HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-08-09, Page 2• .• _ THE HURO EXPOSITOR. DR. CARRICK. • yr urge -sr. E. anADDo.N. CHAPTER I. , Trta Donna.- : Dr. Carrick. was a man ot gem: , whose. life had been a failure. On , s five- ana fortieth birthaay, he leaked baek, with a gloomy gaze, upon a career that had not :been brightened bys one so-litare seccess. Most men have their , intervals of good look, but in the des rt of this man's life there had been no gre a Spot. People spoke well of bite, faith d him for his high principle§ and. rug a honesty„but they began to .callhim p or . Carriek. - That was. bitter. e . He had practised. as a = physician in many places. First, in a quiet coun ry town where he kept his gig, and pin li- ed hiniself in otaleato feed. _his hove, where he stimulated success by. the e- speetability of • his appearance and s roundings. But the east of his'. ho se Baia servants, his hotse and. gig, sleek broadcloth and fine, linen, crushed hi, ta He sneenmbectunder the. eevere pro. is eties, of provinciallife,-ana went to L tn- don, thinking to find there a wider ft la a - foe his abilities. \ - • He [fOund. the field wide enough—so - wide, mdeed, that. nobodY seemed aware of his existence. If he had been a elev- . er quackwhe Made bread pills,lie nii. • ht have advertised his way to fortune ; ',ut he was only a man who had. -adopte a difficult ,prefession from sheer lOve of scienee, and who asked nothing 'bet er _ than to be .able to live by his tale:. t, alai to go on extending his experiet ce - and adding to his knowledge. Dr. Carriek tried London, from he western =blabs to the heights of P as tenville, from Bloomsbury to Black ri- ars, from LaMbeth. tO Bow, and. he 1 ft. it, after fifteen -weary years; as poor a man as when he entetea that gleorry ' wilderness" save for a. legacy of. V 40 from an octogenarian great-aunt whose very existencelle had forgotten till this godsend dropped into his lap. . His professional 'labors in the met -oe polia had- given him jnst a bare 1W:1i-- hoods He was a • man of exceptio, al temperance:and self denial, and co Id . live ttpon a pittance, which for a 1 ss Spartan minde weruld have meant st r- vation. Ile left Loticlon without a a bt and with It decent . coat -on his bae •-- ; andsperhaps the monster city bene th whose feet many a pearl is flung to e trampled into the mire, has codeine' st ,out of its•bosom, unkuO•wnana anvalu 4 a cleverer Man - than Theodore CI r - rick. . That leg.acy-e- the • first -boon whi h fortune had. ever bestowed. -Upon hi — was a turning point in Dr. Carrick's li e. - It can hardly be said to have made h m richer, for, with •se340e his greatat at had leftlaien. something .else-e,a, dist nt - cousin of two and tweuty, a gentle I a - tient, willing girl, with a pale, pla id. . face, dark hazel eyes, and dark bre\ n hair that Ilaa a tinge of ruddy gold. in the sunshine. This foneth or fifth -cat s- . in of the doctor's,. one. of • those- wa -s which the sea oflife is always throwi up on the bleak ahores of adversity, o shipwreeked princess in sweet Shak s- perean- story was ever more helpless a, a alone than Hester Ratshton at the 'I e - ginning of life. Ola Mrs. Hedger, het ie ing of the nntimely end ef the girl's 0 a- reas had taken her at the age ottwel e aa a temptation, proteee, drudge and v °- time As a child, :1-leaer had. endur d the. old lady's, ienipera with unvaa g patience; as a girl she beta waited • p n -her and, nursed her with Unfailing ca e. But she never learned to flatter or to fawn, so Mrs. Hed.ger left her old se - vant Betty a thousand pounds. and H s - ter only a hundred. . :Whoa Dr.. Carrick went aown to . the little Hertfordshire village to attend.his, aunt's funeral in - the charaeter of ' a . grateful legatee, he found Hester Rush- ton among the other goods and chattels in the houSe of death, and with very Mao morels -lea as to her future .destiny then the chairs and tables' which were to be sold lay the auctioneee on the :fol.- lowine Monday. ' " Ald what are nOtt going to do, Miss. Rushton ?" asked lir. Carrick,. when t le • ftmeral was over. ' ' , r " I don't know," said Hester, -simply. And then the tears cauteinto her eyes at the thought of her lonliness; The old lady had -uever been. particula4y kind to her, but she had given her lodg- ing and • food and raimeeit - ana life, ethbough jesdess had beau sheiterea froln ' the bleak winda of misfortune. "I suppose I shall go. and. live :some- where," said Hester, vaguely. I can get a room in. the village for feur .abilliegs a w -eek, and perhaps I might get some children to teaeh—very little childrea, who would not want to learn mach. " 1 think you had better come , and live with me," said Dr. -Carrick. " I alm going to buy a • country practice son -e- where in the west of, England, wh -ie 4 living is cheap ; you can. come and ke .p house for me." . . • . Raster accepted the offer as fratakly s , it was made:' • - . • - . , " Do you reel' e think I could. be u.e- , . ful to you ?". slw asked. " 1 used to look after the house and indeed do a, good deal af the housd work for Ad it Hedeer, but I shouldn't like to be a In r - den to you." •conC,Jaded -Hester, eal -y . serions-ly. . Sine was a. coescientious-1 t- tle thingand never had a selfish thoug it - in her life. . The. idea that it might not be strictly correct, or lis .aceertlanao with the la vs .of society, that a young lady of -two and twenty ehould keep house for a gent e- • - Man of five and fotty never entered her • . -mind. Her oely anxiety was uot to im- pose upon her cousin Carrick's -good- - ness. . , . - . , " You will aot be a buialen to Le a ).- swered Dr..Carrick. " Poor as 1.am I have-ttlwae's. been cheated by my r- - vants. Yes, when I have been so lc w . irt the world as to have nobod.y bet a - %char wonute that clues- woman has stolen '.y coals- and taken tell of any tea aud sugar. A ou will sitVe‘. Me more th u you will cost me," . ,. ' So it came to pass :that Dr, Carri -le gave a, hundred and fifty sannide -for a practice in a Cornish -village within li lf istenc E FOR SALE. 1111TORTANT NOTICES. . F.roVisions were eheap at St. representative of the Tregonnell race, I REAL ESTA • Hildr d, and. it -Was the fashion to live that ra e seemed in sore danger of ex- simpl ;•or else in"-• those first years the tiaction. &do could hardly have lived at all. Dr. 'arrick felt hist new patient's He so r won for himself a reputation pulse, and looked. at him thoughtfully for s in hi prefession,and people be- for a m . lieve m that grave, earnest manner of the reas his, tl e 'dark, deep-Oet eyes, pale, pas- ; He sionle s face, and high bald brow. He quiries. waslower orders, while he was too grave and ; asked, 6re resreted than. liked. by the " Wb wise for th foteLhunting squires and • ter tha their homely wives ; lint happily all " A r stlessness that impels me ,to be agree in b,elieving him.elever, so.'"that colitin ally shifting the scene of my life; by th end o these probationary Veers, : an ind scribable disgust of every thing, he had accpri ed a practice whicli just and. a 1 tared of all places; a feelinithat enabl him to maintain his shall I have lived too lona and yet that I hous hold decently, keep his horse, and. ' don't q ite want to die." indul e himself with a. new suit of "Yo have made a mistake common cloth s once year, to you men, who. have fine constitu- Th s was et Much to have gained. at " tons a d. fine fortunes. Iou have fan - the e the doctor's ace .could see there the : hardly spent my iucome," answered Mr. and s udy, ati any one sylio looked in ' " I have been extravagant, but I have stain' ) of a d aaointed life. His spir- Tregonnell, frankly ; "but I dare say I its h d sunk i tn a settled melaucholv. have used. my constitution rather baaly. from vhich rarely took the trouble ' I had. a disappointment early in life; 1 to ro se hima lf. In his profeisional dare sav you ha,ve heara the story. I work his in ner was quick, -decisive, wantecf,,Co marry a woman. whom my trenc ant ; home he gave himself up 'father was pleased to call my inferior, eto tht tight a study.* though she was as much my superior He ter—o Otte as she was More then as a woman as she is now as a sin- , famil arly c ed—had proved a denies- less soul in paradise. He gave me a, tic asure. he kept the big, rambling yacht for which I had been longing, and hems as nett aa a new pin, with -only sent me abroad to 0Ure me of my fancy. ady-cheeked buxom .Cor- :I was happy enoursh in the bustle and. nute or so in the vivid light of ina lamp. ade nohe of the stereotyped in- . t is th.e matter With you ?" he " You know muchebet- I can tell you." Ott d of ei ht laud twenty years ..of toil cied both: ineXhaustible." the ad of 'a nish girl, W se wages were • only five :Variety of My life,t1hinking that things .pounc s te yea 'She had brightened up would work round in tithe, and that I the' o a - furn ure—left by-ther .cloctor'e should °eine hoMe and. find my - love prede essor, and 'bought cheap by true to me, and my father more indul- the cleetoe—i such a marvellous. way gent. 1 wrote. to her from every port,. that he elm sv -old ehairs and tables and in every letter told her the same _ evere lin.oet1 a lsonia. The bedrooms, story. We had only to be true to each with heir lo ceilings,'ayide fire -places, other, and to wait for happier aays. I huge our-po bedsteads`, anadark dam- should ‘'vait, if need were, till my hair - 1, ask -aperie , had a gloom which even grew greY. I was away ti, year, and my her a eenkl aot dispel:, and there were life,during,all that time was such aewan abidi .g shad vs on • the -darksoine old cluing oue that it was no surprise to me stairc se, an m•the-long narrow.corricl- ors th.i,t su-gge ed. ghostly visitorsiludeed it etra becau the house had. long en- ioyed the rep tation of ' •being haunted. that t .e doct had taken it. The Cor- s msh had W • averse from ahosts, so the re t of t alines ridie On bleak was, a mmo.n tepee The 1 1 for a I ng rid uPon a lonely roacteand tho a. ctor A s ' tired after 4 his day'S work, but th Ards, ``.Tregonnell Ilan - or," p oriou.n d by the rosy -faced ii3aid cif all veil( ac d pke a charm: He start- ed up rem h eonifertable arm -ch air, fiung is boo aside, and Went out' into the di. aly lig 1 ea hal. . The 'door was open,i slid a in on horseback was wait- ing in front o it. " 11: s IVEr_ r...regonnell,.corne back to the m tiler 7" to find iny letters unanswered. .When I came back I founa a grate, and dis- covered -later that my sweet girl had. been sent. to- drudge as an articled pupil ip. arechool at Exeter. Not one of my letters had been given to her. ' They e St. Hilared- house Was would only haveuneettled her,her wick- ou ly wheal. ' a old hag of . a grandmother told me. a eh ovening Dr. Carrick I ktiew afterward that my father had o. a patient, at a dis- bought her people over to his interests. t was.wild and rough She had, no mother. Her father was a weak-minded pot ; her 4 grandmother a greedy, time -serving old harridan.' Be- tween them they killed her, and broke my heart. That was the beginning 'of my- wild. career, Dr. Carrick. Not a very cheerful one, was it?" " A. Common story, I fear." . " Yes ; wrecked and ruined liVes are common enough, I dare''eay. . They fill the Haymarket, and keep gambling- housee going and swell the exeise. .I asked the doctor. , . - Went to London after my father's death, . . " Y .s, sir. Mistee came hoine this' and. from London to Paris, aucl from: morni lg. If 'snot been well for some Paxis to Vienna, There -is very little time a na,st loaf fever hangieg about . wickedness or -wildness in those three him. ; , ut he ---ept out with his yacht as cities that . I could not dnlighten you. long a - he co, la, coasting about •Spain about. A man cannot. toudli pitch 'with - and t. ? soutl "of France. Yesterday We out defilemente I didn't steep Myself to iStit in -at P1 matith and came home the lips in pitch, or wallew in it, and' etuly his tno .ning by the night coach. enjoy•it as some men do, but I touched He's 1 eking ight . down- bad, and - _he it, aed the _taint cleaves to me. • There sent e to as yne. te riae over." - is nothine in this world that men' Call -44 I'l -con3e ireetly. Is there a med- iciee c est • at, Pregoireell ?" • • " ',t' ere bel a - chest, I 'know ; but ' I can't s y as there'e anything in it.' , • ...‘I' better brileg What I'm likely to want. I'll eland Saddle my horse'. - Thr ughout hi residence at St. Hil- area,. he doe or ' lad groomed his horse. There was n ao se better groomed or fedite he net. • lb •rheed. Tree onnell lla lot was the most. im- partial • pla0e bet veen Land's End and thq Li &raj—. e .d. old house of the_ El- ao izabet an pe- iod, With a fine estate at- tached to it. The Tregoinaells, once a large f raiily, lia. dwindled down to a single lescen . 114, .a bachelor • Of .three and th tty, w lo was 'rumored to . have led. a 7.ild•• I fa in London. and. other i great c'ties, t ) lit re. made a shipwreck . of a fit e con. titti.ion, and to be not al- . togeth r righ in is miud.: His appear- ancds t .Tre4,tin ell Manor were fitful aed In expect el. i Ile never staid there. long, a id lfe toyer seemed to know what to do a ithahi ' lif? when he was there.. He avcided . , 1,1 . ociety, and his: only. pleas,u e. appetr d to he in ' yachting. He wa = an ,ea cellent sailot, co•mmanded his o‘ n yac it, tad w-ent everywhere from he -5 irt Poiut te, the Black Sea: , Dr. 1, ;arriel lit a heard a good deal . abo-ut/i his Kt •ritrc Tregonnell, the: last of the .rood t la: lreaeenell race—men . _ . who h d WOr..1: 6 V, oriratid gown and had ." I-shoela not recommend opiates in played. their tu- i is.every great strug- your case. ' -- gle'fro u the ars c f Roses to the ." What would you recommend, battle of th Beyne; He ` kuew that I. then ? " T. Eustace Teee Iltin011 was ono of the rich- " MesineriSm." . est me i in th%4; par of the country ; a . : Mr. Tregonnell smiled.—a smile at valuta) e pati ,iit for a struggling physi- once contemptuoes and impatient. - ; e - . caan a .s.uredl, .4t. ' ! . - " I -sent for st,, physician,. whose sagac- The stable. Clock itt Tregonnell Manor ity I have heard highly lauded. I aid was St; iking 0 a.' he Doctor and the not expect to- Inect•-- groom -ode. ii at . '11 opea gate between " A quack," said Dr. Carrick. " Yes, tall st< no pill trs n wiled with the lire- I know thafemeSmerism ranks with ta- gonnel ()tient die n. I3y the half light . - ble-turning and other juggleries; a, strik- -.; elf a ate mug 1 loin , rifting in a sea of ing proof of theignorance of the popular clonal the gicuu ls of the Manor house mind upon all scientific questions out - looked dooitt., auc -u beautifulthe houee - side the narrow range of old.established itself tombre and el iinviting. • Withiu,..- a -e., or,:eouexy." all has the st me eit .of abiding gloom. The ch rki.cial Wt 114 end. old. pieturee. the. rut:eel-I I Tr, tlip low ceilings- and deep a 1 &et ,:, • vere unbrightened by any el the sig =s ( • 1. ccupation or family life. : regen 1,11 71 aeor looked what it was --.1 he hf 1r se of t Man who had nev- er lout deot 1 opel •o .find, happiness in his hcine. - Aii . il, servant opened. a - .door, a 1,1'13.SliereC t ..e donto7: into a large room I lied w th 1 ta ks. Mr. Tregounell , sat by the. sicle Of the,wide hearth where 4- -the lie elected log gray a II. asi tall -lamp 1 v his , only li flit in. the ta )1,e add a. nai„rOW. circle ronud • it, talk freely to -yon becauseI take you for and 1 t all e -e i 1 deen shadow. • a rya:Sellable and enlightened...being." " Gt od eve ling, doctor,„ ettid Mr. Tre- s - Do 'you think I am a.. subject for. gountall, pk a. antly- enongh, shutting hiS ' Inesmerism. ?" , , book,* and n ntienina the -doctor to a., . - 1 know •you . are, s.ud an excellent , chair on ;tliel (pptrsite side of - the ! one," _ .., . 1 • . heartl . • " INIesinerize me, then,- said Mr. Tre- - • The faeowl ich he turned. to Dr. Cale- gotmell; quietly. throwing himself •back ' rick w IF a reloarable and.an interelt- in his Clutir, and. fixing hiS dark hagrrard , -1 , . in ing ono. flu ills zir,1 odwa:Yti intereeti ig , C.N'e;i iipu,,11 the doctor. .. a.do...•-:en 11,?•-; of ,, Penzanoe, ttud ect callp and CI :is feet? alt' atet -.the ruin of one oi thee . .. To be Cohliinted. ; - , - ! housekeeping in Li giooniv old housc .)ii • handsnnoFt; hlcos Ciat Dr. -Carrick had , - - • .—..,..„,...._________. a hill above the broaA Atbuitic-a, 1101 sa ever- a. ell. -N iticQ -as pale as marblea• --A egainiany-of als,ut lil gentled -lea . whoese villa. ,w,-; .1e,, ,keo . down upon a, 'eves e 7 that d' trk etlate' asilieleheike black:'. of tile town of 1 .i.sto \ 'el,. inel tiding the wild rock-1-,,,mul shoro, where the wi, e_. it:. lee.;. al, beet; . whe-ette whiteness wa.s , mes er tufa 1:ceve, intei a nt the eiourse of winged eormerants perched. upon t 10 inaati Ilion', s ttileing4 1 Iv the thickness' Of . a week or two takinr a: trip up Lake, craggy pinnacles itserpen t i n 0,8.nd Win. re the bl 1.ek halt. that fe;otteadt: fetttureg I I 'iron AO the Georgian I.3 -ay aa far as the sea- its •teuney. weather wore: the wear Old al.iiiv iari-oa ; two. to), i-tt all -..\ fanitouliii Ielaud. They charter a changte 1 color of -i'i (1i)lphin's bacic -an eet• regsion! ,i.: i4ettste -melancholy- huat at Kiecardine, vhich • will be at . , ititra,it.e itter n tarineees Of life which -is their. service during the . trip, which lifticult! to nitre than any other. , will s . . eecuay ales it - a week.- lflioia-7.1 of depiesston. Premature • lines. They intend epen.din a good :portion . ; • hallo =d the ht -,aa brow, the cheeks. wete . of the time . shooting and' fishing this 1 , the clpees Wan and haggard. If aloug the shores. ot the peninsula Jan .waes initeed the last and sole and 'the Manitoulin Islan.d. pleasure which has the faintest charm . for me. My nights are restless and trots - bled with*feverish dreams. And. some- -times—sometimes—I start up with a sudden thrill. of horror :going through me like an arrow, and feel as if the hair of my head were lifted Up, like Job's, at a vision of hideous fear." " What is it you fear0' • ‘! Madness," answered Eustace Tre- gonnell, in a -half whispar.= It has ap- peared'more than onpe in my family. My grandfatherdied mad. Sometimes I fancy that 1, can feel it coming. It has seemed..at hand, even. I have look- ed in the glass, started at my haggard. face. hardly recognized myselfiand have cried out involuntarily, That is the face of a maitrnan.' " t' A. :not unnatural result of sleepless ana troubled uights," answered the Doc- tor, qnietly. . " Do you ltnow that a. weeles iusoinnia—one littld week alssol- etely svit,hout sleep—has been known to result in temporary lunacy ? That was an extreme cese, of course ; -.but the Man who can't sleep oomfortablsr is always in a bad way. You musts haverefresh- dig sleep, Mr. Tregonnell,, or your fears may be realized." " Where are the drugs that will give it me. have tried them all. The sole effect of opiates is to sand. me into a fe- ver, and to make me twice as wakeful as I am without them." VO 13. SALE OR TO RENT, IN BERNE-A -' New Frame Star , with dwelling attached. Jr This is a first-eate eh nee for any person com- mencing business on a em all capital, as a good business h already es Menhirs apply to SO Ont. - VCR SALE CfLEA.P. -1-• the Canary. H of Harparhey. Frame a large garden filled wi criptione • good well e ablished there. For par. LESLIE, Blake P. 0., • 544 Is the owner is leaving se t•tnd Lot in the dwelling, with 6 rodme ; h frnit treei of all des - H S THE S IFORTE PUMP FACTORY. - N. . ar. Chiff suic_e_seor_to S. _Rs 'tii_'illiam_s, :masa- 1 Seaforth.t. to give sa iefaction. Factory on North Main St., 1 turer of P mps and Cisteetae. Alt veork warranted 1 500 i s "VI OTICE TO DEBTORS. -All parties not hav- , -1-1 ing settled up their accounts with Inc for 1877 1 failing to do so at once will be charged 10 per fail. TI1 031AS COVANTRY, Seafortin 631 I cent. interest f_rc,:•m_:T_a_n_n_ar: __1.e_t, 7:17_7: : 771 _I•aa--4.. - *._ • * •'' - - - - - - - - - - - --- FOR SALE OR TO L..ET. j d cellar. Apply to T . t PROPERTY FOR SALE. -For Sale, that con- " venie t and deairable residence on the Gruner "CA.NADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 0 CAPITALISTS AND CON- 1 'MACTORS: . HE Governmeat of Canada -will Yeaeive pro- posals for constructing und workitri a fine of 1 ailisay extending frOD2 the Province of 0.atario t the waters of the Pacific Ocean, the dist arice s b beg about 2,000 miles. Memorandum of infer- tition for parties proposing to Tender will be 1 "V' lt. -WINNE, on the pr wises, or to A. STRONG , Land Agent, Seaforth. • 561 FARM FOR SALE. Being north belt of -Lot 100 acres, good soil, ell watered,' good frame , barn -56x36, good stain and shed 18x26, 85 :tares cleared, pod house in •pump. Apply to S place, or to Westfield . HOTEL F011 SAL OR TO RENT. --The -1-1" Hotel known as t Railway House, formerly , tiisleaCfilly.sdte_ollostsel,ussiitntteast d near 131nevale etation. all of which aro in ood repoir. • Terms very eodnoatatacerheeodf, t sat ba In: a, nwdlh ctland and a goo • frame l'b 1. F f 'tiler articulars apply to WM. F. KING, Blaevale P. 1). , . ____ 551 . FA:1114 FOR 'SALE.--1-Southhalf Lot 29, COO. 8, Morris; 100 acres, 85 acres cleared and inthe vety beat ef cultivation ; is well fenced and water- ed. Th,ere are two fe me houses int(' a frtme barn, atl nearly new, a d two good bearing o 'ch- ards. ttleabove farm is only half a inile aff a graxel road and two- d -a -half miles north of Brussels. For tams pply to C. 11. COOPER, Brussels P. 0„ or to ALEX. INGRAM, on the acres, 42 of whit* are leered, balance hardweod. 556x15 premise's. , . . reAlIM.i'0.11. SALE. For Sale, West half of Let • -1- '7, COn. 16, Igewnsh p of Grey, containing 50 There ii, on the premi es a frame house, frame barn and stable, and a good young bearing orch- ard. Tint above prope y is only two miles off a goo gr vel read and 5 miles from Brussels; pos- d sessionthis fall, For trther particuiars apply to 0. R. COOPER, Brusse s or D. CAMPBELL ' on the premises, Walton . '0. , - 54 • —e- VALLIARLY, PROP RTY IN SEAFORTH /' FOR SALE. -For Sale, on- .George Street, a Lot and two dwelling [houses. The houses are both canfortable and it minoclions, and ha,ve all . 31, in the 5th Co cession, East Wawanosh, orcherd, good well nd MES MURRAY, on the . o. • 55axI6 ; p of High and Market Streets, lately occupied by ; Dr. Tercoe. Apply te DR. VERCOE- 488 - - - - - - - --- VERTU GRISTING AND FLOURING MILL " FOR -SALE-On easy terms of payment, or to exchange for faem property. Gristing and Flouring promptly attended to the same as usual. Also a quentity of Dry Ilemleck Lumber for 'sale ebeap for eash of short credit. WIT. FENWICK, ProprietoreZurich. P. O., One 546 . _ ea: al. "7 - necessary convemencest•sach as well, woodsheas, &c. The Lot is planted with fruit, and ornain.ea- tal tree , and is very pleusantly situated, and quite c nvenient to -t te business part of the town. paply to the p °picture= the premises. ROBE T JONES . 554 STOR IN EMI° DVILLE TO RENT OR SELL. -To rent o eell, in the village of Eg- mendville, on very r asonsble terms, a Store with elle conveniences dwelling stable, cellar, &c., all i complete-opp site VanEgmottd!s tern - p a.nce hotel. • Well ta tutted for a general store. Leartel ' coupled' by Stu Ilie & Clark. Immediate iosseesion can be give . Apply to JACOB Mc - GEE, personally, near the premises, or if by let- ter to Egrnondville P, ' 551 ----- 1: - -- - a - - • -- a - - - - -- ---- •• - - -- "LIAM' FOR SALE.- or Sale Lot 21, Con. 11, -1-: Stanley, contaiuin r 100 acres, about 80 of , which tire cleared. vib I fenced, undei- d rained aud under good cultist tion, the balance is -well timbere with hardw ked, . Good frame house and two frante barns, n orchard fuel 'plenty of, gOod water. Is withie brae miles of the villages of Varna anti Bayfield, itix miles from Brumfield and 1-2 iniles from Sepforth and Clinton. All these places are good taarkets. For further par- ticulars apply to the p oprietor on the premises or to hayfield P. 0. S S. DA.VIDSON. 552it8 VA.113.1 FOR SALE. -11- bare', being Lots h 4th conecesion, conte; • a.croasy cler feat aNnvhdeaiite; g; miles f om Bluevele Wingha i ; frame. hen outbuildings t two well above place veill be sold Purchaser. Apply to Stanley ' one -and a half Bayfield, road, or by lett FAr-,IFOR SALE.ne- , a ley, contaiaing li ede we nnderdrained good s ate of cultivat thnberea with hardw prern tsee two houses, o frame barn and stables ard ; a never failing farm ; also geed well ; of Clinton and 5 of within one-quarter mile CAMPBELL, on. the P. 0. . ' . QPLENDID FARM le/ For Sa.16, Cheap, L acres, 80 cleared, uuder and the remainder well 1 Good a ame buildings, y .01 water. The farm. is forth mid 10 'miles d adjoins• the Village of I the best farms in the " cheep and on easy. t wishes to retire. Ina m e t o ALON ZO ST Ito N Et LA.Aynni:, Constance P - ' 'WARM IN McKILLOI " the North part of le Killop, eontaining 112 t cleared, well fenced, mu state of cultivation, the with hardwood ; good ( barn 50x56, with stabli outbuildings ; also a gooc of water. Is 10 miles fr ton, and 12 from Seater to each place ; con venici will be sold as a. whole o Walton P. 0. or to the ants. 'WILLIAM DINT 1Faien for sale in Turn - of 12, 13 and 14, on ,the g 1041 acres ; about 80 od cultivation ; 10 acres lenty of reil timber.; la Wien and 5 miles from 9; good frame barn,and and good orchard. The on favorable terms to the OSEPH RICHARDSON, iks from Varna, on the r to Varna, P. 0, 556x4 1 or Sole, Lot 29, Con. ii, 100 acres; 85 acres clear - well fenced, and n a on ; the balance is well od ; there are on the 0 log and one freme; ; a young bearing 4ot-ch- i/ring rens through the s situated within 3 miles rncefield ; school house Apply to ALEXANDeeR remises, or to Clinton. 649. ___.____ . . _ VALTJABLE FARM It Y Half of Lot 25, Con. containing 50 metes ; cd, with good buildings. frame -been, cow stable. piggeries, with all other young erchard in full chureh end school, bein station and foue miles of the very best quality, clay loam ; win be sol proprietor is retiring frs , able to attend to agric ill health. CHARLES And thenDe. Carrick went ou to dis- course eloquently upon mesineriSm as a curative agent. He told Mr. Tregomiell about Dr. Esclaile:s experiments in the native hospital ie Calcutta ; he argued. warmly in favor of an influence which: was evidently with him a favorite sub.- ject of study. "Have you tried this wonderful agent upon any of your Cornish patients ?" asked Mr. Tregonnell. }were :dropping into " am not euch fpol. (A. Century -table with. a reading ,1 ago they would hav,e punished: mesmer ide .1L'his lamp was the ism under the head. of witeherait ; to_ he. o m. It illuminated day they would. scciut it as quackery. I CIIM,ITElt. 11. . teertaxr. For the first three yearS, Dr. Garricka; life at the village of St. Hildred was that had -gone before a hard etruggle. for the uare uecessities - of. x- MULLETT FOR SALE. t 5, Con. 8, Hullett,1110 rained and well fenced, S. AIALCOMSON. imbued with hardwood. WANTED. rrHISASEING -WA.NTED.-1Iaving juet pur- -"e chaFed a good new Thrashing, Machine, made by arePhIrson & Glasgow, Clinton, I arn prepar- ed to do c tstom work, at usual rates, for any one who will glve me notice. "WM. T. DORRANCE, - Lot e4, non. 0, lecnniop. , t.........,C PR TEA.C" n, Townshitt holeiug a commence cations to, GEORGE' -• - ------ WA secon at -the be in o SPRO -- i -TED.-Winted for School No. ef Tucke:smith, p. Male Teacbei • -class certificate. Duties to -nd of thattacation. All app i - • or before the 9th of A.ngust. . T, Secretary. 554-4 --• - . ___ _ .7 ILEDICAll. j . G. SCOTT, 1 " • A.ccoucheur demo south side east of Preisbyteri . D. &c., Physician, Surgclonana Seeforth, Ont. Office and refii- '1 Goderich• Street, first dom m Church. 849 1 TT L. VERCO 5, -1-"• geon,. etc., Office and Resi directly opposite Al. D., C. M., Physician, Sur. oroner for Gho.eounty of Huron ence, on Jarvis street north, e ea forth Public School. • , , AV A. Alums .Y Y • 3,131elt Graduated the Toronto. 1 Meath skims and Surg•ons, . M. -D.,: late of Lakefteld, Ont„ 0, Saigeon and Acconcheite . Univereiey of Trinity College, r of. the' Royal College of Phe - Ont. Kinburn.Ont. 485 . "WM. FIANOV11P.; McGill Itni Accouelteur, Sea. Meyer's Block lat formerly by the 1 Carronbroek ou ' . M.D., C. M., Graduate of ersity, Physician, Surgeon arid erth. Ont. Office -Rooms in •ly occupied by Dr. Phelan, and te Dr. King. Will attend at unedays and Fridays. 496 1 • MeNAUGH' • ate of Ontasio Out. Office and Ryan's'. Palls p clay. A stock of Charges reasonab ness and certifies. i , Veterinary Surgeon, Gee& Veterinary College, Sea forth, esidenee in rear of Killeran & omptle attended to, night or eterinary medicines on hand e. Horses examined as to sound- es given if required. 407 JAMES W. ELIIER, " Ontario Vete twe years to pra Toronto, has se residence east of attended Go by da Veterinary Medic examined as to so Horses boeght a V. S., Graduate of the inary College; After devoting tiee with Professor Smith, of tied in Seaforth. Office at his , . M. Church. Calls promptly y or night. A large stock of nes constantly outland. Horses udness and certificates given id sold on commission. 424 -ea- ' • ' itekt. ''.e.-. 44- II. hours from Mrs. Whiteey's Seaforth. ee.......... ,. a a 0 S 8 A _____ DERBYSHIRE, L. D. S., • Surgeon Dentist, Graduate the Royal College of Dents.1 rgeons of Ontario. Office al. to 5 P. M. Rooms in eW brick block, Main Street, __ , _ ___ _._ • , .11.ElleViel, . . CAMERON, II iLT Solieitors in M. C. Cameron, Q eron. 1 & CAMERON, Barristers, Chancery, &a., Goderich, Ont. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- -. 506 . WILLIAM Sill • T sioner iu B. Appraiser. 1 Aceot reasonable terms. 1 LL, Conveyancer and Commie - ° , Wroxeter. Auctioneer and !its and notes collected on 366 I , . p L. DC1YLE, 1arrister, -1-•• Chtneery, Sc fice, over 1.Torda Kidd's Store, Seaf•rth. I 1 Attorney, Solicitor in ., Goderich and Seaforth. Of- 's Drug Store, Goderich, and - 354 MALCOMSON cr -1- neys, Belie Ont. Office -Fir Canadian Bank b WA.TSON, Barristers, •Attor- tors in Chancery, &c., Oli•nton, t door •east of the new Royal. tiding. Money to louu on farm aug orchard and plenty within 8 miles of Sea - tent from Clinton, and inhere. ,Thie is one ef ' °may, ;Ind wfli be sold nns, et; the proprietor liate I.VIEROMUOLI. Apply Seefort le or CHARLE'S 0. 544 • FOR SALE.-Fer Sale, te 8 and 9, Con. 13, Me- cres; there are about 80 erdrained, and in a high deuce is well timbered welling, now bank frame underneath, and other young orchard ma:plenty m Brussels, 5 frail Wal- e with good gravel roads t to church and schools ; in two parts. Apply to proprietor on the pram - 547 11 SALE. -Being North . Hay, Ccianty of Huron, acres elearad, well water- onsistiug of frame house, , log barn, Sheep houSe, equisite buildings; a eke, bearing; convenient tea miles from 'Jensen! Kippen ; the land -la being compoeed of a rich 1 on easy terms, as the' m farming, he not beiog Mural pursuits tluough lEDMOND. 546 - . QPLENDID FARM I' 1.1 SALE.-Ntarth half of ',-) Lot 24, Con. 8, Mo The containing 100 ticretc more or less, 70 Imre- cleared and free frem etumps, the balance is - ond hardwood; land well feinted with cease and b ttek ash. A splendid oew frame b tat 40x50, also a good log -barn mai stable, and a geed log dwelling . muse and .well.. Also i a rear a neverfailing sprit g. There -lis alai oe the 1 premisee a good enamel Of apple, pear and Pluin trees. Situated one n He and a- hell from the gravel road, and 4 mike from the -village of Brits- sels. Price very low, as the proprietor has Aar- ' chased a hum in Kansas awl wants to in2ve there. For further particulays epply to -PIERCE CLEN- NEN, on. .the premiett LOTUS McDONALD, Walton. or to MeCAU AMY & noremaaeran, Seaforth. 55h- reAll.-11 AND- MILL P tOPERTY FOR SALE.- -1- Being south half of ,ot 22, Coa. 14, McKillop, containing about 88 acr s, '75 of which are clertred underdrainetl, and .the . balance uncleared good and in a good stale of tidtivation, part being 'well hardevotal ; there is a never -failing teeing e.reek retuning througle the place ;- good yelling orchard; large frame bath 40a62; etablr. and shed • -14x80 ; log house 16x25. elso frame house, filled , with gravele good stone ,ellar full size of ; gOod wtal athause, &c. 'This is a desirable farm for anv tliitt wishing to liuy, being only .three -quar- t ers ( d taile feann the Northern Gravel Rotel, , miles from Seaforth d 7 from Brussele, both. good markets. -Also Lc a 21 and..22, East 13oond are,- Turnberry, sittrate 21 miles west from Wing ham, centaining 200 aer et 65 aeres cleared, and jab 'of 44 acres let b cleared, whieli ie to be cleared in time for fall vhcat mat : thele on this lot about 25. iyes ef pine, cedar and beaver Meadow, the baltenee gerel raw( eat land ; there is a small orthard dwelling Iteneee. 2 wells earl pampa, in one bore es and large m etable.- Also :1 St140.1 Env; '1.4/041e- 6:1 cemplete and in good running or ler% there is et the mill a frame house and good frittin stable ; the mill is bringing in agooll rent lease. telt next tietober ; is on the Southern 41 et the, Csrcy and Bruce Itailraiel, with a siding running from the mainline Within 6;1 tete of the mill.; timberean be run front nill feta tastea ears cheat if needed, wIlich =keg it very conveni- ent there is plenty of thnber in the eoantry enamel: which can be btaight cheap ; One makes it a good openinerfor any person that uneeretands the business,: The inill er term will be eold -eep- !trate or together to buyer. . Terine easy. For particulars in reftaince to the first font ap- ply to A.. STRONG, Seaforth, . or to GEORGE THOMSON, Wingliaml For the leet place and apply to (1. TP40-3FSON, Wie.gham. • 543 404 G. A. WATSON 6 a , 0 • rwarded on applieation as° mederneathe En. nem' Reports, reaps of the country to lee tra- ' rsed, profiles of the surveyed line, specifies- ' one of preliminary works, copies of ;the Act of i Parliament of Canada under which it is pro- i sed the Railway is to be construpted, deserip- t ons of the natural featares of the coat try and ! *agricultural and mmeral resources an ot el 1 formation, may be seeu on application at this 1 epartment, or to the Engineer -in -Chief at the turadian Government Offices 31 Queen Victoiia • reet, E. C., London. Seale'd Tenders, marked I - Tender for Pacific Railway, will be ecceive , dressed to the •amiersigned, until the first daY December next. F. BRAUN,,,Secretany, Public Works, Department, Ottawa. Ottawa, May 20th, 1878. 5551.4 S L'ARK'S NEW BRICK BLOCK. , -, - 7231\1.33 ATILL be received tni to THURSDAY, the FIFTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, for the. p rebase of a Brick Block. Iron Roof Bailding o tbree Stores, in one of the best FUN:WOOS on 1 3 ain Street in the Town of Seaforth. neatly posite Cardno's Town Clock -only built last 11. Not more than one thousand dollars re- ires to be paid down ; remainaer at 8 per cent ; d 2 per cent. of 'a sinking fund, which. pays tb principal and interest. One of the stores is 1 ased for five years for $224 per year, and three ✓ ones overhead, Fame store, for $60 per year, hich leaves Two Stores and Thirteen Rooms • o erhead to rent. Good thy cellars, floored. The •operty ought to rent for more than $1,000 per ae, and would any year I ever saw in Seaforeh ! ly this year. But I must and will sell, cense- ently a good bargain may be expected by some p non. The subscriber does not, oeeesearily , b nd himself to accept tbe highest or any tender. ; I is a good propertyeand one that will pay the • p rchaser well for his investment. I wish to give i a liar competition. The building cost for •ection $6,800, and the Lot I was offered 82,000 f r, and every person allows it was cheap and ell built. Let ine receive y •ur tenders. 656-2 SAMUEL STARK. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. 0 , a lkireCAUGpEY a:. HOLMESTEDaBarristere, At. i iT4- torneys at Law, Solicitors itr Chancery and 1 Insolvency, Notaries Public and ConveYancas I Solicit orefar the R.. C. Bank, Seaforth . A gen t efor ; the Can adit-g.ite Atsnrance Company. ft N. la. -$30,000 •o lend at 8 per 'cent. la:crate Rousso- and Lots or sale. 5l--; _ .... _ • - • • ..... ._ _ a ARRO1 , IllEYER & RADENII,URST, Barris- ` --1 terse At .orneys-a t -Law, Sdliaitors in Cho acci e , : &c. Prim c funds to loau at a low rate of inter- est, and r-4 term to snit borrowers. Offices- Goderieh and Wingham. . Office in' Langdale's building, opposit Scott's Bank. - J. T. GARN.OW. M. W. 0. 3IEYER. , : W.. J. RADENIIURST. .,. 474 , W• Meyer, Solicitor Ocinsoliaated Bank of Ce each, !Wingb a re. ; . 1 same* Sosel & MEYER, harlisters and 'Attorney e • -1" at. Law, Solicitors in Chancery an a Insolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices -Son forth and Brassele. 823,0oo of Private Ptuols to • i uvest at oe cc, at Eight pereont. IntereFt . payable 6-saers13...0 . BENSON. M. W. C. MEYElt. r,z.1 - The above fun.] tee thi't day been dissolved , mut nol consent. All accounts due the firm tO be paid to Mr. Beraott who will pay all ; tiN"o.v.' 27,i 1876. JAMES -If. BENSON. II. W. C. MEYER. MIS CC E 0 US. el J. McCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Brussels.. Office 43- • in Leekitt's new beick building., 504-52 . , lel G. LANE, Auctioneer and Appraieer foe the -1-. • County of Huron, also 000InliSSi0051.1q5.4er- chant, Mc )ougall'e Block, Wingliam. li - - lv, 1 oNETI TO LEND -On terms more anyea- i -LT-1" tageous that ever before offered. A. J. Me- ! COLL, Sulu -Wort Brussele. --"--w-4 ANTS MONEY 2-A few t..5bc0111:s5'all2nd . dollen:, private Node, for iminedia.te ieveet- AATIM W ment at 8 per' cent. interest. A.pply to J eMES H. BEN ,,9:..c, Solicitor, Seaforth. 533 _TORN LECKIE, General Loon and Real Estate -- Te' Ageet, Grain, Produce and Commiesien Mer- ' chant. Money loened ou real estate in town or - country, at 8 per cent., simple interest. Charges 1 modem; e. Ilertigages bought and hold. Matured • mortgages paid off. Terms to snit borrowers. i Fame and village property for sale. Office- . Leckie's new brick block, Brussels, Ont. 515 1 . , rpRY PROP. GRA.Y!S GREAT EAST INDIAN • -1- ROOT ALTERA TIVE-Nature's Great Res- , torative cures llheumatism, Dyspepsia, Billions- 1 ness, Sick Headache.; Liver Complaint, Nervous- . neseePalpitstien of the Heart, General DebilitY, Diseases of the. Stomach and all Female eem- . plaints. For Scrofulous diseases it is invaluable, • as it is the greatat known blood purifier. Price, 1 50 cents.; EDWARD VARCO, Bruestls, Agent Ayr the Co ray of Huron: 545-12 U TO THEIPUBLIC.-Read what the people' seze. -'- in regard to the Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills. Levi Sones, Markham, says: " I had a very severe attack of bronchitis. 1 was So bad that I could hardly get my breath. I sought for a :Flick remedy, and seeing the " Shosh meee ' itetheey " so highly recommended. I procured a 'bottle', and ern happy to say that by the time it eo, althongli I was initeh exposed. through the : winter in. travelling." Rev. F. B. Stratton, Dem• oreetville, writes: " I have fennel e our. re- medies itarticulelly beneficial for liver compittiet, dyspepsia and bronchial affections, and wonlel advise all similarly affected to give them a trial." John kialayson, Athol, says : " When travelling one of nay feet gait sore and. broke out. 1 ceuld . not cure it, and had to return home. It became t better and afterwards tench worse. I finally per- :chesed a bot•le of the Remedy and a box of Pill's. . and before they Were half gone I commenced to , improve, and before they were finished my foot . was completely cured. It is now 17 months ! eince, but have had no further attack." Price i i of the Remedy in pint bottles, $1. Pills, 25 cents • a box. 522 4 4 w as trik£13. was eutirely well, aed have remained - • the Matter of Joina. Jacob •Gatzm,eyer, I_Aate of the Town of • 'Seaforth. in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased. LI, persons having or holding any chime; • • - -17 agauleL. LAIC US 1:11•1.A.S V.I. u.t.s. 1.61.1.. Aso....a.at.,.. v S/1.111 Jacob Gatzmeyer are requited, on or before the wenty-Fourth Day of Augu•st, 1878. to send by 1 tea, , post-paid, addressed to Messrs. Me. 0 ughey & Hohnested, Barristers, Seaforth. the f 11 particulars of such claims, with vouchers a niched, and statement of. nature and value el a y Fectirities held: After which date we,the under - s gned Executors will. proceed to distribute the e tate of tbe deceased according to his will, hex - 1 g. regard to those claims only. of which we then E tall have notice. All creditors failing to put in t eir claims lby the time aforesaid. will be de- b rred from participating in the said estate. Dated July 25th, 1878. PETER KLINKHaMMER, }Executors. THEODORE KLINKHAMMER, • cCAUGHEY & HOLMES TED, Seaforth, 566-4 , Solicitors of Estate. ___ ______ _ _ .. HE VICTOR__SE_ED WHEAf. aHE undersigned it now prepared to take orders for any quantity of the above variety of ;heat for fall seeding Samples can be seen on a plication. Attention is directed. to the follow - i g Certificate from Mr. TiLMCS Coates, Hiboert. WILLIAM REHILL, Seaferth. , . • CERTI Pte./1TE. "HIS IS TO CERTIFy that' I procured from Mr. Wm. Rehilleof Seaforth, a qua.ntity of N ictor Seed Wheat, which I sowed last fall, The e heat has tamed out a splendid crop, the grain b ing plump and bright, and the straw strong, 3 ear; andperfectly free from rust. It will yield t •elve bushels to the , acre more than. Seneca e heat I had growing alongside of it i•n the same 3 dd. I elm heartily recommend it to my brother :enters- • JAMES COATES. Ilibbert, Suly 30, 1878. •-; 556,3 , THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAFORTH. _ ILLIAM McNAllGEITON begs to inform the business men of Saaforth and the travel - a g public that he has purchased the Livery nsiness and Stock of Messrs. Carnochan & &bell, and will do all in his power to retain the r pute.tion whieh this favorite establishment has 3 cured. He -will keep only good driving and re. Liable horses, al 4 his carrieges will be kept 3 ean aoil in good order. 0,11s. night Or day, 4 ill be promptly attended to. PIC•NIC AND % -EDDING PARTIES Liberally Dealt with. 1 erins Ilessonable. All adore left at the Coa- t:rebel Hotel or at the eke will receive prompt 1. ten tioil . °like and Stables on Merket Streel, opposite 1. Kicid's Store , u44 WM. MeNAUGHTON Proprietor, ? BRUCEVIELD . - ,TORE HOUSES TO RENT. . _______ , 0 RENT, ie the Village of Brumfield, two large Grain Stone, each having a tapacity of 1 -.quo bushels of grain. Possession given by the Ist of September next. The buildings will be 1 ttad up with elevators, and as Bracetield ili an excellent shipping part and commands one of the ceet farming districts in Western 'Ontario, a s ilendid opportuilitY is In re afforded tn any one i the green lithium:a. For further particulars apply to either of the undersigned Txustees. , J. E. BRIGGS,1 S. KITCHEN, - Trustees. 5'5-1 W. DIXON, t NOTICE. ! --,- — , HE Partnership heratofora eeiating between the undersigued Tinder the name of S. ,St N. I rowneil, as -cartel es in. the TOWT1 of Seeforth, is t hi day dissolved by mutual consent. a he n einess for the future to be carried on by Nor - r met Brownell, who fa.F611r0 es all liabilities of the o ill pertnership, and to whom all claims of the aid partnership are to Le peal. lu witness vhereof we hove hereto e et our hands this 17th 1 ny of June, 1878. S. BROWNELL, IL BROWNEEL- "itnees-C. P. PASHLEY. 556-8 AANY UNITED STATES SOLDIERS , ____ _- ND their heirs have Bounty, Pay and Pension due them. We are engaged. exclusively in I. e prosecution of such claims and will send to t ny edit rese the blanks to emible claimants- to -tate their cases. We do not har_dle the money ollected-it is sent to clairnants direct frail Vashington. No charge unleFs - enceeFsful. IILLER, STEVENS Fr. Co., War Claim Atter- i eys, Detroit, Mich. 555x4 - - - TENDERS WANTED ,ENDERs will be received by the undersigned, at his office in Seats:nth; up to Artetust 15th, or the erection Of a Ilieb Sebool Bnilding iu he Town of Seaforth. The plans and specifi- A &tiers can be seen with Mr. Jarees •Waleh, on nd after August 5th, 1878. Partiea may tei3det or a part or for the whole of the wore. The oweet or any tender not necessarily accepted. J6-2 A. ARMITAGE, Secretary. NOTICE. ..I.A_VING engaged ft. FirEt-C16.68 Blocksmitla I 1-- am now prepared to 71Thke nod leoair Plows, angeee, Buggies, ex, Crane and gel, emir horses hod. New Shoes, an cf.:r.t:t. SI -0C, Eet, 111 ce.nte, u aide General Jebbine Done, alai =-aiisfaction entrant eed. Williameon's 011 Starel. 556:0 S. K. REID, aeafoith. .f, R. N. BRETT! 6 EAFORTIT, 'Tholes:At and lei ail Dea_er in LE eTITER ate -SHOE FINDIN*GS of Every Deeciliption. None but the Very Best Stock kept. Team oderate. A. Trial Solicited. All ordere by mai r otherwise promptly filled. 490 h. N. BRETT. P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for Hat - County of Huron_ Sales attended in al 1 arts of the County. All orders left it t the Ex uSITOE Office will be promptly attended to. e s . - . AUGUST '9, /878. NAVY MITCHELL'S BOOKSTORE) StAFORTI-1. The egad iimcs sre swiftly flying, And soon well be safe again, _as war ety 0 VulleY zyra°0,4 at Harry II in faith we keep on trying., vire% surely ot.t wesitt regain,. Books; Stationer,Y, mist tiidlik Young men, why don't yen get neer/led, afis then you'llenjoy this hie, And say with regret I've tarried, But better I'd bad a wife. Baby Carr -ages at CONt at natrr nit Seiving illachines kinds.'41"be celebrated Esrey Organ, and -the t/rgan-the ead, perfect Organs untaufactured sale c scrip for cash at -flurry Mu - t& A good wife will save you money, And nurse you when you are ill,. 1 Yon both ewe live on less money Than now pey,s yoUr canting bill, . • Engagement and Wedding Juingie, at the lowest prices, at flurry juit;, an elegant Ladies' 'Gold Watch for $25, sag NoVtahteerheGs,otohd:ehinaapjeesr ?Ive7r OvIre•WedeihneSt,":a-forSth.ilTer Machine Needles, all ;kinds, and the bot Oir always on :nand. A full line of Spectacles and. Eye Glasses, Mot toes, Frames, and., Glues. Pictures Framed,. all sizes, to oeder. Laeroese, Cricket, and" Base Mails and Bats Cheap. H. ionsmr, does the Well Paper and Win- dow Blind teeele in Seaforth. A good stock, all new patterna, t bottom prices. Call. Rempectinify Solicited. The itaratatiett is le all. My Steck WWI alwars bear inspection. Dear husband, I think I will not go to Harry Mitchell's again, My eyes beeorne se dazzled - that I can't see straight for a week aft& being ixt his store, then again I alwaes buy until ray putse is 0mpty, and sometimes I don't stopthen. Pehaps ylia cancel:Ito-see i f left anything un- paid, and if so pay it, as you know Re Does a, Cash Business. REMEMBER THE PLACE No. 2 CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, HAIN ST MEET, - SEA FORTH.. HARRY MITCHELL, Poizii=zzs FURMITURE WAREHOOMS, SEAFO RTH-. THE CHEAPEST TURNITURE THE COUNTY. AM NOW Receiving a Large Stock -el NEW 1-1- FURNITURE from the best Factories in Can- ada, and am enabled to sell cheaper than any one in the County, as I pay cash down and get a Large Discount. „ 1- CAN SELL:. Six Splendid Chairs for $1 80. i Six Chairs, Fancy Turned Legs for $2. Six Chairs, Extra Good, for $11 M. Six Chairs, the Very Best, for 83 25. Boston Rockers, eanh, -for $1 15. Nurse Rockers, each, 90 cents, I3oard and Spindle Bedsteads, 4x4, 6 feet long, $2 50. il mar ul 7 -Drawer Bures ua, projectiOn fronts, ' S x Cane Chairs for $5. 1 I i .$18-0ther kinds very low. Y? Hair Cloth Chairs, &Cc -1,s. Loun- . , ges and -. 82 SI 1 (,a,n,not be nndersold.1-tock • ' Baby Carriages and Spieniug Wheels very IOW GIVE ME A CALL If you want to furnish your house for a Una money. WAREBOOMS directly oPposite 31. R. Coun- ter's Mammoth Tewelry Establishmenit, Main Street, Seaforth. Cash for Hides, Skins, Wool: and Woted Ptak- . Rigs. JOHN 8. PORTER,. . Se -e -Shall soon be in a position to furnish 'Funerals cheaper than any one in the place. THAT HUSBAND OF MINE" • Buys all his Machinery from ;MURPHY SEAFORTH- W140 has pleasure litt anneuncing to till; fatming community of Xenon that be is still selling the very best Sewing Machines, -Aviv-Inured im- plements, and Vicsical Instru- ments. Mr. Muephy'e favorite machine the Singer,: which is the best in - the mallet, having carried I Eoffxhilibr8ittiohnsn.°1!' et the Centennial and Sydney Farmers wishing to purchase any ol the above would consult their own interests by apPlying to Mr. Murphy East, as he can do better for them than any other in the trade. Sewing Machine and other repairs fawns en hana at hie warerooms, Goderich steed-, 518 L. MURPHY; Seaferth, (- ^ worric:b1 TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND OTHERS,. A S THEY occupy the attention of all, Iles* ,L-1- brad times. the subscriber is ,deternained meet them by offering good inch Henpeck, " net usually Fold for inch," cet the following ratesae 12 foot Hemlock- -at $7- 00 per thousand ; 14 foot Penang, at S.7 forCatth. All ordees over 41000 5 per tent. dieceant. 'Ca.11 and see if you don% get what ie•repreeentetL Book Aceounte over :3 months will be -cherged 8 per cent. The eobseriber thanks his nurnerous customers .for their liberal snpport, and soliaits a tontion- anee :0f their favors. TORN THOMPSON. 438 Steam Saw -Mills, 31eKillop. BUTTER TUBS • 8. TROrr, SEAFOR.The /8 now prepared to eupply all euston3evi, any number of hia SUPE'IlIOR BUTTER TUBS, 1 At $30 hutdred, Cash. These Tubs are eci • well an)diavorably known to the trade that his • unnecentary to eay anything in their recomtnen- datien. - MR. TROTT Also manufactures a small Hard-. wood Tub, suitable for washing butter in - ed to: Orqrs by mail or otherwise pro/t'aptly attend - 495 S. TROTTF, Seaforth. - DICESTIVE 3E1".SONa• Suffeling from Dyspepeia trrate ed by repsioe - variens forms to titre that t;engerons diseaee. It is not a want ef Pepsine lent an excees of atid .that oecasions Indigeetione It -rim -toll's 1)4%cm-five Ewa hay never failed to relieve or eure the- worst -ease ef bead - ache,_ dieeases of the heart, kidney diseases,t ,and many -others-, v-hiebt originate in Indigeation. Sold bv all Druggists. Ptice 50 eenta- 535-24 -A-TRaD T1 S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Laud Surveyer • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt - y attended to. 479 D. S. CAMPBELL, Miteleell. 'MUST Ouifew .. sitsaltua'"in . away. rjoi:1111:-.:.€4.viiaat:thia:ihnealsopeeelotistinl:anlis04::::dmealpie;e1;.: Il••::tets::irala.ti*eellee:livolinr,n,rngg.4,tej':467tPto)3.siLnhtlteieo,°eeest.naur.00it; E•rerV V 1Z 24 1 31 1 li 41'..,v1,61aLe)tiliewilaliti):111.1::ooluguel7saamills;a: ntBesseeel aa . As shent--Ttz:,..,,,,:iiiiintse tosmdth4orie Fri:: eiittla I aseeeilgoli2;any .4.1, NVIIVtirslaileedua)11131tde'rligs.le:yobeersroniIetilli: And wilicsgarrtohihii tenna%:heit: N " At the ringing j a 10 ntle Illto:og rt::x n.wrb e .11 naelaratommihrin r,le 1 . sl 3 tha g ge '-ii IT i- e:retni titt11,:g:: 1::: Nnt onl,ceinkeled - Swung to The. n s.eltoihl:_ocetcgral:tot: Iteivardaos,.tifit,:i- sI:jetlilntii,Isr,:evlituies. $.e.el the pond' M:9:1-slii..1:116110t1:1111311,e,?ve.ereaGipet411;1iiteriltagengtrlelerithttlit;o: Oat she -1.vteng , There, twat bea Ansi the Itsg-cle .„ lhee,-,arall se.teel:e And be thong Bosirs f Sti,Ilthseoaarapaiiet stAra hersizigh ::::: Iyth„.3.1,411,:).,;..,:n);eet 31,nreansio_ odo: IlleilaidllIt8be tnoiglelh ting elm -O'er thuieldinstvaata At bie leet She- Latedyzrtuettirsvn. Light tmheitu-skluy Tell the ehil beetle of ,,Ti_oatlucb.1.1)es3dh:lanlilirliss'I:ilho (a Own. It was ab those -dread. 'York Wer swinagring street, No men.`—for aside fcr t him eager f heat of the throng, fro portly dara young ones rushed. by held guard. stopping io ing tive yam% disappear at a time. 44 Yes," g the ttethr 4 4 thaVs • the (1.gy area anent.'" . 4". Six. kin • Why, -rooms; in each re "" Pretty porter, its tan and se had been ef sight • Lively where yo is to tNe years *id, " Please e.ents swim." you7v -ery dve s here two eom emote. Ana-, as sawdaer she but -4 let in. 44 .1 - '4 Are boys ?" tlieyre rt. worse. eateh. hold but I'd j the girls_ A. very Irery stm1 " You itt ed bathing the old h at,l(N) eenat cbaititihttii!vgl'ios e ake t tthlio7e7atasosoti: .4.re