The Huron Expositor, 1878-08-30, Page 12
st OAS -ES:
s, MEDDOWS & SONS, per
-pened, and the Baianc&will
lied to -morrow,
11. AUGUST, 1678
prepared to Show one of
gest, Newestr
TNT .A..13
rained to giTe our ()Id Customers
taaw ones that may call the
ftill beneflt Of
Old Coun ti-zi Goods.
apops mARKEa
L. Importers and Dealers 11t
Dry Goods Only.
MaLEAN BRO ., Publishers.
S1.50 a Yeari.en Advaeane,
FR SAL-E.—For Sale a .first class Planing
Mill, nearly new and irt good running Order,
situated in the flourishing •TONVII of Seaforth,
Will be sold cheap. Terms ettsy. Enquire of
ezoonn, COSSENS & CO., Goderieh, Ont.
FOR SALE.—For Sale, a. splendid, farm
I: of 100 acres, composed of Lot No. 21, in the
• 12th conceesion of the Township of Ifullett.
Terms easy- Apply to CHAII,LES AIORROW;
13ox 51, Clinton 1'. O. 553
Lot 7, Con. 12, containing 100 acres, 60 acres
• cleared and well fenced; frame bank barn; good
',swig orchard ; soil clay loam possession at any
time; price„‘;•:,5,000. Apply to A. STRONG, Sea -
forth. 543
'DOR SALE.—The subscriber has for sale a 50
x sere lot in the township of Mcliillop, County of
Ilaron, 20 acres are deared and the balance well
timbered with beech aucl maple. The property
will be -sold cheap. Apply to JAS. H. BENSON,
Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont. 517
..v,t1111 FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot No. 5, Bay-
field Concession., Godmich Township, con-
gaing 85 acres, 51 of which are cleared -and in a
good state of cultivation. The farm is adjoining
the village of Bayfield, and will be sold cheap and
Jou favorable terms. Apply to the proprietor,
VOR 84,E CHEAP.—As t,he owner is leaving
-a: the Country, a House and Lot in the village
of Harpurhey. Frame dwelling, with 6 rooma ;
a large garden filled with fruit trees of all des-
oriptions ; good well and eellar. Apply to THOS.
E. WINNE, on the premises, or to A, STRONG.,
'Lind Agent, Seaforth. 551
IVAR111 FOR SA.LE,—Being north half of ,Lot
31, in the 5t1i COUCCEISiOn, East Wawanosh,
100 acre% good soil, w -ell watered, godd frame
barn 56x36, good stable and shed 18x26, 85 acres
cleared, good house and orchard': koo4 well and
pump, Apply to 3-AMES MURRAY, on the
. place, or to Westfield P. O. 7. 551:x16
v- Con. 7, Hullett, County of Huron; 100 acres;
811Cleared, well underdmined„ arid in a good State
of,cultivation ; buildings convenient and good;
• terms easy. For farther partieulars apply to
Messrs, MeCAUGHEY &HOLMEBTED„ Seaforth,
.or on the premises to WM. B. COLDWELL. Con -
sLance P. O.•
the east half of Lot No. 4, Con. 4, R. It. S.,
Teekersmith, Comity of Huron, consisting of 50
- acres, 31. milesfrom the Town of Seaforth, and
conv.onient to sehoo-I. The land is of the very
best quality. For further partieulars apply to
JAMES PICKARD, opposite the premises, or to
Egreendville-P, 0 J594
Rotel known as the Railway,Ilonse, fornierly
the Clyde Hot -t, situated near !llama° station.
Is a first-els:is business stand,. %Vial ono acre of
land and a good frame stable:and shed attached,
all of which ate in good repair. Terms very
liberal. For further particulars apply to WM.
F. KING, illtrzerale P, 0. . 551 .•
17-11-- if FOR SALE.—For .Sale, Lot 14, 0011. 7,
•T: Hallett, containing 100 acres, 80 6f which:are
cleared and free from stumps. There is a frame
dwellina- house with stone cellar underneath, also
frame barn and stable. Plenty 41. good water- and
small orchard. Is within six-anit-a-hodf
of -Clinton and about 9 miles from Seaforth Ap-
ply' at THE E.XPOSITOR Office, Seatorth„ 528-
T Lot 29„ Con, 8, Hibbert, containing 100 acres,
85 Of which are eleared and- free froni stumps ;
there is a log dwelling house, 0. good. frame barn
and. stables, plenty of water and a • good orehard ;
is within 71 miles of Seaforth. • For further par-
tioulars apply on the premises to WM. ABER-
HART” or by letter to iSattortle. 0. - 542
PROPERTY FOR SALE. --For Sale, Lot No 14,
'I" Con. 16, Grey, 100 acres, 10.seres eleared-,-an
excellent lot, ° West half of north half of Lot No.
29, Oen. 6, Morris, adjoining the Village of .Bras -
sale, 50 acres, 83 acres cleared, cheese factory and.
machinery eoniplete thereon.. Four hawses and
lots, and a large number of .iraeaut lots in Brussels,
.all the property of the undersigned. Also a num
beret improved farms, the property of other par-
ties. SOHN LVOKIE. Brussels. - 515
, , •
WWI FOR SALE.—That well-known find line-
ly situated farm, Lot 1, Con. 1, Hullett, in the
County at Huron, containing 100 acres, 90 of
• which are cleared; there axe two frame ilwellin-g
houses, barn, horse stable, eo.w stable, sheep -house
and driving house also orchard and abundance of
water. Thelma issituated two- miles from the
Town of Sea:forth, on the Huron Road. For full'
particulars apply to McCAOGHEY & HOLIIE-
8TED, Seaforth, or to SIMON YOUNG, proprie-
tor, on th.o premises. • 553-4x
VALUABLE FARM 2011. SALE.—For Sale the
west half of Lot '27, Con. 3, MeKillep, con-
taining 50 acres, known as the Deigle estate. This
fana is situated within elle mile and a quarter of
Seaforth.: The 'land i ot the choicest quality.
There is a, handsome residence and good outbuild-
. ings. The farni is well planted with fruit and or,
namental trees, is in excellent order'and. well
tallied., it is admirably suited for a retired , gen-
tleman,a dairy -man,. or market gardener. Terms
easy. This property must be sold at once.. Apply
to A. STRONG,. Sea:forth. 539
. _ . ....__.
- Wrmirrm, Mani oba., August 12, 1878.
• A. few wordsirespe ting the King of
the Northwest,—his habits, his treat-
ment and. the ijnany uses to which he is
put by the natives of the Prairie may
not be uninteresting to your readers.
The Buffalo. herds, which wander far to
the south -ward in the fall, strange to
say, return in the winter and collect in
great numbers in the broken ccnintry be -
upon the plains, is not calculated. to in-
spire a feeling of safety.
Most bliffalo robes are found to have
been split down the middle and sewed
up again, the object of the process be-
ing to lighten the labor of dressing the
skin. The Indian women dress all the
robes, and few of them are able to pre-
pare a complete hide without assis-
tance. Some Indians, when asked why
they have married more than one wife,
will answer that each wife requires an-
other to help her in dressing robes; and
the more wives one possesses the more
tween the two Saskatch.ewans, finding skins he is able to bring to market.
shelter in the timber andbrowsing upon The hides are brought in from the
the willows or coarse grass stilr uncov- hunt just as they are taken' from the
animals, and. given to the women, who
stretch them upon a rude framework
of poles and flesh them with iron or
bone scrapers. • They are then slowly
dried, and during this process -various
ered by snow. W
strange raigrations
at once a mighty
seize the myriad he
move over the br
at leads to these
o one can tell. All,
impulse seems to
ds, and then. they
ad plateau of the
keepers who formerly thrived in sum- each year till a rat
mer will have tb close, for a time at reached, when no f
least. • place. The chana
—The Pacific steamers running from it is said; cost $9
Fisher's Landing now experience great —Samples of
difficulties in navigating the river owiag been brought into
to low water. • to prove that Mani
—The wife of Mr. Sheriff St. John, barren of fruit. ;
of the Northwest Territory, was thrown are larger than lo
from her carriage the other day near were delicious tot
Winnipeg, and slightly cut in the face. wild currant bushe
—Who ever heard of a Scotch thistle planted two years
taller than the one now growing on the —Mr. Auaustus
farm of Mr. Henry Niles, near Niles- as organist ° for, t
town, the stalk of which measnres 11 Churl in St, Tho
feet in height ? highly recommen
—In consequence of long -continued youna man possess
bad weather there is little fishing .do -
inn at the Magdalen Islands, and the
season's catch will, it is thought, be be-
low the averane.
—The Coun'tess of Dufferin leaves for
England next Saturday, having- been
central continent as 1waves roll before a things are applied to render them informed by telegraph of the appoint -
storm. Over the grassy oceans of thepliable. ment of Her Excellency's second son to
West they have hu a moved from time The filial work is painting the inside a naval cadet -ship. I
immemorial—b ckWard and forward, with pigments, a labor bestowed only —Mr. W. W. Cole, proprietor of the
now north, no South, now trailing upon unusually fine skins. I have seen circus now travelling through Canada,
into the darkv leys of the Cimmarron, some robes thus ornamented that were has sent $500 to aid the sufferers from
now pouring int the -verdant meadows beautiful specimens of Indian decora- fever at Memphis, Tennessee, of
of the Republi an, now surging down tive art. The designs used in most in- which place Mr. Cole was fornaerly a
the wooded slop s of th• e Saskatchewan. stances are of the calendar style. The 1 resident. ,
oad rivers, th' steepoverhan tng ' of certain years on -------- bufo e by Norwich who, -we. think, can fairly
nks, or beds t •eacherous with shifting i some symbol representing an event claim the palm for milking, as she re -
bars and quicksands, deep canons and that took tplace in that year. The cently milked 25 cows at one milking.
earth -rents cros ' their line of mareh, events selected are not always the most She has _done it several times. Who
but still the cou ' important of the year, but such as were, beats this ?
• Nothing stops the • n). in their course ; intention seems to be to keep a record. 1 ;---There is a young lady in South
on. Myriad wo
rion vultures do 6 and hover along
way;• for many a. shaggy beast
• sunken in a quagmire, caught a,
the broken ice of some dark riv
bruised. and. ina-imed at the botto
some deep canon, 'mark their li
ees ous
yes and flocks of car- in sothe sense, the most striking, and
heir could be beet represented by symbols.
hall For example, stars falling from the top
eest both° bottom of the robe represent the
year 1833, an event from which the In-
; or
.0e diens frequently count. The etching
e of of an Indian with a broken leg and- a
march, like the 'wrecks strewn b hin.d horn on his head stands for a year in
a routed army. • The great central pia -
which Mi. Hay-waujina, One Horn,
teau that stretches 1400 miles from the had his leg "killed," and so on. The
Saskatchewan down far- beltthe symbols are placed. in a spiral Dern], be -
Canadian boundary forms their ginning in the centre, and going a little
undivided domain. On two sides to the left ; the line then turns on itself
a forest boundary encircles it,
to the right and below, and so on, turn -
on the third the "Mountains," of the ing with the stm. These designs are
Setting Sun," and on the fourth the copied many timeof course, so that
M a pack of paintn. robes nine-zenths
buffalo's greatest enemy —approaching
of them will be decorated in Oxactly
the same manner.
oGLE FOR EXISTENCE• The work of dressing .a buffalo skin
ous area the herds perfectly isa. very tedious process, and
spots—grassy mead- one squaw is only nonsidered capable of
civ ilization.
0 ver this enor
have many favorit
ows throughtwhich.countless creeks and preparing ten robes for .market during
rivers meander, where the prairie the yeat. To the savage with any_ sort
grasses grow thick • and rank, and. the of an eye to business, this fact alone
cottonwoods ' spread their serpentinewould. be a sufficient incentive to poly -
belts.. How. ; naany ages ' ha-ve passed . gamy on the most extended scale.
since the. dusky herds first trailed over , The best robes are always reservecl
the plains in their. curious migrations, by the Indians and half-breeds for their
- who can tell? Perh.aps when the 'stones • own use, and some of them- are mor -
d the pyramids were yet unanowa, and vels of beauty and finish. I have seen
the site of Babylon was a river mead- buffalo skins tanned. to a dearee of soft -
ow. But the•life of the wilderness lay ness that would rival the finest clothsamong the lambs in the lower part of
deep beneath the waves- of time, and The trader, for the most part, gets only Caradoc. They are found. dead in the
the rail of the -passing centuries dis.: seconderate robes -and the refuse of the fields without having previously shown
tubed. not its slumbers. The red mah• hunt. The Indian loves the buffalo, any symptoms of disease.. In some in
killed only tfrhat he . wanted for food, • and delights in ornamenting his beauti- 'stances feathers have lost nearly their
and animal life counted by tens of Mil- ful skin. The aniroal is his only friend, whole flock. ,.•
lions,. and scattered over a vast area, and small Wonder he calls it so. Its —A deputation was sent from To -
could not thus be destroyed.. • It is only robe gives him a blanket and e bed, its ronto to waiton the Governor-General
since. the ad.yent.of the white man that skin a house, its undresse& hide a boat, with the view to getting His Excellency
the scene has chanaed. • . • its short, curved. horns a powder -flask, to come to Toronto and open the Exhi-
Chased for his robe, fel: his beef,- for its/beef his deity food, its sine-ws a bition on the 23rd. September next. His
the Mere pastime of his death, the long string for his bow; its leather a lariat Excellency has graciously acceded to son. As they Icould
h.opeless struggle of the buffalo may be for his horse, a, saddle, bridle, rein and the request.
—Mrs. J. Hawley, of Odessa, step ed
on a defective plank, and fell thro h
the sidewalk, severely injuring her e,
and dislocating her arm. It is likely
the Council will have to defray the
— The Provincial Exhibition takes
placent Toronto from the 23rd. up to
the 28th of September. The Western at
London from September 30th to October
4th. Guelph, 17th, 18th, 19th. and 20th
—The prosecuting counsel the Mon -
of September.
treat Orange case intends to petition the
Governor-General to grant imnetutity to
witnesses from the consequences of any
statements they may make ta. giving
evidenee in the trial...
—From 1st June to date there has
been shipped from Halifax to Chicago,
via the Intercolantal Railway, seven-
teen hundred. and seventy-five barrels
pickled and two hundred and fifty-five
thousand six hundred pounds' dry fish.
—Mr. Ruddy, an old gentleman of
Georgetown, fell off the steep, unpro-
tected sidewalk near the English church
at that place, .on the 16th inst., and had
an arm broken, and was also injured in-
ternally. He died on the ensuing Mon-
day morning.
—A strange fatality at present exists
of fivt, per cent. is
rther Increase takes
s contemplated will,
ack Tirrants have
Winnme,g, which go
obais not altogether
he currants, which
dinary currants, and
e test ' , are from the
whic were trans -
ogthas been secured
e Fitst Methodist
as. Mr. Vogt came
ed and. although a
s musical ability as
. a player on both o gan and piano. He
purposes in a year or two going to Ger-
many -to complete his musical educa-
=While searching for eggs in her
husband's hay lo t, on Saturday last,
Mrs. John Graves, of McGillivray town-
ship, fell to the fl 'or beldw, a distance
of over nine feet, ereby fracturing her
elbow and disabli g her fer some time.
.A. defective boar in thee 'flooring of
the hay loft was t
dent. i
—Mrs. Wright,
valuable cow the
what singular ea
sick, and althoug
• attended her, the
relieve her stiffen
examination was made,: and a crooked
darning needle ;w s found sticking in
her heart. 1
—Mr. James B own, of North Dum-
fries, lately sold t the Messrs. Snider,
of German Mills, thoroughbred. year-
ling heifer for $24 . The heifer was a
first-class animal and will be quite an
acquisition to the excellent herd of the
Messrs.: Snider.; hese gentlemen have
now some of the nest animals in the
county' of Waterl o.
—In a saloon q arrel at Colling,wood,
a man named. De rill was fatally stab-
bed in the sto ach. His assailant,
Livingstone, has beeen. committed for
trial at the Assiz s. A similar crime,
also likely to be attended with fatal
consequences, iv s perpetrated at Hem-
mingforcl, on Se. day night. In the lat-
ter case the mo
—A grand u
the auspices of t
the counties of
loo is advertised
tember 55h, to
Heights. The e
run from Berlin
it is expected to
third person rendered. all the -assistance
in their power. The deceased was a
sober, industrious man, well spoken of
by his neighbors. Great sympathy is
felt for the widow awl large family of
onto, Grey and Bruce Railway for the
purpose of altering the gage of their
track and other wor . Property•hold-
ers in Toronto are determined. to urge
economy and retinae taxes.
little ones left to mourn his loss. • —Mr. J. II0/TOW, f Downie, threshed
—Some Ailsa Craig children, on Sat- his fall wheat a few days ago, and the
Imlay last, purchased half a pound of yield was 43 bushel to the acre. It was
powder and. wrapped it up carefully, sat of the variety k -no as the Clawson.
—A Great Western Railway brakesman
named Patrick Ittog re resident of Ham-
ilton, was en route west by the early
Monday mornan. g ain. While coup-
ling cars at Harrisbprg his foot cauglA
in a frog and the cars passed over both
his leas, injuring beta severely. He
was taken back to t e city and. placed
under surgicaltreat ent. Stronghopes
are entertained tha both life and blabs
will be saved.
—About two d'Olock last Sunday
morning a young- 'man aged. twenty,
named Jahn D. StUart, Was drowned off
• the yacht Caciciete, at Hamilton, while
in the act of rescuing one of hie com-
panions named Jarvis, -who had . been
knocked overboard by some untooked
for motion of the boat. Mr Stuart, sr.
on being made anqtainted with the sad.
news of his son's fate, fell and received
a severe fracture of the ribs.
—A bald-headed eagle of a large size
was caught in Sherbrooke -on Satnrday,
li0th inst., by the 'sons of W, Chatmers.
The bird. made a dash for a fish in the
lake, which probably proved stronger
than the and:took it under. Th.e
young men eyelet for it in a boat and.
drove it towarde the shore, one holding
it down mAil they reached the shore and.
secured. it withttut injury. It -measured
7 feet from tip to tip of the :wings..
down around it, and applied a match.
It went off in a -manner that gave the
utmost satisfaction to the medical at-
tendant, who chanced to be called in.
All- will recover. The eyebrows will
grow out. again.
• —Having heard that the—experiment
of paying cash for dairy and farm. pro-
+ince and getting cash for store goods
was successful elsewhere, a movement
is on foot aanong the business men of
Woodville, Ont., and surrounding vil-
lages, towards making some arrange-
ments whereby the present ruinous
credit system may be curtailed if not
entirely abolished.
—A man named William IL Cada
was killed by the cars near Jarvis on.
Thursday. He lay crossways of the
e cause of the and- track with his neck On the rail, and the
• lead was severed from the body as if
f Collingwood„ lost a cut with a knife. The remains were
ther dityfrom a some- brought on the train to Ilagarsville, of
se. The cow took which place he was a resident. *He
two cattle doctors was about forty-five years of age, and.
could do nothing to leaves a lerae family. He was of in-
gs. A post marten:, temperate abitni
—A young man, aged 17 years,
named Wm. Weston, of Dereham Cen-
tre, while walking over a steam Vat in
Batter's .Cheese -box Factory, slipped.
and fell in the vat, which contained
seven -feet of boiling water, scalding
both legs from the knee down. He for-
tunately caught hold. of the top of the
vat or he would have been. cooked alive.
AS it is, his legs Will have to be ampu-
FAR II FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot 15, Con, 14,
MeEillop, containing, 50 acres, 45 Of which are
cleared and, well improved ; there are fair build-
ings and good fences; there is a good young or-
eltard and plenty of water; the growing crops will
be sold with the farm ; it is 2 miles from Walton,
12.from Seatorth. and 8 trona, Brussels,. with good
Jag „o each place. Also quantity
gravel road lead; t
of excellent building timber foul saw logs for -sale.
4PPly to- Walton P. O. or to the pro-prietor the
premises. - JAMES CAMPBELL. 547-4x.'
T Lot 11, Con. 8, It- Tuckersinith, con-
taining IOU acres, 90 'of which are cleared- and in
a ewe state of cultiyation, being well uuderdrain-•
od, the balance is gook hardwood bush, .Good
Ttmle noese, frame barn find stables ; well watered, •
TIld tete bear- ing orchard,. Ts situated about 5 •
miles. from, Sedforth and 131-neetirld, and from,
Sehool close by, arid -all other conveni-
e_Rees. For further partirelars apply to DAVID
atOORE, on the premises, or • to Egmenilville
Io, SALE. --Lot 21, Con. 12, Mc,Eil-
50, anal:, onN Jrthern Gravel Road, 8 miles
ft9e1 Seaforth; trailm buildings and orchard.
West half La 20,, Con. 9, MeKillop, 50 acres, 40
cleared, frame buildings, good. orchard ; 5 nines
from Seaferth,' on gravel road. South hall of Lot
2.0i COIL 12,,. McKilloP, 50 arres, 25 cleared, frame
barn, splendid timber. Lot 1, COIL 3, H. R. S.;
—The difficulty between the squat-
ters on the French reserve, Manitoba,
and the French settlers, has been. de-
finAely .settled satisfactory to all parties.
The Enblish squatters leave the town-
ehip foethwith, the Society agreeing to
pay tlitra for their plowing, and. al-
lowing them to rernove their im-
provements, secure their crops, . etc.
ve was jealousy. The ploughing amounts to over 300 from Mr. Fraset.
ited. excursion under acres, for which the squatters receive —A singular accident oceuered on
e leading farraers of nearly $1,200. • the farm of Mr. D. Holmes, of East
Vellington and Water- —Captain Anderson, of the Quebec, Zorra, last week. A pair of yoked. oxen.
o take place on Sep- has -het thirteen valuable beaver skins were being drieren through a small barn
oronto and Scarboro Which he brought down from Lake- Su- door, nine feet from the ground. The
cursioe. trains are to perior. He gave them out to a person teamsteP was makiug use of a pitchfork
Galt and Guelph, and in Sarnia to be tanned, and some party
. . for a whip when the animals got fright-
-On July 4th speak thieves entered
the offiee -of Alexander Fraser, Ree
ceiver-General, at Toronto, and carried.
off $12,400 in one end. two d.ollar notes
of the Dominion a Canada. Last Fri- _
day a man who gave his narae as Jacob
D. Otis, at his tesidence at Orange,
New Jersey, was arrested and part of
the stolen notes, which he was trying to
sell, were found in his possession. He
was locked up until next morning, when
the detective arraigned him before the
Judge of the Pol ce -Court and asked.
that he be reman ed until they heard
e the trandest affair of or parties stole them in the night, an
the kind. held th's season. • ' nothing has been seen of thean since.
—The body o an unknown naiddle- Detectives are on the track, and every
aged man was discovered floating in exertion will be put forth to find the
Allan's mill t ce, near the Grand thieves, as the Captain is highly indig-
Trunk railwaye tation at Guelph, last la, ant and detenanned to bring them to to do so after some delay. The for -
'Tuesday morn; g. It was very much justice.
elle& fa the weapon, although. they were
used to such abuee. The more unfor-
tunate of the two took the fint kap,
but his mate would rather suffer the
abuse than follow. But he was forced.
mer landed on the grassy stage be-
deconaposed an the features ahnost —About two o'clock last Monday af- low minus a noair of fine antlers,
destroyed by th actioa of the water, ternoon two children, daughters a Mr. which penetrated the earth about four
where it appe rs to have lain for Salem Ruth, of Florence, were playing feet, and remained there for the driver
months. No 9 e is kii wn to be miss- with matches in his stable. The hay to pull out.
ing inithat loda ity. caught fire, and the whole was in it --Two most important : and success-
—Al hi e frona Ham- blaze et once. • The elder girl managed ful burglaries took place tin Hamilton,
sewing ac nagent
ilton; tty the n me of
been. canyassin activ
Niagara Distric, . Dur
he beca,me ena ored. o
apart, they conpluded
Rombough, has
ly through the
.ng his business,
a Mrs. Wilkin- ;
ot beat to live •
to escape, but the younger one, about
three years old. was burnt to death.
Part of one arm was Missing, and the
flesh -Was burnt off the bones. The
damage done to the property was not
o elope together, , very great. The horse got out, but a
last Saturday night. One at the house
of Mr. Morgan, East Avenue, and the
other at Mr. John Stuart's, Duke street.
In the former case th,e thieves'are sup-
posed to have can:coaled theraselves in.
the house before the inmates had retir-
said to have reached its iillalhOUT. Yet bit. Its. tail forms an ornament for his —Last Friday morning Robert Haw- which they straightwa did. The ten- , buggy sand. two sets of harness were ed to bed, They then took Mr. Mor -
the herds are still numerous enough to tent, its inner skin a book, in -which to son, of Strabane, while stepping on the der feaaaleleft titehind three children, as burnt. gala's clothes front.. his bedside out to
had his lea crushed from the foot to the '. - monsand abstratted a gold
ointed Ins actor in the Canadian
make the looker on marvel how they sketch the brave deeds of his life, the horse -power of a threshing machine, ke the trouble of —MrJohn Robertson has been apthe com
knee. It was found necessary to am-
putate the limb, and the man is in a
very critical state. •
-e-The following telegram, dated Aug.
24, New Orleans, was received in- Lon-
don, °lithe sam.e day : " Hug,h Ireine,a
well-known telegrapher, died here early
this mornin'g of yellow fever, and will
be buried at noon. His home was in
London, Canada.
—Mr. John Buckley, who has been
for several years engiaged in the tin-
smithing business in Ayr, on the eve of
his departure for Tilsonburg, was pre-
sented by the Ayr Sons of Temperanbe
with a very handsonae albunt and Bible
as a token of their good
--e-Boat races on the bay at Toronto
are becoming very numeroud,one or two
taking place nearly every day. Those
robe. After the middle of January it which wetghs 22 ounces.
gets ragged,. audits rich black brown is ---Messts. Moore& Co., of the Cali- , participating are mostly in Some sort of
bleached by the weather to the color of fornia Store, London, last week 1 employmeat. Post -office -clerks, typos,
dirty tow, especially along the animal's shipped a large quantity of eggs to hotel -clerks and so on have all had spe-
back. Durina the summer months the Glasgow. dial races, and the post office particular -
she deubtless
ta,king care of
about 30 feet
McL en, Pue
little ol
mother were b
happened to b
to the spot an
and rescued t
She cliild waa
there were onl
in the well, ot
have been
—At a prell
tans held last
at which in
churches wer
solveli. to hol
tians in Toro
pointed to m
ments, and a
date M Octob
•dt. not
d. bel
inch, f
th awe
near a
e child.
hold their own agaiust the everancreas- "medicine robe" of his history. House,
ing odds arrayed. against them. They boat; food, bed and covering—every
are driven ftoral enetwater-hole only to want from infancy, to aa age; after life
meet death at another. ' No sooner do itself has passed, his body, sewed in a
they stop to ',feedthan the sharp crack - buffalo robe, nets on -.a rude - scaffold,
of a rifle warn them to change posi- 'while the spirit of the red man jour -
tion. Every . rink a of water, every neys out into the infinite solitude.
mouthful of grass, is at the expense of II. M. R. .
life, and the Miserable animals con -
stantly harress a, ere drineninteplaces
far from their i natural haunts—any- A driving club has been organized
where to escape he unoeasing pursuit.
THE 13 ,rre'eo's COAT.
The winter unt of buffalo in this
territory is Carr'ed on almost entirely
for the • acquisition of robes, and it is
only during a part of the winter that
the coat is " prime," as the phrase is.
Before the 1st of November the hair is
not lona enoughto make a marketable-
Strathroy, with two lady patronesses.
• —The potato blight has appeared in
_many parts of the Province of Nova
Scotia. •
—The singular phenomenon ot a rain-
bow in moonlight was observed one
night lately at Parkhill.
—Mr. Wm. Leighton, of Crosshill,
has a potato of the Early Rose variety
hair is very short, and frequently rub- —Three children of John Venable's, Many of them.
bed entirely off in many places,' from I Chief Engineer of the water warks, To- —On Saturday night, abbut half -past
the animal's habit of wallowing in the i ronto, were drowned from the wharf nine, a gii:•1 working at it hotel in Hum
mud. The robe -of commerce es yeller- ; on Sunday night. • berston, named Annie• O'Brien, of ' Fort
ally taken fro cow's, • and som.ellimes 1 —A lady in Montreal, pouring out Erie, was going to cross the canal, but
s, but ,never from old i borne rai on Saturday. , startled to it being so dark the did not notice the
es are much. too thick.; see a large green lizard come out - as bridge•being swung,' and fell into the
and heavy. In the winter .months the ! ive -•cricket . . water and. was drowned before help was
latter are cave]. d. all. over with thick, i —Rev. .Charles Hawkius, Methodist at hand. The. body was got out a
long and early far; a mane of light '-',- minister at Beantsville, has been very short time after. '
brown -hair an furtlike that of a lion, severely injured by being thrown -I from • —The Quebec Government intend to
. . . • collect the one per cent. tett, which as-
• from youngbul
bulls, whose hi
• ouly lai•ger, envelopes his neck, - a his bugge tuini,
a runaway
long glosty de' lap, hanging from his i —There is an old woman bythe name signees are required to pay en all sales
plain like a cl ep fringe, sweeps the : of.Marsh living at Ridgetown in her of veal estate passing through their
ground ; which, with his savage -looking 100th year, and who retains her intel- hands. . The tax has not been collected
muzzle, and nominent black eyes !•lect in all its youthful Niger.• heretofore, and. the arrears ! amount to
In'ketteitia aeres, 75 acres cleared, orate]. it,
flashing be „tte
at blanket and spring creek miming through hiS hair, ive
the farm; g miles from Seliforth. Apply to A. ferocious appe
8TRuxe, Seaforthe '• 543 - ever, he is a ve
sA.LE.—ror Sale, Lot 29, Con .,3, is tnly h
Stanley, containing 100 acres ; 85 acres clear:. ab e :to es • ape
Well uuderdrained, well fenced, • and. in a ,
good- state of cultivation ; the halftime well . ,
timbered with hardwood,- • there are en the.' s emmenee s
tetlits two houses, one log and one frame; —I have bee
eqintleen and stables; a young bearing orch-
, , a never failing Kering runs through the with the reser
let -
are • lions, as I h
, also good well ; is situated within 8 miles
,elinton and 5 'ef Brucefield ; school house apart -on the
viten oat -inmate mile. Apply to ALEXANDER knolls, et -eine
CIMPBELL, on the premises, or to Clinton
P, 519
S'14.-NDID FARM FOE, 8.-1.1.E.--Nortli half of
Lot 24, Con. 8, Morris, coutaiuirfe 100 acres,
maim, the' balance is good. hardwood.; lam I well
Illote or less, 70 acres cleared and frel faun
'e cell with cedar and black ash. A. splendid new
me barn. 4006, also a good log ba.rn and stable,
alla a good log dwelling house and well. Also in
I tear a neverfailing spring. There is also on the
•remises a good tirchturcl, of fipple, pear and plum
L'ees• Situated one mile and a , half from the
Toad, and 4 miles from the village of Brus-
. • Ptieo very low, aS the proprietor has pur-
irecd a farm in Kansas and wants to intive there.
ettstiettet particulars apply to PIERCE GLEN -
on the prennses, LOUIS MeDONALD,
atzt"• aitt:rtnh:3r to MeCAUGHEY & ROLMESTED,
• crate, and t
• f Air Arch Arun- S100 000. The assignees are not satis-
u the tangled locks of , • —John, .
him altogether a most ; ro, of the township of Aldborongla, died fled of the constitutionality of the Act
ranee. In reality, how- ia Denver, Colorado,on th.e 16th insteof imposing it, and are disposed to resist
y timid animal, and it 1 consumption., in his 345h year. the, collection. ,
imagines himself nu- , r —The Collinawood Collegiate Insti- —On. Monday morning, 19th inst., an
that he becomes des-- ' tute carried • off out of the seven illicit still belonging to Timothy and
erefore dangerous frona ! scholarships offered by the University John Coghlin, was seized ou lot 24, 2nd
rength. . of Toronto at the late examination. •. concession, Proton,by ColleCtor McLean
11 struck more than once —Rumor says that. a prominent offi- and, Officers McCord, Nichols and Arm-
blatide Of old bulls to dal of the 'Windsor Hotel, Montreal, has stroag. A quantity of spirits, grain,
ye seen them - standing absconded with deficiencies in his ac- hops, tte. were found on the premises,
low ridges and sandy counts variously estimated. at from $2,- and destrOyed. with the plant. The still
ue from afar with an air 0.00 to $15,000. is said. to have been in operation nine
• - - ., - ••
a a, vonna man yea,re, and -was capable of inanutactur:
of sayage watchfulness—each neck —Lastr 1 , .
crested with it luxuriant mane, swelled named James-, 'Stern, a brakeman on ing from 50 to 60 gallons per day. •
into greater la geness by the 'hump be- e ' W t • Railway, 'was killed —A. by-lawprovidipa fori the grant -
0 .
neath. it, each short, tufted tail held , at the station at Brantford by the cats
straight out fr m the body in 'bold and ' running over him. ,
lion -like defuu ce. The full grown bull ,--Th.e Youna Britons and Unmen.
is immens ly
the head, hi
a qu entity, of
hanging d.twn
concealing the
appearance 0
She size of, th
outline, Seen r
sky, as oae
hag of $150,000 to the Toronto, Grey tt-
Bruce Railway Company, to enable
Shat Company to change th.e guage of
haggy, especially about wh.o were fined by the aw their road and re-lay it with steel rails,
h is covered with so vast , Magistrate have all appealed their cases, has been introduced in Toronto City
• wool and loua hair and will consequently go before the Council. The amount asked is not in
over its eyes, and almost I County Judge. ,
horn's, as to give it the i • --Hetet competition in Montreal
being nearly one-third ; since the opening of the Windsor Hotel
whole body. Such an , has brought down ho -tel rates until the
lie•ved against the night i business is declared unprofitable, Itis
the shape of a gift, but is to be ex-
changed for bonds of the Company,
which for the first four years are to
bear no interest, and then to start at
2- per cent., ,the rate of interest
es in cheerless bivouac ' not Improbable • a numberincreasing by one-half per cent.
aging to Peter Bank of Cona-merc,e, in room of Mr. S.
II into a well H. Plummer, wholes retired. from the
he father and' service. Mr. Robertson was for some
, but a man who years Inspector in the Merchants Bank
hand :hastened ; of Canada, previous to which he held. of a valuable gold watch and chain and.
$90 in money, •
—The trial of the Osborne family for
the:murder of the Moncton tavern keeper,
Timothy McCarthy, at Shediac, New
Brunswick,in October last, has ended in
a disagreement of the jury,after beingout
13 hours. The prisoners have been re-
manded to jail, and the Court adjourn-
ed until Tuesday, November lid.
John Osborne, who has been held as
accessory, has been released on bail.
Annie Parker, the principal witness, is
to be kept in custody, One report says
the jury stood ten for conviction and "
two for acquittal. Another report says
four for .conviction, two for acquittal,
and the remainder _doubting. The trial
has occupied the Court from the 12th of
July to the present time, and '119 wit-
nesses in all were examined.
1—A. rather novel match, which may
watch and 47 cents an money, teaveng
$8 in his vest pocket., At Mr. Stuart's
they got in through one of the windows,
took Mr. Stuart's clothes from hie bed-
side out to the yard, and. plundered thorn
ed into the well, i a similar position in the Bank o Brit -
Strange to say , ish North America. We understand
ed. Fortuuately that there is associated. vvith Mr. Rob-
wo feet of water ertson in the Inspectorship Mr. Edward
he child. would. , tfitchell; who has been in the' service
before assistance : Of the bank since • its esta,blishment
Both gentlemen are men of judgment
inary eeting of Chris- itud experience.
• naonth n Brantford, and —Richard Croxon, of Detroit, ex-
st of the evangelical tracted from the side of a cow belong -
represented, it was re- ing to Mr. Dougall, of Windsor, the
a conference of Chris- ether day, a wire nearly a quarter of an
to. A committee was ap- inch thick and thirteen and a half inches
ke the necessary arrange- • long. The wire seemed to be a piece of
e now, eonsidering what telegraph or clothes line wire, and the
r will be naost convenient. problem is how it ever got inside the
Their object L. to secure a morethorough cow, as wires are not generally consid-
and naresery d consecration to the work ered. palatable even by Windsor cows.
and person of the Lord. The cow is flourishing, and does not
— ngus cDonald, Cornwall, Glen- seem to mind the loss of the wire in the
garr was capght last Saturday after- least. The -wire has a large crock at
noon in an attempt to commit suicide one end, -which fastened itself atound,
b hen •rig.1 Ile went into the hotel rib, and made the extraction of it ae be ealled a flying race, will come off on
the 1.8th of September next- Eight
'stable a,nd ta ing a pair of reins, tied difficult matter.
them to a ladder leading to the loft and —Last Friday afternoon Detective
not being abl to fasten it onto his neck McVeitty arrived in Montreal with
secure, he wo nd the etrap twice around Thonaas Checkly, of Almonte, a young
and held it w'this hands. When found • farnaer, in charae. He is charged with
by the propri
He had been
• good connect
—A.sed de
township of
Flore Hobso
has been livi
Backus in th
rent a reside i
of Blenheim
early on Tue
o'clock was
was paused 1.
four -ounce bottle full of laudanum. sale manner, au are o e e
Trouble wit her lover is presumed to and brought to Montreal for trial. The —A deputation the other day from
be the cause of the rash act. , two latter were formerly in the insur- Kincardine waited on the Manager of
—Mr. Th.6 as Cart, of the township ance business in Almonte, and left the Great Western railway to urge on
of Cavan, was recently eating gram , there suddenl5. e him the advantage of putting up an el-
' with, a cradle and stoped his work to . —A largely- attended. meeting of the evator at that plaee. He entered into
remove a large mullen plant which. was Property Holderth Association in Tor- full explanation. of, the position of the
growing in the way, using a pocket onto, was held. last Monday evening', Great. Western and the Wellington,
knife to accomplish his p-urpose, hold- • when a resolution was passed instruct- Grey and Bruce, and. showed. the dep-
ing 'the trument with the point ing the solicitors of the Society to take utation that the average loss to the
' On coming to the erect proceedings age:bast the mem of th Great Western during the last seven
a,de the remark that it 'corporation of -1877, who c,oritracted half years was nearly 550,000. Under
a good .whip, and at the 1 bill for $701 foerefreshments during the * such circumstances, A was aifficnit to
ssed the plant from the sitting of the Court of Revision, $84 for ask the Board to expend $50;000 in an
ht hand, which still con- gloves, and $1,400 for cab hire, and. if elevator either at ICineardine or at any
•fe. He raised his hand found that the money had been illegal- other place on the Wellington, Grey and
She plant smartly across a. ly expended; to proceed in. every way Bruce Railway. However, an arrange -
but drove the blade of the for its recovery: A resolution was also I anent was completed under which the
thigh, cutting the femoral passe,d rinanirnouslyerequestingthe cor- corapany has purchased eorne land, -and
Mr. Robert Baird, of Kincardine, has
undertaken. to build it grain warehouse
of the capacity of 12,000 bushels.
• „
tor life was nearly extinct. havfng counterfeit moneyan his posses -
worth $50—to be awarded to the owner
-time be -
drinking hard. Ile has sion. Some $174 was found with hina,
ons Cornwall, ,out of $200 sent to him by his brother, of the birds making the hest
tween the two places. 'The birds are
th is reported from the who lives in -Milwaukee. He says that
Raleigh. A girl named. when. his brother left Almonte he bor- the property of Messrs. C. Goodehild,
• about 18 years of age,who rowed this money to help him away, C. Muckle, and T. Adams, Toronto, and
g with a family named . and it Was returned in this way, He J. James, Yorkville, The St. Cathar-
pigeons are ovvned by Xessrs. Best,
t township, but whose pa- ,knew nothing of bis brother's opera- ines
Harwich near the village tions. John Checkly, the brother, and Bey and Aird. As the trip is- expected
to be made in the short tinae of 50 or
was taken suddenly' ill 1 Boyle, the brother-in-law, have also
and the GO 'minutes, awl- this is the second •
day eveaing, and by eight been arrested, one in Chicago
match of the kind that ever took place
ma. Rea said her death other in Milwaukee, for counterfeiting
y intentionally drinkbag a 51 and. Domini • on bills in a whole- in Canada, it will no doubt extite cell-
a: siderable interest.
Toronto carrier pigeens will be started
from the residence of Mr. Bessey, St.
Catharines, and eight St. Catharines
birds from - the Yonge street fire sta-
tion in Toronto, the prize—a silver cup
posture he
would make
"same time p
left to the ri
&tined the li
and brought
large stone,
knife into h•
artery. The amforttinate man died in . poration, in view of the stato o
about five ;minutes, notwithstanding city's finances, not to submit a by-law
that his On, brother-in-law, and a granting a, bonus o9150,000 to the Tor -