HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-08-02, Page 3kpre •-f ha sa i the sup is ei ftb es 11,1n( , 4 fe nal k khoi 4n. wor fl.ay tot; rout ttief de g ti Prfie sire g Th sate rad , (hes. t Wre oi r4ert give Tiz heel *blf : 44. athis fess 4 h rs riia- ited !the two asn. ars srd, nee Line aer 'sst- all ago aas - ia ax, Atli , ;tS 1- 9 AMU 2, 1878 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. se _ 1. a superior order.1 - Up -stairs are the ' -asuolnumb • T ei . he serious want of Sea Mai- t 1 8hi lig, uphblstering and . general oral. is !additional manufactories: That j work 'owns. The factory gives employ- .,hey wilti come in time there caa be no ' Ment to fifteen wcirkraen.. Its trade is 1°111t. mostly at wholesale, reaching the towns and -villages of this part of the Prov- . I ince. There is also a retail departnaent, 1 which, has baen accorded a very sub- , %.,- • stant•al patronage, and at Clinton fia• s home and mind the two infants while the other Went out washing, or any other work which presented itself. At five a. m. on a Sunday morning the, deceased baby, aged 2-1 months, was T4 BANKING INTEREST. , quite well. After this, both the women 1 1 and infants went to sleep again. When THE ONSOLIDATED BANK OF the mother awoke, about nine o'clock, C VNAD • for tt e convenience_ of theretail trade of The on t i t t f ff i e ary n ere.s o any com- i th - ' s of special importance. As , muoiteesrtili. Upon looking behind, the tors i of ordinary and extraor- saw a e littl kitten lying over matters, trade and , the face of the tody ; she. took it off, liaaleita, i and found the child dead. seu :lave_ also established warerooras 4 A. I the baby, ;was lying on her arm that geth cons sieee o th Sea. 0 • • of -M yea mor than was tory mac as it ute's 8, 811 70X-3 floe feet. • ea ton. Taken separately or to - consoler r these two enterpriseeit!re of greet &nary queue° to the towneand the:gen- the ban n donducting them are eetitled to of those tie praise for their eaergy in so he cas ssfully carrying them forward. " eek int - A. G. VANEGINIOND. -now EU of the oldest established of. any h.an t h 4'4e -rests of which Tile, EXPOsizon • y s 11). this issue is, the woolen th ill . % A. G. VauEginond... It is now 25 • since he begare -the business, then for the purpose .of 'Custom work anything else, and-'sve believe it ...ot uutil building-- the present fac- 13: years age that manufacturing iinery was put in place. The mill is. now is worth more than a.min- attention.. i The main building is stantiai three story brick structure, feet,and- attaahed to it is. the .of - and store -.room, two flat; 30x30 Oee complete set of naanufactur- mg . achenery is in place,'520 spM- , • dies are Tn, nse, four narrow looms (two more wi I soon be added) and, all the. .necessare fulling, dying, scouring mad. . -slather apparatus rephred. The self -op- . , rating !jack reqontly purchased is a, s . - . . •iniosteadeurabie• Piece of machinery, and, great iniprovement. All thiemachin- eryis- operated by ethane power, a very han one° 35 .hoe - off ensenie being tt that doeant requi ter of a. -ard. of fa the ma,- ufacturiug machinery referred . to there Ia.re two' custom rollecards. The eustom eardiag and custom work gen- erally done at the mill is very large, ON- „eragiug q00 pounds of wool, per day for laboat thee months each year.. Besides ethin.g doing the en- ianufacturing depart. )out200 yards per day. The product of tiLe works may be brief- ly designated as tweeds, flannels, blank- ets and Yarus„ and these are again sub- divided into we dbift know how many. varieties. -Nearle. all the work done is for there -tail traee. • One team is kept upon the road, bt t the bulk of patron- age comes direct o the mill. Of course, .'Some wholesaling is done, and. especial- - ly in eupplying kitting factories with yarn,- still the retail trade is the 7 one chiefly catered to audthe mills have : won an enviable reputation by . doing : theirwerk.well. The resutt. has been .: that the- business has increased ,eaeli year. and -no interest of any kind in- this section 'tan more or warmer friends. Another inaportaiit • branch. of , husi.- , nessaarriea on at -the mill is the manu- facture of hosiery. Almost countless dozens of- cotton and woolen hose are, made per year, and it is almostimpos- sible to Meet the demand.- Mr. Van- Egmoncl's sons, L. G., and W. D. Van- „ Egmond are associated with him in the ” managetnent of the business, the °first named taking ahaage of -the salesroom, and the latter -bf the mechanical depart- ment. They ete both wo•rkersawho have almost aartua.dy grown •up in the • -busi- ness, and. we coMplinaent father and - sons upon what 1,44 been accoan.plished. At Blyth„, Mr. VanEgmond. ape -rates •,at carding mill also for the convenience. of,. - the peoisle of that section._ It was start- ed last epring,and has been very success- • fa. Another son, Mr, A. C. VanEge . mond is in charge . . - . . TILLMAN st Co, . , e -power va-riable cute sed—aar 'engine, too, e more than a guar- d per day. Beeides aallich there is so tire year. The merit turns out a The carriage making interest of Sea - forth is controlled mainly by the above . firm, which was established.- four yeare ago, at which time; the werkahops now used. were built. These consist of'the mails building, a large two-story frame structure, the lower flat of which is used as a •repository, and the. upper for painting, trimming, &e. Lithe rearare the blaeksnaith and wood -working shops: • The works ehiployes force usually num- ' bering ten personsa The active manage- ment of the business being with Mr. M. Tillman, a young man practically fam- iliar with the art of carriage building. He repo rts trade as; having been very l good t1 is season., and as having shown since the shops were ng but carriages, bug - rd range of light work chiefly rangin in price 0 each. The$ vehicles ay be called a local mar - town' and none but ii o in atar -e deaerves e hope, it an (a: Co. their facil- s wield potent powereand even . . who most frequentlY a.pply aa * How an Expert Examines a ier's or teller's wickets, or who -I Fleece. 1 rviews w. ith the manager, few I - A.practised. wool buyer gaves the fol- . ythiug of their "bauk ' . other 1 lowing description of the way in which an expert examines a fleece: , -" Always assuming that the wool to be inspected is really a fine -wool, we first exanaine the shoulder at the point where the finest and. best wool is usual- ly found. 'This we take as the stand- ard, and compare it in -turn with the wool from the ribs, and thigh, the. rump and the hinder . parts, and the nearer the wool from these various por- tions of the animal approaches the standard the better. First, we Baru- Itinize the fineness; and, if the result be satisfactory, we pronounce the.fleecesin respect to fitneness very ' even ;' next, we inquire. into the length °Me staple,. andif we find that the wool on. the ribs, thigh and back, approximates reason- ably in length to that Of our standard, we again declare the sheep, as regards length of - staple, true and even. We next desire to •satisfyeourselvea of the density of the fleece; and we do this by elosing the hand upon a portion of the rumpand of the loin wools, the fleeCe at these points being usually the thin- • nest and most faulty, and if this again gives satisfaction, wo signify the fact by designatinobthe wool ' even ' as respects density. Now, to summarize these separate examinations, if you find the fleeceeof nearly -equal fineness from the ' shot -Men rib, thigh and back, and of equal density at -the shoulder and acress • the loins, you may• conclude that you have a perfect sheep." . • An Indian Miller. . t their " paper " is in good or ad erdiar, as the case May be. In Sea-. orth.w ng is , lave n. iere, ell son -o close -evelop he flat bank to be established .in eafortl lanadi S66, a utas; r. 'ecu erest cents auk. eras ho di• ort have but one bank. Its stand-. uch ;.that even " bill brokers" t taken root and flourished id the EXPOSITOR proposes to ething about an interest that is Ly allied. with every phase of the ent of the' town and country. was a branch of the Royal n. This was in the fall of •d, Mr. H. Be Russell was sent onager. He was succeeded by - Hayes, a gentleman who has ratified with the banking in - Canada for the past quarter of y,' who used to be with the f Upper Canada, and after- vith the Royal •Carnadiat, and service for it at Ottawa and ope. From the last named own i: r. Hayes came here. He _had he happy faculty ef being able to in- ratiate himself with the people—to ake them feel that, though the agent f a foreign corporation, his interests sere here, and 4t has ever been his olicy 16 make this branch homogenous More like a kcal bank than a innate and those efforts have been hown in his' diaposition to favor far - nes, anaall tradesmen and. others, as -ell as the italoguls.of trade. The salt nd gr in marest has not been the nly on -catered to, and , this effort to ocaiizoI the branci has had the effect utended. True, itihas also given it a mop° ial to t e beli ountr • an increase eve openedi Not -giesa a. A a gen - is turned out,. from0 are fot *hat • keteand the rople of the country have learned-- that first-claas. work is tamed out what the cost. The enterpi. the warmest support, and a wili net be long before Pill - will be compelled to increase ities for manufacturing. M. MUNRO._ - The manufacturer of good plows is by no means releeated to the laige cities. of -the country. .°1‘fee like Mr. Munro, -Who have identified themselves with towns like this, have been the • ones- t� really develdp the making of agricultural im- plements. of one kind and another. They . have studied the wants of the people— have adopted their plows, reapers, dm., to the actual wants of sthe people, and. by doing so, have won- reputation and success. Mr. Munro is the only one in townanal.-dng a specialty of plowinaking here. He began the busineeS • about Six years ago, and since has carried it 011. At the Centennial Expo- sition! at Philadelphia - .in . 1876, he had a plow on exhibition. . It receiv- ed the myriad of diploma and medal, anc the Canadian Government afterward, sent the same plp-W oa te Sydney, wher • it Was displayed` to the Australianeas specimenn-of hat their brethren in a sister ,colony eouid produce, eThe result "has been ap eohation. The ,busines here at horn -has grown. The peopl - have learned Ithat Mr. Munro can pee vide: them with plows of the best, an so we feel disposed to say a good worc for the only interestof its aind here. ' WILLIAM GRASSIE. , i The specialties of 'Mr. _Grassiesjai,. e of .,evagons, .buse, t s c(1)faYtaii the . inanufactur aed th v have certainly ieen and still aa , ,to. It is au old established. liGiteresit , are am leg the most •acti -0 workers iii haviug been started, by r. lira? the oot nronity. as -hen lie firsa came here, ten or . we v haLaestits years ago, and it flourishes, despite th estiie railnufae• g p • 1 turin enter rise _ AllY" KIT,LED •Iri' A KITTEN.— ' — A 1 . A lab rer doing duty in the Reserve . Forces and. no* stationed in Ireland, to Which we have now referred ther are _none other of any special cons° 014 h ist on, -I quence, unless it be al punap factory, marble yard and some other and smalle ment s such as hlacksinithingan her ba 1 other repair Sh.ops,of which there are th . _. concern , • 11 ly, but one that is not prejudi- he interests of the people ; it is, we, the 'anly menopoly in the that has not been abused. ther tinks have made efforts to stablispe branches here, but unsuccess: ully, rtial so1. as a regult, we have but lie•onp..- This policy has also re-iteted or the benefit of the Bank, by making 11 the people desirous of protecting it n the 1. vent of any business trouble. , Ve has e had: several failures here since the -former alternative and joined the Near the town of Chakokia,Illinois, lives an, Indian named, Meehoo, who is over a hundred years old.. Ho. is a full-blooded Cherokee ;and was born in Mississippi., In. spite of his great age, -he still stands 'erect, and is six. feet fear -inches in height and weighs 190 pods. When yet a boy he killed a noted Chero- kee chief, and was obliged to run away or be burnt at .the stake.- He preferred r."11 it the the peo mainly yes itook charge of . the branch, bank has always come rat safe° on account of this desire) of le to protect the branch, but owing to Mr. Hayes' great - skill and cale„in procuriue security in • good time. Royal Montre Consoli this br Vhea the amalga.mation of the anaciliau mad. the City Bank of 1 oceurred,ander the title of the lated Bank of Canada, of course nch was included. This consoli- dation represented a capital of four million dollars. and it was officered by sons° of the best men. of Canada. The Presid M. G.; Epq., o Direct known et is Sir Francis Mucks, K. C. -Vice-President, R. 3. Rookie, Montreal; while the Board of rs now comprises sueh well - names as Hon. Alex..„.Campbell, John, Grant, Esq., Hugh McLennan, °Kay, W.W. Ogilvie,John Ran - Galbraith, and Wm. Thomson. dent of the capital, these names ufficient. to inspire confidence. nsalidated. Bank has a - number ches. They are 'located as 'fol- lows, a the aarielle trade centres : The head. bank at the city of Montreal, with. branches at Chaboillez Square, city, yr, Berlin, Belleville, Chat- ham,. Clinton, Galt, two at To- ronto, Elamilton, Norwich, New- marke , Seaforth, St. Catherines, Sher- brooke Woodstock, Wiegham, St. Ilya - ninth°, a,nd New Elanaburg. Of all these, be Seaforth 'branch takes the lead, a. icl it is but a pardonable bit of pride Hugh kin, D Indepe were . The C of bra hat induces THE EXPOSIT011 tb make .. uch bread. •statenieut—a state- ment, levee -en that facts' abundantly jnstify. We are not at liberty, of course, to pub ish a recapitulation of the bank's busine its loss nomin s here—we know this; however ; s have been alna.ost less than 1, aud it pursues the even tenor . aviuning the 'good opianons .brief, it -is thoroughly identified e people, and is as esseetially a terest as are any of the enter - f winch 76 here speak. Chickasaws. He killed two Choctaw chiefs and was obliged. to make another !sudden pilgrimage. Since then he has -successfully lived in Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, and Several years ago he lived near the venerable town of ;Kaskaskia, Ill., where he was employed in fleur mill. Remarkable stories are told. of the wonderful feats of mus- cular streugth performed by him. -It is said that he was in the habit of placing upon hie shoulclera two • bags of wheat weighing 200 pounds'each and carrying them up a flight of stairs. This he .would..ao for. hours without seeming to become the least bit fatigued. When a young man he eould. lift 'ae thousand: pounds on the dead level, and. has been known. even in his old age to carry as barrel of pork weighing 300 pounds,: from East St. Louis to his home, a: alkalies' of six.iniles. What would. be . the use of elevators in a mill. when such a rare old 'specimen was about? . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. pola SALE OR TO RENT, IN BERNE—A New F awe Store, with dwelling attached. This is a firaterate chance for any person corn - 'teeming butiness on a ant all capital, as a good Javanese is already astabliebe& there. For -par. timulars app y to JOHN LESLIE, Blake P. 0., Ont. 544 VOR SALL Clalrel.P.s.—As the owner is leaving the Country. a House and Lot in the village of Harpurhe4. Emir° dwelling, with 6 rooma ; a large garden filled itith fruit trees of all des- criptions • geed well and °eller. Apply to THOS. R. WINA, on the premises, or to A. STRONG, Laud Agent, Seaforth. 551 VAR111 Fit SALA-I-Being unika half of Lot 'A, 31, t e 5th Copeessigu, it:ast..Wawanosh, 100 acres, g od soil, well wat, ed, good frame barn 56x36, 'cleared, goo pump. A p plaCc.i or to FT OTEL the tdo H -1- otel k Is a first-ol land and a all, of whic .liberal. Fe P. KIN, B "FIARM FO -7, Con. acres, 42 of There is on barn andet ard. The a good gravel session this C. R. COOP the premise ood stable and abed 18x26, 85 acres honseaaud orehaid good well and ly to JAMES AWL:RAY, on the Veatfield P. 0. 55exI6 OR SALE OR TO RENT.—Tho own as'the Railway House, fennel:1y II tel, sit ated near Bluetit° station. 88 basin ss stand, with one acre of ood fra o stable and shed attached; are in! good repeir. , Terms vet! • furthir particulars apply to WM. uavale .1.?. 0. 551 . i 1 SAL4.—For Sale, West halfof Lot 6, townehip of Grey, containing 50 vhieh arp• .elearod, balance hardwood. the pre ses a frame house, frame Me, and a good young bearing orob- ove pro erty is only two miles off a oad an 5i miles from Brussels; pos- fall, F9r further particulars apply to i IR, BriTels, or . D. CAMPBELL, ou1 , Walto P. O. 554 a ATALUAB V.I PROPERTY IN SEAFORTIQ Y FOR 8 LE.—For Sale, on GeOrge Street, a' Lot and tw • dwelling houses. The houses aro both comfortable and commodious, and have all necessary o nveniences, such as well, woodsheds, 1. &c. The Lt is planted with fruit and ornamen- tal treeta and is very pleasantly situated, and quite couvient to ..the business part of the' town. Apply to the proprietor on the premises. ROBERT JONES. 554 QTORE IN EGMONDVILLE TO ENT OR t'•-) - SELL.—To rent or sell, in the vill ge of Eg- mondville, on very reasonable terms. a Store with all , conveniences—dwelling, stabl , cellar, &c., all coMplete—opposite vVanEgmo 's tem - panne° hotel. Well situated for a g store. • Lately occupied by Braille & Clark. inodiate possession can be given. Apply to JACOB Me - GEE, personally, near the premises, or if by let- ter to Egnsondvilie P. 0. 551 _ FARM FOh SALE.—For Sala Lot 21; Con. 11, &ante contaiaing 100 acres, about 80 Of • which are 'leered. well fenced, under drained and under ood cultivation, the balance is well • timbered eith hardwood, Good- frame house and two fra no barns, an orchard and . plenty of good water. Is within three miles of the viliags of Varna a d Baylleld, six miles from Beacefielat and 12 s from Seaforth and Clinton. . All these place are good markets. For further par- ticulars ap ly to the preprietor on the premises or to Battle d P. 0. JAS. DA.VIDSON. 55248 • - . . Managing Tinnily Swine. , . . - . VARA' Ii MeNV,LOP FOR SALE.—For Sale, The Inverness Courier gives an amus- -',-: the Notth part of 'Lots 8 and 9, Con. 13, Mea h - Killop co itaiaing 112 aeres; there are about 80. -plan F R SALE.—fOr Stanley contaiaing 100 a ad, well ; derdrained, wet good -state timbered * premises t frame barn ard ; a ne fa& -;• also of Clinton within one- CAMPBEL P. 0. - le, Lot 29, Conafl, • roe; 85 acres clear- - fenced, and in a of cultivation ; tho balance is well ith hardwood; there are on the o housis, ono log and one frame ; nd stebles ; a young bearing each-. ei• failing 'spring runs through the good wdll ; is situated within 3 iniles and 5 of Brucelelde achool house uarter Apply to ALEXANDER on the premises, or to Clintob 1 649 LOST OR FOUND. • QIIAWL FOUND.—Pound on the Huron !a/ near Seitforth, on the 12th of july, a and Red Woolen Slia*I. The owner ean hay same by ceiling at the Expositor Officio, Sea and paying expenses, oad, lack the rth, 54 pARCEL LO T.—Lost, on the 2nd of between Se orth end the 2nd concessi McKillop, by way -e-Huron Road, one and te quarter eastaa parcel containing a pa pants, vest and braces—al) new. Any p leaving the same at Kidd's Store, Seafort r 01 n of' nifle rson ,or with the undersigned, Lot 17, Con. 2, NUR llop, will be suitably rewarked. EN -REI LY, McKillop. 55 x4 FOR SALE OR TO LET. PROPERTY FOR SALE.—For Sale, tho avenient and desirable residence on the of High and Market Streets, lately occupi Dr. Vercoe. Apply to DR. yEncoE. `,7.IIRICH GRISTING AND FLOURING 11 L4 FOR SALE—On easy terms of payme to exchange for firm property. Gristin Flouring promptly attended to the same as Also a quantity of Dry Hemlock Lumber for cheap for cash or short credit. WM.. FENW Proprietor, Zurich P. 0.,Ont WANTED. TEA -CHER WANTED.—Wanted for Soho -17 11, Township of Tuckersmith, a Male Te holding a second-class certificate. Duti commence at the end of the vacation. All cations to be on or before the 91h of An GEORGE SPROAT, Sebrotary. 5 4-4 con- nier d by 88 ILL 1, or and anal. sale CK, 46 I No, cher to PP1 ast. ; ,R. N-. BRETT,. SEAF RTH, • Wholesale and Retail Dea:er LEATHE SHOE FINDINGS,of Every Descriptio None but the Very Best Stock kept. moderate. A Trial Solicited.- All cadent b or otherwise promptly filled. 490 R. N. BRETT. and erms mail MANY UNITED STATES SOLDIERS AND their heirs have Bounty, Pay and Pension due them. We are engaged exclusively in the prosecution of such elaims and will send to any address the blanks to enable claimants to oney from ssful. ttor- 14 State their cases. We do not handle the collected—it is. sent to claimants direc Washington. No charge unless mice MILLER. STEVENS & Co., War Claim nays, Detroit, Mich. 55 BRUCEFIELD. STORE HOUSES TO RE' T. T 0 RENT, in the Village of Brueefiel , two large Grain Stores, each having a cape dty of 15,000 bushels of grain. l'ossession given the 181 of September next. The buildings be fitted up with elevators, and as Brucefield is an excellent shipping port and commands one of the rio, a splendid opportunity is litre afforded to a y ono in the grebe business. For further part niers apply to either of the undersigned Trustee 3. E. BRIGGS,) J. KITCHEN, ti Trust es. 555-4 W. DIXON, . _ beat farming &Ands in Western Ont - SAL i.1 IN BELMORE--Houso and Store With ov r half en acre of first-class gasalen , stocked and m good order. Stable, , , woodashed, hen-honse and run for need, all YOry convenient. The house for two families, one part, with the ed tug., respectable tenant at ai78 a ther part with the garden and out - equally valuable. This property will bargain, as .the proprietor intends re- moving to innip4 If not sold before it will ba offered at Auction about the 10th of August. WILLIAM ASHDOWN. 554 ground,. we coach holm fowls well f 13s. .8teoit 1.1rri 071 is hrgeeend buildings ie be sold at a QPLENDIlt FARM IN HULLETT Efdle SALE. For S Cheap, Lot 5, Con. 8, Hallett, 100 acres, 80 altered, under -drained and well fenced, and the -re ainder well timbered with hardwood. Good fiamel buildings, young orchard and plenty of -water. The farm is within 3. miles of Sea - forth ad 10 miles distant from Clinton, and adjoins th Village of Kinburn. Tbim is one of the best fa in .tho County, and wfll be Bold claetip and on easy terms, as the proprietor wishes to r tire. Immediate possession.' Apply to ALONZ STRONG, Seaforth, Or CHARLES LAWRIE, Constance P. 0. 544 in§ account of two sot three men -w o , had exhausted -every -means, persuasive.: and forcible, to induce a refractory sow. to move along the road inthe direction'. of a„ shed where it was to be butcher-; ed. Finally a young but shrewd -looking • young fellow passed by, and offered to: put her under the ., shed quietly and quickly, -without assistance. The; spokesman of the party was inclined -to donbt it, but the young. man- persisted.. " Try away ;" exclaimed. the other; iu. Ithe name of legion., let us see what you can do l." Keep away then," cried the, etranger, as he slipped. behind the pig,: and quickly au cleverly Catching her, by the hind leg, One in either hands lifted her up barrow. The her fore -feet, with her snout close to the ground, and to our surprise, per- fectly quiet. Giving her . a slight push. as one -would with a heavily laden barrow, he trundled her pigship, to Show his command over her; ' once or twice back:ward and forward s one would a wheel-. - of its n g was now ,resting, • on all. I with tl, home i prises AR The far gre '1311ppos items of AT tratio wheat Glasg Durin .manuf pool al na eal, to stat meal States ed abo dition Armit flax -m of lau season these seen ti upon HE PRODUCE TRADE, ITA.GE, B-EATTIE. & CO. .on the road with the greatest ease, -and reduce trade of Seaforth is .of -fin:ally, steering her in the- right direc- ter .impertauce than is usually tion, he let her go in the furthest corn -t d, and ,:we have. collateds some er of the open shed. It was a clever elating thereto. • Take 'the firm feat.; simple enough, -to be sure, like itage, Beattie dz., Co. as an illus- . Their annual exportations of alone to Lendon, Liverpool and reach . • one- million dollars. the peat twelve months they ctured and exported- to Livee- d GlasgeW' 15,000 bags of oat- nd. it May not be uninteresting that the oats from which this as 'Made were imported from the Last season the -firm alsopaek- t $15,000 worth .of-. pork. Inad--- to. these lines of trade, Messrs. pa Beattie st Co. operate the 11 here, iied inathat department - •ieess employ,' during the busy fifty or more persons. From Het statements it can readily be atIthe operations of the Mitt are scale of lie little magnitude, and its uence coixespon . „ y . Mr. A anitage has resided here, since t ieu coming from Lucan. • Before engasiee in the manufacture of . salt, s he was coenected. with the grain trade, amt .• • • • -B tt• has load • t• ne paa n . been, identified With. the same interest. lir. 'Beattie by the way, is the oldest • . , . , resident of the town. He built the first h uSe in: Seaforth—the log build- hig wh.ch -still stands near the corner of Main ind Goderichistitkets, and he . has . been c unected with the material s'iros- , Parity )f the tr,wii ever since -that .,,r early loth gentlemen gi 7'0 the business firm their pers. tt ' t. n e • Vine/ his scanty allowanceto ex - the mother -made an arrange- ith another woman, who, with v, was also in similar circum- stances, to lodge together, one to stay at Columbus and the egg' when it was done, bit all the more admirable just because of it e simplicty, • • cleared, we 11 lanced, underdrained, and in a'high state of cul ivation, the balance is well timbered. with hardwood ; good dwelling, new bank fraine bariali0x56, with stabling underneath, and other outtifiihlin ; also tegood young orchard and plenty, of water. s 10 miles from Brussels, § from Wale ton, and 12 from Seaforth, .with good gra-vel roads to.each pia e ; convenient to church and schools will be sold as a whole or in two parte. Apply to Walton II. O. or to, the proprietor on the Prem- ises. WIL IAM ' 547 VALUA. 'LE FARM I.POR SALE.—Being North ` of ot 25, Con. 5. Hay, County of • containing a acres ; di acres cleared, well -water- ' od,with go el bnildiegs, consisting, of fraine house, framehar , cow ,stables, log barn, sheep. house, piggeries, v ith all other requisite kuildings; nice young ore lard full bearing; convenient to ehurch ant sahool, being 33- miles' from Hensodl etation alai four miles from Kippen ; the land is„ of the vary i best quality, being !composed of a rich- clitly loam A will lie sold on eel* terms, as the proprietor s retiring from laming, he not being .able to at end to agricultural pursuits' throngh. ill health. CHARLES REDMOND. • 546 DE.4;ICCATED EGGS. --A grea usa - ness is growing up in Chicago. of desiccating eggs . for market.' Hitherto. the drying of eggs has been ta troublesome and costly process, but new Machinery has been:Contrived.. by which twenty thousand eggs can be •dealtwit ire•a day alai preserved for any lengtl of time. The egg, as dried; is describe aa being a" rich ,golden -colored granules tides" winch cen be, made as good 0,13 new at any time by simply adding to it Water or milk. Here is a hint for those Who export thoueauds of dozens of egge' from Canada to New York annually. The British market is open to. us, -with no duties to be paid. and with far higher than _American prices to be realized. The Frencli dispose of 200,- 000,000 eggs to Britain yearly at prices whichwould- -la th f • poultry men to water. An -attempt should be made to gain a share in this ,profitable trade. . —A Cambridge woman pat herself in , the hand. of ala oaten dentist to based her 1 teeth reolganazed. He 'found them in a yery bal. plight and asked. her -why 4 she had allowed them to become so d' - • cae'ed ai hoat ceming to him .or so e other dentist. -She replied. that she had not time. - Patt,'" she insisted, Would net Intee taken long, and. yolu could have come ie almost any time " She saw that he was bent on an ex- planation, and she, fired this at him like a cannon ball: " Well, I- guess f • you bad had. a baby every year ; for t e as . . 3- , • ', ' would think t s about enough to 'tend to.'! He acknos ,- ledged that he should, and. -treated h r very patiently and considerately there after. VAItld I? at SAI.E.—Po' Sale, Lot 19, 0031. 14, " ileKilt r, containing 180 acres„ol which about 140 acres l're cleared, well fenced, undordrained, and in a g od state of cultivation; the bulaoce is well th bered with hardwood. 'there is not an inch o waskil laud on the farm. A small spring cro -k nuat,\ across ono corner. Good frame buildings 11 reand - atbundaere- of good water and pump , and a' plandid beating orchard ; it 1 is within mile tin a half of gravel road, mid- way betwe n Seal Alai 13ruffsele. ami Blyth Sta. noels, si:40 co nvehi nt to churches, ..ehools, poet tenet &c. The farin will be sold as a whole or• in two p lats. For further particulars address Walton Pt st otese or apply to the proprietor op the prenn. ee. aVA.Dt BELL. ' . 544 PLEN1 ID FARM FOR CO 'La-a—North half of Lot Con. 13e Morris containing 100 acres, more or ;este 70' acres cleared? and free from stumps, ti e balance is good hardwood; land well fenced wit (Jailer and black ash. A splendid new 40x56, also a good log barn and stable, log dwelling house and well: Also in rfailing spring -a- There ie also on ethe good ore.hard, of apple, pear and plum frame box and a goo, rear a nor thennses i trees. S-tuatecl one mile and a half from the gravel resit, turd 4 miles from the village of Bans - sets. Pia e very low, as the •ptoprieter has put- ehased a 1 irn in Kansas and wants an2ve there. For •furth • r particulars apply to PIERCE CLEN- NEN on the premises, LOUIS McDONALD,. ds\e'anflteornthir to McCAUGHEY - & HOLMESTED, . 550 ' VAP.M 4ND MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE.— , -1-- Beingrouth half of Lot 22, Cen. 14, MeKilloP, contaiuin about 88 acres, 75 of which are cleared and in a od state of cultivation, part being well g; :luiderdral ecl, and, the baience tmcleuxed good hardwood. bush; there is 6 never -failing ,spring creek imining through the place.; good young . orchard; urge franie barn 4069; stable and shed 14x80 4 lo house ', 6x25, also frame house, filled with gray 1; good_ tone cellar full size of house ; good well t house &e. This is . a desirable 'farm for any or e wisniog to buy, being only three -guar- ' ' ile from the Northern Gravel Road,' 9 miles fro , Seaforth and 7- from Brussels; both good mar -eta.--Also Lots 21 and. 22, East Bound- - • it ted 2,1 miles west froin Wing-. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILW TO CAPITALISTS AND TRACTORS. rpHE Government of Canada 'will recei e pro- .',-- posals for constructing and working a line of Railway extending from the Province of Ontario to tho waters of the Pacific Ocean, the d stance being about 2,000 miles. Memorandum o infor- mation for parties proposing to Tender ill be forwarded on application as underneat En- gineers' Reports, maps of the countty to e tra- versed, profiles of the surveyed line, specifica- tions of preliminary works, copies of the Act of th d Parliament of Canada under which it is tpro- posed the Railway is to be constructed, d scrip - dons of the natural features of 'the coat ry and its agricultural and mineral resources, an other It information, may be seen on application t this Department or to the Engineer -in -Chief at the narked ceived, at day ary, Twat eirt s ua al in 200 cres 6o acres cleared, and a Canadian Government °floes, 31 Queen street, E. C., London. f?ealed Tenders, Tender for Pacific Railway," will be r addressed to the undersigned, until the fir of December next. F. BRAUN, Secretary, • Public Works, Department, Ottawa, May 20th, 1878. _ l! THAT HUSBAND OF MI ttawa. 56-4 E Buys all his Machinery from L. MURPHY, SEAFO TH, WHO has pleasure in announcing o the farming community of Huron that he is Sewing Maehineq, Agricultura Im- plements, and 3fusical 17 stru- ments. Mr. Murphy's favorite machine is the Singer, which is the best in the market, having carried off first honors at the Centennial and Sydney., Exhibitions. Farmers wishing to perches° airy of tib above -would consult their own interests by appl dug to Mr. Murphy first, as he can do better fu then, than any other in the trade. . Sewing Machine and other repairs always on hand at his warorooms, Goderich street. 518 L. MURPHY, Seaforth. still selling the very best CDwrr.A.TR,Iio DRY GOODS HOUSE, No. 3, Campbell's Block. SMITH & WEST, SEAFORTH. HARRY MITCHELL'S BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. The hard times sre swiftly flying, And soon we'll be safe again, If in faith we keep on trying, We'll surely our -wealth. regain . Books, Stationery, and an c millacss variety ot Fancy Goods at arry MitchelPs. Young men, why don't you get mat ried, 'Tis then you'll enjoy this life, And say with regret I've tarried, But better I'd had a wile. Buy your Buy your Buy your - Buy your Buy your Buy your Goods where you Goods where you Goods where you Goods where you Goods where you Goods where you —THE BEST- -THE BEST— BEST- -THE BEST- -THE BEST- -THE BEST— can get ean get can get can get can get can get Value for Your Money. Value for Your Money. Value for Your Money: Value for Your. Money: Value for Your Money. Value for Your Money. - Everybody says thdt Smith & West give Everybody says that Smith & West give Everybody says that Smith & West give Everybody says that Smith & West give Everybody says that Smith: & West give Everybody says that Smith & West give Extraordinary Bargains. Extraordinary Bargains. Extraordinary Bargains. Extraordinary Bargains.. Extraordinary Bargains. Extraordinary Bargains. Baby Carriage* at cost at Parry Mitchell's. Pit:wing Maihine4 an kinds. The celebrated Estay rgan and the Dominion Organ—th only perfect Organs nutnufacturet — fog., sale cheap for cash at Mart. , • A good wife will save you money, And nurse you when you are ill. - Yon both can live on less money Than now pays your courting bill. Engagement and ‘Vedding tangs, at the' low -est prices', at Marty Mit- . cheat's. . An elegant Ladies' Gold Watch fo 25, and . other Goods in Jewelry very cheap. 'Silver Watches, the cheapest ever offered in Se forth. They can They can They can They can They can They can An An An An An An We do We do We do We do We do We do Machine Needles, all kinds, and the always on hand. A frill line of Spectacles and Eye Mottoes, Frames, andeGlass. Pictures all sizes, to order. 'Lacrosse, Cricket, and Base anti Bats Cheap. H. MITCHELL does t e Wall Paper a dow Blind trade in Seaf rth. A good new patterns, at hOttom ricas. job oP44 res let .to be cleared., which is to be cleared in time foi fall wheat next full; there Is 4 Cali Respectful Oa this 14)t aboutai inns of pine, cedar and Invitation is 10 a beavenni atiOV, the balaneeis &oil It arawood 'Mid ; al waym bear • NI therv i.:: a small orchard, 2 dwelling houses, 2 wells _.., tunl pumi, 131)1 one house filla large new stable.— j Dellr husband, I th uk Also a, st • ain saw Mill, shingle mill, all complete ,Iitchell's egaiii. Me e ca become se . and )fl(( '11 b t I •an't see straight n: a eatek a tier being frame he est Oil Glasses, ramed, Balls d Win - took, all y Sol ici teal The II. My '..t.to will . • ertion. f will net go a Harry dazzle' bi8r oi nng itig Grey and front the timber ea be run from mill an a loaded on railway ears as cu if needed, which makes it eery COMMA. - cot ; the e is plerity of timber in the country ii around v• ichcanabe bought cliettp.; this makes it a, good o 'ening for' any person that understands the busin .ss. The mill or farm will be sold sop- axate or together to suit buyer. Terms easy. For part' nilars in reference to the first farm ap- ply to 4 STRUISG, Seaforth, or to GEORGE HOMS N, Wirigham. For the last place and mills apply to G. THOMSON, Wngbann 543 od running order; a se and gootl frame stable the min is du his stole, their ag;tin I always- buy n a goodreut, lease out text October; plirae is empty, dnd htallet in) ea I don't s 'outhern,Extension of the 1Vellington, pahaps youcan call to hee i I I left ant Bruce Railroad, with a siding running paid, and if ao pny it, as you know I' within 60 feet of the mill ; , POOR -COPY 1 nitil my p then. hing an - /]e Does a Cash _hum?. ss. MEMBER_ THE PLitkCE No.'2 CAMPBELL'S BLO K, Mfli EV $TREET, - *EA Et ATM ag111117 MITCH LL. afford to, as afford. to, as afford to, as afford to, as afford. to. as afford to, as Exclusively Exclusively Exclusively Exclusively Exclusively Exclusively not not not not not not they are they are they are they are they are they are doing doing doing doing doing doing Caah Trade. Cash. Trade. Cash Trade. Cash Trade. Cash Trade. „ Cash Trade. • require Good. require Good require Good. require Good requi re Good require Good Customers, to Customers to Customers ta'' Customers tO six Cane Chain for $5- , • Customers tO H el ti 0 ' • OUst0111er'S to 22' air ° Ka", . . 'THE CHEAT ,CLEAI OF-- 18 NOW GOLNEt BANKRUPT STOW Ofilit Yo Threadbare, Raten,„R otten, Rubbish at Den Alt Hew goods, and Time Worn, 111701 - LOOK 'AT THE PRICES Wide English Prints S cents. - Best Ashton's and Prints, rxhats cents to II cents. Good Cottons, 5 cents per yard. Saw Goods, we are almost giving as Ladies' Linen Costumes, SI 76. k.ND THE WHOLE iSTOCK. GO AT JUST SUCH PRICES. If it is any Object to 3rou "tc Cheap Goods, - Go To DENT'S FOR As he is BoUnd to Make a Clean' 1:0172=1R1E FURNITURE VI g 110 SEAFORTH. THE CHEAPEST FURNITUX THE COUNTY. T AX NOW Receiving alLarge Stock' ; -1- FURNITURE from the best Factorie ada, and I AM enabled to sell cheaper 4 one in the County, as I pay caskdoten. a• Large Discount. I CAN 8E_ • _ Six Splendid Chairs for $1 80. Six Chairs, Fancy Turned Legs , Six Chars, Extra Good, for $2 •1" Six chars, the Very Best, for Boston, tickers, each, for $1 LT I Nurse Rockers, each, 90 cents. Board and Spindle Bedstead's, 4 $2 50. Beautiful 7 -Drawer Bine:rue, 3 $13-0ther kinds very lova —PAY DEBTS- -PAY DEBTS- -PAY DEBTS- -PAY DEBTS- -PAY DEBTS- --PAY DEBTS— Incurred by those Unable and Incurred by those Unable and. Incurred by those Unable and Incurred by those Unable and Incurred by those Unable and Incurred by those Unalile and. Our Our Our Our Our Our Unwilling to Pay. Unwilling to Pay. Unwilling to Pay. Unwilling to Pay. Unwilling to Pay. . * Unwilling to Pay. Stock is New, Fashionable, Stock is New. Fashionable; Stock is New, Fashionable, Stock is New, Fashionable, Stock is New, Fashionable, Stock is New, Fashiona.ble, Well Assorted. - Well Assorted. . AsSorted. Well -Assorted. Well Assorted. Well Assorted. Marked in Plan Figures, Marked- Plain Figures, Marked Plain Fig -tares, arked in Plain Figuress Marked. in 'Plein Figures, Marked in Plain Figures,' We We We We We We and and and and and and ges _and _Rockers, t, undersold. Baby Carrilges and Spinning Win GIVE ME A CAI If you want to furnish your hots money. WAREROOMS -directly opposite ter'e Mammoth Jewelry Establis. Street, Sitarf°Hrtilld'es, Woo -len irtgs. . JOHN S. P. S.—Shall_soon be in positio Funerals cheapet than any -one th FURNITURE AND UNDERTAK BROADFOOT 4.Sz BC SEAFOR . _ Have on hand -at & near the Market, as Ilaidso-4-A Stock of Ftcrniture of every ,De-8- eription, as can be found in mtsy similar EStablishment in Huron, all of which, they avkprvared to • sell cheap. ' It is all manufactured under their own super- vision. and they -eau guarantee 11 as 40 and Sold at FURNITURE MADE -TO) ORDER and Sold at WHEN DESIRE& and Sold at .nd Sold at U N DE RTA KING. and Sold at and sou at aro now apyrirpga procuredied toattend eliag sup unidaegadtarnseg, intheaL ite branches, on the most reaaotrable terms. In connection with their nu lertaling business they use the • _ —ONE PRICE- -ONE PRICE- -ONE' PRICE- -ONE PRICE— ANTI -SEPTIC FLUID, — ONE PRICE— Whi; h preserves the body and destroye all coffeb.- - ONE PRICE— sive odors and prevents contagion 'arising from dead bodies. have in Stock a Large Assortment have in Stock a Large Assortment have in Stock a Large -Assortment -have. in have in Stock a Large A ssor men have m Stock a Large Assortment .Orders Respectildlif Stock a Large Assoetment BROADFOOT & BOX, t t TN CHANCERY — CHAMBERS —THUM- ' DAY. TUE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY OF TUNE, A. D. 1978. — Of Gents' and Boys' Hats of Of Gents' and Boys' Hats of Of Gents' and Boys' Hats of - Of, Gents' and Boys' Hats. of Of Gents' and Boys' -Hats of Of Gents' and Boys' Hats of Every Description,. Every _Description. Every Description. Every Description. Eve Description. • Eve Description. ‘Ve have 'in sto We have in st We have ill Sto k a splendid A ssortiasent k a splendid Assortment k spleodid Assortment Bkween, James Henderson and Elyna Ilenderson Plaintiff's and Thomas Red- licla?j, Defendant. TTPON the application of the above-natnea %-) Plaintiffs, Und upon,bearing reed tlanallIda. vits of Elms Hendereori, Wilburn Bain feesatak and Martin Lynch, it im ordered that *ale. fendant do on ox before the Thirtieth dam; September next, answer •or demur to the bill _01 complaint in this -cause. P. STEPHENS, Before., . The Defendant's answer is to be filed at Ile Office of the Clark of Records, and Wt./Us at- gOOde Hall, in the city rv! Toreut, • fondant fails te answer or demurpn thne above limited, he is to ba sul tech decree or 'order made agaitiet , Court may think just upon the Ph ; showing. The Bill of Complaint la We have in stt ck e_elendid Assortment filed by Messieurs, McCarthy, Ifor We have in stock a apiendid Assortment We have be stock a splendid Assortnient .Of Boots a d Shoes of all kinds. Of Boots a Shoes of all kinds. Of Boots a - d Shoes of all kinds. , Of Boots aid Shoes of all kinds. Of Boots ard Shoes of all kinds. Of Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Call and Exa me and Compare Prices • Creams'', of the Cita, of Temente' of York, Solicitors for the Plaint MENSAL!. CRIST AND FLOUB11401 A _Ketch Heeded Want ht :THIS splendid new ina4 ill- 'With fOUTlfi613:"----"— -1" and the very best of tnaehinee is Jfl the _ best runtiliag order and giving extraiastisfaction, It is tinder the management of geGT•egOr & Cal l and Exa tine and Compare Prices .1.1);unteidlica)rt, they do not hire any ears miliaria the work• themselves. b g PraD,q00•1 Call awl Exai line and Compare Prices Call and Exa aaol Compare ericee mil tern They run tin the gristst ough a met - Chant's Bolt, and wei di in and out. IChop tan be - Call and Exam ine aut .‘,3 tre Prices had the same flay, Call and Examiac and Co.epase Prices cOr EG 0 H. &URQUILAIM, • WITH OTHER HOUSES. \vim. onaat WITH OTHER HOU:•;Es. WITH OTHER. }I OUSEs. WITH 0THEa H )1;:i.E5. •WITH OTHER; HOUSES.. ;SMITH & WEST, No. 3, Campbell's Block, Seaftai th. HAIR DRESSING . MISS STARK WISRFS to inform the Laediestae:fif pSuittataturthtuyanadt. " Vicinity that she is prepared to Make up SWITCHES,.4ie.t1hi!oLdearate t es Latest .1 3and * .i1,01 tended to A. call solicited. Residence—Main Street, Seeforth. 527