HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-09-06, Page 81
r :
signed petition
ter -General a s
•have the mune
from Grey to
th village.
granted, the c.
newt policies, a
to $100,000.
and, prosperou
polities to the
TEAS, Sugars and Coffees, extra value
fit LA_Dr,,Liv SZ FA1SLEY's, Seaforth. 561
JUST ARIIITED a lot of first-iass Tim-
othy seed. and orchard grass, for fa sowing sowing at
LAintaw & PAriaLEv's, Seaforth. 561
A LIMITED quantity of the celebrated
Nieto- and Seneca Wheat, for seed,- to bo had at
liAtoLA.w & FAIRLEY'S, Seaforth. 561
still r. quantity of the celebrated Victor Wheat on
hand, which be will sell very cheap. 561
THE SEED STORE.—Dutch Bulbs and
tithe/ wintor Roweling roots. Will have shortly
on hand a large and varied collectiOn of Oh.oiee
SelectedBulbs, at IL Loom & Co.'s,.Sign of the
Mananoth Turnip. 561
VECTOR WIEEAT.—Having only a lim-
ited cyantity:of this valuable fall wheat, wo would
advise farmers wishing to procure seed to call early
and fecure it We guarantee it good and pu1tO.
Loo & Co., Sign of tho Mammoth Turnip,
Seafcrth. 581
ounting in the aggrogate
13 rapidly- increasing
company, has issued
ount of $1,700,000.
Pliltsox a.—"Wr, Robert 'Jamieson, of
this townd returned, home from the old
country On Monday • last. We are
pleaseft to see our young friend looking
BO lyell after his continental tour.
E TURSIoN,-Quite a number of our
citizens ae well as farmers in the -vicin-
ity, took advantage of the cheap excur-
sion to Toronto on Tuesday last. There
were 59 tickets sold. al the Seaforth sta-
tion. • I •
DIVINE SERVICE.—Dr. Frazer, who
was formerly an associate of Rev. Mr.
-McKay, in the Chmese mission in
Formosa, will preach in the Presby-
terian charcla next Sabbath morning
and. evening, at the usual hour.
ANNUAL Demte—The 33 -rd. (Huron)
battalion will go to camp at Goderich,
for the purpose of performing their an-
nual' drill, on Monday, 22nd inst. They
will be in camp six days. We hope the
" boys " may enjoy a good time.
BASE Beee.—A_ game of base ball will
be played on the' agricultural .,grounds
next Saturday for the five counties' cup
between the Sters, of this place, and
the Browns, of Mitchell. As both are
good clubs, a .closely contested. game is
anticipated. The game will be, called:
at 2 o'clock.
&ionise MATCH.—• A shooting match,
under the auspices of the Seaforth Rifle
Association, will be held on the range
here, on Thursday; the 19th inst., when
prizes to the amount of $119 will be of-
fered for competition. In addition to
this the Ontario Rifle Association badge
will be shot for.
AME. --- A -numerously
as sent to the Postmas-
ort time ago asking to
f the post office changed
ranbrook, the name of
The request has been
ange dating from the 1st
Grey. -
Pommel, M ETINGS.—Meetinga call-
edilay Mr. Hier on, the Reform Candi-
nate for Centr: Huron, will be held in.
the School H use on. the 16th con-
cession of Gre on Thursday next at 2
o'clock, and at Walton on the same day
atI7 o'clock P. M. Mr. Platt, Mr. Hor-
ton, Mr. Stra han, Mr. McMillan, and
others are exeected to address these
T okersmith.
• Pinerricei, M
ins have bee
follows: At
Tuesday even
B oadfoot's sc
at 2 o'clock p.
h use on W
o' lock. The
peso& by
and others.
and will likel
ing of the .Ho
bYelaw was fo
ed to be publi
Mr. Cook, sec
the rate in th
year be as foil
mills; nitro
ship. rate, 9-11
cation of the
section No. 14,
read, asking f
way of loan
sum of $.200 f
Mr. Weir, sec
a; by-law be
seconded by
Warren be co
tract finished.
Carried. Mo '-ed by Mr. Weir, second. -
ed. by Mr,. Ph ir, that Edward Harrison
receive $ , -he being in indigent circum -
s ances, e ebenture -to be left with
1tr. Cook— arried. After passing a
n mber of °counts, the Council ad-
journed tom et at Geirieon the third.
*Wednesday i September.
t I
ETINGS.—Political meet -
called by Mr. Horton as
lgie's school house, on
g next. at 7 o'clock ; at
ool house on Wednesday
; at Chesney's. school
dnesday evening at 7
e meetings will be ad-
essrs. Horton, McMillan
r. Platt has been invited
NGs.-L--At the last meet -
'de Connell, the drainage
ally adopted and order-
hed. It was moved by
nded by Mr. Weir, that
dollar for the current
ws ; County rate, 2 5;10
d rate, 6-10 mills; town-
mills—Carried. Apiili-
rustees of Union school
Howick and Wroxeter,
✓ authority to raise by
for building purposes the
✓ four years. Moved by
nded by Mr. Phair, that
assed to authorize, the
.• Moved by Mr. Weir,
Mr. Jacques, that John
pelted to have his con -
by the 15th September -
fell into the
about twelv
place bein
Their cries
men and ot
erable dista
dren went
got hold of
and by this
Donald, be
from Bruc
the water
A LARGE YIELD.—r. Francis Carlin,
of McKillop, informs us that from one FASHIONAB
bushel and. 15 pounds of Victor wheat, persons, the
sown by him last fall, he this year real -
arming mill the Georgyoung
e'p Oh
ized clean from the
remarkably large yiel
The seed was purcha,s
Rheill, of this town.
01,52 bushels. cess the mar
d from Mr. Wm. Meyer, Barri
Helen E. Ro
1;tess, M. P
A fIosoune 150NATION.TA Bishop,
M. P. Pe has kindly donated the sum
of $25 to the South. I-Iuron Agricultural
Societyto be used in augmenting the
prize list for their forthcoming
show. The Directors of the Society
viiSit, through us, to return their sincere
thanks to Mr. Bishop for his generous
• Tea: Notrisvrioes.—The nominations
take place •ou Tuesday next, at twelve
o'clock. Nominations in this `county
will be held. as follows : Centre Huron,
at Seaforth, James. Dickson; Esq., re-
turning officer ; South Heron, at Hen -
sail, Sheriff Gibbons returning, officer ;
NorthHuron, at Winghare, Thomas
Ilolme-s, Esq., returning officer.
solemn yet
Service was
deacon Elwo
*Ticks, Cur
bride, who w
for the occas on, was given away by her ,
father, Col. Ross. Tho bridesmaids
were, lst., iss Carrie Ross; 2nd, Miss
Meyer. Th groomsmen were, lst, Dr.
ouinlock ; 2nd, Mr. Arthur Ross.
mona the resents to the bride 'was a
Water -color ainting by Mr. Cresswell,
hide was e gift of Dr. Gotiinlock.
number o -eery handsome presents
ere also m de to the bride by her
Various fiends ; a very handsome
drawing roo set and piano were also
presented b near relatives. The hap-
py pair star ed. on their -wedding tour
ay train. Iwill take in
he St. Lawrence to Mon -
Champlain, Lake George,
untains, then to Boston,
ety York by sea and return
• tciz Albany and home
gharn, their intended fu-
E WELDIN G.—About 150
eater number of whom
ladies, assembled iu St.
ch at 10 o'clock to . wit-
-ia,ge of Mr. Henry W. C.
ter, of Wingham, -Miss
s, eldest daughter; of Col.
P., of Goderich, The
eautiful English' Church
el -formed by Ven. Arch -
d, assisted. by Rev. Mr.
te of the Churbh: The,
s yery charmingly dressed
00 muc p
him for his
He inamedi
ling his do
into the wa
he got one
time had. s
Dool, of thi
water and
The young
out by this
parently d
and skill
but only fo
gret to' say
supposed t
in the far
Morgan, w
into the wi
his own lif
ing childre
gloom over
Morgan ha
the whole
water from a height of
feet, the water at the
about eight feet deep.
were heard by the work:
ers, but all were a °onside ,
ce off. Two of the chil-
nder the water; the othd
nd clung to the bridge post,
means kept herself up till
young man named. Mc- '
onging to a pic-nic party
field, saw the children in
om the top of the hill;. and
aise cannot be bestowed. on
roropt and manly action.
tely ran down the hill, pul-
hes off as he went, plunged.
er and. dived twice before
f the children, who by this
k to the bottom. R. Mc -
place, also dived into_ the
elped to get out another.
st, named Clara, was taken
young Brucefield man ap-
d, but through the exertion
f Dr. Stanbury, who was
On the mid -
A LARGE Loee.—Mr. John. Thorp, On a trip down
Thursday of last week, drew from his treal, Lake
e farm (aa. the 2nd. concession of Tucker -
smith to the Seaforth Flax Mill, a load
of fax which weighed 8,200 pounds.
This is the largest load that was ever
delivered a the Seaforth mill. The-
• team which. drew this load was a pair
of Lord. HadeloW colts, 4 years old.
P o imam PAINTING .-MT. L .F.Wheeler,
artiet, 110 just completed an excellent
and life -like oil portrait of Mr. Alex.
Davidson, of the Commercial Hotel.
Mr. Wheeler is an artist and painter of
much taste and skill, and the painting
above referred to is one of his best ef-
forts. has a number of other ex-
cellent portraits and paintings in pro-
. gtess.
• TIIANEs.—The employees of the Ex-
reser= Office are ender obligations' to
their good and miedfnl friends, Messrs.
David Dormice, of McKillop; and N.
Cousins of Tuckersmith, for donations
of delicious apples. '4 Our boys ". are
excellent judges of fruit, and they ' as-
. sure us that the apples of Messrs. Dor-
ranee and. Cousins are the best grOwn in
the county.
• ' PRIZE ESSAYS.—The judges appointed.
by the committee of the Seaforth Me-
chanics' Institute, have given' their de-
- oisions on the prize essays written, for
the Institute. The first prize was award-
ed tp Mr. G. Watson, of Seaforth, and
the second to Mr: R. Sperling, of Mo-
Killop. The subject upon which the
essays were written was The Life,
Times and Influence' of Benjamin
A MEAN TUICK.—Some evil -disposed
and mean-spirited person had. inserted
in the Glob -:of the 23rd ult., the follow-
ing notice :
Iii Michigan, at. the resiatne- of Mr. Hiram
Spragn“, August 17th, tia‘ wits., of A. G. McDougall,
of Seaforth, of a :•on.
To those acqitinted-with the parties
intereeted, needi not • say that the
above is a crud, heartless hoax. The
lady whom it was intended. to injure,
although the time, visiting at the place
named returned to Seaforth on Friday
Cuiceter.--,The Harriet= cricketers
are expected over here, to play a friend-
ly game with the home team, on. Sat-
urday next. An exeiting game is an-
Imenovenexes. --The contract award-
ed to Mr. Jim. Green, a short time ago,
for the building of a stone wall at the
North-East corner of the bridge, is
approaching 'completion, and will be a
great improvement both in safety and
llowICK AtUTCAL FIRE Inuit -ex=
COMiteelle—At a regular meeting of this
Company; held in Gerrie, on Saturday
laat, applications were received for 100
White M
thence to
ip the 'Hud
claim to Wi
ute reside
soidhis fa
Con. 9, M
21st ult.
ended by
ales he le
4or county
doi1ar; to
the dollar;
mills in th
'rates was
stine, that
paid viz.,
ing On. 5th
Bennett, f.
$200, an
cd. on said.
James lin
cornbe, se
with appea
penses of a
attend once
Moved by
J. R. Mille
ed to let a
line betwo
Miller, sec(
hour. His remarks were very shrewd
and sensible, as was acknowledged by
even the few Tories present, who were
pleased at the gentlemanly manner in
-which he handled his discourses without
the least hint at anything personal to
his opponent. At the conclusion of his
speech there was enthusiastic cheering,
as much as to say, "Horton is the right
man in the right. place." Next came
a Crab from Goderich, and a defeated
Cral3 at that, who in trying to grasp at
too much lost all, and Was completely
lost in his Arguments. He handled. this
theory of Protection, indeed as it can
tional Policy "p
this section of It
Council of -the ti
held at Sinburnc
the members pre
mer meeting werE
Moved by J. Br
, that a b
t Londes
ere 1878,
of Octo
leading from Con
to Melville's mill
be authOrized to
according to law.
only be handled,—na a very.feeble way, J. Lasham, seco
without having the least effect on the a special grant
audience. Mr. D. D. Wilson was the plement the by
next speaker, a man in whom the au- tion for the p
dience was not disappointed. He de- I Moved by I. B
livered a telling speech, handling eyery 1 Howson, that W
argument brought forward by his op- 1 Concession 6, be
ponents in favor of Protection very i labor for the
cleverly, plainly showing that if- the i 'Mo-ved by J. H
policy of Protection was passed by the I,,Mason, that the
Government, it, would be ruin to this keessed, levied an
n the spot, she- revived, Domunon. His explanation on
a short time. She, we re- point was endorsed by a large majority
died the following day, of the audience. In hie closing re -
be from injuries received marks he wasvociferously cheered. The
. In the. excitement Mr.
io could not swim, rushed
ter and came nearly losingb
tryina to rescue his drown-
. The sad accident cast a
the village. . Mr. and. Mrs.
e the heartfelt sympathy of
are glad • PERSONAL.—Neglad to learn that
Mr. John Watt, an old resident of this
township, and formerly a teacher in
school section No. 4, has succeeded in
obtaining a second-class certificate,
grade A. Mr:Watt is a young man of
more than ordinary ability, and will no
doubt keep on. iuntil he has,reached the
top of the adder.
meeting of the Varna District Teach:
er's Instit te, will be held in the school
a, on Saturday, September
ncinat 10 o'clock A. M.
ng istheprogramme of sub-
gebra to beginners, Wm.
ratio and proportion, John'
citation, Thomas Higgins ;
cipline, S. Ferris ; uniform
Jas. McAndrew ; algebra pa -
lass, Geo. Baird;
—Politics are quiet just now.
be a foregone conclusion,
ory and Radical, that Mr.
eron will be elected. by a
ty. The meeting in Varna
evening was a grand success
eform party. Mr. Cameron
ne of - the ablest addresses
red in this part of the coun-
Porter is a very plausible
t his _arguments, if he may
ave any, when touched by
•on's burningeloquence,`pow-
fling, and. stubborn facts, dis-
snow when exposed to the
ays of the sun.
ratable property.
present year, TI
poses, 2, 2 -10th
township purpo
next speaker was Mr. Thomas Hays, the dellar ; a
reeve. of McRillop. He said he did not amounts requir
come there to make a speech, but if school corporati
they would listen to him he wonld tell be prepared and
them a, story, not about two black cows same. ---Carried.
but something similar. Well, he began read and passed.
as follows: "I was in a Dutchman's seconded. by J.
hotel not lOng since in company with lowing account
a few others, when after indulging a lit- Young and othe
tle on the Dutchman's port, politics —Carried.
were introduced, Protection-. and Free onded by J. Mas
Trade being the principal points of ar- J. Lasham be
gument. Well, we could not agree, and bridge on Cone
we left it to the Dutchman to decide, 24, and give an
the drinks which were ca,lled in to be thereof on the
paid for by the party against whom the pleted according
decision was given. • The Dutchmande- Moved. by J. ritton, seconded. by J.
livered his decision asfollows : 'Vell,den, Howson, that t e reeve and. treasurer
if de Yankys charge us 20 cents a pushel be authorized to give C. McDonald.notes
for our wheat, ve vill charge •dem 20
cents for every pushel we get from dem,
dot's free trade, and. Tommy wins de
drinks, by Jove." After he told his
story be produced some scraps of paper
taken from the Mail, showing the ex-
penditure of the present Government.
In this he became completely founder-
ered, and instead of thousands he
quoted tens of thousands and. I believe
niillionsP one time, and the more he
endeavoid to explain the matter, the
deeper he got into the mire, and at this
critical moment retired, I believe quite
convinced of his ignorance of the politic-
al question now before the public. Mr.
John McMillan next came forward, who
delivered & very eloquent speech, not-
withstanding the many interruptions
by his opponents, Mr. Crabb and the
Opposition candidate, who conducted
themselves in a very ungentlenianly
manner, the .audience being reluctantly
compelled to call them to order. On re-
tiring he was cheered to the tune of C. E. Coorne
hip, hip, hurreh. Mr. Platt made the
winding -up speech but without effect.
The majority of the audience left the
room, when he almost went as far as to
bea there to Vate for him. I under -
ne—Mr: James Kelly has
en, the north half Lot 23,
iris, to J: N. Knechtel, of
private terms.
• The Council met on. the
_Loved by J, H. Millar, sec-
. Mooney, that the following
ed for the _present year, viz.:
purposes, 3 1-10 mills in the
reship rate, 1 2-10 mills in
special railway rate, 1 2-10
dollar—Carried. By-law
the collection of the above
uly read and passed. Moved
Ilar, seconded. by D. Venal -
the following accounts be
. Mooney, to pay for gravel -
=cession line, $50; Richard
-work on -E ast Gravel Road,
al sum having been expend. -
road by township of Grey ;
, for spreading gravel and.
work 1.2,7.75 ; James New-
ving notice4i in connection
court, $101 W. Clark, ex -
peal court, $3 ; W. Andrew,
at appeal court,-2—Carried.
D. Vanalstine, seconded by
,that H. Mooney be instruct -
job of repairing hill on side
n lots 20 and 21 in the 7th
Carried. Moved by J. R.
nded by D. Vanalstine that
house, V
14, comm
The follow
jects : -
Plunkett ;
Beatty ; r:
school di -
per, third
It seems t
with both
M. C. Ca
large majo
on Monde
for the
ever deliv
try. Mr.
speaker, b
be said to
Mr. Came
erful roes
appear lik
now be sa,
has not b
years ; in
early, sp
which, I
the poor c
IN GENERAL.—Harvest may
d to be entirely over. There
en such an early one for some
act it has been a little too
ng grain ripened too soon,
elieve, is the true cause of
op of spring wheat generally,
and not, as has been said, the midge,
fly and w evil. Fall wheat is yielding
from' 20 t.35 bushels per acre; the av-
erage will ,probably be about 30. Farm-
ers are go
this fall,
farms so
sown on
some of o
harvest t
well on o
'crop of w
three or
will not
the rot i
remains t
the whol
did not d
ng pretty strong for fall wh
any of them on hundred a
ing between 20 and 30 aci
tly a good deal of it will be
uestionable ground. Perhaps
farmers will find out next
at fall wheat will not do very
d land which has grown a
eat every year for the last
our years. The potato crop
e as good this year as last;
appearing here and. there ,•
will do much damage or not
• be seen. The fruit crop on
will be good ; the caterpillar
as much harm this year as
hill has
boro, for
two acr:
TY CIIINGE.—Mr. John Cut-
purche,sed the residence and
•f Mr; Alex. Love, near Rox-
he sum of $560. There are
s of land, on which. is a fine
Mr. Outbid intends leasing
his own axial, and Mr. Love will move
to Seaforth.
A SERIOUS CR131E.—On Friday last a
most diabolical assault was committed,
an a young girl named Alexander,whose
parents reside on the 10th concession of
McKillep, by a young man named
John Logan. The girl was going from
Mr. Robertson's to Winthrop. When
she had got on the gravel - road, Logan
who was then in Leyden's Hotel, fol-
lowed after her. _ She had not gone far
when he overtook her, and. without any
warning , knocked her down and com-
mitted an -assault upon her. The girl,
by her screams for help, attracted the
attention of some of the neighbors, who
speedily came to. her aid, but not in
nettdcon't grow well in
e.—A meeting of the
ship of Hullett was
n August 29th. All
ent. Minutes of for -
read and. confirmed.
itton, seconded. by J.
y-law,be prepared and
oro, on the 18th day
for stopping up road
ession road 8 and 9,
and that the Clerk
advertise said by law
Carried. Moved. by
ded by J. Mason, that
$50 be made to sup-
dary appropria-
esent year.—Carried.
itton, seconded by J.
dow McMichael, Lot 1,
:xempted from. statute
esent year.—Carried.
wsou, seconded. by J.
&lowing rates be as -
collected on all the
the township for the
.: For county pur-
ills on the dollar ; for
es, 1 4 -10th mills 011-
d also the several
d. by, the .respeetive
ns, and. that a by-law
passed. to confirm the
The by-law was then
Maved by J. Howson,
asha,m, that the fol -
be paid, viz.: John.
, $20,for filling gravel.
ed by J. Britton, see-
n, that J. Howson and.
a committee to pass
ssion road. 10-11, -Lot
rder for the . payment
Treasurer, when corn -
to contract—Carried.
ra ish an appearance to the church.
It was taken down and replaced by a
" re Foil."
LECTURE.—Rev. Walter Inglis, of
Ayr, delivered a lecture in St. Andrew's
chiirch, last Tuesday evening. Subject
A phase of Scotch character seldom
t -ached njou." The sum realized was
$ 3.20, to aid in fitting up the basement
po the new church for Sunday School
LOCAL MAExET.—Our market is get -
t ng lively again. New grain is coming
i rapidly, for which our buyers are pay -
i g the highest prices, which induces
f mere in the townships of Grey, Mc -
op and south side of Hallett to sell
eir grain here, although there are
other markets much nearer them.
Messrs. Mc -Kinnon dc McMillan are put -
ng new elevators into their storehouse.
he following are the quotations: Bar-
y, 60 to 70 ; spring wheat, (red. chaff)
,0c to 90c ; fife, 95c to 98c ; treadwell,
5c to $1; oats, 30c to 32c; peas, 58c
o 62c ; hay, $10; flour, 11,2.50 ; pate-
oes, 400 to 50c ; apples, 50c ; eggs, 9c ;
!utter (loose) 1.1c ; tub,12c ; woo1,20c to
28c: sheep skins, 50c to $1.
and sign the s
Council to the
able at three m
Consolidated B
ton being balan
price for buildin
culvert fence an
Quigley's gate, o
Lot 19, when s
the COUTICil.—
MaSql, Seconde
'Howsbn and. J.
wild brid
ssion 10, i
Moved b
n be a co
to re
by J.
on C ncession r
-when complete
—Capied. Th
meet again at
me on behalf of this
mount of $1,255, pay-
ths after date, at the
k of Canada in Clin-
e in full of centred
bridge embankments,
approach to Thomas
Concession road 6-7,
id bridge is passed_ by
arried. Moved by J.
by J. Britton, that J.
ashani be authorized
e on side -road 35-36,
found. necessary.—C ar-
S. Howson, seconded
hat the Reeve and J.
mittee to pass bridge
ad 6-7 opposite Lot 19,
according to contract.
Council adjourned to
oudesboro, on the 19th
in any part
asonable ter
Branph of the
ada was open f
stand he intends , to visit this locality day last. I
again before the election. He should PROPERTY Sa,D. — John Parker has
bring Mr. John Morrison ' with him. sold the balance of his property, on
Yours, &c.—Aei EYE WITNESS. Turnberry street, upon -which he had
just erected a new frame barn, to J. G.
THE Host Deenicae—We are glad to I
see that the Council 1have seen fit to
change their plan in the finishing of the
top of the new
finish it with a
day they will p
pally were out
last week, to t:
have now 1,500
hose. Brussel
as good fire pro
very much lar
& Forsyth, in
their stock -in -t
last removed.
inform us th
offer for th
evisle to retir
one of the lar
the Northern
of London, E
penal, of Glas
• wee, to inspe
tection with a
with us.. Th
fully satisfied
the best regul
tion outside
Thee Cornpa
her% and irate
responding wit
Auctioneer. Sales con -
of the . County of Huron, on
s. BruSsels P. 0. 561-3
3Axi. -I-- The Brussels
xchalage Bank of Can -
✓ busilpess on Wearies-
Runt Sonn.—Mr. Charles Lawrie has
sold his ferna on the 8th concession of
Hullett, to Mr. Anderson of Usborne,
for the sum of $6,500. Mr: Lawrie pur-
chased. this farm, seven years ago, for
13,500. This does not look much as if
the country was going to ruin. We be-
lieve Mr. Lowrie intends purchasing a
property in or near Seaforth, and resid-
ing there in future.
meeting, called by Mr. Platt, was held
at Kinburn, on Friday evening last.
There was a large Meeting, and the ut-
most' interest was manifested in the
proceedings by those present. The
Temperance Hall, which, by the Way,
is one of the finest edifices of the kind
in the county, and is a,' standing exam-
ple of the zeal and generosity of the
temperance people of Milburn, was
filled. The chair was taken by Mr.
John Britton. Mr. Platt was the first
speaker. He dwelt mainly on Protec-
tion, and used pretty much th- same
arguments in its favor that he used. at
former meetings. He was followed by
Mr. Horton, who delivered' an excellent
speech, ably combatting Mr. Platt's ar-
guments in favor of Protection, and
proving that the present Government
had ,earned by their economical arid
honest management of public affairs a
renewal of the confidence of the people.
Mr. Horton was followed by Mr. Crabb,
of Goderich, who was most effectively
replied to by Mr. John McMillan, of
Hullett. Dr. Coleman, of Seaforth;
next spoke in favor of Mr. Platt, and
was followed by Mr. McLean, of Sea -
forth. Dr. Holmes, of Brussels, made
the closing spech. He, like Mr. Platt,
confined himselft almost exclusively to
the question of Free Trade and Protec-
tion. The meeting was most orderly,
and the several sPeakers were listened
time to protect her from the assaults of to with the greatest attention.
the villaM. As soon as he had accom- —On Saturday evening a meeting was
plished Ins purpose be fled to the woods,
but was soon pursued by the neighbors, held in the temperance hall, Londsboro.
Notwithstanding the very wet and inl-
and was captured at Davis' Hotel. He
was taken before A. Govenlock, J. p., [favorable night, there was a very fair
and confessing his crime wet commit- 1 attendance. Mr. Jamieson was called
to the chair. Addresses on the Censer -
ted to stand his trial • at' the next as-
vative side were made by Messrs. Platt,
Sizes. He was conveyed t
and is neavin jail. Logan s young Crabb, Hayes and Dr. Holmes, end
were re lied to b Messrs. Horton D. that on the
Porter, of Blytli, was brought before
Squire Wilson, last Friday, at the in-
tance of Thos. White, on the *charge of
removing from his premises three pans
Of ashes, which didnot belong to her.
It appears Mrs. Porter occupied part of
his house during last winter and spring.
n renewing from the house, some five
months a,go,she left a box of ashes in the
rard. White, thinking she did not in-
tend claiming the ashes after leaving
hem so long, emptied into the box three
iianfuls last wek. Mrs. Porter sent
rale of her boys after the box. Finding
po one at home the boy advanced into
he back yard. and removed the box,
hich he thought contained only his
other's ashes. On returning, White
issed. the box, and went to Mrs. Por-
er and demanded three pans of ashes,
hich she refused to give him. -White
at once entered a suit against her; she
was compelled to return the ashes, and
was fined $1 and. costs. She appealed.
the case to higher court. "Penny wise
and. pound foolish."
SEPTE4BER 6.1 1878.
tracted with the parties at 8i cents, be.,
ing an advance of a cent per lb eat
the price received by neighbenng
• .
F.A.Maj GOODa.
ose derrick, and will now
belfry,and we hope sonae
ace bell in it.
1PNT•—The Fire Com -
n Tuesday evening of
st the I new hose. They
feet of the best rubber,
is now in possession of
ctior as in most of the
er towns. -
NoTESI—Messrs. Wilcox
rchants, have sold out
8,de, and on Wednesday
to the village of St.
s.Strachan & Smith also
they are open for an
ir lnisinss, as they
This :'firm carries
est stoaks in Brussels.
cn.L-The' Inspectors of
ire InSurince Company,,
gland,and Scottish Irai
ow, visited our town last]
t our System of fire prol
view to doing business;
exPressed thmselves]
hat our town possessed
ted sy4eni. of fire protec
of the western cities.
es have opened. agencie
d to insure at rates cr
our protection.
Farow, Di. Sloan, Horace Hor
for parliamen ary h nors, held a joints
ton, and Sa uel Platt, candidate
meeting for t e purpose of expressing
theie politica opinions, on Wed-nesda
evening in th town hall, to an audienc
of over 500 ra epayers of Brussels, Mori
ris andGrey. As the eandidates for
both Centre a d North Huron .had ac:L
cidentally ap ointed the same evening
in Brussels, t e meeting was a very long
one, The fo r candidates were allow'
ed one hour e ch, and. were given avery
good hearing, there being not the slight
est interrupton te: any one speakel.
Mr.I Thomas Kelly, of Brussels, -ve
ably filled th chair.- Thomas Gibso
M.p., was al. o on the platform. W
must say the if the expectations
the four can 'dates are fully realize
th Mt., the two ridingp
nted by four members,
rtain of being elected..
Political Meetings in Howick.
A mot reliable correspondent sends
the following respecting the meetings
beld by Messrs. Farrow and Sloan in
Howick. Ile says: Dr. Sloan's meet-
ings in Howick have been very success-
fuL vote in that town-
ship will be considerably reduced. The
"National Policy" does not seem to
have many supporters there,even among
the Conservative party. The meeting
M Gorrie drill shed was attended by over
400 electors. Mr. Farrow in the most
disgraceful manner brought up the cir-
cumstances of Dr. Sloan's having sub-
scribed $50 to the Blyth Roman Cath-
olic Church, and entered. into a detail-
, ed account of his having been twice tried
therefor before the Orange Society with
a view to his expulsion. As the sub-
scription referred. to was given nearly
three years ago, it shows to what straits
Mr. Farrow is driven when he has to re-
suscitate such a matter to prejudice, if
possible, the Howick Orangemen against
his opponent. The Dr. was met at
Fordwich, tile next night with the cry
"who put tlie cross on the Catholic
Church," but notwithstanding such un-
worthy electioneering dodges he is going
to poll a splendid vote in Howick. The
.Behnore meeting was enlivened by a
lawyer from Toronto, One Meek, who
discoursed the audience to sleep upon
the dreary generalities of protection.
man about 18 years of age and is a
this Counc I do now adjourn to meet resident of the township of Grey. miss D. Wilson and John McMillan. w rep
be re res
again on ti lst day of October next thev are all c
- Carried. Alex n
unblemished reputation, and is highly ful. meetng, was held at the Sepaate
der is about 14 years of age, is of —On Monday evening a very success-
POLITICAL MEETING.— Mr, Editor— burn. Considering - the unfavorable
School House in Hullett, west of Kin -
Bayfield. respected by all who know her.
Trrs SIIC .—The Fall Show -under
the auspic:s of the Stanley Branch Ag-
riultural a iety will this year be held
at 1.38,-fiel en Wednesday and . Thurs-
day, Oda t 9 audi i0. This Society
have this e ear decided to take two days.
This will -1,-erv materially add to the
efficiency cif the Show, as it will save a
areal deal f confusion, and give mach
Simmer tim to complete arrangements.
Iu makin this "new departure " the
Society, eve acted wisely. The
prize list i 'comprehensive and liberal,
and with f vorable weather the Bay-.
field Show is sure to be even more suc-
cessful thL. year than it has ever been
SAD AND 1FATAL AccipExT.—On Mon-
day, the 2
John Mor
keeper in t
eight, five-
ing at the
bridge is
8th ult., three children of
an (the well known . hotel
is place), aged respectively
nd three -years, were play -
river, near where the new
eingerected, ueknown to
their parents. In attempting to walk •
across a plank on the bridge, put there
by the wor men for their own use, they
Sir : Perhaps you would wish to know weather, there was a fair attendance.
how politics are going ori, in McKillop, Mr. Crabb has, evidently, been switch -
among' the "ignorant Papists," as Mr. ed off, as he did. not put in an appear -
John Morrison, of Orange notoriety, ance at this meeting, his place being
would fain represent them in his let- filled by a Mr. Ball, of Goderich, who,
ter, orthe 23rd ult., where he says Re. althpugh much more voluble, is very
e man Catholics believe all Protestants much less logical, Addresses on this
are Orangemen or o-ught to be—on the occasion were delivered by Mr. Platt,.
contrary they believe no decent Pro- Mr. Ball and Mr. P. Kelly, of Blyth.
• testant should belong to such a perse- They e,vere most effectively . replied.
outing crew—but to my subject. e On to by Mr. Horton and Mr. John Mc -
Thursday evening last a meetIng was • Millen.
convened. by Mr. Platt, the Conserve,- —The Meeting called by Mr. Platt at
tive candidate. It was a very large Watt's school house, on Tuesday eveu-
meeting,' there being not less than two ing, was welLattended., but had proper
- hundred present. Mr. Joseph Evans notice of the meeting been given, there
filled the chair, and kept very good or- would have been many more present.
der. Mr.131att of course was the first The chair wa.s occupied. by 1Tr. Call-
- speaker, and. notwithstanding the re- -well. The several speakers received a
of feet, clapping of hands, &c., which McMillan, of Hallett, and McLean, of
td.hi ceul oeuesticnagu. se hee sapdeskroec afoter overlie hna3efvearn- quianetifeasiatd. patientatthis hearing.eet,Othneth‘e, Nonae
dess put in a fair appearance, salt be- side addresses were delivered by Messrs.
plainly told him he was the choice of Seaforth. Judging from. the feeling
was next, who in coming forward -was Ball, of Goderich. On the Reform side
ing his principal hobby. Mr. Horton Platt, Dr. Holmes, of Brussels, and
greeted with deafening cheers, tramping the speakers were Messrs. Horton, John
CAMP MEET! —.-TheNO.Methodist cam
• meeting open on the llth inst. in th
the. grove adj•ining Blyth.
PERSONAL. Mr. W. H. Holmes, lat
1y returned horn Winnipeg, was in. tow
on Saturday.
—Mrs t Joh Dulmage, of Blyth, le t
by first train Tuesday morning, to joilb
her husband t Winnipeg, who has bee
• there for so • e time, and intends re-
—Mr. J. Ieynolds, of Hullett, also
left by the s: me train for Winnipeg.
Pic-Nic.— he Presbyteria-n. Sabbath
School inten holding their annual pia
nic on Frida„ 13th int., in the pic-nic
grounds adjo ing Blyth. Several neigh-
boring minis ers are expected. to addreas
the children, and a:good time is antid
excitem ent
members of
the leaving
of their new
plans and s
it on the gro
A. G. MCDOUGALL & 001s:
Perth Items.
A bear cub was recently captured.
near Dunia's tavern in the GOre of
--The A. M. Gibson Manufacturing
Company of Mitchell now employ as
their regular staff 65 men.
—Miss Maggie McCullough, of Mill-
bank, has been appointed. teacher in one
of the higher departments of Clinton
Model School.
—Mr. William Larkworthy, propri-
etor of the British Hotel in Mitchell,
died on the 26th. ult. He has left a
wife and large family.
—Mr. Alex. Melville,of Thames Road
Fullarton, has had the misfortune -to
lose his valuable heavy draught mare,
which has taken several provincial and
county prizes. .
—The Methodists of Anderson Dis-
trict are dissatisfied with the action of
Conference in sending them but one
minister instead of two, the number
on the 6th con-
cession, Logan, met with an accident
by which one of her toes was cut off
with an axe -while splitting kindling
-wood. She is'doing well, though she
suffered great pain. _
--Young Taylor, who was sent to
Stratford. jail a few weeks ago , by the
Mayor, for abusing his sister, has re-
turned. to his home in Mitchell. He
has received a lesson which he will be
'likely to reroemNoble,
John. e,
postmaster., Park-
hill, was badly injured the other day.
While witnessing a game of base ball,
he was struck on the mouth by a flying
ball, stinking him senseless, and knock-
ing Out half a dozen teeth.
—The house known as the Temper-
ance Hotel et St. Marys dation was
burned down on Wednesday morning of
last week. Very little was saved. There
was an insurance of $1,600 on the whole
Tnew Canada Methodist Church
1. Hibbert, known as Salem, Will 600E1
be completed, and dedicated to purposes
of divine service. The building is a very
fire one, arta reflects great credit on the
large congregation -wh.o have contributed
Of their ;means towards its erection.
—The case which has for several
weeks been pending apainstConstable
Hemphill, of Listowel, for "unlawfully
using fire arms while in the discharge
of his duty has been filially disposed of.
Theprosecuting parties allowed the case
to drop, seeing that it was not likely to
ainount to
onen jath gnhyti ng.
recently a number of
sheep belonging to Messrs. Robt, Tuck-
er and. Chas. Beer, of Fullerton>wer
worried Othe farm of the forraer. Three
sheep, one a fine ram, valued at 420,
were killed outright, and. five were bad-
ly injured. The dogs belonged to a
neighbor, and. have since been de-
—The fifth shipment of cheese from
the Fullarton cheese factory was made
at Mitchell a few days ago. This fac-
tory has done a large business. The pro-
prietor has sold direct to a house in
England, and has an order for 300 boxes
more from the same parties. He con -
—There was considerab
ere last Monday among t
the English church, as
n of the cross on the gab
church, as agreed to in t
educations given to the
The majority objected. to
ds of its giving too
Several Special Lots
• ,
The Largest Retail Stock in Ontario, We hart
now In Stock of Now Goods
Representing the Leading Scth, English S14,
French Mannfactur-es.
Which will be offered at Very Low Prices.
Direct Importers and Dealers
Dry Goods Only.
iron SU iCC tailibei
reasonale. Terms very lib
• 1816:011 8SeA.I.1°Ert.-11- -jijx West
• lot eonesssionof
of -excellent land, all Cleae.
chaer. Apply to MR, RA
J-7of re s r,ora-p' Osed- f
Trms easy. Apl!
• o: to CB
the To,
cleated and well fenced ; Inne.
Lot ; con. n, tontanin.
youngorcbard ; 604 clay boa
time; price Apply to:
Volt SA.L.—The tiubscrib
acr-e lot in the township of
Huron, 49 acres are cleared a
)lay tI
Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont.
field Concession' -Goat.
. tabling 85 acres; 50 of-whih
good static of cultivation. T..
,1:1;lhue fv:Tv:rgaeltplet B-fit:)..tne1s.4.11111:Pr;!-
ORthSelpouEnterrly.EaE.P0.-Jrof a.
Ilarpurhey. Fra.mc wC
31. large saramu filled with fr
criptions; good well and 6?:1
R. WL.NE, on the premise'
-‘ a 1:11-1Agelail 11h.:".; :Coeln
10 acres, geed soil, well -
barn 513x86, good stable an
cletqed, good house and o
Pplilnee;or toPNI)S17°
illcot,I, nu.A.nitelltt, Count:
80 clered, well onderdrait
of cultivation; buildings
terms •easy. POT 111141.
Messr5..1cC4,IXT'IlEY &
or on- the prmies to WM
stance P.
VALthtjetslilhalf‘AlIAi Lo
Tuckersruith, County of
acres, 81 miles from the
convenient to aehool.
best quality. Fer turth,
Egmondville P. 0.
One Mile north of
c0mpr4in1 steam saw
gristing mill of two run
15 acres of land, rtehou
further !pariculars apply
eroe fromtot
i g).
a small orchard. Is wi
1°N T3 !f yCET:tT17r49- 71 j7CE:dX:Plb°8 sn°A:111li
85 of which are cleared
there i1.3 11 logdwelling I
titulars applY on the p
11A3T, or by letterto
acres, Coll'3;t6vhi, 14er are licil
There 344 011 the pemi-
beu and stable, ancl a
ad. , The B.13010 prope
good gravel otad :and 5i,
session this fall, ik,ri
• A, -COOPER, Bruss
the prenises, Walton P
1101.1gE ,A.ND LOT 1!
land. The property
antiy loeatea,. V10 ho
fortable, A good well
corner lot, and 1(16 in i
tres. Tide property It
to the proprietor, ,TO!
kitun ?Olt BALE,
)!Tiohreiries a0
;11101 :7;
vety best alcultivution
ban, all nepaly new,
Brussel.; tern*
Brussels 0„ or to
PItOPERTY 1?011.
29, Con.. 8, Mrris, alb:
• -411:1 at, :leer; es ,:y8 rtef t:
lts, and a larganum
machinery c.empleto
ber of improved fOxuts
• ties.baT400wn :1),31i 6: ;al': 'ho erlis I let 01:
.404ttr.. The farm iS
u tloiOstline auSrf rt
which are deared t
li• PaTttE.Diell,b1StselPtilh1,Yert
tor, Ottt_l!epre]nises.
farm is situated Will
Seaforth. The Ian
There is a bandlion)
tnal n tfr4e,rel si I,
tensa. It ig 11d7411,
tleman, a dairy-nn
s,,y: sTrN
LluP11t.5:; re:'' • A,17frenis
cleared, frame bull
2on. 12, 39e310
rair buildings, a• nd
tShTeRf6a)N.1110,5 6taInfortc.:
1291 tisr:40 na7n1 :I ril:Ilea nne:itt
be sola with the la:
cleared and well in
Apply to Walton l
For Sale, Ci
f r. The a
and ar:thealomaindrile
Good 11:one
lithejDbt. tlitetrtiN7:3:,
cheap and on k
ihes to retire.
LViRIE, Cot*.