HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-08-30, Page 2•
`DB. pAmiic
BY (MISS.3I;V.. 1111ARI5ON•.
I , e
o CHA.*TER. -VL:Continued.
But thti.t will would give him•
nothing so long ati Eustace Tre-
gonuell lived, atacl Eustace • Trersonnell
was at leaSt eighteen years hi sl linior.
How remOte must be the benefit which
Dr. Carrick could hope for from that
will ! Again, if would be cancelled,
mere wa,Ste paper, the naoment Mr.
Tregonnell made another will,and he
talked of doing so at the end of the
week. - All through the night Hester
Iay broad awake, thinking of Dr. Car-
rick, and trying to fathom his m 'tive
for a deed, which was, to her rain , as
dark a crirrie as the worst forgery hat
had ever een perpetrated.
" The sill is made, and he will be
eager to refit by it," sh•e thoaght; with
. an icy thi
her veins
in prole
must wis
not have
were not
want to prevent Mr. Trego-nnell s
making a second. will, and how is he to Here the door was firmly shut,
do that? L and on this ide Hester could hear no
crimes -secret murder ? • inoSrhea.lwent qaietly back to the *set,
How, s ve by the worst and last of
A wild terror seized. upon Hester as and. drew n at the sliding shiitters At
she saw herself face to face with th,is the same m nlient the door leading to
-hideoes thought. The idea, having the servant' staircase was cautiously
once taken hold of her, was not to be opened., and avid Skelter crept in.
thrust out a her mind. How else but All waa des_ - in the eloset. It was
by Eustape Tregonuell's speedy death by intuition o ly that Hester knew the
could the doctor Profit by his crime ? inttuder.l One rash eaelaniation from
was betrayed. She put
each footfall! The doctor's soft, delib-
erate step; Daid. tread, quick,
yet heavy; Mr TredonnelPs firm, light
step; the maid-of=81.7'1:Work's slip -shod
ascent.. And Cie -a all was quiet. The
chureh. clock- struck ten. The rain was
still fallitng. There was not a star in
the sky. e ,
Hester lifted kid' bead with an effort
frem the pillo where it had laiu so
heavily all da lona. She crawled. to
her door, and oiseressly-set it ajar„'se
slightly that ny one passing would.
hardly notice that it was not shut.
Then she opened the door of the closet.
The light in Mr. Tregonnell's room
shone brightly through the crevices in
the sliding s
back to the ro
utter. Then she crept
in door and. listened with
all her might.
After abouttenminutes she heard
the d.octo '8 step coming along the pass-
age from avi room. He knocked
r. Treaonnell's • door. was
er, and entered. Before
ed, Hester heard the pa-
• ,
word., doctor, I don't be -
your ministrations to -night.
ly sleepy." • i
ill of horror creeping through sofdY 81
'He is no longer interested -told to ,
ging his patient's life. He the door dlo
for hie death, for he would tient say :
committed this crime if he "Upon in
greedy of 'money. He will lieve I need
1 hones
His profession gave him a fatal power.
, He had the keys of life and death in his one hand ove4 his mouth, grasphag his
hand, asad Eustace trusted him with wrist firlasl31 ith the other, and whisp-
blind; unquestioning faith. ered in his ea • :
'-‘-1,- will not leave hitri in a secret "Not 8, w rd, not a movement, I
enemy's hand." she thought, "1 will am going to vatch with you to night."
tell him 'everything to -morrow. I owed And the , wi h infinite caution, she alid.
gratitude and ' affection to ray cousin, back the shutter for about, an. inch, and..
while I believed him a good aud looked 140 t e room.
hedebrableman. I owe nothing to a, Eusta e Tr go,nnell was lying outside
traitor." the bed, wr pped in his long velvet
•- She r , in an attitticle of su-
with a t Dr. Curd& was seated
burning , his hands moving slow, -
led whe erical passes before the
'him, andtshe
David and 1; we were both watching
you through the little shutter in that
closet door. You forgot that shutter,
did you not? I saw you empty that
bottle of chloroform on the pillow, and
draw the coverlet over your patient's
head. You were trying to suffocate
him. I suppose suffocation of that kind
leaves no trace. Yon have get your
patient's will -the will that leave e you
everythingno doubt; and allyyou
wanted was to get rid. of your patient.
You have failed this time. David,
take care of Your master -neither
his property nor his life is safe in this
"Devil !"7 cried. the doctor, beside
himself. " Liar ! Dirt that 1 picked
up out of the gutter -a pauper Who
must have begged. or starved but for my
help! A. pretty story to hatch against
me, forsooth ! Mr. Tregonnell, David,
the glas,
she. sai
want th
of mind.
It wa
crawl dciwn stairs and take her place
reakfast table. She was .ob-
sinit those small duties which
ii her daily task -the finish::
aes to the dusting -aired polish -
the furniture, the arrange -
a bowl of freshly cut flowers.
ay was hopelessly . wet. a dull
se at hler usual early hour, dressing-gow
Awing headache, and han.ds . preme repose
with fever. She was start- beside the be
she saw her altered face in
e I am not going to be ill,"
to herself, "just when I
lathiest strength and clearness
an effort to dress, an effort to
at the
liged to
had bee
• ing tone'
jug- of
meut of
for the t
gray sk. „ a etraight downpour that
ahut om4 everythiag except the sullen
waste o leaden sea, -crested with loug.
lines of Vivid. whitetiess. There was no
• chance. 1 Mr. Tregonnell going to Ply -
„mouth n such a day, as this.. -
'•Die,C Trick looked curieusly at his
cousin's pale face, • but Said. not a
. word. . Mr. Teegonnell, who rarely David .fose
' aPpeared SQ early,, joined them be- And pow
fere the .doctor had finished his -first cup illy across t
ble, opened
_ et tea, • - - ,
'• Ile wae not slow to perceive that took out lab
something was ping- wrong with Hes- "It's the
ter ed Das d.
” Good heavens., Miss Rusliton,.hOW This
. ill areu are looking !" lie exclaimed. - vague sear 1
:" I -do not -feel very well.. I had a as if she we
wakeful night." . . - hicleotia diec
•.'Why, what should keep you awake, " David,"
asked Dr. Carrick," lookitig sharpiss z4 valet's. ear,
hr.- . you can go opeu the street door, and
"1 hardly know. My mind was full riug the bell.. Quick' quick !" • -
of queet fancies. That awful story of The inasi obeyed without understand-
Bulwerls haunted -me -the story • you ing her. 1 -as shoeless feet. ran swiftly.
down. the stairs. .
Pr. Carrick went back to the bed, took,
- tho.. stopper, out of the bottle, and delib-
erately poured the whole of the con-
tents �.0 Eustace Tregonnell's -pillow:
.The 'patient lay on his side, with his
-taw tovard the fire -place. The doctor
sprink edthe cheleform exactly under
hia inl Arils.. Thene with a, delicate
hands •its carefully as if he had been
coverhig the face of a sick child for
whom isleep Was the sole chalice of cure,
' he drew tho light eoverlet, over Eustace
s head, and stood looking
te shrouded figure with an
m his face.
i .
In the • i ext instant the street -door
ging Violently. • '
Heavea! who can it be . at
?" cried. the doctor, hurry-
ing from the room, with a backward,
uneasy glance at the bed.. •
. Hester uulocked the cleset door and
'rushed. intd Mr. Tregonnell's - room as
the disc* disappeared. She threw
- back•the !coverlet from the ' sleeper's
face;'snatehed the pillow -from under
his .head, dashed cold. Water over head
and face, flung open the wiudow te .the
00Qt Moisteuight air, till withoot loss of
an instaet. She, who all d.ay had been
poWerlees to lift her , bead from the pil-
low, -seemed in those terrilde Moments
endoWed With unnatural strength. •
Eustace stirred, faintly at first, ; then,
as Ifeeter dashed more water into his
on wlech Dr. Carrick. had spared neith- - face,his eyes slowly opened, he gave a
er llimself nor his horse. She was ob- . s niggling Sigh, and. at last . raised his
liged to submit to his orders- and. .10 1.1 ad ,and looked ..at her,,, with eves
- hack t
tau au
ly in mes
patient's dreamy eyes. In less than a
quarter of. an h -our Mr, Tregonnell had
sunk into a mesmeric .sleep, profound,
peacefuls d.eath-like. - .
- So farthere was no wrong done.. The
patient es,vas - &insentient: mesmerism
had • exerted a, healing influence over
mind• and body:, mesmerism had been
Dreearrick' only treatment. e .
" That'sa, 1, miss," whispered David.
"Hell go away now, and leave master
to sleep it out.- It's. against nature
that oee man should be able to
send are'ethee to sleep, and I don't like
- . . . -
"There is 'no harm in 'it, David," re-
plied Hester •
But the d dot did. not leave his pa-
tient. He e ithdreW from the bed, and
stood, m/tith is back to the mantel-
piece, intent y watchful of the sleeper.
This lasted or more than five minutes;
Hester iti.li atching from the shutter,
at Lee side. .
r. Carrick crept stealth-
e room to the dressing ta-
the medicine cheat, _and
hloroform, miss," whisper-
` I knoW the bottle."
1 -chloroformawakened. a
ESTRAY COLT. -Came into_the premises of
the undersigned, on or about the let of Tune,
a Bay Mare Colt, with white star on forehead.
The owner can have her by proving praperty and
paying expenises. MRS. GEORGE ELWIN,
Baytield. 550-4
SER. -Strayed from the piemis
of the unaereigned, Lot :32, Mill Road, Tuck-
ersmith, 'oil or about ths 10th of August, a
spotted red and white yearling Steer. Any per-
son giving ench information as will lead to the
recovery of the above animst will be suitably re-
warded. ROBERT CHARTERS. . 559 •
- -
. WE
VOR SALE --Foe Sale, en George' Street, a new
frame c.ottage, with a good well of water and -
a good cellar. . Apply on the -premises tO TORN
McNEIL. 557x4
PROl'ERTY FOR SAL14.1.-F0r Sale, that con-
ve.nient and :legit:Ole residence onhe Berner
of High and Market Street:I, littely occupieel by
Dr. Ventre.- Apply to DR. VERCOE. • 4SS
ZURICH GUSTING AND FLO RING MILLI call you both. to witness that this wo-
man is either a lunatic - or the most . FOR SALE -On as terms of prevalent, or 4'..
outrageous liar - that ever drew the to exchange for farm property. Gristing and
breath of life." Flouring promptly attended to tbe same • - 1.
Also a quantity of Dry Hemlock Lumber for sale '
`. This -apeman is my future wife," cheap for Cash or short credit. W. FEN W ICK,
the bed, and. suppoiting•Rester's totter- aa_______ e.-...eee..easse.. __se: -•: _ . -
said Eustace Tregonnell, rising from Pseelietor, Zurich P. O., One ' 516
ing figure with his arm. "Yes, Hester, IMPORTANT NOTthES.
a Hester's Mind. • She felt
e on the threshold. of some
she whiepered, close in the
• mil down softly, as fast as
you will let it be so, will you not? I
1-1 A. aleLEOD, .Licenied Aueiloneer for the
offer you the life you have sa,ved. It is-. .13. County of Huron. Ali orders left at Tenses -
no new thought, love; it has been my Xtc8ride'e wilt receive proniat attention. If by
plea,sant da,v-dream for a month past. letter addresS Settforth P. 0. • feitt
David, you .-scoundrel, pack my port-
manteau this . instant., Dr. Carrick, I
sh all have the felicity of leaving your'
hospitaibloahocle early to -morrow, but
I Shall takeXiss Rushton with me, and
find a more desirable residence for her,
with our geed old vicar and his family,
until the churc,h can make her mistress
of •Tregonnell Manor, Now, Hester, my
dear, go back to your room and lock
your door. I don't' .think. Dr., Carrick': failing to do Re at once be -cherged 10 per
will try his chloroform treatment upon cent. interest from January 1st, 1878, without THE
von; he knows that David and I un- fail. THOMAS -.COVENTRY, Seaforth.
read toeue a, f
genital "
" Wel, it is
swered Eustace!"1 am sorry I read
it to you. I ought to have considerL-
ed that your nerves weuld. be more scale
sitive Winn:line. I read. it to you mere-
ly as a Work of art,. ta masterpiece of ,
graphic 't la ''' •
'' 1 w
Dr. C
" Yol
• there, i _
ill," he aid;ii" you are in a high fever.
as it is:' .
L, Ini oesible," answered Hester; "" I
have al sorts of things to do."
" Of otirse.. A W01.11l111 01wayslancies
the ear Is will. stop if she takes her
hand GI the machinery that makes it.
- go rout ila I atn sure you can have
nothite to do to -day that can't be - as
ne to -morrow. If it's a question
.er, that clever fellow, Skelted.
le -for you. - If it's any fiddle-
thent the house; a muslin cur -
be ironed, or 0 chintz chair -
be mended, let it stand. over
are well. I shall be at home
all (lea, if I'm wanted.. I've no urgent
cases, . nd it would be- too cruel to take
_ a hors' out of his stable uunecessarily
, on Kies a day tis this." .
Hester remembered manv such -day%
days ago, Mr. Ire -
rather uneanny," an-
y .
as very foolish to think of it as a
' said, Hester.
amok laid.- his fingers on her
had bettet go to .bed, mid stay ...
You dull want to be seriously
WHO WA.NTS MONEY 7-A few thousand
dollars, private feuds, for immediate invest-
ment a.t 8 per cent. interest. Apply to JaMES.. •
H. BENEON, Solicitor, Seaforth. "13 Full Dir
• -I- Cluff, successor to J. R. Williams, manure°. .
turer of Pumps aud Cisterns. All work warranted -
to give satisfaction. Factory on North Main St.,
Seeforth. 500 .
AUGU§T SO, 1814
.0u PuiT Dutch, Mad4er, Cudbear,
TmOneric, Logluo0, CocMlneol, :Etc.
XTOTICE TO- DEBTORS. -All parties hot hey -
i um settled up their accounts withene for 1877 --
clerstand him."
The baffled villain stood, pale, silent,
searcely breathing -an image of human-
ity frozen•into marble. Then he rous-
ed himself slowly, gave a profound sigh,
and walked to the door.
On the threshold he turned. and. look-
ed.steadily at his patient.
"The night I first saw you I was in°
°lined. to think you a madman, Mr.
Tregonnell," he said,. deliberately;
"now I know that you are one. I shall
be- heartily glad to get rid of such a
dangerous inmate. My house! is .not
certified for the reception of lunatics ;
atd if your habits were known, I should
get into, trouble. Take care of your
master, David. He'll want. a strait
•aistcoat before yoa ha,ve been much
Treaty, nell
down at LI
. evil smile (
wdll d
of din
will co
tain to
cover -t
till rot
bell was id
„ " Gneat
FARM FOR SALE. -South hale Lot 29, Con, 3,
e Morris; 100 acres, 85. aeres cleared and ia the
yety best of cultivation; is well feircedeaud water-
ed. Theta are two femme house h end. a frame
barn, all neatly new, tied two goodebearing orch-
ards. The above farm is ouly balf a mile off a
greeter roadeend two.anda-hall 'miles north of
Brussels. Pot terms apply to .0. R. COOPER,
Brussels P. 0„ or to ALEX. INGRAM, on the
ileemises. 556x15
ction.S given with each Parcel, and. if properly follow -
1 Guarantee Good Colors.
T AM N'OW Receiving a Large Stock of NEW
FURNITUR3a from the beet Fedor-Wei/Iwo
ode, and I am enabled to sell cheaper herreay
one in the County, as I pay cash down s
eget a
Large Discount.
sa Splendid Chairs for $1 80.
:Six -Chairs, Fancy Tterned Legs; i”r $2.
Six -Chaim, Extra -Good, for $2, 50,
Six Cheits, the N•erv Best, for $3 25..
Boston Rockers, each, for $1 15.
Nurse Rockers, each, 90 cents.
Board and Spine -11e Bedsteads, 'bet, 6 feet len&
$2 50.
Beautiful 7 -Drawer 13necaus.projectionfront
$)-Other hintle very low.
Six CaTle Chairs far $5.
In, Hair Cloth Chaifs.' Sofas, Loun,..,
ges and Rocke9.8, I Cannot be:
; Beby Carriage e and Spinning Wheels veey low'
If yon want to furnieh your house for a little
111°-‘14weY;743aROOMS directly opposite M. PesCoun-
ter'' 'Mammoth jewelry Establishment, Main
S LC"aesell SIlart° ihci es , Skins,jo'Wools. ;nod PORTER. Rpi":
P. S. --Shall soon be in e position to furnish
, Furter-ale cheaper than any Ione in the plate.
Buys all his Machinerkfrotn
idiot of Ybrk Connty Spring Fairs in 1877 and .1878. Has taken_ the First Prize
wherever exhibited and never has been beaten.
VARAI FOR SAL -E. -For Sale, West half of Lot
-L. 7, Con: 16, township of Grey, containing •50 -At the *est
acres, 42, of which are elettred, balance hardwood.
Theie is on e pre s
barn and stable, and a good yotteg beating orch-
ard. ' The above property is onlytwo Mike off. a rat tfle
good gmvel reed and miles from Brussels; pos-
session tbis fall, 'For futther particulnes apply to
C. R. -COOPER, Brussels, or D.• CAMPBELL, on
the premises, Walton P. O.; 7 654 These
naer in his service." ALUABlet PROPERTY TN, SEAFORTH 1
" That's a li?, and you know it," Da-
• th mi es a fra,me house frame
Fellt SALE. -For Sale, on George Street, a
Lot and two dwelling honeee. The houace are
! The
via retorted -bluntly. , both comforteble and commodrons, one have a .
Mr. Tregonnell took Hester to the necessary conveniences, such as well, woodsheds, , 13
&e. The Lot is planted with fruit and mu:truce- •I Our
vicarage early next morning. He told
tal trees, and irt very plums antly situated, and , The
the vicar everything, and. confided. the quite convenient to the business part ot the I all1d.
young lady to his friendly care, pending town.- Apply to the proprietor on the 'prerniees. I
her Marriage. The vicar had a Qom- ROBERT JONES.i
654 ' P
Ith ca and Ontario Seft-Foumping Horse Rake 'eannot be
urp ssed. ' , ,
Spr gue and Junior Mowers can always be relied on.
Co su bined Empire Drill and ,Seeder. still stands unrivalled.
we heartily recommend our Wrought Iron Frame Gang
Ilot: , and .Nos. 11 and. 12 Wrought Beam Plows, &c.e
ing our numerous cuetomers for bast support, we hope, by strict attention to basi-
to mer t a continuance of their liberal patronage.
, .
fortable wife, and gr -own -up daughters
Fa ts, together with the Valuable Improvements made this Season,
pia es the ilfaxwell, beyond a doubt, at the Head ofithe List.
r., ABU FOR SaILE _Ti Sale Lot 29, C I
and Hester spent a month among these Stenley; containine 100 ac • • 'r on. 3'
e woutef. , be acres clear. I
lie* friends -a month that was like one ea,. well underdreined
frame barn and Stables t a ;tiling ;rearing orehe i
to her society ?
St. Hildred House was left • empty trdo a never failing- sluing runs through the !
aim ; oleo good well ; i e sit -emelt within. teruilee
.Withio a -few hunt. • of Mr. Tregonnell's of Clintou and 5 of Brucelield ; sebool house i
departure. The maids-of:all-work was within ooe-quarter mile. Apply to eaLleXA NDE It -I
paid and disitaisse 1 without WarniTio.
r, p. 0.
.1 AMPBELL,. on the premises, or to Clinton ;
Dr.• 'Carrick told• her that be had- a - . 540 1
letter f , •
, enced, and in it 1
good state of cultivation • the balence is well ;
ong dream of deli, t, for did not Eu- timbered with hardwood;' there are on the ,
stace Tregonnell d dicate all his days premises two houses, one Joe audnn' from° ;
o7bed. for she was really too ill- t
-Et him. Site herself down
1 upon the outside of the `:eoun- "
e, 1.101.* thick •wintei• shawl
wrapped round her ; for although her
head and handl; were burning, a feeling
of death -like cold crept oveiher at in-
tat eapressed only 'V egee Wonder.
" Wild; are you doing?" he asked
What is the matter ?"
think I have saved your life." she
tid, quietly ; • end then, 'her brain sud-
enly reeling. she fell in a heap on the
oor heside hie lied, not' tenconseietni,
iiIoiddy and helpless.
It.siemed the longest day she had )r..Carriek calucl hack, saw his in -
ever lived through. The ceaselose drip , trended victim sitting up with. his eyes
of the rain upon the leaves of the, sy,nt- iand his cousin on the ground by
more, whose Spreading letaitehe:es oh- t bed. - A glance told. him that th-e
scurei. half her window. the unchang-. game svti.s lost. He did. not Understand
ing grev or the skv, the sullen murmur .how it, had happened -how Hester came
of the
to Ent
to bit
to ris
non -id muster strength and- courage to 1
go do vn stairs in quest of -Jr. Tregon- Haee you -been experithenting Irv -
nen, . knew that Pr. Carrick was on ropathy ? And., good heavens ! what
Lruaxa below, and ,would do his utter- n odor of -chloroform !; 'My shirt must
Float to prevent ler being ahem with ittv0 heeu .drenehedwith it." -
his ratimit. There was nothing. for You were restle.'s-i; aud I. sprinkled
her ts do but to lie there, with aching Ili few- drops op yo.1r pillow. In the
head and anxious mind, waiting for lame of decency, Hester, what are you
tom London, which obliged him F• tht SALE IN BELMORE-11(
to leave St.. Hildre without an hour's • with over half an acre of iir)Hits-edlid,,.SErtgerne i
ginned, well etoeked and in g(tod order. Slable, ;
:delay. A. rich re ative was dving-a°houee, wood -shed, hen -house turd run for
relative likely to leave Dr. Carrick it feotirls well fenced, all yen conienient The 1mc
is erraneed for two familiesone pita, withtlsie THE 0
sea. ---all added. to Iter• gloom of. there -e -but he know that his -scheme
She would have giveu worlds was a failure. ' -
as Seen Etteitade Tregonnell aloue, ' .' What the devil have you been doing
e told him all she had discovered, to ine, Dr, Carrick ?" asked Eustace,
‘ feared ; but she felt powerless : 1
faun her bed., and even if she
handsome fortune.
This fiction dece
tor's retreat. He
XATHO has pleasure in atmothicing tie
Y farming community of Hue= that he it
still selling the very best
Sewing _Machines, Agricultural hi- -
plements, and gusical Instru,
Mr. Murphy's favorite maehine is the Singer
which is the best in the market, having eardoi
off first honors at the Centennial and Sydney
Farmers wishing to pm -chime any ot the above
would consult their own interests by apolying to
Mr. Murphy first, as he can -do better for theta
than any other in the trade.
Sewing Machine and other repairs always on
hand at his wareroorns, G-oderieb street.
513 L. MURPHY, Seaford'.
Begs to inform ia friende and the public that,
he has on hand oini of the NICEST sena FRESH-
EST Stocks of Groceries in town, .8.aa roa he sells
for Cash, he
Giving his purchasers the benefit of what other*
who do not do eo lose in bad debts &naps./ in in-
terest to wholesale men.
o Always on hand. (eoods delivered in town free
ot charge. Remember the stand, opposite the-.
Commercial Hotel, in the
year ; the other part -with the garden turd out -
spec table tenant at :-•• tle a
tly covered the doe, by Samuel Smiles, Price $1.
. tore is rented to a re
7 S0011 10St in the buildiege is 'equally valukble. This property will e
moving to Winnipeg. If not sold before it be
a;b6'rillth he lenevf so well. Despair be sola it "bargein, as the. proprietor intends re-
had faStened its grip upon. liiS sea. He
Wlil offered at Auctiou abaut the of August. •Je
had triedhonesty'• he had tried Iratul wuzssaf ASHDOWN. - • itee 1 upUN
and .crime. 'Both had fai1d...
NDSHIpt by °nicht, 'Price $1. 25.
ot in the • most amiable mood atter
wakening from deepest unconscieue-
ess to, find. himself in a pool of water:
•-' law Sale, Cheap, Lot V, Coo. 8, Huth:LOB-0 i The
" I am one of those uelarcky mortals
bora to fail." he old hiniself. f ' PUS' I1
e s eleitreti, ineler-draiire4 and well feneed, ;
de diavee. Neithe • (3 ed. nor the- isevil. L 18°'
and the remainder well timbered with hard wood. .•
will help me." - - Good ft tone buildings, young ore.haed and plenty i .
aterei lihoe farm is within 3 utiles of Seu- 7 ,
Dr. Carrick made another appeal to f°ret`.‘e.- n kil)Cf al ail °ono, oti noat
neighborlidocl as a practitioner of the the best terms in the County, and, w111 be sold 1 .
'i' - ' SENT
the devil: He started. in a disreputable adjoins' "ritche VillIraletle"016Kiltafteliutrufri
lowest order -a practitioner who stuckcb.eap and on easy tenus, as the proprietor 1..
shAels(tmo rzeolirschnnucedi'sale
poseesei fen. Apply' ,
at nothing. For . a timezi:
things went 7tto
or, or CH.e.11.51.14E1 8
well with him, and he made money. LAWEIE, Cran.ietace P. 0
Then came a scandal, impriSonment, —era lee- - .--
th-eINI0.1SrtilifeKILLOP F.013. SALE. --For Sitlei .
disgeace ; and Dr.. Carrick went down ' -12 part of Lots 8 and 9, Con. 13 Me- '
tit 8 0
to the very bottom of the social gulf, Killop, contehring 112 acres; there are abo
iiever to rise again. . cleared, well feneed, underdrainede and in a bigh 1
etate of cultivation; the Wane° is well timbered 1
For 'Hester and. her lover-. life holds withemetheoea ; good dwelling, new bank frame
by W. R. Greet Price $1 50.
airne, with Index, 50 ots.
Price 25 cts.
. THE undersi•gued isriow prepared to take
4- orders for an) gime-Idly of the above yeriett of
Wheat for filn see.ting tia-o,ples tanbe seen on
applieation Attentien le directed to the follow-
ing Certificate irem Mr, JAMPS Co -tri.
CV WI' a le a CATE.
arliPar 15 1X11 CERTI PY that I premed from.
Mr. Wee. Rehill, o etforths ' Taint -10,4f
Victor Seed Wheat, wh ch I sowed last /AL Tigs
wheat has turned out splendia crop, the groin
being plump and bright, and the straw strong,
• clear, end perfectly free from rust. It willeteld
twelve hneliele to the acre more than Salim
RESS, ON RECEIPT OF P11I0E7 BY *heat Ursa growing aloogside of it in theasarne
- field. 1een heartily recommend it to rny brother
, farmers.
Hibbert, July NI, 1878.
nothing, but happiness. They spend
six months of every year cruising in the
brightest waters, anchoring by the fair- -
est shores, and the rest of their days at
Tregoneell :Manor, -where, being eivealL
thv Ind generous, they Etre universally
. ritsleND.
been 50x56, with stabling underneath, and other ,
oatbuildings ; also ft good young orchard and plenty I /leo to
of water. Is 10 miles from Brussels, 5 from Wal- I
ton, tour12 from Seaford', with good gravel roads 1
ealloraisci a of William Campbell's Clothing Emporium% where be will, us
to each place, convenient to church and schools ;
.ill be sold ns a. Whole or in two parts. Apply to hishcr o, cart+ 0111 the
iodinate that- he has Deo -loved his °Mee to D. illeGregor's New
Boildhig on East Mlle of Maio Street, tileatorth, and Fourth Door
547 deneral irnsurainCe, Money Loan, elgencej, and Sewing Hachine Business.
Walton I?. 0. or to the proprietor on t1e prem-
eontaapiag 59 acres ; 41 acres cleiteed, well water- -
. Ages of Literary Men and. Wo- ea, Wit.b. goo
.frame barn, eow stables, log barn, eheea 'mite, . d -
Li buildings, consisting of frame house, i
' keel s on b
It em the 4
Charles Beade is 64 years old -; Jacob -
young °rehired. in full bearing ; convenient to - Oil, and t
laggeries,euth all other retritieite. buildings ; a. nice 1
" ' capable of
Abbot, 75; Edmond About, 60; William etinrea and scbool, being 35 milee from Heusall ! threaded e
T. Adams (Oliver Optic), 56 ; A.B.' Al- station aud four miles frien Kipper' ; the land is ' —fa Macti
Cot, .70 ; T. 13. Aldrich 42, ; Berthold
. , of the very best quality, beiug composed of a14 B1 the
- Farmer
clay loath ; will be sold on eany terons, as the 1 od to„
Asierbach, 66 ; Gorge 13a.tloroft, 78 ;
h . proprietor ire retiring from ferruing, he not being ; e''' '.7 -
Robert Browuiug, 66; Carlyle, 83; S. L. able to ettend to agricultural pursuits through i t c celeln
Clemens (Mark TWain), 43 *. G.. -W- Cure ill health. CHA.ALES;REDMOND. 546 ! well .te
, of Sew.ng Maehines repaired. TERMS LIBERAL.
) ) .LaaalteI F.OR SALE,- For Sale, Lot 19, Con. 14, ,
tis, 54 • R. H. Dana, 01 ; 1„)8,rwin 69 ' - ' - - . — ' • ' - ' '
Half of Lot 25, Con. 5. Hay, County of 1Turon,
ne eatisfact ion which they have i mriably expressed with hie trait:motions. He still
apti.the bestfSewing :Verlaine:et hateare manufaetaired in the -world, as -well as Needles,
echine Attaehmeuts. Tie sells the Osborne A. Machine, -which is the .simplest, the most
In than ing the public for the confidence they have teposed biro for the paet fifteen years he
h a clinic on there branches in Seatorth, he realm: to inform, tbem he will etill endeavor to give
°ins here ?"
Th coed -natured maid of all work The girl rose to her ieet, steadied her-
elikme ttt liersteveral times in the course With. a great effort, and looked her
cif th dav, bringing her broth, which kinsman full in the face. David Skel-
she uld not tondla and. divers cups of ter had followed the doctor up stairs,
tea. hiCh Wer0 welcome to her parch.- and stood • on the threshold, ready • to
ed She ate nothing p.11 Itut rush to hiS master's aid the moment he
than deep draughts of cold water. was wanted.
Ai came at, last. She heard the "1 know all that has happened to-.
tiaarsishutting below, and footsteps as-- night,''' Said IIester, with those steady
ciaaing the stairs. How well she knew eyes On the doctor's face. "I saw all-
On September 17th, 18th, 1 -0th ittla:2001••
RIZE LISTS and Entry Papere ein be bid
ut the Secretarvai {Alec, Guelph, end Mee
; from the Secretaries -of othet Soeieties through-
out the PrOVillee. PartiPg not receiving their
entry tiekets prior to the ehow, wall dud then
M the Secretary's °Thee. The several. asilwaye
's ifl ceery freight nod paesengers -and fronothe
• Exhibition at single fare.
W. WHITELAW, president.
G. 'MURTON', Secretary.
Guelph, earoust Ist,1a7s. 558-4
Making any tried of work in the most perfect manner, and the easiest and goiclest
ne that has never tailed to give ee tief action to' every customer for the last ten years. He HU'
p machine of any machine made in the Dominion. He gas the Geunine Howe 'Machine un
Wheeler & Wileon Machine, the meet rapid and. least noisy Machine in the world.
' Wives, alechenies' Wives, ller chants' Wives and Manufacturers, do not f.il to examine FALL SALE.
ri Sewiug Machines -Family and Mannfacturing- when you want one. Also Agent for
ated F nz and Pope Ruitting Machine, callable of doing all kinds of work. Instructions
81 011)08 'trade on any of the above mechines. Sewing Macbinee to Rent. Also all kinde
,Disraeli, 73: liepworthnix.on. 57; Em- MeRillop, en/It:tieing 1E0 acres, of whim" about 1
eremi, '75 ; 'T. A. Fronde, C.0; )V.E. Glad
_ 140 ate less are eat ,r, (1, well Nueva, a uderilotitted,
stone, (i1) ; 13ret i,.1; J . G.,. Hole 1.1 h. a .,0041,1rtif• Of ellitiyattoil • the beleatee •
1 Et. II (1, 50 ; 1)r. llolthes. 6:1 ;•1 ;fulia Ward " '1' d '1.1' ihult"(•"1. l'"e is "at
• II. tin •,•••
fill inch of %N.t,te. Mc] Vv, k. small •
; Thomas .Haf.thes, 55 ; 'I' 2 ?piing creek rime Lateens:- one ere 1.er. =On a frame
• a na melee arta at is .1,•telia bee ring . melte:el ; it Sertnel
tad G.. Mite:hell, ; Max --1[1ener, ; way between See tante lir useele, es: hare Li sae .1-let:ond / 16 It wee iteeiee, Balance ',Wheel, Pnlicys end Governore
W.M..WATSON, General Agent, Scaforth.
Huxley, ; George Elliott, -58 : Long- buildings, all teeter ; abundance of goo,' water
f0,110W, e-; arenS011 J. Losn mg, Don-. is within a Mile awl half of gievel road, male Second a:1:a 20 Bailee Eneite, Balance N1 heel rine Pullees somp e•c
a, -le
(Lel 20 IToree Eneinte Balance Wheel and Sew Mandrel.
re e •
TF a sufficient number of entries are received, it
-2- is the intention of the above aseotiation to ;
hold a WI sale, at the town of Clint7m, Inh -
tweet •tho 15th and 22nd of October. Er:Aries
for the propaled sale must be made with -
Secretary not later than
ENTRAzief: VE8.-11orhes, Mares Awl :
$225 $2 each; cows, el each; rams and OW',50
225 --bath ; Ewes, 50e pet peir,
000 M. MeLEAN Seaferth Secretary-
James- Parton. 55 ; Mayne Reid, GO ; tie/mean ecemeseet 0, (-heels:a, -deals, pee eereed .d 12 11 or -se Deane, Balaece Wheeleleuthe s apd Goveruois.
(enee, sOe. the re r in will te, ar ;id whrile : A. lIoh-t gi or Boat fleneine, with If (ratting Gear
lieenali, 155 • Ruskin, 51): John G. S'•
t •
'• cia\ (2" in two reit te, Ver (maw; Particuhrs addrei4; t;:cv ono ord l6 Ilora: Portable Boiler, ‘vith Smoke. Steel(
62 . Mrs. Stowe, 66; TennFsoh, 614 ; W atom Post Olney. or aoply to t he pr,,prietor ou • s ecoud lir rel 16 breeze Potteble Boiler, ;eh h Smoke Steak
W -13-&1 544 ..eennal h 20 horse Portable Roiler, with Smoke Sack.
thony Trellope, ; \\ 1-ittier„ 7'1 ; the prere see. . , , •
kie Collins, 53 • Swinburne, 41 ; - • •seoes.1,
- Steer
n. ,t- 37 ; M. F. Tupper, 68 ; C. D.• Beteg tenth half of Lot 22, eon. 14, Mehallop, eeoud hi
and in a good state of cnitivai ion, part. being well ' 1:leading
underdrained, and the bnlanci. unclearea kooa ; tending
Bug Exterminator.. haraweea bush; there' is a iii,;ver-feiling spring ; ,ttave Ma
For the last five- vears•I have not 1013t, ereek running through the "'dace ; ',good -young ;
Warner, -10 ; W. D.•HoWells, 41. write:lying-about 88 aeree 75 cif whieh ere cleared , Heading
a eummber or melon -vine or cabbaue orebara; large fraMe barn -10xtee stable and shed
148U ; log house also. f More house, natal
plant. Get a barrel with n. It -IW with gra'el; good stone cellar full size of house -
gallons of gas tar ill it ; pour water onel OA well athouse, &c. nil, is it deeirable farm' 1.
the tar ; alwa.ys have is
ready -when I terc,if
needed, and when the bugs appear hive rOlil the Nt rtl • '
2,1 miles weet from Wine: '
riten,d if the rain washes it off, and. stiles; talon, contahliii3n-',,'..1;00
f • 1- one 1Vishin to bIlv beine only three -guar -
drink of tl froni f rein (Travel Road 9 -
it nilo from it aardei • ie tar water ! neea • a Lath and 7 from Deneede b ; Attended
gioi s..-hleo Lots 21 end 22, Ettet 1.3arall I
, epiinkl.er, or otherwise 7try, utnbt.L. • •
1(.1z is to be
them. 0
ebro-eisiCiorraueettlehenteleared. and a 1 1----
pcealt the dose. It will arse de-- I jell) of 44 acres let to
fall • th • •
ar and.
0 arado pante beetle and , co•natr.liel in time for fall wheat next
2 wells'
Aitonidei!aerua-w%!(eltl'al en:13.3- - -
1 . „ is lot about 25 aier.)ce o.t
than tlireshina e **tit' t
frighten the old lona potato bug \I vorse • uee, et -meadow, the balanceaiw-y
e si - 1 a brash Fiee - ' there IA usmall orel •
rel etenplete 8ejit a
th t had not been - well piotect- irsriorengliblge sit(inItaignorondEret, 1
.x en .
sion of the Wellineton;
11 et le • tir mill •
- • 0 is • •
ri.- 01\)Cat
d Coa
ago this summer
and 1 - ' ..
, ppeared. _also a steam saw mill a ' ' •
and pumps in one hulolals'e,- and large n( s• t 1 i
frtun , ;re ro at the mill a 0 'tock 0° f
N S II b.e.— $. '• I
on. my late potatoesboth kmds ' 3' ears
lex day all JColorados
IN aaerea ae th end in good running 'or' (11- cirm•ilereinill'
tirahoh hone° and -good
ease ,out next Oetober '
ids a
tar water'. 1--.1..'he.1 *tt
•• • e - • '
that many will look upon this with in-
difference because it is so cheap and
simplea remedy. Such should always
suffer both by their own and. neighbor's
bugs, as they, frequently d. -•Chicago
T 2 ibune,
rom the sprinkling were dead, and Grey and Bruce Rarhoad, 111
• a g
others, though their natnet was le- frura the mainline to within 60 feet of the mill ;
timber Iran be run from mill and loaded on railway
NN'ere all gone, and. I have never cars as cut if needed, which Makesit very couveni-
one on the farm since. I am aware cut; there is plenty of timber in the cou:atry
around which can be bought 'cheap• this makes it
a god openingfor any persOn tha't understands
the business. The mill or farm will be sold sep-
arate or together to suit-' buyer.' Terms easy.
For particulars in reference to the first farm ap-
ple- to A. STRONG-, Seaforth, or; to GEORGE
T11011SON, 'Wingham. For the last place and
mills apply to GeTHOra SON, aVngham. 54.3
ti d 80 horse Portable laibulair Boil),
o .Guage, Guege and Safety Tutees, .all ill Good Order
; ,
d Shingle ;had needing Machine -
— 200
450 i OTHERS.
49 S TIIEY occupy the attention of all, thee*
-0- bard times the suberiber is detexmined
• meet them by offering f.Y,00.1 inch IfenaloCh,e'nOt
neurilly sold for ineh " ett the following retest'
12 foet Hemlock. at $7 '00 per thonsend 14: foot
with Smoke Stuck, Furnace, Prieto Grate
1,11mer ;
. •
•Iiine, with Knife
for Flouring,. Grist and Saw Mills. Middling Purifiers of Improved Kinds. get what is represented
, 5 per cent. discount. Call- noa eee if von. don't
, -
Book Accounte over 3 monthe wil be oharged
elerneet-s.-Stove of 14-arious Rinds.-Bepairs an Boilers, Malls, ,tecepromptly "
8 per cent.
The subscriber thanke his numerous ettstotnene
. .
CODERICH F UND Y AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. for their libe;a1 tin . ". ' . - Viol-
pport, end eolicits er, ton
note of their favors,
ew En nes and Boilers on -hand, also Made to Order very cheap. MillMac'hthery Fencing, at 87 60, forCash. Ail orders over o
icultUral I
!MORE respectfrOty beg :erive to return thanks to ray numerous cuetorners for their kind
one ge an ribg the tart 32 years null I have been doing butineee arnonget them, and kindle
(len tinuan e of their favois for the future. I haye just received a Large and 'Well Seletted
'PRY 00Ds of all deecriptions. Also always on hand it full asset tanent of
ER1 ES -TEAS a Special ty-ewhi ch, for gnality and price, are the best • in the County.
;Stock of BOOTS and SHOES--McPbereon's make. Crockery, Glassware, Letups
Oil, Hardware, Puiets and Oilte.Drups, Patent Medicines, Brie011 Rua HAMS, in fact every-
' ' •ed in a geieral etore. Ask for what you want if you don't see it. Cash or ferns produce
t ing re
,tilken injc,rchange. 11 would also intimate to all parties indebted to me for lust and previous e ears,
to come lund settle by cash or note before the end of this month, or the accounts will be put into
other hads for colletion. No further notice will be gives. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS,.
-lam ale° Yatuator for the IN -minion Saving' ard Investment Society, one of the best loan societies
in the D minion. The above Society loans money'on gond farm security for a term of from three to
twenty ijears, on the mrst tavorable conditiona. LIFE INSPRANCE.-If yore want yous life insured
give me call, RBI ani agent for the Sun Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In-
surance jClompanIes 'an the Dominion, en& conducted on the most economical principles. Don't for-
got to g eta me a call. I am always (latent -ire to business. Post Office and Telegteph OiRce itt eene
nection. Clover, T. Turnip and other Reeds on hand.
, 138 Steam. Saw Xil1s1xti0;10p,
pEnsoNs suffering from Dyspeesie ale trtmol-
ed by Pepsine in various forms to cure Wilt
-dangelOnS diseaec. It is net it want of Perk*
'bnt as excess of acid that, occasions Indigestion*
1 'Ironton's Iligeertave 11:1111.441 hes 'newer
failed to relieve or cure the -worst case of bead-
, aehe, dieeartes of the heart, kidney diseataal
4 many ethane ethich enrolees en Ladle
Sold by all Druggists. Price 50 cents. 53544
WhoIestde and Retail Deeaer h LEATHER *34
1 SHOTS FINDING -6 of Eve& Description.
N011e but the VeryB'est StoCk kept. 143,111S
I moderate. A. Trial Solicited. All ordeaaby oil
1 or otherwise promptly Med,
066 B. N. BRETT*
bid her to _
ispeak to s
Oither Sjie
him, or she
lastly ina e
libertar- 114
Ler in his alA
eau -be hired.
open to br
bribed. by the
Turk is enabl
keepiw• his
is no
locked um
room eovilil
ape with
her husband'',
Amon.g certE)
husband bren
some other
41ers her no 1
men; but thi
never heard 4
the folly Of hi
apite one's pl
sociation of I
were to fit 14
veives could 1
bands are al
men could fe
in the perni
happiness; b
be tried. ,
schaffes for -
the par# of 11
tried frem ti
man in Iowa
Will yellow
was a vain. a
a her persoflZ
vent her frn
the hair shoi,
ever, serious]
4,0 was me
savage nose-
)3111111- It 04
spread abro4
suffering froi
ver; hut
men who cov
finally co -tri
with the .
he enjoye.
plan, but at
wife died, pe
of a Inner-.
being withO
ever devised
fulness was
residing in 1
married a',14
and a wellie
ing. She
any really
ing with a a
but being
and societ.
grotip of yoi
said to basil
is a differei
tiAe author
The laW
woman is n
ous disposil
,prophesie ,
him toins
very brief ti
'WAS Weli are
was .streni
ation by t
friends e •
pened t
in Beniela
-Secret, aa
would eas4
The hone,) -i'
from pine
fornin ova
the wife
tiety °the
On the fir
turnea. to
early, pt
in his am
that here
*knew -AI
Tears, e
teeth, re
-door that
to guard.
shads Nr_o
Fre'' the
ban. wi
her is
day, whe
Iles% h
anal she
have shes
Every ese
to her an,
ealls in -
been s
the teeth
leave his
was pug
able ern
whose le
said. th.,1
eaeh oth
the guilt
East, 1,V1
:tall be
keep a, N
went a
small tiJ
Elea tied
OVall lean;
'With bd.
thae -0'WX