HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-04, Page 5OBER. 41 1$8 amaimassumnammummaimatia o make the shew sae_ the directors Ileum MeKenele and others, ial trouble to give satii public, the rain aleue how from beii4s all that !Quid wisb. for. To the aara and ueighborhood, not a drunkau or dia- mid be seen threuglicat the Per 0V/octal elstibitiori. 1 ,..,'.6n aid /lot e end any articles to -she Pro. ta on, 'a far naore adl. feee f prizes Were &Warded fur which tioe comsty . en to be pro d. The Son took ouly two ani- . ich had, to ooraete with belonging to the Beer en, and theirs steal . Mr. Bell dil as well ould, carrying off $114 e. At Guelph he alsel , rryiug off the first prize 4orses in their Class, ana sang Contest. The aca.. rizes taken, in additiea 'Lied elsewhere: Second old. Durham bull, lEt. llett. Second best two , G. Stephenson, Con- eicester ram, two years *uell es Son. Best bee odd, Colborne. Thu' cl shoes, a,nd best pair T. Tiplirtg. Best • aged eultural purposes, T. J. rough. Young Contest, ,.' asweepstake of 650 owing against horses of 1 three year old heavy n and dipleraa. -What's r * ' - ve Ponds seedling plums, L Goderich. Two pairs 2nd James Rose, %- single carriage harness, ibel, Goderice:h, Set of ist C. F. Straubel, God - a plow, 2u,d, Seegmiller, ;ealorthe Stave jointer, imar, Seaforth. Cotton , tat W. L. Trani., Sea - al stone, fancy work- --1st G. W. Thee:won, - of clear honey, lst C. s. 11.31INCNICIIIIIIIN=1=1.12111M1 laueous_ Items. Chesley named John Mc- -ager that h.e could eet of meat at one meal. prepared and the man s hoggish task, but sac - six pounds had disap- Areal Centre election case unable to proceed with wing to the illegal action g officer in removing the is sealed package. It is that the election will be t the inquest in the West anrder casereturned a ty against Thos. Dowd, ad Mrs. Ward, wife of the A, as accemplice. It is very strong circurastan- las been secured against :orreepondent of the Paxia the effect of the recent Tory countenances here senable a very large pump- .‘,ross by the sun. Their slear away back to their )e knotted, at the back of id Currie, of Crinan, Ala- inguished himself by tak- st standing in logic and b in the honor examine, at McGill University, EcDonald Scholarship, the is $25-0. Mr. Carrie has ar honors on previous 00- aud two hundred, dollara el rape smuggled from fade the payment a the e(1. at Waddington, N. Y., logo. A seizure of liquor at Richford, Vt., where "surreptitiously conveyed to evade the payment of y night or early Saturday .-rt dastardly outrage was the farm. of l‘ar. Hunstey, Threshers ha& been at I nearly finished on Friday. ght some miscreant piled (I grain and machine to - en set fire to it, making a ok about $300. nan named. Murray C. ad been a. law student in Aysteriously disappeared -, and until a few days aOE been learned a his A Mr. Morris has re - r from the young ma - 0 enlisted in a regiment d is stationed in a cathe- ,ingland and Ekes his new Ldful. Southern scourge, .has claimed several. (Jan - victims. (inc of the Tat- leard of is Mr. Jelin Norris Mr. -Wm. Norris, of Galt. was a married mau, ana !/1 Memphis for seine time; from his widow to the parents in Galt, conveyed ligence. Mr. Norris would ears of age. vbrated election-wheelbar- Aween two constituents of :rim, -was consummated en ernoon,the Reformer wheel - into Ayr from, Cedar Creek :ng the job at half -past five. 1. of the vehicle carried an mbrella over his devoted. itiblent of Protection -and 'The pair were Wr. Ref.d tudyNi1I (Tory). ,Tavs ago, Mr. Hallam, of - aluable mare in a singu- He had left the animal in Mr. Andrew Robinson, of :line he attended his son's having died at Mr.ltob-- ee. the ceiniug back froth e found that tho mare had by getting her head caug er, and her feet slipping .er, she bung herself by the :lad, wife of •the latejohn Bervie, was accidentally land, on the -12th ult., by in, when. she was in the 'g the railway track. Her bore no mark of injary,was after the accident ocour- telligence of her sudden gloom over the neighbor- , 7 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. - .1- heed of Bervie, 4ere she was long and favorably known ;s an exemplary and consistent. Christi,n. -A popular do tor, while escorting a lady home rodent y, volunteered to re- lieve her cough ad. sore throat by giv- ing her a troohe.t He told her to allow it to dissolve grt4aafly in her mouth. No -relief was exp4rienced, and. the doc- tor felt quite eh tined th d next day when the lady se t him a trousers but- ton with a note, saying he must have given her the wro g kind. of troo ts, and hemight need th t one. • -While plow` e in an old so field Is last week on theF farm of Mr. ¶Ifliomas Westwood, near. St. George, th plow -turned. up as li, an skult urther search waS mad by digging, nd 25 131keletons in all ere found. pack a in a heap promisouou ly about two eet un- der the surface, 4though no implements were found with he bones, the infer- ,ences are that they are Indian remains. A number of ye rs ago, while plowing the same field so e 16 skeletons were unearthed. 1 ' -The late W I L. Black, of UallfLx, who( left an estatle worth half a - rn'p- lion dollars, ma4e a number of.- har4- .some bequests. One thousand. dollars to the Methodi t supernumerary and. -widows' and o hails' fund, five hun- dred. dollars to 1he Infants' Home, an# i. two hundred an fifty dollars each to the Protestant Orphans' Home, Indus- trial School and Deal and Dumb Insti- tutions. The b ance of his property is left to the widow and her son. - -Sir Edward Selby Sraitlacommanda int, the militia of the Dominion, -now in England. on leave, met with a s vere ac- cident the middle of last week. While riding over Salisbury plain hs horse fell in some rabbit holes and ro ed half over him. - Sir Edward was everely shaken, but though bruised. nb bones were broken. He was able to 4de eight miles afterwards,' a,nd, is in hop4s that a few days' rest will set him rigit again. -The publio roads in the to ship of Brant must be well cared for, aid in de- lightful condition for travelling A man driving a span'of horses on the road be- tween°Chesley and Hanover, o e night lately, was very much astonished to see one of them suddenly disappear. On alighting to ascertain the cause of the trouble,he found that the animal had. dropped into a hole in the road, and stood a good. chance of being buried. alive. After procuring help, he, with ' some difficulty, succeeded in unearthing the unfortunate animal and. proceeded onward towards the next bog. ' -A serious accident occurred at noon on Monday, about a mile from Berlin, whereby a man named. Charles 'roman and. his son Henry lost their lives. While engaged with another young man named Helm, in cutting a drain some 20 feet deep, the earth caved. ixecovering father and. son, who appear to have been in a stooping position. The young ' man Helmsaw- the earth moving, and suc- ceeded partly in making his way up some planks yvhen the whole side broke in, covering him to the shoulders, and. from Which position lie by some Means extricated. himself ancl gave the alarm. Some three hours elapsed before the ' dead. bodies were recovered. t -The balloon, "City of OttaWa,"with Professor G-rimley, of New York, and Efirara A. Moulton, of the Montreal Daily Witness, ascended fronithe Sham- . rocklaerosse grounds, Montreal, on the - afternoon. of Saturday, September 28th. The Witness reporter sa,ys : . "When the ropes were let go we shot up in the air like an arrow. The scene is grand.; Mount -Royal and the Mountains of Ver- mont, the St. Lawrence, Ottawa, and Back rivers are all included at one - glance, and as we rise higher and still higher, it almost seems that we may very soon see the whole hemisphere." After hovering in the air at the height of about 3,000 feet for fifty minutes, the balloon descended, alighting on one of the city docks, without any accident whatever. OPMM.A.1•T CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. EWI AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. Sto k of Dress Goods now Complete at ' 1 tion Invited. 1 _ . Ful Lines of Winceys and Cottons See the .Prices. Th 1 I Best Stook of Millinery ever show!. in Seaforth at Hoffman Brothers' -See the Styles. • Jackets for. Ladie#, Misses' and. Children at any price, at Hoffman Brothers' -Better Value than Ever Sh wls in New Styles t Hoffman Brot s ers'-Inspect their Stock before you Puechase Elsewhere. Etoffoian Brothers are Agents for E. Bu terick & Co.'s Celebrated Reliable Patterns. offsnan Brothers'-Inspec- at ffman Brothers -Call and 1 HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CH CARDNO'S BLOCK, MAIN STE 7 AP CASH STORE ET, SEAEORTH. ! OCTOBER. OCTOBEk OCTOBER. We a re showing at the Golden Lio Goods, at 20c. per yard. Another, Lo ,50c. to $1 ,25. Tip top value in Colore Brdeaux, Bronze, Drab, Seal Brown, a Flt, Satinsand Lustre. Velveteens Prune. Ladies' and Children's Hosiery Scotch made goods. A Nice Stock of D nes' and. General House Furnishings. Cloths. Costume Cloths for Ulsters and week .-direct from Manufacturers, Twe Woolen Yarns, first-class goods and good. SIGN OF THE R. JA LDEN LION. f GOLDEN LION a Special Lind in 'Dress of Black Cashmeres from Cashmeres in Prune, Navy, d Myrtle. Underskirts in Black, Brown, Navy and in Canadian, German and Carpets, Curtains, Counter rolites' Jackets and -Jacket Laidies' Dresses. = Also this Flannels, Blankets, and value. IESON, Seaforth. ,.,....„I, 4•-4.--. t..or f- 4-4.. ...... . 0 _ - *4_ . r.- l r M4V:.,.1 • -,-.t. rz.-.....:::,..:.-!"-•-..: - IIIL., . i.;,. •drica......---. f.% ISIIIMIMMIIIII.11.111101111•11111Ma Yellciw Fever. There is very little abatement, if any, in the fury of this scourge. The fever is spreading in the country. Many who , fled from the cities to escape the plague - are now returning from the country places, where the danger is considered greater than even in the city. A train was coming to New Orleans :crowded with refugees from the watering . places. Whenit got to Rigolets the discovery was made that fever had broken out on the train, Before New Orleans was reached there were 103 Ceesie. The scene beggared description, men, wo- men and. Children being stretchei out upon seats, some in delirium, and others in an agony ot fear. • Births. • AtELLIS.-In Eippen, on Sept. 27, the wife of Mr. Thomas Mullis, of a son. BELL. -In Tmd-ersmith, on Sept. 9, the wife of Mr. Robt. of a daughter. Ilaborne, on Sept. 26, the wife of Mr. George Weir, of a son. BATT,EY.-In Gerrie, on Sept. 21, the wife of Mx Adam Bailey, of a son. OLIVER.-1n Myth, on. Sept. 23, the wife of Mr. Thomas Oliver, of a son. McCREIWIT.- At the town plot, Wingliam, on Sep.snot.22, tho wife of Mr. James McCreight, of HICKSON & BLEASDELL RESPECTFULLY CALL THE AT- TENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO A PARTIAL TARIO PRINTERS' EMPORIUM. GWATKIN & SON HAVE LIST OF RECENT IMPORTATION Consisting of a Large and Varied As- sortment in every line, all of which EJ M 0 V ED TO THEIR NEW PREMISES, or. Bay and Wellington Streets. WE WILL OFFER THE MARKETS. .„ SEAFORTH, Oct. 8, 1878. Fall Whilst 0 85 to 0 88 Wheat, Fife, per bustel0 80 to 0 80 0 78 0 28 0 55 0 75 0 12 0 11 6 50 9 00 0 05 4 00 3 00 / 25 0 22 0 75 0 65 0 40 2 75 0 23/ 0 06 5 25 Spring Spring Oats pe eat,Red Chaff,per bush. 0 75 to ushel. 0 27 to Peas p r bushel... ....... . . 0 50 to Barley per bushel 0 50 to Batter, o. 1, Loose Eggs. , • -Flour, per barrel Hay. Hides, per lb. . Grubbyillides per 100 lbs.. Fallen Hides,. per 100 ins 0 09 to 0 09 to 5 00 to 8 00 to 0 05 to Sheep a Wool Salt (reail) per brand, Salt (w olosale)per barrel. Potato °fame Wool, Tallow Beef, i Marriages. inaretes-inoNs.-In Ilensall, on Sept. 25, by i Rev. Mr. Livingston, Benson S. Philips, of I Hay, to Sarah Ann, daughter of E. Irons,Es I Missouri, and adopted datighter of Thom s Pearce, Esq., of Ilensall. No cards. SOIEMIDT-DOLMAGE.-At the residence of the bride's father, on Oct. 2, by Rev. Mr. Graham, Mr. John L. Scbmidt, of Seaforth, to 'Sophia J. daughter of Mr. Dolmage, of McKillop. O'NEI'LL DeCANTELON.- At St. Columbus CI:hew:an: to Miss Mary Theresa DeCantelon, of Murphy,Irish- h,1rislitown, on Oct. 1, by Very Rev. Torrence O'Neill, of Arthur, JACKSON-l3ICKLE.-In Paris, on Sept. 16, by • Ilev. W, 11. Allwortle Mr. 0. re Jackson, of Seaforth, to Miss eseelly Bickle, of Woodstock. FARLEY-ABRAHA.M.-At the residence of the bridegroom, on Sept. 25, by Rev. Rural Dean. Davis, Edward Farley, Esq., to Miss Cathe,rinc A.braham, both of Lower Winglinen. ALINN-BRUCE.-At the Methodist Parsonage, 13elgrave on Sept. 24, by Rev. Andrew Ed- wards, Air. Wm. F. Mann, to Miss E. lieuce, both of Bluevale. CLAREE-SPARLING.-In Seaforth, at the resi- dence of the bride's brother-in-law Wm: M. Giraeryk, ,Esq., on Oct. 1,by Rev.Mr. Graham, A.G. e Esq., of Kingston, to Clarinda liittie, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Christopher Sperlbageof Seaforth. HITGKES-STEWART.---At the Canada Method - jet Church, Londesboro, on Oot. 1, by Rev. Mr. Caswell, Mr. 3.0. Hughes, of London town- ship, to Miss M. J. Stewart, of Hullett. .. 0 50 to 0 21.__to s, per bushel , 0 88 to I le' brl ... 1. 250 to or lb • ' 0 23 to per lb' - 0 06/to quarters, per 100 lbs4 50 to CLINTON, Oct. 8, 1878. Fall W oat, per bushel...-. Spring heat, perbushel Oats, erbeshel ... Barley, per bushel.. Peas, per bushel Clover Seed, per bushel: Timothy' Seed, per pusliel Batter, PStatos Eggs 0 83 @ 080 (4- 0 30 gp 0 50 qp 0 52 qp 8 50 0 1 60 CO Ie (e4 fi 50 dl 0 40 o le Hay,per ton 7 00 0 86 0 15 0 0 0 0 56- 4 00 2 25 0 12 00., 0 50 0 10 8 00 • Mc Joh ano Ha Ma enb , .. I• Auction. Sales . Saturday, October 12, at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, valuablelown property, Jams H. Benson, -Vendors Solicitorl; 1 J. P. Brine, Auctioneer. i W dnesday, October 23, on the farm of George Sproat, Thorough -bred stook and arm Implements, George Sproat, ProP 'etor ; J. P. Brine, Auctioneer. ' , Deaths. AfeCLWORLY. - In Stanley, on Aug. 25, Mr. Robert illeClinchey, agel '79 years 6 months and 21 days. - RANKIN.-In McKillop, on Oct. 1, Mr. Walter Baukin, aged fel yeare. McGREGOR.-InTuckersnaith, on Sept. 26, Mr. john McGregor, aged 84 years. HANDFORD.-In Exeter, on Sept. 21, Mr. joshes. lfandford, aged 21 yell's- MeFARLANE.--In Stanley, on Sept. 26, William son of Mr. William McFarlane, aged 3 months and 12 days. Thursday, October 17, on Lot 8, Con. 14, Hay, Farm Stock and Implements, Justus Lingley, Proprietor; Bessenberry Okthe, Anctioneers. Monday, October 14, 011 Lot 15, Con. 1, McKillop, Farm Stook and Imple- ments, James Carlin, Proprietor; P. Brine, Auctioneer. MOnday, October 14, on. Lot 17, Con. 6, McKillop, Farm Mock and Imple- ments. Duncan MCGregor, proprietor; J. Bullard, auctioneer. • Tuesday, Oct. 15, on Lot 5, Con. 8, Hallett, Farin Stock and Implements. Chas- Lawrie, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Saturday, Oc•L pi, on Lot 12, Con. 12, Stanley, Farm Stock and Implements. Alfred Scotmen, proprietor. . Bos-; 6, me Us ple Pri esday, Oct. 15, on Lot 30, Con. 10, illop, Farm Stock and. Implements. Cuthill, proprietor ; John] ullard, ioneer. ursday, Oct. 3, on Lot 17,.Con. 10, , Farm Stock- and. Implements. shall Pollock, proprietor; E. Boss- rry, auctioneer. ursday, Oct. 3, on Lot 16, Con. tanley, •Farm Stock and Imple- ts. Thomas Johnston, proprietor; . Brine, auctioneer. turday, Oct. 5, on Lot 20Con. 7, orne, Farm, Farm Stock and Im- ents. Mrs. Chas. Fanson, pro - tress; A. Bishop, auctioneer. At Prices that we feel sure will Merit Your Attention .S1 --s flan par . any H AYED OR STOLA -From Jamestown, n or about the 1st of July, a dark red Heifer ort horns, white Riot in face white in s and under the belly, white spa on hind of back. A reward of $5 will be given icr information that will lead to her re5c8o5vxely. 11 AS WRIGHT, Jamestown. E TRAY SHEEP -Strayed from the premises dur ng August last, two Ewes and one Lamb, all wer marked with bright red on the shoulder; the were last seen miles west on the Reppen roa . Any one giving information as to tbeir wh reabouts will oe suitably rewarded by JOHN LO Rodgerville P. 0. 665-4 •eilCsiegidg AND GIVE SATISFACTION. Tea Spoons, Table Spoons, Dessert Spoons, and Salt 15poo2zs, in Nickle and Silver .Plat d. Dinner and D6 sseTt Knives in great variety of styles and prices. of the ur dersigned, Lot 31, Con. 2, Usbome, Pocket Knives and Pen Knives, in ivory, shell and horn 7 6ndles. Hunting and Sporting Knives, Car ver and Forks, CUTOR'S. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. - The ereditors of Simorl Powell, late of the to n of Seaforth, in the Coulaty of Huron, Gen- tle,' an, Doceaecd, who died op. or about the 11th da of 'August, A. Der 1878, ere required On or bef re the 6th day of November, A. D. 1878, to se4l by letterepoutpaid, to James H. Benson, of the town of Seaforth aforesaid, Solicitor for th Ex.eoutors of the said Simon Powell, deceas- ed,' their ehristian names and surnames, ad - dr sses and deseriptions, the full particulars of th it claims, statement of their accounts and the na are of the securities, if any, held by them, and im • ediately after the said sixth day of Nevem- be the assets of the estate of the said Simon Po ell, deceased, will be distributed among the pa ties entitled thereto. having regard only to th claims of which notice shall bave been receiv- ed and the said executors shall not be liable for th' assets sodistributed, or any part thereof., to au person of whose claim notice shall not have beme received. by them or their said Solieitor at th time of distribution. This notice is given in p suance of Cap. 107, Sec. 34, Revise Statutes, O t. JAS. H. BENSON, Solioitor for Emecutors. D 'ted at Seaforth this 30th day of September, A.D. 1878. 665 IDT:TI\TO.A. ; 3DTTWO.A.W, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE.AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BRITISH, FOEIGNI AND CANADIAN DIR;Y" OODS, MANUFACTURERS MILLINERY, MANTLES AND CLOTHING, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. WE HAVE MUCH PLE SURE IN THANKLNG OUR NUMEROUS CUS- TOMERS AND FR ENDS, A/ND THE PUBLIC, FO THEIR PAST PATRONAGE, AND HOPE TRT BY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THEIR WANTS, TOGETHE WITH FACILITIES WHICH WE HAVE FOR BUYING IN THE BEST ARKETS FOR, CASH, TO MERIT A CONTINUANCE OF THEIR F volts. Crt wet Stands, Trays, Cake Baskets, Butter Coolers, _Dinner Bells, Tea Pots and Coffee Pots. NOTICE TO .CONTRACTORS. QEALED TENDERS endorsed." Morpeth Har- bor Works," addressed to the undersigned, will be received at this office unlit Monday, the 21st day of Oetober, at noon, for the cribwork to,be constructed in tho Harbor of Morpeth. Pans and specifications can be seen at this ce at the Custom House, Morpeth; and the WE ARE NOW HOWIN ONE OF THE LARGEST • Most Attr ctive.an Best Assorted'iStocks Genatins Mee schaton Pipes, Eureka Pipes, Briar Pipes, G, B. D., The Globe Pipe, Cigar Holders and Tobacco Pouches. . School Satchels, _Ivory and- _Rubber Teethina Rings. • • -- senberry,. auctioneer. I c 'stout House, Toronto, on and after Monday, Wednesday, Oct-. 23, On North half t 'e 7th of October. Tenders must be in strict Lots Nos. 14 and 15, McKillop, Farm, t4cordance with the' printed forms, otherwise ezarulTler of btewotaereens ionntxecount. The actual Farm Stock and Imgements. Robert. auctioneer. t due fulfilment of the contract, are also re- con,r 7, Hallett, Farm Stock and Im- a cot the lowest or any tender. By order, F. BRAUN, Secretary. 1 pkments. Thos. Ward, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. On Friday, Oct. 11; on lot 2, con. 13, McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. Bullard r.eotailedse7otsr Brotherston, proprietbr ; 0. Hamilton, ef the Dominion, willinPg to beelO)emrseonssiu, q , red. This dePartment does notbind itself to On Wednesday, Oct. 16, on lot 14, Extra Good „Fine Cc ivory. Paul ithdllay, proprietor; John auctioneer. '- Monday, oat. 28, on lot 17, con. 9, Babylon Line, Stanley, Farm Stock and 'Implements'. Wm. Graham, pro- prie, tor ; Wm. Harrison, auctioneer. Friday, Oct. 11, on Lot 20, Con. 2, Stanley, Farm Stock and Implements. WM. McFarlane and Wm. M. Johnson, proprietors; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. D paxtment of ,Priblie Works, Ottawa, September 26,1878. 565-3 • OF DRY GOODS IN HIS COU TY, CAREFULLY SELECTED, AND WE ARE FULLY CON TINCED THAT AN EARLY INSPECTION WILL SATISFY ALL THAT UT STOCK. THIS SEASON IS THE FINEST, • Containing AND THE CHE f 1 the Novelties that are out; PEST EV R OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. 1 DRES WE ARE SHOWING ALL COLORED CASHMFalt S, COLOR COLORED PERSIAN CORDS, CO ,EMPRESS CLOTHS, GOLORED CLOTHS IN ALL THE NEW S BLUE, BRONZE' GREEN, GARN AND BLACK. MAOTLE Value in Coarse :and nsbsa--hoem, rubber and Hair Brushes, Cloth 13rukhes, Shay- - ing Brushes and _Razors. ST. ANNE, OTTAWA RIVER. --- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. HE letting of the Works at St. Anne has un- avoidably to be postponed to the following odes: Tenders will be received until Tuesday, t e 22nd day of October. Plans and specifica- t 'ens will be seen on and after Thesday, the 8th y of October. By order, F. BRAUN, Secretary. epartment of Pnblie Works, Ottawa, Sept. 21, 1878. 564-3 Ladies' CoTanions, Violins and • • Bows, Keys and Strings. Spectacles, Cases, GOODS. Y • TATPORTANT NOTICES. A 0. ue we, Sestartb. Lodge No. 8, guiar s meeting next Monday evening at 8 eeloek - P. M. A full attendance of mereibere is request- ed. -J. A. CLINE, M. W. D. D. ROSE, Re- corder. 561 "INSOLVENT ACT OP 1875 AND AMENDING- ACTS.-.Tohn H. Broadfoot, Plaintiff. and. Levi Mabee, Defeedant.-A writ of attachment has issued in this cause. Seaforth„ 80th slay of September, 1878. S. G. AleCIA.UGHEY, Officiel Assignee. 565-1 CilLnd0.-The =mai meeting of the Ses- forth Curling Club will be held In BMWs Hotel, on Tuesday, October 8th, at 780 Election -of eftleers, and other impoetant busi- ness will be brought before the meeting. A full attendance of all interested in the roaring - game is requested. Members and others wishing to Join OSA hand their annual fee, $1, to Idr., Wm. McConnell, or M. R. COVETER, Secretaey- Treasurer. 565-4 WANTED. HE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. D SERGES, COLORED SNOWFLAKES, ORED MARMORA CORDS, COLORED ERINOES, AND COLORED COSTUME ADES OF BRONZE, BROWN, NAVY T, SEA.Te BROWN, MYRTLE, PRUNE, EPARTMENIE A PPRENTIOES WANTED. -Six apprentiees -La- to Dressmaking -wanted immediately by Miss QUINLAN. 565-4 Gntr, WANTED. --Wanted immediately, a Good General Servant. Apply&t the Church of England Parsonage, Seaforth. 555 vklakOKSMITH WANTED.- Wanted immedi- as' ately, , a good journeyman 1310.am:1:Atli. For a suitable man eteady employment and geed wages. Apply to THOMAS MIMS, EgM0114• 165x1 91EACHER WANTED,.-Viranted, a 1eTeah- 1. h- er, holding a eeconel o thirdelless certifieate, for School Section Ne. 10, Motris. Applications willhe received till the middle of November. Apply to THOMAS Sd1TE, Jamestown Post Office. 865x4 WE ARE SHOWING- IN THIS DEPARTMENT A PECIAL LINE OF 'MANTLES, THE CHEAPEST EVER IMPORTED, R TGING FROM $2 UP -ALL THIS SEASON'S GOO S AND NEW SHAPE YOUR -CHOICE OF ONE OF THE LARGEST ST CKS EVER SHOWN IN THIS TOWN. Eye Glasses1 Spectacle ',au/ Canes. i Tooth Brushes, Alb-ums, Mouth •Envelo Pass.' Book,. cils. Eqgt' 6ps, Organs, Note Paper -and HAW , P TO SUIT THE TIME HEA.V *PLAIN AND FAN0iT PLAIDS, ORS, LONG AND R VERSIBL MILLI -NE -14Y SHAWLS/ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. __- WARM FOR SALE. -Lot No. 84, Con. 11, 14e- -1: 55 acres cleaxed, balanee haedwood--; fraihe barn, log house - day loam soil. ; terms liberal. For particulLs apply to JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. 5654 13110PERTY FOR SAT. -Por Sale, Lot No.14, Con. 16, Grey, 100eeres, 16 acres eleered--an excellent lot. West half of north half of Lot No. 29, Con. 6, Monis, adjoining the Tillage of irus- selo, 50 acres, 33 acme -cleared, cheese factoryand machinery complete thereon. Four houses -and ots and a large number of vacant lots in Brussels, all he property of the undersigned. Also a num- ber of improved farms, the property. of *thee par- ties. JOHN TECILIE. Brussels. 615 VINE 'F./dill-FOR- SALE. -South half of Let -I: 20, Con. 13, Megillop, containing 50 Beres, 45 acres cleared and clear of stumps; good log house, new frame 'barn 82x56, new ehed 26x50, eplendid. young orchard of about 182 trees corameneing to bear, good pump and. well, well fented, young maples plantedall along front et lot, 8 ulna from Seaforth ; is now occupied by the Messrs. What - lin. Price and terms made known. by Applyingto the owner, S. G. MeCAIIG Kea, Seaforth .655-2 -paint FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 15, Con. 14, Meleillop, containing 50 notes, 45 of -whic11 are cleared and wellimproeed; there are fair build- ings and good fences; there is a good yormg or- chard and plenty of Vateri the growingerops vat be sold with the farm, it is 2 miles from Ndraltott, 12 from.Seaforth and 8 from Brussels, with good e, gravel road leading to ea.& plate. Alsoaquanti of excellent building timber mei saw logs for sale. Apply to Walton. P. 0. or to the proprietor an. the premises. JAMES CAAIP13ELL. 647-4x GERMAIN ANErke,IGLISH SHAWLS. LADIE CK SHAWLS -NEW COL - ES. SHOW ROOM IS NOW OPEN. NEW STRAW HATS, NEW ;FELTS, BONNETS AND CAPS, MISSES' • AND CHILDREN'S HATS, FLOWERS, FEA.THERS, AND ORNAMENTS, WINGS, VELVETS. SILKS SHAPES &c. OWINGTG THE LARGE INCREASE IN THI MUCH LARGER ST OUR STOCK OF MI ANY IN THIS PRO Slates Pens and Pen - Spirit Lan ps deserve special atten- tion- I will boil a piizt of water or coo a steak in ve minutes, very useful in fami ies at night. Trick Boxqs, Tops, China and Ear- then toys, Wheel Toys, And a Ca CALL. HICK et of Other Things we not Enumerate. AND INSPECT. zee • DEPA.RTMENT WE HAVE BOUGHT A VERY CK THAN USUAL, AND CUSTOMERS WILL FIND L1NERY AS LARGE AND WELL SELECTED AS INCE. EXAMINE OUR STYLES. FLANNELS. FLANNELS. FIFTY PIECES QANADIA1 GREY IN PLAIN 20 CENTS UP. FORTY PIEC S ALL WOOL- SCA FANCY FLANNELS, SAXONY FLA.NNBLS ALL PIECES CANTON FIANNELS. ON & BLEASDELL EAFORTII. WINCEYS. INCEYS. PLAIN ABERDEEN WINCEYS AND SNOWFLAJ 10 CENTS UP. CFIECKED WINCEYS, IN ALL WINCEYS, CHECK OD AND STRIPED. COSTM NEW SHADES. I ND TWILL, FROM LET, PLAIN AND ,OLORS. TWENTY WINCEYS. -FARM FOB SAT:K.-POT Sale, a -very superior a: farm in the township of Hallett, being lot 8, Con. 9, containing 150 acres, 120 mires cleared, 110 acres free from stumps, and 14 acres offall wheat sown, There are good. frame out-bniblings tend two good dwelling lou.ses, there are also two good. pump wells on the place, and. 2 good bearing oechards. The farm issitruitee 9 miles from Sea- dorth and the same distance from Clinton. The land is of the best quality and. well fenced. For further particulars apply to the prowietor °litho premises or to Constance P.O. W. DUNLOP. 5624 , E WINCEYS FROM OLORS. •SHIRTING E WINCEYS, ALL o10TI1S. CLOTHS. I 150 PIECES SCO CH TWEEDS, 200 PIECES CANADIA.N TWEEDS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH WORSTEDS, FRENCH W RSTED PANMGS, LOTH, PLAIN AND CHECKED ENGLISH MELTON RESIDENTS AND WORSTEDS,1 FOR. OVERCOATS, E LARGEST AND FINEST STOCKS OF CLOTHS HIS PROVINCE, AND NEARLY ALL IMPORTED T FROM THE MA.NUFACTURER. WE ARE CON - CAN PLEASE THE MOST PARTICULAR. CANADIAN FULL BEAVERS, NAPS, THIS IS ONE OF T AND TWEEDS IN DIRECT OR BOUG FIDENT THAT W NO TR 1 _ UBLE TO 4 SHOW �O -OD -S. WARM IN AleRILLOP FOR sALt.-Ikw Sale, 'I: the North pert Of Lots 8 and -9, Con. containm' g 112 notes; there are _about 80 cleared, well fenced, underdrained. WA in a high state of -cultivation, the balance is well timbered with hardwood; good dwelling, new -haul frame earn 50x56, with stabling underneath, eeedt other outbuildings; ales) agoodyming orchard =Aplenty or evater,- Is 10 miles from Brussels, 5 from Wal- ton, and 12 from Seaforth, with good gravel roads to eatit place, convenient to chnreh and echos& ; will be sold as a whole or ini two parts. Apply to 'Welton P.' 0. or to the proprietor on the prem- ises. WILLIAM DYNES. 547 stumps, the balance is good h eA L Esadt one;g: rronedalr. wr::3seet nut, QPLENDID FARM FOR S . o ve" Lot 24, Con. 8, Morris, Rhein more or less, 70 acres -dee fie fenced with cedae and black ash. A splendid new frame barn 40x56, also a good leg barn and stable, and a good log dwelling holism and welL Also in rear a ueverfailing spring. There is Also on the Premises a good orchard, of apple, pear and pinta trees. Also eight neves ef all wheat, drill sowed. Sitaa.ted G110 mile and a. half from the gravel TOM], and 4 miles from the villegeof Brus- sels. Price vert low. For further partitulars ap. ply to PIERCE CleRNNEN, on the promisee, LOUIS MeDONALD,Walton, or to AlteArdeettel & HOLMESTED, Seaforthe 550 FARMS FOR SALE. --For Sale, two epiertylid Farms on. the London Read, near Brumfield - The eine farm is Lot 20, Con.% L. It, S., Tucker - smith; containing 190 sores, 45 of which are eleaxed, well fencee and under -drained, and in a high state ef eultivation ; 115 flere13 chopped, and the balance well timbered with hardwood ; there is a good frame house, baxn and other outhrdld- ings ; also plenty of water. The second farm ht lot No. 9, London Road, Stanley, contain97 notes, 80o1 which are deard; this is one of the finest farms in the countytf Teneen, and for soil neither farm can be surpassed; there 18 11 good barn and stable and splendid orchard. ; plenty of water and good fences. Beth farina are within two and a half miles of Brucefteld stollen and id miles from Seaforth or Clinton. Apply to the proerietor on the Stanley farm, ler to 13rneelield P. O. JOHN BOSS. 562-4x GENTS' FUEN SHINGS, TIES, SCARFS, COLLARS, &c. BLACK AND COLORED IDS, BUCKLED GLOVES AND GENTS' UNDER CLOTHING. ERTL INGS, LADIES' LINEN SETS, LADIES' LACE COL- LARS AND CUFFS, SILK TIES AND SQUARES -ALL NEW, CORSETS, LA.CFS AND EDGI GS. 1 RDER THIS _DEPART IENT IS AS THE • INCREA. ED NU S.ElOW, AND AS I 15 OUR, CLASS GOODS, D IN A DEPEND ON GETIflNG CL LISHMENT. EVE.Y GARM FULL STO FRESIT GR D TAILORING. ,TEADILY INCREASING IN POPULARITY, IBER OF ORDERS THAT WE RECEIVE AIM TO- MAKE NOTHING BUT FIRST- ASHIONABLE STYLE, CUSTOMERS CAN THING EQUAL TO ANY- CITY ESTAB- Nr WARRAN.TED TO FIT AND PLEASE. K OF BO TS AND SHOES NOW ON HAND. CERIES RECEIVED EVERY WEEK DUNCAN & DUNCAN/ SetAFORTH. - AUCTION SALES. A ucTIoN save, . OF THOROUG-ILBRED STOCK AND FARM IMPLEMENTS, -Air. J". P. Brine has been inetrneted by Mr George Sproat 40 sell by Public Auction, en his prem. lees. 3rd concession, H. R. $1., Tuckersimitle on WEDIdESDAY, OCTOBER. 28r4, the following valuable thoroughbred stock, via.: 1 brood mare in foal, 5 Tears -old, got by Ring of the Douala - ion; 1 driving home, 7 years oid, got by Rime of the Dominion 1. colt, 2 "ewe old, got by Pride of England.; feolt, 2 years old, got by Pride ef England; the thoronghbled Durham bull, Mag- net, 2 years old, whieh took 2nd pilea at the South Ridieg Show in 1877 and in 1878 ; 6 thoroughbred bull csIves, got by Magnet ; 1 thormighbred bull calf, got by Dieksonls lst mize bull; 8 theronghbred cows, in calf to Magnet ; 4 grade tows, in calf to Magnet; 1 thoroughbred two year old heifer, In calf, 1 Riegle buggy, nearly new; 1 cutter, nearly new ; 1 heree cart; 1 ebb srnglo hareess ; 1 fanning mill, new : 2 iron plows, 1 wooden plow; 2 set wooden hex - rows ; 1 sot iron harrows, and various other arti- cles. Sale to commence at 12 e'clock =eon. TERMS -All sums of $5 and under taeh. over that amount 12 months' -credit will be ,gieen on furling approved joint notes. A diseoant of 8 per cute will be uliowed for rash on -ell reedit amounts. GEORGE SPROAT, Proprietor Z. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. 565:3 PORTANT AUCTION SA.LE Or A FIRST- PICLAS FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLE- MENTS. -Mr. 0.11emilion has; r-eceived instrtic- floss from Mr. Robert BrotherstOn to sell by Pnblie Anetion, ott north half of Lots No. 14 and 15, Con. 12, Meleillop, on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23rd, 1878, the following 'valuable property, Tie.; 1 span of good working horses, nearly 9 yeere old ; 11 good reilch cows, supposed to be in calf ; /heifer, risliag 3 3 ears old, supposed to Ise in etlf; 1 steer, rielug 3 Tears' '• 3 heifers. iieing 2 yeandoldef8 spring calves ; 13 well-bred heap;s 1 thoroughbred fdAswold. ram; 5 hogsq 1 wagoia ; I pair of bob -sleighs, 1 reaping machine; 1 pair of iron harrows, 1 iron enito vater ; 1 sulky hone rake; 1 double boggy; I fuelling mill; 1 set of double harness, long tugs; 1 plow; 1 grind atone; I set of doubletreea and neckyoke ; 1 =gar kettle, -also a quantity of about 13 tons of hay, will be eold by the eon or lump, together with spAties, shovels, chain ' forks, hoes and a verlety of ether artielee numerous to useutiOn. Also the Fermenorth half of Lots 14 and 16, Con. 12; township el Rellop, containing 100 acres, 70 acres cleared; there is on the pines e good frame dwelhug house, a good log barn elitist-D.1*e, good well pump convenient to house, a geed orchard, ell well fenced and in =a fast -class state -ofenitiva- tion ; there are 10 Acres of fall wheat and some fail plowing ; &etch and grange hall en gonase of Lot. Sale to commence -at 1 o'clock P. At., sharp. TERMS -Stock and Implenients-All sums of $5 and undef (sash, over that eunount 13 months' credit will be given on furnishing spe proved joint notes. A discount el 10 per eent. will be allowed. fax casb on all credit amount*. The Farm -Terms made know n oh ddl ol sate For full perticalsas imply to the prepideter on the premises yor to C. Hamilton, Myth. ROB- 13110THE11STON, Prenerieterr ; 381 ILTON, Auctioneer. e66-3,