The Huron Expositor, 1878-09-06, Page 73ER 6, 1878. WOOLEN MILLS, •••••••. FAlal RS. - ()1 you vi4 to have or to trade for D s S. A TIZIA 4 °name either in. Work or rice. a una see my Machinery,. e are dob3g, and FOR 1878. 11 lands of Custom Ione as Usual. LDE TO ORDER Cept Coustantly on Rand to inge fox Wool. tk.G. VANEGMOND.- '1878, 549-18 TOR WHEAT. EST, HARDIEST uotive wtirrE EAT THIS CONTINENT. ing fronx the root is far au - My other lond grown. fri itny B tggeration,, tc) Forty- Eight Beta. ed of the first prize of $40 xhibition, for he best Ram - • in -the shea . The judos , e$t wheat the had ever ax- . Jaded by the 11011. David Dominion C uneil of Agri. all other verb. ties grown on " pluts at the Model Farm, 4: oneiderable quentity of thia ' -a are in a posit. on, to offer it y reasonable pr co. GAN & 0 au of the Mara all Turnip. hand, TreadwEll, Scotch and od and pure. 558 XKBITIO 1878. 3.13E 11E1.0• -IN • !'11E, OF G ELPH:... 17th, 1.8th,19t and 20th.. EN TO ft.xul. Entry Pap tary'a Officer G es at other Soc Parties not r to the ebow ; Office. The several railwaya and passengers to and from the - .gle are. ‘. W. 'WHITE ieretary. lat, 1878. rit PLANIa G MILL, s °an be had telpit, and also ; eties through - receiving their will find them AW, Preitident. 555-4 ANu BLI O FACTORY ".;herert leave to tit, nk laisnumerous 3the Iiberalpa.tr nage extendedto placing 131mb:teas in Seaforth, ana." Cy be favored w th t continuants ng to build won d do well to give will continue t keep on hand a kinda ef PINE LITh. BER, _el AL E 111 , laNDS, A3I $ULDTNGS, ;LES, AT 11 ETG. eat of givirtgee isfaction to these eira with theirp tronage, fee nonce rknaenareempl yed. attention paid Custom Planing ly FIN If. BI'0.A.DFOOT. rOTEUHr• 1E118, FA' mEits AND o rHEits.. Ley the sate laou of ell, these - the aubeeribe is determined to ffering good intrit Ilemlook, "110t ineV at the following rates: i. at $7 00 per thousand; 14 foot rill, for Cateh, All orders over 44000- entet. Gail aald aeo if you don't :esent ed. over g months will be crharged! -r thanke his numerous eastomena eapport, and SOlidtSa ontina- pude., jOHN TITOMPSON, ; Steam Saw Mills, MoKillop. KNIPORITJA/. er hereby thanke hie nureeroue -tht8 and othere) for their liberal ag the past aeven years, end hope% .ty andelose attcutjou to business, entidence and tradeiu t he future. -ly enlarged hie promisee, durine mow prepared to pay the -6rT CASH ; PRICE iv of good fresh eggs, (IL -livered EMP(.11Z.IUA-1, Mein Street, Seaforth. to, eubscriber 25 tons a good day hale' . • W1LS 0 .NT ITER TUBS- -rZOTT, SEAFOItTla_ • tei 114p1 aii C t 0 rIleilr ith Ler of hie tIOIZ. WITTER. TUBS, (mired, Cash. These Tubs are so ably known to the tratle thid it is e elver anything in their recoilaraene r ale° marterteturee a mall Tfard- Able for washirtg butter in. 411 Or otherwise promptly attend. S. TROTT, Seaforth. ICESTIVE FUR. :offering frort, Dyspepsia are treat - ewe ill Various forma to cure that 0580. It is not a want of Pepsine of acid that occasioart Indigestion. -1).kge•itive Fluid has never re Or cure the worst cage of head.- lof the heart, kidney diseases, and ; which originate in Indigestion. • gists. Price 50 cents 535-24 SEPTEMBER 6, 1878. - THE HURON EXPOSITOR. T00 Faniriliar with Royalty. - The Prince of Wales and Suite as- Pig - u. es in a Wax- Works Show. (From. the Whitehall Review.) • , . n so happened that not long before vie arrival of the Prince of Wales in 1New York a new asylum for the deaf • And dumb had, been opened, and as was •natural enough, the President and Com- mittee of. this new charity earnestly so- licited the attendance of the_youthful. heir to the crown. of Great Britain,at lective to be giieu in honor of the in- auguration. The invitation .was gra- ciously Accepted, and His Royal High- ness and, suite patiently sat for two hours li tenfng ; to a dull nasal perora- tion from some one of "the most re- markable mea" of the States, probably, while in a pulpit on the opposite side another one of the " re-markables " was translating the harangue on his fingers to the deaf and dumb. When at length all was over, and His Royal Highness and. su te, after having congratulated the dir room, up to t ort to t • souve ives of say, th steppin name ii ing. his to step amaze rector place o th " Wait please,' • ctors, were about to leave the e of the functionaries stepped. marke you e Prince and begged him to walk through the office e platform and sign his name as yes. • He then 'r to be cherished in the arch- . along,' and, he le the hospital. Unnecessary to ducted me in pers Prince readily consented, and, me ov 'r to a subo on to the platform, signed his the ea, e. the ledger all his suite follow- It i an imm example. As they were about- withotit its equal down,whitt was their horror and eanniot pretend: ent,.when the same gaunt di- different parts I who 'had enticed them to this peril put his hand familiarly Prince's shoulder and said: a bit; sir; just one minute' ancl then before the unfortu- upon religion, and demand that. our children shall no ,longer learn it at sehool. We demand that omi children shall learn true science and. morality." Frau Stageraann followed. Frau Can- ziuS,`and soon said something so vio- lent tliat the police interfered, and. the interesting gathering thereupon dis- persed. • Insid. the ondon. " Times " Office. Before I left Paris the London Times corresp6ndent in the East, an, American by the by, gave m a strong letter 'to r, Mr. MacDonald. ft London I went to. are-whiCh is not a ut difficulty found. red the ascent of the im my card and the utes.hel came down 'baton to walk up. o a pleasant room, at a, canny -looking Scotchman, ceived me with great civility. =hanging a, few words he re - would like to look /' and I answered: said: "Come right his business and con- n, instead. of turning dinate as is too often the managing edit The day before I 1 Printi g House Sq square and with - the po ter who ba, stairs. I handed letter, n a few mi with polite in was boWed in where who r After rnenti ploys as the .n its lea ver three h are called, posit° , s, pressme labor in any wa nate Bitishers could recover from their There are a, large astonis: ment, the astute and, practical taiura, t in the bu Yanke witha presence of mind naen g t their me worthy of Barnum, seized a long pole, excep-. a trifle ab and tm clung successively each one of sick. find. for th his vic iins on the head. AS if they were ployees. wax fig ires, announced : "This is Albert T-31 the baseme •Prince of Wales, eldest son of shop, i here I sa irictoria," etc., etc.: ‘!This iS work and where elhana Chnton, fifth Duke of .Walte printing built; • -besides t Li the pr achines g twelve ti Edwar Q11 een lionly Newea. tle," eta.. etc.; "This- is -Edward Grany' 'e Eliot, third Earl of St. Ger- office. inaus," ete.„, etc., theinterpreter all the these while b ing- busily engaged..in translating printi on his lingua these astonishing factstO newspkbpersT 111 an the pocr deaf and dumb, who sat grin- dred thousand -i th pleasure and delight, they re in motie nformant assures us that the was - eoiasidera. the illustrious exposes were a The Duke of Newcastle bit his jweighrng .ost to the blood to hide his Lord St. Germans tried to turn lung w Oar faces o -study.. hip az auger. his am, able and handsome face into a gimlet r -cloud. ; • in -a word, all were ex - aspen, ed, annoyed and- deeply vexed by the radenes,s and vulgarity of the philan hropical showman -all but the Prince 11 reels, each, nd. forty o these reels are used in eve y issue of the" Times. They go to pie S -about 1 . m: and get off before three, an I was by Mr. Macdonald that twe ty minutes after the last form is locke up the ; matter has been 'Stereotyped and. six preSses are to a room where are nse establishment- s a newspaper office. o .give in detail the as shown, but can ng features. It em- • ndred material men, which includes com- and all others who with their hands. • Ming -moth and res - ding, where all the ls who wish at cost ve, which goes into a benefit of the em- • one point in Haddington. They went around with the car through Hadding- ton. to the point where the cars return eastward: Here the basket lids were raised and the captiveSfreed. The lit- tle gin released. a horribly ,ugly yellow tom cat, the young man a black and. white Thomas, the tall man a tiger - striped feline, and the fat fellow a sort of composite cat.' The four cats looked around in a -sort of dazed way, then each struck out in. a different' direction, in- spired by the hiss -s -s -s of the party. Just then a tall Haddington darkey came up. "What in thunder ye bin doin? Fetchin"some mo' o' them dam cats out yer ! We's got moah now dan we know what to do wid. Ev'ry house seems to have three or fo', anal dey's runnin' arodn' out heah widse-n squ'ls. Sumfin'l have to be done bout it.. Kan't make, dis dumpinl for all de refuse cats o' de city!" Gaieties. oun' Local Notices. LAGAIYEAMINE for Freckles. LIMISDEN & WILSON, Seaforth. FIRST INVOICE of imported goods just arrived at Hickson & Bleasdell's. NEW BOO THE BEST and ch,eapest sugars in town are to be had at Laidlaw &Fairlefe,,Cardno's THE CREED Block, Seaforth. GIRL WaNaare-Wanted immediately a good. servant girl. Apply at the " Expositor ' Office, Seaforth. 557 ENQ171.11E FOR Mrss SCOTT'S new dress - Making establislunent on John Street. For par - fighters see advertisement. 559 THE HIGHEST price paid for any quan- tity of good. sound plums delivered at Laidlaw &, Farley's, Cardno's Block, 'Sea -forth. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY are selling crock- ery and glassware at rock bottom pric-es. The largest and best selected stock to choose from in - town. THE SEED STORE. -Buy SuperiorMix- ed Flour, manufactured from pure Fife spring wheat and -white fall at R. LOGAN & CO.'S., Sign of the Mrunmoth Turnip. 559 THRIFT, by Sa FRIENDSHIP COUNTY AN The same, wit S. NEW 509KS. NEW BOOKS) SIGN F CHRISTENDOIVI% W. R. Greg, Price $1 60. uel Smiles, Price Si. by Ouida, Price $1 25. Index, 50 cts. Price 25 RAILROAD MAP OF ONTARIO, OF THE ;tee - •1 CIRCULAR SAW. SENT POS4PAID TO ANY ADDRESS, N AECEIPT OF PRICE, BY C. W. 'PAP REV. T. DEWITT TALMAGE.-A corn - An ITiShDDID. Was brought up before Ektie).seLriesIe diava populdar . sermons, also sermons cloth very c.heap at a justice of the peace on a charge of LyIDISDEN &T‘'.1-i;soxits9:1 5'35.9n ' te vagrancy : ".What trade are yea?" NOTICE. -All parties indebted. to Er. "Sure, now, yer honor, I'm a sailor," Hicicsoa by open account or note will please hand "You in the seafaring line? I- ques- in the amount to Hicksoet. & Bleasdell's drug store tion whether you have ever been to sea and no costs will be incurred. 557x2 in your life." "Sure, now, and. does Tilli A,MERICAN gem jar,. solid rinas, to be had at Laidlaw & Fairley's. Don't be guired y6r honor think I -came over from Ire- with a, cheaper jar, which is liable to break in the land. in a waaain ?" -A widower had five, grown daugh- $?. .75 per doz. for half gallons. , ree canning operation. Prick $1.25 per dos. lor quarts, ters who wouldn't let him take- a sec- THE GROCERY store next to the post °lid. wife. He gave up the wife but office. The question is asked, how D. D. Rose can bought a savage dog, and now won't al.- affoal to sell groceries at the astonishingly low low a man to cross his door -sill. But prime he does. ? He sells for cash, the expensem the girls will give in by -and -bye. are correspondingly lower, and if there is any such thing as rock bottom prices, D. D. Roo is pre - They can't stand. that sort of thing for- pared to offer them - ever. • . THE Cirsarnsa place to buy your fruit -Niagara Indians complain very bit- jars is at Wrnson..& YOUNG'S. Prices for the best terly of the hard times, and of the jem jars, with solid rings, is for half gallon- $1.75 ; econoraical spirit that prevails among and for qtiart $1.25 per dozeu. Crockery and glass - those who visit the Falls. "Old -Man- ware cheaper than any other house in Town, and the best eelection of goods to be found in any house Unacquainted -With -Soap -and -Water :7 in Western Canada. 552 SUGAR 8 at Grangers' prices at ALLEN'S -e--Teilts, becial value, all prime from 25 cents a -pound, at Allen's-Tateccos, Smoking or Chewing, best value in toWn at Allen's -General Groceries at prices to suit the timea at Allen's -Hams, Bacon, Fleur, &c.., cheapest at Allen's Grocery, Shop No. 8, Mrs. Whitney's Block., next door to Lumsden's Drug Store, Seaforth. 554 -a great chief in his own circle -has not sold a pin -cushion in. two weeks, t is a large machine while Great Blower, another chief, is at least 20 h.ands at ready to sell out his bows anal arrovvs large number of the for a dollar. machines have been ___.-while Adam and EN -re were yet in ose employed in the Eden, when our fair young grand - ss room Are eight of mother knew there wan't another liv- daily use, each one ing soul in'all the wide, wide world, but ousand five hundred herself and her snoring husband, we hour, in all one hun- don't suppose she ever went to sleep every sixty minutes without first looking under the couch . 'an the paper room of moss and leaves "for a man," and lei store of paper in rousing Adam•from his first sweet nap to ask him if he was sure he had locked ight hundred. pounds the front door. He stood. quite calm and iimming. quiet v hile the Yankee had :the pole on I Wits shown in his he d. and was running through his the wres connecting with all •parts of biogra hy ; his features relaxed some- the c cntinent, and within arm's reach what when the Duke of Newcastle's stands a type -set ing machine, managed turn ct me; but when the silver locks by two boys, toj which the telegraph . of Lori St. Germans were touched -by slips are passed. They ca,n aet up and wman's pole, His Royal High- correct in an evening as much as six oke into a broad smile, and was celurans of ro.att r, which is sent down to bow his head lest he should through a pueufnatic tube, by which lose co ti ol over himself altogether and charnel all th _matter reaches the burst ut laughing. stonei Itt anoth r room are two sets the sh uess b forced • • of wi es minim to Parliament, frOm. . .. Pi tures from a New York • whicl- full deep; chea are received while Street Car.'. the two homes are iia session: • In a In 5 IC Sixth Avenue car on which 1 • room connected with the machine shop rode I ing machines, which Astor plate): half -h plum • neatest - blue -figured caliee, -with lace . floor; and then, there is an " inquiry • mitts ii. her hands sm.a. shapely arms, room "where inioemation. Is furnished.. CoMe now, Sir, what is this • instance - and a happy, expectant smile on her to those Outside 'who have the right to bright -wholesome face that foretold, I ask it, several r oms that are devoted. felt $ ire, au excursion with young to . the advertiaing department, and . friend' to Brighton, or -.up the Hudson. other S for the 6 Aerial 'staff, -which is - •She vas as fresh as the sweetest of largetr Th,e est Barns s lassies.. No eountry lane or ill all its parts, i tine -c aa cottage . coUldl.have furnished • beneath the Tin a pret ler siniplieity. Opposite, in • the comf rt and con -corne , . was a very old and, very cleanly good. otel. .Th negra s, her profile exactly that of the . quite •finished.. -oxtrei- -0 typo of ape, and yet such ben- - frime$. • , °Been expressions in the mournful eyes .and a',out that great ivoried mouth tha t 0 one wished the delicate baby in ; . •Oharg Of the French, nurse further About 10,•o'cl . - -down he car might be cradled in the ding on car swu - black vomam'S'ample arms,. ' The moth- 1 Fort ,first stre . up in frOn •nger railw ello ! Ste , and dow an, clad i - small, fia ., from wl ich issued " me -ow -ow - ea „ at each st tooth piek lianging from. his mouth. . ilis fi ce was the counterpart of a' scar- . the ar and too let -co aplexioned Spitz -dog with - dyed. Ano: her corner Mils ors. One more effective figure gi-14 . bout 12 Y was t tat of a Stout v,-0„mau in a foiled was larger m _ 15mi ginglumi morning wrapper. Her Tie ear start Unger nails -Were. black,- she had a large Maul came rrin : affai i mark t basket at her feet and a diamond ' also bearing a sea ire in each ear. . • Be \Veen the Astor HOuse and. Wall drop !were two morn figures that .. at- , ow - d. scarcely- any attention., and yet . tt:y 11 orty-third oreign to the turmoil of the place. • ma ' stepped iu -110 of 'a tall, ser6no looking old - Will w•contriva t ,rien . of Col. Newcome's form and;, ill .ie remain N, -ho s4 on a comer hydrEmt fan -1 colic uetor asth wade with. an, angle -11 which to insert him - nig .iiimself ]with a panama hat ; vithin three jar four blocks a tot of a . self this. t : •esting game of "pussy 4111 not more than three years of ago, : wants a corner, ' ,,, . Try pretty, toddled across Broad.wav • 1/...'etty soon - he rolling,. jolting move- s if there wits nothing there but birds. meat of the aln ost enipty car stirred up om Twenty.second street to the are two typeena, House one morning there was are kept constantly at work, and Mr. witness, who had. regained some com- al variety enough. to occupy the . -MacDonald told me he had. found it posure. ,ur's time. First a very pretty, chew, er to make type than to distribute "Ali !" exclaimed the lawyer, glee - girl of eighteen years, in the ite he business room is . on the first _fully rubbing.his hands in -•tirthodox legal fashion, "now, that is consoling. which you. rememember so well?" . " Well, Sir; I remember that 20 years ago, when you were to be' admitted to She Bar, your father came -to me to bor- lisliment is complete- row $30 to buy you a suit that you nd the einploYecs find might make a respecta,b1 appearance, es roof every necessary and I,have a distinct recollection that enience to be had. in a new building is not Letter to Philadelphia He. Reraenabered One Thing, at Least. A fair story from one of the Canadian courts is told. As it runs, one of those sharp and sarcastic lawyers, who take unspeakable pride in twisting a witness into a labyrinth of difficulties, had oc- casion to cross-examine a gentleman of some little prominence. The sharp lawyer managed, after skilful manceuvr- ingeso to confuse the witness that the only answer he could obtain to his ques- tions was "• 1 don't recollect." When She lawyer had. this answer returned to him a score or so of times, -his patience gave out. "Tell me,. Mr.,", he exclaimed.. "do you ever remember anything ?" "1 do," was. the respOnse. "Gan you catry your memory back for 20 years, and. tell me a single inci- dent that happened then ?" "Yes, I think I can," returned the Tiley Wer G-oing.to Had- • gton, ck last night a Hat - around the corner of t into Haverford, and of- the Market street y depot. - !" came from up the r the street ran a short, a linen suit. He car - market ba-sket in his • • ap 'trendy well off, and of the B No. row 2 cla, s, was reading a library novel Pass two older elnlaren poisonedthem- with green apples. stre n ithere was a, stout man in fat straw hat, ample white vest, and ried tight trousers, who slept with , ban while selves black . soiled • 'tree tact Tre 110, 111.1 p he took. He reached a, seat in the corner, alreadY held a young ars old, at whose .feet rket baSket, d on, and SOOD. young ing ardund the corner, baslieto a longitudinal of black nd.red willow, with two Thi also ga,Ve forth "mo- ws:" By nd. by, vhen. the car got street,, a Middle-aged ide handling a dainty - ce, and seated.. him self ng corner, ileaving the sole man unprovided. ace, utd .-eckl _ Om 1 . ng e lattii . tutil tis a 01111; your father never. paid • the l'a30 back to me." Confusion changed hands- at this point in the proeeedings, and the law- yer dismissecl.the witness without any more ado. . UNDENIABLE TACTIL-701.1 deserve to suffer, and if,you lead a miserale, un • satisfactory life :in this beautiful world, it is entirely your own fault and there is only one jexcuse for you, -your un- reasonable.' brejudiceS and skepticism, which. has killed thousands. Personal knowledge nd common souse reasoning will seen s ow you that Green's August .Flower wil Complaint, miserable e the heart, :.our stomach, habitual cost- iveness, diz „iness of the head, nervous prostration.' low spirits • &c. Its sale now reach. Continent .1, - tell yonlof buy a Siti Three .dose SOOD. cure you of Liver Dyspepsia., with all its foots, such as palpitation of very town on the Western nd not a druggist but will s wonderful cures. You can plc Bettie for ten cents. will relieNle you. Dou'r K. ow WHAT Do ..15\T0 SOD18- times hear persons say, "my horse is sadly out condition, and I cannot tell either wha is the matter with him, or how to get im into better order ;" they appear to 1 e ignorant of the , fact that there is w'thin -their- reach wremedy safe, sure and. effectual in all. cases. Many persc us who deal in horses, use large gum tities of it, and testify that its effects are most satisfactory. One. , -WILSON 86- -Yonu'e have the largest and best selected stock of fresh family groceries in town, and are determined. not to be undersold by. any house in the trade, having bought a large stock of sugar before the advance they are in a position to give.their numerous' customers an advantage in price that other houses cannot. Their stock Of .new tea, tobacco, fruits,- soaps, flour and feed, hams, bacon., &c., &c.,1 is first class and will be gold at prices to suit the times. Call and extunine before purchasieg elsewhere. The highest price paid for good butter and. eggs. 552 i • Fall 'Shows. Provincial Exhibition, at Torouto, Sept. 23 to 28, both inclusive. West Ridingof Huron, September 18'and 19. Western Fa, at 'London, Sept. 30 told Oct. 1 to 4. Hullet Bran et, rit Clinton, Sept. 19 and. 20. e 1.1 Morris Brapeh, at Blyth, Oct. 10 and.11. Hay, at Zurich, Sept. 19 and 20. South Unroll, at Exeter, Oet. 7 and 8. East Riding, at Wroxeter, Oct. 1 and 2. Central Exhibition, at Guelph, September 17, 18, 19 and 20. , ., , Auction Bales. . —; Saturday, Sept. 14, in the village of Dashwood, Farm Stock and. Imple- ments. Jacob G. Schluchter, proprietor. E. Bossenberry, auctioneer. Saturday, Sept. 14, on Lot 26, Con. 2, Usborne, First-class Farm, together with Stock and Implements. Thomas Cornish, ,proprietor a A. Bishop; auce tioneer, ambs. -' Amid, all that 'rumbling,. the tenants ef t le willow-Ivare, and faint horse deak r-il-1 sweep of trticks and omnibuses moil* began fr in the little -girl's bas condition a ad started to cross, one hand.pull- ket.1 . - improved. 1 t a beat -block -lace, the other bill- This struck responsive chord, in the -readily oa,a- a her uncertain steps. Some ono fat nian's bask t, in the tall man's bas- _ticle is " ed. to the rescue -and took her ill led,' Etna iii th youpg man's hamper. and Arabia us to a iwlieeman, Who perhaps Thejat man 1 oked at tho little girl, else is &pi , a the mailer. the Pttle girl a the youua man, and he Remembei sigaiature age. Nort — at the tall chap, who attempted to look - hill lelity of Prussian Women. 1uncbncerhecl, b t gazed at all three of lin,• 2t\w 1: ts with the air of con- = oratt thel � Guinan newspaper as a " very beau- T e young au caught his .eye and ties of we I selected cocoa. Mr. reeeat lecture Ber- the thei bask Many hundred woMen attended, victLon that their knitting. At various elo- side of those re passages, however, each threw The coadue her keittina and, rewarded the wit ' t mething was wrong in- eptacles. langlied to himself q tir of one who could not posed. up( n by the deceivers, and, •• 0 souuds ecanie more and more 1: by Vehement applause. After be aaure the meetiug was addressed t r inforths us that itis horses' ud appearance are so Much • y its use that they sell mord All Lengths, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the • , for higher prices. The ar- .13 531 , a ---.- G reat Western- Railway. Trains leave Brussels station, north and south, as under; I GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH. Mixed.. .....10:25 A...M. Mail 6:15A. M. Accorn.. .... 908 P: M. Amore . 12.15 A.M. Mail 2:58 P. M. Mixed. - ... 7:15 P. M. _ • • Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seal orth and Clinton Stations as folliews : GOING WEST- SEAPOR'DH. CLINTON. Express . 2:25 P. M. 2:45 P. U. /7,xpress..., 8:58,P. M. 9:20 P. Irl. Mixed Train9:00 A. M. -10:00 A. M. GOING EAST- SEAVORTH. CLINTON. Mixed Train7:52 A. M. _ 7:27 A.M. ° Expese Train1:15 P. M. 12:50 P. M. - Mixed Train5:00 P. M. 4:25 P. M. Mixed Train.... 10:35 A.M. 10:00 A.M. • London,. Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Mail. Mixed. Express. P. M. 6 15 7 25 7 34 • 7 58 8 08 8 25 P. el. . M. London, depart.... 2 15 5 55 Exeter - 3 35 8 05 Hensall 8 52 8 34 KiPpen 3 58 8 44 4 08 9 00 Clinton 4 25 9 45 P.M. Myth. , • 4 52 10 32 8 52 Wingliam, arrive- 5 25 11 80 9 25 GOING SOUTH- . Mixed. Mail. Express. , A. M. A.. . P.M. Winghatan depart10 55 7 00 - 6 15 Blyth 12 15 7 85 6 55 Clinton 1 10 8 01 7 24 • P.M. Brucefield.......e1 40 8 18 7 43 -1Uppen.... ..... .. -1 57 8. 28 7 58 Hen sall 2 05 8 34 8 04 Exeter 2 50 8 49 8 03 BUTTER. BUTTER. EDWARD CASI1 IS AGAIN BUYING T, CARDNO S C-4 g -c4 LOCK, SEAFORTII. p p g THERE WHEN IT IS UP INTO HARNESS Where. yolt will EMEMBER, if you o IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER < > IADE •-?-47 g C-1 *---6 • '7.- urea AS YOU FIND , I 0 AT e 0 - *12,61-all:Einds of Har at a FanCy or Substantial Ha t) faction as to QUA ITY and PRICE than any other is wanted to secure regrklar custom. 1 > J. WARD'S, ! r- ' SSAFORTH, 0 - Made up in tlie Latest Styles. m ess F. WARD can give you better setts- -.4 ell 1 Cl akar in the Co ty. A. Trial is all tb.at I - g -0 J. RD; -Seaforth, rrIrili c; GROCERY S ROOMS A Large' Stock o be sold on very s old frien,ds,and Scott to attend to Old Accounts m and Town Prop can for you,. r, STARK, SEAFORTH. ORE, I BOOT AND LAN!? AGENT, 0 Boots6nd Shoes and 11 profits -all new sto ew onesito give him a c the shoe shop, echo will st be paid at once, as th rty for! sale. Give 97'1,8 em,e9n.ber the Place, St SAMUEL gg co m *;14' '(1) ' P - > SHOE SHOP, AUCTION' r 1 0 .NVEYANCER, gp • W Groceries Just Arriving. lkilli.,„4c4.,4; -0 k. The Subscriber invites hi& gm: ll. He has engaged Mr. John, Make -and repair work 4o order. Subscriber needs 9n,oney. Farm. ci Call and will do the best. I rk's Block. STARK, SEAFORTH. WALL PAP a 5p4 RI' BORDERS 1 $EED CORN r -4g ND WINDO BLINDS. I show in be above nes this year a FINER STOOK and BE 'TER VALUE than eve e bef re offered in CEI My Patterns are ALL direet from the ma prices that cannot be Also Moth Proo Low Prices.' ; . NEW, and having bought factnrers,1 I can sell ate' eat. Ad of i Carpet Lining at, call ALWAYS IN srocK. FULL LINES. SCHOOL B OKS, MISCELLAN- EOUS BOOKS, OFFICE STA- TIONERY, -c. CLINTON OOK STORE, Express and Telegraph, Oilice MES A. -Vilna,. FURIVETU E. FURNITURE. M. ROBERTSON, PAB1NETMAKER AND UN EIRTAKER, 1 HAS AG IN OPENED A Retatl Fi rniture Store Two Doors North f his Old Stand, epposite Waddell & Coe's Dr Goods Store, where he is Sweet Eiien. Colored Butter, in prepared Firkins or Rolls. 550 GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH. TO- SELL AS • ' TH 63111BER FOR SAL. I. MLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, !HEAP AS ANY IN TRA DE. SEED CORN. JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OY DRESSMAKING. ST SEED CORN, MISS SCOTT PRICE LOW, REGS leave to announce to the Ladies of Sea- J-• forth and surrounding country that she has commenced dressmaking in all the LATEST STYLES AIM VARIATIONS, the Corn guaranteed to grow. A 'quantity And hopes by Neatness, Good Work and Emsettte has been sown and can be seen gro-Wing by ality to merit the patronageof all. ng at Brownell's Grocery. Rooms over lannsden & ViTilson's Drug Store, Mein Street, Seaforth. Six apprentieca wanted. 559 FULL STOCKS OF ILI A L KINDS OF SEEDS t AT LOWEST PRICES C3 . 1 , TEAS A .SPECIALTY AS USUAL 0 4> BB.OWNELL,a4 IDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVED - D RECT FROM MANUFACTURERS: A IERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS„ HOES AND RAKES, GtASS, PAINTS, OILS, ,ite. a FENCING -WIRE • ND BUILDING HARDWARE 1 Of Every Deseription Cheap. • E VE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT. ING PIPE UNDE TAKING t;up on the : Attend d to as Usual. A Large Stock r,f C )FFINS, CAFeKETS, CAPS, s )61 ow ietdit-Ce?Thent.3 to Cash and simoups, &ea always on hand. Prompt Paying -.C'ustomere. Shortest Notice and Warraated. 'UMW N30103 arley's Coudition Powders I Heave 'Remedy." Nothing 1 to it for the same purnose. the mune, and. see that the f Hurd & Co. is on each irop Lyman, Toronto, ack- ut., proprietors for Canada. Sold b medicine c ealers. Eres's C coa.-Grateful and comfort- hig.--L" By a thorough knowledge 1 the natural -s which govern the o eta - t f estion and nutrition d by bY atu (anzitni, who is deseribed by und aubtedly fe me, he laughed Aloud. a, careful a )plication of the fine pi oper- foil wed ii the- most undisguised has Provid_ a our breakfast tables rnaiuer, and tl is breaking the ice, all a delicately flavored beverage, \ han.ds indulge in the most hilarious may save s many heavy doctor's and to hay the least, remarkable eos- merriment for several minutes. Then It is by the juilicioususe of such a tom or in her refined appearance, to the fat man 1 opped his glowing, red of diet the, a constitution may be sngg thia position."' Frau Canzins face, and said o the young man, "Got ually built up until strong enough is e‘iilentiv lady of decided convic- cat insuie, e ?" The response in. the sist -every endency to disease. ed to throw him into areas of s btle maladies are fl tiful young ; lady." She! proudly calls hers 'If a ,,vorlunauss wife ; bat there is lothing," it is said, " iu her elegant . After disposing of the humbug . , . triotislia, she exclaimed : "What- werkma,n to do With religion ? the dear God, in whom we have IS ed. so long, ever done anything for u:s? (Cries of no !) The Christian 1,1gIc D. has existed for nineteen. cen- buti s, and how much axe we the better for wor affirmative ser another ca.cch natory spasm. -" Goin' around us to Haddiugto ?" " Yes." 'I'll bet there is a we're all goi.n out to Haddington, and. many a'fitt have all got cats in these baskets to lose well forti out there; airt t it'so?" he said, looking properly n from one to th' other, and receiving an affirmative sh ke of the head frau eacli t? I think it is high tune that we in turn. ThIen they all laughed in 'big women should turn our backs chorus, and agroed to release the cats at 1 .with -hich bills. icles grad - to re- Hun- ating ready to attack wh rever veak point, We may escape 1 shaft by' keeping ouAelves ed with. pure blood, and a iirished frame." -Civil Ser- vice Gazette. . Sold only in packets label- led--" a es Epps & Co. Homceogath- lc Cheinis s, 48, Threadlieedle Street, and, 170, P ccadilly, London." 482-52 : 18 - ONY MILL IN McKILLOP. The Subscriber has atso a SACRAM LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, M. ROBERTSON. Where!all kinds of 1",umber can be obtained. 479 TELOMAS DOWN 1,1 THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA.I. CA PITA L - $ • • 4 000 00../ CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1833; and R0YA.1. CANADIAN BANK, Incorporated 1884. NTAL WINE PURE G SACRAMEN C INAL LUMSDEN SE :THE MENSAL SEAFORTH BRAN -CH.! - DOMINION BLOGK, MAIN -ST. . SEAFORTH. J)rs.fts on New Vork Payable at any Bank in the United States. Bills of .Exchange on London payable at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. ' INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. • M. P. HAYES, ; 411 MANEB G. & APE WINE AL AND MEDI- P IIRPO SE S -AT-- & WILSON'S, FORTH, PORK FACTORY. Are prepared to pay any HOGS, ALI ALL KINDS dens FINE LARD, GUT • PETTY the HIGHEST PRICE for quantity of E OR DRESSED P CURED MEATS ntly on Band. SAUSAGES, PORK INGS, &c. & J. PETTY. 1) JOHN KIDD. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPEC.IFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy is espeeially recommended -as an unfailingcure for Seminal Weakness Spennatonlaea, Impo- tency, and ali diseases that follow as it se- qnence of Self abuse, iversal Lassitude, Pr.in in the seack, Dimness BolOreTak nir as Loss 001,11 Age, 00,7ra,,acAoranfte: After •akiloittihnoeginr doit ,.V,,taisseiosn tihaPtrciniscalsuit•oe Insanit y d it Premature Grave, all of which as a. rule are fit t caused by deviating from the Path. of nature a • d Over indulgence- The Speciffe Medicine is ' n t.these special dieezetert. tbe reeult of a life stay and neenyetei-ieeantrse los8 f.„0/.. enonce in tree.ing . , .13-1 etfree by naval. The Specolc m all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 packages le $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the 1 m ney, by addressbag WILLIAM GRAY & CO., indsor, Ont Sold in Seaforth by Ifiekson & B easdell, J. 8. Roberts R. Lumed_en and all ggiPi merchants. 6 Q_A_TW.„, S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Cl Sogineer. Orders by mall prompt - y attended to.. 4 9 D. S. CAMPBELL,Iditchell. 174 tri 0.; Lr, L.1.11 tf, )71 L'74. • f7: r••••• 0 (711 tr.1 (-1 t:4 i-1 121 i••4 1.4 •••••i'e* 44' 1'3 411, )20., (IKVII KC a 143 oe n .aavmaavit taUVAiaaVit. MARRIAGE LICENSES OK CENITIFICATE14., (Under the nOw ActOisiued id the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTIL undo! I•uthority of the Xidentepint-Goivraot 012ttrin. - ; ' • 1