HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-08-02, Page 4ID ;es hoi at rad thos t Wra ;pair Le 01 is faell h nye; Tht be ma - at Lted . the ar .two este nen nce Line nut, xer tat- nso aid nr. a all „ is er„ tas er, tat tkfor "orc est Llt ite L. LIs tg' O- tt a, M- 11 RON tXPOSITOR. V4RTISEMENTS.. • eat-Sanmel Stark. Township of Mcitillop. otfee—P. Klinkhaaniner. Wheat —William Rehill. & IN. Brownell. ale—A.. G. MeDougall & Co. _Teated—A.. Armitage. bisie—Alexander Ingram. • for Sale---joseph Richardson. &Ulna Wanted—Wm. T. Dorrance. .e—S. K. 1Wa. ' nrou expooiter. *-8..EAFORTH, , AUGUST 2, 1878. Who Pays the Duty P I:We notice that seeeral writers and •,leakers on the Opposition side are still ,itating their Aich heads t it on article brains over the -question 's article. They admit imported iuto this coun- rwhich. can ot be prOduced in :the iXLtry the donsumer pays the ditty., e they still Maintain that on at:toles 111 as are produced. in the country the .iorter must pay the duty. The fal- x of their contention has been shown -land agam, but they still clingto it. ottn loan Opposition, candidates, •'nheir fellows,preach this same doe - it may not be out of place for • 'pore to show its absurditY,and th rit instancing a few common every day • 4ess transactions. A few weeks aeo -.41.-to-do farmer 'in the towiiship -4.umnfries, in the County' of Wat-, , was v4ting a friend: in New. 1-•ttate . he friend was a farmer, • had in use- a rea_per to wlaioh the • Ian took a great fancy. Before ng home he visited the establisii:- Where the iniplement was made, nrchased one for n75, the regular price at the factory, and. inetruct- '' Neifecturer to ship it to Paris -hie machine was accordingly they like, but after all their erguing end all their,spluttering, facts based upon plain every day transactions prove their argument's falacious and absurd. • Thn The \niter " Citritent Events" in the Canadian /fon in who • is strongly tainted with .Conservatistn, and. w o is also strenuously. ,opposed to tho F scal • policy of the Government, thee wri es of the twit leaders*. Of Mr. Mac- kenzie he says; 4y hen the farther called :at or the maehine he had. y on it besides the freight ould get it. The naaehine ern besides freight, 488, 1. erican friend only paid $75 t :telly the same. We would like 9. paid the' duty in this in - e enportor or the inap_ortee ? Tr. O. C. Willson, of Seeforth, psive dealer na sewing ma- ne sells both in this country United States large numbers Lori an made machine, callea He pays precisely the n to the menufactuter for the _. he ;sells in the ',States that he hose he sells here, but he has of $7:50 on each machine Caitaas, and as a °onto- chargen just that much ) Ito , his Canadian customers _ he does to his Amen= He also deals, in le Canedia,n macle eine. For this ma,chine he -pays ••ninn the same price at the factory noes for nhe American one, but Whatever may be thought of T. Mackenzie's administration of public drake of his railway and financial policy—and we have 'what appears to us substantialreasons for censming them—he is the Premier of the Dominion, and his station ought to be respected by those who oppose his views Or his acts. Moreover, he. is at; any rate, an honest and patriotic x inn, about m'ilom there is no sham or personal guile, as his candid opponents need not be &Oman d to_ admit." ' • • .01 the Opposition leaders he says: Sir Jqe, Macdonald and - Dr. Tapper claim popular c( ufidence because they advocate ttNation- ; what N it in fact if there be any basis of fact, ta. N tux sr tion mini% Policy wlx -tiOns as t unhappil from bad. Mum ; e's any the \ .cSiiprroXeltl; like the j sober an statesma very yheisl princi leader ;Inc, th sincer °uglily one st paten hand, nelicy, he is u is alit all, he est. .ferene arefin prese ikon, • up by divert the down. and shoulders, sustaining severe in- juries. Some parties who had wit- nessed the occurrence came_ to her as- sistance and took her into a section •house -near at hand, and when suffi- ciently recovered, she was taken home on• -ahead car, the Air Line passing her -home. The horse, ' which was very bady out, came back to the -village, where it was captured, ngible and persistent, about it? There . f jaunty charlatanism about the Opposi2 sign which is not. assuring. The National ich is susceptible of as many interprets- iere are Provincial interestS seems to be named. Everybody who is suffexing times is promised a cominercial millen- oryhody is to grow rich, and nobody be orse. The phrase, moreover,- of which is so particularly proud and fond, '8 re- f trade Or a reciprocity Of tariffs,' sounds ngle. of a baby's rattle, rather than the i well -considered -dictum of •experienced 'one tut -i.gs int ace, he 14,0anadian machine for $7.50 legirt 'lei sells the American_ ma - nine. be 'ninny seen from .this who it is that pays the duty. ;Let us now lock at goods going the other Way. • few days ago a number of ex- c-ursionists from the -United States visit - ea a' Cattedian tOwn and purchased great vearty on trinkets, but on their Way homa they were met at the line by the Custirts Officer, and. were forced to pay a duty of 35 per cent. on their pur- chases. The goods, therefore, cost thera 35 per cent.' more than the same goods waitId have cost a Canadian purchaser. Who paid the duty in this instance, the producer or the consumer ? We -will give one more instance : A short time ago a gentlemen -residing in the - United. -States dent to a business firm in eefettli-ftin a supply of wearing ap- fated. II tau d. purchase his clothing here 25.per.cen • in the triinte was made end • 11 ship." writer, in. the above quotations e arly and clistinctly lays down the on points of differencebetween the of the two parties. Mr. Macken - leader of; the Reform party, is in his convictiont , he is • tiler- unright and honest, and without in upon his character. His op-, s admit thin On the otner ir John Macdonaln has no fixed except it be a desire; for office; i scrupulous and vacillating ;. he •ings to all men, and' worse han is, politically spoEbking, riot on - hese are the mein points of• 1 These are the issues which .eality before the people , at the t time. Free Trade or Protec, te simply political cries ,got Sir john and his assistants to the attention of the electors from- ain points which we have laid That the position' is correctly stated above none can successfully ne- urely then, when the issue is -so when the choice is so clear—hea- • d stability of character on the one eide, and. punning and: unrelialailitr „ _ ou th °then—none need 'hesitate in g a choice. Although plain tile s no less irdportant, and should, elf, . be carefully considered. If ople -wishlheir public affairs. ad- tered by a man Whom all, friends pponents alike, admit to be thor- y hohest, they should vote at the aching ' elections for the can- es who come forward in support of resent Government; :but if they to have the conntry governed by a gentleman whom all kaow in their s to be the reverse of honest and. ulous, then they should vote st those 'candidates. This is the fairly and squarely Put, and. 'none tiade it. semenette• mensteestnnuit • News of the Week. ninon Sum.—Queen Mercedes left her husband. $5,000;000. ,REMOVED.—The Duke of Wellington has had his right eye removed by a sur- geon. ' -Rena—Sitting Bull is again said, on American. authority, to be contemplat- ing a raid into Montana. • YELLOW FEVER. —Yellow fever has be- come epidemic in New Orleans, and stringent quarantine established. • time the hall Was crowded. Burleigh delivered anenfidel lecture of wonder- ful power, and at t e end, despite the effdrts,of his friend4 who were present to preverit it, shot himself through the head. he 'brain 'as literally torn to pieces. ••WHAT ICYPRIIS IS Wolseley's salary a is 25,00 Li year. consist f 10,000 natives_ of India, the Spe .tator, wi year.- &c., t make t at least after w expense • TYPROID IN L.A.NCASHIRE.—Typhoid is epidemic at Blackburn, Lancashire. There are 150 eases, three of which have proved. fatal. CAUSE, FOR tOIVORCE---A husband ap- plying for ft divorce 'at Cardiff, Wales, lately testified' that his wife had not been sober for seven years. RETURN OY REFUGEES.—The French G:overnment is about to allow the 'a- ntra to France of a number of exiled. politicai refugees. GENERa utANT.—A Christiana dist patch says Gen. Grant was received everywhere in Norway witb, extroArdin- • pay enthusiasm, crowds followi tg him about. • • House Feesm—Hippophagy is -be- coming decidedly popular in Vienna where 2,040 horses were slaughtered for food during the first five months of this year. . ny. plain, bsty II moll issue 'by the p, mini and ough appr did& the wish ,A..Snemeratie FEAT.—Robert J. Rus- sell, a submerine diver, the other day ,accomplished the task of walking eight miles on th,etbottom of the river, near Riker's Island, in five hours. ORANGE LenterenanThe Orangemen in Ireland have expressed their willing- ness to guarantee 110,000 towards tak- ing the question of the legality of the Order before the Privy Connell. Feat]) IN DAROTAM—Parties arriving ; from Silver, Lake, , Dakotan, bring in- • tellieence that a cloud burstme. Monday bynv.hich a large portion of the country w submerged. Seven persons were drowned. POISON IN Afree.—At Cleveland., on Wednesday, 15 girls employed by Ma- dame Somers, clressmaker, were reuder- ed ill by drinking poisoned. milk. One has died and another is not expected to survive. , THREATENED FAMINE.—Thee is great distress' in the agricultural. districts of Spain, owing to the prolonged. drought and the ravages of insects. In • Anda- hisie the peasants resist the collection of the taxes. , EXTENSIVE DISTRIBUTION.—The Gala- shiels Colportage Mission last year dis- tributed 4,000 tracts gratuitously, sold 9,600 _ periodicals and magazines, and also 1,100 biblentestaments and volume of religious books, MAIL ROBBER-Y.—Six masked. men stopped the coach one morning last week near Lightning Creek, Wyom- ing, and. robbed the mails of the regis- tered letters and other valuables. 'Loss • not known. STRANDED.—The steamship Megantic stranded On Monday naorning at "Otter River Island, off A.uticosti. She is full of water and badly damaged. Passen- gers were rescued by the steamer Erl • Kinn About 100 head of cattle were saved. • RECOVERED DAMAGES.—The Wiaow of the editor and. proprietor of a provincial newspaper in England, has recovered. 21,250 from a railroad. company as dam- ages for the loss of her husband, who dienfrom injuries received on the com- pany's road. STVDENTS' Itiont-A riot occurred. at Yokohama, Japan, in consequence of two Buddhist priests preaching that' the sun moves, which was ridiculed by the students, who were -attacked by a, mob. One' student 'eva§ mortally wothaded. To the Sin : "Free your is ber of dollen ficial d his inf is prop am ac'c the pu my vie procee fails t • single 0 COST.—Sir Garnet Governor of Cyprus The garrison is to en, 7,000. of them and, according to cost £1,000,000 a This, wi " improvements e same Ipat#r thinks, will, e island cost Great Britain ,000,000Ia year for 10 years, it maY? possibly pay its own • OntariolFinances. Alitor of a Iluron Expositor. • than's letter signed. *mer," published in 9th, contains a num- no doubt uninten- , e he has-uot the of- 4ai1able, and received on.d hand, so that it uld be corrected. I, t letter of garbling s of Ontario to suit 'mina he a censurable am happy to see; he is accusation by a . proper method_ to in- vestigate this ma ter, is not to take the gross ekpenditure but to deduct the ab- normal outlays, 0' monies spent which must ary in ea4h year. I Five the nterns ereuuder, 'hostile source, b signed y Rout M Mr. CI -looks, whic Gross a ount expend Tri Deduct munts expe on pu lic works... . The gentl Trade F ue of July naccuraei Ls I presu cuments rmation se ✓ they sh sea in th lic accouin vs, which ing, but I support act. The the minimum of inconvenience to the electors. In the meantime, I wish them to read their circulars, and study the facts therein contained, which they will find will bear close scrutiny. Meetings will be held. at Belgrave, August 7th; Hoover's School House, August 8th; Donnybrook, August th;OOliver's School House, August 12th; Belfest, August 13thet Kintall, August 14th; Port Albert, August 15th; Dungannon, August •16th—all at 7:30 p. m. I re- main, yours truly, WiLwai SLOAN. hear agai -issu COM . cheaper than he could • States. The clothing sent to him by e ress, but to his very great disgust he found, when he.applied at :the enpresa office for his goods ttat he had: some $35 du- ties to paY oil them.' He paid the e tile same as any person eve got them for, but be- d 'se them they cost him ha, they would have cost laser.. These are only: e clothier he here cola fore he ce $35 more the home Si favo ,stte Mr. ing gen his Doc circ witl por ly due ly pet in on wi sta, sta. mi " ma bla, ing ed • few of the; ins maces which have mime tenet tne notice of •the welter, and- • dea,diornenbccur daily. They y effectually, we .thinkt to •nellecy and. the abstudity of sat that it is the _producer ' duty. As it it With - ,or4 goods, sewing traaehines. et, so is it with. every other ten sitch articles and- animals frona the -United. States ot they, have to pay the du. y, and ha like anner we, have to pay the they, 11jt Araerieg, at on the aiiaimals and. ex- port from • If the tides thett Ameneannar ff were swept away te- en 9, culturistsavould. not get one cent" iaore fot their cattle, their raorrow, sneep, tent pigs, their Wool, or any- thing else -nett they sell in the United., States, net t the 'Afnericans would be able to buy in the amount less that they now pay inn the American treasury - in the shape of duties. Our opposition Mr. Porter end Sir • Mends, ilaclang John Macdonald, may argue and splut- ter about MI the • alibi ea as reach as Muniqip lities fund, 1 _Inunigr tion, nothing Net Gross tu totmt expend Deduct mount even publi works derived not from a t from the records . Mackenzie and Hon. are as follows : d iu year 1868, .$1,183,852 ded ....... 8128,010 Munici alities fund Inunigr tion Land in provement IN et CE OCR last issue, we have been ed with a copy of the eirotilers is - by Dr.;• Sloaa, and. referred to in. arrow's challenge. Notvvitlisitand- he Rind language used by the latter lemon, wee= assure .him' he has work cat out for him by the orn- The figures- given in the lars are from the publierecords,and the exception Of one or two uniene ant typographical enters, are strict- accordaace therewith.. The pro - 'ons show Dr. Sloan to be thoeough- ostea,' ann. in every way cou- nt to deal with the subject he has. and, Mid should. he meet Mr: Farr* a public platform, as he no doubt he will have little difficulty ineub- tiating from the public records the eraents he has made: • We are much taken if Mr. Farrow:is not very soon e to repent. of his , folly in having oiled abroad. so. boastful ,,na so dar- e ehallenge, and, that he will be forc- e swallow his promise to resign, or r • Dr Sloan's eleaion by acclamatiop. is as- ,'st a.' We direct attention to Dr. an's reply, which appears in another W Si cel go be In bh ra sp of Penne Works, and said. that no man d ever filled thet high place more nthily then Mr.Mackenzie. He could t abetein from speaking of the great • nits which be devoted. to the rk of his adopted country." -(Greet planse, which contained. far some nuten) • Mr. Brydgee also gave a con - diction of the report :that he inten- d to retire from the Litereoloniel. —While Mrs. James Warmington d. a Miss Brovnin of Townsend, were iving home froingarvis last Monday orning, end. -whet they had neared e Great Westeng r Line, whein the • Honertee CASE Or SCICIDE.—Last wn nine • passes; ind.er the railway Mey George W. Burleigh, men of fine nage which cros es the Nanticoke , education, came . to Capron, Illi- -eek tbat point their- horses be- nois, from Ohio, • ostensibly , to c me frightened at a passing train. iss Brown. jumped out in safety, but rs.•Warminton still held. to the reins • d tried to get contnol of the horse, b t did not succeed, as it sundenly- heeled around andntarted off, tearing self loose from the vehicle (a demo- °. at), which, with its unfortrmate occu- pant, was thrown violently off theroad. rs. Warmington strack on her head 141111111411111111MMEMEN511114 Mr. C. J. Brydges, General Mana- of the Intercolonal Raiway, has e entertained at a banquet at ecton, the need quarters of the line: , response to a toastMr. Brydges said' draw rom. communion with are t " he would not speak for the Do- German Catholics. The yote stood 75 Mon and Local Legislatures, but for for the change, 22 a,gainst it. Minister of Public Works. He jAP.A.N AS it Nnelote—Japan is tepidly ke of the dietinguished manner in attaining a position amona civilized ich he presided over the Department nations, She has a fundebd. debt of n30,000,000,, and nays her interest so promptly that her .seven per cents are worth 106 and 109, and her nine. per cents 111 and 113.1 She bas a system of national ',banks, a large paper cur- rency, and. is about to issue a new loan of $12,500,000 It six per cent, to be taken. beam "her own people only, no foreigners being allowed. to subscribe. Her money system iS decimal, and. her " yen" is egnal to our dollar. She. has railroads, telegraphs, lighthouses, cus- tom houses, pane echaols and. a post- ff ce Gross Deduct publi Munici Immigr Land • Thi the G ing th immriately on nount expenc amount expe alitiesfund tWioonrks uprovement und 123,010 •c;1,060,842 d in year 11170.... $1,580,663 ed on • $40'7,734 80,313 •• • 82,087 d, nothing. 520,134 AUGUST 21 "KR nimanninnstmouttmonnimminnunliml be out of the way. The horse got leo e fn the night time, found. the po ton, ate it, and was dead. in the 111. ming when his owner wert to feed Mr J. Wel:Terris, for many years iness manager of the Times Printing ., and. for thirty years connectedwith Canadian press, died in. Hamilton. la. t Sunday morning. • Mr. Thomas Lewes, of the rd OM- sion, Harwich, is the possessor . of a icken with four legs. It is several ekPold, very lively, and walks with rear limbs up from the ground. —A three-year old. boy namedPretty, ie playing on the third storey of the lakespeare Hotel Toronto, ou Friday, over the balustrade to the ground. or, a distance of ,thirty or foity feet. rinaningreetdo.isay the nhild was but sligtit- -Mr. James Cuddy, one of the pio- n ers of Adelaide, died. at his residence, o i the seaond. line, north, on Sunday, a ed 78 years. Mr. Cuddy was one of t le very early settlers of Adelaide,' ana la d been living in the township between f rty-five and. fifty years. -.--The St. Thomas Journal says: The fi rneers throughout the county are now busily engaged. in threshing their wheat, about two-thirds of which has been al- ready harvested in good condition.The yield and. quality are both splendid. Peas and narley will be a failure this 3 ear. . : • —11r.W.C.Scott, editoe and publisher f. the Napanee Express, has been re - 1 ased from jail upon giving bail, him- e aleh. f forrtit anwd.astwisosuseuaretaigenainosft L50. i dmund Hooper for n10,000 damages E.' y Mr. Scott's attorneys for malicious rosecution. —Two Detroit boys swam across the ver to the Windsor side a few days ttatro. They were completely exhausted, and sat down on the wharf sorely paz- led how they could. get back ha Na- Canada. A printer in. Montreal named John Gibson has succeeded to a fertnne of 275,000 in Scotland. —Last week eight hundred head. of cattle and. three thousand sheep were shipped from Toronto, for England. —Mr. Alexander Yang, of Berlin, has been. appointed Inspector of Weights and Measures for Waterloo coimty. —Twenty pair of twins , were re- gistered at the Toronto City Clerk's, office during the first eix menths of this , year. —The congregation of • St. Paul's, in Walkerton, has purchased anew and handsome organ for their church, at a cost of $600. --The first shipment of peaches from Beamsville ' was made last Monday morning by J. C. Kilborn to R.Murray, of Guelph. .Crop light. —The Marquis of Lorne, ' of Queen Victoria, has been of- fered and has accepted. the Governor- ship of Canada. —It is generally understood that ex - Lieut. -Governor Morris has declined to eeeome the Opposition standard-bearer in Selkirk, Manitoba. —Geo. Nicholas, a well-to-do farmer of Markham, cut his throat on Satur- day. Cause not known; supposed to be mental depression. • —The Montreal Witness his nom- meaced legal proceedings to obtain the names of the special constables em- ployed by the Mayor on the 12th. —Mr. John Henry .Dumble, of the town of Cobourg,- has been appointed Deputy judge for the united counties of Northumberland. and Durham. • —Mr. W. R. Cliniie has retired from the Bowmanville Statesman after a con- nection with it of twenty-three years: His successor is Mr. M. A. James. —A car load of new flour from this year's wheat 'was • shipped from London on Thursday of last week. The wheat was grown in the township of West- minster. —Silver Islet. :during the week before last turned out eighteen concen- trated and .0,n barrels rough silver ore, valued at $20,000. This is the best re- turn for one week in two years. ; —The Directors of the Brantford. Young Ladies' College have been able, after meeting all obligations, to declare & dividend of five per cent. upon the paid up capital of the institution. —On Friday night some person or persons entered the pasture field of Mr. Mervin Cody, of the 5th concession, ;West Zorra, and sheared' the tails, mane, and fore tops from his six horses. - —It is officially announced that ar- rangements of a satisfactory character have been concluded between the Great Western and. Canada_ Southern Rail- ways for a division of the entire coaa- petitive traffic. . —Cool Burgess, the celebrated burnt • corkiet, is now on a visit to Manitoba with a troop of actors, Cool says that, having made Ins pile, he bateau `re- tiring from the stage after completing his Manitoba tour. —During the thunder storm of last Thursday the lightning struck the barn and stable of Mr. Duncan Lamont, 3rd. • concession, Erin, iujuring the barn and. stables tlightly, but killing a valuable horse which was in the stable. - —Some farmers in Bruce countyhave Seneca, got entangled. m the tumbling - here searching for her in Port Huron .1- heard. of since. :Here parents were paid. as high as $35. per month for work -1 rod of a threshing raachine last Tues - and elsewhere, but sOfer without sue - men; and servant?' girls are so scarce day, and. his leg was torn clear off be - cess, that some of the benedicts think it low the knee, rendering imnaediate am - —A frightful tragedy is reported from outation necessary. The shock to the $1;060,539 a in 3 ear 1.8721,817,956 ded on $266,764 1 71,703 57,750 24,195 _ 420,412 bu th Net... . $1,427,544 s shetve tli t the cost of running overnment had not increasied. dur- e Sandliel Macdonald regeme,, but the Reform gentlemen e, the expenses leaped nearly n100,000. It that my friend heti rror, anfavorably to his f over half a million expenditure f 1872. aixer corapari a particular b id not be any ucrease ther the reverse. We 'e Works Department, the ,one case during ly Hoff. John Carling, by Hon. Incliellax in laries stand as follows: —1870, $9,9651 in the r Mr. McKean it is , although Mr. Carling uilding of public insti- $407,734, while Mr. Mc - Kell lad only $266,764 . to his credit for the same purpose. The not for the settlethent of .the Municipal Loan Fund. w s not passed. until the 4), year of 1873, d was not to come into effect until 18 (vide statutes 1873), so that this settlement could. not increase INDIAN .ENGAOMIENT.—Lieut. Wallace overtook the Indians who committed the -tweet murders fat the mouth . of Bear and Rock Creeks, on the north fork of the clear water, on Sunday; 21st nest., killing sie. and Wounding . three. Among the killednva,s their chief. FIRE IN PARIS.—A Paris despatch says a fire broke Out last Monday morn- ing nethe lumber yard, two acres in ex- tent, of a furniture manufactory in the centre of th.e populous district of the city. Six eagines were of no, avail.- At one time the adjoining buildings were in great danger. Timber valued at n11,- 000 is a niass of ruins. • - DIED SUDDENLY.—The _sudden 'death • is recorded of Rev. Farquhar Smith, of Arpefeelie. , The deceased was a native of Straelmairn. When a schoolmaster at Fra,serburg he studied for the church, and after entering into orders was ap- pointed to the Ross -shire incumbency, which he has held for 16 years. REFORM IN TiljE CAMIOLIC CIIURCH.— comi g into offi with will mad own of a Torr the e one noun iso be se a serious rgument, ars in th eke a still 'pease of wine there co of latter, but r findin the Pub presined over i 18681and 1870 and. in the othe 1872 that the s In 86n, $9,86 year 1872, und raised to $15,07 Dat in the ns in 1870 ✓ in 1872 • n, take mach in laid tuti the xpenses o act the Count to the sum of ficeat sum, as sidt the pay cip lities was ann, al revenu laten surplus s of Sennfield county debent ter tef -opinio usual wisdom tai „that one in ht -Lt settle 'beatures, dra -wee sold t • cont of two ilindied and • forty thous- :ann. dollars, although Mr. Crooke EVS- sena. in his financial speech of 1874, he had a eurplits of five and. three quar- ter millions i What thy Fr by $70,030 b mints of 187 1870, is not a .1872. According to that of Huron was entitled 219,112, iiet the magni- e says, of $96,000. Be- ent to the various muni - not deducted from the , but out of the accumu- • ved by the Government acdonald and. the sale of ires. • It is a mere mat - with regard to the un - displayed. by Mr. Mowat ent, but one thing is cer- and a half millions of de- ing 5 per cent. interest, e Old. Country at a dis- ce 0 hi fe fl 1 s, Lennox and Addington. as genuine, but merely an 'election burlesque. The Conservative par te .,eapreas sympathy for Mr. Scott since he has been Com- mitted for trial, arta state that the ease should have been antowed. to drop, as nothing serious ceild -result from it. Mr. Scott, has been release& on nail. —A butcher named. Alphonse Per- reault, of St. James' market, Montreal, threw a piece of fresh meat ata coun- try man. It struck him on the shoul- der and soiled his coat very much, so he made a complaint to the market clerk, who had Perreault brought be- fore the Recorda on a charge of disor- derly conduct. Perreault stated. he aidit for a joke." The Recorder fine& him $5, or in default of payment thirty dans, for his fun. —The Grand. Truek authorities have haa their signal lights changed, the switches being marked by white and purple lights, instead of white and red, as formerly; the light on the sem-a- • phores remains tho same. T,b.e change was eaused by the complaints of the. 'engine -drivers, who were fregneiatly un- , certain of their lights while approach- ing a junction or station. The purple shows very indistinctly at a distance., • and can scarcely be distinguished:front ereen or line. - The Old Catholics of Germany, at their Synod. just leeld. at Bonn, decided to abolish the compulsory celebtiter of the clergy. The Old Catholic Bishops of Holland warned the Synod: against the proposed change', and informed. it, that the Dutch Old Catholies would prObab- 13i censure nicht= act, and might 'with- - ta NO tr a a 11a 4 the Provincial Trea,setn. e Trade opponent means' ing included iii the ac - to make up deficits of parent. I am afraid it is, a Myth, as nclthing to correspond with it an be fouad in the accounts; on the contrary, theta was a surplus in 1870 of one million of dollars-. . Thanking your aubnymous eorrespondent, whoever he y be, for h4is courteous allusions to miself, and 3 ou for your fairness in al- io ingtme t e 'use of your columns, I a , yours, & tt G. E. jACKSON. start a barber's estabhshraent. He was often in depressed spirits. On Sunday he published. a card. announcing that he weeld lecture on Tuesday everting, and at the close shoot himself through the head. The price of ad- • mission was to be a dollar, and the pro- ceeds were to be used. for his funeral expenses and to buy scientific books for the town library. At the appointed • 1- ett Dr. Sloan.'s.11eply.. —Mr. Webster, father of Charles Webster, of 'Thornhill. while assisting in the barvest field on the eveniug of Thureday last, was Amok by lightning, biti beet being entirely torn from his foot, . The horse he was driving was struck behind the ear and histasatl killed.. There were no indications o a stotra—one flash nald few drops of rain and all was oven. There is tie or no hope of Mr. Webster's reap, ery. He is suffering greatly. —During a very severe thun torm in Manitoba, a few days ago, e light - fling struck the house of . Daniel Berard, in St. James' Pferish, touting through the upper pane,' of one of the ure's array. Some lade relieved teem _windows, killing a young girl about 19 f their difficulty by volimteering to ow them across. —Some of the " fanciers " of Strath- oy, are engaged. in a, new amusement, pigeon flying. • One bird made a trip the other day from Alvinston to Stratht roy. • Two lofts are being stocked. with Antwerp carriers, purchased in New York. One of the birds already arrived is all the way from Brussels, Bel- gium. Mr. W. Webster, a contractor of Galt, met with a painful accident a. short time ago. In descend -nig a plank on the second story of the mill he is building his foot slipped, throwing him through the beams of the floor and down to the earth beneath. He was stunned by the fall, and. his right wrist broken. —The Credit Valley Railway Com- pany, failing to effect a crossing at Woodstock through the Opppsition of the Great Western, have practically abandoned. the fight for the present, and are prosecuting the completion of their line to the west of the town, leaving the point in dispute to be settled by the Court of Chancery. —The Committee °tithe New Metho- dist Hymn Beek closed its . session on Tuesday in Quebec, but meets again in Montreal in September. The present . hymn book has been re -vied and. sub- • committees both from the 'East and West have been appointed. to select ad- ditional hymns, and report , to the Gen- eral Committee in September. —Mr. Veinier says: The cold tin' of the 9th of July predicted by me sev- eral weeks ago will probably. occur be- tween the 20th and 25th,esind I still look for frost. August will be terribly hot and sultry up to about the 15th or 20th, when singularly cid, fall -like weather will set in, with ,high winds and heavy showers, —A young man named John Kings - borough, son of W131. Kingsborough, of years of lage named Caro inc Fontaine, who was crossing the floor at the time with a smoothing iron in her hand. It is supposed the -iron attracted the elec- tric fluid, which left it min struck her in the forehead. • Berlin temperance advocate has anew idea about ru_nning a temperance society in that tewnenThe members are not to be allowed to atinkany liquor stronger than lager.- He suggests 'the followine as a principle. on which to conduct b the society: ;Any member found drinking anything stronger, un- less as a medicine, shall be -subject to a. fine, and the said. fine to go to relieve the poor of Berlin. • —A few nights ago a cattle buyer •naMea Braaten stayed. over night at Mr. David Clark's fern -house neer • Grierseille, in Grey Couuty, and. 4n the morning he stated. that, he had. lost a pocket -book contaiuing $22O out of his pocket during the, night. • This great- ly disgusted Mr. Clark. The purse was found,' however, in the -middle of a pasture field, during the' day, Sald it - contained only $93. • -t-On Monday a well dressed man entered the shop of Mr: Alexander, jeweler, Yonge street, Toronto, and asked for a watch glassWhen he was suited he handed Mr. Alexander a bill from 'which to take. fifteen cents. While change was being :made the cuse tonaex sprang upon the wicket door and .made a grab at some jeweliy which was lying on a, work table.. He secured the case of a, gold watch and a -coral see valne& nt tnenty dollars. —Miss Ferguson, from the 'vieinity of Parolee', arrived in‘Sarnia lest week to attend a meetnie of tbe Board of Edu- cation to qualify herself for a teacher. She was very reluctant to stand the ex- amination, and while walking en °flea the streets in Sarnia in the company of two or three of her -lady friends, she stole away from them, and has not bowl - • would be-mnch easier to get another wife than to engage a girl tod6 house- work. . • —The bones offered by the people o: Selkirk, Manitoba, for the establish ment of a newspaper in that town hi beea. .accepted 1)3r a Mr. Wideman, iIns skull. - of Stouffitille,York county,'Ontario, wh siding of thirty loads' of bettley, ;and. hen River, and. themenasnea a is expectedup shortly with the plant for quantity of rye, nay, &e. 'The fire was with ' sonae . blunt --Anstrument aatel- - the: new venture. . - caused ny the 'hired. man .smolting :' . escaped. with the *Limner. .Costafratan - i --The degree of Doctor of Divinity where he had gone to the barn to sleep. has been 'arresten. end is undergoing wa conferred. on Rev. W. H. Andrews, No insurance% joss estimated at :Olen .. trial. . . i .0 • To the Elect° s of North Huron. • GENTLEMEX, ,—" Th -at fellow Smith is the biggest liar I ever met," is the classic phrase with nnhich Sir John A. Macdon- a d closes 'the debate in the last session the Otte\ a, Legislature. Mr. Smith appears had been instrumental in dist act to the astonished elect untry that while Sir John y endeavoring to "catch Biel," he he supplied him with one thousand done's of our- money, to live itepeace andi comfort across the lines, and had els some two th -had. helped praiseworth Vigorous de ing in your 01 it closing the Ors of this c was professe 4 Lacolle, on. Rieheheu river. A Swiss stye ws t er ami :al se ss oafgt reer atthtehoapterhaet °dui e. d 111. a named. Costofrataz enticed a wealthy peddler nathed, Mathersom who emk,oraubmargnnobwentewdeebn enn eig—htOannd. nSiunneaoi'Yelo Y left Montreal a day or two ptevious Elias Clapp. near Na,pauee, was de- illto a boat for ateow on -the Riche, - with. n3,000 worth of silks, geldwatches, stro ed b3- tire with the °entente, con - sanctioned. the payment of anted more, which Smith to advance for the same objecnand.lience Sir John's uuciation. • So when 1, act- nterests, have shewn that fr. Farrows loud professions of econo- y were ontly a farce, and produced the lroof, he, inil like manner, shows that he has graduat d at the same school as his leader,and ieen au apt pupil. Nothav- ing yet beer all M. P., I beg to be ex- cused from fiescending to their level in he use of tingentlemenly and disgrace - u1 languagt, and to suggest'. that the Cause must 1 e weak, which requires to ne propped. tip by bluster and. bravado. 4-1. to his " ' three" cha he electors yen to list .'ttrrow an nxious, I n August loaeeetiftrnoiliom swib g of the United Presbyterian Qhuroll, -,--A. suit for 510,000 damages has been —X portion of the unsigned ao bine - Ga t, at the recent convocation of the entered bv Mrs. M. Darvis against the which the Consolidated. Bank haa. tritstees of Franklin college, Ohio, the corporation of Yorkville, on behalf of stolen about eighteen months ago, have institution at which the ereverend. gen- the wiaow of the late Neil McPhail, -made their appearance in New York: tlemau graduated. who, was killed. by. the falling of the Pretorias & Co,, bankers, of that city, —During the present harvest Mr. Rosedale bridge. Unless otherwise were victimized a few days ago to the John Ryan, of the Mansion- House, settled, the case will be tried. during extent of $100,t and a man named Caledonia, cut, threshed, and sent to the October assizes, but the general im- Horace Iluestis, bas oeen arraigned to the mill two acres - of wheat .of the pression is that a comprmise will be await the action of the Grand Silty for attenapting to piss one of these bills. Seneca variety, the yield being eane effected. -hundred and ten bushels, or fifty-five —Inn J. F. 0. Halakin of Guelph, Itns hoped. that this_ may lead to the ' bushels to the acre. whose was amputated at Elora, a discovery of the thief who stole the I ---A. grand Southern Fair is to be couple of months ago, was moviug notes. —One afternoon last week Woodstock e".• teltilitaEalOrroao,moninFrtihdettyC,°wmhmenertealtHripol was considerably excited over the fact S, ped and fell, striking the end of the s that a youug child had been found con- n stump on the floor, and re -opening the cealed M the water eloset 113 the rear of t• wound. The unfortunate a,ccident will the Bank of Commerce, and that a compel him to keep his room for the, soelarr nnatnigireanmaabryoutwtizonnty,-ieniglittheveeames, thaiter Shealy, C. E., Met with ploy of Mr. Dewar, bank m•anager, who ne—xtlrinfro. . s a painful accident a few days ago, tihile was Supposed to be the mother of the e driving from the railway depot at Mile child, was lying dangerously ill. A aede sh—ourheerrnerahsadivesloocfatleaaie been nt geon was called, when it was found. ns adept occurred at Mr. Adam's new. n, He was so severely injured that a stir- —On Saturday evening a terrible am of ing Mr. Slimily headlong to the earth. alive. f- crossind the track one of the wheels of held, and the coroner came to the con- e End, in the Province of Quebec. When post mortem- examination was at once .-tleman who had. three of his children aged. fourteen, and William Martin., down with it, sends the following as aged. sixteen, were playing in the build - the cabt'by some means came off, throw- , elusion that the child. had been born. cases of diphtheria in Toronto. A gen- About half -pest seven, Jas. R. Ad-ana, the simple treatment which, he says, ing. Going from one flight to another he has found. M every case to be sue- they at leugth reaebea the -roof, which cessful: " Gra-nulated Tartarie acid; is covered with galvanized iron. Here ftsre,tiarapeisecae day, ;sipzieaoefe ait pin.6atlitehiTaeoeutohr, walking the ridges in the roof. They several King , bWilliam streets, Hamilton. buildine on the corner of Hughson and. they. cmnInelleal making 'ell)6ritnebleaclithktse- and., as the saliva accuratdates, swan wwaerreabonteharhtahrde rear olvrkanwlvalkheinng, oy_ ; low it" . W. C. Scott, editor of theNa,p- younger boy's horrified. astonishment, tile an.ee Expre.9: newspaper, who is charg- his companion suddenly tripped and im ed. with ptinting in his office an elect went over the wall head first. The un- to tion a,adress with the name of Edmund fortunate bov turned in the air and fell Olt- Hooper signed to it, was on Monday a distance of fully fifty feet into an ur- committed to gaol to stand. his trial at open cellar way, alighting OH his arms Mac neat Assizes. The examination and face, injuring himself frightfully - been in lrogress for about a month Several spectators of the terrible oc- • : istols for two, and coffee for enge, I do not believe that will leave their wheatfields n to as great men as Mr myself, but as he appears ow call a meeting in. Blyth th, at 1 p. m., in order that be lost. And as a series of s been arranged, I will call g now, wbich will give him n opportuaity of justifying himself at held_ in Brantford this fall, the arrang meats for which are on a big sea Leree amounts are offered. in priz aneeverything is being done .that c be done to make it a coinplete succe The Fair will be held. in October. —Mr. Macdonald, of Hamiltpn, co tractor for the completion of the Ha ilton and Northwestern 'Railway, sa the whole line to Collingwood will under way in a short time, and that expects to have thenoad ready for tr fic about the 15th of December. n -During the thunder • storm Thursday afternoon, Beni emit' Bunk living an tbe Waterloo Road, ab three miles from Guelph, had. sbeep killed by lightning. They taken shelter. under a tree, and a th der bolt struck the tree while the nags were there. —It 'cannot be too often repeated at this season of the year, when thunder storms are so frequent, that one of he most dangerous places in which to s ek shelter is under a large tree. Ofall persons and animals killea by light ng, probably eight -tenths have been dest ed. under or near trees. —The Rev. Mr. S. Kropp, w travelling in the township of Blenh last week, from Mr. John Orth' Plettsville, lost his pocket book, taining $1,000 in notes, for mission. poses, and $25 to $30 in money. The notes are payable to himself, colase- quently they cannot be disposed ofl by any one. —Mr. E. Munro, of St. Ge )3rarat county, had a very valuable hi poisoned last week by eating a q tity of Paris green which had. mitred With flour. The poison been mixed for use b11 potatoes, was left on a shelf itt the stable so rge, orse ian- een had • and. to before a bench of Magistrates, and. after a number of adjournnanats they decided on making out the nomraitment. Mr. Hooper is the candidate who is oppos- ing Hon. R. J. Cartwright, for the House of Commons, and is highly in- dignant at the bogus -address, -which is- very simple and was not look- ed upon by the intelligent electors of curreace rushed to the cellar way. He was at once carried to his father's house on Hughson street, and medical aid called. in. His face was allsma'shed bis forehead was badly cut, and both arms -were broken. His neft wrist and right fore -atm were badly fractured. It is a miracle that he was not killed instantly. His escape was „