HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-09-06, Page 130.1 1878.
;ALL &C‘O...'a
lecia1 Lots
DEi VALI1E AT A., 0--
)01;GALL & CO.'S.
Retail Slot in Ontatith We have •
w in Stock of New Goods
500 PIECES,,
tug the Leading Scotch, English and
French Manufactures.
will be: cfered at Very Low Prices.
t ImitorterS and Dealers 1U
Dry Goods
.—Nice Building Lots in Egreond-
ville, little west of the new church. Prices
reasonable. Terms very liberalApply to A.
ARMITAG , Seaforth. 560
.1West half e -f Lot 2, in the
-A-7 1st co cession of Hallett, eonetaining 50 acres
of excellen land, all eleared.. Terms to suit pur-
chaser. • pply to MR. RALPH THOINIPSON,
Huron Ro d, McKillop. 560x8
yang F It SALE.—For Sale, a spleindid farm
of 100 acres, composed of Lot No. 21, in the
12th cone ssion of the Township of Hallett.
Terms easy. Apply to CHARLES MORROW,
Box 51 Clin553ton P. 0. ,
VOR SALE.—For Sale a first class Planing
-I; Mill, early new arid in good rearming order,
situated i the flourishing Town of Seaforth,
= Will be &OId cheap. Terms easy. Enquire of
SECOBD, COSSENS & CO:, Goderich, Ont. •
— _ _
Lot 7, Con. 12, containing 100 acres, 60 acres
cleared and well fenced; Irani° bank barn; good_
young orchard; soil day loam possession at any
time; pri e *5,000. Apply to A. STRONG, Sea-
_ __
forth. 543
. I
-1-` acre lo
Huron, 2
will be so
Solicitor, *eaforth, Ont. 517
OR SALE.—For Sale, Lot No. 5, Bay -
Concession, Goderich Township, con -
acres,. 50 of Which are cleared and in a
of cultivation. The farm is adjoining
of Bayfielcl, and will bo sold cheap and
ble terms.. Apply to the prciprietor,
•LE onEA.P.—as the owner is leaving
E.—The seibscriber has for sale a 50
in the township of McEillop, County cif
acres are eleared and the balance well
with beech andianaple. The property
d cheap. Apply to JAS. H. BENSON,
ColoradO and. its Drawbacks.
-I: field
taining 81
good. stet
the villag
on favor
-I-- the
ountry. a HouseAnd Lot in the village
of HarpUrhey. Frame dwelling, with 6 rooma ;
a large garden filled with fruit. trees of all des-
criptions good well and cellar.. Apply to THOS:
R. WINE, On the premises, or -to A- STRONG,
Land Ael,ent, Seaforth. 551
The pleasant season for the tourist,'
and indeed for t.&resident, in Colora-
do, is from the middle Of September to
the middle k)f) February. There is
some extremel cold. weather usually in
January, but it only makes one ,appre-
ciate the fine. more keenly. October,
November. and December are really en-
joyable months in this peculiar region,
as .a .general •thing. After February,
wind and snow storms are to be expec-
ted, with a reasonable amount of cer-
tainty, daily. And. the Colorado Wind
storm, whether it occurs in spring or
fall, is, to my thinking, the most disa-
greeable ordinary kind of storm that
ever did or ever -will take place in this
or any other country. I have ex-
perienced thunderstorms, sleet, wind,
snow, rain and all the other variations
of the Canadian climate, any of them
bad eno-ugh in all conscience. But a,
first-rate gale in this state leaves them
all in the shade completely and un-
questionably. It will come from any
direction and last for days, a perfect
scream -
it stops
of the
-a- 31,
100 nor
barn 56
FOR SALE.—Being north half of Lot
the 5th Concession, EWA Wawanosh,
a, good soil, well watered, good frame
36, good stable and shed 18x26, 85 acres
good house arid orehard, good well an
pump. • Apply to JAMES MURRAY, on the
place, o to Westfteld.P. 0.• 55Cx..16
O11010E FARM FOR SALE—Being' Lot 4,
Cons 7, Hallett, County of Huron; 100 acres;
80 cleared, well anderdrained, and in a good state
of cultivation.; buildings convenient and good;
terms" easy. • For Iterther partieulars apply to
Mesars.!MeCA_UGHEY e'zHOLMESTED, Seaforth,
or on tl'e premises to WM. E. COLDWELL. Con-
stance P. 0. - 555
tidal -wave of wind, sweeping,
ing, pitiless. In the towns
businessand fills shops and.
with the fine dust and san
streeta, and. in the country where there
are no houses to break its force, labor
ceases, cattle drift before it like chaff,
hundreds i sometimes dying from ex-
posure to it, and. people often sit in
dread of 14ieir cabins being blown about
their ears The traveller caught in his
joumeyin , by such a storm wraps him-
self in coat, shawl, robe, (kc, to .little
purpose.- It will pierce every- garment
and chill the blood in his veins (when
cold)in fifteen minutes, despite his best
efforts, I have *tried. it and know -
whereef I write:
These storms are not uncommon in
fall, winter and spring, but fromMarch
ill June they are disguetingly frequent.
T it e east half of Lot No. 4., Con. 4, H. R. S.,
Tucker. Leith, County of Huron, consisting of 50
acres, 5- railete from. the Town of Seaforth, and
convet 'eat to .sdiool. The laud ia of the very
best q For further particulars apply to
SAME. PICEARD, opposite the premises, or to
Egmanlvillo I'. 0. - 524
- •
tel known as the Railway House, formerly
it is too deep and rapid for f rdiug.
There is a wretched apology for rural
school about every twelve- miles, kept
open in the winter, as a rule. There
isn't a public library in the State that I
have heard of, unless it be in Denver.
There is as good as no Siinday. The
harder classes of labor are suspended. on
that day, it is true, only, as it proves,
that the saloon and the gaming tables
may secure the greater patronage. • The
former and many others pay precious
little attention to the sacred chariacter
of the Sabbath. Three-fourths of the
population never enter a church.
There are no public amusements
worthy the name. When a fourth -rate
itinerant affair does accid.entally find
its way here, a dollar a seat renders
the play not. worth the candle to most
people. Misses Kellogg and Carey got
to Denver last winter. They are al-
ways good, but five dollars a single
ticket and. ten cents a mile railway
fare, with hotel -rates to match, induce
numbers to refrain from attending,
especially those residing at a distance.
Public morals are at a pretty low
point, and. profanity and obscenity seem
almost as if they were indigenous to the
soil. or climate. To lie and. cheat clev-
erly are accomplishments in the opin-
ion of all but a worthy and honorable
few. And wben you have just and.
equitable grounds for forcing a man be-
fore the courts that you may obtain re-
dress for wrongs and injuries done 'you,
those who wish you well and are ", .ac -
the Clyde Hobel, situated near Blue -vale station.
IS a hest -deem husiness stand, with one acre of
land and a good frame stable and shed attached,
all of whieh ate in good repair. Terms very
liberak For further particulars a,pply to ,WM.
F. KI;G, Bialvale P. 0.i t51
session of the city and suburbs. Visi-
tors continue to report finding dead
bodies. One found yesterday in the :up-
per story of the library building way so
decomposed it was impossible to ascer-
tain whether the victim was white or
black. The saw -mills and lumber
dealers having closed, itis thought the
lilayor will press' all the lumber found
to be converted. into coffins for pauper
dead. The impression prevails that all
whites in Memphis will be attacked.
If the fever makes as great drafts on
-the working organizations during the
coming ten days as it has the past ten
days, nobody will be left to direct the
efforts of nurses and the distribution of
supplies. The doctors, nurses, Joinder -
takers and even grave diggers are
broken 'down. A common occurrence
is for two or three dead bodies to be
found in the s4ae house. Itis becom-
ing difficult to maintain order among
the mob at the relief , offices, and. the
supplies are nearly exhausted.
At Greenville, north of Vicksburgh,
the town is panic-stricken. Twenty
cases of feveil are reported, although it
was strictly ' quarantined with every
road\ guarded night and day. Great
complaint is made in New Orleans on.
accouneof the persistency of the Catho-
lic churches in tolling bells at funerals,
to the diseonafort and danger of the
sick. The fever is encroaching on lo-
calities hitherto measurably exempted.
The con.ditipn of the streets is better
than for years, but the tigh, well -
drained districts seem to suffer more
quainted with the ropes" ,avill advise
caution; and the remark Will probably than portions not so well favored.
be 'made that your antagonist is
wealthy and. "it's dangerous and un-
certain work bucking against money ill A cheese t fair will be held at Inger-
-this country." • The obvious moral soli on the 113th inst.
pointed is perhaps the saddest and —The Credit Valley Railway be -
worst accusation that can be brought tween Inger4oll and Woodstock is now
against any country to possess a pur- open for t raffic.
chasable judiciary. That it has force —The,Knox family arrested and tried
here is but too plainly evidenced by the .
revalent disposition to secure " jus -
Lizzie Lee, and. Ada Edwards. The
bodies were recovered shortly after-
wards. Much sympathy is felt for their
—In Lendon, during the month of
August, there were 42 births, 25 mar-
riages and 26 deaths !registered. Five
Fiveof the 'births were illegitimate:
—Yr. Harvey Fordham, 7th conces'-
sion of Marmon, has a number of giant
cucumbers, the largest of which . he
measured. and found to be 6 feet 1 inch
in length.
—MT.John Wells,one of the first settlers
in Strathroy*died at his residence there
last ,week. He. camel to this country
from Vermont in 183:3, and helped to•
build the first house in Strathroy.
Bev. John! R. Jones; lately
pastor of Christ Church, Belleville,
publishes a letter resigning his charge,
because he has comet° the conclusion
that the teachings of science and not
those of the church are true.
Young man named Bower, son of
an 4ng1ish member of Parliament, died
after a brief illness at the Russel House,
Ottawa, the other evening. He was
travelling for his health, and. was ac-
hy his father.
McLEAN BROS., Publishers.
$1.50 a Year, in Advame.
the -train to Paris. She was seen get-
tang on board the 3 p. m. train at Galt,
but although thirty days have since
elapsed, no further trace of her has been
—The Allan steamer bAngs a rumor
that three regiments have been ordered
for service in Canada, but the names
have not yet been mentioned, nor ar-
rangements conapleted for their trans-
port. ,
—Thursday evening of last -week,
while walkin,g along Xing street west,
Hamilton, James Carroll, of * West
Flamboro' was set upon by three .vil-
lains and' beaten unmercifully, after
which they robbed him of $23. The
detectives are in hot pursuit, with every
prospect of capturing the scoundrels.
—A Coaticoek, Quebec, letter states
that of the various modern manufac-
tures of that ce, none. but mowing-
inaehine and. orse-rake making are ac-
tive; clothes pins, broom -handles,
dic., being dull. On the other hand,
however i the Grand Trunk Railway is
building more sheds there, which indi-
cates increased traffic.
- —The barn and driving shed of Jacob
B. Cober, of Hespeler, were totally de-
stroyed by fire last Friday night. The
barn contained. 400 bushels of wheat
and 100 bushels of oats. .A number of
farm implements, a wagon. and cutter
were also destroyed. Insured in the
River Speed. Mutual, of Hespeler, for
$1,400, which will not nearly cover the
loss. Origin mknown.
—One day last week two men from
the county of Ottawa arrived in the
city with samples of silver which they
reported as having found on their farm.
The specimens were taken to a mineral
office and found to be rich, but did. not
—Of th three scholarships given by
Brantfor Collegiate Institute at the
late inte ediate examinations the first
was won by Geo. Nichol, of Paisley;
the seco • a by A. Haig, of Baltimore,
Ont.; the third by E. Horning, Of Nor=
;—Mrs. •Wittemneyers has been lee
Wring th success on temperance in
Toronto, er meetings being largely at-
tended. She -has commenced a series
of !ineeti • gs, to Which women who de-
sire to as it in rescuing drunkards are
especiall 'invited.
—A anada Southern brakeman
named illiam Nolan was run over in
the Ridg town yard Thursday morning.
It seems that while the mail train was
ix the switch he stepped quick;
its way, but only to get in the
a freight train going west. His
out off, and death ensued at
had been in, and had no means of find-
ing the man holding her locket. She
went to the Central Station and inform-
ed Detective Lafon, but as yet she has
been unable to trace the money -lender
or recover the security.
— angements are being made for a
monst Reform Demonstration in To-
ronto, *inch will be held. in a few days.
The Prenaier, the Liberal candidate and
several prorainent Ministeri Its are
expected to speak.
—Mr. Archibald Hunter, Sr., an old
and esteemed. resident of Durham, ana
father of APT% J. H. Hunter, M. P. P.,
for South,,Grey, died at his residence on
Tuesday aitst, after a short illness: Mr.
Huntertias one of the first settlers in
this part Of Canada, having eraigrated
in 1834.
--Mr. ICnox, -who, with his family,
has been arrested at St. Thotna.s on the
charge of being implicated in the late
burglaries which have been committed.
in that town, for many years carried. on
business in Galt, and his friends and
acquaintances there are very much sur-
prised to learn of the charge which has
been preferred against him.
at St. Thomas for the larceny of certain moving
articles have all been committed tar I track of
ly out of
"need hardly say they m no sense add I tic° " at the muzzle of the pistol speed.- 1 trial. • 1
Toward the eutteofeTune the thunder 1 vi p legs wer
to my 'zeal for a life "out west." lily, rather than by the tardy and de- 1 _
i Mr. A. Silverthorn, of BrantfOrd
ana ligb. ing season begins. In this al- 1 Half the land in the southern part of ; has a return of 502 bushels of wheat,
titude th electric disturbances are fie - this State,lat least, is on sale for taxes. Clawson variety, off ten acres.
' 'h. larae measure owing to S.; D. York, of Aylmer, was
fined f5 and costs the other day for .as-
saulting Mr. W. Foxton, of that town. A
disagreeable little dog was the cause of
the quarrel. 1
—The son of Rev. W. H. Treadwell, of
Clear Creek, nearlylost his life recently
through blood poisoning, the resulti of a
scrateh received. on one of his fingers
while skinning a cow that died , of in-
AII FOB, SALE.—For Sale, Lot 14, Oen. 7,
-a- Hallett, containing 100. acres, 80 of which are
Cleared and free from stuhaps. There is a frame
`dvvellinir house with Stone cellar underneath, also
frame b'arri. and stable. Plenty of good water and
a small orchard. Is within- six-and-a4ialf miles
- of Clinton and about 9 mil'es from. Seteforth. Ap-
ply at THE EXPOSITOR- Office, Seaforth. 528
• Lat. 29, Con. 8, ilibbort, containing 100 acres,
• 83 of which are eleared and free from sturaps ;•
there is a log dwelling house, a good Inane barn
and, stables, plenty of water and a good 'prellard=;
is Within_ 74 miles of Seri:forth. ForturtherptietlIflrs ar-
apPly en, the premises to IVM-1. ABER-
HART, or by- letter te S eaforth P.- O. 54'2
es of so-called law. township, after threshina, finds that he about 5.
UM FOR S kLE —For sate Wesi half 191 Lot
FA - • , - •
7i. Con. 16, township of Grni
Grey, containg 50
sessi ni this fall, Per further particulats apply to
C. It COOPER, Brussels'or D. CAMPBELL, on
the itemises, Walton P. 0. 554
quent, ai d extraordinary, and the I 0
heavenly pyrotechnics displayed almost 1 county indebtedness for railtvays, raising
nightly during this season are very (the rate beyond the ability of the farm -
grand indeed. The rain -fall here is not i er to meet it. In Canada one could say
' Kansas and the mountains ap 1 " served 'em right—had no business to.
peering to get more than their share of 1 vote for it!" but that won't hold here
great,1 - ,
the water, but the threatening indulged. 1 where we have that boon, universal Buf-
in by the "elements," the roaring of I frage. When a railway Wishes a bonus
the wind; the splutter and dust and I here, it makes pleasing promises to the
alma, s art and parcel of the
49 f RTC cleared balancohardwood.
ion the premises a frame house, frame
and stable, and a geed yonng bearing etch -
The above property is only two miles Off' a
ra.1:1. road and 55 miles from Ilreassels; pos-
antlframe dwelling house and one-tXftll ac
The property is situated opposite the resi-
of S. G. MeCaughey, Esq., and is very pleas-
located- The house is_conveniont and corn-
ble A. mod well and cellar. The lot is a
corn • r lot, and has in it a few choice beating hen,
tree This property will bo said cheap. Apply
to tl e proprietor, JOHN ATKINSON. .560
racket and lightning and thunder are
enough to frighten the_life out of a new- county—and then by their aid and a fienateatton.
comer unacquainted with the general few train loads of tramps and navvies, —Mr. Wm. Begg, who has been a re-
hatnaleesness of their character. As a I not averse to taking the oath, the thing, sident of London T
township for upwards
rule, I say, these thunderstorms end in is'done, and the property 'owners for- of 40 years, has started for a trip to his
- ft foot the bill until driven to native Scotland. He is 81 years ofage,
smoke and noise, but when ram really.
does fall hea,vy; more water can come I the wall. Some counties robbed. after
down in an hour, than I ever saw find 'this fashion repudiate (by their com-
its way to mother earth. in the setae naissioners) the whole matter, and re -
time in Canada.' fuse to pay the interest on the bonds.
The intense heat 6f July and August, I This is being tried by Pueblo county,
spoken of ib my last letter, is also to i_but it is up hill work. Unfortuna,t ly were shipped from Toronto to Hahfax.
me a strong objection to permanent 1 county commissioners, like the rest of They are intended for the members of
residence in Colorado! But of glib I 'them, find. it hard. to resist argume ts the Polo Club of that city. -
have sufficiently written to satisfy the ! urged by capital, when properly backed -.--11Tr. Thos. McLean, one of the old -
here anent. up. Poor mortals, they too have their
I e est established and most prosperous dry
he reader may say, "you have , Putt. goods merchants in Brantford, has
cenery out there." Let me add. The Chinese Wall-like tariff forced on . adopted the cash system of doing usi-
a.bout this- scenery, the which. i this country by a section, for the selfish. .eaeSs. He is fully satisfied that . the
sappliee the railway placard -writers • ' 1.1 eut of a section, renders it im- benefit derived will be mutual to both
with pOetry and gush and. probably is : possible fin oue to purchase anyeef these buyer and seller.
one f the greatest incentives in bring- hundred and one articles, large or small, 1
. .The Calenler for the approaching
' ' f It (dish French and. German menu- : term of the Queen's Bench., at Quebec,
RM FOR SALE.—South half Lot 29, Coln. 3,
Morris; 100 acres, 83 acres cleared and in the
best af cultivation; is well fenced and. water -
There are • two. Immo houses and a frame
, nearly new, and two good beating orch-
T1 b re farm is orelv half mile off a
gra. el road and two -and -a -half miles north of
Brussels. For terms apply to C. 11. COOPER,
Brussels P. 0„ or to ALEX. INGRAM, on the
premises- 556x15
p. OPERTY F011. SALE ---For Sale, Loti,�.14,
hale and hearty." His friends wish htm
a pleasant time.
--Last Tuesday morning a car load
of 14 sprightly, active -looking ponies,
with cropped manes and banged tails,
Con; 16„ Grey, 100 Mires, 16, acres cleared—ah
Mut lot. \Vest half of north half of Lot No.'
'on. G, Morris, adjoining. the Village of Brus-
50 acres 33 acres cleared, cheese factory a,nd
ma thinery complete thereon. our hous‘s ILTA
lot:r, and a, large number of vecant lots in Brussels,
all • - of the undersioned. Also a natebit
a word
of 1
tb e
eee the eastern and foreign tourist, , in
ad. m search rather of pleasure than I facture, so excellent and so cheaply sup-
ealth. There is no denying the i plied in Canada. Most of them appear
that the mountains of Colorado exposed in the shops, as you .fancy, but
ess scenery grand enough to satisfy i buy a sample and you aro soon un-
xpectations of the most ima,g,ina,- - deceived. "New England fraud"
visitor. The grand Gamy= of tlfe i should be en the label of ninety-nine
&uses River, the twin lakes, Pikb's 1 huudredths of thenn as found here.
Abeta, Pass, Mount Lincoln, 'A nd. besides all I have named. there aro,
. ,. foned had I space, but nay let-
reek Canyon and many other Scores of drawbacks to life here still to
by the c
to some
then ha
80011 aS
take th
the lst
lege of
the To
The t
civil, m
ing, as
fell o
and su
of his
by gid
Over t
comprisei of three murder tnalstwo ate and e
tempts at murder, one attempt to out- ly. 0
rage, one shooting with attempt to kill, cant 1
four indictments, for rioting and other a can
various cases. Biome
__A strange fatality at present exists. for th
ammo the lambg iu the lower part of were
the tbo ship of. Caxadoc. They are Charl
Clear found de d in the fields without hav- 700.
points of interest axe not surpassed in big pre ously shown any svmptotns —S
their ay. But then to see these you ter is 'already lengthy.
of disease. In some instances farmers a frig
hale difficulties to face and cash to i The reader may hastily conclude that have lost nearly their whole flock. pente
provide, even though your habitation ,I he finds this letter inconsistent with --1-A law, student named Walter Park- the b
place be here, quite out of propor- 1 some of my earlier references to Colora,- inson, eraloywith Messrs. Crerar ta had.
1 to the pleasure possible to accrue. , • ,
re are magnificent distances to be : now say the atmosphere, or the sun-
ersed, well nigh impossible heights t shine, the broncho -pony or the beauti-
e dambered,t rapacious hacks to be I fill Greaser, are less than I pictured
. 1 th the other time. 'Moreover, I still
Let him compare facts. 1 -do not Muir. barristers, Hamilton, went o-4 on wor
the lake[ on Saturday in a, row boat. Sym
Soon after the boat was found without them
an occupant, and the discovery was 1 his I
made that lie had committed suicide. ; wrap
ltlalcolna Carry, the school
ho had both his legs cut -off
rs on the Esplanade at Toron-
two months ago, and who sinee
been under the care of the
Hospital staff, is now con-
t. He will resume teaching as
e is strong enough to under -
first term of the School .of
1,Science in Toronto begins on
f October. It is the old Col-
echnology amalgamated with
onto University scientific staff.
ee courses established, and in
• iplomas evill be granted, are
chanical and mining engineer -
ping and mining geology, and
and applied chemistry.
ed. Forbes, a carpenter, aged. 22,
on the construction of the new
ational church, at the corner of
na Cruickshank streets, Toronto,
a scaffold inside the building,
tained fatal injuries. He was
ated fully 65 feet, the elbow
left arm actually 'Making a
ole through an inch plank.
icked up he presented a fearful
It is supposed he was overcome
ness. -
ednesday,' last week, a menster
iepic-nic w,a.s held at Hawtrey.
o thousand people were present,
erything passed off very pleasant-
• e feature of especial and signift-
-Wrest just now ,was the voting of
to the „most popular gentleman,
. Charlton or Walsh, candidates
Commons. When the ballots
(muted it was found that Mr.
on had received 920 and Walsh
ortly after 1 o'clock on Monday,
tful accident occurred at a car -
shop in }London. A couple of
aids on Some of the machinery
ecome entangled, and one of the
-en, a young man named., Jesse
onds, undertook to straighten
While in the act of doing so,
t hand. was caught, and the hoards
• ed around his arm, which, before
uld be released, was literally torn
tween the wrist and. elbow. Be -
this, he Bustained a se,yere disloca-
f the shoulder.
gaac Prout, of Woodstock, aged
13 years, met with a severe acci-
on Tuesday, 276h ult. On the af-
on of that day he attended a pie -
he and some other little fellows
playing about, when this lad
a, a stick obliquely in the 1g -round
an to kics it. He missed, and the
, which Was sharp, ran let° his
bout an i eh and ripped the. flesh
•for a considerable distance.; Lie
eouveye to a surgeon's ciffice,
whe the w
! N be soul
be•le tget around.
look as if they been. recently taken
from the rock, being rather smooth.
They were offered $20,000 for the -farm
on which they, fo#nd the specinzens,
but refused it.
—Mr. John Malloy, who for 37 years
had. been officer of the law Society in
Osgoode Hall, Toronto, is dead. He
was in his 90th year, and had resided
56 years in Canada. He was an officer
of the Royal William., said to have been
the first steamer that ever crossed the
'Atlantic. He settled on-hts firet com-
ing to this country, in 1822, in Lower
Canada, where he aided Sir James
Stewart in quelling a rebellion said took
an active part in polities. ,
—The President of the Quebec Board
of Trade at its quarterly meeting com-
plained bitterly of the depressee condi-
tion of trade. The shipping,. he said,
was anything but satisfactory to those
engaged in it, and the lumber bueiness
was in the same unfortunate, condition.
It was a subject for sincere egret that
even. with all the public works which
were goingon in the city and port, int
eluding wharfage repairs, harbor im-
provements and -departmental build-
ings, giving employment to 1,000 or 1,-
500 men, three quarters of the working
population of the city were idle.
—William McNulty, of St. Thomas,
met with a serious accident last Friday
evening as the Great Western Railway
excursion. train was returning from Port
Stanley; He was standing on the low-
er step of one Of the cars at the old sta-
tion, and was getting ready to leap off
when he was either pushedby some one
or struck by the switch. He fell off,his
foot going under the wheel, which pass-
ed across it from the heel to the instep,
crushing it to a jelly. He was conveyed
home at once, where it was found neces-
sary to amputate the limb above the
---A well-to-do farmer of Oxford
coonty did a very sensible thing a few
days ago. He threshed his -wheat as
soon as he had drawn it in, and im-
mediately took it to the market and
gottthe cash for it. ' He next went
through the town of Woodstock and
aid every bill he owed. He says he is
—A case was tried. at Toronto in the
°minty Court, on Tuesday last, in
which Court Hope of Ancient Order of
Foresters sought to, compel Edward
Field, late Treasurer of the Court, to
deliver up a Look- containing account -s-
of moneys, alleged by him. to have been
lost. The Judge ordered the defendant
to pay $40 damages and deliver up the
book, or be held. in jail until he shall
have done so, and his general property,
to the extent of three times the amount
of damages, to be held. till satisfaction
of judgment.
—A Hamilton paper says The wo-
man to whona we referred some weeks
ago as preserving her life by heavenly
manna and a few glasses of' water, -con-
tinued to starve herself until. the other
day, when she ate a piece of pie, and
now claimit to have fasted. the forLy
-days and forty nights. Her name is
Mrs. Pearce i and fortunately her hus-
band has been in Australia for twenty-
three yeara, otherwise the poor ;Ilan
-might have been frightened. to death at
the prolontsFa abstinence of his eccen-
tric partner,
—A man named McCall, belonging to
St. Catharines, accompanied. by his -wife,
was driving teatu across a temporary
bridge over the new canal, at the Queen
street crossing 011 his wiy home, when
d owing to the aarkness,
ruck againet the frail railing
e and precipitatedthe horses
uts to the bottom of the
.11 1
pa,td, food to be ought and taken alone, maintain that this is the best country Overstudy is supposed to have been t e
sec red, outrage us railway tares to e
th'ird rate hotelsito be appeased by firs''t in the world for those afflicted -with off b
ra e ponies to be hired. (if neces- lung troubles. But while castor-oil a,nd
—Twe Hamilton pea -nut vendors : sides
- !
• uinine are excellent medicine, tliere's named IDunn and' Christie, who had tion
Wylie Lt Bowman,,
and l'mb to be taken if you visit some no use in sa,ying they are " easy t() - been „enaployed by
exc y) to say nothtng of the ris s to e ,
of th places enuiperated. And all for take." I have endeavored to be plain agents for the Prince Arthur, to retail abou
What 9 As an eetidence of the euor- inemy statements, nothing extenuatMg tickets 'for -their steamer the other dent
I •
of iinp•roved farins, the property of other par-
. JOHN LECIVIIE-. Brussels. -515
quisi e gam a sight ofthese wohders some $200 worth of tern
Wylie .
melt effort and eitravitaant outlay le- d wu. aught in- malice. aea: after selling
ofth :world, I may adduce the faet , sh . . .
that not one resident in fifty of this and any pohtictan, or set of politicians, ering part of their money at eas
• theuilt of Huron, containing 1 am
not se . 0
eanada tickets, decamped. Messrs.
EV Ty man who can live in
ld b thankful aaad remain there; & Bowman have strong hopes of recov- wer
ARM FOR SAL11.—That well-known and Gne-
lv situated farm, Lot 1, Con. 1, Hallett, in the
• 90 f
Slat who, by tariff charges, or. in any other ; —Wylie Simpson, a young man from and
he eses barn horse stable, cow stable, FaleeP 41011Se 1 ,al, • cidentally shot himself at 1 poin
of -
No. kit are cleared ; the..re are two frame awelling q -0
-has ever essayed the attempt. I
within eeventv miles of Pike's
f to beuefit a few, or makes any other. . ting out of his skiff, au n
, and I should consider a journey
II oil . ! from the bottom
six -times the distauce—au Iuox-
way, strives to place- a - • Tllp ,
taxation about the neck of the masses .Galetta„ on Sunday last. Be was get- : lea
in th an don
w /LB
auid driving ;muse ; also orchard and alumilmicse 0 x
- water. The farm ia situated two miles from the ;I iron
seaorth,-ou the lir
rtiruhers apply to McCAIIGHEY & HOLME-
*E0,`Seieforth,..or to SIMON proprie-
, 011 the p•renuseS. 553-4x .
west half of Lot 27, Con. 3, McKillop, con-
t 50 acres known as the Deigle estate. This
f ren is situated -within one mile and O. TIRT
tcr 01
8.aforth. The laud, is of the choieest quality.
T eere a Inualsome resmeave - nbuild-
gs. The farm is well planted with fruit and pr-
. n talented trees, is in excellent order, and well
tweet. It is admirably buitta t • 1 'en -
man, a dairy -man, or market gardener. Terms
..sy. This property must be sold. at once. Apply •
A. STRONG, Seaforth. 559
4'..\11II FOR SA.LE:--For Sale, Lot 15, Con. 14,
Men:illop, mita:Wing 50 acres, 45 of which are
•oared and well improved , t itao - • fair. build-
ings mud good fences; there is a good young or-
0hard and plenty .of water ; tin! growing crops will
Sohl with the farm ; it is 2 miles from 'Alton,
12 from. Seaforth and 8 from Brussels, wit pod
gravel road leading to etiC11 rble 0. KUM q nudity
of exeellent built -hug timber and saw ea:,
A-PPly to Walton P.O. or to the proprietor.
:remises. JAMES CAMPBELL. 5
1 e
your pity to the Capita o tue-
peusive and easily. made trip compared ,
t )(lain(' said paviug My. way to the
attempt to assimilate- the national al -
fairs of Canada- -to those. ef this land,
should be spurned 0.8 0. traitor to his
b • rter of' her best iu-
of raisins his 1 gun
when the lock caught on the seat, an
t H
is still alive bet in a very low condi
, 1 ince 13, paAy of five, consisting of Wm.
' —Mr. Thomas Henderson, jr., son of s ,
Mr. Thomas Ilendersou, of Wa er oo, , nie nd Bertha Bostwick, and Mrs.
near _Blair, died of typhoid lever las , ired altoat and proceeded to the
Week, after only a, week's illness. Un• to have a row. When about half a
versa lly respected by all Who knew hi from the pier Mrs. Ball, without
discharged int e his righbreast.
it is suppos
the wagons
of the t,ria:
and. ()coup .
eanal, distance • of fourteen. feet. .
Both horses and -McCall were killed
instantly, arta mra. in:addition
to having leg broken waS _otherwise
'serionsly.injured, and May 'not .reeover.
—The Bishop of Three Rivers, in his
sermon oniSimday, called attention to
the principles -which he enunciated 12
years ago, with regard to duties of
Catholics -when ca,lled on to vote, where
there are two candidates, one a Catholic
and French Canadian, and the other a
Protestant of different nationality. .
said a Catholic may vote for a Protes-
tant candids,te, provided. he he a man
truly upright, holiest and capable of pet --
forming the important duty confided to
him, to look after the welfare of religion
and the State, ,ad to work faithfully to
promote and secure it.
—A. serious accident happened. to a
Toronto man at London on Friday. A
young man named Fisk, while engaged.
in making up a train in the Great
Western Railway yard at London, was
knocked down and run over. One of
his legs was crushed. in a horrible man-
ner, and at the time it was not expected
he would. survive. His parents; who
reside MI Toronto, were at once tele-
gra,plied to, and. the, mother immediate -
I went to London. The injured leg
110* free of debt and feels easy, as the -was anaplitated between the knee an
business men witb whom he )tad been the ankle,' but it was not certain
eompelled to run accounts :luring the whether the patient would survive; The '
"bard times," have their own. If
every man in. the country would go and
do likewise, -we should now bear less
grumbling in the towns and an impetus
would be given to trade scich as it has
not received for years.
—The 'Winnipeg Free Prem of Aug.
21 says: Amongst the departures by
boat last' Wednesday was the Rev. Mr.
Warren, Baptist missionary to Mani-
young man was for severalyears var
man on the Toronto, Grey and Ellice
—During a very heavy thunder storm
which passed over Woodstock on Tues-
day afternoon,the residence of Yr. John
Cook, situated. in the east end of the
town, was struck by lightning. The el-
ectric fl id struck the chimney and PABB----
ing dow entered the dining room which
toba, now on his way home very sick. -was °cc pied at the tune 'by W and.
Before coming to this Province, about Mrs. Co k and. a ebild. The shock,
six weeks aoo, he haa been ailing and , which c ught1ifr.Cook,senthinisprawid
throngh the back door, which was
thought that by coming to Manitoba e
would soon recruit MB health. About
two weeks since the rev. gentleman
started for the Little Saskatchewan set-
tlement. On his way there hie healelt time. The stove was -upset y e
-steadily began to fail, and on reaching and the infant, which was play-
-Palestine, where he reachedfour timet, ing on the= floor clove by was severely
lded on the right arm mid side by a
open. Mrs. Cook was setting out din-
ner on a ta,ble,whiele the lightning shat-
tered. The lady was stunned. for _some
unds, received attention. twice in English an twice in Gaelic, ee . ,
e time before the lad will was obliged to return to Winnipeg. On I kettle of boiling water which tipped. on
consultation with a ,dootor of that city i it Other fine:auk° was badly demolish -
he was advised to go back to Ontario i a, and a considero.ble portion of the .
as quickly. as possible. Hence his re- floor -was torn -up, The child will re-
turn. _ cover. ,
—The other day in Montreal, a rath- , —On Sunderevening 256h ult., Mr.
er novel ease came neder the notice of ' Can -mile% fanner living ;bout one mile
petective Lafon. A respectable lady, ' from Woodetock, on the 1st COUCe-B8i011
who withholds her tame, took her 'i West Oxford, fotind a horse in company
daughter to a dentist on Notre Dame l_with a dog ha a thicket at the road side
street to undergo ao opera,tton on her i Tbe luirse was tied by a halter shank to
teeth, and when the fee was demanded ' a tree, and Mr. Cairns had ilialle13. alit
she found. tha.t her cash was $1 short , ficulty in reaching the -spot, OD. account
The dentist, however, would not allow of the dog which kept a faithfil. watch.
the (laughter to leave his office- until 1, and seemeadetermined t'-9 prevent his
she had paid. the uttermost farthing. ' approach. He however eecured. the
Finding herself in this dilemma, the animal and drove to Woodstock, faking
mother -went : down to Notre Dame . the deg also in charge,. On arriving there,
street, and not -wishing to leave her Constable Hall was informed of the
daughter a prisoner till she could go to ; facts, ttna is UOW' iliBtitutilfg a searcb.
her home, about a mile distant, she .. From la.ppearanees the horse must have
went into a store where three men were ' been :tolen and left in that, teat by`the
talking, and. asked one of them to lend. I, thieveS. The animal is a dark bay 15 '
her $1, at the same time 'offering to '-, hands' high. with a sta.r on the forehead, .
leave her locket ancl chain, worth 11,44, land ie four years eld. Both it and. the
as security. The offer vas accepted, . dog a,ie now in keeping at Raven's liv-
the hostage was released,and the moth- ' ery stable in Woodetock. The latter.,
er went home to get money to redeem : which. is black and white in colors and
laer locket. "When sh.e returned with which is supposed. to belong to the pu-
ts at Ayr ; but finding the hveryrigs the necessary funds, she found heraelf ties who took the horse, furnishesanex- -
engaged she expressed her intention in a still more puzzling dilemma, as she cellent clue which. may probably lead
accomplishing her purpose by taking could .not remember which store she to their discovery.
t --- Stanley. last Friday even-
tdt owitaius there -is nothing but al- terests. tion, and there are but pocn hopes o A
ape: of this great mountain, Out of country and a SU N
loth 'plains coveree. b.y cactus, sage
gra.:s. There ig linen genuine beauty
o b seen and real pleasure to be ea-
d f a, tri from Brantford' to
beta h aoosewood and burnt -up- buffalo
- -1-4-"AR-11 IN IicKILLOP FOR SALE.—F r Sale,
-'-' ' the North part of Lots,8 and 9, Con., RI, Me-
Killop, containieg 112 acres; there are a' out 80
cleared,. well fenced, uaderdrained, and in a high
Mate of cultivation, the balance is well. t mbered
. with hardwood •,. goodAlwelling, uew ban' frame
. Darn 50156, with stabling underneath, ST :1 other
-outbuildings.; also a good young orchard an 1 plenty
• or water: Is 10 miles from Brussels, 5 fr in Wal-
ton, and 12 from Seaforth, with good gravV -roads
to each place; convenient to 'church and schools;
will be sold as a whole or in two parts. Apply to
- Walton P. 0, or to the proprietor on tbe prem-
ises.- WILLIAM .DYNES„ . 547
t acte rom
Por Byerse, via Mt. Pleasant, Water-
f0e. and Simcoci, than in tra.versiug
hal this State. , •
This is also. au exceedingly expensive
cou itry to live' in and. have the com-
forts of even a quite uupreteutious Ca-
na Ian family:, There is no fruit but
t is brought in from Kansas, at war
foo ing rates of freight. Potatoes will
oul grow in the distant -mountain. v al-
ley.*eeat from lt to 4 cents- the pound..
00. er choice vegetables being ' also
sc ce and costly. Flour and beef. are,
ho -ever, always abundant ana reason-
abl in prices.
- • too are extortionate. The
cot nty rate hereis from 45 to 50
wi h absolutely nothing to show for it
bu well paid officials. County officers
bee receive five or six times, greater
sal -ries than with you. The country
xo ds get no attentioe. There is not a
bii go over the Arkansas River for 50
mi es, and for four months of the year
The Suffering Sotith.'.
The distress in the South is truly ap-
palling. Latest accounts give no abate -
t in the fury of the -fever.
Specials from the South say Dr:
Woodfolk, of Paducah, has aniAec
Grenada to metier assistance. -He
never had the fever, and was , urged to
return, but insiets remaining, saying
it is his duty. He is the Democratic
candidate for Lieutenant -Governor of
Kentucky. The Rev. Dr. Hall, Bap- :
tist, and Rev. 3.1r. Campbell, Presby-
terian, at Grenada, are dead. At.Mem-
phis the Rev, Geo. Harris, of St. Mary's
Episcopal Cathedra1,. is sick. A wo-
man wb.o called to. secure Dr. Hodge'e
services, on opening the door , found
Hodges lying helpless from fever; but
:for this discovery be would have died.
without attention. Two cases have
broken out at Father . Matthew Aid
. Camp, six miles from the city, one of
the cleanest and healthiest localities.
number are also. reported at Fort
Pickering, -whiclt has been exempt from
the epidemic since 1857, wheu the fever
d.esolated it. The fever has taken pos-
' his recovery.
tian Jaroes Newman, Misses Fan -
- d fine ersonal appearance, giving any notice, suddenly stood up
Said, " Gieodebye !'" and junaped in -
he. lake. Mr. Newman jumped in
-rher, but her actions were so
that she sank before he could reach
. She was a widow, and leaves four
1.1 thildren. There appears to be
Ouse for the rash act.
A young girl named Lizzie Gordon,
ghter of Me. John Gordon, of Ayr,
ppeared frona Galt on the 8th ult.,
lies not since been heard of. The
at the time of her Mysterious disap-
ranee was employed. as a servant in -
family of Mr. Cavers, of the Con -
'dated Bank. On the afternoon of
day referred to she asked for a half-
day, which was granted, whereupo1.
endeavored, to hire 9, horse and bug:
for the purpose of visiting her pa -
01 3
the deceased seemed. to have all the r
quisites tomake life eujeyable and u
ful, hence his untimely death falls wit
the heavier shock on his relatives- an
many friends. He was only 28 years
age. il sm
—Half it. dozen young ladies went 011t 110
.bathing at Pembroke on Saturday even-
ing, about 7,30, and after remaining la da
-while in the water, they determined to dis
wade out further than they were, 0.11d
,for thislpurpcise they, as a precaution- gir
ary measure, took hold of each othe's pe
hands. They had. not gone far, ho v- th
-ever, 'when four of them disappeared so
' under the watenhaving got into a 'deep th
hole. The others were so alarmed. that ho
they with difficulty succeeded in getting sh
one of the four out in a half drowned *-
condition. The remaining three .were • re
dro*ned before any assistance could or- 1 al
rive. Their 1 names were Maggie aind ' of
f he