HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-09-20, Page 5ER' 9° 18'78 Amt namsamsaa,.. ailing out assistanee ni the flats, who liaa boats, the water heir% deep in the house& aealks were all flame ere being used The nhabeokno-vmfor aturday the iron bridge flood. Three men whom were dame I. F. Tyrrell and the Nu ; the third was a rope which was, iere Is now no cora- veen Brantford ana It being Saturday, a re were detained in ater abated. A. repeat tt says: Three day% incessant rain have e greatest floods that L. witnessed for thirty 's and Gorham's mjjj washed out; some in the corporation have In many other places ntiatied the sterna was -Ave aud the damage sassasaaassmansa Sod at tramtford„ ns which fell alt ever week, and, which had :ans to such an extent, Word pass unscathed. had been rising rapid. vo or three days of the ie expected the maga. iter which was to follow, Saturday morning the tford were aroused by of the fire bells, and all e iron bridge, as if by . The sight that met them with alarm.. The to a great height, higher r been before, and was a like a mighty deluge irresiatilale power." The had. swept away the r,lie north of the bridge, Its course with renewed. king great damage to. west end_ of the bridge. tford, Norfolk and Port y has come luta the hands esteria, they have built ge across the river a M- id iron one. Before coin - ids, these Structures were . nnually with the usual but the Great Western siring to avoid this, have mer, some very substan- :. erected at the eastern le bridge, which is Banat - ad gates of the caaaal,but I not resist the power of a great chasm was made ink, through which the ushed, to find itself flow - mil. At the:western. end the track embankment :ev, and was soon swept During the night, the peo- he fiats south of the city xreed as the water had :!et in their ha -uses. Help flt for i and boats were se - h tli&i initiates were res - hole fl4ts seemed to be one r. Ata, point near the the Mer anade a channel id swept over the usual ,ross west Brantford and p.d a v4ritable lake. -In the road the water is four Erich formed an effectual e the ekowds af farmers to had (trivet' in from the the intention' of attending the citY. The water has building material away ir grounds, which were be- 4ricultural buildings. The fences have about all dis- ne woman -who attempted atter with the -intention of Ket had a very- narrow es- Avning. It was with great t she was reseued. As the e on thousands flocked to e to see the modern deluge. entre pier of the iron bridge )f weakness, and the city present doing all in their a. it. As the'afternoon ade 'auger of the bri.dgd going and more. Several men e.sisted in walking onthe ugiiWarued off by Chief the bridge, which had stood influence of wind and wat- ely man, Mr. Tyrell, who ..(.11,e Bingham House, Was lay the water, and with 0118 sed appealingly far aid, he ver the clam and_ drowned. glrown to hina, but he coulcl , His body has not yet been other parties got safely to lt having had very narrow a particle of the old iron piers and all are gone, as and where it stood D.OW ndivided seething, current. nv no connection with the he west as the river flows ti stronr, stream -on the out - ie abutment of the dge, thus even cutting off !ere.. A few workmen inthe er,who live on the other side. angerons passage with a long nearest place to cross now is listance of seven miles. Lundy, grocer,of the North e driving on the Flats an lorehig, drove off the regular ieeper water and was drownAp cenId be got. His body red on Sunday morning. :nen the country state that ,,A,11 the streams have been a and the loss will be very ners with farms on low lands ver have had feuces, reaping Feld other implements wash - Y -the fall wheat washed out eTuiLl ; roads have been de- 1.ittuwi carried aavay. 3lessr,s- - Muirliead, whuie driving 111 aretrycame very near losing On account of the bridges titey-attempted to atrike out eel, and got in water 20 feet WW1 their lives, ;ht hold of some floating tim- immempeigungsmiLMININIMI cellancous Items. • II. Lee, late Clerk of the rivy Council for Canada, died on Tuesday. The deceased -warted and benevolent and a member of the Church of er medal has been awarded. a. Rennie, of Toronto, for a cereals at the Paris Expo'colleiaion was got lip with :Juble, and was,really a mag - ie. Application was made by SPTEMBER 20, 1878. 9 6.....•••••••••••••• the authorities of several museums for liberty to purchase it, but Mr. Rennie esented the whole collection to the Faris Mtaseum, where it will, no- doubt, long remain as a standing advertiite- raept of this country's resources. -Mr. John Watson, of Ayr, whose Dime is widely known as an extensive raanfacturer, sent a large number of implements to the Paris Exposition. We are pleased to learn that he has been awarded a gold. medal forhis mag- eificeat lot of agricultural implements at the Exposition. --John Goodman, jr., and a man %idled Seymour were severely inured at the Minden WoollenMilla onMonday last. The picker burst and. was scatter- ed all over the mill, and portions of it struck them, fracturing the skull in ,each case. Their condition is at pre- sent critical. -Mrs. Pearce, who lately paused some sensation in Hamilton by a forty days fast, has at last returned to the -ways of ordinary mortals. She now eats regularly, but still persists in her religious ideas that she shoUld fast when receiving divine orders to do, so, -Mr. R. Millman, of the 6th „con- cession'of Bosanquet, last fall, sowed one bushel of white wheat. Mr: Min - m= was very careful in keeping it --separate from other wheat. It was threshed for him the other day, and yielded a little over forty-sii bushels of splendid grain. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 1878. TIA.I.JD .jk I) WI MDR. 1878. TIIOMAS KIDD, SAFORTH Auction Sales. • Wednesday, September 26, on Lot 30, Concession 7, Hibbert, Farm Stock and Implements. James Coates, proprietor; Wharton Hodgson, auctioneer. Thursday, Oct. 3, on Lot 17, Con. 10, Hay, Farm Stock and Implements, Marshall Pollock, proprietor ; E. Boss- enberry, auctioneer. Saturday, Sept. 28, on Lot. 10, Con. 5, McKillop, Farm Stock. William. Horan, prciprietor ; Sohn Bullard, auc- tioneer. Thursday, Oct. 3, on Lot 16, Con. 6, Stanley, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. Thomas Johnston, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Monday, Sept. 30, on Lot 26, Con.. 5, Ilibbert, Farm, Farm Stock and Ina - ;elements. Jas. Halloran, proprietor ; Hodgson ct Oke, auctioneers. Saturday, Oct. 5, on Lot 2, Con. 7,. Usborne, Farm, Farm Stock and Im- plement. Mrs. Chas. Fanson, pro- prietress; A. Bishop, auctioneer. Saturday, Sept. 21, at the Commer- cial Hotel, Seaforth, Valuable House- hold Furniture. Harry Mitchell, pro- prietor; 1'. Brine, auctioneer. Wednesday, Sept. 25th; on Lot 26, Con. 1, Tuckersmith, Farm Stock and. Implements. Thomas Hodgins, pro- prietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. I BEG TO MENTION TO MY MANY FRIENDS, AND CUSTOMERS IN THIS SECTION THAT MY GENERAL STOOK IS NO COMPLETE, And I am prepared to Mow an, Assortment which, for Value, Variety, and J?inish, fair Surpasses any of my prebious exhibitions. .M6616.••••••••.166 ii:rI'S-V-ITITC31- ECTIQT , --F I confidently assert that purchasers will find, in each department, nothing but First -Class Goods, newly imported, and bought on the best of terms, since I do not deal in Job Lots or Bankrupt Stocks. , 1 ' As I purohase many lines direct from the manilla tunes, and in larger quan- tities than an other house in Seaforth, I am in a posi ion to sell at prices which defy competition. . J , . 1 t4, Births. Tuckersmith, on Sept. 14, the wife of Mr. Andrew Boll,o a son. ROBINSON.-In Stanley, on Sept. 13, the wife of Mr. Edward. Robinson of a son. MeNAUGELTON.-In Blyth, on Sept. 14, the wife of Mr. M. A. MeNaughton, of a son. Seaforth, on Sept. 12, the wife of Mr. • Wm. M. Gray, of a daughter. • Underneath I enumerate 'Soine of the Lines the Leading Depa tments ! To this Department I have devoted a great deal the Newest Materials and Favorite Colorings. I offer fall ranges in Black and Colored Cashme Cords, Poplins, Sateens, Lustres, Snowflake and Tw Melanges, &c., together with all prices, in our celebr FANCY. GOODS AND LADIES DRESS GOOD f studi, endeavoring to have es, French Merinoes, Persian ed Costume Cloths, ,Twilled ted make of Black Lustres. FURNISHINGS. Our Special Lines include Ladies' Fringed and Brocaded. Ties,Ladies' Silk Neck and. Pocket Handkerchiefs, Rufflings in all the new styles, ful assortment of Black and Colored Kid. Gloves in all the different inakes. We wish to draw attention to our 50 cent Kid qloves, as we are confident no other house in the trade sells as fine a Glove for the ioney. • In Corsets we keep the three celebrated make, Thompson's Glove Fitting, Side Lace, and WoveirCorsets. • Every size and price in Hosiery and Cloth qloves. • PRINT DEPARTMENT. InTrints I show the Choiceat Autumn Styles ilol Fancies and Mourning', both English and American, also Embossed Cambrics in 41 the New Colors. • •HOUSE FURNISHINGS. 11 In this Department will be found a very larg assortment of Quilts, Table i Covers, Table Oil Cloths,. Lace Cfirtains, Toilet Covers, Curtain Holders and Fringes, Towels, Tidies, Table Napkins, and many other things too numerous to . mention. STAPLE DEPART Marriages. DAVIS-INGRAM.-At the residence of the bride's mother, on Sept:19, by Rev. A. G. Follis, Mr. William Davis, postmaster, Leadbm7, to Miss 'Isabella Ingram, of MoKillop. SORNSTON---GREER.-,kt tile Manse, Bruoefield, by Rev. T. G. Thomson, on Sept. 11, Mr. Robt. Johnston, to Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr. John Greer, all of Stanley. COGERIf,L - GEMMILL.- At the residence o John Gemmill, Esq., Turnberry by Rev. Mr Gray, on Sept. 2, Mr. John Cockrill, of Haraili ton, to Miss M. P. Genoill, of Glasgow, Soot r lend. KNEORTEL-IIARGAN...-At the residence o1the bride's mother, McKillop, on Sept. 18, by Rev. Thompson, Mr. Daniel Knechtel, of Brus- sels, to Miss Hattie A. Ifoxgan, of Seaforth. • Deaths, AnzwoRirm-lit Howlek, on Sept. 5, Ann Maria wife of the late Benjamin ,Aylesworth, sged. 71 years and 7 months. • McELROX.-In Morris, on Sept. 14, tile wife of Richard McElroy, aged 16 years and 17 days. THE- MAI:IsKETS. g SEAFORTH, Sept. 19, 1878. Fall Wheat 0 85 to B 90 Spring Wheat, Fife, por bnehel.... 0 80 to 0 85 Spring Wheat,Red Chaff,per bush. 0 78 to 0 82 Oataper bushel..... . • 0 27 -to 0 28 Peas per bushel .. . 0 50 to 0 57 Barlerper buehel 0 50 to 0 65 Batter, No. 1, Loose 0 10 to 0 11 Eggs ' .0 09 -to 0 09 Flour, por barrel • 5 00 to 6 50 Ray. • • . • • . 800 to 9 00 Elides, por lb. .. 0 05 to 0 05 Grubby Ilides per 100 lbs'... 4 00 - Fallen Rides, por 100 lbs...., 3 00 Sheep skins.. 0 50 to 125 \Vool •0 21 to 0 22 Balt (retail) per h9.rrel, 0 75 Salt (wholesale) per barrel-- • • • 0 66 Potatoes, pe'r bushel ...... ...... 0 40 to 0 40 Gatmealr brl.. . 2 50 to 2 75 Wool, per lb.: 0 23 to 0 23.4 Tallow, per Ib 0 06ito 0 06 Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs4 50 to 5 25 ____,-...---- CLINTON, Sept. 19, 1878. gall Wheat, per bushel.. ... • 0 85 0 0 90 Spring Wheat, perbnshel 0 80 g 0 90 Oat, per bushel. 0 30 0 --0 32 Barley, por bushel 0 50 g 0 55 Pea*, per bushel • -0 62 0 0' 55 Giesler Seed, per bushel 3 50 0 4 00 Timothy Seed, per pushel 1 60 02 25, Butter•0 Il * 0 11 - Pork ......... ............... 550 0 6 00 :. Potatoes........ ..... ... ......... - 0 40 4 0 45 1 • ENT. • H'IA..1..11.1 I 1::?, 'IT GOLDEN LION COLDEH LION I ha-ve much pleasure in announcing that my stock of all (ods is now comp1ete, and for extent and value is unsurpassed i i SeafPrth. Altoget er, the contents of 40 cases and, bales are shown, 1 of irlich were im orted direct from the Old Cdnutry. Having ite4 the British Markets personally, I have secured many lines of II I that will rioti be seen in any other house in town. ln Dress oods L am showin a very complete stock. In Cashmeres, Satins, Cashmere Twills, Plevna Twills, Melange Cords, Plain and Figured ustrei, &c. Coloredl and Black Silks. Extra Value in Velveteens. lovely lot of Sha ls, much better goods than are generally kept in t is country. Flannels Plain and Colored. Winceys, an immense s ck, much cheaperj than ever before -just see the 12i cent line. gola flihirt- ings fron 12 cents to 45 cents. Table Linens, Towell' igs, Erown Hollan s, &c. Linen Stock very complete. Kilmarnock 1 iglA Caps and Ca manes Aprons. See our 10 cent Bleached. Cotto , Canadian and. Ai4erican Factory Cottons. 'Canadian, Scotch and. rmail Hos- iery. id Gloves, Frillings, Ties, Collars, &c. I A Job • of Ladies' • Linen Tandkerchiefs. Scotch, English and Canadian Tw eds. ,11 Eng- lish a d French Worsted Coatings. Ladies' Jackets nd Jacket (Jloths.J Felt, Satin and Lustre Underskirts. A fuil s a k o Mer- ino an4 Wool Undershirts and Drawers. Gents' Furnis ings, !Hats, Caps, c A full stock of Groceries. Visitors to the fa' next week please all and see Goods. No trouble to show them. R JAMIESON, eatOrth. SIGN THE 1 GOLDENLION. THE It • Embracing in Cotton Goods the Productions of all the Celebrated mills ; aLso favorite American and: English makes in Grey DOmestics, White Shirtings and .Sheetings, Ticks, Denims, Ducks, Bags, Yarns, W rps, &c. Stock of above kept constantly assorted by. Fr sh Arrivals. Flannels in Grey, Scarlet, White, and Faney, B1ankets in White and Colored, also Linen Goods in great variety and at all prices. • . Special Lines -in Winceys, Plain, Plaid and Faney, from 6 cents upwards. ----- Live Stock Markets.. ' MONTREAL, September 17. - There was a rather better feeling on the le laket to -day than during the latter rt Of last week ; still, prices are low, eept for cattle fit for exportation. D. I cLeau, of Komoka, sold two carloads) o1 cattle, one for -1.62i per 100 lbs., less•;$15 on the lot; the, other at •$45 Or head. Mr. Shane also bought 20 had of cattle at $1 62,1 per 100 lbs. Mr. Head sold five superior steers to city butchers at from 54 50 to $4 75 per 130 lbs., and eight other cattle at 435 • eich. F. W. Ritchings sold an ox for $(3 ; seven steers at $51 50 each ; four • Wers at $50 each, and nine other cattle al, $44 each. Mr. Hopper sold sixteen cattle at frorof $30 to $15 each. W. Ilatimer, sold. a pair of oxen 'at 44c per lb., and. another pair at no per ib., and SIX small cattle at $26 each, also twenty- elglit -hogs at $4 62i per 1 0 lbs. j21 TORONTO, Septemb0 • 18. -Cattle - Prices ruled firm. Choice tor export brought $4 75 to $5, second-class $4 to $4 25, aud third $2 75 to $3 25. Sheep -For export, first-class weighing 150 lbs, witli the usual fast or five per cent. off. brought $0 each or 4 cents live weight ; second class realized $4 to. $5 ; and. third. $2 50 to $3 50. Lambs--1- There was a very large supply. If farmers would keep ' their lambs until next year, when they would weigh 140 lbs and bring $6, in.etead of selling • them in the fall, when they weigh 75 ills and will not realize over $2 50 each, they would find that the result woad- be profitable to themselves. Prices declined 25c all around. First- class $3 50, second $3 to $3 25, and 3rd $2 to $2 25. • MILLINERY DEPAI4TMENT. , • I will show on the afternoon of the 20th and 2ist, the largest ancl most at- tractive stock of Millinery, Mantles, Furs and W ol Goods. • ] Five Hundred Dollars worth of Shawls, in P isley, Velvet and. Wool, in Plain and Fancy Lorne Plaids. p e Also namenta, • I sh Special Value in Silks, Satins, Velvets, Hats, Shapes, and all materials. uld be pleased to have a visit from all t Our TrimmedGoods far surpass in style' and. anything we have had heretofore. No trouble to DRESS ANDMANT1. • Our Dress and Mantle Making Department i lady frie ds requiring anything in this line will b Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, Or - this department. are much lower in price than show Goods. E MAKING. tended to in the most prompt and careful manne 1. Par most Fa again in full blast, and all our certain to have their wants at- GHT PLACE FOR CHEAP D Y GOODS. WILLIAM HILL & CO., SE STOOK. COIVIIDI.JM FC STA LE DEPARTMENT FULLY ASSORTED. • DRE S GOODS DEPARTMENT -A LARGE STO CLOTHS AND GENTS' FURNISHING DEPART • INEST STOCK IN TOWN. MITJLINERY' AND MANTLE DEPARTMENT OVELTIES OF THE SEASON. 1 WILLIAM HILL & CO. • IDTTI\TO.A.1\T Sr 3D IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS .01 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND CANADIAN 3D1Rir (31-003D MANUFACTURERS OF FAILLINERY, MANTL S AND CLOTHING, SEAPORTH,. ONT • WE .3AVE MUCH PLEASURE IN THANKING TOMERS AND FRIENDS, AND THE- PUB PATRONAGE, AND HOPE THAT BY CLOSE WANTS, TOGETHER WITH THE FACILIT FOR BUYING IN THE BEST MARKETS- FO CONTINUANCE OF THEIR FAVORS. WE ARE NOW SHOWING ONE 0 Most Attradive and Best A& OF RY- GOODS LN THIS COUNTY, CAREFI W ARE FULLY CONVINCED THAT AN EAR SATISFY ALL THAT OUT STOCK THIS SEASO Containing all the Novelti RTH. BAND THE, CH APEST EVER OFFERED RIO. )UR NUMEROUS CUS- IC, FOR THEIR PANST TTENTION TO THRIR S WHICH WE HAVE, CASH, TO MERIT THE LARGEST; led Storks LLY SELECTED, AND Y. INSPECTION WILL IS THE FINEST, s that are out, N THIS MARKET. DRESS GOOD. WE ARE SHOWING ALL THE NOVEL COLORED CASHMERES, COLORED: SERGES, •COLORED PERSIAN -CORDS, COLORED MAR EMPRESS :CLOTHS, COLORED MERINOES, CLOTHS IN ALL THE NEW SHADES OF BLUE, BRONZE GREEN, GARNET, SEAL BR AND BLACK. ENT -THE ALL THE SEAFORTH. FA -I. -I4 SEPT. 27TH AND 28-6-I. 1878.. icular attention paid to Cutting and Fitting Dresses, and the Newest and ihionable Pattern a to select from. • GENTS' FURNISHING ?EPARTMENT. A I all and Complete Assortment. Gents' White and Colored Shirts latest and most improved style. All, the New Designs in. Ties, Scarfs and. M ted 'Wopi Under Clothing in endless variety, an READYMADE Th's Department of my Business is 'steadily increasing and the vast amount of position to give mcustomers an in the filers, Cardigan Jackets and knit - at prices that cannot fail to suit. °THING. MIL th' 1 ss Gooch: which I sell is a, sufficient pr6of that they give entire satisfas- tion. Pujrehasiug in large quantities, I am in a y the publia in general, who favor me with a call, the. best value that can possibly be offe ed in Town. M n's and Boys' Suits in all wool Tweed ery cheap ; Men's and Boys' Suits in WToi sted, low prices ; Men's and Boys' Fall vercoats, new styes, cheap. P rfect Satisfaction guaranteed and a Goo( (BOOTS AND) the Boot and Shoe line I can safely de y attention to the selection of Boots an ly on getting the best and most servicea • and. complete lines in Men's*Long Bo season. Boys' Long Boots at all prices to suit the times, and a lot of Prunell e of Summer Stock. HATS AND Ii ordina may r F forme prices balan Fit Warranted; HOES. 11•••••••6666•••,......666.6.6• IZ 1\T 13 OP E 1\1- -OF TRIE--- INERY AND MANTLE SH -A T--- OPHIM.A.1\T PHOT -ON- FRID Y AND SATURDAY, SEPT. G ROOM 27 AND. 28. I All are cordially invited. to call and examine the magnificent,diliplay of English, Frerieli, and. American Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers Buckles, Ornaments, Silks, Satins Velvets, Plumes, Ribbons, Ties, Frilling!, SsIc. Alsolargest assortment; of English, French and Ger an Pattern Jackets ever 1-10:E'FIVIAN - CASH STORE, CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFOtTH.j MANTLE DEPART WE ARE SHOWING IN THIS DEPARTM MANTLES, THE CHEAPEST EVER IMPOR P -ALL THIS SEASON'S GOODS AND NEW ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS EVER S shown ir Seaforth. Remember the days and dates. y competition. I pay more than Shoes, and hence my customers e goods to be found in the market. ts, at prices much lower than any . Women's and Children's Boots at Boots very cheap, to clear out the CAPS. CHEA large and attractive Stock of Alen's anO Boys' Hats, in the Latest Styles of I Wooll and Felt. A nice assortment of Caps in, Silk, Cloth and Plush, always on hand 1\T'N'ST G-00334 -AT- HI6KSON & BLEADELL'S. "T.T1:101='E.A._1\1- IA/117)011 AND BOUGHT LOW FOR WILL BE SOLD HICKSON & BLEAS TIONS si-10 CHEAP. ELL, Seafort41. IES CF THE SEASONt, OLORED SNOWFLAKES, IORA CORDS, COLORED' D COLORED COSTUME. RONZE, BROWN, NAVY WN, MYRTLE, PRUNE,. ENT. NT A SPECIAL LINE OF ED, RANGING FROM $2' HAPES- YOUR CHOICE OWN IN THIS TOWN, SHAWLS, SHA LS, O SUIT, THE TIMES. HEAVY GERMAIN LAIN AND FANCY PLAIDS, LADIES' NI CK SHAWLS -NEW COI - RS, LONG AND REVERSIBLE BROCHES. ND ENGLISH, SHAWLS. MILLINERY SHOW ROOM NEW STRAW HATS, NEW FELTS, BON AND CHILDREN'S HATS, FLOWERS, FEA WINGS, VELVETS, SILKS, SHAPES, &c. INCREASE IN THIS DEPARTMENT WE UCH LARGER STOCK THAN USUAL, AN UR STOCK OF MILLINERY AS LARGE • NY INTHIS PROVINCE. EXAMINE OU IS NOW' OPEN.. NETS AND GAPS, MISSES' HERS, AND ORNAMENTS, OWING TO THE LARGE HAVE BOUGHT A VERY • CUSTOMERS WILL FIND ND WELL SELECTED AS STYLES. FLANNELS. • FL NNELS.. FIFTY PIECES CANADIAN GREY IN LAIN AND TWILL, FROM 20 CENTS UP. FORTY PIECES ALL WOOL SCARLET, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS. SAXONY FLANNE ALL COLORS. TWENTY' PIECES -CANTON FLANNELS. WINOEYS. WINOEYS W1NCEYS.. PLAIN ABERDEEN WINCEYS AND S., OWFLAKE WINCEYS FROM 10 CENTS UP. CHECKED WINCEYS, Th ALL COLORS. SHIRTING. WINCEYS, CHECKED AND STRIPED. COSTUME WINCEYS, ALL. NEW SHADES. GR OEMS. GROCERIIES. -' GROCERIES. i first-class dock of Fresh Groceries always on hand. Special lines in Teas, Suga s and Tobaccos, and everything else to be found in a well regulated Grocery 1 • Stor , at prides remarkably low. he uniVersal reputation Of my tea is no an established fact, and the immense lots which 11 at close figures show the satisfaction it gives. . Parties purchasing -in large quantities liberally dealt with, and a kind invitation extendedall m friends to come and see for themselves. Ev rybocly welcome --whether they buy or nIrt-at the NEW CASH STORE. • THOM S KIDIj, Seaforth. 6• 1\TITT THE APPROACHING END 01? THE AGE, by H. Gratt n (4ninnesa..., OUR GOD SHALL COME... THE 'CREED OF CHRISTENDOM, by W. R. Greg MOODY'S TALKS, (Cheap Edition). FRIENDSHIP, a Novel, by Onida. IND X MAP OF ONTARIO, Cloth, neat DE OREST'S PORTFOLIO OF FASHIONS DE OREST'S WHAT TO WEAR AND HOW TO MA THE HANLAN GALOP, by E. Gledhill.. C. CLOTHS. CL THS.. 150 PIECES SCOTCH TWEEDS, 200 P FRENCH AND ENGLISH WORSTEDS, FR CANADIAN FULL CLOTH, PLAIN AND BEAVERS, NAPS, PRESIDENTS AND W THIS IS ONE OF THE LARGEST AND F AND TWEEDS IN THIS PROVINCE, AN DIRECT OR BOUGHT FROM THE MANII FIDENT THAT WE CAN PLEASE TH ECES CANADIAN TWEEDS, 'NCH WORSTED PANTING'S, NECKED ENGLISH MELTON, RSTEDS, FOR. OVERCOATS. NEST STOCKS OF CLOTHS NEARINY ALL IMPORTED ACTURER, WE AREe CO - MOST PARTICULAR. NO TROUBL TO S OW GOODS.. GENTS' FURNISHINGS, TIES, SCA SS, COLLARS, &c. BLACK. AND COLORED KIDS, BUCKLED GL4 VES AND GENTS' UNDER. CLOTHING. MILLINGS, LADIES' LIN 1N STS, LADIES' LACE COL- ! LARS AND CUFFS, SILK TIES ANI) SQ 'ARES -ALL NEW, CORSETS,. . LACES AND EDGINGS. 50 i-5 1 25 FULL STO• CK OF BOOTS AND 50 ' 15 40 E IT .. FRESH GROCERIES EEC 15 Tient riest.Paid to any Address, on Rec,eipt Or Price, by • W. PAPST, CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTIT. ORDERED TAILOOING. THIS DEPARTMENT STEADILY IS AS THE INCREASED NUMBER OF SHOW, AND AS IT 1S OUR AIM TO i CLASS GOODS, AND IN A FASHION.A. DEPEND ON GETTING CLOTHING- E LISHMENT. EVERY GARMENT WAR ..... DUNCAN & DUNG NCREASING IN POPULARITY, RDERS THAT WE RECEIVE AKE 1NOtHING BUT FIRST -- LE STYLE, CUSTOMERS OAN- UAL ,TO ANY (IDA" ESTAR- ANTED TO FIT AND PLEASE. IIOES t,N,13fW ON NAND. WEI) EVERY WE AN, 5EAFORTR