HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-08-23, Page 116, 1878. • e name of George, le was recognized as, on the road, and it d before to, get off Hewas remaid irieria$ 601-11a. be 7ong, aged 14, it pupil:, loot, passed creditab- :Elimination. for third, LS -young laa deserves as does also the alinei1 him so euccesse 'pine, of St. Marys, e months trip to Brit- t party given by the .egation, in h000r of ,its departure, the sum 1 for thebenefit of the y committee in Lis - tied the time ler re- m the old graVe yard_ the town till the lath Eter ,evhich, all I bodies be taken to the cerr- iu ma° general grave. he Christopherson, of fle on a trip 'to the I,. where he intends to -ts for the benefit of his irr,. Ford, stiadent of gical 'College, has been • hiS plate during his; tonging to Mr. James, Oreou, fell dead svhile - ached to a buggy, along of the shafts of the slied, and Mr. Kemp ee difficulty in clisen- el animal from the con - ham at the Anderson ased se much that Mr. iector, desires the true- , second teacher. Two cippose this, while the EIV, Terry wisely thinks t the Inspector amnia be -Currie has sold out his e oatmeal and grain 4e11, and intends malt - a Colorado, where he is Mrs. Currie. He in- to Mitchell in, a few ,le up his affairs, after nove out west with his ()liver, tat 17, concession L1 two barns Isurnt by ng a thunder storm on at., about 3 a. rm. There Lif fall wheat, 10 acres of :ons of hay and several the barns, all of which :d. Mr. Oliver's loss is nsured for 5/„000. lately a man named * ing near Milverton, had a from poisoeine. He was, .a, neighbor to &ink a tea certaiia wild herb which ed to him to be highly ace the consequence. At - without any serious re - case certainly conveys an ;SKI. the bodies from the grave - ug the old Catholic church hove been, removed to the The old church building for some time used as a :am torn down, and a haude . ick school is being erected The main part of the old built forty years ago, when Ls in its infamy. Electors of North Huron- F,MEN : Mr. Farrow wanted ;ailed to prove twenty false- - iy last Cireular. What did That the word " County " aserted in the Sixth. Resolm is words of Ministers in the n. Did he deny that the were adopted in the House? a sitting there, and therefore iem ? ThatIthey added $300, - annual expenditure, making Leif millions of dollars paid e last five years as INCREASES aeries already existing? Her out of these facts. I te- e truly, WILLIAM SLOAN. p INT -CT 1\17 3:EM-ANNUAL/ .10ANG. SALE. 1 -EOR - REE WEEKS MCDOUGALL., & Reduotion in every De -- [mutant. a.larloe of this Season's ck Must be Sold. [asses of Goods Marked wn in Price. _ - Humbug, but a Ro- b t we advertise a Clearing Ie. We Mean it. Mad Examine for Yoursel- ,, e ember the Next Three Weeks at CDOUGALL &O0,. - OF THE THREE SEVENS. hest Price Paid for Firtilt-- Glass Butter. a - ELEVENTH YkiAR. WHPLE NUMBER, REAL ESTATE FOR SA E. - F°' SALE.-Fer` Salo a first class Planing Mill, nearly "IOW, and in good runni g order, situated in the fioUrishing Town of eaforth, Will be sold cheap. Terms easy. E quire of SBCORD, COSSENS & CO., Go1erie1, 1 at. VARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, a sple J of 100 acres, composed of Lot No. 12th. concession of • the •Township ' o Terms easy. Apply to OFT4ItLES M Box a, Clinton P. 0. IN McKILLOP FOR SALE. Lot 7, Con. 12, containing 100 acre cleared and well fenced ; frame bank b young orchard ; soil clay loam possess- time- price 6' 5,000. Apply to A. STR for.th V Ed farm 1, in the Hullett. ORROW, 553 ---- -- or Sale, ,60 acres rn ; good n at any NG, Sea - 543 sale a 50 Countyof once we OR SALE. -The subscriber has fo sore lot in the townshiai of McKillop /Enron 20 acres are cleared. and the b tiro.bered with. -beech and maTimaple. T property 6, will be sold cheap. Apply to JAS. H.' BENSON, 517 Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont. • -GURU FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 0. 5, Bay- -V field, Concession, (Wench Tov.-ship, eon- taining,24%aeres 50 of whieh are clean and in a good state of cultivation. Tholarm i adioining -the village of Bayfield, and will be sold cheap and on favorable terms. Apply to the proprietor, JOHN -U GONLOCK. 524 VOR SALE CHEAP. -As the owner the Country. a House end Lot in of Harpurhey. Frame dwelling, wit a largo garden filled with frnit trees criptions ; good well and cellar. App R. WINNE, on the premises, or to AL Land Agent, Seatorth. is leaving the viUage 6 rooms; f all des - y to THOS. STRONG, 551 Tib Tho , .announce the far-fanied Richardson, of Yarrow, Scotian July last at the read with path many, not only in Canada and t Richardson wit pier's forrester, widow, with's f aughters Ne er hasbancl sovinge in the e ection of a cottage be- tween 'St. Mary' Loch and the Loch of the Lowes, and bn his death -bed, two years later, he lamented that theinoney would be iarttia, y lost to •his family. .1. "Little did he ken," said his widow, "that the hous was to be bread to his bairns and m&" The late Robert Chambers, while collecting materials for his " Picture of Scotland," visited the Vales of Yarrow and Ettrick, So rich in traditionary lore and in ballad and song, and took. up his residence for a few days in Tibbie's cottage. When the work appeared it contained a glow- ing panegyric agreeable co , FARM FOR SALE.-13eing north alt of Lot Sim the 5th Concession, East Wawanosh, 100 acres, good SOH, well watered, good frame barn 5636, good stable and shed 1826, 85 acres cleared, good house and orchard, g od well and pump. Apply to JAMES MUR AY, on the place, or to Westfield. P. O. 55416 CIHOICE FAkt11 FOR SALE -B 1-/ Con. 7 Hallett, County of Huron ;1U1) acres; ingLot 4; SQ cleared, well underdrained, and of cultivation ;, buildings (wave en ' terms easy. For further part co Messrs. McCAUGHEY &HOLME.'T I:or on the prerniet aes to w. E. COL stance P. O. - - - - VALUABLE' FARM FOR SAL the east half of Lot No. 4, Con Tuckersmith, County of Huron, con acres, 31 miles from the Town of convenient to sehool. The land best quality. For further particn ars apply to JAMBS PICKA,RD, opposite the pr raises, or to Egmondville P.. 0. - 524 H• - --- OTEL FOR SALE Oft TO Hotel known as the Railway 71 the Clyde Hetet, sitnated near Bin Is a first-olass business stand; with land and. a good frame stable and s al of which jam in good repair. ur • liberal. For Ifther particulars F. KING, Blunaile P. 0. a good state and good; rs apply to 'D, Seaforth, WELL. Con - 555 Sale, 4, 1.1. R. S., isting of 50 eaforth, and of the very ie Shiel. eat of the death of ibbie Shiel," or Mrs. St. Mary's Cottage, , who died on. the 23rd real age of 96, will be tic interest by very n Great Britain, but ci United States. Mrs. married to Lord Na - and was early left a Mr. Bernard ' Devlin, M. P. is clam- mily. of six sons and. gerously ill. The very gravestfears are rly sixty-six 'yeaa's ago entertained for his life. His disease is ad.' invested _his little effusion of blood. in the hinge. -The Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation of Quebec are about to com- mence the erection of a new building, which is to cost from $28,000 to $30,- 000. -Mr. Fred. C. Mercer, of Winnipeg, hos imported nine Cashmere goats from Wisconsin. Mr. Mercer intends to test whether these animals may be advan- tageously raised in Manitoba, -Mr. James Davison has been trans- ferred from Whitby High School to take the place of Mr. Somerville, who re- cently left the High School in Guelph to become a Public School Inspector in the County of Perth. 1' -Hon. David Christie, M. P., is about tp retire from farroing, and. offers his estate in the township of Brantford for sale: It comprises 540 acres of land, situate 5 miles from Brantford and 2t- from Paris. -In Guelph, the other day, sixty cents per bushel were refused for bar- ley, the owner preferring to take • it home with him rather than sell at those figures. Seventy-five cents was offered. for new barley. • -Mr, Joseph Longmore, of the 7th concessionofErnesttown, plucked a single root of Oats from which spring thirty-one stems 1 the heads of which contain 3n grains of oats, or in all 11,- SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 18 crowd. RaM closed the day's proceed- ings earlier than was intended. There was a ball in the Windsor Town Hall in the evening. Canada. A few days ago, one Mennonite I brought into Winnipeg four hundred dozen. eggs, and two others one hundred. den each. FARM FOR SALE. --For Sale, L steered awl free from stumps. •.cilA re is a frame dwelling house with stone cellar un erneath, also frea:oe barn and stable. -Plenty of .00d water and arnalforchard. Is within six-tanl-it-half miles eaforth: Ap- 1:Collett, eonta,ining 100 acres, 8 ENT. -The se, formerly vale station. one acre of ed attached, Terms very pply to WM. 551 _ t 14, Con. 7, of which are of Minton land about 9 miles from ply at THE EXPOSITOR Office; S VALUABLE FARM FOB, SAL Lot 29, Con. 8, Hibbert, contai 85 of which aro cleared and free there is a log dwelling house, a go and stables, plenty of water and a is within 7? Miles of Seaforth. 1 ticulars apply on the premises t HART, or by letter to Seaforth P. * pROPERTY FOR SALE. -For S Con. 16, Grey, 100 acres, 16 me excellent lot. West half of north 29, Con. 6, Morris, adVioing the V sels, 50 acres, 83 acres cleared, che - maohinery complete thereon. F lots, and a large number of vacant 1 iall the property of the un.dersigne berof improved farms, the propertHN ties. JOLECKIE. Brussels. n her " halesome and try fare" and the ex- treme moderat on of her charges ; ancl in the following season th.e miStress of "this coinfortable little mansion" could not make room for one half the visitors who came to prove her hospitality. From that time onward, more than fifty years ago, Tibhie Shiers hostelry has been thronged every season by tourists, sportsmen, aaglers., poets and painters, historians and novelists, to say nothing of peers and politicians from every district of the country and almost every quarter of the globe. It was the " howff " of James Hogg, the ,Ettrick Shepherd, whom • Tibbie• 1" served " when she was a ...lassie, a,nd. men -1e was coming six. It .is stated. that Mr. Forbes had. been offered_ not long sioce 52,500 for the animal, and refused, -The Credit Valley Railway is to be pushed forward rapidly, and -will be finished without fail in the course of a few menths. -Kern's organ factory in Wood- stock was completely destroyed by fire last -week. The loss is estimated at nearly '$6,000. Insurance $2,000. The eldest son of Mr. A. Northcote, Caraaoc, was attacked by a bull, which he -wee leading, and hooked in the arm and somewhat injured in otherrespects. -Mr. George Markle, of Blenheim, threshed his wheat crop off -eleven acres the other day, the yield tolling up to the handsome figure of 440 bushels, or exactly 40 bushels to the acre. 'whom, at his own request, she attend- 842 grains, the product of one seed. ed on his deathbed.. '7 He was a gey --a-Brie W. R. 1 Trimble, formerly of sensible man," she said., " for a' the the Brantford lExposilor, now located. nonsense that he wrat." Here Chris- as a farmer nearj Peublo, in Colorado, promises to give 1 in his next letter to the Expositor frojin Colorado, one hun- dred and sevent -seven reasons why he don't like the co mtry. -Th.e Campb lls of the Province of at Quebeo have ieceived favorably the the proposition for a "clan gathering" Hot greet the Marquis of Lorne and. his left lady on their arrival in Canada. It is nies cting aforth. 528 _ o -For Sale, ing 100 acres, rom stumps; d frame barn ood orchard; or further par- WM. ABER- 542 - Lot No. 14, es cleared -an all of Lot No. age of Brus- se factory and or houses and to in Brussels, Also a nuin- of other par - 515 VA.101 FOR SALE. -That well- nowu and. llne ly situated farm, Lot 1, Con. 1 Hallett, in the County of Huron, containiu 10 acres, 90 of which are cleared; there are two frame dv,-elliug houses, barn, horse stable, cow sta, le, sheep -house and chivingliouse ; also orchard a water. The farm is situated two• Town of Sealorth, on the Huron particulars, apply to MeCAUGI . STED„ Seatorth., or to SIMON -Y McKillop, con- ( .": tor, on the remisesy. ---- - ' -----, . ALUAB E FABM FOP. SAL .-,-For Sale the west half f Lot 27, Con. , Wein 50 acre , known, as the Degle estate. This iwithin one mile fermis sitnatee id a quarter of. Seaford!. The land is of the hoieest quality.. There is a handsome residence a$1 good. outbuild- ings. The fermis woU planted vi th fruit and or- d abundance of miles from the 'Road. For full Y & HOLME- UNG, proprie- 553-4x topher North wa,s wont to resort for summer lodgings along . with his family varying hi § fishing in St. Mary's Loch and the llegget with excursions to "dark Loch Skene,"- or to Drvhope Tower and Douglos Blip, Tashielaet and Ita, kleburn-all famous in tradi- tion aua song. And most renowned of all to this neighborhood c " Great Ma.abician " himself, th of " Waverly" and of " Marini regular y brought his English inoludibg Joanna Baillie, Sir Humphrey Davy, and Wordsworth, and other writcrs of European fame, to visit "lone St. Mary's silent lake," and who has described its scenery and 'troditions' in strains that will last as long as our lan- guage.' All these distinguished • men, and many more of their Class, especially Drs..0li almers and Guthriea knew and respecied Tibbie Shiel, and took a kincllyiinterest in her welfare. Chris- topher' North made her snug little "kitchen parlor" the scene of cine, of his finest " Noctes," in which he and Tickler and. the Ettrick Shepherd vie with mach other in their descriptions of " Tilabm's cosy bield," evhich. the Shep- herd. compares to a "bit wren's nest," North to an " ant -hill," and Tickler to a "bee -hive," illustrating their several figuret with a profusion of imaginative likenesses graphically descriptive of Tibbio's modest dwelling, and highly complimentary to the character and in- austrY of its inmates. There are some -On the afternoon of Thursday, 15th. touching allusions also in the " Noctes to her domestic histor and trials. The The $hepherd. expressp3 his hope that six persons, was struck by a squall inst., a boat from Dundas, containing Ilya and, lie is " could in the moots," his when about one-third of a miie from when! Ins last sour as been written, Oaklands, and one of the youpg- ladies, friends and admirers wiTherect a " bit im-.; Was drowned. monument to his memory " on some i'ss minnie cceileY' quiet spot foment Tibbio's dwelling, and. ere, sure enough, a characteristic stattte of the rustic bard now stands at P10 the author n,". who visitors, namentaI trees,' is in excellent towed.. It is admirably euitedf ; 4eraan„ a dairy -man; or market easy. This property must be sol te A. STRONG, Seaforth. VABM FOR SALE. -For Sale, McKillop, containing 50 acre , cleared and. well improved ; ther lugs and good. fences; there is chard and.plenty of water ; the be sold with the farm ; it is 2 in 12from Seaforth and 8 from B gra.vel road leading to each place excellez building tizu.ber and saw logs for sale. Apply to Walton I'. 0. or to the iroprictor on the promises. JAMES CAMPBEL 547-1x - . *ITALUAIRT,I; FARM F011 S LE. -For Sale, v Lot 111, Con. 8, II. R. S., t, uckersmith, con- taining 1110 acres, 90 of which. a, e cleared and in well underdrain- odd bush. Good les ; Wellwatered, situated about '5 'eld, and 31 from all other convoni- apply to DAVID to Egmondville - 548 order, and well r a retired gen- ardener. Terms at once. Apply 589 Lot 15, Con. 14, , , 45 of which are are fair build - good young or - rowing orops will es from Walton, ssels, with good Also a quantity a good st te of cultivation,bena ed, axe • alauce is good hard stone hoase, frame barn and sta, and good bearing orchar I miles from Seaforth- and Kippen. School close by, and . maces. For further paiticular ,b1001lE, on the premises, o lop, 5 froze. Se FOR SALE. -Lot 271, Con. 12; MeKil- , acres, on NIrthern GtaveliBoad, 8 miles - forth; frame buildings end orchard. West half Lot 29, Con. 9, Mel 50 aeres, 40 orchard ; 5 miles South half of Lot 25 cleared, frame Con.- 8, H. R. 8., cleared, orchard, - running through rth. :Apply to A. 543 't -The Free Press Battleford special announces that the first issue of the Saskatchewan Herald, the first paper, in the. Northwest Territories', was struc. off on tbe 17th inst. -he Corporation of Welland. have decided to consolidate the indebtedness of the town, and a by-law for the pur- pose Of raising a loan of $20,000 was carried' by. a majority of the rate- , payers. -Mr. Wm. Abbot, of Gladstone, townehip of Dorchester, harvested 450 bushels of fall wheat .of the peott variety off ten acres, or egnal to 45 buehels per acre. The quallty was good. i,100. -A- valaable hose belonging to Wm. McEne struck by lig dead ih the fie -Mr. Isaac gin, dropped d. Wednesday aft cause is supp disease. Dece est settlers i death is much -Minto toe Bruce, boasts of gravel,road mile, and gra the railways p Mg to $80,00 according to only 513,670 exceeded 13 ills in any year. -A circus sited Arkona last week, and with it t e jusual three-card.monte and wheel of ortune men. The latter received good. atronage is well as the former. A f -w, grey -headed. men who have returne 'to their second child- hood. seethed to imagine they -were angele o ercy going around. the country vin -eavay good money. One poor dupe fo na out his mistake to the tune of $132 the usual tale, refusing cheap advice and buying dear expern -A little six-year-old son of Capt. McMaugh, Propeller Dominion, wee lost overboard when off Lona Point, on the night of the 1.5th inst., wbhile they were at sea. Nothing was seen of the and. after falling overboard. -The water has fallen, and opera- tion e on tb_e Assiniboine rapids, • three -miles west of Winnipeg, have been re- samed by the Government. The con- tractor for ties for the Pembina branch is bringing in large quantities from Lake Winnipeg, -4 few daysi since a horse andbuggy -were stolen from the premises of Mr. M. B. Lawrason, St. George. Word was sent to Chief of Police Williams, London, and. last Friday evening property was found at Wilson's el, London East, where it bad been by the thief. -On Saturday, 10th inst. the in- matee of the poor -house, at. inst., wee 'startled by the sudden death of one of the inmates, James Touns, -who, while in the act of singing "Hold the Fort," for the edification of his com- panions, suddenly sank back and died almost without a struggle. -Some thirty-five of the more tract- able patientsatthe Lunatic Asylum in -London were sent to attend Cole's cir- cus on Friday afternton. This is in ac- cordance with the system of treatment adopted by -Dr. Bucke, the theory of Which is that amusement is more required than medicine. -,-William Chamberlain, the butcher, who so- mysteriously. disappeared from Orangeville a short time ago was arrest- ed on Saturday last, and -placed in Chatham on a charge of stealing fpur head of cattle. He was afterwards bre-110U to Brampton, where he will re - of Esquesing, was fling, and. was found. d next morning. • adcock, Of Mount El - ad in the harvest field on rnoon of last -week. The sea to have been heart sed was one of the old - that' section, and his regretted. nohip, in the County of f havipa built 14 miles at a cost of $8,000 per tea bonuses to each of seing throughit arammt- . Its indebtedness is the last auditors report, d. its taxes have never 10 said railway. and steamboat cons are being communicated with resp return tickets. • -The mysterious murder of a inept citizen of Ottawa county, ten years ago, is about to be brou light by the voluntary informatio -women, who bas produced th rom- some ht to of a gold -watch and chain which was in t e pos- session. of Mr. Andrew Leanly, the mur- dered. man: -William. Mayer, a sectiOn 131511. the Northern Railway, was knocked Clown by a passing trona, the wheels go- ing over his left leg and arm, and caus- ing such inj tines that he. died .011 Thurs- day morning of last week in tenible agony at the general hospital. He leaves a wife and. family. -Before the Guelph Police Magis- trate, a few Clays ago, Robert Hazzard, of lot 14, concession 1, Luther, was ac - main until the assizesto answer another cused by Collector .McLeais of having 031.00. -One afte -noon during hdrvest ten or twelve y ung business men and mechanics Woodville, each armed with a rake ndapoir of binding gloves, drove to the arm of Mr. Richard Wal - ten, two tin e§ west of the village, and before retui ing bound about six acres of grain and drew in a few loads to his barn. Mr. alters had. the misfortune to break his lea a short time ago, and° was conseq enbtly una,ble to attbend to his harvest, mice the praiseworthy act of the youn men. . -The wif of Richard Goodenough, a farmer in he vicinity of Newtonville, disappeared at four o'clock on Monday morning las week, and after protracted search was ound sitting upon a log in' ' a wood abo t a mile from her home. When appr ached ,she appeared wild,. and made a desperate effort to ' escape, but she wa caught and carried. home. A quantity •f provision Procured at a neighbor's eller was found iu her pos- session. 'T e death of a favorite child is the supp sed cause of this conduct. -A. you g lady in Fredericton, N. B., had a neer w escape from drowning on Tuesday la t. She fell over a wheal, ana had tu k a third time, and lay on the botto of the river, when a Mr. wn a pole, and fortunately . She describes her sense, - unpleasant ; could distinct - people on the wharf, and hy they did not assist her; Ie corning down, and imag- immense 'size and length; t it touched her she clasped she could ha.ve climbed to on it. Mr. Orr says she e pole like a squirrel. alt Reporter says: Harvest are now pretty generally can- ine neighborhood, a few faelds a all that is now left to take 0 e whole, fall wheat, where as turned but as well as ex - hough the sample is not as at of last year. Yr. John D. st Dumfries, lately threshed 5 twelve -acre field of Claw - obtaining therefrom a yield bels to the acre. We have teral other farmers who have pm 25 to 35 bushels to the e George Atken, of South threshebd a day or two ago ; yield • of 33 bushels to the . Wm. Little, of South Dum- also threshed, and report has got 43 bushels to the acre, looks a little large. Spring ever, are generally light, and eil any means come up to th as formed of them in the earl el season. aturday evening, 10th hist , ng over a bridge on the 4t of Beverly, the steam engin . George Wham for running hing machine broke through e. The horses were aoross th,e en it broke, but the weight of e dragged them hookas -lid ri,s y fell with it, landing eventu- p of it and laying there after is reached the bottom of the oI which it fell. Lying there, the poo 1 animals in their struggles kicked a ay 'the steam connections and ceased t1' StpaM to escape; scalding them to a frightful extent. The driver jumped e the engine went through the bridge aiad escaped. As soon as 1pas- Bible a,ft rt the accident assistance was rendered11 and the horses extricated; but the ffects of the scalding are. sueh that it is barely possible the poor ani- mals caii ive. On Itionday the eugine 1 ag s s ge °I. it °Ii should. h 40() an' sone of i Win 1 efor e ciler the IR 00 • MCLEAN BROS., Publishers. 1 $1.50 a Year, in Advance. , factethat there was a company or two of the old. Royal Canadian Rifles sta- tioned here at the time. The first church was erected in 1868, since -which time the congregation has rapidly in- creased, until now, whell the original structure, even with two a,dditions, is inadequate to accommodate the flour- ishing congregation. The total cost of the buildina including spire, will be about 423.,tio. - -The Corporation of the villa,ge of Yorkville have settled with Mrs. Mc- Tiggart, Widow of the' late Neil Mc- Taggart, the cabman who was killed by the collapsing of the linage over the Don some weeks ago. The matter hay - Mg been referred. to Mr. Severn, Hon. Frank 'Smith, and. Mr. Buokley, of Yorkville, as arbitrators, they fixed the dainEiges to the cab, horses, and. har- ness, and loss in respect of tine at 5925, and the amount to be paid to the the coat on again and lay down be- tween two of his companions, both of whom, dmang thetoesings and tumbling caused. by heat- mid mosquitoes, became as well grased as himself, -while the fourth, theugh. he escaped, tmbuttered, had. his trpuser legs covered with sperm from the candle which toppled side- ways du ing th'e ni,ght, ana melted vbile t at position. Perth Items. 11.r. Alfred Standen, of Gananoque has Men engaged. as English master in the Stratford High School, at a salary d!--61° y'oting man, named. Frank Van- dusen, frem Wooastock, got one of ltie legs brok n at the ankle by the fall of a scaffold • Listowel the other day. -Som evil-dieposea person has re- cently att tilated with an axe or some other eh rp instrument, a number of witlo-w as solatium $1,000. Mrs. shade tr es on some of the streets in McTaggart has been paid the 51,0013, Stratford. and. the 1925 has also been paid. to Mr. -The supposed counterfeiters who Jordan, the owner of the cab, escaped the vigilance of the Listowel -On Tuesday, 13th inst., accident peileemaa last winter, have been. cap- tured, ft d await their trial in Stratford into serious in its nature,' occurred to a young man named EL Bell, a son of jail -We understand that Mr. James Mr. A. Bell, postmaster Nairn.. It 1 appears that the individu referred to i Thom, Of Mitchell, has sold. his store, resides in the township of Niagara and St present occupied. by himself, tO Mr Was on his •way home to visit his W. Colwell, and is to give up possession Orr put d touched he tions as 710 ly see the wondered sa,w the p ined it of the rnorne it, and say the moon c.ame up t ---The operations eluded in of oats bei in. - On t threshed pected, al good as t charge of cattle stealing in Esquesing. Moore, W distilling apparatus upon his preTises. _as .7 -On Thursday of last week Messrs. the; crop He was pronounced guilty, an w Hood, Goodfellow, Head, McKenzie and sonwheat fined 5200 and 417.55 costs. Illicit dis- Iltarn, a Toronto cattle export firm, of -137 bu tilling is thus shown to be a hazardous • shipped to 'Great Britain per the Grand heard of business in. this country. " Tirunk, 1,500 Leicester and Cotstvold obtained sheep, and 640 grade Durhaans. These acre. M animals were bred in Wellington Dumfries Cpunty, said to be the chief locality of and got Ontario'for shorthorns and pure -blood- acre. IYI ed stock of all breeds. fries, has -The "banks .and braes " of the it that h "bonnie Doon " dam, in Waterloo, have but this lately been a great resort for fiShermen, crops, ho who have landed from the waters there- will not ofiscores of fitie bass. Those fish must expectati have got into the dam when. it broke part of t away ten years ago, leaving a free -On course to the river, as up to the last while dri twe or three years no one walla ever concessi have thought of catching blackbass out used by of the Doon dad. Of late, however,. his thre hundreds of fine fish have been taken the brid therefrom. bridge -The weed. called " Daisy ,' and in the elate French " Marguerite," is said to be it 'fell th alarmingly prevalent, and choking out ally on t all the hay crop in the vicinity of Que- the engi bec. It is also prevalent in some parts creek in of the eastern townships. The pla,nt is. §o prolific of seed and rapid of growth that tvhen it gets into a field it soon spreads all oyer it, and still continues The boat rolled. over six times. T e survivors were taken off the bottom of the boat by two men who were sent out the foot of Chapelhope Hill, looking M a life -boat from the steamer "Prince right across to the hostelry which he mthur'. delighted:to visit, with -St: Mary's Loch -Justice Bradley, of -Emerson, seems and. Bourhope, and the Mereeleuchhead determined to put a stop to fighting in bar -rooms. Two cases came before, cleared, frame haat:Imp, goo' from, Se forth, on gravel road. 20, Cen. 12, MeKillop, 50 acres, bam„ sp mild. -timber.. Lot 1' Tuckers! kb, 100 acres, 75 acr. .Ifror and spring. cree lan ; miles from Seal STRON „ Seaforth. FOR SALE IN BEL1CORE House -and Store with ,over half au acre of first-class. o_arden. cogroaauchdhi, well stocked and in g •.od. order. Stable, taW1S •'OUSCI and run for is !man store is year • t tulle .,)1dal mse„ wood -shed, hen-: I fenced, air very cony ed for two. families, ented to a respectabl e, other part with t s is equally valuable. • Mout. The house ne part, with the tenant at $78 a e garden and out - This property will t bargain, as the proprietor intends re- movang to Winnipeg. If not Old before it will be offered at Auetion about the 140a of August. WILLIIAM A.S1IDOWN. 554 FARM FOR SA.LE,-Foi Sale, Lot 19, Cuna 13, containing 180 acres, of whieh Tabont 140 acres are cleared, well fe ced tinderdrained, and in a good state of cultiv is welltimbered with hardw all hid of waste land on spring crook rens across one c buildings all round; abroad& icidPdmps, and•a splendid b Is wit n a mile and a half o r Way b tweet). Seaforth., lirus tions, also convenient to ch oritee,1&e. The farm will be in tWo parts. For further Walton Post Office, or apply LIM promisee. 'WM. ITFLI.J. in the distance. Tibbie Shiel was a fine specimen of the best class of . Scot- tish *vomen of her remit in life. She was , an intelligent, humble -minded.' Christian, well 'versed in the Sacred. ScriPtures and in the " Standards " of the Presbyteriam Church, and through - Out ' er long career she led" a quiet and peac able life in all Godliness and. hon- esty." Her memory was stored with the ballads and tiaaitions of the ro- monitic district in Which she passed her life, but still more -with the Psalms of Da,v'd, and with the best of our hy-mns and Paraphrases. • Notwithstanding Mrs Richarason's great age, her mem- ory ad her mental vigor and shrewd - nes last she ton. ,, ae •Un void& eon es hit an his 1 tion; the balance od. There is not he farm. /Vernal rner. Good frame ee of good water ring orchard ; it gravel road, mid - els, and Blyth Sta- rches, schools, post old Ais a whole or particulars address o the proprietor on 544 him the past week. In the bast case both parties concerned -were fined -the one ten dollars and costs; the other twenty dollars and costs. In the second ca,se one of the persons con- cerned was fined five dollars and cost -while the other was sent to jail for twb months. • sad accident occurred at Park- hill 011 Thursday of last week, by which a young boy, aaed six, son of Mr. Mar- tin Fogarty, ofthat place, was binned to death, He was in the act of build- ing a fire, and in putting coal oil on the wood and. igniting it the tan burst and the flames caught his clothes. The poor child was so frightfully burned friends, and when betw en Stratford , on the lst of November next. and St. Mary's one of th elips which 1 sapported the shaft of the buggy gave 1 Trunk dies ea at -Major Stephenson of the Gr tea Monday afternoon, la2th eta,y, causing the horse, a very spirited ;eat ft animal, to run away. The driver the effects of typhoid fever. WaS 1 b-e-ce'aseInwas highly respected, and his , thrown out violently on the hard road, i death is greatly mourned by all. breaking his arm and. causing internal , injury. Medical aid was at once pro- i -Mr. Thomas Armstrong, of Avon-. I ton, has returned from a two years' . cured. aud every attention was shown i visit to Scotland, where be has 'been. to the unfortunate yoimg man, -who, according to a recent account, is recov- 1 staYing for the good Of his health. He • ethic, 1 is looking quite robust and. fresh. . -A Grand Trunk Railway break- i -In atknowledgment of her services, ' ee , man, named George Bennett, Was kill- 1 Miss Morrison, organist of the Metho- _ ed on the morning of the 15th inst., by 1 dist Episcopal church, Listowel, has an overhead. bridge about 11, mile west I been presented with a beautiful sil- of Paris. There was an excursion from i ver cake basket, butter cooler and but-. Bright to Hamilton, and the train. be- i ter knife. . ing crowded some of the pa,ssengers had. I -At the Decent semi; annual examine 'climbed. upon the top of the coaches. I slims of the Ontario College of Phan. Bennett went on top, either to keep or- i macy, held in Toronto, lYfr. A. H. der or request theta to come down, and i Clark, of St. Marys, passei, an exceed.- . -while thus employed, met with the ac- 1 ingly creditable examination, and was cident. He lived. in Stratford: ana i eamittea a .ecTisteted student, and ob- leaves a wife and two. children. After i the sacrifice Of a large number of lives i , -The yie by these bridges, the Grand Trunk township b Railwa,y Company, a short time ago, and in eons awoke to the necessity of raising tlaem, neat seas!) but this work is being so tardily per- ha,ve hive formed that many valuable lives Wheat," w ma,y Still be lost before the job is COM- per bushel. 1 d th *plonia of the college/ d of fall wheat in Wallate s been quite satisfactory, quence will be largely sown i. A number of farmers ted in " Arnola's Vietor' ich has been retailed at $4 It is highly spoken of. last week a little son of pleted. -One da Mr. Wm. Watt, Mitchell, aged about -For about four years a division of of his feet badly opinion on certain doctrinal points has six years, Laa. one ja-mmea i ts, horsepower, which was been growing more and more among 0)0 to spread, the only sure mo structiou being to plow up the fore the seed of the weed were but little unpaired. to the Horses will net eat it, aud chew it. Her end was perfect peace, and that death ensued a couple of hourse-a, - -ealised to the full the beautiful and. terWards. . - -On Thursday, 1st inst., Georae, hing wish of Christopher North- --Mr. R. Millman, of the 6th conces- laimmelspach living about two mires hen heliiho shall be nameless --the sion Of Bosauquet, taste. fall, sowed. one from the village of Formosa in the le---nvho never names his day bushel of-, white wheat, which had township of Culross, committed suicide er on his one visit, his first °riginallY :come from , ;the vicinity ot by hanging himself. He however was st may he be taken by Tib- Bowma,nville. Mr. Millredn was very suspended so lew that his feet touched bie for his brother, Sleep." Ettrick careful ' ee ina it separate from other the ground. Doubtless, fearing that he St. Mary's Lochtthe scenes of wheat. - .Plenaina & . Hetherington b !bunalea the hanging, he cut through the 0 , .. ,, spirit -stirring legends and threshed4far him t other day, and 'arteries at the tmees, and is saido ave the Scottish language, will no it yielde4: belittle over forty-six bushels :bled to death. He was over 60 years of r after year continue to at- of _splenal'ittraiu. r -.I" ti,ge,and was suffering for some time from wds of visitors from every leiwo Mennonite delegates from ,mental disease. -He is said to have re - the World. whr--------- guage Russia sent tO-e4torttlaa. the condition Iquested his family some time ago to of the various Mennonite settlements in. Iput cutting instruments out of his e of de - field be - matures. attle es - , Vale and the 2,110S - stmlies in doubt Ye tralt cr qaarter .o is read. And We may safely predict America, express themselves well ,reach, fearina Ms self control, if t ey 'should fall into his hands. ' is Spoken and the Scottish minstrelsy that the memory of Tibbie Shiel will pleased with the Manitoba, settlements, linger around her snag and comfortable considering them more prosperous than ----The storm Of last Friday evening hostelry long after the generation who those they had visited in the United. i caused a great deal of loss and. destruc- knew her personally have passed away. States, and reanarkingthat this Province tion of property in many places. Mr. 1 r*D. Nom. -The subject of the above sketch, would receive ,many more Mennonite settlers next year. !Lamont's barn, 4th concession, Mary - wheal we take from the " No -th British Daily ' boro, was shattered, beina taken about Mail," was grandmother of Mr.. D. D. Wilson, of -The celebrated horse, Vicksbrurg, eight feet- off its folindabtions. Fruit this! town, aud sister of Mr. David Shiel, of Brus- owned by Mr. Jno. Forbes, of -Stood.- and crops badly damaged. . All win - Boni] -a-The fortieth anniv emnamipation isf slaves t British colonies was com vast concourse of colorc Windsor, Aniherstburg Chatham, Buxton, Dresden, Detroit, and several other places, by. a grand picnic in Burton's grove,- Sa,nd- wieh. A large number of speakers were on the grounds, and addressed the reary of the roughout the nentorated by a peopl from , Cola ester, oled.o, stock,died last week. He was le y W. G.3aarding, of Belle Meade Farm, near Nashville, Tenn., sired. by the noted horse -Vandal, lst. dam Blondin, t st Vine - by Commodore, is 1.42, and. 1.44, was made at Cleveland I priting the building, crops, and imple- races three years ago, winning first I ments.-The lightning struck a barn dows facin the storm were broken. -The barn of Joseph Voising, Heidel- berg, was struck by lightning, and in a few minutes the whole building was in flamese The loss is - very heavy, corn - h belonging to Thomas Moffat, of Tilore- the Norwich Society of Friends, so much so that they now really form two separate bodies, known as Old and Young Quakers. The Young Quakers being the most numerous, disowned. over forty of the old school. This ac- tion was confirmed by the quarterly and. again last month by the yearly meeting held at Pickering. The Old Friends Mitchell I,?eformer, was on Tuesday, claim that they are the true 'Quakers, 13th inst., presented with. a gola watch and. endeavored to retain possession of and chalet, ilay the enepioyees, on his re - the church property. Matters came to turn from . a trip to Paris, Mr, Me- a head a few days ago. Jesse Stover, Lean's 131£1, y old friends in Perth will a leading man among the Old Friends, was tried for housebreaking -that is, forcing his way into the meeting house. The local magistrates dismissed the case, which will, no doubt, be settled by a higher court. .-One afternoon last -week a, group of children were playing on the railroad track, West Brantford. It was the hour at which the train. was due for Burford, Norwich, etc., but of this the little plea,sure-deekers were unconscious. The point at -which they were playing -was on a sharp curve, and the engine driver did not seethem until too late to stop his train. The little ones saw the quickly approa,ching danger, and all got to a place of safety but one little girl atleout three years old. The brakes were*pplied, but all in vain, and. it seemed as though she must be crushed beneath the ponderous wheels: Atthis instant the fireman sprang through the window, ran to the front, and grasping working o the premises of Mr. . Crawford, pump maker. The bones were broken, and one of his toes almost severed from his foot, but it is thought that the limb can be saved. -Mr. A. McLean, of McLean, Roger & Co., Go-terinnent Printers, Ottawa, formerly editor and publisher of the made a, two mile heat in 3.34,1, takMg *rood, destroying two barns, and on.° money easily. At t e sam second place. At time of death --which shed, with contents. Loss about 52,000 ; was caused. by a rupture in the abdo- insured in the Canada Agncultural for t e cor lgr.Ro f 'ever lergy terest• 4.ohn trst o 'yea a tembe was t pithe Viee c Imre resen ys 1 viI1age was in the winter of 18 - now n oily 20 years ago. The place of mee g was imthe old court house at Fort *nay, and the occasion of the conana acement of the services was the be glad to ment bein his Europ --Three,pereens were b.adly poisoned in. -Stratfoild last week, by drinking milk out of ea jug into which some Paris .green had accidentally fallen-• The poi- son *513 'strewn aromad..:on. kiteh.en shelves for the purpose of destroying cock - ad of it had. worked crack to a shelf below, On e milk. jugs were plated. waffling this poiemmua ,drug too ,careful, as it ie velatile nt. coming games of the Lis - ear of such a high oomph- paidhim onlais•return from. .an. tour. roaches, a throu,gh a which so Persons 11 cannot be and virul -Atth towel Cal &onion Society, to be held on the 12th cef September, one of the ath- letic exertises will be what is known as "the tug of war," and which may be thus briefly described : A number of men on ojaposite sides of a line seize. hold of rope, and the party who sus- ceeds M awing the other across are the child by the arm drew it to a place declared. the -winners. n is proposed of safety. The momentum of the en - to have the contest take place this year gine carried it far beyona the spot, and. between ten men from Wallace and only for the presence of mind of the ten men from Elma, the town to be noble fellow a mother would have mourned over her mutilated babe. included,, and Main street to be the di- -Mr Marvin. Knowlton, the well- viding line. Prizes will be awarded. to known temperance lecturer, was taken the victor& to the hospital in Toronto, on Thursday -A Tivistock youth being one of the excursionists on Monday last ,week, and afternoon of last week, insensible, hav- sporting a watch worth 535, stood, on ing taken a terrific dose of paregoric. one of the tars tfirrin It is alleged that he was drunk at 'the the Platferra of the speed at which the train was going, time he took it. He hired a hack early or finding out what tilOO be ought to M the day, and drove around to several get his d imer. While in the act of sct places of ill -repute, and then went into a (hug store, bought two six -ounce doing, t 8 grand time -piece fell from \ hil hand, and out it rolled over the pint-' t of the bed of the creek, be- ph' 1 f re oric which would con- . ly damaged. The total loss, tain 12 grains of opium, poured. the form to the groundOa arriving at off horses die, Will be between stuff into a tumbler and drank it the next station the youth took to his feet and went built a distance of some . $500. • He again got into the hack and. ordered five miltsill but to no purpose.. After erenaony of laying the corner the driver to drive round Queen's Park. making a iteent search for about 7 or 8 he new Presbyterian churgh Having driven about for Some time, the nailes oi rabilway, our hero returned a eg, took'place _on the 8th int, hackman looked into the cab and found . . rge concourse of people and en of nearly every denomination. ity.: The ceremony of lnyiing stone was performed by Rev. rtson, peator of the congrega,- erly of Norwich. Ontario. hie man insentible. He informed a po- licemate who; after takinghim to the station, Went for a doctor, who ordered Knowlton to be taken to the hospital. Polite Magistrate, Mai Louisa Peteris, He remained unconscious for 3t hours, the wif-e of a farmer living in the 'Gore and. is now doing well. He states that, of DoWnie, was charged by detective lit f takin Wm Smith acting for the Medical As- day or two ago a sadder, but it is to be hoped, a wiser man. -011 Thursday, 15th inst., before tile ddresses were delivered by the he has been 111 gam without benag - y r e -g day. -Some of the pleasures of "camping praotitioner. Defendant said. she did out" are exemplified in the following not give medicines inwardly, she ap- paragraph from the Lindsay Past: Four plied liniments and rubbed the patient. young men, two from Lindsay and the ' Her charge was $5 per day for her ser - others F nelon Falls came to -vices, which included everything Bile grief -or grease, rather -in a ludicrous used.. She said she treated Augo t� manner, while camping out on the shore Gropp, of Brunner, for typhoid ffver of Cameron Lake last week. Afper their within a year past. She nursed uid tent had bee -D. illuminated by a sperm treated her for ten days, for -tibia lt candle, which was hung from the top was paid 55 per day. She 4E6 in an ola dilapidated tin lanitern one of I that she treated Mrs. liurin for nenttta the party took off - his teat th;ew it, I heart disease for two days, for whitah without' notietng what he was doing, I she was paid $10. She haa now nme over a thha uncovered box containing 1. patients in the county of Waterloo. She their store of butter, and then sat d.own said her charge was for nursing. The upon it for a while; after which he put .1 case was adjourned. present, one of the most 3.11- gl of which was that of Rev. lick, the pioneer Presbyterian -in Manitoba, and also the in Winnipeg. -Kr. Black hr- innipeg on th.e 28th of Sep - 11851, and for many years ibe e only Presbyterian missionary ountry. The first regular §er- ected vrith the Presbyterian , eld, within the limits of the city of Winnipeg, for in those 'waR not a city, town., or even irn from 19 to 16 ounces of paregoric every sociation, with practising medicine for