HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-04, Page 64'5 • eseseeneemssummeele The "West Riding Show. he West Riding Agricultural So- ciety's Fall Show was held at Goder- felt on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. The weather was very fae vorable. On account of the elections it. The followitagls a list of the judges: Horses --Robe] t Ellis, Lucknow, and Win. Bell, trtiniall. Cattle—Sheriff Gibbons, George Anderson and John Camming. Sheep, and pigs—Wm. An- derson, Isacknow ;I It. Cumming, Blyth, and Joseph Allanson. Implements— the entries did not number as many as Thos. Tipling, Clinton;. J. Dorsey, last year, nor was the attendance so Sedorth, and W. !Sims, Blyth: .Veae- large. Horses were, as usual, very fine, tables—A. Sands, ilt,.Boiniamy and DP. in the heavy and. agricultural classes , Robertson. Fruit—john Walker, Sea- eapecially. In thoroughbred cattle forth ; J. WilkinsOn, Goderich, and J. 'Messrs. jas. Dickson and II. Snell were Buchanan, Stratford. Ladieswoik— tho chief exhibitors. and their animals were all of the. finest, giving the judges a task to decide between them. We observe at breeders in. this line tee becoming more and more alive to the fact that breeding cows should not be kept in too high flesh. It has been a rule heretofore to stall feed these thoroughbred animals, especially those intended for exhibition, but we are glad. to see a change in this respect, as many a prime animal has been damaged for breeding purposes by too high feeding. Judges would. do well to give less -weight, in these classes, to . beef, and more to points and good. breeding quali- ties. The grade cattle this year were Some improvement on former years, and. if More attention were.paid to this important Glass the farmers would be satisfied that for profit nothing could be better. But in order to derive a. preper benefit from them they must be crossed. with well known superior stock for milk. In sheep the Cotswold ap- pears to be the favorite of late years and, if we are to judge by the few that are to be seen ia the country, the Lei- cesters are not sought after as keenly as they were some years ago. Ma Snell exhibited some as fine sheep as any one could wish for in the Cotswold and Leicester breeds. Pigs were as noisy as ever, but the entries were feVe and the general quality e little lack- ing. The Berkshiris are the favorites generally. We - were glad. to observe that the Poland. Chinas were represent- ed, afal believe that they should. De more generally bred in, this section. A • cross between them and the Berkshire is said to produce one of the best hogs for general purposes in the country. Poultry haft heretofore been -very poor at Olir exhibitions. Not 'so this year. On the contrary the display was large and good., and. the Directors will no doubt feel encouraged. to make a large anition to this part of the list another treat:. The specimen -4 on exhibition mentioned in the prize_ list were all very fine, and the extras i were dewy- ' ing of a place Oil the list. 'The display of buggies by Messrs. • Morton & Cressmen and. Mr. John 1 Knox was highly creditable to these • builders. M. Knox has taken his bug- gy to the Provincial, where we expect to see it take a high position. The Goderich Foundry had their own way in agricultural implemdnts, as the prize list shows. The ataitis were all good, especially fall tvhteat, bats, peas and barley. We never saw finer specimens_ of berley o oats than those of Mr. jas.Dickson. We Will, On anOther occasions devote some Spaceto the different kinds •of -wheat and. the merits of each This subject ia an impOrtant one demanding the a-t- tention farmers, and from the te-dt that so many traxieties of spring wheat have been i&sted, in this section, it is important to know -which, variety is most deserving of general cultivation. Fruit was fully up to the past dis- plays taken as a whole. Apples were Thier than in former years and as a gen- eral rude were properly namecl and well seleeted, the aim of exhibitors being ap- parently to Show the best varieties in- dependent of appearance in other re - Mrs. Shipley, Clinton; Mrs. Hays and Mrs. Walker, Goderich. Messrs.D. Ferguson and E. Dewning. [The above report, although in type, _ was inadvertent- y 'omitted from last -week's issue.] • Fee g Bees. The best subs itute for honey that ca,n be found. for feeding bees is sugar melted down into candy. The bees take no more thait is necessary to sus- tain life, yet will never starve while they have it a,t ea,sy access. Various opinions as to what bees ought to be fed on are before the public. Different persons have. difterent notions on the subject—all perhaps good. enough—but we wiltrecomme • another which is meal. lu some help to bees to fe before the first &besides the above, very good; it is rye ections it is a great d them on this atticle ollen-yielding flower comes. There is often folind a great deficiency of bee bread. in a majority of hives in the spring, and here the ad- vantages of feeding on rye meal can hardly be over estiinated. - As soon as the bees fly freely hi the spring, put the meal in shallow boxes or troughs a short distance from the apiary, and attraOt the bees to them by pieces of eroptyrcomb laid near by. They soon learn- the way to it, and take it eagerly until flowers comet when it will be abandoned. The rye should be ground, and not bolted. Wheat flour will be taken by them, but not so readi- ly. Meal fed bees will send out larger and. earlier swar the abundance Of ages the rearing Many other po ed, but our limit s than others4Isecause the bee bread enconr- f bree& •caption at the nts are yet un ention- and the cha will not admit ' of our Amelican ant investigating the subject to a further th be in good extent, at least not at this time. We ney le a hana2 heartily recommend bee -raising to all • is a giant co who wish a healthy, pleasant ancl pro- i is said that l fitable employinent.— W. A Graham, in could beat hi , . Ohio Fanner. . health and c , Speculation in Sheep. •I` hasbeen defe each case sic Mr. j. F. Andrewe, of New Jersey, befallen him. wants to know whether it would. pay reer as an oar best to feed hay to sheep or sell it for or nine races, $15 a ton after hauling it five miles; in the majori also how many Southdowns a ton would ed a cottage winter. A. ton of suitable hay, clover Ian's cottage. or fine raea,dow, will keep four South- gullies from downs through a winter - of five and a half months.' ¶Jhese four sheep ought to have four la bs, with the chances of six or More, and they ought to shear 24 pounds of wool at theleast calcelation. their friends; there are no misgivings The wool this year is worth in the best in the public nind that both men will market 30 centsIr - This will make $7.20 do their leve best'. Although Cana - for the wool. The lambs in New Jersey diens will support Hanlan, we have yet ought to bring $45 each, but put them. to meet the first person that holds at $3.50, the price obtained 175 miles fronl New York for le large flock inclu- sive, and we have, for the lowest esti- mate in nuro.ber, $14 , for the lambs. This gives a total of $24.20 income for four sheep., The manure from a ton of hay fed. on the farm to sheep is worth $5 and if the sheep are bedded with plenty of leaves or straw the manure they will make can be inereased to a larger vain , i but theton. of hay will make alone e5 worth of menu e. Sheep manure is e ceedbagly rich, ktd there ought always THE HURON E cushion; and. as they are gathered, from tirne to tune, ieX must be put into hole cotton ba:P., tied closely so that o moth miller can enter, and placed. fpr it short time in a warm oven, to dry °roughly. If you sometimes, for family use, and for speed and conveni- ence, scald yo hens before picking, the feathers ca i be dried in a 'tin pan, in 'a moderate! warm Stove oven, and added. to the ret. Be sure that no bits of skin or flesh as it gives an u with -difficulty saved and pee • for undet pillo quite nice for c An ingeniou ture, for home equal to those the streets, in' nothing sp mu vors (or nosega, • people burden oar own peopl dusters, look attic for old p dhere to the feathers, pleasant odor, which is emcried. Feathers thus, ared answer very well s or bolsters, and are air and sofa cushion. person can manufac- se, feather dusters fully that are hawked about' ape or size, resembling has tIe3 huge bridal fa - s) with which English themselves, and which are aping largely. For, ong the cast-offs in the rasol handles that are carved, pohshell„ inlaid. and what not. Remove them from useless skeletons, drive a short nail through the brush end, and tie toit a strong linen twine, with one end bout eight inches and the other abcut two yards long; ar- range a row of turkey tail and soft wing feathers emitted the stick and tie them close with the jong string; so proceed, finishing with he short downy feathers. Then have re dy some melted resin, with -which to Cover the string (which should be tied to the short end securely), and cover the quill part of all the • , feathers! A sheath of colored kid or broadcloth sh ld be fastened over the ends of the fe hers, and you have th.us an ornOmenta and useful article, at little or no cos The - The great r .Courtney is t October.. Cou rived at Lech take place, e 19th inst., an ONTAW DRY GOODS No. 3, Campbell's ival Oarsmen. ce between Hanlan and come off on thei2nd of tney and his friends er- ne, where, the race is to Thursday evening, the met with a: cordialre- hands of the Montrealers pion. Hanlon and Ins gonist are both reported, ealth and. spirits.. Court - f splendid physique, and pared with Hanlon. It e never met a man who on a level Course, his dition being good. He. ted several times, but in ess or some raishap has Since he began his °a- men he has rowed eight and has proved the aictor of them. He has rent- ithin hall a mile of Han - Every day brings en- istant parts of the world as to the prog ess-the men are making, and What is ikely to • be the result of the contest. and they hav oth men are well so far, the entire confidence of te be plenty of Iry betiding under sheep Courtney oh apeor who does not feel that our Canadian champion islikely to „have all his iii,owers flilly tested. by his allies). has a hi41). opinion an oarsman. They have ther on a former occasion, anlan's word for it that he was not able to get out of the way of his rival. • Caurtney, physically, is a fine fellow, his st ture being much greater than that of our plucky Canadian. opponent. of Courtney practised tog and we have - Which is t P or Whose is It P spects. In past years the rule used.. to orb the, urine, which is In Boston be to 'bring only the showy varieties, the strougest in chemical properties of strongemincle many of which are ,good. for nothuig that of a,ny faern aniro.als. At' theSe widower, _an baby appear was that thr door a foun lady's bed, w out in whic been presen own, to hold nal property. aocepted by though most semblance b to catch and ab °me years ago a gay and widow married. a rich in process of time a girl else but meite show. It would be out set figures, keeping sheep is better than in. the family. The airy place to speak of individual exhibitors hauling hay five miles for $16 a ton ; ugh a carelessly Mt open in this. department • all we _can d6 is to $26.20 is more than. §15, and enough mg had .been left on the sPeak generally of 'the very creditable mere to pay for all the ' trouble.. More th a letter properly. made display, and to approve of the system sheep -will lessen the ratio of trouble, this new-born infant had. -adopted. and the arowing education. of and not diminiih the proportion of in- ed to the lady as her very. 'our horticulturises which has caused come on the basis tve mad.e.—N. Y. and to keep as her individ- - Mira to eliminate, from their orchard.s Tribane. The story was, of course, tho miserable specimens foisted on .. he friends of the family, theta by unprincipled American agents-, Care o Yoning Stock. noticed. a remarkable re - who cared. only to get their commission. At no time i the stock breeder so tween the child and the - Tears were also very fine, but many liberally rewarded. for his care and at lady and h r husband. After a -time showed the effects of thelate frosts last tention as he i for that bestowed. upon disagreements came to the married pair; spring. Notwithstanding the ravages his young ani als during their first a divorce web agreed upon, but the cus- of the curculio, plums _were good and. winter. • The t ettrtment a, calf or colt tody Of the child is 110W the bone of con - the display beyond. our expectations. receives during the first year of his life tentithi, both claiming it. The lady In speaking of cultivation we might always shows Remoras. Tali° either claims that ilt was given to her person- stath, as ' we have often done before! and let it be e that growers generally neglect the fruit and snows of I trees, -whereas they Should.- be most 44, win,as long careful to give a yearly application of " faceable mask proper fooi. to each tree. If -orchards matters not h Vert? properly treated. in this respect tention besto . there would be far less disease ainone True, they ma our fruits, for as in, the hunaan faandy disease strikes first in the weakest, so in the vegetable kingdom the weak and --•.•••—,••••-•—••• HOUSE, Block. EST. WE SHOW A LARGE STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY 'ID 1=Z,2". G 0 S , posed to the cold rains ally; says. that in court she will produce inter, on scant feed, and the veritable mother who gave the child. as it lives, bear the inef- to her and cesires her to keep it. The of sach treatment ; it -,v good the carp and at - ed , upon it afterwards. pick up" and.," come out'' with geperous feeding and good earre, and even make good animals, but -it matters pot how geed they may be - neglected, are always expoeed to any come, they would have been.better had passina disease. Peaches of the Craw - it not been for the first hard year of ford and. Foster varieties only were en . instance of this kind exhibition, the latter variety, although their We CLI,1110 under et r- observation a few days very ellowy, is not comparable to the fbrgo ; we werellooking at two promising Crawford: mquality. yotaug thermic hbred fillies, beth had • In grapes the exhibitors' were few. been left the fist winter of their lives The specimens, however, were vorY to pick up a li-Ina pretty -much as they cool, and on of her friends, a man of fine, but the general quality of the out could. They aftt'erwards fell into the good juclgm 'nt; says he has personally door grapes was not quite up to last hands of a li ertel feeder and. began to mtervieeed the woman who claims to year. Mr. j. H. Williams exhibited prove from the day they went on his be the mot s er, and is perfectly satisfied man did leave a child Of manner described on the lid whatever the truth may ves herself the mother of dispute. But agein he has o think that the lady did birth to an infant about nd if there wste two, where ? he asks. gentleman, can produce that the c ancl that his that she dec that her mo -if she shoulc the law coul from" her. proof that make these and. notices among the s sedates. T Bought in the Best Markets, and worthy.' of inspection by n the other hand, says he the most reliable evidence ld was born in his louse wife is the real mother ; ived even him for a time; ive was to fix things so that get tired living with him not take away the child e says he la'a,s abundant any strong-minded women plans to evade the laws, overal suspicious instances t witb whom his -wife as- e lady meanwhile remains collection of seedling grapes, and the tudges very rightly recommended a first prize. Itis well to encourage growers to produce something now. Mr. Wil- • M ; 11QW fo they aro as State, and. in themwill mal - Hm Hems' No. 1 gives promise of being a It hardens 'e very fine grape, but •the No. 2 is rather : to lateen mug insipid to be of promise for general cul- old dttrkey w tivation. We would like to se hybrid- whoa we wee° jets among our growers, and would sug- tithe( so,?,, w gest this new departure as one worthy change them untliedtthreejear-olds remising, as 'any in the all probability both, of e successful race animals-. and makes .'em tough de fust winter"said the .o bad them in charge looking at them. "Do you replied ;. " would you not in some respects if yeu of encouragement. . could ?" we sleed. "Oh, yeas sir, I Gerdea vdeetables were act Up to the ! woUld make tan a little bittheavier 111 average in some classes, but taken al- ! the muscles; together this department was highly t a couple of in creditable. Judges should be more we replied, " careful in selecting vegetables for table proper treatn that the w hers in the _lady's bed, be, she beli the child in also reason herself give that time; is the other nd I would stand 'em up - hes higher." " Just so,"? nd if they had received ent telten young no fault use deserving of ptizes than hasbeen the could have be )n found with them ; but -. custom at such exhibitions. -They -too . bot14 were .stnited. Ivhen yearlings and often leek; only to the size of the root, will not recover frcan it.t2 . instea,a of th,3 quality. Anyone can grow a °wee beet or carrot ; but it .is To Prepar not so when we come to judge of qttal- 1 - In every far ity, and that is the . chief consideration :. pouttry is Lep when judging -vegetables fer table uee. save the feath 1 The dairy produce was quite equal to stalling pillo -our desire, and doubtless the judgts like, even if found it hard to decide betweentthe va- white to sell t rious tubs of butter. 'Ladies' teork is duck feathers beang much more vain - always good, and the ladies sare never a.blc than any others; will always be behind. in -their department. Every -preserved Wiql caxe ; .but downy feath- year is a step in advance of the previous ere of hens ad turkeys serve a very year in some way or other, and if the -good purpose, and uuless you wish to entries be fewer, the skill displayed is t make dusters! 'of the tail and wing more marked, and. good taste more per- .- feathers, the Soft feathery. portions of eeptibly prevails. . these may be stripped. off the quill and The prize list of this Show is, not of t added to the rest. • Unless your flock te interest to a sufficient number of our 1 lerg,e it will take some time to se- eders to justify our devoting space to i cure enolt otfeathers to stuff even a Feathers for Use. noes family, or wherever , it is of -consequence fto rs all the fowls or s, sofa, pillows and the it is not d.eemed t -worth _lona Of course geeee and • • INTENDING PURCHASERS. We are enabled to offer Goods at the Very Low Prices whichhave made Keep Do . 1 " Trit a,pple-wom thinks folk the Bpeckle a /solemn "That's ho how anyb how folks g keep the sp the ministe asunder.' lawyers wi the speckle judge and men. you e rule the cca .—how do t the favor' their speck thing li has a spec sity of the that down the man he's the sooner he er he does 11 • THE ONTARIO HOUSE So Popular with the Public, because we do a strictly Nfl the Speckled Side. ns," a new novel, an old n thus explains how she "gib on :" "By keepin' skidown !" said True, in • and rather awful voice. ✓ they got it; an' that's cly gets anything; that's t married.. Oh, don't they )ckled side down till after 's said Let no man put [guess so !• An' how do the °their cases? - By keepin' side out of sight of the jury ! An' all these great ad. of in the papers, that ntry and sit in high places ey ever git up so high in f the people? By keephr ed side down! Now, every - an and. everything natural led. side; it's in the neces- ase ; an' the man that keeps n' puts it out o' sight, he's at understands busiuess ; an that gits on, an' the oes understand. it, the soon - 't on." Cash Business, MIR/ IDW'S FALL AND WINTER .GOODS ARE ALL -- OPENED UPI. AND HE :ASKS ALL INTEND- ING PURCHASE S .TO GIVE HIM A ,CALL. Thus giving our Custoriers the ,Benefit of our discounts, and. NOT REQUIRING THEM 1 A NE -FE I will henceforth do business on the CA times requires it. By selling for carfh, I wilt b the Cash customer willinot have topay the b better prepared. to serve customers than now, in the cheapest markets. I am mating a spec season; have had. my stock made to order, a SHALS and UNDERSKIRTS, iUof the Houses in the County. My Stock i full of eis for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. to pay bad debts and otherelosses arising from the credit system. , We also Show a Large Variety of TURE. H system. The tightness of the able to sell very much cheaper, as d debts of others. I was never eying bought larger than ever, and alty of LADIES' MAN LES, this di can show as many MANTLES, ewest designs, as any ihalf dozen rything in the Dry .Goods line, both MY MILLINEOY D PARTMENY IS NOW IN FULL BLAST, ST6CS. ALL NEW AND CHOICE. ALL THE NEWEST PATTERNS IN HAS AND BONNETS. AVERY NICE LOT OF CHENILLE NETS JUST AliilRIVED. Bring yen): CASH to DENT'S, and you will never buy at a erieclit House again. GEORGE DENT. , REMOVAL. cgs to intimate that he has Brick Building on East Sid „South of William Campbel hitherto, carry on the General Insurance, Money Lo RMOVAL. REMOVAL. .7gr%TATSQ1 emoved his Oillee to D. MeGr of Main !Street, Seatorth, and I' 's Clothing Emporium, where gpr's New ifearth Door e will, as n Agency, and Sewing Machin In thanking the public for the confidence they have r has carried on these branches in Seafort , he wishee to them the same satisfactien. which they have invariably keeps on hand the best Sewing Machines that are man Oil, and Machine Attachments. He sell the Osborne capable of makieg any kind of work in he most pert threaded up machine of any machine ma e in the Dora* —a Machine that has never failed to giv satisfaction sells the Wheeler & Wilson Machines, the most rapid a • Farmers' Wives, Mechanics' Wives, Merchants' Wive and try our Sewing Machmes—Family a d Manniactur the celebrated Franz and Pope Knitting Li chine, eapa given to customers gratis on any of the bove machine of Sewing Machines repaired. TERMS IBERAL., ' W N. W BOOTS AND SHOES! • To which we respectfully direct • your attention. We Mark Goods i a Plain Figure. J. Have No Second Price. Regard. it as being no trouble to Show Goods. a Business. 1 teen years he %Ivor to give one. He still 11 as Needlee, lest, the most and quickest owe blachine ten years. He world. Ail to examen' e so Agent for Instructions Also all kinds ft posed in him for the past inforra them he will still e expressed with his transaq factured in the woidd, as w • Machinea which is the aim et manner, and ,the easiest ion. He sells the eannine ci every customer lorthe last d least noisy Machine in the and Manufacturers, do not ng—'when you Avant one. le of doing all kinds of work , Sewing Machines to Rent. TSON, General Agent, GREAT REDUCTI N IN WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE T Scaforth. OOTS AND HOES. THE PE PLE OF SEAPORT FIT AND VI- CINITY T114.T WE H VE REDUCED M SHOEMJXKING 1 ative Prices, ALL KINDS OF OUST To Lowest Remune WE USE NOTHING RUT HE BEST MATERIAL Therefore we can Guarantee Good patisfaetion to those* who wish to favor no with a call. REPAIRING DON ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE, Remember the Place ; Opposite the Fo ndry. GRIEV & FRIEL, SEAFORTH. OCTOBER 4, 1878. GOVENLOOK'S STEAM MILLS, WINTHROP. . AW MIILS A GREAT QUANTITY of Lumber always on hand. Hemlock fiRWIl into sizes suitable for building, feneing and ditching purposes, ben. wood, Maple, Oak, Ash, Cherry, Pine, sawn intei sizes suitable for the different purposes at whiAli they are commonly used. Bills Pilled ota Short Notice. THE PATENT MOVABLE FENCE. A NEW DEVICE --Only requires a Trial to prove its Saperiotity. It is made of rock elni; cross bars and stakes, and soft ,elm spars; a cedar post fitted at each joining. The Fence stands four and a half feet high, This Vence will be sold during the remainder of the month of Suns AT 60 GENTS PER ROD, After which the Regular Price, viz. 70 cents. per rod, will be charged. • Gristing and Flouring Mill: aRISTING and Flouring attended to prompt- ly, and a. superior artiele warranted from good wheat. blerehant work can be relied upon. Nothing but the heat of Wheat is used itt the Manufacture of Flour - tor the Home Market. The Mill has in it all the Latest Improvements in Machinery, and the work is superintended by AN EXPERIENCED MILLER. The Winthrop Mills Flom will always; give 'sat- isfaction , -; GENERAL STORE. AWELL Assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Gro- ceries, Boots aud Shoes, Readymade Cloth- ing, Hats and -Caps, &a., on hand, and offered -at very close prices.. A. GOVENLOOK 550 Winthrop BteamAills. FURNITURE AND' UNDERTAKING BR9ADFOOT & BOX, SEA -FORTH, Have on hand cet their Warerooms, near the -Market, as handsome a: Stock of Plerniture of every Des- cription ascan be found in any Establishmentin Huron, all of which they are prepared to, sell cheap. IMPORTA.N TO THE LADISI MOINTIME : WILLIS-. WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANOUNOE THAT THEY HAvg JUST RE- CEIVED FROM S. D. OLLERS & OF PHILADELPHIA, Complete Assortment o In/ant' and Children's 1Joo1s and Shoes and Slip ,ers, in Colors and Blac Tbese Goods are the Finest and Best in America, S. D. Sollars & and Diploma over all edepetitors at the Centennial. We have also on hand a nice assortnuipt of LADI S' SHOES, in Tie and Button, very cheap. e We are the only firm west of Toxonto who keep t ese Goods. They require to be seen to be appreciated. Co. obtaining he Gold Medal IVIcINTYRE WILLIS, SEAFORTH. S. STARK, S EAFORTH. GROCERY STORE, BOOT AN SHOE SHOP, AUCTION ROOMS, LAND AGENT, ONVEYANOER, &C. A Large Stock.of Boots and. Shoes and, G-roceries Just Arriving. Rill be sold on very small profits—a21 nap stiock. The Subscriber invites his old friends and new ones to give him a all. He has engaged MK. -John Scott to attend to the shoe ,shop, who will make and rePair work to order. Old. Accounts must be paid at once, as he subscriber needs mciney. Faim and Town Property for sale. Give in6 a Call and I will do the best I can for :you. 1?87116171ber the Place, 'tai 1's Block. I • SAMUEII.. STARK, SE#FORTH. THE GODERIOt1 FOUNDRY - Second hand 20 4iorse Engine, Balance Wheel and 3itw Mandrel 1* . $225 Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel anal Pulleys Coinplete......... , ... . .. .... 225 Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel, Pu]es and Governors........... Second hand 12 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel, Pune; s and Governors. A Hoisting or Boat Engine, with Hoisting Gear Second hand 16 Horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke tack, • Second hand 16 hem Portable Boiler, -with Smoke Staek Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke tack Second hand 80.horee Porteble Tubular Boiler, -with Smoke Stack, Furnace, FrontsiGrate Bars, Steam Guage, Guage and Safety Valves, all in G od Order. . ... Second hand Shingle and Heading Machine " Heading Jointer I" Heading Planer Heading Turner Stave Machine, with Knife New Engines and Boilers on hand, also Ma for Flouring, Grist and Saw Rills Mi te-s'Agricultural Implements.—Stoves of Various Attended to. GODERIGH FOUNDRY 275 290 250 150 290 225 450 90 11, • 40 50 • 10 so e to Order very cheap. *111 Machinery tiling Purifiers of Improved Kinds. 4inds.—Bepairs on Boilers, Mills, d:tepromptly ND MANUFACTURING COMPANY.' 1\1- T-TIW PUB • A.111I011* S. THE APPROACHING END OF THE OUR GOD SHALL COME.. - . THE CREED OF CURISTENDOM, by V. R. Greg MOODY'S TALKS, (Cheap Edition) FRIENDSHIP, a Novel, by Quida. Remember No. 3, Campbell's Block. INDEX MAP OF ONTARIO, Clotb, nea • DEMOREST'S PORTFOLIO OF FASHI •I DEMOREST'S WHAT TO WEAR AN THE HANLAN GALOP, by E. Gled.h' It is all manufactured under their own super- vision, and they can guarantee it AB to quality. „ FURNITURE - MADE TO ORDER WHEN DESIRED. • UNDERTAKING. Having procured a handsome Hearse, they ate - now prepared to attend to undertaking inedi its. branches, on the most reasonable terms. In 'connection 'with their mei-el-taking business they use the ANTI-SEPT10 FLUID -3. Which preserves the body and destroye all offen- - sive odors and prevents - contagion arising from. dead bodies. Orders Reipectfully Solicited. BROADFOOT' & BOX. TIHE OLD ESTABLISHED STOVE MB TIN EMPORIUM, • SEAFORTIL MRS. WHITNEY, WISHES -once ro.orn to remind her Many " friends and -customers that she is now bet- ter prepared than- ever to supply all their wants in her line. She has one of the most conadete assortments of 1 ET 0 V 130th Coal and Wood, Cooking, Ban and Parlor/ of the latest designs that can be found in any town in the county, and at prices as low as the • lowest. Her assoxtment ni TIT Was never better or more varied. COAL OIL, Both 'Wholesale and Retail at a very slight ud 'vanteon manufattuters prices. Repairing and Eave-Troughing promptly attended to and en - the satisfaction guaranteed. BRUCEFIELD. For the letter accomodation of her customers Airs. 'Whitney has opened a branch store in Brucefieldnwhere will be found a complete stock of everything in her line. She would direct par - -Heeler attention to and invize inspection to her Stoves, whieh intending pnrchasers should see before purchasing elsewhere. Remember when yore come to 4eafortla or Brueelield don't leave -without inspecting my stock. It evM be timer well spent. MRS. WRITNE'Y, Seaforth and Bxueefield. EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber hereby thanks hie eninterone customers(merchants andothers) for -their ibusi' patronage during the past seven years, and hem by strict integrity andelose attention to business to merit their Confidence and trade in thefuture. Having greatly enlarged bls premieco,durine the winter, he is now prepared. to pay the HIGHEST GASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivecta at the EGG- EMPORIUM, Main Street,Seaforth. Wanted by the subscriber 25 Ions of good dry clean WHEAT STRAW. 4E, by H. Grattan Gu." ness....$3 00 -1 , 1 . . 1 00 at. D. WILSON. • ' " i . ' 1.. . 15 1-3AIR DRESSING i • SMITH & WEST. NS. HOW TO MAKE IT I.. .. . . • 4 1 25 . 50 15 MISS STARK 15 wisHEs to inform the Ladies of Seaforth and 40 vicinity that she is prepared to make up SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, ace, Sent PorstmPaid -to any Address, on Receipt of Price, by priceInstmheaLearatestte,Fanashid awe frothonierseopmtruag. uensyitt, tsetnrtUo ortAzall solicited. Residence-611am BLOCK, SEAFORTH. C. W. PAPST CARDNO • Prayer -T 'The deacon - ,chant, .ay-hai With care, hut iseinog:irlsutig hismto ifyo.rsLvaerill ICri yOU heard t and strong and .meanoanrw.ithThe tile last, when fani . one of the sons. It'olliittliiiiiedr8'rtt,ea.e1):7dIvw11::13.10fien, te • family eircle, heanight letflo, protracted asoleeactethroneo frolie, imiocentl would now and L • erist.tinteis At his he had conclude fender aside and ishruent, which . room.. eeesaoemae 'ligi• l deacons' sons "I -.sthorc<)asf:tihnelhpiseo• l • punishments, \pi good. they wre S011 stationed. i Was privileged t Prfniei:rns:bietaryotnh‘coTterio Incident which• ' morning tn. the The eye of the saw the burly f entering the aoo to receive a & • the remark, as t kersietrrcent ilig totls e the deacon do b and the ther shade, too I" BemarkOle 1 - AU • For several w English terrier watch. and waril Prison, whieh pli has never left 1,0 • poor little much emaciat • and. is 'app.; hunger and en( to claim' it, el during the long' it has remain can it be entice by the offer a ibaeestrne,,nanguecr• il ilitTlel animal, but • ,of its histoj.je Tittl in aer ea io glitsi no . t . Increclibi lady• tliT,agwol3f 'passing thisell 74 . . e follo, _il ing: " at once• suppe0 rnuofurwthernuteti nttay. • up the bed, she • low snugly res1 --sheets, at the fl. • had doubtless I • - awakening in 1 . sth: LnoehmearrsY hlij1 ; the mouse, he toe, when she ,d into a pail of v •intruder. :—A. bale of wexcled from sufferers. I • bale daily to: —The mi to a collision. the freight s , day niorning. - smashed B.,Bel. 4 leinelling wood, —Mi. Hari) farming lest sp, „ perienee himse man to super other thly he r4 "arossed:'hick _ Earrai et flei:ptaltetgal to the expeneel • chiekens if hel Laervirbensoonlnovirmas late Berme a that perhaps el • whieh she cmil • ,41ttii .1 lho :litmak°1itinolsagii fst ;t:eh nea 1 1- Errs's iBy natural lel tions01 di et careful ties -of we has provi& Z 'delicately may save lle1 It ie by the ji of diet that -a nally • sist deeds of B • atkeIleel ns there is a we nia'11,Y a fatal, well fortified properly. no vice Gazette. 1ed-4' Jame Chemists, and 170, Piec- LIVBIt impezial orga tem, as • it co happiness ef il in its proper are the natur of food, the m blood, the net vous system meted with. It has been -Green's Augu eurix%-all. PePsia or Live numerous- B au unheal• thy Stomach‘ Sa ositively sol •Western _Cont prove that it 1.2 „,