HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-08-02, Page 7s 2, 187a* SEEDS EEC EMP `t�RTH, large stock; of all )tiradeet hiring purchasedit fr Ie houses tat we hoe it au rely on getting AN FRESH SEEDS °atom prices. To garb in quantities -we- se ll in Bulk, and clo not receth I have on hand a large TURNIP i itbury, Carter's', Impel :East Lothian and Rent White Globe, &e. ft truly Sed is very high> to buy will do weli;to(ee. a ee my prices before per I think I can sellas eh 4. y other houses in the trade. SEED. rien Top, Orthe 'ahort Horn, &o. Long or - GOLDS, , Long { SEN SEEDS Fed, ad event :i, Curttrnbers, Onions of11t ip, Peas, Pumpl-i , Ratljgb, large quantities, Toni to,, Sprouts, Salsify lower .. er variety too nnmeren to. i Sets, Shallots. ::rpe, Lawn Grego and Orate. c or French, Clover, Trefoil -s , Hungarian Grass, ;Billet imothy a1weya in stock, Seed. ud Pea. L. R.GE STOCK OF IMII.Y GROCERIES,. prices cannot be beat by- trade. ;1 and Glassware : ,. Call and .see the new pat- ina, only $2.50 per set, an& ,ally low. LED constantly on hand at: :ember the place, east side of ,ice Market Street. All goods Seaforth, Isrpurhey at Eg- M, MORRIS.ON. ENLOOK'S MILLS,. :TI"I R` P I D D S dNTITY of Lumber always our Lock sawn inter sizes suitable for - and ditching purposes, Baste k, Ash, Cherry, Pine, &c., sawn. le for the diferent purposes for .•ri wonly used. lied os. Shore Notice. 11 MOVABLE FENCE. ICE—Only rcgrdrea a trial to• 'sll,eriority. It ie made of reek sudl stak(s, and soft elm spars; _d at each joining. The Fence a half feet high. This Fence' r.;; the 'remainder of the month GENTS: PER . ROD, e Regular Price, viz.: 7ff conte, rd.dl, will be charged. area Fo } -peeS0 ton b svheTrRE3LA end quarter minutes after the wheat differenceRhowIieB Was tanditrg in the field. The Buck- eye Bieaper, drawn by faun mules, stood at the corner of the growing wheat, ma- an established chine in gear ready for: a start. Men only remedy, Were stationed every few feet along they. satisfacti4rn in f drain ready 4o seize an armful eases,. It is t r' of persons who andiun Affec orrhages,. Asth on the Breast, Cough, &c.,wh edge of Bosche such ° we woul were sold last plaint. Cons tie. Regular all Druggists in Alneric GUST 2, 187S. THE HURON E POSIT OR. 7 d from Standing Wheat in Minutes and. Thirty - Seven Seconds, last sensation occurred last day, when about fifty men were it by invitation to see dim Law - at his own time of two years ago, his wife had bread baked. in eight aany a fatal sh well fortiffied. properly nouris vice Gazelle. S led—" Sanes E is , Che sts, 4 ana.170,1*'icca ft by keep -th pure b ed frame." ld only ih p pps CO., Threw ne y, Londo line as ` it fell from the reaper, and rush with •t to the thresher close by, which, nide was the ton s- mordent when McCaw, on the swifest horse in the country, should start from the thrasher with the grain, while Mrs. Lawton and her nice, Miss Alice, had he preparations . made to make and biscuits in the shortest pos- time. At the drop of the hat the . mules sprang to the work, and In lm. and 15s : the threshed wheat, about a peck,' was in the sack and on the horse and the race commenced for -the mill. There were two bridges tocross, and the eTcited spectators could only see a column of dust, hear a couple of taps on the plank bridges as the horse flew C (t' A n IN over theta at lightning speed, and the V 4- Rhea as delivei:ed to Lawton in the mill. In 1m. and 17s. the flour was, delivered to Mrs. Lawton, and in 3m. 55s from the starting of the reaper the first griddlecake came fronr the, hands of Miss Alice, was gobbled by . a dozen eager hands and—that was the last of it. Iu 4m. 37s.fromthe starting of ( a 0 H the reaper according to the best double I timer stop -watch in the country, a pan , of buscuits was delivered to the hungry crowd by Mrs. Lawton,and that was the last seen of them. The other pans df delicious biscuits were baked more atATU RDAY, leisure, and boiledibam and one-min- nte biscuit " formed a sandwich it was right hard to beat.—C'arrolton, filo., D mpercit.• 1:And as th the, direetion of veteran drivers, etting under way of business. At ill just sixteen -rods away, Law- ood at the window watching the all1 cake sibld inn tIIt(llt'r0t1r'in-g l ill. 'tad Flowing attended to prottipt-- supeiior article warranted from chant work can be relied upon. t the be*t. of Wheat to !ler .fgaiuirfatetu 'c •of dour. tome titarrket. it all the Latest Improvements- end the work is superintended by 'FiU EN C ED MILLER. alilla Flour will always give set ERAL. STORE. 4aorte.4 Stack of Dry Goods, Gra- E•er=t$ and Oboes, 1eedlginade Cloth Cap:,, .`:c., cru hand, aid, offered. ts. t . OVENLOCK Winthrop Steam Mills. rte: RESUL any ph sic you hav tr' act Ge an ich has giv evere ca es e there a e re predis ions,Con a, Seve e olds settled Pneum ni , Whooping have no er onal knowl- 's German Syrup, To say that 0,000 dozen year wit.so' mptives try ize 75 cen a. g ourselves ood, and a Civil Ser- okets label- omoeopath- dle Street, " 482-52 It makes no fans, or how ed,it is now Syrup is the en complete' f Lung Dis- tthousanas RECEIVED THIS WEEK os�ed to Throat uhiption,Hem RECEIVED THIS WEEK. RECEIVED THIS WEEK WILLIAM HILL & CO., WILLIAM HILL & CO., WILLIAM HILL & CO., MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTII. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. AT W. HILL & CO.'S t one ncom AT W. HILL & CO.'S S jest one bot-' T AT W. HILL & CO.'S s. Sold b ONE BALE OF SARGENT'S y ONL+ BALE OF SARGENT'); ONE BALE OF SARGENT'S CELEBRATED- CELEBRATED CELEBRATED COTTON YARN, TH E 1=AtYfVIUAL \'ILL COMM R ON.. Gone to Rest. here dldrd at Fort William, Algoma, on July 14, Mr . Chrietine McVicar, aged 68 years. he deceased, whose • maiden name` w s McBeth, was born in Sutherland - ire, Scotland. When seven years of e her parents came to Canada with toe Selkirk, Colony, settling in the Red driver country, where deceased grew rto woman -hood.. At seventeen she • vias united in marfage to the late Mr. cVicar, who was at that time connect - e with Hudson's Bay Company. From - a conepanying,her husband to the var-i,- o a s points whither the interests of the onipany called hiin, Mrs. McVicar had b come well acquainted with the great. orthwest. ',She once resided for a time •s far northwest as Great Slave Lake, nd as long ago as fifty year§ went ° DreS' Goods, Shaw own the Kaministiquife River to - Fort 57 iiliam. -The Hudson's Bay Com- '' �L?'Gs, Parasols iany's post 1vas,then in its glory, and 1 Caps, and .Cloth J contained no 'less than one thousand . • � amens . while at the table there some- k All will he i lc u 'APSt, SEAFORTH, d'. the Town Vie a taken by WHEELER, ARTIST,. aEm VMSl'lli, 1°jrcH `; hie Book and Stationery Store. a 1apst has all the ToWn aken -by L. F. Wheeler, - >f Tecumseh Mich., for ns Boolc and'StatlonerY Papst has all the ToWf ;aken by L. F. IATheeler•- of Tecumseh, Mich., for - his Book and Stationery Papst has all the ToWn- taken- by L. F. Nt Qrheeler, of Tecumseh Mich., for his Book and 'Station -err • B N SALE EAT ERS' JULY 27, dotermin; tialn is to clear the Stork, NF DING PUBLIC May remain askurd that • r' Will be off TWAT ,1 are at PRICES. s, Straw] Goods, (L'weeds, hats, times sat down as many as three hun- dred people a>tioug whom would bo i\ many of note and. rank. Mr. MoVicar's f I/ e y residence In Thunder Bay DistliefP. ' RAL S ii U G HT E I , dates from 185f9. Later the family . �.N moved to Fort -William, where they . 4._Assl have a pleasant residence and valuable property. Mr. McVicar, died . in 1864. Of the family, four children remain— John, George, Christina and Victori.a— all-of whom live - at the family resi-, deuce in Fort William. - 'Wi11 be given in Every Department: ed in the stoltie/ding isCO2Gl is Th.e Mennonites in Manitoba. Like all other settlers in the Province of Manitoba, the Mennonites are prom- ised magnificent crops this year. A larger area than `usual -18,000 aures —has been 'sown, and an abundant harvest is almost assured]. Iu addition • ' to wheat, oats &e,., three hundred and fifty bushels of - flax seed have been } sown—the-first time by tlieee people. It \vas sown for the sebd only, which is to be shipped to the English market, as an experiment. Tliere are already sixteen threshing machines in the ! reserves, ;and another one --a steaskis thresher --wars purchased the other clay -° from Me. Kelly, of this city, by 11r. Hes,clr, for a company of f,Ienuoites, tylia dnubtlees will find. it ,a profitable TERMS, ECIA CASH. COTTON YARN, COTTON YARN., • GLAZED TICKET. GLAZED TICKET. GLAZED TICKET. HAVING BOUGHT THIS NOTED EIAVING BOUGHT THIS NOTED HAVING BOUGHT THIS NOTED BRAND • BRAND AND BR SIGN OF THE MUCH UNDER VALUE MUCH UNDER VALUE MUGH UNDER .VALUE WE ARE ENABLED TO WE ARE ENABLED TO WE ARE ENABLED TO OFFER IT TO OUR CUSTOMERS OFFER IT TO OUR CUSTOMERS OFFER IT TO OUR CUSTOMERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. AT .WHOLESALE PRICES. AT WHOLESALE PRICES. WILLIAM- HILL & 00., MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. SEAFORTII - MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM SCOTT BROTHERS 0 D 0 m as g r �� m 5? � 0 eal ea) pA 1 D x Z U) �g � 0 A Z .�� 0 Beg to direct the attention of the Public to the following from the Detroit Daily Telegraph. IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF : Mr. Clough, of the Clough cC Warren Organ Company, has been yiiite! successful in 'introducing their celebrated Instruments in Europe. Several of their leading styles were shipped to` London, England, on the Twenty -Eighth of J4lay, and the '81t0 a31109 ONV. MV1l m 0) cn0 m - G Z 0 m 0 ' H11:1OJV3S N 0 A r a 'D 0 Z 1 I 0 0 r 0 D 0 m 0 0 1 0 0) (n 0 To —I 7t7 t z Z �x d et I competition Cash 1 Cash 1 More Cash ! STACKS OF NEW SPRING GOODS —AT— CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING .EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH. Something Rare in {Worsted Suiti.gs, SPLENDID VALUE TWEEDS OF ALL KINDS 11'" GRE HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLA T VARIETY. Sa TIES, &C. Also a. few lines of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Everything will be sold at prices that defy Ps `res tritt �0 SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL Order your Suits, gentlemen, when the stock is fall. No. 1, W. CAMPBELL. Campbell's Block,} LJ : THE - SEAFORTH WOOLEN MILLS. TO THE FAIIERS. If you have Wool you wisk to stave, made up, or to trade for WOOLEN GOODS, - GIVE US A TRIAL. We will not be outdone either in Quality of Work or Price. You are incited to call and see our Machinery, the work we are doing, and OUR PRICES FOR 1878. Carding anti all Kinds of Custom, AREROOMS. Work Done as Usual. As REAPERS and MOWERS are the order of the (lay, 0. C. WILLSO�'t' GOODS MADE TO ORDER is again On hand with a Anda Large Stock Kept Con tautly on Hand to FULL STOCK O F MA H 1 N E S, Extba:nge for IItool. A. G. VAN EGM OND.. Seaforth, June 12, 1878. 549-13 THE SEAFORTH INSURANCE AND LAND AGENCY. Such as the Newcastle Harvester and Maxwell Light Reapers, Wo ds' and Johnston's Reapers, wood's, Akron and Dafferin Mowers, and Sharp's Self -Dumping Eta and Stubble Rake. Any of the aboveMaehines sold on trial, and satisfaction guaranteed or no ale. For further information call and examine the machines or send for circulars. In the Plow Business I am still ahead, hiving made some good mprovements on the No. 13 Thistle Cutter, having pnt on Steel Land Sides'and raised the Be in two ,inches higher at the Coulter and Cleviee—this is a' positive preventative against choking n wet stubble. In Sewing Machines I am still advancing, having an extra large stb�ek of that Celebrated Florence teed \fianzer F. Machines, and all other common Machines knownto the Trade. All kinds of Reaper and Mower Repairs for the machines I sell. : 1 kinds of Plow Castings and Points always on hand. Sewing Machine Repairs and Repairing Don 0. C. WILL ON, Seaforth. dd ap wm Pe Ps ht; BUTTER. B ITER. EDWARD: CAST] IS AGAIN BUYING Sweet Even Colorod Butter, in Firkins or t,o11s. 550 GODERJCII STREET, SEAFORTH. 1 Company are to -clay in receipt of a I -- cable message ordering Sev ,ty Or- gans to Messrs. Chappell Co, of ' Fifty New Bond Street, ondon, with wliont Mr. Clough has conclud- ed arrangeirle`iits for the agency. ..!'Tae CoarzpaTh were cdso favored a O Orgai'S from, their Italic/tester, Eng- X19 OIIN ��(�GfEl1S• feW days since with an order for -six. I' SPECIAL veiitorv.HOFFMA ti A,lcrllrii wiiidluiiU £\sirs recently , erected at .Steinbacha near Llearsprin g } • - settlement. and a steam saw mill was Put up in tuo..irnity thereto. The two. rni1Is have beau -c'.rtuleeted, and the power of the saw mill will in future, bet utilized in the grist mill, when the win. fails to blow sufficiently strong. Tlidi Mennonites have recently com- pleted diiie great work—having con- structed on- at struct 1 r.. road through the St. Norbet swamp c igb t miles in length to their o\\•.ii reserve. The total length of the road is sixteen miles, and through the swamp: itis grtelcdl flour tea lhil h, aid broad. enough for two teams to bass easily. Tho road is solidly built, with timber and brer:,li foundation, and 38E) teams e andl50E1 r"ren were eugaged for Kix days = on it then, only reranueraLti0il being the securing of aL g.,dl outlet to muarket.- 11 i Ii;,e., Fete .c'r'ess. • I1 li.rii iti S rm Nu•rmf.----To, 1preveint or conquer distatee is one of the grandest attainments ever aimed at by man, and a Bryan's I'ulmorric Wafers," will as sure cure coughs, colds, tickling iii the throat, and piilnlonary complaints as \\ar aria pestilence will destroy:. Severe cold, if nut attended to sooner or later - lead t•r tiacurable consumption, iiia the slid ,<It of the strongest soon falls if lid - sleeted. The. readiest and best meaus known f==r the cure of these complaints Bryan:Li Pulmonic 1Yfifers," which iia\ -e teen thoroughly tried for the last '}U \ caws, and have never been known to fall Singers and public speakers also derive great benefit from theuse of them. sou by all druggists and country deal- ers at -_'.; cents per bJX. , is t Cot ea. ---Grateful aua comfort- " 1>y a thorough knowledge of the natural law:; which govern the opera- tion of (lige!-;tiol1 audl nutrition, and by a c,drrfad application of the rule proper- ties d.f \\ ell :;elected cocoa', Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which nraVsave us. mans- heavy doctor's bills. It i ,1,y tied• judlicioususe of such articles of duet that a constitution may be grad- ually built up until strong enough" to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hun- -areas of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape A THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER WHEN IT IIS MADE UP INTO C-O0D HARNESS Where you will find all Kinds of Harness Alla& PEMEM]3ER, if you want a Fancy or Substantial Harness J. faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maker in is wanted to secure regular custom. - UCH AS YOU FIND AT WARD'S, SEAFORTH, up in the Latest Styles., better setts - he can give you he the County, A. Trial is all that J. WARD, Seaforth. R,EA� .AND TZEMVI=V1 3ER< THAT THOMAS COVENTRY'S IS THE PLACE TO GET GOOD VAL UE FOR YOUR MONEY IN BOOTS AND SIH h S. CMV rti -a. Q THE GOLDEN LION HAVE Just Opened Out the Largest Steck, suitable for Sprit . and SSu Joe Lo ummer ear everat Shown I in Soaforth. Not old Bankrupt Stock, nor Wholesale Culls b g w Stock, bought from the best factories in the Dominion for cash, nd will be sold at prices which, I think, even Grangers can hardly take exception. I have been esmpeiled to change my plate of business so often late] that I know itis difficult for my custom is to find me. But I trust I have got permanently located now for some time at least, in Stark 's J. ow Brick Block, next door south from William Robertson & C.. s Hardware Store. SIGN OF THl BIG- BOOT, MAIN S ET, SEAFORT1T. T SOMAS COVENTRY. SPECTACLES. SPE TACLES. Call at M. R. COUNTER'S ie elry Store and get your Sight tested with L. Black & Co.'s Patent Indicator—can fit you the first tria . A. Full Line of Spectacles from Twenty -Five Cents to Twelve Dol- lars per pair. A Case Given within Every Pair. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFC4ITH, ONT. �3ATuGA-=QTS_ LIN ES. land, Agents, notwithstanding the Z fact that the wareroo»is of .English, C dealers are flooded with Eastern z ( United States) manufacture. The m Clough cC TV trren Company haze- 'ti reason to feel gratified at their.Ev,- > .0) SCOTT BROTHERS 0 Are the Who1 yule Agents for Ontario for the LINES ROTHE SEAF W RT H . bout Two Doi n bout half ride,, o HO = FMA1 bout, Half a Dc at Ti emendl4us HOFFMAN ropeam success." c. above Instruments. 'Also the m EMERSON PIANO,. z Auer all other makes of Icstri mdjnts fura,ishe,l G when desired on THE SHORTEST NOTICE, Z Linea Suits left, For Circulars and other I•rifor- Z sle:Lr them: out, at ?nation, address 0 . SUOTT BROTHER, 03 ROTHERS'. —_ SEAFORTH. ` C7 ze,r 73'•acic Silk Jack L. AULT SPAFnfTH �- ) W P: ices, at kbotit Ono Dozer Prices to suit an HCFFMAI 'lack Grenadin T\ bite Lnd Colo H Aland , Corsets G eatly '.educed. HrnFFMA E. B tterick & Co.'s Fashion Report for Aug st just tc Band. Call and get o free of charge a s, et C rr a" 3 m i Is tow receiving a . large stock; of ' U) ROTHERS'. all kinds oi ev -- ,ashtnere Jackets ons, at t'ery lozv prices. A Large ":J 0 3crsbn, at • Lot of those_Choice ,..Sugar .(•'urerl D and Canvassed Ha•rns.' Also a Large " Lot of the very best Bo?des Bacon, Plain, Smoked and Spiced Bacot: - A Fresh Lot' of Fine Cora Ureal, BROTHERS'. Dress Linens, :ancl Minims, , Prints, loves, `ries, &c., at es, at m 0 •�zcl all kinds off F,,,,,7 A > Flow?, a Z Fresh Stock of all kinds of yeas, TA ' BROTHERS'. • { from, Twenty-Fii`e cents per pound] mfr to Eighty "cents 1, e• pound. Alga a > large stock of Sugars at very low 0 H FFMAN BROTHERS'. 0 FMA CARDN EA. BROTHERS 0'S BLOCK, ell RTI- , • prices. Now is your time, when 1 I you can get Goods at Rock Bot- • _yi _4;_ I -_ tow Prices at PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN A. G. AULTS'. MISS I-TALLEN, GLASS DIRECT FROM BELGIUM. 1 m m co -'3 0 rn 0 0 7'J D_ Z .(n Z 0 0 Cf) 0 0 m D 0 0 C!) 0 •trn' :0 n' ' 51001 ONLLSBA m co -13 cn 0 Z 0 .730 0 ern -n 0 Do- m "0 uJ (1) . 2 S H ;AFORTH. MR. R. JAMIESON, ALONZO STRONG TS AGENT fo Soverai•First Class Stock, Fire and Life Insurance Companies, and is proper - ed to take risks on THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Also Agent for several of the best Loan Socie- ties. Also Agent for the sale and purchase of Farm and Pillage Property. E .T. A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS IM- PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. $50,000 to Loan at 5 Per ('eni. Interest. Agent for the White Star Line of Steamers. OFFICE—Over M. Morrison's Stoi`e, Main -St Seaforth. THE CHEAP FAMILY GROCERY. L MABEE Begs to inform his' friends and.the public that he has on hand one of the NICEST and FRESH- EST RESH EST Stocks of Groceries in town, and as he sells for Cash, he SELLS CHEAP, Giving his purchasers the benefit of what others who do not do so lose in bad debts and pay in in- terest to wholesale men. FLOUR ANO FEED Always on hand. Goods delivered in town free of charge. Remember the stand, opposite the Commercial Hotel, in the ti -FRAME BLOCK. L. MABEE. EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber hereby thanks his numerous cuctoriers(in.erchants and others) for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and hopes, by strictintegrity andelose attentionto bnsinesa, to merit their confidence and trade in the future. Having greatly;enlarged bis premises, arteria the winter, he is now prepared to pay the I HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered at the WILLIAM HILL & CO., • BI UCEFI ELD. CHEAEST CCEY COTTONS. CHEAPEST WHITE COTTONS.--, CHER EST DUCKS. CHEA EST DENIMS. CHEAPEST PRINTS. • Z M Having this week Started for Glasgow to buy! his Fall and Winter Stock, begs to announce that during his Absence, his Large Stock of SUMMER GOODS, Consisting of Lu tre and Linen Coats and Vests_ Oxford and Regatta Gr Greatly Reduced Pr ie. sold A LOT OF REMNANTS In . Prints, Dress Goods, Win- ceys, Flannels, c., will be sold - { Gyery cheap. — _ ALL. THESE GOODS r� r Must be Cleared, Out so as to ( ;make, room for' I'Tew Stock, so B. Sur: .I `that O >> O . GREAT BARGAINS I.I�ICE, 'S310V230 NVOUOIN EGG EMPORIUM, a Main Street, Seeforth. Wanted by the subscriber25. tons of good dry clean WHEAT STRAW. :. 7!3. W I L.SO?, THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY SEAFORTH. ARTHUR FORBES, TT AV IN G purchatoni the Stock and Trade of the 1..R. Conunerciol Livc-ry, Seafoith, from . Mr. George Whiteley, begs to state that he intends carrying on the business u the old stud, and has added seveuil vi,lunble borers and vehicles to the • formerly large stock. None but First -Class Comfortable Vehicles and Good ,Relivable _Horses Will be Kept. ,.: Coveted and Open Buggies iia.? Grtx. ags:Y, and Double an;i SingicWagons always ready for use. Special Arranger eu{s Made 11 lilt C''nm- CHEZPEST DRESS COORS. anercial Men. BOOTS AND SHOES. Orders left at the stables or any of the hotels CHE PEST promptly attended to CHE PEST GROCERIES. THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, CHE PEST GENERAL STOCK IN SEAFORTH. HE COUNTY. WILL AAI HILL: & Go., Bi11.UCE1?1ELD. A PUR ARITE Q 41v 'ITY OF PARIS GREEN ;.T.� ROB RTS' DRUG STORE. ' ALSO AGENT FOP. Mrs. eston's Liver Medicine, Cure for Billiousness, Headache, &c. 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Can be had at the GOlden Lion O during the Summer. POR R. JAMIESON, SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE BUTTER TUBS. WILLIAM lIcNATIGIITON beae to inform Y the bneiness men of Saaforth and the travel- ing pablie that be, has nurrehased the Lieery Abell, and will do all in hie power to retain thee reputation which thie favorite eatebliabinent has ' secured. He will keep only good abeving see re4 horees, at a his carriages will be kepi clean and in good order. Celia, night or day, will be promptly attended to, PIC•N10 AND WEDDTNG PARTIES Liberally Dealt with. Terms Reationable. All orders left, at the Cora- merciel Hotel or at, the office will receive prompt Office and Stables on Market Street, opposite T. Kidd's Store. 544 WM. MeNAUGHTON, Proprietor, TO GRANGERS, FARMERS_ AND A S THEY occupy the attention of all, these lia.rd times the subscriber is determined to meet them,by oderine good inch Hemlock, not neually mold for ina," u.t. the following rates: 12 foot Hemlock_ at ,87 00 per thonssand ; 14 foot Fencing, at $7 50, for Cash. All ordets Over 41000 5 per tent. discount, Call and Hee if you floret get what ie represent ed. Book Accounts.' over menthe will be chaigeel 8 percent. for their liberal support, end solicits a eel:dun- anee of their fasoes.. K Sign of the Golden Lion. r SEAFORTH• t 1-Hsi:I/a:El::: tiNss -i)GI 's x SEED CORN ' 01 r Ts etas prepared to esritirly all car-Ice:rens wiles > , JUST RECEIVED A. CAR LOAD Ge' , Grocery ex be promptly filled at the above I At ,e_.,30 p.a. h,,,r,dree,, ca,.b, TIA„,.1,0 Tubs f.',., so ', prices. T ose Meats are well curia. t well and faecrablv knewle to the trade that it is wood Tub, suitable for washing butter in. unnece.,Jary to say an34hing in their recommen- TROTT also matt' ufaetures a small Hard - SAC AMENTAL WINE Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attend - I''';:j An'd the Corn guaranteed to grow. A. quantity ' ALL KINDS OF SEEDS, ' SACRAMEN—TFA0L11—AND 'A/FEDI- 1 pERSONS Suffering from Dx0epsia are treat. _ _ _ i , of it hes been sown and can be seen ,growing by 1 DIGESTIVE FLUID. AT LOWEST PRICES. -2- ed by Pepssine in various forms to care ‘tluat • (1RGINIST of St. ThOmas' Church, Seaforth, —AT— . dangerous disease.' It is not a want of Pepsine `--/ (Late of Torontoli• is prepared to instruct a ; bat an. excess of acid. 0131 occasions Indigestion. limited number of Pupils in Instrumental Music. i TEAS A SPECIALTY AS USUAL. 1 LUMSDEN & WILSON'S1 ins.cahne,y diseasesother4 owf ititheehheaorigimirt, tante etudiseindiageagests 101414 Brunton's Digestive fluid has never failed to relieve or curl the wprst case of head - J. BROWNELL. SEAFORTEL. - I Sold by Ell Droggists, Price 50 cents. 5.16'.1,4 D s. cAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor TERMS MODERATE. • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt - y attended to. Residence—Third HaI se North of the W. 31 7 • D. S. CAMPBELL, ' Church, Church Street, 'laforth. 545