The Huron Expositor, 1878-08-02, Page 8• THE HURON fuxatxir,a0ixax. e: a est pr nob e Ord snc eed .a pe _, lov an prom the ring t her scare DISTRICT MATTERS. ADT"i RTISEMEST• — No advertisement for a. couple of weeks, till the Old Country Goods, arrive. 1:1 the meantime we are offering goods.un- usaaiiy 10 v. HYca:1-01. & BLE.tsnELL. 556 Aitr.>`Ln Tnis WEE1i iT A. G. InWOU- ciaLL & Co.'s, the First Shipment of those cele- brated Cluisty Hats, imported direct from Lond n, England. 556 GOLD RINGS and balance of• Jewe eto-k selling at one 'half their value at LEM EN WxLsox's, 556 _ e t' L: �CADERmINE," for removing fr k - I' lea, 25 and 50 cents per bottle, at LL'istSDE\ d. Wrxsoti's. 556 Dn OILTIC,—The Dramatic entertain- ment given in Cardno's hall, on Tues- day evening last, by the Juvenile dra- matic club was very succesful.. The attendance was very fair, and the sev- eral parts were well taken. Miss Jea- nie Ewing, presided at the piano with her usual efficiency.;. THOSE LAMPS.—We would again call the. attention of the town authorities to I the fact that the street lamps should be ligFhted during these dark nights. It is ajh ame that those who require to be oit after night are forced, these dark. nights, to grope their way along the walks at the imminentperil of breaking their limbs, when, at a cost of a few cents, the streets! might be nicely light - e . A araTaD BREAD.—lkir. Graham Wil- liamson has shown us an excellent sampie of aerated. bread Manufactured at lus bakery, which was : certainly of 4 very choice quality. .Instead of being baked in. the ordinary way in opeie. pans, this bread. is baked in close air- tight( pans. It is becoming of very. popular consuicption'in several of the larger eities, many people preferring it to bread made in the old way. We be- lieve Mr. Williamson is the first in this section to adopt the new system.. • Home AGAIN.—Messrs. Wm. Sproat and David Campbell, of Tuckersmith, and Mr. Robert Scott, of McFillop, returned home from their trip to_ Scot- laud on Tuesday evening last.Each of the gentlemen looks well and hearty sft%r their sea voyage, and we believe they cnjoyed their til it very !much. Mr. Scott was accompai iecl by a neiee, who intends spending nl few months among her Canadian friends. Miss Dickson and Miss Sproat intend 'pro- longing their visit in the old country until tbe; fall. yers will er be with your r, hoping t + at it may ever d prosper a its mission of and ch: and in so nobly tly relie ' e the wants and e heart o • grieved widow in . MRs. J Snay." A SPEC Pnazn wishes us to state t offer the .,Una of $3 largest y elde, of fro a see a fiurcha sp ng. he mane as ollow.: $15 for seond, a $5 fo ve y libe al offer a do bt, c : use con i p1.usox.t,.-1V any of be pleased to learn that at the recent examination of candidates for. admis- siau , to the K. Marys !High School, Miss M. Killoran, of- Sdaforth, passed- silcc€:sfully, standing third on the list • with a total of 435 marks, the highest number being. 462. - • Considering that there were over sixty candidates ' enter- ed, this result` musty be highly flattering tis- that young lady, •and, . at the same time, equally so to -her parents and frieud5, while it illustrates, with equal. feerce, - what perseverance and energy •tau accomplish when combined with a determination to excel.. Tztt; 4.1CKlz.LOPINSORANCE COMPANY.— We are glad to learn that this Company is contiuitally growing in public favor. At each 'mouthly meeting large num- bers of applications are considered and Ter SITE FOR passed, and the company promises, ole —Th trustees, long, to be one of the strongest local Tuesd, y evenin companies in the .country. Thus far, it chase as a site has heels remarkably successful and builds gs, three fortunate. There has been no serious Cole ® an. Thi loss, and there has only been one light of Go-erich, a assessment, although the compe,11y is street iremedia • now in the third year .of its existence. found y proper At the J'uly meeting of Director there ed for $350 pe were 102 applications received 'and pass- all th. • sites off eel. These were distributed as follows : mous y agreed Too..ersmith, $32,800 ; DZclillop, $38, offere by Mr. 509; IIullett; $41,050. Total $118,350. north 'est part _�, -- land as offere • Tun EXcelt SIo`::: T11c UnitedSabbath furth r consi School coiumittee having tirade arrange- that c ffered b Meads to hold their:.aunual., Excursion selee cd is, in! crit Wedueeday, Augtast 14th, and the', adap ed for th izt:t.vor having proclaimed that day a is cc tainly ; ro Civic -holiday, in Seaforth,` all business high a ucl_dry, . will be suspended. 'r' special train will excel ient view. !leave Scafol•th statins tit 7 A. M. sharp, two facets lea for (odet'icb, «'here' one of the Mag- stree• passing iiiticent lake Steamers belonging, to the the iroperty. North—West, Trausportation Company ea, N ijl face t Will be in waiting -for the excursionists will •'ta.nd dire to convey them to Tliiucardinc, where end of a street • four hours will be allowed -to visit the from Main str 'e public buildings and park of the,. town buil( ing will a or to ramble along tlielleach, Vie God rich and h Seafortll town baud has been engaged the ailway'', tr v for ttie occasion, and will. play soi o site 8 me cif t eiew selections of music. The arijaie o eligi to avail b Meats for this excursion are very 6c'a - now staked' ti plate, and the committee will spare: o our Oitizen in !Mains in carrying. tlwm out ;w as o then for thei make this . one of the best excursions Saver held. Tickets will be is uod at • It ;sweep. the following rates : Seafo 'th to • God'- "High Scheel (itch:, aiid teturte 50 emits ; Gedcricll to 7 ever ing, a 51i< 1 'Kincardine, and return 50 cents e for eurr''d bets`+cis." the round trip $1. Refreshmeits Can Mo(•atighe, be heel on hoard the boat, at !Moderato the board, w prices, supplied by the well kno vn firm Cau They ten of Curr' ;pros,, of this town.. me.iber of � a Cau • hey was AN AA.K`mvi.i niratr•NT. --- Tlio tolloav Ceti seri, lair, t letter was received by Court Flower cept•d until t'f the Forel- t N o 3, -Independent Order that body, an of Foresters., esters., froin flirt. Shaw, which inai 1 ii, niet11 ate t:rt' requested t() publish. The let- trust, howev terspeaks-foritself t To the Indepeini- will see his' es eut Order of F cnesters -I, the under- ` resi enation sienc d, 11,iv'iiig received great and taii- ' Especially at 'Ode l.i1teluess at the Bands vot1i : ma hinery is the Boa --Ivir: Wm. Re at he is prepared t building a new store in the place of the prizes for th former, that was burned a few months wheat Aro ago: It willbe ready for ocnpatouthis from him lat fall. be distribute.1Trs SHOP.—.A new Tin Shop .was lite first~; $10 for the 4 started in Lakelet, last week, . by Mr. he third. This is a Milton Hughes, formerly of Belmmore, • d will, we have no opposite. to R. Eaton's harness shop. erable competition. He is a first-class workman and will be likely, to do a good business. ase ball match be- FAI!ri WseaT.---Fall wheat is Ian ex - are and dry goods t cellent crop in this vicinity will as played on the ag- yield from 35 to 40 bushels to the acre. oTuesday, last. This causes the farmers to wear pleas - 91 contested and ant countenances, as there was a great iiifas Kvitnessed by a amount of winter wheat sown lastfall.o spectators. Some. It also exclusively proves, to the joy f een hands was made the tories, that Mackenzie !can give us W. Cardno acted as good crops as John A. himself. HAY AND SPRING GRAIN.—The hay crop is rather light, on average crop will yield about one ton per acre. However, . the quality is better than usual. Those that were fortunate enough to get their spring grain sown early, will realize a good crop. But late spring grain, owing to different causes, is a comparative failure. thiiBo : of High School Trustees re- - quest • e et to reconsider his expressed intention and to resume his place at the Board, and aid in securing to this town a thoroughly efficient and creditable High. School—Carried u ianimously. } Lakele1. :NEW STORE.—Mr. J hn Scott, is ASE ALL.—A. t een , ; e hard cl--=rks of this towti ri ultur: • ground Tee ma ch was. e in erest g, and goodly umber o g•edpla ng for g o both sides. a umpi.e, and his(c.eccsions gave nni- v: rsal s = tisfactioni The following score sI ows t • at the match tch resulted in- favor o the h= dware boys: -j RY GO. DS' NINE. I DWARE NINE. O. Ft O.B. B oderiek, p 3• Kenealy, c 3 1 atson,rf .... •. 3 C. Whitney, 2b..,3 2 Iv •tcheli,1 ' 1 ikon, lb . 2 3 L atherla d, ss2 1 ° 'ogt, 3b......:... 2 '3 J. L. Smit , a2 3 Sills, p. 1 3 J A. Smit 1, cf.. ° 3 1 Kidd.. of 22 1 :coffman, f. 3 1. Cline, ss 31. ;ors, 3b 1 2 Johnson, rt. 4 0 Ballantyn , 2b3 W. Whitney, 1f.... 2 0 Total . 21 - 1 Total .. , 21 15 Innings 1- 2 3' 4 5 6 7 Dry Good,' Nine...... .0 3 4 0 2 0 1-10 Hardware Ine.. ' ° _ 1. '2 0 • 1 5 5 1-15 Umpire 8v. Cardno; scorer, G. Watson. —Th: employe of the 'Merchants' Salt Co . pany wrus to state that they are pre ared to p ay a team from any other e-tablishi ie t or business in town, frien ygame o base ball. Will their hallen:.e be acce•ted? r readers will. Local amer• ath m orth .anB ured.1 orses eetin hurch ext fo ion of heth eared t er.— had of proper Stark BRIEFS ,B. D., 's ruing an resbyteri ownell ha y being few days 'will beh in this to the pu a prece or not t proceed he High ers of 1 wners tends d The -Rev. M. C. preach next Sab vening in the Sea - Church. --Mr. Nor - his right arm frac- cked by one of his o.—A congregational d in the Presbyterian' on Mondayevening se of making selec- e t • r, and determining congregation ie pre- ith a call to a minis - heel ; Trusteeshave from six dierent .town.—Dir. SInuel .-posing of his and- oak on Main. Street particulars can be t sement.—The Mani - lent hereabouts some ntirely subsided.—A ntire Seaforth Fire ld next Monday even - e of taking into eon- isabilityf having a altering 'in Seaforth regular meeting of ladder company Iwi" ly after Brigade Meet•? r meeting of Phoenix e following Monday omas Lee, ofthis sday, on a trip to the He sails from i New 11 1E NEW HIGH SCHOOL. a meeting held on last, decided to pm - the New High School ares of land from; Dr. and -is,situated north d east of North Main ly in rear of the; new It has been porch as - ere. After reviewing eel the trustees unani- onr this one, and: -one oinas Adams in the the town. 1VIr. Adams' t $400 per acre. After •atiou, they accepted r. Coleman. The site ery respect admirably urpose, and the !price. • enable. The lance is ncl is in comrntund of an There are, or will be, i ig to it, and another 1 ug directly in front of he building, when erect- ards Main street, aiid ly in front, and at :the 1 adiig to the property A good view Of the so be had from; both y some n e brick by tee der. F seen i his adve• toba fe er so pre month • ago ha. meetin c' of the Briga• : will be ing, fo the purp sidera ion the a grand i iremen'e this • onth. Rescu =. hook an be hel inimedt ing, a e d the re Comps ny . on tl evening.—Mr. town, eft'on T olcr country." York (n Saturd e • h XPOSITOR on the toad, and had probably been killed. They speedily rocured a hand car and lanterns and st rted back alo 0 the track in search of the corpus their missing fried. Towards morn- ing they returned to Brucefield, tired, weary, and anxious afijer theiifriutless search. To their astonishment and joy, on coming to an hotel in Brucefield, they saw the missing man quietly snoozing on a .bench on the front plat- form, waiting for dalight, When he hoped' to get 1a chance. to Bayfield. While his comrades h d been searching for him along the trac with lanterns, he had been ' leisurely footing it from Clinton. He " set it p" liberally for the boys before leavin Brucefield, and they all promised ithfully not to peach on him, but the particulars leaked out. A wag in the crowd pro- posed that the next time they went to London they should l ut a bell on our hero to prevent his str ging off in like• manner again. • u y T a Wrox ter. PERJURY CASE. --Oh Tuesday last, a Mr. Connell, of Carrick, was brought before Messrs. Harris,GibsQn and Kahle, J. P.s, at the instance of Mr. James Halliday, of Howick, on a charge of committing perjury at a similarly con- stituted court nearly a year ago. The melancholy fate of the young woman, and the circumstances which led to it were so fully reported at the time that only a very brief accountwill be neces- sary. About a year ago the- eldest daughter of Mr. Halliday committed suicide by taking a dose of strychnine, which was supposed to have been pro- cured by Mr. Connell who, it appears, had been keeping company with the in- dividual young woman for some, time previous. Immediately after her death he was brought before a bench of magis- trates, but the prosecution failing to procure sufficient • i evidence, result- ed. in his , acquittal: Suspicions were again •aroused - which led to i the pre,'ent trial, the prosecutor charging Co nell with perjury at the f rst trial, but after hearing the evidences the pros- ect 'on failed to establish the charge, an the prisoner was acquitted accord- ing y. • Bliley O. CROPS.— Fall ° whea i s all cut and nearly all Housed. piing wheat not an average. The oth r crops are very 1 good. Plums are sea ce, but there is any amount of apples FARM SOLD.—Mr. = ex. Bruce has sold his farm (100 a res) • on the first concession of Morris a Mr. Knight, Wellesley, for the sur of $5,500. It is considered one of thebestfarms in the township. Brussels. REPAIR Y WANS.—It might be well.for our street committee to ex- amine the st te of the crossing on the corner of Ale -ander and Flora streets, which is in a ery unsafe condition. Finn LIMIT .—The Council have not as yet passed -a by-law to, compel fire walls to be built in certain limits. We think it should be done at once. Such a by-law would prevent any more wooden. buildings going up in the busi- ness parts of the town. NEW BANK.—The Exchange Bank of Canada have decided to open a branch in.Brassels. sThey have rented an of; fice in the Queen's Hotel. John Leckie has been appointed manager for the agency. The office is to be opened for buginess by the 15th inst. This will be a wan% supplied to the business men of Brussels and vicinity -which has been long felt. Scum, MATTEES.—At a meeting of the School Board held on Wednesday last the following teachers were en- gaged : Miss A'. Smith, of Brussels, at $325 ; Miss E. Campbell, of Hallett, at the same salary ; and Miss E. Forsyth, of Wroxeter, at$250. The amount re- quired for school purposes for the present year is $2,200, of which Brus- $61. School reopens on Monday, 20th inst. inre ning each. ove, 4 to 3 in closethe oft he Hanlans. named Wm• SENT Up. --A tramp Pierce, who hails from the North of Ireland, struck Blyth last Monday, and, as usual, imbibed too freely of swamp water. Towards evening he tooka d his quarters opposite Dr. Sloan's, kept upa continual howling all night. Abouto'clock the Doctor sent down town for Constable McGuire, but in the meantime Mr. Tramp changed his quarters and quieted down, and . when the constable arrived he could not be found, He kept up the search until about daylight, when he found him ly- ing asleep on Mr. Ed. Littlefair's door step. He was taken to the lockup, and in the afternoon was tried before Squire Wilson and fired $1 and costs, in all, Jull are busy erectin essrs. Currie & a building in con- nection. with their actory, in which they purpose to put new planer and other wood working achinery, as the old planer is inadequ that is pressing up° glad to learn that th business in the iub f deserve the patronag te to do the work them. We are y are doing a large ctory also. They of the public, for they are very obligint, and capable men. LEAVING EXPLOYMENT.—On the 24th July two young men, named C. Beatty and C. Morrow, Were charged by Mr. A. Watt, Jr., of the 13th concession, with leaving his enaployment. They -were. tried before James Braithwaite, Esq, 10 nd Kirk, 796 Logie, 95* erine Me Katie 0' sim, 832, Eupherei Rogers, S' Minnie King, 834 ; Grace ' nder age*; Henrieta A. Rein - Rhoda Rowe, 790, under. age*; Richardson, 733 ; Maria A. 6 Elizabeth Riley, 820 ; C. under age; Melissa Reid, 787 ; Eliza- rastrong, 944 ;' Joseph Arina--: 86 ; George Buchanan, 672 ; rbour, 879 ; Edward S. Cas - under age*; C. L. Cressweller, obie, 800 ; William J. Dever, ard Evans, 986 ; George W. 8281 Edward Fee, 939 ; raser, 803 ; James A. Verge- , under age*; Joseph Gibson, .HendersOn, 796; Robert Hark- ; Adam Hays, 667 ; GeorgeW. n C. Hawkins, 837 ; Daniel beth Sh 807, undo Robert B well, 956 Dros David Ferguso Douglas son, 99 692; Tho Johnson, 715 ; Alfred Jackson, 777 ; William IL Johnson, 1,028; William S. King, 8 4 ; Thomas Leishman 726; J. P., who fined each o e Thomas Melady, 699 ; Peter durphy, costs, in all over $15 each. NIL appears 676 ; D -maid moKenzie, 931 ; Donald they had agreed. to work for Mr. Watt McNair hton, 797 ; John McLean 854 ; for a certain time, but being offered bet- Willian McKay, 940, under ages- Rich- ter wages elsewhere, they at once left ard Miller, 785 ; James McDonal„788 ; him. , More to make an example of the Marshal Miller, 795 ; Mathew Parkin - men than anything else, Mr. Watt laid son, 96 ; Mark Rumball, 834 ; Donald information against them, with the fore- Ross, 1,018 ; Donald L. Ross, 1,018 ; eoin a result. The trial created. consid- V Scott 762 John Shannon, erable interest, many being under the impression that a laborer could leave his employer at any time, but the can- •viction of the prisoners disabused. their teacher minds. This case should be a warning on 30 per cent. iu arithmetic, aid the to others, as the practice of leaving usual requirements in. other r spects race Bastard, 753 ; Eliza Dick - 1 AUGUST 2, 1878. recognition. of his Proficiency in. the 1 of the School of Dentiatry, Toronto,* having taken -first place at the examinee several branches of dental 'seiende, he ,' that teat._ mMaerrras1:°:fg'GeTaeSen.raiVitottIviEholsdial tFairoate—nrinThmeheralesdki,fi:ngtfome pic_nie in 1 iiiii:t4,0,8,8:friinciPt-thsWa.eteallW h jobt y Sst uea 'tnuos rft ar R °oaeky, e411. ;ter v i iiHte skep web:0'13,8:1.1:4re: bits, when he was forced to succesta, unts lie was doing us well as eonla be d to be held in bed, but at last ao. the heat. During the evening be field pursuing his usual industrious 8 uire Wilson', of ' Blyth, on Monde/ 1 st, for having hitched his hones to A s a.de tree on Queen street, opposite . Wm. Shane's lot which they fie ed. The ease Was clearly proved, a d Mr. Cockerline was fined. one dollar h$611,N5v5, *an old lady or 78 a —arsa a4'.,r3-rtrisst011thinae-wraksilof Mr. Wm-Hawkshave the Commercial Hotel, Blytlt, falai onday evening and sprained her igh. At first it was thought her leg as broken, but an examination proved ch not to be the case. Her injury a ery painful, but she is progres ee —During the recent heated. terni Mt, homes Snell, of Rodgerville, had -the 'sfortime to lose a fine horse, which dropped dead on the road whiledriving, eSS previons- to its falling but nothing etious was anticipated., 'A post mor - em revealed a softening of the brain, ' apposed to have resulted. from sun- Ivtr—°kAe. few days ago Mr, W. Hooper ho occupies the WM formerly ownel y R. Sanders, in. Stephen.. hitched a pan of horses to a' " Meadow Lark" ower, one of—the horses being only hree years old, and in six hours after e entered, the field of seven acres IVELS 0.1 mOwn. This is good work for a light machine, and is seldom surpassed * y heavy mowers: —A few days ago one of Mr, Pickard's orses;attached to a top buggy, vas . ktanding in the station yard at Exeter, When it became frightened by a loco- motive coming down the track. The horses started in for a race and ran .down thetrack about a quarter of a mile until stopped by a culvert, when he turned. around and rah back, He was then caught. The only: darna,p done was the splashing of the buggy top. Graham, one of the employees in tha Exeter , Woollen Factory, happened .with a very] painful accident. When:, one of the power looms was running at. full speed Grahani was in the act of • picking up something off the floor, when the shuttle, which. is pointed at both ends, flew out and struck the young man about half an inch below his right eye, penetrating to the bone, leaving an ugly and pahaful wenn& —The Blyth 1?eview in speaking of Mr. ParrOW'S challenge gets off the fol- lowing good hit : " Mr. Farrow states that he will resign if he cannot prove all that Dr. Sloan says to be _Jalse, and now we expect to hear Dr. Sloan say he will resign if he fails in doing so. Such - assertions are calculate(' to provoke a smile 1113011 a donkey. You -could no more get an aspirant for parliamentary honors to resign than. you could fly to the moon-, and if- they got caught in a trap they would wriggle out of it via. ds much ease as a cat catches a 13101-18e. If a politician was to be hung, we'be. lieve he would manage to cheat the hangman on the gallows." ' —The writer of the following which we clip from a local exchange must be a miserably sour, wrinkled old bachelor. If his whereabouts were known his life wouldn't be worth insuring. Just read what the hard-hearted fellove sayst " There was the 'land grab " and the ' salary grab," but the most universsl ' arab' since the day the Children -of 1s- rael ' grabbed' quails in the wilderness, is the one made now -a -days by every man's wife or sweetheart, as she -drops her left shoulder, gracefully swings the upper half of her body around to- ward the rear, ' grabs' a handful ef skirt, straightens up and moves off with a face of holy and calm content and. an aureeleefsetene satisfaction illustrating her countenance. The idea was prolate , bly cribbed from the devil, by observing him piek up his tail, tuck it over his leeofutsa. 7 , and saunter off ort a promen- ade among the hypocrites -and Phari- sees, the ' ower gude and riga.dly right - George head, 7 Walker orge Sage, 721 ; John Weather - 878. Certificates as assistant -were awarded to the following employment, when agreements . have been made to work, are by no, means uncommon. A verbal. agreement is just as binding as a written one, in this re- COnNelL.—At the ILA meetina of the sPect. 756. 1 son, 81 Jennie Cook, . seconded by Mr. Weir, that [From the New Era.] i opinio Archibald McMieha 1 be paid for eon-. CIVIC Ilolanay.—Tuesday, the 20th 1 thir& Moved by Mr. Cook Phalle that Joel for gravel and. damn, tition of James Cros read, requesting the and 16, concession seconded by Mr. ogers be paid $8 ery and 37 others streetg Howick village all to be ope 'ed. and resumed as public highways. Moved by Mr. -Weir, seconded Mr. Gook, that th.e Clerk no- tify the parties interested and.prepare by-law to. open said. streets.—Carried. Moved. by Mr. dace:lees, secouded. by Mr. Phair, that the aesessment profile L. S., for Govern ent draM on coa- ' cessioa A, lot 11 to 16 inclusive, now read, be accepted. and the necessary publication. gone t ough with, and Eir debenture pa.ssedp for enginea's pa by Mr. Weir, secon that $50 be expend line south of Fordes _5th side line south Moved by Mr. Wei Jacques, that $30 b 5th side line, con Carried. Petition and others reade a Moved by Mr. Coo Weir, that Mrs. W. of !( flour.—Carrie Phair, seconded Mr. Weir andl,Tr, drainina of the roa cession,blot 11, and number of &WHIM journed to meet third Wednesday- i of the late Jacob Aimor, of Grey, were followed to the Brussels cemetery on Sunday last by &large number of friends. The deceased had reached the age of Poen-wee Omer 100 years, 4 months and 10 days. Farrow, M. P, P. —The late Andrew Muir, of G-rey, Sloa,n, 'of Blyth', formerly of Brussels, was btu•led on north riding of Ht Tuesday . last with. Alasonic honors. a political contra, Mr, Muir had been a resident of Brus- Weal Hall, Blyth, sels and vicinity for the past 19 yeare. inst., at one o'cl s time and some ta SICKNESS.—Thexe is a good deal of sickness in this.village and. vicinity at, ain 'streets, and from the preseet time. Typhoid. fever is the pal disease._ We are pleased to k. Upon the whole,the Prinei most,. if not the most, notice that Mr. John Fraser, ewho has e. The . groan' s are been down, with this fever foe several weeks, is sufficieutlY recovered to be afloat here for semi days; which is, -we t the Meeting of tale believe, correct, that Mr. Sohn Keys, rustees on Tuesday formerly of Baerfteldt has been arrested misunderstauding oc- in Kaneas, and steps have been taken tlie other 'members . of iieh resulted in Mr. Mc- ering hia resignation as a' lie board.' As Mr. Mc - appointed by the County. esignation cannot be. ac- he December meeting. .of )el• .until that date. We a that \11; Ir.- McCtughey at clear to Withdraw his 1111 ram ne his pesiti on. the 23 -rd. inst. She became ill clurinfe 0, is time.j, when the -whole the forenoon aed died about 7 o'clock 1) dug set in- -working or- in the evening.. Heart. diseaee was sup - 1 etii ill afford to dis )ense 1) inst., is the date fixed. for the civic hoh- of ee day, in Clinton. down Tnn YIELD. -- Thrashing is being 1' retary briskly pushed forward, and we learn1 Model that fall wheat is turning out abont 30 enee t to'35 bushels to the acre. highes er, Hearn, Mooney, Watson, & Co., are to rec now engaged in purchasing lambs for male the English market. They calculate -when on shipping about 1,000 by the 1st of 1 to cer September. The prices paid range The s NEW "WHEAT.—Mr. John -Ransford - to ce was the first to bring new wheat into 1 this market, this season, he haviug de- i divered one hundred bushels to Mr. T. . 'Stanbury, on Saturday last, at 95 cents sem 0 er bushel. He has contracted to de- sees, able in December liver, at the same figure, the product of ; _ —Carried.. Moved 30 acres. , : mills ed by Mr. Phair, FARM Soee:—On Saturday last the ' and d. on the 29th side farm of Hr. John Cowan, being west . _ ch, and. $50 on the half of lot 24, Bayfield. concession, God.- : erieh towpship, 100 acres, was sold by i Ili b , seconded by Mr. auction in Clinton, Mr. Henry Steep, of ' _ expended on the Goderich township, being the pur- has a essions 14 de 15.--- chaser. The property was gold under R. S, f william EarngeY lease and. subject to a mortgage' of iting for assistance sonaething over $1,500, Mr. Steep piV- hasr nd Mrs. Wilson. ina 41,30,0 under these conditions, at over the water with hina a fine Clydes- ings, 661, under age*; Mary Sanderson, 717 ; Maggie Taylor, he following resolutions were : This Board is decidedly of the that the Algebra paper, for ass candidates, was entirely out ing with the requ'irements as laid. the regulations. That the Sec- otify the candidates as to which School they shall attend, prefer - be given to those reCeiving the marks, except in ease of those e under age and these who are ive assistant's certificates. *Fe- , andidates are permitted.- to write 6 years of age, but not entitled ificate tmtil the full age of 17. me rule applies to male candi- ha are -17 ; they -are, not entitled. ificates until 18. sh to ituron Notes. John Parker has -taken posses- Stretton's new hotel in Brus- t Goderich are now running day ght. . Thomas Harris, of Ashfield., othy the heads of which measure r. William Jordan, of Wingham, sposed of his drug business to Mr. Strong, of Galt. . George McKay, of Winghana, turided from Scotland. He brought OS son receive a barrel ACCIDENTS.—Mr. S. Carter, engineer = at the foundry, seems to be particulaaly Ethe y , Mr. Cook, that 1. unfortunate, A short time aao he 1 mon piques inspect the scalded both of his feet -very badlby, and ! bra) on the 12th con - these had scarcely got better, when he i —,- a was again hurt. One day last weet a toWn report at the next After passing belt ran off and, and, striking him in to P s, the Council ad - the face, cut it pretty badly, also rang Fordwich on the August. liruising his nose A few days after- trip. -wards a Tilley fe down on his head, -- in this' place. barley, 35c to 40c rested- to go anc dvige view to secure his.extradition. He has be,en arrested for forgeries committed' before leaving Bayfield. It seems that while doing business here, prior to his, depar- ture, he forged thenames of certain per- sons to notes, on the strength of which names the notes were discounted in the Consolidated Bank, and it is the bank apthorities that have caused his arrest. Roeth, wife of Mr. Roeth, brewer of this village, died very suddenly on Tuesday, :members, consider it my duty to W.ri e : der . • tie -a taw Utica -eXpreseive of my feeble a - -wit 1 lne • sereiclee. 'He( was the eight was 4-1 years of age,. ana was mech a • 4 ght ' place, and. in Ithe ale . deservedly. respected. She . leaves a towards velar noble Order. My lumbar (1' , 1 ilaii iii tile- r.. , fWilliam B.IShaw) joined thie Order ( ie - tercsts, of th. -Own an(:0 of the School, large - family of small children. Her its histitutiou in Seaforth, being one d; -.we lope he Neill-- everloOk any r)eesonal sudden death is a paAlcularly severe , the charter bac When -I of Court Flew 'r ,, Obj 'etious h • May have to continuieg in blow to Mr. Roeth, and will be all the . of the -Forest, No. 3. Seaford', and di r-, ;. the Alec, au i 'Titharl.rW. his resignation. more felt„' as a son, a promising yoting ing that time paid in the sum of ot lv Such an act v ald, we are sure, be MOSt Diall, died- Veiy suddenly only three $19.90, On his death, oti the 21st c.c ace ptEade a the other members:of the months age. . • . April last, the O•rder instantly eespon .1. boa -d, aud t( f le people of 'the town as ' A 'Misraaa.— Coneiderable amese- . ed to ite dutiea _In, the first place, t. le we 1. . ' ment has teen occasioned here lately at Court to which he belonged immedia e- ! -Since, tl e delve wa.s . in t'spe, the the expense• of .one of our prominent ly paid his funeral benefits, amounti ig %Bo. rd have Itkl a meeting, and passed Orange brethren, whose name eve shall to ,e30. During his sickness hewas ft r- '' the f(1)110sen fe resolution, a -hereupon ' -not give at. present.. \On the Twelfth of - nished medicine and. medical • &demi- - Mr 3.1fcCang ley luts consented to with- July this gentlemau in company with twee at the expense of the Comet. Them' ,' die w his rts gtathai : Moved he- He L. several others visited- London to take eas soon as it was pessible,Lreeeived t ae ' Ve eod, tted s-cended by W. C.. Goths- part in thedenionstration there. When amount of .bas .endowineut,. amouutiog lee , that w iereit8 Mr. S. G. Mc- returnina home, being weary, he fell to SLOW, which was paid to me as so n Ca ighey, ii, High School Trustee .ap- asleep iiithe cars, and. when the train as received by the trustees of Cat rt poi ted. 1..),7 t le - County Council, was reached Breceffeld he had not waken- ! Flower of the Forest. 1 litte-c alsaof to. ,um nimonel_ 6 eeted-Chairm.an of 'Sea- ed, and Was carried on to Clinton. His ' state that during his illness lewd er 'fee h Board ot , High School Trustees comrades left the train at Brucefield his .death I received the greatest :kin - anc , where , ns action as chairman oi without noticing the -situation of our ' ness and meet sympathetic 'treatme t th Boardie t ioroughly endorsed and .; friend.. They did not miss hina until from the individu.al menabers of Co rt api -roved of ' y this Board ; and, where- i they got to the village. Upon making Flower of the Forest, whieh 1 simile r as, he has a. preased an intention of re- ! enquiries they caul& not see or hear remember. Now, I beg to state thE1,t, sio ing his. os tion as a member of this 1 anythineof him, and at once concluded. -in returning- nif sincere thanks, 44y Bo rd ; the efi re, be it resolved, that 1 that he must have fallen from the train ()sal to be the cause of death. • She 4.11a it was a WOD. er he was not killed, Wm th. -He, however, received a number of cuts. aqe fever still prevails and. bruises. A Vicious BBUTE.—On Friday last the well -wheat, 94c to Mr. Jas. Tewsley and his employees ! — )c ; red -chaff, 800 to went out to his slaughter house to kill the' 5c ; oats, 28c to 31.6 ; a heifer that he liad. a short time before ! that illiam Milne has shipped from Station during the last three a about one hundred car loads of er, posts and timber. r. Michael Zellar,treasurer of the hip of Hay, has decided not to go ris this season, as his business ar- merits interf*e with the projected. n lot 25, 6th concession Morris, Barrie and Wm. Bird pulled 32, of peas in. 10-a- hours on Monday There were three good loads to ere. he Wingham Council have fixed ate of assessinent for this year for village at 1.6 Mills on the d011ar. hay, old., $8 to $10 ; placed in the enclosure. The. amraal, . The County rate for the same =mid - utter, loose, 12e; tub, which was previously quiet and docile, : paliily is $577. 1, 22c to 25c. smell of 'blood, and would not permit the. 101-ERSY.—Mr. Thos. any one to approach, although every . tn I of Bluevale, and Dr. strategy •was reso ted to, and. in its fury ! Mr. Ir. John Habldrk has purcha .awrnill and stave factory-prope ingham from Mr. W. 0. Fow sea rty ing candidates for the attempted to rea h those bent on its , our to Maantoba. . ron, propose holdina slaughter. Fine.l..ng nothing could be . A frame stable in Exeter North, be- ersy in the A.gricur- done, the services of Mr. N. Robson - lonestna to J. Smallacombe, was destroy - on Tuesday, the 6th were 6 lled im! -who, b a skilfully ' ed her'''fire on Thursday of last week: placedbullet, brought it down, and its • The] fire was caused. by some children . eome =lays aao a, horse belonging to cle p. m. A lively speaking may be ex- AeeIDENT.—La4 Friday morning, as 11 o'clock the induction of the Rev. Mr. ! MITI -R, Toombs, of Gerrie, strayed. on to Blyth, terian Church of this town commenced. : the railway track and a, train coming Mr. Wm. Tucker,, of the 6th concession Stewart to the pastorate of the Presby - of Morris, former* a resident of ! alo a the animal was struck by the en - was returning home from Belgrave, he The serVices were conducted by the ! gin and kmea• pears he was riding on- horseback and. preached by t e Rev. N. Patterson. 1 wh at in the vicinity of Goderich is so A good deal of the late sown spring met with a paneful accident. It ap- Rev. Dr. Tire, and the sermon was ! carryina a numbet• of hay rakee, The The Rev. Mr. Cameron addressed, the t poo • as not to be worth the cost of cut- ' and threshing, and some farmers aid tutting it for fodder. . wise Injured by the Presbytery gave the rialit hand of fel- e ti ich from Manitoba. Messrs. Brown lowship. There was a large attendance - I an Stewart will proceed with the erec- ors.—The Young Ac- of the members t the congregation and ' ti°1 of the flax mill in Manitoba. Mr. base ban club, drove friends from nei Thboring Ponaregations, . Ald.erson Will probably remain in .Zur- st Saturday afternoon, and also sever d mieisters nfrom sur- ic match with the Sil- roundina aura es. It was a profit- ' On Thursday the Canada Metho- and. harmonious occa- 1 dist Sabbath School, of Clinton, h•ad 1c)ng remembered by e by train about 700, and notwith- ding- the rain in the afternoon en- d a good time. While Mr. S.; Holman, of Devon, picking berries at the Black Creek +ridgy, some evil disposedperson or t, horse taking fright itt the rakes became miuister and th unmanageable, t trowiug him to the the congregatiO around His coll r bone VMS broken, - • of the addresses and he was ogle over to Walton la to play -the return Rev. Mr. Sieveright .'n After the conclusion I int 11 the menibers of the ver Stars of that place, but lo ! and be- : able, interesting hold when they alrrived there, the Sil- sion, and. will b ver Stars could only scare up five Men. i all. connected therewith. A sOcial Was i ea The Young Actives offered -to let them ' held in the eve mg, which -was a com- i sta pick four men oat of the senior club to 1 Plete success. . joY make up the Mil, but the Silver Stars 1. would. not Pause it to that. The boys I . had to return ho ne -without having a ' THE- nese game, disappoint The return mate in the course of ' pers, of Brussels of this place, a ball on the 20th torious, by a sco is incorrect. It tanley. 7, NY a uno-cou. — la. George will be played. liere Forest, of Staid -v, completeted the cut- peisons freed his horse from. the fence !d, hungry and tired ting of his entir crop 011'Wednesday,the to few days. i ! last day of Jute. His barley, oats and a Ve noticed in your peas -will give a spleuthd yield, but t e st weekethat the Clip- ,: spriug wheat will. net be more than half bl-lgY• . . —The young ladies of Exeter, em - played the Haitians, ! a crop. . mild not be called al. Goshen line. Mr. England, merchant, es ablishment pic-nicked . to Lake H tron 0110 clay last week, and had. a jo y good time notwithstanding the fact tailoring match game of base j :New- Pose OFFICE.—A new post office, - PI- Yea- in --14- Pieltara's - t., and came off vic- 1 called Goshen Post Office, has been e of 4- to 3. The above 1 established on the Bayfield road at the vhich it was tied, and chased it )ut the field. Fortunately no dam - was done except the breaking of the game, as they oe y played oue iunings , has been appointed postmaster. The th t they had only one male escort, each. and at the ,close the score stood 1 1 fiest mail went to the new office on an he was a benedict. There is noth- ille like independence in this world. - The market square at Exeter has been nearly all graded and is now ready to be gravelled, which will be done shertly. The Council at its last meet- ing decided to erect a market building and place a set of weigh scales under cok-, er on the market square. The mar- ket will be ready for the fall grain buy - Mr. ;David Watson, of Brussels, t week returned from Toronto, ither he had been . to receive the nors which he so successfully carried at the last- dental ex ination. He ig !the recipient of two go- d. medals, one frora the college of Dental Surgeons, and the other feom the Faculty of the SChool of Dentistry. He also received a Certificate of honor from the Faculty to 3 in favor of t e Hanlaus. We 0011- Thursday. by manner towaids our boys. In the * Teachers' Certificates. fast place they split them a challenge The following is the result of the to play on the )0th ult., on receiving Third -Class exanaination, just closed. which thella.n1 ns replied immediately, .The pass mark was 050, and in neat - saying they wer engaged for the 20th aess of appearance the papers were de - to play the Indeilendents of Londesboro. cicledly in advance of .those of previous The 20th came, and also the Clippers, years : Bella Baker, 804 • Jennie But - and. kicked up - 4 fearful row, not only cher, 1,083 • Jane Bla.ck', 847 ; Jessie with the Blyth ovs, but with the Lon- Brown, 984; under age; Martha Cor- , bett, 1,02i, under age*; C. J. Cunning- Ate ham, 790, under age*; Sarah Caldwell, w Adeline Harris, 821, under age; Annie C. Hislop, 705 ; Emma Hogarth, 786 ; Vinnie Hamilton, 782 - Alice E. Hig- gins, 757, under age*; *sate Jamieson, 803 ; Hannah Einsman, 936 ; Miranda desboro boys as to throw up the innings, and let Londesboro boy the game was oVer between the Han- lans and IndePendents, the Clippers were crazy for a game, the Hanlans be- ingtired did not care to tackle them at first, but at last consented to play one yell, and wanted them ame at theend of each theta. play, which the refused to dO. When THREE WEEKS A. G. Great Reduction in every- De - The' Balance of this Season's Stock Must be Sold. All Classes of Groods Marked Down in Price. This is No Humbug, but a Re- ality. Sale we Mean it. Call and Examine for Yours& veE. Remember the Next Three Weelcs at A. G. MCDOUGALL & 00.1S1 SIGN OF THE THREE SEVENS. Highest Price Paid for First- tilass Butter. 3,%11 concessionr of the 1 .Terms easy Apply It* ( .._._Z 113011.4:051.;Cili:to3:EF.ILOt. oc, 1; *mug orchard.; soil day .I 4:01111 SAIX.—TIttl subge '°#.lijiltlis:tall-Willueoetb:mA-11:1:7:rall--411411:1:inislilteew% 35itirillop.; there is dd acre wain the townshi) Ilturon, SO acres are eleaw timbered with beeeh 1.3.11 will be sold cheap. leg SoliesteriSeatertie sent tabling 85 acres, 50 -of wb -en favorable ?tem Al 4 son.N.a0VENLO' ,. i " SO -cleared-, well underdit of cultivation' bad* terms easy; 2 For Dail or on the premises to Wi the east half of Le -acres, Si miles from • the convenient to school: i best quality, For fur# gmendrille 13, 0, -dwelling house 'with sta, frame barn and stable. = p13- at VIE FA-Polirv: 135 et 1011th ate dearer; is within 7-i niik-fi Of 1 ' tIAI:u -I nev !eye- obtuot 1 al mr1 It e'l ittL.0.°\f,;,t1:11171:. 'W:111erxiei:91C,Illa ODA Moil, Nreli fenoed And PHOPEHTY 0 - all the inoperty of tl. bar of im/mved fa ties. 4OHN LEC 1 15? A : Bot:F.,1:ii'Tisnshitg:lealiel:1011u:17:116rilefl;eii411 particulars apply i %DT, lan. the premise 'VALUABLE FAI W =west ball o 11 ----; i t.taining 50 atres, la] =forra is situated. 'wil SeafortaL. The Ina There is a handson -- easy, Thiaaear to A. STRONG, S CleaTed. and well i ings and good. Iv, bgle..7-eird:02.71. the r2 from Seaforth- il igm'ag:4 ii ts 17 14 il nenlieise,11:°;11S":ilfi MI:- -171:'-etref:fiBt:lia'S'nilil°ILiet741'- 'ellb9Ala,alirn;Cbe,:tailajl#:-Isiti:IAL:re2n1;li::::(1.1. tTbu:k:irsoloni;t1: 11 STRONG, S9. gron7.2:-evil 44 ell ibloo:ua .il. re3 s_ el win g st;heroneu: f#::: , N year ; the moving to 'Win offered at An 'WILLIAM AS TOWN PRO 'In e"1 -e e! ru 11 irge:stai (1°Ire.";t:' :TiLlatrielre: stlErytt 3.14,re, tome ou time tir5tuillinl#11;elts. :S.. ripzyunoehuttaiiilit aiFi al Otiv v .MAil gelliclejati I Isrm194; I :101-e4cti i ai3as unup rill i tindri mcgt ih I: 2:1 opal It: . tot 8iinmo: lye esti ,:a&olhiloplel: IrWaYaltonet:eoesni the premise