The Huron Expositor, 1878-10-04, Page 211
Polly was eross naturally; hermothn
ea was oross ; her father fairly growled.
Thel3asagstemper was proverbial in
Bassett, and new it was in active ex-
ercise, for housecleaning would test an
angers amia,bility, mat tries that of com-
mon mortals to the extremest limit,
even unto utter failure; why should
a bad temper 1fai1 to find it exasperat-
ing? But how much more furious
.would Pollythi have been had she
known of that discussion as to her fu-
ture which was being held on the fair
breast of Long Lake, While the bud-
ding trees shed soft shadows into the
water, white clouds gently sailed aleng
its depths, the fraesrant teluctant breath
of a New England spring sighed tender-
ly over wade and shore,and Goland Jim
slaughtered little fishes With relentless
hook and line,as they discussed a deeper
angling with a livelier bait ! Would she
ever have risen to their hook? Never! -
But no officious telephone betrayed
them ; time arol space kept the secret
with their ancient . honesty. They are
demoralized now, and that which is
spoken in the bed -chamber is declared
on the heuse-top, even on the house -top
miles away. WhO shall ever know
safety of speech again?
•Pollythi Bangs was all that Jim Bee -
bee had painted her, and perhaps more:
strong of body arid will both; imperious,
qt. -lick -tempered, and. absolutely unre-
straiped in speech.' She iuherited all
these traits from a father and mother so
-alike ia charaoter that they never were
at peace with each other or their child.
Peace, indeed, was state uuknown in
the flange family, arta so notorious were
their quarrels, so continuous their wars
and fightings, that the hill half -way up
-which their old farm -house stood was
known all through Bassington town-
ship as Squabble Hill --e, name borne
by it to -day. • But if Polly ,Bangs was a
scold. she was also smart, a great d work-
er,ti anda woman avl o conld turn her
hand to anything. p ecould weave any
, sort of fabric known to domestic looms
in those days: she Could outspin any
other woman in the town, haviug once,
in, a contest of wheels, spuu seven run
of yarn between -sunrise and sunset-
= achieyeinent that would have half -
killed any other woman, two ru• beieg
counted a legitimate day's warl, but
which seemed to have no effect c n Pol-
lyth-Vs strength ofsnerve and
Her bread was town taik
quilts elaborate beyond everythi
seven -stars pattern and the _sun
having originated in her own
plished twain. As for knit/till
, her
a -the
, and
yeast, fine darning, election cake, train-
ing -day 'gingerbread, and. pot -p,
was simply' wonderful. Her r
always foamed, her nut cakes 'fri
right, and her pork and beans v.:re in-
imitable. These things never
forte- of amiable, gentle, "jr
hayed" women ; . energy, force,
and Drawl, make the world go
not soft strokes;. they .have their Own
power-, not the power of leverag . Yet
Polly had a certain rough ki dliness
about her when everything went right.
a nannies; nessuantennuay Teen
To Hunts R. WaSil 15'011.10. hardly gtow ti, ellild,.!
e, she
�t -beer
d just.
re the
count the next Sunday, and so settle this
peculiar wager. Jim accordingly went
to meeting armed with a paper of big
pins, and at each mention of the: devil
made by the parson' one of them
upright in the front edge of the gallery
where he silt. A fine row they made
before that day was over -thirteen for
the mornituk sermon, fifteen for the af-
ternoon's discourse, and positively
twenty by evening.
• Jim won his bet and triumphed!
Brief exultation! The parson's keen eye
had noticed his fixed attention, and a
peering ray of sunshine had twinkled
on the -new' pins. He was a man, after
all, of mortal flesh and: blood, and to
have attested. the attention of such' an
incorrigible idler and "chuckle head"
as he hadinan ore thonce stigmatized.
Jim Boeb-e did the natural man a deal
of good, and imparted power and fer-
vency; to Isis address. Re could not
quite xplain the pins, but tried hard. to
believe Jim was so absorbed in the dis-
course he -did not -know What he was
about. E en so have I known a mod-
ern minist r speak with pathetic grati-
fication of 1 the effect " a. few simple winter.
words" of is from the puipitffiad upset rious ov
a certain vslatile young lady accident- ings, a
ally present, whom he fondly supposed speechl
to be sobbieg with emotion, aud who, tween ti
alas! as I had the besarea,son to know, in pouri
was merels struggling, with hidden face cranny',
and abash cl head., to conquer a, fit of bed in t
She did not like chirdreu or: animals,
0, and
but she would fish a serearemg
out of the brook, if need 'Wei
had heen known.- not to le
lame dog that• lay do•wn on the door
step, . It was wonderftil to her Mother
that Polly had no lovers. People Who
live together gat used sometimeste each.
other's faults:: a husbaud will ignore ,
great deal he a wife,. because' he does not
saitice her Short -comings. as .othe•rs do
who do not nem° =under • their disturb-
ance daily e" and. amother will love and.
admire the epoiled child Who is a uuis-
ance to everybody eleci almet her. Polly
was liandn •Ino, -after a fashiou ; had
hard. black • eyes,., strong curling dark
hair, red clanks, strong white teeth, and
_ a good nai. figure, angular mud awk-
ward, to be sure, hat roundaess, gate°,
di/Auden, are not, the rule in New Eug-
land ; and Polly was better -looking
than nunt of benconspeers, yet sholited
attained the respectable age ,of thirty -
live without an -offer, even from a wid-
ower, wheat Cal Culver took heatt of
grace and asked her to marry him, af-
ter a three weeks' comaship, following
directly on hie einnultatiou with Ens
Beebe. -
.Pollythi neither said yes Dor ou
, that iuteresting oceasion, uot• did she
-go ,through the 'ordinary him:ulna. of
;speech a- t ion ; 1 dusl led t tot
neither tdebeti, inn drooped her head on
Cars sheenier. She was too far off •fot.
such tender demenstration if she bad
iatended it t• so she sat lson tee -Jot al
nes chair and answered audibly : ••
think on'n"
wialCis Y1'n manful -1Y
reel) elde,1 ("al. : a
111.• kotna- ine-i she knew, tied she Ito ey
he, knew sin tctlesa (bless the Englielt
language h t hat II lore was no partiettlar
loVe itt the inatter. Yal Wanted EL ettpalt10
.vi.ft.g. WILL l'ollythi, lasing a woman, telly
inulaeho )1 Cite, it is nein- ereditalon to before 1,,ng tit collo; hut lay
Is• tin; .1"- es:eel-ley after day.
enalh noeleet lien
• teal. :eel' was le -pt .paieftd-
„ atm:lei-nese wenal
tiled eld holy a) fewer
sea i -stets', telt 1.4.111Y tf•s-Ve
tion of S
in a corn eupied by Mr. Anon' Gray, is now offered
ow pathetic is the declare, -
lemon "It is better to dwell
✓ of the house -top than with a,
woman in a wide house !"
pROPERTY. FOR SALE. -The residence' oe-
Thorn s but one parallel to this mis- - ;for sale. It is one of the most desirable in Sown.
House contains 7 rooms, kitchen, pantry, ash -
Solomonleft him out of the speeifica- and
levinehrs puwsatrds of $200
j coming into bearing. For par:
wor h of limit trees
hard and eoft
ery-a ' an with dyspepsia! And if • room;,. 4 closets end a swiss i
tion, it id because 'he is a man -himself, ticulati apply on the premises to ADAM G AY,
and ther is a way made and -provided. Seaforth. '
-- — •
for men nd women to defend them-
- h' h does
selves ag ' '
ins eir ,
good against the other.
Culver had taken into his
pother whose days were spent •
ng and snarling„in sulking si-
scolding mercilessly, he would
not held
If Ca
house a
in snapp
and lino
marily ;
powerle, s -almost as powerless as the a . g
dyspepti 's wife or children would be ot; ths fot a good
1,en timbered. There is
-LI FOR SALE -The propei ty ot Wm. Rudd. -
There are two dwelling honsea, ono of wh eh is
large And commodious, with_ good' stone eller
and pleuty of water; also a fine orchard of vari-
rums kinds of tient trees; pleasantly tated ;
will be sold eheapoas the owuer is lea.ving this
section. If not sold in one month will he ranted
toagood tenant. Apply to A.. STRONG-, See -
keddyspepsia out of him sum -
d t t , u Ideation remi inder
Y . bear-
ca,reer, and Cal inhabited. the & Brim° Railway, and is in. every respect A .very ,
the woods chiefly throtegh the ' ply to Hugh Bain, Goderich, or J. Mc Ulan,
desirable property.' For 'further particulars up.
and became almost antiature Grain Merchant Blyth. 564
hav.-e extended his. right aim forth.
but against a WOMall, and that r/113m 21(111
14 to Rent Lot No. 12; Con. 9, towne ip of
SALE OR TO RENT. -For Sale or
is wife, he. was comparatively• Morris, eiontaining .100 acres, 50 acres c eared
iug or,chiird of two a.e,res, also good frame
against afflictive manners and. cus- „tins farm is situated about 2): mile
uis umphan th•pursued her tri- Blyth, flourishing village on the Iaindon
barn an
1 by the s
ove of Squire Battle's store in
Polly grew more and more fu-
r. his defections and short-com-
d. rather ethan consume with
ss wrath she spent her time,be-
e occupations of house -keeping,
a that •wrath iuto poor old.
ears as she lay on her feat er
ie loft. Graney was helpless,
mighty laughter brought about by the • for 'Nvint sr had BOW set in and bound
machinatic ns of .a wicked companion. her haul and foot with " rheumatiz ;"
But Parses Robbins was anore unlucky she could not chats creep np and sit in
than the lessed man who gave me her reel ina-chair, which Cal had insist-
,. fee up
FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 22, C n.. 8, ,
Hay, County of Huron about one mil from •
the 11ot:rushing vi.lage of Hens'', , on e Len-
non, Huron and 13rucit Railway, comprisi g 100 !
?ems, 80 cleared. Soil clay loam, in a goo state 1
of cultivation ; good buildinge and fences, and a .4
good orchard ; three never -failing wells • the 1
'situation as rega,rds neighborhood, sehools,
churches, roads, mareets, &A., cannot bla sur- !
passed.- hor miens and particulars apply o kite
proprietor on the premises, or address .JAMES I
-RAM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 29, on.,3,
5r4• I
WEIR, Heinen P. 0.
Stanley, coutaining 100 acres; 85 acre clear-
. h ed, well underdrained, well fenced, and in a
bub it
eindit for he false -faced emotion, for, pd shon be car d there,b 't
' good state of cultivation ; the balance s well
tam met with aidwood ; there are o the
going hem , a little more upright cued •Nvas ni ghty convenient for 'Pollyt1
• • b • - 1 • h h •
11, premiees two houses, one lots and one •ame-
confidant han ever, he heard a loud who at there bY
the hour, rockma and
1878. PALL .A_1\113
OCTOIER 4, 1878.
• 111:11!eaut,:eliPuelgeeaitri,lanroc::abd,llel:::bikTe of leht*ml. tidy ten
°MERS I ;. my bead, and I conzeived agrees aesire to go
or a, bey s p, -ace, it trosuccesSALLy. -result
atetot tethg:n11.81ulti:131•OseubeitTkn3csiglilirf tstar:o aiinebdaisla:tt51' severallta1 31tttit:eIhileewriao ..:anutao:a °dot:: :is:tot:it:: iet ge salrisb trs
p e
sie<E11.e an1:1-elieplaarents sent yoa to sea?" ibadt,;
And I an?, preparo,d-to ,Shoth an 'As ortment which, for alue, TTarzety,
; parents, and I said so at come, on winch e
eqn stem put to me by the,masterlavatiablenee
and Finisli;lar Svrpasses CORI Of my previous exit bitions.
I confidently assert that purchasers will find, in each departmInt, nothing but o Inc that my matte
told to begone fOr S. good-foremthilag nege
sge:oludtroclol se, and I at once applied; butaanel
• At len* th.I learned that G. K. Ship Vas to*
On a long voyage, and that several bo ya eve
'wanted on board. Here was an opperbrinityfoe
the consent of my parents was agaia wankel,
"ftiVihenaiti eoinutlhde wIordido OtoIwt'ttili In:071;a lehafeld not
At Ien th it °catered. t
ed7nitalrassus:sptninseed;i:oiroto, LiicestoutaltazIttitzdetiscatiies:tstez
First -Class Goods, newly imported, and bought on the best of t rms, sitice
not 'deal in Job Lots or Bankrupt Stocks.
de too:see. 8. note to Commodom Elliott. Inn
1-7ger quan- 11ttei 11081 ) :11e7nef d1 iisb:14)1:tav re: Ireo S 1)0' eeariti
e 1113: Ch8:: lig:01: e 4:41
As I purchase many lines direct rota tile maiin: • ,
auu1 in tities than any other house in Seaforth, aun. in a position to sell at prices which I meth-as:ha; -You Yennig scoundrel
uin •ourself di 9 rt 1°11 lad
ItO. Haven't
ill: nbfdao‘ yt‘i!fe oQr oeslit1rsis: .1116. 1;1' I ft:1 'tut itYg' ,11°
defy competition.
tercel:is (nt ythe-us tsreeethdeelteer:sugBotollkZatnataiolzi,
Underneath I enumerate Some of h..e _Lines
up for sixty zents, mi -hold on boy; you bather-,
and Fancy Goods, WatchesoClocks and. jenny,
in the Leading Department
°Led ag:/ 1°Si.:(61' t ?a te°4 1:141:
Organs. Sewing Alachines; ihe sells ti eleektie
frame barn and stables ; yoeng bearin °nth'. • •
cackle of I ugliter from the steps of scoldien aud knitting, till granny learn- era: a never failing sorin runs throw h the •-: DRESS GOODS
Brother Biattle'e side cloch, which was ed. to th
screened from the street by some shrub- the era
by Mace, and Jim -Beebe's voide uplift- drip of
close to
ed. With: . ,
. • . .
' ." T stuck one in every time, squire, compel
:and see yothr tally and mine is as like . tribes;
as peas in a pod. Forty-eight adevihs ' •• night, (
its them. '010 throe discourses ; 'bout as tongue
bad as the herd o' swine. Haw ! haw! more th
haw ! He (bee b -eat all for giving it to • nor fea
t,11).' Enemy now don't lie? But. I gab himself
my bet.," -
" F iather-bier 'taint castle wall
" That's so," OliVied Squire Battle, re- . ., ad heavy brunt of cannon hall." - - barn 86 by 60 feet 'with good stelthng miler-
eohoing Jit i's irresistible chuckle. '
eating 1 is dinner as placidly and delib- neath the barn, and a log dwelling house. The
- Pareon Robb- us walked on inea. state d he. were Dinh farm is situated within two and a half miles of
tit ilia ei of Beyfield. For further particulars
nitilla.quite hanged. from the high eratelY ' 1 Polly
cbrithat•be •had eri;joyed before. He was, • • tessis; to S. AlcLEAN, prOprietor on the tionises
aaid joain.
iti: fact furianisly'augry ; and, thinkina
iles •
uk the hiss of rushing snows, for CLatlg trig velOf; rt; s jet within
hle of shahs) sleet, or the tirelese - within one-querter mile. Aup 131 ;AglesE Yt.A 3131Onet,.. •
chilly tains upon the roof -so CAMPBELL, on the premises, or to linton To this Department I have devoted 'a great deal of study, end
her head, a song of comfort in Pa: --9* 549 • the Newest 'Materials and Favorite Colorinos. .
ith P Uy' • (Ea_ 'ARAI FOR SALE. -The subscriber offers for •
I ffer full ran es M Black and 'Colored Cashmeres, French Merinoes, Persian
• !
eavering to ha-ve
5011 W 0 S - ong
sa e o 22, (ion. 2 h • ad? of '
and when Cal came home at ley, containing one hundred acres, 83 Race
r ' occasionally to dinner, the ad end M IL good state of cultivation, an
crapest raged frantically, allthe fences, balance 17 /tents , good hardwood bust;
this wordy assa• ult, but bore acres of wheat put. ill tiliS f1111, there is about 3
will be 18
tt he seemed neither to hear ono half of clearing seeded' down, there
like • .
acres of a thriving orchard ou the pre= es and
o vat iety of fruit trees all now beaten. 111 farm
is well watered, a never failing eteelt• runs
through the farm, also two rrooa large bank
He dib feel ene thing. though he dip- or to W. Connor, 13aylielti P. 0. 672
1 11 concealed it and. that WaS "'ARAI FOR SALE. -Ono of the most; desirable
he didewell to 1 c so, devoted himself to - oma, c t y ,
preparing iu t is week three neweer- 'is nu)
MODS entir ly_ f ee from any allusions to old we
the foul fie• d. o - his work. or Ways. It , to him.
was a hart pie e of writing to do this- ,
hard as to taus with level guns before 'Icirt-Leu
the face of a h stile army and not pull of _Heti
triager ; ,•et it taught the parson ana his
-one 17essoii uncensaiously. lie learned.
more ofdtlte go -Jeans of God in. the waters
emirs° of those three sermons than i featliert
, f. .. • C n •
knowledge did not immediately bear i his mo
even be
..reany, a long .-year tefore, though_ the
fruit, for it fell among the thorns of 1 eminell
kindleq thmper andi wounded vanity. . . The
er's discomfort ; for the phar
an feebly whimpered her woes
wheneer they- had a moment
and hesaw that her life was
farms in the county of 11111'0D for Eales be-
ing Lot, 32, Con. 1, McKillop, on the Goderich
Roitd, milee from the flourishing Town of Sea -
forth, (trend Trunk -Railway. station. The ferm
contaies 100 nitres under caltivation eneept,
Cords, Poplins, 'Sateens, Luetres, Seowflake and Tweed Costume Cloths, !willed
Melanges, &c., together with all pricendu our cielebrated make of Black Lustres,
Our Special Lines include Ladies' }fringed and. Brocaded "les, Ladies' Silk
Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, Itufflangs the new styles, full assortment
of Black and Colored Kid. Gloves M t e different Makes.
We wish to draw attention to our 50 cent Kid Gloves, as we Le confident no
other house in the trade sells as fine a G ove for the money.
In Corsets we keep- the three celeb •ated. makes, Thompson
• Side Lace, and- Woven Corsets. -
Every size and price lin Hosiery ai d Cloth G1ee:3es.
ard and wire fences, divided into seven fields ;
to.hat because of this daugh.ter brso acres bush and old oasture. ‘S ell amine
. But Cal . could not help it, watered by a emelt reek •
running through the
lazy, ,sunshinynature shook 'off initial° of the band; a good well near the -house.
as a duck flirts the rolling
ftom her packed aud glossy
; he said liothiuree to Polly, uor keow that he appreciated
ens sufferings: discretion.- Was
ly the better part of valor hete.
year rolled. on iuto1 suinmer
But they were goodi sernions, and fell 'agai4.! •
1 f tad Cal and his
on the Mown grass and. ehowens that Lake ; the otcliatde Were heaped 'with weft oak, grained, and walls papered. Large mention. gs
water th.e fields1 SWeet pale • Minharet ! rosy bleom, the woods fresh and odor- winter and summer .kitchens and an excellent
R ---..-----------.n face -delicate as • ons wit Yomig leaves.; gold a,u.d mins- biliii4ciked cellar attached to the house. Th front, !• •
The herm buildinga aro exteosive and mostly
new. .Two barns 73 x 86 'eucli, etablee, mat:bile!
houses, Jola all neectitary muliousee ; net emote
muse with bell -tower and bell ; new eat i for L
farm servant, both the latter baildings aro sided .
. • -1 ne. 65 x -
andna e.. " ' „ h HOUSE FURNISHINGS.
86, one and a. tall StorieA high", frame bricked, ! • , •
side boarded and well painted; parlour, sitting ; .
room, dining room, library and hall, large; high i -
In this Department will 'be found a very large assortment
coffins, oak Roots, besides two bedrooms on
. i Covers Table Oil Cloths, Lace- Curtains, Toilet Covers, Cur
s Glove Fitting,
In Prints I show the Choicest Autu Stxles sin Fancies and Mourning:both
Eugli-sh and American, also Embossed Cambrics in all the New Colors,
upoli the ears Of his people like dew croey ilishing in latter May on Long upstairs, The inside is of superior finish wOode ; 1st -Ines, Towels-, Tidies, Table Napkin's, and many other thin
ground floor ; good sized bethoome apt 11 . ,
the cup of a 'W.'ood anemone -toward ; son col mbines (lanced on the rocky
the high pulpit, and wondered -what • shores, and nodded te their vivid Coun-
terparts in the still Wave below, and the
fresh coal rem 1the altar 'had touched 1
, . , , first Wood -robin bleW hiS fairy Clari011,
hardet titls hie apt while, stirred un- i resona, t as tb eilver bell, sweet as . a
tfh.thy ef such -Sermons ntig,bt ineddle ; highest boughs Of the forest ; but Cal
her father li ancl, Deacon Mint • •
easily in 'hie- rsquare peal and thought i flute, Y t shrill as a violin, in- the very
witli ,luis domestic .diseip ine, and Put and and ,Tii , blind and deaf itifi tWO imut,c/OS
110W- and involutienary ideas into 'hie i of wooll, neither saw nor heard - the
Wif&s head. Pelt at the end. of - the bea•uta and songs about them : th
, ey
selinion,tlitipa.rson destroyed tile wore al, sorbed in discusetisg the rules
eet from the road, is well laid out,a, good
lawn studded with handsome trees and Inaba.
An excellent orchard eith about 150 choice fruit
trees of alt kinds. For fiirther particulars apply
to the owner on the premises or to -Seaforth
P. 0. t. MEYER. 563
• ---- FC;13,11- LET. -1-
•••••• -
(-a FOR SALE -On easy terms of payment, or
to exchauge lo? farm property.. &listing and
Flouring promptly attended to the same as. usual.
Alt3o quentity of Dry Hemlock Lumber for side
edifiee Inehad. so carefully laid%) and rn ulations of a hunting club to Proprietor, Zurich P. 0.,Ont
- both belonged, and which
thi.ough the e, ay, 'ea.. restored matters- which •hey
p for cash or :short eredit. WM. FEN WICK,
to their asual' by facing about 1
squarely at miliscky jirn Beebe, wise sat
as usual nil the gal 'apt, in -the Nee and
oyes of the. congregation. and. 'remark-
inging, in aloud. voice; -There, young
man ! 1 have Preached .three sermons
thelity, and 111
name venr f
ve. not inceitioned the _
titer since."
Ointfusien tw ce cOnfounded_fell upon
Jun and Squire Battle, meta light me-
th- of choked awl Milled 'laughter, ran
•throtigh the Church, the parson
a soneratis VOiett.gaV4 ant the hymn bo-
ginniug , •
Woy lhe tete:keel boast 2" _
Under eosier of this ---temarkable inci-
dent the publishment of. Cal and Polly:
weitt into obseurity, and itt due time
thes' were 'tarried, and Pollythi was in-
stalled in the alittle red _house. .
OW110 ill aS w itil a beeom et' deettneaien
fetching sltore of linen- and blaukets, -
fresh split-bettotned chairs,. a new
gave pi izes for certain achievements.
The su iject, had been introduced by the
.sight of a heifer calf, apparently pure
Deacma • • • o f • •
patith r
of his
e 1 • -
. It was Cal's calf, the captive.
tovs and spear, in ono sense, for
be had won it aa last year's prize.
"Pr tty, critter, aiu't it?" he said to •
Ji?'11".Wili, yes; middlin'. • I dello but
what think 'twas all -fired
harnso ne of. got it as •easy -as you.
I tell ye it took sora e huntin'
to get ththem heads ;" and. Cal's blue
.as t inkled seith. fun as Made this
states's " lraw ! haw ! haw ! You
clock. a eel cd -blue-edged -crockery, and.
.eundry other plonishiugs. Gamely Cul-
ver's racla-tv beloneiugs were bustled
be the ietheree, Cal Cul, of. any critter
=Lever ; 'there ain't another feller in
BasSeti would. ha thought o' fetchin' in
two hundred mouse 1.1011AS to the last
minnit and• claimin" on 'cm for game,
so'st-t1 ev couldn't help but give ye the
W 11 they was gaene-dreadful live-
ly gam ,too. 'artled the prize, ef ever
a arm did." , .
,y for't, Cal : el ycm had as much
yon have gumption, I bet you'd.
pp for; Gusdnor, or hog-lierd, or
afore yo die."
•-..) re ibe should -in ebbe I shouldn't ;
but n't wuth the trouble, Jim. I'm
'flietec with a chronic overdidefrom my
youth ip'ard, as Parson Robbins might
say. delft see no payin' property i11.
world) yourself to death afore your.
nth) the sleeted. storyeand she herself . -
. .
opening 6tit of 'the kitchen, htto one. of
Initialed gut of' • her cattle!' bedroom ,. grit.; es,,1
he limn
'the tee, flip -stairs,- which were under- stele,
the 1••,.f•_ 'and in this jely weather - '
sweiteringl-hot t. hut Percy announced
at once tit:at ..slio " Nytt•tet; a-goin' tran!
lain' np as 11 clown them stairs forevet-
more," ale. granny being in a feeble lid-
-aortas:, matt rip the sharp ascent, end.
;el indtvisited ef the \veaker Isex te. be I- tht‘rt". loht
any Issly'e wire than nolndy's. She Polly did
know very ti till that Calvary (.111vvr wl.15 prtive
Shiltiv-is. fellow, who I V (lean.
'Want 41-11t •ote. to liseder,aa,
be sere: but if hem; Yee med 1 't ti',!'.
the least t' his goodly sees -s -ace, her s n. she ; , •desse 'est etly ef
lesta "f1 V11(114.111 tf' Chill. 1'111(11 Z.; h- ,t her in IIi
sur.1 t enst Ids - ;d •wae 'seer ;a, put
that vory fevsil " lesel gave tt ettedtg 00-.1 heuse befose. No
vote •in' fever eof (nil. If she int traint te. •:,,t's Linz ie these ennegeing
hinie weeitt leen fier owe houseand. ese enec ere Ito leel lea1111sed to lie
her owe •,..s o.-, ;1or she 'else!): reek.,•,_„! r ki,nro for rhea the floor
• Me.. ;dee. as a ,delter fa en. c;:lnikg, :t ott::aant „wing tine
Isene • • te eller 511,1. her dether • a 1:1 •
noth dee.. cleiarat ti_ It s ens,' nstibaiese. the hearth inunacti-
le,r,an 1, e atfreetemely g-tt the:leans.. hoe. The c te. attehe sehiteeehlied. and
It n -k 1\ ZU'tilte el!,311Y:11 ti.: a /.11: 1,:liosls 'mut lay lien 1-,2
ag hilt With (-al W-11. -!.1;:.g.:,g‘l. at tile
t litgr t.•.\-1:, at:a tal-Ze 11,T lt,gt• tad the las. 1 rib iris
. „
this stet: r lea \'ilegeti" • of a mat eel. ts es.), 1,, a not t :nor : eltr-
While'11,1t; Was fast sinking hia) alma:. v ;•• •I • w
that pun:, e ef vent:et- -,,h1 maid nt- edsral a.- ••• hittee es. the men
hood. So sha •• theught on't " -0 ene It f hini hap tho
riretnistet. teal then -slit fin -et -tints. ; ;eel 1 • ,i ; a a Ids h ti *these shit:hie
M due time 'brisk little L'arson len.; es.".! .w(.tss.- eil,1 have iutole it
bins publislael the banne of inarrian toeue, aey te. t w:ar a --:ted the
beta -inn t'ayttlry f'ulver, of thisspleee, chine. c'ushtens reelter arill-ehair
zuht. fiseess, of Stplabale aa.s. Ishaitt!fitl for eieht tied
gretttle to the eddhicittionsif net the haz. t ;,- p emhe and r sass were never
amusement, of his.congregatinte seine :v. t • • :1 d et:,
smiled andeaeue shook their lande. len It is csite tiet: Inal hal ver hefore
isse; nestled with thisli fe-el
the pecrsott 'tented like a small thunder-
- cloud. anal, befne the day 'Was ob•or, nes. tics 1 ,Ivatl_. 4.4. i- whiter than
•fectually turned. the thoughts of his • mils. light as cork., delheite ettk" :
flOOk from Cal and Polls-, in thie wise : sae :veil:et:le it after a secret process
It seems Jim Beebe had laid a nct tlun. !lessen mei•le end matrens pined.
-with Squire Battle that Parson ltob- t 1,1 t 'lever attaiued ; and the
- .bins couldn't preach a sermon -without It game Cal 1 -won -slit .was converted
mentioniue, the devil -a -literally his to t -lar. as. sae anti crisp broils that
noire -at least a d.ozen times, aad agreed. 1, NV'twiLl have d, ate credit a) a French. '
With him that they both should. keep rit: 1 ;at what atones for domestic -
'• 10, awful lucky you' a real
smart vile, now I tell ye."
-• W Al, there might be tan ways o'
deoldid ;at [het now, dim Beebe. There
a. thing as beitd too es's:Hestia'
tud spraexious fer a fence's com-
• • .
at's ea," itrieilV aSselitea Jim.
w 1 clon't say but what Pellvthi's
t.: :-::la t: NVoluall•---.--alt- ()Hal smart wo-
man; nit slush got a kiln' of a mighty
way width her, so to speak -a- kinder
peppeid nater, that make Unless lively
as a 11 mbled tee's nest in hayin'-tiete.
. -• Si e's dreadful neat, ain't she ?''
•• N at! She's cletteet'n creatican as-
ter tit flood. There (1111-SIII-, Bo much
' tj I ;10 sAtittil fit' skip roiled where she
is ; tell aefer slanters-my laud
ketch 0111 alla Seal) their feet if they
durst tic) hem one timeno, our bosun, .1
hdiesel-twiet. yen and ine and the post.
;none 'neat At abbed mother away ;
tie le ain't, - hut mighty little left of
herd , ,
. -- W iy, 1 -Ale Used 1:-.) be kinder fat when
I see 1 er." - _
- F; t! \veil, sliCs *bout ice fat's 5
.'s i aalwast now, I tell ye. And her
ltia.r.ti 1.0-0.10,1 ever with a mop so fre-
quent, 1 believe, honest, she's nit the
einem ,etiz. past helpie', or p•dtebetry
" Dt tell !" ,
" Shn lune sir. Priest Robbins he
come ) Kee her 11 spell ago, and he
praise up the Melte o' things amazinh
1 aily •he missed him up with a mug o'
• flip to d a loth)* 'lection cake till he was
please it a(sToa 4 young rooster.
--------------------- ersigned wishes
to rent his farm to a gebd tenant, being Lot
17, Con. 6, AlcRillop ; containing 100 mons
05. cleared end ettltivated. Good frame'
house, barn and sheds, a young orchard, plenty
of water, is situated six miles from the Town
of Seale) th, Apply to DUNCAN McGREGOlt;
ou the premises, or to Seaforth P. O. 562
_ . . . . ..... _ ... . . .._ _
Alio St ci, I Value in Silks, Satins,' Velvets, Flowers, Feat
; naments, Ha ' ' apes, and a,11 materials.
, WANTED. -Wanted, two male tenchers hold- ,
in, seeond claes certifizates and one third . 1
I should be pleased to have a visit from all to this departme
etins, to teenh in School Sectione Not. 2" 7 and '
' 11, by the Tuckersmith Boiled. duties to coin- ; . : .
n)eoce at the new -near. GE.011(4-.E SP.Ei0A.T, • Our Trimmed Goods far surpass in style and are much low
Siecretroy, 2. S. B. 564
- • anything we have had heretofore. ,1No trouble to show Goods.
i A GOOD CHANCE.-Alessrs. Alaeon .v Mid- !
, -c-.1: son, flensall, Insurance, Land and Loan i
I Agents ever alive to besiness, are now on the t .
of .Quilts, Table
in Holders and
too numerone to
I favorite American and English makes in Grey Domestics, Whle .Shirtings and
Entibracing in Cotton Goods the Productious of all the cele
!*Sheetings, Ticks, Denims; Ducks, Bags, lams, Warps, &c. .
Stock of above kept constantly assorted by Fresh Arrials.
; Fla,nuels in Grey, Scarlet, White, and Fancy, Blankets in W
; also Lihen.Goods in great variety and at all prices.
il Special Lines in ,Winceys, Plain, Plaid and Fancy, from ti ce its upwards,
rated mine ; also
" Where'll I get 2" " Don't you know where
evetybody buys their ink;
rrHE Government of Canada will sessea pa.
-I 3 Posale for constructirg and wedieg a lineof
Railway extending from the Produce of .'ilteeto
to the wators of the Pad& Ocean, the distanas '
bei, g about 2,000 Artmoranduni °Linters
mon for parties proposing to tender will be
per =fueled on apphcation tte undennealh. En
ers' Reporte, maps of the -country to be tut. -
ver ed, profiles of the surveyed line, seecifiel-
tious of preliminary works, copies of the Id Of
the Pillii11111ent of Canada under which it is pre.
posed the Railway is to be construeted, desalt).
tions of the natural features of the country and
its nritultural and mineral resources, and other
infqrmatiOn; may be seen on applimitionat this
Department, or to the EngioeenheChiet, at the
Canadian Government Offices, 31 Queeu Victoria
steeet, E..c, London. Settled Tel:1(10801114A
" Tentless for Pacifie Railway," will be received,
reldressea to nhe understi,ened, notil the first*
of December next.
F. BRAUN, Secretary,
Public Woilts Department, -Ottawa.
Ottawa, 3Iay 20, 1-87-8.
TRE date for receiving proposals lanes the
above advertiiement is hoteby extendato
the let of jamas-741879-
. F. BRAUN, Seeretary,
Public W01103 Department.
Ottawe, September 2,187S, 5624
i CAPITAL $1,000,000.
he arid Colored,
IHRECTORS-AL IL Gault, President; Thos.
Carrerbill,Vice-Piesident; W. Ogilvie,M.P.P.,
E. K. Green, Thomas TRIM, Alex. james
Crathern; C. It. Ahirray, Caebieri Geo. Bums,
A branch. of this Bank has been opened up in
Brussels, -where a General Banking business will
be transacted. Notes of hand aiseorteten,and
Loans effeeted at fair business rates.
and most i at- A Savings Bank dePartment has also 'been ,
opened in connection with this, where depoait• s
tfliemreotia,nc dollar ninvirras' 'ana
d Wool, in i -stain Drafts issued payable at par at all officeset
this bank, the bank of Alontreal and the Federal
Bank of -Ca llita a.
'FOREIGN A.GENTS.-London-The Alliance
Bank, limited. New York -National Boa of
Conieneree, Helmerte, McGowan in Co, 68, Will
Street. Chicago-tluion Nationall3ank,
Busineas hours 10 to 3. Saturdays, 10 to 1.
1 I vill show on the afterneen of the 20th and 21st, the larg
I. tractive stock of Millinery, Alantles, Furs and .Wool Goods.
Five Hundred Dollars worth of Shawls, in Paisley, Velvet a
and Fancy Lorne Plaids.
look out- tor a first -Glass baker to lease or take
charge of a good stand in Henna. .Good refer-
ences required; terms reasonable, apply alt Once,
..I.Passession given Oct, 15th.. 564
TEACHER WANTED. -Teacher 'Wanted for
Union -School Section No. 1, Turnberry, for
1879, ditties to eonimence begieninn of January:
Applieatiens with testinicnials will be received
by the undersigned until Oct. :el, from male
teachers holding 2nd or 8rd . Glans certificatee,
• end 1101E1 female teechers holt-ling 211d class cc in
titleates. lt013T. DOUGLAS, Seel etioy, Wrox-
e er P 0, F.64 4
LeTRAYED-- Strayed front Irisht Own, one bay
In' Thai atilt CUR, and oue dark oay colt two
years elin Any person gieing Ruch information
as will I eitil to their ,recevery will be re wardra by
the unnereigned. MUR Senforth. 501
HEIFER. -Strayed train the prom-
STileteAsOf the undersigned, Lot 23, Con. 4, L.
, Tuckersmith, briuille Heifer, coniin
sears old -with piece cut out cf Jett ear alr6ve
nod below, also ',ker.: cot out of the . right ear.
Any pereon giving such information me will lead
to the recovery ot the entire lollies' will be suit-
stbly 'awarded. WM. ROSS. 568-4
Out Dress a• nd Mantle Making Department is again in full bla;st, and all our
lady friends requiring anything in this line will be certain to h v their .wants at- i
1 tended to in the most prompt and carefel manner.
ers, Ribbons, Or-
in price than THAT HUSBAND OF MINE"
Buys all his Machinery from
Es* CATTLE -Strayed fec re the prem-
iees ot the usidersigued Lot It (LA0, Con-
cession 4, McKillopoin May lase, six young cat-
tle. shree ychilings and three Lwo year olds.
There was one yeerling awl one two y!car old
heifer, all the others Will"R steers, The Yearling
heiler wits raid with a white face ; 1 3-earling
steer tea with the top of ten• horn broken 011;
the other one ?rotted rel and white. The tw.0
rear old heifer was red viith white flanks and
half of her tail while; one of the two year old
steers was of red color with a croaked horn, and
the other wee entirely red w Rhein pn miuent
marks. Any person giving ench name:onion as
will hiaa to the rscovery of the above animals
will be suitably rewarded., :_.:ORNELIUS DE-
LANEY, Btechweod P. 0.
4 0. IT. W., Seaforth Lodge Nes. 3, 1 regnlar
-• 1. • meeting nyxt ..Ioutlay evening at ti o'clock
p, g. A foil tato:dance of menthe:is la regrtest-
ed. 4. A. CLINE, M. W. D. D. Itottin, Re-
NnyncE To DEltioltS.-A11 panel= ilNia.'5116141v-
-LI in g settl«1 up their accounts vitt' TX! (-Jx• 1877
failing to do tso at once will be ch. -lived 10 per
eeut. intertst from Januair 11-•Twithout
fail, THOMAS COVENTLY, Settforth- ,
?articular attention paid to Cutting and Pitting Dresses, anld the Newest and ,
most Fashionable Patterns to s•clect from.;
THE, DIVISION COI:HT.—The torael td the'
-L• Stcond Dieision Court will la ,n doily
frtim half -pa -e one to 1i -tor o'cloeis P. Office'
in my Block, over the store of ,It.lteeton Bros.
L. M.EY1.1.11_,.Cleilt_of
1.Z1t-tle)-C11-1,0ST.-Lost, Letween Statrit•th and
-L-• the residence of Mr. Alexander Gordon, ,
° Killep, ou oniley, , Sept. ethn n Lily's Geld
Brooch. The nyder will he soi•ably rewarded
on lettvIng it with the undersi„rnail- ARTHUR.
TORBT.S, SeaLirth, - 51k2,
isTENS .LL CIDER MILL. -The undert-igned
wi-di to intimate that they ire now prepared
to do the best work on the ehoitest notice, as .
their mill is capable of turnine ottt 1.7CO,;311.7s •
Of (1.i:et- per day. W. & J. nes ppEo, .rroaeons
Ac Full and Complete Assortment. Gents' White and Color O. Shirts in the
latest and meist improved style.
All the New DeSigliS in Ties, Scarfs and Mufflers, Cardigan Jackets and knit-
ted Wool Unities Clothing in endless variety, and at prices- Set e meet fail to suit.
This Department of my Business is steadily increasing and the vast amount of
this class of Goods which I sell isea sufficient proof that they give entire satisfac-
tion. Purchasing in large quantities, ain in .8, position to give my easterners and
the eeneed, who favor nse With a call, the best value that can possibly
be offered. in TOWD.
Men's and Boys' Suits in all wool '17weed.' very cheap ; Men's and Boys' Suits
in Worsted., low prices ; Men's and Boys' Fall Overcoats, new st :es, cheap,
Perfect Satisfaction Cuaranteechand a Geod. Fit Warranted.
In the Boot and. Shoe line I can safely defy competition. T. pay more than
ordinary attention to tbe sedection of Boots and Shoes, and henee my :customers
may rely en getting the best and most serviceable goods to be found in the market.
Full and cemplete lines in •Men's Long Boots, at prices muchl loa-er than any
former season. Boys' Long Boots at all prices. Women's and Clhildren's Boots at
prices to suit the times, and a lot of rune la oats :ery e cap, o c ear ea t e
balauce of Summer Stock. 1
A large and attractive a tock of Men's.' and Boys' Hats, in the Latest Atyles bf
Wool and Felt. nice assortment of Caps in -Silk, Oloth and 1Plush, always on
A first-class stock of Fresh ftrocerres always on hand. Speeial lines in Teas,
Sugars and Tobaccos, and everything e e to be found. in a well regulated Gratery
Store, at prices remarkably low.
The universal reputation of My te ts now an establisbed fact, and the immense
lots which I sell at close figures ilsow he satisfaction it gives. 'arties purchasing
in large quantities liberally dealti with, and a kind invitation -extended to all my
frieeds to come and see for themselve Everybody welcome -Whether they buy
or not -at the NEW CA.811 STORE.
TH MAS KIDD, Seaforth.
WHO has pleasure in
-j farming, community
still selling the very best
announcing to flu
of Huron that he
Sewing ifackines, 4gricultiwal Im-
plements, and Musical 'war*
Mr- Murphy's favorite machine is the singer,.
which is the, best in the market, -having eanied
off first hellfire at the Centennial and Sydney
Farmers wishing to parehase any of the above
would coneult their own interests by Apvlyinglo
Mr. Murphy first, italic can do better ler t11011s
than any other in the trade.
Sewing Machine and other repairs always ou
hand at hiit warerooms, Goderieh street. i
518 L. MURPHY, Seafortb.
STI1_,TA 1
optile Snbseribere take this opportunity of re-
-1- ETU eine tnanke to the inhabitants of Brussele
nod vicinity for past patronage, and beg to state
that, havin ; niude several bnprovernents in their
kiln and the triode of burning, they are in a bet- -
ter poeititto than ever tO supply the public with
Firs' 'ohti-i .241ei;e(r;a4;4411: at II"'
This thee the fourth season Of our businene
tlealbags in Brussels, aria having given unqualifi-
ed satisfaction so far, the public can rely on re'
ceiving good treatment and a uret-elass article
from 11P. Remember the spot : The Brussels
Liroe Worke.
THE undereiguen having entered into partner-
•d- ship, are now prepared to manufacture Piow.0,
Wagons, El:orgies, tize. By ueing firet-elass me-
terial and having all the work coming through
our own hatias, ,,,;an guarantee a good article.
Particular ettantien given to repaiiing, horse --
/shoeing anil general jobbing. Mr. Bartea hav-
ing had over thirteen years experience in &eat-
ing mill pieke, we will make that a specialty.
Agents for 'Watson's Celebrated AgriertItural Itn
Wilitemsoa'e old stand, Goderieit Street, Sean
And all Inflammatory and Skit&
Diseass Cured in a Few Hours.
fr3IERE can be no Inflammation without eu
Acid. Ferment. Brunton'x Rheum -ado
Abserbient Neutralizes the Anid Poison,
the catme of paha is removed. Sold. by all DroP
gists. Price 50 tents. Advice in particulanneseit
free. Addxesis
525-34 W. Y. BRUNTON, Loudon,
ing." 'I Sure, ir,
ian inch taller i
be is iiit evoiting
know that in
in the evenhas sonde,
nvovaheutx ;lie' seyou r" t eNaL,v,
, you are more sheep
--iTwo broom sell.
eisaeir•tetiol. tlimaes,ithfoerrei
make the brooms
• r:pLie:ntohbekont3shaa:,:041
•-.tvjulesaork;ie nghorhsee 1144• 111"
al'elir_7adBfAruipliAmasair,Lui at,
thhouse h s 41
thatl--At bed 1 eleliPttil
the usual pray at
and,' hiving go s
die before white,'
what next ?" asked
I s'Pose the neat
-A timia. fdllow
man in great -ffrig,h
had seen agbost.
it appear Skid
looked like a great
bBrbes ,a_.;_etniaitvAno:Nvir,:hiagsv ieri d:ther,;7
pllt;'S maridaae no
of f' Another
The groom, instea
blunder as a
humor, gets awfuli.
mtirder some one.
-:-Tonaany came
and handed to his
report on his p
month. " This as
good, rnarkts.
Tom, you'te ve
with- " I
Wouldn't be, but h
Faglish Girlz
1 The Trossack
here in the wilder
where the passeng
bUrgh rft-Ot those
Glasgow; and as
one o'clock, it is
place for tourists
-number of peopl
with their white
arp now tras-ellis
Scotland allay he
t1atirv4r one hull
there yesterdena a
the house last n•
guests ; most of
had made a halt
scenery arohnd
The 'piaci
'de •
ray on one sa
mountain behind
stream with. cata
to the scene, ao
night as we w
to a nainiatuae IN-
: There are n..180
destrians who ar
exploring - the
these frequently
make a Bort of
,ing knapsaeks.
great walkers, a
the stage loads
among the sno
party -of young
tel. who haie wa
miles the
rpsy cheeks and
tread, as well
they wear,
quires them to
indicates an -abi
this distanee -
eau girls are g
and it will soon ,
• an American is;
than twenty mi
nag of fatigue, a
Male walker in.
mach attentio
make of thei
It has alway.
osity and inqui
prairie dogs,
away from an
their water.
Mercer county,
of experience
their own wel
with a eonee
not how far
the dogs will
reacli it. He
two hundred
circular -Moire
water. Every
drink he &see
considering fl
taelt. In digg
display as mu
: the efforte
the land 0
She eanee
nd had to In
When the r
off. She got
to one side,
al, own.
beloro the en
taken it awe.
hp to put a
her head, an
off her duster
four pins in 11
find one that
pair the da
thought the
tled, her litt
bursting wit
Saratoga tru
and she
Th.en by tb
ffaut sip he
by the time P.
ed back into