HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-10-04, Page 1t 27, 1878, MANTLES, WALL & CO. SHOW A RAND. 'STOCK OF MANTLES. ; choose from, and t.LIKEIN 2.131E • ME LOT. apportunity for selecting me PATTERN Mantle Inspection invited. OUGALL & CO. ENCH SILKS. uth-Black Gros Grain, ed pure, at $1-, $1 25, and $2 - per yard. See. OUGALL & 00.14. ROE:1=S_ New Pattern Tapestry cents per yard, worth 76. bargain. See them at ›OUGALL & 00.1S. 1_101:611\TC31-- RPARTMENT. 'his Week a Very Choice Selection in WORSTEDS;. PT SUITINGS, IrSIANS AND VELOURS 1OME SPUNS, NCH CASHMERES-, FRENCH TWEEDS, • G. TROUSERINGS. 7 3. continue to receive through - asses, the Fineat Qualities of koted to the Custom Trade, aa LOWEST PRICES. Furnishings, HATS AND CAI'S, ,west Styles in English aud: • ' Americaa Mak es. - LE TO SHOW GOODS MCDOUGALL & GO:Su IAFORTH, 'ONTARIO. Ita0orters and Dealers' Dry Goods Only. TTER WANTED— ELE NTH Y EAR. WHOLE NUMBER, 565. BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Fc1"' SALE.—Nice Building Lots in Egmond- vale a little west of the new church. Prices reasonable. Torras very liberal. Apply to A. ARMITA, Seaforth. _ _ 560 VROPEW Y FOR SALEI—For Sale, that eon- venient and desirable reaidence on the corner a High an Market Streets, lately occupied_ by Dr- Vercee Apply to DR. VER00E1 488 tARA FOR SALE.—West half of Lot 2, in the lst eoacession of Hallett, containing 50 acres of excellent land, all elea.red. Terms to salt pur- Glasser, Apply to MR. B.A.LPH TELO.MPSOli, littron Road, McKillop. 560x8 fisaliM4joR SAL11.—For Sale, a splendid farm oi 100 acres, com.posed of Lot No. 21, in the 12th coucession- of the Township of Hullett. Terms ea.Sy. Apply to CHARLES MORROW, Box 51, ClintonP. 0. 553 _ _ - 10.3 SALE.—For Sale a first - class Planing Milli.nearly new and in good running order, situated. in the flourishing Town of Seaforth, Wil be sold cheap. Terms easy. Enquire ef SECORD, COSSENS & CO., Goderich, Ont. VAR{ INMcKILLOP FOR SALE.—For Sale, -1: Lot 7, Con. 12, containing no o.cres, 60 acres cleared and well fenced ; frame bank barn; good yourtgorchard ; soil clay loam possession at any time- price $5,000. Apply to A. STRONG, Sea- , forth. 543 _ VOR SALE.—The subscriber hem \for sale a 50 -1: acre lot in the township of Meliillbp, County of Huron, 20 acres are cleared and the balance well tim.bered with beeeh aud maple. The property will be sold chea.p. Apply to JAS. H. BENSON, Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont. 517 . . _ F --AR' 'OR SALE.—For Salo, Lot No. 5, Bay- field Concession, C$oderich Township, con- taining 85 acres, 50 of which are Cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The farm is adjoining the village of Bayfield, and will be sold eheap and on favorable terms. Apply to the proprietor, TORN GO VENLOCK. 524; — - - - • VOR SALE CHEAP.—As the owner is leaving : -12 the Country, a House and Lot in the village of Harpurhey. Frame dwellina, with 6 rooma ; a large garden filled with fruit °trees of all des- eriptions ; good well and cellar. Apply to THOS. R. WINE, on the promises, or to A. STRONG, Land Agent, Seatorth. 551 1.41Alill FOR SAL .—Being nbitla hall of Lot -12 31, in the 5th Concession, East Wawanosh, 100 aeres, good uoil, well wifteree, good frame barn 56x36, good stable and shed 18x26,-85 acres glared, good house and orehard, good well e-nd pump, Apply to JAMES MURRAY, on the 55f.'xI6 place, or to Westfield P. 0. (i1.10f013 FARM FOR SALE—Being Lot 7-4-; ‘-) Cou. 7, Hullett, County of Huron; 100 aeres ; 80 cleared, well underdrained, and in a good sta e of cultivation buildings convenient and. good; terros easy. 'For further particulars apply to Messrs.McbAUGHEY &HOLMESTED, Stigma:1a or on the premises to WM. E. COLDWELL. Con - Stance P. O. 555 The.S The fall show Tuckersmith ciety was held. in Seaforth-ox last week. Th could. be desire out was fairly! for the in -door on Thursday a ing of that day and opened it number of: th themselves of is opportunity to view the in -door display on Thursday night. t was not so • largely're- some former years, but he exhibits was in eyery lienable and fully u.p to n. grain there was a very ots and. vegetables also not so numerous as we fruit especially apples, aforth Show. in coniaection with the ranch, Agricultural So- n the Society's grounds hursday and Friday of. weather. was all that , and. the show throughs uccessful. . The entries epartment were closed nobia, and in the even - the hall was lighted up the public. . 4 large. e townspeople availed (TALUA.13LE ' FARM. FOIt SALE.—For Sale, Y the emit half of Lot No. 4, Con. :4, H. R. S., - :Tackersmith, County of Huron, consisting of 50 acres, 31 iniles from the Town of Seaforth, and convenient to school. The land is of the very best quality. For further Part4ulars apply to MMES. PICKARD, opposite the promises, or to Egmonaville P. 0. 521 • VAR.:NI-FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot -14, Con. 7, 4: Hullett, containing 100 acres, 80 of whieh are eloared and. free from stumps. There is a frame dwelling house with stone taller underneath, also frame barn and stable. Plenty of good water and a small orchard. Is 'withia six -and -a -half miles of Clinton and about 9 miles from Senforth. Ap- ply at THE EXPOSITOR 0:011e,e,,Seaforth. 528 r VALLTA4LE -FAIEU kolt SALE.—For----riace-, I' Lot 2:J, Cou. 8, Hibbert, coutaining 100 aerea, 85 of5whieh ILTO cleared. and free from stumps ; there is; a log dwelliag house, a good frame barn sal stables, plenty of water and a good orehard; Is within 7A: milea of Seaforth. For further par- ticalars apply on the premises to WM. ABER- HART, or by letter to &Moral P. 0. _ 542 VARA FOR SALE. --For Sale; West hall of Lot •I' 7, Oen. 16; township of Grey, containing 50 •,. acres, 42 of which are cleared, balance hardwood. There is on the prethises a frame house, frame barn and stableaand a, good young bearing orch- . ard. The above prolierty is only two ntiles off a good gravel road and 5,1 miles from Brussels; p05- sessionthis fall, F ! further particulars apply to 1 0. R. cOOPER, Dru sots or D. cArIPBELT.ita,4on the premises, Walto : P. '0• This departme presented as O the quality of respect unexce other years. '1) fine show. R were good, but have seen. I SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER7 4, 1878. mare, lst rs. Thos. McMichael,. John Mc illan, 3rd Joseph Ward. Foal, Th s. • Livingstone. Gelding, three . year' old, lst not -known, 2nd P. McKay, 3rd Appleton Elcoat. Filly, three years old, lst John' Malone, 2nd -Matthew Gelding;t 2nd Geo. Filly, -2 y ynch, 3rd. S. Broadfoot. o years old., 1st P. McKay, hesney, 3rd James Black. ars old, lst John Malone, 2nd Matthew'Lynch, 3rd Colin McDon- ald. Gelding, 1 year old, James Black. Filly, 1 ye r old, lst John- McMillan, 2nd. Thos year old, 1 Lynch. Milian, 2n Robinson. Entire colt, 1 t John Stewart, 2nd Mat -thew raught team, lst John Me - Jas. Broadfoot, sr. al AGRICU HORSES.— layson, 2n Robertson 2nd. 5; Mc Gelding, 3 there was a splenild 'display.. The la- 2nd Joh dies' department fell considerably short old, Alex. of former years, but even this depart- lst Wm. ment contained many beautiful and. or- 3rd John namental as well as useful articles. A lst Thos. . . URAL OR G-ENERAL PURPOSE rood mare, lst -Wm. Fin - Alex. McEwen, 3rd. Thos. Foal, lst Wm. Finlayson, ougald. 3rd Wm. Cumming. yearsold, lst D. McEwen, McDonald. Filly, 3 years Watt. Gelding, 2 years old, hapmau, 2nd. Bryan Cleary, lalillan. Filly, 2 years old, obinson, 2nd John Fowler, case of tastefully arranged millinery 3rd Alex. Smith. Filly, 1 year old, lst shown by Messrs. Duncan & Duncan Wm. Finl yson, 2nd. George Watt, 3rd attracted. deserved. , attention. In fine A. Archib ltl. E tire colt, 1 year old, arts there was a Very good. display, bet- lst F. M -1-vven, nd Wm. McMurdie. ter than at Many previous shows. In Team, is T. Dick en, 2nd Robt. Char - the dairy department there was a no ters. ticeable fallinle off, but the quality of CABRIA •E ROBS S.—Brood mare. lst n Geo. rAV tely, aid. James McMulkin, e 3rd. Thos ,Robinsdn. Foal, lst James was espeentll - Mcalulki , 2nd Thos. Robinson, 3rd ject of remarlt by dealers generalljr., Hugh ceartneya Gelding, 2 years that there has seldom or ever been . o• old, John D. Henderson. Filly 2 years much inferior butter made as has been old, Joli1u D. Hen erson. Filly, 1 year ;made this year. Why this is the case ,old, lst . Hill, 2i.d R. Brock. Entire we can not say, but it is the general colt, Sa mel Smillie. Pair carriage testimony of all who handle the article horses, 1. t John White, 2nd aoserl that it is unfortunately so. The rauSis Abell, 3r Adam Angus. Single driv- er mare S. M. Elliott. Single 1111 IP A. Campbell. Fanning mill, McTlid- gart & Co. Single reaper, lst Geo Stewart, 2nd Thompson & Single mower, lst, George, Stewart, 2 be s.• Ld Harris, Son & Co. GraM seed dr 11, A. M. Campbell. Pump, James Fer- guson. both the bu, was fully up ter and cheese - show o the mark. This feattu noticeable, as it is a su GRAIN AND SEEDS.—TWO bushels fall wheat, lst Jas. Dickson, 2d James Car- nochan, 3a K. McKenzie: Two bush- els fife wheat, lst Samuel Dickson, 2d. John Hunter; 3d Samuel Lands - borough. ;Two bushels any other va- riety, lst A. llicEwen, 2d. Robt. Goven- lock, 3a Alex. Ramsay. Two bushels two -rowed. ibarley, lst D. Ferguson, 2d J. C. Steele. Two bushels six -rowed. barley, Ja,mes Dickson. Two bushels large oats, lst James Dickson, 2t1. R. Brock. Two bushels common oats, 1st D. McEwen, 2d S. Carnochan, Jr. Two bushels large peas, A. McEwen. Best spring wheat, any varietl, special prize by Campbell & Stewart, agents of the, Masson Manufacturina Company. Osh- awa, sulky rake, valued. at 435, A. Mc- Ewen. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS—APPLES.— Four varieties -winter apples, five of each, named, lst James Dickson, 2d Jas. Black. Four vatieties fall apples, 5 of each, named, 1st Jas. Dickson, 2a Tames Black. Best dollectien of apples, 16' varieties and not more, 'Jas. Dickson. Plate Thf Rhode Island Greenings, C. McLEAN. BROS., Publishers. $1.50 a Year, in Advance. quilt, lst M. Robertson, 2d Joseph'irEv- a-ns, Tatting, Thos. Waddell. CrOch- et, M. Robertson, 2d Thos. Waddell, 3d Wm.McGeoch. Embroidery in Silk, velvet or satin, lst Mrs. -A. Scott, 2d G. Williamson. Embroidery in Weis - lin Mrs. Thos.McMichael. Embroidery in worsted, G. WilliarnSon. Braiding, lst D. McEwen, 2d John Stewart, 3d England en. route tor Onta Joseph Evans. Fancy knitting; lst —A new iron bridge of t Mrs. Thos. McMichael, 2d E. Forsythe, s yle " is to be built ove iver at Galt. The cost --Mr. G-eorge Tweed, d ripe raspberries in ln eek. Should Protection. get credit for t in the clia,rity fund. o the town. o fear of short weight in that rea,rket w for a month or six weeks. Pl- -There were over $20,000 taken at t e gates of the Exhibition g,rounds, T ronto, hist week. —One hundred. and. five immigrants ived at Montreal last. INfonday from tIo. e " low truss the Grand o be $4,3-70. of Lucknow, garden last 3d Mrs. Thos. McMichael. Pair w socks, lst Miss Nash, ad D. Mc Pair ,woolen stockings and mitt John T. Gibson, 2d Samuel Lan ()ugh. Pair woolen gloves, lst Canapbell, 2d. Joseph Ward. fine shirt, lst Wm. McGeech, 2 seph Evans, 3at D. McEwen. Moir flowers, Reid & Barton. Lace woilt,lst James Broadfoot,2(3.4ames SmithilBer- lin wool work,: lst James Srnit, , 2d Reid & Barton. Feather. flower, W. D. VanEgmond. Berlin Wool wOatli., lst Miss Nash, James Sproat. ;Shell work, Mrs. Wm. McGeoch. Rad car- pet, lst Miss Nash, 2a. Mrs. A. Gray. Rag mat, Airs. J.V. Crocker. Logcabin quilt, lst D. ItIcEwen, 2(1 Miss Nash, 3d John MowbraY. Knitted quilt, lst G. Williamson, 2d John T. Gibsion, olen wen. 1 lst h isbor- amid ents' Jo - at ? —A. young boy, son of . K. Career- oi Lucknow, was kick d. by a horse few days ago. He was not seriously 1 iured. —Dr. Benja-miu Workii ars assistant medical s the Toronto Lunatic A xbridge, Ont., the other —Campbell & McLe reshed for J. McCarter, race, 100 bushels of ba inutes, with the n Wis Orn. Clinton. —Last Sunday rimming the house nd. store of Mr. Lowe, Tiverton, 'with. Mrs. Jas. Scott. Babies, for Swath & ontelAs, was burned. ery little was West's special, $10-5 entries.— lst paved. The fire originated in the store. Mrs. S. Lounsbury. an, for many perintendent yluin, died at day, an last week 9th concession ley in thirty d Irishman. ' _ morning he found the door open, staple drawn, and the cash box cleaned out. Mr. Tunia says it was not known to anyone except perhaps his wife, that he wain the habit of putting money in that place, and, so far as he is aware, nobody knew he had placed any there, on the occasion -referred to. • ' —Friday afternoon, jnst after a lady had. bought two tickets for Montreal at the Great Western Railway station, - Hamilton, and was about' to take the train, she put her hand in her pocket for the tickets, and. was surprised_ to find they had disappeared, with 150 in money and soraevaluable articles. --On the show day at Lucknow, two men -were running a race on the grounds with their teams and ran over a valu- able tow belonging to Mr- WM. Ander- son, and injured. her in such a iltallUeT that she died shortly after. We under - "stand they offered to pay for the beast, but the owner very generously refused. to accept any remuneration. —The grape crop on tb.e Wellana Peninsula is now petty nearly het - i vestea. The Comer. variety seeing to have. been ajae naost roliftc, though in some places rather later than usual in ripening. , The Delaware variety has r been almost a total failure. Many of the Rogers have also failed:in some lo- calities. The average priee for grapes Ms been about four cents per polled. —The < notorious D. I. K. Rine has stepped out of his temporary "shell" and has agabeta,ken to the platlerm. While addressing an audience in To- ronto the other day he took occa.sion to eive Sir John Macdonald a certificate of character. He declared the Chieftsin e, to be " the grandest -and noblest man in the Dominion." It will now be Sir . John's turn to give D. I. IC R. a similar send off, and one will have as much weight as the other.• , —Mr. Micha,e1 Meyers, svho for the , past 46 years has occupied positions of trust in connection with the -township of Wilmot lately tendered his resignsa tion of the office of township clerk. At the last meeting of the township Coun- cil Mr. Meyer's resignation was accept-, ed and. a pension or grantbag of $1.,00$1 voted 'him in consideration of ills, long and faithful. services. The liberal actioi on. the part of the township authorities speaks -well for their eppreciation of an 1 old and faithful public servant. r —Ottawa hunbermen . report . that there is no improvement in that 'trade. The square timber is nearly all laid up at Quebec, and: sales have been made at the absurdly low rate of 1.0ti cents per foot. There is nothing doing in the . deal market. There has been. no in- crease in the price of sawn. lumber. On the whole, although the price of stock timber for the South American rearket has gone up somewhat, there will be lteimssegpotasoti.it this winter than for some , —The following are the team vsho svill play the Australian cricketers at Toronto on October Sth ana a 9th :— Messrs. Ray and Laing (Whitby), G. Hall, Port Hope; Wells, Chatham; E. ..., Logan, Fenelon Falls-, Revel F. ,D. Phillips, Ottawa • C. Shanley,-; Kings- ton ; Simmonds, Ottawa, and. 1 Powell, Hamilton - Gillean and Ilymetaa. Lon - people, provided the sso don; H. J Campbell, Trinityl Colleg-e 1. ouVoto.n that the same -can nowbe voted School; hite, St. Mary's,; Ogden, Spragge. Behan, Young, Spoule and :_So-m.e large stacks isf oats contain: Townsend, of tbe Toronto Club, and _ ' in a about 700 buslifela of grain were Adams and Lucas, of the Wanderer's Mr, John Bed, club. ich; a short time —Mr. James Gamble, of Palmerston, ' fire by sparks has apPlied to the Presbytery against the r which was at session of Knox Church in that town,on complaint that he bad been wrongfully dismissed from the office of elder, and himself and wife unlawfnlly deprived. of the rights of membership in said church. After considering the matter, the Pres- bytery decided to refer the matter to the SynodSin the measAime, counselling Mr. Gamble not to exercise himself OA au elder pending the decision of the - Synod, and. else instructing the Session. to re -instate complainant and his wife an snembers until further notice, : junons—Horses.—Thos. Bell, Wing- I —Mr. D. Campbell, of Anaberly, and. 1 ham : DonaldMcLan,ghlin, Greys third r. W. Anderson, of Lucknow, pur- r Black. Plate of 10 Roxboro Russets, , 1 hased. some valuable 'Cotswold and Dale. Plate of 10 Northern ppies, Jas. not known. R. Scott. Plate of 10 Spitze-nberes,jas. r Cattle. s-- Chas. Davis, Leadbury ; ILeicester sheep at the la e sale of stock , syth, Brassels. ney. Plate of 10 &sow Apples, John 1‘, McMillan. Plate of 10 Gravensteins, Sheep and Pigs. --James Wa Auld, James Black. Plate of 10 Fall Pip- East Wawanosh ,; David. Walkers Tuck - pins, John McMillan. Plate of 10 Por- ters, jarnes Dickson., Plate af 10 Ring of Tompkins, John McMillan. Plate of cal instrument department was repre- mg h.ors 10 Alexanders, Bob. Charters. Special Bente(' by Messrs. Scott 13rothers, and. buggy Ilene lst Jain White, end prize by S. G.McCaughey, fortvvo dozen sewing machines by M. James Wateon. Rat. Habkia. fall apples, Alex. Ramsay. Messrs. Broadfoot & Box bad_ on exhi- Dunn* OareaE.-00-aa, mama have Pessis.—Two varieties Whiter Pears, bition an assortment of very handsome calved si ce last show; lst H. Snell, lst John Walker, 2d J. G. Wilson. Two bedroom and parlor furniture, which end H. Snell, 3rd James Dickson. varieties Fall ears, s . Dickson, , would have done credit to the Pro- 'Heifer, 2 years old, lst James Dickson, 2d John G. Wilson. Plate Flemish toles.—E. Cas , . . , e vincial Exhibition. On the whole; the 2nd Ed in Cresswell. Heifer, 1 year Beauty, R. Govenlock. Plate of ileum, chan, Seaforth. ' show inside -svas very fair, and was as old, H. Snell. Heifer calflst H. Clairgeon, Wm. Carnochan. Plate a Horticultural.—John Moselye Goder- aeon as could be expected, considering Snell, 21 d. Jas.Dicksoin3rd James Dick-, Grey Doyenne, R. Govenlock. ich ; H. Wallace, Londesboro ;1 H. H. Cause unknown. _ R bt S ders Exeter • Alex!, For- at the Model Farm at G elph. —Mr. George boss, hatham, got first prize (515) and a diplomas for the ersmith ; John Cowan, McKillop It is the same pattern as the one he g Poultry.—Wm. Arbuckle, Hayl; Jas.' the silver medal for at re Centennial. Keane, Clinton. Black. Plate of 10 Baldwins, H. Ches- • plow he exhibited at Tor nto last wee ?, ---Of the 47 cases egg] st refreshment Implements.—H. llicQuarrie,31yth ; :booth keepers at the Exhibition in To - Wins McKenzie, Mitchell; W. : . Wil- I rout° for selling liquor contrary to law, son, Brussels. '': ten resulted in the infliction of fines of Grain.—James Pringle, Robt. Gra- I $20 and costs or 15 daysiin jail, 15 were Dairy Products, Roots and Ivegeta- ..—The barn and out -buildings be - R S Ctsrno- - longing to E. Ryan, a farmer in Bid- dulph, were totally el:armed by fire with all their contents en Wednesday evening of last week. hey are sup- posed to have been struckby lightning. —Two ladies Who were wishing good- bye to a hiend leaving du the steamer ham, Seaforth; Wm. Lawrie, Hallett: withdrawn, and 22 were postponed. , l'he depressed tin -res which seero to un- son. B 11 calf, 1st H. Snell, 2nd A. GRAPES, &O.—Plate of Delaware,Robt. Snaith, Goderich. favorably affect agricultural exhibitions Elcoat, • rd. Jas. Dickson. Herd, con- , Govenlock. Plate of Hartford Prolific, Manufactures.—Robt. Brett4 ja.naes as well as trade and commerce. - sisting On Friday; the' principal day of the Snell, 21 slapw, there was a large attendance of Ghent visitors; and as the weather could not calved i have been more pleasant, being neither 2nd Jas too hot nor too cold, all seemed to en- • Heifer, joy themselves_ to the fullest extent. Riversi lAny d.eficiency in the show inside was CarilOg fully made up by the excellence of that Broadfo in the field In implements there was , E. Ross a very fair display, Messrs. O. C. Will- • 2nd S. ty last SO -11 Campbell & Stewazt, John Nopper, • Steer, 2 year§ old, lst John McLean, let aco c . W. 'R. Wilson, and Kerr Brothers being end. Jo n McLean, 3rd Wm. Chapmen. YEGETAELES.—ilalf bushel early rose Friday, and. the atmosphere was pousE AND Lor FOR SALE.—Fot Sale, a frame. dwelling', house and ono -fifth acre of land. The property ris situated Opposite the resis4 hose of S. G. McCaUghey, Esq., and is very pleas- antly located. The house is convenient and cola- ! fortable. A good well and celltia. The lot is a eonser lot, and has in it a few choice bearing fruit trees. This property will be sold eheap. eeply , the proprietor, JOHN ATKINSON- 560 . . 14- FOR SALE.—Southlutli Lot 29, Con. 8; x Morris; 100 acres, 85 acres cleared end in the vety best of eultivation a is well fenced and water- -ed. There are two femme houses and a traria° barn, all nearly new, and two good bearing orch- ards. The above farm.. is only ball a mile off a graxel. road fund two-and-a-lialf miles north of • Brussels. For terms apply to 0. R. COOPER, Brussels P. 0„ or to ALEX: INGRAM, ou the prentises. FARM FOR iilLE.--That well-known and fine- ly situated:farm,: Lot 1, Con. 1, Hallett, in -the County of Huron, containing 100, mires, 90 of which are cleared ; there are two frame dwelling boaaes, barra horse stable, cow stable, sheep -house and drivinghouse ; also orchard and abundance of water. The foam is situated two miles from the !Own of Seaforth, on the Huron Road. For full particulars apply to MeCAL7GHEY & HOLM& BTU, Seaforth, or to SIMON YOUNG, proprie- tor, on the premises. 553-h _ Fe R- . SALE.—For Sole, that most desir- • able ftuan, bane: Lot 1, Con: 6, in the town- ship of Hullett, sitruited miles from Einburn, and 6 miles from Seaforth. There are excellent buildings an the premiseti, including a first-class stone house, two storey, 30 by 40 feet: A spring creek runs through the farm; good orchard, good. toilets, and the land in au excellent state of cal- tiVation. Apply on the premises to lAMES Ma- IfoIrtiCIFIAEL, ur to MR. JAMES H. BENSON, SO1.- 562, 'L11 BLL Fkitil..1 FOR SALEa-For Sale, Lot 11, Cora 8, II. R. S., Thekersmith, con- : , taming 100 acres, 90 of which aro cleared and in a good state of cultiaation,being well underdrain; - ad, the balance is geed hardwood bosh. 6-00a woe house, frame barn and stables; well watered, ao.t1 good bearing orchard, Is situated about 5 lades from Seaforth and Brucefield, and 31 from Concord, McMulkin, Seaforth ; Thomai3 Bell, d. Jas. Dickson. john Walker. Plate of Roeers No 19 Wingham. 0 • /Moravian, Quebec, for England, the CaTTLE.—dow, must have John Walker. Plate of Roaers No. 4, 0 Ladies' Department. —Mrs. John ' -other morning, were almost carried out 1878, lst Se Carnochan jr., John Walker. Plate of any other va- Warwick, Hullett ; Mrs. J. Williams, 1 to sea, being unaware of their position Broad/0ot, 3rd Sas. Broadfoot. rtety, John Walker. Plate of Crabs, Goderich ; Miss McIntosh, Erneefield. until after the gangwa,ys had been re - years old, lst John McLean., any variety, D. McEwen. Plate of Fine Arts.—F. Holmested, I)r. Ver- moved. am, Heifer, 1 year old, lit Jas. tion of Canned fruits, L.Mabee. Home- Babies.—John Currie, Seaforthe Jas. I Brewers' Association aatais held. last Fri- -The annual meeting of the Canada e ; -2nd S. Carnochan, id S. peaches, D. D. Wilson. Best mike- 'cm - t, 2nd John McLean, 3rd Mrs. made wine, 1st Joseph Bulger, 2d Thos. McEwing and E. Walker, Tuck4rsmith. •• day at the Walker House, Toronto, , f females and a, bull, 1st H. 1 John McDonald. Plate 0 Heifer calf, lst Jas. Dickson, Waddell. Honey in Comb, 1st Jolan Lu- r when officers were elected for the Carnochan, ' 3rd Geo. Sproat. fin, 2d .A_. Tyerman. Strained Ilenp.y, . Canada. t 1 ensuing year, and. business of a private A T an Snow fell M Ottawa coati 1 nature concluded. The press were ex - 1 eluded: = —Last Saturday an .eight-year-old 1 child in Torontce had a wonderful nar- row escape from.: drow •ng. It fell into kson. Fat cow or heifer, lst than She above, James Landsborough. at the Grand Triink station, Mentreal. I a well 42 feet deep an on coming to cLean, 2nd Jas. Broadfoot, 3r(3. Four heads winter cabbage, lst Rich- —Prof. Johnston, of Edinburgh, I the surface,clung to the wall,which was °Lean. Working oxen, 13b John ard Stafford, -2d Alex. Robertson i Six Scotland, is aoing into the meat canning I fortunately rather roue , and held on , On Thompson Morrison. blood beets, lst Allan Hobson, 2d Thos. business in ilontreal. He has I taken a, 1 • • until a neighbor:came ti3r the rescue. . 11 lst Ja Mc- laree factory for that purpose. . 1 —The town solicitor pf Peterborough 1 has been requested to i I at the expense of the p ! peal the Dunkin by -la ; ofhaving the same vot • the principal exhibitors. - In • this de- ! Steer, 1 , year old, lst John McLeada, potatoes, R. Brock; Half bushel Peer- tremely cool for some days. pertinent was showe -a very ingenious and..W . Chapman, 3rd John Mehean. less potatoes, James Landsborougla. --eLast Friday night a gentletnan was and practical machin e for remoying Fat ox stumps and laage stones. It is eimple, Jas. Di very powerful, and easily worked, and john attracted considerable attention. Tho' John chilled plows shown by Messrs. 0.. C. Hanna Wilson and John Nopper, being new . Lem and novel, also attracted considerable Jas. P attention fromethe Many • farmers pre- Robt. sent. In .carriages and buggies there H. Sne was_ only- a small display. The Messrs. Dale, -Pillnaan, of this town, were missed this A. K. year. Mr. John Williams, of Constance, of ewe had. .a neat open buggy, and Messrs. lst H. Rumball sti Leslie, of Clinton, . a hand- 1 John i. some covered. phaeton. In horses there Penha was a splendid show, especially in the McIve larger breeds and in young horsies. The Penha -money and enterprise expended in im- hale. porting sires is now showing good re- COT. Sults. -Young heavy draught horses • Dickso there 'Nyasa, large- and splendid show, ling ra as there was also in general purpose. 3rd. ,There -were also . number of very I raised handsome carriage dolts, most of which John showed unmistakeable Signs of high.; ewes, breeding. The attention. of horse! 3rd H.' breeders has not been directed to this Snell, class a moMent too soot', as this ; ANY of the, country is almost depopulated of —Age good . driving and serviceable road and Hugh carriage horses. We have now, how- John ever, a. inmaber of excellent sires, mid Cam.p the result is already becoming evident enloc in the young stock. There *ere not Chart, • . . tatoes th • Used of $100 and a lady of her watch STER SIIEEP.—Aged ram, lst 1 • ns a ishale, 2nd John! McIver, 3rd Intosh, 2d John Mcbowe'll. Six globe —John Stewart, barrister, Ottawa, harters. Shearling ram, lst ma,ngolds, lst Wm. Payne, 2d Robb. who was killed -in Hull on the ,26th ult. ; 2nd A. K. Anderson, 3rd John Charters. Six Swede turnips, istRobt. by being thrown off bride, was a Zara lamb, lst H. Snell, 2nd Charters, 21 James Scott. t Six ; early brother-in-law Of the late Sir Allan M�- nderson, 3rd Jas. Penhale. Pair horincarrots, lst Robt. Charters, 2d Nab. , having raised lambs in 1878, Ferguson. Six long orange or redi car- —Counterfeit $5 bills of thesBank of 'nell, 2nd. Thos. Sha,pton, 3rd rots, 1st R. Brock, 2d. ja.s. Lands- Commerce are in circulation. The site • • t 1 t Jas n.ature E 1J. Smith, looks asif it bad aver. Pair shearlines lst Jas. borough . Six e , uiw, 2nd Jas. Penhale, 3rd John Dickson, 2d Robt. Charters, 3'd James : been put on -with a rubber stairip, being b 1 r, , . Pair ewe lambs, lst 1Jas, Carnochan. Twelve ears Indian corn, , thick and heavy: . burned on the farm of , 2nd H. Snell, 3rd Jas. Pen- lst John Walker, 2d Alex. Yuill. ,I . —A woman named Matilda i Grafton, 'ford, township of Har VOLES. -- Aged ram, 1st Jas. nochan, 2d Alex: Robinson. Three ! play is suspected. She and !her bus from the steam thresh _ They were set o Three water melons, lst Samuel Car- ! has disappeared. from London. Foul ago• ; 2nd. W. S. Mundell. Slams:- musk melous, James Landsborough. i band. had a quarrel one evening, sinci work. The barns -Were saved after , n, 1st. H. Snell, 2nd H. Snell Four beads cauliflowers, lst Alex. Rob- I which time she has not been geen. great exertion. , 1 . Snell. Pair of ewes, b.aving inson, 2 Hobson, Peck of red I —Dr. Dillenbaugh, of Buffalo, aye A g antess, who bids fair to ontrival lt — i anabs in 1878, 1st H. Snell, end onions, Allan Ilobsou. Peck of white : known throughout Ontario, tss agai Mrs Capt. Bates, was placed in the ale, 3rd John Dale. Shearling or yellow onions, Allan Hobson, Peck 1 been fined for practishie as a shysicia repare a by-law titioners, to re- v with the view d upon by the icitor be of the st H. Snell,'2nd Thos. Shapton, of tomatoes, 1st John Walker, 2(1 Alex. without thd legal qualification; A Lon Snell, Pair ewe lambs, 1st II. o . . Th citrons 1st john ' don police magistrate imposing the fiu Deaf end Dumb Institetion at Belleville a few days ago, she being a deaf mnte. She is 13 years of age, is six feeti in height and weighs 300 lbs. 16 13 also OTIIER BREED TIIAN TIM ABOVE. Dips, lst A. Hobson, 2d jacob McGee.. —Brown, the ;telegraph operator at stated that she has twelve toes and the Chesney. •Shearling ram, lst ter, sufficiently salted for table use, lst - neglige-nce the late accident 41.1 the G same number of fingeria. —Wahlstroin, the Swede, champion rain, 1st John Stewart, 2nd DAMN: PRoDuCE. —Five pounds but r Point Edward-, through whew alleged, ufin, 2nd not known, 3rd D. Robt. Charters, 2(1 John McDowell, 3d ! T. R. tbok place, has been bund over ! of the world, and James' Bennett, of ell. Ram lamb, lst Robt. Gov- Wm.. Chesney, Jr. Ten pounds fresh r to appear at the next assizes, to be held , Toronto, played a ina4b. at 15 -ball pool , 2nd Thos. Chapton, 3rd Reba butter, lst Robe Charters, ad Wm. 1 in Sarnia on the 9th of October. ; for one hundred donate a side, best in Irs. Pair of ew-es, having raised. . Chesney Jr., 3d D. McEweu. IFirkin —The number of patients in the To- ! forty-one games. Bennett won by two both in the heavy drapght and; (fellers" , Robt. Govealock, 3rd John eatcheson. Brown, 2d Joseph Bulger, 3d , aanuel r increase. During the mont o e at 1 for his opponent in easth game. Another , games, the Swede, sheeting four balls team horses, but those shown, 1 lambs, in 1878, lst Jas. Dickson, end butter, to contain 50 pounds, 1 •t J. S. i rontp General Hospital is rapidly on the the carriaae class there wa,s an un- Robt. Charters, 3e1 D. alcE wen. Pair burn, Cheese Factory Company, 2,(1 Sea- : 09 relieved or oured, During Seem- match is to take placer —Last Saturday as 'No. 5 express was pmpose classes, were very goebd. In , Pair s learling ewes, 1st John Dale, end Smith. Factory made cheese, let KM- : there were 110 patients adulated and 1 many in s, f, John L fi. , 2 a II - forth Cheese Factory Compitny 3d G. ' ber there were 101 arlmittee dna 30 dis- nearing St. Catherines, a, woman named ey• Pair „fat ewes, lst David R. McTaggart. Private-niade cheese, charged. Logan and her daughter attempted. to ell, 2nd D. McEwen, 3rd II. it Jas. McMichael, 2d Mrs. Thomas . —One of the earliest pioneers of Mid- , cross the tressle work over the Twelve Pair fat wethers, D. McEwen: McMichael, 3d Robt. McMichael. I dlesex, Mr. John McDonald, bf London s Mile Creek, on the Grleat Western Rail - 1 prize by J. S. Porter, for long , .M.NNCFACTUBES%—Woven home-made ; township, died suddenly last Week aged : way, ahead of a train.; The -woman was 1 sheep, a bedstead Valued at .$3, I quilt, lst John Stewart, 2d Mrs. Robt. 86 years. He came to London. struck by the cow cateher and hurled to h • Charters. Ten yards domestic cloth; the wore only th log shaa les s• the botom of the ravine -40 feet—and sustained. injuries that will likely prove " e made i and has lived in that neighborhood ever D. Mc- since. He was Very much respected. ; fatal. The girl, in some wonderful naane ey, D. —A man named Theophollis Earl, of ner escaped. t, Geo. : Stier, formerly a resident 1 Torouto, —Daniel L. RONVat, of Detroit, was Miss fell down on Saturday M th street in attacked on e coal osek in Windsor, . el liana Toronto, cutting his face -redly and early on Saturday maiming, and robbed - to throw him into Aicemen appeared. sting one of them. 'ea 11. Snell. Hannah, 2d. Mts. Schotides. Six pars- ; of 435 and costs. usually uaeagre show. This eficiency • ewe 1 I was most marked in .connee iou with ; Ches the single buggy and driving horses. 1 Came While in former years the ring used to •, Snell.; be well filled with these 'animals, this ; Speci' year Mier was only- one entry in one : woole class and.two.in the Other, and none of ' Jas. e , . the animals shown were fit for a shoW ; Pies, Lsnint or. Menicst.—Aged boar, - lst John T. Gibson. Pair ho ring. , The show of cattle was unusual- Alex., Yuill. blankets; lst Hugh Chesney, 2a ly largo and good. This we take as an Sr *Foxe:al—Aged boar, M. Charles- Ewen. Ten yards lessey-woo evidence that - C'attle, which bave been wortl . Boar, littered " M 1878, ;T. ' Il. illeEwen. Ten yards of satin Rime scraea. (40er ey, and all other COM . too 103)" 1 ecrketed. by our farmers, are . Peri Sow; littered in 1878, ja II. T McKay. Woolen aun 1 , . a , . elm's. For further j‘articulars apply to DAVID — t") . ‘ '11 now recei. ma more attention. This is Peril - • Nash ,2(1. Jolm McDonall. Cur: 117 . aa it shot ld be, for there i* little -doubt ; The zesnutere—Aged boar, . Iat nut John Beattie. Assortment of marble . 1 , • of $10 by two men. rit'hey had filled hie that now a ready market has beeu found • know , 2nd John Workman, 3rd R. J. work,' L. Messett. Sewing i achine, and beaten him - M Engle id. for our surplus stock, eat- • Tmae a Boar, littered in 1b78, S - oua- 1.t Singer Compauy, 2d Wheeler (a tle raising and feeding will soon be the ' than iCarter, 2nd E. J. Turner, 3rd Wilson. Organ, Scott Brothtta. het Fiesforth. The laud ia of the choiceat totalit1.. lutist profitable department Ot farm in- Jannis' 'Wens Agea sow. must have lit- of parlor furniture, Broadfoot :/t BoX. ThOre iti 11.11,111dSOIne regitlellee and good °cabana- dustry. The splendid • theroughbred teredia 1878, one or more of her pigs to get . bedroom furniture, Broadfoot. & - farm is situated witldn one nnle and a (111111 El ( - a , lierde .of Messrs. H. Snell and James be s ' wn with lier, 1st Jonathan Car- Box. Panel door, J. II. Broadroot. Dickson were much admired, while ! ter, 211(1 11. J. Turner. . Knittin ma - , James Watson 0 many smaller breeders, in point of Po errer.—Pair light Bralunas, Jobe , FINE Awes.—Water color drawing, quality, ere following them closely. 'War( . Pair Plymouth Rock, lst let Thos. Govenlock, 2d Thos Coven- Theahow in sheep was as good as we ! Davi 'have seen in the coup ty, both as regards Pair t IloORE, on the presmaea or to Lanio Ps 0, VALCARLE FARM FOlt $ALE.—For Sale the ' ' west half of •Lot 27, Con. 3, lIcKillop, con- taining 50 tteres. known its the Del& estate:- This 543 kuocking lum ; insensi ) e. rie a few hours after he died. r badly, and were abou and. succeeded in: arr picked. up' and carried to his betel,where : mouth with coal dust —A wooden bridge hes been erected ' the river when two p over the Grand lever at Lrant or , o replace the iron bridge that Was carried The ether escaped to -Detroit, but is re- - away with the flood. ComMunicatien ported to be captured there. Howard ' with West Brantford. and the Western ' is' in a -dangerous c ondition, but evil? part of the country is again restored. It Probably recover. is expected that before spring there will —Last.Saturday Chief juetice Wood ' of Manitoba. eave judgreenti in rigs- The farm is well planted with tt natueutal trees, ia in excellent 'order, and well fenced. It is admirably suited for a retired gen- tleman, a dairy -man, or market gardener. Terras e4S.Y. That property must be sold at once. Apply to A. STRONG, Seal:nab. r•ql PAUMS FOR SALE.--Isot 21, Con. 12, MaKil- lop, 50, acres, N nthern Gravel Read,a; miles 111011 6011fOrth; frame builainEts and orchard. West half Lot 29, COIL 9, MeKillop, 50 metes, 40 eNtred, frame buildings, good orchard ; •5 miles f,rom Seaforth, on gravel road. South half of Lot 24 Con. la,' MeKillop, 50 acres, 25 cleared, frame h,anir sPlendel timber. Lot 1, Con. 4, . S., laiekersmith, 100 tierea, 75 aeres cleared, orchard, fair buildinga, and spring creek running through thTeR- foe:NI-1(1: isCoftsfaniristTl.froni Seaferth- -APOY A. I.N HULLETT FOR S:aLE.—Foi;..Z.e - _ Lot 6, Con. 14, litinett, containing 158 acres, 100 of which are eleared, underdraineli, and in fasst alass order; the balance is timbered with hardwood and cedar; the soil isbf the beSt quality; there is a fine stone house with all nece&sary coia- uniences, also good. frame barns, stables and. sheds; there is a large bearing orchard and plenty' ot water; conaeuient to achools, churches and Pest °fame; there iS a good gravel road leading !tom it to all the neighborines markets ; it is with°- . 12112 miles from Seaforth, 8 from Brussels find 4 tr, ?..m -Blyth. Also a farm of I00 acres, Lot 4, Con. morris. Apply to the proprietor on the prein 1ges or to Radock 0. JOHN WATT. 562 . 1? • McNaught, 2nd D. McNaught.; lock,J. D. SellasS. Painting in oil, river 13earaea PolandS, 1St John. Iet M. lloberison, 2d M. Robeitson, 3t3. 2nd john Ward. Pair. Silver I II: M. Charlesworth. Crayou saeteli, Ch rlesworth Pencil sketch, lit and numbers. In this depart- War Pelle lled Homburgs, lat 'Mrs. Schoales, horses, there is a rapid and yery per 2nd. C. W. graham. Pair Houdans, •• lst James Hartley, 2d Miss Nash. e ceptible improvement. In swine there ; ist s ndrew Siisith, 2iid Andrew Smith. .1 FLowEus.—Six . varieties of --asters, • - not laeae shoe' but the anii ale Pair 'lack Spanish, it Robt. Goven- Alex. Robertson. Six varieties of . . were of e high character. In ' lock, 2nd 'Matthew Robertson. Pair ; Phloxes, lalex. Robertson. Six' varie- ere was ; a -splendid dis lay. Axle bury ducks, G. Williamson. Pair ties- of Verbenas, Allan Hobson. Six • artment, which has been • - • f -3 tallies John G. Wilson. long -nog ected, seems also to have t tken • an upward s ar . , 'anent, also as in Cettlea aed heavy exhi bite( fowls trl .Thtoo • • le Musrvy ducks, Stepb.en orden. 1 an N • ariC Gees' , lst not known, 2nd John. Han- Si:s. varieties of Fuschias, Allan Hob - —On Thursday, Sept. 196h, svhiletwo brothers named Frawley were working in a. field M Meaonte township, they no- ticed a thunder storm approaching, and. ran for shelter to a, Mr. Sullivan's house, -where theyseatedthernselves on abench in the kitehen. little deg lay OE. the - bench between the two men. A flash of lightning struck the woolen partition against. which they leaned, and rent in pieces the bench on which. they sat. Both men were stunned, one it was thought for some time was dead, but af- ter a while he recov-ered. The dog, which. lay between. the two men was in- stantly killed; Nearly every person in the house was more oa less affected by the lightning, —Mr. George Wrigley, of .London, Right Worthy High Chief Ranger of the Independent Order of Foresters, has 'wen arrested upon a criminal charge of ibel preferred by Dr. Orouliyatekha, another member of the same Order'. The ellegedlibel was el-Altai/led in a letter written by the accused to J. H. McDougall, of Seaforth, Right Worthy High Senior Beadle of the Order, that the Doctor should be expelled for hav- ing been arrested in London on the charge of proem:Ma au abortion on a agaMst the Provincial' young woman. The existence of t be a new iron bridge of about ee toireplace the one carried aWay. regard to the proteet of the Hudson bi —A couple of weeks ago Alfred Fields Bay ComPanY letter came to the knowledge of Dr. svas arrested in Guelph on a charge of tax of 5 cents• per acre for educational Oronliyateklia, who at one --laid laid the - • cses The Act specially defined case before his solicitors, demanding a erectiug au illicit still and assisting to distil spirits in Woolwich term- , the Compa,ny non , -residents, whereas his trial. On being brought before ship. He was taken to Berlin to stand ' residents are only taxed One cent pef acre. The judgment sustained the a.p- County Judge Millar theprisoner plead- peal on the ground t sat the tax is an ed guilty, and was sentenced to pay a, exceptional one, an therefore beyond the power of the Le 'slat -tire to impose. fine of 5500, and be unpriso e a ar . labor for six months. —Sometimes Mr. —In the Chaths.m market the other Flamboro', has put a 4 . Hannah. Collection of Annuals, Allan seizure pf " short weight" butter. Some structed wider the stair leading from • • • oh n Tunis,of 'West Best collection of roses, Allan f ke is loose money, for of clipboard con- t t -The show, on Fri- nah.1 Pair turkeys, not known. son. Six varieties Gladiolas, Allan - clay, so far as qualitt and breeding are concern d, would have done credit ta the Pro incial . or Western. In hens, especial y, 'there was a large and varied Job sh,ow of ighly bred and. apparently- well Bar cared fo fowls. As space will pot per- Mon .mit of amore leiagthy description, we plo refer owe reaelers to the following prize list for further and. fuller infertile:timer -11Eere. DR.aUGHT • ,HERaES. — Brood Iaraeeareees.--Wooden axle wagon, Davi I McNaught. Single top, buggy, , Ru ball La Leslie. Single open buggy, 1 Williams. Iron plow, Reid & n. Irea beam plow; let Malcolm , -oe, 2nd Malcolm Monroe. Chilled John alepper. Gang plow, lst: W. R.' Wilson, • 2nd Kerr Brothers. • Pair' iron barrows, D. McNaught. 1 ha rake lst 0. C. Wilson, 2nd a Hobou Sie varieties of pansies. John morning the Chief of Police made a sa e- ep Hobson. Sr -aria-es Dahlias Allan sixty " pound"- rolls were found to be the floof,of the barn to the hay loft. The d f tl lace is secured by means ls as. cusation conta.ined in his letter to Yr. Broadfoot, 3a. John McDowell. • Raised. The butter svas sold mid the proceeds the door, and retir to bed. In the slightest foundation, o son. _ Hobson. short. Of course, the a air crea , L.Anius' Wou.K.—Home-madei bread, quite a commotion anaong the fa.einers' of a hasp, staple Houston, 2d John Landsbor- wives, and there were not many bless- Monday evening a laced na pa,dlock. On r returning home, over $200 in a cash foil ana ample reisractiOn and apology from Wrigley. This the latter refused to give to the satisfaction of the aggrieved party, claiming that his letter was privileged and. not libellous in the manner charged. Accordingly Wrigley was arrested on a, craniiaal warrant, and gave bail for his appearance. A later report says:The criminal charge of libel preferred by Dr. Orenhyatekha against George Wrigley has been with- drawn open the latter's tendering an apology in Court, withdrawing the se- ough; 3d. Wm.McGeoch. Patched quilt, ings for the Chief as he rat ess y . 'McDougall, a Seaforth, and hand made, made, 1st D. McEwen, 241 James seized every roll • that wes "short." box far back M thiS receptacle, locked leaging it to have been without the "1? t, sa- le 444; :141 Te -44 ;1* -4,1