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The Huron Expositor, 1878-08-09, Page 8
ti • t 8 nun expoitor. DISTRICT . MATTERS. Yrs -s: Fine Green and. Black T as, Pare Crean Tartar and Baking Powder, ° , re , Spices of all'kinds, extra fine Laundry Soap and very cheap toilet s;o ip at D. D. Rose's y Grocery. 557 Tna. Next door to the Post Offi e-- Received —Received this -geek, the finest English Bre a festt Tea ever�imported into the country, also Young, Hyson and Japan Teas D. D. ROSE. 557 ADVERTISEMENT. No advertise a' a dt fora couple of weeks, till the Old Country arrive. In the meantime we are offering goo( sun-. nanally low. HICnSON & BLEASDELL. 556 :NOTICE. All parties indebted fie E. HfcrxsoN by open account or note will please' hand in the amount to Hickson & Bleasdell's drngistore and no costs will be incurred. 557x2 ARRIVED- THIS WEEK kVA. G. MCDOU- a-A'LL - & Co.'s , the First Shipment of tho uic- 'brated Christy Hats, imported direct from Lo don, England. 556 WANTEb.—Wanted by a young an '-the use of a furnished room, without board. Good Ioeality. Address K., Expositor Office. 55711 PERSIAN Fro Powxnx, the gre test wonder of the age,no humbug. For s 1e by LtThtSDEN & WILSON. 557 ` GIIIL W ttED: Wanted immediately a good servant girl. Apply at the " Expositor " Office, Seaforth. 557 • EXTRA Family Flour, Oat and Corn. Meal, and Cracked Wheat at D. D. itosE's family Grocery: • 557 STICKY' FLY PAPER) wholesale and re- tail at LprsnE\ & 'Nrlsort's. 557 bushels to the acre, but these are ex- ceptional xceptional B. On . higher lands the ase, crop will be the lightest. The intense heat in 3' y s3ems to have matured it too rapidl , end the succeeding winds broke it d i wn badly, but' on level lands the yield i touch better; Some varieties also, hav been seriously injured by midges rut, upon thy, whale, the crop PEisONAL.—Next Sunday, _ Rev Mr. Forbes, Incumbent of Bayfield, will offi- ciateiu St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth, and special collections will be tak n up 3noriiing and evening in aid of the Wid- ows' and Orphans' Fund. A SEVERE STORM.—The most evere 14th thunder storm of the season passed over place, go tb London on Wednesday, 14th as . t., (the civic holiday) to play a match Atlantics of that city will lie n arty an average. Of course we know here are some localities.where the yield of springwheat will.fall far below an : verage, but . there are others where it • yield well, so that upon the whol= we may call even spring wheat, a fair crop. Barley and oats will give a large yield, although in quality + . e -former is not equal to some fo .►'er years, while the latter, in quality s never better. Peas will not to ov:r an average crop. Taking all into : count, therefore, we have not mach cause to complain of the crops this season, but on the Contrary much to be thankful for. Root crops are looking well, and there will be a good yield of fruit. Bass BALL.— h nine composed exclus- ively of dry goods clerks of this town have taken advantage of the excursion on the 14th inst. (civic holiday) by send- ing a challenge. to a dry goodsgro- cers' r- cers' nine of Kincardine. If the ,chal- lenge is accepted the match will be one of the many attractions to Kincardine on that day_ —The members of Phoenix Company Seaforth Irire Brigade, hav challenge om Rescue Ho der Company to play a ba on the 16th inst. The c likely be accepted at the re meeting of Phoenix Company next Mon- day evening. —Tile tar Base Ball (flub, of this THE HUS AUGUST 9, 187 8. N EXPOSITOFt. act as a fearful warning to boys not t trifle inthe way they have been doin, with the current. at the river mo'ath. rived shortly after the fire to grain Mr. Campbell, Mr. b whea stored in the barn. Zurich. c Snow. -The Directors Agricultural Society, met Hari; in the village of Z roth r -in-law ha& about 100 b e received a ok and Lad- e ball match iallenge will ular Monthly TI Hay Tow July , 30, President, Vice -Pr Treasurer, Secretary and all appointed Directors present. It was moyed and carried unanimously, that the Hay Ag- ricultural Exhibition will beeld on Thursday and Friday, the 19th and 20th of September, 1878. A good show and a large attendance is expected. this district on Tuesday morning g 1 t with th The rain poured down in torrents, and the lightning was most intense and con- tinuous for about an hour. We have >EXPL not heard of any damage having been some p: done by lightning in this vicinity. • cause t'. include Itz ;LOVED. Mr, James Bed.M011d,witli last issi his family, left Seaforth On Wednesday can assi for Michigan, where he has purchased -As we a farm. He took, with him a tem of sketch horses, wagon and. other implements. went bE Mr. B.edmond is a steady, industrious who :cox man, and a good citizen, and while, we mentio' regret his removal from Seaforth, we a produ most heartily wish himself and his fam- ily prosperity in their new borne arld new occupation. of the t ers, 'we Mr. 01 script FIk I;ur:Y's Ga.TnEP,ING.—Tho Seaforth the co Fire Brigade propose holding', -a grand derstoo Demonstration in town some time in portuni the fore part of next month. It is ex- forth; pectec� the several Fire Brigades in this we kno vicinity, in uniform and with bands, was a will be , present. A procession, games, consid; NATIOt.—We understand that sties in town are eir business inter l: in the sketch co e. If there are ire them• the' fault have - already e. vas the result of tween Mr. Clark,t npiled,it, and the ed in it. Believi tion would be in wn and interestin published it wi win rook's shell. of of the in the rich, on �sicdent, ggrieved be- sts were not tained in our ny such, we is not ours. plained, the an aa -range - e gentleman business men g that. such the interests to' o}Ir read- hout 'charge, rk furnishing us w'th the•manu- d taking all ros o onsibility for •ectness of the w+rk.. We un - that all were to have an op - y of having their' interests set nd that if any were omitted, and v there were a few, the omission their own option, because they ed the benefits -they would re- ould not counterbalance the con- n they were asked to make to re- te the gentleman who under- e work.. We hope this explana- 1 satisfy all that no slight has ered them on our part. Y1 sports and band competition will be the ceive attractions of the day, and the affair tribute promises to be one of the best out- muner. Ings '` of the season. took t • tion \i A REMINDER.—We would again re- been o mind' our readers of the Union excur-, sion to Goderich and Kincardine on the - cum civic holiday. Some of our leading bury, o townsmen are on the Committee of Ar- followi rangenlents and every effort. has been is a, c -used by them - to insure the pleasure mane and comfort of the excursionists, and as king the proceeds of t�lie excursion are.to be: devoted to Sabbath Schools, it should be patronized by all who can possibly do so. The train will leave Seaforth station punctually at 7 a. -m. Lis Stoat: ASSOCItTIO\.—At a meet- ing of the managing Committee of the Huron Live Stock Association, held at . Clinton on Friday last; it was decided to hold a sale of thoroughbred and im- proved stock at Clinton .in the month of October if a sufficient number of entrie can be got by a specified time to justif ithe Committee in proceeding with the sale. Entries will be received by the' Secretary until the 10th of September. If a sufficient number of entries be not received by that date there will be no sale held until next spring. y._ CONN its o. rioN U MEETING. --= A con- gregational meeting was hold in the Presbyterian Church ou Mon- day evening last, at which there was €c very fair attendance.: It was re- solved to take a vote of: the congregation by ballot, on six of the - candidates for the precentorship, pia Sunday the'18th Inst. The candidate receiving a major- - ity of all the votes cast to by the one to secure the ougagement. The pre centor's salary was ::definitely fixed at $300 per annum. It was also decided to extend a call to 1t v. Mungo Fraser, of St. Thomas, to be the pastor, and the` necessary steps for the moderation of a call will be taken in due courser tiullett. DEPARTED THIS LIFE. --On the 31st ult., shortly after 3 o'i M. Elizabeth eldest and daughter of George Snell Esq., illness of eleven wet)ks, pass - earthly scenes. a more better sphere. At the emise she was twenty-five months, and nineteen days g died in great peace, and er gentle soul to the care Saviour"and gav 'marked evidence thl t she longed to re ch that blessed " II me " which Chris has pre- pared for them that love Him." About nine years ago, she became a member of the Wesleyan Church by the precious means of the Revd.-; Hawke and Callum, and became devchtedly at- tached to the Church, its faith promises. phe was amiable cl fectfonate to her parents, aiming at doing good whenev casion presented itself. F grasp, benign smile,and trueh Monday lock A. beloved after a Protracted ed away frog glorious an time of her years, three of age, havil committed 1 of a ' ° Lovin J. McCutch`- •n, of ginghann,'gave a couple of du .. p speeches during the than truth t tru more ' ed e t sin which day, , °�° t poetry, creating quite an excitement ainong_ the F MARKETS. 93c to 98 5 barley, a0ct� peas, 58c to• 6 butter, loose new potatoes FOR RABIES.—Mrr John Louns- this town, has handed us the g receipt, which he assures us rtain preventile.for rabies, or from the bite of a mad rte, 4 ounces ; garlick, 4 ounces; filings Of pewter, 4 ounces ; molasses, 8 ounces ; boil the -whole far half au hour in two quarts of old ale, and strain off into bottles, when it is ready for use. A wine glass full of the liquid, morning and evening, is a dose ; to be repeated for ten days. The patient should smell of- a fresh pealed onion after taking each dose, and mint also be frequently. bled. Mr. Lounsbury assures us that from personal experience and observation he knows this medicine and . treatment to be effectual and sure as a remedy. A few years ago he was btten by a dog that. was mad he took this medicine owed .nett the above directions, was but little the worse, while boy and several animals that Sten by' the same dog the same rat rnad and died. He also states could give many otherinstances s� his own, where the medicine sed and proved effectual in every case. The receipt is certain y a very - simple one, and should be pr served by all who read it We are certainly much indebted to Mi. Lounsbury fol enabling us to give it to the public. , , and its ubiful el- and ever • an oc- er warm �artedness secured the esteem and friendship of the circles in which she nov her frankness and virtue wer commendable. We deeply loss in this circle, and sympat with parents and relations t of a dear one, who a few . m was in the strength of life ligence, and so soon departed, Com and he were bi that besid was ed, while e -,equally regret her ize much us bereft Liths ago nd intel• ow party. Treadwell, 97c to' $1.05 ; ; red. chaff, 85c to 88c ; 550 ; oats, 27c to 30c ; lc ; new hay, $12 to $15 ; 12c, tub 130; eggs, 9c; $1 per bush:; new apples, r5c to $1; w ol, 220 to 24c ; sheepskins,' 50c to $1, BEFORE T SQUIRE. -Richard Sel- lars, . bus -*Irl er, had to appear before Squire Wiles n last Friday. at the in- stance of T mas Nicholson, for viola- tion of the Lavery License By -Law, and fined $1 and costs, in all -$3.85- -Last F day a German named John Taylor was rrested by Constable Mc- Guire. for b ing drunk and disorderly opposite the Central Hotel, and fined $1 and costs, i al $5.10. —On We n day James Quigley was up again fo to old offence of being drunk ana d sorderly. This being the fourth time or Jimmy he was discharg- ed on proms a of better behavior in the fature. BASE Bawa—Mr. -Editor—Sir-- The Blyth correspondent of THE EXPOSITOR, last week stated that the dlippers of Brussels used the Blyth botr shabbily, and came to play a match ga ball when told not to, as t match to play On' that day. swer was sent to the Clipper' that club never received it, using the Blyth boys shabbil is on the wrong foot. The 0 ball Club, do hereby challeng club, or a picked nine fro borough and Blyth, to play base ball on any grounds name, except Blyth or Lon and on any day, for from $2 side, or a frienily game. WILL PUT UP. Bhinrs.—One of the Brt. ball clubs intend taking part in the tournament at _ Wariketer, -op. the 16th inst.—The Post Office has Veen remov- ed from Jackson & Holhda, doors further north.—The on, the Phcenix block is just the brick work will be push once.—A number of noliti Brussels, of both sides of p ed. Blyth on Tuesday last, debate between Messrs. Sloan.. The accounts give thing but flattering to eit that last th Wm. Johnson., of Wroxeter, shape Ofl a.. diamond, valued at The t was made by a cousin of IN is. Johnson's, who lives at the . South Afr lean Dianiona Fields: This and his yearly lassessnient is $90,000. —Mr. Johnson has lundly sent us a Council held on Tuesday evening last; in Kimberley, "South Africa, which is, the only business of importance trams, acted was Ahe confirming of the by- law to raise funds for the erection of the_ School building.—Itev. Mr. Campbell, of this town, ia at I present rusticating at Bavfield. He is camp- ing out on the lake shore.—A long train laden with excnrsionists from Stratford passed lip to Goderich on Tuesday last, that being the civic holiday. in that town.—Business in town is alery dull just novigarmers being too bbsy with harvest ' to visit town.—A long excur- sion train froni, Guelph and Ga..t, pass-, — atile cows, each, t3 to t:8 ; draught ed up to .Godetich yesterday.—We un - hors s, :E20 to -e40 ; riding horses; -t7 derstand that the sons _of the Rev. Mr. Graham , late of Egmondvill , have been left a. legacy by an uncle who recently „ cit diamond buying" seems to be died in the old country. Fred. receive;,3 $5,000 and each of the others a.le8'ier' licit whiskey selling is iu Canada, no sem. The money is to be inveeted and few r than five •persons having • been the young men will have the benefit of. sent need to Various terms of imprison - the interest only. ment in one .Nyeek, by- the presiding e of base If an an - challenge nd as for , the shoe. 'pper base the Blyth Londes- game of they may esborough, to $100 a ONE WHO ssels base in itself, a curiosity, as it is not frequent - ;that newspapers from that far dis- tant lama are Seen in Canada. The business men of Kimberley- are evident: ly strong believers in the virtue of ad- vertising, as the News is nearly .filled withl attractively displayed business no- tices In the m trket report, w.hich is we notice the following tEuron. Notes. Mr. Hui!rh Gilmore, of Stanley, finished his entire harvest on the 2nd inst. — The Mtrris fall show will be held. at Blyth -the 10th and llth of Oc- stone work 'shed and d along at isms from Mies visit - o hear the arrow and are any- er party.— A very heavy ram storm assed over this section on Tuesday mbrning last, allied with roage was ng thresh - is yielding dated May 15th, quot thins: Bu ter, per pound, 2s. 6d. - to 3, ; Firewood,- pet waggon loud, :el 6d.; potatoes, per sack, ta to 15s.; severe lightning, but no done.—The fall wheat is e ed in this neighborhood. an' about 35 bushels to the adri very good quality. • Wroxeter. BENCithJOH.—Iu addition good things proinised to th the three counties at this 16th August, we are going opportunity of hearing Bengough, Can- ada's favorite artist, who will hold forth, we trust to a large apd. achniring audience in the town hall that even- ing. BAnN BURNT.—Early 'morning last, a terrific th nder storm passed over this placea dehtroying the barn and stables of Mrs! Walker, of Turnberry, with the loss of nearly all the contents. The lightning first struck the barn, which was immediately flames,*and before assistancti could ar- rive, the whole building was reduced to a mass of blackened ruins. The loss is estimated at $2,000 ; insured in the Lon- don Agricultural Mutual for 41.000. e et urn wast 't c 1 verdict v "n owl. o g ' he f held to e Y el rnest � inquest the the jury a tq by into the cause of the sudden deat of the late I Andrew Muir : That d� ceased, Andrew Muir, came to his deat: ce , the 28th of July, from- t on Sunday,.the a blood -vessel effects of a rupture ofwhich form the vicinity of the brain, a clot on the brain." has been or anized in Wingham, with —A 1(41,1 of Orange Young Britons Robert Abraham as Master. —Mr. Mat. Armstrong, second son of Wm. Armstrong, Esq., of Brussels, left last Week a trip to the old, country. —Mrs. Dklling, of the 451.1 concession ult., while of Guelph, now sojour erich. sun struck on Saturday,20th n the potato patch.- She is ith their families are just umored that Mr. 3. When - in Londesbitro, arrangements being near- ly completed. —The fall show of the township of Turnberry :will be held on Ithe show ground in acres of S Wingliam, on the 19th and Loadman, of Hay, had five ett wheat which yielded. 180 e also had the same - area of Tread -Well, which yielded 151 bushels. i • —The Clinton Presbyterian congrega- tion preseitted Rev. Dr. Ure with $20 as an acknowledgment of his service as -Moderator! during the vacancy in their —Mess . Glasgow, Macpherson- et Co., of linton, are about placing the Expre 's Office, by means of a tele- -Mr. J hn Bell has greatly improved his hotel n Londesboro, by the ;alit tion of a rick kitchen. His facilities for accominodating the public are now excellent. ' ! —The fall exhibition of the- Hullett Branch held. in C day, Sept to West —The new Lutheran- church Zurich is now nearly completed. It a handsome edifice and does honor the- enterprise and, good. taste of t congregation. A handsome clock orn inputs the spire and will be a boon the village. The interior will Soon. finished. It is expected that it will ready for 4ervice early in the fall. i—On Monday evening, while Mr. Atkinson, of Exeter, was working on building iu Crediton, he stepped on board which was insecurely placed, a it went down with his weight, preci tating him to the ground. Am some severe bruises Mr. Atknison s fered a dirlocation of the left elb j4nt and a fracture of the bone im diately below it. —While Mr. David Russell, of the pi concessio of Hay, was hauling in lo o the many people of lace on the o have an n Tuesday IlaiwnsT axn THE CROPS.—HarL. ma,.sistrate of Kimberley, for this of - recent alcarers, are progressh ed, and a good deal of it has been. thresh- ed. Batiey, also, is nearly till under cover, anE-fanneittare now blusily -en- gaged at their spying wheataoats liad: peas, By dna day week, if th Weather keep, favorable, there will be very little ,grain in this sectiou i nhoused. As to the probable yield. we re justi- fled in saying, from extensiv observa- tion and calory, that there 1 ill be, on the -while, a good average: F U. wheat will average from 30 to !.35 bi. she's per ' acre. We have heard - c f instances where the yield is as low as 2 bushels, and. as high as 45 bushels 0 the acre, but 35 bushels may be tak n as a fair average, The el:duple. is n t so plump and good as last year. In spri • g.wheat, in some sections, and ia SOnat Laerieeatileos of grain the yield will not e • of the oldest and most highly respected settlers of Howick, committed suicide on Wednesday morning laet, by cutting his throat with a razor, whichrestilted almost instaattineously in death. The deceased became deranged some time ago, and since then has made several attempts to destroy himself, which cans- -. ed. the members of the, family to place -all weaPons of a dangerous character _beyond his reach. But, o the morn- lu ing in question, he succee ed in break- ing open a chest, toolt ther from a razor, -concealed. it about hisPerson, proceeded. to the bush, and there accomplished the. deed. The coroner was at once ' sum- moned, whaempanneled a _jury, when ;a verdict in. accordance with the above !facts was th aged partnei ternoon. a* dreadful hail "storm passed °veil the eastern part of McKillop,break- ing !windows and doing -an immense' ann mit of sto Wer of a inch wh at belonging to Mr. Murray was lit- terally ttviSted and crushed flat to the ear h. The same gentleman had a cow kill by the lightning. Baits Beaxae.—A barn on the farm of Mr. James Brooks, on the 6th ponces- asion of McKillop, was destroyed by fire last week. The origin of the ,fixe was unknown. A mowing machine, wagon and other articles were burned. The loss would be about $1,000 and. no in- nce. There was no grain in belong - to Mr. BrOoks, but he ar- amage to crops. The hail pieces of ice three-quarters across. A 10 -acre field of ing timothy year the and a hal 10 inches in length.' Dougall wheat af the farm of Grey, —On Stephen, Shipped from Hensall and B oefield a large number of first-class hogs with ano was feedi ing, one arm an wound, some ti —The Duncan and lat gricultural Society, will be 'nton, on Monday and Tues- mber 16 and 17, just previous hich grew on his farm this alks of which measure five feet and the heads from 9 to a Howard was forced by the intense pain to take to bed, and at _ the time of Wi. severely. The limb is fined Perth Items. ism Orirs, of Brunner, has suffers y 20 and costs for selling writing withoikt license. badly swollen. _ .S#ealing flower pots cont . ult" a th ��' 290 he t 'ii among . niaren the orplants, —On lk�onday m g' arra an en- � choice �vzcesp an attempt was made to ;fl tiled by Mitchell youths. i e into the residence of Mr. Wil- a first load of fall wheat, of tsar Horne,about half a mile south of ear's growth, was brought int© XL liam . Itte xetB1, The #amily retired to bed i yobeli market by Arr. Edwin R #4 early,about ten o'clock Mr. Horne 1 and the Fulls on, and bought by Messrs, Cures some one attempting to open - , & Thomson,. at 90c per bushel. heardhis bed room win i ds on a was not of the first n Venetian blinds lam 1 q a1( Veno several p x# low, Mr. Horner enquiredthou . , a very ;falx one. as to what was wanted, and at : neral baths have been este�blslt= times �,i e ti last a voice which he failed to recognize ed Stratford The water is sat growled .that ,__ wanted ;,�, While ,. valuable .�..ra:�.w_, _ mr. Horne's two to sPillhegardon'auother person at- 1 ties - tat heal I ail 18 gpwht rS g to tome open the front door. to Goderich, abont the middle of ttit They raised a window and alarnaed a Mitchell are arranging far an exe ' • neighbor, when the two persons, finding their efforts of no avail, took a sudden month; was "brought to Stratford by Mr. Jeta —The first new wheat of the • departure, one of them saying " they Peddle, of North Easthope, ana sale M. McGregor, of Stratforililaa w —One day last e, Mrs. Holt, who keep hotel in the back g toi:e. procured his nye v outside, but could not find trace of any - part of Stephen, were in Exeter, two young men of the neighborhood, namea Barry and Rourick, entered the bar- room, and after drinking all the liquor they could stow away, gave a lot away and threw a quantity on the floor. A bein an averag6 el nearly threctons young lad who was' left in charge, at- tempted to interfere, but to cool him off the young men poured a pail of cold mation of malicious destruction of pro- perty, but the case, on being tried in water over him. Mrs. Holt laid infor- Exeter on Monday last, was dismissed. Another little incident occurred- on that week, white Mr. and j-eler,swvehoojaigotertatieniCoingistonco. aohesia been appointed :teller in the Bina 4/ Monlreal, at Guelph, in Idace of XL eele ration, well laden with fireraei att Stra ord. for the Woodstock fireteata Inbil*ree*,. Forrester, flax mere-km*1M- theft friends, to take part in the grata ch—ell—, has taken sixty tona of halt* Just erected another svaaiweailluall,etna:ate The! timber 'will soon Xavier Buechler, Elnia, las be Balcbeualtt:: - day, which is worthy of notice. While bth.e_tjisoorgintg'aatyoremeeri.ttAlyaama they were holding " high jirtks " at the tavern, a farmer drove along. _A suck - but nder skilful treatment it is thou& Poo e, wail' badlygored. by a vicionsb hag colt accompanied his team, and the n, colt started off with the strange horses. The fernier got out to follow and king J „willairercso:vserkin. , an old isay hying near Anderspia, fell from the top of the Maki back the colt, leaving his horses stand- ing on the road. These young men got to the bottom in her house, frac * mile at full speed. They stopped at is doing wen. her lega Under medical attendant° t41, into his wagon, and drove about a nothing, They drove through a set of Mr. David .. Hamilton, of Liam? has a cotton plant growing in hie gat - bars and into a field, upsetting the wag - The seed was brought frota tlie on. The owner of the horses came up den and remonstrated, when, it is said, by Southern States by Rev. T. T. Jobe - way of diversion, they gave him a sotmd. sto , ltIolesworth. barley la and ran the load seriously slight bruises. He regaaned his and stopped the horses, but the- gro being rough the wagon was damage • • Frain and James Mo- und and. stooked 7 acres of r reaper in ten hours on f the fernier, 451.1. concession n Saturday last. riday last Coughlin. Bros., of t week, his horses took fri way, throwing Mr. Russell Forttmately he was. jured, only sustaining so Parrott, an accid on Wed home f result. -.Uri Willis leaves a large fan:lily and an to mourn hia Melancholy riday last Mr. Thomas f East Wawanosh, met nt which terminated fat esday evening. He retur ora Belgrave upon Fri evening, and upon attempting to get of his wagon the horses bolted int shed which was too low to allow t to pass Underneath while in the wag and as a consequence he was fearfu crushed.' He was 48 years of age. iirehased at the Brucefield and vill cheese factories, together her lot, to Liverpool. Blyth. a petition, the reeve hasi appointed Tuesday, the 1.3th inst., a cilvic holiday, it willitherefore.be observed! as- such by the ceSsation of general bestiess. -Pitesox.u..—Miss Nellie been superintending the partrnent at Mr. D. B. it Kerr, who has tinnon's for —One evening last -week- a fu runaway occurred in Exeter. A It belonging to Mr. John Willis by s means escaped from the field tither had been working, and. with a sulky hay rake at his heels da wildly up the street. He ran close to sidewalk- in passing Jones' jew store, and the rake striking again hitching post one of the wheels torn off the - axle. The horse stopped near Davis' blacksmith to be standing crosswise on the st --Mr. Chas. Bauer, who left Z for Manitoba, has again returiaed. was offered. a bonus of 1,200 bushe wheat $1,000 cash to pet up a mill near Emerson, the mill to la working order in June. Mr. Bauer cepted the offer and set to work, owing to a difficulty about getting; machinery, the mill was not rimniug the stipnlatenime. The people now refuse the bonus. We understand Bauer's visit is partially with 9, , to ascertain what reparatio-u he can. tain. —On the 1st of July two horse be- longing to Mr. John Crerar were ea on the railway track near Brusse19, be- ing struck by the cow -catcher of the 9 e Mr. john McMahon, of Hay, f the cows gored him, in - deep, ugly gash on his right although not a dangeroue will prevent him working for e. Post is informed that Mr. erguson, formerly of Brussels, *of White, Lake, Renfrew ied at the latter place about a month ago. Mr. Ferguson was well known been a s Usborne Mrs. W misforti Brussels and. vicinity, having hool teacher in that section. le Mrs. McMartin, aged 79, of1 was on a visit to her niece, . Russel, of Hay, she bad th e on Sunday, the 21st tilt, to a ly se All as op ed et. ch of ur in ut he by fall on t le doorstep, dislocating her hi , joint a d fracturing the bone. Dr! Moore as promptly called, and- under bis skillet attention she is recovering. 1 the past season, left for Ingersoll to -day, to be absent until - the c ntmencement Of the fall season. We 'Wish her a pleasant time. EXCURSION. — The Gr at Weefern railway intend running n excursion train from Wingliam to Port Stanley on Tnesday, the 13th inst. .11.1e fare from Blyth for the round trip '11 be- $1.25. The tug Collin Munroe ,wil1 run excur- sion trips on the Lake. pairing the ,day. The -13th beina our eist'c holiday, Blyth will no doubt °be well represented as the Port is a pleasant place to spend. a THAT CONTROVERSY. — political - controversy between Thomas Farrow and Dr. Sloan took place here last Tues- day, and turned out a ,fiztle, Mr. Far- row not being able to prove a single falsehood in the Doctor's circulars. W, ew ob- a. m. train going north. Mr. Cr applied for damages, and on Fri last Wa$ informed. by letter that the way authorities -would not pay thing for the horses, alleging tha was through no fault of theirs. Crerar contends that the Great W Beltway Company had insecure on his lot, and has, we understan stituted legal. proceedings &gains —Mr. S. Seegmiller, of Goderic Mr. 3. I. Carter, of Seaforth, hav tained th.e sole 'agency for Cana the sale of Oliver's Chilled These plows are made in South Indiana. The material princ that can be procured—the cons is of the best description, an mould boards, standards, and are of the best possible make. claimed that for scouring, an its non -choking qualities, this stands, in the opinion of many leading farmers, far above an have ever seen. The dtaft is ex ly light, the furrow well turne this plow is warranted to be th thistle cutter ever introduced. . —Some thirty of the friends Wm. Jordan, of Wingham, ass at the Royal Hotel on Thursday ing of last week, for the purpose seating that gentleman, -who is leaving Wingham, with a :gold in token of the respect and est which be was held during his re there. Supper was partaken about 0 o'clock, after which H. Esq., made the presentation, ponied. by a short speech, to whi jordan replied in suitable Speeches were then made by sev 29th of May last, assisted tit, Mr. Chap. (t Dodd, b an artificial process swarmed a hive f bees, and in four; weeks after took ho eyfromthem each week, taking in all that time twenty paunds, besides having -, lour large swarms -from -the originalhive. We question if this can scheme that was brought forw be equalled in Canada by the best bee the benefit Of the -village, keepers , I making many true and lasting —tit I the buildina of Mr. W. Ct —About a month since a s Searleia premises, in °Clinton, a horse is act of cruelty waa done to a c used to pull. up loads of .brick to the property of Mr. George Reber second story. On Friday one of the lot 34; concession 12, East Wa traces ave way, throwing the horse The animal was brought home aroundtm the joists, one of which broke, time with about lt inches cut and the horse fell into the cellar, but end of one of her teats, it eviden sinaula, to say -was not injured in the ing been done. with a knife o sliglite. t. A ganoway had to be bnilt . sharp instrument. On Thur to get t e horse ouff. :, last week she was again brough; ---.-Ori,Fridav evening a young gentle- I mutilated. This time another man hired. a horse and. a top buggy from : teats had been split from the ro Mr. Po the sta. and as left th horse standing untied andapro- ; cerned. The perpetrators of s ceeded to the train. The horse at once rible acts of cruelty should, if c •bolted eft at a furious page. - Some one ' punished. with. the utmost rigot in attemptinn to stop the animal turn- law, and. as Mr. Robertson hit ed hint towa;ds the sidewalk bringiug suspicion who the guilty p the buggy up against a tree, where it is to be hofed he will get his a was sinashed and the horse freed. The t --On Wednesday of last wee horse Went to his stable without injury, Howard, of the firm of Dyer, but the buggy was damaged consider- ' Howard,of Exeter,in company ably. 'other workmen was eng aged rep rar ay ail- uy- it ern tes in - the . n Tuesday of last week 11.r. Paola thra—sThihBegB•russels Post gives the follow- ard Halpeny, of Elma, whilst at *nig-- illa particulars concernin,g the death of ing fell ftorn a beam to the growl. th°e tate Jacob Amer : The old man Though seriously hurt, hopes areenter- (who resided with his aged partner on tabled of his recovery. ,_ the farm of his son), had arisen shortly -1-Mr. John Whimster, of St. Marys, after 6 o'clock, and. proceeded to light haS erected a most beautifiilmenument the fire to prepare the morning meal. in the Presbyterian cemetety to the - He had. made the necessary prepare.- roe, ory of his children, who have been tions, and previous to striking the gat ered. to the better land. The mom - match had proceeded to fill his pipe, me t is of Scotch granite. i evidently with the intention of lighting —Quite a few of the entertatisisg the latter after touching the naaterial threshers in Perth have gone into-steen. in the stove. The old man sat an a threshing machines thit year. They& lett wood box, one arm resting across their work better than. horse -powers, the front of the body, the:ether -touch- an4l being perfectly free from aangetal ing the ground on one side. of him, gitt. fire, are highly ..appreciated.. hag the appearance of an easy sitting tt-St. Marys is expectinga g tithe posture, and in this position his spirit dui4ng the annual railitaty drillt which departed, Shortly before 7 o'clock hia is to take place in SePtember at that wife, aged 85, hearing no stir arose and to n. The citizens expect tliM v. went into the kitehen. She saw her w ap of $2,000 will be s_pent in ilia husband sitting on the box, and, think- totivn during the stay; of the "bitys in „ing that he had started the fire, and. scarlet." I that i.t had. failed to burn, she- said, r -W. G. Hay, of Listowel, in corn- " You haven't started. the fire, dear," patay with a number of otherstintenda to which the old. man gaVe no response. setting out for the Manitoulin *ode, Thinking that he had fallen into a doze to organize a Grange in that place,af- she went over to awake him, and. to her tet which he will proceed to tht P horror' found he was dead. The old Senna district, where he will estali lady inaraediately called for aid, and aai Indian tnission. 1 her son and -Ms -wife were quickly on 4—On the morning of Tuesdati, during the scene, Vat life was extinct: Jacob the severe thunder storm, the lbara of Amer was born in the County of Mr. W. Oliver, of the 17th concession Glengarry, on March. 16th, 1778, Hilbert, was struck by lightning aui and was 100 years, . four months b t to the ground. It contained. et itrn and 10 days old. at the time of his t e time the product of ten acres of fall death. Ile had lived in Canada durina w eat,..20 tons of hay, a quantity of res. the entire period. He removed to the a Fanning mill and some harness. The township of Grey about nine years ago, b 'Wing was insured in the Uelionie and. since that tinde he has resided on a d Hibbert Mutual for 11,000; Mrs. Wilton, Mrs. Caleb Whitt -mg, . the farm of his son Daniel. He was the father of five sons and six daugh- Amer. ple accident. The animal had. juin oVer the fence int° MT. GelTylii woods, ters,atniong whom in this section are Mrs. David. Whitting •and Mr. Daniel ---The Exeter Reflector gives publicity aoSysoeurvnegdrathalle Wanhiontalsawigkpirnogotear Cienlea te to the following tit -bit of interesting dtive him out, when the horse in ett local scandal : During last° November tempting to jump bakk over the fella a young man named Gordon, of no very stumbled, and, falling with its head prepossessing exterior,, arrived in Exe- against a stump, broke ite neck. ter from New York State, accompanied by a rather attractive, looking -lady, who passed as his wife. They resided here for sonae time and. then removed to Mooreville, where they reaided. until re- cently, Gordon being in the employ of Mr. Simpson as a harvester. During their residence here no doubts as to the integrity of their connubial status were entertained, and it was quite a surprise a few days ago, when a man named Ar- den arrived from Ontario County, -New 'York State, and displayed a photo of . himself, wife and brother. The lady was at once recognized as the psaedo • Mrs. Gordon. Ardell at once proceed, • ed to Mooreville, and found his wife alone in the house of Gordon, and was received with open arms and the cry of , and ob- a for end, pally able ction the heels It is for plow f our they reme- best f Mr. mbled even - f pre - about 231 idence of at Davis, ral of those present, all of whom ex ressed regret at Mr. Jordan's depar tire, he having taken a prominent part i every rd for hereby ooking son, of anosh. 1 ey, ef Goclerich. He drove to tip, from the effects of which, ion to meet the ,evening train, she recover, she will be an -u the train neared the depot he to her owner, as far as milking ?LEARING SALE THREE WEEKS' Great Reduction in aerli D 46 Ob ! my dear, is this you r A. full fk. ' reconciliation was at once effected, and the reunited couple returned to Exeter. While here the lady recollected that Gordon's Nvatch was in Mr. S. E. Jones' partment. - shop undergoing repairs, and, getting $3 from'Ardell to pay charges, proceeded to possess herself of it. 'In the mean- time Gordon missed his companion, The Balance of this Seaselfer ly hav- and, ha,stening to, Exciter, soon found. a some clue. Disco-vering that his watch had . t day of been 'gifted," he secured the services . home of Constable Gill on Tuesday evening, - 411 Classes of Goods Mark of her 1.' and by dint of a short cut through the Down in Price. t to the 1 fielde, reached the station before the even if fleeing couple had got on the train. . ter loss ; Pointing out Ardell to Constable Gill, is con- Gordon exclaimed : " There's your ch hor- 1 man." t But just as the clutch of ught,be ; the law was about to be placed on him, strong I've got your watch ; I paid $3 for it." y is, it She then drew out the watch and gave .serts. it to Gordon, who at first insisted on Mr. E. , her being taken into eustody. On the Oke assnranee of Mr. Hayden and. Con- ith some stable Gill that, if once recourse to law iringthe was had, nothing would prevent a cora- -0 Saturday last some four or five Roman Catholic Church in Biddulph, plete diselosure of his unhallowed rela- boys ere bathing in the lake at the and he was going into the pre ises of a tions -with the woman, he concluded to mouth! of the river, at Goderich. They Mr. Robinson, who lives dos to the let the matter drop on condition of Ar - were *muting themselves by taking church. He had just got thr ugh the dell paying him $4, which he did in pieces of 13oara to the mouth of the gate when he called. the dog, hich he presence of Mr. 3. Gillespie.. When the river here the current is very strong, , knew to be cross, and the large animal train was ready, regardless of the argus ti and la ing on the boards would thus be ' came up to him and seemed q carrie- swiftly out to the lake. One ' natured, but soon grabbed Mr. boy, J hnnie Patterson when thus run- by the calf of the leg, and clun ning the current on. a board was carried such tenacity as to make his t beyon his depth and drowned. in six nor did. the savage brute relax ;c1 feet of water. He was age seven years. 1 till his jaws were pulled o The b y was found on S day morn- 1 Howard was brought to his ina about ten o'clock and interred on ' Exeter. The wound was not Zonday. This sad drowning should i ful for a day or two, but on F ite good eyes of the unfeeling peoplit assembled. Howard. on that station platform, she fondly t on with embraced her late pa.ramour and kissed thrcteet, him a tearful adieu. The couple now hold reunited. then left for the land of the n. Mr. Stars a,nd Stripes, and Gordon, nursing ome in his torn ana lacerated heart, remained so pain- over night in Exeter, leaving in the alay Mr. morning, for Mooreville. 'When We advertise a. Clea Sale we Mean it. Call and Examine for 'To Remember the iCext Three eal S GN OF THE THRE SEVENS. ighest Price Paid for triass Butter. veil SAL:E.—Fox 4: Min, nearly Thy Will bo so1/1 elassi x of 100 acres; c< 12th concession. o Terms easy. API Vox 51, Clinton P. -cleared. and veil fet ruingorchanl; soil tore; price -$5,0e0,J acre lot in`the r„,ti timbered. with heti will be sold. -cheap.: :solicitor, Seaforth,- w.an-tt Fon SAL go• od state -,f cultii on • lavora tern Om- 7, iilullet1 SO cleared, veil sir of cultivation ; b terms easy- Fe or en the premise! IVALUABTA T the east hall tackersmith, Corti acres, st railes tn. convealeat to '1-.1 best quality, Fel Eginendville F. 0,., A: Roll , tents dwelling ' use vi tframe ba and sl of Clinto U44-11 VALUABLE 1 Acre is a IogrIsi and stables, pitS is ttithia li 1" FL/MT, or by let (1003) 3.;laill which. are titall tiOn4 'Weil fence good hardwood. three-quarters I Apply to IIRS.- OPERTY sets, 50 'acres, 4 machinery eon lots, and a larg all the properti, ties. JOHN X VAltli FOR: ?County et rii. -which We elea water, The fi Town of Seal( particulars ai 13TED, Sealer tor, on the pr• VALCARLI west hall lannissituat Seaforth. TI There is a btu lugs- The fit tome& It IS tiernun• :Ord easy. This ti to A. STROli MeRillop bleared and* lugs and goo' be sold with ' 12 from Seat gravel road b Apply'to Ws. prbraises. 3' ALVABI taming 10 cd, the bah stone house Ana good h vices, For MOORE, or WARM tram Beale West half L oleared, Ire from Scam -barn, spier fair build* the farm; F" 614 with o• ground, we coach lion fowls well is arraugei, store is ri* year - the buildings be sold at I moving tO 'offered at TOWN - Lot O. occupied 1 new reskb 'Streets, at These ver: either ler ante tt Alain arn Oordnlocl may Obte,i payment i Eclipsfe 140 acree la wed -1U dan tech spring et baitalmga and gum is wfthin -fray beta tient, itio office, -te in two Walton