HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-08-09, Page 1f
stry, Toronto,
'of oieii y i12 the
,eutel science, he
Lie at theexamira=
!oilerich township
uieiits to hold
tie in that to _
iori. ides:, which
farmers of other
relay. -week before -
f Rodgerville, eves
etroke. He was ae
usual in,clustrjous
forced to slice- h
the evenieff he
1, but at last acs
:es well as could be
Leine, a respectable
as .brought; before
Blyth, on Monday
Flea his horses • to a
en street, opposita
fot .which they
has clearly proved,
:vas fined' one dollar
v. an old lady of 78
r. Wm.. Hawk:shaw
I Iotel,
Rlyth, fell on
landsprained her
as thought her leg
exainina,tion proved.
rase. Her injury is
e is progressing as
,c expected.
'nt heaters terra Mr.
.telgerville, had the
e fine horse, which
to road while driving. -
own signs of giddi_
E fal ling . but clothing
'rated,. A post mar-
e.niiatt of the brain,
resulted from sun-
go Mr. W; Hooper,
farm formerly owned
Stephen. hitched a
,' Meadow Lark'
re Horses, being only
el in six hors after .
h1 of seven acres was
ie good. work for a
1 is seldom 'surpassed
r..) one of Mr: Pickarcd's
a. tap buggy, was
ttwn yard at Exeter,
Tightened by a loco -
own the track. The
for a race and ran
bout a quarter of a
1 by a culvert, when.
i - and ran back. He
t. The only damage
:riling of the buggy top.
ire I, th inst., Mr.. W.
the employees in the
nful accident When
;looms was running at
Lea wasin the act of
iething off the floor,
which is pointed. at
out and; struck the
t half an inch below
ietrating tb the bone,.
k ncl painful wound.
Review w iii speaking of
allenge gets off the fol-
" Mr. Farrow states.
n if lie cannot prove
ori saysto be false, and
hear Pr. Sloan say he
fails i4 doing so. Such
redilated to provoke a
k nkey. ' You couhl no .
drant-for parliamentary
than you could fly to
if they got caught in a
i. wriggle out of it with
a cat catches -a. mouse. -
MS to be hung, we be-
:l manage, to cheat the
e gallows."
of tate following Which
local exchange must be
fr,wriuklea olcl b i;cheor.
)(Juts were known his life
girth insuring. dust read
,11-heartec1 fellow says:
to' lana grab " and the
;lint the 'mast universal
it clay the children_ of Is-
+'(rails in..the wilderness,.
rale rtrlw-a-daysby every
::tceetlzeart, as she drops
der, gracefully swings the
;f her body around. to-
` grebe' rt ltendful of
E'us Up and Moves off with
aiui calln content and an
tte satjsfactioiti illustrating
lee. The ide4. was probe -
.the devil, by observing
his tail, tuck! it aver Ilia
.saunter (ft on a proXnen-
lie. hypocrites, and Pha -
€r gu le and rigidly right -
sduotion in
very De -
thee of this Season's
Must be Sold.
yes of Goods Mar -ked
in Price.
Ilumbug, but a Re-
e, advertise a Clearing
e e Mean it.
E amir e for Yoursel"
be the Not Three Weeks at
Price Paid for First"
Glass Butter.
-u of 100 acres, compose(1 of Lot Nek. 21, in the
12th contession of the7 Township of .11tillett.
Terms easy. Ap.ply to CHARLES MORROW,
Pint IN McKILLOP. FOR •SALK.-For Sale,
Lot 7, COn. 12., containing 100 acres, 60 acres
cleared ana weil fenced ; frame bank barn; good
young oceltara ; soil, clay loam possession at any
time; price :75,000,. • emay to A. STRONG, Sea -
V4IR SALE. ---40 acres of good farming la,nd on
-t-Ti the Huron Road, being. part of Lot ea con. a
it iAwithin half a mile of a, school; and the same
distance from Irislitown Church. Apply to M.
MORRISON, Grocer, Seaforth. '548x8
-FOR SALE. -Tho sabseliber has for sale .a 50
-1; acre lot in the township -of MeKillop, County of
EtuAn, '20. acres are cleared and the balance' well
timbered \rite beech and maple. The property
will be sold cheep, Apply to JAS. H. BENSON,
Solicitor, Seaforth„ Ont. 517
1,e Edit
yo paper
your editor
the recent
al, in conn
dering you
what a.ppe
elevated a
the matter
of a new c
locks like
the bitter
ten of par
lands sho
ARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot No. 5, Bay -
Ifield Concession, Goderich Township, eon-
' taining 55 acres 50 of which ere eleared and in a
good state of cuiltivation. The farm is 'adjoining
the village of Bayfield, and -will be sold cheep and
on favorable term:S. Apply to the proprietor,
filiOICE FARM 'FOR SALE -Being Lot 4,
N-1 Con. 7, Hullett; County of Huron; 100 acres ;
80 cleared, well underdrained, and in a good state
te• rms easy.lk For further particulars apply to
or on the premises tp WM. E. COLDWELL. Con -
stance P, O.
Tnekersmith, County of Huron, consistin„•• of 50
acres, 31 miles from tlic Town of Seaforth, and
eonvenient tp school. The land is of the very
best emality. For further particulars apply to
JAMES PICKARD, opposite the premises, or to
VARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 14, Con. 7,
"12 Hullett, containing 100 acres, 80 of which are
cleared am free from stumps. There is airame
dwelline h use with stone cellar underneath, also
frame aril and stable. Plenty of good water via
a small orchard. Is within six -and -a -half miles
of. Glioton and about 9 miles from Sertforth. Ap-
ply at THE EXPOSITOR Office, Seatorth. 528
ccess, b
it banef
S.Si013, Business.
tell how other readers of
ill be sPosed to regard
al of the 19th Inst. anent-
ction wit the proposed eel -
n my own. art I felt like ren -
a hearty ote of thanks , for
a playa pg disquisition of
g the: .foundation
mate their gains by hundreds of thous-
ands in the Ultimate results.
An excellent start had been made leY
the Methodist diurch in her Freich
missions, and. the Presbyterians •and
some other denomin ations have been re-
ported as doing quite reasonably well in
the same direction, is e. in leading many
of the French people to accept Chris-
tiaiiity as generally presented by the
Protestent secte. But -now, accepting
the statements of those immediately
from that locality, the , breach which
In Ila,yi , was formerly sufficiently' extensive, has
witty lise oue' Donainion it thereby been indefinitely extended. And
geievous Pity that the feuds, all for -what ? And echo answers, for
ess, and the jealousies begot- what ? This subject has as yet been but
ies and. o party atrife in other partially discussed; and its thorough
d be i ttede eo to speak, vettilation in a proper spirit, must ulti-
ocial s s em. For beyond mately be attended. with the best re -
y, whet r tends in this, di- sults. Let _it then have the most thor-
• 1, in e. proportion of .its otigh examination. R. THOMPSON.
a draw ack to the progress HAnaows.larrn, July 27, 18'78.
The old gentleman re
ledge it, and the wom
put on the screws if th
paid st once.
-As Mrs. Robert B
Centre, was picking
last -week, a limb fell
ing her on the bead. a
taneous death. She 1
-So much dissatis
expressed in Collingw
of the lot accepted by
mittee for the neW Pr
that the committee h
to reconsider their d
now looking for a mo
-Tette Mee.noiaite
Russia are now in th
Emerson. As the M
Province are known
with their condition
may be assured that
delegatee will lead to
tion next year.
-At Point du Ch
Monday, the lightn
belongina to . Mr.
side. The animals
man whoxesides in
cattle in the barn, o
a large member; wer
-Mr. iLedam Br
has presented the
of Lucknow with a
ing an inscription w
winner of the same
lady archer of C
will be competed fo
games to be held o
-A distressing a
the farm of Mr. Ri
miles -west of Str
afternoon. By see
barns caught fire,
dren were playing
three yearsof age
flames, and. burne
-A. young lad
Toronto, could not
aspirants for her h
settle the matter t
ing duelling; they
et out otl his boat
well as Materially. Already Canada.
1 effects 4ve been developed The corner stone of the new Metho-
differe t direc lens. Some parties dist Church was laid in Galt last Tues -
mho had 'ound it o their advantage to day afternoon.'
have dee axed the rLintentidn of avoid-` navigation to Portage La Prairie has
i g a pie e wher dots and bloodshed beet_ resumed, .
e liabl at any omentto occur on the -Seventeen steamers and four
s reets, hereby oth life and propertY schooners are now plying regularly
eely in edged i the -at business trams- 1
1 on the Red River.
-A torrespend.ent of the London
i re rend. Ted ins • re and threats • are
ctions ill not e conducted with such Free:Press wants iced buttermilk intro:
s have ot the ark of the beast, nor .
he num er of his name. In other words, deiced as a beverage.
-A young man in West Nissouri
hat a -d. fference '1:1 religious and. petit- ayes badly bitten on the hand by a snake
11 be a bar to bilying while bindinTg grain in a field.
for the purpose of get- -Lieutenant Gladstone, R. N., son
! of Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, ar-
s is a most lamentable rived in Quebec* a few days ago.
u one that must be -Farley, the English and. W sh
ight thinkingperson. reserve en Lake Manitoba, Alas b en
g too strong grOund thrown open for general settlethent.
virtuous mind --that, -A. block of green phosphate weigh-
ing 600 pounds was last week 'brought
down the Ottawa from West 'Port-
-In the event of the Marquis'of Lorne
comina to Ottawa, it is said that a regi-
ment o7f the Guards will be stationed at
-During the past week the total ship-
ments of live stock from Toronto to .
Great Britain included 1,1\21 cattle,
endency to disturb the -jack 0
'Hearn, a notorions London he walked home 1 ith his prize, who
e y by avoiding every -
airs, and positively bY character,againstwhom several warrants had been a spectaior.
ay be in their power have been issued for some -time past, -A brother o Mr. S. A.. Cook, of
was arrested in St. Thomas last week, Strathroy, livina t Black Lake, Mus -
and taken to Londoe. kegon county, kichigan, has lost his
-Mr. Wm. Massen; of • West Nis• wife ata two Children. Two girls,
Aouri, had twenty-six. loads of fall wheat aced. 10 and. 12, while bathing, got into
on six acres. Mr. Masson believes he
will have uearly Or quite 300 bushels.
This yield will be hard to beat.
-The proprietors of the St. (Jacob's
creamery, ha the county of 'Waterloo, -
Lot 29; Pon. 8, Ilibb.ert, containing 100 acreS,
85 of which are 'cleared and free from stumps ;
there iS ilog dwelling house, a • good freme barn
and stabler, plenty of water and a good 'Orchard ;
is:within '1 miles of Sea -forth. For further par-
ticulars .kply ou the premises to WM. ABER-,
C 8, MeKillop, containing 75 iteres, 50 of
tam, v41 fenced and drained ; the rerneandei is
coed. bush • there is a log heuse and
which red :Indio aeood state of cultiya-
good ha
frame be
A.pply to
lappen 0.
•ti, also good well ;. the place is situate(
rters _of a mile west,of the gravel road.
MRS.. WM. CLUTTON, on the 2nd con -
f Tuckeramith, south of Kippen, or to
PROP .11,TY Ii'011: SALE.For Sale, Lot No; 14,
excellen lot. West half of north hail Of Lot Ne.
29, Con. 6, Morris, adjoining the -Village of Brus-
sels, 59 teres, 83 acres cleared, cheese factory and
Machinery -coraiklete thereon. -Font houses. and
lets, and a large number of vacant lots in BruSsela„
all the Property of the undersigned. 'Also a num-
- ber of improved farms, the property of other: par-
ties. JOHN LECKIE. Brussels:- 515
vAII),, FOR SALE.-Tlutt well-known and fine-
' IV ituated feria, Lot 1, Con. 1, Hullett, in th
which n
water.' The farm is situated two miles from tlx
tor, .Go. the premises. . 553-4x
re cleared ; there. are two frame dwellinc
barn horse stable, cow stable, sheep -hops
west -half of Lot 27, Con. 8, MaKillop, co -
tinning 50 acres, known as the Daigle estate. T
farm is situated within ono mile and a quarter
Heater:h. The hind is of the choicat, qualit
There is a, handsome residence and good outbuil
ings. The farm is well planted.with fruit and a •-
namental trees,t, is in • excellent -order, and. will
tenc-ed. It is admirably suited for a retired go -.
'tie:man, detiry-man, or market gardener.' TM s
eti.F.y. This property must. be sold at 011Ce. App
Mai.11101), containing 50 acres, 45 of which re
eleared and well improved ; there. are fair buil 1-
i•ngs and good fences ; there is a good 3-oung or-
chard and plenty of water ; the gro.wing_erops
be sold with the farm •, it 2 miles from Wall
12 from Seaforth and 8 fi•om Brussels, with good
cal sem
ud sell
mg gai
tate of
t collo
to affii
every p
the int
ng, even
e to ove °tome all this, and in'
rest of the general good,' will
sly avoid very irritatina c.tuse.
are that Orangemen ciaiin to
perior cies of citizens, prsteiotic
or love of Calm can only be legiti-
mately claimed by such as have liege,-
tively posit's- ly their right to !such.
a, claii
then n this
quirt,. Is it j
any o hers to -
whet er it be
by b dizzenin
color illustra
thro gh the
and ities to
to co inemor
by a
Is it
f and
amount be not ,
chanam, of Mono
erries one day
action has been.
<AM the location
he building corn-
sbyteiian church.
ve been induced
icision. They are
e convenient site.
delegates from
country west of
nnotkites in ) the
be well satisfied
and proepects, it
he report of theee
further inamigra-
hat has
rium of
pr,omotoxi of hernatiny and geo-
m.' will. Looking at the matter
telligent, this common,
u ally prompts the in -
oious for Orangemen dr
d pt means or indulge in
e el. to perpetuate strife,
carrying peculiar flags,
themselves in certain
childrene They were taken M charge but was
by the Immigration Agent, Mr. Daley, 1 family.
- and provided' with a breakfast at the 1 soon as p
Express Hotel. I was foun
. -The recent heav
Icinity of 'Gait have
sprouting wheat not
-Last Monday joseph Nichol, an 1W. Lye
employee at Messrs. John Fisher & Son's , sending
paper mill, evhilst adjusting a belt oo a 1 his boo
itinstantly killed.
t length discovered by the. , 90 men; Stratford, with. band. and 90
he doctor Was sent foe as Men ; Strathroy, band 'and. 55 men;
that his hip bone -was broken 1, band and 84 men ; Petrolia, band. and
rains in the vi- I and the top of the thigh bone 'sadly in- ,
had the effect of , jured. band and 48 men ; Baden, and Berlin,
ou.sed in that dis- I --R. allantyne, formerly of Guelph, I band, 65 men; Mitchell, band, 50 men:
1 hat no pushiiag, the book trade for J. St. Thomas, and TilSonburg, band, and
in New Zealand, has been 35 men; Woodstock:,2 bands and 175 men.
home encouraging accouuts of --Arthur P. Dalin, a Reformed.
canvassiug in that distant Catholic, proceeded to deliver a lecture
Mr. Ballautyne, in company on spiritualiem in Ingersoll, last Sun-
. Campbell, took in no fewer day night. The hall was -welt fillede-'
orders, in the town of Dun- with church -going people, and Mr. Dev-
The work canvassed for is , lin passed armed the hat, as it was =-
Biography," history and explo- I nolmced. that a, collection would be
g process was COimpleted, the 1 church'es and church -going people in
the eggs. and Mrs. McKewan ! general, callion the Mebhodists fools
g to throw them away, when i and other similar naines for harboring
d that there were chicks in , the ex -monk (F. G.I Widdows).--' At -this
She brought thern into the 1 stage of tbe meeting the bulk of the
nd put.them un,der a nest of 1 audience left the hall, and Devlin or-
ittens,-Imil in a few days they 1 dered all the ladieS and little boys out
tched. Strange to say, the edsit- 1 of the hall. After they had left be be-
nd chicks play and feed to- Cgan to tell what !the ea -monk, Edith
1 O'Gorman, D. I. 14. Rine, Francis Mier-
st Monday evening every painful ! phy and others wore, -using • the most
ild. (Yea ' obsceneelanguage ever heard on. a plat -
ne, Manitoba, on
ng struck a barn
all standing out-
elonged to a poor
the locality. The
which there were
wn, of Hamilton,
aledoniau Society
liver arrow, bear-
ich will show the
o be the champion
nada. The arrow
at the fortheoming
the lltb. of Sep -
1 with a
--,-There were 113 •nterments in the than 60
Catholic cemetery at Montreal, last nediet.
week, and 20 in the Protestant. Sixteen 1 " Saar,
of the deaths were
from summer disea.s
township, tbreshe
from 8 acres, 270 b
of 34 bushels to th
was principally
variety. 1
--Francis S. Cole, saloon keeper, of I them.
Montreal, has takeo an action against ) honse,
bookseller of that ity, for defamation l'were h
of character, laying his daanages at 510,- tens
000. gether
-On Meg. McK
taken up to defray expenses. Re then
wan of Dumfries 1 a shor time since, set a Ilene with a ; that he was a ocaabeliever, a freethink-
a . few days &go, ) dozen 1 etc and. then began to abuse the
acre. The grain! hen lef
she fd
bard Morgan a few
throy on Saturday
e means one of the
hile two of the chil-
it, and before as -
little gni, who was
as enveloped iu the
to death.
of Lealieville, near
decide between two
nd and told them to
emselves. Discard. -
oat -raced, the win -
ted that he could not
for some time ; but
liams, Angus McLeod and Duncan Love accide it occ-arred to a youne c , la
craidled seven acres of oats in six about ne year a,nd. six months, daugh- , form. The authelice got so thoroug y
f Henry Mathews, jr., of the In- i disgusted that cries Of " arreet him,'
°nal, Hotel, Hamilton. The rt rim him out," " put him on. a rail,"
r wastusily eogaged he pouring and other such expressions were ;heard
en the child reached , up to the I from all quarters. Dr. McCalisland
• called the eneetine to order, and after
hours. The field as rough and the , ter o
crop heavy, twist a and considerably 1 ternat
lodged. moth
-Arther S. Maria and James An- tea, a,
spring wheat in six hours. The work over Its face and. arms, scalding the , making a • few appropriate remarks,
was pedormed before witnesses on Sat- I child n a fearful manner. The child i moved a vote of i censure on Devlin)
aa Ali,inst 3rd. There were 208 ' noW lies very low, but under skilful at- ; which was unaniMously carried,. Dev-
oe it will recover, Imit be disfigur- lin then. called on the police for protee-
he Brantford Expos;tor ' says : ; Capron walked him out the beak idoor,
erson who feels an interest in the 1 he would have been mobbed.
tion of the eising generation of ;
of excellent building timber and saw logs foi
Apply to Walton P. O. or to the proprietor On
premises. JAMES 547-4
tairau„e- NU acres, -90 of which are eleared ant
a good state of eativation,being well under&
ea, the balanee is good hardwood hush.
stone house, frame barn and stables ; wate
and good bearing- orehard. Is situated abou
miles from Seaforth and Brucellehl, and f
•Kippen. School close by, and all other conv
ewes. For further particulars aPply to DA
MOORE, on the premises, er to Egmend
M. pious de
an attemp
-A-- lop, 50, acres, oxiNothern Gravel lama, 'Res •
from Settforth; flame
West half Lot, 29, Con, 9, McKillop, 50 acre
cleared, frame- bulb g.., g orchard; 5.
from Seafortit, on gravel road. South half of
barn, splendid timber.. Lot 1, Can. , H.
Tiickersmith, 100 acres, 757. acres cleared, ore
fair -buildings, and sluing creelkl.runia.inc.; thr
the !lulu ; 3. miles from Seaderth. :A.pply
VOR. SALE 1.'5,7 DELMORE-gnus° and ,lore...',
-1' with over 1 'if ren acres of first-chiss gt rilen
greund, well st • eked- and in good- order. S abln,
coach house,. wood -Shed,- hen -house ' and run f&
fowls Wk.11 fenced, _all very convenient. The I ouse
is arranged tor \two I falailios, one part, wit r,the
store is rented tei a iespectable tenant. at r,.: 73 a
year ; the other kart with the garden and out-
buildings i.; coal v valuable. .This propert • Will
be sutti at 9. barge It; as. the proprietor iuteu . s re-
moving to Wiunipe g. li not sold before- it w 11 be
offered at Auction about the 14tb of At gust:
Pot on St. Joho St., max the English Cl unix,
new resideuee, corner of Cigernan and (-km
either for eash, or one-third cash dawn mil bal-
ance on time to suit. Also, seven To.wn.Lots .on
- Main ana Mill - Streets,. opposite Colen.an & 1
(it -min -leek's Mill. Persons -igtending to build
may obtain these Lots without any prosin t cash
• paymeut if nee essmv, Apply to- WM, :IL GRAY,
a an idefeand marching I have made arrangements wit
eets of villages, towns 1 patrons to sell them milk at seven cents
lass of tunes intended instead of eight cents as formerly agreed;
an affair that trans- that reduction is owing to the low price
neerly t v hundred years ago, or of butter. ' ;
iy other rtacess" to engender strife? The Monetary TimeA states that Sen-
judiciou. ? As with; battles gener- ator Cochran and Mr. SimOn Beatty,
. so lath the battle of the of Markham, sailed from Qiiebec Jest
e, one f the contending parties week for Britain with abtut fifteen
victorio s, and, of necessity, the head of ' first-class Short•ho n cattle,
sustain d the inortificetion of de- said to be. worth from 51,000 'to $10,000
I belie e it to be the part of true per lama. . ,
L -The barn of James Smith, lot 6,
mity,a.ft r the -Victory has.been won, _ 10th concession, West- Zorra, ' was
the goo results aineedeat,thorough- buroed on Fridays _together •with up -
cured, i the first place,' tie . make- wards of 1,000 bushels of wheat. The
inqinsl d as comfortable as pos- • fire was caused, by e spar,' •
under ereversal, and in the next steam. threshing machine. One horse
every a lusionto the unpleaeaut af- ' -Last Friday a, man named Georee -A booksellefir ie. Montreal who had
e, studyi eg to avoid hi all coining 1 wes else burned.
. r . Clarke -was arrested For the little paper Grip exposed in his -will- IP
deep Water ; the
their, rescue, and
together. 'The
shortly after the
-The Icingst
are informed. tha
fore seen in this
has attacked the
destructive resul
part of the town
other leaped. in to
11 three were drowned
odies were recovered
an insect never be -
heat with the most
s in Pittsburg and that
'p of Kingston. It is
shocks or 'stooks, each shock containing tends,
-La,st Sunday the township of East 1 7--
Zorra, was visited, by one of the most 1 Any
terrific hurricane ever witnessed in ethic
fell in torrents. The -wind uprooted light ,d ou Saturday to witness e , - ons
trees and uuroofe houses ; fences were arou s of boys ana girls at the Great 1 appears to have got himself into a dif-
scattered in all directions. Corn and. -Wes ern Railway station, who had been 1 ficulty. A little over a month ago
other crops were laid down as a r
had. gone over them.- About four inches and
-Another Urge ,party of Mennonites grou
left, Tomato. last . week en route for num
Manitoba. They report that the move- ally
ment of their col nies has been checked. But
this year by the napossibility of selling
their forme an effects' to advantage
during the Russi n war; but that now
that peace has b en deblaredthe exodus
from the south rn parts of Russia to
Manitebe will r -commence with. even
Perth Items. t
d brethren would have. been de- ,
Hem bill of Listowell •
in at endauce at the Mohawk Institute, 1 while attempting to take a prisoner, ii `
were leaving for their respective is alleged he used. his revolver without
s, to spend the vacation. One , sufficient cause, and bail to appear be -
of Oneidas, from near St. Thomage 1 fore the Police Court at Stratford; to
ering fifteen or more, were especi- give explanation. The case has not yet
ntelligeut looking. Mr. William beeo settled.
her, one of the teachers, was very -Mr. R. Gihlett, of Stratford, who is
atte tive to seeing that all were proper- a, breeder of feney swine, has a brood. of
Among the operators in grain in 1 good judges &little ahead of anything
Chi go was a young man named Wal- 1 ever -seen in these parts. Re offers
ter albraitb, well known in Ilamiltoia, I to ehow them against any brood of
of 1 hich city he was a native and long 1 Berkshires at the fall show for 510-
tina resident. A few days since a weight for age. Who Will accept the
" c riser " . vas effected in wheat, by ; challenge ? ' ''.
wh•ch thepeice was forcedup and many 1 -The following young men from
los their thousands while others Made ; Perth County passed the recent rnatrie
a .orresponding gain. Among the i culation examination of Toronto DA -
los rs was young Galbraith and in a ; versity : D. j, Minchin, Shakespeare;
Mb ent of despair be proceeded to 1 W. L. Bain, J. M. Clark, C. W. Gordon,
on Park in that city and delib- I A. Hamilton, j. Hamilton, W. E. X,c-
ely blew his brains out with' a Kim and Wm. Morphy, St. Marys. All
ol. His friends sincerely mourn th.e of the above but Mr. Minchin studied. at
esS, -which induced. the poor 1 the St. Marye High School. s -
ng fellow to destroy his own life. 1 -Owing to a, strained. ankle, conttact-
One day lately a mannaro.edDaniel 1 ea some weeke ago, Mr.. james Forinan,
n, residing in the south-west part of of Mornington, has been unable te at-,
nieviood. township, -was calight by a tend to the duties of hie farm, and as a
ghbor, named. Brown, in the act of 1 consequence his harvestieg operations
kina his -wife. BrOWU came to the were in danger of becoming neglected.
• • however is fortunate in
stated that there will not be more than
the third tif a er p this year, owing to
the ra,vages.of th's insect."
e. --A horse in Chatham met with a
very painful arident on Saturday.
hay a sharp piece of
While eating hi
glass was taken nto his mouth, -which
nearly severed h toogue, cutting a gash
through it side ise about an 'inch and '
a half long. T e driver thinks that by
giving him onl soft feed. for a 'short
time, and. not d •iving him the Wonnd
will heal up.
mer, was found Saturday morning in
iron attached to his neck. He left his
bed on Wednes ay night, and next day
a man employe at Turvill's -mill found.
suspected that flampton had commit-
ted suicide, and search was made for
him in thevichaity of the bridge, evith
the result stated. He was about forty-
five years of age, and. a heavy thinker.
-A little boY living on Queen -street
west, Toronto, et with a, peculiar &col -
dent during the_ torm on Sunday last. He
wa, sstanding b his father's door without
any hat on, and was touched by a flash
of lightning, which singed his heir all se
around his head, the strangest part of B
all being that 1 is scalp was uunajured. It to
The little fe
cue On. hearing the victim's screams, e ,
t not in time to save her life. She I being surrounaeaby good n•3ighbors,who
s so long smothered and under the ' turned in the other day and harveeted a
urge that she expired shortly after field of fall wheat for bim.
own arrived. Jealousy is supposed : -Mr. James McPhail, of -the " One
have been the cause. Cain has been taxick Carriage Works," Mitchell, is rare
ow hardly knew what ; turested., and he does not seem o e y idly bringing his establishment into tbe
happened. lu. , and appeared. to be t e act. They have eleven of a family. . notice and confidence of the public. He
greatly naystified. at having his hair so A 1 the elder ones were away from : is manufacturing at present an excel -
neatly and speedily removed. He COM- 4
1 Me at the time An Moe -test wee heM, ' lent contrivance, in the shape of a
her iove
theory a,
heir dut
ce. NON
but it is believed the shock was not a
dow for sale alo with other papers and \\
serioes one.
a d. a verdict was given ni accordance patent adjustable top for opeu buggies,
ith the facts as relatedAbove. . which is equal hi advantage to a $40 or
-Mr. Neil Moore, sonof Mr. Dougald ! $50 top, and yet it only costs 515, and
oore,' of Strathroy, and formerly of * can be adjusted in a, 10W minutes to al-
ast Williams, died in London on Sun- most any open buggy in flee.
ay afternoon, 28th. olt., fioni the effect 1 -Mr. John A. Scott, Jr, of Stretford,
a surgical operation_ About a year , who went to try his fortune ha the
go a tumor came on -the lower part Of .= Black Hills district, writes from Cen-
is back, which gradually grew, until 1 teal City (the Black Hills) under
e decided recently, hy the edvice of date of jelly 13, us follows : ' I
hysicians, to undergo an operation to , am superintendent of a naill at $200 per
ave it removed. The operation was • month. I have done some prospeeting !
erforined on Friday last, in L011a0n, but did not Come across anything that 1._
ut thie disease hadbecome BO malignant .! was good, althou-gh I am setbefied that 1 -
hat he was not able to suevive the se- i there are many -valuable mioes yet.rea, !
ere trial. He died Smiday evening at ; maining 'undiecovered. The Black
be Western Hotel, London, where the 1 Hills country is but in ite infency, an
,peration:had been iperformed. The . it will take 50 years to folly develop its
iod.y was brought to his father's resis ; resources. There is one mine here
ence, Stratbroy, and buried in Nairn.. elearipg $100,000 per month. Laborers
Mr. Moore was a teacher, and had been obtain 52 50 per day, and not steady
for some time in charge of a school ' work at that. Steady work in Canada
near Galt, where he was much reepect- at 75c a day is better than -$2 50 bere
W ben the relative cost of living is taken
-L-C. Costafioraz, the supposed mut- into consideration, I know fully 500
ed by those who knew him.
aerer of M. 11-lathevon, has been coM- men who have spent months in. the
mitted to stana his trial. A lock of . Hills li prospecting ' for the precious
hair attached to apiece of scalp fasten- . metale and who have returned home
ed. to the boat in which the .pi•isoner penniless and disgusted. In brief, this
and deceased were last seen, was found countiy affords good opportunities to
on Sundey by a gentleman in cosnpany the capitalist or epeculator with a little.
with two press representatives and two _capital, but it is no place for a poor
jurors. A pair of trousers with blood man. There are enough of the- latter
spots on them, belonging to the prison- here now. This is the truth, and jAo
ea was also found on SundaY by the not want any of illy- poor friends to lee
Chief of Police at the prisonefesh-ouse. deceived by the highly -colored stencil ,,
The general opinion et that the decease that are circulating through the pressi.
ed was murdered. in the boat, that he There are lots of eood /nen here, witba
was stunned.; his watch. &ea taken off, ' out monev or grub7 aod they curse the
that he was then pushed iii the water day that led them to this4to them) very
and hammered. oii the head there with . black country.",'
the trigger of a revolver. On putting ---011 Tnesday afternobn, 30tb. ult., a
his hands on the sides of the boat to man named Walter Bradshaw, a cattle
get in, it is thought these were ham- • dealer -from Michigan, Was brought -to
inered, whiCh will account for the sa,me Stratford from Washington, -County of
. -Demonstrations by firemen oe a ed by Constable T.B. McCarthy. Brad -
his head.
large ecale, ktre not frequent in Cana- shaw wete wanted in Michigan. for soMe
than cities, and it is a marvel that a 521).000 which he had. embezzled therda
place like WoOdsteck, that numbers ea and as he was in the habit of eomingto
Canada quite often, photographs of lain
' ' t t( the police authorities in
nquished.. Now, these are bigeme . He marrieet a young 'woman
about six months ago, -while at t le smile
time he lead a wife and five sm 11 chil-
dren living at Cornwall. He was Con-
veyed. to CornWall for trial. , .
0 bo - in Hamilton, about
streined nor far-fetched
e such as are fully realiz ed.,
least , by . the • Orangemen
wherein they.declere it to
ell:as to be slow tie take of- - four years Old, a son of Constable Rob-
, if aoything in. the universe inson, of the city pelice, died 'last Stm-
be regarded. as offensive / daY from the effects - of ammonia, of
ere to a Sensitive mind, -it ! Which he took a large_miantity the • day
perading before such au one ' previoue. Two doctors attended the
the insignia of their - iguo- boy, but their efforte proved. unavailing
eat. Fealemay restrain from to save him, and be died in great
ot resentinebt, good policy
Much as possible to ignore
sult, and true ,Christian -
gilt - even lead to render
other theu railing term -de
,yet in
emcee t t 'have led to so 'much un- 1 Essex Centre, on Thursday morning of Gurney's foundry, on Jo ln s
'dame I miled. to regret the, circum- disappeaie
eastuith ss for several reasens. One last week,- while the 5.30 train -was undergoing the process of " seizure " at
USe peofeund regret is be- f, assing, the station. .The Oight opera- the hands of t,lhe bailiff, when the foun-
c euse b ong to the offending or tor was out on' the platform attending 1 dry hands, to ched With the lament°,
t itiog tylthe Protestant section. .AI- to his duties, when some person Pried .1. tions of thel po6r woman, gallantly
t ough n a sworn and initiated Oie the • • o en and took [the money. came to the eescue, and had Woll nigh
Lipman,: yet as far as blood and boues' No clue to the thief. .1 raised the a want necessary to wipe
' Site)." I tim not a -whit be- 1 -The crops in Biadulph are fifty per ; out the debt,' when the bailiffs drove off
• f n thine known for 1 with the plunder without giving an op -
periodicals, received the folio -wing note
through the piist office :-‘• Montreal;
july 24, 1878- you notice, you have
in your windo . If not removed you
will likely get i -our window end your
head broken. Your bigotry is1 quite
well Imown wit ont advertising it in your
-One Ger n family in Mc*urrich
township has relished three evives for
neighboring y ung men, and thee° are
agony. . two or three eft yet of marriageable
-On Th-arsday afternoon of last 1 age, They are , ot likely to rem ain lon g in
week, during a violent thunder storm e ; single blessec ness, as, besides being
the barns and sheds, containing nearly 1 good looking, they have been trained
the entire crops of this year, with ; to underbrush and chop. These girls,
•y case the old sore -smarts g n. and °clover mill, belonging to 1 last winter an this spring, it is Said,
en scratched afresh. Above Joshua Wellwood, in Harwich town- I choppe en ores in a, worknaan-like
ing principles of the high- t ehip, werRtruck by lightuiug and coin- I manner. No wonder that they have
us both positively and 1 pletely destreyed. Total less, 53,000 ; i been so readilY selected hy the bachelor
do unto others as we would. i no insurance. . 1 pioneers.
o uuto us. And. now, Mr: -A package, containing about 51,400, 1 -In Ham lton, Friday morning, a
. • the ex ress office at ' widowed dresf3 maker residing opposite
sentencing ames Haynes, a -wife- 3",
beater, impos d a fine of $5 and. $3.35
costs to be paid forthwith, or twenty ,
obliged to find sureties that he -will , ,
keep the peace for one year, himself .! i
5200, and. two for $100 eaeh, in default ,
to be imprisened until bail has been
found. The Magistrate remarked to
the prisoner that the law should be so
framed. that such men. as he waeproven
to be should be publicly flogged.. The
prisoner's evife is rather a delicate
looking woman, and carried a babe in
her :arms only six weeks old.
1 hid the
• and. b
esS the
le and. t
0 none,
un read
meted a
v Ise
very po
and in a good state of cultivation ; the
is well timbered. with 110rdwood; There
an inch of waste land on the farm.
spring creek runs aeross one corner. Goo
buildings all round ; abundance of goo
and pumps, and a splendid bearing ore
h If of gravel rot
is within a mile a
way between Seaforth, Brussels, and BI •th Sta-
tions, also co nvenient. to churches, r:che Is, post -
&e. The farm will be gold as a N hole or
in two parts. For further particulars address
Walton Post Oflice, or apply to the prop ietor
the premises. WM. BELL. 544.
frame }
ard ; it
mid -
h efest of the Protesta.ut par- cent. in ac te
c .use I appreciate in. its full- the last decade. The hay has been portunity W the generous e
a d peivilege of an open Bi- '. Safely housed, and a laiefe quantity of ! carry out their intention. i
God-giveu right of private the fall Wheat: The apple crop will be . ' =Two farhaers living a short distance
, lad because I glory in these e small. .The frost played sad havoc from Gra,ntchi settled an old grudge the
4 tilierefore,I evOuld give offense i with the plum crop, which will in, con- i other day by a,rough andtnniblefight on
--bether Jew or Gentile,wheth. i eequence be very smell. The spi•ing 1 Main street., One of the combatants
tont or Papist, but as much ; wheat in. this townehip is ripening ver,ta ; got the finger of his adversary .in his
because • such doings hav-e a t to • 1 in the Assiniboine, near Win- shortly afte
' tck earn' it that the doings con- log into deep water. Efforts were Made ! ed member foend it necessary to reso
•th the 12.th of JulYin Montreal '; to reecue him, but in vain, end his body , to. amputatiim, which was steccessfully
1 - nacani= of filliug up Many ; Was . recovered some days afterwards. , performed. The naMes of these hu -
't let - man went to Winni- Dieu brutes are Tim. :McKay and John
nen: Anethet reason of me. -A man uamed. William Swayze was 1 way. The
• --eMr. Chas. Griffin, a member of the
brokers, ,MOntreal, was arrested, last
Friday evening on a warrant, charging
Vim with having fraud.ulently appro-
priated $21,124.30 intrusted to him. by .
Rev. Ja,s. Webster, of Grenville, South
• Carolina„ to invest in, Bank of Montreal
capital stOck. The unfortunate -young
man is respectably connected, being a
so* of Mr, Griffin, Poet office Inspector,
Lendon, Ont. The amount of the
deride which the funda should have
realizerikas regularly remitted by Mr.
Griffin to Mr. Webster, accompanied
by a broker's certificate signed by his
partner, Mr. Hobson, but the u-sual
stock certificate was lackina, and this
led te the discovery -of trie fact on
which the action. is based: It is in the
neeanour, hut the prisoner will likely be
prosecuted:for felony as well.
-On Menday, 29th ult., Mr. John
Detwiler, fai•mer, of Dumfries, Eying
about three miles south of Doom met
with a most serious accident, and will
necessarily be laid up for a long time.
It appears that while the hands wer
hauling hay into the barn they iniP
peued to cover in a nest of young swal
lows, which were doomed to death on
finger began to mortify
the fight, and the doctor
led in th dress the -wound.-
sil ly may tend to the organiz- peg from Woodetock last Noe -ember, . cassiay,
less extricated from then . i., » 1, 1
ed by the prism'. Mr. Detwiler, being naturalle carry through with the most complete, evea , .
hers, sps ssibly even more, mit I do most in 1) e has been arrested for keeping having collie out ia the steainship Cir- ; :pimp
co.seian. 1 e - left again this morning that he could not sleep for two night. of the town, incloding residences remote
success an affair that has neva- heen various localities. The Stratford police
•ng of s, in , nee: ones For °milt that ' and leavee a Widow aud live young -The s
says about
I know, it ' e add. to the number of chilareu te T11011rn his loss. of a tender hearted nature, felt sucii
swore ( ra eteinen ten thousand inein- • -The . keep • f a fashimiable bagnio athy for the poor little creature equalled. in Canada. The appearence
single seal to the omnber uf true Prot- of the long ladder into the barn, and geta
an effort to release them, and taking a esque in the extreme lima it ,,howea 1h -ought before the police magistrate;
ton, where he was arrested, Ile was
eolith:1e tly seibmit that no man in his a disorderly house. Several fast young So on Monday he determined to ma e fr OM the business centres., WWI pictur-
lies *class, the most moral and , a.ppeer in h se, and some interest- : ?lave seen how ,much public feeling the Chief and and decided to rettirn to Michigan with
ut re heartily disgustea -with 1 ing developmeuts of extravaaance and : the coun boards .behind which the little bir s - The following organizations NV C re rep- him. It was at first tliought that he
were. While thus engaged. the-ladd r . resented :-1121milton, Witll one band - the detectives wbo were *siting for
senses Jill claim that ft will add. rem men, Meltable two or three menabers on the Wes
Local c'Legislature, alleged fre- where they
up to the top, tried to pry loose t e . the btigade had interested ill the cause
the nu Isere of the Catholic Church. i father's name to a $500 -cheque, which I chiefly far
• • • . the halide of his hely lo • 1 - ' ' hip. He was insensible few some tinee, • and 100 men ; Ingersoll, with band and ' was the party who robbe,d O'Ronrke,
So ileu li so that it is quite safe to esti- . as now in . • , .„ N e. fie e famish . 100 men ; , ins ')e. band night, hut there was no foundation for
Brantford, 2 splendid; the Shakespeare drover., on Saturday
the suspicion.
the whble a air well knoSving that it ; folly .are anticipated. .A ast young , their long slipped and he fell down about lifte a 1 ana 60 „Fier, ;
will !LOP. te the zeal and indirectly to ' man e Orted to have forged his County of feet on the solid floor. bending on is ! bands aud
uebec train thie morning,
ern train for Paris, Ontario,
have friends,and propose en-
griculture. So far as they
hey are greatly pleased with
:, and they look well after
royage. They come from the
inlithgow, Scotland, and are
ers. The party consisted of
s, the majority being young
the ver