HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-04, Page 3!OBER' 4, 1878. tAti-GFWAR'S MAN vPTE It I, SERVIC_ E. a meta 1 wag thirteen years there I was very attentive. to edied up the ratlimetita of e rich proved, of immense valtte and I aceilaired a very strong : was then apprenticed to a ' heti many opphrtunities of evorite statly, and tools great liotEke of travel xtua ativentare, aetitution W11:4IVA St reag,. mad 1 (114,t I would not be able, to 111,7; at the Beek Dosiness; in Ext1 put erroneente not iorte into a • ;Ned a great desire toga ea eeeeral boat.; in the harbour lineneeeeefulEy. Toe first be the master invariably wee ts sent eon to Ease.? " 1 haa as; E so at once, on. which 1' wee et: a good-fnr-netlxing little i - !“ .1 0,,,,,n,.. se„ K. ellip was: to sail . and that et:vie-al hoYa were II, re wee an opportunity too oe. al'O'liael; but. alas! E- p taente v,-ae lot du wanted. x ? I had nom ; I had uot a t „ wham f zetold refer. . to red to me that ray master 1. to bine I went and atated my Ete 1 contd. My reqaest evi- 'Ersis bet at last be coneeuted E.. neemildore Elliott. I gee -! zio time ie. presenting it at attee. 1., ver ei ille.reti ly he turned to -, yoeties ereeltreirel, you West ‘'‘.1. ? VIn Want tO ZO to sea. r or a mother ? * " No, e- •, a What do you do ?" a. . '' t ,r .see. tearer .teircheo, e, rarten greile that he a a delivexiztg them, and I am ..,‘ le: k ospe 110A4, Statiotasela . se-aschee, elitele: ana Jewelry, Eta -nines ; he :oda: a clock. for ele eienotete, ready to 11344 ,. ea: -eel i on. boy ; yen inther- e) in mg me ft bottle ef ink; 4' lton't you know where i ir init ; s , ruELUS BOGKSTOR }1-t ,.,s. , . II,I;ELT:4-8 .11•1ooK, EF_•,r,- S EA FORT Jgo PAGIFIG RAILWAY. :PI`rs1LISTel AND ICTRA,C`TOR.S. ! sr_ f Canada sr, ill receive pro- etrnet tt, and werbing a lino of frem. the Prot ittee of uterio ihe lateitie Oetten, the itietaesee oftilee. .11c mooted= et infer - is propoeiazi to tender will be ielleatien rot a miernealla Be- ment et the es-nu:try to be bra - the stirvOted tjt,epecifica- rte. werite, 011,i4 of the Seet of •Cameda, under whieh it is pros - e is bit Ite efineteserted, de.serip- z et feataree or the country and t.IInineral iteeources, and other v be -leen on applielttion at this ,.• tate flogizziter in Chief, at the Entent ()niece, SI Queen. Victoria :team. Sealed Tenders, marked. rat- Beltway," will be ieceivede rr itened, until the first dey! 'eN, Set -teary, ;ale WE nEs Department, Os ;XTEeNsION OF TIME. receiving proposala under the item -rt is hereby extended to l'N, Seirretary, . Puttlie Weeks Dhpartenent. ether le7S. 502-1 BANK UF CANADA. MtiNT1.EAT4. - 1,004,000- •31. If. (=atilt, Prrehlt rat ; Tho. Pit eiteet ; A. W. aerilvie, al.P .P., -E meat rennakee. feudist, James Ceshier i tleo. I;urns, !le Dee:. ates 'been teenta ne in :‘• tit.:netzt.1 1;:t nk int.; hoe:Me-el will : liatt ri of hand cl it:notated, and reit- bueinees rat tee ! mt. Eli‘eartntent inte 'deo been ; etion with this, where deposits E fano one (leiter upwards, and E thE reline rpeveble at par at all OMCCII of tni. et Montreal an(l the federal e • tif1XIS.-LontiOn.-The Alliance eur k -N et it iota: Bauk of ezer`e, e_ Uo., G.:, Wall -ft-nil-ea Net ional Ilauk. Ir- le te x; Saturday -i, 10 to 1. t 111N LECKIE, Manager itiSBAND Of MINE" fr. P HY, SEAFORT1-1, asnre in fonumneinai to the nounnity -of Haim that, he :vete. best 4f/tie/nth:Mr/ bet- e. (awl ./ItnshalL e ! 1 ; fey eize Iliac -bine is the Singer, -•-: in tat zentrket, haviraz carried .` at tile Ceutenuiel and Sydney 'iota te ten ;hese !toy ot the :thove - , e..ir eau triter...tete by Expolyiu4 to , r., ne lie r in de) better ter etura -; re the frt. Tet. . - ; :!....i 411 1 ..c.h... r repeiee ideals Ent t' O1144 (i.i.ir riell etii et. 1 I. - 1.. ill'I.I'llt, Seale! eh. : LS LIME WORKS. & R t.) \V S = e, :hag, Oppart,Wity et- re- te tit !tell:tatting, of Drueeela leo 1--t rereage, and beg to eat to -ra1 improve:neat:4 in their Et ! I- mitres, theY ft! in 0 bet- - . reapply theft/Witt with 3.inte Elereat'nete rtt the et, or lc. excel verect. ."frth leasou or our bustileas 'toil „!leteitiet gi vete uzitinallti- a. fir. tte! eahtie eat; rely re- f lee:set einel0 fitet-eates article. tetter the eetit Tlie Brussels ltItOWS. ' - - N E RSH I P NOTIO E. es lifeelet tenors1 iuto pertner- fattiet ta mrtanfa, ture Pio-Ws]. 1:1y using lir- elaes ma- t.: • .x.t fief wierk etetairEg Hiroo:eh- we • zo 'e'er:tette) a xe eel artiele. ; reel al zx tn no:fixing, herea- : Mr. lIert on ltav- - • er v.; t \oft rienee in (trees- ; ea will 1.1tke Vett a 13p3cialty. ; • ('t.1,:arate Agrieniaziral flu- : I Z El I) i!e: RA RTON, ., (etelerieh teem 500 HEUNIATISIVI fichtmil.wttory eria Skin. fv,ir•Al bt a Fezo Iatienunation without an t .-zetzt. Eftetittout's littniniatio tr tut1ies tee Acid Poison,and te removed. Sold by all Drug - •VE et ate. Advice in particular oases W. Y, BRUNTON, Loaeono la Gaieties. , '-'down again, and as soon as she got her _rtenui-F, sal his wife was very . use ; hair twisted up, and harpooned' it with hair pins, the valise went When he married her slit ' a 0011Ple of off, and when she gdt eff at New Prague pacbitefitul, rag b a en her back, and now sh I i . 1 : she tncked the gaping valise under her is covered with them. eBrideet, I told you to have my hot i arm, wed tried to corral her toppling hat and wandering hair with one hand; ,arid as she vent fluttering and strag 1 - I rglind into the depot one couldn't help thin. 1.• ; mg that it would- be safer and ! More convenient to run her in sections ' and flag her against everything. I have s . seen this woman on severe" other trains, ! and.she has never been able to keep water ready the first thing in the mor ieses "St -e1 sir, didn't I bring it is end leve it last night, so as to have '• et time?" -Scientific men say that a person' i eelf au inch, taller in the morning tha is in the. 'evening. In spite. of th we all know that erten get_tearfully hie e soreetitues in the eveninI knowt`I am a perfeet bear in herself together. There seems to be e . y I more average 'humanity about her hs neater sister. She isn't so aggravatiug,. manners," seid a young farmer to weetheert. "No, indeed you are not, I but she keeps you in a state. of agon- s Sohn; you have never hugged me yet; izing mispense, for you never know 1 when she is going to give way next. you are naore sheep than bear." -Two broom sellers were rivals. One ; • 1 ' esed to the other: "How eati you un- The New Cabinet. deriell me, kir I steal the stuff and : Always 'in advance of the other make the brooms myself ?" "Why," official organs (as usual) Gvip . has replied. the other, f - I steal them ready ' pleasure in stating that Sir John A. ! Eall:(leMacdonald, (member for Sitting Bull 4.-i';ioblemau sold a man a- horse; Gulch, North West -Territories) has Vitxranting he had no fault. The man succeeded in forming a Government, took the horse on his lordship's word, I having distributed the portfolios as foi- ls lows-: , a Premier (with reduced Salary), Sir John A. Macdonald. ay - Final -lee, Hon. S. L. Tilley. he Treasurer and AseistantFinanceHon. jil D. L. Macpherson. ' . ay, Wax (12th July, &c.), Hon. Mackenzie OG 2 Bowell. Receiver General (of milk, dm), Hon. and found him blind of an eye. lordship said " It is not a fault, but miefortuee." . -An American traveler in Gal saw a, pig in -a peasant's house, and said, " Why do you have this pig_ there ?" "Shure,' eaid he of Gals "the house has all! the convaynan thee a ra.ysonalle piig requoiresde , -At bed time little Willie Was -fraying J. B. Robiuston. the usual prayer at his mothefe' knee, Public Works, Hon. Dr. Tupper. and., having got as fli, r as ".If. I should Customs (Abolished). 1 die -before 1 wake,' 1 hesitated. "Well Interior, Hon. S. Platt. .. is mother. "Well, Post Office Hon. Robert Hay. evhat next?" as -ked 1 s'pose the next hing would be a Marine and. Fisheries, Hon Mr. Pope. funeral." . Revenue (Abolished). • ' -A timid fellow kvent to his clergy- President of Council, Hon. Thomas plan in great frigh, , and told him he white. .. had Been a ghost. " In what shape did Secret Service Disburser, Hon A. it appear ?" said he minister. "It mackeneie. .. . looked like a greet ass." "You have The first meeting of the new cabinet been. frightened, ! sir, by your own was held shortly after its formation. shadow," said the e .ergyman. 411 the members were present. ' e --An editor is pr tty certain to lope a Qn motion the Trettsurer was author - patron when his foteman inadvertently ieee -to purchase a new minute book. puts a marriage notlice wider the head. Hon. D. L. Macpherson enquired. of " Another S-windle °time to hght." t how steep he might go for said book.. The groom, instead. of accepting. the Sir John A. Macdonald -not steeper THE HURON EXPOSITOR. ary affairs of life. He can buy or sell, insure, ren a bank, or accept an office, with not eno ala hair on his bead to make it first- lass eye -brow; but -when it comes to a,king love to a girl it is very much 11 this -Way. There is a great deal f capilliary attraction in love. Girls dere a handsome suit of glossy hair. It is lovely. And when a lover comes- o woo h* with the topof his head. shiiing,1ike a greased. pump- kin, he is at a disadvantage. Just as the words t at glow end the thoughts that burn begin to awake in her laosorri a syMpathetic thrill, she may happen to notice two or three flies promeuadin over his phrenological or- gans -and t 11 is over. Girls are BO he immediately becomes ted those flies Mean in all blunder as a new sitnaple of Amer, humor, gets awfully' inad, and want murder sonie one. -Tenuity came home from sel and handed to his father the teacl report on his piogress during mouth. This is very unsatisfa,c Tom, you've a very small netnebe good. marks. I'm not at all pie with it." I told the teacher frivolous. L more intere his lovely la ing out his wondering on to such can than seventy-five cents-; perhaps you '0 could. get a good enough one for fifty. We must have econmoey and retren.ch- ool, ruent after Mackenzie's extravagance. - Hon. Gentlemen-410er, hear. the Hon. Mr. Tilley,, said the principal .;°r -Y, business before the Cabinet was the r of arrae nginof the tarriff. ased Hon. °Mr. Hay seggested that the v°u Anierican tariff be adopted in its en - wouldn't be, but he wouldiet altee it." tirety. ' Hon. Mr. Pope was of opinion that. a English G-irls as Pedestrians. purely free trade tariff would. suitPrince Edward Leland better. here iu the wilderness, just at the point Hon. Thos.' White said. the 17e- per. have any hing to do with their pour le- cis, , . , at . organs lintel, 10 the village ot Bayriolcl, The Trossack Hotel has been built' where the passengers coming from ledin- cent. tariff was inlet the thing for Que- lationS. 111188010' Republican. . on Saturday the 26th day of October, A. D. 1b78, 'bee, excepting in tlle rna,tter of sugar. . s , at 12 o'clock, noon, the following lands in' sop- bargb. Diet those coming aroued from crate parcels; :viz.: lst. Lot No. 10 ranee ), in Gla,seow • teal as they reach there about A protective duty was needed on that H TOiSlia in the South. 1 the townshid of Stanley, conteining 18';} a res. AUCTION SALES. 'AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEM E John Bullard 'grill aell by Publie Auction on Lot 80, Con 10, Me- l:0110p, On Tuesday, Oct. 15, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following valuable property viz.: One span of working horsee, 1 span of colts, risine 3 years old, 1 colt rieing 2 years old, 8 good Inilk cows, 2 heifers rising 3 years old, supposed to be in eau, 5 ewers rising 3 year» old, I heifer rising 8 years old, 1 steer rising 2 years old, 1 heifer risiug 2 years old, 8 spring calves, 19 well bred sheep, 1 combined reaper and mower, 1 seed drill, 1 malty horse rake, I patent arm wagon, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 Uniting mill, a turnip sower, seuffier,:stone boat, log boat, I pair bobsleighs, 2 sets double harness, 1 set single harness, also a large quantity of first class hey, and. a host of other articles to numerous to mention. The whole of the above must be sell as the proprie- tor has rented his faem. TEEMS. -All sums of $5 and under cash, over that ane tont 12 months', credit will be given on furnishiug approved joint notes. A disconnt of 8 per cent. wall be allowed 1 I 111 ;cash on all eredit amounts. JOHN CUT - page. While he is pour- ILL, Proprietor. some BULLARD, Auction - love and passion, she is eor- 564x. A UCTION SALE. -By virtue of tho power o sale containedin a certain raortgage made • ow the flies menace) to hold sliery surface.. by John McNiel and Fanny, his wife, who joined . them to bar her dower, dated Jane 4th, A. D. 18771 -Ffigh-T bned. Housebreakers. which mortgage will be produced on the day of sale, there will be sOldbjpult2icAuicoitk tio,uneoaotn,on.thei Four bur( lars were arrested in Brook- Queen's Hotel, Sea forth,at D.1178, the following lyn, lately whose style of living tlhanearatrihddparyeraofisOese,tobveize:AAl. I end singular tha suggests th e. io housebreaking is not such certain parcel or tract of land and premises sit an unprofit4ble business, after all. A uate, lyg and being in the town of Seafort e aforesaid, and being composed of Lot BombBuying Teas and. G eixeral Groceries in Quantities, I large amouTt of stolen property,inoney, nineteen (19) iu the Coleman Survey of said Sor surYey =debt and Prices before purchating e sewhere, as I cans be beat. GROCERIES AND PROVISI NS L'1' --J In, That Old Grocery Stand, Post Office _Building. IN TOWN NOW. F THIS ESTABLISHME.NT IS THE THE PRICE, THE CHEAPEST HOUS THE DESIGN OF THE PROPRIETOR TO FURNIS BEST GOODS FO 1 3 - OPTS RI WORE WAREROOMS SEAFORTH. TB CHEAPR EST FURNITURE IN THE COUNTY, T AM NOW Receiving a targe Stock of NEW FURNITUBS from the best Factories Can- ada, and I am enabled tie sell -cheaper th ra any one in the Comity, as I pay eash down and eget a Large Discount. I CAN SELL: Six Splendid Chairs for $1 80. Six Chabs, Fancy Turned Lege for $2. Six Chairs Extra Good, for $2 50. Six Chairs, the Very Best, for $.3 21, Boston Rockers, each, for $1 15. And in no case to allow deception as -to the Q ality of the Article sold or in Weights. Nurseockers, each, 90 cents. I Board and Spindle Bedsteads, 4x4, -6 feet loneal R $250. 1 Beautiful 7 -Drawer Bireaus, projection fronts, .. $I8—Other kinds very low. Six Cane Chairs for $5. . . In IIair Cloth Ciai7 8, SObs: LOWE.- ges and Iiockters, 1 C.annot be TO HOTEL KEEPERS, AND F MILIES, OT ERS GRA i GERS wide old. mild say, Call and Compare Quality Baby Caeriages and Spinning Wheels very low. forth, to laid dein en a plan ewelry, si Its and other goods was found in t ieir possession, nd it is J McKenna, Esq., P. L. S, andregietered in the e Registry Office of the County of Huron, and bd- Big part of Farm Lot number twenty-five; in the firet concession of the township of McEillop,inthe aforesaid County of Huron, and containing nine. teen thousand two hundred and seventy-eight square links, be the same more or leas. -Thee° is a good frame cottage on the premiseS. ne Terms and conditions made known on the da of sale, or on application to JAMES H.BENSO. , V18e7n8d. s Solicitor. Dated this -26th day -of Sept., ! 504 td thought th al recent r when cept 'wooden res ago, 'in the tired merchant, as a summer mansion. It is in thelcentre of a 200 -feet square, ellished. -with flowers and and provided withfrint-trees fruit. A serving -man was to take care of the grounds ut-girl to take care of the ere are ten rooms in the ut one elegantly furnished - hairs covered. with red vel - e satin, a massive piano and y were the authors of sever- beries. They were living, red, in a large, three-story donee, erected several years uburbs of -the city, by a re- finely em shrubbery, loaded wit •maintaine and. a serv house. T house, all sofas and vet and bl UOTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AN IMPLESIENTS.-Mr. J. P• Brine has be u instructed by Win. McFarlane and Wm. I. . Johnson to sell by Public Auctioa, on Lot r) , Con. 2, staniey, on Friday, Oct. 11, the follow- ing valuable property viz.: eT wo brood mareson ! foal, 1 mare, 8 spring coltri; 7 milch cows 2 Wen year old heifers, 1 two-yeer old steer, 2 cows, I old heifers, 2 ybftr-ol. ton. 10 Bening calves, rosesvood ncl walnut furniture being in cone- otilrinlerrs,elpsot7ftewr,Icutter the o-atfit. It would. seem the sca-mps li.ceildets3arcUtfra.nd e 1 have f human -honesty, for the Wood's realieeall neariy new, 1 lumber wagon 1 pair bob -sleighs, 1. long sleigh, 2 eulky rake, 1 doors axe windows of their sumptuoes Flour, Mill Feed, Corn and Oat Meal, and Potatoes always kept in stock iron plow, 2 thietlo cutters, 2 wooden plows, 1 ; residence vere.profttaely provided with When the offieers made the descent on etoixes, 1 hay fork and pulleys, Grant's sPt -wooden harrows, 1. gang plow, 1. fanninnhlI g heavy br ss' bolts and steel locks. MeTaegart's makee2 sets donble heelless., 2 grind ! forks rakes seethes, and a variety of other ar- the house seated ro female ne \yore' ext bills aver week, an to four d bacco. I' wife of o Saratoga, prising a and. m valued - looking, two of the thieveswere found tttoleiaLbtoo nume.rons to nieution. The whol of nd the' dining -table with. the positively be sold wi h- i inbers of the family. They out- resevrevel.nerli-14't wino iftt.,.1 o'clocki A. , M. sharp. TER iS.° illmeniumeljs(4!3 avagant hvers, their arocer's eurnedilitun 1. eiri 1 ta aii; over that amount 12 inot°Ith15 ging thirty to forty dollars a oolistatilishiug ttpproved joint notes.1'1A ' two Of them. spending three s'iU'olvuennt= the dollar tvill be elloived - for cash on arlertHi.oTtriamounts. WM. Mel!' R- I liars a day for edgers and to- JO NSON, Proprietors. S, ' the room ' of Mrs. Porter; LANE & WM. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. e of them, 'WaS found a. laree Farm Produce Taken in Exchange. 'mandated Wheat, Graham Flour, and sold at Bottom Prices. ROSE Family Grocer. THE RIGHT PLACE FOP 51, 4 trunk, whose contents, come kliCTION SA.LE OF YALUABLF, LANDS'iIl -L AND NEA.B. THE VILLAGE oF 11,1Y- ozeu handsome silk dresses FIELD.-Pureuant to nu order -made in a ',tea- ch costly underwear, were teem). suit of Iletteke vs. Ilaacke in the Cornty e3,000. They were good- come of the Cohnty of Mixon, dated the 24th ' refused , dfty of Pepterabbr A. 1) 1878 w'l ff • is ressed well and io . , a 1 te ei for ! ale by Public Auction, by John C. Currie, Auciaon- 1 This lot is situated about one mile from ay- , • d to -rty. on, 'Heti. Mr. Platt said Ontario demend- • The of Southern clergymen 1 beta on the gravel road leaeling from Bite e ene o'clock, it is the general lunching- . • place for tourists. So Ile idea, of the and Souehern women -has been spemally Se.aforth, opposite Mr- W. W. Couaor's prop number of people (mostly Englishmen, ed a duty on gra-in, oul g 1 • 1 WILLIAM 1 GIVE ME A ICALL If yonvantto yolie house for little WAREROOMS direct ly opposite ISL R. Coun- ter's Mammoth Jewelry Establildement, Main Cash for Hides, Els, Wool and:Wool Pick - Street, Settfoeth. Inge. - JOHN S. PORTER. P. S. -Shall soon be in a position to furnish Funerals cheaper than! any one in the place, CHEAP DRY (iT'OODS. --+— - 4 • THE CHEAP FAMILY; GROCERY. ; HILL & CO., SEAFORTH. STAPLE DEPARTMENT FULLY ASSORTED. I DRESS' GOODS DEPARTMENT --A LARGE STOCK.. CLOTHS AND GENTS! FURNISHING DEPARTMENT -THE FINEST STOCK IN TOWN I MILLINERY AND MANTLE DEPARTMENT - ALL THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. , on whieh there is a large orchard of einnee WILLIAM {ILL ..4Fo. ruit • About 8 acres ia @leered (Led °odor caltivat d. since t e ou ie p trees in good condition, the bitience of the lilt anu with. their wives and daueltere) who produce generelly, but would like,. -free • vmdicat • Scotland may he judged from the fact coal. Hon. Mr.- Roinbscne said. he was up-. are nosv teaselling in different parts of , , nosed to free coals_ He suggested that that over one hundred end afty lunched. , there vesterdity;- and that every room in . the United States tariff be abolished, as that we might make a slaughter maeket of that country, by way of re- taliation i the house laet night was occupied by guests, most of wholes., probably li -.e us, hadmade a halt for fair weather.. The scenery around the hotel is most - ray one Kele ; and. from the steep mountain behind. it a roaring mounteen stream with cateracts .gives animation to the scene, and. sounded during the eight as if we were in close proximity to a miniature Niagara - There are also quite a number of pe- destrians ho are spending a thin beau- tiful. - The Islacid waters -of Loa] -Ache Mr. Reinbson es ,regarded ciatl. le ova. Scotia had requeeted . him to ;drew it mild. on. flour and- othei: 'Upper. Prost - ince productieus.. . . . Hon. Mr. 'Tilley said he intended to put a tax on. tea and sugar. ' , -. . -Hon. Sir.jehn A. Macdonald sad he had promised. the • Upper Province people free tea auk sugar. - He trusted t.,he Finance Minister woula beair out make a sort of pic-nic trip of it, ctieree up who b these frequeutly on the road, tend th.ey .ie P g f Hon Mr. Tilley said. he yeed.d. do 'so if. ably o er - , Hon. Dr. Tupper, agreed. with Hon. • r lie Chime() seys that ---------1• fetifelt their fanailies to timbered wi 11 I Le MABEE 1 1 Begs to inform. his fiends and the publie that he has on hand one oi the NICEST and FRESH- -EST Stocks of Groceries in town, and as he sells ; for Cash, he i , i 1 SELLS CHEAP, 1 Giving his purchaserS the benefit ed what others ' who do not do eo lose:in bad debts and pay in in- , 1 d, i terest to wholesale men, ' FLOUR AND /FEED , ! Always on hen& e.boas delivered in town free ot charge. Remember the atand,,oppoeite the Commercial Hotel, in: the . i O. hardwood, chiefly mitple and ----e--- perish ; doctors escaped. in cowardice beech, the soil is chielly a clay loam ad. pas I opted either for gardening or fanning Tarp lees. or fright* or refused -th attend fever G-1=ZOCIR,"Y_ • e of Bayfield, situated on the outh ; out of t • e charity funds ; but there is batik of the river, opposite to Morganif otel, • txtentling from the brow of the hill down, chats instaluce reported !from the' begin- LA I D LAW & FA 1 R LEY S EAF0 RT ning of of any 2ntl. The property known as tbe distiller , lot 11 tieuts. less paid, if not by the victims, th ' to the river, Ontaiuing thirty.eight perches of 1 ' FRAME BLOCK. le MABEE. _ • THE SEAFORTH INSURANCE AND LAND AGENCY. .ALONO STRONG TS AGENT fo Several First -Class Stock, Fere -a- and Life Ineurance Companies, -and is prepar- ed to take risks on ; THE lelOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Also Agent lor Hinter:4 of the beet Loan Steele- ; tieAsiso Aeerit for the sale and, eafrehaee of Faun 1 -and Village Property. .3 NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS tM- 1 -•! PROVED V.ARMS FOR SALE. $50,000 to il.onn at S Per Cent. ;I teicreett. 1 Agent for the White Star Line of Steamers. b • : c li , SUGARS, , - 1 I taFFICE-Over M. Itforlison's, Stove, Main -St 1 CT4AFS'itus. CURRA ITS, ie re resentat ve he plague of any p T tl d and free from encura lea e , land. c goo Ian religibus belief deserting '1 erms of Sale. -Ten per mt. down 111111 01 bah E ce within oue month without interett, when his pos ." The same paper a, . '" SUGARS, TEAS, the purchaser will be t maim!. to 0 eon ve "ttnee There are' several instances reported an. damns of sale are el/niter-to the stanclind COFFEES, d, to be let: into possessiant 'the other! coo- ta,the -s &saltine the mother and iof court g 01 ditions of sale of the Court of Chauceryl For CURcrnRAN'TS, childrei ; not one cif a, mother's went Campion, Solicitors, Goderieb Or the VeSdors' ing, of 1 unease sympethy and. W01110•11S Solicitors. Signed, Gerrow it Meyer, 'Veadors' Squier, Real Representa ve. Solicitors., V. ee,neerness is inore beautiful, more ap- pealing , than that 'of the several sister - e and devotion • and no P' to t ars Cemeroa Holt & Cameron. or o F rthee peatieulais pply to the euetione r, or fE • • a o ea . of the -s ory, equally terrible and touch - s explorhig the Highlands. We. pass LOST OR FOUND. 11 the led es that had been seven. hoods ' charity and mercy-fiaa prob- bl e who have givG11 themselves eRoocu LOST .-Lost between the yes „ , ly to the nuesiug of the sick, of the teubscriber and at. I home:. that death would be the ft email Coral and Gold Btooch. The find -tr_ will dance urch, RAISINS, RICE, PURE SPICES, PICKLES, SAUCES, 1 MARM ALADE, ' POTTED MEATS, • CANNED GOODS SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEO, CURRANTS,, EAISIleS, RAISINS, RICE, PURE, , PlCES, PICKLI'Se SAUCE' MA RMA'LADE, POTTED MEATS, CANNED GOODS, be rewrinled by leaving the Same with 1-,1:01n- And everything in the Grocery' departmeet reward. of their labor. Most el _ ... ... ,. dersigued- JAMES 'El. BENSON. . sterhood'e are Roman =Gatbohe , - - - - -eh-- . oue small community of E pi. s . BUGGY oLeS tn0c-Ii .eErtNi g. -in eSat, oLltonat f: Too, mt, to tuh. e8.1oltiti)irireie.: . sisters in Men -liable, who have ing knapsacks. The English girls are it took him half a day. -. • Hon. Mr. 'Mackenzie intimated that knowin the stage roads and make excursions he ha.d. in his possession a large amount probah) great walkers, and they diverge from party of young English girls it -the hos ' intended to use a portion of it to pay for these s of Secret Service funds. He said he among the mountains. There was a there i. tel who have walked over one hundred re -gilding the wooden. globe on the roof ce'Palla miles during the past seven days. Their of Mr. Brown's newspaper office,- but s rosy cheeks and the fitennees of thesr positivelyiefesed to state what he was tread, as well as the substantial shoes pine to do With the balance. ' they wear, with heels where Nature re- The Cabinet then ad'ourued. for )re- quires them to be for use and conifort, i freshmenGree - - • atittS a indicetes an ability to walk ten times 1 - - . --: - - • -- been c ioi task ef ,assisting in the general. work. bdx, framed en the outside. e tome o • e I) • four Patterne. White Gramto oi e „ on one of the hind w ----------------- - spitina little. • this heroism been. confined. to a single bUggy and heroes.). 'The buggy was CROCKERY ti enc.:acted in the tryieg newly painted, black, with red stripee ; a equere . China Tea Sets, very large ftssnetatentin Fren Nor ha Christi tinas o the tire having been too tigh. harness wag n tieing parts. Any persen eh hie 1,110 wily. One of the first vic- task° - the pestilence' at New Orleans informatSon as will lead to the recovery' of the BURNS , Brussels, P. O. : • • • • • 1 ROBT eoe ewish rabbi, who had caught above property will be imitable loyal t • the 'di 'ease while ministering to the . . .- this distauce if they -willed it Ameri- Worse Than That. - wants f a family of his people, and the can girls are generally poor Walkers, I Several yeare before leis death, Air. first ai. peal for aid sent to the 'North. and it will semi be as difficult to find 1 Webster started off from Marshfield ou was is. tied by a Hebrew Benevolent As - au American lady who can walk more i a trouting expedition to Sandwich, a sociati in." The newspapers received ing of fatigue, as it is to find .a. geed fe- ! proaching a, fine strewn he alighted of the Ou aP- from t than twent3.- mmutds without complaiu- 1 noighboring•toWn of Cape coa. male walker in China. They pay too i from his waggon, and just then he met whose much attention to the shape awl 1 i the owner of the . farm.' through! which. than t , make -of _their boots for pedestrian - the stream ran. "Good.enorning," says 'perforin a -mete -Lei -ley to Baltimore Am- 1.Webster, ''ire there any trout h.ere ?" erican. " Well," Says the feriner,''' some people I fish here; but, 1 d.ou't knotv evhat they . liciee Prairie Dogs. Get -Water . - i do get." " I'll throw my line in," saes It has always been a subject of Quid- I 'Webster, " and see what there is." osity and inquiry as to how end where waster walked the banks of the stream ' prairie dogs, living on the, prairie, fax trying his luck, and the old- farmer fole ewer from any river or stream, obtain i sowed bins. Soon Webster remarked. : their water. Me. F. Leech, formerly of I "You have some bog on your farm.?" Xercer comity, Pa., aud.e frontieremart " Yes," said the faemer, "that ain't the of experience asserts that the doge dig 1 worst of its. °Fishing still further along their own welle) each village hanigone ! -Webster ea,ys"X en seem fo ha,ve with. a concealed opening. It matters 1 plenty of! mosqintoes here ?" ie South bring constant accounts eaths of those devoted martyrs, To those who wiah to improve charity and humanity are greater could not (11.better than give me v. call. ' W. A. : eir fear of death: "Not one of ...__ 1. these ;useful heroes," eloquently de- . -. - - SPECIFIC .A_RTICLES. claresTimes, " has been worldne for ni ey. Not one has bad. any ex- 1 ) ems AND POSTS FOR SieLlil.-T:idaersan113iii : pectat on of leaving the pestilential -" scribe e viiherf to Fell a lot of o 11.31rte.k. At-helittils, and Cedar , Posts ill quantities lield.e -cept for the grave. Against the o met purehasets. Perties wishing them would °mite splation of such self-sacrifice, the . rtquire to Order them beforehand and :a.• early wit of the blasphemer turns pale and is its possible,liso thet they might not be disappoiut silent -' GLASSWArtf..:. RICE, PURE SPICES, PICKLES, SAUCES, M ARM A LADE, POTTEI) MEATS,: CANNED GOODS, Senforth. T H E CONTI ERCIAL LIVERY SE.AFORTH. ARTHUR FORBES 1 Tr ANING purchased theStock 9,13a. Trildo of the I Jai- Commercial !Livery, Seaforth, from Mr. ' George Whiteley, Ebegs to state tint t be intends carrying on. the buffinese in the old stand, and has diled $eveial valuable horses and. vehicles to the I formerly large stock. None but Fir8t-Class Comfortable Vehiclesend Good Reliable Horses Will be Kept. We aarantee the best in the market. Covond and Open Buggies and ECarnages, .and Specio2 Aprongements With Caw. menial Men_ Orders left at ;the :stables or any -of the hotele -promptly attended to. - s, 1PARTMENT. h and English Waie. White 'Granite Tea Set Band Toilet Sets, Fancy Toilet b'ets, &c. DEPARTMENT, Double and Siugle Wagons ftlways ready for Ibe lergeet ebb& in Towel, imported detect (rpm the Manufacturers, and at prices that cannot beat. Hotelkeepers and patties oemmaneing house Gaping will do well to give ue a call befo making their purchases. . STOCK FOR SALE. 1 1\TOrTIC TO GRANGE,US; FARMERS AND ' 'OTHERS. • re 1 A S THEY occupy th—e attention of all, thews be E t 'L.'. hard tintes,the subscriber Is determined to , ' 1 meet them by °fleeing good inch Henalocii, "not ! i usually sold for inch," at the following rates; 1 12 foot Hendock. at $'7 00 per thoneand ; 14 foot i Fenciog, at $7 50, 1 or Cash. All orders over 4.000 5 per cent. discount. Call and see lif you ain't • I get what iq represented.'- _ : BOolt Accounts over 8 EMontlis will be charged 11 8 PTchregesnutscriber thank his numerous aurae/Mors - i for their liberal sexpporti and solicits a continta a ' once of their favors. ii IIJOIIN THOMPSON. . 438 . Stenim Saw Mills. MeZillop. , RAMS FOR SALE.-'i'he undersigned -1!-; class Leicester Shearting, and rata lambs, w -Lot 20, Con. 5, MeKillep, a number of Mat - he is deeirons of disposing of at reasonable rate , . ere on Lot; 1, COTI. A., Turnberry, 3 millet xxonth ed in g theta during sleighiug- poete - of. Wroxete. tm the Seaforrh Gravel Paliatt.. --2 boy named Green, who residee Dot-uLA 8 .; 501-e in the township of Suunidale. was iu - , . , .. rath e an xii 1 bomfor tta de predi c am en t MISCELLANEOUS. last -Meek. The lad who is only six yess, years of age, was left in the company of A J. Met1OLL, Solicitor, itc., Brusse1:4. Mice • in.Lectie's LIC,AV -brick building. . 504-52 not how fer down the ,•water may be, ; he that ain't the worst of it;” youlager :child, his mother .goiug some • the dogs will keep on digging until they 1-Vebster still roweg his kept th • naline is al ce from the house. On the child.- : G. LANE, Auctioneer and Appraieer foe the reach it. ire kneWs of inich well into, the deep' pools, and then said : reu b ing left alone they atteinnteti to • • County of Huron, abto Conitniseion 'alma chant, Mepougall'e 515.4 two hundretl feet deep, •and. having a 6, -vie. halve plent+ of briers here 9" rekiu le the snaouldering lire., and circular staircase leadiee down to the s, dohesiIso- the old.est. put his head in ate 1.4 ONE -51 TO LEND ---On terms -more A ivittl- water. Every time a dog waets to the worstoti it." -Ir. 'Webster getting the dtorway at the side of the stove, . -1-hl-- tageous then ever before offered. A,. a .Mr- -- a Yes", said the .farrner, and that ain't drink Ile desceuds the staircase, .which, • some that li 1 , 1 ' 1• and t •ied. to blow the dying embers the cume tieleliter, Bruttealae r401:4-2, N'N , t Set 1.1rariet inu, io s toms. ,-, . . e _ . - ' considering the distauce, Is no mean , , day, bit - task. In diottino. for wet* the zedinais.! es.: u.s. 0 . in ft incisquitoes; scratched bv a flei•ie. Luckily fee .1)(i t 10 s Liceneet1 Aneir(mel to) chi. UIJII ;11-.1a not raising a sitele fish succeed in Laing SO, ior, on hie endeav- Couthy of Huron. tit:1e,, liztt•n,Ind ee aiSplity as much pleck m resisting dropped his rod and said :."I don not' be' ourin1 to withdraw hie head, he foiled [math ‘11 e COnnty. All erdere left at the es - the efforts of eettlee expel them hem heve 'that there are asiv trout •lisere.e i wt -impossible for him to do so. Ife POSITOR flice will be promptly attended tn. as - - - the laud (If their progenite)r6.-Sa 7/ - M la alll le NVOTS 0 1 , tl t tl '-s -t says strug !,led for a time to releaee himeelf, • D A.. MeLE0 . ne lot the FraiiriSff (4(111. t110.fariner.• "Wen.," sere 31r. Webster, _ but all in.yeen Ile tit 1- costs to cry 1" Me•Iridc,'s will receive prompt atteLtit,n. If by • County of Huron,: Al. orlit;1•4 lett at :Taint I; Always 'Faille) 0- to Pietiee. " I should like to Inow what is she --a 1. • Ft biEi brother that lie ran i t u!): a‘litte.,04 Seaforth O. sere:111111W 111 a Way 55h woret of it." " There never was out 0 • the 1101150 thet •oon brought the neighbors to the \V10 VA' TS MONEY ?-. fw thousane She- canto to the etation 16 little late, here !- says the f'.wiiei irAle ebstei ; ana had to make a rush for the train. eujoyed the joke and often teal. it to, When slie-reached her eeat her het fell particular frienes. off• She gOt it on, but it. toppled. over to 0110 Bilk, tvad wit ell She t 't 0 Love and_ Bald. Heads. the ..tove had been broken alt.). a - dod ere, mivete Nulls,- for izontedittte invt=4- " • • reect s The stove was taken apart but nitEnt ri eaut. intereee. Apelv 10 • o . the cest-iren collar- cluug to the 11.Beeseetes-, St4icil0r, St afertn. nd it was onlv when the side of _ si...UGlIEY S.: lIOLITES'rED,1;a11.E1,4- I • -it. stroaehten it up lier• ltair came trtiele met -hat the boy was released. There torntiya LSAT, SOliti..t.! in Cheese re :3,11G W°1 -11a 11ELVe t it again if he hadn't God -like congregation, can fail to notice mace. , N.B.-$:30,000 to lend el 8 per cent. Farm! hutosput a bundle in the rack above r of his hair.. !Piety tual bale headeduesA hug aown. She lost 'her ticket twice lco ale who looks down from a .eial- eves not sufficient tire in the stove ts solicit ors for the R. C. Bank, Seafortb. Agent: f Or LUSOIVelley, fietatitES. Pllb:le ,,t%d C..uvryan..-t it- ' Housetz and Lots for sale. 5:: - -Orlin' . the siege of Vicksburg, a • 1 OHN LECKIE, Gehreial Liao, lied !teal E..tate r head, and burst the collar 'button. ' seem te go together, that the head. of knot of lers gathered around. Geller- u egeet. orain, ereenee sea onaniee,,,, eisr- off herein:ter; and 'stuck. her fingers on ' the believer might be a shining light, it el G -ant-, and for svaq of better em- ' emoolicnietrrayt,a.t timpoerrt ce,,neti. bsoitireihdte tiilizIti:e.,t,Eie:ii. lei itairirgel etnedon real cA.‘tt: in. tt tvu or . laTe, chaut. Money a lieu pins in her dress before she could city ou the hill. And yet if oue goes to a ploy nent amused themselves by guese- - before the etinduceo: reached her, and lery•iu a church, upon a devout and. bern the lad- but he wits thoroughly the Canada t•ire.A.SSUTO.Det Colepta. y, taken it awey ft•one her.' She needled. how prene the Christian ie to the lose i 1 All Goods Warranted ois Rt )r-sented or Money Refanded. -- i • 1 1 AIDLAW & PAIRLEY ' CARDNO'S BLOCK, 1 , one that she dared take out to re- ! Godless theatre tle6 same thing is ob- . ing the ages of prominent officers. inongage.s pea golf. Tergins to ;out' o'rfou-ers. t as she servablie. 'Worldliness is es bad as Am ug the rest they discussed General earreE end village property for -tele,: fice- . • l W110 was absent at the Leekie's iiew brick bloca, )31 useefs, net. 51b 3 pair the denneee. Then, ins thought she had got comfortably • set- piety. tied, her little hand -valise, packed to homey bursting with enough things to load a Saretoga. trunk to the muzzle, exploded, the he muff s -ho nearly worked herself into s the fa fragments getting it together again. wrestl Then.hy the time else got the 'valise ventio bv the time she got the hart straighten- hair. Bald eduess, howeve , id back into its place her hair tumbled not ' air ai man's value in the *din- rim eat of all around. The bloated capitaliste mid. the McC lenient_ , rious, and whose differences with seal Grant seere " equally well vn.- One guessed. that he was fifty s of age. Oh, no," said General t, "such a, man was never got up ut u her hat tumbled off again, and selves s.s causing a luxuriant growth of fty years !" The hit was too pal- e does po) e not to arouse the boisterous mer- . - , but whose eausequential airs were handed sou of toil are equally trin o beapfooteduess on the top of , not d. And this, too, in the face of ; Crei t the,t proud science has long 't d with this problem, and in.- i Grc yea. s iniatenerable announce them- i \I SEAFORTII. QEAFORTH 'PUMP FACTola.-The un,z, *-.7 signed, while returning thaelza for the pa t- rouage already rezeived, Wuuld remind his many custom -r14 and friends that he etill continne:4 to make pumps ftnd cisterne of the beet material and by the best workmen. None but quaitered timber reset' for pumps. A. fee farm gatestill on band. All overdue accounts not metaled forth- with i1i be chaiged 10 per trent. interest fpru the 1st! of Jaauary, 1e73. NoBLE CL1EFF, 563 Seaforth. - I 1 ! SELLING 0 F SELLING OFF Fall Arrival of Old Ceunt y and American Goods, at M. E. Counter's, in Colored aed Bright Gold Sets, Brooches, Ear Rings, Chains, Lockets Gem 4ings, Eighteen -carat Wedding tam ped M. 111. IS." A Large Stock of those • celebrated English and 1Lon inc \Vetches, also American and Swiss Watelaes, Clocks, Ste. I .would call particular attention to my large. and varied stoc of Silver -Plated Ware, the most handsome goods ever brousehli into Seaforth. Thelsove . Goods, beieg boughtdiieet ifrom the -manufactnrers, Will' be ; sold at the 1.eievest Possible 'ripe consistent with Goerl Work- : mauship anI Qaality, whicl ii ell esees is Guaranteed. A Complete Scoek of Speetacl .13 lei heed, te fit all agtele , CalI : and get pror sight tested re4 uf cli trge. A lot o Fancy Goods sellieg at nut cot.. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY-. Pers -nal attentien given t 1 I:lei:miring of ,Wa,tchee, Clocks, -; end Jewelry. and ws.rrante to give satisfaction. Renieniber the place : Sign of Tree of liver Ware in the Witelew and directly opposite J. S. port r's Cesh Fureiture Stem, Seaforth. , 'HSVO 1103 dV31-4 *-HSVQ liO3 ci3P10 - TitE COIMERCIAL LIVERY, > SAFORTII. AmILLIAm 7.%:ieNAt1qtrION begs to intern .e V the business men of Seaforth and the travel - nig public that he hes purchased the Livery , Business and Stock of Messrs, Carnoehan ,Abcli, and wilt dealt in his power to retain the reputation -which thie favorite: establishment 113.5 secured. He wili-lieep. only good driving amaze- > - liable horses, at d his canisges will be kept 7S clean and good order, Cuils, night or slay, E will be promptly attended to. PIO-NIO AND rn . WEDD:NG PARTIES Liberelly Dealt -with. Q Terms Reasonable. All orders left at the COM- mereiel Hotel or at the °Mee will receive prompt • attention. Office and Stables on Min ket Street, opposite T. Kadd's Store ! 544 WM. MeN AUGHTON, Proprietor, C- - - - BUTti E T BS, 5. TROTT, SEAFOIITIa, P11 • r- -1-3 now prepared to itinEply all zustomeA 440 ally number of his ' M. SUPERIOR BUTTER TUBS, At $30 per hundred, Cob. These Tubs are to well and favorably known to the trade that is or:nee:eatery to say an thing in their reeommen- . dation. MB. T'BOTT also meotu nfacree mall Hard- wood 'Tub, imitable for washing baiter in. Orears by mail or otheraise promptiv attend- r ed to. 495 S. TROTT, Seaforth. GOOD NEWS- FO THE BAREFOOTED AND ALL PA itnEs wHo jWJ 1300T5 AND SHOES FOR DRAYAGE. — H TO BUY LAB.GE QUANTITIES OF THE undersigned having entered into co•part- S.NIA.1,I, AMOUNT OF MONEY. -as nerebip, axe prepared to IrtP,,:t the wants Di { the Merchants of Seeforth and others who may uire their services au earliera ID and ITOM the TO KEEP abieeet of the dint s in. the Cele ral Reduction in Priette if all knelt: of -Goode-but A• more particnia.rly, if posi-ible, to induce •eople to buy for easlit-1 have deter/dined to make the Railway freight sheds and thie.where on most following reduction in prices to cash buyers n Custom Ilade Work :: reasonable terms. Orders may be left at Joseph Brownell's Grocery store, and will receive prompt and careful attention. sihoe.Packs and Short Boos, all kinds, E.11 cents per pair. 14,7011,MA.N BROWNELL, Gents'. !bong Leg Batiks. 141 kinds, 25 cents per pair. .1.adies', Boys' and Girls' oats, 111,I kinds, Ell cents per pair. JOSEPH ABELL. 1 - Seaforth, Aug, 30, 1618. WO I have just opened an Immense Stoc • of.F.etOry Made Woils in all the differ nt Knee whieh 1 , think intending Tiurchat:ers ought to ce,b fore perchasinti;e1fiewhere, esspecially my Meffn -and , R. N.-BRETT BoTs' Riveted Week, -which undoubte 13f su ass aDything 1..n.the trade in Factory Mads Work. All ; of which will be sold at a eduction cotae}ipo iing with theeabove to cash buyers. Parties buying SEAFORTE, on time :will be charged tbjs. old priCC tc first in My line in Seaforth to pull down the Wholesale and_Betgal Dealer in LEATHER and prices, I trust the public -011 show tbe,rPreC14tti00 by an extensive patronage, as I am deter- SHOE FINDINGS of Evety DeseriptiOn. mined to make it to their advantege to Zili$ Si of the BIG BOOT. Stark's ttiOS GOVENTRY Seaforth Block. Eetst Side Mem_ Street, I • i 5 ' ' I ' 1 I None but the Very Best "Stook kept. Term* moderate, ATARI Solleited. order? by =ail or a -het -wile promptly filled. •013, It, N.. BRETZ. - 2-; 4.