HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-08-02, Page 6v. - • THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 'Varieties, President Hayes is a clean, ob- stinate, sell -satisfied mean who believes thoroughly in himself, in his "luck," in the Lord, and in his wife. In the con- ' dtiot of his life he is invariably directed . by the four, chiefly by the first and last. -The Empress Eugenie and Prince Napoleon are both on the Continent. The former is staying at Ems, while he latter makes the tour of Sweden nd Norway. About the middle of Au st they will meet at Arenenberg; Swit land, where they will remain until s time in October. 1 citizen of Stockbridge tried a novei. mode of fishing the other day. While ditching he found an eel, which was held down with a spade, while he caught it by the tail in his teeth, and gave a groan to signal that the spade be removed, so he could get his head and eel out of the water. -The- Duke of Portland, is tall, slender, and pale, and he likes Cattle. He fattens his deer on Spanish chest- nuts, and. he never fires a shot. He farms 12,000 acres, and yearly. raises 40,000 trout. He lives- almost alone, shunning friends more than he shuns workingmen. He is regarded an eccentric and misanthrope. -An. exchange says: "A young man in the country, who has to work there, writes : I have just returned. from har- vesting wheat -the golden wheat' that some ass -writes such glowing, pic- tures about -and eating golden butter,' and all that stuff. If I had that man by the windpipe I would choke him. My fingers are blistered. and my face is burned: I work sixteen hours a day, and get one dollar.'" -Few sadder stories are told than that of a Philadelphia captain lately re ated to a reporter, While on a voyag from his home to North Carolina h one night lost two children, who wer drowned. A few days after his eldes son had. his brains 'mocked out by block. His other son ad his wife the took typhoid. fever, and both died be fore his return. The five bodies wer laid side by side in a burial ground nea Philadelphia. -Westfield boasts a woman wh takes the lead _in looking out for th main chance. Her husband died quit recently, and in two weeks after sh had a new husband., one of her childre was an inmate of the Home for th Friendless in this city, another wa "bound out," and the third, \ an infant was given as "boot" to the Purchaser 'o her late husband's farm, bo she takes' new start in the world Without incum bran ces -The Biarlington. (Vt.) free Pres4 the Ilth inst. says: "In ithe &inane of one of the cars of the Burlingtm and Larnoille railroad is. a bird's nes containing two eggs. The MT leave Cambridge junction on its daily trip at noon, and. gets back again at Q.3 and during .1.1a,t time the mother-bir remains at the junction; going to th nest as goon as the train arrives there! What she will do, when it comes t hatching -time remains to be seen." -An accident has occurred in Bel fast, by whieh two old ladies have los their lives. Their narae was Harail ton, and they were sisters. They hac workmen repairing their house, an some alteration was made to a gas -pip in the drawing -room. Their bed-roo was im.medtately above that apartment and in the morning a servant foan them both dead in bed, being snffocatec by gas. It would appear that the • ga coupling belo-tv not being complete. gat was flowing into their room daring th night. -A noted character, Miss Dr. Brad. ley, formerly of Naugatuck, has recent ly died. at Philadelphia, aged 40. TWen ty years age, when she was refused 6.'d mission to ! various medical colleges, sh cut her hair short,i donned male attir and was soon attending lectures at th college of physeians and surgeons i Philadelphia. After graduating witi high honors she astonished the profes sors of the institution by appearing to them in women's elothes and provinc her indentity. Since then she has prac tised: liar profession with flattering sue cess. e ---One way of purifying a sick. room I would like to mention to your reader who have eliarge of invalids or delicate children, or Who arellot ale to go out during hot weather, . .that the air o the room may be mucha improved b hanging thick, towels diPped in col( water, with a. little vinegar added, t the open window sash, so that the ai passing tbrough is refreshed wit moisture and becomes miser to enhal • er- 17G0 years was o Plymo mittee, Mr. S college White by wai meni bridge Senior Fresh photo said t ranch the 00I1Sel e had riot loved. his wife, 'who y fit to have children.. The th Churc - investigating com- however, promptly vindicated ith. , . ny stude ts from neighboring are ea ing money at the Mountai hotels this season ing on t bles and doing othe* work. , one hotel a Gam - man is , a waiter, a Dartrbouth is assista t head -w * er, and a an fro Bates College sells,. aphs . in the corridor. It is at the ollegia e waiters are or satis -actory to - guests than ones, as ta ey ke p,their thumbs ntiously o t of the soups s. L. St. ohn Eckel, '4o wrote obiograpb in that very,peculiar f self-reve ation, "Maria! Monk's ter," ha published through n a new •ook, entitled. "St Pe - ride." It 's stud to be humorous =cultic- possibly a bit satiric; • • p• °thing to do with the Church, of which she e we heard abbut her, ; it is likely to be in- s important or not. Smith., a Fremont, under arrest for vent- er). Mr. Stine's family -kill them with a has - ant and groceries left. an anonymous note onor would probably ut, if not, the family god things sent. -One children ' te a fid and was seized asnas, wl en -medical help was in, whichrelieved the child and red that he fruit was poisoned tryohnine. her an work Daug Carlet ter's and d and may have Catholic e last t' t raembe g, wheth iss Etta teacher, jealous mpting t • oiso-ned door, wit that the o dinner, enjoy the • 1l Romawas, t a dev teresti (Ohio) ing he by (att ket of at the sayin come shoul of the with called disco with -T dressi oPera 111 I 11 e Greci n simplicity of hair g is tyran ically the vogue. At at theatres, in London, where bonnets a» d hats are prohibited, as we 1 as at so' ees and routs, tb,e hair of bu is al frizze down cosy neck. it is b a ho one d A sick reste thous eyes 1 night said " bec ding belle and bouncing dowager e free fro rolls, puffs, wads and. . It is c mbed uniformly sleek to the f ce, and birched in a • not just over the nape of the Plain as *t wpuld. appear to be, witching' attractive. It makes ely wonia, winning, and a pretty murely rascally to-lookupon. aieties. mister g•ing.to visit one of, hia arisbione s,1 asked him how he during he night. " Oh, won - y ill, sir," he replied, for mine ave not e•me together these three ." " Wha is the reason of that ?" he other. "Alas, sir t" $aid he, use my ia{ se was betwixt them." • istress-" But I thought you were , Mary." Mary-" Yes, ling man as keeps com- inks there's too many rs coine here, and. they from his young affec- your perniission, I will for contention." once asked. a jud-ge to • that "it is better that guilty men should at one innocent man ed." 'Yes" said the ve that charge, but in Lie court the ninety -and - 1 have already escaped eople have of beginning moment a singer, sits o is often objeeted to eigners, b t even abroad there are people w o do not care about . She charming," said the arquis d 13;--- the other day, mg of La Patti. "But she has efect-slie sings." n old. hou ekeeper in an English , while do ng the honors of the re gallery ei some visitors, heard f them ren ark that, judging by her alt, "Mari de Medicis must have exceedin 1 plain. " Not at all," the old. dy, indignantly, jealous e honor of the family. "1 have told that s e was nearly related to enus of th t name, aud the family all handao e." very 'omfortabl merad but the y pany iWith me t gentl men. visit migh wean me tions so, with notb: a mediu - lawyer char e the jur ninet -and-nine escap than t sho-al be punia judg , I will g the o inion of t nine guilty me int.s country.' '- he habit p to co verse the t to the pia by fo Some rnusi old spea, one east" pct One ( port been said of t been the aver Clover aboVe the average in all States, except Maine, Vermont and. New York. Timothy abbve the average in all except New Hanipahire and Vermont. Pasture above the average in all except South Carolina. T4acco,1ow pi coscut down the acreage 25'per cent. of neteen-twen- tieths of, the crop raised n the twelve States. Cpndition belo the average in most States. Recent i ormation in- dicates that the wheat °reps in Minne- sota, Northern Iowa and. Wisconsin are very seriously damaged. A Trill t This is the very season of the year, oh. considerate and human reader, when you should not think of packing your trunk, and, going off to visit some of your OVer-worked and tir d out country relations. It is hotter somewhere else than where you are now, and as nice as you are to have about, and as pleasant as it is at the proper time to have your company some other time, just now you will be voted a nuisance if you go. .Ev- erybodyfuads existence a good deal of a burden about these days, especially the female portion of the community who are compelled to bake, and brew, and cook, and vash, and dust, and provide for the household-soqf you want peo- ple to rise up and call you blessed, do not add to their work byl your unsolicit- ed presence, If go you Joust, stop at a hotel, where they want our company, and your money. The Prince of Wales. An English correspen Prince of Wales is a fr gentleman, and so is aright. Simple and manner, he is the idol common people. They of stories to tell of his erosity. He , is the sympethetic and ma *Queen's sons. He is a m these qualities will imp ality upon the events of to these he has rare goo and. judgment, which, fathers, has been well t scholar above the ordi fortune is in being the -A. Freno visit to -Fe Gardens ti e whole, ly shook at every tly ,forbid nd cruel SOU° wfull little bird. FS in your pi - -- he Hot first Kew on t gre rea stri are last the nes • . .T - This is in imitation of a custom previa- ten, ely heate ent itt ealCutttle where matting is -kept a cc rresponde iou, aud ternpe dieted to exc , less le scene ili sprinkled on the sunny sides of th - houses. - -Dr. Tyrell, Bishop of Newel -mid Australia, is a bachelor of seventy, wile) the went to the antipodes in 1814. an invested his memis in property. H (AVIS sixteen estates, which bring hi in about $100,000 a year net. At his - death their profits are te be put asid Th lar 1 t the ger tbe liquor wa same spa convicti e number sun, that, us, and s selvesIte till they reach .$1,250,000, which su wa. more he will then go to his diocese, 150,000 fcir fav. red drin the endowment of his bishopric, t,55,00) weie claret' pi to increase the stipends of cannons •an 1 put ches, archbishops, $500,000 for clerical. st - wji es, and perids, 5:10,000 for superannuate anl wh cli wore 25.000 for sick clergymen, $124,000 fc r titi s. Itt ti traitiing candidates for orderSeand $220 - eq tilly abst 00(1 for schools. tea-, (kc.. he --A good story is told of INIrs. res atirants, kay, wife of ;the illustrious bonanza Califmnan. It is saidthat the lad!t- applied to the Prefect o'f the Seine frir permission to place electric _lights iii vas not n wearie cabbage wing tt. ft NS ady, who was on her gland, was walking in e other day. She was, uch pleased; but was at the notice which -she rn, that bBirdr,testing is n." "How severe you this 'country," '11.e at exclaimed, ",that even may not .make their hlio gardens 1" pell in St. Louis. t. Louis during the in- pells is thus described by :-Men became abstent- •ate Who, have been ad - es for years. - -Probably old in St. Louis than in of time for a long period. also arose, from the • Germans prostrated by er was hardly less dame ral physicians expre! Jed e effect that it really 0. than whiskey. The as for several days past,e ches, sanereens, cream ad o es, :buttermilk, sour •i end and soda waters, r ilk in enormous quan- eii diet, too, men became rn oub, iced. tom:Apes:iced on e iuthe favorites in the be tel.'s, eating -houses, &c. luelual. to see mm en ,coing e it perforated hat with ice 17cavee on their head, and u in one hand. and an um- • m- ent says: The nk, outspoken arely reported pretending in f the London have hundreds ndness and geia-' ost generous, etic of the n, who through aiss his person- 'sreign. Added common sense thanks to his ained. He is a ary. His mis- rince of Wales. The Cotton tate. Within a few years eorgia has be- conae one of the great cotton manufac- turing:states of the Union, and bids fair before long to supply not only the entire Southern market, but also to enter intp competition with New England manefacturers. In the city of Augusta alone there are 80,000 spindlee now running, giving employment to 3,000 persons. • 41Fresat Wee tern rellway. Traina reeve Brussels stati n, north and south, as under: • GOING 'NORTH. GOING SOUTH. Mixed.. ....10:25 A. M. Ma 1 6:15 A. M. Accom.. .... 9:08 P. M. ACcom .12.15 A.M. Mail 2:58 P. M. ed 7:95 P. M. frent of her heuse in such a mannei. India 1/1tl .- le other. 13 sold ial that they would illuminate the Arch(if lea fans on t -troetaby the thousands. Trittinpil, HU that her guests on a cei•-e Pu nps wen, surrounded by men aid. tadu occaeion ;might have a da.zzling boilles, the latt'T anxious for a draught. • Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and follows : GOING WEST- SEAFORTT Express 2:25 P. M. Express. 8:58 P. M. Mixed Train9:00 A. M: GOING EAST- SEAFORTII. Mixed Train7:52 A. 1ff . Expresa Train1:15 P. M. Mixed Train5:00 P. ht, Mixed Train.... 10:35 A.M. view of thatkchitectund wonder, the fro Mackay mansion being near the are4. pit The Prefect found it impossible to g,rsait cal the request but the, lady, like a 1 ladies, insieted, and when a fiat refusal 6v( was given she said, " Well, how mticfh.-ifl is your arch worth r It is altogeth likel • that quin - MacI3 k • \s -al tel tt be an Arch Duke. -Rev Frauk L. Smith, missionar of Plymeuth Church's Bethel in Broo - Dcpartment lyu, joins company with its pastor ill • coi dition of - being Charged with inimoied cenduce co 'talon i Mrs'. Afatilda Kettell, a comely ividol ,stern St and iiiember of the Bethel .Bible .clase rushed upon the.; Rev. Smith in tle street last week„driving him into a • buteher's shop with her upraised part), sol and ber epithets, "seducer, drunkarel" She and.. her brother Re- mise this reverend lover of hers with -night rambles with .the object of his wayward affections., with freque n t p e- tations, and with actinglike a libertinie generally, on the plea that for ten 0 - V the hut e bucket, the forrner s op - g to bathi ti eit heads, re -wet their bage leaves, or to bathe their wristk he almost i e -cold water. In fact,' ry precautio i was taken that human enuity co id devise.' linton Stations as CLINTON. 2:45 P. M. 9:20 P. M. 10:00 A. M. CLINTON. 7:27 A.M. 12:502. M. 4:25 P. M. 10:00 A:M. • London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Mail. Mixed. , P.M. A. M. London, depart.... 2 15 5 55 Exeter 8 35 8 05 Heneall 8 52 3 34 Kippen 858 844 Brucefield 4.08 9 00 Clinton 4 25 9 45 P;M, Blyth 452 103 Wingham, arrive5 25 11 3 n additio and wh p Repbrts. t) the condition of corn . at ieretofore published, the of Agriculture reports the rye and barley at 101 ; high tie Eastern, Middle, arid tes, but inthe South, except Alt-ham:a aril rj exas, the small amount gr.( wn is inforc r. • Oats -general aver- a-', 101; T am ,ssee and Nebraska, 112. Fruit -App es, 10() or above in New Et gland, 1' ori Texas,: Nebraska,and P ahes,in some localities, in high con iti in, but the crop mostly de cient. Gr pes failed in the more ' Ncrthern tat s, but about half the So thern S ate and some Westernre- p0 t the -co idi ion above the average. GOING SOUTH- Mixed. A. M. Wingham, depart... 10 55 Blyth 12 15 Clinton 1 10 Bracefield......,.... Rippon ' Hensall Exeter 1 40 1.57 2 05 2 50 Mail. A..M 70 7 80 P.M. 8 18 8 28 8 34 8 99 1878 3-137_..;7". 1878 1 SPECIAL NDUCEMENTS ,Express. P.M. 6 15 7 25 7 14 7 58 8 08 825 8 52 925 Express. PM. 6 15 6 55 7 24 7 43 7 58 8 04 8 03 THIS •EEK. AT T. KID'S MPORIUM, SMA., Or Ladies' and hildren's White aud. ,Colored 'Cotton H se, in every variety of Style, at Lowest Prices. ... pp,s p_ To the Free: and Independent Elec- tors of the County of Huron. GENTLEMEN -As the question of FreeTrade and Protection is just now the all absorbing topio of discussion, it may not be out of place for us to say a few words to you as to whatwe can do either with or without Proteetion. We CELLI furnish you as good it Single Buggy; Family ''haeton, Democrat or Donble Carriage as any other shop irreauada, and for as lean a price, for clash or on short time. Oar establishment needs no Protection. The quality of our work and the facilities we enjoy for doing that work good and cheap is this best Protection •ave can ha't e, and which has ,enabled. us to 'build up a good business in a few years. We have now in , our show room a number of very handsome vehicles of all Muds, made from the best ma- terial and by the best workman, and which KIED'SEIMPORIUM. Ladies' and Children's Gloves - Splendid Assortment in Lisle, Silk and Cotton, very cheap KIDD'S EMPORIUM. .0- Five Hundr d Pairs of Men's and Boys' qottou Hos from 10 cents per pair and upwards. KIDD'S MPORIUM GROCE .4&1' A Large Sto k of Summer Linder- y,Calething sin Cotto , Merino, and Silk Mixtures, at Great y Reduced Prices. we will warrant as represented. All are cordially invited to.call and inspect them. We have also a number of second-hand vehicles which we witl sell che.ap. Repairing promptly attended to. Hoping you will see your way clear to give us a • call of inspection before spending your money elsewhere, We are, Yours Truly, PILLMAN & Co., CARRIAGE BUILDERS, SEAFORTH, ONT. BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. • TOWN -& BURROWS. THE Subscribers take this opportunity of re- -IL turning thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels and vicinity for past patronage, and beg to state that, having msde several improvementsin their i kiln and the Mode of burning, they are n a bet- ter position than ever to supply the public with First-Clasti Lime at 124c.Casla at the or 14c. Delivered. 1 This being the. fourth season of our business dealings in Brussels, and having given unqualifi- ed satisfaction so far, the. public can rely on re- ceiving good treatment and a first-class article ,from ns. Remember the spot: The Brussels Lime Works. 642 TOWN & BURROWS. KIDD'S MPORIUM. , RIES AND That Old ,Grocery Stand, ' THE CHEAPEST HOUS AUGUST 2 187 PROVISION ost Office Building. IN TOWN NOW. THE DESIGN OF THE PROPRIFUETOR 0 THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS TO RNISH- HE Aar entlemen's Linen Dusters and Summe4 Coats in Alpacca, Linen, Rus- sell Cord and ohair, at prices that cannot be beat. iJa11 and see them. 11 'I 1 t KIDD'S EMPORIUM. BEST GOODS •FOR And in no case to allow deception as to the Qual THE PRICE, ty of the Article sold, or in Weights. TO , HOTEL KEEPERS, F4iILIES, GRANGERS AND OTHERS Buyingi Teas and General Groceries in Quantities, I wonhd say, Call and Compare Quality and Prices before purchasing elserere, as I can't be beat. Flour, .Mill Feed, Corn and Oat Meal, Gr nulated Wheat, Graham Figur, and Pota oes alw4s kept in stock, cnd sold at Bottom Prices. , D ROSE, Family Grocer. or A few more Linen Costumes on hand, 12vhich will be disposed of at a Big Reduction. Also a quantity of Fine Sik Mantles to Clear Out the Line. KID'SEMPORIUM. Farm Produce ¶rakcu} in ExchahIgC. THE MEDICAL HA The Milliny is still in full opera- tion, and everyt ing wanted in this De- br partment attended to on the Shortest Notice. - • KID'S EMPORIUM. L," SEAFORTH. DYE STUFFS. DYE STUFFS. WE HAVE THIS SEASON TAKEN SPE.IAL CARE IN THE SELECTION , OF OUR DYE STUFFS, AND H VE NOW ON HAND A STOCK SECOND TO NONE IN THE COUNTY A'S, REGARDS QUALITY OR QUANTITY. Try Our Pure Dutch, Madder, Indigo, Fustic, Cudbear, urmeric, Logivood, ochinectl, Etc;% Full Directons given with each P reel, and if properly follow- ed we will uarantee Good Colors. SEEDS SEEDS' A.T MORRISON'S SEED EMPORIUM, SEAFORTR. I have now on hand a large stock of all k1i4gt4 Field and Garden Seeds, having purchased -holt one of the most reliable housea that we have Canada. T'he public can rely on getting PERFECTLY 'CLEN FRESH SEEDS 1 . . True to name and at bottom prices. To gar*. era and others buying 'in quantities we seit A kinds of Garden Seeds in Bulk, anddo notreeft. mend Seed in. papers. I have on hand a leo stock of HICKSON & B • EASDELL, Seaforth. (Sz CARDNO'S BLOCK, , GROG RS, SEED SEAFORTH, MERCHANTS, -AND DEALE kN CROCKER AND GLASSWARE. Large stoc of Swede Turnip Seed, Hungarian and Millet Seed, Tares, 8c. Full Stock of Family Grocems Flour, Feed and Pro- vision . Butter, Eg s, and Potatoes T lcen in Exchange. CENTRAL GROCERY, IN CARDNO'S BLOCK, MAIN STREET, EAFORTH. LAI DLAW & FAIRLEY. REMOVAL. F?EMO W1N./1.. 1\T_ Begs to intim le that he has Removed Brick Buil ing on East Side of Main South of 1 ilfiamCampbell's Clothi hitherto, ca ry on ihe AL. REMOVAL. Lrso is 011tee to D. McGregor's New tweet, Seatorth, and Fourth Door Emporium, where he will, as SWEDE TURNIP Comprising Hall's, Westbury, Carter's, /rape Sldrving's Improved East Lothian and Bo Norfolk, Grey Stone,' White Globe, Om j. though the price of Turnip Seed is very highime. year, parties intending to buy will do well -ten. -amine my stock and see my:prices before par. chasing elsewhere, as think I oan sell as elm). if not cheaper than any other house in the tisk • CARROT SEED. i White Belgian, Green Top, Orthe, Long Oa. ange, Intermediate, Short Horn, to. General Insui ance, Money Loan Agenc?, and Sewing Machine Business. In thanking the iublic for the confidence they have •eposed. in him for the past fifteen years he has carried on the e branches in Sealorth, he wishes t4 inform them he will still endeavor to give them the same anti faction which they have invariabl expressed with his transaogions% Ire still keeps on hand the •est Sewing Yachines that arexnanlufactflred in the world, as well as. Needles, Oil, and Machine ttachments. He sells the Osborne Machine, which is the simplest, the most capable of making ny kind of work in the most pe ect manner, and the easiest and qnickest threaded up machi e of any machine made in the Dom nion. He aells the Genuine Howe Machine -a Machine that as never failed to give satisfaction to every customer for thealast ten years. He sells the Wheeler Wilson Machines, the most rapid and least noisy Machine nrihe world. . Farmers' Wives, Itlechanics' Wives, Merchants' Wiv 'a and Manufacturers, do not Liil to examine 1 and try our Sewin Machines, --Family and Manufactu ing-when yon want one. Also Agent for the celebrated Fispz and Pope Knitting Machine, capable of doing all kinds of work. Instructions er' given to customgratis on any of the above machines. Sewing Maebines to Rent. Also all kinds of Sewing Machine repaired. TERMS LIBERAL. WM. N. WATSON, General Agent, Seaforth. IMP ORTANT TO THE LADIES. --M0INTYRE WOULD RES ECTFULLY ANNOUNCE CEIVED FROM S. D. SOLLERS & Complete ssortment of Infant Shoes and Slippers, in These Goods ai e the Finest and Best in America, S. and Diploma over all competitors at the Centennial. We have also on hand a nice assortment of LADLE We are the only firm west of Toronto Who keep th appreciated. McINTYRE WILLIS THAT THEY HAVE JUST RE - 0., OF PHILADELPHIA, A and Children's Boots and Colors and Black. • D. Boilers & Co. obtaining the Gold Medal .MANgo LDS, Carter's, Mammoth, Long Red, and severs' other varieties. IN GARDEN SEEDS We have Sweet Corn, Cricinnbers, Onions 4:11 kinds, Leek, Parsnip, Peas, Pumpkin, Radial, Caobage Seed in large quantities. Temates, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Salsify Plower and nearly every other valiety top numerenate. mention. S' SHOES, in Tie and Batton, very cheap. se Goods. They require to be seen to be • WILLIS', SEAFORTH. A N EW WAYS SOMETHING NEW. HOE SHOP IN SEAFORT-H. 1 * A Complete Assortment of Flow- • BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIcI THAT THEY HAVE COMMENC- ED BUSINESS ON THEIRI OWN ACCOUNT IN erS, Feathers, Ribbons, Laces, and Hat Ornaments always on hand, and the most J FIR, 'TOP 01\1 -3:01 -q -S_. Dutch Sets, Shallots. English Sorting. Rape, Lawn ems and Orelk ard Grass, Lucerne or French Clover, Trafall' Clover, Black Tares, Hungarian Grass, ling Seed, Clover and Timothy always in steck,1300. Oats, Seed. Wheat and Peas. ALSO I LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE FAMILY CROCERIES,,* Which for quality and prices cannot be beat -4 - any other housein the trade. PILL -MAWS STORE, OPP Vviiere they are prepared to take Orders for and MianSITE THE FOUNDRY, ufacture Boots and Shoes of eveiy des- cription. Being both PracticalWorkmen they are prepared to Guarantee a Good Fit and a Good Article. ' $TR1CT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION A TRIAL IS SOLICITED. ELLIOTT GRIEVE. CORNELIUS ,FRIEL. Crockery and Glassware As usual, very chean. Call and see the new paU tern in Stone China, only $2.50 pep set, Ina . everything else equally low. FLO1311 AND FEED constantly on hand at. mill prices. Remember the place, -east side el Main Street, opposite Market Stleet. All goads, delivered free in Seaforth, Harpnrhey mondville. S. STARK, S EAFORTH. Always given to the Commands' and In- structions of p::)tir Customers at THE GROCERY STORE, BOOT AN NEW 'CASH STORE. • MAIN STR,EET, SEAFORTH. ROOMS, LAND AGENT, A Large Stock of _Boots and Shoes an. be sold on very small profits -all new s old friends and new ones to give him a Scott to attend to the shoe shop, who wi Old Accounts must be paid at once, a& and Town Property for sale. Give can for you. Remember the Place, M. MORRISON, A. GOVENLOOK'S STEAM NULLS, WINTHROP. .3L7 MiIi.aS. A GREAT QUANTITY of Lumber always -Mt hand.Ilemloclt es,wn into sizes snitable for building, fencing and ditching purposes; Saw wood, Maple, Oak, Ash, Cherry, Pine. Ite., sawn into SiZeS suitable for the different purposes/or- which they are com,monly used. Hills Filled an ShOl't Notice. • THE PATENT MOVABLE FENCE. A NEW DEVICE -Only requires a Ilia 0 - prove its Superiority. It is made of re4 elm ; cross bars and stakes, and soft elm sParal a cedar post fitted at each joining. The Fence stands four and a half feet high. This Fence, will be sold during the remainder of the month of June AT 60 CENTS PER hot), After which the Regular Price, viz.: 70 cents per rod, will be charged. Gristing and Flouring Mill. SHOE SHOP, AUCTION ONVEYANCER, &O. Groceries Just Arriving. Will ock. The Subscriber invites his call. He has engaged Mr. John I make and repair work to order. he subscriber needs money. Farm e a Call and 1 will do the best 1 tark's`Block. SAMUE4. STARK, SEAFORTH. GRISTING and Flowing attended to prompt- ly, and a superior artiale warranted from good wheat. Merchant work can be relied upon. Nothing but the best of Wheat is used in the Manufacture of Flour - for the Heine Market. The Mill has in it all the Latest Improvements, in Machinery, 4nd the work is superintended by AN EXPERIENCED MILLER. The Winthrop Mills Flour will always give sat- isfaction. GENERAL. STORE. ./‘, WELL Assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Gro- ceries, Boots, and -hoes, Beady:Bade-Cloth- ing, Hata and Celia, &o., on hand, and offered at very close prices. A. GOVENILOCK 550 WinthrOp Steam Mills. rroWINT "\7-.1-VSTS- C. W. PAPST, SEAFORTH, Has all the Town Views taken by lir. L. F. WHEELER, ARTIST,. TECUMSEH, MICR, For Sale at his Book and Stationery Store. C. W. Papst has all the Town Views taken by L. F. Wheeler: - Artist, of Tecumseh, Mich., for Sale at his Book and Stationery - Store. C. W. Papst has all the TOW11. Views taken by/L. F. Wheeler, - Artist, of Teeuniseh, Mich., for Sale at his Book and StationerY Store, C. W. Papst has all the 7017711. Views taken by L. F. Wheeler, Artist, of Tecumseh, Mich., for Sale at his Book and Stationerr Store. sread. from. Standin Four Wrimuteg aTtd Seven Sec= -The lase sensation 04 /Thursday, when about fift resent by invitation to se ton beat his OWL1 time of tx asteri. his =wife had bread ba .„a 8,-Iguarter minutet aft *as standing in the field. :eye Reaper, drawn by dun. at the _corner of the growi- j316ngeareadYk). were statilned every- few fe line of grain ready ipo Beiz so it -fell from the r. epe Ninth it to the threshei „os unaer the direction of was getting under wayb the mill just sixteen rs ton st,004 at the window monient wh.en MoCaW, on borse country, shou the thrasher with the grai Lawton and her neice, is sal the peeparatiOni m cakes and biscuits in the sible tirae. At -the idl.bp ann mules sprang t and inlin. Old 15s. wheat, about a peck, sack and on the hor race commenced for the were ' two bridges to the excited -spectators coul. colunin of dust, hear a co ' on the plank bridges as th over them at lightning ipe wheat was delivered to La aiJL 1..n im. and 176. tI delivered to Mrs,. Lawton, 55s from the starting of the first griddlecake c hands of Miss Alice, was - a dozen eager hail& and - last of it. In tm, 7s from t the reaper SOoraing to the timer stop -watch in the co, of biscuits was cleliverea t -crowd by -11rs. Lawton:Ana last seen df then'. The o aelicious biscuits were ba leisure, and boiledham an ute biscuit formeda san- right hard to beat. ----Ca Democrat, Gone to e Vim died at 1%o -it William, virtT8:sCI:cisl:t1.111,°-waVkars'bagorena613 The dbeeased, whose Scotian& When 'age her Parents came to '• the Selkir' k Colony, seal River country, where into womanhood..: At was unitea itt mariage to MoVicar, who was at tha ea with Hudson's Bay Co accompanying her hush ous points whither the rien „bNeoortoniliwe46-1.11. aschqeu:sint Cempany called hiM,ATer as far _northwest a -s and. as long - ago down the liatninisti .1 NpVailnliy,asna„Te post was tIlhe o n: containea no less t denzens ; while at the times sat down as ma Pared.. people among --many of note annerank, residence in Thunder .dates from 1851. ,moved to Fort WI Ilav6 a pleasant resident property. Mr, MoVicar Of th.e family, four chi - John, -George, Christina all of whom live at t- Zence in Fort Wi3htnr The IVIenn.oilites: Like all other settlers_ Of Manitoba, the Itinno ised magnificent oreps larger area than usual --has -been sown, ft harvest is almost ass= to wheat, oats thre fifty bushels Of 'Rat', sown -the first time It was sown for the see tobe shipped to the E an experiinent. The sixteen threshing m reserves, h , and ai t. er thresher -was p .ebes from Mr. Kelly, A- @II Respelr, for a who, doubtless, will fin nte.pai* erettet)ialtrilSirlteiwnbialacabin; settlementeand a steam put up in proximity.th Iwtiseurtli°11rt:Ial ISeateN5711: 11g -111: - wind fails to blow vial elhe nde:eori e:11:813: °I.g:r structed a road 'throng) iis in reserve. The total len sixteen miles, and tbro its graded four feet -lewnn. roi brushfaori I o. sNiful iftaa lati reftli :1 11 °ails eel" aintr5-i0 (ntIghieonifernao Igvillil)lidee041711:131.1 _ . Iltaarn is STICEN4T conquer disease is <11(t ?iihrturtioli3alel.•:::Inrei;:ct;Pu-eupgvilieirfeolioriedl 3ed. 1 etiera aal ISatg:olti hf 1 I liPoiccefitt:tie itl tebtile es: ltli.ed- co:* I ii glekni280,0c3,7teBe dar?i, uo: Ira tbe euro .1 have been thOroughly S425blgr8eeentsaili)eaP er at r1:01, Baeorilavebygracialta-bre:egglt stfo sr EPPS'S Coeoe...-Gr. mg•-" By a thorough natural laws which ons of digestion ne a careful application ties of well selectoi has provided our bre a delicately flavor May save us many . It is by the judieioue of diet that a constia 1.1.ally built up until $ srst every tendency Ateds of subtle.mai atomic]. us _ready there is a weak pan