HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-09-20, Page 2V
And you really can make a pud-
ding?" said Mr. Hamilton, as he drew
hiachair rather unnecessaTily near the
table where Maggie v4s at work.
"I really can," answered Maggie.
"But what i.s there so very surprising
in that ?"
"Nay, 1 think it is very surprising,"
her said; "and. 1 question very mach. if
you could find. a dozen young ladies of a
certain class in all this great town of
Winterbury who could say as much.
And there's another mystery t� be
solved. How is it you did not go to the
Stephens' this evening ?"
" Because she •volunteerecl to stay at
home and amuse her old. unole," said
Mr. Harrison, laying his hand carress-:
ingly on her glossy hair.
"But it was no .sacrifice," said. Mag-
gie, “ for I did not want to go. I be-
gan quite to long for a quiet evening at
home. You play chess, Mr. Hamilton?
Ah, then, you ancl uncle can have a,
grand battle, and I will sit by and
wateh the sfame." But Mr: Harrison
declared he.had. not finished his paper,
and. told, the young people to try their
skill till he was ready.
The game, however, progressed but
slowly, and. the supper tray came in be:
fore it was half over; and after that
there was another hour of pleasant ani-
mated chat; so that when Mr. Hard];
ton at last took his leave, he left quite
convinced. that he- tad passed a far
pleasanter evening than if he had gone
to a &nen balls.
"And what sort Of an evening did
you have ?" asked Maggie, as the girls
dawdled over a late breakfast next
"Pretty well," said. Sophy,languidly e
"but I think I Ought rather to ask you!
that. Pray, how long did. he stay ?"--
the “ he," of course, referring to Mr.
Hamilton. t I -
"Ob, he stayed to slipper, and it was
nearly eleven o' lock when he left," re-
plied Maggie.
"How provok
pettishly; "au(
could you find
time?" .
" Oh, plenty
gie. “ I think
to know how
pass their time in the country; so I
gave him a slie t sketch of my ocou-
"A.d did yo
nd, hem
d Harriet, rather spitefully.
, though I might have done so,"
aggie, peietly i • " for 1 do both
es: . And as it was,I only owned.
to beiug vulgarle is.otigh to know how tot
make 0 puddin c."
" Really, k ggie," retorted. Fanny,
"1 begin to suspect you are a very deep
little girl."
“ A 'very silly one," interrupted Sophy,
hastilY. "What would he take you
for? I consider pudding-realdng about
OR a par with dish -washing, and cer-
tainly no lady would wish to do either."
"Then I suppose I am no lady," said
Maggie, " for I must say I see no reason
• why a lady should. not do both, if ' ne-
cessity required. it; and I 'know dear,
mamma thinks no girls education is,
complete unless she understands house-
keeping;. and 1 ani sure work is no dise
grace to any one, '•?' Rut I beg pardon for
into the world again."
Maggie wisely held her peace, and
gradually the scoffs and jeers died
away; yet it was with unmixed feelings
of pleasure that she saw the carriage
drive up that wee to convey her to
Deanley. She found her hostess wait-
ing to receive her with a truly warm
and. cordial greeting. Mrs. Hamilton
was ono of those rare beings who Me-
prove upon acquaintance. The slight
reserve that characterized her manner
with strangers wore Off as she was bet-
ter known, and she became warm, and
even affectionate, in her bearing to-
wards those to whom she took a, liking,
as he soondid to her young visitor.
ng," exclaimed Sophy,
what in the world
to talk about all the
f things," replied Mad-
e was rather curious
ober damsels like me
4 I N
said 1V
uch to his amusement,
tell hirt you made the
ed the ta,ble-oloths ?"
py to ome, and it would seem quite
natur 1, as I have been there so often."
.And so it was settled, and. the Har-
risons were in a high state of excite -
nothing remar
cation, positi
father -was the
house, it is
ment and delight, and drove their and moreover,
dressmaker to the Verge of desperation fended his fri
in their anxiety to have 'what Sophy larly beantifu
called," killing , costumes ;" for Claude tle descent bu
was an only son, and being distinctly re- ence to one o
heed to a 'viscount, and, on visiting person and.
terms; with more than one of the "up- However, he
per ten thousand," was considered by We were a la
all the Winterbury girls as the grandest youna except
match in the neighborhood. garetband my
• CHAPTER II., year she too
, An evening party at Deanlev Manor left alone to
was a different affair to a ball in St. solable paren
johnls street, Winterbury.il Here there death I bec
was no crowding, no displity, no striv- late dear ht
twelve month
ing after effect, but a certain quiet tone
of refinement pervaded. the establish-
" Now cam
ment, and. seemed to blend together
every trifling detail into one harmoni-
ous whole. There was no regular ball,
e young people adjourned to the
fast -room and got up 0, carpet
, taking it:by turns to play, Mrs.
lton was i -pot so much engaged
her company that she could not
ime to observe Maggie, and the re-
f her observation Was g0 favorable
he determined to. see more of her.
y son tells me you are- leaving
but t
4 4 1
Winterbury ; in a short time, Miss
Cameron," said Mrs. Hamilton, when
she had by a few adroit questions ob-
teined a:, considerable insight into Mag any adthtionz 1 expenses. You know
gie's thoughts and fanci s. "If it were
how small nak income is and my pro -
not asking too- much, would.
fessional gai its do not keep pace with
you to spend a week ith me before
our requirements. I am eery much
you leave, for I am so very fond of the .
afraid. we will have to retrench.:
society of young peoplejat for whom
" ' Retrenc V I exclaimed, in abso-
we shoulcl.be so very quiet."
lute dismay, or the word seemed signi-
" Oh, I do not mind that in the least,"
said .Maggie, with childish eagerness. fluent 'of nthng short of ruin and dis-
"1 ate. so fond of the country, and if my
" • It will ue nothing very dreadful,
aunt has no objection-" darling,' he s id, smiling at my tone of
"1 will ask her myself," said krs.
Hilton, "and. the carriage shall horror. '1 t ought perhaps we might
collie for yr on Monday morning. " .keep fewer ervants, or, at least, put
down the ca. iage.'
A very .texy words sufficed to obtain
Mrs. Harrison's consent ; and Maggie, Oh, noI exclaimed.
, not that 1'
who was becoming very weary of morn- ' Surely, Edw ard, it will not need fleets?
int, promenades and evening parties, We will give no more dinner -parties,
looked forward with delight to the idea, and then we eed not go to. any. ' The
of a short sojourn. in the country, al- children -for by this time we had three
though Mrs. Hamilton laid great stress -will be a s fficient excuse for givilrig
on the fact that she should be quite up visiting'
alone, having made a special proviso I fear t awill make but little
difference,' e replied; 'however, we
that her son sliould go on a visit to
turn until she recalled. him. The Har- " We did ry, and the experimlit
can try.'
801110 friend at! a.'distance, and not re-
rison girls were' quite taken. "aback," as cost us dear, for in the end, we were
Fanny elegantty expressed it, by Mag- obliged to d' inish our establishment
gie's'unexpected. good fortunefar more th my husband. had pro-
" Though miter all," sai. . '" d Sophy, "iposedand. i less than another we
t ,
will Ibe_ nothing' so very delightful if you were -living ix a small house with only
are to be shut up with an old woman two female s
all day long, and her son away, too. also wait•ed. a
Oh, Maggie, she toels care of that, de- maY as
pend upon it ; and she only wants had at that t
you to stop a gap; so it is not so very pride, and.
flatterina.' thoroughly
No, indeed," said Harriet, con- the bell sent
e '''
ternPtuously •, "but I hear she is a reg- maid -of -all -e
ularold-fashioned. goody, who approves table, or the
of -young •ladies making themselves working -clot
scullions and kitchen maids; so I I fancied my
dare say you will get on very well to- coldly on me
gether." costly or my.
usual. Yes,
"Well, at any rate you need be under
no *able about dress," put in Fanny; and I hope y
" you cam go as shabby as you please, such absurd
now the young laerd's away; though, thing; too, t
to be sure, there may be a few callers band. liked a
after the party. However, I prophesy found that
you will be glad enough to come hack personal sup
solutely un
ble either in. my &du-
n or prospects., My
younger son of a noble
e, but not a rich one;
he had irretrievably of -
ds by marrying a singu-
and. amiable girl of. gen-
smallfortune, in prefer -
immense wealth, plain
unamiable disposition.
ever repented his choice.
ge family, but all died
g my dear sister Mar -
elf. In her seventeenth
eased away, and I was
tendert my almost incon-
s. Two years after her
me acquainted with my
sband, and in another
we were Married.
my time of trial, for
which, I am.. orry to say, I was but ill-
prepared. -
easy and pl
though not
affluent, and
Virtue of self -
a, barrister;
ed, but of • ve
sources, and
quickly as w
quence was t
ceeded our
told. me' this
proposing to
" My dear
• .
afraid we are
life hitherto had. been
asant, for my parents,
ich, were comparatively
I had never known the
enial. My husband was
11 born and. well connect -
small independent re-
riefs did. not °mile in so
anticipated. The conse-
it our expenses soon
ams, and my husband
pe day when I °had been
ive a dinner party.
Carolina,' said he, am'
not justified in incurring
speaking so warmly.
"Oh, there ie no need," said Sophy,
rather coldly; "it is not of the slight-
est consequence, I assure you."
While this little domestic scene was
going on at the Harrison's, one some-
what similar took place between Mrs;
Hamilton and- her son. They had
breakfasted. early. as usual, and were
seated on either side of a noble fire,
burning in a grate of polished steel.
She was a lady who might be between
fifty and sixty though her eyes were
still -bright, her cheek still smooth, and
her figure queenly in. its proportions and
And who lixe these Harrisons ?"
she inquired, when her son had told
her where he had spent the previous
°venni a.
"Hot'belongs to the firm of Greatwieh,
.Harrison Paedoe," he replied -e“ a re-
spectable, ave111-to-do concern, and. old
Greatwich is as rich as a Jew.; so is
Pardee; but they are bachelors, and the
Ilarrisons are f large family."
"Grown up,11" inquired. Mrs. Hamil-
" Grown up," was the reply, "At
least the girls aro; the boys are younger,
raere schoolbojs, in fact."
, There was a pause, during which Mrs. Jov
Hamilton gazed thoughtfully into the
fire. At last her son broke the silence, of
rather hesitati gly, it seemed.
There is young girl, cousin, I th,
" Do you. know;" she said ono even-
Mrs. Harrison, however, was delighted
at the prospect -of being so. nearly con-
nectedwith "the iEtamilton's of Dean -
ley Manor," and immediately began to
plan various scheitmes of aggrandize-
ment for her daughters, none of which
took effect; and. 16ng after Mage had
been a happy wife and .mother, the
Harrison girls, who had been engaged a,
wooed, unwed -a 'circumstance that TH E CH E
dozen times, at least, were still un-
did not improve either their looks or
temper. Eventually, however, Sophy,
growing in despair at her faded cheeks
and scanty ringletTHE DESIGN OF
powder and haire
ovate, accepted
SEP EMBER 20 _1878.
i 401
wkba to
tny et dies,
In Tha Old Groceiry Stand,- Pod Office' Building.
s, which even bloom
estorers failed to ren -
ancient lover, who
made her an offe under the combined
effects of unlimited flattery and an ex-
tra glass of brandy and water. Har-
riet took advanta
to entrap an uns
Fanny turned d
hope of ensuarin
Still, however,
owns, when in a
a most aggravati
by a simple Country Cousin.
e of a weak moment
specting curate, and . And in no case t
votee, in the forlorn
a. popular preacher.
s Sophy sometimes
°spending mood, it is
g thing to be outdone TO HOTEL
1.4"Olt SALE. -Nice
-1- villa, a little wes
reasonable. Terms
Bnilding Lots in Eim-ond-
of the new church. Prices
.ery liberal. Apply to A.
West half of Lot 2, in the
ullett, containing 50 &Ilea Flour, Mill Feed
leased. Terms to suit n r- ,
R. RALPH THOMPSON, ana, Potato
1st concession of
of excellent land, all,
chaser. Apply to s
Huron Road,.McKillo
Buying Teas and Gene
allow deception as to the Quality of the Article sold or in 'Weights.
1 Groceries in Quantities, I wotdd say, Call and Compare Qualiti
PriceS b fore purchasing elsewhere, as I can't be beat.
:Corn an Oat Meal, Granulated Wheat, Graham -
s always kept in stock, and sold at Bottom Prices.
FARM FOR SALE. For Sale„ a splendid farm Flavin produce Tiken
of 100 acres, conaposed of Lot No. 21, in the in Exchange.,
12th concession of ylthe Township of Hullett.
Terme easy. A.ppl to- CHARLES MORROW,
Box 51, Clinton P. O. 553
VOR SALE. -For 4o,le a first class Planing THE PAT
..- Mill, nearly new;amd in good running order,
situated in the flourishiftg TownS of Seaforth,
WM be sold cheap. Terms easY, Enquire of
SECORD, COSSENS sC,: CO., Goderihh, Out.
Lot 7, con. la, cOntaining 100 acres, 60 acres
cleared and well fenced; frame bank barn; good
young orchard; soil (Slay, loam possession at any
time e priest es5,00. 1Apply to A. STRONG, Sea -
forth. '
VOB, SALE.-Thestibscriber has for sale- a 50 '
-A: acre lot in the tem iship of Meltillop, County of
Huron, 20 acres are • eared and the balance well
timbered with beech and maple. The property
Will be sold cheap. Apply to JAS. H. BENSON,
Solicitor, Seaforth, Otit. 517
'ARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot No. 5, Bay -
!A: field Concession, Goderich Township, con-
taining 85 acres, 50 1 which are cleared and in a
good state of cultivat on. The farm is adjoining
the village of Bayfield, and will be sold cheap and
on favorable terms, Apply to the proprietor,
D. D. ROSE, Family Grocer.
1 T :EI E3-ivrAaRarl=.
At the West Riding of 'brk County Spring Fairs in 1877. and 1878. Has taken the First Prize
wherever exhibited and never has been beaten.
her tvith the Valuable IMproventents made this Season,
faxwell, beyond a doubt, at the Read of the List.
Ontar p Seft-Dumping Horse Rake cannot be
d Juni r Mowers can always be relied on.
Empire Drill and Seeder still !stands =rivalled.
ly reco mend our Wrought; Iron Frame Gang
Nos. 11 nd 12, Wrought Beam Plows, (Src.
FOR •SALE OITEA.P.-ies the owner leaving These Facts, tor
the Country, a House and Lot in the village Places the
of llarpurhey. Frante dwelling, with 6 rooma ; -
criptions • good well nd cellar, Apply to THOS.
a large garden filled Arh fruit trees of all des -
The Ithaca an
R. WINA, on the p •emisies, or to A. STRONG,
Land Agent, Seafort 551 surpassed.
table. • 31, in the 5th Concession, East Wavranoeh, The Combined
well own at once that I 100 acres, good soil, well wateted, good Irene° And we heart
tarn 56x86, good atable and. shed 18x26, 85 acres Plows, and
rva,nts and a gardener,who FARM VOR SALE -Being neat' halt of Lot Our Sprague a
me a good deal. of false
cleared, good house and orchard. good well and
t first I made myself
mime- Apply to TAMES MURRAY, on the While thanking our
iserable, and every ring at place, or to %V estfield P. 0. 55txI6 ness, to merit a contin
e into a tremor lest our 1110ICE FARM FOR SAI. -Being 14 -OC -41
ork should not be presen-
man be surprised in his
les: and when I went out
fashionable friends looked
because my -dress was less
bonnet I less stylish than
ou may well smile, child,
Tuckersinith, County of Huron, consisting of 50
u are ntamted by any
acres, 3.} miles from the Town of Seaforth, and
ties. T ere was another
troub ed. m.0. My bus- choenstveniletTitt to Fechoofl. thTho land is of the very
or in. hrptahrticulars. apply to
JAMES PlYCKARD, opposite e premises, or to
good dialler, and I soon
without some! L-1,mount, of Egmondville P. O. 524
rintendence that was ab- Al ILL PROP islITY FO SALE. -The under-
- -I' signed offer for sale their mills, situated
ttainable. I Waa silly
Con. 7, Hullott, County of Huron; 100 acres;
80 cleared, well underdrained, and in a good state
of cultivation; buildings convenient and good;
terms easy. For further particulars apply to
Messrs. MeCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, Seaforth,
or on the premises to WM. E. COLDWELL. Con-
stance P. 0. 555
‘TALUABLE F0.13; SALE -For Sale-,
✓ the east half of Lot No. 4, Con. 4, IL R. S.,
one mile north of Varna, on the Bayfield river,
enough to th ,nk kitchen matters quite compris'ng t w and shingle mill also
the otice of any lady, and it gristinginaillsofe:wino Braun of stoners, together' avairblo
-00st my foo sh pride Many tt bitter 11,51rathcie.erspoactenudi,a7sewaplpioluyseonandthebapnik.embails!ena. tioll'toi'04r
pang when I had not only to overlook, MORLEY 13ROS , Verne.
but even pre are with my own hands , A i,„ l,,,,
Ir SALE. -For- Sale, Lot 14, Con. 7,
the soup or e pudding that I knew .1:1"-i.`iud"C't't." gstluOm0- a3scre;,400iol .whiep are
my husband had. particularly fancied. cleared :Ind' containing
froth stumps.
am gla,d yo can make a pudding, my dwelling house with stone Cellar undeerni8eaath,r-also°
dear." frame barn and stable. Plenty of good water and
Maggie Jo • ked up with a blush and Of8Igiiiitnclalaa;
orchard. Is Within six -and -a -half miles
u 9 utiles from, Sestforth. Ap-
a smile, and Mrs. Hamilton Went on. . ply at THE EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 528
"Yet it w s very,sweet to be thanked ATALIABLE FARM FOR . SALE -or
• Lot 29, Con. 8, Hibbert, containing 100 acres,
and praised for my efforts -so sweet
85 of v,hich aro cleared and free front stumps •
that in time I grew more than recon- there is a log dwelling, house, it good frame barn'
oiled to my labor of love; and 1 learned and atithiese plenty of water and a, good orchard ;
is within 71 miles of Seafdah. For further par-
to.drea.d. mo than anything the lux-
ticulets apply on the premises to WM. ABER-
urious *self -i Aulgence which leads so
HART, or by letter to Sealottla P. O.
n the middle class to pass
as they sat by the library fire, "1 many wives
Lk I took a sort of fancy to you be- their days i
e your name is Margaret." , 7 on a, sofa
their Childr
How did you know it was?" asked their hushed
ma aie.. "'Oki suppose yeti heard my ouy of a we
au ecall me so ?" - .
No, it v,itts before then -it was be- affairs impr
" Time pa
I ha& ever seen you," replied Mrs. the ease, w
ilton ; ," Claude told. me." • tide of pros
rs. Hamilton glanced at Maggie -as and in. a fes
said this, but the quiet face was . stances jps
pm fectly calm and unmoved.. • She had even exceedi
_evi •ently never thought of Claude as a Since then 1
. for
1 ARM FOR SALE. -For' • - - ' 1, t
utter idleness, lounging -14- 7, Con. 16, to h . Sale, l. e,,,Weesotnlia 1 'tilt r a.ollfvg005ao0
acres, 42 of whichwalruie cita0rfed, balance
lad reading novels, while
There is on the premises a, frame house, fraine
n are left to menials, and
barn and stable, and a good young bearing oreh- 1
ds to the uncheered.monot- are. The above property is only two miles off a
ry, wearing toil. VOA graVO1 read and 4 miles from Brussels; pos-
ssed on, and gradually our session this fall, For further particulars apply to -:
C. R. COOPER, Brussels, or D. CAMPBELL, on .
Ved ; So dna, Ss iS Often the premises; Walton P. 0. , 554 , !
&alone° tho turn came our
, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. --For Sale, a 1
umerous eu tozners for past support, we hope, by strict attention to busi-
arms of thlir liberal patronage.
I . .
rrival of QM Country and Anierican Goods, at M. IL
Counter s, in Colo -ed and Bright Gold Sets,! Brooches, Ear
ctRings, •hains, Lo kets, Gein Rings, EighteenCarat 'Wedding
Rings- tamped_ `1` M. R. C., S." A Large 1Stock of thdse
1 ,
celebrat d Englishiand Longine Watches, also American and
4 Swiss atches, Clpeks, &c. I would call particular attention
to my 1. rge and v. ried stock of SilverTlated. Ware, the most
handsce e goods ver brought into Seaforth, The rabove
Goods, eing boig t direct frem the manufacturers, will. be
sold at he Lowest Possible Price consistent with Good Work-
Co m ple
and get
Goods s
and Te
the plac
and Qual ty, which in all cases is duaranteed. A
e Stock of Spectacles on hand, to fit lall ages. Call
your sigh tested. free of charge. A lot of Fa,ncy
Bing' at et cost. 'REPAIRING A SPECIALTY-
attentioni given to all Repairing of Watches, Clocks,
elry, and varranted to give satisfaction. Remember
: Sign. 011Tree of Silver Ware in tlie Window, and
opposite S. Porter's Cash Furniture'Store, Seaforth.
HSVO 1103 dV3H0 'HSVQ 1103 clif3H0
of age.
school !until- I;was thirteen years
•ile there was very attentiteto
nd picked up the rudiments
good ducat on, avinch.proled iminensendue
to mein aft r life ; itrad I aecquired a verystrooe
love of read ng. I was then -apprenticed- tol
Bookseller, hen I had Mena' opporturdtlea of
teoln)ang i my favorite atndy, arid took great
&ding books of travel and adventure
e afraid that I wckuld not be 'blot°
ecessfully at the Book .Businese;
ks I read put erroneous notions into
d I conceived a great desire -to go to
'ea to several boats in the harbour
place, but unsuccessfully. ne ant
to me by the master -invariably was,
parents sent ason to sea?" Iladno
I said so at once, on which Iwas
one for a good -fin -nothing little
erity rose high tie -drop y, "frame dwelling 1101LSO and one-fifth acre of /
hunt. The property is situstted opposite the resi-
years' time our oircum-
dence of S. G. McCaughey, Esq.; and is very pleas-
ified us in reetunina tend •
0-1\7111ZA.1._, 431-1=ZOOMIWY •
y life has been a, pros- . corner lot, and harein it a few choice bearing fruit !I VdDLAW FAIRLEY, §EAFORTH.
feasible. A good well and •cellar. The lot i$ S
antly located. The house is convenient and
ng our early style of riving.
. porous ande lapp y one, shadowed only trees. 9T.In$ property will be Bold. cheap. Apply s
Did he ? 1 wonder he should. think by the one great sorrow' of my life, ,_ ..._____________. . 'SUGARS;
to...the proprietor, JOHN ATEINSON. 560 ,
t," said Maggie. " Then. yon like which left e a. widow, and, but' for seem Foil SAIET-South half Lot 29, Con. 3,
s'!: Morris • 100 acres 85 acres cleared and in thh TEAS,
name of Margaret ?" Claude,- childless. But of this I can- ' . . '' • ' - '
vety best of cultivation ; is well fenced and water'
,- , COFFEES, 60 da. s. ROST. SIIILtIE, Proprietor. J. F.
1 .1.0i'e it as I love no other'," replied net speak.." , • ed. There are two femme houses and a frame CURRAN' BRINE, sluetioneer. 1 56:3
believe, staying with. them at present." barn' all nearly new and two ood bearine or / -
Mts. lIdmilton ; " it seas the mune of 'lhe last sentence Mrs. Hamilton
arc s. ea ovel fatm is only half a mile off it
. " Yes 9" (qua Mrs. Hamilton, iu-
., M3 dear sister.V - spoke so sacly that llactufe's eveS filled
- ' RICE
MARM AL ADE, '41.IARMALADE, MARMALADE, , aud hiS iv le, who berred her dower therehi, did -
ton, " for the second bell , . , , POTTED. T1 'TS POTTED MEATS, , POTTED MEATS, 1 ed June irst, 1875, defahlt having beenmede in
Con. 16 Grey 100 acres 16 acres cleared -an
excellent lot. 15 est half of north half of Lot No.
pleasure in
at this time my constitution was not stro
I began to
continue g
fact, the bo
my head, a
sea. I app
for a bby's
question pu
"Have yon
parents, an
told to be
At length
on a long
wanted on
good to lo
the consen
What caul
friend in t
At lengt
could assis
case as eff
dently surp
to give the
it next day,
the COMM°
After rea
me and said: " You young scoundrel; you want
to rum you
Haven't yo
No guard's
"I am erra
.keeps me o
tired of it.
and Fancy
Organs, Se
one dollar, a Motto, all complete ready to hang
I learned that G. ship was to sail
oyage, and that several boys were
oard. Here was an opportunity too
e, and I at ()nee applied; but, &last
of my parents was again. wanted.
I do? I had. none; I had not a
e world to -whom I could refer.
it occurred to me that ray master
me; so to hint I went and statediny
otively as I ectuld. My request evi-
ised him, but at last he consented
note to Commodore El3iott.
and lost no time in presetting ittt
ore's Office. .
dingit over deliberately he turned to
self do you. 2 you want to go to sea.
a father or a mother 2' "No, eir."
." "No, sir." "What do yen do?"
d boy for Mr. Harry Mitchell,
and he sells so much geode Olathe
the trot delivering them, and Tara
You see he keeps Books, Stationery,
oods; Watches, Clocks and jewelry,
'ng Mathines ; Belle a cleft -Um
up foe six
some brat,
" Where'll
Railway ex
to the wa
being abou
mation fo
gineers' R
versed, pr
lions of pr
the Patna
posed the R
cents, and -.--hold on boy- youbother-
go and bung me a bottle ef ink;
get it ?" "Don't you know where
uys their ink; !
rnment of Canada will receive pro- •
for constructing and worldng aline of
ending from the Province of :hitario
rs of the Pacific Ocean, the distance
2,000 miles. Memorandum of infer
parties proposing to tender will be
on application as underneath. En -
ports, mans of the country to be tree
files of the surveyed line, specifics-
liminary works, copies of the Act ef
ent of Canada under which it is pro-
ailway is to be constructed, deacirip-
tons of the natural features of the country and
its agricultural and mineral resources, and other
information4 may be seen on application at this
Departme t, or to the Engineer -in Chief, at the
street, E.
" Tenders
of Decentb
the let of
overument Offices, 31 Queen Victoria'
• L Mitten. .Sealed Terelene marked
or Pacific Railway," will be received,
o the undersigned, until thefirst day
r next.
BRAUN, Secretary,
Public Works Depa.rtment, Ottawa.
May 20, 1878.
e for reed:Sing .proposals under the
advertisement is hereby :extended to
BRAUN, Secretary,
Public Werke Department.
Ottawa, September 2, 1878. - - 562-4
In the Ma
of the
ter of JAMES lil&RTIN, -Senior, late
Town of Seaforth, in the County of
Gentleman, Deceased.
A LL P RSONS having or holding any elaims
J --'s again t the estate of the above named James
Martin, S niar, are required un or before the
30th day o
paid, addr
sted, Barr
such clai
ment of n
After whi
will proee
ceased ROC
those elm
claims by
!rem part cipating in the said estate.
Dated t e 29th day of August. D. 1878.
Solicitors of Estate,
13E11T SMILIE, having purchased
la Nebraska and being determined. le
ere, -will the old homestead by
tion without !reserve on MONDAY,
SEPT. 8 th, 1878, at I o'clock P. M., at the
Connnerc' al Hotel, Seafoah. It is composed of
north ha f of Lot 21, oncession 12, McKillop
fenced, n
barn and
gravel roe,
office, sch
young or
also plen
chased la
serve. F
to be pai
September, to send by letter poet -
seed to Messrs, McCaughey -it Holme -
stars, Seaforth, the full particulars of
8, with vouchers attached, ad state-
ture and value !of any secutities held.
h date we, the -Undersigned Exeentors,
d to distribute the estate of the de-
rding tO his will, having regard to
s only of whiab. he then shall ha.ve
11 creditors failing to put in their
the time aforesaid will be debarred
remove t
Public An
5Chteres„ all o which are cleared, well
derdrained, and in a state of good
. There is a fog house and good frame
they out -buildings. It is on a good
8 miles from Seaforth and an equal
rom Brussels, is convenient to pelt
ol and churche , Thrres is a splendid ,
hard, and a gre t veriety of Shade _trees,
of water. As the proprietor has pur-
d, this farm Will be sold witholft re -
r further particulars apply to the un
or to A. Strone, Land Agent, Seaforth.
Ten per cent. of the parches° moires.
on the day of ale and the balance in
oka graxel road anc two -and -a -half miles north of
o nue- $o," SILid. !MarilYie with tears,. .for the first time l‘Irs. Brussels. For terns apply to C. B. COOPER,. PURE P
upon.her cheek. Premi8e8"
quiringly Tier son inade another , Thol
stop. -
ea, erly.i "It seems so formal to be Ila.miltou dew her towards her and Brussels P. 0,, or to ALEX. INGRAM, on the
" She -only came -for the winter," con- - cal
tinned, Citandeil in his turn gazin,g into .
the - glowing embers; " and she will mi
leave early in the spring, unless -unless
.1 can persuade her Co stay."
"Claude !" exclaimed his mother. It
- was only one word., but there. was a
world of significance the tone, -.and for me to say on so short au acquaint- .4 The next
. he drew himself up rather proudly, and auce., Give me a little more time, and week, bill,
met her steady, look with _unflinching I shall be able to speakmore 'Hama* 2
eye3.." The week for Which Maddie had. been. stay, Sqin,
1,0 I
led Miss Cameron." • pressed. a le
'Perhaps I May, some day," • said " And no
s.: Hamilton, with a smile. Mrs. Hami
That night a rather long letter 'Wag. has rung, al
dispatched to Claude. and it conta,ined ".I shall
these words: "1. am not disappointed "and, than
in her; - and -that, eyoU know, , is much • so very, ver
- ''!My dear Mother," .he exclaimed, invited passed awav far too quickly, for to -morrow.'
Halve - you, not,!for the last' three 1)r four Weather permitted, and afternoon but with' a
" Oh, \do
" why do you look at me like .that ? the pleasant morning rambles when the
',eats at least, been telling me that I drives, with the cosy fireside evenings, appoiutaiei
ought to marry, and now that I am were inexpressibly -charming to a girl of " WilY,' 1
really thinking aboutit, you look as if I Maggie's stamp. There was alwavs _Hamilton,
' had\iiroached some outrageous and nu; some new book to discuss; or some vii... look ! Mo.
heard. of idea." lage news .to talk over, and occasion-
" Beca.use yOu. have takeA me so com- ally more serious subjects would arise;
pletky by surprise," said his mother. and all. tended to convinee. Mrs. Ham -
"1 have never seen -never heard of ilton that Maggie was a girl of no coni
this Iyoung lady before ; but if she is one mon mind.:
really calculated to make. you happy. Que afternbon, when the weather had.
depend upon it you shall meet with no changed and the thickly -falling snow
obstacles froni me." Made their uSual drive impossible, Mrs.
" There's'iny own dear mother," ex.- Illinilton had. been _showing, Maggie
clainaed Claude, affectionatelV kissing , sono of the art treasures, of which she
her delicate hand ; and. do not fear h
that I shall do anything rashlY. 1 I
have not vet said a word to either .Miss e,
camoron or her uncle. At present, gLin was rephiced in its richly carved.
all I want is triat you' should. kuow dian cabinet.
her." • " Never- covet riches," said Mrs.
1 " I see hut little chance of that, Itunilton, gravely; "my ha.ppiest days
Claude,' said. his mother, gravely, wlere spent in comparative poverty."
"going out so littli!! as I do; and it T len after a pause she asked : "Would
would. not at, for you to bring her y u like me- to tell you something of
her." • iny past life? It is just the evening for
"No, I see that," said Claude ; "yet a story."
it must he managed. There is only . Maggie asSented with delight, and
one way -suppose you give it party." seating herself on a low ottoman, drew
" A party 1' said Mrs. Hamilton. a little nearer to her. friend and pre -
"Yes, and. invite the Harrisons," he p to listhn.
replied. "Don't you think it would do, 1" I will pass over .mv .early . days,"
reedier ? They would be only too hap- said Mrs. Hamilton, "for there was
d a large cellectiou.
"How nice it must be to be rich,!"
claimed Maggie; as the last antique
reemeosenrt-aireed lenefteiGeote
pnoessu. e e on SALE.-Ioi Sale, Lot No. 14, SAUCES,
v run away and dress, said
the payrn tit thereof, which said mertgage will
20, Con. 6, Morris, adjoining the Villas° of Brus- CA.....N.NED GOODS,
sell; 50 acres, 83 acres cleared, cheese6factory and CAN GOODS. CANNED GOODS,
. be produ ed on the day of sole, tbere will be seld
d we shad be late."
. by public auction at the! Queen's Hotel, in Sea-
t b 1 g," said Maggie ;
machinery coriplete thereon. Four houses aud '
you, dear Mrs. Hamilton
" Robert Jones, of the To
f the power of sale
ain mortgage made by
n of Seaforth,
$ - • And evtrything i the Grocery department.. We Guarantee the best in the market. I forth, at o'cloell, P. M., soia Saturday, September
1 Number ' hirty-Five, of the Geo. Sperling Sur-
, " I expect Claude home.
eked- her' to prolbug her
0 110r gre,itt, delight, 'Ire..
Comity of Huron, containing 100 acres,
r4 A1131 FOR SALE. --That well-known and line -
L 1V Sallee(' farm, Lot 1, Con. 1, Eullett, in the
90 of . fourPatternsWhi e Granite T ilet Sets, Gold Band Toilet Sets, Fancy Toilet Sets, &e:
• .
China Ica Sas, ve y large asso •tmeet in French -and English I 'ere. White Granite Tea Seta, rar.isTeat.13118'inirst jdellamkshszsIgv1;ideni3na.17,pAisileloaNitui,ongotood re-
_ .
____ s
. yea, of pait of the. tow, n 01 :f Seavfeenratho.esTshoeiriceit:re.
, two cone ortable dwelling howies on the -said
• 561-3 i
ties. JOHN LECKIE. Brussels.. 515 . .
You i'' excleimed Maggie, houses, b•trn, horee stable, cow stable, sheep-houee LASSWARE DEPARTMENT. ., _._
. ethich are cleared ; there are two frame dv:elling •
, lots and a large number of vacant lots in Brussels,
inuela .1' all till° property of the unaersignett Also a num
day was tlie hist of Macfclie's her of improved farms, the Property of other pare'
21st„ i8713, the following premises, viz.; LOt
ook and tone almost, of dis-
water. The farm is situated two miles from the .
and driving house ; also orchard and abundance of
t, The largest stock i Town, iisiorted direct from ----------- actorers, and at prices that cannot be
-.7 dear child," said particulars apply to MeCAUGHEY HOLME- making their purcha.. es
Town of Settfurth, on the Huron Road. For full beat. Hotelkeepers rid parties commencing hOusekeeping will , do well to give us a call before '
latiabina "how grave von STED, Seaforth, or to SIMON YOUNG, proprie-
cs a'
511.• VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. -For Sale the
announcement in a Very di6erent man -
tor, on the premises. !
• 4 1 1 • 'e the
• " Oh, 11)
ed. poor
that is. I
shall !ha");
But Maelie WAS mistaken, and soon
learned to hink 'the eveuincts. quit
Claude ca e; and. her cheek ,began .to
'er heart to beat at the sound
or. footstep. And one day
returned from a long walk
iere wae..eomethina so -.new,
i her 'whole leek itnd maiFer,
Hamilton, taking both her
ers and.looking., earnestly
west hug of Lot 27, Con. 3, McKillop, con -
THE undersigned havi g entered into pa.rtner.;
All Good- TVarranted as Represented or :Alone?' 1?efanded. Wagons,
, tenet and
, - tabling 50 acres, known as the Howie estate. This CARDNO'BLOCK
••g your p rdon, stammer- farm is situated within one mile and a! quarter of SEAFORTH.
aggie did not mean- Seaforth. The land is of the choicest qualitt.
on.ly thinking that we
There is a handsome residence and good outbuild-
fenced. It is admirably suited for a retired gen- • REMOVA
a The fann is well planted with fruit aud or -
no more Such. mice quiet iiina.-ms.eatai trees, is in eecellent order, and well
Oman, it dairy -man, or market gardener. Terms
easy. This property must be sold at once. Apply
to A. STRONG, Seaforth. 539
FARMS FOR SALE. -Lot '21, Con. 12, Meltil-
re now prepared to manufacture Plows,
Buggies, &c. By using first -ease Inas
having all the work coming through
our own hands, we can guarantee a good article. .
RLEY Partimal r !attention given to repairing, horses
e Its
ince, or m re so, than they were before
flush and. 1
of his voic
when they
so ha -ivy i
that Mrs:
hands in h
her blushing face,'said softly, " 1 mu t
call you Mirgaret1uow, I think."
nounced t
with very
inclined t
" Maggie'sidreadful slyness," and Fan-
ny declar41 all that vexed her was that
sl -ie had n4t enterdd. the -lists herself.
engagement was duly au -
the Hirrisons, and -received
nixed. eelings. Sophy was
resent ; Harriet expressed
isgust at what she called
lop 50 acres on N rrthern Gravel Road,5 miles
from •Seaforth; frame buildings stud _exams -rt.
West half Lot 29, Con. 9, McKillop, 50 acres, 40
cleared, frame buildings, good orchard: 5 miles
from Senforth, on gravel road. South half of • Lot
20, Con, 12, MeEillop, 50 acres, '25 cleared., frame
barn, splendid timber. Lot 1, Con. 8, H. R. S., -
nickel -eolith, 100 acres,'- acres; cleared, achatd,
fair buildings, and spr•ing creek running threugh
the farm ; 3 miles from Seaforth. Apply to A.
STRONG, Seaforth. • • 543
ARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 15, Cut'. 14,
McKillop, containing 50 acres, 45 of which are
desired and well huproved; there are fair build-
ings; and good renew;; there is a good young or
ehard and plenty of water; the growing crepswill
be sold with the farm ; it is 2 miles from Walton,
12 from Seaforth a.nd. 8 from Brussels, with gund
gravel toad leading to each place Also a gnantity
of excellent building timber and saw logs for sale.
Apply to Walton P. 0. or to the proprietor on the
premises. TAMES CAMPBELL. . 547-41
LAIDLA, I . shoemg
ing had
mg mill
_ .
: Agents I
, f william
I\T_ fort
Be pi to intimat that he has Removed his Office to JIM McGregor's New
• '
BrICIC Budd tro• on East ISide of Matta titreet, deatortia,! and Fourth Door
hitherto, car
General Insur
In thanking the p
has carried on these
them the eame satis
Campbell's Clothing Emporiums lik-here he will, as
!•y! thei
nee, 3foneg Loan Agency, and Sewing Machine _Business.
ime for thel confidence they have reposed in him forlhe past fifteen years he
branches in, Seaforth he wishes to inform tbern he will still endeavor to give
action whic
they have invariably expressed with his transacaions. He still
keeps on hand the b st Sewing cathines that are manufactured in the world, as well as Needles,
Oil, and Idachine A. tachments. He sells the Osborne A Machine, which is the simplest, the most
capable of ma ng a y
ki kind of ork in the most perfect manner, and the easiest and quickest
-a Machine that h
Fells the Wheeler &
F Wivea 3
131 41 any mac ine made ha the Dominion. He sells the Genuine Howe Machine '
s never failed to give satisfaction to every customer for the last ten years. He
Vilson Machines, the most rapid and least noisy Machine in the world.
echanics' Wives, Merchants' Wives and Manufacturers, do not fail to examine
and try our Sewing Machines -Family andMarnxfactuning-wheni you want one. Also Agent for
the celebrated Flan and Pope Emitting Machine, capable of doing all kinds of work. Instructions Wholes
given to en stomerp gratis on an of the above machines. Sewing Machines to Rent. Alao all kinds SH
of SeNv:ing Machiree repaired. TERMS LIBERAL.
ne general jobbing. Mr. Barton hav-
ver thirteen years experience in dress-
icks, we will make that a specialty.
r Watson's Celebrated Agricultural 1m-
on's old stand, G-oderich Street, Sea-
. 560
S to inform t'L Ladies of Seaforth and
ity that she is prepared to make up
In he Latest Fashion from Combings.
Prices Moderate, India' orders punctually at-
tended o. A call solicited. Residence -Main
Street, eaforth. 527
WM. N. WATSON, ,General Agent, Seaforth. 1 orothel
le and Retail Dea:er in LEit-ETHER and
E FINDINGRof Every Deseriiption.
but the Very Best Steak ketit. Tenna
. A Trial Solicited. All ordern by mil
se promptly filled.
it is stated Gr
trig for war with
siders inevitable,
arsatlairataurny:et,aiha josneyseetad.rampinitnsahlptot
lug brio run aCreo
gVars___ ow eliegevehht;6aivnee0,3arrbeso
o dei
re ,
ntationcf stock]
ed from the ex
/lived bodies veer
which have been
impure milk, h
elair, N. 3'.., an
the State
c'Efbnairan; Npie:Yvieits'
stock. Over 400
were shown.
i -.Mrs. Mary
fessed the othe
that she had
trao°tIlatkh:c°ala3 rebof it.
feleth' ve-auerniAe: 6wfibsel hfiarolir vie, 12°
the same cause.
thi-'TevillignatliChiebite I
pao,manthaehtirmaing 11111
tovhi, by Mae Al
-Black an '
ing the river a
Wisconsin, in I
nabYigrthaetiotlini3iliss naot
--Herr Rinks,
i atu tiltehjea raevrag '
accept the reeen
was d
'for the Abolition
1.-s Arettro°YetleI
'England, On th
draped -measure]
nose to the tip e
, round the stonal
- 1 -The Grandl
ha, costing $400
Chicago and S
covered on 11 e
ly destroyed.
the fire a
1- fireinisinsianng. has .
-F. C. Fadi
Western inn
1 - -tpl. eahrn:lov jdnirPg' el:nail:11w: eietyllo17 iee 1 I
----The Gran!
1i15)teioisn ,aallurti:4
1 ' eight or te pi
:., oognito /inkier
-I financially elm
ed to toN°tpa:as
a account of I
competitors to
in an erect
-The de 1
on tie 14613
lier age, of -
after livin
A 80/1 nialYST
merchant, Bp
e arrive
,continent at
shipped to -E
raent of all
cents per po
this it woul .1
just wtn000Ttlel
greata betweene-oeTaseheid s
Ness 'mon
he had bee()
tion, he was
oaselphne o
He was asso
ropolitan oh
---A New
by a. Boston
man. One d
man opened
inelosing a e
Ing the ate%
whole thing
friend to ste
,gtozatiuta. ,v,,
more is lino
Arctic whal
Ash. It wa.
prove a CO
aPlelA'reeffao er°tem
bay from e
wi_ndist tizheys
have been
plague in t
yet it is in)
for the sick'
available t(
a111posed3,yt:tk‘t) 1:13 ,
There are
and. one D
China and