HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-08-23, Page 8a a 'Wyatt expo.ottor. DISTRICT M.A.TTERS. THE - 1-111R0142. EXPOSITOR. Li-OPI,PII CENTRAL — 111. consequence of the elections being held. on Tues- day, the 17th of September, persons desiring to exhibit at th Guelph Central Exhibition can for- • ward their akticles direct to the General Super- intendent, Who Will receive the same and see that they are plaCed in their -proper departments. G. t• MURTON, Sebretary G. E. '559 Tng SED STORE.—Buy SuperiorMix- ea Flour, mannfactured from pure Fife fiprin„rf wheat anaW 'tefall at R. LooAN & Co.'s., Sign of r the Mariam° b. Turnip. 559 REV. Ti DO/Wee Temereoe.—A com- plete series Of his popular sermons, also serrnous by D. L. Mood, bound in cloth, very cheap at TionsuEN & Wrpstnes. • 559 WM) WA/OS 111U.1310 ?—Three Hund- red Pieceg of Vacal and, Instrumental Music going athalf price at 0: W. Prsr's Bookstore. 559-1 WINTED.,-LW84ted. by a young ma,n the use of a ftunished roofn, without board. ' Good locality.. Address IC, Expositor Office. 559-1 ENQUIRE eon Miss Setae's new dress - Making establishment on J-ohn Street. For par- ticulars see advertisement. 559 TEE CliEAPEST place to buy your Crockery and Glassware is at MORRISON'S. A e stock on band. 559-1 • Fnmes and Vegetables always on band at MORRISON'S. Tomatoes by the bushel obese this wee*. 559-1 Laox 0* for New Goods arrivieg from Europe ubrt week. HicEscm & 131.r.ssnELT., • Seaforth. 559; A GENUINE Itloyurie Young Hvson t - Tea, at MORI4SON'S, for 500 per lb. 559-/: TWELVE pOUNDS of Porto -Rico Sugar at XORRISOI,VS for 8100. 550-1 A GOOD Ground Coffee- at MoBeisoefs tor 25 cents per lb. 559-1 LACADER*INE for Freckles. LliMSDE13 '-kWasox, ScidOrth. 1,----•----, of the new High School s been awarded.toMr. ja,mes lie sum of $3.,732, the con- tractor to complete the building, do all the work ad furnish. ell material. tinder the stub le and grass and. never choked. up. It is capable of turning under the rotighest stubble or g,raes, -without leaving a speek of it above ground. It is 0, useful impleinent, and can scarcely`fail to become very popu- lar. .Mr. Thomas E. Hays, Reeve of McKillop, having.witnessed the trial at Mr. Scott's, took the plow home with -him, and after again:thoroughly testing it, purchased ene for his own use. TITE Senooe.—The confrect•for the erecti building ha Walsh for • • TOURISTS RETHRNED.—The party of! tourists, consisting of &number of ladies! and gentlemen from Seaforth, with some reinforcements from Brussels an 1 neighboring towns, who started for th north shores Of Lake Huron on Tues- day, 13th • iost., returned yesterday? looking healthy, happy and. sunburned: They report heving had a most enjoyable time, with neither mishap nor aimident . . to mar their enjo a mighty rocking deep, and the kil rattlesnake. ; i • RETURNING Oreicenc—jam.es Dickson, Esq., Reeittrer, has been a,ppointed re- turning olfiger for the Centre Riding of Huron for the Commons elections to be held_ on the 17th of September. The writ has been issued. and the procla- mations Will be out in a few days. The nomination will take place at Sea - forth: _ ' • PeesoNgte-e-Messrstj. C. Laidlaw and A. IleIleyi who spent a couple of weeks rusticating among_ the beautiful lakes ' and Islam t of Muskoka returned home dk ort_Tuesda. . Thetespealtin the highest terms of tleisaegion as a summer resort. Mr. W. Ni, Cresswell; of Tuokersmithis also spending his holidays sketching in the same district. --- ' CELL ARs Feooeee.—During the heavy , rain storrn of Frida.3, last themain sewer on Main street became choked up, cans- ing the water to dam back andflood the Cellars of eeverel of the stores. The cel- lars of Messre. 'D. D: Rose and Hill & Co. were the worst, and in these a con- siderable Quantity of sugar, butter and other goegle were - destroyed by the \ water. eut, saving, ee , the cradle of the "ng of an immense CONGREGATIONAL METING. — At th congregational me byterian Chuteli o moderate in a call ounanimously reset to Rev. Mungo F The call wasanad adopted by the was also unaninao Fraser's salary a manse should he • call. The call wi Presbytery by the siert, Rev. MreMu ing. The ballot ta ship on Suiada,y Prof;McLaren, of ting held in 'the Pres - Tuesday evening to to a minister, it iv s ed. to extend. a c41 aser, of St. Thoraai out and. read. an eeting. A resolutio sly passed fixing $1,400 and a fr e ee fit to accept tile be presented to the Moderator of the ses- rove at ite first meet - en for the precentor - resulted. in favor ef Montreal. neighbor, threshed 21 acres which yielded 8 bushels per acre. The rav- ages of the midge was one of the prin- ciple causes of the failure. Peas, also are a very light crop, in some places scarcely worth harvesting. Tuekprsmith. Ktietze LIeneeneet—Dnring the prevalence of the violent storm on the night of the 14th inst. a valuable young horse belonging to Mr'. Duncan McKin- . non, of the 10th concession, Tucker - smith, was struck by lightning and kill- ed. The animal -was valued at $130. MOUNTEBANKISM. the circus perfd nesday, meunte gy on the street, • --Immediately after &ace here on Wed - auk mounte'd a bilge side the Golden Lion Store and opened. up business by offer- ing dollar bills f five dollar bills cent pieces fel-fly drew a crowd, a could resist to= ders ? . He hen. A •GooettOONCEII.T.—We understand that lir. E. B. Hollis, is at present making arrangements to give one of Ine popular entertainments in Seaforth, at • an early date. lie expects te secure the serviee of Miss Maggio parr, of Hamilton, and other talented artists te assist on that occasion. As Mr. Hollis has giventseveral concerts with good sat- iefaction. in this vicinity, - we can be- speak a pod entertainment. . r - 1 r seventeefive cents, or $4.50, twenty-ftbe 'cents &c. He soon he expected. Who ig to see such won - aced a $20- bill in. e, small pa,steboard box and a $1 bill in another ands offe The bait took found. himself m Worthless pens. scene 'one eVin, •ed a choice for $15. nd the victim soon nus 414 and plus some • He occasionally let owing that -business would be thus ai imulated., but in the long run he Came out largely ahead. Strange that people will patronize such parties' in Bete of all warnings. • Stanley. VOTERS' Lise.—On the voters' list for this township there are about 700 names. Among those entitled. to vote are 75 farmers' sons. RE-ENGAGED.—Mr. Geo.. Baird, Sr., and Mr. Geo. Baird, Jr., have been re- eegaged in their respective schools, each at a salary of $500 per ahnum. 2425. .tIllesSrs. J. Henning and j. Ans- ley were, on motion, instructed. to in- spect the bridge at Hamilton's, to see if the work was done according to con- tract. Mr. Mulvey reported that he had 'inspected the job of &Averts on boundary line between H Wle an Turnberry, and had. let a job, of gravel- the farm, of John 1 ling on concessions 8 and. 9 -to R. Has- Sta,nley,lbetween tings at 700 per rod; also ' a job of Leod & Moffatt, gravelling oil concessions 10 and 11 to 1 Bradley'Ne. 2 Ila, W Totten $10. ' Appeals against as- ' agent. This tria way -as the above terrnina ed with Bradley being tak Kirby, the binder unanimous for th —At he reapi st., at et, the' El: First p , made b take which he con chine at the regul agreed to. At the dent that the Bra chine, and was. bo preference to the —Ano hex reap Clinton. [From the New Era.] GOT THEIR DESERTS.---SeVeral boys were fined each $1 and. costs, for dis- orderly conduct at the Grand Trunk Railway Station, during the evenings. RETiHINED TO ene OWNER. —The gold. w,atch stolen from Mr. E. Doherty, of the Commercial Hotel, on 1st 'July last, was recovered last week, having been sent from London to a person in. town with the request that it be given Mr. 'Doherty, on. condition that he would drop legal proceedings. NI* BOORS.—We have reoeived. from the .publi*er, Mr. J. B. Magurn, of Toronto, If; M. Stanley's great work, "Through the Dark Continent." This work contains a full history and de- scription of the travels and explorations in Africa, of Mt. Stanley. It is pro- fusely illustrated, is neatly printed, strongly bound, -nd is intensely inter- esting. Mi . All for this exeellen. a,nd. has, we are large number of —Mr. A. H. vassing in 'Seale other excellent which should,e tion. The w -or " Canada • I STOCK V011 E!NOLAND.—Mr. John Gov- wale:eke one of our most extensive and enterpristrig-drovere, is purchasing stock for the English market. He has already nearly completed his compliment. Ile iotends• taking cattle and sheep. • He ex- ee, pects to ehip 'them about the• ist of Sep- tember, and. ,will himself aCcompany the stook to the• old country markets. Wo ' hope Lis venture may prove :successful beyond llis most souguine expectations. • Tut Oinceseeellilliard & •Huntings- circus ciempeny gave two ontektaint extents iii -Seaforth, on Wednesday lest. The managers of the company eeein. to bettliorongh gentlemen; end the enter- tainment is well deserving of pubtic .. patronat 0, there being nothing either vulgar o: • offensive in. word or act, and many a the feats performed by the an - tote are i truly marveliaos. The , COM - Petty rec.eivecl very fair heuses hero, . and. all Who attended -were very, well pleased - n Mitchell is the agent work in this section, glad to learn, taken a orders. . atson is just now can- th and vicinity for an - work, the merits of cure it a large circula- referred. to is entitled -------the administration of Lord Defferm,"by George Stewart, Jr. It contains an ferin's career e Canada, ond. tions which ha time in our political and. social history, etre discussed an impartial manner. The Pao* Railway problem, the Brit- ish Columbia troubles, the Deltoucher- ville embroglid, and. other events of • similar intarcst are discussed at length. The work IS adorned. by a steel portrait.. of Lord.Dufferit on its frontespiece. It is published by Belford Brothers, of Toronto, and. will be sure to secure a large cireulation, as the price is within the reach, Of all. SHOOTING MATCHES.—On Tuesday last _a couple of friendly matches took place between e town of the Clinton Rifle As- sociation and e teani of the Seaforth As- socia,tion on the raiige of the latter. In the first inatch there -were And muses, viz.: 200 500 and 600 yard ti with, five shots ati eitch. In the seoond. match there were two ranges-- 200 and 500 yards with five shots at each. Consid- ering the fact that the wind was very unfavorable, there were some excellent shots made on both, sides. Both the matches resulted in favor of the home team. The following are the -scores : 41- sessraents of drainage by-laws were considered, and assessments revised, when. the by-laws were finally adopted. After passing a number of aecounts and charityants, the Council! adjourned, to meet again at Bluevale on the 16th of September. i the 6th —There Was considerable grumbling Bosanq among some of those assessed. by drain- BM ae age by-laws on account of their assess- et No ments being too high, and. threats were Hamilt made that steps wduld be taken to LODa01 quash the by-laws. But a,s the Council & Co.a. have carefully revised all appeals and lane, -t-N have confirnaed the by-laws, it is not Anders fflrely that any will be foolish enough—A to take any further proceedings. 26th of July, oil ertson, 4th con - AUGUST 23, 1878. I THE FIRST ARRI dered the best ma- gooll summer's work, and leaves Bay - price/ as previously field. with. the well wishes of they VAL -91 it was soon evi- lotting, received more than satisfaction ey wati the best ma- 1 from her services. For some distance been. made that any vessel sailing on thelakes may , with safety anchor there. In any other ! • pottion of the harbor, vessels drawing 10 feet of water can anchor. ght by Mr. Grant in along the south pier excavations have , rby. to th de th of 13 feet, so g &tell was held on. very, ist concession, by NO. 3, Mc - he gents, ester aros at he Sa and Sawyer's Geo. Stewart, in the same . Grant's, and e result, the nin preference to the in each case- being Bradley. match. at Forest, on olin Walker'sefarm, ollowing prizes were size, Bradley Harvest - L. D. Sawyer & Co., n; 2d,, oloa tewart & Co., ; 3d., Kerby No. 3, Harris, Son rantfoidi. Judges, R. McFar- arwick ; Mr. McGill. and Mr. ri, Arkona. 'al of re pers t ok place on the he farm of John Rob- ession Colborne. He e best machine invited ts to a test in a field eat, so badly lodged items thought no reap - On the day appointed earedl with a No. 3, ured -ay Harris, Son & d L. Elliott, of God.- er's Canadian Har- er's Bradley Harvester wing were selected. as obertson, Wra, Long, • - Brussels. W EDDING J. E. Smith, of e the firm. of Strachan & Smith, has been off on his wedding tour for the last '10 days. 1 CHEESE TO WINNIPEG.—The patrons of Brussels cheese factory sold their June and July cheeset to Mr. McGregor, of Winnipeg, and it was shipped. on Thursda,y last. Hay. - Oun INSURANCE COMPANY. -1117, Edi- tor—Sir: At the sitting of the Direc- tors, on the 16th inst., of the Hay Mu- tual Fire Insurance Company, esp ci- n ally designed for Hay, Stephen d Stanley, applications were investigated. and. passed, insuring property in the above named townships amounting as follows: Hay, $22,630; Stephen, $33,- 020; and Stanley, $40,910, making a total of $96,560. Two applications were ienewals ; all the rest were new appli- cations. This Company has been nearly four years in operation, yet so far oPly one assessment on the preraiuna notes has been required, which astessment was a little less than $2.00 on 51,000 insurane. Every farmer of the above named townships is solicited to give the Company a trial, as it is in a very prosperous couclition.—H. V. DIRSTEIN, Secretary. ! resume of Earl Duf- s Governor-General of 1 the important ques- e arisen from time to Grey. COUNCIL MEETIG.—At the last meet- ing of Grey township C01131011, a corn- 0 muoication was read. from the County Cle k with County estimate for the cur - re year. Thefollo wing amounts were required to be levied by school trustees: 'Union School Section No. 4, Grey and Wallace, 1151 ; Union School Section No. 16, Grey and Howick, $256 ; Union School Section Grey and.Brussels, $61 ; School Section No. 2, $420 ; School Section No. 5, $570; School Section No. 6,370; School Section No. 7, $550; School Section No. 8, $220; School Sec- tion No. 9, $210, - Thos. Gardwell was granted $6 per month as charity. Mr. Caddy, Provincial Land Surveyor, pre- sented his estimates of proposed. draM on Concessions 5 and 6. The Reeve was instructed to ascertain from the Govern- ment as to the mode of procuring funds for said drainage, and the Clerk was in- structed to prepare at. by-law for next meeting of Council. The Reeve was authorized. to let a contract of gravel- ling on Concessions 1 and. 2. A num- ber of accounts were considered and passed. when the Council adjourned. to meet at the call of the Reeve. Wroxeter. • BEN0011031.—Mr. J. W. Beugough, the renowned caricaturist, delivered Otis celebrated.lecture, "Heads and Tails," • in the Town Hall, on Friday evening, to a crowded house. This lecture com- bines the richest humor with the soundest common sense, and richly de- serves the liberal patronage of an en- lightened community. ANNOYING Deneet—For some unac- countable reason the daily mails can not be had by subscribers untfl doe hour after their -arrival by train.1 It is hoped the defect will beremedied at once. • BUSINESS.—Messrs. Wilcox & For- syth are giving up businese in the first week in. September.—Wm. Tufts has opened out in the grocery busineSs in Gerry's block. Scan OUT.—M. Herbertson has sold his house and lot on Turnberry street, adjoining the station yard, to Thomas Hall, who intends putting up addition- al buildings for hotel purposes. THE FIRE COMP.ANY.—The Council are havingea hose tower erected at the west end of the town hall, for the pur- pose of drying the fire hose. An en. - gine room M thti -front part of the build- ing is also being fitted up. The Com- pany now have 1500 feet rubber hose. NAPA:she IIRAIID FROM—Last :week an order was received from Napanee, addressed to Ainleyville Salt Company, asking for price of salt per car lots. The only way to account for the order beieg sent was that five years ago news had reached that part of the' country ti that salt had. been struck at Ainleyville. Dat the news tha it was not in paying quantities had not as yet reached Nap - °nee. I BASE Beire—A game of baseball was played on Brussels base ball grounds, OD. Tuesday last, between the Clippers, of Brussels, and tlic Dauntless, of Clinton, for the junior phampionship of the county of Huron; which resulted in favor of the Clippers by three runs. We must say the game though closely contested, was not -what we expected. from the above - clubs. The batting was very heavy, and the fielding oil the whole was very loose, though at times there was some vete, good. fielding done by both clubs. Two gentlemen of color, B. and L. Horton, of Clinton, played with the Dauntless club, and .if the playing of the balance of the nine had. been as g odd as that of these two,especial- • 13 InD'e EYE VIEWS OF SEAVORTII.— A full set of fifteen bird's eye views of Seaforth. have been talten by Mr. L. F.. Wheeler from the top of the toWer of Mr. CardnOs Hall. Each view is perfect in [ itself, and the whole form a set that everyltOdy interested in Seaforth should. have. 1They show every house in town, excepb those that inay be hidden by • large i buildings—their locality can t easily , e found—and they also show ' the sin winding country as far as can be seei by the eye from the elevated positioa -where they were taken. • The whole et of fifteen. will be sold at the price of oixe dozen, of the local views. People -wishing to give distant friends an idea of Seaforth and vicinity, can do Bo by buying and sending them a set of those excellent views. 1 1 Tile the na. 'FIRST ItIATCII. Clinton 2 0 500 600 Robson . , 2 15 • 14 Sheppard ... 19 19 0 llyder 15 19 • ' 5. Foster.... .... 7 . i ' 9 Graksick . - 19 , 15 - 9 . Joslin.... 19 1 .9 _ Total .1.... 1.1 • 83 Seaforth. 200 . 500 Munro — . , .1. . 1.7 17 lictlame 20 .• 22 Campbell 18 • '7 -;f. '‘ \ ikon. 18 13 7 A. Wilson.— 18 12 12 C. Wilsoi -29 16 7 — — — Total .i..... 116 67 , 53 1 SECOND MATCH. Cliuton. 20) yards. 500 yards. Robson..'... ,, 15 • 16 15 14 13 = 10 12 18 8 wishing to bny t the different age of heavy fall w and tangled that er coul cat it. Isaac isher ap Kirby, rcianufac Co, Br ntford, a erich, ith Sa fester, and. $s No. 2. The foli Judge : john Henr Reber cision Bradl highly down 31 225 600 Total. 52 4 49 5 30 38 42 15 Sheppard. Ryder. Foster . .... 10 Grassiek......... .20 • 16 14. Seaforth. 200 yards. 500 yards. - Total. 33 38 27 33 41 • 40--207 256 Total. 31, 29 23 -29 38 30-173 OLIYIER CHILLED PLOW.—ThiS is 11Irturo.., ... 14 19 r'e of a new plow which is belie/ e cam eteli eginiete 16 18 . . • . • 9 introdaced to the farmers of this sectiou• 14 Mesars. Seep -idler,. Carter & Co. 1 e. 22 19 3.'he ti;dventages claimed. for it OVOI 1 C. Wils(11.1 • 18 99 other rows aro manifold, but the fol- I . lowint, aro the more prominent : The • TOURNAMENT.—The base ball tourna- ment, on Friday last; was all that could be desired, although the number of en- tries was not so large as wae expected, no doubt eying to the threatening state of the weather, which deterred- clubs from coming' any distance. The entries were elle " Clippers " of Brussels, the " Maples„" and another team composed of playerg from Gerrie and Wroxeter, commonly known. in base bell circles as "Scrub." The forenoon was occu- pied with a game between the " Clip- pers " and the " Scrub " team, the " Clippers " coming off victorious: The " Maples " and the '" Clippers" occu- Pied the afternoon, hilt this game was frequently interrupted by heavy showers of rain, but cleared up in time to allow the game to finish.. In this game both sides displayed some superior playing, the "'Clippers " evidently pushing their formidable rivals pretty hard, but end- ed in the " Maples" taking first money, the " Clippers ' contenting themselves with an easy second. *Mr. W: i. Paulin urapired the games ie. a thoroughly impartial and skilful men.- ner, and gave entire satisfaction. —OF OUR.— I no COUNTRY GOODS egMr. John Galbraith, a farmer who I e' lived in the township of Turnberry, died rather suddenly on the night of the 14th inst. While in the act of chopping, some years ago, Mr. Gal- I braith received a fracture of th.e skull, i by tb.e branch of 8, tree falling upon •I ie Kenwia, Mr. 'rwin and Alex. son. Aft r a severe test the do - was ve in favor of Sawyer's y No. 2, Mr. Robertson being pleased WI it, paying the cash or it.—C !FIFTEEN hiin. After a time he completely re- cavered, and was able to carry on his business, as usual. Latterly he was -Object to occasional fits of faintuess, and in One of those fits be died. Mr. Galbraith was respectably cmmected, his brother being a prominent Methodist ; Minister in Montreal. - 1—On Thursday evening of last week, 1 ar • _NEW some unprincipled scoundrels burg- lariously entered the Queen's Hotel, 1 Wingham, and stole out of the bar- reom $8 and a seven shot revolver. On the following evening SOMe raore of—it iS to. be presuined—the same party of light-fingered gentry, lifted -the sash of ai bed -room evint'dow in Mr. H. P. Tom's residence, on John streetovhich was occupied by a young man named James Adams, and stole from out the pocket of his coat, which was hanging on the bed -post, $24 75 in bills and eilver, and silver watch valued at $26. No clue ltas been obtained. of the perpetrators of either robberies. Hu Mr. William cently pulted ee days. 1 • ilcox &L d to ret Septeif ne day la rnick- th ford, 1 wheat rc he fall of the East i turall Associ .Wro4eter, on t tober. —On Thiir dey a valuable yowl' par ots, belonging to t t, of Brussels, escaped. and have not smce been, • could not be procured at the tnne, a,nd atch Was played at Paris thus they had to wait until the •same t., between Clinton and could be obtained. In the meantime y Clinton by three another heavy rain.• came on, and the cellar was again flooded. Application was made to the Council for remunera- tion, which application. was received, and. was under. consideration. But as the Coimcil. seemed. inclined to dis- allow the claim, the case was placed in court. —;On Thursday morning of last week a horse beloneengto Mr. WrireFenwick, of Exeter, performed. a feat which many 1 a hurdle racer might be unable to do. I While one of Mr. Fenwick's sons was driving down town from the mill; thei horse became frightened and started to! rein Mi9,Sr. The pace was &furious one,1 but the horse kept to the middle ofl the track, and the boy fell down into the bottona of the box on the light wagon. When the horse had got to Mr. Fen - wick's gate the lad, for he was only 'about 12 years of age, pulled the reins and turned. hien in, thinking to stop the animal in. his Cana. But he inisjudged his mettle, for when he got upon the side -walk which runs past the (tate, he stopped. for °lie instant only, and then -with a bound cleared the gate like a deer. The crossbar of the shafts caught against the pickets and. prevented the horse going any further, .and. the front part of the wagon was held euspended in the air. The box came off alla fell to the ground, and in it the boy was sitting without having einstained the slightest injury, though he was pretty badly frightened.. The horse also lwas uninjured. , , Perth Items. ly the latter, the result of the game must ha,ve been different. Blyth. decid sels o & K Bl at Scot ri • 1•otes. Wilkie, of Ethel, n - en acres of peas in four orsyt , raerchants, have from business in Brus- er 1st, t wee, Messrs. Madge eshed for Mr. George Exeter, 105 bushels of in two acres. ow, under the auspices ng q Huron Agricul- on, ill be held in e lst and 2nd of Oc- ternoon last two froirep& 011 t Pari runs 130 ; Pearrics.—Politics aro the topic of the day here at present, being -with- in a few degrees of fever heat, ' CHEAP Tuirs.—Quite ounaber of our townspeople took advantage of the cheap trip to Toronto, via Grand Trunk Railway from Clinton, on Tuesday; also to Port Huron, via Grand Trunk Railway to Goderich, thence by boat. PERSONAL.—Mr. C. S. Grosch, of Port Elgin, has been in town for the past week, paying his father a visit. —Mr. Hector Buie, teacher, who has been spending his holidays at Buffalo, Bay City and Detroit, returned. on Fri- day, looking hearty. moulit-boardaland-side and shear are reeixe.—The new Bible made -fa iron, se made by it ;new urch on the 10th °Duces- procefis of 'casting which has recently be opened on the 8th. Oliver, of the Seutli Bend Iron Works, °Indiana. The iron harder,. wears longer, runs brighter and cleans better than com- mon Iron. or steel. The plow else) .is very easy d draft, and a small boy can • hold Ib turns a furrow twelve inches wideabeing two inches Wider than other plow, and dots the land clear through, so that While capable of doing more work; it is as efficient as a thistle cut- ter the plows now in use end so pop- ularly known as the '" Thistle Cutter Plow" A few days ago we had au op- porttinity of witnessing one of those im- plements thoroughly tested on. the farm of Mr. James Scott, Roxboro. It was first tried figpen, ground, where it -did its Work splendidly. It was then tested, in heavy wheat' Stubble. Here its efficiency -wag still more evident. It timed the furrow twelve inc-hes wide completely over, entirely coveriog been 11/11iented. Mr. C niult Christian C sion, of Sep tomb RecoVere.-6.—Miss Bella Hiles, who -waginjure a short time ago by falling tndetriki ig her head on the wheel wheia }Aim; from a buggy„ has since nearl - recovered. CITANciE 01" DATE.—Owing to the elections "ling on the 17th of Septem7 ber, the ali °eters of the Hullett 13ranch Agricultur Society have decided to change the time of holding the fall show to th Vtli and 19th . of: Septem- ber. All interested should note this chimp). .A Poor. 'uor,—We are informed that in. the etis ern section of Aullett, the spring odic at is almost an entire failure and we lo on good. authority that the averag, yield will not exceed 8 bush- els per ac e. Mr. James McMichael, threshed 0 acres of red chaff, Which yield.ed 33 bushels, or about 4 bushels per acre. Mr. William McMichael, his • . R. Gra the caee, L. cricket e 16th in , and we and six Clint° r. T. mass meetin for the discuss It isi to be hop teretting than Garliner, of lane, a her thumb -1) whe ls of the day ago, an —A young 1 ii.1.Wingham, named Arthur Thee] son, aged 16, set fire to a tin of coal il on. Saturday morning while playing with . The tin contain- ed about th ee go, ons oil. He was terrible b-urnel and- died. the following t threshing is going "on the vicinity of Wing, 'eld. is good, averaging els or over to the acre, re entertained that the will be very light. Apples p, but much damaged by0 Mr. Wna. Tiehmanl, an accident, which fatal. He was one ng, and while putting up s handspike slipped and og to titart downward, and d egcape it rolled. over him terribly: His friends as. quickly as possible and , but despite the efforts ski14 he succumbed to ridayi after excruciating e wasburied on Sunday. a brother-in-law Of parks, of Stanley, has been iend . On Wednesday he 'cli_fo the purpose of pur- e she p frora Mr. H. Hap- , to all appearance, in pet - but on returning home it enly dropped dead. The sudd n death is supposed. n he disease. The sad st a glo-ora over the com- e had, found in. him a pleas- tance e thunder sterna passed defer *day afternoon.. The rain in t rrents, and the wind •rfect gale. The roof Was e E glish clitirch, and the as e shed -down, and other. ere.s ghtly damaged. Great s don out in. the country. in so e place'e were levelled. nd, a d trees were blown. in tion. Most of the grain in • has been secured, or the uld ve been much. mere —We are pleased to learn that Miss Martha . Boyd, of this place, who -was taken to the London Lunatic Asylum, some five months ago, returned on Mon- day perfectly cured. ' THE "MONSTER SHOW.—At an early hour on Tuesday morning, Cole's mon- ster show pa,ssed through Blyth, via, London, Huron and Bruce, en route to fWingham: Quite a number of Blythites went up to see with -their own eyes the tallegt man and. woman in existence. Seeing is believing, they pay. DIARKETS.—Treadwell, 97c to $1.03 ; fife, 94c to 98c; red chaff, 85a to 900; barley, 45e to 55e. ; oats, 27 to 30 peas, 558 to 58c; hey (new) $12 to $15; ap- ples, 500 to 75c; potatoes, 65c to 70; eggs, Oe; butter, loose, 11c. tub 120; hides, not trimmed, So; sheep skins, ,40c to 70; wool, 22c to 24e. - —On Tuesday morning, the 6thinst., d.uring the heavy thunderstorm,- the *team saw mill on the 10th coiaces- tion of East Wasvanosh, owned by Mr. Thomas Agnew, was struck by light- teing, and. totally consumed. with. all its boiatents. A large quantity of lumber 'owned by eustomerg was also burned. Ainong the heavi4st losers was Mr. 'John Orr, who lost about 10,000 feet of hemlock lumber. The fire was first ob- perved by Mrs. Morrow, but it had made too much headway to be stopped. ;Fortunately Mr. Agnew had just insur- ed. the property a few days ago in the Western, of London, to the amount of 141,400. The total loss is estimated. at ,about $3,000. —Messrs. L. Shane & Co. hove enter- ed an action against the corporation of Blytb. for damages sustained. through having their cellar flooded, causing damage to goods. It seems the culvert crossing Dinsley street got choked. up, thugbacking up the water. The Coun- cil let the contract for constructing a ew one but nnfortunately, timber OASES FALL AND WINTER DRY. GOODS FROM THE BEST FACTORIES IN EUROPE won wick 33. Trove t on of d it will, prove more m - the lapt one held. enabler of MT. Robert Usbcirne, playfully put • tweell two of the cog - reaping machine a few - got a piece taken. off_ ts. ScOre—Paris, intends calling a th an early day, political questions. morning. whe pretty lively haM. The: about 30 bus Great Jeers spring Vheat are:a large cr the, worm. --Some da of Hay, met has since p gaged in logg a heavy log allowed the before he co crushin released him cared for hi of medical death on'. soffering. last. 1 ' John Mt. James! visiting his went to Zit chasing 30 11 and wa, feet health night, sud cause of hi - to have be affair has c neunity, apt acqua' —A se e Blyth on F carne doef blew a p blown off It end wall bnildings lamage The fenc to the gro every dire the sectio damag,e w serious. —On Thured fine lamb don son, neat lyth, lightning, which this flock Fortunat parently mark or found on the -wool skinned struck streak a Streak q perfect t Turnberry. • COUNCU, DOINCIS.—At the last meet- ing of Turnberry Connell Messrs. Black and. Henning reported having let the following jobs on the 13 -line : Cross- waying 17 rods at $1.25 per rod, to Wm. Anderson; ditching 18 tods at` $1.25, covering 47 rods of crossWay itt 50 cents, taking out stones and stumps and. levelling,centre of road from cross- way to Depew's barn, $4.87.t, to John W. Walker. Mr. Black had let a job of ditching 55 rods at 40 •cents, on boundary line of Turnberry and Morris, opposite lots 58 and 59, to James Thompson; a job of gravelling -opposite lot 52, 15 rods ab $1, to Mr: Eckett ; also a job of gravelling opposite lets 7 and 8, 1st concessfen,b53 rods at 95o, to Messrs. Henderson & Wallace, Merris to pay $10 more than Turnberry, Mr. Little reported letting a job of coverieg crossway opposite lots 15 and 16, con- cession: 10, to Jas. Glendenning, $15; also it job on boundary line to R. Gooderich, $15. Mr. Griffin reported letting the contract for rebuilding the race bridge at Wingham to Wm. M. Johnston, $45 ; and makiiag approaches, &c., to same, to Alex. Calder, $4; cut- ting hill on concession B, opposite lots 20 and t11, to II. Godlein, $15 ; covering 14 rods crossway at 50 cents, en Zet- land side line, to P. Garrow.' Messrs. Griffin & Little let a job of cut- ting hill at McAllister's to R. Rankin, • STORM.—A severe thunder storm pass- ed over this place la,st Fridayafternoon. The rain came down in. torrents, and the wind blew a perfect gale... The roof was blown off the English chureh and the end wall was crushed down, and other buildings were slightly daraaged. Great injury was done out in the coun- try. Fences in some places were lev- eled to the ground, and trees were blown in every direction. Most of the grain in this section has been secured., or the damage would have been exaore serious. . THAT COW.—Not a night passes but a certain. counter -hopper's cow oo Queen street make e a raid on some person's garden, gobbling up all their vegetables, and if spoken to her owner only talks of faulty gates and fences. But this brute is well known. to make her way into gardens were the best of gates are se- curely fastened every night. We think it would. pay garden owners on Queen street' to raise by subscription 15 cents per week, which would board. her de- cently in James Wilson's pasture field, and save their gardens from being turn- ed into cow pastures. - Reaping Match Contests. A trial of reapers took place on the farm of KenTie Grantlot 27, lst conces- sion, Tuckersmith, between the Kirby NO. ford Bra D. art, viol lo ,made by Harris,Son & Co.,Brant- McLeod & Moffat, agents, and ey No. 2 Harvester naade by L. awyer & Co., titepeile ton, Geo. Stew - agent. The triE arose Out of a pre - s agreement that Mr. Grant be al- a trial of both raachines and. 1 1 S ago with oved 11 Shipped by oar Agents, MED3DOWS & SONS, per Steamer Corinthian," SIX 0.A.SMS We bare already Opened, and the Balance will' be opened to -morrow; THE 24TH AU GUST, 1878, When we will be preparecIto Show one -of The Largest, Newest, AND CHEAPEST STOOKS OF DRY GOODS • TO BE SEEN IN C ..L.N1 INT 3D Mr. Joseph. Reading, who for some years past has been in the book and ylor, stationery business in Stratford, is about leaving for Wingham. —A stack of hay belonging to Richard - Ki.lacade, about a mile from Milbrook, was struck by lightning on. the llth., and totally destroyed. • —The Sunday School excursion. from Mitchell to Goderich, on Wednesday, was a grand succees, every available seat being filled and many standing. The cheap fare, 25 cetts, brought out •whole families. —Last Friday a stranger, who said he ;wanted to go to Seaforth, hired. a horse from Mr. Wood, of Stratford. No more -was seen or heard of the horse or • the man until Monday, when, in answer to inquiries; it was learned that the fellow had been arrested itt Goderich. —Last Monday evening two roughs in Stratford, named. respectively Trees and COIIHMS, committed a most brutal and. unprovoked assault upon Mr. Owen McCloskey, a quiet and inoffensive old. man. They were fined $1.3 and costs. A turn at the whipping post would be , conduct. but just punishment for such infamous y ,evening, 1st hist!, a ng to Mr. John John - was instantly killed by seemed to drop upon To the Electors of North_ ' Huron. which was all in a bunch. I • ly not of the others were 'ap- GENTLEMEN : Mr. Farrow wanted. jure in the least. Not a a meeting called to prove twenty false - e slightest abrasion could. be t hoods in nay last Circular. What did he laagib killed, nor even Was he prove? That the word " Counts,'" h as singed, but when t should be inserted in the Sixth Reseda - Lining Resolutions were adopted in the House? tion, and. the -words of Minigters in the last column. Did he deny that the being opened was found a That he was sitting there, and tlaerefere lly. I voted. for them? Tha,t they added $300, - 1 I —Th been. at has bee engineet says Ba best on t • one any harbor it • graduall double t WE TEAK OUR NUMEROUS CUS- TOMERS FOR THEIR PAST 'LIBERAL PATRONAGE', An are determined to give oar Old Onstonters and all new ones that may call the fall benefit of Cheap OW Country Good THE QUALITY BEING CONSIDEREer o mui t was hind. ir found to have been the should.er, a blue down the *side. The overranent dredge whichlas 000 to our annual expenditure, makin ork in the Bayfield harbor removed to Kincardine. The ho hb.d. charge of the wOrks rbor is now one of Ithe e lak etter, its wid at wi one and a half millions of dollars pai away in the last five *ears as INCREASES on good. salaries already existing? He can't quibble out of -these facts. I re- , s, in fact there is but I main, yours truly, viz: Owen Sound. 'The WILLIAM SLOAN. outh is fifty feet,' and ning out until about Fall Shows, th is obtained inside the partattaa Exhibition, at Toron, Sept. 23 to 28, harbor_ I For t e purposes of shelter, both inclusive• . mechanieal s was not necessary at i West Biding of Huron, September 17 1M 1 18. all, the iltaturali position being sufficient .1EVieirifiteejeliit'air-ellatponneton, Sept. 80 an' 0.1 to 4. ti Sept. 1-6 and l', . .. for all s oses. The north and Mbrris Branch', at Blyth, Oct. 10 =all. • south pi 1 in excellent 0011ditioli; Bay, at Zurieh, Sept. 19 and 20. havin clip rs are be,en. „Lady y . East Riding, at Wroxeter, Oct. land 2. The Government dredge, -under I Central Exhibition, at Guelph, Sept4mber 17, 18, f Capt in. Fraser, has put .in ; 19 and 20. - mr m South Huron, at Ex.eter, Oct. 7 and. 8. Ewen. charge VirE FEAE NO HOUSE N TH E TRADE. N cANADA. .414—SY2 C.A.1J14- AND, JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. ALL .000 DS l'Afl! r PLAIN P G -1341ES AO ONLY ORB PAWL A. G. ;i/IGDOUGALL &TOWS,- SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, Diree4 Importers and Dealers Dry Goods Only. +.- ELEvEgr. WHODB, ItEAL ESTAt" SALE.—For alearlY new sa. situatedin the Aouria SEcORD, COSS:ENS be sold eben1), abe eh Boxvxvoi_tiAith:::::;:eNecons:smocniurot:n:sp:;" :e Ri slie a s7 SA. Apply clesied and well le fed. iyooriihnug„. orchard ; soil Iola time; price 85,060. i.A1 Id AP: nano, acr-es are cies' "": acre let in the towilal saAator; seafoxthkont -11: field Concession, tsining 85 nere, 50 of gou'l state of ,u1uvatio: the village of Barfield, t on favorable ternan. JOAN 0 0VEIcLO9E, e y lithsa,counE tCrE.E. 2,11;1 of Harpurhey. Frame' *large garden filled wit eriPtions • good well an R. E, 011 the pre Land Agent, Seaforth. VABM FOR SA.LE.—,1 100 ac.res, good oi), barn 56x36, good stable -cleared, good house an 1331aIi3P:or toAPNPVIYestt°fieldj:r1 FARM FO: Con. 7, liollett, Con SO ele,ared, w11 undetdr or en the premises te 0:to:vv.:tit::: 13:: Wins easy. For 1'1114 tit'ssrs.MeCAUGHEY 8:;17;telle eut half of 1.; TUekerszaith, Coity ol acres,•81 miles from ti; : convenient to school. best gnality. For 1A)i JAMS PICKARD, opl Erendville P. 0. .4. OBT,0Et el; tOn ‘11,, 11.1 iTb the Clyde Hottl, eituat Iva first-elass bnsinas land ,and a good frante; all of whien ate ; liberal, For torthor - F. KING, Blualul?.:! T—A10iFOR SALE. -i rillett"Iltil ceared-andIieftmi dwelling heuse with frame barii ima stable. 11p18Y7itilT43131:1EutOIS'81; of Clinton and about Vir tLot.U2A9,BLc. EonFed, 85 of -which are Aoar41 there is a log amviatto and stables, plenty istio,wilthrsa itllpiparoentb 300t!; 0! HAUT, or by latter -t0 PUOPERTY FOsIL •k°:l:e!' t enIet„;:st1 0n6; :ad1i oeres83e:e4.5 1440tase.hisanaeraylamocimtpuieumt% all the property of thi betel improved urms tips. JOHN LEM. 14'ARM POE SA T4E; -i7trolifiltedul rol2330,124 eionn; Whichiate -cleared ; t aItOiUdSeliebirgh'otser6et Water. sit The far*n is oTaotticuiarsa wnetlienitly(i Seaforth, t eaforth, or,t r, on the proloiaca,. VAIXT A ME PAIL wet half of Lo tiiing 5i0tuAseterea$,Ir B tr' 15 ta ° re1431T 1 s itajedsloarel Ittli'vang:e.eala,fahllettlftLee'rema'.114isly tleraan, a dairy-rtum *4411,421; STTRINPrei),PSeletif ti3 cs 3oi :1 :gtil aRi ill:1z P011 SALE 11: E; b. eold with the fa 321reno. Seaforth gravel- road leading 1 excellent building; 4Pp1y to \Vultox 1'. )re,nbes JAMES iiTALUA131.,E 1'AR IF Lot ll, COB, 8, 43 at a II .11::), lepotougehdagnoiolt alb °0. ts:bei icae- oennfl eetocii ul*gri 2;9 1:04,)1. 411:::ts Thr :11x78' la'931:110 r teb.b 14: rno;za:RIN1315;a: orrn rc°1311;;Sh; r -tahire butdi_din: • :I 'spTxt°R) ta*01, aN '0( v,S.oe uf ooer t al":1 w:illb8wetrlat me. einiall Ye; 3'91t. w313::tet '5)111 fir gp, art lk;IrleVoetisrteill:aliroli°41r nbte 2*b97.11114; raxH. 0177kleurItilelei211th'd!all:r0i111 frgotorade- ebtatinitelle:: 71101"324C;lianal.1716337Elft5w1i= within one-lin'arter CAInTELL p. , on tUipg, The 3M a good od'w. rtirLiteNshDer11)p • near -a tuaseda limn in ' l'tere ay., or; th: 4npe't .ris Price very 1 Toni or to Ie orth,