HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-08-23, Page 31878 N . 3 1878. w?. wag t)j loan Thoysand Dollars s hereinafier 7116tn— Seliool Ilteartl of the h" made au application ell of the Raid fawn of of Hurontor the stun of for the purpose of put- Towo of Seeforth and ieb. Sehool Ilaing and • seid Couneit has resolv- e (if money for the pur-. : will mature the BRIO of went' Dollars to be raised .. tor the payraeht of the oa toso dole men - :lie etwitint of the whole •aaid Cerporation tirre- ne-rease of. the AMMO. WW1 me in tha na. ere of toile, • oa feral tram the seid a -receive of arty temente to aeporary inveetrartrit of the r nit:maned Or ety part to the last revaxed aesesta- ,tlerporation, being for the• neared arid Sevea.- :jV and Sixty- - I laundred and Seventy Doi. toe amouut of the exiating )1 et ior. is, as toll owe : Three Frowed uuder the authority the :eau 4If Salrorth, it 7 per cent. per annurct, Om the First (ley of March, taerel Dollere berrowed on . taw Na. lthl. of said e0Wi of r theteon at 7 per cone. per - Ira: ;I ty of July, 1878, and itear antl unpaid either for !ana peying the interent s.nal 4 sinking fund for Peyitig Fht.gw. end Doilare Mid inter - it will, require an a rate of One 156.63-58 art uiiim to all rateta be it le niatle neeeasary by law and place for taking the Lilted eleetors, and for ap- e-iii=er, to take the votes of the nr erin , ;MIL RN aCTEI) by the Cor- nett Seeforth, in the Coority lawful for the Mayor or cireination to raise by way of al or persone, body or bodies be wilting to eithanee the t- of tee flebeeturee hereni- riu of xaoney um exceeding -a of Six. Thou:land Dulare, one to be pei,1 into the handa ihoril • Iluard of the To kti of tit -poet.; and with the abject lawfol fur the said Meyor .ey nuniaer of Debentures to tuta of metney a:: may be re. in One Hundred Dollare each, n the ageo g ite Six Thatisand • -add Debeettares eball be of the aeiti Corporation, and, 'a or ttr -Reeve end Treasurer - 1 JO-beta:mot sit ill be made eere et fro tie:at from the day ,ued for this By -Law to take tt.f the Tieeem er of OE :Oki& 'AVID bANtti 0..ttaehet1 to them -xyment etf intereet. Ld Iteleut race ellen beitr tater- a rate of seven per couture per date thereof, which -interest ,Of -yearly, 411. the Firat ditys of U each year, at the Office of :purpose of paying the interest -eing Nutt for the anymeot a a, .of one in the dollar shall, in addition -be raiaed, levied elle oollected E all the rateable pm:petty in the oaring the continuance at the 'ratty 1,f th en :lay-Taiia Khali take effect and iou on the lairet day at Septena. Light Hundred and Seventy- ; the eleetora of the Raid 11 t•t t tt.eri thi4 13y-Litee Oa ! weitty.eiecoutt Day of • Thenenran- inient stmt. neeeente-ainnt, lee oa:leek to. the ittoauing, and E:he beer of Five o'clock in the , renewing elates : Til \VAUD -At 101iverd daah's- - !VII WARD—At th Town mon !,er Samuel Starlets a Caalt shall he the Returning WIlliem Elliott snail ()Them for the Seuth Ward. mad iall be the Retnrnine Mee/ for ten-Acre:in in parsuance of the a of the Province of Ontatio, 'team:lee : (Lark of the aaid alunieipal Cot - 1 own of Seaforth, shall, at the o'cloek, noon. on Tuesday, the lay of July, one Thonsand Eight 4,:voity-1,aght, at. the Mini Hall, Sealerth, 8111a up the nuna- en for end :igeinst this 1.1e -Law. Alea or oe Reeve ef the eeid • shall ettetel at th Town Hall 'n, on Ttleadev, the Sixteenth day Theu4stel Eight Hundred mad :at the hour of Biala °Veal( in the pnreose of appointieg per - at the verities poling placea e tiled slimming up uf the votes leetively, on behalf of the per- il:, aud, promoting Or opposing Poolativ reapectively. T. 'P. COLEMAN, Mayor. Yrr, 'retavo Clerk. ; SEAL< - 1 ,NOTIGE. e• a, true cope of e By -Law passed nicipel•Cortuail of the Town of Sea- - -may of littroa, on the tith day f, amt all Perseus are hereby tUP, tlit ury one desirous of air- eela kip foiw or tiny pert thereat make hi a application for that • of Iter Majeaty's Seperior Courts am, et torouto before the end a e said Superter Caurta, ucact after ,ennigetion tie reof by the publica- oice in three emeiecutive numbers aw',',r vj: Hrri.011 • 14' will be too late to be heard in -el take netiee thet mach term come tellt aay August neat. Vi l<1.,i-AM ELLIt >TT, Town Clerk. UTORS' NOTICE. e‘ of -John Jacob ( .atztrieyer,. Town of eleaforth. in the IInrou, Farmer, I)eceased. Laving or holding any eating • Ot the above nettled John v. -r are ruptired, on or before the = it leer, UfAuguat, le7a, to send by oUl, ethireasel to -Measrs. Mee hovattel, Barriatere, Seeforth, the et :nett ciabint, with vouchers !I -tato-meet ef mature RBA Vella Of IA. Afo witichtlate waohe titular- -tore will loot -pad to distribute the dariataed theeordina to his will, ha' th' ea: elainaa only of whieh we then • All creditore foiling to pat in iea the time eforeatti I will be de- ietpat iug in the seid estate. . itla, 1-7S. )I f,INKIIAMMER, Fl..'x'ecti tore- laf<INKIIAMMER, a; II olaMES TED, Reafortny Solicitors of Estate. .FORT AND ORGAN ISS HALLEN, • of St. Thomaa' Church, Seaforth, a,t, Toronto), hi prepared toinstruet er Papils in In.:art:mental Musio. MS MOD Its T E House North of the W. a web Street, Seaforth. 545 AuGust, 23 1-87.8 THE HURON EXPOSITOR.. jea-ao-o= , I ! Gaieties. Annual flciwering plants re whales, a.s they come up .to blow, —Most people are like eggs— of themselves, to hold anything e •• What riles a country post amble _in a birgaip- • 1 : times. They are apt to be unreliable These men need sydtem ; then, with I oo full perseveranee to earry out that system, se. they have it in their power to sue- I istress ceed—to become richand respected, to I 4hsaoPfsome . i is to have a postal card. come to the of- hvehaeninewindMrlifeemen are little bet T 1 • A e written in French. ter than a 'vast and dusty lumber room, ; into which days and hours have been ; flung-, aside as useless.' Eire lies a 1 1 , golden op ortunity for a good or a great action, which at the time le trampled I • on; there," still glitteringin one dark t t inuch corner tire the bri ht talents t at idle- -Which. is the most -wonderful ani- mal in the farmyard? A. pig, be - Gauge he is killed first and cured after- wards- ' —The lightning rod man mu t be al- lowed a good profit, for when e sells out his business he never, can g for the good will. • —From a physiological point Russia and _Austria are both rig ter getting Hung(a)ry, of .c-our want a slice iof Turkey. —Speaking of dancing, a man hits tl; on. the he the remark that " people us more evil with their tongues tl their toes." 1 --A gentleman. who had a c 'working at his house said to penter : "Why don't you take those nails? They -will be lost"' "Oh, man -American, and Presideit of the no, You'll ftna them in the bill," was Goethe lub, of New York, was the thereply. hero of ern adventure in Paris recently -4t is said. one man can tak that attracted much- attention from to water, but one hundred can him drinin Men are differ .horses; one man can take e up to a ball and make them often as he likes. , - —"I should just like to s body; try tdiabduct me," said M at the breep4ast table the 001 jury. " H'ra so should I, my sauld I," said. Mr. Smith, wit ing earnestness. --" My dear boy," said. a mother to Tory lights, the rear being brought up by brother Beatty of the Leader. The kite dosen't seem to fly very well, and. is watched by a group of Ministerialists who observe its gyrations with an amused expression on their countenances. TJn- derneeth is the following dialogue Tupper-" I say Johnnie give her more string and she'll be all right." JohneA. —"I can't, Tap, I've let all the string out." Mackenzie—" Leave her alone boys ; they can't fly her; her tail is too light." • The subject and its treat- ment are worthy of Grip and are a cred- it to the artist. ness or carelessness have left Ito rust. ' f vie.* Now and, then appears a ,warm and t. Af- kind feeling whieh, because religion was e they not at hand to guide and protect it, was • 4 flung awand has turned to bitterneSs. Tmorn. ergy- There arel warnings 'unheeded, blessings I 'wits a d with' forgotten,' and gifts making a neglected; The orb of day was shining as bright as bootblaeln I ally do one great1 class of undying memories, Every flower had rose from its bed in Love Among the Roses. Cupid Raising the Mischief in the Flower Bed. au with ; Over whic i will one rpenter. _ hp car- Pri care of I Dr. Ru h the dark wings .of remorse d.ew time. ay brood to all eternity. In the bed. beneath the arbor there • f was jessamine of flow rs. ce and •Sovereign., Sweet bees sipped h ney and hummed paner, the well -k own Ger- musical lullabys, wh' e crickets croned with hillarious mirth amid sparkling dew drops of condensed. incense. " Sweet One, let me taste thy tulips," a voice' said. " Ba%gonia don't suit me, sir," was the reply.' " Oh, fair one, wouldst thou have me peony way for the love of thee ?" " Sir'thou canst not win me; thou hest not anemone." " Wouldst thou drive, me where the woodbine twineth, cruel -hearted one?" • " How darest thou callalilly such names: Leave me." "Never, until thy promise is given that thou wilt forget-me-not." " Peas,))e still. Lettuce have sweet Peas." Qh, charming one thou alone °east giy-)e heartsease to me. • "Never to such a dandelion as thou art. There is no sweet fern in this, sir." ." Oh, sweet one, do noieviolet my feel- ings with such paragraphic levity." "Away With' thee, I say, or I will call my poppy."! "Ivy a mind. to prostrate myself be- fore thee, and bathe thy feet with my • kisses." • a horse ot make a from hundred ink as e some - s. Swath ✓ morn- ear—so exceed - her son, as he handed round is plate for more turkey, "this is t 6 fourth timel you have , been help d.." «1 know, mother," replied the b y ; " but • that turkey peeked_ at me o ce, and I want to get square -with him." He got his turkey, A 14iptomatiO Ans The Oell man Smith, of Ric self-sufficient sort of old fe prides hirnself upon his ridin • One day he espied his you ; leading a ,nolt to water rethe and renaarked : " Why kin earth don't you beast?" " I'm 'fraid to; Iraid I me." " Bring that hoss here," s old. man.! The colt was urged up to and. braced on one side by th those w o saw it. He had hailed a cab, and a,s he was about to step in he was surp •ised see another man en- tering at the opposite side.* Dr. Rup- paner de ended of the driver which of the two had hailek him first, and the coacher decided in favor of the New Yorker. He then politely requested the stranger to descend, but the latter an- swered :; "1 and Prince , a known name. • er. eld, is a low, and • abilities. g hopeful • gingerly, ride that e'll throw: fipped: the TV 11 the fence, boy -while ' the old man climbed on to ithe rails a.nd stocked himself. . on the colt's back. Then he Was let Vo, and the old gentle- man rod.Q proudly off. P ralyeednby . fear, the ,,qt went slowly for about 20- - rods .witli:.4t a demonstration. 7,,:lien alike lightiling his four legs buuchcd to- gether, hi •backbowed liko a yiediect arch, and the old .man shot; up in the air, turned seven. separate and distinct . somerstualts, and lit on the sinall of his Lack in the middle of, the road, with both 1egs1 twisted around, his neck. . Haztening to -him, the . young shopeful anxiously iilqUireCl : " Dialit hurt you, pa ?" -The a ii nan rose, slowly, shook ' out t the kne ,s. i • - his legs, brue : ed the 'dust from hi . ears and haii, and, rubbing his bruised elbows, growled : • " Well, it didn't do inc a durn .bit of good. •You go' home "—Cleveland . Berald.1 They Voi-md Out. Dr. Bempener_replied.: "You are a prince, ut I am a sovereign—a citizen Of the United States;" and without much ore _lido he gently took the prince y the collar of his coat and seat of his Pantaloons, and set him down gently upon the side -walk. The prirfce went in search of another Car- riage, and th " sovereign"' rode off in in triu ph. S We a, vise in early life und, Advice. all young .people to acquire he habit of using good lan- guage, both in speaking end writing, and also to abandon the use of slang words and phrases. The longer they live th good golden for the ed in of nog RIEDICAlL JI G. SCOTT, M. D. ke„Physician, Sturgeon and • Accouchear, Settforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderich Street, first door east of Presbyterian Church. 34? The Scotch Highlandees have long been neted for their rough and ready but shrewd mother wit. I The follow- ing, for instance, is me 'ely a com- mon specimensof the nal Del( logic of the Celt : . Donald, brown as - a betry, and new from t e hills, was a strs. a cut in steamboat pl Aberdeen and Glasgow. • city-br d gents' on deck /thought they ave a side-splitting laugh at the neer's expense. ifer on board tag between Two smart more diffienit the acquisition of anguage will be; and if the age of youth, the prOper time acquisition of language, be pass. abuse, the unfortunate victim ected education is very proba- bly deemed. to talk slang for life. Money:is not necessary to procure this educe4on. Every man has it in his power. He has to juse the language which he reads, instead of the shine velich he hears: to form tilste from the best speakers and poets of the co-untry; to treasure up choicelphrases itt his memory, and ha- bituate himself to their use; avoiding at the Immo time that pedantic precision and bombast, which sliow rather the weakness of vein ambition than the pol- ish of an educatedemind. IT L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sur - 2 -1' • geon, etc., Coroner for the County of Huron Office and Residence, on Jarvis street north, directly opposite Seaforth Public School. ' W A. ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakefield, Ont., v Y • Physician, Surgeon and Acconchein. Graduate of the -University of Trinity College, Torouto. Member of the Royal College of Phy- 13i01111111 and Surgeons, Ont. Iiinburn.Ont. 485 WM. HANOVER, M.D., C. 3I., Graduate of McGill University, Physice.n. Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seaftath. Ont. /Mee—Rooms in Meyer's Block lately occupied by Dr. Phelan, and formerly by the late Dr. King. Will attend at Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Fridays. 496 DMcNA.UGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, 0radu -1-• • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. Office and Residence in rear of Killer= & Ryan's. Calla promptly attended to, night or nay. A stock of veterinary medicines on hand Charge% reamonable. Horses examined sato sound-. Doss and certificates given if required. ., 407 would Mount "Dolia,ld,can you count any ?" _ " Ocli„ ah," replied. the Highland - man, I" She'll may be can' connt one or• tsvei;"' "Then hew many .e.sr • here," asked. • the seciond ; "1 iniself my friend myself[ancl pia ?" TheiGatel seemed to c usider -deeply for aceMe time then -slap bag his knee in sudden • gladness, as i he had just solved! some problem,J1i cried aloud, ".ellentieraanse there will be a hun- ner !" i • " A hundred," 'cried , eouvalsed fops; explai "4 Well, said Donald, t self upon his breast, "be (I) au.a. you two nothin • that a launner ?" (100). The crestfallen cox= then- ttlriu axnid the -tin ' ter et .11e passengers. • the laughter- yourr." iumpi 1,g' him- • nain ,elf is one s (00) is not bs retired' to ouuded laugh- TAMES' W. ELDER, T. S., Graduate of the " Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day or night. A large stock of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses examined as to soundness and certificates giVen Horsea bought and sold on commission. 424 "Ali, natal' fain would have such lark - spurring round here." "Oh, nnorningglorf of my life, must I thus be doomed to wither and fade away unloved?" • "Yes, cbx.comb ; it is so willed." "Then, by HeaVens, the fates lilac blazes, creel chip. As the trellis clinge to the rose bush would my heart entwine itself abotit thee. Thou dost cast me off. You say I.havent anymone. 'Tis false I have millions of scents." What sayest thou?" Ala, methinks thou releutest. Yes, seNnvyeet•one, I can purchase foi thee corn • silk for dresses, such as a princess will y .,, " Thou'rt not as bad as I thought thee. There's many a cowslip twixt buttercup and lip." "Then thy stubbornness doth wilt?" "Aye, dearest,call in Dominy Cl1011111- ber, and let him double us up at • once." And as the beautiful orb of day Sank beneath the crimson horizon oi a west- ern sky, two souls with but a single thought lay sleeping in a luxu ious bed of roses. houre from 8 Mrs. Whitney's Seaforth. A Model Marriage Cereraony. An'Old Dutch firmer, just arrived at the digiay of a justice of the peace, had his first marriage case, • He did it up in this way. He fleet said to the man: " Tell, you vents to be raerrit, do t you? ' •Vell, you loves dis vowan so goot as any voman you ve ever seen ?" " Yes," -answered the man. Then to the Womnain "Veil, do you love dis mano better as any man you have ever een ?" She hesitated a little, and he repeated: " Veil, vell, do you like him so vell as to be his yife ?" ." Yes, yes," she answered. " AWL dal ish all any reasonable man cam expect. So you aremarrit ; I pronounce you man and life." The man asked the justice •whet was to Pay. " Nothing at all, nothing at all; you are velconae to it if it vildo you any good." „ • A -n Apology for the Donkey. ar Litl4e Joke. Aft thCongress 1adjourned the other evening. Biefnerck punched Beacqnsfield plaefully in the ribs, as • the to sauntered . doWn Main street, and said : "1. O'S treaty ?" "No particular indieidual can claim it, my dear friend. The treaty belongs to all of us. It is the p oduct—" "Ob, vipe yoke shin said Bismarck, isaughi lannterstan ?" • and he r : Who's—treat-eh ? fellerif he vill lmf sm. up, See?" Beaconsfield tumble • behind a groc0!1 n&pen, exclaimed : "It's mina! is mine! Whet will you have 9" off ; -schootit !" g. Tont you lated very slow - treat ; say to a edings ; . set 'em I, and. step -Ping Recently, at a social gathering, Bishop Harris was invited to sing: He declined, but told the following incident as illustrative of his talent in that line: During his journey through Palestine, one evening, after he and Mr. Spencer, wholoccumed the tent with him, had,A gone to bed, the bishop began humming a tune of the olden time called New Durham, singing a verse ,of one of our fanalliar hymns. Before the yerse was finished, a donkey just outside of the tent brayed as only a donkey in the East can bray. While the hills of Ju- dealwere sending -back the echoes ef this most extraordinary and matiniely perform a.nee, the dragomain put his head inside the tent, and, apolegieing for his donkey, said " Ha ! yeti sing one tune he think he know." TT DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., 4--1e Surgeon Dentiat, Graduate of the -Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in new brick block, Main Street, • 1.11.tiZAL 1878 T H rta.MERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, •-1 Solicitors in Chancery,. &a., Goderich, Ont. M. Ca Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506 • This Depar large quantiti and hence I a 'W ILLIAM SMALL, 'Conveyancer. and Commie- , sioner in B. R., Wroxeter.. Auctioneer and Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected on reasonable terms, 866 BE SUGAR ' Dry Cru "ilaa L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in 'Chancery, &c., Goderich and Seaforth. Of - lice, over Jordan's Drug Store, Goderich, and -Kidd's Store, Seaforth. 354 TUALCOMSON & WATSON', Barristers, Attor- neys, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Clinton,. Out, Office—First door east . of the new Royal Comedian Bank building., Money to loan on farm property. S. MA.LCOAISON. 404 G. A. WATSON TEAS. In this art during a yea eCAUGHET & 110LMESTED,Barrieters,A.t. v-1-1 torneys at. Law, Solicitors in Chancery and fusolvency,1 ..;olairies Public and CenveYaneets Solieitorhfor the R. C.Bank, Seaforth. Agentaf or the kinada. ale Assurance Company, Bae -$30,000 to lend at 8 por cont. Firms !looses and Lots for sale. 58 i'Oi.A.RROW, MEYER & RADENIIIIRST, Barris - k -A torte Attorneys-at-Law,.Solicitors in Chancery, &col Private funds to loan at a low rate of inter - esti and en terms to suit borrowers. Mewl— Goderich and Winghs.m. Office in Langdale's building, opposite Scott's Bank. at. W. E. MEYER. J. T. GARROW. W. J. ItADENBUBST. 474 , H: W. C. Meyer, Solicitor .0onaolidatod Bank of Olinda, Winghain. • The Culinary Art There are a goodly number f people who talk about cooking as if it*ere some Eleusinian mystery, somethin& as diffi- cult to understand as the Cheat w tongue or Euclid's Analysis, and as h rd to ex- ecute as a Greek Slave. The speak of a good. cook as one would ma •vel at a bl if the un- ive reduce a fe you that su cooking, as t of them fro ature had no ft, or she w likewise. T ight mind ca y enough, if enough. It rful ac - iHe Represents, a Church. • "i Go to church these days, Robin- son ?" said Jones; wiping the perspira- • tion from his brow. • • "! Not exactly," said Robinson', watch- in,g1, the water trickle off the end of his node, "but I represent a church." ‘I Represent ?" said Jones, mopping the back' of his neck with his' bandanna, " represent ?" " Yes," said Robinson, hosting his sun umbrella; "yes, represent." " HOW ?" • " Perspire." 5ones hunted around for a Turkish bath to throw at Robinson, who said he believed a sun bath 'was 'dente goo 4 enbugh for him. • tie rose or a sea serpent ; as rse had only been able to w specimens. They will tel oh a person has a genius fo though it exonerated the re m failure, since evidently t elected them for that cr ou d have endowed them he 'ect is ,that anyone in her n ciok if she wants to ba tie incentive is strong is no such vonde ni lishmeut; it only requires atteia- on judgment and patiencij together it a good will towards th work in and, and an interest in the welfare of e household—and who wil aclmowl- age that she lacks these qua 'fications? ne cannot expect to turn o t a good, igestible dinner, and reed novel or ossip with a neighbor duringthe pro- ess. You cannotservetwo asters ; if ou attempt it, the -bread wil burn, the ice will catch, the steak • 1 "shrivel t aefruitless fire," the sour simmer way. If you are not interer sted in the usiness and don't care a fig ow it-suc- eeds, so that meals are serve d and pee - le fed, and you can wash yo hands of he whole concern; if you o ly cook as make shift—from hand to mouth, as t were, hoping the Fatea wi I interfere o-mortow and relieve you o a distaste- ul occimation—your gravy ill natur- lly be thin and lumpy and nseasoned, our bread sour, your cake eavY, your doughnuts will soak fat, your roasts will be overdone,and. your husba d will won- der why your pastry doesn't taste like his mother's. Cooking caun t be taken up an_ a by-play and. amusement, merely as we take up crochet, and any excel.- leuce be attained. One doe n't become an accomplished cook at the first essay; it requires many a failure, auy.a par- tial uccess, ma,ny a bliste upon the hands, many a trial of tem er. Youngl people go into the honae itehen and dabble in tea -cakes and tit nieries,and think they have mastered the noble art, ' when, iu truth, they are ignbrant of its E diments and believe that i the ability GO ti th 0 a Yo Jan Co C3 -:1i S . 1878 KIDIY8 'EMPORIUM. RO ERY DEPARTMENT rnent forns a very important branch of my General Business, the s which I mirchase enable in tn obtain the moat favorable terms, in a position to offer my cultomers ER‘ VALUE F9R LESS MONEY Tian any other Hoase in the Trade. • SUGARS. SUGARS. hed Sugar, 9 pounds for $L roken Loaf Sugar, 9 pounds for Si. English Refined Sugar, 10 pounds for Si. Porto Rico Sugar, 11 and 12 pounds for $L SPECI - TERMS FOR LARGER QUANTITIES. TEAS . • Ole I exc all others, and the;ilarge lots which I•handle and distribute are suffi "mit proofs that my Teas give immense satisfaction. ng Hyson, Moyune, and Pink Suie, from 38c. to 600. per pound. n Tea fraint 33&e. to 55e, per Pound. gou (Black) Tea, 55c., 75c. and 90c. per pound. SPECI.SLL TERMS FOR LARGER QUANTITIES'. TEAS. TOBA COS. I have al nENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Atter= y at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and instheney, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sea• forth and 13rusaels. $23,doo of Private Funds to invest:a once, at Eight pdacent. Interest,payable Keerly. 58 JAS. H. BENSON. , li. W. C. amnia. The above firm has this day been dissolved by minuet consent. hat aceohnts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 1876. I -Ai -hat a Grand. 'Waster Co-uld- n't Do. ere is Something take -n from the ad - to manufacture Charlotte -R •"- Peer," replied Bismarck, Ins face dress of Grand Master Luse ef Iowa : anee souffle is a r,ecommen hem -eine 'with good humor, " efry 4iPiPs Sta.tenient—We have an entered am- &do% cook, and. these are all JAMES H. BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. TOBACCOS. ays on hand a choice selection of this 'hewing %obacco, Best Brand, 40e. to moking Tobacco, Best Brands, -40c. to CIGA S. CIGARS. Just rec ved this week, 10,000 of those beautiful fragrant No. 1 Cigars, special- ly manufac ured for myself, and bearing my own name in GOLD LETTERS on each cigar NONE OTHER IS GENUIN-E—admittedly the fineet cigar offered for sale. otel eepers and others hiving in _large quantities liberally dealt with.11frOn y $3.25 pee -box. SOAP SOAPS -SOPS In this 1 ne I ani Certainly ahead of all other Houses, carrying no less than SIXTEE DIFFEBENT BRANDS. The leading ones are as follows : George• D. Morse & Co., Toronto, (Centennial Prize). A. Watts & Co. Brantferd. ' • Dobbins' Electric Soap, Philadelphia, S., --only agency in town. This is ndoubtedly the blest soap ever imported into the Dominion, and every Heusekee er should'use it. Several other Brands too numerous to mention. All retailed at the lowest retaunerative prices. CURRANTS, RICE, COFFEES, AND SYRUPS:AT PRICES TOBACCOS. "Favorite Weed." 60e. per pound. 80c. per pound. CIGARS FURNITU THE ''CHEA1) , Tit frmizes WAREROOMS, FORTH. ST FURNITURE IN COUNTY. ring a Large Stock of NEW om tbe best Factories Can- ed to sellatheaper than -any s I pay oath down and get a AM NOW Rece • FURNITURE ada, and I am enab one in the County, Large Diskant. - I CAN SELL: Six Sfjleridia C I or $1 -80< Six Chairs, Fano Turned Legs for $2. Six Chairs, Ent Good, for $2 BO. Six Chairs, the -erg Best, for $3 25. Boston Rockers, each, for Si lo. Nurse RoCkere, each, 90 cents. Board and Spinie Bedsteads, 4x4, 6 feet long, $250. Beautiful 7-D er reelection fronts, $1I—Other tis very low. Six Cane Chairs for $5. In Hair Cloth Chairs) Sofas, Loun- ges and ockers, I Cannot be unclersol. Baby Carriages d Spinning Wheels very low • Grv If you want to money. WAREROOMS ter's Mammoth Street, Seaforth. Cash for Hid Ings. Funerals &ea P. A J. McCOLL, Solicitor, dal., Ilrussels. Office -L-fl• • in Leckie's new brick building. 504-52 1 I G. LANE, Auctioneer and Appraiser for the -a- • County of Huron, also Coitaraiasion Mer - chat, McDougall'a Block, Wingharn. 545.4 rtjJ ONEY TO LEND—On terms more °Alvan- "L"L tageous than ever before offered. A. J. Me - cpm,, Solicitor, Brussels. 504-52 WHO WANTS MONEY 2—A. few thousand v dollars, private funds, for immediate invest- ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to JAMES it. BENSON, Solicitor, Seaforth. 598 JOHN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate Agent, Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estate in town or country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid off. Terms to suit berm/ere. Farillfs and village property for sale. Office— Leckie's new brick block, Brusselif, Ont. 615 rr0 THE PUBLIC.: -Read what ithe people say in regard to the Great Shoffhortees Remedy and Pills. Leri Jones, Markham, says: "1 had a very severe attack of bronchitis. I was so bad that I could hardly get my breath. I sought for a quick remedy, and seeing the " Sheshonees Remedy " eo highly recommended, I procured a bottle, and am happy to say that by the time it was taken I was entirely well, and hive remained so, although. I was much exposed through the w iu ter in travellinel Rev. F. 111.Stratton, Dem- 'orestvillo, writes: "1 have ound your re- medies particularly beneficial for liver complaint, dyspepsia and bronchial iffectiens, , and would 'advise all similarly affected to giae 0.ena a trial." one of my /eet got sore and broke ut: ' could John Finlayson, Athol, says: " iWIFn.trayelling not cure it, and had to return hdme. It became better and afterwards much work. I finally pur- chased a bot• le of the Remedy mad a box of Pills, and before they were half gone I commenced to improve, and before they were finished my foot was completely cured. It is now 17 months 'since, but have had no further attaek." Price of the Remedy in pint bottles, $1. .Pills, 25 cents a box. 522. • 1 • rHE-GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job Moses -L Periodical Pills—This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those p:inful and daugerou diseases to which th i female conetitu. • tion is subject. It moderates ell excess and re• . moves obtraotions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To ma, nod ladies, it ia peculiaily suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the. monthly pe- riod with regularit: . These pills should not be taken by Females daring the first three months of Pregrancy, as they are Bute to bring on Mis- carriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatliguo on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the lilakt, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a °ere when all other means have, failed; and, although ka powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00' and 124 cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont„ general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts, and R. Lumsden. 197 RAISIN Any q possible r 4 THE peer City Derrick. • - prentice mason iia.our lodge Who . isba splendid business man, wealthy, a but it is imposeible-for him to learn the P a leCtures ancl stand. the recmired exam- the simplest need not loos ination. . . !• though it lead up hill. • n 1Query---Can't you as Grand Master, all, if grant els a dispensation, authorizing us , "To sweep a romans by Go Makes that and the action,fi waiving the examinations ?` 1 . is it not a worthy thsk to tea tel confer the other degrees ;upon him, Answer --The Grand Master has how to employ the goods t p wer o do almost a.nvtliind except to te vide, that we may neithe fiirnish brains for cendidates, and he abuse them,but that theyn might o that if be bed them to spare; _ serve to the nourishment o -7-Bufli lo C077iMerciccl Advertiser.k I of which she will'be called body ? And. has not the co( !account ? . --A artoon by a local artist which is eithibit a iu the Beacon bookstore win- —Mr. Hodge, brother of Dr. Hodge, do*, h s attracted not a little attention. sMitchell, has entered into partnership • . It repr Bents John A. and Dr. Tupper . with Mi. MST ' , f th4t town, and in the act of flying a "-natio al policy" the already extensive bu •ness of the .Wte, the tailof which is c mposed- of 1 latter in the drug and che ical line will M: 0. amerou, Ma.cpherso ,and other ; be extended by the new ac uisition: I , way, but only fancy .wor there is no royal road. to co Living at Random. od citizen, and a number one fellow, a. 1 in much. traveled tur Living at random is not the way to live. success can never be obtained m this way. It is hard enough to obtain it with Creenlar plan, 'and then it mast be nksevered in. A g ,eat part of mau- 1 mill. are in -this positio 1, drifting about doing nothing. They are the useless portion ofl society; th y are found i11 • every neighborhood—in every.brencli of Industry* and professional life. They live in it, but they can hardly be said to hye by it. In morals it is the same; all is apt to be contradietoiar—because they have no systein, no objeCt - in life. Nothing is calculated on beforehand. Such Meneare never reliable ; you never seek there'. for an opinion—yen seldom hetet them. Fluctueting, .you , know not where to find. thena. Even on the Beane subject, they vary at 'different -me and or- ation of it ell in their Indeed, king; it is pike where the way, And, after 's laws e.e 11 ourselves e gods pro - waste nor ay best sub - brain ana k a mission, O render an • • ME A_ CALL rnith you house lor a little directly opposite M. R. Conn - Jewelry Establishment, Main Skiilsj 'Wool and WOpi JOHN S. PORTER,. on be in s. potation to fur:dish than any -one in the plate. ' THAT HUSBAND OF ,MINE" • Aka II his Machinery from L. 'MU 13= HY, SEAFORTH, AVII0 has asure in announcing to the v farming 1 c mnumity of Huron that he le selling the ery best tHAT CANNOME DISPUTED. entity of duction e, GOOD BUTTER • aird EGGS taken in Exchange, and e ery ade for cash at all times at the NEW CA.SH STORE. THOM-AS KIDD, Seaforth. Sewing lila Agricultura Int- CERIES AND PROVISIONS In That Old Grocery Stand, Post Office Building. CHEAPEST THE DESIGN OF BES4 GOODS THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAFORTS. plement and M-usical In$tru- ments.i Mr. lifurphyks favorite machine is the Singer; which is the be in. the market, having carried on ant boner at the Centennial and, Sydney Exhibitions. Farmer's wiehing to purehase any of the above would consult their own intereets by apnlying to 'Mr. Murphy fill, as he eau do better for ahem than any other tb.e trade. Sewing Machine and other repairs always on hand at hisigarereetne, Goderich street. 518 L. IdURI'llY, Seaforth. THE CH 1E P FAMILY GROCERY. . MABEE Begs to infer n his friends and the public that he has on hen 1 one of tlie NICEST and FRESH- EST Stocks of Groceries in -town, and as he selhs for Cash, he GIHIEAP, HOUSE IN TOWN NOW. THE PROPRIETOR OF THIS TO FURNISH THE And in no eke TO HOTE Buying Ties and Ge ESTABLISHMENT IS FOR THE PRICE, • Giving his p who do not a tercet to who ahasers the benefit of what others PO lose in bail debts and pay in ba- sal° men. FLOUR AND 'FEEL) Always on hand. Goods delivered lu town free of charge. Remember the etand, opposite the Commercial Hotel, in the FRAME BLOCK. , 311.A.131{1B. THE VicTOR SEED WHEAT. puz nude signed. is now prepared to take orders ft) any quantity of the above variety a Wheat for fa seeding. Samples tetu be eeenon • application. Attention is directed to the follow- ing Certilical e from Mr James Coates, Illbbert. 1 WILLIAM BEHILL, Seaforth. t1.16 rrIIIS IS 0 CERTIFY that I procured from -I- Mr. Rehill, of Seaforth, a quantity a Victor Seed W, heat. which I sowed last fall. The 'wheat has aimed out a splendid trop; the grain being plum and bright, and the straw strong, clear, and rfectly free from rust. It will yield twelve bus els to the acre raore than seneea -.facet ha growing alongeide of it the mike field. I cei heartily recennuleAndisiiut tsoemoyAbTroztsher. fannEliberbert,; july 80, 3878. 656-8 CENT AL EXHIBITION, IBM to allow deception as to the Quality of the Article sold, or in Weights. 'rill, )3E REIRI'IN THE KEEPERS FAMILIES G{IIAN GERS 1 -TOWN OF GUELPH, AND OTHERS ' On Se teraber 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th, s 1 G merles in Quantities, I would say, Call and Compare Quality I and Pricra before purehaeing elsewhere, as 1 can't be beat. Flour, 4fill Fe d, Corn and Oat Meal, Granulated Wheat, Graham Flour, altl Pot toes always kept in stock, and sold at Bottom Prices. - Farm Produce Taken} iii JrXCIlline. WILLIAM McNAUGUTON begs to inform the business men of Seaforth and the travel- ing public that he has parchked the Livery Business and Stock of Messrs. Carnochan & Abell, and will do all in his power to retain the reputation which this favorite establishment has secured. He will keep only good driving and re- liable horses, and his carriages will be kept clean and in good order. Calls, night or day, will be promptly attended to. PIO.NIC AND WEDDING PARTIES Liberally Dealt with. Terms Reasonable. All orders left at the Com- mercial Hotel or at the office -vrill receive prompt attention. Office and Stables on Market Street, opposite T. Kidd's Store. 544 WM. 5.1eN AUGHT ON , Proprietor, D. D. ROSE, Family Grocer. IMPORTANTD TO THE LADIES. WOUL McINTYRE & WILLIS RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TEAT THEY HAVE nJST RE- CEIVED FROM S. D. SOLLERS & CO., OF PHILADELPHIA, A .Complete Assortment of iInfants' and Children's Boots and Shoes and Slppers zn Colors and Black. . , 5 Gare the Finest and Best in America, S. D. Sellers & Co: obtaining the Gold Medal These oods • and Diploma over all competitors at the Centenuial. i We have also on hand a nice assortment of LADIES' SHOES, in Tie and Batton:4 very cheap: We are the only firm west of Toronto who keep these Go da. They require to be seen to be appreciat!;id. , • cINTiRt & N IL IVILIS, H. SEAFORT SPIECTACLES. .SP OTACLES. c ll at M. R. C OUR T.4111l'S J welry ,Store and get ior Sight tested with L. Blac c & Co.'s Patent Ind ator—can fit you the first tri,6l. A Full Line of k5ipectacles from, Twenty -Five Cents to Twelve Dol- lars per pair. A Case Given with Every Pair. M. R. COUNTE—R -2—CSEAFIRTH, ONT. ...A.111:),. PS. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt« y attended to. 479 D.8. c.A.m.rBELL, .....meses414=M11* GR .S. STARK, OERY STORE, BOOT 4D SHOE SHOP, AUCTION ROOMS, LAND AGENI, CONVEYANCER, &C. EAFORTH. • OPEN TO ALL. $ TINRIZE 141STS aridEntry Papers can be had at tltej Secretary's Mee, Guelph, and also from the cretaries of other Societies through- out the Poviuco. Parties not receiving their entry tick ts prior to the show, will find them at the Sec etary's Office. The several eauwasi will carr Y reight and liapeengere to and from the Exhibitidn at single fare. i W. WIIITELAW, President. G. MURT N, Secretary. 1 Guelpl, ugust 1st; 1878. 558-4 HURON LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATilii I --- • FALL SALE. TF aeu1aiiOflt number of entries are received, it -5- Is the intention of the above association to hold a ;1 11 sale, at the town of Clinton, be- tween the 15th a fi nd 22rid of October. Entries for the ip oposed sale must he made with the Secretarly not later than - TUES AY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 1878. ENV:4i CB Fe.n.—Iforfiet, Mares and Bulb, $2 eacit'; ICOWB, $1 each ; rams and pigs, 50 cents each; Eles, 50e per pair. M, 11 MeJ,F,AN, Seaforth, Secretary, • i•TorriO TO GPANGERS, FARMENS A.ND OTHERS A S TOT occupy the attention of all, these -L-L bar 11 times the tubecriber is determined to rue estu tab( e "blyd ofito re rii nn ge hg,,o, o.sat itiabceh.lolineonawlingock,ratei" not; 12 foot Bemlock. at $7 00 per thousand ; 14 1001.. , 1eu1f,lat $7 10, forCash. All orders over 4,1308 : 1 5ptiecr nt. -discount. Call ana see if you lieu% . get wot isteuusoverPrt43senteali Bokimouths will be cha4, rg- 4,1) coo 1 8 PThereeeill 'scriber thanka his numerous etude:mei*, ; for their liberal support, and BOliCliff 4 tOiltilin. , auk of their favor's. JOHN THOMPSON< 438 Steam Saw Mills, lieFiliop. ; DICESTPIE FLUID. PDERS NS Srtffering from Dysperda Are tent- - ed , y Pepsine in -various forms to cure that I danger° s disease. It is not a want of Pepsins . but SA dxceas of acid that okasiorie ludigeefien. • Biagi Digeittiwe Plaid has never I failed to relieve 'or cure the worst case of head - images of the heart, kidney cliseaseea And them avhich. -oxigintite Indig A L rge Stock of Boots and Shoes and Groceries Just Arriving. Milli axnelinel be sld on very sma2l ne,w stock. The ,Subscriber invites his Soldlily all Druggists. Pak so eon old rends and new ones to give him, a call. He has engaged Mr. Johnt Scot to attend -to the shoe shop, will make and repair work to order. Old Arccounte must be paid at Once, as the subscriber needs money. .Fairm R. BRETTi BEIXOUTII, laraltrat suit " and Town 1roperty for sale. Give me a Call anc1.1 will .do the best 1liwu°siti*soalzesurnmdlletmis axvery itesedrum can for y I?ernember the Place, Stark's Block. None hut the Very Best Stock kept. Tana • SAM u EL STAR I K SEAFORTH moderate, ATrial Solicited; AU orderiby or otherwise promptly filled. , R. N. BRETT, 0.6t