HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-09-20, Page 7BER 20-, 1878 TIT of Lumber xtiWaya sawn into tdzea suitable fee md. ditching purposes Bus - Ash, Cherry Pine. &e'., sawn for the different purposesfoe imonly used. at on Short Notice. r MOVABLE FENCE. E—Only requires a. Trial to Oriority. It is made offt reek stakes, and soft Qui &Pars; tit esek joining. The- Fenee half feet high. This Fence the remainder of the month .:NTS PER. lieg-nlar Pelee, viz.: 7Q coots. 4 will be charg.ed. qd Flouring Mill Flouring attended to prompt- perior article warranted front mant work can be relied upon. ere beet of wheat is ainneffnetn re of none- ne etialieet. all the Latest Improvements. the work is superintended by ELIENCED MILLER. 13 Flonr will always, give sat - ETA!. ST ORE. ted Stock of Dry Goods, Gro- , and !-hes, Readymade Cloth- rs, &e., on hand, and offered at qCWZNLOCK Winthrop Steam:Mills. T CLEARING SALE OF R GOODS OW GOING ON 1=1\7117S - STOCKS NOWHERE,. re, Time Worn, Moth— :ten Rubbish at Denes, r'oods, and T THE PRICES -Printe 8 cents, and:Hoyle's Prints, 10 5 cents per ya.rd. we are almost giving away Costumes, $1 75. VHOLE STOCK GOING r SUCH PRICES. Object to you to get heap Goods, ENT' FOR THEM, eund to Make a Clearance. AND UNDERTAKING_ FOOT & BOX, AFORTH1 rtd at their Warerooms, Varkt, as handsome a [Furniture of every Des s can be found in. Ca27) stablishment in Huron, ich they are prepared ta lectured under their own super- - can guarantee it as to quality. LE MADE TO ORDER. EIEN D ESI RED . KI NG. red a handsome Heare, they are attend to nndertaking in all its • rut -let -reasonable term. wth their tut lerteking business EPTIC the body and destroys all offen- vets contagion, arising froni e'eepeet /WI!! Solicitee 7. B ROA D FOOT & RO X SEAF(JRTII E AND LAND AGENCY. NZO STRONG ,everiti FirtClass Stock, Fire UraLett COILIVitliCS, arid is prepr :n FA VORA I; LE TERMS. - several of tlhe best Loan Socie- r the eele auS, purhs,se of Farm rty. ) / OF FST -CLASS 131- ) FARMS FOR SALE. 0 Loan at S Per Cent. Interet. White Star Line of Steamers. r M. Morrion's Stor, Main -St r • SEPTEMBER 20, 187S. THE }FUR° 11POSITOR. 7 • loulactor Lewis in a Dilem- A Family of Nine Trav-- ering on three Tickets. Conductor Lewis, of the Tilsonburg breach railway is a most genial and af- foie official to the ordinary class of mongers, but if a dead beat attempts to come any game over him his visage assuraes the expression of. Bismarck wheu looking his sternest. We make teee comments in consequence of being eye -witness to a naost ludicrous scene last Monday. The train left for Bur - &c., at 5 p. m. The coach was fairly filled,but one end seemed unusually eroded. Lewis entered., and. in a eery dignified manner, said "tickets." ne snap of the punch was heard as he toed from seat to seat until the crowd. At the end. was reached and. then there was &pause. As Mr. L. stood in awaiting titude, he took in at a glance the self- vident factj that he was in the pres- nce of a fainily like that of the martyr mei Rogers, who were nine small oliildren and one at the "breast." The bead of the household, a seedy half -pro- fessional looking individual, arose and. handed out three tickets. These were acceptd. but Lewis looked as unsatis- fia as though he had. received nothing. Then the " discussion " began. We Jove heard of the Irishman who was surprised at the quality of froth ccratng from one bottle of ale, but his was noth- ing to the incredulity on Lewis' "phi," as that father tried to convince h m that only two were above five years of age. The seven olive branches were counted and. their ages estimated, and r. L. looked under the seat to see if more were hidden there. All this time the mother put in her "oar" to back the husband's assertion. For our part our sympathies were excited for the head of the family, but Mr, Lewis be- gan to get a little pale and a trifle stern- er, and finally as a last resort, the lit- tle,naother was appealedto, and with many a shake of theheael andwomaialy threat, ehe attenuated pocket book was brought forth and. the few quarters it =tinned handed over In making change the balance was handed back to the male party, and theu another •sitimiish began as to the possession of the change. How it all ended. we do not know, only that the G. W. R. did not stiffer loss, although the parties lost their temper. We advise that family the next time they travel, nine in nura- ber, -with bird. cages, band boxes and bundles, to get a larger supply of tick- ets. A Tencler Young Traveller. ON BOARD TRIN, RITEIt DU Lour, August 13.—The passengers by tlie through Intercolonial train from St. ohn, N. B., to Mthatreal, which arrived. at Bona,venture Station one morning lately, were very much interested in a little girl about seven years of age, who was travelling alone, friends having placed. her ou board. the t John onTuesday night, and. the tender mercies of pa,ssen • The little girl teVieted uneasily in her chair for a moment, and therCburst out with the question: "What makes horse' bones ?" "I don't know," said the auntie, in a despairing tone. • "I think they're made out of skin,". said the little girl, with an air of con- viction. Yes, they're made ont of skin an' hair an' wool an' rubber; that's what horses' hones is made out "Yes, dear," said the shameless wo- man. "If my pa gets that bone taken oh of his leg he'll give ine 'is watch. Would you have a bone taken out of your leg, auntie ?" "You ridiculous child., of not." Why not r "01', keep still!" The.yeeeng woman then got up and over the rail into the water. The *kit. uttered a shriek, and the li.mte21. against his will, rescued he young isy. " Thanlarm, sir," said the aunt. " What for ?" asked the terrible fant. • "For nothing," said. the rescuer. "Auntie, did Ton ever see a little dicky bird flirt up its tail an' sing ?" "Yes, dear." • ram at St. eft her to Cr&s. She was very neatly dressed, tjnd had. a white pasteboard card. tightly sown on the left shoulder of her jacket, upon which was written in a neat, lady- like hand the following: "Nellie Carr —Please forward to Dtroit, thence to Lawton by Michigan Central Railway." Carefully pinned in her pocket she car- ried an envelope inclosing a halt -fare ticket," St. John to Detroit." A bas- ket (nearly as large as hergelf) contain- illg an ample supply of cookies, dough- nuts, buns, &c., and a "little dollie," which she very tenderly nursed., com- pleted her outfit. She told your cor- respondent quite confidentially that She had money enough in the toe of her boot to pay her fare from Detroit to Lawton. She added,however, that her, auntie had. strictly cautioned her against telling any one that she had. any money, s there were a lot of bad. men travel- ling who would take it away from her. Her father is to meet .her at Lawton, where she will arrive (if she makes her nunaerous connections all right) next Friday night. All who saw her at the ear, wished ." little Nellie" a comfort- • able trip and a safe and speedy arrival at th.eend of her long and. tedious trip of 1,700 miles. course in - A.. 0-. AarlIT SEAFORTH, is now receiving .a large stock of all kinds of goods, wbih have been bought very cheap, and. will give good bargains to all who may favl. favor him with a cal He fells confident tliat there is no other house West of Tronto, that can sell I better, or cheaper groceries. A. Cr. Ault, now extends a cordial invitation to all to call and exam purchasing elsewh prices of fresh te " Where ?" "1 meant no, dear." (Desperately.) "Did you see that colored lady, aun- tie? She had on la fearful pretty hat,. ever so much prettier than yours—I want to- go home." " You musn't go home; your mam- ma is sick, and you must go with "What makes mamma siek?" " Never mind, she'll -be well again in a week or two. " But I want to know what makes her sick ?" " Never mind, dear." why But just then the boat swung up to her pier at Stapleton, and the inquisi- tive young lady and her submissive aunt disembarked. ne his stock before re. All kinds and • , sugars, rice, cod fish, pork, flour, ran, shorts, oat meal, porn, meal, pot bailey, currants, raisins, yrups, best branjs of soaps, pure coal oil, also the celelirated English Excel- sior horse and elle food. Call early and buy often.. A. G. A Lrven Is KING.—The Liver is the imperial organ of the whole human sys- tem, as it controls the life, health and happiness of man. Whenit is disturbed, inits proper action, all kinds of ailments are the natural result. The digestion of food:, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and ner- vous -system, are all immediately con- nected with the workings of the Liver. It has beeu successfully proved. that Green's August Flower is unequalledin curing all persons afflicted with Dys- pepsia or Liver complaint, and all the numerous symptoms that result from an unhealthy condition of the Liver and Stomach. Sample bottles tatry, 10 cents. Positively sold. in all towns on the Western Continent. Three doses will prove that it is just what you want. Errs's Coco.—Grateful and comfort- ing.—" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition, anel\by a careful a,pplication of the -free proper- -ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided. our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored. beverage, which may save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicioususe of such articles of diet that a constitetion may be grad- ually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disase. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating around. us ready- to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified -with pure _blood, and. a properly nourished frame."--Civit Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only inpackets label- led—" James Epps & Co. Iromceopatli- ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and. 170, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 , . One Female who could. Throw a Stone. The writer one knew a family in which there were six bouncing girls without a break. 1 Being very poor, the father had takenthe eldest to aesist him in out of door work. To this she seemed to take naturally,and eventually became an adept in mowing, reaping, tree -felling, and . even snow.shoeing— one of the most difficult to azqiiire corn - and of. Although fully equal to the tl . ys of her age in doing the above lark, there was only one thing in -which she showed a. decided superiority, and that was in stone throwing. The pre- cision aud velocity with Which she Could hurl one of; those missiles was to me who was a year or two her junior, a source of never-ending wonder and ad- miration, As a proof of her skill, she brought home three partridges (ruffled grouse) killed in one day with stones.— rreinia City (Nee.) EnterPrie. LT, SEAFORTH. A3D131:2•S S To the Free an Independent Elec- tors of the C unty of Huron. GENTLEMEN-7AB the question of Free Trade end Protection is jast now the all absorbing topic of discussion, t,roay not be out of place for tie to say a few w6rds to yon as to what we withont Protection. We od a Single Buggy, Family r Double Carriage as any can do either with o can furnish you as g Phaeton, Democrat Local\Notices. Tss Sugars and Coffees, extra vahre r.., -,w & FustEV, Seaforth. - 561 • •Gine WerrEnee--Wanted immediately a good servant girl. kiply at the ‘! Expositor " Office, Saforth. 657 JUST AIM -MED a lot of first-class Tim- - othy seed and orehaxd grass, for fall sbwing at LAIDLKW & FAIRLEVS, Seaforth. 561 A. LIMITED quantity of the celebrated Victor and Seneca Wheat, for seed, to be had at LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY'S, Seafoith. 561 THE SEED STORE.—DLACh Bulbs and other winter flowering roots. Will have • shortly on hand a large and .varied collection of Choice • Selected Bulbs, at R. LooAN 6'; Co.'s, Sign of the Mammoth Turnip. 561. VICTOR WEI-EA:P.—Having only a lim- ited quantity of this valuable fall wheat, we would advise farmers wishing to procure seed to call early and secure it. We guarantee it good and pure It. LOGAN & CO.; Sign of . the Mammoth Turnip, Seaforth. 7561 THE CHEAPEST place to buy yo -HT fruit jars is at WiLsoN & Youo's. Prices for the best jem jars, with solid ringsTS for half gallon $1.75 and for quart 81.25 per dozen. Crockery and glass- ware Cheaper than any other house in Town, and the best selection of goods to be found in any house in Western Canada. 552 • AGENTS WANTED, in every Town and Townehip in the counties of Huron, Bruce, Perth, Oxford, Waterloo'and Michilese, to sell and ad- just to windows Muun's Patent Sash Regulator, Can be applied to any.window,- ancl is preferable, to weights at half the ‘cost. 'Good references must accompany allapplications. JAS. A. CLINn & Co:, Seaforth- 562 WILSON ct YOUNG have the largest and best selected stock of fresh family groceries in town, and are determined not to be undersold by any house in the trade, having boght alarge stock of sugar before theadynuce th(iy tire in a position to give their numerous customers an advantage in price that other houses cannot. Their stock of new tea, l' atobaccos fruits, soaps,. flour and feed, hams, be on, &c., &c., - is first class .and will be sold at prices to Suit the times. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. The highest pi -ice • paid for good butter and eggs. 552 other shop in Caned for cash or on shor time. Oar establishment 1, and for as lean a price, needs n§ Protection and the facilities we good and cheap is ha e, and which, ha good buainess in a our show room mRs. 0. K. DUNL Musie IU open on should give in their the opening of the cla Ing Instruments can OP'S Fall Term in Rept. 16th. Pupils names previous to . Those not hav- be accommodated with use of Plano or Organ at very mod- erate rates. Seafortb, Sept. 7, 187. -561 GANG PLOilS. GANG FLOWS. GAG PLOWS. The quality of onr work enjoy for doing that work he best Proteation we can enabled us to build up a ew years. We have now in number of very handsome • vehicles of all kindii made from the best ma- , terialand by the, will warrant as re invited to call aa a number of seeond The Confou_ned Five -Year -Old A. pretty little girl, about five years cd, with one of those sugar -loaf hats modeled no doubt after Fra Diavolo's in the play no doubt, came on board the Staten Island ferry boat Westfield last evening. In her train was .a weary - looking middle-aged lady, whom she treated with condescention and called Auutie." After the young lady had found a comfortable seat in the bow of the boat, she allowed her aunt to take a camp steel near by. When the boat started, she began s, systeMatic method et torture, to which the middle-aged 41y submitted. With wonderful resigna- tion. iIthe btera, \a.mtie ?" she asked, (llYe tsthatins, gatoear li" said the wearylooking ade, ' 1:12d1.thareilg riaih.,ynake all that water ?" 0, a ,;atekNrIlas:e didn't the rain make all that Oh, the rain wouldn't affect it !yu Why wouldn't the rain 'feet it ?" Oh, you can't understand that taas Why can't I unelerstand it?" , "Never mind; do keep still, that's a "ar ; auntie's head aches. tie"What make your head " The heat, I suppose." "What makes the heat ?" The sun, of course, dear." Wht is the sun ?" sYna know what the sun is 91:1-gh ; I shan't answer that." ache, ann- TEESWA et workman, and which we resented. All are cordially Aspect them. We have also hand vehicles -which we will POR ER PERRY, Which are now acknow edged to be tho BEST manuiaoturel in America. sell cheap. Repairing promptly attended to. Hoping you will see your way clearl to give us a call of inspection ofore spending your money elsewhere, We are, ours Truly, PILL AN ik CO.,- ' CAR IAGE BUILDERS, SEAF0RTH,. ONT. • saEt well Great Western Railway. Trains leave B .tissels station, north and south, as under: GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH. Mixed.. ... .10:25 A, M. Mail 6:15 A. M. Accom.. .... 9:0,8 P. M. Accom....112.15 A.21; Mail 2:53 P. M. Mixed 7:5 P. M. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Sealorth and Clinton Stations as follows GOING WEST— 1 SEAORTH. CLINTON. Express ' 2:25 P. 2I. 2:45 P. M. Express 8:58 P. M. 9:20 P. M. Mixed Train9:00 A. M. , • 10:00 A. M. Galin- EAST— SEAFORTH. CLINTON. Mixed Train7:52 A. M . 7:27 A.M. Express Train 1:15 P. M. 12:50?. M. Mixed Train. 5:00 P. M. 4:25 P. M. Mixed Train.... 10:35 A.M. 10:00 A.M. London,lauron and Bruce. GOING NORTH— Mail. Mixed. Express. P.M. A.M. ; P. • London, depart.... 2 15 6 65 6 15 Exeter 8 35, 8 05 7 25 ' Hensall ......... . 8 52 8 34 7 14 Kipp'en . . ....... 3 58 8 44 7 68 Brucefield 4 08 9 00 8 08 Clinton 4 25 9 45 8 25 . P.M. Blyth .;.. 4 p io 32 8 52 Wingham, arrive... 5 25 1.1 30 9 25 Gonto SOUT/Ir Mixed. Mail. Express. A. M. A. M. P. M. Wingham, depart... 10 55 7 00 6 15 P.M. Myth .. . 12 16 Clinton... ........ ,1 16 Brncefield 1 40 OIR111-1 PIUS IC AI INSTRUP,IIT EMPORIUM SCOT11 BROTHERS WROUGHT IRON AXLES.. WROUGHT IRON AXLES. WROUGHT IRON AXLES. Wrought Iron Wrought Iron Wrought Iron pokes in Wheel. pokes in Wheel. pokes in Wheel. The Port Perry is t only Gang Plow made with Wrought Iron Axies and Wrought Iron Spokes in the Wheels. THISTLE CUTTERS. . THISTLE CUTTERS. HISTLE CUTTERS. FURNITURE. Masaie's Cele rated No. 18 and OLIVER'S PATE1T CHILLED PLOWS. Also all kinds of Ceneral Purpose Plows. CASTINGS AND REPAIRS OF AL KINDS AT III. 0. C. ILLSON'S FURNITURE. M. ROBERTSON; CABINETMAKER AND UNDERTAKER, HAS AGAIN OPENED A ietail Furnit re Store Two Doors North of his 011 Stand, apposite Wadden & Co.'s Dry Goods Store, where he is prepared TO SELL AS CBEA1 AS ANY IN THE TRA E. UNDERT KING Attend, l to as sual. A Large Stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, &o., alwifys on hand. 581 M. ROBERTSON. AGRICULTURAL INPLEMENT EM- , PORIUM, SEAFORTH. Call and See Them, and if you, don't like them don't buy. 0. C. WILLSON, - PR.OPR1NTOR. ,d-iztpLA:r SEMIANNUAL CLEARNG SALE to the Beg to direct the Eattention of the Public following from the Detroit Daily Telegraph. . WILL COMMENCE AT IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF: JOHN ROGERS "Mr. Clo tglb, of the Clough, ON Warren Orgs n Company, has been c' quite success id in introducing their 0ATU RDAY, JULY 27, determination is to clear the Stork, a SEED CORN. SEED C RN. JUST RECEIVED A iA1 LOAD OF BEST SEE 1 CORN, celebrated I2 struments in Europe. And as the Several of their leading styles were shipped to 4ndon, England, on the Twenty-Eig7 th of .May, and the COntpany ar cable messa gams to .111 Fifty New with whom, Kippen. Ilensall Exeter I 57 • 2 05 250 735 655 01 .7 24 818 743 828 758 884 804 849 803 to -day in, receipt' of a ordering Seventy Or- ssrs.\Chappell & Co, of Bond Street, London, r. Clough has conclud- ed arrange ments. for the agency. The Company were also favored a few days since with an order for six Organs from their :Manchester, Eng- land Agents, notwithstanding the PRICE; OW, • And the Corn guaranteed t of it has been sown and es calling at Brownell's Groce CONFIDING PUBLIC May remain assured that GI- P0 ID S— i Will be • offered at bN OF THE WALL PA ER, BORDRS, ND WIND W BLINDS. CIRCULAR SAW. rn 0 cn 0 1111 ae Li I 1\T Ti 0 1\T P:$ I txlai I show in tbe abo STOCK and ever e lines this year a FINER ETTER VALUE than efore offered in My Patterns are A direct from the prices that cannot Also Moth P L NEW, and having bought anufacturer, I an eon at e beat. oof Carpet Lining at L w Prices. ALWAYS IN SCHOOL EOUS. B TIONER CK FULL LINES BOOKS, MISCELLAN- OKS, OFFICE STA - &c. CLINTON BOOK STORE, grow. A. L'quantity be seen growing by FULL STO KS OF ALL KINDS F SEEDS BARGAIN PRICES Dress Goods, Shawls, Straw]Goods, Skirts, Parasols, Tweeds, Hats, Caps, and Clothing. AT LOWES PRICES. TEAS A SPECIAL J. KIDD'S Y AS USUAL. ROWNELL. RDWARE. R ECE DIRECT FROM M AMERICAN. CUT SPADES, SHOV HOES AND GLASS, P All will he included in the GENERAL SLAUGHTER, AND --- j fact that th wareroorns of English Astounding Discounts dealers are flooded with Eastern (United St tes) manufacture. The Clough, & Warren Company have reason to feel gratified at their Eu- ropean. MOMS.), SCO T BROTH ERS Are the Wholesale Agents for Ontario for the ' • ahoy& Instruments. Also the EMERSON PIANO, And all other [tiakes of Instruments furnished when desired on THE S °WIEST NOTICE • D For Circulavand other Infor- mation, address- . scorri3R0THERS, SEAFORTil. - VICTOR liTHEIT.—MR. W. REHILL has still a quantity of the celebrated Victor Wheat on hand, which he will sell very cheap. 561 Will be given in Every Department. VED NUFACTURERS: AILS, LS, FORKS, AKES, INTS, OILS, FENCIN WIRE' NV011:131/1/41V ISTEI 3H.1. RESSMAKING. MISS SCOTT PEGS leave to announce to the Ladies of Sea - forth and surrounding country that she has commenced dressmaking in all the LATEST STYLES AND VARIATIONS, And hopes by Neatness, Good Work and Punctu- ality to merit the patronage of all. Rooms over Lumsden & Wilson's Dret Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Six apprentices wanted. 559 Express nd Telegraph, Nice. JAMES A. YUILL. THE SEAN TH WOOLEN MILLS. ••••••• 101,=••••••••• TO T E FARMERS. If you hav made Wool yon. wish, to have' or to trade for WOOLEN GOODS, GI E US A TRIAL. We will ot be outdone either in Qztali of Work or Price. You are invitedj to call and see our Machinery, ths ork we are doing, and OUR IR1OES FOR 1878. AND BUILDIN HARDWARE Of Every Dese iption Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUC'T- tee 02 02 ING PIPE Pat up on the Shortei Notice and Warranted. Special Inducem nts to Cash, and Prompt Pay ng Customers. JOHN KIDD.t THE CONSOLIDATED BANK' N A D ' 0 F C CAL4TAL - CITY BANK OF MON and ROYAL C Incorp - $4.000.000.: iNREAL, Incorporated 1838; ADIAN BANK, rated 1861. AFORT DOMINION BI SE Drafts on New Bank in the 'United St Bills of Excha at all Chief Cities of t INTEREST PAI 411 BRANCH. tr;ii OGK,MAIN-ST.t ORTH. TERMS, - CASH: SACRAM York Payable at an te. r - ge en London payabhl e United Kingdom. ON DEPOS1T8 M. P. HAYES, MANAGE/ir NTAL WIN PURE G ‘APE WINE JOHN ROGERS. A LARpE QUANTITY . • — OR-- - v . i SACRAMENTAL AND. MEDI PORE ,IDIARIS GREEN - OINAL . 1 LUMSDEN ROBERTS' DRUG STORE. - 01?— URPOSES AT— & SEA ORTH. ALSO AGENT FOR Mrs. Westn's Liver Medicine, LUMBER FOR SAL. frim $8. Headache, 6:50. All Length% fro 10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, The Sub A Sure Cure for Billiousnessi HEMLOCK, First Q ality, $6 per M. PINE PRICE, 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. BILLS CU TO ORDER, BUTTER. BUTTER. EDWARD CASI- IS AGAIN BUYING Sweet EveColored Butter, in' Firkins or Rolls. 550 GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTIL LUMBER YA• Whereall kinds of T4 474 IN McKILL0*: ber has also it D IN SEAFORTH, ber Amu be obtained. THOMAS DOWNETi 0 02 .P;` (12 0 ed - 02 . tx-J 0 (12 1-3 tt 0 txj 02 SD••.(- rf) 0 7,1 02 0 0 Lj r-4 q.) t=1 Lj r-1 ra rel trJ 02 6 0. 02 t-4 AND GENERAL BUILDERS' NOSNHOP `SEIBH.L08E3 cn 0 Cadin,g a Wo GOO DS d all Kinds of Custom 4c Done s Usual. MADE TO ORDER And a Large Sf.rnk Kept Constantly on Hand to xchange for Wool. A. G. VANEGMOND. Sestorth, Jtro 12, 1878. 549-13 SEAFOIRTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOR AND_BLIND FACTORY THE gubscri customers him since co trusts that he of the same. Parties lute him a call, as arge stook of erbe sleeve to thank hismunerons or O. liberalpatronage extendedta encing business in Seaferth, anl ay be favored with a continuum ding to build woulddo well to give e will continue to keep on hand a Ilkinds ef . D Y PINE LUMBER, A. 14 it Pi DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SRI GLES, LATH, ETC. He f eolse o dent of givin g satisf action t o t hose who may f avo him with.theirpatronage, itopd but first-claB workmen are employed. 1Partic stet tention paid t CustomPlanins 201 JOHN II. BROADFOOT. EG EMPOltIUM. The subs cutomers( patronage d by strict int to merit the iber hereby thanks hie numerous erenaute and others) for their liberal ing the past seven years, and hopes, ority and elo se attention to business, confidence and trade in thefuture. Having eatly enlarged his premises, duds:* the winter, e is now prepared to pay the ST CASH PRICE ntity of good fresh eggs, delivered EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street,Seaforth. y the subscriber 25 tone of good dry T STRAW. -D. D. WILSON. HIGH 1-1 For any qu at the Wanted 't -Nd clean WHE DR. WI LIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICLN E. Remedy is especially The Great English recommended as an , unfailing care for 4-,- Seminal "wee -knees tiN3 Spennatorrhea, Impo- tency, and all diseases • Z: Ore aka quonce of Soli abase, that follow as a se - ea Loss of Memory, Universal assitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness let of Vision, remature Old Age, and many other :-4 diseases t 'Heads to Insanity or Consumption and a Pre ature Grave, all of which ill3 a rule are first caused by deviating from the Pant of nature and over i dulgence• The Speciffc Medicine is the result o a life etudy and many years of ex- perience in resting these specialdiseases. Pm- plalet free b mail. The Specific: Medicine is sold by all Drag ts at $1 per package, or 6 packages for $5, or ill be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by ddressing WILLIAM GRAY & CO., Windsor, nt. Sold in Seaforth by Iliekson it Blessdell, . S. Roberts R. Lumsden and all druggist ra rebants. > 1-4"1 c'W THE H NSALL PORK FACTORY. G. & J. PETTY 14 .HOGS ALIVE OR DRESSED =14 ALL J1NDS OF CURED MEATS tea FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK OUTTINGS, ar,e, P"J -523 G. Are prepar to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for' any quantity Of Constvitly on Hand. MARRIAGE LICENSES tOR CESTIVICATBM, (tinder the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authority of the Lieutenant -Governor Ontario. RHEUMATISM And all Inflammatory and Skin Dise.aes Cured in a Few Hours. TITRIty. eau be no Inflammation without an 1— Acid Ferment. Brunt's itireatuantie Alisorbieni Neutralizes the Acid Foiso,end the cause of pain is removed. SoId hy all Drug- gists. Prze-50 cent. A.41vIce in partied:Tease( free. Address 625-34 W. Y. BRUNTON, Loam.