN EO U S. 'eater, Brussels. Office hick building. 504-52 eer and Appraiser for the. alast Cominiseien dock, Winglaata. 515.4 ND -On terms mire .advan- Ver 14..fore offered. A. J. 31c- 501-52 enced Auctioneci• for the ;iron. Sales attem4ed itt all ty, All orders left at the Ex - be promptly attendbd to. - - - Auctionect for the atn. Alt order e left at James ve prompt attentions If by eth P. O. 558 ?-.te. few thonsand - fends, for immeantte invest- intereet. Amity to JAMES z(tr, Seeforth- rhea toteeleSTED,Darristers, At- / dieit ors in. Chancery and rtildie and Conveyancers C. Bank, Seaforth. AgentafOr ranee Company, 1?.nd at 8 per cent. Farms r tette- 53 — ,letteral Loan and Real Estate. Produee saul Commissioa Mer- tt(k11 rest estate in tOWL1 Or. `11t. simple interest. Charges TS bought and sold. Matured f. Terms to- suit borrowers. property fov sale. Office-- tioelt, Brussels, Ont. 515 _ 41, FACTORY. -The. under- etarniug- the/eke for the pat- avel, would remind his many ttls that he still coutianes to eteens of the best material rkraen. None bat quartered mps. A. few farm gates still ue accounts riot settled_ ferth- d 10 per mint- intereet from rye 1373. NOBLE CLUFF, 563 0616Dtti 11., 1878. THE HURON _EXPOSITOR. 3 Angelina's Complaint. B e J. A. SMITH. poke cemplaint of a plaguey pest eases known by the name of the great North - Foible wondrous land of the setting sun taken my beaus away, every one. yes, one by one have they all ()leere(1 out, leaking to batter themselves, no doubt; going bet little how far they may go pom the poor lone girl in Ontario. net I was sweet upon Johnny J. Brown, eee nicest young fellow in au the whole town; Babe said " Good-bye," and he sailed away. ktd now he's Bottled. at Thunder Bay. ttaet I was fishing for Farmer Lee's Dick; Thought him so dull that he wouldn't cut stick. . Bat he waved his hat with a" Zip, hip, hur- rah!" end said he was going to Manitoba. That -long, lean druggiet with specs on hie nose, I thoughtthe fellow would goon propose. Ire sold out his bottle shop ; he was gone Clean to the River Saskatchewan. Fat little, plump little Johnny Grey, Ihinted he'd better get spliced and slay. Ile said to me that was rather thin, aed he turned his toes to Keewatin. fy DtItChMEL11 lover, Hens Ritter Von Krout, So lame he confil scarcely escort me out; With magic ointment he greasedhis leg, Md slid to the city of Winnipeg. wadi I'll sling my- goods in a oarpet sack; ru off to the West anal won't turn beck. I'll have a husband, a good ono,too, 111 haee to follow to Cariboo. apparently simple great discontent h obey her biddin moistened with th ulous as it seemed ment for which sh waited for forty y stuck fast to the' c her strongest effo them. She thong of hot water,ebut one of the very cement was its a fects of water wh it gradually da that she was per the crockery she called her hush°, to her stdry, trie come the resista cement, and then and laughed. T the unhappy wo refused to go to b with her, and sh ter outrage whe went back to bed her sorrows alon doctor was colic after a painfal di her hands, and t performed after t was to. throw th of the window a never buy snoth This shows, ti something for w longed may pr • The Vermont la the true china upon her aim does not even particular ceme no way benefitted by its temporary dis- covery. Her experience, however, does teach a great reoral.lesson, and if other wonaen were to beed it this world. would be a brighter itn'• less expensive place than it now is. A Broken Heart. A. man is said to be "red." or "white" with rage. In using these expressions, we are physiologically speaking of the nervous condition of the minute circu- lation of the man's blood. "Red" rage means partial paralysis of minute blood -vessels : and. " white "rage Means temporary saes -pension of the action of the prime mover of the circulation it- self. -But such clisturbances cannot of- ten bproduced without the occurrence of permanent organic evils of the vital organs, especially; of the heart and of the brain. One striking example is given by Dr. Richardson, in the case of a member of his own profession. "This gentleman told me that an original irritability of temper was per- mitted, by want of due control, to pass into a disposition of almost persistent or chronic anger, so that every trifle in his waywas a cause• of unwarrantable irritation. Sometimes his anger was so vehement thkt all about him were alarmed_ for him even more than for themselves; and When the attack was over there were hours of sorrow and re- gret in private, which were as exhaust- ing as the previous rage. In the midst of oae of these outbreaks of short, se- vere madness he suddenly felt, to use his own expression, as if his heart were lost.' He reeled under the impression, was nauseated and. faint; then recover- ing, he put his hand to his wrist and. disco-vered an intermittent action of his heart as the cause of his faintness. He never completely rallied from that shook, and to the day of his death, 10 years later, he WAS never free from the intermittency. I are broken-hearted,' lie would say, physically broken- hearted.' And. so he was; but the knowledge of the broken heart temper; ed marvelously his passion and saved him many years of a really useful life. lie, died ultimately fram an acute febrile. • dieorder.—Ch.ambers' Journal. • Woman's Faith. It is the firm belief of woman the t; everything can be mended by glue or • some other adhesive mixture. There is no possible breakage which furniture can undergo which she will not boldly attempt to repair with whatever sticky material happens to be at hand. Ex- perience, like argument; has no effect in leading a woman to doubt the efficacy of that feeble and pretentious gum, and she will go on trying to stick together broken pianos and wrecked bedsteads, though she has never once known mu- cilage to stick anything together with any permanence, _except the hair of teoublesorae' children. operation. To her ✓ handsrefused to . They -had been • cement, and; mime - it was the real searched -and ars. Her hands -were ockery, so feat that ts would not loosen • t of trying the -effect he remembered that nalities of the :ideal lity to resist the ef- ther hot or cold; As ed upon her mind anently cemented to ecame frightened -and EL He came, listened unavailingly to VVer- ce of the inexorable heartlessly sat down, rough that long night an sit and wept. She d taking the crockery felt that it was a bit - her husband finally and left her to :bear . In the. meaning a in, who released. her section of the skin of e first aet which she •e wounds had healed bottle of cement out d to register a vow to r bottle. , at the possession of • ich we have earnestly ve a disappointment. y had found at • last eno.ent, but it palled. st immediately. She ow the name of the t, Bo that her sex is in • 1 11) • I i urgent ones ;' and a greater temptation i to persuade ourselves that these are really too bat , to attempt; that things so dilapidated. deserve to retire from ac- tive service i to the asylum of the rag- e spent upon them is so lost. Most of us have had lare that we would rather garments than repair an Is such discouraging work to rately darned break of last bag; that ti rnuch mone reason to de make two n old one. It find the•ehtle week flanked by neighboring holes, as if they had allied to its aid in the re- sistance ag nest law and order, and meant to c rry the day; to see our ,patches ve ying the Bible testimony that new ell th upon old maketh a rent; to be oblige • to beat witness against the well-worn p overb that it is never too late to men 8 1 Yet Iwe doubt if the ef- ficacy of m ding has been fully esti- mated; if t e sum that has been saved by timely s itches •were calculated it would, perh; ps, surprise us more than a little. It is considered a poor branch of business at the best, only proper to old, women and to those whose time is worth noth4ng ; but if it shohla become a lost art, hat a howl would. ascend from the :wearer of every buttonless shirt and speedily w what rewa 1 • 11 Sa At St. Louis Moeller, most the female hosp ed a patient. morse,.dnk c She left a rema diary, in which tions of her mi progress of her following is an "Now, again the unfortunat have been livi fear and hope. to be constantl If it is God's then I, too, sha Woman, however, ,is not wholly deaf to reason where her prejudices and in- herited beliefs are not concerned. All women frankly admit that broken crockery cannot be Mended with mu- cilage. Most of them try it surrepti- tiously two or three times in their lives, but they are always convinced that it will not do. Nevertheless, the belief that somewhere in the universe exists a compound that will stick together a broken soup tureen so firmly that it will he stronger when thus mend.ed than it was before, cannot be eradicated from the fenaale breast. The peddler who sells Smith's Celebrated China, Cement, or other futile mixture with a similar name, lWays finds customers among the fair sex. What -if every one of a score of bottles of china cemeut has proved a delusion and. a snare The - very next bottle may be the long -hoped- for cement that will really justify its name. And so confiding woman con- tinues to buy, while the wicked peddlers secretly mock at her weakness and ileeee her without remorse. • * the farm, side victim. Be 81. last •requeat. we will be in we will be unit to light. _ (Signed) Emily Moell sister of the about two yea all over the co an immense .s ing the ingots trunk, and, le birch, coming wealth and He was art the gold wa There was a lady in 'West Mansfield, Vt., who had sought all her lifetime for the' febled cement that makes old china better than new. No knight in quest of the Holy Grail sought more earnest- ly Ltrel persistenly than did this good woman. In the back yard. lay a gross O f small. glass bottles partially filled with unknown naixtures These were her failures—the bottles of cement that would cement nothing. Still she hoped. that somehow—she klew not when or how—the true cement; would. reveal it- self to her, and she would triurnPhantly and permanently mend. all hen crock- ery. Last winter her husband made a visit to New York, and, aaecordance with her earnest requesti -Umght the first bottle of china cenaent:..which came in his way. He, of course, 'believed that it was perfectly worthless; but, like all true men, he was willing. to give his wife anything, howee'er worthless, pro- vid-ed it was inexpensive. The good woman received it gladly e and. that very night., after her h.usband had gone to bet StLe went into the kitchen quietly, lest he shoula ridicule her, and essayed to mend it piece. of -broken crockery. The priiated directions accompanying the bottle told haw to wet the edges of the broken crockery witle the cement, *0 Press them 1together firmly, and. to hold them in thate position for five or ten. minutes until the oement should. luden. She followed these direction.s implicitly, and, with the determination to give the cenient a fair trial, held the Pieces together for a full half hour. At the end of that time, hardly daring to -hope that the pieces Would not fall apart the moment she released her grasp, she undertook to perform that • Death. he other night Emily accomplished nurse in tal; accidentally poison - The nurse, out of r e- rbolic acid, and died. kable letter, or rather s shown the fluctua- d, as she watched the atient, from which the xtract : she is better. Since accident happened, I g continually between Oh, it is a fearful life, a witness to her agony. will that she must die, go with nay victim. I wish to be buried on by oil) with my poor e to accede to this, my t -will not be long before he hereafter, and then d again. Through night frayed coat -sleeve! how should . learn its value Is would be offered for its discovery! There is, however, an un- doubted knack' in mending effectively, in knowing at a glance how much en- ergy it is wiirth while to devote to a fracture; When skilful surgery of the needle is demanded; when it will do to slight, to touch and go. We do not enders expend. as would suffi there were weave thre sert a pate We would dispatch. :week's me in some h to one's h of' genius earliest da like a thu the follo evitable S its own in managem obligation seven day Emiee MOELLER." et, the suicide, was , the Montreal jeweller, who, s ago, became notorious ntry by melting down ock of jewellery, conceal - 'n the walls of au old. ving his creditors in the to the States with his woman not his wife. sted in St: Louis, and seized, but he subse- quently escaped, and has not since been heard of. As: A. gentlema morning bef Court, charge -mit suicide b Bridge. He - extravagant 1 of a painful k viVim of the ced that h been drowne but when _ charge of the bered that th had perished a very intim membered th wife nor clan his delusion had. on the p reeved friend of that gent The result w whiskey he b seseed of his der which account of t isfactory. Here is e. red. in a. rail\ editor of th sponsible. flounces int hand, and e with a loud. can hear : ' " you *ght Mistake. was brought the other re the Lambeth Police with an attempt to corn - leaping from London lackeyed. that—for his ex- ap there Was justification, nd. When he sought the ater he was quite 0011- swife and children had from the Princess Alice, e regained calmness in hanaesPolice, he rerae wife and children who ere not his, but those of e friend. Further, he re- t he himself had. neither to lose.- The , secret of was thus explained. He evious evening -met his be - and parto,ken very freely eman's Glenlivat spirit. s that with his friend's came, as he thought, pos- friend's Individuality, un - almost lost his life., His e case was accepted as sat - the practice of those who uch time upon darning as e to learn a language, as if nothing better to do than to ds in an old stocking,who in- to deceive the very elect, recommend neatness and Under any other- regime the ding would last a life time bes, and be left" as at legacy irs. Moreover, it is a stroke TO get it off one's bands at the e, lest it darken the horizon der -cloud, and overflow into ng Monday, if left till the in- , turday, since every week has perative duties, and it is poor nt to shoulder the unfulfilled of the past upon the net - .—Harper's Bazaar. smA_Pcxarri-3c, HICKSON & BLEASDELL RESPECTFULLY CALL THE AT- TENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO A PARTIAL Re 'United Brothers. Ninetee Henry W England, of each ot itt Brodkl few days restauran party att There se about th while wa converse, • LIST OF RECENT IMPORTATIONS Consisting of a Large and Varied As- sortment in every line, all of which WE WILL OFFER At Prices that we feel sure will Merit Your Attention AND GIVE SATISFACTION. Tea Spoons, Table ,Spoons, Dessert Spoons; and Salt Spoons, in Fickle and Silver Plated. 1-10PFMA...N PARDNO'S BL 33 OK SEA,FORTH. NEW AND FASITI10 years ago Alexander and. Dinner and Dessert Knives in great ite, brothers, of Manchester, variety of styles and prices. parted company and lost sight er. The former settled down n. as a restaurant keeper. A go several sailors entered the to get dinner. One of . the acted Alexander's attention. med to be something familiar sailor's face, and Alexander, ting on him, eneaged him in eon. The man Lifter a while told him that his ' name was Henry White, a4td on further inquiry Alexan- der foun that he was the brother from whom h. iliad parted 19 years previous. He 'at one took him to his own house. Two daya afterwards therestored broth- er died stiddenly of apoplexy. ,—Thi -" I have gentlem the read ther Severe. cene that recently occur - ay car, and for which the Christian at Work. is re - young woman enters and her seat, throws up her claims to her companion dice which all in the car ever know anything so hot? • I'm stifling !Isv Can't you open this win- dow? Whe ! It's Areadful, isn't it It's always .When thi made at so of the comp the other en " Yes'm, try to bear sufferin's of A general ing further woman. o in these cars—awful . -kind of remark had. been e length for the edification ny, a voice was heard from of the car : t's awful. But we must p. 'Taint nothin' to the the early Christians." laugh followed., and noth- vas heard from that young • is an opinion worth having :— become a Christian," said a n to his frieud. "Good," was ; " and now I hope you. will pay that little bill you owe me.' "No he a-nsw red ; "religion is relieion, and. business 1is business." If that man's business should have the small -pox his religion . ouldn't catch it. • A shott lane age a young lad was playing aboat 1., the Espla ade, in Toronto, when, by some . care- lessness, h* got his foot severely injured-iudeen, the heel was almost torn off. All the wealth of a tould not haee saved that foot from am - itself, but the timely applicationellow Oil removed the pain as if by School Satchels, Ivory of its further use effected a complete cure. . ould use Freeman's Worm Powders for Teething .Rings. co. 556-52 Rothchild i Hagyard's magic, ant Mothers sl their child Pocket Knives and Pen Knives, in ivory, shell and horn handles. Hunting and Sporting Knives, Car- - vers and Forks. NABLE Stock of Dress 'Goods now Coneplete tion Invited. 1 Full Lines of 1WInceys and. Cottons at Hoffman Brothers—Call and See the Prices. GOOD$. t Hoffman Brothers'—Inspece The Best Stock of Millinery evcr s Brother&—See the Styles. Jackets for Ladies', Misses' anal Chil Brothers'—Better Value than Shawls in New Styles at Hoffman - before you Purchase ElEiewher Hoffman Brothers are Agents! for E 1 Reliable Patterns. own in Seaforth at Hoffman 1 . ren, at any price, at Hoffman 'ver. rothers'—Inspect their Stock • Butterick & Co.'s Celebrated HOFFMAN BROTHEOS' CHEAP CASH STORE uet Stands, Trays, Cake Baskets, Butter Coolers, Dinner Bells, Tea Pots and Coffee Pots, CARDNO'S BLOCK, JOIN STREET, SEAEORTH. GROCERIESAND PROVISIONS Genuine Meerschaum Pipes, Eureka Pipes, Brjar Pines, G B. D., The Globe Pipe, Cigar Hqders and Tobacco Pouches. T G. S " • AOC deuce sou east of Pr MEDICAL. TT, M. D .4e., Physician, Surgeon sod whom, Seaforth; Ont. Offico ithd reai- h side of Goderich Street, firat door sbyterian Church. 34t A reat Calamity. Many, in ny years ago a gentleman called on Mr. •Hoby, then the most fashionable most extravagant, most flourishing •f bootmakers: • "1 bong t a pair of straps here last week," saie he, "and think they turn- ed out shaiseefully ; I will never buy another. pal of straps in this shop!" - "Put u the shutters, John," said Mr. Hoby, urning ta one of his men; "it's no go.d. our going on with the business ; •s gentleman will never buy another par of sixpenny 'straps here."— London lir rld. Mend -frig. u L. RCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sine • goo, etc., Coroner for the County of Huron Office an Residence, on Jarvis street nortb, directly apposite Seaforth Pnblic School. W. A. Graduat Toronto. sicians a DAMS, M. D., late of Lakefield, Ont., hysieien, Surgeon and Acconcheui of the University of Trinity College, Member of the Royal College of Phy d Surgeons, Ont. Kinburn.Ont. 485 WM. HANOVER, MD., 0. M., Graduate of Me 111 University, Phygician, Surgeon and Acconeh ur, Seaforth. Ont. Office -Rooms 10 Meyer's lock lately occupied by Dr. Phelan, and formerly by the late Dr. Rime. Will attend at Carronbr ok on Tuesdays anfl Fridayte 496 11Me AUGHT, 'Veterinary Surgeon, Grade '• ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. 0 L ce and Residence in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. Calls po day. A took of veterinary medicines on hand Spectacles,. Eye Glasses, Sp ctacle .tmptlattended to, night or e Charges eamoandleertificates given if required. 407 Cases, and Canes. riable. Home examined este sound- neas _TAMES W. ELDER, V.'S., Graduate of the Ontario 'Veterinary College. After devoting, two year to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto has settled in Seaforth. Office at hie residene east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day or night. A large stock of Veterimiry Medicines conatantly on hand. Horace examined ae to soundness and certificates given Horses ought _and sold on cemmiasion. 424 HDERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., • S1tire6eon Dentist, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office hours f om 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Itoon.ei in Mrs, WI itney's new brick block, Main Street, Seafort _ - - _ In a larg family the mere mending is something lmost formidable ; oue re - regards the pile of debilitated garments, fresh from the week's wash, with a hopelessne. s akin to despa-ir; each ar- ticle needs 1 he stitch in time, and many have passe far beyond that saving pro- cess, havi g accumulated a compound interest ii stitches which is quite alarming. There is a great temptation to allowbt e small rents to run over into the n xt week—when we us ally discover tl4at they have 'won the ce— while we ttack the larger and nore In That Old Gr eery! Stand, Post Office Building. THE CHEAPEST Hoy SE IN TOWN NOW. THE DESIGN OF THE PR* OPRiETO and Rubber Extra. Good Value in Coarse' :and Fine Combs—horn, rubber and ivory. Hair Brushes, Cloth, Brushes, Shav- ing Brushes and Ra.1..9ors. • `EXCHANCE BANK OF CANADA. - HELD, MICE, MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - - - $1,000,000. • DIRECTORS. --M. IL Gault, President; Thos. Carrethill,Tice-Ineeident ; A. W. Ogilvie, M.P.P., E. K. Green, Thomas Tiffin, Alex. tuntin, jerties Crathern; C. B. Murray, Cashier 1 Geo. Burns, Invector. A branch of this Bank has been opened up in Brussels, where:a General Banking hasirtess will be transacted. Notes of hand diseountecl,and Loans effected at fair business rates'. A Savings Bank department has also been opened in connection with title, where deposits will be received from one dollar upwards, and. interest allowed thereon. Drafts issued payable at par at atll offices of this bank, the bank of Montreal -and the '.ederal Bank of Caned*. FOREIGN AGENTS. -London -The Alliance Bank, limited. New Yorke -National Bank of Commerce, Helmer's, McGowan a; Co., 63, Wall Street. Chicago -Union Natioual Bank. Baeinees hours 19 to 8. Saturdays, lb to 563 JOHN L'ECKIE, Manager OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS TO FP -RN' H THE BEST GOODS F R THE PRICE, And in no case to allow deception torte the Quality of the Article sold or in Weights. TO HOTEL KEEPE,S, AMILIES, GRANGERS AND 0 HERS THAT HUSBAND OF MINE" Buis all his Machinery from L. MURPHY, SEAFORTH, wito has pleasure in announcing to the farming community of Huron that he is still selling the very best Sewing Machines, Agricultural Im- plemen'ts, and Musical Instru- 2nents. Mr. liturphY's favorite machine is the Singer, which is the best In the market, having -carried off first honois at the Centennial and. Sydney Exhibitions. , Farmers wiehing to einrchase any ef the above would consult their own interests by applying to Mr. Mr.rphy Ant, as he can do better for theta than any other in the trade. Sewing Reel:tine and other repairs always ou hamat hits warerooms, Goderich etteet. 518 L. MURPHY, Seaforth. Buying Teas and General Groceries in Quantities, would say, CntI and Compare Quality and Prices before pluchasi ig elsewhere, as I can't be beat. Ladies' Companions, Violins and Bows, ,Violin Keys and. Strings. Flour, Mill Feed, Corn. and 04 Mea, G-ranulated Wheat, Graham Flour, and _Potatoes always kepein stock, and sold at Bottom Prices. Fi; i. Akii 110LT & CAMERON, Barriqels, ititors in Chancery, &c.. Croderich, Out. M. C. C meron, Q. C ,Philip Holt, • M. tr. Cam- crou. 500 WIL IAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Comm i ',- Ell nor in' B. R. Weoeel er. AlleLi0,1leer ani Apprai cr. Accoutits 805 notes collected on L. DOYLE, Barrister-, Attorney, SelicitloTte reasonaMe teems. B• C enemy, &e.,,Goderiala and Seaforth. Of- fice, o er Jordan's Drug Store, Goacrich, and Kidd's tore. Seaforth. 354 . yjeeapoefsoN & WATSON, Barristers, tettor- -13'eys, Solentors iu Chancery, &c., Clinton, Ont. )flice--First door east of the new Royal Canadi'. n Bunk building. Money toloan on faru: , proper y. S. 11*,COMSON. 404 G. .k.W AT5'ON GARjIOW & MEYER, Barriaters, and At - to et.s - at - Law, Solicitors iu Chancery, &c. P? -vete funds to loan at it low rate of inter- est, a d on terms to suit borrowers. °meet— , Farm Produce Taken} in Exchange. ID. D. ROSE, Family Grocer. THE RIGHT PLACll FO Tooih, Brushes, Albums, Eog Ctcps, Mouth; Organs, Note Paper and Envelope. Pmss Books, Slates, Pens and Pen- cils. Spirit Lamps Asorve special atten- tion-2mill boil a pint of water or cook a steak in, five min,utes, • very useful in families at night. Trick .Boxes, Tops, China and Ear– , then Toys, Wheel Toys, Goderich and Wingham. Office in Langdale's ' bnildi g, opposite Scott's Bituk. J. T. IGARROW. 11. W. t.7• MEYER. R. 1'. C. Meyer, Solicitor Consolidated Bank , of Ca ada, Wingham, BEN ON & MEYER, Barristers and Attornes at E.aw, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency; Conve3anCei8, Notaries Public, etc. Offices-Sek. . forth d Brussels. $23,000 of Private Innes to 111 invest t once, at Eight percent. Interest .payable yearly, 58 • The above , JAS.IH. BENSON. 1{' W. CMEYE1C: - HICKSON 6,-; BLEASDELL firm has thia day been dissolved by P mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 1876. And a Host of Other Things we Cannot Enumerate. CALL AND INSPECT. WILLIAM HI STOO L& R CHEAP DRY GOODS. CO., SEAFORTH. STAPLE DEPARTMI NT FUL DRESS GOODS DEP ARTMEN CLOTHS AND GE FINEST STOCK 11.IILLINERY AND NOVELTIES OF WI JAMES 11. BENSON. H. W • C. MEYER. SEAFORTH. MPLAMT. Y ASSORTED. —A LARGE STOCK. TS1 FURNISHING DEPARTMENT—THE IN . TO W N. M N T LE DEPARTMENT— ALL THE THE SE A.SON. LIAM STILD _A.1--13:) 1 BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. TOWN & BURROWS. rrHE Subscribers take this opportunity of te. turning thanks to the inhabitantia of Brussels and vicinity for past patronage, anti beg to -state that, lraving made several improvements in their kiln -and the mode of burning, they are in a bet- ter position than ever to supply the public with First.Class Lime at 124r. Cash at the Kiln, or 14c. Delivered. This being the fourth season sof our hush:wee dealings in Brussels, and heving given unqualifi- ed satisfaetion so far, the pnblie can rely on re- ceiving good treatment and a first-class artiole from us. Remember the spot: The Brussels Lirrte Works. -542 TOWN & BURROWS. THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY SEAFORTH. HILL. & 00., SEAFORTH. ARTHUR FORBES, APING purchased the Stock said Trade of the COMIlketeiftl. Livery, Seaforth, from Mr. George Whiteley, begs to state that he intends carrying on the business in the -old stand,aud has added sev etel variable horses and -vehicles to the formerly large stock. None but First -Class Comfortable Vehicles and Good Re/iabie Horses Will be Kept. Covered and Open Buggies and Carrlagee, and Double and Single Wagons always ready fornse. Special Arranlenvents Made With Com- mercial Men. Orders left atthe stables or any of the hotels promptly attended tea C.'1\711 LAI D LAW • & SUGARS, TEAS, • COFFEES, CURRANTS, RAISINS, RICE, PURE SPI4ES,1 PICKLES, SAUCES, MARMALADE, POTTED MEATS, CANNED GOODS, ciaR,oc=?,- SEAFORTH. FA I R LEY, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, CURRANTS, RAISINS, RICE, . PURE SPICES, PICKLES, SAUCES, '1v1ARM ALADE, POTTED MEATS, CANN D GOODS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, CTJRRA.NTS, RAISINS, RICE, PURE SPICES, PICKLES, SAUCES, • MARMALADE, POTTED MEATS, CANNED GOODS, And everything in the Groc ry depart ent. We Guarantee the best in the market. CROC ERY China Tea Sets, very large atom ent in Fre four Patterns. White Granite T ilet Sets, Gol NOTI,CE TO CONTRACTORS. STEN'DERS endorsed Morpeth Har- bor Werke " addreesed to the undersigted, will be reeeivedat this office until Monday, the 21st day of October, at noon, for the eribwork to be constructed, in the Harbor of Morpeth, Plans and specifications ten he seen at thie office, at the Custom- House, Morpeth - and the ns CastoHouse, 1 orouto, on and after'llonday, the 7th of' Oetober. Tenders must be in -strict accordance with the printed forms, otherwise they will not bataken into account. The actual signatures of two responsible persons, residents et the DoMinion; willing to become sureties for the due Inifilmetit of the contract, are also re - (mired. This aepartment does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By (inlet; F. BRAUN, Seeretaty. Department of Publie Werke, Ottawa, Septehaber 26,1878. 565-3 DEPARTMENT. ch and English Ware. White Granite Toe, Sets, (1Band Toilet Sets, Fancy Toilet- Sets, &a. GLASS A, RE DEPARTMENT. Tim largest stock in Town, irn ,orted direct f rom the manufacturers, and at prices that cannot be beat. Hotelkeepers and parties ommencing housekeeping will do well to give ns it tall before making their purchases. All Goods Warra tted as Represented or Money Refunded. CA RDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. f -LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY 1\TOTIQM TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AIN.TD , OTHERS. A 13 THEY occupy tho attention of all, these '1""1" hard timesthe subscriber is eletennined to meet theta by offering good inch Hemlock, "nOt usually Sold Jeri inch," at the following ratesi: 12 foot Hemlock. 4t$7 00 per thousand; 14 foot Fencing, tit $7 50i forCaah. Aliorders over 41000 5 per cent. discount. Call and see if you don't get what is repreatinted. Book e4eounts eaerS racarthi win be charged 8 per cent. The subscriber thanks bus numerous customers for their liberal support, and solicits it continns same of their favors. JOHN THOMPSON. 488 Steam Saw Mills, laleElliop. 1\T"VCT THE APPROACHING OUR GOD SHALL CO THE CREED OF CHRI MOODY'S TALKS, (Che FRIENDSHIP, a Novel, INDEX MAP OF ONT DEMOREST'S PORTFO DEMOREST'S WHAT THE HANLAN GALO.P DiOEATIOTS ND OF T E AGE, by H TENDOMe by W. R. Greg p Edition). y RIO, Cloth TO 'OF F 0 WEAR by; E. GI Sent Post -Pa d any Address, on Receipt of Pike, by AIRDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. Grattan Guinness....$3 00 100 150 15 . .125 50 15 neat.. SHIONS -D HOW TO MAKE IT hill ..... . • C. W. PAPST, 15 40 THE COMMERCIAL- LIVER. Ift SEAFORTH. WILLIAM aleNAUGHTON begs to inform " the business mon of Seaforth and the travel- ing public that he has purchased the Livery Businessl and Stock of Mesars. Carnochan & .Abell, and wgl do all in his power to retain the reputatiOa which this favorite establiehment has secured. Isle will keep only good driving and re- liable bargee, at d his earrimges will be kept clean and in good order. Cells, night or day, will be apromeitly attended to. P10 NW AND WEDDING- PARTIES Liberally Dealt -with. Terms Reasonable. Ali -orders left at the Com- mercial Hotel or at the office wiB recOve prompt attentiota Office and Slbles on Market Street, opposite T. Kidd' a Stor 544 • WM. MeN AUGHTON, Proprietor, BUTTER TUBS. S. TROTT, SEAFORThe IS now prepared to supply all customaaa anynumber of his SUPERIOR BUTTliat TUBS, At $30 per hundred, Cattle These Tubs are so well and favorably known to the trade that it is unneceitaary te say anything in their recommen- dation. - MR. TROTT also matinfaetnres a small Hard- wood Tub, suitable for washing butter in,. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attend- ed -to. - 495 S. TROTT, &startle. with PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. • THE undersigned having entered into partner- -a- ship, are now prepared to manufacture ?Iowa. Wagone, Buggies, &cBy neing first-elass ril&- • terial and having all the work coming -through our own hands, we can guarantee good article. Particular attention we to repelling, horse- • shoeing and general- joebing. Mr, Berzon hav- ing had over thirteen yeti's exp allelic° in draft- ing mill plots, we will make era aepecialty. , Agents for Watson'e Celebrated Agricultural Lm- plements4 REID & BA.RTON, Williaroson's old stand, Goderich Street, Bet - 560 °R... N. BRETT ; $ • SEAFORTH, Wbe1�121a1J RetailDeiCer itt LzAntert s.n.d SHOE" DINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best Stock ke_pt, Tenni moderate. se+ Trial Solicited. All 4ors by moll or etaered promptly fdled. BN. BEETT,