HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-08-16, Page 3asT 16, 1878. IELL'S BOOKSTORE, kFORTH. are swiftly fiviu I be saleagiu, keep on trying, ur 'wealth regtth. itery,' and .4111 elidleee lacy Good** at iffkurry vby donq you f.,0 married 11 enjoy this life' regret I've tarrie had n wife. gtat at COWL at nappy .wing naelulties — alt iebratrd Extay organ. ietian °eel:An—the only a manufactured — for • cant* at CI awry alit_ you money, iawlatn von are iU 1 hva less mown- tt.- artrting bilL :aiLd 'Wedding -tiec,*. At WOltarry 311 t( as' Gold att-Iv for $25, and et.welry vt•ry c ettp. Silver aatt ever offered Seaforth.-- 6 W ;kinds, and the • best Oil 5pectae1es and Eye Glasses, :rd Glass. Pir•tures Framed, i4'ei and Inn*, Balls Cheap, i'atit tbe Walt Paper and Wirt- Seaforth. 4N. good stock, all tna Prie' '4* any. So -lid -tea,. The all. ear eteeetiwI r- taupe joix. 'I int I. i1I DA go to Harry My ',yea become so dazzled ranaht for a week after being Iantin I alwava buy untit my » Tn.•t ft1"' 1 lt,n't stop then. toRee ' I left anything un- . it. yo t know aSh. ER THE PLACE. MPRELLIS BLOCK, KE-.% ORT iAiUY miTutiELL. a3)._12..ali/S - RE WAREROOMS VEST FURNITURE IN. 4E couNTY. eiViDg 8 Large S toek of NEW from the beat -Facto ries in Can- thhal to Fell elteaper than any an I pay a.t4h nown.and get , latira tor acy Torttail L• ga for ,-a•2 zra, (he'd, for ery st, for $3 1,25. •-•:, each, for $.1 15. each, tat cent:: ;idle 1al:nee-1s, 4x.4„ fi feet long, awer Bureaus, projection fronts, ill1(14 Very low. r, for :15. ,th Chai7 (8, Loun- ' Rockers, 1 Cannot be a'ettiniva. Wheels very low c 1- ME A rAI.,1. ••••nt- toome hu a little tin•kly nano:vac M. R. Cintrer Jewelry i'at'tablialament, Main i•es, Skins, Wool and Wool JOHN S. 8, PORTER. Loon be in a poaition to furnish than env one in the place. USBANU• OF MINE." all hi a -atachittery fxoni. PHYSEAFORTH t earaire hL mum:I:acing to the ,ontrounity of Unroll that he ia ivery bt rititaW, Aglieititzt,ral bib - :and ;r1 i(giCirl stru- favorite machine is the Singer, at in the utatket, having carried at the CenteuniaI and Sydney a to purchase any Of the above air 0 -Wil inlerVIThi by mintlying to tv,4 ler emit do better for them. in the traa. ine and other repairs always on erooruts, (toderich atreet. L. 'MURPHY, I-teetotal:a OrTIO ER, Fe\ RMERS ANP - 0 TH FIRS. ' -molly the attention of all, these - 's, the subaeribar is determined to !offeriva good Welt hemlock, " not fu int'cli." at the fulrOwing ratea: .r4aitt 'I.:a"; $yn tier thousand ; 14 fOot fot. Caah. All ortlaila tver 4,006 - Int, Call Ulla see if you dott-it tatent ed. c • nninth a will be charged Ja. han'aa n umeroma eustomers -Inl'utt, and, solieit a it sontinn- Jutf TI1OMP140e.I. ••=.1•,, TER TU..B,S :riYrr, sE A I:0 I cril. t • UtirlY eU.St0111:AS Vith 4,f his .:1110R 1;FTTER TUBS, Caah. Taba are ao rabiy known to the trade that it a1:.! in their recommen- T Mac v man/tate t urea a $mall Hard- -,10 for wa-hiht: butter in. . I. or of hrrwise pro :aptly attend t. TROTT, Seaforth. alGESTIVE FLUID1 u t, ring !front Dyspepsia are treat - nn various form:: to cure that i.iisease• It is not a. wilt of Pepsine t.f acid t'Itt-, mete:ions Indigestion. Digesiti vie Fluid has never Or cure the wontt case of head- s of the Lttrt, kidney diseases, and rs. which originate in Indifiestion. f/rt.mists. Price 50 cents. 595-24 — :11P1ELL, Provincial Land Surveyor 'ivil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt- tt, r. s. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. AudusT 16, 18..8. ••••• THE HURON EXPSIT Gaieties. IloW to remove weeds—Marry th atidow. , .—A. beautiful little variety of th humming-bir& family is known as tL melluer bird, because its bill is prepos- man, who a ter_egYe lump and beautiful], lent whom The husba, I i for Chicago e revolution, Ition went to e I staying, we e tered, found o ascertain the cause of lier and reaching his destine, - the hotel where she was it directly to his room, en - her talking pleasantly to a ppeared to be quiet at home, he had never seen before, nd began . upbraiding his be was wildly fona of her; she hated,en the stronger demanded 'By , • fewh hem bate woman-like, she strove to what right de you thus address this catch him. He was a ,flea. • i —Many rctothers raise their doughters was the re on the -principle of teaching :them. first, served for to playthe piano ; second, to dress ; : "Yon?. fo third, to danceaand sew forth. 1 three mon a I —Seine vile -traducer says that- Both spo an.ontla 'before marriage and a raonth I marriage, i after death men4,egaxd. their wives as made a,fte angels. Of the remaluding time he as 1 woman h nothing to say . ?" • i theman eVioraen, quoth Jones, " are the salad o,f lifen ter tha,nS Atonee a boon and a. blaming," San Fran (sin one wan, they'er salad indeed," re revolvers, Brown. 1 - • while--; b "They take so much tirue in their dressing." not to '--.&political speaker accused a x woman fr 'of" unfathomable meanness," and t rising to the occa,sion said: val en- orn laira not to presist in his disgraceful 11 course, or he'll find that two of us play at thot game !" man wp.s sitting for his p graph!. The operator said, "Now, look kind o'pleasant—smile a lit The man smiled, and the operato claimed ; " Oh, that will never itis to wide for the instrument." —`-! Sam you are not honest. you put all the good peaches at th of the measure and the little one low VI' " Same reason-, sah, dat .de front of your house all marble de back gate chiefly' slop bar'1, sa —A Stock -Exchange bear is des as a: person 'who sells what h not got • te bull as Man who buy No. 2, w faction ; s felicity: y theright of it, husband," ponse. "That right is re - e, sir; I am her husband." how long, pray?" " For hs.'t "And. I for six years." e the truth. The second s may be inferred, had been • an irregular divotce ; the ving discovered that she liked esent in Chietego much -bet- e liked. the man absent in ism). The two lieges talked death and. graveyards for a after growing col, resolved ake fools of thernaelves. The ukly owned that She preferr- ereupen No. 1 expressed. sotis- n.sibly left her to r newfound. ought a ticket for -home; de - certainly give you at least one call -when they come into the city. Good morning." "1 would bill before you keeper. • "lain obli cfentleman. and. he took u ported. As he mou panto laugh i ward emba the' barkeep while he baw who continu cm' parted. on the morning trai , leaving a note for her saying that he ould troub- a0- le her no further and ao his utmost never to meet her again. hank you pay your go'" screamed the bar- d to you," said the deaf I can put them on • his saddle bags and. ie - ted, the bystanders be - moderately at the • week- assment which afflicted r, who was in despair, ed after the delinquent, d bowing and. repeating the assurances that he would certainly remember the accommodations, civility and. liberalitY of the house, and recom- mond tit to all his friends who might pass through the city. The gentleman who so ,well affected deafness ,won the wager he had staked on success of the scheme, and paid his bill the next time he visited the city. ex- 1 e Won the W ger. do! 1 owing incident ook place in y do 1 icon shipping office. The con - top was on betting, e ch person in be- relating in turn ome one op - alms f the kind. that he had been en - and. Finally it came, to a certain Jack, who opened by saying The fo an Ame versatim the offi eration gaged Captain that he etteisecra just no room $ ribed ad never made a bet of any- - nce, or. did not recollect one what , but would bet anyone in .the he Cannot pay for; and, " fanacmg " as "buying shares by. a don who desen't want them from one who has utile to • i sane' . . --"What are you in jail- for?" a prisoner :visitor_ te e negro. bor'win money, Bah." - "Why ' don't put men. in jail for borrowing money!" " Yeeleat you see 1 '.had to knock . the man down free dr fetir tirnes afore he'd lend. Ate me." . --atDog-seller -: That. 'ere ha, '.imars the real etock, mum, &pas. dog-cia' ap' at •eri. Young Widow: it's'a sweet, pret- ty darling, black and white; but, in my present state of bereavement, 'you must ..... asked. "For they procure me one entirely black._ will do very well for half -mon in shout six months. 1—The following correspoied.eia ly passecl through a 'telegraph " I lent you five dollars one.yea iv night. If you lavenotehad -it long enough, please keep it one year longer." "To this delicate hint the ans er was returned : "Had forgotten it, and hop- ed you had, Let her run, another year? . —A. sceptic, who • was badgering a simpleminded old man about mtracles, It and Balaeini'-s oss, finally said, " Hove' is boys . This ring in e late - office: ago to - that he would poke "that bat" —point ng to orie—through a ring which he had hat. "Th some o • "Id two, hi of ma tei me The compa one " ly too to sho was wiped nounc two a ness. his fo tewor from the ri and poke it possible for an ass to talk like a man ?" "Well," replied the holiest old believer, with meaning emphass, •" don't see why it ain't as easy for an ass to talk like a man as it is for a man. to talk like an ass." --- Fooling the Colonel. The Colonel; a, rigid martin t, is -sit- . . ting at:the -window of his room, when looking out he sees a captain crossing the barrack -yard toward the f gate. Looking at him closely, he shocked to observe that, the rules and. regula- notwit carry as 4 from ; step vill you . 'promptl of the -tthe fo iimseif t p tenue. ewhat s tions to the contra the captain does not " Captain!" he ca do -w. "Hi, Captai ecxe.ii for a moment, - The Captain obey 5 sword. of the office guard -room being stairs, and presents onel in tirreproachab The Colonel is so see the sword itt its place, a to invent, some pre ext for calling his subordinate back, s ys- -with some, Con- fusion, "1 beg your /Pardon, Captain, but really I'veforgo ten wha it was I\ wanted to speak to you abcut. Rowel. ever, it.cen't have 1ee-i1 very mportante it'll keep. Good. 3 °ming. The Captain saltites,, depa -the -sword•to its oyiner and off across the bitrilack-yard, again comes with n the r Colonel's vision. The Colonel ri s his e says .softlytto hims lf, "Ho der is this.? Dem t, he has to his waist c" the i calls al tain! Ho Cap ! on. please:" The Captain r. --turns, sword again, mot nts the enters the Colo ers pre eomena,-ndine offic r stares tautly.; lt"las a s ord, he hears it clank. " Captain'," lie 'very hot, "it's know, but—ha 1 bered what I wan now—ha ! hal—i head again 1 Fu ha! hal. Losing rn•ind. think sta,nding, ord.. - the -winL p to my II ' bOrrOWS ard, the4 t of the the sCol- rprised to di having day aMO hum - two good two 1 qua. ft othe ter,' - cha a d sad 14 s, returns is main(' when he nge of the et,. stares, ✓ thun- 't a sword ud, "Gap - moment, orrows t stairs a ence. His at him in - sees it, he n his finger, and not injure the t can't be done nohow," said e in the room. you bet ?" asked the captain. n't care if I do," said n.umber eyes glistening at the7 prospect ng $5 on a " mire thing " as he it. money was deposited and the y gothered. round to see some one brown." Captain Jack plow - off the ring, and. passed. it round ✓ thot all was fair. Everyone atisfied. Then he deliberately and, polished the inside, and an- d that he was ready. Niimber vailced to the pile to be in eeadi- he captain.held the ring between tefinger and thumb, and Morched O the hat, holding the ring an inch t. He ran his small finger through ag, the` former striking the hat, ununa him the bet, as, he haa the bat through the ring." CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TO CAPITALISTS AND CON- TRACTORS. rrHE Government of Canada, will receive pro- posals for constructing and working a line of Railway extending from the Province of Ontario tothe -waters of• the Pacific Ocean, the distance being about 2,000 -miles. Memorandum of infer- , ' motion for parties prop forwarded on applicati gineers' Reports, maps Versed, profiles of the tions of preliminary w the Parliament of Cana posed the Railway is to tiona of the natural -lea its agricultural and mi 1878 THO Tr TT S - 1878 MAS KIDD'S EMPORIUM. GRuCERY DEPARTMENT. sing to Tender will be . n as underneath. En. This Department forms a very important branch of my General Business, the ; survey& line specifica- large quantities which I putJchase enable tne to obtain the most favorable terms; I the conntry to be tra- rks, copv t of the Act of and hence I am in a position to offer my customers a nude, :aieiv. it is pro- eral resin: , and other I BETTER VALUE FOR LESS MONEY be co rented, descrip- I ures of • he cent try and information, may be se n on appal:anon at this Department. or to the. Engineer -in -Chief at the Canadian Government Offices, al Queen Vidalia n street, E. C., London. Sealed Tendera, marked ' "Tender for Pacific Railway," will be reeeived, addressed to the undersigned, until the first day c..1 of•December next. • • F. BRAUN,, Secretary, Public Works, Department, Ottawa. Ottawa, May 20th, 1878. 555-4 Persev-erance of a Scotchraan. A droll story is' going the rounds in England and. Scotland and relates to the right of. a man to wear what he pleases without, permission of the Gov- ernment. Some months ago a mer- chant of Leith named. -Young appeared in the streets of that place -with a "cre ' placed jauntily in front of his Glengarry bonnet. The crest was executed in sil- ver, and was thought to look rather bold and threatening upon the band of the bonnet, making the wearer. produce, no doubt,a killing effect upon the lassies of Leith. One day, to his astonishment, Mr. Youn.g received a notification that by weoring a crest upon his bonnet, he was lia,ble Jor duty upon armorial bear- inas. • The sum demanded for wearing the silver crest was one guinea,at which official demand his Scotch prejudice was justly aroused, and he memorializedthe Govermnent upon the subj ea. Of course no attention was paid to his paper, so Mr. Yeung went to London and. routed out all the authorities bearing on the subject. Again he memorialized the Government, this time submitting the crest itself for inspection,i, and calling attention to certain quoted! authorities. After the usual delay Mr 1 Young was iuformed: that the wearing Of any creet, whether his own or any other man's by t way of ornament, does n t render the owner liable td pay the d 'ty. But our Scothhraan's sense of fusice was not yet satisfied, a' d he again Memorialized the Governm tnt, this tiiL nient of the g4inea. Aft red tape delay the money in justificatien of the c -Young returned. home rejoicing in the trinraph of hiving like a Certain Prince, "cone into his own again." . i 1 1 EXECUTORS' NOTICE. I, In the Matter of John Jacob Gatzmeyer, I Late of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased. A LL persons having or holding any claims .1-31- against the estate of the above named John Jacob Gatzmeyer are required, on or before the Twenty -Fourth Day of Auguet, 1878, to send by letter, post-paid; addressed to Messrs. Mc- Caughey & Holmested, Barristers, f3ealorth, the lull particulars of such claims, with vouchers attached, and statement of nature and value of any securities held. After winch date we,the under- signed Executors will proceed to distribute the k estate of the deceased according to his will, hav- ing regard to those claims only *of which we then hall have notice. All treditors failing to put in their claims by the t me aforesaid Will be de- barred from participating in the said estate. • Dated July 25th, 1871h PETER KLINKHA•MMER, 1. ExecutOTB. THEODORE KLINKHAMMElt, McCAUGHEY & HOLMES TED, Seaforth, 566-4 Solicitors of Estate. Tim's Kit. . •urprised the shiners and. news - round the post office the other to see " Liropy Tim' come them tin a quiet way, and to hear .ay: . oys; I wa,nt to sell ray kit. Here's rushes, a hull box of blacking, a stout box, and, the outfit goes for hillin!s 1* oin' away, Tim ?" queried. one. ot 'zactly, boys, but I want a ter the awfullest kind just now." oin.' on e 'scursion ?" asked. an, e , ot to -day, but T must have a quer- he answered. ; e of the lads passed; over the ge and took the kit, ,and Tim ed. straight to the connting-room of ' ily paper, pet down his M.oney, and : . guess I kin write it if You'll give ,me pencil." ith slow-moving fingers he wrote a dee h notice. It went into. the paper almost as he wrote it, but you might have seen it. He -wrote-: Diede•—•litul Ted—of scarlet fever; d three yeres. Funeral to-morrer, e up to Hevin ; left won bruther." Was it your brother?" ,asked the ier. . im tried to brace up, but he couldn't. The big tears' came up, his chin quiver- ed and. he pointed to the notice on the counter and ''Gasped ; 1I—I,hadto sell my kit to do it., b— he had his ants aroim' ray neck en, he d—died !" e hurried. away home, bit the news went to the boys, and they gathered. in a group and talked. Tira had not been home an hour before a barefooted bdy ,left the kit on the doorstep, and in the box was a bouquet of flowers, which d h been purchased in the market by il p nnies contributed by the crowd of r aged tbut big-hearted urchins. Pia `cl ever make a, heart which' would t respond if the right oho d was •tbuched ?—Detroit Free Press. e for repay - r some MOTE Was duly paid im, and. Mr. THE -CHEAP FAMILY GROCERY. L,IMABEE UGARS. Dry *TEAS. Begs to inform his friends and the public that he has on hand one of the NICEST and FRESH- EST Stoeks of Groteriea in town, and as he sellsi for Cash, he SELLS CHEAP, Giving his purchasers the benefit of what other who do not do so lose iu bad debts and pay in in- terest to wholesale men. That Noisy Boy. "0, Johnny!" cried . a nervous mother. do have some pity on my poor head! Can't you play without shouting so ?" Poor Johnny drew up the tape reins with which he was driving two chairs tandem, end called out in a loud, hoarse whisper: "Get %ip—whoa1" But at length, finding little pleasure in this suppressed amusement, he threw down his reins, and, laying his hands upon his breast, said, with \a, long breath, "0. mother, it's full of noise in stomme -5, growing ced rid unions, you ! I'd net remem- ed. to say to you, and. 's gone out of my • isn t it Hal my Me or3a Never of it an write you. Good. morning." • The Captain salutes, de arts, returns the sword to its owner anl makes for mosses calls hi,. 'Seo th not aig gor cm the gate. As he yard, the Colonel side and says., there ?" -" Yes." "Has he get a The Colonel's glasses 4011 buin says " lie hes'nt he barrack - wife to his t officer out 3 he 1)o th th th wi bo pe so th th gr a a .w on ?" • .fe adit[sts her eye - scans hitn keenly,and a0a,ste•ce a sword." The Colonel—" That's j- st where you -fool yourself? e has 1" . A Qu. er A queen story .oraes frdni the Whence so man queer stories come. -The wife of it m reliant in San 'Fran- - cisco, finding), owe six l months aao, that the climate not agree with b rather delicate, atives in •Chicap-, would not beneti 'Ina her hitsba, fornia because le his business. F arrival she wrot tionately, (leder steadlyiimpro to rejoin him so months leer let both in frequen very rareand v ef that period. alteration in he, nied. in words', In two �r -three A bu word, West, V of the P ea as le ecided. tc , :see 1. eifie coast did ✓ lungs were visit her rel - if the change e went over -;d remaining itt Cali - was unfilled to leave ✓ two nablitlis after her regularly and. affee- g that her health was s, and that she hoped n. For the next three ars steadly decreased., y and favor, becoming ry cold toward the close He complained of the felings, which she de- nd proved by behavior. weeks more he • sot out . Won his Wager. A strangerelismounted at the door .of the River Hotel, and gave his horse the officious waiter. The barkeeper o ened. the register to take his, name. You are right," said he, " o single ora would 'beniore agreeable," and he alked into the supper room, to which, Le crowd! of boarders were pass - a. The. bar -keeper TIM after him, reaming in his ear. -"° Thai& you," said he, "1 can find e wa,v ; don't give - yourself any ouble.3* - .On his return into the bar -room. a aiter took up hie saddleTbags ancl told e deaf stranger he would show him to is chamber. " My friend, who will spend the eveu- g With. me,prefers pale sherry." said he. You may send up a bottle anda a few igars." "I did not," said the bar -keeper, , ex - &Ale, understand your name." I think a little ice -would improve he wine," was the answer. "And now think of it, you may put the bottle itt wine cooler.— . His friend now joined him and they yolked to his room together. The- deaf odger patronized. the house to the ex - ant of another bottle before he slept. he waiter who brought it up .ventured. nce more to inquire.his name. . "'Nothing more," said he, " exeept a lice of cold ham; a pickle and e little read and cheese. -- The next morning, after breakfast, when the stranger's horse was at the door, he asked fel: his He wee told it was six dollars and. three-qUar ters.-- tYou are very kind," he said. had expected to pay you; but . if thi is yeur custom to charge nothing fo . • the -first visit you shall loose noains by it,.—all iny friends in Spongeville wil • 1 • ' FLOUR AND FEED • Than any other House in the Trade. SUGARS.. SUGARS. rushed Sugar, 9 pounds for $L Broken Loaf Sugar, 9 pounds for $1. English Refilled Sugar, 10 -pounds for Porto Rico Sugar, 11 and 12 pounds SPECIAL TERMS FOR LARGER QUANTITIES. TEAS. - In this article I excel all others, and the large lots Which I handle and distribute during a, year are sufficient proofs thateny Teas give immense satisfaction. f Young Hyson, Moyune, and Pink Suie, from 38e. to 60c. per pound. Japan Tea from Mc. to 55c, per pound. Conon (Black) Tea, 55c., 75c. and 90c. per pound. • SPECIAL TERMS FOR LARGER QUANTITIES. for $L 3 ....mliimmmorminmmommem THE GREAT CLEARING SALE SU M M ER GOODS TEAS. TOB TOBACCOS. I have always on hand p. choice selection • Chewing Tobacco, Best Brands, Smoking Tobacco, Best Brands, CIGARS. Always on. hand. Goods delivered in town free of charge. Remember the Btamd, opposite the Commercial Hotel, in the FRAME BLOCK. L. 1VIA.BEE. THE VICTOR SEED WHEAT. THE undersigned is now prepared to take orders for any quantity of -the above variety of Wheat for fall seeding. Samples can be seen on - application. Attention is directed to the follow- ing Certificate from Mr. 'James Coates„ Hibuert. WILLIAM RETiILL, Seaforth. e end it hurts me so to keep . I 't all little boys make a noise when y play? "Yes, Johnny, I believe y all do," replied the lady. "0, n, mother dear," cried. Johnny, in a ning tone, " please let me be a little ." We will join pocir Johnny in his ition. Please, mothers, let 3 our s be little boys while they may. Let m have a free and happy childhood, t when your heads are low in the ve they may point back to those ys andsay, "We were happy chill en, for 'there was always sunshine ere our mother was.—St. Nipholag. -- A Piece of Inapudence. IS NOW GOING ON Dmi\TIT7s_ BANKRUPT STOCKS NOWHERE, NO Threadbare, Time Worn, Moth -- Eaten, Rotten Rubbish at Dent's. All New Goods, and TOBACCOS. of this "Favorite ee . A 40e. to 60c. per pound. 40c. to SOc. per pound. LOOK AT THE PRICES Wide English Prints, 8 cents. Best Ashton's and Hoyle's Print, 10 cents to 11 cents. Good Cottons, 5 cents per yard. Straw Goods, we are almost givg away Ladies' Linen Costumes, $1 75. AND THE WHOLE STOCK GOING AT JUST SUCH PRICES. CIGARS. CIGARS. Just received this week, 10,000 Of those beautiful fragrant No. 1 Cigars, sPecial- . ly manufactured for myself, and. bearing my own name in GOLD LETTERS on each eigar—NONE OTHER IS GENUINE—admittedly the finest cigar offered for sa e. Hotel IC eepers and others buying in large quantities liberally dealt with. Only $3.25 per box. F'1CAFJ. HIS 1$ TO CERTIFY that I procured from J- Mr. Won Rehill, of Scaforth, a quantity of Victor Seed Wheat, which I sowed last fall. The wheat has turned out a splendid crop, the grain being plump and bright, and the straw strong, clear, and perfectly free from rust, It will yield twelve bushels to the acre more than Seneca wheat, I had growing alongside of it iu the same IleId. I eau heartily recommend it to my brothel. JAMES COATES. Hibbert, July 30,1878, 556-3 --- • -• - 'Professor Johnson,: of Middletown niversity, was one day lecturing before se students on mineralogy. Ile had fore him quite &number of Specimens various sorts to illustrate his sub - et. A roguish student,for sport,, slyly slip - ed apiece of brick among the stones. he professor was taking up the stones, ne after another, and naming them. ' Ibis," said he, "i a piece of gran - e; this is a piece of field spar," &e. Presently he carne to the brickbat. Vithout betraying any 'Surprise, or even hanging his tone of Voice. "This," he said, holding it up, "is a iece of impudence." - There was a shout of laughter, and he student concluded that he had made ttle by that trick. THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SE AFORT/1. SOiATS. SOAPS. SO .PS. In this line y este.' cei*ainly ahead of all other Houses, carrying no SIXTEEN DIFFERENT BRANDS. The leading ones are as follows : aeorge- D. Morse & Co., Toronto, (Centennial Prize). A. Watts & Co., Brantford. Dobbins' Electric Soap, Philadelphia U. Se—only agency in This is undoubtedly the hest soap ever imported into the Dominion, Housekeeper should use it. Several other Brands too numerous tO mention. All retailed at the lowest remunerative prices. WILLIAM :.;eNA.TIGFITON beg, to inform " the business men of Seaforth end the travel- iug public that be has purchased the Livery Business and Stock of Messrs. Carnochan & Abell, and will do all in his power to retain the reputation which dile favorite establishment has secured. He will keep only good driving and re- liable horses, alai his carriages will be kept clean and in good order. Calls, -night or day, will be promptly attended to. PIONIC AND WEDDING PARTIES Liberally Dealt with. Terme Reasonable. AU orders left at the Com- mercial Hotel or at the office will receive prompt attentiou. Office and Stables on Market Street, opposite T. Kidd's Store. 544 WM. Ma A UGHT ON , Proprietor, HURON LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATION Raising Geese.. When a farmer has a tract of low, arshy land near his house, where here is a running stream of water, he raise geese profitably by confining hem to this tract duribg the day in summer, ancl yarding them at night. When allowed to run on good grass land theirenanure is so strong that it kills the grass where dropped., -and for this reason many farmers have given up raising them. But they are very profitable, as they are subject to no disease, always saleable (dressed) at a fair price, and theirl feathers will pay the expense Of keeping them.. With an extensive marshy range im-}re money can be made by raising geese than on any kind of domestic poultry.—saa Franci8c()Chronicle. 'Quick Wit. AS OS RAISINS, CURRANTS, RICE, COFFEES„ AND SYRUPS AT THAT'CANNOT BE DISPUTED. Any quantity of GOOBUTTER and EGGS taken in Exchange, and every possible reduction made for cash at all times at the NEW CASH STORE. If it is any Object to you to get Cheap Goods, •• Go To DENT'S FOR THEM, As be lYs Bound to Ms.ke ttClearance,. FURNITURE 1_k_N_DUNDERTAKINC. BROADFOOT & Boxy SE A FO RTH, Have on hand cet their Wareroomsi near'the Market, as handsome a' Stock of Furniture of every Des- cription as can be found in arty sirniiiar Establishment in Huron, all of whia they are prepared to sell cheap. It is all manufactured under their own super-; vision, and they ean guarantee it as to gnality, FURNI7vRREEsMDAEDIIRTE,DO, ORDER 14s than town. and ever 31 PRICES T H.0 KI Da, Seaforth . FALL SALE. JF a sufficient number of entries inc received, it is the intention of the above ASKI)CilitiOn to hold a fall sale, at the town of Clinton, be- tween the 15511 and 22nd of October. Entriee for the proposed sale must be made with the Secretary not later than i TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 1878: - ENTRANCE FEE.—Horseiv, Mares and Bulls, $2 each ; cows, $1 eael ; rams and pigs, GO cents eaoh ; EWCH, 506 iter pair. M. Y. McLEAN, Seaforth, Secretary. BRUCEFIELD. The two Messrs. S.„‘father and son, distinguished lawyers of Boston, are noted for JIMA temper and quick wit. They rarely Meet without an amicable passage at arms, Last week, young S. was making a call at the paternal man- sion, when a cur of his father's attack - ea him anil received a kick -which sent him howling down the staircase. The noise brought out the old man- from his lair, and the following colloquy ensued.: S. Senioe—" What did you kick my dog for ?" S. Junior—" He bit Dile. S. Sen- ior---" He did'at bite you:" - S. junOr— " I didn't kick him. Vanity of an Qld Man Prince Gortschakoff, in spite of his eighty-one Years, is said to be very vain. He was extremely anxious about mak- ilia a favorable impression ou the artist Wbenierewhen. the latter was taking preliminary sketches of the delegates for his picture of the Congress. The veteran statesman, almostwith one foot in the grave, : was nervous and fidgetty at the sitting, and kept moving from side to side, in order to be shOwn to the best advantage. STORE HOUSES TO' RENT. rpo RENT, in the Tillage of Brucelield, two J- large Grain Stores, each having a capacity of 15,000 bushels of grain. FOSSeatii011 given by the 1.itt of beptlintber next. The buildings will be 'fitted up with elevators, and as Brucefield is All excellent allipping port and coinmande one of the I best fanning districts in Western Ontario, a I splendid opportunity is bac afforded to any one I in the grain business. For further particulars apply to either of the undersigned TrusteeS. J. E. 3RIGGS,1 J. KITCHEN, •- Trustees. W. DIXON, ) NOTICE. THE Partnership heretofore existing between "I the undersigned tinder the name of S. & N. Brownell, as carters, in the Town of Scaforth, ia thia day dissolved by mutual eonseut. The business for the future to be carried on by Nor- 1,1 maa Brownell, who aseurnes all liabilities of the said partnership, and to whom all clatma of the mid partnership are to be paid. In witness whereof we lisve hereto set, our hands this 175h day of June„1878. S. BROWNELL, 11. BROW NEEL. Witness—C. 1?. PASH. Lpy. 555-3 01\71'1?_LI 1 LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, SEAFORTH. 555-4 ARRIVED THIS WEEK : HOGSHEADS SUGAR—No Adulteration. BARRELS GRANULATED SUGAR,—Standard. HALF CHESTS GUNPO.WDER T.EA--e•Oniy -50c. Per pound. . 3 UNDERTAKI-140, ilitvvng procured a handsome Hearse, they are now prepared to attend to undertaking in allay branches, on she most reasonable terms. In connection with their xmlertakilag busineSe tney use the ANTI -SEPTIC FLUID,. Whi,5 preierves the body and aestreys til offen- sive odors and prevents eontagion arising Irma Bead bodies. Orders Respectfully Solicited. BROADFOOT •& BOX. Arrive, a Large zStock of Glassware direct from the .Manufacturers in Pittsburg, U. S. FLOUR, FEED AND PROVISIONS ALWAYS IN STOCK. THE SEAFORTH WOOLEN MILLS. TO THE FAKERS if you have Wool you. wish to have made up, or to trade for GOODS DEUVERED FREE. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. - • WOOLEN Goaps., GIVE US ATRIAL G.R.CyCERIES AND .PROVISIONS In That Old Grocery i$tantl, Post Office i THE We will not be outdone either in. Quality of Work or Price, You are invited to call and see ow Nubble:17a ths work we are doing, and OUR PRICES FOR ISM Carding and all Kinds ,of Custom Work Done as Usual. GOODS MADE TO ORDER And it Large Stock Kept 'Constantly Oti Tht,nd. to Exchenge fox Wool. • A. cr, vAN.EGMONA, Sea -forth, .June IQ, 1878. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN 'TOWN NOW. ' THE DESIGN, OF TE PROPRIETOR OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS TQ FURNISH THE MANY UNITED STATES SOLDIERS A ND their heirs have Bounty, Pay and Pension f dne them. We are engaged exclusively in t She prosecution of such claims and will send to any address the blanks to enable claimants to , state their cases.. 'We do ivot handle hale money - collected—it is sent to claimants direct from 1 Washington. No charge unless sUccessful. MILLER. STEVENS 5: Co., War Claim Atter- • neys, Detroit, Mich. 555x4 MARRIAGE *LICENSES (Lt 41.1 E T F I,C A, TIE 03, tUnder the new: Act,) issued at Ole EXPOSITOR OFfICE,,SEAF9RTH. , Under authority of the Lieutenant -0i overnor Ontario. R. N. ,BRETT, SEA,FORTH, Wholesale and Retail ttea:er in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the 'Very Best Stock kept. Terme moderate. lc Trial Solicited. All ordra by mall or otherwisk promptly filled. 490 R. N. 'BRETT. • BEST GOODS FORTHE PRICE, And -lin no,jease to allow drception as to the Quality of the Article sold,. or itt Weights. TO HotEL KEEPERS, FAMILIES. GRANGERS AND OTHERS Buying Teas and Gear:lel ftioe. •ias in Quantities, I would say, Can, and Compare. Quality and Price% bel ore purchasing elsewhere, as I can't be beat. Pour, Mill Feed, Corn and Oat Meal, Granulated Wheat, Graham Flour, and .Potatoes always kept in stock, and Sold at Bottom Prices. Farm Produce Taken D. D. ROSE, Family Grocer. in Exchang,e. S. STARK, SEAFORTH. 'GROCERY STORE, BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, AUCTION ROOMS, LAND AGENT, CONVEYANCER, &O. A Large Stock of Boots and Shoes and Groceries Just Arriving. Witi be sold on very small profits—all new stock. The 'Subscriber invites his old friends and new 02748 to give him a call. Ile has engaged Mr. John &Ott to attend to the shoe shop, who will make and repair work to order. Olcl Accounts must be paid at once, as the subscriber needs money. Fairm. and Town Property for sale. GiVe me a Call and I will do the best I • ean for ?JOU.Remember the Place, 9tark's Block. THE SEAFORTH , INSURANCE AND LAND:AGENCY. ALONZO STRONG TS AOENT fo Several First -Class Stock, Fife fina. LifaInaurairee -Companies, and le prepar- ed to take riaks Ttiells.M E OST FAVORABLE TE'RM.S. Also Agent for aeveral of the best total Soots - Also Agent for the tilde afla purchase of Faant and Village Property,. A NUMBER 01? FIRST-CLASS al - PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. $541,000 to Loan Per Oent. _ Interest. Agent for the White Star Line Of Stem:acre. f •FFICE—.0ver M. Vorritton'il Storey Ma1ta8 Seaforth. SP1DDa&-TEI-.-21.3 BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. TOWN & BURROWS. rPHE Subscribers take this opportunity of rit•T -1- turning thanks to the iahmbitants of Bristol. , nd vioinit.Y for past patron ay.-, 6vul beg to state that, having made several inaproveineuts in their !- kiln Alia the mode of burning, they _are in a bet- ; ter nosition than ever to supply the 7121)110v/1th 'Firm -Class Lime at 12icr.t18e11 -sit 'kiln, or I4c. Delivered, This being the fourth Renew], *A our busluevis Seatinus in Sruseele, and having10811 unquAlin.= al, sat i sfact so far, the public earl rely oe re- i ceiviDg :mad treatment said it .first-clatts indent from ns. Remember the spot The Braimelli • Limet,Works. 542 TOWN At BURROWS.. THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY : SEA FORTH. ART flUTi FORBES, 11 ANZO- purChatted theS'toek and Trade of the; Contnaereial Livery, Sealorth, from litr; George Whiteley, begs to state Mat be intatan carrying on the bu.siness in the out stand,and.bef added. sevetal valuable horses Ana rehicles to the formerly bage stock. None but Firht-ClassComfortoble VehickAand 6004. Reliable Horheir Wili be Kept, Covered and Open Buggies 04 Caresgeri And' Double an 1 Single NVa.,:ons alviirys ready feruse, Special Arrangernent-1 Mode Witit COOL. inercia/ 31en- O1ders left at the atabk or' any of the hotehi tn. SAMUEL STARK, SEAFORTHromptly attended.