HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-04, Page 74, T8lh. LOCK'S MILLS, ROP. f Lumber always on into sizes suitable for hint; purposes, Bass - eery, Piue. Jae. sawn; 'different purposes for iaed. mn[rort Kofi{t e. YALEFENCE, requires a Prial to: • It is matte of rock , and soft ell. spars; joinir g. The Fence high. This Fence ..aintler of the month PER ROD Price, sir.. 70- cents tfe charged. lit it(/ 1'i ill i4 :attended to prompzt- rticle w-Irranted from rk can be relied upon - of Wheat jar sa:facture of Ice lour Latest Improvements' kis sup,trint ended by 'Ll) MILLER. will :.1Iw"a}•.4: gide sat - SWORE:. €ck s•f Dry floods; aro- Lees, l'a.,•atlyiriatio Cloth - hand, rind otleered at TEN LOCK 'iat1%r:tp, Stearn gals. UNDERTAKING. r � & BOX, )RTH, -tlheir if err roo?rzs, i- ct 4 Ila uTsoiiv c/ ,t r-<.= c't every Des- I, fortml in an '= {t/lent Tll .4.1•{•fro7t, a are 1'2-pig/Ted to :Itntl€r their towns super ;rtutte it as to quality. III, '1'O ORDER. 1E IREl>. T DING. udsotile Hearse, they are nndertakin:; in all, ▪ isi•ll:tt,le terms , . it on iertaking busin4 sS 0 FLUID, D L s •rvanal ilto.troys all of4en- i contagitru arising from r ��vlicilfxc_. tt.0 .DFOOT & -EN EMPORIUM, ORTH. TE, re- to reriaa her many ruers that she is now bet- h, mil*l'ly all their wants :se of this rtt"at complete tv,l,in,, hail and Parlor, hat can be fo iud in any h l at frit: -:€ as low a3 the :ut; of •r Mutt [alien: L;OIL ?tt toil at a very t-li,;ht atl- _ :;s i'Ii t. Repairing and tlttly tt:retched to and eu- EFtELD. tio,lati.'.n .•f tier ere.toraers tl-ett..ii a bratueh. :,tare in `be found ;i ct,mp ltte stook sir . b • wind 1 tiirect pal•- .l ii:w.ati.0 La her his p; :oho' t-. t •t hien:tt1 see • t svl:. r 1�• t, II.E I when ler 1%It,te11•-ab d-.Ift i•::tve. •v e•roek. I' :will be time, Sea: t tit :aid B. ua•etiel.l. IP(),IEIUI. ltl•y tt rJa . tris Euro( Tor., L. and etlo ti• i ft:r il,tir Mere:, 1 e.t; stun ;-ear:, aged lug es, t elta4e at it. et ion t.. Isusrnes4 %Vt. aid t r a.ae iu t lie future. .tt�:. O. i,.N 1'It;tris.-s, durir-c i• F ak. :•.1tt:it tri pa?y the CASH PRICE I ;:i. -el frt ,-li cogs, delivered •c.• E11'OI.IU,M, Merin `t ieet,Seaforth. .,:ki 2Z., tens of a;(•e•d day f DRESSING.. S STARK u ti -e Ladies of Seaforth and it: IA l•rs°patt::l to rttske up 'I'1tLti, Ii1LAI1)S, +&e., arl:ion from Combings;. and all orders punctually at- woliei t ell. heel dense—Main 527 OCTOBER 4, 187 8. THE HUROI1 EXPOSITOR. 7 prayer -Time at the Yankee Deacon's. • The deacon was 50. a prosperous mer- chant, gray-haired and a little bowed. with care, but still a vigorous man, raising a young family around. him. To his country store, which was a veritable museum, if you came at nine o'clock of a summer morning, ` oi; at eight in win- ter, you heard the voice of prayer loud. . and strong and lasting Borne times half ,an hour_ The deaco b house was con- nected with the store,azn:and after break- fast, when fily pral:,ers were ordered, one of the sons knelt ie the passageway and -kept one .eye on ;the open door of the store. while he reverently closed the other and shut business out of it that he -light let devotion in. It wad a large family dick, and there were young children who, sometimes annoyed at the protracted Solemnity of the father's plea to the throne of grace, would begin to frolic, in:iocently enough, no doubt, and would now and then break into laugh- ter. At such times the deacon would continue his prayer unmoved, but when he had concluded. it -Mould take the of- fender aside and sentence hiim to pun- • ishment, which the mother immediate- ly proceeded to inflict in an adjoining room. Some wicked critics say that 'deacons' sons " turi'. out worse " than sdns of other people ; but such was not the case in this deacon's family. The punishments, probably, did just the good they were expected to do.. The son stationed iu the store passageway - was, privileged , to leave his kneeling- place and wait on customers, and I remember once to have had my youth- ful brout-t ful gravity thoroughly disturbed by an incident which occurred one summer. morning to the store at prayer -time. Tho eye of the sentinel in the passage saw the burly form of an Irish woman entering the doorway. He darted out— to receive a demand for acodfish, and the remark, as the good woman wiped her streaming red, face and hearkened ." to the accents of prayer .- Dear ! dear! the deacon do be coin' it meighty strong and the thermometer pointy in the shade, too 1" • Remarkable instance -of Canine Attachment. For several weeks past a small brown English terrier do . has been keeping watch and ward at the door of Dundee Prison, which post the faithful creature has never left by day 'or night. The poor little creature has become. ,much emaciated by its long vigil, and is apprirently suffering from Hunger and exposure. Na one has come to claim it, or supplied it with food during the long weary days and nights it has remained in that position, nor can it be enticed to quit its post either by the offer of food from the hands of a stranger. The prison officials htive been much interested in the poor little animal, but they have no real knowledge of its history or the object of its watch. There is no doubt, however, that the little dog is waiting on its master, whom it had last seen entering those gam por- tals. An Incredible Story of Bravely. The Schenectady Union, prints the following : " A few nights ago a young lady of this ejty was awakened by some- thing passing over her arm, which she at once suppose was a mouse. She took no further notice; of it, sudposing it had run away. In the morning, on making up the beef, shediscovered the little fel- low snugly; resting itself between the sheet, at the foot of the beer., where it lead doubtless hid when frightened by awakening in the night Instead of the customary scream and half faint, she took her slipper, and placing it neter the mouse, he soon took refuge in the g It 7 toe, when she closed i '�, and putting 1 - :nto a pail of water drowned the little intruder. -A bale of blankets has been for- warded from Loudon to the Memphis sufferers. It is intended to sc;ncl one bale daily to the extent of 2,000 worth. —The misplacement, of a switch lett to a collision on the Grand Trunk near the freight shed at Guelph, on Satur- day atu -day morning. An engine was badly Smashed and a few cars knocked into kindling wood, but no lives were lost.' —Mr. IIarbeson only engaged in farming last spring, and having no ex- - perience Himself, was obliged to hire a man to Superintend the. works. The other clay lie read in his paper that " dressed chickens " brought the highest price in the city markets, and he show- ed: the paragraph to his wife with the remark that "blamed if he was going to the expense of buyingesses for his chickens if lie never sold . hem." Mrs. Harbesou was a city-br d girl, and knew no more about farming than the late Horace Greely, '"but slie suggested that perhaps she had some old dresses which she could cut up and converts in- to p,liointii s and overskirts for their chickens if there was much advantage in Having there dressed before sending therm to market. Er1,8`3 Coma. ----Grateful and comfort- By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- - Batts of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. • Epps. has provided. our breakfast tables .with CLINTON BOOK STORE, a delicately flavored beverage, which Witty save us tetany heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicioususe:of such articles - of diet that a constitution may be grad- ually gad-ually built-up untilstrong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating around' us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point: Wo may escape inpauy a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves Well fortified with pure blood, ands a Properly itotu•isllecl frame. —C u.tl Se au:r ffc-. Sold only in packets.label- feel JtUoes Epps & Co., Iloniceopath - ze Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street? • 84(1170. Piccadilly, London." 482-52 Litr:t: Is :Erin}. The Liver is the imperial caftan of the whole human sys- tem, as it C Utrrle the life, health and happiness of matt. When it is disturbed iu its i r,,per action, all kinds Qf ailment" are the natural result. The digestion Of food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and ner Rous system are all immediately con- nectedwith the workings of the -Liver. 1t has been successfully proved that Green's August Flower is unequalled in curing all persons , afflicted with Dys- l�ePsie, or Liver complaint, and all the numerous symptoms that result from an unhealthy condition of the Liver and { Stomach. Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Positively sold. .iu all towns on the Western Continent. Three doses will :Prove that it is just whatyou want. l'fIEDKCAL . G. SCOTT, M. D. &e., Physician, Surgeon and • Acconcheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderieh Street, first door eastof Presbyterian Church. 34? H • L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sar - goon, etc., Coroner for the County of Huron Ocoee and Residence, on Jarvis street north, directly opposite Seaforth Publio School. WA. A. ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakefield, Ont., r• Physician ,• Surgeon and Acconcheur. Gradnato•of the University of Trinity College, Toronto. Member of the Royal College of Phy- sicians arid Sri: eons,!Ont. .Itinburn.Ont. 485 WM. HANOVER, Al; D., C. M., Graduate of McGill University, PhyE�sician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seaforth. Ont Office—Rooms in Meyer's Block lately oecnpie by Dr. Phelan, and formerly.by the late Dr. g. Will attend at Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Fridays. • 496 McNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Grade. • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. • -Office and Residence 'in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. Calls promptly attended to, night or BRSSELS HARDWARE STORE_ lavin DAMES DREWE completed the • ENLARGE - NT of his premises and creased his stock of HA " DWARE, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And also added a complete day. Astook of veterinary medicines on band Charges reaonablc. Horses examined as to sound- ness and certificates given if required. 407 JAMES W. - ELDER, V: 8., Graduate of the Ontarit Veterinary College. After devoting twoears t Toronto, h residence e attended to Veterinary examined a Horses bo praetice with Professor Smith, of ' s settled in Seaforth. Office at his at of W. M. Church. Calls promptly by day or night. A. large stock of edicines constantly on hand. Horses ' to soundness and certificates given ght and sold on commission. 424 •HDERBYSHIRE. L. D. 8., • Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental i Surgeons of Ontario. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in Mrs, Whitri. ey=s new brick block, Main Street, Seaford:. l:Q•:d-4m I. ftAMERtN, HOLT & CAMERON,. Barri:Ste:ts, V L h Solid ors in .Chancery, t c., Gc dolt , Opt. M. C. Cam ron, Q. 0., Philip Holt, M. Gr Cam- eron. 506 WILL M SMALL, Conveyancer and Commis- atone ommis a one in B. R., Wroxet ex. Auctioneer and Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected on reasonable term B. 366 'L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in • Chan ery, &e., Goderieh and Seaforth. Of- fice over Jordan's Drug Store, Goderieh, and Kidd's Store,Seaforth. 854 ,a - Air ALCO• -SON & WATSON, Barristers, Atter- n s Solicitors in Chancey, &c.,Clinton, y, Ont. :Offs a—First doer cast of the new Royal Canadian ank bit' {ldirg. Money to loan on farm property. T S. ,rIALCou=OA. ` 404 G. A. WATSON (1 AI1,110\ , MEYER & RADENHURST, Barris- " tors, At ofneys-at-Law, Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Private funds to loan -at a low rate of inter- est, and t: Goderieh building, o S. T..01 IL: w.0 of Canada terms to suit borrowers. Offices— -nd Win g ham. 'Office in Lan.gdale's posit° Scott's Bank. - ROW. H. W. 0. MEYER. W. J. RADENHURST. 474 Meyer, Solicitor Consolidated Bank Wingha na. ASS RTMENT OF TINTWARE, If AS IOW ONE OF THE Isar est Stocks of •T EGUNY AND I�T 0 NINVITES. A L WHO ARE WANTING THE ABOVE GOODS TO 0411EN - AND EXAMINE • T SPEC BENSO & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney at Lew, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Convoyanc rs, Notaries Public-, etc. Offices—Set. torthand •russets. 823,ocie of Private Funds to invest ato cc, atEight perdent. Interest, payable ,yearly. 53 JAR. H. HENSON. H. W. O. ?1EYER. The above fins has this day been dissolved -by mutual colesent. All accounts dne the firm to bo paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all " liabil- ities. . JAMES H. BENSON. Nov. 27 1816. 1 H. W. C. MEYER. '. C. M. DUNLOP'S Fall Term in Music will open on Sept. 1Gih. Pnpils should give in their names previous to the op ing Ir ning of the class. Those not lav- atruments can be accommodated with rise of Piano or Organ at very mod- erate •ates. Seaforth, Sept. 7, 1878. 561 SEA ORTH PLANING MILL, SASK_, I OOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE subscrib erbogs leave to thank hisnurnerone cuatomers for the liberal patronage extended to him since commencing business in Seaforth, and, trusts thatlhe may be favored with a continua -no of the sante. Partiesintending to build wonld do well to give'1 him a call,as he twill continue to keep on hnpd a z urge stocklot all kinds of� - pity PINE LUMBER, e4 ICE DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. He f eels confident of giving s atisfaction to those sono may favour bim with their patronage, as none .6atfi.rat-ciaseworkmen a °employed. • 1 ."ParticuIi.ratten Li paid toOustomPlaning 201 JOHN . BR.OAD-FOOT. WALL, • PAPER,. BORDERS, AN 1) W NDC10W BLINDS. THE GOODS AND MPARE GOOD CAMPS TETE UNDERSIC W O RSTE D. The eye deli S YOR THE MILLION —AT— ELL'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM. . NED IS PREPARED TO SHOW HIS FRIENDS AND TH PUBLIC THE CHOICEST SELECTION OF COATINGS, PANTINGS, OVER COATING hts to gaze upon, and Fresh from the Markets for this Fall's Tra.:e. - ALL SUITS WILL BE WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT TO YOUR SATISFACTION. RARE BARGAINS IN CERTAIN LINES. CALL AND SEE. WM. CAMPBELL, Seaforth STORE No. 1, CAMPBELL'S BLOChi. THERE WHEN IT IIS UP INT G HARNES Where you will -REMEMBER, if yo faction as to QU is wanted to secure n POS PRICES I ONCE MORE re e following goods are offered ALLY REDUCED prices : AMERICAN NAILS, J cc ENDOW GLASS, \MES WHITE LEAD 1 . patronage duri solicit a continaxanc Steck of DRY G i GROCERIES A Large Stock of at ,and Coal Oil, Haydn thing requitaul in a g 1 taken in exchange. 1 to come and settle other hands for colle —I am also valuator in the Dominion. T '.; twenty years, on the 1 give me a call, asIai , suranee Companies i get to give me a call. i motion. Clover, Ti IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER SIGN O'F T1�E MADE ; ' _ S UC EI AS YOU • FIND !rx ;AAS • find all Binds of Ilcar?ze8s Illasle up in the Latest Styles.• hr„ i wash a Fancy or Substantial Harness J. WARD can give you bettor satin- A A - ILITY and PRICE than any other maker in the County. A Trial is all that W' galar custom. . - •J . WA.,D, Seaforth, D AT J. WARD'S, A� SE FORTH, INSEED OIL, TT -T MACHINE OILS, &c. . SEM AT THE SIGN 01? THE AD LOCK," BRUSSELS. G PLOWS. GANG PLOWS. GANG PLOWS. TES SWATER ed to acknowledged be the BEST Which re now o g manufactured in Ameriea. —AND— PORT PERRY, WROUGHT IRON AXLES. WROUGHT IRON AXLES. WROUGHT IRON AXLES. rought Iron Spokes in Wheel. 1 rought Iron Spokes in Wheel. rought Iron Spokes in Wheel. The with I show in 'the above lines this year a Fi2;ER Spokes STOCK and BETTER VALUE than ever before offered in THIS CZjINTC�v_ My Patterns are ALL NEW, and having bonght direct from the manufacttirers, I can sell at • prices that cannot be heat. ort Perry is the only, Gang Plow made rought Iron Axles and Wrought Iron n the Wheels. LE CUTTERS. THISTLE • CUTTERS. THISTLE CUTTERS. :Massio.'s Celebrated No. 18 and - ( i Also llloth Proof Car pet Lining at GUY R'S PATENT CHILLER .PLOWS. 1 Low Prices. ALWAYS IN.- STOCK FULL LINES ES • SOHOOL BOOKS, MISCELLAN- EOUS BOOKS, OFFICE STA- TIONERY, &c. Etpt ess and Telegraph A1a4 all kinds of General Purpose Plows. CA AGR JAMES A. YUILL. TINGS AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS AT (J. C. WILLSON'S 1 'ULTCR-AL INPLEMENT EM- PORIUM, SEAFORTH. --- ELECTRIC TY! THOMAS' EXCELSIOR EcLECTine tl"rtl OIL --FORTH TEN TIMES ITS .Syn aHT IN - GOLD.—Pain cannot stand where it is used. It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures common a•re throat. ' One bottle has cured bron- o- Otitis. 1'i ty cents' worth has cured au old stand- ` -ing cough. It positively cures catarrh, asthma, 1 0'^ C. and croup. Fifty cents' worth has cured crick in the back, a. d the same quantity lame back of 8 Lu - years' sten ing. The following are extracts from ! a few of c inauy letters that have been received 1 from direr nt pftrts of Canada, which, wo think, HE3tL should soil eiently satisfy the most skeptical:, J. Collard, of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send me 6 dozen Dr. Thom s' Ecleetric Oil, have sold all I had from yon, and ant more now; its cures are trulywon- derful." \ m, McGuire, of Franklin, writes, "I have solda 1 the agent left, it acts like a charm— it was aro at first, but takes splendid now. H. Cole, of Io a, writes, "Please forward 6 dozen Thomas'E leetri°Oil, I•e,m nearly out, nothing equals it. t is highly recommended by those who have used i ." - J. Bedford; Thomasville, writes, " Send me t once a further supply of Eclectric Oil, 1 have only one bottle left. I never saw any- thing sell .owell and give such general satisfac- tion." J. 'hompson, Woodward, writes, "Send mo some ore Eclectric oil, I have sold entirely out- Not 'ng takeslike it." Miller & Reed,Ul- verton, P. ., write, " The Eclectric Oil is getting a great re station here, and is daily called for. Send us a f rther supply without delay."Lemoyne, Gibb & Co. Buckingham, P. Q.,-w>ites, "Send us one gross f Eclectric Oil. We find it to•take well." Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25 c And Ceuta. S. N. THOMAS PHELPS, N Y. NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto Ont., Sole Agents fox the Dominion. NoTE.—Ecleetric— Selected nd Eleetrized. Sold in. Seaforth by Hickson Bleasdell, 3. S. Roberts and d2 i . Lumsden . , All PON and See Therm, and if you ion't litre them, don't buy. WILLSON, - •PROPRIETOIL 'BER FOR SALE, CK, First Quality, $+6 per 31: PINE from $8, BILLS CUT TO ORDER, Lengths, frcm 10 to 50 Feet., at the MILL, IN. MCK.ILLOP: Tho Subscriber has also a LU ,1 BER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where: :479. B Swe1 550 11 kinds of Lumber can be obtained. TH03IAS DOWNEY, TIER. BUTTER. WILL C JOHN 1 OFFICE . STORE, WALTON. • pectfully beg leave to return thanks to my numerous customers for their kk�r g the last 12 years that I have been doing business amongst them, and kind . of their favors for the future. 1 have just received a Large and Well Selects AIDS of all descriptions. Also always on hand a full assortment TEAS a Specialty—which, for quality and price, are thebestin the Count OOTS and SHOES—McPherson's make. Crockery, Glassware, Lam s re, Paints and Oils, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams, in fact_ever n it. Cash or farm r do e. A for -hatyou want if you don't see Cas o e neral ager s R' an y p - would also intimate to all parties indebted to me for last and previous year , y cash or note before the end of this month, or the accounts will be put in o tion. No further notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. or the Dominion Saving and Investment Society, one of the bestloan societies o above Society loans money on gond farm security for a term of from three ost favorable conditions. LIFE INSURANCE. --If yon want your life insur agent for the Sin Mutual Life Assurance Company, ono of the best Life 1 the Dominion, and conducted on the moat economical 'principles. Don't fc = I am always attentive to business. Post Office and Telegraph Office in co ethy, Turnip and other seeds on band. R. PATTISQN, WALTON� Geary ANNUAL NO SALE Mi14ENCE AT 1 - ROGER S' SATURD And as the d t ;CONFID May re Will :BARG Dress Goods Shirts, 13;•62. Caps, and C ON Y, JULY 27, termination is to clear o Stork, a ING Pu ain assured that BLIC C) 13 S be offered'at IN PRICES. laaaals, Straw Goods,xsols, Tweecli, Flats, lothing. All will be included in the GENERAL SLAUGHTER, AND— I i A sto=unding Discou,nts } Will be given in Every Department. - TERMS, - CASH. JOHN R e,ERS. THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA/.1 CA P I T1t1 F. - 64.000.000. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorprated 1838; • and RoYAi CANADIAN BA "K, . ; Incorporated 1861. SEAFORTH BRAN DOMINION' BL.OGK,MAIN-ST. SEA.FORTH. De•nftri on New York Payable ati any Bank in the United States. Kiillr of Exchange on Loud €n payable at• all Chief Cifi.;s of the United Ii;ingd m.. INTEREST PMD ON DL OS1TS. 1!r. P. JIAI_ E,S,.: 411 SACRAMENTAL INE PURE GRAPE INE —FOR— SACRAMENTAL AND MEDI- CINAL PURPOSES . I —AT— LUMSDEN .& WILSON'S, SEAFORTH. WARD CAS.IJI IS AGAIN BUYING THE HEEISALL PORK FACTORY G. &J. PETTY Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED ALL KINDS OF CURED Al.EATS Constantly on Hand. t Even Colored Butte in 1 FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK ODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH. 1 523 G. & J. PETTY. Firkins or Rolls. C;UTTINrGS, &e. FURNITURE=. r_ 0 0 cn0 0 A 0 0 CIRCULAR SAW. I g 70 w.: ti. t s_,.., , r m. g 0 ` -4 • AA 0 o g ' S d y'w i. - FURNITURE. M. ROBERTSON, CABINETMAKER AND UNDERTAKEI } HAS AGAIN OPENED A Retail .; FUrn tV Pe Store Doors North Of his 01d Stad a osite Two. Pp Waddell & Co.'s Dry Goods Store, where he is prepared . • TO SELL AS CHEAP AS THE TRADE. UNDERTAK Attended to as Uspal. SHROUDS, &c., always on hand. 5s>; M. ROB TSO�,! G� O R ANY I NG '3911 NI LS39 -0 -0 m 7C7 0) 0 m m Z -t (1) - -I 00 0 (f) -co m --I 0 I?3 fr m m 0) DRESS 0 Z Z Q 0 z v_ Z 0 C -. Z r 0 0 Car 0 m m 0 70 Co0 MUSIOAt INSTRUMENT - EMP -DRI SCOTT BROTHERS Beg to direct the attention of the Public to the following from,.-3he Detroit Daily Telegraph. IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF r 1f . Clough, of the Clough, c d e ' Warren.Organ Company, has been dam; ,. ' ? quite successful in introducing their ter: celebrated Instruments in, Europe:. ; , t 'Several of their leading styles were shipped to London, England? on, the ; . Twenty -Eighth, of .aniart, and : the ,'Couzpany are to -cloy in receipt -of 0 � cable vies. sage ordering iSe�:eiatyCr.� 1: gaits to _lIcssrs. Chappell (._ o, of • ' Fifty New Bond Street, Lo d om, with wh''m ,JIr. Clough has concha- Da. oncl - YY lj C reason to fee? grat{,per;r at •tined Eu- 9 Y ropean success." C-3 ed arrangements jrothe agency.. The Company were also fitvored cn few days since with, an order for six Organs fronts, their jlaattclieyt Eng- land, _Agents, izot•witlastanding the fact that the zvareroon s of English dealers are • flooded with Eastern (United States) manufacture. i re. Tie Clough c( Warren Con2pany have SCOTT BROTHERS Aic the Wholesale Agents for Ontario for the `7 d above Instruments. Also the =� El'�/IERSO PIANO, rr� AKIIG. MISS COTT -And all other makes of Instruments furnished when desired on ITH{' SHORTEST NOTICE. BEGS leave to annonnct to the Ladies of Sea- 1 forth and surround ng country that she has 1 commenced dressmaking in all the LATEST STYLES ' ND VARIATIONS, And hopes by Neatness, Good Work and Pn netu ality to merit the patronage of all. Rooms over Lumsden & Wilson's Drug Store., Main Street, Seaforth. Six apprentices wanted 559 A Large Stock of COFFINS, CAS TETS, CAP15,1 L'a' cC� KIDD'S HARDWW ARE. RECEIVE DIRECT FROM MANU D A. TURERSJ AMERICAN CUT NAILS, . I SPADES, SHOVELS,F RKS, ` HOES AND RAKES, 1 GLASS, PAINT, OILS, tic', 1 FENCING WIRE f , AND BUILDING i AilVI ;TA IgE Of Every Description Ch ap. EAYE TRQUGHS AND ,G NDUC''. ' LNG PIPE a Put up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. ,Special inducements too rash and Prompt Paying Cv.smers. J0 SEED C SEED COR Ji; ST RECEIVED A CAR N KID RN LC AU O?•' BEST SEED FORN, ' PP.ICC And the Corn guaranteed to gm of it has been sown and can be calling at Biox•iell's Grocery. w..1 A quantity ecni growing by I'CLL STOCI 0I1 ALL KINDS OF SEEDS AT LOWEST PI i,IOES. TEAS A SPECIALTY 'S USUAL. I. BROVii,NELL. LOAD OF AMERICAN NAILS ARRIVED LAST WEEK. 0 71) ra- • ` 5<I cTVI'i arrJ 1,771 er- • • 1.7 HOUSE FURNISHINGS, rav 10, )73 • MARRIAGE res 0 • 0- SiM For Circulars and other Infor- mation ad -tress SCOTT BROTHERS, SEAFORTB` C3 ' 41:"•:`2 i To the Free and Independent Mee - c:3 r :tors of the County of Iliaron. 't7 s GENTLEMEN—As the question of Free Trade • and Protection is just now the all absorbing topic of discussion) it inay not be out of e e3ir 1 for us to say a few words to you as to what we I can do either with or without Protection. We t --i !; can furnish you -as good a Sin ie ug c Family • Phaeton,Democrat or Double Carriage as any other shop in Canada, and for as lean a price, tri our • ve.hitdes of all kiruls, made from the In.st terial and by the best workniatt, and whieli • ; -warrant' aa represented. Ali are tordially • invited to call and inspect them. We have also a number of second-hand vehicles which we will a sell cheap. Repairing promptly attended to. j_n, 'pm., you f'..e your way clear to give 1143.4 • : call of inspettion berore spending your money 1_4 • elnewheie, We are, Yonr3 Truly, PILLMAN CARRIAGE BUILDERS, SEAFORTH, ONT. is now receiving a large stocla- of .211 kinds of goods, which have been bought very cheap, and will give geod. bargains to all who may favoahim with a call. Ile fells conii•lent that there i3 230 other , house West of Toronto, that can. bettef• er cheaper greeeries. A. G. Ault, re now extends a cordial invitation to all to call and exaniine his stock before ae„:1: purchasing eleeabere. All kinds and se- prices of fresh tease sugars, rice, va- r. .41 ; corn, meal, pot barley, currants, raisine, eyrups, best brands of soaps, pure coal oil, also the eelebrated English Excel- sior horse and cattle food, Call early LICENSES OK CEJEL'X'SFICATEPS, t'Under the new t,)2SSIleti at the EXPOSITOR OFF Under authority of tb CE, SEAFORTH. and buy often. •