HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-08-16, Page 2f • • 4 DR. OARRICS. BY triss M. B. BRADDON. OrTAPTER IL—Continued. . " this house ? impossiblal shoul throw you into, a sleep which would la. t -- for haute a sleep of deepest unco sciousneee from •which the loude t noises WotIld not awaken you.; a sle p in •witieli you Would be even. iusensib e to pane Yosur servants would. ta e alarm. My [coming and going raig It seein strange ;.• and, in - short, if I a - going to cure you by means of mespie ism, as I know I..can—yes, tame- th t wild fever ',el your blood, reduce th t unhealthy restlessness to placid repo .banish -fears _which are not whol y . groundless—in a word, give • you th t ••- whieh 'ancient philosopley counted s - the highest good, a, sane taied in a - sound body—if 1 am to. clo all thee, M Tregounell, 1 naust have -the ease in uy awn hands. I must have you under' y care by day and night.- •tly house is large wad commodious.: ,You must co e and live with me." "Humph 1" mutteted. Mr..Ttegonn "Is not that tether like going into a private lunatic asylum ?" • . My houee is -not- r-egistete.d as it asylum; and 1 nevea: had: a lunatic; in my care. No, Mr. Ttegonnell ; you w-11 be farther from lunacy under my r of tha,n you are here,eating your he rt out by this dismal "Yes, it is dismal ; the tort of ho • se that ()tight to be occupied ter a lax re .faroily. I am half .inoliued. to come to you. I shall be a free agent in your house, I conclude, able ,to ro "about as I like, day by day, provide r keep decent hours at night. .You s ill „Ruts ne• restraintupon my mo e- ments "Nene.", . " Can yoa fiod:room for my harse w d for my servant r - For both." , Theo I will copie.". Mind, I do iot promise to stay with you for any gi en time. 1nrust be free • as the -wind. If you. give -me sound. and peaceful sl ep Witli your mesmeric passes, I shall be gradel to you—and mesmerism. ut cau you not give me' _a taste of y ur quality at once, here?" " No, I am expected home. If 1 m s - realized you to-nighteI should waut to stay with yen to see • the result of .y experiment. Come, to me tot we:k. If by the end. of that time your . spi its are not tranquilized, and year gene ell , health is net 'improved, cll mea ch latian uid. have clone with. Me." • "1 am very much inclined to bell' in you," said. Mr. Tre;gounell, gaz .• steadily at the doctor. " You look if yeti were in earnest." "1 have beet; in earnest all ray,•li ealswered, lir. •Carrieka And- then in- . wardly he adchid: "Bt 1 never had an object worth beieg -in earnest about in - til to -eight." . CII.APTER nest14e, Frees A FRIEND. The best rooms in St. Melted. HO were swept and tl°tarnished. for Sp Tregonnell. Hester Rushton, 'who • a natural wdreanly_Iove of houseli duties, was in her element while - bustled about, polishing, and. adst -and arranging things for the.. peep i - life took a n of a man o who treated telligente, a her on all su sonal. Of of himself v •Spring a March wind breezes of had a good - den, where planted bon ••ed year siteyear unaidedby the gar- dener's art. Every thing about the place had b .en soreiltr neglected till Hes- ter came, b •delight. H her all the fine &item° w color from the presence intellect and refinement, er as a being of equal in - d. opened his mind freely to jects that were not per - is opinions she knew much, ry little. vanced. The blusterous softened into .the gentle pril, St. Ifilared: House id fashiioned garden—a gar - departed generations had elY flowers, which blossom - ere. ng as t this garden was her chief theusehold duties occupied oreing, but she spent every n in the gaiden,—her bright HE. HU 40 N EX POSVIOIC THE PATTERSON MAXWELL REAPER HARRY keeper performed her daily tasks Its dil- igently as of old. The eager young stu- dent. to. whom all the world of intellect was new, only applied herself o her books when her domestic dutie were done. CHAPTER III. MR. TREGONNELL MARRS HIS L. Tilhile the acquaintance between Mr. Tregonnell and .Hester Rushton thus ripened gradually into a very close friendship„ Dr. Carrick was too busily occupied by his daily round of Profes- sional work to be aware of the c•hatige. He was away from home all day. When he saw his cousin and. his Patient 1 in the evening he perceived no more than that they got on very well togeth- er. This was as it should be. He wished. his patient to be. comfortable in . . younghad. bared to the spring breeze, his house.. Mr. Tregannell had now her clever little hands ineased in thick 1: been with him three months, and had. gardening gloves—digging, transplant- pressed a second check for hundred ing, weeding, clipping, pruning, with skill that w uld have- done credit to a professed ta rdner. Labor was cheap at St. Hildred and for sixttence a day she could fret a. OY to mow the grass and I • would. last? Eustace Tregonnelps fitful roll the gra.4rel walks once a week or so— ) temper was proverbial. Some morn - au extrava - ance which the doctor hard- :ing he would feel the old longing for ly approve- . the wide salt sea, and be off and - away , Mr..Treg nnelPs sitting room looked in his yacht, leaving the doctor as des into the garden,. ., One - warm afternoon elate as Dido. Dr: Carrick's onlyivon- toward the! close of April he thtew der was that his patient had staid. so aside his bdok and went clown staits- to long.* It never entered. his mind that join. Hester who was budding aroAon Hester Ruehton's hazel eye, and gentle the lawn. :i •chili -I. -like ways could. have any influ- dyou seem to be of this gar- ence upon. -Mr. *Tregonnell.• . E'en. the s. Miss Rushton !" he saici - valet noticed the change which ..liS new . mode of life had wrought on his master. 11 had been noiseless on the He talked. of -it in the - village, and- rass, and his speech startled lauded -Dr. Carrick's skilL heek-eturned a little from • "He's the first doctor that ever did. t so far but that he could Mr. Tregoimell any. good," he said, lean- ae of - color—flushed crina- ing over the counter of the chief shop - ;he scissors shook in • her chem - for a w any - feted as pounds on his acceptance. This was very well, and Dr. Carrick felt thaf if it could go on forever his fortune wou d be mad.e- But how could he hope 1th t it "How fo den of you at herelbee ' His footf thick; soft her: The him, but ri •see its ohs, son, and " hand. • " How yt ed. "You' business bu . " It look. ation.. Di' t Dr. Ca don't think delion, exc medicine. Oral:ter in, Hertfordehine who taught me yeas:eland years ago."' - "-Years itad years ago," ech.oecl Mr. Tregonnelli - " What an eternity of time you seem to express by that ' phase! Pray how Many centuries old. may 'you. be, Wes Rushton ?" , "In actual years rbelieve I apa twen- ty-five,"‘anitwered. Hester, tmiling ; "buts I feel dreadfully old. I suppose it is be- cause. I haye e Inown a great' deal of sor- row. I delft mean to complain. • Li- dded, I sit uld be very wicked if I did, for my am t Hedger and nay cousin Car- rick have both been very good to me ; rd to lose those'. one loudly e.morning of lite." ' ss.ented.Mr. Tregonnell, ear - [have known that loss; Miss nd it has made me what you i tvithout aim or purpose iu waif to drift about in a eted by the winds and waves, very little . what port I put ether I go 'dove some stormy night in mid -ocean unlaaneuted. and.un- ioiciten. And. you, too, have. drawn a mournful lot out of the ern, have .you; • little one?' 4 . • . 1 lost my'father and ID other whole,' was fourteen. • They both died itt the game week. Dear, dear itapa- was a cu- rate in a Bedfordshire village. A fever., broke _ out, and he took - it, and then mamma a: It was all . like a dreadful. dream. le a week they were gone, and I was alone with two coffins. -Then. Aunt .Hedger seut for rale, and I lived with her. S -he Was old and ailingwhen I. Went tober. Her life seemed like one long ablest, and then the end came, and I Wa. alone again.. • I havea't the least idea what would. have become . of me if Cousin larrick had not asked me to come aud take care of his house." " You aee very much attached to Die Carrick, I suppose?", said Mr.. Tregon- Bell, looking at he searchingly.. He. was wondering whether any hid- den evil I irked beneaththis outward simplicity . whether the relations be- tween the 'doctor and his cousin - were pure- and - roe -from guile. • - • a "He h •s beelavery good. to the," an- sweredlister, innocently. -'" And ou like him very much, no doubt." . • u startled. me ?" she exclaim - don't know what a critical Ming is:" rather like a surgical oper- • Dr. Carriek teach you ?" rick !" laughed. Heater. " I he knows a rose from a dan- pt wheu he 'uses_ them as No • it was dear -deaf old but it i • h loves, i; t " It is," nestly.. " Rushton, a seee--a, mai life, a mer se yacht, buff ice and -caring ad into, or -wh Id ng, ion of an honored inmate. She caughtl er - self eingiug at her work that. b isy morning, with a sense of pleasant ex - potation that was new and sweet. was a relief to think pf a stranger c ing to live. that big empty he Dr. Carrick was of se reeerved, a te • that Hester seemed .no more Ma with him now,- after three years' douies- • • tic compauionship, than on the da, • of her aunt's funeral. She could. comp _Ilia of no no unkindness. 'Ile never si oke Ied sly er of his rn- per ate harshly to her, even when radet trout in mind. He thanked her courteoi for . her attentions ; _praised economies mid clever managemen his. house, but he gave lier none of con_fidence. -She felt that she knew no more of his hart and mind than it ho h:adebeen AntliU of stone.. . About his neer pa,tient, Dr. Carrick . had told his cousin .only that he was a man of wealth and. '!poeition, that he Wita to 110.1r0- the bes•t rooms in the 'louse, and. that his 'valet was to be made cern- stet the as- • fortable in the servants' o was more frightened at t o idea of valet than el the graudeb of the I • r. Happily,- Mt. Tregonnetl's body ser- vant was not a pampered cockuey, cor- rupted by the luxuriotie idleues. ver, on ba the 11 chard:bars in the Albany, but cl handy fellow, used to toughing i board his master's yacht, ana wi genius for every art that can, make veheels of daily life work smoothly. He was a first-rate cook althea acconqlish- ed heti:et, and took upon himse those delicate labors which were be the. power of :Dr.: Carrick's inaid-o work. , Mt. Tregonneli staid out the and,: looked . eoasiderably better brighter at the end of it. Ile spelt mornings in roaming about the eli riding in the Cornish hums, his fter- amens reading, his evenings day of Dr. 'Carrick and Mies He Was a man who had. seen citiep, aud. read much. ilis cenversa- time1 therefore, was full of int( rest; and Hester, to whom intellatual con- • versetioe- was -new, witl -un- varying delight.. .1t was tO b obse Ted, however, that he never talke«)f Mu- • self. - The WoOk elated, and INtr.Tr gon- nell Lad no wish- toreturn to the in molt • He now firmly believed Meth po et of •anitnal maguetisia. ti si- leoce of hie bed-chambet, d )ctor. exercised bus potent but smell si utile aarL A steady pressure Of upon the shoulderstoi his pat ries of mystic pastieebefere t eyes, and the charm worked. First ; a • new: sense of warmth... *eel lightness blade throu.gh the fr the boavy eyelids drooped. int - the 'will lost its tvakieg poa memo deep, prolonged. and1•0 bringing herding and regeneration Io mind and body; This treatmeet was know save the patient aud physici Skater, the valet, had neve vert close atteudance upon us n who was a man of independ • nt Etise bedroom was on upp r flee mote from Mr. Tregoneell's apart said, the valet saw nothing af hi ter after lie had. arranged buswe). the night. Hester Rushton's ideas treatment of the patient m vagnest. Dr. Carrick haO to tht Mr. Tregonnell require retirement - • Se the days went on, an all .-ond eek, and • his s, or in ti Rusl men o SO - and de hands cut, a se - ie dreamt- keeper in St. Hildted—grecer ist, stationer and • postmaster comfortable gossip. " I never e body so tamed down and .qu master. He used. to be all its and starts, and, as restless as if lif was ae burden to him. Now he seems to find pleasure in the simplest things. _ ," Ali 1' said the shop -keeper, "he's been a wild one. I reckoa. The Tre-• • gonnells always were wild: It' e in the blood. But he hasn't been taking any more chloroform, I hope? That's a dan- gerous habit." _ • "What do you mean?" asked David.' "Why, he's been iu the habitnf tak- ing chloroform for pains in his head., You must know that, 'surely. . Dr.. Car- rick warned me not to sell hini any, if he should -corne here for " I don't know anything a. out his taking Chloroform," said 'hav-d. "1 knots/ he's taken all sorts of t ings on btard his yacht, to make 'hi sleep; but I never heard of his taking chloro - forth in particular. He's • got a little . bottle in his medicine chest,ib t I delft- -believe he's ever taken the stopper out." "Ah," said the village traclei, " that's .all you know about it. Dr. Carrick warned the against letting .h. m have chloroform, and there was that in •the doctor's manlier which made me think • it was a serious matter:" . • David Skelter ruminated tn. this disclosure of • the shop -Mon' . • His sturdy English Pelf -respect was offeodia at the idea of De. Carrick's interfereZce with his master's liberty. 'Ipaat any man should. go behind. Mr. Tregonnell's • back and warn •a shop keeper against treating him as a reasonable being; rinsed_ the faithful David's inOgnation. It was treating the master of Ttegonn.ell • Manor dike lunatic. 1 That evening after he had iLrranged •hiS master's room for the night, David, looked at the medicine cheSt,. which had been brought from the 'author with WANTED. -I- chased a good new Thrashing Machine, made 3 6 IN USE FIRST SEASON. THRASHING WINTED.--Having tea env by McPherson it Glasgow, Clinton, I am 4rrepae- ed to do custom work, at usual rates, for any one wire will give me notice. WM. T. DORKANCE, Lot 84, Con. 5, McKillop. '55614 THEPill AND CONVENIENT TWPORTANT NOTICES. THE SEAFORTH PUMP FAOTORy. — N. Cluff, successor to j. R. Williams, Manufac- turer of Pumps and Cisterns. All work warranted Seaforth. f ' IT TO9K.THE FIRST to eta) satisfaction. Faetory on North Main St., ' Mi Si DURABLE, SI I1NT tAP� LT. RIZE AND DIPLOMA failing to do SO at once will be charged 10 per cent. intereet from Januarv 1st, 1878, withoot A,t th7 west Riding of York Count? Spring Fairs in. 1877 and 1878. Has tlren. first Prize wherever exhibited and rever ha been beaten. . ing settled up their accounts with me for 1877 N0'.r BEING ABLE -TO SUPPLY T E DEMAND, OVER 200 ORDERS fail, "rPiOMAS 001"1,-NTIti Seaforth 581 NOTICE_ TO DEBTOES.—All parties uot hav- WERE RETURNED FOB SALE OR TO LET. N THE SEttSON OF 1877. OR SALE--Eor Side, on George Street, new These Fact , together with the Vaktia le Improvements made this Season, frame cottage, with e good well of water and : a good cellar. Apply en, the premises to JOHN MeNEIL. 557x4 ifort and aim ; then Auntaxilte . er; filch tf ul to none Davia r beau iu aster bits. r; re- nent, toas- ter as k the ere of the 11 lier only rest aud 1 Fie:iter's "1 like him as much as he will let me. He. ts my benefactor. I should be base and ungratefulif I did not` honor him._ I do, for his kindness to me, and for. his pittience.and fortitude,T and skill in has pr he does. tame no' threshol to live a . BUS . thought "Far all deptl Yet wit rick? sire hem service sounded ful pati ready pi pounds and had him to was, to advanta ession. I sce, how anueli good_ But he is as Much a stranger astyhou I first -crossed the of his house. It is his nature ne." - aeech made Mr. Tregonaell 1. • He remeiebered a line 'of • tines in which ther, is au unknown Mr. Tregonnelt's effects, and the dressing tableetudocked. • [To -be Continued.) . .tood on • Death of Minnie Wajttelt. -1 Minnie -Warren, the youugest and prettiest of Itarnum's dwarfs, died on Tuesday evening in childbed. r She was the youngest of a family Of eight chil- , dreu., all of whom, except herself and her sister, Lavine, now Mrs. Tom Thumb, were of ordinary size. When e joined a:- fifteen tinually, parts of iu height, and never attainect a weight to exceed, 45 pounds, being considerably shorter ancl more slender -than Mrs. She- was 27 years of age at th her death. To a pretty face s a pleasant disposition and. Minnie was 11 years of age s the Tont Thumb troupe, and f years she travelled almost co visiting nearly all the civilize' the globe. She was 40 inches - pROPERTY FOR SALE.—For Sale, that con-. •a- venient and desirable residence on tile corner of High and Market Streets, lately occltpied hy Dr. Vero* Apply to DR. VERCOE. 1. 488 GRISTING AND FLOURING- MILL • FOR SALE—On easy terma of payment, or plac s the Maaavell, beyond a ubt, at the Head of the List. The Itha a and Ontari9 Seft-D mping . Horse Rake cannot be surpa sed. Our Sprague and. Junior Mower can alwa,ye be relied on. The Combined Empire 'Drill and Seeder still stands unrivalled. mid we aeartily recommend oiir Wrought Iron Frame Gang Plows and Nos. 11 and 12 Wrought Beam Plows, &c. • to exchange for farm property. erriating and While thankmg our numerous cuatomers for pit4 stupport, we hope, by strict attention to buei- . cheap for cash or Short eredit. FENWICK, ° neas,, to merit continuance of their, liberal paircnage.• Also a quantity et Dry Hemlock Lumber for sale • Flouring proniptly attended to the same as usual. , Proprietor, Zurich P. O., On; 546 I PATTER -SON & BROTHER, PATTERsoN, WILLIAM GRIEVE, AGENT. Thumb. time of e added whining waysaand became the fast fi.vorite of Mr. Barnum as well as of the public. When Tom Thumb was married to La- vinia Warren the general, opinion was that 'Commodore Nutt Would take Min- nie for his bride; but tlae tile Coin- modore had. set his affeetimis on Lae- vinikaand his little heart \VOA blighted. when Gelb Thumb won her from him. Dr. Car- I ever' mind, Come modore " th jovial glad he -to fear from - 1 the doctor could possibly de- Barnum said, " Minnie Warren is a -better match for you. She is youuger than you, while Lavinia is several years older." "Thank you, sir," the Coin- medere said, stiffly-, "1 would not mar- t. Mr.Tregoiniell had. al- ry the best woman living. I don't be- ssed a check for . a hundred len •the doctor's. acceptance, eve in WOMell anyway." Tune lessen - found it difficult to persmtde ed Commaacete Nutt's grief, and he partly renewed. his attentions to Miss oceive so huge • a fee. There tfinnie. But, after his first -disappoint- 1 apprarance, no desire to tale: c :of hie,natural recklessnesau s. Inuit., it is said he became a !fast young lu, and Minnie, like, a Wise yeaug Hemet orward it beettino quite a usual • lady, discouraged his addresses. A few thint fol Mr: Tregonnell to loiter in the years ago 'Barnum found auother Lilli garden Is hile Hester worked with. her ' putiaii, 'Major Newell, who was re - !MEDIC:A L. T G. -SCOTT, M.D.&c., Physician. Surgeon and u • Acconchenr,Sen.forth, Ont. Office and resi- - dence south side of Goderich Street, first E d-41 toot of Presbyterian Church. - TT L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician; Sur- geon, etc., Coroner for the County of Huron Office and Residence, on Jarvis' street north, directly opposite Seaforth Public School. 17(7- As ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakefield, Ont., " • Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheu . G tat du u te of the University of -Trinity College, Toronto. Member of the Royal College of Phy. sicians and Surgeons. Ont. Kinburn.Orat. 455 WM. HANOVER, M. D., C. M., Graduate of Y McGill University, Physician S•argeon • and Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Odee-4looms in Meyer's Blook lately °coupled by Dr. Phelan, and fornaerly by the late Dr. King. Will attend ai Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Fridays. - 496 1 a MeNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeosi, Grade • ate of Ontario Veterinary_ College, Seaforth _ Ont. Office and Residence in rear of Killorar, &' Ryan'. Calla prompt13 attended to, night or lay. A stock of veterinary medicinneon hand Charges reasonable. 'Horses examined a s to eound- nests and certificates given if required. 407 IAMES W. ELDEE, 1'. S., Graduate of, the Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Profesisor Smith, of ITorouto, has, settled in Seaforth. Mace at his • residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day or night. A large stock et Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses . examined as th soundness and certificates given Horses bought and sold on commission. 424 him was liberal payment . for udered and to have his praises n the neiehborhood. by a grate- Y WE HAV " MEDICAL ONTARIO. ALL," SEAFORTH. STUFFS. DYE STUFFS. THIS SEASON TAKEN 14rECIAL CARE IN THE SELECTION OUR DYE STUFFS, AND: HAVE NOW ON HAND A STOCK SECOND TO NONE IN THE COUNTY AS REGARDS QTjA ITY OR QUANTITY. Try Our Pure Dutch Madiler, hzdigo,FuStic, Cudbearr • Turmeric, Loywopd, Cochineal, Etc. Full Directions given with each Parce,l, and if properly follow- ed we will Guarantee Good. Co ors. ITICKSON & BLEASDELL, Seaforth. 1.1 DERBYSHIRE. T.! . D. S., -- EMOV-AL. REMOVAL. REMOVAL, , -NATM 1\T _ CD INT Rs to intimate that he has Remo, ed Deice to D. McGregor's New ' Brick Building on East Side of 'tlaiwe Street, Pht Mortis, and Fourth Door South of William Campbell's Clbthing Emporium where he will, as ATIGUST 14, 187 1TCHELL'S BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. The hard tithes ere swiftly ftylins, = And Soon we'll be safe again, If in ith we keep on trying, - We'll surely unr "matte regain. ) Books, Stationery, and an variety wWt Fwency Goods at Yenag men, why den't you, get ma 'Tis then you'll enjoy this life, And Say with regret I've tarried, • But betterra had a wife. nutty L'arr:ages at -cow at name Mitchell 14. Sewing itlachines k kinds. be celebrated Erdal- or and the ;Dominion Organ—ihe _eau perfect Organs manufactured .....iii, sale cheap for cash. at Barry mt. awn's. A go d wiffi will save you money, And nrse you when you are ill., You both can live on less money Thai' now peys yonr :spurting bill Ewing meni and Wedding mop' at the II west prices. at &tarry cheirb. - An elegant Ladies' Gold Watch kr $25, &Ea W°tihteerbeGs;ttidell ekineapIeeswt te3h7ver vffeerryedeihne8111)e;fer8aTer Machine eedles, all jkinds, antl the best On alwilaYfRull°111'ngelltio.1 Spectaeles and Eye Glasses. Mottoes, F eases, andsGlass. Pictures Frames; alLillescizte•Olst:i raud:rird. ciskeait,s acaltade..1113,,..tme Hans H. MITCHELL does the Wall Paper' and Wise dow Blind trade in Seaforth, A. good:1304,a new patter s, at bottom maces. A Call Respectfully Solicited', The Invit tion wt4 to all. My Stock will alwaYs bear iuspectiou. Dear bu Mitchell's that I can' in his stet purse is :e Peltape To paid, and band, P think I will not go to Harry again. My eyet become so dazzled see straight fer a week alter beteg ,then again, I elysavs buy untilrmy pty, and eoreetitues den't stop thee. an call to ece P I left anythiegma- s so pay it, as Yoe know Ile_ Does_ a, Cash. BUS2/11.6$8,- REMEMBER "f1 -1E PLACE t No. 2 CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, MAIN siE FORTIN- HARRY- MITCHELL. FURNITURE WAREROOMS THE C • Surgeon Dentist., Graduate T AM N- ot the 1:oyul- College of Dento.1 FURN Surgeons of Ontario. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in Mrs. Whitney's new brick bloelt, Main Street, Seaforth. prueing unteere, laughed cluiesy fictetia noons, tieurall sad. giril of eau to learn • 1A.MER0N, HOLT- & CAMERON, Barristers, hitherto, carry on the '-nslieitors in Chancery, &c.. Goderich, Ont. , M. 0. Cameron, Q. 0., Philip Holt, IV. G. Cam - 506 eron. WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commie. Riefler in B. 11., Wroxeler. Auetioneer and Appraiser. Accounts and notes cellected on reasonable terms. 366 IR L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery, &c., Goderieh and Seeforth. Of- fice, over Sordau's Drug Store, Goderich, and Kidd's Store, Seafortat. 1 354 IVIALCOIMSON tS5 4-`-a- Rays,' Solicitors Office—First door bantling. WATSON, Bar:Asters, Atter- in Chancery, &e., Clinton, east of the 1 new Royal Money to loau on (aria Ont. OMB adian property: . MALCOMSON Bank s. 404 0.A. WATsON ts cCAUGHEI 11.0LMESTED,Barristor . torneye n,t Law, Solicitors in Oh.ancer3, and fnsolvency, 'f.rotaries Public. and Convoyaneem Solicitors for the It. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agenti.for .t he Canada ife As s Urnalee Company, • N.13. -.-M,000 to lend at 8 per Gout. Firms Roe Res and Lots for :tale. 53 •cissors or her trowel. Ile. vol- christened Gen.- Grant, jr., and added. his . assistance, but }Jester . to the Toni Thumb combination. The tt hie offer, and decLued each • Major aml Minnie became great friends. ielp. They- became very con- , About a year ago, tliey were married, .auring those sunuher after- • •and lived happily t4i,ether with - Gen. 'ester- telling the chiptor's Pa- , 'Thumb and wife 'in. Middleboro. t-tbout her happy childhood and , The secret had been closely kept by wed, +freely confessing' her want , Ali innie's family, but the New Haven Ilion and her • ardent desire a ,tomen soon diseovered the purchase of 311:. Tregounellrode - over to little bits of muslin, lace and flannel by th.e man - r oile morning -to select is heep members of the -Warren household., and. les for 1UI austruction, and or-- secrecy became impossible.: A- lady em to be -ent to St. Hildred friend Who visited the Warrens de - m same day. He took as much scribed the little garments as ." too • chockee those books \that -would. - comical for anything.- Dolle' patterns trouse her interest cls if he had were used, and the little slips and _ father cateting for!' a favorite wrappers were ' made one-siath of the i . size of garinents for ordinary babies. tine's, when the fair May after- The child died at birth. It weighed. (--2.ARROW, MEYER & EADENHURST, Barris - N -A ters, Attorneys -at -Law, Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Priaato funds to loan at a low rate o,f inter- est, and rn terms to suit borrowers. Offices— Goderich and Winghani. Office in Langdale'm building, oppoeite Scott's Bank. J. T. GA_RRO.W. W. 0. MEYER. W. J. RAiDENEUIRST. • 474 II- W. C. Meyer, Solicitor Consolidated Bank of Oaneda, Wingharn. of who_ dered ti House t pains tat at once been .a child: Some IZENSON & MEYER, Barristere and Attorney at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Insolven cY, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Oillees—Sea: forth and Brussels. $23,,000 of Private Funds to invest at once, at Eight percent. Intereet.payable yearly. 68' JAS. H. BENSON. W. C. DIEYER. The above firm has thiq day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts dee tho firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. JAMES H. BENSON. Nov. 27, 1876. H. W. C. MEYER. MISUE041.ANEOUS... J. MeCOLL, Solicitor, &e., Brussels. ()Mee • in Leekie's new brick building, 504.-52 FG. LANE, .Auctioneer and Appraiser for the • County of Huron. also Commission 'Mer- chant, McDongall's BloekTIVinghtun. 5454 1\ IONEY \TO LEND --On terms more advan- tageosfs than ever- before offered. A. J. Me- COLL, 4-61.icitor, Brussels. 504- 52. MODS N -ore. especially tempting, he na- five pound aud ten ounces. Four sisted u aen 'Hester's going down. to the • hours later the mother did, from ex - beach mith bum; and .they idled to- haustion. . gether apon the rugged strands picking • meter and. Mts. Newell , were the up mases of the many colored sea," smallest wedded pair that ever lived. weed, Watching the black cormorants Perchin r on. the rocky pinnacles, and • Great Western Railway. to the great strong voice of the Trains leave Brussels station, north and south, -as altogether it new life for sim- - as ander: - er Rushton- but the firm, fresh • ind was in no wise injured by , , mixed0.0.1N. 0. .hioor2T5HA.. M. Aecom.. .... 9:08 P. lltf. iation. The clever little house- Mail 2:58 P. M. sea. It phi Hes Yotkng n the asso GOING. SOLITE. Mail 6a5 A. M. Accom 12.15 A.M. Mixed7:95 P. M. WHO WANTS MONEF 2—A few thousand T dollars, private funds, for immediate invest- ment' at 8 per cent .- interest.. Apply to JAMES H.13ENS0N, Solicitor, Seaforth. 538 _TOHN LECKIE, General Loan ,u,a 11011 Estate " Agent.; Grain, Produce and Com eiseion Mer- chant. Money louned on real estatt in town or country, at 8 per cent. simple inter lat. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and ssld. Matured mortgages paid. off. Terms to sit borrowers. Farms and. village property for s le. Office— Leckie's new brick block, Brusseln, Ont, • 615 Lem:sem ! Tiosmas' EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC OIL—WORTII TEN TIAIES ITS "WEIGHT IN Goras.—Pain cannot stand where it Is used. It is th.e cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures common sore throat. One bottle leis cuSed bron- chitis. Fifty cents' worth has cured an old stand- ing cough. It positively sures catarrh, asthma, and croup. Fifty cents worth has eared crick in the back, and the RaMO quantity hone back of 8 years' standing. The following are 'extracts from feei.of the many letters that haveibeen received from diffetent parts of Canada, which, we think, should sufficiently Satisfy the most , skeptical: 5. Collard, of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send me 6 dozen Dr. ThoMas' Belectric Oil, have sold all I had from you, andi want more now; its cures are trulywon- derful." Wm. McGuire, of Franklin, writes, "I have sold all the agent left, it acts like a charrn---:- it Ives slow at first, but takes splendid now." H. Cole, of Iona, writes, "Please forward 6 dozen ThoreaslEclectric Oil, I am nearly out, nothing equals it. It is highly reconnnended by those who have /seed it." 5. Bedford, Thameeville, writes, "Send Me at once a further supply of Eclectrie Oil, I:have only one bottle left. I never saw any- thing sell so well and give such general satisfac- tion.' J. Thompson, Woodward, writes, "Send. me some mote Eclectrie Oil, I havis sold entirely out- • Nothing takeslike it." Millcir & Reed, II1- verton, P. Q., write, "The Eclectrid Oil is getting a great reuutation here, and is daily called for. Sendus a further supply without delay."ternoyne, Gibb & Co., Buckingham, P. Q., writes, "Send us one gross of Eclectrie Oil. We find it to take well." Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25 Cents. S. N. THOTo AB, Puzers, N Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. ,Norz.—Eclectrie— Selected and Electrized. Sold in Seaforth by LHiumsdeksoen33.& Bles.sdell, 3. S. Roberts and L. General Insurance, Money Loanl A ency, and Sewing Machine Business. In thanking the public for the confidence the) have reposed in him for the pftst'fifteen years he hacarried on these branches in Seatorth, he vii hes to inform them he will still endeavor to give tlilcm the Ham° Satisfaction whichthey have iI1V riitbly expressed with his transacnons. He still ke ps.on hand the best Sewing Nratehines t hat are manufactured in the -world, as well as Needles, O1, and Machine Attachments. He sells the Osborne A Machine, which is the simplest, the most calp able of making any kind of work in the most perfect manner, and the easiest and quickest th eadedaip machine of any inachine made in th Dominion. He sells the Genuine Howe Machine — Machine that has never failed to give satiSftNetion to every customer for the last ten years. He sells the Wheeler & Wilson Machines, the most tapid and least noisy Machine in tbe world. Farmers' Wives, Methanies' Wives, Merchant' Wives and Manufacturers, do not lili to examiner and try our Sewing Meehines—Family and Man driettuing—when you -want one. Also Agent for the celebrated PIILDZ 11/1d Pope Knitting Machin, capable of doing all kinds of work. Inetructions given to enstornere gratis_ on any of the abeve m • chines. Sewing Machines to Rent. Also all kinds of; Sewing Machines -wilted. TERMS LIBERAL. WASI. N WATSON, General Agent, Scaforth. TH.E GODERI Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel md. Saw Mandrel.•• •. $225 Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel ana Pulleys Complete......... ..... ........ 225 Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel Pulleys and Governors .... .............. ,... 275 . .. Second hand 12 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel, pitiless and Governors. 200 A:Hoisting or Boat Engine, with Hoistnig Gea 250 Second hand 16 gorse Portable Boiler, with Sra ke Stack . 150 Second hand lffhorse Portable Boiler, with Sm ke Stack •. . 200 Second band 20 horse Portable Boiler, with Sin ke Stack . ., 225 Secondhand 30 horse Portable Tubular Boiler, ith Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Bats, Steam Guage, Guage and Safety Valves, all n Good Order. . . 450 Secondhand Shingle and Heading Machine 90 Heading Jointer Heading Planer , . .. . •50 . 70 . . . . 80 CH FOUNDRY - • Heading Turner . Stave Machine, with Knife... . New Engines and Boilers on hand, also Made to Order very' cheap. Mill Machinery for Flouring, Grist and Saw Mifls. Middling Purifiers of Improved Kinds. f. -"Agricultural Implements.—Stoyes of Vatious Kinds.—Repairs on Boilers, Mills, &c.;promptly CODEiliCH FOUNDIr4 AND MANUFACTURIND COMPANY. Attended to. 521 • POST OFFICE. I STORE, WALTON --f- • . PQ ST ONCE 1,1OItE respectfully leg leave to return thanks to my numerotrs customers for their kind Petro age during the last 12 Tears tha t I liave been doing businets antonget them, and kindly solicit a. centinuanee of their kw.) s for the future. I have just received a Laree and Well Selected Stock of DRY GOODS of all deseript ons. Also always on hand 82'1'1111 assortinent of G ROrg Stock Ce EofO Ri ESB— TEOASTasSpaneediasityli—owlitehs,_fIT quali ty' and price, are the best in the County. ALa ePherson's make. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Coal O!1, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Drug4, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams, in fact every- thing requ red in a general store. Ask for wha you want if you don't see it. Cash or lane produce taken in exchange. I would also intimate to a]1 parties indebted to me for last and previous years, to come and settle by cash or note berme t e end of this month, or the accounts will be put into other hands for collsition. No further notice ill be given. MONEY TO LOAN ()lc EASY TERMS. :HI am alsd valuator for the Dominion Saving nd Investment Society, one of the best loan societies iithe Doranaion. The above Society loans m ey on gond farm security for a term of from three to twenty years, on the inset favorable conditions give me a call, as 1 am agent for the Sun Mutu I Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In- eurance Companies in the Dominion, and cond toted on tlie most economital principles. Don't for - et to give me a call. 1 ani always attentive o business. Post Office and Telegraph Office in coll- ection. Clovdr, Tiinethy, Turnip and. other ne ds on hand. ada,and I one in the Large Dis SEAFORTii. HEAPEST FURNITURE IN' THE COUNTY. W Receiving a Large Stock el NEW TUBE from the best Factories inCtna am enabled to sell cheaper than any Comity, as I pay cash down end get a omit. CAN SEL.L: Six Spl ndid Chairs for $1, se. Six :ha is, Fancy Turned Legs fur $2. Six Chu rs, Extra Good, for $2 50. Six Chu rtz, the Very Beet, ler $3 25. Boston bekers, each, for $1 1'•6 Nurse ockers, eticia, 90 .eents. Board d Spindle Bedsteads, 4x4, 6 feet long, S250 • 13ettutif '7 -Drawer Bureaus, projection fleas, $I13— ther ldnds very low. Six Cafe Chairs for $5. ‚‚5 In Ha gest toad r Cloth C Thai?' 3, iS ofas, Lon- nd Rockers, I Cannot be rsold: Baby Car sages nd Spinning Wheels very low GIME 41...; A CALL If you Wil t to fnrnisli, yonr house for it little money. WAREROOMS directly opposite M. R. Connte's Mairunoth Jewelry Establishment, Main Street, S &forth. Cash 1r Bides, Skins, Wool and Wool Piet, ings. JOHN S. PORTER. P. S.— hall soon be in a position to furnish Funerals heaper than any bne in the place. I T H T HUSBAND -OF MINE''' Buys all his Machinery frora L. .URPHY, SEAFORTH, 'WHO pleasure in announeing te -the '\%j tar4iirig community of Hamm that he is still sellijxg the very beat Sewing Machines, Agricultural pigments, and Musical Instrui- ments. Mr: Ilarphy's favorite Maine is the Singer, which is the best in the market, having carried off first honors at the Centennial and Sydney Exhibitions. Partners wishing to putchase any of the above would ecinsule their own interests by applying to Mr. Mnrphy first, an he can do better for them - than nee other in the trade- SeVrin g Machineand other repairs always DU - hand at his warerooms, Godetich street. 518 L. MURPHY, Se (nth. TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND LIFE INSURANCE.—If you went your lifo insured st OTHERS. R. PATTIS N, WALTON. IMPOil-tTANT 0 THE LADIES. 1 McINTYqE & WILLIS V0ULI RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE JUST RE- CEIVED FROM S. D. SOLLERS & CO., OF PHILADELPHIA , A Compfete A.„$sortnient of infants' and Children's Boots a-nd Shoes and Slippers, in Color. and Black. • These Goods are the Finest and Best in Anserica, S. D. Sollers & Co. obtaining the G-ohl. Medal and Dipl ma over all competitors at the Centennial. We hay also on hand a nise asso1frtment o LADIES' SHOES, in Tie and. Button, very cheap. We are the only firm west of Toronto -who keep these Goods. They require to be seen to be ppreciata.. IVIcINTY13,E & WILLIS SEAFORTH. A8 TIbY occupy the attention of all, these - hard times, the subscriber 18 determined to meet them by offering good. inch Hemlock, " not -4 usually sold. for inch," at the following tato: -12 feot Hemlock. at $7 00 per thousand; 14 foot Feneing;at $7 50, for Cash. All orders over 4.0013. 5 per cent. discount. Call and see if Ton don't I get what is represented. ' Book IA cern:nate over 3 months will be charged 8 per cent. The elubseriber thanks his numerous customers- ; for the* liberal support, and solicits a Maim- ance of their fa.vors. JOHN THOVIPSON. • 438 Steam Sa-7/ A.:1\T THAT THOMAS COVENTRY S IS THE PLACE TO GET GOOD VALUE FOR YOUR MONEil IN BOOTS AND SHOES. EiUTTER TUBs S. TROTT, SEA:FORM, P prepared to supplY all customeis I an. immber of his • SUPERIOR BUTTER TUBS, At $30 per hundred, Cash. These Tubs are se and faverably known to the trerle that it /5 . unnecessary to sey anything in their recoraraen- dation, MR. TROTT also manufatturee a Smallli tird- weod Tub, suitable for washing butter in. Ordera by mail or otherwise promptly -attend.- ,ed to. • 495 • S. TROTT, Seaforth. • 1?)==1/113-P1P)• DIGESTIVE FLUID. • • HA seal just Opened Out the Largest Stec in Sajforth. Not old Bankrupt Stock, n Stock, ho ht from the best factories in the think, ereja Grangers can hardly take exeepti business 180 often lately, that I know it is dif got perm4nently located now for some time from WiWam Robertson &. Co.'s Hardware S SIGN OF THE BIG BOO , suitable for Spring and Summer Wear, ever Shown r Wholesale Culls bought in Job Lots, but Good New Dominion for cash, and will be sold at prices which, I n. I have been compelled to change my plisse of cultlfor my customers to find me. 33.ut I trust 1 have Lt least, in Stark's New Brick Block, next door south re. , MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. THOMAS COVENTRY. P8d ie PSSeit3 Lai f eee I. nnIgtVfiarsii°:1:oustpsyl*sivarpnielisttoilef:tieetparlinattt: dangerous -)7 ehr lEee tibsCej la Is: s or; hg eS 15i heart,'vdFdi:e yi ad i s e eh "Sef 7:48-r but an excess of acid that occasions Indigestion. failed to relieve or cure the worst ease a head - many , ethers which originate in Indigestion - Sold lily all Druggists. Price 50 gents. 585-24 4 11 S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor -t-t • nd Civil Engineer, Orders by mailproraPts Iy attended to. 479 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. • lioNs • ttroU8lY 1.0)1 he was -el‘• 11 :to°1111:0113111A1113:1:13;:iYttil: _some - •3111. :672-04r:la: etre 'angels. Of _41:T._4:33:11;71(0:::;0. Xn cafe ava -of 44 unfath rising to th tto rzeirread.11; L3 1 ni.:07-1:7:113 raat: it ta to wi • --44 Sap plal at th graph. T • oiotw.thre, ao_frA.oxisttoo,! a . .an:b:; ot>tke:s' apurtiIsho: kne t tplifile87desesrliTia:fias;i the real el • wma —Tae 1 sei ae• t.llent I • e: ;IT era nh t, °hex year- eimple Rua tle it pot man tr`: helieve deal rat to taW talk Ilk The 1,4 looking • Looki the to obs tion• tt the eat •dew. reena_14 The a swot; ginixo one_ The see till te subs= fusion, but r wants ever, i rThtk he sa tia effsave age: 001 ni Tht sayt -der ;is s r eotiati tea* • bAaall lies4 • the the Yit•r• 'elate T, say foal- wh. eise the. not rat wo fora his! err • tio- ste to 133.0 hot ve of t In