HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-04, Page 8TRE HURON EXOOSITOit.
1 ,
*von tx.ppoitov,
I brated Kennedy. He intende returning
to Seaforth in about two months, Nylon
we are sure he will be greeted by such
_----- a!i audience as his talents and entertain -
AGETS VIX:"ATED in every Town and
Township in the counties of Huron, Bruce, Perth,
Oxford,2Wattlloo, and Middlesek, to Pell and ad-
just to windowa Munn's Patent Sash Regulator,
can be applied to any window, and is preferable to
-weights at ball the cost. Good references must
scoompany all applications. Jas. A. Grzsz & Co.,
Sesforth- 562
AT,LES's GEO ciu-s:.-Ei
itra Value n
Teas, Sugars, and General Groceries, Whole Spices,
Pickling Vinegars, _ Bitter BOwls, Prints and
Ladles, Butter Creeks, Milk Crocks, Brooms,
Brushes, Pails, Wash Boards Wash Tubs, &c.
Shop No. 3, Mrs. Whitney's Biok., WM. ALLEN.
just opened out a large consignment of the -very
latest styles of Glassware, 13eautifu1 sets for 50e
and upwards. Also agent variety of lamps , globes,
shades and chimneys at a great reduction for
cash. 563 . I
Beta at Wits= & Totaio's, $2 25; Handsome °rrold
band tea sets for $4 50: 4 pieces toilet sets, $120;
stone butter crocks, fruit jars and everything in
the above line at bottom prices. r 563
-using Fragrant Lacoalerminc. It removes from
the skin all roughness, tan, &c -produced by the
fall wind and sun. - For saltli by LrmsDall &
W. Thee (a CO., BRUCEPIELD.-We
are new sheering a large stock of fall boots and
shoes at prices that cannot fail to satisfy the closest
buyer. W. Ifxra. & Co.,• Brucefield. 563
VEItY fine Family Flour, ground from
eare File and white wheat. Po.stry Flour at D.D.
THE best value in TCELS, Coffees, Su-
gars, Syrups, Spices, Tobaccos'Oaisins, Currants,
&c., in Seaforth, at D. D.Bosn's, 563.
WANTED.- Any quantity of Dressed.
Feat at D. D. Bose's. 563
TEAS, Sugars and Coffees, extra value
at teapeew PFAIHrzy'iltatilorth. 561
EXTill GOOD VALUE 171 Dye Stuffs this
eeasen. tieceeoe & BLF,ast t;LL. 565
Meeeixo.--The regular meeting of
Rescueolfook and Ladder Company will
be held in the town hall next Monday
evening. A full attemliance cif members
is requested.
Str.eter lareovetree 8. -e -For several
days past men have been employed
cleaning out the water -tables OD Main
Street, and. relaying them with stone.
This will be an improvement whichwas
much needed.
Turnbull, of McKillop, near 'Walton,
has favored us with a other =peter
citron, It weighs 3.3' pounds,', and
measures 32 by 431 inch g. How is this
for citron?.
ment justly merit.
past season the Messrs. Charlesworth
have inad.e and. important im-
provements he the machinery of this
establishnaent. A.mong other additions
was a new and powerful engine, and
they have just completed the work of
placing a splendid new - These
improvements are now completed; and
the mill is again in full operation. It
is now one of the most complete and
efficient establishments of • the kind in
• Canada, and sat' sfectorily as the public
have been served in the past, they may
now look for even better things. The
middlings purifier, whick is the inven-
tion of one of the members of the firm,
received the second prize at the Pro-
vincial Exaibition last week.
B rus s els .
THE BATE .-The rate for Brussels for
all purposes, for the present year is 11r
cents on the dollar.
MAEKETS.-Fall wheat, 86c to a0c ;
spring wheat, 80 to 85c; peas, 60c to
65o; oats, 2e to 27c; barley, 55c to 65e;
hey, 47 to 48 ; potatoes, 30c to 35c.
Council, at its last meeting on Wednes-
day evening made& grant of $50 to the
Mechanics' Instlute. A meeting of the
directors was he d. on Tuesday last; and
the necessary at r.ps taken to ha-ve the li-
brary reopened t an early date. It is
aleo proposed. to open a reading room
fol: the winter onths,
'21417 -
rect report of th
classes in $oh
-gallop, during t
cRall are
The following is a °or -
standing of the various
ol Section No. 4, Me-
e last quarter : Fifth
form-lst, Georee McIntosh; 2ntl, John
Henderson; 3rd, John Kean Fourth
form -1st, John Sperling; and Cather-
ine Campbell; 2nd, Maggie Henderson;
3rd, Mary Henderson. Third form,
sen.-lst, Aniiie Campbell ; 2nd,
Rachel Adam ; 3rd, Bella, Kerr. Third
form, jun:-1st, Matilda G-ibson; 2nd,
James Hogg; 3rd, Harriet Campbell.
Second form, i sen. -1st, Elizabeth
Burns: 2nd, Mary Burn -s; 3rd, Robert
of surplus lion y, that is, leaving the
bee3 a sufficie winter supply. One
swarm in parti ular distingensheditself.
It was hived o the 16th. of June and
has produced t is season 50 pounds of
surplus honey. Can any of your read-
ers beat that • the beeline? Mr. Pome-
roy attributes his success, in a great
measure, to t e kind. of hive he uses,
which is Mite ell's patent:
BASE BALL. A friendly match garcie
of base ball w played in Kippen on
Saturday last etween the Kippen Base
Ball Club and nine from Brucefield,
resulting in a ctory for.the latter nine
by a score of 22 to 10. The visitors
were kindly entertained to an excellent
supper at Sha er's Hotel. Below is the
2 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 9 0 5 0 2. 2 3-22
0 0 1 0 3 • 3 3 0-10
Mr. Welter' . C. Itm
.pbell. SeCond form, - jun.-is-a'-
William Thompson; 2nd, Isabelle, Mc-
Kenzie ; 3rd, Sarah Ann. Johnstone.
First form, sen.-lst, • Greece , McFaul ;
2n.a Lizzie McLeod ; 3rd, John Hogg.
First form, jun.-lst, Annie , Cluff ;
. 2nd, Letitia- Campbell; *3rd,_Mary .Janee
... schemes -new
t --We have leeen requested. to state that -
. Rev. Joseph, McCoy -willtpreach in 'the .
Egmon, v , ,e P. y , .
Sunday next,sat the usaal hours morn-
, , Reform - erg Of Tuekersmith will be hid
i -at the residence of. Mr. David Watker,-
ing and eyening. {
---- • ----i- --
Ceraxes„, Arremeelles.e-_ahe alum
Meeting of the Seaforth Curling Club,
*ill be held at Sharp's .i-loiel, next
Tuesday &Ming., the 8th inst., at 7:30
P. M. Basilicas -the election of offi-
eers„ and making all arritaugments for
, the earning. season.
busily baking
are complaini
orally regard
fashioned rot,
by the wet we
while the tub
soft condition.
crop in this se
which is inter
markable inst
ler animals.
were unearth
When distur
took to flight,
fastened the
ing its hold o
cover and in
cannot help
or aeasen tha
co toted. the
ruddy glow
in wedlock b
morning nap
esteemed vill
quence raise
This happy n,
our local deb '
ject for ditou
GING.-The farmers are '
p their potatoes. Some
g of rot. It is not gen-
d as the regular old
ut only a decay caused
ther and excessive heat
O were forming and. in. a
They are a fair average
incident was observed.
sting as showing the re-
lict of some of the smel-
t.' family of deer mice
d from a hill of potatoes.
ed, the mother mouse
but not till her young had
selves to her, one retain -
her tail till she got under
a place of safety. One
onderind if it is instinct
prompts such actions.
-Before Phoebus had &-
astern horizon with his
happy pair was joined.
Inds, disturbing the sweet
of several of our most
gers, who have in cense-
the• cry of protection.
ptial event has furnished
ting club with a new sub-
sion-are early marriages
conducive ot comfort? The worthy
elia,irman g ve his decision, a Not
muchly." Tie groom remains to be
beard from, nd in the mind of the gen-
eral public it remains an open question.
Meeneo, 1TCH AND SUPPER. - A
large meetin of the patrons of Hus-
bandry, was expected to be held last
Saturda,y, at Shaffer's Hotel, and build-
ing on hope, ine host had made pre-
parations fo some 50 " eatras " for
dinner, but alas! "The best laid.
and men gang oft aglee."
ld stand-bys of the cause,
at in an appearance, one
ender that he should feel
ant at this want'of turn-
nd to say "Yah." It
padt-sueher lots of stufts
d der likes as never vas
aoot neither -all gone to
but this affair was brought
isfactoty ending than was
the appearance on the
rucefield base. ball 'club,
pirited and well contested
he Kippen club, ending in
r the former by 2 -to 1.
tch both clubs repaired to
"and partook of an excel -
all acknowledging , Mrs.
in catering to the wants
also seem that he had considerable dif-
ficulty in swallowing his food at all or-
dinary times. Upon this fatal occasion
he first fell from the chair, he was help-
ed up and continued eating, in. a few;
minutes he again fell over, and when
assistance reached him he was dea.d.
The coroner did not consider it neces-
sary to hold a post mortem examine -
tion. Centralia,. it met- with an acc
which was a little startling at the
Huron Notes. The heavy Wind storm which pre
-sumed control of the Belmore grist and the siding at Centralia spinninod
about 7 p. m., sent a car which.
Mr. John Nat, of Exeter, has as-
-The Howick Agricultural Society'S
. 1 towards the main track, which it
ed by displacing the lock. ' It lay
flouring mill.
Tuesday next. •' tor Clarke's train, which ran
unnoticed untifthe arrival of Co
fall show will be held at Fordwich, on
-Mr. James McKay, of the firm of smashing it badly and deing ee
McKay Brothers, Goderich, has gone o able damage to the engine and
on a trip to England. i house.
-Ben W. J. Welsh, fprmerly of Brus- -A terrific thunder storm
sels and Seaforth, has opened out anew over Jamestotvn and Vicinity on
furniture store in Blyth. day evening, 19th ult. The sky
-The Wingham voters list will 'Li ed up in Soul an hour, till it wa
21st inst., and that of Blyth on the 5th inky darkness. The thunderwas
thing awful, and the lightning
revised by the County Judge on th
prox. • were so vivid. and of such duratio
-The merchants of Wingham have objects were easily discernible at
decided not to 'take butter -in pay tance of 40 rods. Trees were to
ment of book accounts after the 15tli by the score, and limbs were s
inst. along the roadway in great pro
-Mr. James Pitch, of Blyth, intends The downpour lasted about an
removing to his farm in Morris shortlai when it blew over and. the heav
and will hereafter pursue the avocation sumed their wonted appearance.
of an agrieultUrist. "oldest inhabitant" set it down
-Mr. Thomas Jones, butcher, ha log -book as the heaviest storm
removed from Wingliara to Blyth, an his recollection.
intends carrying on business in that en- The Reflector says: We hav
terprising village hereafter. week to announce the death of
-It is currently reported that the Handford, ofExeter, a victim of t
editor of the Goderich Star has recent- Rarer. Deceased was a promising
ly been subsisting on old razors and man, and his untimely death is a
jack knives -very dulliones. blow to ethe sorrowing relative . th
-Mr. Robert Bissett, of the Lake was La menaber of No. 2 Defianc Fire
Road, near Exeter, on Saturday last, Company up till his death, and o S an -
purchased the Lake View hotel, wine day No. 1 Rescue and No. 2 D fiance
was offered for sale by auction. companies turned out in uniform b pay
-The farm known as the Coomb him the last tribute of regard. be
estate, adjoining the village of Blyt flrRITIRTI'S suit was laid upon his n,
is to be sold. by public auction o and, before being deposited i he
Monday next. It is a valuable pr hearse, tlie briaade filed past on either
perty. ,
cow was injured, but strange to elate
Mrs. Champion escaped, as well s
other than above of the party, a racist
rn4raculous circumstance. The grain
in the barn belonged. to Mr. McL u
lin, which no doubt sustained con id r -
able injury.
-On Thursday evening of last eek,
as the train for the north was near
ti e.
dr -
• • Church on
rIttlekersmitia-- . A trip of the
REFORM EETING-A. meeting of t was all that
can hardly
a little Mai
vas too tam
and dings- a
and. betterisl
der tiVel I
to a more s
expected,- b
field of the
Who after a
match with
a victory f
After the m
the "corner
lent -supper
Shaffer's ski
of the eatin,,,
• Mill Roade,---on Tuesday evening next iat
6 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of pe-
lecting:delegates to attend the Refoem
Convention to be held at Seaforth On
the following Thursday. iIt is to be
hoped the meeting may 1)6 largely at-
iended, so that a satisfactory selection
may be made.
and taaented citizen, Mr. W. N. Cress-;
-well, has again this season, as is his
usual: custom, received several dis-
tinguished prizes at the ,Provincial Ex-
hibition. DI oil paintina he has beet.
awarded three first prizes, and. in Water
oblors two firsts and one tebond.
---- --•-- -
Tin?. SOUTH RIDING HOW. -The an-
nual show of the South Riding of Huron
Agricultural Society will be held at Exe-
ter on Monday and Tue,sday next If
the weather be fine we expect one of the
best exhibitions that has ever been held healthy person
under the ausaices of the society. a day's illness
• , hini off.
Faux Sove.-The ferin of Mr. Robert
Smillie, 12th concession, Mclaillop, was
sold. at auction at Seaforth by Mr. J. P.
• Briue, on Monday last,: and was pur-
chased by Mr. James Coates, of Hibbert,
for, ,a2,625. This farm contains 60 acres.
It is a choice lot,and Mr. Coates has got
a good bargain. Mr. 'Snaillise intends
moving to the Western. States, where he
has purehased lane prairie faam.
have again this Week to chronicle the
death of another of Huron's pioneers in
the person of Mr. John McGregor, Kip -
pen Road, Tuckersrnith. Mr. Mo
Gregor died on the 26th ult., having at-
tained the ripe . age of 84 Yeses. He
was a native of Rosshire, Scotland. He
came to this country in 1851 and set-
tled in Tuekersmith, on the farm where
he resided .until hie death. He -was a
gentlercta,n viho was highly esteemed
and respected by all who' knew him.
He had. been a. *ng only about a month.
He bad been a remarkably vigorous and
having scarcely known
intil that which carried
Coatteenex.-In the'. prize aist of the
Clinton show, Messrs. Rumbell et Les-
lie -were credited with having :received
the first prize for an open buggy. Mr. J.
Williams,of Kinaurn, receivech this prize
and we now have pleasure ia making
the correctien.
-At the Zurich show, Messrs. Me-
Ltl; McBride, of Hensall, got first
prizcefor wooden plow. instead of Mr.
Janette", as given in the prize hat
. in Zurich he
TIRNES.-..grs. WM. Robertson, of fair business 1
Oalev'lle, has sent us a nice aarnple ing line; h
grap sand pears, as speeimen of the obliging and
fruit rown in the Comity of Halton._ large share of
Although the good oldi couuty hat re- attention to b isinees, and. giving satis-
ceutly gone sadly astrey in a political faction to all vho may favor him with
sense, it does not seen' to have lost any their orders. Hie prices are, so low
complain of hard times.
want long felt, as a great
compelled to take their
e. -
the Lutheran
been placed in
factured in
and has a veil
eete-a-The new bell for
hurph has arrived and
position. It was menu-
cinnati, weighs 800 lbs.,
fine' tone. The church
opening is exp etect to take . place in
about six wee s. .
GENERAL Na ens. -Since the hunting
season has op nea the Zurich Ninarods,
accompanied by Mr. George Dyer,
Exeter, succeeded in bagging a fine
deer. -There have been five or six uew
leted this Summer, and
in couree of erection. -
king up shice the fanners
dwelhngs cone
as many more
Business is lo
have got through 'with seeding. Mr.
Steinbach has his store well supplied
with a first-cl ss stock for the .fall and
winter trade, especially in gents'. fur-
ce. Mr.- -Webster's arrival
as been doing a, pretty.
the tapering and cloth -
is very -energetic and
determined. to secure a
public patronage by stria
of its fertility or prodtetiveness, as the
specimens of fruit sit us aro the beat
we have eVer scut. The grapes are
, needy AS large as pturris, are of excellent
flavor, and aeliciOus {taste, while the
peers are equally geed; Our kind friond
will alma? accept Our best thanks for -
FATAL Artier:en-A young man
the delicious present. named Came -on McDonald, employed
cm the -farm
COMPLIMENTARY. -AH tear aubscribee
in a neighboring town writes us , as tot- boundary lin
lows Allow mo to express my with an acci
miretioa fin: your paper, and tho. pleae- effeds of W
tire -I' levee poeusieg your many clear engaged 1°140
and • seusible editorials. I only wish. scnno meaus
that more of the Refoini paaers would him, striking
that none nee
He supplies a
many were
work elsewhe
of Mr. Aka, Robertson,
of Howick. aka Grey, met
ant ou Monday 'lest. tbe
ich proved fatal. While
ig, a, handepike was by
very forcibly thrown at
him in the abdomen. Af-
adopt your eeneibio and moderate. tone, tet act eine, intense pain he died en
and anl, SUM that it would be better for Wednesday
our party and the count, at large." • Erni centre following is' the
Expreseious suen as this- may be classed • standing obtt inedby the pupils of Union
amoug the toses which occasionally fall School Sectic nNo..16,Howick and Grey,
to ttlie lot eud cheer the heart of the for the mout :of September. The re-
newspeper publishen! Our frieud will port is based. upon proficieucY and good."
please, accept our theuks for his good couduct: Ito tali forna-lst Jane Dodds,
opinion of our humble efforts. ad Graham McDonald, 3d • Win. Mar-
of Logan-,
on the 30th
His injuries
While re
fair, on the
of Logan, fe
on his head
but is reeev,
Icident happ
afternoon o
John Sherb
ment of
Humicke, i
that life is -
w ent,, on. th
the stable
was attack
edt down, t
victim wit
him belie,
fearfully, h
he had rat
was plc).
ance Of his
self 'from ttl.
4P. 1,1.;yDr Dunsreore was brought but
has no bop() of his recovery. •
lst inst th , Perth County .Council as-
sembled a Stratford, to receive the
resignatiot of Wm. Davidson, Esq.,
who . by rrangement with -the mem-
bets of th council, has accepted the
positionpf County Clerk, in the place
of - the lat.Stewart Campbell. Mr.
Davidson' intimate acquaintance with
the affairs of the County aad Municipal
matters, g nerelly, leaVes us to believe
that he N, ill prove a useful man in his
new positi -a, and give general satisfac-
tion. On Mr. Davidson's resignation be-
ing acceptld, the question. of who should where, and the prospects are that in a
receive th honor pfsfilling the Warden's year Or two she will make a record w 'eh
chair for the balance of the current will eclipse those of some of the pre ent
year came up, when the natnes of Rob- t f th turf.
• rax, 4th M. . Alien; third form=lst
• •
amit.TON Coentere..-This gentleman Isabella Gib on, e2d Agnes Gibson, 3d
luatic bis first appeatance iu Seaforth Rachel Ar
ia Cardno's Music Hall, 'on. Saturday strong, •5th.
evening leen Owing to the short no- seconca-let
tice given, and the ifact of :its being
Saturday niglit the lEtudience was not
nearly so lerge as: the excellence of . the
eutertaiument merited. As a renderer John Doig,
. Scottish Songs and stories, Mr. Cor- nest Morrin,
bett is the best We have ever listened to. THE PROF
He has a powerful, but sweet Mellow Wm. Peiner
voithe, and his .apparently inexhaustible extraordinar
fund of anecdotes, eonabined with his ed line that
sublirae oia songs, makes his entertain- the spring o
ment one which, for real merit, is not one hive.
easily: excelled. It HWas the general to three t
opinion. of cenapetent judges who Were
present on. Saturday ,evening, that Mr.
' Corbett is far in advance of the Ole -
. Frederick Hillebreeht,
t with a severe accident
a fracture of the leg.
are of a serious nature.
urning from the Mitchell
7 ult. Andrew Lobistine,
from 'his buggy alighting
he sustained serious injury
ring. '
• A melanchOly ac-
ned on Lot 23, in the 6th money, and rents. The plaintiff was
of this township, on the Miss Currie, of Brussels, the defend -
the let insta whereby Mr. ant her uncle, Christopher Cturie, of
ur, -who was in the employ- Turnberry.
essrs. Gotleibe and Daniel -Miss Eliza Sanderson, Who
:mutilated and braised's() been living in. West Wawanosh. so
espaired Of; Mr. Sherbour time, died. on Sunday, the 13th Septe
t to him dreadful day, into ber, at the residence of Mr. Ja
to feed' and water a bull Sanderson, .and was buried. at B
o his employer, when he church, on the Base Line, Hull
d by the animal and knock- Consumption was the cause of
te brate then went at his death. Miss Kirkpatrick, living on
all strength crushing boundary between Colborne and
th : him and goring him Wawanosh, is suffering from the sa,
s employees supposing that disease. •
med to the field where he -The bricklayers are working mi
ing, were in' ignor- and main at Mr, G. Samwell's
ate, until he dragged. him- store, Exeter, and it will only b
e stable to the pump about short time before the Exchange Ba
for whose use the south portion is b
built, will be able to occupy it.
north division will be rented. as a -et
the upper flat, whtch is to be 16 fee
height, will be fitted up specially for a
Masonic hall, making one of the bee., in
the county. '
! home to tell the "boys"to come along
-A few menthe ago seine of the resi-
1: with gime, while the two women guard -
dents of Goderich purchased a fine trot -
ed. the prisoners pending their arrival.
ting mare, "Lucy," and they recently
But the she bear was the fir t to ar-
sent her to the States, under the 4are
of -Mr. Palmer, who has succeeded, in
proving her to be one of the most prem -
ahs ed
lo d -
.o an
aS 436
a4i, that
ns '
e -
side to take a fast glance at the f res
W. T. Cox, formerly editor an
proprietor of the Huron. Signal, Gode
ich, end well kitown in this °omit
died at his residence in Sycamor
Illinois, on the 22nd. ult. He was 4
years of ago.
te-Last week Mr. Robert Tait, 41
Brussel, received a telegram, infer -
ing him that his brother Thomas, forra-
erly of Brussels, but now of Pennsy
vania, was seriously ill. Mr. Tait t
one left to visit him. ;
a --As Mr. and Mrs. Duffy, of Be
mere were driving rapidly on Thnr
day of last week, in order to escape go
ting wet by an approaching storm, Mr
Duffy was thrown from the buggy, ge
ting her shmelder bone broken, and r
ceiving other serious iujuries.
-John Harris, lot 9, concession 1
Grey, halt got a; potato, which can
seen. at his residence, that measur
24a inches. around the long way; a
131 inches around the short way, of ti
Early Rose variety. This is a monst
indeed, which Mr. Harris thinks car
hardly be beaten.
-Some time between Saturday night
and Sunday morning last, some coward-
ly persoir entered the blacksmith shop
of Mr. Louis Elliott, of Goderich, and
maliciously damaged some new iron
harrows which had been exhibited, t
the late show, by 'cutting them with a
cold. chisel.
-While engaged at threshing on. t
farm of Alexander Campbell, 5th co
cession of Morris, on Friday last, Jai
Spier had his hand caught in the ge r-
ing of the cylinder, and sthaslied from
the root of the third finger to te
root of the thumb, angling across the
hand. It may be possible to save r
-Judgment was given by the Chan-
cellor in Toronto, on Wednesday, Sep-
tember 4th, in the oase of Currie ys.
Currie, to the effect that the plaintiff
was entitled to one-half the purchase
of their departed comrade. Frcm his
late residence his remains were oil w-
ed by upetards of one hundred ve
and a large concourse of foot pass
the firemen marching:before the
to the Union cemetery, a distal
aboat two miles, -tehere the la.st
services were conducted. by 'Rev.
Butcher. I
pic-nic was held in Milne'
'Ethel, on Friday afternoon, 20t
lender the auspices of Ethel D
Sous of Temperance. There
large attendance. e Brussels bra
ehlivened. the proceedings with
lent music. After a sumptuous
had. been partaken of, the ga
took up Position in front of th
ferm, froneWhence the " feast
spn" was to come. The first
Was Mr. Aaron Panabaker, who
the ice in a pleasant manner.
teresting 'temperance dialogue w
given in good. style, to the great
ment of the listeners. Mr. D.
Cuddy was then called upon to
the audience, -but as the clou
thickened, and rain had begun
the speaker declined to trespas
time of the audience 'to any gr
tent, and advised all present
shelter. In a short time t
Pegan to pour down in torre
Caused to terminate what
otherwise have been an eujoyab
tring. •
{ -The people of Wingharnhaee msde
Several ineffectual attempts
their flourishing village incorpo
a town, butt thus far have, fro
ens causes, been unsuccessful
eeem determined, however, to
again, and keep trying until th
eeed. A. few evenings ago a
was held in the Town Hall, for
pose of having a final discus
matters ' pertaining to ince
About 25 ratepayers were
Short speeches were made by
C. Griffin, P. Fisher and E. F
aavor of being incorporate
Messrs. Flack, McGregor and.
spoke strongly against it.
lengthy And. full discussion, it
ed by D. McGregor, seconded
Jackson, "that haviug heard t
lution of Turnberry Council,
coincide with it, but consider
interest to remain as we are.
Moved in amendment by E.
seconded by W. MeCa-ndlish, "
heartily endorse the resolution
berry Council." -Carried. T
tion of the Turnberry Council
to eva.s to the effect that all 't
Plot be taken in the corporatio
-Two weeks ago Mrs. Bo
Dungannon, the mother of sev
ili,es in the Northern townsh'
with her step -daughter and
daughter to pick blackberries a
miles -from horcie. They fo
'berry patch occupied by three
, who immediately took refuge
I tree. The grand -daughter
• • •
superior, and richly deserve a substan-
tial reward for the skill and persever-
ance displayed. The collect -on of home-
made wines was not only ich to the
taste, and beautiful to the e e, but they
would comfort the heart, cheer the mind
tity, would
10 or ration -
was good.
re quite up
ndeavors of
, and per -
and if taken in proper qua
prove abundantly useful, an
to the constitution of any sa,
al person. , The ladies' wor
The grain and ve_getables
to tha mark ; and inay the
the farmer be ever success
fectly satisfactory.
I iwas directed to the oto,mercial
Hotel (Mr. Davidson propri tor) and am
happy to say that I found i a most re -
spec able and well kept est blishment;
supplying a clean, well cooked repast,
whle was attended to with. politeness
and trict attention. By inserting the,
above in the next issue of the EXPOSITOR
you -will confer a favor uaion. Yours
mos respectfully, '
Go ERTOR, Sept. 30,1878.
Perth Items
• . Nelson Hunter, of Milverton,
dug a potato a few days ago which
wei hed two pounds and to ounces.
- Oddfellows of Li towel have
contributed 1n5 beh of their
suffaiing brethren{ in the Southern
Sort: tri Insith. leo
f Mrs. Stowe's fathous bookais
veritable " Uncle Tom," the
_ expected shortly in Mitchell, to lecture
for he Primitive Methodists.
The people of the secOnd Presby-
ter). n congregation of St.' Mary's are
aux oasly awaiting the decision of Rev.
Mr. Wilson, to whom they have given a
is a
ic es, Hsoo
- A
bu ial
J. w.
'vi on
a a
Sebx ,lield-
p t -
f r
s n xt
O haid
o fall,
on -tae
at ax-
e sqek
e rain
ts, ahd
e gate -
a t evdarais.
try, try
y ale-
ion ean
•rese t.
Mes rs.
rleyll in
as naov-
ye TresGe•-•
e do not
_ to our
Farthat we
f Turn-
e Town
'ere, Of
ral fam-
s, went
grand -
out two
ud. the
ear cube,
as pine
II 4
ising young animals on the apo
lists. She has been successful in
eral races ire Pennsylvania end
- ert Gardi r, Esq., Robert Jonei, Esq., -A few mornings ago, a board.el at
Robert Keey's; Esq., and — Kercher, the Ainerican Hotel, Brussels, noticed
Esq.avere that the rear of the hotel kitchen was
four candi 1the
it was fou d that the choice was be- once turned out and subdued the fie. es,
tweeu the aval representatives of Logan. 1 but not until the rear of the kit hen
On a final ballot being taken, Robert ' was considerably scorched. The fire
Keays bea his opponent Robert jorica, I originated. from some ashes which had.
by a neajo ity of one. Logan claims to I been negligently placed in a barrel be -
be the k ystone of the conservative t hind. the building by one of the jem-
ubinitted. •We learn that the
ates a,bstained from'. voting,
ly -when the ballot -Wes taken
on fire, and. immediately gave
alarm. _A.nuraber of the inmate
•arch,' on 1,
- Perth. dep
of their b
ing the t
strong; 4th M. A. Arm- County,
Jane McAllister ; . senior exulta.tioi
atherine Murray, 2d Annie nothing,
Robertson, 3d 'Alexander Dodds, 4th ion, but
Helen Hislop, 5511 E. MeLemutu ; jun- Reeve of
ior second- st Peter Fisher Doig, 2d
d. Thomas Ball, 4th. Et -
5th, Alexander Murray.
y, of Lakelet, has had, such
• success in the above nem -
t seems worthy of note. In
1876, he commenced with
his increased. the first year
iese increased during the
second year { to eight, and these again
this year to 4.S hives, from whieh he has
during the present season seal a65 worth
Mr. T. C. Murray, of Listowel,
ived first prize for the best assort -
t of pegged. boots, and the second.
sewed. werk, at Guelph Central
Mr. David. Wark, of the 2nd con -
ion Wallace, has sold his farm and
• out to remove to Oregon, where a
ber of his friends and relatives
e already gone.
The Conservatives entertained. Dr.
nibrook, the d feated candidate 'Of
th Perth, at/a complimentary sup -
in the Hicks House, on Wednesday
•ng of last week.
At the late meeting Of Presbytery
Stratford, W1-1*. Charles Thom, of
chell, was received. as a student of
ology,7and ordeted to be certified. as
udent entering'the third year.
A young man, whose name we have
learned, was seriously injured near
Mary's a few days ago by a thresh -
machine. He had. both knees put
of joint and one of his arms badly
ken. ,
The" trial of. Dr. Ford, of St.
ry's charged with the murder of
g Guest by poison, was poetponed
the next Assizes, at the request of
Crown, owing to the absence of
wn witnesses. '
A few years ago, Mrs. Fraser, of
Shrkespeare, bought a piece of proper-
ty in that village, paying therefor
41 000. Last week she sold the same
perty for $1,600, cash, -which shows
t Shakespeare is looking up.
The first shipnaent of live stock
in St. Mary's for the English market
s made lest Week by Messrs. Weir,
arling and. Robson. The shipment
co sisted of 100 eattle and 700 sheep,
oc upying 11 cars. The gentlemen
m king the venture were unable to ob-
OCTOBER 4, 1878.
Princess Louise as special correspea.
dent of his journal, and. to deliver. a --
aeries of lectures in the chief eitiesoa
this continent, has been frustrated by
his being ordered to Afghanistan, where{
war is expected-. It is stated., howeversi
that a number of the chief London
journals will be represented iu Canada
by special correspondents, durhig the
progress of the new Governor -Genera
through the country immediately meet
his arrival,The illustrated News and
the Graphic have selected their best art.
ists to cross over with the party./
n shipphtg at Montreal and conse-
ently were obliged to take them
ough to Boston, to be sent thence to
Mischievous' boys in Mitchell are
the habit of entering the horse sheds,.
e divine service is going on in the
inches, and cutting harness, remov-
•nuts from the wheels of vehicles
d conamitting other -villainoue eo-
ns. A couple of weeks solitary con-
t. ement with a ,scant fare of bread and
iv ter would be a proper corrective for
ose young rasOals.
-Mr. and Mrs Lingara, of, Mitchell,
h ve the sympathy of all lovers of the
b ,autiful for the misfortune that befell
t 'eir favorites at Toronte. They left
itchell for. the °Provincial Exhibition
th a conple of cases of very choice flow -
e s, buteinfortunatelyets they were being
conveyed from the cars to the Exhibi-
tipn grounds, the vehicle in which they
-Were, upset, and the'flowers were com-
p ,etely destroyed.
-The Presbytery of Stratford have
a eed to sustain the call to Rev. Mr.
Jay from the North Mornington
hurch, but to lay it on the table until
tie way should. be open to. the reception
o Mr. Kay into the church according
t its rules, and that he should be asked
t give supply of services to the congre-
g tion, should. they consent to the ar-
rangement, until such reception be or-
derly accomplished.
-An old man 70 years of age, named.
James Keag from Southeast Hope, was
robbed in St'ratford. of leis purse which
contained about $15. He had been
baking with a young man who intro-
uced himself as the son ctf it neighbor,
nd persuaded. Mr. Keag to enter an
iinfinished house to rest. The old man
il • asleep, and when he awoke it few
ours later his purse Was gone, so was
is frialade The police were notified
nd watt not long in diecovering the
bief who had. the money still in his
the evening of election day, at
Over 150 to choose from, and
This is a rare opportunity for selecting
a really handsome PATTERN Mantle
at a low price. Inspection invited.
A, G. OCDOUGALL & 00..
,rive, and put the step -daughter to
flight. The old lady, however was not
so easily routed, but mainta' ed her
position, disregarding the defiant atti-
to within ten feet of the tree; at on its
tude of the old bear, which, arvancing
haunches, and rubbed its paw g together
as if challenaine her to naortat com
Meanwhile the cubs, perceivling t eir
Newry, one old "dyed in the wool"
mother, made an attempt to descend spechnen of a Tory, while congratu-
the tree, in -which only one of them -was
letting himself and others of the party
successful, the old lady drivina the en the victory won, remarked. that he
other two back with a stiek.t' Mrs. as highly pleased with the verdict of
Bruin was apparently satisfied with the ;
he public, but acknowledged that he
rescue of one of her cubs, for she beat a elt crestfallen over the defeat a their
retreat, and left the others to at un- doi, Sir John A., but in tae way of
timely death at the hands of the "boys,"
who soon arrived. onsolation said, whil the tear e were
Things at the Seaforth eouldn't expect anything else, as Heaven
and earth were brought to bear against
him," from Which it may be- inferred.
rhat "the other place " worked for
-A Perth clergyman. who spent a
art of the summer in Muskoka, says :
he farmer who can get alongwith any -
Shing like comfort in Perth county,
tshould seek not a change to that re -
Won ,but a manwho has difficulty and de -
aims a comfortable home and healthy
employment for sons willing to work,
we would counsel such to go to the
pertitern part of Muskoka, and Parry
Pound districts. After the common
[hardships of settlement are passed
there will be plenty to eat and. drink
0,na much to spare in the possession of
the diligent.
Genuine French Meek Gros Grain.
Silks, warranted pure, at $1, $1 25,
$1 50, $1 75 and $2 per yard. See
them at
trickling down his e eeks, " that they
hich the destinies of North . ployees of the hotel . or buS, To the .Eclitor of the Huron L'
nds, and the circumstances little or no damage was sustained. DEAR Sin. -Having been o
nig able to lay claim to hay- j -During the storm on Tuesday even- i judges at your horticultural,
o most populer men in the incl last week, Mr. Thomas Champion, tion on the 26th ult., I am ha
ives them another cause of late of Blyth, suffered. a coasidera.ble, that with regard. to the indo
. Of Mr. Kertcher, we know loss. He had but recently removed to ment, the differeat specimen' and. ve-
nd therefore express no opine a farm which he had. rented from Mr. 1 rieties there shown was good. Itspared
e do know that lafraGardiner, Thomas McLaughlin, Donnyb ook. to see the show of 1879, we hope to see
ibbert, is a deserving man. When the storm burst fortb there vere a more numerous display of eaticles in
all the different classes. I weuld here
e of the
c. exhibi-
py to say
• depart -
eight persons in tbe barn, and
-A vagrant named Tommy Wynn, Champion was in the rear, mulking1 In, remind the exhibitors of 1879, t ey wi
confined i the jail at Goderich, died on an. instant the -whole building was level; have a great difficulty to produce a su-
Monday about 1 o'clock, while at din- to the ound Mr. McLaughlin perior article, to a goodly number shown_
nen Th4 imutediate cause of his death
was suffotation resulting from difficulty
in SW11,110 ilia a piece of meat. Dr. Mc -
notified and held an inquest
ening ; verdict in accordance
bove was rendered. The de-
s only been in jail since the
nd when he came he was in a
very exhausted Condition. It would
Lean wa
in the Cie
with the
ceased h
5th ult.,
was pinned in the debris, with a nail at the exhibition of 1878: I
through his hand. He managed to the specimens were numerous
break the same,tand after pulling the -werevery good,particularly ap
portion through his hand- out with his
teeth, he assisted, to -wards lifting the
debris and freeing the others who were
pinioned underneath. Two out of the
crowd were severely hurt, Mr. Cham-
pion's buggy was !crushed to atoms, his
bread, butter, -wines, needle
the, fine arts. I must here coagratulate
the ladies of Seaforth, and the neigh-
lierhood for the artistic manner in which
they brought out their beautital designs
ornamental butter making. It was very
annot say
but they
ork end
Ten Pieces New Pattern Tapestry -
Carpet MI 574 cents per yard, werth
cents -a great bargain. See them at
-The intention of Mr. Forbes, of the
ondort Daily NM's, to come to Cana-
da with the Marquis of Lorne and the
We Show This Week a Very Choke -
Selection in
We shall continue to receive through-
out the season the Finest Qualities of
Goods adapted to, the Custom Trade, at •
Gents' Furnishings,
The Newest Styles in English and
American Makes.
Direct Importers and Dealers in
Dry Goods Only.
Solicitor., Seafottli, Ont. .
BTJE -'irnNT-
F"Tia3 et,' L Ea ligieewestl 3-rf
i A-. venient and desirable
ilfx. Ifv.thrter M4:tprvkevttoStDre
i1V-A-:11-'iilsiit con°eitesronT;:flinil
:of excellent land, all ol
:chav:rx. nApapisy.nato „.... ,
;_le7uroofn.,. litooiDad,aclirescliiii: tompas
i nth concession e the
; TennS easy. Apply to
illot 51,Clinton P. O.
11:‘ WillsivFfieaMilibm.e8. .siNI:in1101481:7:--fyb.Ircealinl'erit 8:::::;::
, A: Lot 7, Con. 12, cent
ideated and, williented ; 1
i youngerchard ; soil clay
!time; price $5,000. App
I forth.
: Foe% .oltin.B*;---ILIe twas"ti
1 Buren, -20 acres are cle
] timbered with beeeh an
' will be sold cheap. Appl
-fisAlar roi,t SAILETti
=--..---..iiicia. c....._..,4...--_,..-oncession
twining 55 memo, 50 of wl
good state ig cultivatiofl.
the village of BaTfield, II
an favorable terms. A
.._ ..,..,... .... .
-2: the Country. a Mgt
ol Harparbty. Frame
A large garden ledwit
triptions • good well an
B. WINA) on the px
Land:Agent, Seaforth.
W., in the 6th Oen
no acres. good soil, *
i lib a r no 1. eficil i good 6 , goohoodu : t a be I e
' place, er to Wcatfield P
i pump. Apply to
—...... ... _ . . ...-.
‘-/ Con. 7, Efrdlett, Co
SO .Oleared, well under
of cultivation: buildin
terms easy. 'For 1
- oXsr . eos' a7"I aMe il rCetlAU sGe.1 r Es t oI7
stanee P. O.
°V. isitYPAY-be entstEutifififoill
- Turee'ks-ere C0onto
eo:nvenient to school
est:qualityFu; 1
Ekmilvllo r. 0.
. , _ ....
-a: Hullett, contan
frame barn and. stable.
a Small .orehaa. Is
of Clinton and Shout V
ply at THE EXPOS
T Lot -29, Com 8, m
85 a which are clean
and. stables, plenty ox
18ticriarill'.0.41111)31ily taelitre- '
„.._. .. ,
vAita FOR WM.
-a: 1, Con, 16, towns
se*, 42 of which. are
There is on- the pre
ti.a rar, aTnhd. es tItabboivee, andip
k...u.od. gravel road. and
the -premises. Walton
WI. ITintleeParlcop%rl,
Iltntry foles..84: Vie -ix
— _
ailCue.re al: itel.
blVra, alI nearly new,'
ards. Theabove 116
:/e1 :Ad -and. tW
brussels l',. 00 or
ituated farm,
e clearecl;
arn, horae
County a TharOnl
Mown of Seaforth,
1:4 ; rn 1 :Id lee I 1 glimmiles: seIltR'irhti:Shwou from
pr tea drivinghouse
o s
water. The lam is
"rit ILDoen't I 1 _Sher 8: fp9rr te s 4apply4 r
1'1! 1*. nAl 1E: ;I 1 12.41
ship oabilHe =nett', bsit
tainitgtIYO'aTrnes 9
,WtL.,atolNcautheogh070abolibelin lafIrinevet:214:
esnioceosn. zr4 ooufuthlthe
'west half of
arm' is 658acres,1tuowi
Seaforth. TiT la
here is a hat Ise
; ingB.n7natentl;rces
IftPtawl aslhalf51:5:frlof"Loaa tri-nb":2; )139:
1U0 DI Vadat a
to 1l the
walasoodanottradear •
of water: vow
Post vfilei; thew
s from
from Myth. Al
• rris. 4
r Icrirroeb.